Class 7 C W On New Kings and Kingdoms

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1. ‘Kanauj had become the centre of all political developments

in north India’ Justify the statement with suitable reasons.
• Kannauj’s strategic position fostered trade and commerce .
• the high fertility of soil encouraged agricultural growth.
• Therefore, all new kingdoms were equally interested in
acquiring control over Kannauj.

2. What were the effects of Tripartite Struggle?

ANS: The Gujara-Pratiharas of Malwa, the Rashtrakutas of Deccan
and the Palas of Bengal wanted to establish their supremacy over
Kannauj. This event is described as the Tripartite Struggle. The effect
of this is the constant struggle which weakened the three dynasties
and led to their ultimate decline.

3. What was the impact of raids undertaking by Mahmud of

ANS: Mahmud of Ghazni raided India 17 times, the impact of raids
undertaken by him were as follows:
• He plundered India and carried away wealth, artisans and
learned men.
• With the wealth Mahmud took away from India, he decorated
the palaces, mosques and tombs in Ghazni.
• Mahmud’s attacks were devastating in nature as they showed the
weakness of the existing kingdoms and paved the way for future

4. With reference to the picture answer the following questions:

(a)Identify the famous centre of learning.

ANS: This famous centre of learning is called Nalanda University.
b) Give one feature of the university.
ANS: It was a major centre of Buddhist learning.
5. How are the Chola inscription useful in reconstructing the
history of the period?
6. Give two contributions of the Pala rulers in the history of
medieval India.
ANS: The Pala empire was founded by Gopala around 750CE. The
two contributions of the Pala rulers in history of medieval India are:
• Dharmapala established the famous Vikramshila Buddhist
• They donated generously to Nalanda University a major centre
of Buddhist learning.
7. Which of the statements is true about Muhammad of Ghori?

i) He first captured Tabarhindah or Tabar-e-Hind, part of Chahamana

ii) He was the Sultan of the Ghurid Empire:

a) Only i
b) Only ii
c) Both i and ii
d) None of the above


1. Elaborate the differences between the Turkish invaders -Ghazni

and Ghori.
2. How were the temples of the Chola period centres of socio-
economic cultural life?
3. Describe briefly the conflict between Prithviraj Chauhan and
Muhammad Ghori in the two battles of Tarain.

Look at the photograph of present -day Somnath Temple and answer

the following questions.

a. Who attacked the temple?

b. Why did he attack parts of India during this period?

5. On an outline map of India locate the following medieval

✓ Chahamana

✓ Gurjara-Pratihara

✓ Rastrakuta

✓ Paramara

✓ Pala

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