Cooling System in Ic Engine

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 In case of Internal Combustion engines, combustion of air and fuel takes

place inside the engine cylinder and hot gases are generated.
 The temperature of gases will be around 2300-2500°C.
 This is a very high temperature and may result into burning of oil film
between the moving parts and may result into seizing or welding of the
same. So, this temperature must be reduced to about 150-200°C at which
the engine will work most efficiently.
 Too much cooling is also not desirable since it reduces the thermal
efficiency. So, the object of cooling system is to keep the engine running
at its most efficient operating temperature.
 It is to be noted that the engine is quite inefficient when it is cold and
hence the cooling system is designed in such a way that it prevents
cooling when the engine is warming up and till it attains to maximum
efficient operating temperature, then it starts cooling.
It is also to be noted that :
 (a) About 20-25% of total heat generated is used for
producing brake power(useful work).
 (b) Cooling system is designed to remove 30-35% of total
 (c) Remaining heat is lost in friction and carried away by
exhaust gases.
There are mainly two types of cooling systems :

(a) Air cooled system

(b) Water cooled system.
Air Cooled System

 Air cooled system is generally used in small engines say

up to 15-20 kW and in aero plane engines.
 In this system fins or extended surfaces are provided on
the cylinder walls, cylinder head, etc.
 Heat generated due to combustion in the engine cylinder
will be conducted to the fins and when the air flows over
the fins, heat will be dissipated to air.
The amount of heat dissipated to air depends upon :
 (a) Amount of air flowing through the fins.
 (b) Fin surface area.
 (c) Thermal conductivity of metal used for fins.
Advantages of Air Cooled System

(a) Radiator/pump is absent hence the system is light.

(b) In case of water cooling system there are leakages, but in
this case there are no leakages.
(c) Coolant and antifreeze solutions are not required.
(d) This system can be used in cold climates, where if water is
used it may freeze.
Disadvantages of Air Cooled System
(a) Comparatively it is less efficient.
(b) It is used in aero planes and motorcycle engines where the
engines are exposed to air directly.
 In this method, cooling water jackets are provided around
the cylinder, cylinder head, valve seats etc.
 The water when circulated through the jackets, it absorbs
heat of combustion. This hot water will then be cooled in
the radiator partially by a fan and partially by the flow
developed by the forward motion of the vehicle.
 The cooled water is again recirculated through the water
Types of Water Cooling System
There are two types of water cooling system :
Thermo Syphon System Pump cooling system
In this system the circulation of In this system circulation of
water is due to difference in water is obtained by a pump.
temperature (i.e. difference in This pump is driven by means
densities) of water. So in this of engine output shaft through
system pump is not required V-belts.
but water is circulated because
of density difference only.

Water cooling system mainly consists of :
 (a) Radiator,
 (b) Thermostat valve,
 (c) Water pump,
 (d) Fan,
 (e) Water Jackets, and
 (f) Antifreeze mixtures.
 It mainly consists of an upper tank and lower tank and between them is a core.
 The upper tank is connected to the water outlets from the engines jackets by a
hose pipe and the lower tank is connected to the jacket inlet through water
pump by means of hose pipes.
 There are 2-types of cores :
(a) Tubular
(b) Cellular as shown.
 When the water is flowing down through the radiator core, it is cooled partially
by the fan which blows air and partially by the air flow developed by the forward
motion of the vehicle.
 As shown through water passages and air passages, wafer and air will be
flowing for cooling purpose.
 It is to be noted that radiators are generally made out of copper and brass and
their joints are made by soldering.

 It is a valve which prevents flow of water from the
engine to radiator, so that engine readily reaches to
its maximum efficient operating temperature. After
attaining maximum efficient operating temperature,
it automatically begins functioning. Generally, it
prevents the water below 70°C. Figure shows the
Bellow type thermostat valve which is generally used.
 It contains a bronze bellow containing liquid alcohol.
Bellow is connected to the butterfly valve disc
through the link.
 When the temperature of water increases, the liquid
alcohol evaporates and the bellow expands and in
turn opens the butterfly valve, and allows hot water
to the
radiator, where it is cooled.

 It is used to pump the circulating water. Impeller
type pump will be mounted at the front end.
 Pump consists of an impeller mounted on a shaft
and enclosed in the pump casing.
 The pump casing has inlet and outlet openings.
 The pump is driven by means of engine output
shaft only through belts. When it is driven water
will be pumped.
 It is driven by the engine output shaft through
same belt that drives the pump. It is provided
behind the radiator and it blows air over the
radiator for cooling purpose.
Water Jackets
 Cooling water jackets are provided around the
cylinder, cylinder head, valve seats and any hot
parts which are to be cooled.
 Heat generated in the engine cylinder,
conducted through the cylinder walls to the
jackets. The water flowing through the jackets
absorbs this heat and gets hot. This hot water
will then be cooled in the radiator.
The engine will be cooled because of the evaporation of the
water in the cylinder jackets into steam. Here, the advantage is
taken from the high latent heat of vaporization of water by
allowing it to evaporate. If the steam is formed at a pressure
above atmospheric the temperature will be above the normal
permissible temperature.

In this case water is circulated by the pump A and when

delivered to the overhead tank B part of it boils out. The tank has
partition C, the vapour rises above the partition C and because of
the condensing action of the radiator tubes D, condensate flows
into the lower tank E.
A cap is fitted with two valves, a safety valve which is loaded by
a compression spring and a vacuum valve.
When the coolant is cold both valves are shut but as the engine
warms up the coolant temperature rises until it reaches certain
preset value corresponding to the desired pressure when the
safety valve opens. but if the coolant temperature falls during
engine operation the valve will close again until the temperature
again rises to the equivalent pressure value.

When the engine is switched off and the coolant cools down
vacuum begins to form in the cooling system but when the
internal; pressure falls below atmospheric the vacuum valve is
opened by the higher outside pressure and the cooling system
then attains atmospheric pressure.
Antifreeze Mixture
In cold climates if the water used in the radiator freezes, then ice
formed has more volume and produces cracks in the cylinder blocks,
pipes, and radiator. So, to prevent freezing antifreeze mixtures or
solutions are added in the cooling water.
The ideal antifreeze solutions should have the following properties :
(a) It should dissolve in water easily.
(b) It should not evaporate.
(c) It should not deposit any foreign matter in cooling system.
(d) It should not have any harmful effect on any part of cooling
(e) It should be cheap and easily available.
(f) It should not corrode the system.
No single antifreeze satisfies all the requirements. Normally following
are used as antifreeze solutions :
(a) Methyl, ethyl and isopropyl alcohols.
(b) A solution of alcohol and water.
(c) Ethylene Glycol.
(d) A solution of water and Ethylene Glycol.
(e) Glycerine along with water, etc.
(a) Uniform cooling of cylinder, cylinder head and valves.
(b) Specific fuel consumption of engine improves by using
water cooling system.
(c) If we employ water cooling system, then engine need not
be provided at the front end of moving vehicle.
(d) Engine is less noisy as compared with air cooled engines,
as it has water for damping noise.
(a) It depends upon the supply of water.
(b) The water pump which circulates water absorbs
considerable power.
(c) If the water cooling system fails then it will result in
severe damage of engine.
(d) The water cooling system is costlier as it has more
➢ Fuel-Air Ratio
➢Compression Ratio
➢Spark Advance
➢Preignition and Knocking
➢Engine Output
➢Cylinder Wall Temperature
➢ Fuel-Air Ratio
• A change in fuel-air ratio will change the temperature of the
cylinder gases and affect the flame speed.
• The maximum gas temperature will occur at an equivalence
ratio of about 1.12.
• At this fuel- air ratio ΔT will be a maximum. However, from
experimental observations the maximum heat rejection is
found to occur for a mixture, slightly leaner than this value.
➢ Compression Ratio
• An increase in compression ratio causes only a slight
increase in gas temperature near the top dead centre; but,
because of greater expansion of the gases, there will be a
considerable reduction in gas temperature near bottom dead
centre where a large cylinder wall is exposed.
• The exhaust gas temperature will also be much lower
because of greater expansion so that the heat rejected
during blow down will be less.
• In general, as compression ratio increases there tend to be a
marginal reduction in heat rejection
➢ Spark Advance
• A spark advance more than the optimum as well as less than the
optimum will result in increased heat rejection to the cooling
• This is mainly due to the fact that the spark timing other than MBT
value (Minimum spark advance for Best Torque) will reduce the
power output and thereby more heat is rejected.
➢ Preignition and Knocking
• Effect of preignition is the same as advancing the ignition timing.
Large spark advance might lead to erratic running and knocking.
Though knocking causes large changes in local heat transfer
conditions, the over-all effect on heat transfer due to knocking
appears to be negligible.
• However, no quantitative information is available regarding the
effect of preignition and knocking on engine heat transfer.
➢ Engine Output
• Engines which are designed for high mean effective
pressures or high piston speeds, heat rejection will be less.
Less heat will be lost for the same indicated power in large
➢ Cylinder Wall Temperature
• The average cylinder gas temperature is much higher in
comparison to the cylinder wall temperature. Hence, any
marginal change in cylinder gas temperature will have very
little effect on the temperature difference and thus on heat
The power required for cooling an air cooled engine,
The assumptions are:
(i) Engine is assumed to operate at constant fuel-air ratio.
(ii) Changes in fin or coolant temperature are assumed to be
small enough so that ΔT, the temperature difference
between cylinder gases and the cylinder wall may be
assumed to be constant.
(iii) The density and temperature of cooling media are
assumed to be unaffected by its flow through the engine or
radiator fins.

Af-Overall fin area, Ae – Effective area

ip-Indicated Power , ρa -Density of air
Tf -Temp.Difference b/w air and fin

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