BL Lesson Plan Template

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Lesson Title There, Their, and They’re

Grade Level & 4/5th grade ELA

Content Area
Lesson Students will be able to pick out and identify homophone words.
Objectives Students will be able to know the difference between the there, their,
and they’re.
State Standard 4: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard
Standards English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Block Time 60 minutes
How will Students’ desks will be put in groups of 5 before they come into class.
students be They will sit at their original desk and already be in the group planned for
today’s lesson.
What data will Students will be grouped at random so I can spend the day observing
these how they pick up the lesson and if any knowledge is gained. For
upcoming lessons, I will be able to group the students together by who
groupings be
understands it and who doesn’t.
based on?
How will data In this lesson, data will be collected via worksheets that involve the
be collected in students to answer the questions and write down the answer.
this lesson?

Introduction Estimated Time: 20 minutes

Students will enter the classroom and put their things away in their cubbies and find
their seats. After they find their seats and get situated students will be directed on
the board to be introduced to the lesson of the day. I will show a brief song
explaining homophones. After the video, I will get more into detail on the focused
words of the week: there, their, and theyre.
Teacher Collaborative Independent Digital Content
Directed Small
Estimated Estimated Time: Estimated Time: 10
Time: 10 10
In this group I In this section the In this section the students will grab a tablet
will have the students will work and sit at their desk. They will watch this
students each together as a video
grab a small group to answer
white board and the worksheet already linked onto the tablet. Sudents should
a marker. I will involving there write down the examples used in the video on a
then have a homophones. piece of paper to keep for the future. After
series of They will work students are finished with the video, they will put
sentences to ask together to try their tablet away and get ready to clean up.
and they will finish the
write their worksheet. Once
answers on time is met,
their white students will drop
boards. I will their worksheets
state the off in the
sentences and “completed
then ask the folder”.
students to
write down
what there,
their, or they’re
they think goes
with the
Closure Estimated Time: 10
I will ask the students if they have any questions about the lesson. Then, students
will tell me something that they learned during the lesson. For an exit ticket,
students must come up with their own sentence using there, their, or they’re in the
correct format.

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