Just in Time System and Backflush Costing Just in Time Systems Backflush Costing
Just in Time System and Backflush Costing Just in Time Systems Backflush Costing
Just in Time System and Backflush Costing Just in Time Systems Backflush Costing
It is the latter characteristic which gives rise to When journal entries for one or more
the name of Just in Time. Production only takes stages in the cycle are omitted, the journal
place when there is actual customer demand for entries for subsequent stage use normal or
the product so JIT works on a pull-through basis standard costs to work backward to flush out the
which means that products are not made to go costs in the cycle for which journal entries were
into stock. JIT systems result in reduction in not made. No separate accounting for work in
inventories so that inventory valuation becomes process is made.
less relevant. Simplified accounting procedures Actual conversion costs are recorded as
can be used for allocating costs between cost of incurred, just the same as conventional
sales and inventories. This simplified recording systems. Conversion costs are then
procedure is known as backflush costing. applied to product at various trigger points. It is
assumed that any conversion costs not applied
to products are carried forward and disposed of
at year-end
Under backflush costing, costs are applied to products when production is completed.
The following three methods illustrates backflush accounting. The three methods differ in the number
of trigger points at which journal entries are made in the accounting system.