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PART - A ( 0 . er Men 111N Ou Cerr'fd T,.,-)

Thi1 liCIC'lion eomains t7 -•!pkdi it, 41_,._n. Each quaiion hn 4 choices ( A ). (8). (C)
and (Dl . GUI o fwtiich ONE M M ORE THAN ONE h ceunt.

I. A unilorm di,c; of ma» m and radin R is kC'pl m 6ic:lio.nkis horizo111• l 11bk. Two J)l!n~k• of mus
m arc roMCCted to ditc: by 1•-0 idctlll al liJhl inexlc:Miblc llnacb a ihown In flptt. The pan kl la arc
gi-.-cn wlociily v, lk'I pmdicular IO the lr•11h o f llrinp. Then

(A)acicclml1ion of1hc poniclr will be ..!i.
(Bl qular accclcmion of ditc wiH be • 1
Sit 1
(Cl 1cnsion 1n 1hc 11ring is ,.,,: (D)tension in 1hc llrina i• ~
20R 10/t

2.. AB is a boundary divides ,,.-omedia I and II having bulk nl0duh1s In lhe r11lo .l : 4 and dcmlly in lhc
r11lo 4 : 3. Speed o f 1011nd in medium I is 300 mis. Obierwr can move wl1h a mulmum lpl.'cd of .)()(I

on whl=as source is s1ulionary. The original &cqucncy is IL

1 7L

-- -- --
COin MIi :l •
o_~_,.._,L_ •
(A) for
• 10 mo,,: wMh ~
hcalms muimum 6-cqucncy ob.cM.-r have
(8) roe- hcarilla mulmum frcquc.-ncy oh!cr\-cr haw IO move 11 an qlc 1a11 ' ( ¾) willl x-uis
(C) lof hcarin1 rnaAimum fl'\\qUCncy ob!icn'CI' ha,-c 10 move al 1111 q lc Ian ' ( i) willl x-uis

(D)mu.imum fiequctlcy '-11 by lhc obJcrvcr is 2n

J, f igure (f 'n-c fill'lipl lints numtl&'ml I, 2. J. -4 and S) lhows graph of chlngi: in ICll!pCl'lllft AT \"Cnll!i
heal supplied Q b difl'c:rcnt ~ p e r ~ on a ps of one mole.
AT l

(A)linc 4 and $ (minciding wilh Q and AT ui!I rupec:1 ;,cly) rq,rac,r,i isolhimral and adi■ba1ic
~ ,.:.cwi,-cly
( BJ line ? 1tpc-$ lsochoric proca,i li>r diatomic ps
(C) line I and l rq>l"ClCIII iiOhwic proccS& b- a dia1omic gas and isochoric proccu ror • moooa1omk-
ps rap«tl\-cly
(D) line 2 rcpn:scn1s oobaric procai b a fflOOOIUomlc ps

4. A uaa, Is movillt wilh c o - ~k-r:ation a alona positi,-c x-axis. A panlc:lc is pn,jcctcd inside 1bc
main in a ,..,nal plane con1amin11 the motion orthc lr■in u shown. Which or the lollowing can bc the
tr■j«tory or tbc paniclc bc as obKn-cd from inside the lmin~

- •
- ->Y

t .,t
(A) 'I ( 8)

- .,t ,•
(C) (D)

• •-
5. Two
lishl wires A and D shown in the lil'ft arc l1lldc or 1he same imtcriDI and ha,c radii r,. and ra,
it'ijMth,dy. The hlodt bctwccn them Im• mau m. W1lcn 1bc 'in.,c F i, mg • OflC o r.he wim; brcak.s.


(A)A bn:aks irr,. • r■
( B )A ~ irr,. < r■
(C) Either A or 8 may break Irr• • 2r■
(D)Thc: lcnJths or A and 8 l1'Uil be known to prcdici which win: will break

6. A tunnel Is du11 along• chord or the canh at• pc.rpcudiclllu diilancc ~ from the caih's cenirc. The
wall or the tunnel niay be USllmcd 10 be frictionless. A penic:lc Is rclcucd from OflC end orthe tunnel.
Thr ~ in11 lbrcc by the panlclc on the wall and 1he aca,k-ralion or the pan1ek- ,-arie, wllh x
(dmmcc of the paniclc &om the ccn1rc) acmnling to


' I


••Rn •·"
·· I

• 9 X i r '

CCl (01

7. A mhd block of mu• 2 kg ls rn1ifta inside a cube as !Lhown in the ligun:. The cube ill movin1 wilh a
velocity f. • 5,/ + 2j mis. Herc. I is 1imr in - ond. The block I~ 11 mt w1h ;Ujk£1 10 lh,: cubc and
cocfficimt offtidion bcfwc,cn the surfaces of cube and block u 0.6. Thm, !take g • 10 m1sl )


IA)mc oflriaion ac1i,.on the block k 10 N

( B) tom: of liic1ion 1C1illc on the block is 4 N
(C)thc total lonx curud by lhc block on thc cube I, 14 N
(D)thc tow lonx cxcncd by lh,: block on tbc cubr is IMN

(, Conm Clleltt T)1WI

Tbill !i«tion ron&:1im 6 _...., dl■kt 41_,.--. Each quc,Aion bu four dloicci CA). (B), (C l and (DI 0111
ofwhdl ONLY ONE is co. ,c,ct.

8. A c:ubial block ' A . of i1'ASS m, and cdp: !math 'a. lies on a ,mooch hot imntal floor. II Im 11 lfflO\'C
,. ilh • RII base with an open md. On lhc closed end of lh,: "'°°'"' tllcn: is a lipC'ilil on natural ~th
.• ' lltachcd 10 ii. /\ lifflllll bk>ek ' 8. of l1'IIIU 1n: U pulihcd ...0 lllr p-llO\'C coq,rca111g the ~ by

! . Cocmdc:111 of frlclion bc1wccn H and p,,o,-c is 11· S)'lletn I• now n,lcucd &om mil. Find >ipCCd of
8 as h co1ncs out of A. Awlme that H k always 1lldin11 apin!il the lllmlCt of the gtOO\'C. Imo• l kg.
lfll • I kg.~ • I0cm.k • IOONhn.11 • 0. 13)
(All5cmls (8) 10 emfs (C)5 emfs t 1)) 20 cmls
1/\I ( Bl

ft 9 1 ...

(Cl (0 1

1 • Rt2 •• R

7. A ,olld block o f m•u l kg is ra1ina inside I cube as d>own in 1hc figun:. Tb<, cube ., movinc wilb •
w loclty [. . s,i. 2) mt, . M, n,. 1 i,. 1lm, in ""cond. The block iJ nt n:s1 with rnpccl to the c-ubc nnd
....,.,mcicnl of liic1ion between 1hc wrfaccs of cube and block i< 0.6. Tb<,n. (tac g = 10 m"s' )
' Zlog~
(A)lorcc oflrictlon acting on lhc block Is 10 N
(B) lorcc o f ltiction acting on 1hc bkM:k Ii 4 N
(Cl lhc IIXDI lofC<: c,cncd by lhc block on the cube Is 14 N
(D)1hc IIXal lorcc cxcncd by 1hc block on t he cube iJ I0./5N

CS1■11t Co"""' Cllolu Type)

Thro liCClion w nlllins 6 mulllpk dleitt 41untlon. liffl:h qui:s1ion bu four choice. ( Al, ( B). 1c-, ■nd 10 ) o u1
of whicli O NL\' ONE is correct.

g, /\ eubinl block •/\ · or mus m, and edge lcnglh ·• · lies on • omooth horizonul lluor. 11 his a groove
wilh a flat bosc: wi1h on open end. On 1hc closed c-nd of lhc gmo,..,
lhl.'fc i• • opring on na1urnl leflg1h
·•· aua:hcd 10 ii. /\ sm:,II block ·e· o f ""'" ,n, 1, pUJ<hcd Into 1hc groove co,,., the "Prins by
~ . Cocff.:icnt of friction between ll and

is µ . Sy,tcrn i> now rclcucd from n:sa. flnd lijlC'Cd o r
D •• it romcs out o r A. Assume 1hli1 D i< alway, sliding apinsl 1hc surfac• of the groon, (m, • 3 kg.
m, = I t g,u = IO cm. k = IOO N/m.µ = 0. 13)
- •- A

o -an-

IA) 15 cm'• '

Ill ) 10 em's (C) S em's I D120 cnv,
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9. The end or capillary tube is immersed into a liquid. Liquid slowly rises in the tube up to a height. The
capillary Ouid system
(A) will absorb heat ( B) will re leased heat
(C) will not be involved in any heat transfer (D)nothing can be said

10. Some successive rrcqucncics ofan ideal organ pipe are measured as I SO Hz. 250 Hz. 350 Hz. Velocity
of sound is 340 mis.
(A)it must be an open organ pipe of length 3.4 m
(B) it must be an open organ pipe of length 6.8 m
(C) it must be an closed organ pipe of length I .7 m
(D)it must be an closed organ pipe oflength 3.4 m

11 . In the situation as shown in figure time period of vcnical oscillation of block for small displacements
will be

fm r,;
(A) 2trcos0
f ii (B) 2trsec0V2i (C) 2trsin0
vfmu (D) 2,rcoseco/ff

12. A small cars engine can deliver 90 kw of power. The cars mn.~s is 1000 kg. How fast can 1he car move
on a level road if the lo tal resistance force is proponional 10 vcloci1y i.e. F""- = where a is I 00 a,·
Ns/m. lfthe speed of car is
(A) 10 mis (8)20 m's (C)30 m's (D)Nonc of these

13. Three identical rods AB. CD and PQ are joined as shown. P and Q are mid-points of AB and C D
respectively. ends A. B. C and D are maintained at 0°C. 100°C. 30°C and 60°C respectively. the
direction of heat now in PQ is

c 30°8
p 0

100°c &Jlc
(A) from P 10 Q (B) from Q 10 P
(C) heat docs 001 now in PQ (D)data not sufficient

Part - B_Na-rkal based questlHs

This section contains 5 questions. The answer 10 each question may be positive or negative number.; or
decimals (e.g. 6.25. 7.00. -0.33. 30.27. -127.30).

I. In the figure shown tl-.-rc is no slipping 11nywhcre. Mass of plank and each sphere is m. The ratio or
acceleration ofC.M. of bigger 11nd smaller sphere will be _ _ _ __

fllf/FE I.Id.. Bhuba""• ""'' ec,,,,,.,_ Bha,at S<ou,. & Cwdu Conopl,-.._ Sn>uto Sha...,.._ :i-- ,.,__ C-i'CI& Unit . 3, BBSH-2:1. Odisha..
2. Two particles A and B of same mass are connected by means of light inextensible string of length / and
kept on an inclined plane of inclination o(sin O = ~ ). The coefficient of friction between A and plane

isµ where as no friction act between 8 and inclined plone. B is projected with some speed 10 col11)lete
• Ieon inc
care . 1m· cd pIanc. The minimum
· · value ofµ for completion of circle is -21 , find the value of n.

3. Friction coefficient berwecn any two surfaces in contact is O.S. Pulleys and strings arc frictionless.
Find the friction between blocks A and B (in Newton)

4. A unifonn solid sphere of mass m = 400 gm and radius R = 2 cm is released from rest from o point
A of a rough slide AB. Initially. the centre O of the sphere is ot the horizontal level of A. at the lower
end B. the slide passes to smooth horizontal plane. A spring is anachcd to a wall on the horizontal
plane. Find the maximum compression (in cm) of the spring in the process of motion of the sphere.
(Take g = IO m'sl )

lgtlt • ..,
Sufficient Smooth Hortzonlal

S. A syringe is filled with water upto volume 20 cm'. The area ofcro•ss-scction of the cylinder is S cm~.
The syringe is held vertically and its 90 gm piston is pushed upward by external agent with constant
1 1
speed. A water beam coming out of the small nozzle (hole area I mm. ) has, ~-d 2 m s. Neg~ecting
friction and viscous nature of water find the work done by the agent (m 10 • J] m fully cmptymg the
syringe. (Take g = 10 m's2 )

fllfllil! Ltd.. Ulu.1baM•1uar Ct,nm,, Bharat Scou ts a Guidu 0,nv,l,'A, Src>ut• Sha.wan. 2-- f'1oor, C-L"(/8. Unll • 3. BBSR-22. Odil,l,a.


•IITIEE Lid.. 8 .huball&'6War Centre. Bhu.rol Seout8 A Oukk• C;,t,,pk.r.:. Saouta Bhawa11. ~ Floor. C· IX/ 8. Unit - 3, BBSR,22. Odis.ha.
PART - A (One or Mon Than One Corrttt Type)
This sec1ion contains 07 mulllple choitt questions. Each question has 4 choices (A). (8), (C) and (D). oul
of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE Is corm:t.

I. A gas obeys the equation P(V-b) .. RT. Which of1he following is/are correct about 1he graphs of gas?

(A)The isochoric curves have slope • _!_b

(B) The isobaric curves have slope =- ~
and interccpl b

(C) For the gas compressibility factor == I+ Pb

(D) For t:he gas compressibility fac1or •

2. Selccl correct s1atemen1(s) for the reaction:

H10{J?) + CO(u) ➔ H!(u) + CO i S?)
Subsla■ce COfo\ C01h1) H10(e\ H ite\
AH; . 400 K(K cal mot"') - 25 - 95 - SS 0

S:001. (cal mol I K 1) 45 so 40 30

(A)Rcaction 1s en1halpy driven (B)rcaction is cn1ropydnvcn
(C) Reaction is spontaneous at 400 K (D)rcaction is non-spontaneous at 400 K


j=· 4
Which oftlic following stalemcnt(s) is/arc correct about 1he above molecule'!
(A)C, - C2 and CJ - Ct1 have same bond order
(B) c, - c 1 > c, -c. > c! -C, (decreasing bond order)
(C) C, -c, and c. -C1 have same bond lcng1h
(D) C, -C, bond has more double bond charactcr'lhan thal of C, -C 1 of I. 3-Butadiene

4. Consider energy graph for 1he AES. The true statement(s) islnrc


Reaction Coordinate

FIITJEI:: Bhubatw.•war Cenmi. Sharar Sa>W& ~ 0"""'3 Complrx, Sa>ulll 8liou1W1. :l"4 Floo,-. C·IX/8. Urtll - 3. BBSR-:12, Odt.ha.
(8) E1 for nitration on ~ is grcatcr than on toluene


(C) E, for Friedel Craft methyla1ion on

0 ;, -•tt ,...., """"'"'

(D) E, ror Ficdcl Craft mc1hylation on o*~o


is greater than benzene

5. Which oflhc following quantum numbers is/arc no1 allowed?

(A) n == 3./ == 2. m = 0 (D) n == 2.1 = 2. m = - I (C) n = 3. / = 0. m =I (D) n =5. I = 2. m = - I

6. &I behave as acid ■s well as reducing agcn1. Then which oflhe following arc the
com:cl statcmcnls regarding tooH and tooH
(A) When behaves as reducing uiicnt. then ils equivalent weights arc equal to hair or il.s molecular
weight respcc1ively
(8) 1000 ml or IN solution or each is ncutmlizcd by 1000 ml IN Ca(Otr),
(C) 1000 ml or IM solution orcuch is neutralized by 1000 ml or IM Ca(OH),.
(D) 1000 ml or IM solution or each is neutralized by 200 ml 2M or KMnO, in acidic medium.

7. Among the following which compound is I arc having lower pKa value than benzoic acid'!
(A) HCO2H (8) Picric acid (2. 4. 6-trinitro phenol)
(C) C►hCCnH ( D)O.nilrophcnol

(Slaslr Corrttt Choke Type)

This section con1ains 6 multiple choltt qumloDL Each ques1ion has rour choices (A). (8). (C) and (D) oul
of which ONLY ONE is com:ct.

8. Which or1he following order is correct'?

(A) PH1 <NH,< AsH, (Boiling poinl)
(8) NF,> NC/1 > NBr, (Basicicy)
(C) NO;> NO,> N 0 1 (Bond angle)
(D) CG; > CO, > CO (C - 0 bond length)
►IITIH. Ud•• 81.uoonnwat C..-.81,g,at Scold.I & Guldu ~ x . Scouu OhaWM. ,,_, Floor. C.fX/ 8. Uriit - 3. 98SR•22. OduhA. ■

< 9 of31 r-,

L .J
9. Whal is 1hc major product expcelcd from . . ..
the following rcacuon .
H 20)

(A) (B) B

(C) (D)

10. Two buffers. (X) and (Y) of pH 4.0 and

6.0 rcspcclivcly arc prepared from acid
Both the buffers arc O.SO M in HA. Wh HA and the sah NaA .
al would be 1hc pH of the solut ion oblu
volumes of the 1v.-o buffers"? (K " • 1.0 x incd by mix ing equal
11 Ht' ).
(A) 4.7033 (B )S.7 033 (C)6.703 3 (D) S.70 33
II .


A. B and C arc respectively:
(A) plas1cr of Paris. dead burnt plaslcr. calc
ium sulphide
(B) dead burnl plas1c:r. plaster of Pari
s. lime
(C) plaster of Paris. dead burnt plaster, calc
ium sulphite
(D) plastcr of Paris. dead burnt plaster. calc
ium oxide (lime)
12. An inorganic compound (A) is whi
te solid and exists as dimer in the vap
following propcnics. our state. A shows 1he
Compound (A) get sublimes on beating
Compound (A) gives fumes (B) with wet
Compound (A) gives white ppt with NH~ air
OH. However (A) is soluble in excess
soluble compound (C). Then the inorgani of NaO H to give
c compound ·A· is
(A) AbO, (B) BCli (C) AICh (D) BcC b
13. In the give n figun: bulb contains an exce
ss of vola tile solid A. At 2S°C equilibr
below ium formed as sho wn


At equilibrium: tota l pressure inside bulb

is 10 mm whcn:as partial pressure of
mm. If some A(g) is removed from bulb H 1S inside bulb is 4
at equilibrium
(A) dccolt'f)Ositio n equilibria will shift forw
(B) sublimation equilibria will shift forw
ttlTJ I I U d . S lu.tba ,......._ C.-"1ne,
811orot Smu c. A Gwda C:-., ,,tut.
Smu lJr Bhow r111, 2""' Pico ,, C·IX
/8. Urdt - .l, 88SR 22. Odu
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(C) 101111 pressun: when equilibrium will be cquol to 16 mm.

(D) dcco~ition equilibria will shift backward direction

Part - B.Numerical baled quesdo■s

This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question may be positive or negative numbers or
decimals (e.g. 6.25. 7.00. -0.33. 30.27. -127.30).

I. Total possible ~'1crc:oisomcrs of following compound


2. Two moles of ideal monoatomic gas were taken through isochoric heating from 100 K to 800 K. If the
process is carrk'<I out irreversibly (one step). then t\S.,_, + AS_ , . , is (in cal/K) _ _ _ __
(Given: In 2 =0.7 and R = 2 cal/mol Kl
3. How many moles of KMnO, mc needed to completely oxidise a mixture of I mole of each FeSO, &
FcC:O , in acidic medium?

4. A mixture of2 gases - A (reactive) and X(incrt) is kept in a closed when A decomposes as per
the following reaction at 500 K: (decomposition follows I" order kinetics)
A(g) ➔ 2B(g) + JC(/) + 40(s)
Po • 210 mm Hg
P, ( 10 mins) • 330 mm Hg
P.., = 430mmHg
Vapour pressure ofC(/) at SOOK is 20 mm Hg.
Calculate the half-life for A (in mins).

S. Each of following reactions are carried ou1 and the products mc ~-parated by careful fractional
distillation (OR) recrystallization. For each reaction find out how many fractions w ill be collected?
(a) 1-chloropcntane + Cb (300°C} ➔ C, H,oCb. Number of &actions collected arc ·x·.
(b) (S)-2-<hloropcntune + Cb (300°C) ➔ C,H,oCb. Number of fractions colk-ctcd arc ·y· .
(c ) (S)-3-<hloro-l -butenc + HCI ➔ 2.3-dichloro-2-mcthylbutanc. Numbcr of&actions collc'Ctcd arc ·z·.
Thcnx + y +z is _ _ __

Fiil lEF. Lid.. Olwba"""""'' c,,,u,.., Dharat Sco• u & Owdr• Coniplox, Sco1dA Bhawa'I. '1"' f1ocr,. C,/X/ 8. U"ir • .J. BBSR-22. Odul
PART - A (OH or Mott naa OH Corl'fft Ty~)
This section contains 07 multiple choice quntio■s. Each question has 4 choices (A). (B). (C)
and (D). ou1 of which ONE or MOR£ THAN ON£ ls corrttt.

I. In MBC ifac • 3. be • 4 and cos (A - 8) • I4 then

(A) measure of angle A is ~ (B) measure of angle B is i

(C) cot C = J7 (D) circum-radius of dABC is ;
2 7 1

2. Thc first 1crm of an infinite geometric series is 21 . The second term and the sum of the series arc both
positive integers. Then which of the following is ore true?
(A) The second term cannot be a multiple of S
(8) The sum of the possible values of the second term is 64

(C) The minimum vulue oflhe third term is ~8

(0) The third term can take only one integral value

3. z,. ZJ, ZJ are thn:cnon- zero distinct points satisfying lz - I I • I & z! = z,z1 • Then
(A) z, - z,
z1 +z,- 2
is purely imaginary (8) arg(~) 2arg(~)
Z1 - I

(D) L!_ _!J I_!_ _!J I_!_ _!J

~ - ~+~ - ~ =iz;- - ~

4. Three d~'tinct nonnals arc drawn to the parabola y' = 4x from point S lying on the line 4x + Sy • 0. If
P. Q. R be the feet of co-normal points such that PR subtends right angle at Q. then coordinates of S
(A) ( I 5. - 12) (8 )(20. - 16) (C) ( 10, - 8) (D) (S, -4)

s. If the equation I + p sin1 x .. p1 - sin~ x. p ~ 0 has a solution. then ' p' CANNOT be equal 10
(A) -
J's (8) .!..!_ (C) ~ (D) g 4 S

6. Four points z,. ZJ, z,. 7..& in complex plane such that lz,I< I. fZJI • I. IZJI S I and zJ =
( ~- 2
•) then
S 1,,z. - I
lu l can be equal to
(A) log! (8) log; (C) log: (D) log;

7. If the roots of the quadratic equation x1 + 2(o- l)x +a+ S = 0 arc such that at least one root lies in the
interval ( I. 3) then the parameter ·a· can lie in the interval

(A) (-¾,-1) (8) (-~. -1) (C) (-1.-~) (D)

►111 Jl-l Ltd., BhuboM,rwo, o,,u,.., 8NlTOl Sn>uu A Owdr• Caniplex. Silo141.a BhaWlln, ~ l'loor. C IX/ 8. Unit - 3. BEJSR,:12. OdUI
(Sin&~ Col'l"ttt Cboll'r T~)
This section contains 6 multlplr choler questions. Each question has four choices (A). (B), (C) and (D) out
of which ONLY ONE is correct.

. . ( X - 2)2 y2
8. Lct A be a pomt on the cUrpsc -'------'- + - = I with B & C as its foci Then the locus of the inccntrc
16 12 .
ofAABC is

( A) an ellipse with eccentricity Ji (8) an ellipse with ccc-entricity J¾

(C) a hyperbola with eccentricity J¾ (D) an ellipse with eccentricity Jj

9. Person A selects 4 distinct numbers from the set ( I. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8. 9) and arranges them in
dcs0cnding order to form n 4 digit number. Person B selects 4 distinct numbers from set (I. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6, 7, 8) and also arranges them in descending order to form a 4 digit number. Then the no. of ways
where person A's 4-digit number is grater than person B's 4-digit number is
(A) ( •c, +•c.- 1) 'c. ce>½(2 -•c1 + 2 -•c.- 1)'c.

10. Let PQR be a triangle with largest angle P. Also. the incircle of .1PQR touches PQ. QR. RP at points
A. B. C respectively such that PA. QB. RC an: consecutive odd integers. If the radius ofcircumcin:le
of .1PAC is 4/s units. then perimeter of triangle PQR is
(A) 104 (B) 110 (C) 102 (D) 100

11 . lflax> + bx + cl s 2 "Ix e (- 1. I] then the maximum value of the expression

lcx 2 + 2bx + 4al 'v x e (- 2. 2) is _ _ __
(A)22 ( B) 14 (C) 16 (0 )20

12. The number of ways of arranging 9 boys (8 1. 8 2. .. ... °'1) and 5 girls linearly such that 8 1 and 8 2 arc
not together and exactly four girls arc together is equal 10
(A) 2 ~ ( 8 ) 37~~ (C) 152l!Q~ ( D) 2 ~

( ,. - 2)l (.r + I)' . I he . he . ( ) he

13. lfa tangent to the hyperbola · _..;...._~ = I wnh slope -- touc s n at t point m. n t n
16 25 2
m + ncquals
(A)I ± ~
(B) I ± ~
(C) 1±4
(0 )1±~

Part - B_Numrriul based questlo■s

This section contains 5 questlon1. The answer 10 each question may be positive or negative numbers or
decimals (e.g. 6.25. 7.00. -0.33. 30.27. -127.30).

I. Let ·z· be a non-real complex number satisfying the equation ,,!" - I. If N = r•-
l ••
.Ml then N -

2. If tan· •( 1+ x )::: S 1an · 1 x then the values of x satisfying the above equal ion is/are _ _ _ _ __
1- x
fllrJl:E ua.. Bhuba"""""'' Q-nlnr, Bharat Soour.c & Gwdu c-,plu. Soo11r.c Bhau1011. ~ Floor. C•IX/8. Unir • J. BBSR•22. Od1JOI
3. The number of factors of 2 113•5 11 which arc either pcrf«t squares or perfec1 cubes (bu1 not bo1h) is
equal 10 _ _ __

2 l
4. Consider the ellipse ~ + L = I.
Let P. Q. R. S be four poinl on this ellipse such 1ha1 the nonnal
16 9
drawn from these points ore conc\lfffflt at (2. S). Then the centre of the conic on which these 4 points
lie is (a. J}) where a - Pis equal to _ _ __

14 ~ )
s. The value of L( - 1) (IS - k) "C~ isequalto _ _ __


nn JI:£ ltd. , Blwba,..,.u..,r Ct"'"• Bharat Sc,oui,, & Owdts Cofflplo,K. Seoul.# BhaWlln. :l-' Floor, C·IX/8. Unh • l. BBSR,:12, Odulll

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