Course Outline

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Faculty of Mechanical Technology

Department of Automotive Technology
Program BTec in Automotive Technology
1. Instructor Information
Name Hailegerel Zewdie
Office Location Automotive Technology Department
Phone Number +251 916855055
E-mail [email protected]
Office Hours
2. Course Information
Course Name/Title Thermodynamics
Course Code ATec 2047
Credit hours 3Cr.Hrs /5 ECTS
Work load Lecture Tutorial Lab. Home study Assessment Total
32 48 50 30 160
Pre-requisite None
Target group 2nd Year Automotive Technology
Semester Semester I
Course of delivery Semester based
Status of the course Core Compulsory
3. Course Description and Objectives
 Course Thermodynamics for Automotive: This course is designed to deliver the
Description: fundamental knowledge about thermodynamics and basic concepts, Pure
Substances, Law of Thermodynamics, Heat transfer, Availability and

Course objective: At the end of this course, the learner will be able to:
 Understand the basic concept of thermodynamics
 Explain properties of pure substance
 Understand the relationship between internal energy, heat and work as
expressed by the First Law of Thermodynamics;
 Apply the conservation of energy to thermodynamic systems
 State and explain the Second Law of Thermodynamics
 Explain how the air standard cycle applies to heat engines and refrigeration
 Explain the concept of entropy
 Apply the concept of availability, irreversibility and the second law in
defining the efficiency of a system
 Explain method of heat transfer

4. Method of Instruction
Class lectures 2lecture hour every week
 Active learning (involves the full participation of students)
 Conducting the lecture using deductive and inductive methods according
to the nature of the topic provided.
 Using multi-media, animated models, written materials and physical
In-Shop Laboratory 3 laboratory/tutorial hours every week-Students shall:
 Perform the given laboratory/tutorial activities,
 Discuss in team to harmonizer activities,
 Apply and show individual and/or group understanding.
Study of lecture  This is fully the responsibility of the student
Demonstrations  Demonstrate the application of thermodynamics low in the automotive

Tutorial/Lab Perform work sheet

Group Assignment  The students shall perform the given group assignment as per the schedule
Individual  The student shall perform the given assignment as per the schedule
assignment individually
5. Learning Outcomes
5.1 Knowledge: - After the completion of this course the student will be able to:
5.1.1  Understand the basic concept of thermodynamics
 Explain properties of pure substance
5.1.3  Know the relationship between internal energy, heat and work as expressed
by the First Law f Thermodynamics;
5.1.4  Acquired knowledge about the conservation of energy to thermodynamic

5.1.5  Understand the application of Second Law of Thermodynamics

5.1.6  Understand the concept of entropy

5.1.7  Discuss the concept of availability, irreversibility and the second law in
defining the efficiency of a system

5.1.8  State method of heat transfer

5.2 Practical skills
5.2.1  Apply the basic concept of thermodynamics in automotive

5.2.2  Prepare documentation about properties of pure substance

5.2.3  Analyze the relationship between internal energy, heat and work as
expressed by the First Law f Thermodynamics;
5.2.4  Apply the conservation of energy to thermodynamic systems
5.2.5  Analyze the application of Second Law of Thermodynamics
5.2.6  Apply the concept of entropy
5.2.7  Apply the concept of availability, irreversibility and the second law in
defining the efficiency of a system
5.2.8  Identify method of heat transfer
5.3 Attitude
-Develop professional ethics for teaching /Training requirement
6. Detail Course Outline
Chapter Wee Topics to be covered Learning Assignments
k (Lecture hours) Outcomes /activity
Chapter: 1 1.1 Thermodynamics and its application,
Macroscopic and Microscopic view point, Discussion in
Introd 1.2 Branches of thermodynamics the class,
uction 1.3 Thermodynamic system
to 1.4 Dimensions and Units Lecture,
thermo 1.4 State and Equilibrium discussion,
dynam 1 1.5 Processes and Cycles questions and
ics and answers
basic Tutorials and
concep self-reading

Chapter: 2 2.1 Properties of pure substances Discussion

Pure 2.2 Phases of a Pure Substance in the class,
Substances 2.3 Saturation Temperature and Saturation 5.1.2,5.2.2 lecture,
Pressure demonstratio
2.4 Property Diagrams for Phase Change n, l Tutorials
Processes and self-

Chapter: 3 3.1 Introduction to low of thermodynamics Discussion in

First Law of 3.2 Introduction to heat and work 5.1.3,5.1.4 the class,
Thermodyna 3.3 Conservation of energy ,5.2.3,5.2.
mics 3.4 kinds of thermodynamic processes. 4 Lecture,
3 3.4.1 Isochoric process discussion,
3.4.2Ibaric process questions and
3.4.3Isothermal process answers
3.4.4 Adiabatic or isentropic process Tutorials and
3.5perpetual motion machine self-reading
3.6 The first law analysis of engine cycle-
Chapter: 4 4.1 Limitation of first law class
Second Law 4.2 Statements of the second law discussion
of 4.3 Entropy and exercise,
Thermodyna 4.4 Air standard cycles 5.1.5,5.1.6 assignment
mics 4.4.1 Carnot cycle ,5.2.5,5.2.
4.4.2 stirling cycle 6
4.4.3 Lenoir cycle
4.4.4 Atkinson cycle
4.4.5 Erickson cycle
4.4.6 Brayton cycle
4.4.7 Otto cycle
4.4.8 Diesel cycle
4.4..9Dual cycle
4.4.10Comparison of the Otto ,diesel and dual
4.4 Refrigerators and Heat Pumps

Chapter: 5 5.1 Energy and Environment - Lecture,

Availability 5.2 Low Grade VS High Grade Energy discussion,
and 5.3 Reversible and irreversible reactions 5.1.7,5.2.7 questions and
Irreversibility 2 5.4 Free energy and free energy change answers
and self-
Chapter: 6 6.1 Modes of heat transfer class
Funda 6.1.1 Conduction discussion
mental 6.1.2 Convection 5.1.8,5.2.8 and exercise,
s of 3 6.1.3 Radiation assignment
Heat 6.2 Simultaneous Heat Transfer Mechanisms
transfe 6.3 Specific heat capacity

Exams and
Final Examination period

7. Main Projects/Activities of the Course/ Laboratory Activities/ Site or industry Visits

No 7.1 Experiments Title
1 Assessing different automotive cases.
No 7.2 Main Topics Demanding Cooperative Training:
1 None
8. Major Materials /Equipment needed for the Course
9. Suggested texts and reference materials
Text 1. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach by Yunus A. Cengel and Michael
Books/Refere ABoles,7thedition, TMH
nce Books
2. Basic Engineering Thermodynamics by Rayner Joel, Longman Publishers Engineering
3. Engineering Thermodynamics by P Chattopadhyay, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press
4. Thermodynamics by P K Nag, 5th edition, TMH
5. Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh, New Age International
6. Thermodynamics by C P Arora, TMH
7. Thermodynamics by R K Rajput, Laxmi Publications
8. Engineering Thermodynamics through Examples by Y V C Rao, Universities Press(India)
Pvt Ltd
9. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by Moran & Shapiro
10. Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics by Van Wylen G.H. & Sonntag R.E.,
JohnWiley & Sons
11. Thermodynamics by W.C. Reynolds, McGraw-Hill & Co
12. Thermodynamics by J PHolman, McGraw-Hill & Co

10.Assessment methods
Type Weight submitting date Behavior and Criteria/ Assessment for Learning
Mid semester Exam 30%
Final semester Exam 40%
Individual Assignment 10%
Group ass/Project 20%
Total 100%
11. Academic Honesty
In all cases i.e. in performing assignments, laboratory works, project works and examinations, copying
from others and using others’ work as own is considered to be cheating and cheating is forbidden by the
law of the academic principles and regulation of the institute. Failure to do so will lead to take
disciplinary action starting from canceling the results of the assignments; project works, laboratory
activities and examination up to the dismissal of the institute in consultation with the concerned body.
12. Submitting Date
All assignments, project works and laboratory reports should be submitted to the instructor or laboratory
assistance according to the timetable provided. All assignments, project works and laboratory results
will be invalid if they are not submitted on time and will be reported to the concerned body as miss
conduct of the student.
13. Classroom Behavior
Classroom discipline is primary for healthy teaching learning process. Therefore, it is the responsibility
of the class to avoid disturbing behaviors and activities that competes the attention of the class and the
instructor. Switching off the cell phone is vital in the class. Failure to do so will lead to take disciplinary
14. Approval
Name Signature Date
Section Head:
Department Head:

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