Guide To MYP Assessment at HIS

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A  guide  to  MYP  assessment  
At   first   glance   MYP   Assessment   may   appear   complicated.   This   short   guide   is   intended   to  
clarify  the  MYP  assessment  process  at  HIS.  
The   single   most   important   aim   of   MYP   assessment   is   to   support   and   encourage   student  
learning.   This   means   that   teachers   constantly   gather   and   analyse   information   on   student  
progress  and  provide  feedback  to  students  to  help  them  improve  their  performance.  It  also  
means   that   students   should   be   involved   in   evaluating   their   own   progress   using   self-­‐
assessment   and   reflection.   In   doing   so,   they   develop   wider   critical-­‐thinking   and   self-­‐
assessment   skills.   MYP   assessment   is   authentic   (it   aims   to   assess   students   in   real   world  
applications)  and  is  targeted  (it  aims  to  assess  directly  what  the  student  has  been  taught).  
Units   of   work   are   planned   with   the   final   assessment   in   mind,   and   therefore   the   skills   and  
understandings  needed  are  integrated  into  the  curriculum.    
The   MYP   assessment   system   used   in   Grades   6-­‐10   is   a   criterion-­‐related   model   in   which  
students   are   assessed   against   rubrics.   These   rubrics   describe   what   is   expected   of   the  
students  and  what  level  will  be  awarded  for  each  of  the  elements  of  the  work  they  complete.  
Assessing  students  against  criteria  helps  the  student  know,  before  attempting  the  work,  
what  needs  to  be  done  to  demonstrate  their  understanding  of  the  objectives.  It  also  helps  
teachers  clarify  and  express  their  expectations  about  assignments  in  a  way  that  students  can  
understand.  The  strength  of  this  model  is  that  students  are  assessed  for  what  they  can  do,  
rather  than  being  ranked  against  each  other.  Students  receive  feedback  on  their  
performance  assessed  against  the  criterion  level  descriptors.  
The  process  of  assessment  at  HIS  
  Formative  assessment   Summative  assessment    
  Diagnostic   This  is  an  ongoing  process  and   Summative  assessment  is  designed  
  assessment   serves  as  a  guide  for  the   to  allow  students  to  demonstrate  
Teachers  check  
  teacher  to  adjust  teaching   the  understandings,  objectives  and  
for  p rior  
  strategies  to  reach  every   skills  learnt  during  the  unit.    A  
knowledge,  skills  
  and   learner,  gather  information  on   judgment  is  made  by  the  teacher  of  
  understanding.     students’  understanding  and   the  standard  of  achievement  
  identify  students’  strengths   reached  b y  each  student.  In  Grade  6  
and  weaknesses.  Feedback  is   through  10  (from  August  2015)  it  is  
periodically  given  using  the   based  on  subject  specific  objectives  
‘expectations  scale’  b elow.   and  should  reflect  the  achievement  
against  the  criteria  for  the  subject.  
Expectations  Scale:    

This  scale  will  be  used  at  HIS  to  track  general  progress  (formative  classwork  and  homework).  Student  
general  progress  will  be  communicated  approximately  every  2  weeks.    

Expectations   Descriptor  

Exceeding   i. Produces  high  quality,  frequently  innovative  work.  

Expectations  (EE)   ii. Communicates  excellent  understanding  of  concepts  and  contexts.    
iii. Demonstrates  excellent  organizational  skills.      

Meeting   i. Produces  generally  high-­‐quality  work.    

Expectations  (ME)   ii. Communicates  good  understanding  of  concepts  and  contexts.    
iii. Demonstrates  good  organizational  skills.      

Approaching   i. Produces  work  of  an  acceptable  quality.  

Expectations  (AE)   ii. Communicates  basic  understanding  of  many  concepts  and  contexts,  
with  occasionally  significant  misunderstandings  or  gaps.  
iii. Demonstrates  basic  organizational  skills.  

Not  Meeting   i. Produces  work  of  very  limited  quality.    

Expectations   ii. Conveys  many  significant  misunderstandings  or  lacks  understanding  of  
(NME)   most  concepts  and  skills.    
iii. Demonstrates  limited  organizational  skills.    
The  process  of  summative  assessment  at  HIS  
  Step  One   Step  Two   Step  Three  
An  assessment  is  given   The  teacher  grades  the   This  process  is  
which  includes  a  task   assignment  and   repeated  
sheet     and  assessment   students  receive   throughout  the  
criteria.   feedback  against  the   semester  so  that  all  
  assessment criteria. criteria  in  every  
  subject  are  covered  
  at  least  once.  
  Step  Six  
Step  Five  
The  e   nd  of  semester  
The  criterion  levels  in   Step  Four  
each  subject  are  then   At  the  end  of  the  
added  together  to   semester,  each  
levels  and  an  overall  
  give  a  criterion  levels   teacher  analyzes  
grade  out  of  7  for  each  
subject  as  well  as  a  
total  for  that  subject.   the  student’s  
  This  total  is  then   grades  and  awards  
comment   regarding  
converted  to  an   a  level  of  
the  s  tudent’s  
overall  grade  out  of  7   achievement  for  
approaches   to  learning  
using  the  grade   each  individual  
skills     and  work  
boundary  tables   criterion.  
  published  by  the  IB.

What  counts  towards  the  semester  grade?

Throughout  the  year  teachers  will  collect  evidence  of  student  achievement  from  many  
different  types  of  assessment  including  formative  and  summative  assessments.  Sometimes  
all  criteria  in  the  subject  are  applied  to  an  assessment,  but  more  often  only  1  or  2  criteria  
are  assessed  per  task.  Only  assessments  that  are  criterion-­‐related  (that  are  assessed  against  
criteria  provided  by  the  teacher  for  that  specific  assessment  task)  count  towards  the  overall  
grade  which  is  communicated  on  the  Semester  Report  Card,  however  the  formative  
assessments  help  students  develop  the  knowledge  and  skills  necessary  to  be  successful  in  
their  summative  assessments.  

The  process  of  arriving  at  a  semester  grade    

How  are  end  of  semester  criterion  totals  determined?

By  the  end  of  the  semester  students  will  have  completed  enough  assessment  tasks  for  each  
criterion  in  most  subjects  to  be  assessed  at  least  twice.

To  explain  how  we  arrive  at  a  semester  grade  let’s  follow  the  creation  of  a  Mathematics  
grade  for  a  Grade  8  student  called  Sarah.  There  are  4  criteria  in  Mathematics.  After  
Semester  1  Sarah  will  have  at  least  2  marks  in  all  4  of  the  Mathematics  criteria.  In  
Mathematics  Criterion  A  ‘Knowing  and  Understanding’  Sarah  has  4  pieces  of  evidence  

  Mathematics  Criterion  A:  Knowing  and  Understanding  /8  

Number  Project   Recipe  Book   Water  Tank   Prime  Time  

Investigation     Exam  

Sarah   4   5   6   6  

Sarah’s  teacher  will  then  make  a  professional  judgment  on  the  criterion  level  of  
achievement  for  her  in  this  criterion.  This  is  not  an  average  of  all  of  the  marks  for  this  
criterion,  but  a  professional  judgment  based  on  patterns  in  the  data,  the  development  of  
that  student  and  the  context  in  which  that  the  work  was  completed.  It  is  the  role  of  teachers  
to  use  the  evidence  to  decide  the  level  that  the  student  is  performing  at  in  each  specific  
criterion  at  the  end  of  the  semester.  As  a  result  of  Sarah’s  consistent  improvement  over  the  
semester  she  would  receive  a  criterion  level  of  achievement  of  6  out  of  8  for  Mathematics  
Criterion  A.    

How  do  criteria  achievement  levels  become  a  grade  out  of  7?

This  process  of  determining  criterion  levels  of  achievement  is  done  for  all  criteria  in  every  
subject.  In  each  subject  these  criterion  levels  of  achievement  are  then  added  together  to  
give  a  criterion  levels  total.  This  total  is  then  compared  to  the  grade  boundary  tables  
published  by  the  IB  (see  below)  to  give  the  student  a  grade  out  of  7  for  that  subject.    

Sarah  Mathematics    

Criteria   Semester  Level  of  Achievement  

A:  Knowing  and  Understanding  /8   6  

B:  Investigating  Patterns  /8   6  

C:  Communicating  /8   4  

D:  Applying  Mathematics  in  Real  Worlds  Contexts  /8   5  

Criterion  Levels  Total  /32   21  

Sarah’s  6  out  of  a  possible  8  in  Mathematics  Criterion  A  would  be  added  to  her  criterion  
level  of  achievement  in  the  other  3  Mathematics  criteria,  which  would  give  a  criterion  levels  
total  of  21.  As  a  result  Sarah  would  receive  5  out  of  7  for  her  final  semester  grade  in  

IB  Published  Grade  Boundaries  for  all  subjects

Grade   1   2   3   4   5   6   7  

Boundary   1-­‐5   6-­‐9   10-­‐14   15-­‐18   19-­‐23   24-­‐27   28-­‐32  

What  does  a  grade  of  1-­‐7  really  mean?

So  what  does  Sarah’s  grade  of  5  in  Mathematics  mean?  Below  are  the  IB  general  grade  
descriptors  for  each  grade  out  of  7.  A  grade  of  5  means  that  in  Mathematics  Sarah  Produces  
generally  high-­‐quality  work.  Communicates  secure  understanding  of  concepts  and  contexts.  
Demonstrates  critical  and  creative  thinking,  sometimes  with  sophistication.  Uses  knowledge  
and  skills  in  familiar  classroom  and  real-­‐world  situations  and,  with  support,  some  unfamiliar  
real-­‐world  situations.  

To  really  understand  this  achievement  it  is  important  to  pay  attention  to  all  the  individual  
criterion  achievement  levels  as  these  show  a  student’s  strengths  and  weaknesses  in  the  
subject,  as  well  as  the  grade  and  the  general  grade  descriptors.  

       Grade   Boundary     MYP  General  Grade  Descriptor  
1   1–5   Produces  work  of  very  limited  quality.  Conveys  many  significant  
misunderstandings  or  lacks  understanding  of  most  concepts  and  
contexts.  Very  rarely  demonstrates  critical  or  creative  thinking.  Very  
inflexible,  rarely  using  knowledge  or  skills.  

2   6–9   Produces  work  of  limited  quality.  Expresses  misunderstandings  or  

significant  gaps  in  understanding  for  many  concepts  and  contexts.  
Infrequently  demonstrates  critical  or  creative  thinking.  Generally  
inflexible  in  the  use  of  knowledge  and  skills,  infrequently  applying  
knowledge  and  skills.  

3   10–14   Produces  work  of  an  acceptable  quality.  Communicates  basic  

understanding  of  many  concepts  and  contexts,  with  occasionally  
significant  misunderstandings  or  gaps.  Begins  to  demonstrate  some  
basic  critical  and  creative  thinking.  Is  often  inflexible  in  the  use  of  
knowledge  and  skills,  requiring  support  even  in  familiar  classroom  

4   15–18   Produces  good-­‐quality  work.  Communicates  basic  understanding  of  

most  concepts  and  contexts  with  few  misunderstandings  and  minor  
gaps.  Often  demonstrates  basic  critical  and  creative  thinking.  Uses  
knowledge  and  skills  with  some  flexibility  in  familiar  classroom  
situations,  but  requires  support  in  unfamiliar  situations.  

5   19–23   Produces  generally  high-­‐quality  work.  Communicates  secure  

understanding  of  concepts  and  contexts.  Demonstrates  critical  and  
creative  thinking,  sometimes  with  sophistication.  Uses  knowledge  
and  skills  in  familiar  classroom  and  real-­‐world  situations  and,  with  
support,  some  unfamiliar  real-­‐world  situations.  

6   24–27   Produces  high-­‐quality,  occasionally  innovative  work.  Communicates  

extensive  understanding  of  concepts  and  contexts.  Demonstrates  
critical  and  creative  thinking,  frequently  with  sophistication.  Uses  
knowledge  and  skills  in  familiar  and  unfamiliar  classroom  and  real-­‐  
world  situations,  often  with  independence.  

7   28–32   Produces  high-­‐quality,  frequently  innovative  work.  Communicates  

comprehensive,  nuanced  understanding  of  concepts  and  contexts.  
Consistently  demonstrates  sophisticated  critical  and  creative  
thinking.  Frequently  transfers  knowledge  and  skills  with  
independence  and  expertise  in  a  variety  of  complex  classroom  and  
real-­‐world  situations.  
Assessment  Criteria  for  All  Subject  Groups  
Each  subject  group  has  four  different  criteria  against  which  student  achievement  is  assessed.  
The   advantage   of   these   criteria   being   subject   specific   is   that   a   student   receives   detailed  
information   on   what   they   can   do   to   improve   in   that   subject   in   each   of   the   key   areas   that  
matters  in  that  discipline.  
Subject   Assessment  Criteria  for  All  Subject  Groups    
Groups   A   B   C   D  
Language  and   Analysing     Organising   Producing  text   Using  language  
Language   Comprehending   Comprehending   Communicating   Using  language  
Acquisition   spoken  and  visual   written  and  visual   in  response  to   in  spoken  and  
text   text   spoken,  written   written  form.  
and  visual  text  
Individuals  and   Knowing  and   Investigating   Communicating   Thinking  
Societies   understanding   creatively  
Sciences   Knowing  and   Inquiring  and   Processing  and   Reflecting  on  
understanding   designing   evaluating   the  impacts  of  
Mathematics   Knowing  and   Investigating   Communicating   Applying  
understanding   patterns   mathematics  in  
real-­‐life  contexts  
Physical  and   Knowing  and   Planning  for   Applying  and   Reflecting  and  
Health   understanding   performance   performing   improving  
Education   performance  
Design   Inquiring  and   Developing  ideas   Creating  the   Evaluating  
analysing   solution  
Arts   Knowing  and   Developing  skills   Thinking   Responding  
understanding   creatively  
Interdisciplinary   Disciplinary   Synthesizing  and   Communicating   Reflecting  
grounding   applying  
Personal   Investigating   Planning   Taking  action   Reflecting  


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