2023-Set-4-Solution Physical Education Question Paper

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CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Solution 2023

Section A

2. Traits like sadness, mood swings and emotional instability are

related with.

(a) Extroversion (b) Agreeableness (c) Conscientiousness (d) Neuroticism

Explanation: Sadness, mood swings, and emotional instability are all
characteristics of high neuroticism

3. Which of the following is NOT the factor affecting projectile

trajectory ?

(a) Gravity
(b) Angle of Release
(c) Buoyant Force
(d) Air Resistance

Projectile trajectory refers to the path followed by an object when it is
thrown, shot, or launched into the air. The trajectory of a projectile is
influenced by several factors, including:

(a) Gravity: Gravity is the force that pulls an object towards the center of
the earth. The effect of gravity causes a projectile to follow a curved path.

(b) Angle of Release: The angle at which a projectile is released from a

launching device influences its trajectory. The optimal angle of release
depends on the distance to be covered and other factors.

(c) Buoyant Force: Buoyant force is the upward force exerted on an object
when it is immersed in a fluid, such as air or water. This force is not a
significant factor affecting the trajectory of a projectile.

(d) Air Resistance: Air resistance is the force that opposes the motion of an
object as it moves through the air. It affects the trajectory of a projectile by
slowing it down and changing its direction.

Therefore, (c) Buoyant force is NOT a factor affecting projectile


4. Which of the following factors, does NOT determine flexibility ?

(a) Joint Structure (b) Previous Injury (c) Efficiency of Lungs (d) Age and

The factor that does NOT determine flexibility is:

(c) Efficiency of Lungs

Flexibility refers to the range of motion in a joint or a group of joints. It is
influenced by several factors, including those listed in the options.

(a) Joint Structure: The structure of the joints, such as the arrangement of
bones, ligaments, and cartilage, can impact flexibility. Some individuals
naturally have more mobile joints, allowing for greater flexibility.

(b) Previous Injury: Past injuries, especially those involving joints and
muscles, can lead to scar tissue formation and reduced flexibility in the
affected area.

(d) Age and Gender: Flexibility tends to decrease with age due to changes
in muscle elasticity and joint health. Additionally, gender can play a role, as
some studies suggest that females generally have greater joint flexibility
compared to males.

(c) Efficiency of Lungs: The efficiency of lungs primarily relates to

respiratory function and the exchange of gases like oxygen and carbon
dioxide. While cardiovascular fitness and lung function can indirectly impact
physical performance, they are not direct determinants of joint flexibility.

In summary, among the given options, the efficiency of lungs (c) does not
directly determine flexibility, while the other factors listed do play a role in
influencing an individual's flexibility.

5. Fartlek Training is used to develop .

(a) Endurance (b) Strength (c) Flexibility (d) Speed

Fartlek training is used to develop:

(a) Endurance

Fartlek training is a form of interval training that combines periods of fast

running or high-intensity exercise with periods of slower-paced recovery. It
is an effective way to improve endurance and cardiovascular fitness.

6. Which type of coordinative ability is required in games like judo

and wrestling ?

(a) Orientation ability (b) Coupling ability (c) Adaptation ability (d)
Differentiation ability

The type of coordinative ability required in games like judo and
wrestling is:

(b) Coupling ability

Coupling ability refers to the skill of coordinating movements between

different body parts or muscle groups. In judo and wrestling, athletes need
to use coupling ability to execute complex techniques and maneuvers that
involve coordinated actions of various body parts to control and manipulate
their opponents.

7. The ability to tolerate higher concentration of can help in improving

endurance performance.

(a) Lactic acid (b) Hydrochloric acid (c) Acetic acid (d) Sulphuric acid

The correct answer is:
(a) Lactic acid

The ability to tolerate higher concentrations of lactic acid can help in

improving endurance performance. Lactic acid is produced in the muscles

during intense exercise when oxygen supply is limited. Endurance athletes

need to develop the capacity to tolerate and clear lactic acid efficiently to
sustain prolonged efforts.

8. Centre of Gravity is the average location of an object's

(a) Weight
(b) Force
(c) Resistance
(d) Velocity

The correct answer is:
(a) Weight

Centre of Gravity is the average location of an object's weight, where

all the gravitational forces acting on the object can be considered to
be concentrated. It is a key concept in physics and mechanics,
especially when analyzing the stability and balance of objects.

9. Given below are the two statements labeled Assertion (A) and
Reason (R). Assertion (A) : Aggression is part of human behavior and
is necessary for an individual to live and struggle for higher
achievements. Reason (R) : Aggression is inevitable and inseparable
in sport activities. In the context of the above two statements, which
one of the following is correct ?


(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

The correct answer is:
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) provides the
correct explanation for Assertion (A). Aggression is indeed a part of human
behavior, and it can be necessary for individuals to strive for higher
achievements and compete effectively. In the context of sports activities,
aggression is often seen as a way to channel competitive energy and
achieve optimal performance. Therefore, both statements are true and
logically connected.

10. Role of water in human body is to

(a) regulate body temperature
(b) give energy
(c) repair cell
(d) protect from disease

The correct answer is:
(a) regulate body temperature

Water plays a crucial role in regulating body temperature by

absorbing and releasing heat. It helps maintain a stable internal

environment through processes like sweating and evaporative

cooling. Additionally, water is involved in many other essential
functions in the human body, such as digestion, transportation of
nutrients, waste elimination, and maintaining cellular structure, but its
primary role in this context is to regulate body temperature.

11. Which of the following are water soluble vitamins ?

(a) Vitamin D & K (b) Vitamin B & C (c) Vitamin A & E (d) Vitamin A & C

The water-soluble vitamins are:

(b) Vitamin B & C

Vitamin B includes a group of water-soluble vitamins like B1 (thiamine), B2

(riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin),
B9 (folate), and B12 (cobalamin).

Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid and is another water-soluble

vitamin. These vitamins dissolve in water and are not stored in the body to
the same extent as fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A and Vitamin D.

12. Which of the following asana is NOT used to cure Asthma ?

(a) Tadasana (b) Dhanurasana (c) Parvatasana (d) Bhujangasana


13. How many total matches will be played in a knock-out fixture of 19

teams ?

(a) 18
(b) 17
(c) 20
(d) 16

In a knockout fixture, each round eliminates half of the participating teams
until only one team remains as the winner. To determine the total number of
matches in a knockout fixture with 19 teams, you can use the formula:

Total matches = Total teams - 1

So in this case:

Total matches = 19 - 1 = 18

Therefore, (a) 18 total matches will be played in a knockout fixture of

19 teams.

14. Knock-out tournament is also known as

(a) Elimination tournament
(b) Round-robin tournament
(c) League tournament
(d) Challenge tournament

The correct answer is:

(a) Elimination tournament


A knockout tournament is also known as an elimination tournament

because teams or individuals are eliminated from the competition as they
lose their matches until only one winner remains.

15. First Deaflympic Games was organized in the year

(a) 1896 (b) 1960 (c) 1924 (d) 1951

The first Deaflympic Games were organized in the year:

(c) 1924

The Deaflympics, also known as the World Games for the Deaf, is an
international multi-sport event for athletes with hearing impairments. The
first Deaflympic Games were held in Paris, France, in 1924.

16. Match the following :

List - I
I. Knock Knee / Genu Valgum
II. Kyphosis
III. Lordosis. normal
IV. Bow legs

List - II
1. Increase exaggeration of backward curve
2. Wide gap between the knees standing with feet together when
3. Knees touch each other in standing position

4. Inward curvature of the spine

Choose the correct option from the following :

(a) 3 1 4 2 (b) 1 3 4 2 (c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 2 3 4 1

The correct match between List - I and List - II is as follows:

I. Knock Knee / Genu Valgum - 3. Knees touch each other in standing

II. Kyphosis - 1. Increase exaggeration of backward curve
III. Lordosis - 4. Inward curvature of the spine
IV. Bow legs - 2. Wide gap between the knees standing with feet together

So, the correct option is:

(a) 3 1 4 2

17. Match the following :

List — I
I. Plate Tapping Test
II. Push-up
III. Partial Curl up
IV. Modified push up

List — II
1. Upper body strength endurance of boys
2. Speed and coordination of limb movement
3. Upper body strength endurance of girls
4. Abdominal strength

Choose the correct option from the following : IV


(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 2 3 1 4 (c) 1 3 2 4 (d) 2 3 4 1

Answer. (a) 2 1 4 3


18. Menarche is related to :

(a) Ending of menstrual period in women
(b) Beginning of menstrual period in women
(c) Time of pregnancy
(d) Spinal deformity

Menarche is related to:

(b) Beginning of the menstrual period in women

Menarche is the term used to describe the first occurrence of menstruation

or the onset of the menstrual cycle in girls and women. It typically occurs
during adolescence as a sign of puberty.

Section B

19. Briefly explain any two factors determining endurance.


Endurance is the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort. It's
influenced by various factors, but here are two key factors that determine

1. Cardiovascular Fitness: Cardiovascular fitness, often referred to as

aerobic fitness, is a critical factor in endurance. It relates to the efficiency of
your heart, lungs, and circulatory system in delivering oxygen-rich blood to
your muscles and removing waste products, such as carbon dioxide. With
better cardiovascular fitness, your body can generate energy more
efficiently during prolonged activities. Regular aerobic exercises like
running, swimming, or cycling can improve cardiovascular fitness and
enhance endurance.

2. Muscle Endurance: Muscle endurance is the ability of your muscles to

perform repetitive contractions or sustain a contraction over an extended
period. It's crucial for activities that involve repetitive motions or continuous
effort, such as long-distance running, swimming, or weightlifting. Muscle
endurance depends on factors like muscle fiber type (slow-twitch fibers
have greater endurance than fast-twitch fibers), muscle strength, and the
ability of your muscles to resist fatigue. Training for muscle endurance
typically involves performing exercises with lighter weights and higher
repetitions to build endurance rather than raw strength.

Both cardiovascular fitness and muscle endurance are interrelated and

contribute significantly to an individual's overall endurance capacity.
Developing these factors through consistent training and conditioning can
enhance endurance and improve an individual's ability to perform well in
activities requiring sustained effort.

20. What do you understand by "Goal Setting" ?


Goal setting is the process of defining specific, measurable, achievable,
relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives or targets that an individual,
team, or organization aims to achieve. It is a crucial process in personal
development, sports, business, education, and various other aspects of life.
Here's a breakdown of what goal setting involves:

1. **Specific**: Goals should be clear and well-defined. They should

answer questions like "What do I want to accomplish?" and "Why is it
important?" The more specific a goal is, the easier it is to focus on it and
work towards it.

2. **Measurable**: Goals should have quantifiable criteria for tracking

progress and determining when the goal has been achieved. Measurable
goals help individuals or teams know when they have reached their
objectives and when they need to make adjustments.

3. **Achievable**: Goals should be realistic and attainable within the

resources, time, and constraints available. While setting ambitious goals is
encouraged, they should still be possible to accomplish with effort and

4. **Relevant**: Goals should align with an individual's or organization's

values, mission, and long-term objectives. They should be relevant to what
you want to achieve and contribute to your overall success.

5. **Time-bound**: Goals should have a specific timeframe or deadline for

completion. Having a timeline creates a sense of urgency and helps
individuals stay accountable to their goals.

Goal setting serves several important purposes:

- **Motivation**: Setting clear goals provides motivation and a sense of

purpose. It gives individuals something to strive for, which can enhance
their commitment and determination.

- **Focus**: Goals help individuals concentrate their efforts and resources

on what truly matters. They prevent distractions and keep people on track.

- **Measurement and Evaluation**: With measurable goals, progress can

be tracked, and the effectiveness of strategies can be assessed. This
allows for adjustments and improvements as needed.

- **Clarity**: Goals provide clarity and direction. They answer the question
of what needs to be done to achieve a particular outcome.

- **Personal Growth**: The process of setting and working towards goals

often leads to personal growth and development. It can improve skills,
knowledge, and self-confidence.

Whether in personal life, professional endeavors, or sports, goal setting is a

powerful tool for achieving success and continuous improvement. It helps
individuals and teams turn aspirations into concrete actions and results.

21. Define Flexibility and list down its types.

**Flexibility** is the ability of a joint or a group of joints to move through
their full range of motion (ROM) without any discomfort, pain, or limitation.
It is an important component of physical fitness and plays a crucial role in
maintaining overall health and preventing injuries. Flexibility is influenced
by factors such as muscle length, joint structure, and connective tissue

There are several types or components of flexibility, each addressing

different aspects of joint mobility and muscle flexibility. The main types of
flexibility are:

1. **Static Flexibility**: This type of flexibility involves the ability to hold a

stretch position for an extended period without discomfort. It is typically
measured through tests like the sit-and-reach test, where the individual
reaches forward while seated to assess the flexibility of the lower back and

2. **Dynamic Flexibility**: Dynamic flexibility is the ability to move a joint or

a group of joints through a full range of motion with control and without any
external assistance. Activities like yoga, Pilates, and dynamic stretching
exercises are examples of methods that improve dynamic flexibility.

3. **Passive Flexibility**: Passive flexibility refers to the ability of a joint or

muscle to be moved through its full range of motion with the help of
external forces, such as a partner, gravity, or a stretching device. Passive
stretching techniques like PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation)
involve external assistance to increase flexibility.

4. **Active Flexibility**: Active flexibility is the ability of a joint or muscle to

move through its full range of motion with the use of the body's own
muscular effort, without external assistance. It reflects the control an
individual has over their movements in various positions. Activities like
yoga and bodyweight exercises can improve active flexibility.

5. **Dynamic Stretching**: Dynamic stretching involves controlled,

repetitive movements that mimic the actions of a specific sport or activity. It
helps improve functional flexibility and prepares the body for physical
activities. Examples include leg swings and arm circles.

6. **Ballistic Stretching**: Ballistic stretching involves rapid, bouncing

movements at the end of a joint's range of motion. It is not recommended
for most individuals as it can lead to injuries and should be performed with

7. **Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)**: PNF stretching

techniques use a combination of passive stretching and isometric
contractions to improve flexibility. It is often considered one of the most
effective methods for increasing flexibility.

Each type of flexibility has its own benefits and applications, depending on
the goals and needs of the individual. Incorporating a variety of stretching
and flexibility exercises into a well-rounded fitness routine can help
maintain or improve joint mobility and overall physical performance while
reducing the risk of injuries.

22. Elucidate any four types of fractures.

Fractures are breaks or cracks in bones, and they can occur in various
forms, depending on the nature and extent of the injury. Here are four types
of fractures, each with its characteristics:

1. **Closed Fracture (Simple Fracture)**:

- In a closed fracture, the bone is broken, but the broken ends do not
penetrate through the skin.
- This type of fracture typically results from a direct blow, fall, or twisting
- Closed fractures are considered less severe than open fractures
because they have a lower risk of infection.

2. **Open Fracture (Compound Fracture)**:

- In an open fracture, the broken bone pierces through the skin, leading to
an external wound.
- Open fractures are more serious and have a higher risk of infection
because the bone is exposed to the external environment.
- Immediate medical attention is crucial to clean the wound, prevent
infection, and stabilize the fracture.

3. **Greenstick Fracture**:
- Greenstick fractures occur most commonly in children, whose bones are
still relatively soft.
- In this type of fracture, the bone bends and partially breaks, similar to
the way a green stick would break. One side of the bone is broken, while
the other is bent.
- Greenstick fractures are often treated with casting or splinting since the
bone is not completely broken.

4. **Comminuted Fracture**:
- A comminuted fracture involves the bone breaking into multiple
fragments or pieces.
- This type of fracture usually results from high-energy trauma, such as a
car accident or a severe fall.
- Comminuted fractures can be more complicated to treat and may
require surgical intervention to realign and stabilize the bone.

5. **Spiral Fracture**:
- Spiral fractures occur when a bone is twisted with great force, resulting
in a twisted or corkscrew-shaped break.
- These fractures often happen in sports-related injuries or accidents
where a rotational force is applied to the bone.
- Spiral fractures may require careful evaluation and treatment to ensure
proper realignment of the bone.

6. **Hairline Fracture (Stress Fracture)**:

- Hairline fractures are tiny, fine cracks in the bone's surface, often too
small to be seen on X-rays initially.
- These fractures are often caused by repetitive stress or overuse, such
as in athletes or runners.
- Hairline fractures can be painful and require rest and reduced physical
activity to heal properly.

These are just a few examples of the many types of fractures that can
occur. Proper diagnosis and treatment by a medical professional are
essential to ensure the best possible recovery and long-term bone health.

23. What is BMI ? Calculate BMI of a child whose weight is 72 kg and

height 1.68 mt.

BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a numerical value derived from an individual's
weight and height. It is a commonly used tool to assess whether a person
has a healthy body weight relative to their height. BMI is calculated using
the following formula:

BMI = Weight (in kilograms) / (Height (in meters) x Height (in meters))

Now, let's calculate the BMI for the child with a weight of 72 kg and a height
of 1.68 meters:

BMI = 72 kg / (1.68 m x 1.68 m)

BMI = 72 kg / 2.8224 m^2

BMI ≈ 25.49 (rounded to two decimal places)

So, the BMI of the child is approximately 25.49.

It's important to note that BMI is typically used as a screening tool for adults
and may not be as accurate for assessing the health of children, especially
as they are still growing. For children and adolescents, age and
sex-specific growth charts are often used in conjunction with BMI to assess
their growth and development. Additionally, a healthcare professional
should interpret BMI values for children and provide guidance on any
necessary actions.

24. Differentiate between Macro and Micro Nutrients.

Macronutrients and micronutrients are two categories of essential nutrients
that the human body needs for various physiological functions and overall
health. They differ in terms of the amount required, the primary functions
they serve, and the quantity of calories they provide. Here's a differentiation
between macro and micronutrients:


1. **Quantity Required**: Macronutrients are nutrients that the body needs

in large quantities. They make up the bulk of our diet and provide most of
our daily energy (calories).

2. **Primary Types**:
- **Carbohydrates**: These are the body's primary source of energy.
They include sugars, starches, and fiber.
- **Proteins**: Proteins are essential for growth, repair, and maintenance
of tissues. They are also a source of energy.
- **Fats (Lipids)**: Fats serve as a concentrated source of energy, help
absorb fat-soluble vitamins, and play a role in various physiological

3. **Caloric Value**: Each gram of macronutrient provides a specific

amount of calories:
- Carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram
- Proteins: 4 calories per gram
- Fats: 9 calories per gram

4. **Digestion and Absorption**: Macronutrients require more extensive

digestion and processing in the body before they can be absorbed and
utilized for energy or structural purposes.


1. **Quantity Required**: Micronutrients are nutrients that the body needs

in much smaller quantities compared to macronutrients. While they are
essential for various biochemical processes, they do not provide calories.

2. **Primary Types**:
- **Vitamins**: Micronutrients that are organic compounds required in
small amounts to support various physiological functions. Examples include
Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D.
- **Minerals**: Inorganic nutrients that play vital roles in processes like
bone health, fluid balance, and nerve function. Examples include calcium,
iron, and potassium.

3. **Caloric Value**: Micronutrients do not provide calories. They are not a

source of energy like macronutrients.

4. **Digestion and Absorption**: Micronutrients are typically easier to digest

and absorb compared to macronutrients. They are often absorbed directly
into the bloodstream or stored in tissues.

5. **Functions**: Micronutrients play diverse roles in the body, including

acting as cofactors for enzymes, supporting immune function, maintaining
healthy skin and vision, and more.

In summary, the key distinction between macronutrients and micronutrients

lies in the quantity required, the primary functions they serve, and whether
or not they provide calories. Macronutrients are needed in larger quantities
and provide energy, while micronutrients are essential in smaller amounts
and do not contribute to caloric intake. Both types of nutrients are crucial
for maintaining overall health and well-being.


25. "Participation in physical activities is advantageous for children

with special need." Briefly explain any six advantages.

Participation in physical activities can be highly advantageous for children
with special needs. Here are six key advantages:

1. **Physical Health Improvement**: Regular physical activity helps

improve physical fitness, including strength, endurance, flexibility, and
coordination. It can enhance cardiovascular health, promote bone density,
and reduce the risk of obesity, which is particularly important for children
with special needs who may face additional health challenges.

2. **Motor Skills Development**: Physical activities assist in the

development of gross and fine motor skills. Children with special needs,
such as those with cerebral palsy or autism, can benefit from activities that
focus on balance, coordination, and spatial awareness.

3. **Social Interaction**: Participation in group physical activities provides

opportunities for social interaction and social skill development. It can help
children with special needs learn to communicate, cooperate, and build
friendships with their peers.

4. **Enhanced Self-Esteem**: Achieving success and making progress in

physical activities can boost self-esteem and self-confidence in children
with special needs. It fosters a sense of accomplishment and pride in their

5. **Stress Reduction**: Physical activity is a natural stress reliever.

Engaging in physical activities can help children with special needs
manage anxiety, reduce stress, and improve mood and emotional

6. **Cognitive Benefits**: Physical activities can have cognitive benefits as

well. They can enhance attention span, concentration, and problem-solving
skills. For children with conditions like ADHD, physical activity can help
channel excess energy and improve focus.

It's important to note that the specific benefits may vary depending on the
type and severity of the child's special needs. Additionally, activities should
be tailored to each child's abilities and preferences, and guidance from
healthcare professionals or specialists may be necessary to ensure safe
and appropriate physical activities. Overall, participation in physical
activities can play a crucial role in promoting the overall health,
development, and well-being of children with special needs.

26. Write the functions of Vitamin D and Vitamin K and mention their

**Vitamin D**:

1. **Calcium Absorption**: One of the most crucial functions of vitamin D is
to enhance the absorption of calcium from the intestines. This is essential
for maintaining strong bones and teeth.

2. **Bone Health**: Vitamin D plays a key role in bone mineralization and

helps prevent conditions like rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults.
It works in conjunction with calcium and other minerals to maintain bone

3. **Immune System Support**: Vitamin D is involved in the functioning of

the immune system and can help the body fight infections and diseases.

4. **Cell Growth Regulation**: It plays a role in regulating cell growth and

differentiation, which can be important in preventing the development of
certain cancers.

Sources of Vitamin D:
- **Sunlight**: The body can synthesize vitamin D when the skin is exposed
to ultraviolet B (UVB) sunlight. This is often the primary source of vitamin D
for most people.
- **Diet**: Some dietary sources of vitamin D include fatty fish (e.g.,
salmon, mackerel, and tuna), fortified dairy products (e.g., milk and yogurt),
fortified cereals, and egg yolks.
- **Supplements**: Vitamin D supplements are also available and may be
recommended in cases of deficiency or limited sun exposure.

**Vitamin K**:

1. **Blood Clotting**: Vitamin K is essential for the blood clotting process. It
activates certain proteins involved in clot formation, helping to prevent
excessive bleeding.

2. **Bone Health**: Vitamin K also plays a role in bone metabolism and

helps maintain bone density. It helps activate proteins that are involved in
bone mineralization.

3. **Anti-Inflammatory Effects**: Vitamin K has anti-inflammatory properties

and may contribute to reducing inflammation in the body.

Sources of Vitamin K:
- **Green Leafy Vegetables**: Foods like spinach, kale, collard greens, and
broccoli are rich sources of vitamin K.

- **Vegetable Oils**: Certain vegetable oils, including soybean oil and

canola oil, contain vitamin K.
- **Fish and Meat**: Small amounts of vitamin K can be found in fish and
- **Dairy Products**: Some dairy products, such as cheese, also contain
vitamin K.
- **Bacteria in the Gut**: A significant portion of vitamin K is produced by
beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

It's important to ensure an adequate intake of both vitamin D and vitamin K

for overall health. While vitamin D is often obtained through sunlight
exposure, vitamin K is primarily obtained through dietary sources.
Balancing a healthy diet with these vitamins and, if necessary,
supplementation, can support various aspects of health, including bone
health and blood clotting.

27. Briefly explain the functions of Directing and Controlling to

organize sports event.

**Directing** and **Controlling** are essential management functions when
organizing sports events. Here's how they function in this context:


1. **Leadership and Guidance**: Directing involves providing clear

leadership and guidance to the individuals or teams responsible for various
aspects of the sports event. This includes coaches, referees, event staff,
and volunteers. Effective leadership ensures that everyone understands
their roles and responsibilities.

2. **Communication**: Communication is a key component of directing.

Organizers must communicate instructions, expectations, and objectives to
all stakeholders. This includes conveying event schedules, rules, safety
protocols, and any necessary changes or updates.

3. **Motivation**: Directing also involves motivating participants, officials,

and volunteers to perform at their best. Motivated individuals are more
likely to contribute positively to the event's success. This may involve
recognizing and rewarding outstanding performance or addressing any
issues that affect motivation.

4. **Problem-Solving**: During a sports event, unexpected challenges or

issues may arise. Effective directing includes the ability to identify and
address these problems promptly and efficiently. Organizers must make
decisions and take actions to minimize disruptions and maintain the event's
smooth operation.


1. **Quality Assurance**: Controlling in sports event organization ensures

that the event meets established quality standards. It involves monitoring
various aspects of the event, such as the quality of facilities, equipment,
officiating, and participant experience. If any deviations from standards are
identified, corrective actions are taken.

2. **Resource Management**: Controlling includes managing resources

such as finances, personnel, and materials efficiently. This ensures that the
event stays within budget and that resources are allocated appropriately to
different aspects of the event.

3. **Performance Evaluation**: Organizers use controlling to assess the

performance of various elements of the sports event. This includes
evaluating the effectiveness of event marketing, the efficiency of
registration processes, the safety of the venue, and the overall satisfaction
of participants and spectators.

4. **Feedback and Adjustment**: Controlling involves gathering feedback

from participants, spectators, and stakeholders. This feedback is used to
make necessary adjustments and improvements to the event. For example,
if safety concerns are raised, changes may be implemented to address

5. **Risk Management**: Identifying and mitigating risks is a critical aspect

of controlling. Organizers must be prepared for potential issues like
weather-related disruptions, injuries, or security concerns. Contingency
plans and risk mitigation strategies are put in place to minimize the impact
of these risks.

Both directing and controlling are integral to the successful organization of

a sports event. Directing ensures that everyone involved knows what is
expected of them and is motivated to perform their roles effectively.
Controlling helps maintain quality, manage resources, evaluate
performance, and make necessary adjustments to ensure the event runs
smoothly and meets its objectives. Together, these functions contribute to
the overall success and positive experience of the sports event.

28. How can we enhance the sports performance with the help of
self-talk and self-esteem ? Explain.

Enhancing sports performance through self-talk and self-esteem is a
powerful psychological approach that can positively influence an athlete's
mindset and, consequently, their athletic abilities. Here's how self-talk and
self-esteem can contribute to improved sports performance:


1. **Positive Reinforcement**: Self-talk involves the use of positive

affirmations and constructive self-dialogue. Athletes can use self-talk to
reinforce their confidence, focus, and determination. For example,
repeating phrases like "I can do this" or "I am strong and capable" can
boost self-belief.

2. **Managing Anxiety**: Self-talk can help athletes manage anxiety and

stress. When facing pressure situations, using calming self-talk, such as
"Stay calm" or "Breathe and relax," can help control nerves and improve

3. **Focus and Concentration**: Self-talk can be used to maintain focus

and concentration during competition. Athletes can remind themselves to
stay in the present moment, concentrate on the task at hand, and avoid

4. **Self-Motivation**: Positive self-talk can serve as self-motivation. When

facing challenges or fatigue, athletes can use self-talk to remind
themselves of their goals and the rewards of their efforts, helping them
push through adversity.

5. **Enhancing Skill Execution**: Self-talk can be used to improve skill

execution. Athletes can mentally rehearse their techniques and strategies
through self-talk, which can translate into improved physical performance.


1. **Confidence Boost**: High self-esteem is closely linked to confidence.

Athletes with healthy self-esteem tend to believe in their abilities and are
more likely to take risks and perform at their best. This belief can lead to
improved sports performance.

2. **Resilience**: Athletes with high self-esteem are more resilient in the

face of setbacks or failures. They are better equipped to bounce back from

disappointments and maintain a positive attitude, which is essential for

long-term success.

3. **Goal Setting**: Individuals with good self-esteem are more likely to set
ambitious yet attainable goals. Goal-setting is a fundamental aspect of
sports performance, and athletes with higher self-esteem are more likely to
set and work toward challenging objectives.

4. **Mental Toughness**: High self-esteem contributes to mental

toughness. Athletes with strong self-esteem are better equipped to handle
pressure, criticism, and adversity without becoming discouraged or losing

5. **Positive Self-Image**: Positive self-esteem fosters a positive

self-image. Athletes who feel good about themselves are more likely to
focus on their strengths rather than their weaknesses, leading to a more
positive approach to training and competition.

To enhance sports performance through self-talk and self-esteem, athletes

can engage in mental skills training, work with sports psychologists, or
practice self-talk and self-esteem-building exercises regularly. Developing a
positive and confident mindset can significantly impact an athlete's ability to
perform at their best, manage challenges, and achieve their athletic goals.

29. Elucidate any six effects of exercise on muscular system.

Exercise has several profound effects on the muscular system, which
include both short-term and long-term adaptations. Here are six key effects
of exercise on the muscular system:

1. **Muscle Hypertrophy (Muscle Growth)**:


- Regular resistance training exercises, such as weightlifting, lead to an

increase in muscle fiber size and overall muscle mass. This is known as
muscle hypertrophy.
- As muscles adapt to the increased workload, they become thicker and
stronger, enhancing an individual's ability to lift heavier weights or generate
more force.

2. **Increased Muscle Strength**:

- Exercise, particularly resistance training, improves muscle strength by
increasing the number and size of muscle fibers. As a result, individuals
can exert greater force during physical activities.
- Stronger muscles are essential for tasks like lifting objects, performing
sports-related movements, and maintaining proper posture.

3. **Improved Muscle Endurance**:

- Endurance exercises, such as jogging or cycling, enhance the muscle's
ability to sustain contractions over extended periods.
- These activities improve the capacity of muscle fibers to generate
energy efficiently, delay fatigue, and perform repetitive tasks, making them
particularly important for activities requiring stamina.

4. **Enhanced Flexibility**:
- Stretching and flexibility exercises increase the range of motion of
muscles and joints. This helps prevent muscle tightness and joint stiffness.
- Improved flexibility also reduces the risk of injuries, enhances mobility,
and allows for better execution of movements in various activities, including
sports and daily tasks.

5. **Muscle Coordination and Control**:

- Exercise improves neuromuscular coordination, which is the ability of
the nervous system to control muscle contractions accurately.
- This coordination is essential for precise movements and motor skills in
sports and other physical activities.

6. **Reduced Muscle Atrophy**:


- Regular exercise, especially strength training, helps prevent muscle

atrophy, which is the loss of muscle mass and strength.
- Muscle atrophy can occur due to aging, prolonged immobilization, or
certain medical conditions. Exercise can counteract this process by
maintaining muscle size and function.

7. **Increased Blood Flow and Oxygen Delivery**:

- During exercise, muscles require more oxygen and nutrients to meet
increased energy demands. Exercise promotes better blood circulation and
oxygen delivery to working muscles.
- Improved blood flow supports muscle function, endurance, and

These effects of exercise on the muscular system highlight the adaptability

and resilience of muscles to physical challenges. Consistent and
appropriately tailored exercise routines can lead to significant
improvements in muscle size, strength, endurance, and overall function,
contributing to better physical performance and overall health.

30. What do you understand by Round shoulders deformity ? Suggest

any four corrective measures for round shoulders.

**Round shoulders deformity**, also known as rounded shoulders or
forward shoulder posture, is a common postural issue where the shoulders
and upper back are excessively rounded forward, causing the upper spine
to curve outward. This can result in a hunched or slouched appearance. It
is often associated with poor posture and muscle imbalances. Round
shoulders deformity can lead to discomfort, muscle tension, and even pain
in the neck, shoulders, and upper back.

Here are four corrective measures for round shoulders deformity:


1. **Posture Awareness and Correction**:

- The first step in addressing round shoulders is to become aware of your
posture and make a conscious effort to correct it.
- Focus on pulling your shoulder blades back and down while gently
tucking in your chin. Imagine trying to make your chest broad and open.
- Practicing good posture consistently can gradually reverse the effects of
round shoulders.

2. **Stretching Exercises**:
- Stretching exercises can help alleviate muscle tightness and improve
flexibility in the chest, shoulders, and front of the body.
- Exercises like chest stretches, doorway stretches, and pectoral
stretches can help open up the chest and release tension in the front of the

3. **Strength Training**:
- Strengthening the muscles of the upper back and shoulders is essential
for correcting round shoulders.
- Exercises that target the muscles between the shoulder blades, such as
rows, reverse flyes, and lat pulldowns, can help improve posture by pulling
the shoulders back.

4. **Ergonomic Adjustments**:
- Make ergonomic adjustments in your workspace and daily life to support
good posture.
- Adjust your computer monitor and chair height to eye level to encourage
an upright sitting posture.
- Use a lumbar roll or cushion to support the natural curve of your lower
back while sitting.

5. **Physical Therapy and Postural Training**:

- Consult a physical therapist or posture specialist who can provide
personalized exercises and techniques to correct round shoulders.
- They may use techniques like postural taping or recommend the use of
posture-correcting devices to assist in maintaining proper alignment.

6. **Regular Postural Checks**:

- Periodically check your posture throughout the day. Set reminders to
ensure you're maintaining good posture, especially if you have a sedentary
- Consider using smartphone apps or wearable devices that provide
feedback on your posture.

Remember that correcting round shoulders deformity takes time and

consistent effort. It's important to address the underlying muscle
imbalances and postural habits contributing to the issue. Consulting a
healthcare professional or physical therapist can provide personalized
guidance and exercises tailored to your specific needs for optimal results.

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