Concrete Beams 1

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IN ACCORDANCE WITH EN 15804+A2 & ISO 14025 / ISO 21930

Architectural Precast Concrete Panel

Decomo UK Ltd


Publishing date 22 September 2023, last updated on 22 September 2023, valid until 22 September 2028.
Product name VP-007 Architectural Precast Concrete
MANUFACTURER Additional labels -
Product reference -
Manufacturer VP-001 Decomo SA
Place of production VP-008 Decomo SA, Mouscron, Belgium
Address VP-002 Boulevard Industriel, 96, B-7700, Mouscron, Belgium
Period for data VP-013 2022 (calendar year)
Contact details VP-003 [email protected]
Averaging in EPD VP-024-C No averaging
Variation in GWP-fossil for A1-A3
Program operator EPD Hub, [email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SUMMARY
Reference EN 15804+A2:2019 and ISO 14025 1m3
Declared unit
PCR EPD Hub Core PCR version 1.0, 1 Feb 2022 Declared unit mass 2396 kg
EN 16757 Product Category Rules for concrete and
GWP-fossil, A1-A3 (kgCO2e) 6,34E2
concrete elements
Sector Construction product GWP-total, A1-A3 (kgCO2e) 6,35E2
Category of EPD Third party verified EPD
Secondary material, inputs (%) 3.92
Scope of the EPD Cradle to gate with options, modules A4-B1, modules
C1–C4 and module D Secondary material, outputs (%) 93.0
EPD author VP- Dale Brown
004 Total energy use, A1-A3 (kWh) 1880.0
EPD verification Independent verification of this EPD and data, according 3,98E0
Total water use, A1-A3 (m3e)
to ISO 14025:
 Internal certification  External verification
EPD verifier VP- Magaly González Vázquez, as an authorized verifier acting
055 for EPD Hub Limited

The manufacturer has the sole ownership, liability, and responsibility for the EPD.
EPDs within the same product category but from different programs may not be
comparable. EPDs of construction products may not be comparable if they do not
comply with EN 15804 and if they are not compared in a building context.

ABOUT THE MANUFACTURER Raw material category Amount, mass- % Material origin

Decomo SA based in Mouscron Belgium was founded in 1977 and having been Metals 3.9 EU
formed, initially, as a division of a family owned Main Contacting business very
soon became autonomous and we ‘went our own way’ as the demand for the Minerals 94.1 EU
highest quality bespoke Architectural Precast Concrete elements increased.
Fossil materials - -
Over the next 20 years or so, Decomo SA expanded its operational base to include
much of Mainland Europe and in 1997 entered the UK Market. Bio-based materials - -
Decomo UK Ltd was formed as a UK registered company in 1999 and its London
office was opened in 2004 from which our vastly experienced team are able to BIOGENIC CARBON CONTENT VP-028-C
provide a full Design, Supply and Installation service; catering for the most Product’s biogenic carbon content at the factory gate
demanding needs of our Clients.
Biogenic carbon content in product, kg C 0
The declared product is 1m³ of reinforced precast concrete. Due to the variation Biogenic carbon content in packaging, kg C 0
in the geometrical profiles supplied and the subsequent volume of concrete
required for each product the declared unit of 1m3 of reinforced concrete is used. FUNCTIONAL UNIT AND SERVICE LIFE
The typical thickness of a flat precast concrete element ranges between 125mm
and 150mm. The different concrete mixes are produced using the exact same Declared unit VP-011 1m3
process with different raw materials to suit an individual projects requirements
including white and grey cement, selected natural aggregates, admixtures and Mass per declared unit VP-012 2396 kg
pigments. All mix designs are developed to similar criteria and proportions, which
Functional unit 1m2 of precast facade
ensures the environmental impacts remain consistent across the production
150mm thick
Further information can be found at Reference service life 60 years


The product does not contain any REACH SVHC substances in amounts greater
than 0,1 % (1000 ppm).


LIFECYCLE SYSTEM MAP This EPD covers the life-cycle modules listed in the following table.
Product stage Assembly Use stage End of life stage Beyond the
stage system
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D
x x x x x x MND MND MND MND MND MND x x x x x

Raw materials










energy use
water use



Waste processing




Modules not declared = MND. Modules not relevant = MNR.


The environmental impacts considered for the product stage cover the
manufacturing of raw materials used in the production as well as packaging
materials and other ancillary materials. Also, fuels used by machines, and handling
of waste formed in the production processes at the manufacturing facilities are
A1 – A3 Product Stage A4 – A5 Construction Stage included in this stage. The study also considers the material losses occurring
A1 Raw Material Extraction A4 Transport to Construction Site during the manufacturing processes as well as losses during electricity
A2 Transport to Manufacturing Site A5 Installation /Assembly transmission.
A3 Manufacturing
The production of the architectural precast concrete begins with the preparation
B1-B5 Use Stage C1-C4 End of Life Stage of a dedicated profiled mould or formwork to suit the project requirements. Once
B1 Use C1 Deconstruction & Demolition set, the mould will be coated with a suitable release agent and steel
C2 Transport
C3 Waste Processing
reinforcement cage placed within the mould along with any cast-in elements
C4 Disposal including brackets, sockets and channels. Once the reinforcement and all cast-in
fixings are positioned within the mould, concrete will be carefully placed around
the reinforcement until the mould is completed filled. In some cases the mould
will be vibrated to remove small pockets of trapped air and ensure solid
compaction. The surface of the concrete will be trowelled of and left to cure
(harden), as the product reaches the required strength, the mould is carefully
dismantled and the product lifted from the mould and moved into the finishing
area where it will receive the appropriate finish to suit customer requirements.

The finished product will then be moved into storage until it is delivered to site The study period is assumed to be 60 years in accordance with typical project
without the need for any packaging. specification requirements for the design life of the product and in line with BS
Transportation impacts occurred from final products delivery to construction site It is assumed that the precast concrete cladding covered by this EPD does not
(A4) cover fuel direct exhaust emissions, environmental impacts of fuel require maintenance, repair, replacement or refurbishment during its lifetime.
production, as well as related infrastructure emissions. Consequently, the impacts associated with these lifecycle stages are zero. There
is no operational energy or operational water requirement associated with the
The transportation distance is defined according to the PCR. The average distance product; however, it is acknowledged that any building material choice will have
of travelled from production plant to building is 350km; the transportation an impact on the operational energy and, in some cases, the operational water
method is articulated lorry on either flatbed or specialised ‘V’ trailers. Vehicle demand of the final building.
utilisation is affected by a number of factors such as shape, size, profile and site
requirements, the typical vehicle utilisation runs at an average of 75%. In reality, Air, soil, and water impacts during the use phase have not been studied.
this may vary but as role of transportation emissions in total results is small, the PRODUCT END OF LIFE (C1-C4, D) VP-049-C
variety in load is assumed negligible. Empty returns are not taken into account as
100% of the dismantled precast concrete elements are assumed to be collected
it is assumed the transportation company to serve the needs of other clients uses
as construction waste and transported to the nearest construction waste
that return trip. Transportation does not result in any losses as products are
treatment plant. It is estimated that there is no mass loss during the use of the
loaded accordingly to accommodate the shape, size, profile.
product; therefore, the end-of-life product is assumed that it has the same weight
Installation includes the energy use and material consumption for the installation with the declared product (C1). Transportation distance to the location of
process. Production loss during installation is assumed 0% as the precast elements treatment is assumed as 50km and the transportation method is assumed lorry
are made to suit specific design and delivered just in time. (C2).
PRODUCT USE AND MAINTENANCE (B1-B7) VP-043-C At the waste treatment plant, the slabs are crushed and steel is separated. About
In practice, given the nature of the product and its application in the structure of 95% of steel and 90% of concrete are recycled. The process losses of the waste
the building, no impacts are associated with the use stage of concrete over the treatment plant are assumed negligible (C3). The remaining 10% of concrete and
lifetime of the building. However, carbonation of concrete will occur during the 5% of steel are assumed to be sent to the landfill (C4).
lifetime of the building and is included in module B1. Carbonation is calculated Due to the recycling potential of reinforcement steel and concrete, they can be
using the approach recommended by EN 16757 Annex BB. used as secondary raw material, which avoids the use of virgin raw materials. 90%
The surface area is assumed to be 6m2 based on one exposed surface for the of concrete and 95% of steel going to waste processing are converted into
analysis period considered. secondary raw materials after recycling. The recycled material content in the
concrete itself is assumed to be 0% but in steel is assumed to be 80%.



CUT-OFF CRITERIA VP-020 Type of average No averaging

The study does not exclude any modules or processes which are stated mandatory Averaging method Not applicable
in the reference standard and the applied PCR. The study does not exclude any
hazardous materials or substances. The study includes all major raw material and Variation in GWP-fossil for A1-A3 Not Relevant %
energy consumption. All inputs and outputs of the unit processes, for which data
is available for, are included in the calculation. There is no neglected unit process There is no average result considered in this study since this EPD refers to one
more than 1% of total mass or energy flows. The module specific total neglected specific product produced in one production plant.
input and output flows also do not exceed 5% of energy usage or mass.
ALLOCATION, ESTIMATES AND ASSUMPTIONS VP-050-C This EPD has been created using One Click LCA EPD Generator. The LCA and EPD
Allocation is required if some material, energy, and waste data cannot be have been prepared according to the reference standards and ISO 14040/14044.
measured separately for the product under investigation. All allocations are done Ecoinvent 3.8 and One Click LCA databases were used as sources of environmental
as per the reference standards and the applied PCR. In this study, allocation has data.
been done in the following ways:

Data type Allocation

Raw materials Allocated by mass or volume

Packaging materials Not applicable

Ancillary materials Allocated by mass or volume

Manufacturing energy and

Allocated by mass or volume

Impact category Unit A1 A2 A3 A1-A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D

GWP – total1) kg CO2e 5,47E2 3,01E1 5,79E1 6,35E2 1,46E2 7,17E0 ‐8,54E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 2,35E1 1,17E1 2,69E0 1,29E0 ‐5,59E1

GWP – fossil kg CO2e 5,46E2 3,01E1 5,8E1 6,34E2 1,46E2 7,16E0 ‐8,54E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 2,35E1 1,17E1 2,69E0 1,29E0 ‐5,58E1

GWP – biogenic kg CO2e 1,3E‐1 0E0 ‐1,3E‐1 ‐1,72E‐ 5,58E‐2 0E0 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 0E0 0E0 ‐1,3E‐2 0E0 ‐9,58E‐2
GWP – LULUC kg CO2e 1,92E‐1 2,35E‐2 5,61E‐2 2,71E‐1 5,94E‐2 9,79E‐3 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 2,34E‐3 4,32E‐3 4,14E‐3 1,22E‐3 ‐3,06E‐2

Ozone depletion pot. kg CFC-11e 1,49E‐5 5,35E‐6 5,93E‐6 2,62E‐5 3,21E‐5 4,85E‐7 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 5,02E‐6 2,69E‐6 2,87E‐7 5,21E‐7 ‐2,84E‐6

Acidification potential mol H+e 2,69E0 1,79E‐1 1,13E‐1 2,98E0 6,02E‐1 2,24E‐2 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 2,44E‐1 4,96E‐2 2,96E‐2 1,21E‐2 ‐3,03E‐1

EP-freshwater2) kg Pe 1,93E‐1 3,87E‐4 7,96E‐4 1,94E‐1 1,23E‐3 1,39E‐4 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 7,78E‐5 9,59E‐5 1,76E‐4 1,35E‐5 ‐3,43E‐3

EP-marine kg Ne 5,36E‐1 6,2E‐2 2,34E‐2 6,21E‐1 1,76E‐1 4,87E‐3 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 1,08E‐1 1,47E‐2 6,01E‐3 4,19E‐3 ‐6,09E‐2

EP-terrestrial mol Ne 6,1E0 6,83E‐1 2,6E‐1 7,04E0 1,94E0 5,86E‐2 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 1,19E0 1,63E‐1 6,94E‐2 4,61E‐2 ‐7,36E‐1

POCP (“smog”) 3) kg NMVOCe 2E0 2E‐1 9,66E‐2 2,29E0 5,91E‐1 1,43E‐2 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 3,26E‐1 5,2E‐2 1,91E‐2 1,34E‐2 ‐2,78E‐1

ADP-minerals & metals4) kg Sbe 2,61E‐3 9,35E‐5 5,01E‐4 3,2E‐3 5,07E‐4 2,03E‐5 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 1,19E‐5 2,74E‐5 2,8E‐4 2,96E‐6 ‐2,65E‐3

ADP-fossil resources MJ 4,51E3 4,3E2 1,21E3 6,15E3 2,11E3 1,9E2 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 3,16E2 1,76E2 4,12E1 3,53E1 ‐5,67E2

Water use5) m3e depr. 1,07E2 3,03E0 1,27E1 1,23E2 9,23E0 1,48E0 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 8,5E‐1 7,87E‐1 8,92E‐1 1,12E‐1 ‐4,96E1

1) GWP = Global Warming Potential; 2) EP = Eutrophication potential. Required characterisation method and data are in kg P-eq. Multiply by 3,07 to get PO4e; 3) POCP = Photochemical ozone formation; 4) ADP = Abiotic depletion
potential; 5) EN 15804+A2 disclaimer for Abiotic depletion and Water use and optional indicators except Particulate matter and Ionizing radiation, human health. The results of these environmental impact indicators shall be used
with care as the uncertainties on these results are high or as there is limited experience with the indicator.


Impact category Unit A1 A2 A3 A1-A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D

Renew. PER as energy8) MJ 4,08E2 1,02E1 2,22E2 6,41E2 2,47E1 3,47E1 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 1,81E0 1,98E0 7,24E0 3,07E‐1 ‐5,29E1
Renew. PER as material MJ 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0
Total use of renew. PER MJ 4,08E2 1,02E1 2,22E2 6,41E2 2,47E1 3,47E1 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 1,81E0 1,98E0 7,24E0 3,07E‐1 ‐5,29E1
Non-re. PER as energy MJ 4,49E3 4,3E2 1,19E3 6,11E3 2,11E3 1,9E2 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 3,16E2 1,76E2 4,12E1 3,53E1 ‐5,67E2
Non-re. PER as material MJ 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0
Total use of non-re. PER MJ 4,49E3 4,3E2 1,19E3 6,11E3 2,11E3 1,9E2 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 3,16E2 1,76E2 4,12E1 3,53E1 ‐5,67E2
Secondary materials kg 9,39E1 2,7E‐1 1,57E‐1 9,43E1 6,94E‐1 1,3E‐2 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 1,24E‐1 4,88E‐2 3,83E‐2 7,42E‐3 1,52E1
Renew. secondary fuels MJ 2,18E‐2 1,53E‐3 3,29E‐3 2,66E‐2 8,99E‐3 4,97E‐5 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 4,04E‐4 4,93E‐4 1,63E‐3 1,94E‐4 0E0
Non-ren. secondary fuels MJ 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0

Use of net fresh water m3 3,54E0 7,9E‐2 3,54E‐1 3,98E0 2,49E‐1 3,46E‐2 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 1,92E‐2 2,28E‐2 2,74E‐2 3,87E‐2 ‐2,81E0

8) PER = Primary energy resources.

Impact category Unit A1 A2 A3 A1-A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D

Hazardous waste kg 7,68E1 1,02E0 1,5E0 7,93E1 3,03E0 3,95E‐1 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 4,23E‐1 2,33E‐1 2,41E‐1 0E0 ‐1,61E1

Non-hazardous waste kg 3,77E2 1,61E1 1,35E2 5,28E2 4,85E1 5,47E0 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 2,97E0 3,83E0 9,03E0 2,45E2 ‐1,78E2

Radioactive waste kg 1,11E‐2 2,85E‐3 6,97E‐3 2,09E‐2 1,39E‐2 1,68E‐3 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 2,23E‐3 1,18E‐3 2,59E‐4 0E0 ‐1,23E‐3


Impact category Unit A1 A2 A3 A1-A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D

Components for re-use kg 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0
Materials for recycling kg 2,03E3 0E0 0E0 2,03E3 0E0 0E0 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 0E0 0E0 2,25E3 0E0 0E0
Materials for energy rec kg 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0
Exported energy MJ 0E0 0E0 6,58E0 6,58E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0


Impact category Unit A1 A2 A3 A1-A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D
Global Warming Pot. kg CO2e 5,32E2 1,8E1 5,65E1 6,07E2 1,44E2 7,08E0 ‐8,54E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 2,32E1 1,16E1 2,66E0 1,26E0 ‐5,37E1

Ozone depletion Pot. kg CFC-11e 1,77E‐5 3,32E‐6 5,04E‐6 2,6E‐5 2,54E‐5 4,27E‐7 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 3,98E‐6 2,13E‐6 2,34E‐7 4,12E‐7 ‐2,54E‐6

Acidification kg SO2e 1,4E0 5,99E‐2 9,17E‐2 1,55E0 4,7E‐1 1,78E‐2 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 1,74E‐1 3,85E‐2 2,4E‐2 9,15E‐3 ‐2,26E‐1

Eutrophication kg PO43e 5,07E‐1 1,36E‐2 3,75E‐2 5,59E‐1 1,08E‐1 5,91E‐3 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 4,04E‐2 8,77E‐3 9,27E‐3 1,97E‐3 ‐1,44E‐1

POCP (“smog”) kg C2H4e 7,37E‐2 2,34E‐3 6,86E‐3 8,29E‐2 1,91E‐2 8,69E‐4 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 3,81E‐3 1,5E‐3 9,28E‐4 3,84E‐4 ‐3,08E‐2

ADP-elements kg Sbe 2,16E‐3 4,13E‐5 5,01E‐4 2,7E‐3 4,94E‐4 2,04E‐5 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 1,17E‐5 2,66E‐5 2,79E‐4 2,92E‐6 ‐2,65E‐3

ADP-fossil MJ 3,45E3 2,73E2 1,21E3 4,94E3 2,11E3 1,9E2 0E0 MND MND MND MND MND MND 3,16E2 1,76E2 4,12E1 3,53E1 ‐5,67E2

I confirm my independence in my role as verifier; I have not been involved in the
VERIFICATION STATEMENT execution of the LCA or in the development of the declaration and have no
VERIFICATION PROCESS FOR THIS EPD conflicts of interest regarding this verification.
Magaly González Vázquez, as an authorized verifier acting for EPD Hub Limited
This EPD has been verified in accordance with ISO 14025 by an independent,
third-party verifier by reviewing results, documents and compliancy with 22.09.2023
reference standard, ISO 14025 and ISO 14040/14044, following the process and
checklists of the program operator for:
• This Environmental Product Declaration
• The Life-Cycle Assessment used in this EPD
• The digital background data for this EPD
Why does verification transparency matter? Read more online
This EPD has been generated by One Click LCA EPD generator, which has been
verified and approved by the EPD Hub.
I hereby confirm that, following detailed examination, I have not established any
relevant deviations by the studied Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), its
LCA and project report, in terms of the data collected and used in the LCA
calculations, the way the LCA-based calculations have been carried out, the
presentation of environmental data in the EPD, and other additional
environmental information, as present with respect to the procedural and
methodological requirements in ISO 14025:2010 and reference standard.
I confirm that the company-specific data has been examined as regards
plausibility and consistency; the declaration owner is responsible for its factual
integrity and legal compliance.
I confirm that I have sufficient knowledge and experience of construction
products, this specific product category, the construction industry, relevant
standards, and the geographical area of the EPD to carry out this verification.


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