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Waste Management 87 (2019) 751–760

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Use of plastic scrap in asphalt mixtures added by dry method as a partial

substitute for bitumen
D. Movilla-Quesada a, A.C. Raposeiras a, L.T. Silva-Klein a, P. Lastra-González b, D. Castro-Fresno b
Gi2V Research Group, Institute of Civil Engineering, University Austral of Chile, P.O. Box 567, Valdivia, Chile
Construction Technology Applied Research Group (GITECO), University of Cantabria, 39005 Santander, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In recent decades, the generation of plastic waste has increased substantially worldwide, with the result
Received 31 August 2018 that more of such waste is introduced into the environment. Currently, most polymers (polyethylene
Revised 9 March 2019 terephthalate, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, and others) are recycled. However, some are rejected
Accepted 11 March 2019
for recycling in the primary separation processes due to their physical condition, contamination, or size.
Available online 13 March 2019
These materials are called plastic scrap.
In this research, the use of plastic scrap added by dry method was evaluated as a replacement for bitu-
men in asphalt mixtures. Two sizes of plastic scrap, coarse and fine, were considered. An AC16S semi-
Plastic scrap
Asphalt mixtures
dense mixture was designed for this purpose, with a 10% reduction in binder, and 10% and 20% of plastic
Marshall test scrap binder was added in coarse and fine sizes.
Moisture damage The results obtained in the Marshall stability and flow test showed reduced moisture damage, greater
Resilient modulus indirect tensile strength, higher air void content, and a 2% decrease in the conserved tensile strength ratio
Rutting while the same usage field as the conventional mixture was maintained. Meanwhile, significant
decreases in plastic deformations, as compared to traditional values, were obtained from resilient mod-
ulus and rutting tests.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction polymeric material. It is also necessary to carry out a preliminary

treatment of decontamination, crushing, and classification in order
1.1. Plastic waste generation and management for the material to be recycled.
An alternative use of this plastic scrap is its incorporation in
The use of polymers and their production has increased drasti- asphalt mixtures as a durability improver. Asphalt mixtures are
cally in recent years, generating severe health, environmental, and composed of aggregates and asphalt binder, which is a derivative
territorial problems. Polymers are used in a multitude of day-to- of petroleum, as well as additives (Lesueur, 2009). Asphalt mixture
day products, resulting in an increase in the quantity of behaviour varies according to two major parameters—climatic
accumulated urban solid waste. Plastic recycling plants process conditions and the speed and type of vehicular traffic—such that
approximately 30% of the total received material, while the at high temperatures and low traffic speeds, the binder behaves
remaining 70% is disposed of in landfills (Dahlbo et al., 2018; like a viscous material, causing a higher possibility of rutting when
General Directorate of Roads, 2002; Melotti et al., 2013; Ragaert the vehicle’s weight is high. On the other hand, given tempera-
et al., 2017). The refused material includes a mixture of different tures lower than 0 °C, along with repetitive vehicular traffic loads
types of polymers that is difficult to use, which is called plastic and high traffic speeds, more solid, elastic characteristics are
scrap (Chen et al., 2018). The reuse of this material has become exhibited, which can create cracks in the pavement (Bera and
more relevant over time, with the appearance of new alternatives Babadagli, 2015; Köfteci et al., 2014). Because the binder has the
associated with its incorporation in the recycling process. These same origin as the polymers, most of them have an adequate affin-
alternatives mainly involve re-extrusion and mechanical treat- ity with aggregate and asphalt binders, complementing the origi-
ments (Al-Salem, 2009). These alternatives allow the reuse of this nal properties of asphalt mixtures. In this way, the range of
material, but at the same time there are certain drawbacks because temperatures in which the mixture maintains stability is
the resulting polymers are of lower quality than the original extended.
0956-053X/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
752 D. Movilla-Quesada et al. / Waste Management 87 (2019) 751–760

1.2. Use of recycled polymers in asphalt mixtures HDPE, and crumb rubber (CR). These polymers obtain satisfactory
results in all tests since the mixtures produced are less susceptible
There are previous studies in which recycled polymer has been to temperature variations, with lower fatigue, higher resistance, a
used as an additive in the manufacture of asphalt mixtures, result- longer life, and less propensity to suffer permanent plastic defor-
ing in behaviour similar to that of mixtures with modified binders mations (Attaelmanan et al., 2011; González et al., 2012; Kök and
(Polacco et al., 2015). Through the use of this type of additive, Çolak, 2011; Oliviero Rossi et al., 2015).
improvements in both the durability and in the costs associated This method has limitations, since the polymer must fulfil cer-
with the repair and maintenance of asphalt pavements were tain conditions to assure the creation of a suitable modified binder
obtained (Landi et al., 2018). (Presti et al., 2014). An inadequate and incompatible polymer
There are two approaches to adding recycled polymers to results in the mixture containing the bitumen being heterogeneous
asphalt mixtures: (1) adding the polymers as additives to the com- and without cohesion and ductility, which generally happens with
plete asphalt mix so that they act as reinforcement material, and polymers that have higher fusion and softening temperatures. Con-
(2) adding the polymers directly to the binder to modify its prop- versely, compatible polymers require specific treatment and mix-
erties before it comes into contact with the aggregate mixture. ing processes, such as high-temperature and high-speed shear
mixing, to improve the properties of the asphalt binder and gener-
1.2.1. Recycled polymer added by dry method ate stable mixtures with better mechanical characteristics and
When this type of recycled polymer is added to the mixture as durability (Al-Adham and Al-Abdul Wahhab, 2018; Montanelli
an additive, its interaction with the components of the mixture is and srl, 2013).
mechanical and does not appreciably alter the properties of those It should also be noted that these processes are more expensive
components. The addition of the polymers is carried out by a dry and complicated, since complete digestion of the polymer by the
process—that is, the polymers are added to the aggregate before binder must be achieved, and for this to happen, the modification
coming into contact with the binder (Huang et al., 2007). This must be carried out in specifically designed binder preparation
method creates a thin layer of plastic covering the aggregate, and plants. In addition, the implementation of such polymer mixes is
once the aggregate is mixed with the binder, an excellent asphalt more complicated, and not all recycled polymers have shown sat-
mixture performance is obtained (Lastra-González et al., 2016; isfactory behaviour during the digestion process (Fernandes et al.,
Liang et al., 2017). The degree of interaction of the polymers with 2017; Lastra-González et al., 2016).
the rest of the materials depends on the softening temperature of
the polymer, as well as on the time of digestion and mixing, which
1.3. Considerations for the use of plastic scrap in asphalt mixtures
can vary from 2 to 15 min (Ahmadinia et al., 2012; Huang et al.,
2007). Previous research into asphalt mixtures with high density
All the studies presented have in common that the recycled
polyethylene (HDPE), low density polyethylene (LDPE), polyvinyl
polymers added to the mixtures, in both wet and dry process, are
chloride (PVC), nylon, and aramid fibers have shown increases in
not combined, in order to ensure control over the properties to
Marshall stability and indirect tensile strength (ITS) values, as well
be modified. However, the plastic scraps obtained in the recycling
as a reduction in the stiffness modulus (Ahmadinia et al., 2011; Yin
plants include different types of polymers in their composition.
and Wu, 2018; Zoorob and Suparma, 2000). In addition, there was
Also, all these studies used the polymers as additives for mixtures
close to a 15% improvement in the conserved tensile strength ratio
or asphalt binders, but there are no studies that include them as a
(TSR) and an increase in fatigue resistance (Fazaeli et al., 2016;
binder replacement. Based on this previous information, the main
Lastra-González et al., 2016; Modarres and Hamedi, 2014). How-
goal of this research focuses on the reduction of the amount of
ever, the results with PS were not as favourable, due to the unsta-
plastic scrap currently accumulated in landfills through its use as
ble behaviour of the polymer during the production of the
partial substitute of binder in the production of asphalt mixtures,
mixtures, which decreased its fatigue resistance and life (Lastra-
without compromising its durability but also reducing the amount
González et al., 2016).
of bitumen used. This process is developed without the need to
One should also consider the size of the polymer in this proce-
separate the polymer types that compose it, and by adding this
dure, as the smaller the particles, the more significant the dispersal
material by the dry method to the group of aggregates before mix-
of the polymer inside the asphalt mixture. This allows the polymer
ing with the asphalt binder. By adding the material by dry process,
to adhere better to the aggregates and the bitumen to cover the
possible incompatibilities that could appear in the wet process
particle combination properly (Fakhri and Azami, 2017;
between binder and polymers are prevented, and additionally,
Santagata et al., 2012). If the particle sizes or polymer types are
the method of addition to the mixture is simplified.
not adequate, various problems will present themselves, resulting
In turn, the reduction in the amount of binder used is relevant
in premature failure of the pavement (Delongui et al., 2018;
not only from an environmental perspective but also from an eco-
Hınıslıoğlu and Ağar, 2004; Montanelli and srl, 2013).
nomic point of view, since the binder comprises around 60% of an
One of the most significant advantages of this process is that it
asphalt mix materials cost (Vila-Cortavitarte et al., 2018).
does not require modifications to the mixing plants. However, the
correct behaviour of the mixtures will depend on the degree of
control over the processes of polymer addition, as well as the dura- 2. Materials and methods
tion of mixing and digestion prior to the incorporation of the
binder. Six combinations were used in this study, in which the percent-
age of binder and the quantity and size of polymer waste used
1.2.2. Recycled polymer added by wet method were varied (Table 1). In order to not vary the volumetric proper-
Binder modification is the most common way to use recycled ties of the mixtures, all the replacements were made by volume,
polymers in asphalt mixtures due to the creation of binders with considering the density values of both the binder and the plastic
better thermal behaviour. The addition of polymers is carried out scrap. The first combination (REF) represents the reference mixture
through a wet process, whereby the recycled polymer particles used as the basis of comparison. In this sample, the optimal per-
are incorporated directly into the binder before being used in the centage of the binder was previously calculated and taken as the
production of the mixture (Huang et al., 2007). The polymers most basis for the rest of the combinations. A value of 4.7% binder
often used to modify binders are styrene butadiene styrene (SBS), referred to the mixture was obtained as the optimal percentage
D. Movilla-Quesada et al. / Waste Management 87 (2019) 751–760 753

Table 1 the size of crushed material. In the case of the coarse fraction,
Percentages of bitumen and plastic scrap. the crushing of the waste polymers produced flakes of 10–5 mm,
Bitumen Plastic scrap while for the fine fraction, the size of the flakes was between 2
Series (%) Coarse (%) Fine (%) and 0.25 mm (Fig. 1).
The density of the material was calculated by the immersion
REF 100 – –
REF1 90 – –
method (AENOR, 2004), and a density value of 0.948 g/cm3 was
PF1 90 – 10 obtained. A calculation of the softening temperature of the frac-
PG1 90 10 – tions was also carried out, with consideration given to the fact that
PF2 90 – 20 they incorporate different types of polymer. To do this, samples of
PG2 90 20 –
the different fractions were placed in the oven, and the tempera-
ture was progressively increased from 60 °C until the material’s
consistency changed. A softening temperature of 180 °C was
according to the requirements for 5% of air voids in mixture, rec- obtained for both materials, so it was decided to use said temper-
ommended filler/binder ratio, minimal voids in mineral aggregate ature for the heating of the aggregates and the progressive soften-
(VMA), and minimal binder percentage of addition (General ing of the plastic scrap. In this way, the polymer flakes managed to
Directorate of Roads, 2002). This quantity is established as 100% adhere to and cover part of the aggregate.
of binder.
Another reference mixture (REF1) was used, which was similar
2.1.2. Bitumen and aggregates
to the REF standard mixture but with 10% less binder. This allowed
Semi-dense asphalt concrete mixture gradation AC16S (Table 2)
for analysis of the behaviour change in the mixture when only 90%
was used as a reference mixture (AENOR, 2007). A conventional
binder was used compared to the standard mixture (REF). This
bitumen B50/70 was used with a penetration grade of
sample was taken as a basis for comparison with the other combi-
56.8101 mm (Table 3). The pre-heating temperatures of the bitu-
nations that incorporated plastic scrap, enabling us to evaluate the
men and aggregates were 155 and 180 °C, respectively. The natural
change in behaviour generated by the addition of the two plastic
aggregates were crushed limestone from a local quarry in San-
scrap sizes considered in the analysis.
tander (Spain). Table 4 shows the bulk specific gravity and water
The rest of the combinations were based on the combination
absorption coefficient of limestone for coarse and fine aggregates
REF1. The combinations PF1 and PG1 involved a mixture with
(AENOR, 2010).
90% binder and 10% plastic scrap in fine size and coarse size,
The abrasion coefficient of Los Angeles (LA) obtained for lime-
respectively. These combinations were made to evaluate the beha-
stone is 15% according to the standard. This coefficient complies
viour of the mixture when 10% binder was replaced by 10% plastic
with the Spanish General Technical Specifications for Roads (PG-
scrap (replacement ratio 1:1).
3) (LA  25%) for heavy traffic categories. The sand equivalent
Finally, combinations PF2 and PG2 were developed from the
(SE) of the limestone was 63%, obtained according to the standard
combination REF1, which involved a mixture with 90% binder
(AENOR, 2016) for asphalt mixtures as a base course material for
and 20% plastic scrap in fine and coarse sizes, respectively. These
heavy traffic categories (greater than 55%). The flakiness index
combinations were made to evaluate the behaviour of the mixture
(FI) of limestone was 24%, obtained according to the standard
when 10% binder was replaced by 20% plastic scrap (replacement
(AENOR, 2012a) and complies with the PG-3 for heavy traffic
ratio 1:2). In this way, it can be checked whether adhesive capacity
categories (FI  20%).
improves when more significant quantities of plastic scrap are
incorporated and the same percentages of binder are maintained.
Table 2
Semi-dense AC16S gradation.
2.1. Materials
Sieve size [mm] Percentage passing [%] Percentage passing used [%]
16 90–100 100.0
2.1.1. Plastic scrap
8 60–75 66.1
The plastic scrap used came from the same plastic recycling 4 35–50 42.5
plants and was supplied by the Institute of Plastic Technology 2 24–38 31.0
(AIMPLAS), located in Valencia (Spain). The material was composed 0.5 11–21 13.5
of crushed polyethylene terephthalate (PET), HDPE, and PVC, gen- 0.25 7–15 9.4
0.063 3–7 5.3
erating flakes of irregular shape. The two types analysed differ in

Fig. 1. Plastic scrap: (a) coarse size; (b) fine size.

754 D. Movilla-Quesada et al. / Waste Management 87 (2019) 751–760

Table 3
Characteristics of the binder.

Characteristic Unit Method Requirements Petronor 50/70

Min Max
Penetration (25 °C) Mm/10 EN 1426 50 70 57
Softening point °C EN 1427 46 54 51.6
Fragility point °C EN 12593 – 8 13
Penetration rate – EN 12591_Anex.A 1.5 +0.7 0.5
Relative density (25 °C) g/cm3 EN 15326 – – 1.035
T° laboratory prep. °C EN 12594 130

Table 4 the bulk density is calculated using the water volume displaced.
Bulk specific gravity and water absorption of the aggregates. For the Marshall test, samples were then conditioned at 60 °C for
Size (mm) Bulk specific density (g/cm3) Water absorption (%) 45 min according to the standard (AENOR, 2013b). Afterwards,
the test samples were tested in the Marshall press, at a displace-
0–2 2.690 2.716
2–4 2.672 2.707 ment rate of 50.8 mm/min, until reaching the maximum load.
4–8 2.639 2.680 The resulting stability rate corresponds to the maximum load
8–16 2.625 2.685 resisted, in kN, and the flow is the value of deformation in mm that
16–22 2.602 2.684 the sample registered when reaching the maximum load value.

2.2.2. Moisture damage test

2.1.3. Sample preparation Forty-eight compacted Marshall samples compacted at 50
Fourteen samples were manufactured for each of the estab- blows per side were used, according to the standard (AENOR,
lished combinations for a total of 84 samples (AENOR, 2017). 2009), with eight identical samples for each of the six combina-
Marshall samples of 101.6 mm diameter and 63.5 mm height tions. The eight samples available for each combination were
were used to calculate density and quantity of air voids in the mix- divided into two groups for conditioning, one wet and the other
ture, Marshall stability and flow, moisture damage by indirect ten- dry, according to the standard (AENOR, 2009). Samples under
sile strength (ITS), and cyclic tensile strength for cylindrical wet conditioning underwent a period of hydrostatic vacuum with
samples. Twelve prismatic samples of 410 * 250 mm and a thick- 50 mm Hg absolute pressure for 30 min, then the samples were
ness of 50 mm were used for the rutting test. introduced to a water bath at 40 °C for 72 h, and finally the samples
The mixing process was carried out at a temperature of 150 °C remained for two hours in a water bath at a temperature of 15 °C
with an automatic mixer to maintain the same mixing temperature before the test. After conditioning, all the samples were tested
process as a regular mixture according to the standards for a binder under indirect tensile strength, at a displacement rate of
B50/70 and the binder data sheet recommendations (AENOR, 50.8 mm/min, until reaching the maximum load. The ITS indirect
2017). For the reference mixture (REF), the aggregate was mixed tensile strength value was determined using Eq. (1):
with the bitumen for three minutes to ensure the correct coverage
of the aggregate by the binder. For the mixtures modified with 2P
ITS ¼ ; ½GPa ð1Þ
polymers, the aggregates and the plastic scrap were mixed for phD
one minute at 150 °C, based on previous experiences (Fernandes where ITS is the indirect tensile strength (GPa), P is the peak load
et al., 2017; Lastra-González et al., 2016). At that point, the bitu- (kN), and h and D are the diameter and the height of the sample
men was added and mixed for three minutes at the same (mm), respectively.
temperature. The conserved TSR value was calculated using the ratio between
For the Marshall samples, two types of compaction were per- the ITS of wet and dry sample groups, as in Eq. (2):
formed according to the requirements of the Marshall and mois-
ture damage tests. Twenty-four samples were compacted to 75 ITSw
TRS ¼  100; ½% ð2Þ
blows per side for the Marshall test (four samples per combina- ITSd
tion), and another 48 samples were compacted to 50 blows per where TRS is the conserved tensile strength ratio (%), ITSw is the
side for the moisture damage test (eight samples per combination) indirect tensile strength calculated for wet samples (GPa), and ITSd
(AENOR, 2013a). For the rutting tests, roller compaction was used is the indirect tensile strength calculated for dry samples (GPa).
on a total of 12 samples (two samples per combination) with the
same bulk density and air voids as the samples used in the Mar-
2.2.3. Resilient modulus test
shall design (AENOR, 2008a). The temperature used in both com-
The resilient modulus test was carried out to determine the
pactions was 145 °C in order to maintain mixture workability
elastic stiffness of the tested sample (AENOR, 2012b). This is a
and reach the required density (AENOR, 2017).
non-destructive test used to evaluate the deformation capability
of the asphalt mixture in the elastic range and thus estimate the
2.2. Test plan influence of the different materials in the reduction of crack
appearance. The stiffness value is a relation between the applied
2.2.1. Marshall stability and flow test load and the deformation suffered by the sample under that load.
Twenty-four Marshall samples compacted to 75 blows per side Forty-eight Marshall samples were used, with 24 specimens com-
were used—that is, four identical samples for each of the six com- pacted at 50 blows per side and another 24 samples compacted at
binations. The bulk density, percentage of air voids, voids in min- 75 blows per side. The test was carried out by applying a specific
eral aggregates (VMA), and voids filled with asphalt (VFA) of load haversine type during at least 15 cycles and measuring the
each sample were calculated using the hydrostatic method (bulk amplitude of the horizontal deformation of the test sample during
density – dry saturated surface) (AENOR, 2012a, 2006), whereby the last five cycles. The ascendant period was 124 ms, and the
samples are dry-weighted and then saturated under water and period of repetition of the impulses was 3.0 s. The test was carried
D. Movilla-Quesada et al. / Waste Management 87 (2019) 751–760 755

out at 20 °C. The resilient modulus value was calculated Additionally, the total rut depth value (RDair) is obtained. This
using Eq. (3): value corresponds to the depth of the footprint in mm at the end
of 10,000 load cycles.
F  ðv þ 0; 27Þ
E¼ ð3Þ
3. Results and discussion
where E corresponds to the measured resilient modulus (in MPa), F
corresponds to the maximum value of the vertical load applied (in 3.1. Volumetric properties and Marshall stability/flow test
N),mcorresponds to the Poisson coefficient for asphalt mixtures, z
corresponds to the range of the horizontal deformation obtained A preliminary analysis of the effect of the replacement of binder
during a load cycle (in mm), and h corresponds to the average thick- by plastic scrap on the volumetric properties of the mixtures was
ness of the sample (in mm). carried out. The reference mixture had an expected percentage of
The applied load for the test varied between 3.4 and 3.5 kN, voids close to 5% (Fig. 2). The REF1 mixture (with 10% less than
adjusted to reach a maximum horizontal deformation of reference the total binder) showed an increase in the air voids but remained
of 0.005% of the diameter of the samples. within the limit indicated in the regulations (4 to 6%). As the per-
centage of plastic scrap in the mixture increased, the percentage of
air voids and VMA increased, and bulk specific gravity and VFA
2.2.4. Wheel tracking test
decreased (Table 5). This is because the polymer particles partially
The rutting test makes it possible to determine the resistance to
surround the aggregate, but the aggregate does not absorb the
permanent plastic deformations in the asphalt mixtures by apply-
polymer, so the air voids generated by the reduction of the binder
ing the cycles of a loaded wheel on the surface of the samples
are still present. Also the plastic scrap has lower viscosity than the
under severe heat conditions (AENOR, 2008b). Twelve test samples
binder, which causes the aggregate particles to be separated from
of 410  250 mm and a thickness of 50 mm were used. The condi-
each other and helps to increase the air voids in the mixture. This
tioning and testing were carried out in the air, at a temperature of
tendency is higher when the particle size of the plastic scrap is
60 °C and for a duration of 10,000 cycles. In this test, the rutting
increased. The combination of both behaviours results in an impro-
machine is set in motion and takes readings of the vertical dis-
per mixture compaction, causing the increase in air voids and VMA.
placement of the wheel. With these readings, the value of the
During the mixture formation process, it was possible to see
wheel-tracking slope in the air (WTSair) can be obtained using
that the plastic scrap had a higher affinity with the fine aggregate,
Equation (4), which indicates the grade of the deformation on
forming clusters of fine aggregate and polymers that reduced the
the track for 1000 load cycles:
homogenisation with all of the aggregates. The increase in plastic
ðd10;000  d5;000 Þ scrap caused an increase in the dispersion of the data regarding
WTSair ¼ ð4Þ the bulk density and percentage of air voids, which indicated a
greater difficulty in controlling the process of manufacturing the
where WTSair is the wheel-tracking slope (mm/103 load cycles), and mixtures.
d5.000 and d10.000 are the rut depths after 5000 load cycles or 10,000 Once the percentage of air voids and bulk density was deter-
load cycles, respectively (mm). mined, Marshall stability and flow tests were performed on the



Air Voids [%]







Fig. 2. Percentage of air voids.

756 D. Movilla-Quesada et al. / Waste Management 87 (2019) 751–760

Table 5 flow values are obtained. With the fine size, the flow was reduced
Volumetric properties of the mixtures. when the proportion of binder replaced by plastic scrap increased,
Combination Bulk specific Voids in mineral Voids filled with resulting in a more rigid and less deformable mixture. With the
gravity [g/cm3] aggregate VMA [%] asphalt VFA [%] coarse size, an increase in the proportion produced an excess of
REF 2.500 16.0 70.9 plastic scrap, causing the particles to separate easily and generate
REF1 2.480 16.7 67.5 more deformation and low resistance. It should be noted that this
PF1 2.441 17.7 61.6 test is carried out in moisture conditions at a temperature of 60 °C,
PF2 2.412 19.4 57.8
PC1 2.429 18.4 60.0
so the plastic scrap modifies the viscoelastic property of the mix-
PC2 2.358 20.8 52.6 ture in such a way that at higher temperatures, the mixture
behaves better because the polymer needs more heat to change
its physical state.
samples. All the series that incorporated plastic scrap had stability Introducing plastic scrap and reducing the amount of binder
values higher than the reference mixtures REF and REF1 (Fig. 3). increased the dispersion of the results for both the Marshall stabil-
This is due to the higher stiffness of the plastic scrap compared ity and flow values, due to the random placement of polymer par-
to the binder at the temperature of the test (60 °C), which was ticles inside the mixture, the same as what happened with bulk
based on their softening point, which caused the samples to have density and air voids data. However, all the combinations obtained
higher compression strength values. For fine plastic scrap, the the minimal requirements both for Marshall (minimum 9 kN) and
highest result was obtained with a 1:2 ratio of binder replaced flow (maximum 4 mm) results usually established in the regula-
with plastic scrap (PF2), while for the coarse size the highest rate tions (General Directorate of Roads, 2017).
was 1:1 (PC1), which obtained the highest stability value. This is
because the small material coats the aggregate more easily, acting 3.2. Moisture damage test
similarly to the binder, while the coarse material acts as an aggre-
gate attached to the natural aggregate, so if an excess of the coarse The results obtained in the moisture damage test by ITS show
material is added, it’s easier to reduce the union between particles. that the mixtures with plastic scrap did not increase the strength
These results are also related to the compaction level reached in any of the cases (Fig. 5). As the percentage and size of plastic
by the different combinations. While the samples with no plastic scrap rose, the ITS slightly decreased. However, differences among
scrap particles reaches the regular level of compaction and com- the combinations are negligible.
mon values of bulk density and air voids, the combinations with The regulations indicate that a mixture’s TSR value must be
plastic scrap showed lower workability and compaction ability, equal to or greater than 85% in order for it to be used as a surface
resulting in mixtures with lower bulk density, higher air voids, layer (General Directorate of Roads, 2002). None of the analysed
and more susceptibility to recompression during the test. combinations fulfilled that requirement; even the REF reference
The values obtained for the Marshall flow (Fig. 4) confirmed this mixture had a value of 84%. It can be seen that when a 10% binder
behaviour. Logical behaviour is expected for the reference mixtures is reduced (REF1), the TRS value decreases to below 80%, so the
REF and REF1, because when reducing the binder content lower product cannot be used as a base or intermediate layer either.


Marshall Stability [kN]







Fig. 3. Marshall stability.

D. Movilla-Quesada et al. / Waste Management 87 (2019) 751–760 757



Marshall Flow [mm]








Fig. 4. Marshall flow.

Fig. 5. ITS and TSR values (moisture damage test).

In the case of mixtures with plastic scrap, lower affinity with the for fine material with 1:1 replacement (PF1) and coarse material
aggregate was observed when compared to the binder-aggregate with 1:2 replacement (PC2), the TRS value increased to over 80%.
bonding, which makes water to generate more damage in the mix- For mixtures with coarse aggregate of plastic scrap, an increase
ture, resulting in a loss in the strength of the wet mixtures. However, in conserved TSR is observed when the replacement ratio is
758 D. Movilla-Quesada et al. / Waste Management 87 (2019) 751–760

increased. Despite the theoretical improvement in the conserved increasing from 50 to 75 blows per side, the mixtures with plastic
strength, going from 79 to 81% of TRS, a deeper analysis of the scrap showed a higher percentage increase than that obtained in
absolute results of ITS shows that these ITS values are higher and the reference mixtures REF and REF1, since in this case, practically
closer to the reference mixtures when the replacement ratio is all the mixtures surpass the stiffness of the reference mixture
1:1, so the overall behaviour of this combination is better than (REF). This indicates that plastic scrap needs greater compaction
the PC2. energy to obtain the densities and behaviour required when it is
Although mixtures with plastic scrap did not reach the limits placed on site, partly due to the previous plasticizing of the poly-
set by regulations for use in the surface layer, an increase in TRS mer during its original manufacturing process.
was observed when compacted to the REF1 mixture. This suggests It was observed that at both degrees of compaction, the stiffness
that the plastic scrap does not significantly affect strength and acts of mixtures with fine material (PF1 and PF2) increased when the
in a similar way to a binder, especially for the fine size. In this case, plastic scrap ratio was also increased. In mixtures with coarse
the biggest problem is the affinity that the aggregate has with the material (PC1 and PC2) the stiffness decreased, maintaining the
asphalt binder, which is the cause of the low TRS values obtained in same tendency as in the Marshall stability test. Fine plastic scrap
all mixtures. was found to generate the highest stiffness values at both levels
of compaction. The highest values were obtained with a ratio of
3.3. Resilient modulus test 1:2 replacement of fine material (PF2). This is because material
with this size of particle can coat the aggregate more efficiently,
Fig. 6 shows the resilient modulus obtained in each series of so the bulk density rises and better consolidates the mixture. In
samples compacted with 50 and 75 blows per side. When results tests, the increase in the ratio of plastic scrap versus replaced bin-
for samples compacted with 50 blows per side were analyzed, all der caused an increase in the dispersion of the results, especially in
the series were found to have values similar to or lower than that cases where a 1:1 ratio was exceeded, suggesting that the process
of the reference mixture, except for mixture with 20% fine plastic of production for the mixtures needs to be particularly well
scrap (PF2). The mixture with 10% fine plastic scrap (PF1) had controlled.
the value closest to that of the reference mixture, which is nearly
identical. The rest of the series was less rigid, which indicates that 3.4. Wheel tracking test
at this compaction level, the mixture would be more deformable in
its elastic state and able to recover its condition after the load dis- The results of the rutting test showed that all the mixtures with
appears, thus preventing cracks in the pavement but being more plastic scrap provided better results than the reference mixtures.
susceptible to plastic deformations. The more plastic scrap used, the faster the settling and the lesser
When the mixtures compacted at 75 blows per side were anal- the rut depth (RDair) at 2000 and 10,000 cycles (Fig. 7). All the mix-
ysed, an increase in stiffness was observed in all combinations due tures with plastic scrap fit the minimum requirements specified in
to the increase in bulk gravity of the samples. However, when the regulations (WTSair  0.10). However, the reference mixtures

6000,00 [Blows per
Resilient Modulus, E [MPa]






Fig. 6. Resilient modulus.
D. Movilla-Quesada et al. / Waste Management 87 (2019) 751–760 759

Fig. 7. Wheel tracking test.

- The use of plastic scrap added by dry method is feasible, pro-

Table 6 vided that the manufacturing process is controlled. Pre-
Wheel tracking slope and rut depth.
mixing of the plastic scrap particles with the aggregates of the
Combination RDair [mm] WTSair [mm per 103 load cycles] mixture must be carried out for at least one minute so that
REF 3.301 0.102 the polymer can partially envelop the aggregate and adhere to
REF1 3.502 0.100 it. This process does not produce any incompatibilities with
PF1 1.410 0.026 the rest of the materials that could affect the behaviour of the
PF2 0.712 0.011
PC1 1.534 0.028
PC2 0.704 0.014 - Due to the way in which the plastic scrap interacts with the
aggregate, the particles of this material must have a size of less
than 2 mm so that they envelop the aggregates more easily and
perform well in the presence of water. The index of air voids in
REF and REF1 presented higher final deformations and deformation
asphalt mixes increases when plastic scrap is used as a binder
slopes, and in the case of the REF mixture, the allowed limit was
replacement, since the material does not fill the voids released
even exceeded (Table 6). The combination REF1 presented the
by the binder reduction, either in aggregate or in the mixture,
most significant permanent deformations and rut depth (Fig. 7),
but only adheres to the aggregate.
which were related to the lower amount of binder included in
- The mixtures with plastic scrap resist compression better,
the mixture and the low affinity of the binder with the aggregate.
showing greater energy dissipation and reduced permanent
The behaviour shown by the samples was complementary to
deformations. This is because this material has higher stiffness
that obtained in the rest of the tests. It was observed that the plas-
than the binder it replaces, increasing the overall stiffness of the
tic scrap stiffens the mixture and has good affinity with the aggre-
mixture. For the same reason, these mixtures exhibit less vis-
gate, which results in less plastic deformation.
cosity at higher temperatures. That is why these types of mix-
The mixture with plastic scrap was less viscous at high temper-
tures perform better in climatic zones with medium and high
atures. At the test temperature of 60 °C, the permanent deforma-
temperatures but have a greater tendency to crack at low
tions of the mixture were reduced because the polymers were
more rigid than the binder. A behaviour similar to that obtained
- The ratio of plastic scrap to binder replaced should not exceed
in the Marshall stability test was demonstrated. That is why the
1:1 for any of the sizes analysed, since this proportion produces
determining parameters in this test are the amount of binder
the best overall behaviour in the mixtures, improving their
included in the mixture and the ratio between the amount of plas-
plastic properties without compromising their resistance or
tic scrap and binder replaced. A greater proportion of replacement
material produces less permanent deformation in the mixture. In
this case, the particle size of the plastic scrap had no significant
The results obtained in this study should be complemented by
influence on the test results when compared to the other
durability tests that allow for evaluation of how the increase in
stiffness of the mixtures is affected by plastic scrap. Such evalua-
tion can be carried out through the analysis of fatigue resistance
4. Conclusions and dynamic modulus under cyclic loads at medium and low tem-
peratures, resistance to cracking and dissipated energy, and the
The following conclusions can be established on the basis of the assessment of the compaction energy required for installation of
results obtained in this study: the material.
760 D. Movilla-Quesada et al. / Waste Management 87 (2019) 751–760

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