2.1. (2A) - Introduction About Geotechnical Engineering

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Omer Fadol
Civil Engineering, Structures

A. Overview for the geotechnical properties of

B. Methods of soil exploration for natural soil
deposits, sub-soils and rocks,
C. Methods of soil stabilization.
1. Soil origins,
2. Soil types,
3. Soil classification,
4. Consistency limit,
5. Permeability,
6. Seepage,
7. Compressibility,
8. Soil stress and shear strength.
 1. Soil origins,

 The major rock types are

categorized as:
 Igneous rocks
 Sedimentary rocks
 Metamorphic rocks
 Soils are formed by:
 Physical weathering:
• Reduces the size of the parent rock
material, without any change in the
original composition of the parent rock.
 Chemical weathering:
• Not only breaks up the material into
smaller particles but alters the nature of
the original parent rock itself.
 2. Soil types
 Soils as they are classified :
• Residual soils
• Transported soils
 Residual Soils:
o Residual soils are found at
the same location where they
have been formed.
 3. Soil classification
 Description of soil it can be a
description of a sample, or a soil in
 Classification of soil, should be
based mainly on mechanical
 Particle Size Distribution:
 Conduct different particle-size tests.
 Wet sieving
 Dry sieve analysis
 Sedimentation analysis:
 Used only for the soil fraction
finer than 75 microns.
 Grain-Size Distribution Curve
 Grading Characteristics

1. Effective size = D10

2. Uniformity coefficient,

3. Curvature coefficient

 D60 = size at 60% finer by weight

D30 = size at 30% finer by weight
D10 = size at 10% finer by weight
 Both Cu and Cc will be 1 for a single-sized
 Cu > 5 indicates a well-graded soil, i.e. a
soil which has a distribution of particles
over a wide size range.
 Cc between 1 and 3 also indicates a well-
graded soil.
 Cu < 3 indicates a uniform soil, i.e. a soil
which has a very narrow particle size range.
 4. Consistency of Soils

Consistency limits (Atterberg limits).

 5. Permeability,
 In soils, the interconnected
pores provide passage for water.
 Darcy's Law

v = q/A = k.i
where k = permeability of the soil
 i = Dh/L,
Dh = difference in total heads
 L = length of the soil mass
 Permeability (k) of Different Soils:

Soil k (cm/sec)
Gravel 100
Coarse sand 100 to 10-1
Medium sand 10-1 to 10-2
Fine sand 10-2 to 10-3
Silty sand 10-3 to 10-4
Silt 1 x 10-5
Clay 10-7 to 10-9
 Laboratory Measurement of Permeability
 Constant Head Flow

Constant head permeameter

is recommended for coarse-
grained soils.
Permeability k is
obtained from:
 Falling Head Flow

 Falling head permeameter is

recommended for fine-grained soils.
Falling head permeameter
 Field Tests for Permeability

Two important field tests for determining

permeability are: Unconfined flow pumping
test, and confined flow pumping test.
 Unconfined Flow Pumping Test
 In this test, the pumping causes a
drawdown in an unconfined (i.e. open
surface) soil stratum, and generates a
radial flow of water towards the
pumping well.
Area of flow,

From Darcy's Law,

Arranging and integrating,

 Confined Flow Pumping Test

 In this, the drawdown water table is

above the upper surface of the
Confined Flow Pumping Test
For a cylindrical surface at radius r,

 6. Seepage

 Uses of Flow Nets

1. Estimation of seepage losses from reservoirs.
2. Determination of uplift pressures below dams.
3. Checking the possibility of piping beneath dams.
 Procedure for Drawing Flow Nets
1. Mark all boundary conditions, and draw the flow
cross section to some convenient scale.
2. Draw a coarse net which is consistent with the
boundary conditions and which has orthogonal
equipotential and flow lines
3. Modify the mesh such that it meets the
conditions outlined above and the fields between
adjacent flow lines and equipotential lines are
4. Refine the flow net by repeating step 3.
The most common boundary conditions are:
(a) A submerged permeable soil boundary is an
equipotential line
(b) The boundary between permeable and
impermeable soil materials is a flow line (This is
marked as AB in the same figure).
(c) Equipotential lines intersecting a phreatic
surface do so at equal vertical intervals.
7. Compressibility,
 Compression and Consolidation of Soils

 When a soil layer is subjected to vertical stress,

volume change can take place through
rearrangement of soil grains, and some amount
of grain fracture may also take place.
 The volume of soil grains remains constant, so
change in total volume is due to change in
volume of water.
 In saturated soils, this can happen only if
water is pushed out of the voids.
8. Soil stress and shear strength.
 Shear Strength of Soils
Soils consist of individual particles that
can slide and roll relative to one another.
Shear strength of soils is necessary to
• Bearing capacity of foundations,
• Lateral pressure exerted on retaining
walls, and
• Stability of slopes.
 Methods of Shear Strength Determination :
 Direct Shear Test:

Shear box
 Triaxial Test:
 Test Types:
 UU (unconsolidated undrained) test
CU (consolidated undrained) test
CD (consolidated drained) test

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