Episode 4

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4 Assist
The problems I identified are:

1. Lack of resources such as learning materials.

2. Teacher’s attention during oral recitation focuses on the more-knowledgeable-
3. Teacher’s poor knowledge on technology integration.
4. Student’s struggle to focus and learn online.
5. Students’ poor attention in class.

Make a Choice for your ACTION

A. Conduct a Tutorial

Conducting a tutorial to students with difficulty in comprehension could be one solution to

solve the problem. We will provide steps and strategies from the experts or from other valid
sources, as well as ideas from our own experience that can be used to help students gain
knowledge or reflect on how to substantially understand the context well.

B. Show Video Lessons

Showing video lessons could also be one solution in students’ difficulty in comprehension of
certain subjects or maybe in reading. This is somehow related to conducting a tutorial but this
time, we integrate technology. By showing video lessons on how to deal with poor
comprehension, students will also get idea and reflect on their way of understanding the text.

C. Make Learning Tasks to Improve Comprehension

After knowing that the students have difficulty in comprehension, as teachers we could make
learning tasks/activities to improve comprehension. Like doing oral reading, giving selections
to read and ask questions afterwards, provide words with their definitions and uses, and
provide “word of the day” and ask students to make a sentence using that word. By doing so,
students will be able to learn something from those activities and will help them improve
their comprehension.
What have you noticed of the problem identified above? Can there be more than one
solution to the problem? Yes. Explain I have noticed that there can be more than one solution
to the problem. As teachers, we are faced with different challenges and problems every day in
the teaching-learning process especially when it talks about the students’ mastery of the
lessons. It is our initiative to do anything for our students to learn, with that, we seek any
alternatives available. We think of many ways to help or support the teaching-learning
process. We must not stick with one solution but find alternatives that best fit for the students.

Scenario A

 Can you identify Miss Fely’s problem?

The main problem here is the lack of hands-on activities where students get to engage
in the teaching-learning process, where they experience first-hand learning for better
retention, and there is also no integration of technology like using PowerPoint
Presentation, video lessons, and using the power of images.
 Can you find a solution to solve her problem? Yes. Give your two suggestions.
a. Hands-on and Collaborative activities- where students will put pictures of the
animals into their right group, or they themselves will classify the animals into
vertebrates or invertebrates or students will learn in team, example, there are
two groups- one for vertebrates and the other one for invertebrates. Each
group will choose the animals which belong to their group and afterwards
students will present in class. Here, there is collaboration and students will get
engaged and learn.
b. Technology integration- we could show videos of the animals and their
classification or using PowerPoint Presentation that shows different pictures of
the animals and their classification. There, students will get to see the animals
and where they belong. I have learned about the power of images, it is an
effective one especially if we wanted the information to retain in our memory.
Therefore, we must be able to see so we can remember it for a longer time.
 What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem? If Miss Fely will encourage the
students to get engage in first-hand activities and use technology in her discussion,
students will get engaged and will be motivated to learn.
How? By incorporating hands-on and collaborative activities that are related to the
topic as well as integrating technology.
Are they matched with the problem? Yes. If we refrain from just discussing the topic
about the classification of animals and seek alternatives in teaching like encouraging
activities related to the topic or use technology, we will surely get the attention of the
grade four students, since they are also into activities or watching videos, we know
young kids love to have fun, so we should fuse learning and having fun at the same

Scenario B

 Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class of Sir
a. The effects of poverty on the growth and learning of the students.
b. Probably there is higher rate of absenteeism in class.
 Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?

Since we can’t really end poverty with just a single plan, maybe we could just motivate poor
students to go to school and let them have fair access to the resources available and grant
them educational opportunities. Also, to address absenteeism in class, a home visitation could
be required to see the situation of the students and encourage them to go to school and
motivate them to finish their studies. As teachers also, we should be able to select effective
strategies, methods, and materials that engaged our learners, enable students to relate learning
to their lives, and subsequently lead to increased achievement.

After reading the two scenarios given above, how would identifying problematic situations
and finding solutions to these problems help you to become a better teacher? Explain: It is
really a necessity to identify problematic situations evident in the classroom for us to come
up with a plan or a solution to address the problem. If we do so, we could have a smooth flow
of teaching-learning process and if we encounter the same problem that we had, we could
take action easily since we have possible solutions already to deal with the problems. As
teachers, we only wanted the betterment of the students and if there are problems, we identify
them and make possible solutions to make ends meet. We want the best for our students and
with that, we will do anything for the students for them to get engaged and learn and for us
also to become a better teacher.
Write Action Research

What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?

Difficulty in comprehension of the context which results to low mastery of the topics and
learning is temporary.


What changes do you want to achieve?

I want students to master comprehension especially in reading since that is the most
important part in learning.


What strategies will you use to improve the situation?

If I were the teacher, the first thing I will do is to integrate the use of technology. I will
conduct a tutorial by showing a video lesson on How to Cope Up with Difficulty in
Comprehension? Or Some Strategies to Help Students Improve Reading Comprehension , I
will also give them tips based from my experience for them to learn and reflect. Aside from
that, I will conduct a reading activity where I give them context to read and answer to assess
whether they understand the text. I will also give them list of words, their definition, and uses
in a sentence to help them in their reading if they will encounter unfamiliar words. And I will
encourage them to read books at the right level, or we could have one book- discuss it and let
students make a reading log where they put their reflections every chapter based on the story
they read.


What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct the study?

Technology Integration and Incorporating Reading Activities to Address Students’ Difficulty

in Comprehension

Add: Solutions/actions


1. B

2. D, A, G

3. D, A

4. C, F

5. E

Work on my Artifacts
I. Title of Action Research

Interventions to Combat the Many Facets of Absenteeism: Action Research

II. Author/s:

Jill Friedman Cole

III. Abstract

This paper operationalizes the definition of action research (AR) and the importance of
conducting such studies to improve the lives of students and professionals. This paper
provides an overview of literature regarding variables related to truancy and absenteeism.
The paper discusses the importance of students being present and engaged, negative
implications associated with poor attendance and dropping out of school, and reviews the
effectiveness of Check & Connect and other multimodal approaches used to increase
attendance. Evidence presented in the paper supports the usefulness of having a check-in and
reward system for students with frequent absences reduces truancy. Lastly, the paper presents
study results and implications. Keywords: absenteeism, truancy and school counselors,
school refusal interventions

IV: Identify the Problem in the Study

The negative implications associated with poor attendance and dropping out of school of

V: Identify the Action Taken in the Study

Usefulness of having a check-in and reward system and Attendance Intervention Programs
for students with frequent absences reduces truancy. Making parents aware of the attendance
policy from the beginning of school and reiterate the importance of kindergarten and the early
grades as they relate to academics and basic skills. Actively involving parents in the AR
would clarify other reasons for student absences not considered by the PI‘s knowledge
regarding absences and assist in future modifications for attendance programs. Collaboration
with other educators and student service professionals could be helpful when devising a plan
to use with students that are frequently truant. Another recommendation would include
adding tardies or creating an additional program concentrating on arriving at school on time.

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