Edu443 - Strategy-Based P Copy-Merged

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UWP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Name: Tori Benn Grade Level: 6th grade

Target Content/Lesson Topic: Comprehension and Collaboration Date: November 13th, 2023

This lesson is for a(n) _X___ whole class _____ small group _____ individual

Essential Question
- What is the essential question that
this lesson addresses? How can media influence an individual’s opinion?
- What is the core purpose of the
lesson that includes the strategies
and skills necessary to accomplish
the deeper learning in the standard?
- How does this lesson fit into the This lesson will take place toward the end of the whole standard. This lesson takes high critical thinking skills,
larger unit of study? and the students must be able to differentiate and evaluate the authors claim and opinion. After they have
- Focus on a logical/hierarchical comprehended this, they must form their OWN opinion.
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas
before details, similarities before
State Learning Standards
List the complete, relevant grade-
level standard(s). SL.6.2 Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats and explain how it contributes to a topic,
text, or issue under study.

SL.6.3 Understand and evaluate a speaker’s argument and specific claims, distinguishing claims that are
supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not.

September 2021
Learning Target(s) and Learning
Objective(s) LT: I can effectively determine an author’s opinion.
- Choose your learning target(s) and LO: Students will obtain knowledge on an author’s claim.
objective(s) based on the relevant
state learning standard(s).
- Write focused targets and LT: I can form my own opinion based on evidence.
objectives that describe the specific LO: Students will design their own claim based on evidence.
learning outcome (what students
should be able to do as a result of
the lesson).
- Be sure they are stated in
observable and measurable terms
(e.g., ABCD+T).
Grouping This lesson doesn’t involve grouping very much. Majority of the time students will be working independently
Describe how and why students are or as a whole class. At one point in the lesson, students will get a chance to share their ‘positive’ and ‘negative’
grouped based on finding with their table mates (who they sit by).
- homogeneous, heterogeneous,
- ability, interest, IEP goals, social or
social-emotional, behavioral,
language acquisition
Co-Teaching Strategy
Does this lesson involve co- This lesson will be instructed in a 6th grade classroom, although my mentor teacher will not be a factor in the
teaching? If not, state N/A. If yes, lesson. They will be there to observe and be a learner/student in my lesson.
identify the co-teaching model and
what role each teacher will play.
-One Teach, One Observe; One
Teach, One Assist; Station Teaching;
Parallel Teaching; Supplemental;
Alternative; Team Teaching

September 2021
Differentiation Content
Describe how you will meet - Start student with 1st page of the article
individual students’ needs by - Give choice of article (different topic)
adjusting the content, process, - Make a glossary of the tier 2 words in the article (this article has some that students may not know)
product, and environment based on
their readiness, interests, and learning
preferences. Process
- Highlight/ annotate visual tool
- Number evidence
- Dry erase boards

- Number the claims by positive and negative and transfer the numbers to the visual tool
- Abbreviate or summarize the opinion points.
- Present opinion/topic

- Work on floor
- Work with ‘focus pillow’
- Work in the hallway (not available at Mitchel MS)

IEP Goals Relevant to Lesson (Add rows as necessary.)

Student IEP Goal


Accommodations and/or Modifications Required for Students in Special Education (Add rows as necessary.)

Student(s) Required Accommodation/Modification


September 2021

Supports for English Language Learners (Add rows as necessary.)

Student Necessary Supports (e.g., Sheltered English strategies, grouping strategies)


Formative Assessment
- How will you monitor student I would utilize my strategy worksheet to determine if they have been making progress toward comprehension.
learning throughout the lesson? I would use observational assessment throughout this lesson to make sure students are on the right track.
- Be specific about how your practice
assessments connect directly with the
lesson objective.
Formative Evaluation Criteria
- What material(s) will you use to The visual tool worksheet would be graded on a rubric. The rubric would address if the student displayed
evaluate learning? different opinions on the topic. As well as if they participated in the class opinion activity (this activity shows
- Attach a copy of your checklist, the purpose of comprehension; understand the authors opinion and form my opinion)
rubric, observation criteria, or other
Summative Assessment A summative assessment I would use for my students to show their understanding is an individual
How will students demonstrate reading/writing test. The test would consist of two short readings on the same topic. The only difference is
mastery of the standard? they have differing opinions on that topic.
Note: This assessment does not have The students would have to read both passages, form their own opinion, and write a meaty paragraph on their
to occur during/after this lesson but opinion.
in upcoming lessons.
The paragraph would need to consist of
a) Their opinion
b) 2-3 pieces of evidence to back up their opinion
c)1 piece of evidence that counteracts their opinion (this is to ensure they read both passages)

September 2021
Summative Evaluation Criteria
- What material(s) will you use to This summative would be graded on a holistic rubric.
evaluate learning? I would mostly be looking at the paragraph they wrote; Does it make sense?, Do they address a-c?, Does their
- Attach a copy of your checklist, evidence match the opinion/claim?
rubric, observation criteria, or other

Opening: Introduction and Hook: I’m going to open this lesson with bringing up the ‘Student Lives Survey” that the students did a few
Connection to Previous Learning weeks ago. I would share the results: “12 out the 14 students in this classroom use the social media platform
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) known as TikTok”
● Activate prior knowledge. I anticipate the students to not be shocked by the results, but also curious who the two that don’t use TikTok
● Be sure students understand are, but that is not important.
procedures and instructions for
the lesson. “Today, I have designed a learning target for us to achieve, I can effectively determine an author’s opinion.”
● Establish clear expectations. As I’m passing out the article I will say “This article shares the authors opinion on TikTok”, “The title of the
article is, TikTok is dangerously addictive, we should regulate it now” (address the word regulate; do the
● Model concept.
students understand the term?)
The groupings/instruction/lesson
progression may look different in different
Purpose of comprehension: To form my own opinion
parts of the lesson!
Comprehension as sense-making: Students are reading an article mostly aimed at showing TikTok as
something that is negative, BUT some may hear these claims and think that they’re positive. For example, “In
2021, its website was visited more frequently than google”
a positive- TikTok is popular and people like it
a negative- TikTok is not as reliable as google.

During: Lesson Progression

In this portion of the lesson, you will 1. “I do it, you watch.”
be letting go and letting students Before starting to read, I will share my thoughts on the title and predict some things the author might say. Also,
engage in productive struggle; do a ‘book walk’ to show the students the glossary. I’m going to read the first three paragraph out loud for
engaging in gradual release (“I do, we

September 2021
do, you do”), inquiry, guided or myself and for the students to follow along. Throughout my reading I will pause when I hit a piece of evidence
independent practice, or other to write on my strategy sheet.
learning methods. Please write what
you are looking for in terms of: 2. “We do it together”
● Students’ thinking and how Before reading, “I’m noticing that even though the article is titled in a way that shows TikTok as a dangerous
they will start the lesson. app, there are also pieces of evidence that show that it is a good thing too.” I will read the next section, or a
● Provide appropriate support volunteer will read aloud, and I’ll ask students to share what evidence they want to put on the sheet (positive or
(not explaining how to do it). negative). “Think about this information, are you forming your own opinion?”
● Provide worthwhile
extensions. 3. “You do it with my support”
● Provide opportunities for Students will read the next section on their own OR I might read it. I will walk around the room in case
students to engage in using students have question and need support while completing the visual tool.
the academic language.
This is where you will be suggesting 4. “You do it alone”
or modeling specific strategies Students will read the last section independently and write their pieces of evidence on their strategy sheet, like
and helping students choose which how I modeled it above.
strategy makes sense to them.
However, you must make sure ideas After students have finished the last part of the article, I will ask for them to stand up.
come from students. Once they’re all standing, I will point to the two sides of the room that have “TikTok is a positive” and
“TikTok is a negative” on them (these are shown at the end of this document)
“After reading this article, what is your final opinion? Is TikTok a negative or positive, good, or bad?”
After students have finalized their answer, I will ask volunteers to share why they chose the way that they did.
Prompts I may give:
- Do you understand of other sides point of view?
- Could you argue for the other side?
- Personal information that made you choose a side? (example: I love TikTok, so it’s a positive)

Students go back to their seats: “What was the authors final opinion? Did we achieve our learning target?”

I designed a short glossary of tier two words that the students may references during their reading. I suspect
many students know these words, but I wanted to provide them a resource just in case (it is on the last page of
the article; Capitalize, Distinctive, Dominant, Dopamine, Endorphin, Operant conditioning, Psychologist,
Regulate, Sophisticated)
Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension
September 2021
End the lesson with a final review of “Through this lesson we can see that reading articles like this one can help us to form our own opinion. You
key ideas and knowledge. This is don’t necessarily have to agree with what the author is saying to form an opinion. Grabbing information to
where you have students talk about back up both sides help us as readings to form an opinion through reading”
their thinking and share strategies
with the whole class. It’s important
to name strategies and use academic The class has been working on different type of texts. So, I may ask this question to make sure it fits into their
vocabulary here, extending the lesson usual content
to broader ideas. “What is this article looking to do?
● Promote a community of a) Persuade
learners. b) Inform
● Listen actively and probe c) Entertain”
thinking without evaluating
or telling them how you
would do it.
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be
able to solve using the thinking you
have discussed. Provide a brief
preview of what the next lesson will
Curricular and Instructional - Strategy being used from The Reading Strategies book: “8.10 What does the Author Say? What Do I Say?”
Resources or Materials -Article/ Digital text: Opinion: TikTok is dangerously addictive
- List and provide a brief rationale
for all necessary lesson resources and
materials. If not original, cite the
- Attach/link a copy of all materials
the teacher and students will use
during the lesson; e.g., handouts,
questions to answer, slides,
worksheets, and so on.

September 2021
Supplies, Equipment and -Dictionary/glossary
Technology -Projector/ promethean board
- List all other supplies that need to -Pencil
be available. -Colored utensils
-High lighters

September 2021
TikTok is a
September 2021
TikTok is a
September 2021
Name:_________________________________________________ Date:____________________ Class:_________________

Compare and Contrast


September 2021




Capitalize: take the chance to gain advantage from.

Distinctive: characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to

distinguish it from others. (something different from something else)

Dominant: most important, powerful, or influential.

Dopamine: chemical in the brain that connects feelings of pleasure to

behavior to motivate action.

Endorphin: produced in the brain that block the perception of pain and
increase feelings of wellbeing

Operant conditioning: a method of learning that uses rewards and

punishment to modify behavior

Psychologist: A person that studies psychology (mind and behavior)

Regulate: to control

Sophisticated: having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of

worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture.
Tori Benn

Teaching Developmental Literacy, Grades 3-9

Professor Prince

1 December 2023

Strategy-Based Comprehension LP Reflection & Observation #2 Reflection

When I began planning for my strategy-based comprehension lesson, I wanted to make

sure I chose a topic and text that engaged the students to want to read it. I knew right away that I

wanted my text to be about TikTok. This is because the student lives survey that I did with them

showed me that twelve out of the fourteen students use TikTok very often. I enacted this lesson

in a sixth grade English class. After getting to know the students throughout my semester, I

learned that they like confrontation. I wouldn’t say this is a good thing, although I wanted to

channel their energy to a content topic instead of each other. I chose an opinion article titled,

“TikTok is dangerously addictive. We should regulate it now.” The visual tool I paired with this

lesson was separating the positive and negative aspects of TikTok. Once this was completed,

students’ purpose of comprehension was to form their own opinion.

Unfortunately, the day I did this lesson there were multiple students absent or not in

class, leading me to only teach six students. I feel like this is a lesson that highly relies on student

interaction and engagement. Only having six students made it difficult to get conversation

flowing. Students were partly engaged with the lesson. I did this lesson as my second

observation as well, so another teacher was in the room observing them and me. I think this

made a big change in behavior and engagement. A few times I would ask questions to the class

and students would “sh” each other, and this wasn’t a lesson they really had to be quiet for.

Besides the lack of talking, students understood the expectation for the visual tool and all
students wrote in the boxes. I think the visual tool helped them for the end of the lesson, which

was forming an opinion (the purpose of comprehension).

I incorporated the student lives survey by choosing a topic that they would be very

interested in. I felt they would be interested because this app is something they’re familiar with,

have knowledge on, and use regularly. I felt the part of the lesson the students were the most

engaged was when they had to form their opinion and stand on the side of the room that

correlated with that opinion. It just so happened that no one stood on the negative side, so I

played a little devil’s advocate to bounce discussion back and forth. One thing I could do to

improve the incorporation of student discourse in my lessons is to do different surveys

frequently. There is a lot of information that can be gathered throughout the year that can be

helpful to gain insight on student discourse. Doing them frequently can ensure I have engaging

topics that relate to the students.

After my lesson, I received feedback from my mentor teacher and my supervisor. For the

most part, they thought I did a great lesson and did the best I could to encourage discussion and

make the content interesting. My supervisor thought that a part of the article was more of a

higher level read for the students, which I do agree. Since I was aware of that possibility, I

created a glossary at the end of the article to help students with unknown vocabulary words.

Besides that part of the article, students understood the artcle. In the future, I may try to find an

easier text for the students. My mentor teacher thought the students were engaged compared to

what their “normal” usually is. One thing she suggested is to do more work with them as a whole

class. I understand her point and can agree, although I did want to follow through with the

outline of “I do it, you watch”, “We do it together”, “You do it with my support”, and “You do it

alone”. But, in my future classroom, I will have to make changes on the spot and I think this
could’ve been one of those lessons that needs more whole class opportunities, rather than the

outline I chose.

I did appreciate the feedback that my mentor teacher and supervisor gave me. I felt they

were very understanding when it comes to lessons that don’t go exactly as planned and I’m

grateful for that. As I reflect, I would maybe put on background music while the students are

reading/working alone. This is something the students are used to and could’ve helped the room

not be so quiet.

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