Lease Deed

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THIS INDENTURE made on the ………….day of …………..BETWEEN THE

GOVERNOR OF TAMILNADU represented by the …………………………………..
(hereinafter called the ‘LESSOR’ which expression shall where the context so admits
shall mean and include his successors in office and assigns) of the ONE PART; AND
Thiruvalargal …………………………………, a Company registered under the
Companies Act, 2013 (Central Act No. 18 of 2013) and having its Registered Office at
……………………… represented by ………………………………………………., for and
on behalf ………….. (hereinafter called the “LESSEE” which expression shall where the
context so admits mean and include their heirs, executors, administrators or other
personal, representatives, successors and assigns) of the OTHER;

2. WHEREAS the LESSOR had acquired and is in possession of the lands at

………………, ……………… Taluk, …………….. District more particularly and fully
described in the Schedule hereunder written and with the boundaries thereof delineated
on the plan annexed to these presents;

3. AND WHEREAS the LESSOR had constructed sheds for industrial purposes in
the said lands;

4. AND WHEREAS THE LESSOR had now decided to let the said land and sheds
on lease for promoting industry by any industrialist;

5. AND WHEREAS THE LESSEE had applied for lease to them of the lands and
sheds described in the Schedule hereto for use for their ………….. project vide their
letter dated the ………………., Rupees …………………………….. and the said
application has been considered by the LESSOR;

6. AND WHEREAS THE LESSOR has now agreed to let the said land and sheds
on lease to the LESSEE, subject to the execution of this DEED and subject to the terms
and conditions hereinafter appearing and contained;

7. AND WHEREAS the rights of the parties hereto in the land and sheds hereinafter
described and proposed to be occupied by the LESSEE for use of their …….. project do
not appear to be defined in writing and the parties hereto being anxious that they should
have agreed to define them by these presents.

8. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in pursuance of this agreement and

in consideration of the sum of Rs…………./- (Rupees ………………………… only) paid
by the LESSEE to the LESSOR and deposited in, ……………………………………..
Branch, against Government Account on …………….. as and by way of security before
the execution of these presents, being the value of three months lease rent amount for
the said land and sheds and of the covenants and conditions on the part of the LESSEE
hereinafter contained, the LESSOR doth hereby demise unto the LESSEE ALL THAT
piece and parcel of land and sheds included in the Schedule hereunder written and all
the land and sheds upon, in and, under the said piece and parcel of land expressed to
be hereby demised together with all rights, easements and appurtenances to the said
land and sheds more particularly and fully described in the Schedule hereto, hereinafter
referred to as demised premises for a period of …….. years from ………...

THE LESSOR AND THE LESSEE hereby covenant with each other in the
following manner and terms and conditions hereinafter following, that is to say:

(i) THE LESSEE undertakes to pay a monthly lease rent amount of

Rs…………./- (Rupees ………………………. only) from the …………. day
of ……………, ………… for a period of ……….. years.

(ii) THE LESSEE undertakes to pay the said monthly lease rent within 5 (five)
days after the close of the month for which the lease amount is due
punctually and regularly without any default, during the entire lease period
of …….. years. THE LESSEE shall pay interest at the rate of ……………
% per annum for any belated payment of monthly lease rent for the period
of delay involved.

(iii) Renewal of the lease of the demised premises for further period or periods
will be at the discretion of the LESSOR on terms and conditions to be
mutually agreed upon between the LESSOR and the LESSEE at the
appropriate time.

(iv) THE LESSEE undertakes to pay three months lease rent in advance as
security deposit which shall be refunded or adjusted finally at the time of
expiry of the period of lease or at the time of the LESSEE vacating the
demised premises. This amount should be deposited under the head of
account “………………………………………………………………………”

(v) The demised premises shall be used by the LESSEE only for the
manufacturing activities connected with their …….. Project and shall not
be used for any other purposes, without the written permission and
consent of the LESSOR.

(vi) The said land and sheds shall be used only by the LESSEE and shall not
be sublet to or used by any other user at any cost.

(vii) The said land and sheds shall be maintained by the LESSEE in
reasonable good conditions and free from defects and the LESSEE shall
not allow the land and sheds to get damaged due to improper use or any
other reasons.

(viii) THE LESSEE undertakes to make good the losses, if any, caused to the
demised property during the tenure of the lease period as may be
determined by the LESSOR.
(ix) THE LESSEE shall not erect or re-erect on any part of the land and sheds
hereby demised any building other than and except the buildings already
in existence. In the execution of these present nor to undertake any
additions or alterations in the plan or elevation of any building on the
demised land in such a way as to alter its character nor construct any
building, structure or super-structure whether they be of removable or of
permanent nature without obtaining the prior approval of the proper plans
by the LESSOR. Further the LESSEE shall leave the unremovable and
permanent structures if any erected with the approval of the LESSOR at
the time of expiry of the lease and at the time of LESSEE vacates the
demised premises and the LESSEE shall not be entitled for any
compensation whatsoever for such additional structures and shall not
claim any compensation, in lieu thereof, from the LESSOR. Removable
structures can be taken after obtaining permission from the Lessor.

(x) In case of default in payment of monthly lease rent at any time by the
LESSEE, the LESSOR shall take action to collect the due under the
Revenue Recovery Act and by other legal means and shall take action to
cancel this lease and also take any other action as deemed fit under the
laws in force.

(xi) THE LESSEE shall keep the LESSOR indemnified against all claims for
damages that may be caused to any adjoining building or premises as a
consequence of erection of buildings and installation in the demised
premises by the LESSEE.

(xii) THE LESSEE shall not at any time permit or cause any nuisance in or
upon the said demised premises and in particular shall not use or permit
the said demised premises to be used for any purpose which may be
abnoxious, injurious or offensive by reason of omission of odour, liquid,
effluxia, dust, smoke, gas, chemical waste or any other substance, noise,
vibration or fire hazards and the LESSOR shall have full rights at all times
to regulate such matters.

(xiii) THE LESSOR shall have access into the demised premises to inspect and
check the satisfactory maintenance and upkeep of the said demised

(xiv) THE LESSEE shall from time to time at all times pay and discharge all the
existing and future rates and taxes, charges, claims, assessment and
outgoings of every description which are now or may at any time hereafter
be imposed charged or assessed upon the land and sheds hereby
demised including the buildings erected or to be erected thereon or upon
the owner or occupier in respect thereof.

(xv) THE LESSEE shall make their own arrangements for their requirements of
electricity and water supply and shall bear all expenses for drawal of
power supply into the demised premises.
(xvi) THE LESSEE shall not directly or indirectly transfer, assign, sell, sublet,
encumber, pledge or part with the interests of the LESSOR in the demised
premises in any manner whatsoever.

(xvii) THE LESSEE shall not sink any well, bore well or tube well within the
demised premises without the prior specific written approval and consent
from the LESSOR.

(xviii) In case of any insolvency by the LESSEE, intimation of the same shall be
communicated by the person concerned by Notice to the LESSOR within
one month of such insolvency.

(xix) In case of winding up of the Company by the LESSEE it shall be deemed

to be an act of relinquishment of the demised premises by the LESSEE
and all actions shall be taken by the LESSOR to resume the demised
premises and on such assumption, the demised premises shall stand
revested and vest absolutely with the LESSOR free of all encumbrances.

(xx) THE LESSOR reserves the right to release, waive or alter, either partly or
wholly, the stipulations, obligations and restrictions contained in this DEED
regarding the demised premises and the exercise of this right by the
LESSOR shall not release the LESSEE from any of the stipulations,
obligations and restrictions, affecting and imposed upon the LESSEE
otherwise nor give rise to any right of action to the LESSEE for any claim

(xxi) THE LESSEE shall implement and conform to the various terms and
conditions contained in this DEED in relation to the demised premises in
letter and spirit at all times.

(xxii) The land shall be resumed if in the opinion of the Government, any of the
conditions of the lease has been contravened. If any question arises
whether there was a contravention of any of the conditions of the lease or
not it shall be referred to the Government and their decision shall be final.

(xxiii) The place of jurisdiction to decide upon any disputes or differences

between the LESSEE and the LESSOR hereto shall be the

(xxiv) THE LESSEE shall comply with all the rules, regulations and Acts in force
including any amendments thereto that may come into force from ______
(xxv) THE LESSEE shall carry out necessary repairs to the damages if any
caused to the demised premises at his own cost, otherwise he shall be
liable to pay the cost for such repairs as carried out by the LESSOR as
decided and determined by the LESSOR and the decision of the LESSOR
in this regard shall be final.

(xxvi) The stamp duty, registration fees and charges, conveyance and other
incidental expenses in connection with the execution of this DEED OF
LEASE or DEED OF RELINQUISHMENT shall be borne fully by the
LESSEE only.

(xxvii) The LESSOR will reserve the right to execute in a rectification deed
amending the Schedule.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF Thiru ……………………. the LESSOR acting for on and behalf
of and by the order and direction of the GOVERNOR OF TAMIL NADU has hereunto set his
hand and LESSEE Thiru …………………………has hereunto set his hand on the day, month
and year first above written.

Signed by the said LESSOR in the presence of

Signed by Thiru ……………….


[ For and on behalf of and by the

order and direction of the Governor
of Tamil Nadu in the presence of ]
First Witness :

Address :

Occupation :

Second Witness :

Address :

Occupation :

Signed by Thiru ............................., the said LESSEE in the presence of :

Signature of the Lessee.

Company Seal
First Witness :

Address :

Occupation :

Second Witness :

Address :

Occupation :

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