Periodic Table

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1. If an orbital can have maximum 4 electrons then, how may elements can be present in 8th period?
(A) 100 (B) 75 (C) 128 (D) 64
2. In the Lother - Mayer graph, A,B,C,D & E element are

Atomic Volume


Atomic Weight

(A) Halogens (B) Alkaline earth metals (C) Alkali metals (D) Transition metals
3. Select the correct sequence of increasing radius (left to right)
(A) Se2–, O2–, F¯ (B) Ca2+, Ar, K+ (C) Se, As, Ge (D) Fe, Fe2+, Fe3+
4. Which of the following pair of species having nearly same atomic size
(A) Zr & Hf (B) Pd & Pt (C) Fe & Co (D) All of these
5. In following compound which has minimum ionic radius of maganese is :
(A) Mn2(SO4)3 (B) MnO (C) KMnO4 (D) MnO2
6. Which one of the following electronic configuration of an atom has the lowest ionisation energy
(A) 1s22s22p3 (B) 1s22s22p63s1 (C) 1s22s22p6 (D) 1s22s22p5

7. H IE (First Ionisation Enthalpy) of Na, Mg and Si is 496, 737 and 786 kJ mol–1, respectively. What will be

the ΔH IE value of Al?


(A) 760 kJ mol–1 (B) 450 kJ mol–1 (C) 580 kJ mol–1 (D) 800 kJ mol–1
8. Which of the following isoelectronic species has the lowest ionisation energy?
(A) S2– (B) K+ (C) Cl¯ (D) Ca2+
9. Second ionization potential of Li, Be and B is in the order
(A) Li > Be > B (B) Li > B > Be (C) Li > Be < B (D) B > Be > Li
10. Which of the following has maximum ionisation energy?
(A) Li+ (B) He (C) Ne (D) Na

I I T AS H R A M UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above PNB, R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda. 390007
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11. In which of the following process, maximum amount of energy involved.

(A) Cl  Cl¯ (B) Br¯  Br (C) F¯  F (D) I¯  I
12. Which of the following represents correct order of electron affinity?
(A) O < S < F < Cl (B) O < F < S < Cl (C) F > O > Cl > S (D) F > Cl > O > S
13. The incorrect order of electron affinity is :
(A) F < Cl (B) N > P (C) O < S (D) Cl > Br
14. The first ionisation potential of Na is 5.1 eV. The value of electron gain enthalpy of Na+ would be
(A) –2.55 eV (B) –5.1 eV (C) –10.2 eV (D) 2.55 eV
15. The least stable anion is :
(A) Li– (B) Be– (C) B– (D) C –
16. Which of the following is exothermic:
(A) N(g) + 1e–  N–(g) (B) P(g) + 1e–  P–(g)
(C) Na(g)  Na+(g) + 1e– (D) 1e– + Be(g)  Be–(g)
17. Which of the following process is endothermic?
(A) Na(g) + 1e¯ Na¯(g) (B) O+ (g) + 1e¯  O(g)
(C) O¯ (g) + 1e¯  O2– (g) (D) S + 1e¯  S¯(g)
18. The most acidic oxide is :
(A) SO3 (B) P2O 5 (C) Cl2O7 (D) P2O 3
19. Which of the following is strongest in basic character ?
(A) Be(OH)2 (B) Mg(OH)2 (C) Al(OH)3 (D) Si(OH)4
20. The electronegativity of ‘N’ is maximum in which of the following compound of N.
(A) N2O (B) N2O3 (C) NO (D) N2O4
21. Ionisation energy and electron affinity of fluorine are respectively 18.42 eV and 2.45 eV, then electronegativity
of F atom on Pauling scale will be
(A) 3.72 (B) 4.0 (C) 10.44 (D) None of these
22. Which of the following is amphoteric in nature?
(A) HClO4 (B) NaOH (C) Zn(OH)2 (D) N 2 O
23. Which of the following is the most acidic in nature?
(A) SiO2 (B) P4O10 (C) CO2 (D) SO3
24. Select the neutral oxide in following -
(A) CO 2 (B) CO (C) P4O10 (D) NO2
25. Which is amphoteric in nature.
(A) ZnO (B) Be(OH)2 (C) PbO2 (D) All of these
26. The correct order of acidic nature of the oxides of chlorine is :
(A) Cl2O < ClO2 < Cl2O6 < Cl2O7 (B) ClO2 < Cl2O < Cl2O6 < Cl2O7
(C) Cl2O < ClO2 < Cl2O7 < Cl2O6 (D) Cl2O7 < Cl2O6 < ClO2 < Cl2O
27. The ion having highest mobility in aqueous solution is :
(A) Be2+ (B) Mg2+ (C) Ca2+ (D) Ba2+

I I T AS H R A M UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above PNB, R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda. 390007
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28. Which one of the following is correct sequence followed by molar ionic conductance of the ions in aqueous
(A) Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Rb+ (B) Rb+ < K+ < Na+ < Li+
(C) Sr2+ < Ca2+ < Mg2+ < Be2+ (D) Na+ < K+ < Li+ < Rb+
29. The IUPAC name of the element with atomic number Z = 109 is
(A) U np (B) U ns (C) U no (D) U ne
30. Which is incorrect order of acidic strength?
(A) N2O < NO < N2O3 < NO2 (B) SO2 < SO3
(C) HOCl < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4 (D) CO2 < B2O3 < BeO < Li2O


1. The correct statements among the following are :
(A) Helium has the highest first I.P. in the periodic table.
(B) The process O (g) + e  O–2(g) is exothermic.
(C) The electron affinities of S and P are less than that of O and N respectively.
(D) In any period, the first ionisation potential of noble gas is the highest.
2. Which of the following pair(s) of elements is/are chemically most similar?
(A) Be, Al (B) Al, In (C) Ge, Sb (D) Ti, Hf
3. Which of the following ionisation energy order is correct.
(A) S > S¯ (B) O > S¯ (C) O > O¯ (D) S > O¯
4. Which of the following species is/are paramagnetic?
(A) Cr3+ (B) Cr6+ (C) Al3+ (D) O¯
5. Which of the following Ist ionisation energy order is / are correct
(A) Be < B (B) N < O (C) Mg > Na (D) P > S
6. Which of the following statements are correct?
(A) First ionisation energy (IE1) of Be is higher than that of B.
(B) Second ionisation energy (IE2) of O is higher than that of first ionisation energy of O.
(C) F is more electronegative than Cl.
(D) CH4 and SiH4 have all equal bond angles.
7. Which of the following order is correct?
(A) NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 : Acidic nature
(B) Li < Be < B < C : IE1
(C) Al2O3 < MgO < Na2O < K2O : Basic nature
(D) Li+ (g) < Na+(g) < K+(g) < Cs+(g) : Ionic radius
8. Which of the following is/are correct order?
(A) Acidic strength : HClO < HBrO < HIO
(B) Basic strength : Na2O > MgO > Al2O3 > SiO2
(C) Electron affinity : I < Br < F < Cl
(D) Ionisation energy : Cl– < Cl < Cl+

I I T AS H R A M UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above PNB, R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda. 390007
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9. Which of the following process energy is liberated?

(A) Cl  Cl+ + e– (B) I + e–  I– (C) Cl + e–  Cl– (D) O– + e–  O2–
10. Select the element(s) which belongs to d-block but not transition elements
(A) Zn (B) Cd (C) Hg (D) Pt


Electronegativity is important periodic property of the elements. It varies across the period and down the
group. There are certain reasons of its variation. It also affects the properties of the compounds.
Q.1 In which of the following hydrocarbons, carbon has highest electronegativity?
(A) C2H4 (B) CH4 (C) C2H2 (D) C2H6
Q.2 Which of the following oxide is most acidic?
(A) NO (B) N2O5 (C) N2O3 (D) NO2
Q.3 Which of the following species of Mn has lowest electronegativity?
(A) Mn(II) (B) Mn(IV) (C) Mn(VI) (D) Mn(VII)

Ionisation energy of the elements increases along the period and decreases along the group. Ionisation energy
of an element is numerically identical with electron affinity of the respective univalent cation
Q.4 The first ionisation potential (in eV) of N, O atoms are:
(A) 14.6, 13.6 (B) 13.6, 14.6 (C) 13.6, 13.6 (D) 14.6, 14.6
Q.5 For the process
X (g) + e¯  X¯ (g) , H = x
and X¯ (g)  X (g) + e¯, H = y
Select correct alternate:
(A) Ionisation energy of X¯ (g) is y (B) Electron affinity of X(g) is x
(C) Electron affinity of X(g) is –y (D) All are correct statements
Q.6 Sodium forms Na+ ion but it does not form Na2+ because:
(A) Very low value of (IE)1 and (IE)2
(B) Very high value of (IE)1 and (IE)2
(C) Low value of (IE)1 and low value of (IE)2
(D) Low value of (IE)1 and high value of (IE)2

The electron affinity is a inherent property of the atom and it depends upon several factors.
Q.7 The correct electron affinity order is
(A) F > Cl (B) Cl > F (C) S < P (D) N > O

I I T AS H R A M UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above PNB, R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda. 390007
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Q.8 Choose the incorrect statement.

(A) 1st I.E. of A¯ is equal to electron affinity of A
(B) 2nd electron affinity is always greater than 1st electron affinity.
(C) O  O2– process is endothermic
(D) Li  Li+ process is endothermic.
1. Column I Column II
(A) K (P) s-block element
(B) Mg (Q) element of 4th period
(C) Cr (R) d-block element
(D) Zn (S) transition element
(T) all the electrons are paired
2. Column I Column II
(A) Na+, Na, Na– (P) Increasing order of radius
(B) B, C, N (Q) Decreasing order of I E
(C) F–, Cl–, Br–, I– (R) Same number of outermost shell electrons
(D) Be, Mg, Ca (S) Same principal quantum number 'n' for the
outermost shell containing electron(s).
(T) increasing order of total electrons
3. Column I Column II
(A) N (P) Paramagnetic
(B) Cu+ (Q) Diamagnetic
(C) Fe (R) p-block
(D) O (S) d-block
(T) Partially filled d-orbitals
4. Column I Column II
(Atomic Number)
(A) 57 (P) d-Block or p-Block
(B) 17 (Q) 4th Period element
(C) 19 (R) Violates Aufbau's Principle
(D) 29 (S) Not lanthanides


1. The IE1, IE2, IE3, IE4 and IE5 of an element are 7.1, 14.3, 32.5, 46.8 and 162.2 eV respectively. The
stable oxidation state of the element is _______.
2. Calculate the Zeff (approx) for 4s electron of Ni-atom according to Slater's rule.
3. Find total number of elements upto atomic number 10 having positive H eg1 .

I I T AS H R A M UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above PNB, R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda. 390007
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4. If there were 9 periods in the periodic table & each orbital can have maximum 5 electrons, then how many
maximum number of elements will be present in period 9?
5. The number of electrons present in the s-subshell within Mn.
6. The number of process that are definitely exothermic (Energy is released) out of the following pro-
cesses are :
(i) 2Cl(g)  Cl2(g) (ii) Na+(g) + F(g) + e–  NaF(s)
(iii) Cl(g) + H2O + e–  Cl–(aq) (iv) Al+2(g) + e–  Al+1(g)
(v) P(g) + e–  P–(g) (vi) Ne(g) + e–  Ne–(g)
(vii) Hf of H+(g) (viii) A(s)  A(g) where A is any element
7. The species having one or more unpaired electron are paramagnetic. Among the following ions :
Cu2+, Zn2+ , Fe2+ , Ni2+, Cr3+, Co3+, Sc3+, Ti4+
the number of paramagnetic ions is :
8. Find the group number of element 'X' which belongs to s- or p- block, having successive ionisation energies as
per the graph gives below :




Successive Ionisation

9. What is the atomic number of element having IUPAC name 'Uub'?

10. The magnetic moment value of species 'X' is 4.8 B.M. Find out the number of unpaired electrons in 'X'.

I I T AS H R A M UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above PNB, R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda. 390007
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1. A 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C
6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A
11. A 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. B
16. B 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. D
21. A 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. D
26. A 27. D 28. A 29. D 30. D


1. AD 2. ABD 3. ABCD 4. ABCD 5. AD
6. ABCD 7. ACD 8. BCD 9. BC 10. ABCD


1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A
6. D 7. B 8. B
1. (A) P,Q, (B) PT (C) Q,R,S (D) Q,R,T
2. (A) P, Q, T; (B) S, T; (C) P, R, T ; (D) P, Q, R, T
3. (A) PR (B) QS (C) PST (D) PR
4. (A) P,R,S (B) P,S (C) Q,S (D) P,Q,R,S


1. 4 2. 4 3. 4 4. 125 5. 8
6. 5 7. 5 8. 2 9. 112 10. 4

I I T AS H R A M UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above PNB, R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda. 390007
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