Mind Map For Prophet's Life - Taskade

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01/12/2023, 18:19 Mind Map for Prophet's life - Taskade

🌷 Mind Map for Prophet's life

6th Hijri
Treaty of Hudaibiya
prophet dream: performing umrah (lesser pilgrimage) in makkah
told ummah this - very excited esp muhajireen
14000 muslims departed for makkah
prophets wife umm e salmah
left abdullah ibn e makhtoom (blind companion) in charge
only took sheathed swords with them - no intention to fight
approached Zul Hulaifa
put on ihram
gathered cattle for sacrifice
when reached hudaibiya, sent someone to check makkans position
blocked all roads
gathered men to drive muslims out
prophet sent envoys to tell them they meant no harm
quraish gathered a meeting to discuss reconciliation
prophet sent uthman bin affan
he said they mean no harm and have only come for umrah and as soon as they are done they will
leave peacefully
they didnt let muslims enter madinah but offered uthman to do umrah alone
"how can i avail myself of this opportunity while the prophet is denied it?"
Bait ur Ridwan
when uthman didnt come for awhile, muslims got really scared and worried and some
rumour spread that he was killed by quraish
they all got very mad at this and pledged to rasullullah under a tree to avenge every
drop of blood shed of his
"and indeed allah was pleased with the believers when they gave their Bait to you
under the tree"
decided to form a treaty or a peace agreement
suhail ibn amr and the prophet wrote it
saw muslims determination and knew they would not be scared

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1. return this year, come next year for only 3 days
2. peace for ten years, no conflict whatsoever
3. only bring sheathed swords inside bags
4. if makkan wants to go to madinah, he has to be given back, if madinan comes to makkah, he
must not be returned
5. if anyone wants to ally with mohammed, he can, no conflict, if anyone wants to ally with
quraish, he can, no conflict
muslims found these terms humiliating
"Verily, we have given you a manifest victory."
suhail's son, abu jandal accepted islam
suhail imprisoned and tortured him for this
he came to rasullullah
"Mohammed, our agreement was concluded upon before this man came to you" after
hitting him on the face
he told abu jandaal to be patient and that him and those in his position will soon get the
reward they deserve for enduring such patience and that at the moment he was in
agreement with the quraish and couldnt disobey the terms
this really dejected the muslims and they thought this a humiliation upon themselves
fruitful result
allowed makkans to come to madinah for business or family
they saw how polite and kind and amazing muslims were and many accepted islam
allowed muslims to focus on jews in khyber without threat of quraish
Khalid bin Waleed and Amr bin Aas accepted Islam.
7th Hijri
Letters to Kings and Governors
Happened in the month of Zil Hajj - after peace treaty, the prophet decided to take advantage of the fact
that there would be no conflicts for ten years and that he can ally with anyone and sent intelligent and
knowledgeable companions to different parts of Arabia to invite them to islam and enlarge the muslim
Negus the king of Abyssinia
Amar bin Umaiyyah ad Darmi was sent to Negus (Ashamah bin Al-Abjar)
He embraced Isam
Muqawqis the king of Egypt
Hatib bin Abi Baltah send to Muqawqis
he didnt accept islam but he acted very respectful towards the message
sent presents to the prophet
among presents, two maids
one maid - Maria Qibtiah
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Prophet married her and had a son with her named Ibrahim
Khusro Parwez the King of Persia
Abdullah bin Huzaifah sent to him
outraged when he saw that they had been addressed as equals
"Mohammed bin Abdullah to Khusro the King of Persia"
Tore the letter
"May allah tear his empire into pieces."
Told Governor of Yemen to arrest him
He sent men to arrest him
"Of course the Islamic empire will overtake the Persian empire." "My Lord has killed
Khusro last night."
Son had killed Khusro
Persian empire fell into peril and governor of yemen threw off the yoke of it and
accepted islam.
Heracleus the Emperor of Byzantine
Dihyah Kalbi sent to him
Called Arabs on trade mission to see how mohammed was
Abu Sufyan on trade in Syria
Confirmed Mohammed is a truthful man - doesnt lie doesnt do khianat in imanat doesn’t
deceive anyone
Munzir bin Sawa the Governor of Bahrain
Ala bin Al Hadrami sent to him
he replied some found it appealing others didnt there are magians and jews and asked
how treatment should be extended to them
prophet praised him and told him to excuse the offenders
Hudhaifa bin Ali the Chief of Yamama
Salit bin Umar sent to him
"your teachings are very nice and if there is a share for me in your kingdom, i will follow
answer in the negative
Harith Ghassani the King of Damascus
Shuja bin Wahab al Asadi sent to him
very angry
said he'd send army against them
muslims waited prepared for this army - it never came
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The Oman Ruler brothers (Jaifar and Abd bin Al-Julandi)

Amr bin Aas sent to him
they both embraced islam
Battle of Khyber
Banu Nadheer and Qainuqa settled in khyber (northeast of Madinah) after being
Were not happy when found out about treaty of hudaibiyah
found the terms for muslims weak and even thought muslims had been defeated
decided to defeat te muslims one and for all
got hte help of banu ghatfan and the hypocrites of madinah
after about a month after the treaty of hudaibiyah, prophet realized their plan through
intelligence and started preparing an army
Main Events
Left Siba bin Arfath Al Ghifani in charge in his absense
16 hundred men to Khyber
Camped one night without jews noticing
Next day, jews came out to work on fields saw prophet
"Mohammed has come here along with his forces"
"Allah is Great, Khyber is ruined, Allah is Great, Khyber is ruined, Behold! When we
descend amidst the people, it will dawn a bad day for those who were warned."
Muslims 1600, Jews 20,000
Locked themselves in their fortresses
Seven main fortresses
Prophet waited for enemy to be ready and didn't want a long siege so when they
seemed prepared he launched an attack against them
Attacked Naim first
Captured it
Mahmoud bin Muslima martyred
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Captured all small fortresses

Laying siege to Qamus prolonged to 20 days
everyday they would go back without success
after twentieth day, prophet said, "I will hand the standard tomorrow to he who loves
Allah and the Prophet and Allah and the prophet love him."
everyone wanted it to be them
handed it to Ali who had eye infection at the time
put saliva on his eyes and miraculously infection cured
Seeing ali as the leader, marhab, strongest warrior went to fight him
killed him with a single stroke of his sword
seeing marhab killed made jews surrender
allowed to stay in khyber on the condition that they would no longer plot against
muslims and give half their produce to muslims
16 muslims martyred, 93 Jews martyred
among prisoners, Safiyah, prophet married Safiyah
many Jews accepted Islam
improved muslims food harvest/business
the problem of jews, a huge stress, eased
muslims now superpower in arabia
Ibn Umar "We never ate our fill until we conquered Khyber."
Neighbouring areas ie Fadak got fearful and signed treaty with muslims and paid Jizya
happened in Zil Qadah 7AH
Al Fatah verse 27- allah said he'll fulfill the vision he showed the prophet (the dream) and
mentioned taht some people when going for umrah would be bald while others would just cut
their hair short
2000 muslims went - some women, some children, 60 camels for sacrifice
left 200 men outside makkah (about 8 miles) with weapons in case of treachery
quraish retreated into their camps in the surrounding hillocks
did the rukun of umrah briskly and quickly
prophet told them to act like they were feeling strong and healthy
quraish made rumours of muslims being weak due to the madinah fever sapping their
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8th Hijri
Battle of Hunain
happened on 10th Shawwal
after conquest of makkah, neighbouring nomadic tribes of Hawazin and saqif couldn't
stand it
they didnt want to ally with muslims so decided to launch an attack on them
general Malik bin Awf
army of 22,000 men
brought their women, chidlren along
Main Event
When prophet heard of this, he started preparing an army of 12,000 men to march to
muslims were overwhelmed by this large number
"We shall not be defeated!"
Allah didn't like this - mentioned in Surah Tawba 25-26, they did win badr, uhad and
trench but not because of their number but because of divine support and their faith in
banu thaqif and Hawazin hid their men around the surrounding hillocks to take muslims
by surprise
they started hurling stones and arrows as soon as they saw muslims
they got scared and started retreating except for the prophet and some people that
stayed with him
Abu Bakr
His family
prophet called them back, "come on, people! i am the prophet of allah. i am
mohammed ibn Abdullah!"
they didn't listen
the enemy surorunded the small group
Abbas, prophet's uncle, shouted, "Oh ansar! who helped the muslims! oh muhajireen!
who took the pledge under the tree! mohammed is alive and he is here on this side!"
they listened and fought with all their will power
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allah sent angels to help them

in tawba, allah mentions sending unseen forces (angels) to help them
the army finally retreated
6000 prisoners, 70 killed, 24000 camels, 40,000 goats, 40,000 Auqiya (gold)
one of the prisoners: Shayma
prophet's foster sister, halima's daughter
laid out his shawl for her and asked her to sit on it
gave her gifts
she accepted islam
the rest of the army retreated to Taif, Nakhla and Autiyas
Malik bin Awf's army went to Taif
prophet laid siege to it
it went on for about a month
they showered with arrows and stones if army got too close
many sahaba injured, 12 martyred
injured sahaba told prophet to curse the army
prophet prayed for them "may allah give saqif guidance and bring them to me"
allah listened and accepted his dua
hawazin came to ask for their prisoners
prophet freed them
saqif came to embrace islam
prophet gave the booty to makkans not madinah people
"the messenger is partial to his own kinsmen."
prophet gave a prominent speech stating he isn't partial to them and that the ansar had
helped him so much and that madinah was his home and would they rather have the
prophet return with them or booty?
they cried, "we need only mohammed!"
gave logics too that it was to entice the makkans to islam
famous saying "if the world took one path and the ansar took another path, i would take
the path of the ansar"

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