Introduction To Research Methods - Burns, Robert B. (Robert Bounds), 1951 - 2000 - London Thousand Oaks, Calif. - SAGE - 9780761965923 - Anna's Archive

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Robert B. Burns

SAGE Publications
London * Thousand Oaks * New Delhi
© 2000 Pearson Education Australia Pty Limited
First published 1990
Reprinted 1991
Second Edition 1994
Reprinted 1995
Third Edition 1997
Reprinted 1998
Fourth Edition 2000

Sage Publications International Edition 2000

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system, transmitted or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing
from the Publishers.

SAGE Publications Ltd

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 0 7619 6592 0 (hbk)

ISBN 0 7619 6593 9 (pbk)
Library of Congress catalog record available
Preface to new expanded edition vii
Preface to first edition ix

Part 1 General Orientation 1

l Contrasting perspectives 3
2 Ethics of research 17
3 Selecting a research topic and reviewing the literature 25

Part 2 Quantitative Methods 41

4 Descriptive statistics 43
Normal distribution and statistical significance 67
6 Sampling and standard error of the mean 82
ri Hypothesis formation and testing 105
8 Levels of measurement 119
’) Variables 129
10 Research design and the control of error 134
11 Choosing statistical tests 151
12 Power and effect size L>y.
13 Testing hypotheses ofdifference I: Independent groups design WS
14 Testing hypotheses ofdifference II: Paired groups design 198
15 Testing hypotheses ofrelationship I: Chi square yale)
16 Testing hypotheses of relationship Il: Correlation
l7 Other correlation techniques
18 Prediction and simple linear regression
19 Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
20 Reliability and validity
21 Meta-analysis
22 The experimental research report

Part 3 Qualitative Methods

25 Ethnographic research
24 Unstructured interviewing
25 Action-research
26 Case studies
27 Historical research
28 The qualitative research report
Report 1 ‘I feel sorry for supply teachers . . .’
Report 2 Nasr’s development as a writer in his second language: the
first six months
Report 3 Dimensions of effective school leadership: the teacher's

Part 4 Survey Methods

29 Attitude surveys
30 Structured interview and questionnaire surveys

STQ answers

Preface to the new expanded edition
Being asked to prepare an international edition is both exciting and a challenge. It is
exciting because it means the continuation of a project that has been successful in its aims
already—to provide a simple yet reasonably thorough basic grounding in the essential
concepts and practical application of quantitative and qualitative research methods
without too much mathematical notation and number manipulation, which many other
texts appear to focus on and which make the subject a big turn off.
It is challenging because the request demands a response of further development.
Therefore, in this edition I have introduced several additional topics. There are new
chapters on regression and meta-analysis, both of which have been asked for by users of
the text. Secondly, I have included a chapter which introduces the reader in simple terms
to the role of effect size and power, both increasingly regarded as important alternatives
to conventional significance testing in evaluating the results of investigations.
The ubiquity of statistical programs for the PC has encouraged me to include, at the
end of each chapter covering statistical tests, a short set of instructions on how to use
SPSS for data analysis for that statistical procedure and how to interpret the output.
The choice of SPSS rather than any other program was based on the fact that it is the
most popular statistical software used in the social sciences.
Little else has altered in the text but I hope the additional material will be to the
liking of those who have used the text as teachers and students over the last decade.

R.B. Burns, Brunei, September 1999

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Preface to the first edition
Education is a complex process and we know, even now, only a small part of how it
operates and of the reciprocal interaction between the process and the pupils, teachers,
parents and the many others involved. There are so many things we wish to know and
the only safe way to produce knowledge in which we can put our faith is to conduct
systematic research.
The overriding purpose of this book is to provide a basic understanding of the main
techniques, concepts and paradigms for conducting research in education in both
quantitative and qualitative modes.
Methodology and statistics have been integrated into one text, since neither is much
use without the other. By the end of the book, the student should be able to evaluate the
research of others, define a problem, formulate hypotheses about the problem, design
and carry out a valid and reliable study of the problem, apply the correct statistics, discuss
the results and implications, and write it all up in a sensible and logical manner.
Experience has shown that many students and teachers are reluctant to study this area
as it is seen as mathematical and the milieu of experts. This book attempts to demystify
the role of experts and dispel such fears and negative attitudes by the logical sequencing
of material and by using simple examples and practice exercises employing only basic
arithmetic. It is hoped that even the mathematically inept will enjoy and understand the
material. What is a very complex array of concepts, designs and statistics has been
presented in everyday language, and questions for self-testing current understanding
(STQs) are presented within the text as well as at the ends of most chapters.
The text is addressed to a wide variety of students, but primarily to those in pre-
service and in-service teacher education courses. It would also be suitable for any social
science and para-medical course needing an introductory text in the area. The book can
be used in class or in conditions of minimum support in distance education, as reference
to previous material is deliberately made throughout the text since this distributed
repetition improves retention, understanding and transfer.
The text organisation encourages students to proceed through the book, chapter by
chapter, rather than dipping in here and there; for as students master the material in one
chapter, they are providing a basis for the understanding of future material.
I am grateful to the Literary Executor of the late Sir Ronald A. Fisher, FRS, to Dr
Frank Yates, FRS, and the Longman Group Ltd, London, for permission to reprint
Tables II, [V and VI from their book Statistical Tables for Biological, Agricultural and
Medical Research (6th edition, 1974).
Finally, I wish all those who use the text ‘good luck’ in their studies. Many of your
predecessors have contributed to the viewpoints and thinking that characterise this text.
To them I owe a debt of gratitude. I am particularly indebted to Shelley and Caroline
who produced such a splendid manuscript out of my hieroglyphics.
Finally, to my family, who endured patiently the long periods of selfish devotion I
spent on the production of this text, |am profoundly grateful for their support.
R.B. Burns
Perth, Western Australia

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Research is a systematic investigation to find answers to a problem. Research in
professional social science areas, like research in other subjects, has generally followed the
traditional objective scientific method. Since the 1960s, however, a strong move towards
a more qualitative, naturalistic and subjective approach has left social science research
divided between two competing methods: the scientific empirical tradition, and the
naturalistic phenomenological mode.
In the scientific method, quantitative research methods are employed in an attempt
to establish general laws or principles. Such a scientific approach is often termed
nomothetic and assumes social reality is objective and external to the individual.
The naturalistic approach to research emphasises the importance of the subjective
experience ofindividuals, with a focus on qualitative analysis. Social reality is regarded
as a creation of individual consciousness, with meaning and the evaluation of events
seen as a personal and subjective construction. Such a focus on the individual case rather
than general law-making is termed an ideographic approach.
Each of these two perspectives on the study of human behaviour has profound
implications for the way in which research is conducted.

The traditional scientific approach

This approach has been the conventional approach to research in all areas of
investigation. The methods and purposes of scientific inquiry have been moulded by
countless generations of scientists who have collectively built a foundation of premises
and beliefs, including an assumption of the validity of the utility of empiricism. This
assumption holds that data must yield proof or strong confirmation, in probability
terms, of a theory or hypothesis in a research setting. Scientists ultimately aim to
formulate laws to account for the happenings in the world around them, thus giving
them a firm basis for prediction and control. The assumptions built into this scientific
approach constitute a particular model of research incorporating objectivity, reliability,
generality and reductionism. “Truth’ within this paradigm tends to be fixed and
singular; reflective of a causal and factual view of reality.
The uncritical acceptance of this approach has led to its assimilation within research
to the point where measurement and control have been seen as the central locus of
investigative endeavours. The term positivism has been applied to this conventional
approach to research which incorporates methods and principles of natural science for
the study of human behaviour. It is understandable how this occurred, for what was
seen as the alternative—namely, lay person’s intuition, subjective judgement and
common sense—provides, in most cases, information and theories which are neither
common, in that they are generally agreed upon, nor make ‘sense’, in that they are
rational. We are well aware that many of our everyday observations and opinions are
distorted in the very act of being made through subjective bias and prejudice. We
stereotype others on scanty evidence and generalise conclusions well beyond any valid
range of generalisation. Human beings function on a folklore of unjustified assumptions
about behaviour and woolly armchair philosophising. Every day, for example, teachers,
parents, politicians and the media make unjustified assertions on often important issues,
such as:
‘Boys are better than girls at mathematics.’
“Too much TV watching ruins children’s eyesight.’
‘Memorising poetry improves the memory.’
‘Corporal punishment never did me any harm.’
‘Compulsory conscription for all young people would develop their character and national
‘Permissive parents produce children who end up in court.’
and so on. Additionally, we are confronted daily with claims by so-called experts; claims
that have consequences in daily living. Those who can evaluate such claims are better able
to separate good solutions from current fads.
However, in order to understand these topics and find real and valid evidence,
traditional social science research holds that only a systematic, quantitative approach to
generating and testing ideas is adequate. Too often, decisions are made by parents,
schools, civil servants, professionals in the helping services, and local and central
government on important social issues on the basis of expediency, preconception,
personal ideology and bias, and not on the basis of the true facts.
The difference between the lay person and the scientific researcher is that the latter
employs objective, systematic investigation with analysis of data in order to discern what
actually is the case rather than a patchwork of likes and dislikes, rules of thumb, analogy

part 1 |general orientation

and prejudice, half-truths and old wives’ tales. For example, it seemed self-evident that
punishment must be the most effective way to stop certain unwanted behaviours until
Skinner demonstrated the greater effectiveness of extinction in conjunction with positive

Write down in your notebook a couple of sentences explaining why research has tended
to adopt a systematic approach to the study of human behaviour/human issues.

Methods of knowing
There are four general ways of knowing, according to Kerlinger (1986):

] Method of tenacity. Here one holds to the truth because one knows it to be true. The
more frequent the repetition of the ‘truth’, the more the enhancement of the validity
ofit. It is self-evident then, and people will cling to such beliefs. For example, even
in the face of contrary evidence some people believe that all communists are spies.
Method of authority. A thing must be true ifit is in the Bible, or the prime minister
says it, or a teacher said so. The method of authority is not always unsound but we
never know when it is or isn’t. But we lack individual resources to investigate
everything, so the presumed competence of authority offers advantages.
Method of intuition (a priori method). This claims that reason is the criterion of
truth. It ‘stands to reason’ that learning difficult subjects must build moral character.
But whose reason is to carry the judgement, if two eminent persons using rational
processes reach different conclusions’?
Method of science. This method has one characteristic none of the other methods
has—that is, self-correction. The checks verify and control the scientist’s activities
and conclusions. Even ifahypothesis seems to have support, the scientist will also test
alternative hypotheses. Knowledge is attained through a controlled systematic process
because science ultimately appeals to evidence; hypotheses are subjected to test. None
of the other ideas, opinions, theories and methods above provide any procedure for
establishing the superiority of one belief over another. Science is not just a body of
knowledge but a logic of inquiry, for generating, replenishing and correcting

Characteristics of the scientific approach

The scientific method has specific characteristics. These characteristics, while necessary
to distinguish science, are not limited to the realm of science. Each of the characteristics
could also exist outside of science; however, science could not exist without these
characteristics. The four most important characteristics of science are control,
operational definition, replication and hypothesis testing.

chapter 1 |contrasting perspectives

Control is perhaps the single most important element in scientific methodology because
it enables the scientist to identify the causes of his or her observations. Experiments are
conducted in an attempt to answer certain questions. They represent attempts to identify
why something happens, what causes some event, or under what conditions an event
does occur. Control is necessary in order to provide unambiguous answers to such
To answer questions in education and social science we have to eliminate the
simultaneous influence of many variables to isolate the cause of an effect. Controlled
inquiry is an absolutely essential process because without it the cause of an effect could
not be isolated. The observed effect could be due to any one or a combination of the
uncontrolled variables. Here is an example:
In order to test the hypothesis that anagrams formed from unfamiliar words are harder to solve
than those formed from familiar words, several variables other than the one we are interested
in (i.e. familiarity) must be controlled or else the results may be due to the unmeasured effects
of these too. For example, all the words must be of equal length because length will influence
solution time, and all the subjects must be equally unpractised or equally expert at solving
anagrams, or else practice will have a major effect.

Operational definition
Operational definition means that terms must be defined by the steps or operations
used to measure them. Such a procedure is necessary to eliminate confusion in meaning
and communication. Consider the statement, “Anxiety causes students to score poorly
in tests’. One might ask, “What is meant by anxiety?’. Stating that anxiety refers to being
tense or some other such term only adds to the confusion. However, stating that anxiety
refers to a score over a criterion level on an anxiety scale enables others to realise what
you mean by anxiety. Stating an operational definition forces one to identify the
empirical referents, or terms. In this manner, ambiguity is minimised. Again, introversion
might be defined as a score on a particular personality scale, hunger as so many hours
since last fed, and social class as defined by father’s occupation.

To be replicable, the data obtained in an experiment must be reliable; that is, the same
result must be found if the study is repeated. That science has such a requirement is quite
obvious, since it is attempting to obtain knowledge about the world. If observations are not
repeatable, our descriptions and explanations are likewise unreliable and therefore useless.

Hypothesis testing
The lay person uses theories and concepts in a loose fashion, often accepting ludicrous
explanations for human behaviour. For instance, “Being ill is a punishment for being
sinful’; “An economic depression may be attributed to Asian immigrants’. On the other

part 1 |general orientation

hand, the scientific researcher would systematically create a hypothesis and subject it to
an empirical test.
The lay person tests a ‘hypothesis’ in a selective fashion by choosing evidence to fit
the hypothesis. He or she may believe that male students have long hair. The lay person
will verify this belief by noting a large number of instances of it. He or she will, however,
fail to notice exceptions. The more sophisticated researcher who is aware of this tendency
will test the relationship systematically in the field or in the laboratory.
The best known of the critics of ‘pseudo-science’ is Karl Popper, who tells how, as a
young man in Vienna, he knew the psychiatrist Adler:

... L reported to him a case which to me did not seem particularly Adlerian, but in which he
found no difficulty analysing the terms of his theory of inferiority feelings, although he had
not even seen the child. Slightly shocked, I asked him how he could be so sure. “Because of
my thousand-fold experience’, he replied; whereupon I could not help saying, ‘And with
this new case, I suppose your experience has become thousand-and-one-fold’. (Popper 1957,
D 5D).

Without rules which could be followed by any trained observer for operationalising
‘inferiority complex’, observations of the concept are not observations in a scientific
sense because there are no checks on what is and what is not an instance of the concept.
Science is a ‘public’ method, open to all who learn its methods, and a similar
observation of the same subject using the same operationalised concept should give the
same result. Where reliance is placed, argues Popper, on the ‘private’ opinion of the
expert (such as Adler) without strict rules of observation, the test of any hypothesis
linking ‘inferiority complex’ to another concept is unsatisfactory.

Science, logic and Popper

The general approach that scientific knowledge is the only valid form of knowledge is
called positivism. The Positivists (often associated with the beliefs of the French
philosopher Comte) emphasised the role of discrete and distinct steps on the path to
knowledge as the best way of discovering things. Positivists were very hostile to the
supposed existence of things that can neither be seen nor heard. The philosophy of
Behaviourism that arose in psychology, as exemplified by Watson and Skinner, was an
example of this sort of thinking. Thus, in studying human behaviour, beliefs, feelings,
introspections and the like were not regarded as valid phenomena that could be
investigated within the ambit of a scientific study of behaviour. However, most
definitions of science and methods of scientific inquiry may only be valid for the natural
sciences. They are less valid when applied to the human sciences due to the ability of
humans to reflect on their own behaviour.
Popper proposed in his account of the logic of scientific discovery that theories should
be ‘falsifiable’. Falsifiability for him is the criterion which distinguishes science from
pseudo-science (of which Freudianism, Marxism and astrology are his chief examples).
Falsifiability is the doctrine that hypotheses should be submitted to rigorous testing in
an attempt to show they are wrong. Science proceeds by refuting hypotheses, by making

chapter 1 |contrasting perspectives

new observations which, when analysed, reject the hypothesis which prompted them.
Scientists should not look for confirming instances of their conjectures or hypotheses—
confirmations are often too easy to find—but submit their hypotheses to the most
rigorous test which can be found. Popper’s complaint against Marxism, among other
doctrines, was that Marxists look for confirming instances and ignore or overlook events
and observations which might disprove their theories. Adler, of course, was looking for
confirming instances of his theory of inferiority complexes and not seeking to test and
risk the refutation of his hypothesis, as Popper argued science should.
Research cannot study propositions that cannot be tested. Metaphysical statements
cannot be tested, e.g. ‘People are poor and starving because God wills it’. As Popper
(1963) argues, “Every genuine test of a theory is an attempt to falsify it or refute it’
(p. 36). Freud’s psychoanalytic theories are inadequate because they cannot be tested.
Science is based on the form of logic known as deduction. The basic syllogism is:
All Ps are'O:
This tsa VP;
Therefore this is Q.
An example of this pattern is:

All IQ tests are invalid.

This in an IQ test.
Therefore this test is invalid.
If the premises are true, then so too are the conclusions. The problem is that the universal
generalisation involved in the first proposition, Le. all Ps are Qs, is difficult to prove in many
cases. For example, it would be difficult to prove the generalisations that all Liberal Party
members voted Liberal in the last election, or that all Christians believe in God. But the
generalisation is perhaps good or strong enough, even though there may well be just one
individual Liberal or Christian who, for a very specific reason, does not fit the generalisation.
Karl Popper therefore suggests on this basis that the generalisation is good enough
that we treat it as a hypothesis, thus avoiding the problem of whether we can ever know
whether the universal statement is true or not. If we accept the statement as the
hypothesis we can say that we predict the conclusion that follows from it. If our
prediction is congruent with what actually occurs, the hypothesis is confirmed. It does
not prove the hypothesis is true. If we find that the prediction is erroneous then we can
conclude that the universal statement is false. Thus scientific reasoning is based on
deduction, and a scientific hypothesis is one that can be proved to be false. What the
true scientist must try to do is refute the hypothesis, test the ideas to destruction and
then only if the hypothesis stands up can it be accepted as currently supported. Of
course, later experiments might well find evidence to refute it. These points will be
taken up later when we deal with hypothesis formation and testing in chapters 7, 13,14,
15 and 16.
The converse approach is induction, in which individual facts are pulled together in
clusters to form manageable sets of generalisations which act as theories. Some scientists
prefer to start with gathering data. When enough have been obtained, patterns of

part 1 |general orientation

explanation or theory are feasible. There is a vital weakness in this inductive method.
The flaw is the impossibility of unbiased observation of the basic events/facts. Each
observer perceives and interprets what they see in subtly different ways from any other
observer, with past experience, expectation and personality all influencing the
construing of the event.
The inductive and deductive approaches are only different ways of approaching the
same goal, and are not as clearly demarcated as the division would suggest. Skinner’s
work on reinforcement and learning is an inductive approach commencing with a
database which was then employed in constructing theoretical principles. Festinger’s
theory of cognitive dissonance is a deductive theory.

Summarise the main characteristics of the scientific approach. How does this approach
differ from a common sense approach?

Briefly explain the difference between induction and deduction.

Strengths of the scientific approach

The main strengths lie in precision and control. Control is achieved through the
sampling and design; precision through quantitative and reliable measurement. Another
strength is that experimentation leads to statements about causation, since the systematic
manipulation of a variable can be shown to have a direct causal effect on another when
other variables have been eliminated or controlled.
Furthermore, hypotheses are tested through a deductive approach and the use of
quantitative data permits statistical analysis. In total, the method provides answers which
have a much firmer basis than the lay person’s common sense or intuition or opinion.

Limitations of the scientific approach

Huge problems are faced by the researcher in education and behavioural science since
human beings are far more complex than the inert matter that is studied in physical
sciences. This arises because humans are not only acted on by a plethora of
environmental forces, but can interpret and respond to these forces in an active way. A
classroom may seem in all respects to be a standard context for all who are there, yet some
students may react differently from others to the teacher, to the content of the lesson,
and to many other subtle elements impinging on them. We cannot predict how a
particular child will respond as the varying perceptions and interpretations of the
environment subtly alter his or her responses. The educational or social science researcher

chapter 1 |contrasting perspectives

cannot operate in the sort of controlled environment available to the physical scientist
with formal laboratory techniques and rigid control of conditions.
Many researchers are concerned that the scientific quantitative approach denigrates
human individuality and ability to think. Its mechanistic ethos tends to exclude notions
of freedom, choice and moral responsibility. Quantification can become an end in itself
rather than a humane endeavour seeking to explore the human condition. It fails to take
account of people’s unique ability to interpret their experiences, construct their own
meanings and act on these.
It leads to the assumption that facts are true and the same for all people all the time.
Quantitative research often produces banal and trivial findings of little consequence due
to the restriction on and the controlling of variables. This produces a synthetic puppet
show rather than a rich dynamic mélange of human behaviours; an artificial situation,
the results of which have no bearing on real life.
It is worth noting that a scientific approach cannot be totally objective, since
subjectively it is involved in the very choice of aproblem as worthy ofinvestigation and
in the interpretation of the results.

1 Examine some recent newspapers and select two claims that are not accompanied
by supporting evidence. Indicate briefly how support might be obtained.
2 How does the scientific approach differ from the commonsense approach to
3 Why are only testable ideas of worth in science?
4 Scientific study is empirical and objective. What is meant by this statement?

The qualitative approach

Despite the inestimable contributions brought forward through the employment of the
scientific method in research, the approach also fostered a naive faith in the substantiality
and ultimacy of facts.
While, traditionally, scientific beliefs may have continued unquestioned for a
substantial period, the human element has become recognised increasingly as a critical
and determining factor in the definition of truth and knowledge. Since human
judgement is so profoundly a part of every human act, the supposed objectivity of science
is, in fact, a delusion. Although there is evidence of researchers in the early part of the
twentieth century using methods other than those from the dominant tradition, as in the
use of ethnographic methods by Malinowski (1922), it was the decade of the 1970s that
saw an increasing advocacy for the acceptance of the naturalistic methods in educational
The epistemological underpinnings of the quantitative motif ‘hold that there exist
definable and quantifiable “social facts” (Rist 1975, p. 18). This viewpoint stands in

10 part 1 |general orientation

opposition to the qualitative position that reality cannot be subsumed within numerical
classification. Qualitative research places stress on the validity of multiple meaning
structures and holistic analysis, as opposed to the criteria of reliability and statistical
compartmentalisation of quantitative research.
After an initial period of clarification concerning the features of each paradigm, there
emerged by the end of the 1970s a situation of détente wherein scholars began to agree that
both approaches are needed, since no one methodology can answer all questions and provide
insights on all issues. There is more than one gate to the kingdom of knowledge. Each gate
offers a different perspective, but no one perspective exhausts the realm of ‘reality’—
whatever that may be. This change in direction can also be seen in Cronbach’s (1975) wise
observation that ‘the time has come to exorcise the null hypothesis . . . there ave more
things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our hypotheses, and our observations
should be open to them’ (p. 124).
Qualitative evaluators frequently find themselves having to defend their methods
because of the resistance posed by researchers who are ideologically committed to
quantitative methods. The latter assume, out of context, that quantitative research, more
rigorous than most qualitative methods, must therefore be the best method to use in all
research situations. Quantitative researchers expect the qualitative researcher to
demonstrate the validity and reliability of claims, to demonstrate the generality of
findings—in short, to meet the same criteria as quantitative research.
What is often not understood is that the criteria that one considers appropriate for
quantitative scientific work in education and social science are not those that ate
necessarily appropriate for work that rests on different assumptions, that uses different
methods, and that appeals to different forms of understanding.
Qualitative forms of investigation tend to be based on a recognition of the importance
of the subjective, experiential ‘lifeworld’ of human beings. Such reflection is the province
of phenomenology. The phenomenological field of educational action embraces the host
of personal meanings that are derived from the context of direct experiencing. Perceptions
and interpretations of reality are linked with these meaning structures. Thus, the ‘reality’
of a given educational setting may be seen not as a fixed and stable entity but as a type of
variable that might be discerned only through an analysis of these multiple forms of
understanding. Qualitative methodologies provide avenues that can lead to the discovery
of these deeper levels of meaning.
The task of the qualitative methodologist is to capture what people say and do as a
product of how they interpret the complexity of their world, to understand events from
the viewpoints of the participants. It is the lifeworld of the participants that constitutes
the investigative field. “Truth’ within this context is bound to humanistic caprices. Thus,
conventional attempts to emphasise the imperatives of science place unrealistic constraints
on research.
It has been emphasised that much of the rationale for the qualitative approach rests
within the criterion of meaning. Eisner (1979) describes this emerging form of research
as being considerably relevant, since there can be ‘little meaning, impact or quality in an
event isolated from the context in which it is found’ (pp. 14-15). The distinctive insights
made possible through this form of research constitute one of the primary advantages of

chapter 1 |contrasting perspectives 11

the approach. Qualitative research has made educators and other social scientists realise
that reality should never be taken for granted, given that attention must be paid to the
multiple realities and socially constructed meanings that exist within every social context,
e.g. classroom, hospital ward, workplace.
At the heart of the conflict between these two streams of thought is a fundamental
disagreement about the simplification of reality that provides the posture of the scientific
method. It is precisely this fragmentation or compartmentalised style of evaluation which
qualitatively-oriented researchers argue leads to distortions of reality and, as a
consequence, necessitates a holistic or contextual model of research.
Eisner (1979) explains that, essentially, qualitative methods are concerned with
processes rather than consequences, with organic wholeness rather than independent
variables, and with meanings rather than behavioural statistics. Interest is directed
towards context-bound conclusions that could potentially point the way to new policies
and educational decisions, rather than towards ‘scientific’ generalisations that may be of
little use at the coal face. Gone are the days ‘when the answer to every research problem’
could be found through the administration of a standardised test to experimental and
control groups. Science has lost its aura of eliteness and sacredness, which in the past has
prevented researchers from questioning its assumptions.
The basic problem in terms of contemporary interests is that the use of qualitative
methods in evaluation is only just beginning, due in part to the fact that so many
researchers and evaluators have been educated solely in the use of quantitative techniques.
As a result, many people now engaged in qualitative research have had to learn how to
do it themselves. Although a large body of cumulative research has not yet been
developed, a body of methodological guidelines has now emerged, which helps to
provide direction for action-oriented investigations.
Several interrelated approaches are used in qualitative educational and social! science
research, such as action research, case studies, and ethnography. These will be explored
in depth in chapters 23—28 of this book. These approaches tend to be characterised by
being context specific, collaborative and interventionist. Ethnography provides the major
guidelines in methodology for qualitative research (chapter 23).

Limitations of the qualitative approach

The problem of adequate validity and reliability is a major criticism placed by
quantitative researchers on qualitative methods. Because of the subjective nature of
qualitative data and its origin in single contexts, it is difficult to apply conventional
standards of reliability and validity. Contexts, situations, events, conditions and
interactions cannot be replicated to any extent nor can generalisations be made to a
wider context than the one studied with any confidence. These problems will be
addressed later in the appropriate chapters. Basically, the richness, individuality and
subjective nature of a participant’s perspective and understanding are not amenable to
the usual scientific criteria. This does not, however, make such understandings any less
real or valid for that participant, and their explanatory function for that person’s
behaviour is highly predictive.

12 part 1 |general orientation

Perhaps one of the major limitations of qualitative research and evaluation is the time
required for data collection, analysis and interpretation. There is a critical need for the
researcher to spend a considerable amount of time in the research setting in order to
examine, holistically and aggregately, the interactions, reactions and activities of subjects.
In addition, Parlett (1975) notes that because of the intimacy of participant—observer
relationships within the setting there is no doubt that the researcher’s mere presence
will have profound reactive effects on the subjects of the study. Concomitantly, the
promise of anonymity, which often serves as the basis for trust, in concert with the
requirement of authenticity, makes the qualitative evaluator’s task particularly difficult
in terms of the preparation and presentation of results. Possible bias, from the viewpoints
of both researcher and participants, must also be identified and elucidated.
Rist (1975) also notes that:
The variable of time may be viewed as a handicap; should one attempt to replicate findings
accumulated for nearly three years, a comparable length of time would again be necessary for the
adequate observation of a similar group. Similarly, there is no guarantee that the replication
could be of an identical social context . . . Perhaps the most that is feasible is to achieve a high
degree of similarity and to recognise that absolute reproduction is impossible (p. 94).

These problems and issues may well illustrate reasons for the sometimes defensive
reactions of more traditionally-oriented researchers when encountering alternative
conceptions and methodologies.

Strengths of the qualitative approach

The promise of qualitative investigation can be seen in Barton and Lazarsfeld’s (1969)
statement that ‘like the nets of deep-sea explorers, qualitative studies may pull up
unexpected and striking things for us to gaze on’ (p. 166). Unlike many of the
traditional, more narrow approaches to the examination of educational experience, the
qualitative mode of inquiry is characterised by methodological eclecticism, a hypothesis-
free orientation and an implicit acceptance of the natural scheme of things. Because of
the need for the researcher to maintain close association with both participants and
activities within the setting, the researcher gains an insider’s view of the field. This
proximity to the field often allows the evaluator to see (and document) the qualities of
social and educational interaction too often missed by the scientific, more positivistic
inquiries. Such propinquity can reveal subtleties and complexities that could go
undetected through the use of more standardised measures.
Qualitative descriptions can play the important role of suggesting possible
relationship(s), causes, effects, and even dynamic processes in school settings. Qualitative
methods can highlight subtleties in pupil behaviour and response, illuminate reasons
for action and provide in-depth information on teacher interpretations and teaching
style. By pointing to alternative conceptions of our activities, by giving us new horizons
against which we can value our curricular structures, and by showing the determinate
limits of our accepted procedures, qualitative methods allow us to see that things could
be other than they are. Similar illuminations can be made in other professional areas too.

chapter 1 |contrasting perspectives I

Since qualitative reports are not presented as statistical summations, but rather in a
more descriptive, narrative style, this type of research might be of particular benefit to
the practitioner. Ordinary teachers, social workers, nurses etc., who may not have
knowledge of sophisticated measurement techniques, could turn to qualitative reports
in order to examine forms of knowledge that might otherwise be unavailable, thereby
gaining new insight concerning their endeavours. The close connection between
qualitative research and teaching might also inspire teachers themselves to become
involved in research so that research in furure could become more of a team effort. In
this manner, the results of studies might lead more expediently into new decisions for
action. Qualitative approaches certainly do not provide easy, quick answers to the
complex issues that confront us. But they do offer a viable alternative.
Even though a strong contrast has deliberately been made in the preceding pages to
emphasise the different approaches and philosophical rationales, the practice of
dichotomising and polarising social science research into quantitative and qualitative
modes is overdone and misleading. It suggests only serious and rigorous researchers will
use quantitative methods and that only such designs are capable of producing legitimate
research. In practice, many researchers will use both approaches as appropriate within
one investigation. It is up to the researcher to choose specific methodologies that will
enable a clear understanding of the topic to emerge. Qualitative research has often been
described as not being empirical. This is false. The term empirical has nothing to do with
numbers or the manipulation of variables, but refers to whether phenomenon are capable
of being found in the real world and assessed by means of the senses. Since both
quantitative and qualitative research are concerned with observation and recording of the
real world they are both clearly empirical. All social science research is empirical, but by
contrast philosophy is not. The contrast that can be supported is the dichotomy between
naturalistic research and experimental research.

The role of computers in data analysis

Over the past decade the computer industry has expanded immensely with the
development of faster and more efficient computers and programs which are readily
accessible to people who are not technically trained. An important development has
been in the area of canned and packaged statistical programs. These packages consist of
sets of computer programs designed for a variety of statistical techniques. The programs
are relatively simple to use, depending on the requirements of the particular package, and
allow a person to do very complex computer analyses.
Many of these packages contain a wide variety of data-editing capabilities and
statistical procedures, any of which can be applied to the user’s data by a few standard
commands. Some of the more commonly used packages on university campuses are the
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), the Statistical Analysis System (SAS),
Systat, BMDP, Epistat or Statgraphics. These programs will perform all the statistical
operations and tests described in this book, as well as more advanced multivariate tests.
Most of these statistical packages, although originally designed for mainframe computers,
are now available in PC versions for Windows. NUD*IST offers a qualitative content
analysis package for verbal material.

14 part 1 |general orientation

The programs have made many statistical procedures more feasible for research
purposes, and have greatly reduced the time necessary to perform the procedures. In
addition, the accuracy of such computations is greatly improved, since calculations done
by hand often result in mistakes or crude answers, especially when the number of
observations is large. With the availability of computers and packaged programs, the
statistical analysis of relatively large data sets is technically as easy as that of small ones,
which is desirable since larger samples usually provide more information than smaller
Knowing how to run a statistical package program does not imply that a proper analysis
will be done. A good background in statistics is necessary in order to know which program
to run, which options to choose in that program, and how to construct valid conclusions
based on the program’s output. The main purpose of this text is to provide such a
background. The ‘garbage in-garbage out’ principle applies here as elsewhere.
A range of considerations govern the appropriateness of any statistical test for a
particular study. The major considerations involve assumptions about the distribution
of the data, types of hypotheses used, research design employed and the level of the data.
The application of SPSS provides many of the basic statistical procedures taught in this

Read the following statement:

If research shows something which | know from my experience to be wrong, then
the research is faulty. If research proves what | know already, what is the point of it?
How would you treat such a comment? Is experience bound to be right, and research

Barton, A. & Lazarsfeld, P. (1969), ‘Some functions of qualitative analysis’, in Jssues in Participant
Observation, eds G. Macall & J. Simmons, Addison-Wesley, Reading.
Cronbach, L.J. (1975), “Beyond the two disciplines of scientific psychology’, American Psychologist,
30, pp. 116-26.
Eisner, E. (1979), ‘Recent developments in educational research affecting art education’, Art Education
By apo =i5.
Kerlinger, F (1986), Foundations ofBehavioral Research, Holt, New York.
Malinowski, B. (1922), Argonauts of the West Pacific, Routledge, London.
Parlett, M. (1975), ‘Evaluating innovations in teaching’, in Curriculum Design, (eds) J. Greenwald &
R. West, Croom Helm, London.
Popper, K. (1957), The Poverty of Historicism, Routledge, London.
Popper, K. (1963), Conjectures and Refutations, Routledge, London.
Rist, R.C. (1975), ‘Ethnographic techniques and the study of an urban school’, Urban Education 10,
pp. 86-108.

chapter 1 | contrasting perspectives 15

Further reading: Quantitative research
Adams, G.R. & Schvaneveldt, J. (1985), Understanding Research Methods, Longman, New York.
Keeves, J.P. (1988), Educational Research Methodology and Measurement, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Mohsin, S.M. (1984), Research Methods in the Behavioural Sciences, Orient Longman, Calcutta.

Further reading: Qualitative research

Burgess, R. (ed.) (1985), Strategies of Educational Research: Qualitative Methods, Falmer Press, London.
Burgess, R. (ed.) (1985), Jssues in Educational Research: Qualitative Methods, Falmer Press, London.
Denzin, N. & Lincoln, Y. (eds) (1998), The Handbook of Qualitative Research, vols 1-3, Sage,
Erickson, F. (1986), ‘Qualitative methods in research in teaching’, in Handbook of Research on
Teaching, (ed.) M. Wittrock, 3rd edn, Macmillan, New York.
Finch, J. (1986), Research & Policy: The Uses of Qualitative Methods in Social and Educational Research,
Falmer Press, London.
Glesne, C. & Peshkin, A. (1992), Becoming Qualitative Researchers, Longman, New York.
Jacob, E. (1987), ‘Qualitative research traditions: A review.’ Review of Educational Research, 57(1),
pp. 1-50.
Sherman, R. & Webb, R. (1988), Qualitative Research in Education: Focus and Methods, Falmer Press,
Shipman, M. (ed.) (1985), Educational Research Principles, Policies & Practices, Falmer Press, London.
Smith, J.K. & Heshusius, L. (1986), “Closing down the conversation: The end of the
quantitative—qualitative debate’, Educational Researcher, 15(1), pp. 4-13.
Tashakkori, A. & Teddlie C. (1998), Mixed Methodology, Sage, London.
Taylor, S.J. & Bogdan, R. (1984), Qualitative Research Methods: The Search for Meanings, 2nd edn,
John Wiley, New York.

Further reading: Computer packages

Cramer, D. (1998), Fundamental Statistics for Social Research: Using SPSS for Windows, Routledge,
Foster, J. (1998), Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows: A Beginners Guide, Sage, London.
Gahan, C. & Hannibal, M. (1998), Doing Qualitative Research Using QSR NUD*IST, Sage, London.

16 part 1 | general orientation

Ethics of

Ethical principles, rules and conventions distinguish socially acceptable behaviour from
that which is considered socially unacceptable. However, in social science research a few
workers consider their work beyond scrutiny, presumably guided by a disinterested
virtue which justifies any means to attain hoped for ends. In education, numerous
children have been forced to learn nonsense syllables, native children have been taken
from their natural mothers and brought up as though a member of another culture,
many left-handed children have been forced to write with their right hands. Most
children at some time are unwittingly involved in questionable experiments in teaching
methods or medical procedures, and all of us have at some time felt obliged to complete
some meaningless questionnaire.
Of course, some researchers feel that ethical rules or guidelines that attempt to define
limits may be too rigid, limiting the effectiveness of research and denying research into
aspects of human behaviour where knowledge would be valuable.
Ethical problems can relate to both the subject matter of the research as well as to its
methods and procedures, and can go well beyond courtesy or etiquette regarding
appropriate treatment of persons in a free society. Social scientists have often been
criticised for lack of concern over the welfare of their subjects. The researcher often
misinforms subjects about the nature of the investigation, and/or exposes them to
embarrassing or emotionally painful experiences. Many subjects may feel obliged to
volunteer for a variety of reasons. Professionals also feel troubled by ethical issues. It was
found in a survey by the British Psychological Society that the two major areas of
dilemma for members were confidentiality and research. Issues reported in this latter area
included unethical procedures, informed consent, harm to participants, deception, and
deliberate falsification of results.

Voluntary participation
The problem with volunteers is that they are not likely to be a random sample of the
population. They tend to be better educated, of a higher social class, more intelligent,
more social, less conforming and possess a higher need for approval than non-volunteers.
This means that the external validity (the confidence to generalise to the population) 1s
Ethical requirements about volunteering can therefore act in direct opposition to the
methodological requirements of good research. Some volunteers may not be as free to
choose as the researcher may think. Much educational and social science research is
conducted on students at school or university. Most will agree to participate, but often
do so because they may believe that some undesired effect on their marks, report or
references will occur if they do not. They may be free but do not feel so. Many parents
may also be in this same circumstance, agreeing to their child’s or their own participation
for fear of possible consequences.
The following are examples of experiment recruitment practices that may raise ethical
* subjects who are inmates of prisons who participate in anticipation of more favourable

¢ members of a university class who participate in order to meet a course requirement;

¢ unemployed persons who are offered a financial reward.

Involuntary participation
In naturalistic covert observation the observed person is usually unaware of their
participation. This is not objectionable when unobtrusive observations are made and
each observation is simply one more in a frequency count, such as children’s playground
behaviour. However, in other observation studies private lives can be invaded, such as
studies on bystander intervention.

Informed consent
This is the most fundamental ethical principle that is involved. Participants must
understand the nature and purpose of the research and must consent to participate
without coercion. Many researchers have their potential participant sign an informed
consent form which describes the purpose of the research, its procedures, risks and
discomforts, its benefits and the right to withdraw. This makes the situation clear and
provides a degree of proof that the person was informed and consented to take part.
Participants who are explicitly or implicitly coerced to get involved, such as prison
inmates for more beneficial treatment or students for money or points towards unit

18 part 1 |general orientation

assessment, are not assumed to have consented voluntarily. Lecturers and professors are
in a position of power over students and even though they are not explicitly abusing it
and actually threatening retribution on those who don’t offer to participate, their request
for volunteers from a unit they are teaching is implicitly a demand. Unfortunately, it is
easy to get people to sign such forms due to inherent trust in scientific leaders and the
‘man in the white coat’, as well as a willingness to accept what authority figures say. ‘It
must be OK, it is a reputable university—they would never do anything shonkey’.

The primary justification for deception is that knowledge of the purpose of the investigation
might contaminate results; subjects who are unaware of the real purpose will behave more
naturally. Yet it is basically unethical in human relationships. Moreover, just being in an
experiment even without a specific purpose can alter behaviour, so deception may not work
as expected. Informed consent does lead to non-random samples as it implies voluntary
There are some situations where you would not wish to disclose the purpose of the
study, or even that a study is proceeding, e.g. observation ofplay in preschool children,
participant observation in a delinquent gang, etc. Active deception includes
misrepresenting the purpose of the study, use of placebos, false diagnoses, false promises.
Passive deception includes secret recording of behaviour, concealed observation, use of
personality tests where the participant is unaware of the rationale. While deception is a
well used tactic in social psychology and some ethnographic activities, a deceived subject
may feel they have been part of an elaborate hoax, lose self-esteem and develop negative
attitudes to research. Milgram’s 1974 study on obedience is a classic deception study in
which subjects were deceived into thinking that they were administering electric shocks
to another participant.
Milgram’s experiment also produced considerable stress as well as deception. Most
deception is produced in studies on emotion, motivation, social behaviour and
ethnography. There is little deception in memory and intellectual studies, although even
here deception which does not harm the subject can be used, such as telling a subject they
are reading newspaper stories in a study of readability when it is actually examining
memory errors.
Some deception is somewhat innocuous, such as participants being told the baby is
a male and others that it is female and then asked to describe the baby’s personality and
behaviour. The use of a placebo is deceptive but usually not harmful. Some students may
be told their experimental rats are bright.
Other studies are more dangerous in their effect on human behaviour, for instance
Rosenthal and Jacobsen’s (1968) ‘self fulfilling prophecy’ studies, in which teachers were
told of the degree of talent to expect from children in their classes. Subsequent
performance did improve for those who at random were indicated as those who should
‘bloom’. What about those who by chance were allocated to the group not expected to
perform? Were their life chances lowered as a result of expectation fuelled by the teachers
in the experiment? A number of studies have been similar to Milgram’s and involved

chapter 2 |ethics of research 19

serious stress for participants, such as overhearing what was thought to be an authentic
epileptic seizure. In this case the dependent variable was the speed or occurrence of
reporting the seizure. Or in studies to assess the effects of different types of feedback
providing false feedback which causes loss of self-esteem or anxiety. Researchers should
be honest and open. Deception is seldom warranted.

Role-playing has been used as a means of avoiding deception. Subjects are fully informed
about the investigation and then asked to act as though they were subject to a particular
treatment condition. It is assumed that they understand they are not part of a real
situation. This relies heavily on the subject’s ability to role-play the required role adroitly.
The Stanford Prison study (Zimbardo & Ruch 1973) showed that subjects role-playing
guards and prisoners could become immersed in a role even when they knew the
experimental nature of the situation. This study had to be stopped after six days of a
planned fourteen days as the student prison guards became brutal and sadistic, while the
student prisoners developed passive dependency. However, it is argued conversely that
subjects who are fully informed of the experiment will produce results different from
those produced by uninformed subjects. Other approaches have been to forewarn
subjects that some of the experiments they might be asked to take part in may involve
deception and only then ask for them to volunteer.

In a debriefing session you inform the subjects about the nature of the study, any
deception and why it was necessary. You must restore the subject’s self-esteem and trust
in the motives of researchers. The debriefing should include the following:
¢ disclosure as to the purpose of the experiment, interviews, questionnaires, etc.;
¢ description of deception and why used;
* an attempt to make the research appear scientifically respectable and important.
* you may wish to allow subjects to view later experimental sessions showing another
subject being deceived so that they fully realise what happened.

Privacy and confidentiality

Confidentiality involves a clear understanding between researcher and participant
concerning the use to be made of the data provided. It is extremely important to ensure
that responses to personal questions, scores on tests, etc. are confidential and anonymous
so that the reader of the research would be unable to deduce the identity of the individual.
Individual data can be quoted by referring to participant ‘X’ or “Y’, etc. Subjects must be
informed that confidentiality will be maintained and feel confident of the researcher’s
commitment to that or else many potential subjects will refuse to take part.

20 part 1 |general orientation

The right to privacy is an important right enshrined now in international (UN
Declaration of Human Rights) and national legislation, particularly in respect of
information held by government departments, banks, etc. Individuals should decide
what aspects of their personal lives, attitudes, habits, eccentricities, fears and guilt are to
be communicated to others. In education and psychology, the use of concealed observers,
one-way mirrors, concealed microphones and video cameras are formidable threats to
privacy. This does not mean that personal and private behaviour cannot be observed
ethically; it can, provided that the subjects volunteer to participate with full knowledge
of the purposes and procedures involved. The general strategy for protecting privacy is
to use codes to represent individuals and separate the coding key from the raw data.

Right to discontinue
Ethical research practice respects this right. It is an important safeguard. It is often used
by those completing questionnaires or interviews when they refuse to respond to an
item. It is more difficult in a captive group in an experimental situation; there are subtle
forces at play between a researcher and a subject that make it difficult for the participant
to discontinue.

Experimenter obligations
Researchers make several implicit contracts with their subjects. For example, if the
subjects agree to be present at a specific time and place then the researcher must also. If
the researcher has promised to send a summary of results to the subjects then that must
be done. The researcher must not run overtime as many subjects may have made
arrangements to fit round the time requirement already notified.

Publication of findings
Researchers should be open with their results, allowing disinterested colleagues to vet the
research and its implications, because no one wants newspapers to seize on half-truths,
misinterpreting information and making unnecessary waves, particularly if the issue
affects people’s lives. Nor does anyone want politicians and bureaucrats rushing off to
create new policy before verification and replication among the academic community.
Education and social science research on such matters as racial differences,
immigration policy, selection of specific populations for special programs, sexual
behaviour, etc. will always stir up controversy, so that the most responsible researchers
should announce their findings and implications with great qualification and caution.
Remember it is always difficult to prevent unqualified persons from using research
findings for their own discriminatory and abusive ends.

Some studies involve providing subjects with unfavourable feedback about their
personalities or abilities in order to assess the effect on their self-concept or self-esteem.

chapter 2 |ethics of research 21

This can produce psychological stress. Not all mental stress involves deception. Induced
loss of self-esteem, exposure to aggressive film sequences, discomfort in sensory
deprivation experiments, embarrassing feedback—all cause stress. Physical discomfort
can be caused in studies investigating noise levels and sleep deprivation.

Intervention studies
These studies often involve willing participation, for example, working with parents at
home to improve parental stimulation and to show the effect on child learning and
intellectual performance. Ethical issues arise in selecting one group to be given special
treatment, particularly if itendows the participants with some beneficial ability. Other
interventions that examine the effect of an independent variable on a dependent
behavioural variable which are of questionable ethics include raising the level of
aggression in young children by showing them violent videos.

All in all it looks fairly difficult to conduct much research without running into ethical
arguments. Codes of ethics have been developed by many professions which deal with
human subjects. The most comprehensive and credible code of ethics is that issued by
the American Psychological Association (1992). This has become a major standard and
model for researchers in the social sciences. The British Psychological Society, which is
the other major worldwide association of psychologists, also has a Code of Conduct
(BPS 1993):
The Australian Association for Research in Education has recently published an
annotated bibliography on ethics in educational research which has general application
to research across the behavioural and social sciences. This bibliography can be accessed
at Attp://
Generally such codes include the following requirements:
that risks to participants are minimised by procedures which do not expose subjects
to risks;

¢ that risks to participants are outweighed by the anticipated benefits of the research;
¢ that the rights and welfare of participants are protected. The research should avoid
unnecessary psychological harm or discomfort to the subjects;
* participation should be voluntary;

¢ the subject has the right to know the nature, purposes and duration of the study, ice.
informed consent. Participants should sign an informed consent form which outlines
the study, who is conducting it, for what purpose, and how it is to be carried out; also
providing assurances of confidentiality and voluntary participation. The participant
should sign, acknowledging that they freely consent to participate. Should the subject
be below the age of consent or incapacitated due to age, illness or disability, a parent,
guardian or responsible agent must sign.

jap part 1 |general orientation

¢ the subject should be free to withdraw at any time without penalty;
* information obtained is confidential;
* participants are debriefed after the study.
You should find out the rules and procedures which govern ethical approval at your
institution and take early steps to fulfil the requirements. It is difficult to cover all
eventualities; however, the above principles provide a framework. Do not deceive, coerce,
breach privacy and confidentiality for your own ambition, prestige or ego.

1 If it is inappropriate to explain the reason for the research to the subjects before
data collection, which of the following should the experimenter do?
a ___Inform them anyway since cooperation is vital.
b Not disclose any information.
c Tell the subjects they will be informed at the end of the experiment.
2 Because in the school setting it is essential to have cooperation of parents, teachers,
students and administrators, which of the following must the researcher do?
a Ask the school principal to explain the research to all involved.
b Devise a plan to gain whole school cooperation.
c Work only where immediate cooperation is available.
3 If a student drops out of a research project which of the following should be done?
a__ The student should be required to provide a substitute.
b The student’s personal records should be amended to note the fact.
c¢ Nothing should be done.
4 In meeting with a school principal explain what steps you will tell him or her you are
taking to protect the rights of the teachers and students in an experiment (e.g. give
details of the research, right to privacy, who is involved, right to withdraw, no
penalties for refusal to take part etc.)
5 Suppose you have conducted a study in which students have been given false scores
on a maths test in order to see if this information has any effect on a subsequent
similar test. Describe your procedures at the end of the experiment. (Design a
program to explain why deception is necessary. Meet each student individually and
show test papers with correct scores. Offer to give another similar test so they can
be sure of real performance level etc.)
6 Discuss the contention that the ends never justifies the means where research with
humans is concerned.

Ethical problems are likely to occur in social science research since human subjects are involved.
Researchers must be aware of ethical considerations involved in voluntary and non-voluntary
participation, deception, informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, the right to discontinue,
and obligations of the experimenter.

chapter 2 | ethics of research 23

Codes of conduct issued by major professional associations in the social sciences attempt to raise
awareness of these issues and provide guidelines for ethical behaviour.

American Psychological Association (1992), “Ethical principles in the conduct of research with human
participants’, American Psychologist, vol. 47.
British Psychological Society (BPS) (1993), Code of Conduct: Ethical Principles and Guidelines,
Leicester, BPS.
Milgram, S. (1974), Obedience to Authority, Harper Row, New York.
Rosenthal, R. & Jacobsen, L. (1968), Pygmalion in the Classroom, Holt, New York.
Zimbardo, P. & Ruch, F. (1973), Psychology and Life, Scott Foresman, New York.

Further reading
Australian Association for Research in Education (1998), Ethics in Educational Research: Annotated
Bibliography, ed. K. Halasa. AARE, Coldstream, Victoria.
Burgess, R. (1989), The Ethics ofEducational Research, Falmer Press, London.
Clark, J. (1995), Ethical and Political Issues in Qualitative Research from a Philosophical Point of
View. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
San Fransisco.
Doig, S. (1994), The Placement of Teacher Voice in Educational Research, Paper presented at the
AARE conference, Newcastle.
Evans, T. & Jakupec, V. (1996), ‘Research ethics in open and distance education’, Distance Education,
vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 15-22.
Jenkins, D. (1993), “An adversary’s account of SAFARI’s ethics of case study’, in Controversies in
Classroom Research, ed. M. Hammersley, Open University Press, Milton Keynes.
Kimmel, A. (1988), Ethics and Values in Applied Social Research, Sage, Beverly Hills.
Mohr, M.M. (1996), Ethics and Standards for Teacher Research. Paper delivered at American
Educational Research Association conference, New York.
Osbourne, B. (1995), Indigenous Education: Is There a Place for Non-indigenous Researchers? Paper
delivered at AARE conference.
Thompson, A. (1992), “The ethics and politics of evaluation’, /sswes in Educational Research, vol. 2,
Wadeley, A. (1991), Ethics in Research and Practice, British Psychological Society, Leicester.

part 1 | general orientation

Selecting a
research topic
and reviewing
the literature

Finding a problem to investigate

In undertaking research in the behavioural sciences, the first problem is to find a problem
to investigate. This statement may seem so self-contradictory and self-evident that it
underestimates the difficulties that investigators have in doing just this.
Research starts with a problem; with a problematic situation. There is first a vague
situation in which ideas are unclear, doubts are raised and the thinker is perplexed. The
indeterminacy, however, must ultimately be removed. Initially, a researcher may often
have only a general and diffuse notion of a particular problem, but sooner or later they
have to have a fairly clear idea of what the problem is. Otherwise they can hardly get very
far in solving it. Though this statement seems self-evident, one of the most difficult
things to do, apparently, is to state one’s research problem clearly and fully. You must
know what you are trying to find out. When you finally know this, the problem is
heading towards a solution.
As with most undertakings, the success of research depends largely on the care taken
with the preliminary preparations. Much thought should be given to the problem
beforehand, resolving it into crucial questions and then designing a study later on to
answer the questions.
Novice researchers are surprised to find that this initial stage often takes up a
considerable amount of the total time invested in a research project. However, research
is impossible until a problem is recognised, thought through, and formulated in a feasible

The difficulty is not due to a shortage of researchable problems in education. In fact,
there are so many that researchers usually have trouble choosing among them. The main
difficulty is that a problem must be selected and a question formulated early, when the
beginner’s understanding of how to do research is more limited. In addition,
uncertainties about the nature of research problems, the isolation of a problem, the
criteria for acceptability, and how to solve the problem often seem overwhelming. Even
experienced researchers usually find it necessary to make several attempts before they
arrive at a research problem that meets generally accepted criteria. The first attempt at
formulation may, on closer examination, be found to be unfeasible or not worth doing.
Skill in doing research is to a large extent a matter of making wise choices about what
to investigate.

How do I find a research problem?

Though there are no set rules for locating a problem, there are three important sources
of problems—experience, from theory, and related literature.

A researcher must first of all decide on the general subject of investigation. Such choices
are necessarily very personal but should lead to an area that holds deep interest or about
which there is a real curiosity. Otherwise, the motivation to complete the research may
be difficult to sustain. The researcher’s own knowledge, experience, and circumstances
usually determine these choices.
For example, on a daily basis teachers make decisions about the probable effects of
educational practices on pupil behaviour. For instance, primary teachers may question
the effectiveness of their methods of teaching maths, or any of several other well-known
methods, in order to decide what is the most effective approach to use. Secondary social
studies teachers might wish to find out whether teaching about the problems of Third
World countries changes students’ attitudes to such countries and their inhabitants.
Observations of certain relationships for which adequate explanation does not exist
are another source of problems for investigation. A teacher may notice a decrease in self-
esteem in students at certain times. To investigate this the teacher can formulate various
tentative explanations, then proceed to test them empirically. This investigation may not
only solve the immediate problem but also make some small contribution to an
understanding of how self-esteem is affected by classroom influences.
Similarly, there are decisions to be made about practices that have become routine in
various professional areas—for example, penalties for lateness—which are based mainly
on tradition or authority, with little or no support from scientific research. Why not
evaluate some of these practices? Are there alternatives that would be more effective for
the purpose intended than those now being used?
Thus everyday experiences can yield worthwhile problems for investigation and, in
fact, most of the research ideas developed by beginning researchers tend to come from
their personal experiences. Such studies can often be justified on the basis of their

26 part 1 |general orientation

contribution to the improvement of professional practice, and are more meaningful to
novice researchers than those derived from theory.

From your everyday experience in your own professional areas as teacher or student, try
to isolate a problem suitable for investigation.

There are many theories in behavioural science that are popular theories rather than
scientific ones. These need to be tested by a variety of specific hypotheses to see in what
ways/contexts/conditions they may or may not hold. In this way, research contributes
to theory generation. For example, we are now aware that differences in performance
between boys and girls in specific school subjects such as reading, maths and science—
once believed in folklore theory to be innate sex differences—are in fact a function of
such variables as social expectation, conditioning, self-esteem and individual attribution.
In another example, failure to follow ‘instructions’ written on medical and social benefits
leaflets is not due to unwillingness, but often to the material being written at too high
a level for clients, i.e. a readability problem.

Review of literature
The review ofliterature is normally undertaken in two stages. The first stage involves a
general overview of the relevant area using secondary sources, such as general textbooks
which include relevant topics and literature reviews. Once the problem has been isolated,
a more specific and structured review involving primary sources of salient research can be
undertaken, using, for example, journal articles.
The preliminary review of the literature concentrates on more general texts and on
existing reviews of previous research which summarise the state of knowledge in a
particular area. Secondary sources, such as textbooks and reviews, are useful because
they combine knowledge from many primary sources into a single publication. A good
textbook, for example, combines the work of many other persons and simplifies or
eliminates much of the technical material which is not of interest to the general reader,
thus providing a quick and relatively easy method of obtaining a good overall
understanding of the field.
The review of the literature can help in limiting the individual’s research problem and
in defining it more clearly. Many attempted studies are doomed to failure before the
student starts because the problem has not been limited to an area small enough and
sufficiently specific to work with satisfactorily. It is far better in research to select a
limited problem and treat it well than to attempt the study ofabroad general problem
and do it poorly. Many students also commit themselves to a research problem before
they have thought it out adequately. A fuzzy or poorly defined problem can sometimes
result in the student collecting data and then learning that the data cannot be applied

chapter 3 |selecting a research topic and reviewing the literature 27

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Where do | begin?

to the problem the student wishes to attack. Before starting a review of the literature, the
student should do sufficient background reading from secondary sources to permit a
tentative outline of the research problem. The review of the literature will give the
student the knowledge needed to convert the tentative research problem to a detailed and
concise plan of action.
Reviews of previous research are a fertile source of research problems. Many research
reviews suggest extensions of the research topic and new questions are raised frequently as old
ones are answered. Many existing studies need replicating with different samples, for example,
in cross-cultural modes.

Reviews of research literature

If students can locate a recent review of literature related to their research topic, they can
get a useful overview with little effort. The quality of such reviews varies, however, and
students should look at reviews critically before accepting the conclusions of the reviewer.
The desirability of replicating previous studies to confirm the findings can be shown
through a literature review. As indicated in chapter 1, one major characteristic of the
scientific method is that results should be replicable. Repeating a study is profitable, as
confirming results provides further evidence of the validity of the findings.
Disconfirmation of the previous findings is just as valuable and leads to further studies
to elucidate the inconsistencies and contradictions. Reviewing literature with a critical
eye will also reveal gaps in the organised knowledge of an area.
Suppose, for example, you were concerned with the general problem of the effect of
personality on school attainment. The initial review would have shown that a number

28 part 1 |general orientation

of theories of personality exist, that a number of relevant measures of personality and
attainment are available, that the problem has been attacked from a number of different
perspectives and that a number of hypotheses are in vogue. It will have shown that
relationships between measures appear to vary depending on age, sex, type of schooling
and so on of the children who were studied. Similarly in research on reading, the review
will have shown that, amongst other factors, past research has considered the effect of
intelligence, sex, impaired hearing, dyslexia, lack of sensory experience and the efficacy
of different reading schemes.
Once this initial review has been completed it is useful to write a summary of the
material sampled, outlining the major theories, salient studies and their results. Such a
synthesis not only helps to clarify the major issues in the mind of the researcher but
provides a foundation for further readings. At this stage a decision is made, if one has
not been made already, about which particular aspect of the wider problem will be
studied further. To take the personality example again, you may have become intrigued
by the possibility that different cultural backgrounds could affect the manner in which
personality relates to school attainment.
Once a feasible problem has been isolated, a more detailed review of pertinent literature
is required in order to guide and inform the current study and provide an introduction
in the research project report. This review concentrates mainly on primary source
materials, research reports written by the original researcher.
This detailed review differs in a number of ways from the reading program of
secondary sources often used to locate a tentative research project. First, such a review
is much more extensive and thorough because it is aimed at obtaining a detailed
knowledge of the topic being studied, while the reading program is aimed at obtaining
enough general knowledge and insight to recognise problems in the selected area.
In the process of detailed review of the literature, the student should not only learn
what work has been done but should also be alert to research possibilities that have been
overlooked. The unique experience and background of an individual may make it
possible to see a facet of the problem that other research workers have not seen. Such new
viewpoints are likely to occur most frequently in areas where little research has been
done, but even in well-researched areas, someone occasionally thinks of an approach
that is unique and creative.
A detailed review of the literature can also provide insight into the methods,
measures, subjects, and approaches used by other research workers and can thus
lead to significant improvement of the design. A mistake made by many graduate
students when reading research reports is to give little attention to anything but the
results reported. Very often, a study that has little to contribute by way of results can
help a great deal by suggesting methods and useful approaches. For example,
discussions of the various measures used can help the student decide which of these
measures would be best suited for her or his own research. A sampling problem
discussed by one research worker can help other research workers in the field avoid
the same difficulties.
The authors of research articles often include specific suggestions and
recommendations for persons planning further research in the field. These suggestions

chapter 3 |selecting a research topic and reviewing the literature 29

should be considered very carefully because they represent the insights gained by the
research worker after experience in the problem area. Specific research topics are often
suggested that are particularly useful in helping the student delimit the research problem.
However, even if one has a considerable interest in the topic, a realistic appraisal of
the following points should still be undertaken:
a The problem must be able to be researched, i.e. dealt with empirically. Testable
hypotheses must be capable of being generated (see chapter 7).
b The researcher must be able to gain access to the samples, materials and other
resources needed. If the data cannot be gathered because oflack of permission from
schools, teachers, parents, administrators, etc., then another problem must be located.
Other reasons such as time and money, and availability of test instruments also must
be considered.
c The problem when solved should have spin-offs for developing theory and/or
application to real-life educational contexts. Research that is trivial has little to
contribute to real educational problems. Luckily few of these sort of studies get off the
ground, as professionals, administrators and project supervisors in education, health
and social work, etc., have little tolerance for the self-indulgent pastimes of naive

Explain the purpose of an initial review using secondary sources.

Scope of the review

Perhaps the greatest difficulty encountered by the student in carrying out a review of
the literature is deciding what should and should not be read. Unfortunately, there is
no pat formula that can help the student make this decision. Obviously, the student
should read all studies that are closely related to the research problem. Relatively new
research areas usually lack an organised body of source information to provide a general
background and thus require a fairly broad review.
For example, suppose a student wants to do research on the causes of ‘teacher
burnout’. Because widespread interest in teacher burnout is fairly new, they should
probably read most of the studies in the broad area of‘burnout’, even if the studies are
not closely related to this topic. For instance, an article that discusses ways to train
teachers to cope with stress, although only peripheral to the causes of teacher burnout,
should be checked. Also, studies that deal with the causes of burnout in other
similar professional groups, such as nurses and social workers, should be reviewed. In
new research areas, such as the causes of teacher burnout, students may find no more
than two or three studies that are very close to their topic. Thus a broader search is

30 part 1 |general orientation

A useful way to produce a logical and systematic account Is to:
¢ start with the most recent studies in the area and gradually work backwards. This
cuts down the reading as recent articles will most likely contain the findings, methods
and ideas of earlier pieces of research.
¢ always read the abstract (summary) first, as this will help you decide whether the
article is relevant and save time working through an article that will not have any
bearing on your research.
* organise the large amount of material you will gather during the review. Record each
piece of information on a bibliography card. The bibliography card should carry the
author’s name, date of publication, the title of the book or name ofjournal; it should
also contain a brief summary of the salient details of the research including the page
numbers, title of the article, details of the sample, techniques of measurement and
summary of results. The author’s main conclusions and any weaknesses in them will also
be recorded together with additional references gained from the article. And, of course,
if the research is one of the major ones in the field of study, further notes on additional
cards or in a notebook will also be taken. An example of a completed bibliography card
is shown in Figure 3.1. Do not put more than one article on each file card.
¢ refer to the Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)—the most productive source
for the majority of students studying education. Therefore its format is advantageous
to use when permitted. Most of the references will come from the subject index of
CIJE, and articles listed by subject give the title of the book or article before the
author’s name. For your bibliography card, the author’s name (last name first) should
be listed before the title. This change is necessary because it is much more convenient
for you to maintain your notecard file in alphabetical order by author, and the
bibliography as prepared for your thesis normally will be listed in this order. It is
advisable to print the author’s name; misspelled names are a common source of errors
and are difficult to detect when proofreading.
All this facilitates the typing of the references/bibliography. Students should check the
rules in effect at their institution concerning acceptable format for the bibliography
section of the thesis or dissertation.

FIGURE 3.1 ‘Example of completed bibliography card

38, 171-180
‘Teaching approach and the development of divergent thinking abilities in primary schools’
SAMPLE: 211 11-12 year-olds from 4 schools, two designated ‘informal’ and two
designated ‘formal’ by college of education lectures. Schools matched for
socio-economic background. Mean Verbal Reasoning quotient 101.
MEASURES: Verbal Reasoning—Moray House. 3 verbal and 3 non-verbal divergent
thinking tests adapted from MTCT. Sociometric test (given in appendix).
RES Wess Children in informal schools significantly superior in divergent thinking
abilities. Divergent children more popular in informal schools.
COMMENTS: Sample size of schools very small and unrepresentative. Terms ‘informal’
and ‘formal’ open to different interpretation.

chapter 3 | selecting a research topic and reviewing the literature

In more thoroughly explored areas, where research activity has extended over a longer
period of time and much of the early work is covered in secondary sources such as
textbooks, the student can usually develop adequate insight into the field by reading
only those studies that are reasonably close to the research topic. In these more
thoroughly explored areas, much greater depth is available, and the student can cover a
narrower topic range to a greater depth.

Checking preliminary sources

Preliminary sources are references, such as indexes and abstracts, that identify and locate
research articles and other primary sources of information. In education the most useful
sources are Resources in Education (RIE), Current Index to Journals in Education (CIE),
Psychological Abstracts, and Education Index. These sources are organised by subject.
Therefore, it is necessary that the research worker identify key words related to the topic
so that they may be looked up in the index to locate sources of information related to the
topic. For example, let us say that you wish to search Education Index for studies of
changes in racial attitudes in children in relation to the number of migrant pupils in
primary schools. Your first step in reviewing the literature would be to make a list of key
words that relate to this study. Your first list might include the following: attitude, attitude
change, integration, prejudice, race relations, racial prejudice, segregation, minority groups
and immigrants. This preliminary list of key words will almost certainly be incomplete
and will be changed when the actual search of Education Index begins. It does, however,
provide a starting point, and as many possible key words as you can think of should be
listed in order to reduce the likelihood of important studies being overlooked. The
Education Index provides no abstract, only a list as shown in Figure 3.2.

FIGURE 3.2 An example ofan entry from the Education Index

Research skills
Research mentor: a tool to aid in the training of scientific investigators / David Weiner and Judith
Weiner British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol.27, no.1: Jan 96 pp.5—-14.
What counts as ‘better’ practice? Supporting students in improving their practice by drawing out
their value dimensions / Kath Green Educational Action Research, Vol.5, no.1: 97 pp.31-41.
Whose project is it anyway? / Gerry Urwin Journal of Further and Higher Education, Vol.20, no.3:
Autumn 96 pp.94-103.
Research tools
Pestalozzi: de nouveaux outils pour la recherche / Michel Soetard Paedogogica Historica, Vol.32,
no.3: 96 pp.739-745.
Research utilisation
Banking on education and the uses of research: a critique of: World Bank priorities and strategies
for education / Jon Lauglo International Journal of Educational Development, Vol.16, no.3: Jul 96
Cooperation and competition: the creation of ecosystems of innovation / Piero Formica and Jay
Mitra Industry and Higher Education, Vol.10, no.3: Jun 96 pp.151-159.
The cooperative research centres programme: an Australian initiative to link research to
commercialization / Greg Tegart Industry and Higher Education, Vol.10, no.3: May 96
Creating data in practitioner research / Tony Brown Teaching and Higher Eduction, Vol.12,
no.3: May 96 pp.261-270.

part 1 | general orientation

A systematic method for undertaking a manual search is to create a checklist to narrow
down the volumes that contain articles, etc. that need to be read. A checklist for a study
looking at the relationships between the provision of careers education at school and
adolescent unemployment might look like Figure 3.3 below. This works well with
Education Index which provides titles of articles listed under each key word.

FIGURE 3.3 Example ofa checklist

Education index

Key words Vol 23 Vol 24 Vol 25 Vol 26 Vol 27

adolescents VY v Y Y é Y
vocational choice v Y v
careers education Y Vv Y
vocational education wo Y Y
careers counselling Y v
vocational counselling v v
adolescent un-
employment rates v VY

Psychological Abstracts provide a list of numbers under each key word in the index
volume. These numbers should then be located in the correct volume. Here, a brief
abstract will be provided of each article. This abstract is much more useful than the
brief biographical data found in Education Index as the abstract helps a researcher
to decide whether a journal article is of value to them or not. Any potentially useful
article title should be written on a library index card. The amassing of these cards
will help when the actual articles are being looked for and will provide a basis for
the reference section of the thesis or article under production.
ERIC, an acronym for the Educational Resources Information Centre, was
initiated in 1965 by the US Office of Education to transmit the findings of current
educational researchers to teachers, administrators, researchers, and the public. Two
very useful preliminary sources are published by ERIC. These are Resources in
Education (RIE) and Current Index to Journals in Education (CIE). Although ERIC
abstracts some of the same documents as Education Index and Psychological Abstracts,
it includes many documents not abstracted by these services. For example, RIE
provides abstracts of papers presented at education conferences, progress reports of
ongoing research studies, studies sponsored by federal research programs, and final
reports of projects conducted by local agencies such as school districts, which are not
likely to appear in education journals. Thus, ERIC will be valuable to the student
in providing an overview of the most current research being done in education. In
contrast, many of the studies currently referenced in Education Index and
Psychological Abstracts were completed several years previously because of the time
lag between completion ofthe study, publication in a journal, and abstracting by the

chapter 3 |selecting a research topic and reviewing the literature 33

The CIJE indexes around 800 education journals and journals in related fields
and includes more than 1000 articles each month. It contains a subject index, an
author index, and a main entry section. Using the key terms related to the research
problem derived from the ERIC Thesaurus, the subject index is searched first. The
EJ numbers of relevant references are noted, and then looked up in the main entry
section where the abstracts of research articles are found.
If you wish to obtain the full document that is abstracted in the entry, you can order
it through the ERIC Document Reproduction Service. A reproduction service price 1s
listed in the document resumé for each document. If you need an RIE document as
quickly as possible, it can be ordered by computer using the ORBIT or DIALOG
systems, which are available through most university libraries. An example is shown in
Figure 3.4.
ERIC includes AskERIC, an electronic question answering service on the Internet
([email protected]). In addition, ERIC has sixteen separate clearing houses (the
list in Figure 3.5 shows major ones) which abstract and index documents in specific
subject areas. Should one of the clearing houses listed below cover an area in which
you propose to conduct research it would pay to contact it.
RIE requires a search using key terms in the subject index. Each reference listed under
a key term has an ED number at the end. The researcher then looks up this number in
the document resumés section and will find an abstract and other biographical

FIGURE 3.4 Sample record

The position of the key fields are shown in the following sample record:
CH AN EJ330143 IR514912
TI VCRs Silently Take over the Classroom
AU Reider, William L.
JN PY TechTrends, V30 n8 p14-18 Nov-Dec 1985
AV Available from: UMI
LA Language: English
JA Journal Announcement: CIUMAY86
TA Target Audience: Practitioners
AB Discusses the rapid growth of video cassette recorder (VCR) use in
schools; compares ways in which VCRs, audiovisual materials, and micro-
computers are used In classrooms; and suggests reasons for the dramatic
increase in VCR use. The successful implementation of VRC technology in
the Baltimore Country School System (Maryland) is described. (MBR)
DE Descriptors: Adoption (Ideas); * Audiovisual Aids; * Educational Trends;
Financial Support; Futures (of Society); * Micro-computers; Teacher Role;
* Videotape Cassettes; *Videotape Recorders.
ID Identifiers: * Baltimore Country Public Schools MD; Standardisation.

34 part 1 | general orientation

FIGURE 3.5 ERIC clearing houses
ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary & Early Childhood Education
University of Illinois
805 West Pennsylvania Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801-4897
(217) 333-1386
(800) 583-4135

ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading & Communication Skills

SRC, Indiana University
2805 East 10th Street, Suite 150
Bloomington, IN 47408-2698
(812) 855-5847

ERIC Clearinghouse on Teaching & Teacher Education

One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 610
Washington, DC 20036-1186
(202) 293-2450
FAX (202) 457-8095
(800) 882-9229

ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment & Evaluation

Catholic University
Department of Education
O'Boyle Hall
Washington, DC 20064

ERIC Clearinghouse on Education Management

University of Oregon
1787 Agate Street
Eugene, OR 97403-5207
(503) 346-2334
FAX (503) 346-2334
(800) 438-8841

ERIC Clearinghouse on Counselling & Student Services

University of North Carolina-Greensboro
School of Education
Curry Building
Greensboro, NC 27412-5001
(800) 414-9769

ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities & Gifted Education

Council for Exceptional Children
1920 Association Drive
Reston, VA 22091-1589
(703) 264-9474
(800) 328-0272

chapter 3 | selecting a research topic and reviewing the literature 35

FIGURE 3.5 Continued

ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology

Syracuse University
Huntington Hall, Rm 030
800 University Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2340
(315) 443-3640
(800) 464 9107

ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education

George Washington University
One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 6380
Washington, DC 20036-1183
(202) 296-2597
(800) 773-3742

ERIC Clearinghouse on Science, Math & Environmental Education

Ohio State University
1929 Kenny Road
Columbus, OH 43210-1080
(614) 292-6717

ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career & Vocational Education

CETE/Ohio State University
1929 Kenny Road
Columbus, OH 43210-1090
(614) 292-4353
(800) 848-4815

information. The CIJE works in the same way. Should the researcher want a hard copy
of the full document it can be ordered from the source listed in the abstract entry.
If you discover a controversial article or theory and want to find out what later authors
thought of it or what successive researchers have discovered in relation to it you can use
the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). Later works are located by looking up the key
author and seeing in which later studies the work has been mentioned.

Review of Education Research

This journal provides critical integrative reviews of research literature bearing on
important topics and issues. Such reviews provide an excellent basis for a literature search.

Dissertation Abstracts International

This is a monthly compilation of doctoral dissertations, many of which have never been
published. Each issue contains a keyword title index which lists titles and page numbers
on which the abstract appears.
A more complete description of the ERIC System and how to use it can be found in
the booklet ERIC: What It Can Dofor You, How to Use It, which is available in many

36 part 1 |general orientation

Psychological Abstracts
Another valuable preliminary source for research workers in education is Psychological
Abstracts. This reference is published monthly by the American Psychological Association
and contains abstracts of articles appearing in over 850 journals and other sources in
psychology and related areas. Every issue of Psychological Abstracts has sixteen sections,
each covering a different area of psychology. In addition to including abstracts, the
monthly issues also include brief subject and author indexes. Table 3.1 lists some major
sources of research literature in education and social science.

Test sources
In conducting research, a test or measuring device is often required. Buros’s Mental
Measurement Yearbooks are the major reference sources that list and critically review
tests. These books are specifically designed to assist users in education, psychology and
industry to make more intelligent use of standardised tests. Each yearbook is arranged
in the same pattern and is meant to supplement rather than supersede the earlier
volumes. Tests are grouped by subject, and descriptions of each test are followed by
critical reviews and references to studies in which the test has been used. Each volume
has cross-references to reviews, excerpts, and bibliographic references in earlier volumes.
The volumes include aptitude and achievement tests in various subject areas, personality
and vocational tests, and intelligence tests. Complete information is provided for each
test, including cost and ordering instructions. Tests in Print III serves as an index and
supplement to the first eight Mental Measurement Yearbooks. Buros also organises the
material in the Mental Measurement Yearbooks into specialised monographs on tests of
personality, reading, intelligence, vocational and business skills, English, foreign
languages, mathematics, science, and social studies. The Psychological Test Bulletin
published by ACER twice per year includes independent test reviews, research reports,
articles on testing, Australian norms and information on new tests.

Conducting a computer search

Most researchers now use computers to search for sources rather than undertake a
manual search. Computer searches remove the time-consuming activity of making
detailed notes and summarising research articles, as a printout of abstracts is usually
available. This printout can usually be obtained immediately at the terminal where you
are conducting the search. It can be expensive if the search is extensive, as you will have
to pay for online time. Most of the major indexes and abstracts are on computer
databases. To carry out a successful online computer search a selection of essential key
terms is required. Then combinations of key terms are used to produce references by
employing ‘and’ and ‘or’.
For example to obtain references for a study that is to investigate the self-concepts of
beginning secondary school teachers you might require the following combination:
1 self-concept 3 beginning teachers esd an school
L or |and F or |and be :
2 self-esteem 4 commencing teachers 6 high school

chapter 3 |selecting a research topic and reviewing the literature 37

ss ~ a > EA lS Sere a LS

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We are asking the computer for any references that includes any combination of each
pairing, such as 1 or 2 and 3 or 4 and 5 or 6. Or connections increase the number of
references selected while and connections reduce the number selected.

Where can you have a computer search conducted?

Many universities and colleges have terminals that link them to one of the information
retrieval systems such as the Lockheed DIALOG system, or the SDC/ORBIT system.
You should visit the reference section of your library and see if a terminal is available.
Searching computer databases is similar to manually searching the printed indexes, as
keywords are used to define the topic in both cases. A computer search is usually quicker
and more efficient than a manual search, allowing improved access through title word
searching in addition to searching indexing terms.
Ten different computer networks are available (DIALOG, AUSINET, AUSTRALIS,
total of over 250 databases. Three networks (AUSINET, AUSTRALIS, MEDLINE)
are located in Australia and lower fees are charged for these. Many databases are now on
CD-ROM (e.g. ERIC, PsychLit) and are held by university libraries.

Writing the review

Writing a review of the literature is not an easy matter. You must do three things:

¢ describe the work which has been done, being critical where necessary;
* summarise the main facts and conclusions which emerge, synthesising to produce
main themes, directions, contradictions etc.; and
* point out those areas of the field which are still inadequately covered.

Further reading
Brown, J., Sitts, M. & Yarborough, J. (1975), ERIC: What It Can Do For You. How To Use It.
Syracuse, ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Services.
Buros, O. (ed.) (1978), Mental Measurements Yearbooks, 8th edn, University Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
Cooper H. (1998), Synthesising Research: A Guide for Literature Reviews, Sage, London.
Fink, A. (1998), Conducting Research Literature Reviews, Sage, London.
Hart, C. (1998), Doinga Literature Review, Open University, Milton Keynes.
Mann, L. & Sabatino, D. (1980), Reviews of Special Education, JSE Press, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, J.V. (1983), Tests in Print II: An Index to Test Reviews and the Literature on Specific Tests,
University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE.
Mitzel, H. (ed.) (1982), Encyclopedia of Educational Research, 5th edn, Glencoe, New York.
Thesaurus ofERIC Descriptors (1980), Onyx Press, Phoenix.

chapter 3 | selecting a research topic and reviewing the literature 39

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Research in the quantitative tradition follows a linear sequence, as shown in the
figure below. This section of the book covers the elements in this sequence.

Linear squence in quantitative research

Define a : Select
Formulate Design the samples and
hypotheses study instruments

Statistically Draw Report

Gather the
analyse conclusions the results
the data

42 part 2 | quantitative methods


Descriptive statistics
The descriptive aspect of statistics allows researchers to summarise large quantities of
data using measures that are easily understood by an observer. It would always be
possible, of course, simply to present a long list of measurements for each characteristic
observed. In a study of ages at leaving school, for example, we might just present the
reader with a listing of the ages of all students leaving school within the past year in a
particular state, or in a study ofsex offenders, the sex of persons convicted ofchild abuse
in 1998. This kind of detail, however, is not easy to assess—the reader simply gets
bogged down in numbers. Instead of presenting all observations we could use one of
several statistical measures that would summarise, for example, the typical age at leaving
school in the collection of data. This would be much more meaningful to most people
than the complete listing.
Thus descriptive statistics consist of graphical and numerical techniques for
summarising data, i.e. reducing a large mass of data to simpler, more understandable

Inferential statistics
Other statistical methods, termed inferential, consist of procedures for making
generalisations about characteristics of apopulation based on information obtained from
a sample taken from that population.
Over the last couple of decades, social scientists have increasingly recognised the
power of inferential statistical methods. Hence, a discussion of statistical inference
occupies a large portion of this textbook. The basic inferential procedures ofestimation
and hypothesis testing are explained in chapters 6 and 7.
Overall we can say that statistics consist of aset of methods and rules for organising
and interpreting data. By common usage, statistics means facts and figures. In our
approach it means techniques and procedures for analysing data.

Measures of central tendency

We often wish to summarise an entire distribution by a single, central score. Such a
score is called a measure of central tendency. Three measures of central tendency are
commonly used to express this central point of a distribution: the mean, the median and
the mode.

The mean
By far the most common measure of central tendency in educational research is the
arithmetic mean. The mean (M) is simply the sum of all the scores (1X) divided by the
number of scores (N) or

m= 2%

This is what most people think of as the average.

The mean is responsive to the exact position of each score in the distribution.
Change any score and you change the value of the mean. The mean may be thought
of as the balance point in a distribution. If we imagine a seesaw consisting of a
fulcrum and a board, the scores are like bricks spread along the board. The mean
corresponds to the fulcrum when it is in balance. Move one of the bricks to another
position and the balance point will change (see Figure 4.1). In fact, the sum of
negative deviations from the mean is equal to the sum of the positive deviations
from the mean. This zero sum is the reason why measures other than actual
deviations or range from the mean have to be used to measure the dispersal or spread
of scores round the mean.
The mean is the only measure that reflects the influence of all scores in the
distribution. Ifa constant is added to or subtracted from every score in the distribution,
the mean will also increase or decrease respectively by this constant. If every score in a
distribution is multiplied or divided by a constant, the mean will alter to reflect its
multiplication or division by the constant.

The median
The word median means ‘middle item’. Thus, when we have a series of scores which
contain an extreme value or values, it would be sensible to arrange them in rank order

part 2 |quantitative methods

FIGURE 4.1 Mean as balance point

lS 16 17 18

(M = 14)

—2 +4,
= -2 =| +2 +3 +4

aks Sake

so that the highest value is at the top of the list, and the remaining scores are placed in
descending order of magnitude with the score ofleast value at the bottom of the list. The
median value will be the central value.
For example, if we have a series of nine scores, there will be four scores above the
median and four below. This is illustrated as follows:

16 6 de} 24 17 4 19 Y) 20
Arranged in order of magnitude these scores become:

24 20 19 LZ. a 11 9 6 4

median value

In our example we had a set of odd numbers which made the calculation of the
median easy. Suppose, however, we had been faced with an even set of numbers.
This time there would not be a central value, but a pair of central values. No real
difficulty is presented here, for the median is to be found halfway between these two
Let us put the following numbers in rank order and find the median score:
16 29 20 9 34 10 a, 4 i Ae
In rank order these numbers appear as follows:

34 oS) 23 y) 20 16 15 12 10a.)

median = a = 2

chapter 4 | descriptive statistics 45

1 Using the formula given earlier for calculating the mean, find the mean of this set of
98 59 61 a7 56 60 62 58 60 59

Do you agree that the mean is 63?

2 What is the difference between inferential and descriptive statistics?

Look at this mean of 63 in relation to the data and comment on what you notice.
Hopefully you realised that the mean was larger than any of the other scores except the
extreme score. This example of having one number much greater in value than the other
numbers presents a real problem, for it renders the mean untypical, unrealistic and
The median has the desirable property of being insensitive to extreme scores. In the
distribution ofscores of 66, 70, 72, 76, 80 and 96, the median of the distribution would
remain exactly the same if the lowest score were | rather than 66, or the highest score
were 1223 rather than 96. The mean, on the other hand, would differ widely with these
other scores. Figure 4.2 shows the effect of extreme scores. The mean of 20.3 is hardly
representative. It would not matter in this case if the extreme score were 1000, the
median would remain the same at 11.50.

FIGURE 4.2 Unrepresentative mean

5 Median

Cc |

| | |

+ A |
10 11 12 13 14 15 20.30 “ye 100

However, using the median often severely limits any statistical tests that can be used to
analyse the data further, since the median is an element of ordinal or ranked data, whereas
the mean is a major feature of interval data (chapter 8).

part 2 |quantitative methods

The mode
The third measure of central tendency is the mode, or modal score, which is the most
frequently occurring value in a set of scores. It is a typical result, a common or
fashionable one (a la mode), but not necessarily a mathematically sophisticated one.
The mode in the following example is 24, since four people obtained that score on a test:
Come 26. Oe ot) 9, Qa (24) 21 139919 84)
The mode is easy to obtain. However there may be more than one mode in a
distribution. In a rectangular distribution where every score is the same, every score
shares the honour.
The mode lacks the precision of the other two measures and can be misleading. It is
rarely used in educational research.

Comparison of mean, median and mode

The choice between the mean and the median as a measure of central tendency depends
very much of the shape of the distribution. The median, as shown earlier, is not affected
by ‘extreme’ values as it only takes into account the rank order of observations. The
mean, on the other hand, is affected by extremely large or small values as it specifically
takes the values of the observations into account, not just their rank order.
Distributions with extreme values at one end are said to be skewed. A classic example
is income, since there are only a few very high incomes but many low ones. Suppose we
sample ten individuals from a neighbourhood, and find their yearly incomes (in
thousands of dollars) to be:
ZO eiee du shoo» afs2d: meh. (A0.! AO D0 Dw oA000
The median income for this sample is $40 000, and this value reflects the income of
the typical individual. The mean income for this sample, however, is

25425425425 +40 + 40+ 40 + 50 +50 + 1000 = 130 or $130 000.

A politician who wants to demonstrate that their neighbourhood has prospered might,
quite honestly, use these data to claim that the average (mean) income is $130 000. If,
on the other hand, they wished to plead for financial aid for the local school, they might
say, with equal honesty, that the typical (median) income is only $40 000. There is no
single ‘correct’ way to find an ‘average’ in this situation, but it is obviously important to
know which measure of central tendency is being used. In general, ifa distribution is
substantially skewed—that is, when the bulk of observations are clustered together but
a few have much higher or much lower values—then the median is usually preferred to
the mean.
It is always best from an analytic viewpoint to use the mean wherever possible. Many
of the summary measures used in descriptive statistics can be and are used in more
complex analyses. The mean, which is calculated arithmetically, is mathematically much
easier to manipulate than the median, which is found by ordering. Secondly, much of
the data used in research derives from samples and from sampling procedures. Any

chapter 4 |descriptive statistics 47

sampling procedure leads to ‘sampling errors’ for a particular statistic, i.e. we can only
estimate the mean or median income or age in a given population within certain limits
of error. Sampling theory shows that this error or ‘uncertainty’ is less for the mean than
for the median. Thus for most purposes we find that the mean is used in preference to
the median, except when the distributions are substantially skewed.

Why should the mean be used rather than the median or mode?

Measures of dispersal or variability

Averages or measures ofcentral tendency are a useful way of describing one characteristic
ofafrequency distribution. But reducing a large set of data to one statistic can lead to a
serious loss of information. Consider the three distributions below. Both mean and
median are equal for each distribution, i.e. = 10, but a second characteristic differs quite
markedly in each:
a 8 y) 10 11 12
b 10 10 10 10 10
Cc 1 D 10 15 19
What other characteristic beside central tendency would seem necessary to describe it?
It is the variability of scores around the mean that is required, and we need to know
how to measure this variability. This provides another way of summarising and comparing
different sets of data. The notion of variability lies at the heart of the study of individual
and group differences. It is the variability of individuals that forms the focus of research.
We need some way to describe it. It has by now, even with brief acquaintance, become
obvious to you that we can actually calculate a mean, median and mode for a set of scores
even if they have variability or not. If all subjects in a test receive the same score, i.e. no
variability, then the mean, median and mode will all be the same, and the same as this
score. On the other hand, if there is considerable variation, our three measures of central
tendency provide us with no indication of its extent. But what they can do is provide us
with reference points against which variability can be assessed.

One method of considering variability is to calculate the range between the lowest and
the highest scores. This is not a very good method, however, since the range is
considerably influenced by extreme scores.

The shortcoming of the range as a measure of variability is that it reflects the values of
only two scores in the entire sample. A better measure of variability would incorporate
every score in the distribution rather than just two scores. One might think that the

48 part 2 |quantitative methods

variability could be measured by the average difference between the various scores and
the mean, M, by:

¥ (score — M)

This hypothetical measure is unworkable, however, because some of the scores are
greater than the mean and some are smaller, so that the numerator is a sum of both
positive and negative terms. (In fact, it turns out that the sum of the positive terms
equals the sum of the negative terms, so that the expression shown above always equals
The solution to this problem is simply to square all the terms in the numerator, thus
making them all positive. The resulting measure ofvariability is called the variance (V):

Was SO?
Variance is the average squared deviation from the mean, that is, the sum of the
squared deviations from the mean divided by the number of scores. The sum of (X — M)?
can also be written as SS which stands for the Sum of Squares or sum of squared
deviations from the mean.

Variance = = where SS = (X—M)? or (¥X?) — ( X)?


This is the formula for population data.

The calculation of the variance is shown in Table 4.1. As the table shows, the variance
is obtained by subtracting the mean (M, which equals 8) from each score, squaring each
result, adding all the squared terms, and dividing the resulting sum by the total number
of scores (N, which equals 10), yielding a value of 4.4.
Because deviations from the mean are squared, the variance is expressed in units
different from the scores themselves. If our dependent variable were a distance measured
in centimetres, the variance would be expressed in square centimetres. It is more
convenient to have a measure of variability which can be added to or subtracted from the
mean. Such a measure ought to be expressed in the same units as the original scores. To
accomplish this end, we employ another measure of variability, the standard deviation.

Standard deviation
This is the most important measure of dispersal. It is often symbolised as ‘o’ or ‘SD’.
Some researchers use 6 with population and SD with samples. It reflects the amount of
spread that the scores exhibit around some central tendency measure, usually the mean.
The standard deviation is derived from the variance (V); it is obtained by taking the
square root of the variance.

chapter 4 |descriptive statistics 49

TABLE 4.1 Calculating variance

Score Score — mean (Score — mean)?

8 8-8 =0 07 =0 44
W Tiere CRP ern gsoc
6 6-8 =2 (-2)2 =4
7 738. =| (-1)2 =
5 5-8 =-3 G3) =
9 T= B= | ie
> 5-8 =-3 (23) =
9 S38 = 1 17'S
9 9-8 =1 12 =
1] iiesies Oe


(x2) — 2X!

=.,./— or
,,————or |———————-

In our example in Table 4.1, SD is about 2.1, the square root of the variance which
is 4.4,
Here is another example. Imagine our data is 15, 12, 9, 10 and 14.
Obtain the mean of the values (M = 12).
Calculate the differences of the values from the mean (3; 0; 3; 2; 2).
Obtain the squares of these differences (9; 0; 9; 4; 4).
Find the sum of the squares of the differences (26).
Divide by the number ofitems 26/5 = 5.2. This is the variance.
asia the square root of the variance, which is the standard deviation = 2.3.
The formula for obtaining the standard deviation is:
— |XX -M)? hea 26
oo mr le. in our example = at 2.3

If we are concerned only with finding the standard deviation as a measure of

dispersion of the sample, this formula will suffice, but if we want to gain some idea of
the variability of the population from which the sample was taken, then N — 1 should
be used as the denominator for greater accuracy,
2 (2X)
SS xX aos

sample variance = en or rT 7

sample standard deviation = Cire eeu bsallN e

N—-1 N-1

50 part 2 |quantitative methods

When calculating population data, always use N as the denominator. When
calculating variance or standard deviation of a sample use N — 1 as the denominator.
o= 2X — M)" = j26 = 255
N=1 4

We use N — 1 rather than N when working with samples in order to produce an

unbiased estimate of the population standard deviation. Due to chance factors in drawing
a sample from a population, we know that the sample is unlikely to be the same as the
population in terms of mean or standard deviation. However if the sample mean is an
unbiased estimate there is an equal likelihood that it will fall above or below the
population mean. If it is biased it will always tend to fall below the population parameter.
Let us take a population of only four scores: 2, 2, 4, and 4. The mean is 3. Since all
the deviations are equal to 1 the variance and standard deviation is also 1. If you select
a sample of two scores from the population, only four samples are possible. These are
listed in the table below. The table also shows the sample variance using both N and
N — 1 as the denominator. If we use N for the sample variance the four values add up
to 2, so the average sample variance is .5. This underestimates the population variance
which we know is 1. Using N — 1, the four values add up to 4, giving an average sample
variance of 1. This is exactly the same as the population variance. Thus using N results
in a biased measure.

Sample Ist 2nd Sample Sample variance Sample variance

score score $s using N-1 using N
1 2 2 0 0 0
2 2 4 2 Z 1
3 4 2 2 2 1
4 4 4 0 0 0

N — 1 will provide a better estimate of the population SD. As you will realise, as
sample N gets larger and the difference between size of sample and size of population
becomes much reduced, the difference between dividing by N or N — 1 becomes
negligible. Purely by chance, a sample may include an extreme case. But the larger the
size of that sample, the less the effect of an extreme case on the average. If a sample of
three persons includes an exceptionally short person, the average height will be unusually
far from the population mean. In a sample of 3000, one exceptionally short person will
not affect the average very markedly. However, as you will see, research generally involves
samples which are considerably smaller than the population from which they are drawn.
Hence the use of N — 1 as denominator is strongly advised.
This formula,

D(X— M)?
works well if M is a whole number, but so often it is not and causes unwieldy
computations with deviations that are not whole numbers going to perhaps two decimal

chapter 4 |descriptive statistics 51

places. Then you have the problem of having to square such awkward numbers.
Inaccuracy is often introduced here by rounding, so a formula more convenient to use

be N
are N-1
where SX? is the sum ofthe squared raw scores and (=X)- is the sum of the raw scores
This formula is mathematically equivalent to the first formula above. Let us check that
we do get the same answer.
x x2
15 225
12 144
9 81
10 100
14 196

=X = 60 YX? = 746

746 —
\ ten
GC. = SS

_ |746-720 _ |26
rok eae V4

This formula too must employ N — | as the denominator when used with samples.
Figure 4.3 shows two difterent standard deviations—one with a clustered appearance,
the other with scores well spread out illustrating clearly the relationship of spread to
standard deviation.
Generally, the larger the 6, the greater the dispersal of scores; the smaller the 6, the
smaller the spread of scores, i.e. increases in proportion to the spread of the scores around
M as the marker point. But measures of central tendency tell us nothing about the
standard deviation and vice versa. Like the mean, the standard deviation should be used
with caution with highly skewed data, since the squaring of an extreme score would
carry a disproportionate weight. It is therefore recommended where M is also
Adding a constant to every score does not change a standard deviation. This is because
each score still remains at the same distance from other scores as it did before, and the
mean simply increases by the constant too. Therefore deviations from the mean remain
the same. However, multiplying each score by a constant causes the standard deviation
to be multiplied by that constant as each distance between scores is also multiplied by
the same constant. For example, given three scores 10, 12 and 14 with a mean of 12 we

52 part 2 |quantitative methods

FIGURE 4.3 Two distributions with same M but different SDs

> M = 20
c C= 2

[ree | ater | ee fe Ge ka re [em

10 15 20 PAS: 30 x

SAP M = 20
12) —

= io

*E fa. a: 4 | ee,
10 15 20 25 30 x

can multiply by 3 and obtain 30, 36 and 42 with a mean of 36. The deviation of each
score from the mean has increased three times and so will the standard deviation.
So in describing an array of data, researchers typically present two descriptive statistics:
the mean and the standard deviation. Although there are other measures of central
tendency and dispersion, these are the most useful for descriptive purposes. Variance is
used extensively, as we shall see, in inferential statistics.

Statistical software packages for the computer

Since computers and software packages for statistical analysis are so prevalent that
everyone has access to ‘statistics’, it has become more important than ever before to
teach the correct use of statistics. Using computing power should go hand-in-hand
with—not replace—statistical reasoning, the correct selection of a statistical test, careful
evaluation of the underlying assumptions, and cautious interpretation of results. It is my
hope that this book stresses these aspects more completely and understandably than
most other statistics texts. It is, in fact, the development and implementation of new
statistical software that made me realise just how important it is that we teach the
concepts ofstatistics well. When a microcomputer can be used to perform complicated
analyses, statistical instruction that does not cover such topics is behind the times.
The book therefore shows how to use a computer program to undertake most of the
statistical tests discussed and how to interpret the printout of results. There are many
widely used packages of statistical software available today. Almost any one of them will
be able to perform all the operations discussed in this text. In particular, I have given
examples of how to use SPSS for many of the statistical procedures, as this program is

chapter 4 |descriptive statistics a9

perhaps the one in most common use. In each chapter where data analysis is conducted
you will find a section on the use of the computer for that particular test. For the
convenience of readers who are not familiar with, or who do not have access to SPSS,
sufficient detailed information is given to enable calculations to be done by hand or
with an electronic calculator. Most other statistics packages will do the job just as well
and operate in very similar fashion to SPSS.
It must be emphasised that the information is the bare minimum to get you started. To
become a skilled user will require you to obtain a more detailed handbook on the use of

Labelling variables and their values

The first task in using a statistical program is to label the variables and place or input
your obtained data into their respective variable columns. You should create your
variable names before you input any data. With SPSS it is necessary not only to label
each variable with an abbreviated name that is a reasonable guide to what it is—for
example, ‘qualif for qualifications or ‘ethgp’ for ethnic group—but also label the
variable in full, and where coding is involved for various categories of the variable
include this in order to make your print-out of results clear, since the full names will
be printed there. Below is an example of the procedure used to create your variables
before you enter any data.
In this example, imagine you are going to create a column for data relating to
qualification level of some teachers. The teachers answered a questionnaire that asked
them to indicate their highest qualification. They were given five qualifications to
choose from which would be coded | through to 5.

Example procedure
1 Select the column you wish to label with a variable. This is usually the first free
column from the left in the data editor window. To select the column make sure
your cursor or the active cell which is framed in bold is in that column.
2 Click on Data from the menu bar to produce a drop-down menu.
3 On the drop down menu, select Define Variable which opens the Define Variable
dialogue box.
4 Variable Label: Variables can have a label of up to eight characters in length, so
var00001 (the SPSS default label) which is to represent the qualifications of the
teachers will be abbreviated to ‘qualif’ by typing in ‘qualif’ which will delete the
highlighted default name ‘var00001’ in the Variable Name: box.
Next click on the Label button to display the Define Labels box.
In the Variable Label box, type the full variable name ‘qualification’.
In the Value space type the figure ‘1’, and in the Value label space type ‘Certificate’.
Select Add which puts 1.00 = ‘certificate’ in the bottom box.

Repeat this procedure for the remaining four values of 2 for ‘diploma’, 3 for ‘bachelors
degree’, 4 for ‘masters degree’ and 5 for ‘Ph.D’.

54 part 2 |quantitative methods

9. When all the coding is complete, select Continue, then OK. The first column is now
labelled ‘qualif’ and is ready for data entry. Your output will now show the full names
and related coding.

Using SPSS for descriptive statistics

Percentages and frequencies
1 Click on Statistics on the menu bar.
2 From the drop-down menu select Summarize, then click on Frequencies. This opens
the Frequencies dialogue box.
3 Highlight the variables for which you wish to generate descriptive statistics and use
the arrow button to place them in the Variable[s]: box.
4 Select Statistics, which brings the Frequencies statistics box into display.
N In the Dispersion area click Minimum and Maximum.
6 Choose Continue, then OK to obtain output similar to that shown below in Table 4.2.

TABLE 4. 2 Example of table produced by the frequency procedure

Drink preference
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Per cent per cent per cent
Valid Fizzie 22 26.2 26.2 26.2
Bubbly 31 36.9. 36.9 63.1
Pepco 31 36.9 36.9 100.0
Total 84 100.0 100.0
Total 84 100.0

How to interpret the output in Table 4.2

e The table gives us frequencies and percentages for the drink preferences of a group
of students.
¢ Column 1: The value labels are listed: ‘fizzie’, ‘bubbly’, etc.
e Column 2: The frequency of each of the categories is presented. Thus there are
thirty-one cases who chose ‘bubbly’.
e¢ Column 3: The percentage of cases in each category for the sample as a whole is
displayed. This includes any values that you may have defined as missing values
(there are none in this example). Thus 26.2 per cent ofthe cases in the sample chose
e Column 4: The percentage of cases in each category for the sample excluding any
missing values is presented. Since there were no values defined as missing in our
example, columns 4 and 5 are identical in this instance.
¢ Column 5: The cumulative percentage excluding any missing values is found in the
final column of numbers. Thus 63.1 per cent of the cases chose ‘bubbly’ and ‘fizzie’

chapter 4 |descriptive statistics 55

How to report the results in Table 4.2
Table 4.2 presents most of the main features of these data. Depending on your purpose
you would discuss certain noteworthy percentages and frequencies. Don’t try to report
all of the SPSS output since there is an excess ofdetail. Avoid SPSS-specific terms, like
‘valid percent’ as it has little meaning for those readers not au fait with SPSS.

Using SPSS graphs

The presentation ofdata in the form ofa chart such as a bar chart, pie chart or histogram
aids understanding and brings out salient features of a mass of figures in a visual
summary form.
For example, to create a pie chart:
Click Graphs then select Pie.
Click Summaries For Groups of Cases.
Select Define and in the Define Pie Summaries
for Groups of Cases box, highlight the
variable of interest to you and move it to the Define Slices box.
Click OK and the chart will be displayed.
To add percentages to the slices double click on the chart to select it for editing.
Select Chart then Options.
In the pie chart Options box click next to percents in the Labels box.
A» Select
CON Format then click on the down arrow next to Position and select Numbers inside,
Text outside.
9 Choose Continue and then OK to display the edited pie chart.

FIGURE 4.4 Example ofa pie chart

Pepco Fizzie


Descriptive statistics
1 Click on Statistics to display a drop-down menu.
2 From this menu, select Summarize, then Explore to obtain the Explore dialogue box.

56 part 2 |quantitative methods

3 Transfer to the Dependent list box, by clicking and highlighting those variables for
which you wish to obtain the descriptive statistics.
4 In the Display box choose Statistics.
5 Click on the Statistics button which will bring the Explore:Statistics dialogue box into
6 Make sure Descriptives is chosen. Select Continue and then OK to produce output
similar to that shown in Table 4.3.
If you wish to compute descriptive statistics for a quantitative variable within levels
of a qualitative variable, for example, age for men and women separately, after step 3
above place the qualitative variable into the FactorList box.

TABLE 4.3 Example ofdescriptive statistics produced by the explore procedure

Gender Statistic error
STATS Female Mean 45.1429 1.4842
95% confidence Lower
interval for mean Bound 42.1455
Bound 48.1402
5% trimmed mean 44.9418
Median 44.0000
Variance 92.516
Std deviation 9.6185
Minimum 29.00
Maximum 65.00
Range 36.00
Interquartile range 14.2500
Skewness L225 .365
Kurtosis —.610 PAW,
Male Mean 42.8571 1.5365
95% confidence Lower
interval for mean Bound 39.7542
Bound 45.9601
5% trimmed mean 42.9444
Median 44.0000
Variance 99.150
Std deviation 9.9574
Minimum 25.00
Maximum 59.00
Range 34.00
Interquartile range 15.5000

chapter 4 | descriptive statistics 57

TABLE 4.3 Continued

Gender Statistic error
Skewness —.121 305
Kurtosis —.987 aes
SELFCONC Female Mean 44.0476 1.4293
95% confidence Lower
interval for mean Bound 41.1611
Bound 46.9342
5% trimmed mean 44.0423
Median 45.0000
Variance 85.803
Std deviation 9.2630
Minimum 26.00
Maximum 62.00
Range 36.00
Interquartile range 10.0000
Skewness .067 .365
Kurtosis —.290 alhllis
Male Mean 39.3333 1.9226
95% confidence Lower
interval for mean Bound 35.4505
Bound 43.2161
5% trimmed mean 40.0556
Median 40.0000
Variance SOoeZow
Std deviation 12.4600
Minimum 7.00
Maximum 58.00
Range 51.00
Interquartile range 12.7500
Skewness -.620 .365
Kurtosis 590 SAU

How to interpret the output in Table 4.3

e The output provides information about the scores on a statistics test and self-concept
scores for males and females.
e The top table simply reveals the number of cases and whether there is any missing

part 2 |quantitative methods

Valid cases are the number of cases which have been included in the analysis. In our
example it equals the number of scores.
Missing cases are the number ofscores which have been disregarded for the purposes
of the analysis. SPSS permits you to identify particular values of a variable as ‘missing’.
If the computer comes across these for a particular variable they will be disregarded
for analysis purposes.
The important statistics lie in the bottom sub-table; that is, the mean, median and
standard deviation. For example, the mean female statistics score was 45.12, the
median was 44.00 and the standard deviation was 9.62 (rounded).

How to report the output in Table 4.3

While SPSS reports this data to four decimal places, two decimal places are usually
more than enough for most social science, psychological and educational data.
Measurement in social science is less accurate than that in the physical sciences, so the
use of more than two decimal places is overkill and infers a precision that is not
For the median and mode it is better to report values as a whole number (e.g. 6)
rather than with decimals (6.00). However, if the decimal places are anything other
than .00 this should be reported, since it indicates that the median or mode does not
correspond to any actual scores.
The table is largely self-explanatory.
There are many other statistical values that have been calculated such as 95%
confidence intervals, skewness, variance, range, maximum and minimum score, and
standard error. They would be quoted if the occasion warranted it. You would not
report all the measures displayed but reproduce those of interest in a more simplified
form, omitting some of the clutter of detail. Charts and diagrams such as histograms,
pie charts and box plots could also be produced where necessary to clarify the results
as shown below, and to aid understanding and clarity of presentation of information.
These visual aids are located under Graphs in the menu bar.

Creating a box plot

A box plot can present a clear visual expression of a set of data and can be used instead
of histograms and bar charts.
1 Click Graphs then Boxplot to produce the Boxplot dialogue box.
2 Select Simple then click on Summaries for Groups of Cases.
3 Select Define to display the Define Simple Boxplot; Summaries box.
4 Choose your quantitative variable(s) by highlighting and clicking the arrow button
to transfer to the variable box.
Choose your qualitative variable and move it to the Category Axis box.
Finally select OK and the box plot is displayed.
The box plot shows the maximum and minimum scores using horizontal lines, while
the mean is depicted as a horizontal line within the interquartile range, which is shaded.

chapter 4 |descriptive statistics 59

FIGURE 4.5 Example of box plot for statistics scores for males and females


ab ohana
40 -

Ne 42 42
female male


1 Calculate M and o for the following sample distributions:

a Z 4 6 8 10
b 10 ) 8 7 6 = 4 3 2
e Z 6 12 20 50
d Which has the largest o and why?
2 If you are told that one score in a distribution has a value of 8.0 and
o = 0, which of the following is true?
a TheM cannot be calculated.
b All scores are identical.
c N cannot be known.
d_ The distribution is skewed.
3 Calculate the o of the following scores:
8 10 11 Te 12 14 16 18
a Now subtract 3 from each of the scores and recalculate. What has happened?
b Now multiply each original score by 2, and recalculate o. What has happened
in this case?
4 Under what circumstances is the mean a poor choice as a measure of central
5 When is the median likely to be the best choice of central tendency measure?
6 Find the variance and standard deviation of the following sample scores.
Ceol Brak = Foye
b 1, 6, 4, 3, 8, 7, 6
*Answers on p. 594.

60 part 2 | quantitative methods

Measuring relative performance
Standard scores
Sometimes we need to compare different individuals on a particular test, and there are
occasions when a number ofdifferent assessment instruments are given to individuals or
groups (for example, in vocational guidance, educational assessment and research studies)
and comparisons are made about a person’s performance on these tests on the basis of
the raw scores. This is not an informed or sensible procedure, but it is one that is often
erroneously applied. You may have a school report which shows that you were better at
English than you were at history, judged solely on raw scores. Let us look at this more
Take, for example, a student who obtains 60 marks in a mathematics examination and
50 marks in an English examination. Is the student more able in mathematics than in
English? At first sight, yes: the mark is higher in mathematics, but since these are
different subjects it may be that one teacher is an ‘easier’ marker than the other. Thus
we need to look at how the group as a whole performs in these examinations. To do this,
we can take each mark (X) away from the mean mark (M) from the group or subject.
Now, if the mean in mathematics was 40 marks and in English 60 marks, then within
this group the student is above average in mathematics and below average in English—
which more or less answers our original question.
But, what if the mean mark is 55 in mathematics and 45 in English? The student is
now 5 marks above average in each subject, but we cannot necessarily regard these
differences of 5 marks above average as being equivalent because the variations in the
marks, i.e. the standard deviation, may differ between the groups. Thus, some teachers
may give marks over a limited range and others over a much wider range—the latter is
often the case in mathematics.
Assume that the standard deviation of mathematics marks for all examinees is 10
marks, and that of English 5 marks; then there would be a wider spread of marks in
mathematics than in English and the overall distribution of marks in the two subjects
might well be as shown in Figure 4.6 below. The effect of the different spreads of marks
is that in mathematics a mark of 60 is quite close to the mean of 55, while a mark of 50
in English is comparatively much further away from the mean of 45.

FIGURE 4.6 Distribution of marks in mathematics and English examinations

(a) Mathematics (b) English

| |
| |
| |
} |
| |
T T T i t — i 1 T T | T t 1 iz
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Marks Marks

chapter 4 | descriptive statistics 61

Thus, comparing ‘raw’ scores can be misleading; they have to be put into context. The
characteristic of the distribution from which they came must be taken into account.
This is done by calculating new ‘scores’ from the ‘raw’ data, to create a common scale.
We often have to use common scales in many other fields besides education. For
instance, temperature, length, weight etc. There are so many different scales in each, we
cannot compare, say, two different temperatures, each measured on a different scale, and
produce a meaningful comparison unless we can turn one into terms of the other or convert
both to a common scale. Many of us who have been brought up on °F can only understand
the implication of a temperature reported in °C by converting it into °F. The best way to
compare a length measured in yards and a length in the old Biblical cubits would be to
convert the latter into yards, or both into metric units. Now, we hope you see the problem.
It is totally erroneous in test measurement to add and average marks obtained from
different distributions which have different means and SDs. If this is done, it is akin to
adding °F to °C or yards to metres. Test results should only be combined when:
¢ they are from a common scale;

¢ they have been converted to a common scale; or

* they are all converted into the M and 6 of one of the existing distributions.
When an entire distribution is standardised the individual standard score is in the
same relative position to the other standard scores as the raw score was originally. A
standard score is a transformed score that provides information of its location in a
A standardised distribution is composed of standardised scores that result in a
predetermined value for M and standard deviation regardless of their values in the
raw score distribution. Standardised scores do not alter the rank order of
performance; the highest scoring person in raw score terms will still maintain that
position though the numerical value of the score may change.
The most common standard scale in test measurement is known as the Z score. Such
Z scores take account of both M and o of the distribution. The formula is:
_ .score—Mean A=—M
SD of distribution o
The mean of the Z score distribution is always 0 and the o is always 1.
Let us look at some examples.

The mean score on a test is 50 and the standard deviation is 10. What is the standard
score for John who scores 65?

62 part 2 | quantitative methods

John’s score is 1.5 standard deviations above the mean. It can be represented
diagrammatically as shown in Figure 4.7.
Scores can, of course, have negative Z values. All those scores below the mean have
negative Z values; all those above the mean have positive Z values.

FIGURE 4.7 Standard score diagram ofExample 1

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Score
-3 —2 —1 0 +1 +2 +3 Standard
+1.5 (score 65)

As part of an apprenticeship selection assessment, school leavers are required to take three
tests consisting of Test 1 (numeracy), Test 2 (literacy) and Test 3 (general knowledge).
Given the following results for Candidate R, and assuming normal distribution of
results, on which of the three tests does that individual do best?

TABLE 4.4 Numeracy, literacy and general knowledge scores

Raw Standard
score Mean deviation
Test 1 Numeracy 87 75 12
Test 2 Literacy 16 13 2
Test 3 General Knowledge 31 34 10

1 Calculate Z for numeracy test:

ae xX -M eo 87-75 sete

2 Calculate Z for literacy test:

7 = X-M = 1B FS peda
SD 2

3 Calculate Z for general knowledge test:

mi | SST aa = -0.3
rasp 216

chapter 4 | descriptive statistics 63

Candidate R achieves better results on the literacy test than on the numeracy or the
general knowledge tests, in as much as her Z score shows that she is further above average
for Test 2. Candidate R’s results can be represented diagrammatically (Figure 4.8).

FIGURE 4.8 Rs Z scores

aes ai as
= -2 el 0 +| | +2 +3 Standard
general literacy score —-*Aeviations
score numeracy

You can probably detect the source of the major disadvantage in adding and averaging
raw scores from the above example. It lies in the size of the 6 of each distribution. If you
do badly in a test with a small 6, it will not affect you as much as doing poorly in a test
with a large o. In raw score terms, this latter situation implies a larger loss of marks, whereas
your position relative to others in the group might be very similar in both cases. The
converse applies too. Doing well in a test with a large 6 will be a better boost to raw score
average than a similar relative position in a test with a small 6. Tests with large 6 carry more
weight in the summation and averaging of raw scores than tests with small 6 because there
is a greater range of marks around M in the former. Z scores provide a standard unit of
relative worth; for example, +1Z above the mean in any test is always a position only
exceeded by 16 per cent of the population, provided the distribution is normal.
T scores and deviation IQs are other forms of standard scores. T scores have a mean
of 50 and a standard deviation of 10, while deviation IQs have a mean of 100 and a
standard deviation of 15. Standard scores combine all the information needed to evaluate
a raw score into a single value that specifies a location within a normal distribution.
Stanines are formed by dividing the normal curve into nine equal intervals along the
baseline. Rather than provide a score, a stanine provides a grade from | to 9. Within each
grade are a set percentage of scores in the following sequence from the left-hand extreme
end of the normal curve to the extreme right-hand end: 4%, 8%, 12%, 16%, 20%,
16%, 12%, 8%, 4%.

How SPSS computes Z scores

1 Click Statistics, then Summarize, and then Descriptives.
2 Select your chosen variable(s) and move them to the Variables Text box.

64 part 2 |quantitative methods

4 Select Save Standardised Values as variables.
4 Click OK.
For each of your scores the Z score will be calculated and placed in a separate column
in your data window at the end of your data. This new ‘variable’ will be lost unless you
save your data before ending the session.
As well as using Explore, you can obtain a range of descriptive statistics from
Descriptives. These include the mean, sum, standard deviation, range, standard error of
the mean, maximum and minimum score, and skewness.

1 Ifa student received a Z score of 0, one would know that this student’s raw score was
a below
b above
c equal to
the mean.
2 Below are listed the scores made by five students on maths and spelling tests. The
maths test had a mean of 30 and a standard deviation of 3. The spelling test had a
mean of 45 and a standard deviation of 5. For each, say whether the student did
better on the maths or the spelling test, or did equally well on both:
John Hui Rachel Chris Zola
MATHS 36 33 ratf 33 36
SPELLING 35 55 40 45 55

Ww A student was told that she had made a Z score of +1.5 on a test where the mean
was 82 and the standard deviation was 6. What raw score did this student obtain?
4 What IQs are represented by the following standard scores?
(mean = 100, o = 15) (a) Z = 2 (b) Z = -1 (c) Z = 1.5 (d) Z = -0.66
(e) Z=0
5 What information does a Z score provide?
6 Given a mean of 45 and a standard deviation of 5, find the Z scores of the following:
47, 39, 56
and the raw scores of the following:
+1, -3.0,+2.8
7 Why is it possible to compare scores from different distributions after each
distribution is transformed into Z scores?
8 Distribution A has a M = 20 and SD = 7 while distribution B has a M = 23 and SD =2.
In which distribution will a raw score of 27 have higher standing?
9 Apopulation has a mean of 37 and a standard deviation of 2. If it is transformed into
a distribution with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 20, what values will
the following scores have: 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39?
10 Given scores of 2, 4, 6, 10 and 13 in a distribution with a mean of 7 and a standard
deviation of 4, transform these scores into a distribution with a mean of 50 and a
standard deviation of 20.
*Answers on p. 594.

chapter 4 | cescriptive statistics

The purpose of central tendency is to determine the single value that best represents the entire
distribution of scores. The three measures of central tendency are the mean, median and mode.
The mean is the arithmetical average and is the preferred measure of central tendency. The mode
is the most frequently occurring score. The median is the value that divides the distribution exactly
in half. It is preferred when the distribution has a few extreme scores that distort the mean.
Variability is measured by the variance and standard deviation. The variance is the mean of the
sum of the squared deviations from the mean. The standard deviation is the square root of the
variance and is the basis of many other statistical operations.
In calculating the variance and standard deviation of sample statistics it is preferable to use a
denominator of N — 1 to correct for bias in sampling. The larger the spread of scores round the
mean, the larger the standard deviation.
Adding a constant to each score does not change the standard deviation. Multiplying each score
by a constant causes the standard deviation to be multiplied by that constant.
In order to compare or combine scores from different distributions it is necessary to standardise
the distributions to a single scale. The Z score is the most common standard score with a mean
of 0 and standard deviation of 1. Any scores in a distribution can be transformed into a Z score
that specifies an exact location within the distribution.
The sign of the Z score indicates whether the score is above or below the mean and the
magnitude specifies the number of standard deviations between the score and the mean. When
a entire distribution is transformed into Z scores the Z score distribution will have the same shape
as the original distribution.

66 part 2 | quantitative methods

distribution and

Frequency distributions
So far, we have considered data only in terms ofits central tendency and its dispersal or
scatter. Ifwe plot the data we have obtained from any of our previous observations, we
would find a host of differently shaped curves when the graph lines were drawn. These
graphs are often called frequency distributions. The X-axis, or base line, supplies values
of the scores with lowest values placed to the left and increasing values to the right.
Every possible score should be capable of being located unambiguously somewhere along
the X-axis. In frequency distribution, the vertical, or Y-axis, represents the frequency of
occurrences, i.e. values of N.
These many differently shaped frequency distributions can be classified as normal or
skewed. Normal distributions are symmetrical, affected only by random influences—i.e.
influences that are just as likely to make a score larger than the mean as to make it
smaller—and will tend to balance out, as the most frequently found scores are located
in the middle of the range with extreme scores becoming progressively rarer (see Figure
Skewed frequency distributions are biased by factors that tend to push scores one way
more than another (see Figures 5.2 and 5.3). The direction of skewedness is named after
the direction in which the longer tail is pointing. Imagine Figures 5.2 and 5.3 were the
distributions ofscores of two end-of-year examinations. What reasons could you suggest
might have caused the skewedness in each case?
FIGURE 5.1 Normal distribution (Gaussian curve)

& mode



FIGURE 5.2 Negatively skewed distribution .

A Median



FIGURE 5.3 Positively skewed distribution

A Mode

2 /
2 /
= /
oO /

o //


Some ofour suggestions are:

For Figure 5.2 An easy examination; marking too easy; students working hard; a well-
motivated and/or generally intelligent set of students, etc.
For Figure 5.3. A hard paper; severe marking; inadequate learning and revision by most;
poor motivation; incompetent teaching, etc.
The normal distribution has been so thoroughly studied that the proportion of the
area under the curve that lies between the central (mean) value and any Z score is known.
Table 5.1 (p. 73) gives these proportions which have tremendously important
applications. There are three such proportions ofarea that you should learn. These are:
between + lo and —lo from the mean = 68% approx.
between + 20 and —20 from the mean = 95% approx.
between + 36 and —30 from the mean = 99.9% approx.

part 2 |quantitative methods

Since the area under the curve represents the total number of cases plotted, the
particular percentages quoted above can be translated into the percentage of cases lying
within the designated areas.
Table 5.1 is a very important table as it enables research workers to determine the area
within any designated segment of the normal distribution curve, and by implication if
we know the total number of cases plotted then we know the number of cases within that
Turn to Table 5.1 now. For each Z score it shows the proportion of the area that lies
between 0 (the mean) and Z. Since the normal distribution is symmetrical, the
proportions for —Z are exactly the same as for +Z. If the area you are interested in extends
on both sides of M (or 0) then it is necessary to add the two relevant areas together. Here
are some examples for you to follow.

What proportion of the total area lies between 0 and 1.56? To find the answer look up
1.50 in the Z column. Then look across to the next column. The answer is 43.32%
(since the figures are given as proportions of 1).

What proportion of the total area lies beyond —2.30? Look up 2.3Z (forget the negative
sign). It is 48.93%. But remember we want the area beyond; therefore the answer is
1.07%, i.e. 50.00% — 48.93%. Remember this table only covers one-half of the curve.

If one of the Z scores is positive and the other is negative, we find the proportion of the
curve between them by adding values from column 2 in Table 5.1. What proportion of
the curve lies between 6 of —1.6 and 6 of0.5? Column 2 indicates that the proportion
between Z = —1.6 and the mean is 0.4452, and from the mean to Z = +0.5 is 0.1915.
Therefore, the proportion between Z = —1.6 and Z = +0.5 is 0.4452 + 0.1915, or 0.6367.
This means that 63.67 per cent of the cases in a normal distribution will fall between
these Z scores.
When we want the proportion of the normal curve falling between two Z scores with
the same sign, we subtract the area for the smaller Z score from the area for the larger Z
score. For example, let us find the proportion of cases between a Z of —0.68 and a Z of
—0.98 in a normal distribution. Column 10 in Table 5.1 indicates that the area between
the mean and a Z of 0.98 is 0.3365, while the area between the mean and a Z of 0.98
is 0.2517. Thus, the area between Z = 0.68 and Z = 0.98 is found by subtracting the area
for the smaller Z score from the area for the larger Z score; in this case, 0.3365 — 0.2517
= 0.0848. We would expect 8.48 per cent of the cases in a normal distribution to fall
between these Z score points.
Frequency distributions are then convenient ways of describing all the basic
information contained in the measurement of any variable. They are charts or tables
showing the frequency with which each of a number of values of a variable are observed.

chapter 5 |normal distribution and statistical significance 69

FIGURE 5.4 Area under cur re, Example 3




tat cam he
Udla Lalf UX

Witsoe torte


srr arly WITD 8a celecres Neer ot the non? isrnan

paruiculaliV W1M 2 Seiected Pelt OF The Population

PT MArreanre otf the narms +5



There is a family of normal distribution curves whose shapes depend on the mean and
standard deviation of the distribution. However, they all retain the same mathematical
characteristics. Figure 5.6 illustrates this.

FIGURE 5.6 Different normal distribution curves

I <— Mean, median and mode
Frequency 1


The normal distribution curve is the theoretical distribution of chance or random
occurrences, and is thus centrally related to probability. Normal distribution curves
possess some notable characteristics which are always present; otherwise normality would
not exist. Figure 5.7 depicts these constants.

FIGURE 5.7 The shape and important characteristics of the normal, or Gaussian,

Bilaterally symmetrical

Convex shape above

points of inflection; -—— The mean, median and mode all coincide
concave shape below y

; O Inflection point
point =

Tails never reach the

Ss abscissi but extend
5 into ah
ey 95.4% ee)
ne 7%
—3 -2 —1

—_ Z om sa > rangetBoorZ;
6 units midpoint or 0 is mean,
median & mode

chapter 5 | normal distribution and statistical significance 71

The following points should carefully be noted:
1 The distribution is bilaterally symmetrical and bell-shaped.
2 The mean, median and mode all coincide. This is the only situation where this
congruence occurs.
3 The tails of the curve never quite reach the X-axis but continue outwards to infinity, yet
simultaneously get progressively and infinitely closer to the axis.
4 In practical terms, the range of the distribution is 6 standard deviation units, i.e. 3 on
each side of the mean. The proportion of cases beyond +3 is so small that it 1s
common practice to use +3 as arbitrary limits in illustrative diagrams.
If we know the 6 of any normal distribution, we can assign scores along the X-axis
corresponding to the Z scores we have been using so far. For example, Figure 5.8 depicts
a normal distribution with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10.


| Vie S0Fo= 10
2) BO. 240 80) Gd) 70 80
-3 —2 —| M +1 42 +3

As you see, for every unit ofZ the score increases or decreases by 10 marks, i.e. +1Z
is 10 marks higher than M since we regard the Z as a standard deviation unit. Most
standardised published tests of intelligence, aptitude, and attitude are standardised to give
a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, i.e. a child who scores an IQ of 130 is two
standard deviations above the mean, and referring to Table 5.1, we note that this score
is only bettered by approximately 2.5 per cent of the child population of this age.

Use Table 5.1 (p. 73) to help you.

1 a What proportion of the total area lies between 0 and +2.6Z?
b What proportion of the total area lies between +1.8Z?
c What proportion of the total area lies between —1.96Z and +1.96Z?
d With a normal distribution involving 20 000 cases, how many lie beyond
+2.65 Z?
e Can you explain in simple terms why the median and mode coincide with the
f | Now check the approximate percentages given earlier for areas between +10,
+26 and +30 by referring to Table 5.1.

72 part 2 | quantitative methods

TABLE 5.1 Fractional parts ofthe total area (taken as 10 000) under the Normal
Probability Curve, corresponding to distances on the baseline between the mean and
successive points laid off the mean in units ofStandard Deviation. Example: Between
the mean, and a point 1.3, © is found 40.32% of the entire area under the curve.
Z .00 01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 07 = .08 .09
0.0 0000 0040 0080 0120 0160 0199 0239 0279 0319 0359
0.1 0398 0438 0478 0517 0557 0596 0636 0675 0714 0753
0.2 0793 0832 0871 0910 0948 0987 1026 1064 1103 1141
0.3 1179" V217- 7255" 1293" 1331221368" T4064 I443 1480" 1517
0.4 1554 1591 1628 1664 1700 1736 1772 1808 1844 1879
0.5 1915 1950... 1985 *2019° 2054” 2088 2123 2157 42190 2224
0.6 2257 2291.. 2324 . 2357, 2389) 2422 2454 (248622517 2549
0.7 2580... 2611 2642. .2673. 2704, 2/34, 2/64.) 2794 2823. —2852
0.8 2881 2910 2939.- 2967: 2995. 3023) 30514 30763106. (3133
0.9 3159— 3186 3212, 3238. 3264 3290-33 15-5 35340) 9330), 13389
1.0 3413 3438 3461 3485 3508 3531 3554 3577 3599 3621
UR, 3643 3665 3686 3708 3729 3749 3770 3790 3810 3830
We 3849 —-3869 3888" 3907 3925" 3944 939627 3980 3997 4015
3 4032 4049 4066 4082 4099 4115 4131 4147 4162 4177
1.4 4192 4207 4222 4236 4251 4265 4279 4292 4306 4319
1S 4332 4345 4357 4370 4383 4394 4406 4418 4429 4441
1.6 4452 4463 4474 4484 4495 4505 4515 4525 4535 4545
is 4554 4564 4573 4582 4591 4599 4608 4616 4625 4633
1.8 4641 4649 4656 4664 4671 4678 4686 4693 4699 4706
leg 4713 4719 4726 4732 4738 4744 4750 4756 4761 4767
2.0 4772 4780 4783 4788 4793 4798 4803 4808 4812 4817
4821 4826 4830 4834 4838 4842 4846 4850 4855 4857
4861 4864 4868 4871 4875 4878 4881 4884 4887 4890
4893 4896 4898 4901 4904 4906 4909 4911 4913 4916
4918 4920 4922 4925 4927 4929 4931 4932 4934 4936
4938 4940 4941 4943 4945 4946 4948 4949 4951 4952
4953 4955 4956 4957 4959 4960 4961 4962 4963 4964
4965 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 4972 4973 4974
4974 4975 4976 4977 4977 4978 4979 4979 4980 4981
AN 4981 4982 4982 4983 4984 4985 4985 4986 4986
3.0 4986.5 4987.4 4988.2 4988.9 4989.7
3.1 4990.3 4991.0 4991.6 4992.1 4992.6
oz 4993.129
333 4995.166
3.4 4996.631
3:5 4997.674
3.6 4998.409
ays 4998.922
3.8 4999.277
3, 4999.519
4.0 4999 .683
4.5 4999.966
5.0 4999.997133

chapter 5 | normal distribution and statistical significance

A set of scores is normally distributed with M = 100 and o = 15. What percentage
of scores lie:
a between M and -lo?
b between M and +20?
c between -1.50 and +0.80?
Using the same distribution as in question 2 above and knowing that 10 000 scores
are plotted, how many subjects scored:
a between +30?
b between M and +lo?
c above +30?
d over ascore of 115?
e below 85?
a In anormal distribution of 1Q scores where the mean is 100 and o = 15, what
percentage of children fall between 85 and 120?
b In anormal distribution where the mean is 70 and o = 5, what percentage of
the area falls between 66 and 76?
c Inanormal distribution where the mean is 500 and o = 100, what percentage
of the cases could be expected to fall between 625 and 725?
On a classroom test, the mean was found to be 62 and the standard deviation 5. The
teacher gave the top 10 per cent of the group an A. What was the minimum score
needed to get an A? Assume a normal distribution.
A teacher wishes to identify the middle 50 per cent of a group on a test where the
distribution is known to be normal.
a What Z-score range would include the middle 50 per cent?
b If the mean is 60 and the standard deviation 9, what raw scores would set off
the middle 50 per cent?
*Answers on p. 595.

Probability can best be defined as the likelihood of something happening. Probability is
usually given the symbol of ‘p’and can be thought of as the percentage of occurrences
ofa particular event to be expected in the long run. For example, a fair dice will produce
in the long run a ‘5’ on 1/6, or 16.66 per cent of all rolls because each of the six sides is
equally likely to come up on each roll.

A roulette wheel has thirty-six numbers on it. On average, how many times would
we expect any number to occur in 360 spins? In thirty-six spins?

In the first case you should have answered ten, and in the second case the answer is
one. On average, over a large number of spins, we might expect each number to occur
one time in every thirty-six spins. This fact is reflected in the odds given by a casino to

74 part 2 |quantitative methods

gamblers against the bets on a number. If gamblers bet on a number which wins, they
receive thirty-five times the size of their bet. In other words, the casino knows that the
odds against the number coming up by chance are 35 to 1. The probability of any
number’s occurrence in any one spin is 1/36 or 0.028.
There is a second likelihood; that of a thing not occurring. This is q; p + q must equal
100%, because a thing does or does not happen. It is more usual to express p in decimal
form, i.e. 1.00 rather than 100%, and 0.50 rather than 50%.
So, probability can be given a numerical value ranging from 1 to 0. The probability
value of 1 means absolute certainty of an event or outcome, as when we predict heads
when tossing a double-headed coin. The probability value of 0 implies the absolute
impossibility ofan event, such as obtaining tails on tossing a double-headed coin. Most
events, of course, are more or less probable, less than certain, but more than impossible,
and hence have a value less than 1 but greater than 0.
Probability of A = number of outcomes classified as A
total number of possible outcomes

It is possible, if not very probable, that we can get a very long run of heads by chance
alone, we argue, but at some point we have to draw the line and start to believe in foul
play rather than chance. At what point would you definitely believe the coin to be biased?
What is the probability of getting such a run of heads by chance alone? Look at Table
Here are the actual probabilities of getting a run of heads for each size of run.

Toss Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Probability .500 .250 .125 .063 .031
No. of times likely to 50 25 1255 633 Bl
occur by chance in in in in in
in 100 100 100 100 100 100
Toss 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Probability .016 .008 .004 002 .001
No. of times likely 1.6 0.8 0.4 OZ 0.1
to occur by chance in in in in in
in 100 100 100 100 100 100

You probably notice that on the first toss the probability is 0.5, i.e. a 50/50 chance
of obtaining heads or tails. For succeeding heads, the probability is half the preceding
probability level. These probability levels are based on the assumption that only chance
factors are operating, i.e. the coin is symmetrical, uniform and is not double-headed!
Thus, the coin has no tendency whatsoever to fall more often on one side rather than
another; there are absolutely even chances of heads and tails.
Look at Figure 5.9. It is a normal distribution curve with the three standard deviations
above and below the mean marked as you saw earlier. In addition, the approximate p
level of each point is added. At M there is a probability 0.5; at +10 from M, the

chapter 5 |normal distribution and statistical significance

probability of obtaining a score by chance at that point is 0.16; a score occurs by chance
at — 26 and +20 with a probability of0.023 and so on. In other words, as with our penny
tossing, the rarer the combination of H/T—or the rarer the score—the lower the
probability level and the nearer to the tails of the distribution the event is placed. The
ereater the deviation ofthe score from the mean, the less frequently it is likely to occur.
Do you notice any similarity between the p values and the areas contained within the
curve beyond the point? Refer to Table 5.1 to refresh your memory. Since 68 per cent of
the area or scores lie between +lo from the mean, then 32 per cent of the area or scores
must lie beyond those points. Thus, the probability of drawing a score at random from
the normal distribution at or below +I is 0.16 (16 per cent); at or below —Io is also 0.16.

FIGURE 5.9 Probability levels

Z= -30 -20 -lo M +10 +20 +30

p= 0.001 0.023 0.16 0.5 OxtGs = 0002S 0.001

Similarly, a score at +20 or —26 has a probability of 0.023 because approximately 95

per cent of all cases lie between +26 and —20, hence the probability ofobtaining a score
with such a deviation from M is 1.0 — 0.95 (100% — 95%) = 0.05 (5%). This 0.05
covers both tails of the curve so must be halved when considering only one side of the
distribution. The 0.05 therefore reduces to 0.025 for a score at +26 and 0.025 for a score
at —20. The slight difference between the theoretical probability of 0.023 and the
approximation of 0.025 we have just worked out exists because the 95% limits are not
+20 exactly but +1.96. You can check this for yourselfinTable 5.1. The whole number
+26 is easier to remember as a major defining point on the normal + curve than +1.960,
though as we become more confident in dealing with the normal curve and significance
tables these other less convenient-to-remember numbers will begin to take root.

Statistical significance
By now you should have grasped the principles that:
¢ the normal distribution curve depicts the distribution of chance occurrences round a

76 part 2 | quantitative methods

* some occurrences occur more frequently by chance than other occurrences; and
* each occurrence can be assigned a probability value, i.e. the likelihood of its occurring
by chance.
In evaluating research results, we need to know whether the results might be expected
fairly frequently on a chance basis, or whether it is a rare chance event, with a consequent
low probability. Remember some of our coin tossing exploits. You found that an
unbroken line of seven heads on tossing the same coin repeatedly was quite a rare event
(Table 5.2).
But how far must an outcome be away from the expected? How infrequent must it
be, or how far removed from the mean of a normal distribution before we say that
although it can occur by chance occasionally, the fact that we have obtained this
outcome in a ‘one-off’ research study implies that this is mot a chance variation, but is
due to our systematic manipulation of the independent variable.
Now that we are able to allocate probability levels to all points or scores on the
normal distribution curve, the next step is to decide at what level of probability we
believe a result is more than likely due to the experiment than to chance, always
remembering that every outcome is possible on a chance basis, even if the odds are as high
as those required for winning lotto.
The educational researcher is particularly interested in the probability of aparticular
sample result occurring by chance. He or she wants to know the odds against a chance
occurrence. If the odds against occurrence by chance are greater than a certain figure,
the educational researcher decides that the result is statistically significant. In practice,
he or she focuses attention on certain fixed probability levels, which you repeatedly
encounter in education research reports. These specify the probability of a chance
occurrence of findings for a sample. The highest probability generally considered is
p = 0.05 or 5 occurrences by chance in 100; the odds against this chance occurrence
are 95:5 or 19:1. A lower level set is often p = 0.01 or 1 occurrence by chance in 100;
the odds against this chance occurrence are 99:1. And an even lower level is p = 0.001
or | occurrence by chance in 1000; the odds against chances are 999:1. In general, the
lower the probability of a chance result (low p value), the more confidence the researcher
has in the results.
The three p values of 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 are conventionally accepted as the major
thresholds for decisions about statistical significance. But why have research workers
picked on these levels? The problem is not unlike that facing the gambler playing
roulette who has to decide whether to maximise possible profits on a single number
(odds of 35:1 against) or to opt for less by betting on, say, all red numbers as opposed
to black numbers (odds of 1:1, or evens). In a scientific manner, we generally opt for
high odds, to minimise the possibility of claiming a significant result when the result
is likely a chance one. The error of drawing a false conclusion that a relationship exists
between variables is more serious than the error of failing to uncover some actual
relation. So the minimum level usually acceptable is the 0.05 or 5% level. But
remember that even here results will occur by chance five times in a hundred. By saying
our result is significant at the 0.05 level, we are saying it is very unlikely to be due to

chapter 5 |normal distribution and statistical significance 77

chance, though that suspicion must always be in the back of our minds. That is why
even more rigorous levels of 0.01 and 0.001 are also employed. At both these levels,
chance results are even more unlikely. Hence we can be more confident in rejecting the
view that chance has caused the result and assume that the result is statistically significant.
But even here chance does still operate on rare occasions and we do not know on which!
So statistical analysis of research results can never definitely prove a hypothesis, only
support it at certain levels of probability (see chapter 7).

What does p < 0.01 and p < 0.001 imply?

*Answer on p. 595.

The probabilities of a chance occurrence of greater than 0.05 are usually designated
‘not statistically significant’ or, ‘NS’.

Can you now explain to yourself why such results are regarded as not statistically

You may also encounter another form of expressing statistical significance, in that
probability may be expressed as a percentage which is termed a significance level; for
example, p < 0.01 becomes the 1% significance level.

FIGURE 5.10 Selected significance or confidence levels


oorZ 109 == |-O0 eset M pop Pie R96. 2258

Level of confidence
99% | 95% |68.26% 68.26%} 95% | 99%
pS =<
p> al See Re esc Se
(0.99) (0.95) (0.6826) (0.6826) (0.95) (0.99)

78 part 2 | quantitative methods

Try to complete the table below yourself.

Frequency Odds against

Probability of a chance Significance a chance
Level limits occurrence levels occurrence
NS p>0.05
Low p <0.05 193
High p< 0.01 1%
High p < 0.001 1 in 1000

* A completed table is on p. 596.

Selecting a level of significance

So far we have not tackled the question of why we would be prepared to risk one level
of probability rather than another. How small should the significance level be—that is,
how small should the probability of an event be—before we reject the possibility of it
having occurred by chance?
There is no simple answer. It is up to you to decide what odds you are prepared to
accept when deciding whether the results of your research are significant (i.e. significantly
greater than chance). This decision may involve political, social, educational, philosophic
and economic considerations as well as statistical ones.
In order to answer this question, we must consider the consequences of the decision
to act as though the event had or had not occurred. A somewhat fanciful Russian roulette
example might make this point clear. Assume that you are presented with a box of 200
pistols, exactly ten of which you know to be loaded, and you are allowed to take one of
them out. The probability that this pistol is loaded is, thus, 10/200, or 0.05. Would you
act as if it were loaded or as if it were not?
In deciding, you would take into account not only the probability that the gun is
loaded but also the consequences of your acting as if it were loaded. If you were asked
whether you would be willing to hold the gun to your head and pull the trigger, you
would act as though it were loaded. On the other hand, if you were asked whether you
would be willing to use it to defend yourselfin a duel, you would act as though it were
not loaded. This approach is perfectly rational. Though the probability is the same in
both cases, the consequences are not. Thus, to answer our question, we must consider
the consequences of accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis.
Again, imagine you were an educational psychologist testing whether a new reading
scheme might help backward children, and you carried out an experiment in which you
compared the progress of a group of such children using your new scheme against the
progress of a similar control group using traditional methods. Suppose you found a

chapter 5 |normal distribution and statistical significance th)

difference in reading improvement scores between the two groups in favour of the new
scheme. Suppose the probability that this could have occurred by chance was 10 per cent
(i.e. a 10-in-100 ora 1-in-10 probability that there were only random differences rather
than a significant difference caused by the reading scheme). Would you accept that the
difference was significant and introduce the new reading scheme, and at what cost in
terms of materials and teacher training?
These examples bring home the fact that choosing a significant level is always a matter
of deciding what odds you are prepared to accept in a particular situation that your
results are due to chance. In the case of the reading scheme, no child would probably
suffer all that much if it was all due to chance after all, so, as long as it was not too
expensive you would probably go ahead and introduce the new scheme.
On the other hand, you might feel more doubtful about introducing a powerful drug
with nasty side effects if there was a 1-in-20 chance that it was doing no good at all;
although you might accept these odds if it were the only hope of saving people’s lives. |
don’t think any of us would fly in a plane with a 1-in-100 chance of crashing!
In education (possibly because it is felt that nothing too terrible can happen as a result
of accepting a result as significant), it is a convention to accept that odds of either | in
100 (i.e. 1%) or 5 in 100 (i.e. 5%) are adequate grounds for rejecting the null hypothesis
that the results are random, and consequently accepting the experimental hypothesis.
They are reasonable gambles for most situations (Figure 5.10).
So by now I hope you can detect the analogy between gambling and hypothesis
testing. By setting a particular significance level, the researcher is gambling that chance
results can be distinguished from genuine ones. If the level is set too high, i.e. a very low
probability value, then the researcher may decide that a difference is a chance result
when it is in fact a genuine one. Ifit is set too low, the researcher may be in danger of
accepting a result which is really a chance effect.
The selection of a particular level of significance should be performed before the research
data is analysed, just as anyone who bets on the horses must do so before the race is run.
You can’t go and place your bet after the race. But it is so easy to make it into a significant
result by rounding up, or by retrospectively reducing the required significance level, or by
stating that the result ‘approached significance’. If we go around manipulating the research
after the event to suit our wishful thinking, there is no reason to do the experiment in the
first place, and we might just as well believe anything we want to believe.
Note: We are solely concerned here with the concept of statistical significance. What
may be highly significant statistically may be of no educational significance whatsoever
and vice versa!

The probability of a particular event A is the number of outcomes classified as A divided by the total
number of possible outcomes. All probability problems can be restated as a proportion problem,
e.g. the probability of selecting a king from a deck of cards is equivalent to stating the proportion
of the deck that consists of kings.

80 part 2 | quantitative methods

The normal distribution is a distribution of chance occurrences in which the mean, median
and mode coincide. Areas between points under the curve can be determined and can be
converted to proportions of the number of scores plotted.
For frequency distributions, probability can be answered by determining proportions of areas,
e.g. the probability of selecting an individual with an IQ greater than 108 is equivalent to the
proportion of the whole population that consists of IQs over 108.
With a Z score and the normal distribution table you can find probability values associated
with any value of X. The table only shows positive Z scores, but since the distribution is symmetrical
the probability values also apply to the half of the distribution that is below the mean.
Two accepted conventional cut-off or criterion points are used to indicate that if an event
occurs beyond these points in probability terms then the event is most likely not to be due to
chance or random fluctuation. These points or significance levels are the 5% and 1% levels.

chapter 5 | normal distribution and statistical significance 81

Sampling and
standard error
of the mean

Why sample?
We could not carry out everyday life and business if we did not employ sampling in our
decisions. The food purchaser examines the fruit on display and, using this as a sample,
decides whether to buy or not. The official consumer survey behaves likewise with certain
goods, a sample of which are tested. A teacher samples the increase in learning among his
or her students by an examination which usually only tests a part of that learning. Many
of our decisions are based on sampling—possibly inadequate sampling in some cases.
We are all guilty on many occasions of making generalisations about groups ofpeople,
or making inferences about individuals based on very limited experience or knowledge
of them. We might meet one member of a group, say a Welshman who can sing, and
this causes us to attribute such vocal ability to all natives of that country. One student
once said to me, ‘I don’t like Norwegians; I met one once’. Likewise, we read in
newspapers that ‘people have no moral values now’, or that ‘politicians are corrupt’.
Such generalisation is invalid, yet generalisation is necessary in research.
The educational researcher is not just interested in the students chosen for a particular
survey; they are interested in students in general. They hope to demonstrate that the
results obtained would be true for other groups of students.
The concept of sampling involves taking a portion of the population, making
observations on this smaller group and then generalising the findings to the large
population. Generalisation is a necessary scientific procedure, since rarely is it possible
to study all members of a defined population.
Population and sample
When you are wearing your researcher’s hat, always remember that a population is a
complete set of all those things (people, numbers, societies, bacteria, etc.) which
completely satisfy some specification; for example, all colour-blind male secondary school
pupils. In this context, the population is not a demographic concept.
As the total number of potential units for observation, it can have relatively few units
(e.g. all the students in the social science faculty); a large number of units (all Australian
teachers); or an infinite number of units (e.g. all the possible outcomes obtained by
tossing a coin an infinite number of times). So a population is an entire group of people
or objects or events which all have at least one characteristic in common, and must be
defined specifically and unambiguously.
The first task in sampling is to identify and define precisely the population to be
sampled. If we are studying immigrant children we must define the ‘population’ of
immigrant children: what ages are included by the term ‘children’; what countries are
implied by ‘immigrant’; whether we refer to migration from one’s place of birth or
merely migration from a former place of residence, and so on. Careful attention must
be given to the precise limits of the population, whether or not to include individuals
whose position is marginal. For example, in defining a population of primary school
children, does one exclude children from private schools? children attending special
schools for the handicapped? children outside the normal age-range of primary school
who happen to be at primary schools? and so on.
A sample is any part of apopulation regardless of whether it is representative or not.
The concept of representativeness is not implicit in the concept of asample. One of our
great concerns in this current chapter will be to distinguish between samples which are
in some sense representative of a population and those which are not, and to demonstrate
ways of drawing samples that will be representative.
The major task in sampling is to select a sample from the defined population by an
appropriate technique that ensures the sample is representative of the population and as
far as possible not biased in any way. Since we can rarely test the defined population, our
only hope of making any generalisation from the sample is if the latter is a replica of that
population reflecting accurately the proportion or relative frequency of relevant
characteristics in the defined population.
The key word in the sample population relationship is representativeness. We cannot
make any valid generalisation about the population from which the sample was drawn
unless the sample is representative. But representative in terms of what?—weight? IQ?
political persuasion? cleanliness? The answer is that the sample must be representative
in terms of those variables which are known to be related to the characteristics we wish
to study. The size of the sample is important too, as we shall see, but it will suffice for
now to remember from our Welshman who could sing, and from the student who
disliked his one Norwegian contact, that we are on very dangerous ground trying to
generalise from a sample of one. Usually, the smaller the sample, the lower the accuracy.
However, size is less important than representativeness. There is a famous example of a
sample of ten million voters supposedly representative of the electorate in the USA to
poll voting intentions for the presidential election in 1936. The forecast, despite the

chapter 6 |sampling and standard error of the mean 83

sample size, was disastrously inaccurate because the sample was contacted by telephone.
Telephone ownership biased the sample in favour of the middle class, who were
mainly Republican. The Republican candidate went to bed on the eve of polling day
contented with the prospects of an overwhelming victory. He awoke to find that his
Democratic opponent was to be the new president!
A measure descriptive of apopulation characteristic is termed a parameter; the measure
descriptive of an attribute of asample is called a statistic. A sample may need to be re-
labelled a ‘population’ if its function changes. Of course, if this happens the relevant
statistic then becomes the parameter. An example may help to make this clearer. We
might define a population as ‘all nine-year-old children in Australia’. A sample of this
population could be any smaller group less than the total—say, nine-year-old children
attending one particular school. On the other hand, the focus of our research interest
might change from the population as a whole to this one school. We might want to
investigate certain characteristics of the children in this school in order to aid decisions
about the curriculum of the school. In this case, our population is redefined as ‘all nine-
year-old children attending the school’ and samples of this population are now defined
as any smaller group ofchildren in the school.
The function of a statistic is to give us some idea of the probable value of the
corresponding parameter. In statisticians’ jargon, we say the statistic estimates the
parameter, since we rarely know the parameter or measure of the whole population (see
Figure 6.1).

FIGURE 6.1 Population and sample relationships


Parameters Sample is Statistics

measures part of the measures
describing population describing
population sample
characteristics characteristics

statistics poparire|
estimate parameters

A research worker interested in studying ego strength among 12-year-old males found that
the average ego strength level in a selected group from the Gas Works High School was
higher than that of all the 12-year-old males in the city.

84 part 2 | quantitative methods

a the statistic
b the population
c the sample
d_ the parameter.
*Answers on p. 596.

Educationists have few lists they can use and the tendency is to grab whatever sample is
handy; often whatever group they are lecturing to, or schools where they have a good
relationship with the principal (opportunity sampling). As a result, much research is
carried out on captive groups of pupils and students, who are a biased sample of the
general population. Can you think of the ways in which they are biased?

Techniques of sampling
In order to draw representative samples from which valid generalisations can be made to the
population, a number of techniques are available. These techniques are, of course, the ideal.
Few researchers, apart from government bodies, have the resources and time to obtain truly
representative samples. For most research, investigators often have to make do with whatever
subjects they can gain access to. Generalisations from such samples are not valid and the
results only relate to the subjects from whom they were derived. This lack of representative
samples is a deficiency in many research studies and should be noted in any research project
write-up or evaluation of a research paper.

The random sample

Once the population has been carefully defined, a representative sample can be drawn.
Random sampling is that method of drawing a sample so that:
* each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected; and
¢ the selection of one subject is independent of the selection of any other.
This will become clear by the following example. Suppose the population in which
we are interested was the first-year group of a ten-form entry secondary school, but of
the total population of 300 children we could only test one-third, i.e. 100. Since the
population is clearly defined, it can, in principle, be listed, i.e. a list including each
child’s name or code number. This list is called the sampling frame. One method of
drawing the random sample is to write each name or code number onto a slip of paper
then shuffle the slips in a container. The slips are drawn out at random. At this stage
there are two possibilities open. We can either replace the slip once it has been drawn
or we can retain it and continue drawing slips from the remainder until the required

chapter 6 |sampling and standard error of the mean 85

sample size of 100 is obtained. This latter procedure is preferred statistically and does
obviously alter the chances of being selected as the sampling proceeds, i.e. at the
commencement in our example the first name has a 1-in-300 chance, but the last choice
has a 1-in-201 chance.
For drawing large samples this manual technique would be rather laborious, so the
alternative is to use a random number table (see Table 6.1). This consists of blocks of
numbers in random order. The table can be entered at any point and can be worked
through horizontally or vertically. In our example, each member of the population would
be given a three-figure number from 001 to 300. Selection of the random sample of 100
takes place by entering the table and selecting three-digit numbers as they occur.
Repetitions or numbers outside the population range are disregarded. For example,
commencing with the left-hand column and working down, taking the first three
numbers in each group, the numbers drawn run as follows:

202151 622045,036, O17, 275:

This method can be speeded up by the use of computers which select at random. By
random we are implying ‘without bias’ and the sample is drawn unit by unit, with all
members of the population having an equal chance of selection. Results may be
generalised to the population but even a random selection is never a completely accurate
reflection of the population from which it was drawn. There is always some sampling
error and the generalisation is an inference, not a certainty, because the sample can never
be exactly the same as the population.
Random sampling can be ‘staged’; that is, a sample of schools from a population of
schools (Stage 1), then a sample of children from each selected school (Stage 2). There
can be more than two stages but this is dealt with later under cluster sampling.

Try this exercise to prove to yourself that sampling error does occur even with random
sampling. In Table 6.2, there are ten columns. In each column, you are going to list ten
single digit numbers drawn at random from Table 6.1. (The first column is done for
To draw these random samples, write the numbers 1-15 on separate slips of paper
representing the rows of Table 6.1, and 1-10 on separate slips of paper representing the
columns of Table 6.1. Place each set of slips in a separate box and shuffle them around.
Draw out one slip from the first box and one from the second. The number of the first
slip locates the row for your first random numbers and the second slip locates its column.
Take the first number in the set of four in the table you have located. Thus, if the numbers
you draw first are 15 and 2, your first random number will be 3. After drawing each slip
replace it in its box. Continue the drawing process until you have selected all the random
numbers you need. When you have drawn the remaining nine samples of ten random
numbers, compute the arithmetic mean for each column.

86 part 2 | quantitative methods

TABLE 6.1 Random sampling numbers
2017 4228 2a 5966 3861 0210 8610 5155 9252 4425
7449 0449 0304 1033 5370 1154 4863 9460 9449 5738
9470 4931 3867 2342 2965 4088 7871 3718 4864 0657
2215 7815 6984 3252 3254 1542 5402 0137 3837 1293
9329 1218 2730 3055 9187 5057 5851 4936 1253 9640
4504 1797 3614 9945 5925 6985 0383 5187 8556 2237
4491 9949 8939 9460 4849 0677 6472 5926 0851 De),
1623 9102 1996 4759 8965 2784 3092 6337 2624 2366
0450 6504 6565 8242 7051 5501 6147 8883 9934 8237
3270 V77Z 9361 6626 2471 2272 8833 1778 0892 7349
0364 5907 4295 8139 0641 2081 9234 s190 3908 2142
6249 9000 6786 9348 3183 1907 6768 4903 2747 5203
6100 9586 9836 1403 4888 5107 3340 0686 2276 6857
8903 9049 2874 2104 0996 6045 2203 5280 0179 3381
0172 3385 5240 6007 0671 8927 1429 5524 8579 3196
2756 4979 3434 3222 6053 SAV NG 3326 4470 9314 9970
4905 7448 1055 3525 2428 2022 3566 6634 2635 9123
4974 3725 9726 3394 4223 0128 Sye)5Xe) 9269 0366 7382
2026 2243 8808 1985 0812 4765 6563 5607 9785 5679
4887 7796 4339 7693 0879 2218 5455 9375 9726 9077
0872 8746 7573 0011 2707 0520 3085 2221 0467 1913
9597 9862 1727 3142 6471 4622 3275 1932 2099 9485
5/99 5731 7040 4655 4612 2432 3674 6920 7210 9593
0579 5837 8533 7518 8871 2344 5428 0048 9623 6654
5585 6342 0079 MPF 2901 4139 5140 3665 2611 7832
6728 9625 6836 2472 0385 4924 0569 6486 0819 9121
8586 9478 SPAN) 5182 8643 7384 4560 8957 0687 0815
4010 6009 0588 7844 6313 5825 S740 1847 7562 5221
9455 8948 9080 7780 2689 8744 2374 6620 2019 2652
1163 Tad, 2320 3362 6219 2903 9415 5637 1409 4716
6400 2604 5455 3857 9462 6840 2604 2425 0361 0120
5094 125 7841 6058 1060 8846 3021 4598 7096 3689
6698 3796 4413 4505 3459 7585 4897 2IAG 1785 4851
6691 4283 6077 9091 6090 7962 5766 7228 0870 9603
3358 1218 0207 1940 229 3945 9042 5884 8543 9567
5249 4016 7240 7305 5090 0204 9824 0530 2725 2088
7498 9399 7830 7947 9692 4558 4037 8976 844] 7468
5026 5430 0188 6957 5445 6988 232) 0569 9344 0532
4946 6189 S579 9684 2834 Isis 2873 3959 5634 9707
1965 1344 7839 7388 6203 3600 2596 8676 6790 2168
6417 4767 8759 8140 7261 1400 2828 5586 2338 1615
1843 MES 6897 5656 5795 0188 1189 4807 4260 22
6558 6087 5109 9661 1553 6681 668 4475 3701 2888
7990 3100 9114 8565 S175 4315 4593 6478 3453 8802
0723 0015 5905 1609 9442 2040 6376 6567 3411 9410
9008 1424 0151 9546 3032 3319 0014 1928 4051 9269
5382 6202 2182 3413 4103 1285 6530 0097 5630 1548
9817 2615 0450 7625 2033 5484 3931 2353 5964 9627
0891 1244 8240 3062 4550 6454 6517 8925 5944 9995
3721 4677 8487 6739 8554 leah 334] 1174 9050 2962
Each digit is an independent sample from a population in which the digits 0 to 9 are equally likely; that is,
each has a probability of 0.1.

chapter 6 sampling and standard error of the mean 87

Since, in Table 6.1, each number from 0-9 occurs an equal number of times, the
population average (a parameter) must be the average of the sum of the numbers 0-9,

041424+344454+6+74+8+9 = A50

TABLE 6.2 Samples of random numbers

1 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


50 = total

Mere = 6.0)

Now we can see if any sampling error has occurred in your random samples in Table 6.2.
Are any of your sample means exactly 4.5? This is not likely, though many will be close to
it. When we tried it, our sample averages ranged from 2.9 to 6.2, with 4.3 as the sample
average closest to the population average. In other words, there is always some error. We
shall see later how this error can be estimated. Now, compute the average of the ten sample
averages. Hopefully, this average is a more accurate reflection of the population mean than
most of the sample averages. This illustrates an important point that usually the larger the
sample, the smaller the sampling error.

Given a population of 100 pupils in a room, would the following constitute methods for
selecting a random sample?
a Enter the room and grab the nearest twenty children.
b Open the door and take the first twenty children to emerge.
Do these procedures qualify as random sampling? Why or why not?

88 part 2 |quantitative methods

Systematic sampling
If the defined population can be listed, then the sample can be drawn at fixed intervals from
the list. In the earlier example on random sampling, we wanted to select 100 pupils from
300—a 1-in-3 ratio. In systematic sampling, a starting number between 1 and 3 is chosen
randomly (for our 1-in-3 ratio) and selection continues by taking every third person from that
starting number. So, if 3 was the starting number, successive selections would be 6, 9, 12, 18,
etc. The selected starting number fixes which successive numbers are taken or not taken.

FIGURE 6.2 Two possible samples resulting from a systematic sampling scheme

Population 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

if heads if tails
sample is sample is
20, 22, 24, and 26 D282 Dy anc 2 7,

The major disadvantage of systematic sampling is where a periodic cycle exists in the
sampling frame, or population list, which would bias the sample. For example, if all the
school classes were twenty-five strong, with boys listed before girls, then a sampling
interval of twenty-five would generate a sample all of the same sex. With lists of names,
selecting those whose name begins with M may give a sample with too many Scots,
while any other letter may result in too few Scots. Whether such bias matters depends
on the topic. Date of birth, especially a number of dates spread evenly over the year,
provides a sound basis for obtaining a representative sample which is easy to apply to
school populations.

If the number 2 was the starting point on a selection ratio of | to 5, what are the next
four successive selections?

There is a fundamental difference between random and systematic sampling. One of

the conditions of random sampling is that the selection of one individual should be
independent of the selection of another. Systematic sampling does not satisfy this
condition. Can you explain why?

chapter 6 | sampling and standard error of the mean 89

Stratified sampling
Stratified sampling adds an extra ingredient to random sampling by ensuring that groups
or strata within the population are each sampled randomly.
It offers increased possibility of accuracy by ensuring all groups are represented in the
sample in the same proportions as they are in the population.
We saw earlier that random sampling involves some degree of sampling error. One
way to reduce this error and increase precision without increasing sample size is by
employing prior information about characteristics of the population. This involves
stratified sampling. Suppose we had a population of twenty persons—twelve men and
eight women—and we wished to select a sample of ten containing six men and four
women; we could select 1 in 2 from each sex or stratum. This will provide a better
estimate because the right proportion from each stratum is obtained. There is always a
risk with random sampling of getting a ‘wild’ sample of ten men. In this way, sampling
error is reduced by stratification, for the sample cannot differ from the population with
respect to the stratifying factor(s), so the distribution of sample means are not spread out
as much as in a random sample. A stratum is fairly homogeneous with respect to the
characteristic on which the stratum is based; therefore variance must be restricted and
as a corollary sampling error reduced.
So in this design the researcher divides the population into layers or strata. The
characteristics which define these strata are usually those variables which are known to
relate to the characteristics(s) under study. Thus, a population can be divided on the basis
of (say) social class membership, sex, level ofintelligence, or level of anxiety, if these are
known to be important. Having stratified the population, a simple random or systematic
sample is drawn from each stratum.

The sampling of complete groups as units (cluster sampling)

All the previous methods have dealt with individual humans, or articles, or items. But
one may experiment with a group as a unit, and indeed social psychologists and
sociologists are predominantly interested in the group as such rather than the
individuals composing it. There is no more difficulty in sampling a population of
groups than individuals—and indeed there may be less. For instance, in educational
research it is almost impossible to experiment on one or two children in a number of
classes in a number of schools. The education service is not built to cope with such
individual demands. So, educational research other than that carried out in laboratories
(very little), or with individual students outside the class setting (not very common),
samples groups or classes of students, even though the data is obtained on an individual
Sampling of entire natural groups rather than individuals in this manner is called
cluster sampling. \t retains the principle of randomness and allows a research design
within the scope of the individual researcher. Furthermore, lists of the whole population
are not required but instead required only for the selected clusters.
Cluster sampling is of benefit to the researcher if the population is spread widely
across a large geographic area.

90 part 2 |quantitative methods

FIGURE 6.3 Cluster sampling. Select subgroups then random sample

— 1 3 5 vi 9) }———-

2 4 6 8 10

A aa
1 4 8 9 chosen subgroups
or clusters

00 O () i we
0 0
( () cas ae 2
olA "|
- <a — selected

In educational research, there is often a gap between sampling theory and practice
because the designs are often unrealistic to use. Can you explain why random sampling
of all the fourteen-year-old pupils in the state is unrealistic?

The efficiency of cluster sampling depends on the number and size of the clusters used.
At one extreme, a large number of small groups could approach simple random sampling.
At the other extreme, taking one large group such as a school at random, although more
convenient, is likely to provide an unsatisfactory sample because of increased sampling error.
The error is greatest when the clusters are large and homogeneous with respect to the variable
under study. The term homogeneous in this context refers to groups whose members are very
similar with respect to the characteristics one is studying. For example, there are dangers of
taking the level of reading attainment in any one school as representative of the reading level
for a whole area.

chapter 6 |sampling and standard error of the mean 91

Primary schools are comprehensive in the sense that no academic selection procedure
operates, so that theoretically each school can have an all-ability intake. In practice, they
have a limited intake area, often restricted to the immediate neighbourhood. Thus, the
school population tends to reflect the neighbourhood population in terms ofsocial class
membership. Suburban schools, therefore, could be ‘over-populated’ with middle-class
children, and schools nearer the town or city centres over-populated with working-class
or migrant children. In general, middle-class children score higher on intelligence tests
and show higher standards of reading than working-class children. The classes in such
schools will therefore tend to be homogeneous with respect to reading standards—the
former will tend to have high reading standards; the latter will tend to have relatively low
reading standards. Homogeneous groups are therefore not representative of the total
population from which they are drawn, but only of those parts of it which are
homogeneous in the same way.

Stage sampling
In the preceding section a distinction was drawn between simple random sampling of
individuals, which in the practical situation may involve testing two or three children in each
of a hundred schools, and cluster sampling, which describes the sampling of relatively few
entire schools or classes, and usually has the disadvantage of a much greater error variance. A
third possibility exists, intermediate between these two. It is possible to take a random sample
of schools, and within each school a random sample of children.
Thus, a compromise may be obtained, which for the same size of sample avoids the
virtually impossible rigour ofa simple random sample, and at the same time ensures a
wider representation than the sampling of entire groups.
This is stage sampling. A two-stage design would first take a random selection of
schools, and within each school a random sample of children. A two-stage design could
be used by a primary school survey to investigate the necessity for auxiliary help in such
schools. Such a study could be concerned with classes rather than children, and therefore
you would first select schools at random, and then select classes within these schools on
a random basis. For larger studies, multi-stage designs can be introduced—regions within
the state would be randomly selected; within these, districts would be randomly selected;
within districts, schools would be randomly be selected; within schools, classes would be
selected; within the classes, children would be selected, and so on. Such designs obviously
lie beyond the resources of most individual researchers. But the great strength of such
designs is that they permit accurate estimates of the sampling error. This is because at
each stage the principle of random selection is maintained.

Opportunity sampling
This form of sampling involves considerable error but is often used because no other
alternative is open to the research worker. This happens when, due to constraints of
finance and even permission, research is carried out on conveniently accessible groups,
such as students in one’s own college, people living in your neighbourhood etc. There

92 part 2 |quantitative methods

is no proper sampling involved and no possibility of generalisation to a wider
Students found in the library one afternoon, parents interviewed in a supermarket
one morning, or teachers contacted at a union branch meeting are not likely to be
representative of college students, parents, or teachers. Such samples are non-probability
samples because the chance of selection is unknown.
Other opportunity samples involve volunteers, but we never know whether
volunteers differ in some way from those who are not.
Opportunity sampling may produce biased samples, and therefore greater likelihood
of error. The trouble is we can never know for certain because, strictly speaking, it is
not possible to estimate the sampling error in such samples, though it is often done on
the dubious assumption that any sample is one of the possible random samples that
could have been selected. Opportunity samples are thus valuable in exploratory studies,
but clearly the results cannot be generalised to any wider population. They should
therefore be used only if the elements of the population of interest in the study
cannot be found in any other way. It may be of interest to note that much ‘opinion
polling’ is based on opportunity samples. This may help to explain why so much
apparently contradictory evidence is collected by the market research agencies who
carry it out.

Sample size
Size versus representativeness
In general, the larger the sample the better, simply because a large sample tends to have
less error, as we found in the exercise using the table of random numbers. This is not to
say that a large sample is sufficient to guarantee accuracy of results. Although for a given
design an increase in sample size increases accuracy, it will not eliminate or reduce any
bias in the selection procedure. We have already seen an example of this principle in the
American presidential telephone survey mentioned at the beginning of this part of the
chapter. As another example, if a 1-in-2 sample of the whole country consisted of one
sex only, it would be large, but unrepresentative. Size is therefore less important than

In deciding size, account should also be taken of possible attrition of numbers; even the
best designed projects lose about 10 per cent of their sample, depending on the nature
of the study. This is particularly important in follow-up studies in which the same
children are re-tested at a later date. There is always the likelihood that children have left
the area between visits, but of equal importance is the level of school absenteeism. Losses
of this order could seriously affect the representativeness of the sample and cause
increased error. The children who stay away may have quite different characteristics
from those who attend.

chapter 6 |sampling and standard error of the mean 93

Completing Table 6.3 will provide a useful summary of the sampling designs which have
been considered in the previous two sections. The type of sample is indicated in column 1.
You should complete column 2, describing how each sample is drawn, and column 3, the
advantages and disadvantages of each method. In completing column 3, keep in mind such
things as representativeness, error, appropriateness and/or convenience to the researcher.

TABLE 6.3 Summary ofsampling techniques

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Type of sample How sample is Advantages and

drawn disadvantages
1 Simple Random

2 Systematic

3 Stratified

4 Cluster

5 Opportunity

Sampling strategy in educational research

This is a set of suggestions, not of rules; a general guide, not a blueprint.
—_Define clearly the population about which you intend to generalise from your results.
2 Estimate roughly the size ofsample required.
3 Consider the possibility of a simple random type sample. In most studies this will
not be practicable, but if you are doing something like a postal survey on parental
attitudes in a certain area with a complete sampling frame available, then it could be
4 If simple random sampling is not practicable, decide if stratification would increase
convenience or efficiency. For example, if testing attainment, the sample might
profitably be broken down by school type, or social class.
5 If not using 4, then consider clusters selected on a random basis. Use several small
clusters rather than a few large ones, or preferably a two-stage or multi-stage design
which will cover a wider range of clusters for the same sample size.
6 If5 is not possible, then the use of non-random samples must be considered. Such
samples cannot be decried altogether; however the crucial problem is that it is not
possible to make from the results themselves a theoretically satisfactory estimate of
the sampling error which is always present, or to generalise to a presumed population.
7 Even an opportunity sample may yield information of considerable value,
particularly in an exploratory study of an area previously under-researched or in

94 part 2 |quantitative methods

‘case’ or ‘clinical’ studies using a small number of individuals. The value of any
conclusion from these types of study will depend on an intelligent assessment of how
far the conditions have been satisfied for valid scientific generalisation. This is also an
important point to take into consideration when reviewing research literature. Too
many pieces ofresearch in human behaviour are based on the behaviour ofuniversity
students because they are an easily accessible ‘captive’ group.

1 Below are examples of the selection of samples. Decide for each which sampling
technique was used. :
a_ Restricted to a 5 per cent sample of the total population, the researcher chose
every twentieth person on the electoral register.
b A social worker investigating juvenile delinquency and school attainment
obtained her sample from children appearing at the juvenile court.
c Aresearch organisation took its sample from public schools and state schools so
that the samples were exact replicas of the actual population.
2 Explain how you would acquire a random sample of first-year college students in a
city with two colleges.
3 Explain why a random sample from a population in which certain subjects were
inaccessible would be a contradiction in terms.
4 If, from an extremely large population, a very large number of samples were drawn
randomly and their mean values calculated, which of the following statements are
a The sample means would each be equal to the population mean.
b The sample means would vary from the population mean only by chance.
c The sample means, if averaged, would have a grand mean grossly different from
the population mean.
d The sample means would form a distribution whose standard deviation is equal
to zero.
e The sample means would be very different from each other if the sample sizes
were very large.
Why is a stratified sample superior to a simple random sample?
AWM In what context would a multi-stage cluster sample be particularly useful?
7 If a sample of psychologists were randomly selected from the Yellow Pages in a
particular city would you have necessarily a representative sample?
*Answers on p. 596.

Standard error
The general difficulty of working with samples is that samples are generally not identical
to the population from which they were drawn. The statistics collected from samples will
therefore differ from the corresponding parameters for the population.

chapter 6 |sampling and standard error of the mean 95

Furthermore, samples are not identical to each other. They are variable because they
contain different individuals. Each sample from the same population will have a slightly
different sample mean and standard deviation.
You probably remember an exercise we conducted when explaining random sampling
procedures. You were asked to draw samples of ten numbers from the random number
table and compute the means of each of these samples of ten numbers. (Turn back to
p. 86 and refresh your memory.) Like us, you no doubt obtained a range of means round
the ‘true’ mean of 4.5, and you became aware that despite random sampling procedures
some chance or random error was involved. This is called sampling error. It is not error
in the sense that it is wrong or incorrect; it is error in the sense that there is variation from
the population parameters.
How can we tell which sample gives us the best estimate of the population parameter
or best description of the population? Fortunately, all the possible samples from a
population do fall into an orderly predictable pattern specified by the distribution of their
sample means. The distribution of these sample means tends to be normal, provided the
sample size is greater than 30. The fact that the distribution of sample means tends to
normality should not be a surprise, as whenever you take a sample you expect the mean
to be near to the population mean and the more samples you take, the greater the
number that will be fairly close, while only a few will be grossly different. Thus they ‘pile
up’ around the population mean. In fact, the mean of the distribution of sample means
is equal to the population mean.
This sampling variability of the mean, which is the extent to which a mean can be
expected to vary as different samples of the same size randomly selected from the same
population, is expressed by its standard error. The standard error of any sample measure
such as a mean is the standard deviation of the distribution of measures that would
result if large numbers of different samples of the same size were randomly selected from
the same population.
If this were the best of all possible research worlds there would be no random error. And
if there were no random or chance variation or error, there would be no need for statistical
tests of significance. The word significance would be meaningless, in fact. Any difference
would always be a ‘real’ difference, the sort of difference we look for in an experiment. But
such is never the case. There are always chance errors (and biased errors too), and in
educational research they often contribute substantially to the total variance. Standard error
is a measure against which the outcomes of experimental manipulations of the independent
variable are checked to discern whether any difference between, say, two sample means is a
‘real’ one or simply one of those many relatively small differences that arise by chance as a
function of sampling procedures.
It is possible to obtain the estimate of the amount of sampling error for a mean on
the basis of only one sample. If we know the size of the sample and the standard deviation
of scores in that sample, we can predict the standard deviation of sampling errors. This
expected standard deviation of sampling errors is the standard error of the mean, often
represented either by the symbol SE,, or as O,,. In formula form it is written:
= /N

96 part 2 |quantitative methods

The SE,,, is much smaller than the 6 because sampling means are not as spread out
as the original scores. The equation makes it clear that as N increases so sampling error
is reduced.
Sample size is critical in determining how well a sample represents the population. The
larger the sample, the more representative it becomes. This is basic common sense. For
example, a population of 1000 would be well represented with a sample of 990; a sample of
99 would be much less representative, even if randomly selected, and provide a greater
sampling error.
Look at the hypothetical examples in Figure 6.4 and note how the SE,,, changes with
increasing sample size.

1 For each graph in Figure 6.4, what is the 95% probability limit of a mean of a sample
of the size given, drawn at random?
2 Given a population of scores normally distributed with a mean of 100 and standard
deviation of 16, what is the standard error you would expect on average between
the population mean and sample mean for four scores and for sixty-four scores?
*Answers on p. 596.

Horowitz (1974) demonstrated this concept of the distribution of sample means by

artificially generating a population of 1000 normally distributed scores so that the mean
and standard deviation of the entire population would be known. This is almost never
the case in actual research situations, of course. His 1000 scores ranged from 0 to 100
and had a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 15.8. The scores were listed on 1000
slips of paper and placed in a container. Ninety-six students each drew samples of ten
slips from the container, and calculated the mean. On each draw from the container, a
slip was taken out, its number noted, and then replaced. The slips were mixed somewhat
and another number was removed, and so on. After each student calculated the mean
of the ten scores in her or his sample, Horowitz plotted the sampling distribution of these
96 means (Table 6.4). In Table 6.4 the intervals between which means might fall are on
the left and the number of means falling within each interval is on the right. The
distribution is almost perfectly symmetrical, with almost as many in any interval being
a certain distance below the true mean of the population (50) as above it. Also, the mean
of the 96 sample means (49.99) is quite close to the actual mean of the population
But the main thing to note in Table 6.4 is the great variability among the sample
means. Although each sample of ten was presumably random and not biased in any
way, one sample had a mean of 37.8 while another had a mean of 62.3. Obviously,
these are very disparate means, even though they were sampled from the same
population. If you were doing an experiment and found two very different sample means
like this and were trying to decide whether they came from the same underlying
distribution or two different distributions, you might think that such a large difference
would indicate that they come from different distributions. In other words, you would

chapter 6 |sampling and standard error of the mean o7

-3 —2 —1 M +1 +2 +3
97 98 99 100 101 102 103

—1 M +1 +2 +3
98.5 99 SE)I5) 100 100.5 101 101.5

iiss |
-3 -2 -1 M +1 +2 +3
99 99.33 99.66 100 100.33 100.66 101

98 part 2 | quantitative methods

think that the experimental treatment produced scores reliably different (from a different
distribution) than the control scores. Usually, this is a good rule—the larger the
difference between means in the conditions, the more likely they are to be reliably
different—but as we have seen here, even random sampling from a known distribution
can produce sample means that differ greatly from each other and from the true
population mean, which is known in this case. This is a lesson that should be kept in
mind while pondering small differences between means. You can do a similar activity
with SPSS (see page 103).

TABLE 6.4 The distribution ofsample means for the 96 samples taken by students in
Horowitz class. Each sample mean was based on ten observations (after Horowitz
1974, Table 8.1)
Interval Frequency
62.0-63.9 1
60.0-61.9 1
58.0-59.9 3
56.0-57.9 7
54.0-55.9 2 Mean of sample means = 49.99
52.0-53.9 12 Standard deviation of sample means
50.0-51.9 tS (SE 0)
48.0-49.9 15
46.0-47.9 13
44.0-45.9 9
42.0-43.9 6
40.0-41.9 3
38.0-39.9 1
36.0-37.9 1
96 samples

Suppose we draw a random sample of 100 twelve-year-old children from the state
school system. It would be difficult to measure the whole universe of 12-year-old
children in the state for obvious reasons. We compute the mean and the standard
deviation from a test we give the children and find these statistics to be M = 110: SD = 10.
An important question we must now ask ourselves is, “How accurate is this mean?’.
Or, if we were to draw a large number of random samples of 100 pupils from this
same population, would the means ofthese samples be 110 or near 110? And, if they are
near 110, how near? What we do, in effect, is to set up a hypothetical distribution of
sample means, all computed from samples of 100 pupils each drawn from the parent
population of 12-year-old pupils.
If we could compute the means of this population of means, or if we knew what it
was, everything would be simple. But we do not know this value, and we are not able
to know it since the possibilities of drawing different samples are so numerous. The best
we can do is to estimate it with our sample value or sample mean. We simply say, in this
case, let the sample mean equal the mean of the population mean—and hope we are

chapter 6 |sampling and standard error of the mean 29

right! Then we must calculate our standard error. The standard error is the measure of
the dispersal of sample means.
A similar argument applies to the standard deviation of the whole population (of the
original scores). We do not and probably never will know it. But we can estimate it. And
we estimate it with the standard deviation computed from our sample. Again, we say in
effect, let us assume that the standard deviation of the sample equals the standard deviation
of the population. We know they are probably not the same value, but we also know, if
the sampling has been random, that they are probably close. This is why the SE, formula
employs the standard deviation of the sample and not that of the unknown population.
Returning to our random sample of 100 12-year-olds with M 110 and SD 10, the
= 1.00
\ 00
This figure of 1.00 is the standard deviation of sampling means of random samples of
100 12-year-olds on that particular test. Now, how do we interpret it? Well, we know that
if we had taken a large number of similar random samples and plotted their means, we
would have produced a normal distribution. This normal distribution has a much
narrower spread than that produced by the original raw scores. The mean of the
population or the mean ofall sample means will form the pivotal or central point on the
baseline and the values for sample means will extend over the +36 range as in any other
normal distribution. The proportion of sample means found under any part of the curve
can be found as before by reference to Table 5.1 on p. 73. In other words, the normal
distribution of sample means is no different in characteristics from the normal distribution
of raw scores. Do you remember the approximate percentages of scores found:
¢ between +10?
¢ between +1.960?
¢ between +2.580?

Look at Table 5.1 if you are not sure.

The distribution of sample means follows the same pattern. A total of 68 per cent of all
sample means from a defined population will fall between +10 from the ‘true’ mean.
Likewise, 95 per cent and 99 per cent of all sample means lie between +1.966 and +2.586
respectively, from the ‘true’ or population mean. The standard deviation of this distribution,
let us repeat, is the standard error of the mean (SE,,).
The normal distribution of sample means provides again a theoretical probability
distribution that acts as a mathematical model against which we can set our research
findings. We are enabled to state the probability that a particular observation, in this
instance, a sample mean, has occurred by chance. In other words, we are interpreting the
probability of obtaining mean scores in this chapter in the same way as we interpreted
the probability of obtaining individual scores in chapter 5.
Of course, we can only specify certain limits for the estimate of how far one sample
mean, perhaps the only one we have and are ever likely to have, is close to the ‘true’
mean. We can never be certain.

100 part 2 |quantitative methods

How far away do we expect the true population mean to lie from a sample mean of 75
when the standard deviation of the sample is 18 and the size of the sample is 36?

Seg yen bali

VN 36
Therefore, the population mean has:

* a 68.26% chance oflying 75 + 3, (M, +1 SE,,), or between 72 and 73;

¢ 295% chance oflying 75 + 1.96 x 3, (M, + 1.96 SE,,), or between 69.12 and 80.88;
* 299% chance oflying 75 + 2.58 x 3, (M, + 2.58 SE,,), or between 67.26 and 82.74;
* a 99.73% chance oflying 75 + 3.00 x 3, (M, + 3.00 SE,,), or between 66 and 84.
It must be remembered that the mean of the population is a fixed value and does not
vary. What the above confidence statements are saying is that the mean ofthe population
is at a fixed but unknown point within a certain interval.
Look at the last confidence statement. Using the interval 66-84, we can conclude that
there is only a 0.27% change (100 — 99.73%) that the population mean is at a distance
greater than 9 (3 x SE,,) from the sample mean. Similar conclusions can be made about
the other confidence statements.
It is never possible to find the exact value of apopulation mean from.a sample mean.
We can only estimate it by specifying an interval within which the population mean lies
with a known degree of confidence or probability. As we know that the population
mean is the average of all possible sample means, it is fairly obvious that we are on safe
ground arguing that the population mean lies within +1.06 SE,, of our only known
sample mean with a probability of 0.95.
Let us make a final return to our 100 12-year-old children, for whom with M = 110,
0 = 10 the SE,, was 1.00. We can now calculate that 95% ofall similar samples will have
means that lie within +1.96SE,, of 110, i.e. 1.96 x 1.00SE,, in either direction since
1.96 x 1.00 equals 1.96, the boundary scores for the 95% limits are 111.96 and 108.04.

Can you now calculate the boundary scores within which 99% of sample means will lie?
*Answer on p. 596.

The location of each sample mean in the distribution of sample means can be specified
by a Z score just as a single score can be in a distribution of scores.
We can use the Z scores to find the probabilities for specific sample means and thereby
determine which sample means are unlikely to be obtained from a particular population
using the standard levels of significance.
Suppose we did obtain quite a number of other samples, most of whose means lay
close to 110; but suddenly out of the blue we found one which was quite different—a

chapter 6 |sampling and standard error of the mean 101

mean of 114, in fact. We can calculate its Z score distance from the centre of the
sampling distribution of means by the Z score formula:

Ti _M-M pop

SE m

7 14-110_ 4 = AN6,
110 1.00
The probability of obtaining a sample M at this point is well beyond the 0.01 level,
in fact, three times in 100 000.
This would be so rare a sample mean as to suggest that either it is a biased or non-
random sample, or that the samples do not come from the same sampling distribution,
i.e. they are from a different population of children; perhaps an older age group, for

1 Which sample size will provide the smallest SE,, assuming the same o: 25, 100, 5 or
2 Arandom sample of 290 10-year-old children were given a test of reading abilities
with the intention of estimating the reading ability of all 10-year-old children; the
mean was 104, standard deviation 5.67.
a Calculate the standard error.
b What limits does the population mean lie within at a 95% confidence level?
c What limits does the population mean lie within at a 99% confidence level?
3 Evaluate each of the following hypothetical situations, in terms of whether the
method of selecting the sample is appropriate for getting information about the
population of interest. How would you improve the sample design?
a_ A principal in a large high school is interested in student attitudes toward a
proposed general achievement test to determine which students should
graduate. She lists all of the first-period classes, assigning a number to each.
Then, using a random number table, she chooses a class at random and
interviews every student in that class about the proposed test.
b An anthropology professor wanted to compare physical science majors with
social science majors with respect to their attitudes toward premarital sex. She
administered a questionnaire to her large class of Anthropology 437,
Comparative Human Sexuality. She found no appreciable difference between
her physical science and social science majors in their attitudes, so she concluded
that the two student groups were about the same in their relative acceptance
of premarital sex.
*Answers on p. 596.

102 part 2 | quantitative methods

TABLE 6.5 Summary ofselected confidence levels
Probability of sample Probability of
mean lying within sample lying
Level Interval range mean interval outside interval
99% Moop + 2.58 SEm 0.92 0.01
95% Mpop + 1.96 SEm 0.95 0.05
68.26% Mpop + 1.00 SEm 0.6826 0.3174

Using SPSS to produce random samples

It is very enlightening to discover how variable sample means, sample standard
deviations, and sample standard errors of the mean can be, even when chosen randomly
by computer from the same population.
You can see this for yourself by following this procedure:
1 Access the Employment data file or the US General Social Survey file that is provided
on SPSS.
Choose an interval variable such as ‘age’ and select in sequence from the menu bar
Statistics, then Summarise and finally Descriptives to obtain the mean, SD and SE,,
for that variable. (Make sure these are selected in the Options box.)
3 Obtain a random sample by selecting Data, then choosing Select Cases.
Choose Random Sample of cases and click on the Sample button. Select
Approximately and type in the sample size you want by typing in a percentage such
as 25% or 33%.
Select Continue and highlight your chosen variable on which you already have
obtained the population data at step 2 above.
Click OK. You will note that some of your cases now have a 45 degree angle line
through them. These are the cases that are NOT selected for your sample.
To view results go to: Statistics then Summarise then Descriptives. Note the mean, SD
ancdiSE ss
Repeat steps 3 to 7 three or four times to obtain the descriptive statistics of other
random samples. The program will choose different samples each time, but you
must retain the same percentage for selection so that you can compare the descriptive
After completing step 8, change the percentage selected and either type in a lower
or higher figure and select several more samples at that level.
10 Print out your tables so that you can compare the statistics from the full number of
cases with those derived from the different samples and two size levels.
How do these compare? Look particularly at the variation in means and SE,,s that occur
in samples of the same and different sizes drawn randomly from the same population.

chapter 6 |sampling and standard error of the mean 103

Descriptive statistics simplify and summarise data. Inferential statistics allow one to use sample data
to make inferences about the population. Such generalisations are only valid if the sample is
representative of the population. Random sampling helps to ensure that the sample is
representative. The major types of random sampling are systematic sampling, cluster sampling and
stratified sampling.
The distribution of sample means is normal if the population from which the samples are
selected is normal and the size of the samples is thirty or more. The standard deviation of the
distribution of sample means is the standard error of the mean and indicates how much error to
expect if you are using a sample mean to estimate a population mean.
The formula is SE, = JN

The mean of the distribution of sample means is identical to the mean of the population.

Horowitz, L.M. (1974), Elements of Statistics, McGraw Hill, New York.

104 part 2 | quantitative methods

and testing

What is a hypothesis?
Chapter 3 described how research topics can arise and pointed out that the problem, still
probably rather vague at this stage, has to be translated into precise operational
hypotheses on which a research plan can be designed. This planning stage is possibly the
most demanding and certainly the most important part of the research process.
The word /ypothesis is generally used in a more restricted sense in research to refer to
conjectures that can be used to explain observations. A hypothesis is a hunch, an
educated guess which is advanced for the purpose of being tested. If research were limited
to gathering facts, knowledge could not advance. Without some guiding idea or
something to prove, every experiment would be fruitless, since we could not determine
what was relevant and what was irrelevant. Try this everyday example of hypothesis
formation. Suppose the only light you had on in the bedroom was the bedside table
lamp. Suddenly it went off. You would no doubt ponder the reason for it. Try to think
of several reasons; now and write them down. There could be a number, of course. I
¢ lamp bulb failure;
¢ plug fuse failure;
* main power fuse failure.
Whatever you wrote is an implied hypothesis—an educated guess. In practice you
would test each one in turn until the cause was located. Let us imagine the cause was a
fuse failure in the plug. The fact that the lights came on after | changed the fuse only
lends support to the hypothesis. It does not prove it. The fault could have been caused
by a temporary faulty connection which in turn caused the fuse to blow. In mending the
fuse, I corrected the connection by chance as I caught the wire with my screwdriver
unbeknown to me. ‘Proved’ carries the connotation of finality and certainty. Hypotheses
are not proved by producing evidence congruent with the consequences; they are simply
not disproved. On the other hand, if the observed facts do not confirm the prediction
made on the basis of the hypothesis, then it is rejected conclusively. This distinguishes
the scientific hypothesis from everyday speculation. A hypothesis must be capable of
being tested and disproved.
This mode of accounting for problems is the characteristic pattern of scientific
thinking. It possesses three essential steps:
1 The proposal of ahypothesis to account for a phenomenon.
2 The deduction from the hypothesis that certain phenomena should be observed in
given circumstances.
3 The checking of this deduction by observation.
Let us look at an educational example. An educational researcher may have reasoned
that deprived family background causes low reading attainment in children. He or she
may have tried to produce empirical evidence that low family income and overcrowding
are associated with poor reading attainment. If no such evidence was forthcoming then,
as we have seen, the hypothesis must be decisively rejected. But if the predicted
relationship was found, could the researcher conclude that the hypothesis was correct,
i.e. that poor family background does cause low reading attainment? The answer must
be ‘no’. It might equally have been the case that a low level of school resources is also to
blame. These alternative hypotheses will have other deducible consequences. For
example, if lack of resources is related to reading backwardness, then improved
resourcing should improve reading attainment among the children in these schools. To
underline the main point again, the scientific process never leads to certainty in
explanation, only to the rejection of existing hypotheses and the construction of new ones
which stand up best to the test of empirical evidence.

How do we formulate hypotheses?

The formulation of hypotheses follows logically from the review of literature on the
problem. But problems are not the only source of hypotheses. They are often derived from
theory too, since theory guides research and provides predictions which need testing.
Hypotheses are the working instruments of theory. But regardless of the source of the
hypothesis it must meet one criterion. The hypothesis must be stated so that it is capable
of being either confirmed or refuted. A hypothesis which cannot be tested does not belong
to the realm of science. Consider the following hypothesis: ‘Is a student’s authoritarian
behaviour directly related to his or her attitudes concerning punishment received from his

106 part 2 |quantitative methods

or her parents?’. Although this statement of purpose is quite detailed, it conveys little
information unless the meanings of authoritarian behaviour, attitudes concerning
punishment and received are clearly defined. Even though these terms have meaning known
to most individuals, they lack sufficient precision for use in scientific investigations.
The investigator can define the terms more specifically by using other terms, i.e. by
substituting words about words. He or she may, for example, define authoritarianism by
using phrases which include ‘respect for order’, ‘stereotyped thinking’, ‘need for authority’
and ‘dependence’. The meaning is no clearer, however, unless each of these terms is
further broken down into a description of states which can be directly observed. To avoid
this dilemma of indefiniteness, the investigator can relate how authoritarianism will be
measured. He or she can employ an operational definition in which a process is
substituted for the conventional definitional description, i.e. by a score on a particular
scale of authoritarianism.
If we want to study the relationship between childhood aggression and exposure to
violent television programs, we need to define both the variables under study, i.e.
ageression and television violence, operationally. The former might be simply a tally of
the observed aggressive acts of children, such as hitting, kicking, biting others, damaging
or destroying property. Or it might be based on an analysis of protective test material, i.e.
ageressive feelings as revealed on the TAT (Thematic Apperception Test).
Another way to develop an operational definition of aggression would be to have a
panel of judges watch a film of each child in a freeplay situation and then rate the child’s
aggressiveness on a seven-point scale. Or we could tell each child several stories about other
children in frustrating situations and ask the child what he or she would do in each
situation. We could then use the number of “direct-attack’ responses as a measure of
aggressiveness. Another alternative would be to observe children as they play with a
selection of toys we had previously classified as aggressive, such as guns, tanks and knives;
or non-aggressive, such as trucks, tools and dolls. We could then measure the percentage
of time that the child played with each type of toy. You can undoubtedly think of many
other behaviours that would be an indication of a child’s aggressiveness.
The defining of violent television programs may be somewhat harder to agree on.
What constitutes violent television? Is the Saturday football or rugby match violent? Are
Popeye cartoons violent? Is The X-Files violent? Are news and current affairs programs
on the Middle East and Bosnia violent? Not everyone would agree on these.
The problem here is that there is a difference in precision between what the general
public will accept in defining a term and what researchers will accept. An operational
definition of the variable means that researchers must specify the operations they would
go through to determine if a television program were violent and outline the specific
steps they would take to classify television programs.
For example, if you were conducting our television experiment, you could
operationalise the concept of a violent television program by showing each program to
a randomly chosen group of 100 people and requiring that 75 per cent of them indicate
a program is violent before you operationally define it as violent. Another alternative
would be to devise a checklist with such items as, ‘Is there physical contact of an
aggressive nature?’, “Has an illegal act taken place?’, “Did one person act so as to make

chapter 7 |hypothesis formation and testing 107

another feel inferior?’. Perhaps you would require that each program have at least five
out of ten such items checked ‘yes’ in order for it to be considered violent.
A great many important educational questions require complex operational
definitions. Do people whose mothers were affectionate make more successful primary
teachers? Do students learn more from popular professors? Does a teacher’s morale affect
teaching style? Does anxiety cause low exam scores? Prior to doing an experiment to
answer any of these questions, you would need operational definitions for the terms
affectionate, popular, morale, anxiety, successful, learn more, etc.

Try to formulate operational definitions of affectionate, popular, morale, and anxiety. How
do you propose to measure such concepts?
1 How would you define and measure the variables underlined in the following?
a Teachers who suffer stress are less child centred in their teaching method than
teachers who are not so stressed.
Stimulation at home advances language development in young children.
c Adolescents with substance abuse problems tend to come from disrupted home

Research and operational hypotheses

Many research workers see a hierarchy of hypotheses in a research study, each hypothesis
being a tighter and more testable statement than its predecessor. They often term the
original hypothesis derived from the hazy problem as the Research Hypothesis. When this
latter is re-expressed in operational terms it becomes the Operational Hypothesis.
As an example, suppose we have decided to investigate Eysenck’s theory of personality
in relation to academic attainment in tertiary students. The research hypothesis might
read as follows: that extroversion and neuroticism are related to academic performance
of students in higher education. This research hypothesis is still not in a form that can
be tested; it needs to be operationalised, i.e. the phenomena referred to in it need to be
defined in terms of observations that can be made.
In our research hypothesis about the relationship between personality and academic
attainment, suppose that the measures used were the Eysenck Personality Inventory (the
EPI), which is designed to measure the variables ‘extroversion’ and ‘neuroticism’, and
degree result, which will give a measure of academic attainment.

Write down now two operational hypotheses which could be derived from the research

108 part 2 | quantitative methods

In this instance, you could have postulated that “Extroversion, as measured by the
Eysenck Personality Inventory, will be significantly related to degree classification’. Or
‘Neuroticism, as measured by the Eysenck Personality Inventory, will relate significantly
with degree classification’.
Look at this sequence of hypothesis refinement moving from the general to the
Problem or general hypothesis You expect some children to read better than others
because they come from homes in which there are positive values and attitudes to
Research hypothesis Reading ability in nine-year-old children is related to parental
attitudes towards education.
Operational hypothesis There is a significant relationship between-reading ability for
nine-year-old children living in a major city in NSW as measured by standardised
reading test X and parental attitudes to education as measured by attitude test Y.

Criteria for judging hypotheses

=" Hypotheses should be stated clearly, in correct terminology, and operationally. General
terms such as personality, school attainment, self-esteem, etc. should be avoided. The
statement demands concise technical language and the definition of terms. More
appropriate therefore are: “Personality as measured by the Eysenck Personality
Inventory’; ‘School attainment as measured by English Progress Test E’; “Self-esteem as
measured by Coopersmith’s SEI’. Such hypotheses as “Creativity is a function of self-
actualisation’, and ‘Democratic education enhances social learning’, are too vague.
2 Hypotheses should be testable. Since hypotheses are predictors of the outcome of the
study, an obvious necessity is that instruments should exist (or can be developed) which
will provide valid and reliable measures of the variables involved.
3 Hypotheses should state differences or relationships between variables. A satisfactory
hypothesis is one in which the expected relationship between the variables is made
These variables should be amenable to measurement, either directly or indirectly. For
example, the following hypothesis zs testable: “Children who attend Sunday School show
a better acquaintance with the Bible than those who do not’, while the following hypothesis
is not testable: ‘Children who attend Sunday School show greater moral fibre than those
who do not’. There is no valid test for ‘moral fibre’, while there are quite simple tests
available to measure ‘acquaintance with the Bible’.
4 Hypotheses should be limited in scope. Hypotheses of global significance are not
required; those that are specific and relatively simple to test are preferable. It is, of course,
possible to state a rather broad research hypothesis and derive a number of operational
hypotheses from it.
5 Hypotheses should not be inconsistent with most known facts. All hypotheses should
be grounded in past knowledge, i.e. the knowledge gained from a review of the literature.
They obviously cannot be consistent with all known facts, since many studies give
contradictory results. In these cases, the hypothesis may be formulated to resolve the

chapter 7 |hypothesis formation and testing 109

contradiction. For example, differences in the relationships found between personality
and attainment in different age groups might be due to methodological errors or might
be explained by a new hypothesis that the form of the relationship changes with age.
There is also certainly room for the use of imagination in the extrapolation of known
facts to new populations. But the hypothesis should not lead the cynical reader to say
‘Whatever led you to expect that’, or “You made this one up after you collected the data’.

Unconfirmed hypothesis
But what if the hypothesis is not confirmed? Does this invalidate the prior literature? If
the hypothesis is not confirmed then either the hypothesis is false or some error exists
in its conception. Some of the previous information may have been erroneous, or other
relevant information overlooked; the experimenter might have misinterpreted some
previous literature or the experimental design might have been incorrect. When the
experimenter discovers what he or she thinks is wrong, a new hypothesis is formulated
and a different study conducted. Such is the continuous ongoing process of the scientific
method. Even if a hypothesis is refuted, knowledge is advanced.

Now consider the following examples in terms of the five criteria above. Look at each
hypothesis and say whether it satisfies all the criteria. If it does not, say why not.

Among 15-year-old male school children, introverts, as measured by the Eysenck
Personality Inventory, will gain significantly higher scores on a vigilance task involving the
erasing of every ‘e’ on a typescript than extroverts.

Progressive teaching methods have led to a decline in academic standards in primary

The introduction of politics into the curriculum of secondary schools will produce better

Anxious pupils do badly in school.

1 Construct research and operational hypotheses for the following problems.

a___ Does ‘learning how to learn’ transfer to new situations?
b Does teacher feedback cause changes in student performance?
c Does group decision-making lead to less risk taking?

110 part 2 | quantitative methods

2 Why is knowledge advanced if a hypothesis cannot be supported?
3. Why is the hypothesis the principal intellectual instrument in research?

Hypothesis formation and testing

Two different ways of stating a hypothesis exist to match the two major approaches in
research design:

* looking for differences between groups;

¢ looking for relationships between groups.
For example, a hypothesis which states that there is a difference between the
performance of primary school boys and girls in reading skills is obviously a different
hypothesis and requires different statistical measures from a hypothesis that states that
there is a relationship between self-esteem and academic performance in secondary school

The null hypothesis

This brings us to the important point that in statistical analysis we do not actually test
the operational hypothesis we are advancing but its logical opposite—the null hypothesis.
In other words, we do not test the hypothesis that a statistically significant population
correlation or difference does exist, but instead we test the hypothesis that there is no
statistically significant population correlation or difference. Why do we do this?
The reason is based on simple logic. Suppose we hypothesise that there should be a
difference between the mean scores of boys and girls on an arithmetic test with a range
of marks from 0-20. This hypothesis would be satisfied by any difference in the mean
scores from 0-20; the difference might be 3, 5, 17 or 19 marks—any of these would
satisfy the hypothesis. We have only one value, zero, to deal with. We can then say that
the null hypothesis is refuted if any difference occurs over and above zero.
This, of course, would be a valid statement to make about differences in the total
population. In practice, we are generally dealing with a sample of data from the
population which we use to estimate the population values of our variables. Any estimate
of apopulation parameter involves sampling error, as we saw in chapter 6. So, what we
are actually doing in stating a statistical null hypothesis is saying that there is no
statistically significant difference between the mean values over and above the difference
brought about by random sampling error. Statistical theory enables us to specify the
limits of this sampling error around any estimated population value, including zero. We
can thus set precise limits—significance levels—for the rejection of a null hypothesis.
This is the basic principle on which all statistical tests are founded.
Setting aside the question of sampling error for a moment, supposing we are able to
reject a null hypothesis. We can then confirm an alternative hypothesis that a difference
does exist. This is, of course, the hypothesis that we are primarily interested in, but we
now call it the alternative hypothesis to emphasise the point that we reach it via the null
hypothesis and not the other way round.

chapter 7 |hypothesis formation and testing 111

The null hypothesis is thus a proposition which states essentially that there is no
relationship or difference. When proposed, the null hypothesis is saying to you, “You are
wrong, there is no relationship (or difference); disprove me if you can’. The operational,
or alternative, hypothesis is often designated H and the null hypothesis as Hp.
The null hypothesis does not imply that there is no relationship or no difference, i.e.
it does not mean absolute equality. It means that there is no relationship or difference
greater than that due to chance or random fluctuation.
The null hypothesis is a succinct way to express the testing of obtained data against
chance expectation. The null hypothesis is the chance expectation. The standard error
expresses the null hypothesis since it is a measure of expected chance fluctuations around
a mean of zero.

Hypothesis testing and significance

How do we know when the relationship or difference is large enough to exceed chance
expectation? Well, we use the levels of significance (0.05, 0.01, 0.001) which we
discussed in chapter 5. Tables exist for various statistical tests which tell us whether our
results reach these levels or not. The sequence of hypothesis formulation is shown below:

General problem

Research hypothesis
Operational or experimental hypothesis

Alternative hypothesis (Hj)

Null hypothesis (Ho)

Operational or experimental (the alternative) hypotheses should be stated in a way

similar to the following: “That there is a significant relationship (difference) between

Null hypotheses should take the following form: “That there is no significant
relationship (difference) between... ’.
By placing the term s¢gnificant in the proposition, we are emphasising the fact that our
test of the null hypothesis invokes the test against a stated and conventionally acceptable
level of statistical significance. Only if such a defined level is reached can we discard the
null hypothesis and accept the alternative one, always remembering that we are never
proving a hypothesis, only testing it, and eventually rejecting it or accepting it at some
level of probability. An example will add clarity.
Suppose an experiment tests the retention of lists of words under two conditions:
1 The lists are presented at a fixed pace determined by the experimenter.
2 The lists are perused at a rate determined by the subject attempting to memorise

112 part 2 |quantitative methods

The null hypothesis simply predicts that the two conditions, fixed and self-pacing, will
not produce any real difference in list retention, i.e. differences are due only to sampling
error. The experimental or operational hypothesis predicts the alternative—that the two
conditions will produce a genuine difference in list retention.
These hypotheses cannot be tested simply by noting whether or not the retention
mean scores are identical or different in the two experimental conditions. Different
mean scores may be thought to support the experimental hypothesis, but a difference in
mean scores might be due to chance sampling fluctuations alone. Conversely, identical
mean scores might be thought to support the null hypothesis, but the identity might be
a coincidental correspondence produced by variability of scores around two real and
genuinely different levels of performance.
For such reasons, the null hypothesis says, “The two conditions will not differ by an
amount which is greater than that to be expected by chance alone’.
The experimental hypothesis says, “The two conditions will differ by an amount which
is greater than is to be expected by chance alone’.
In evaluating the null hypothesis, it is possible to work out the probability that an
observed difference is due simply to chance, because we can use a theoretical sampling
So the procedure adopted for evaluating an experimental hypothesis is as follows:
1 Set up the null hypothesis, i.e. any observed difference between conditions is entirely
attributable to chance fluctuations, i.e. random error.
2 Calculate the exact probability that the observed difference could have been derived
by chance alone.
3 Fail to reject the null hypothesis if this probability is higher than a certain value (the level
of significance). Reject the null hypothesis if a conventional level of significance is attained.
The probability that random error alone produced a difference as large as the one we
observed is sufficiently low that we reject this possibility, i.e. we reject the null hypothesis.
4 Accept the experimental hypothesis if the null hypothesis has been rejected. Reject the
experimental hypothesis if the null hypothesis cannot be rejected.
Only the null hypothesis is sufficiently precise to permit us to compute the probabilities
that are required to decide whether it is likely to be true or not. The null hypothesis states
that exactly 100 per cent of the effect is random. In order to compute probabilities we need
an exact hypothesis like this. Thus, we test directly the status of the more precise
hypothesis and infer the status of the experimental hypothesis we are really interested in.

Formulate null hypotheses for the following experimental hypotheses:

a That there is a significant difference in the mean score on Raven’s Progressive
Matrices between male university students and male TAFE students;
b That there is a significant relationship between scores on Witkin’s Embedded
Figures Test and extroversion as measured by the EPI in MBA graduates.

chapter 7 | hypothesis formation and testing 113

2 Assuming the relationship in 1b above was found to be significant, make a statement
about the implications for the:
a null hypothesis;
b experimental hypothesis.
Ww Why do we evaluate the null hypothesis rather than the alternative hypothesis?
4 Rewrite the following loose statements as hypotheses:
a Non-rhyming words are harder to read.
b One sex will avoid walking under a ladder more than the other sex.
c The presence of an audience causes people to perform poorly on a sensorimotor
*Answers on p. 597.

One-tailed and two-tailed hypotheses

There is one further point about the way an experimental hypothesis is formulated which has
implications for the way in which you look up probabilities in statistical tables. This is whether
the experimental hypothesis is unidirectional (known as one-tailed) or bi-directional (known
as two-tailed), tail referring to the extremity of a distribution. A unidirectional hypothesis is
one that, as its name implies, makes a prediction in one particular direction, e.g. that girls have
a significantly higher standardised mean reading score than boys at age nine.
But there are some hypotheses which make a bi-directional prediction by predicting
that the effect of an independent variable may go in either direction. In our example this
would mean predicting that girls are significantly different from boys in standardised
mean reading score at age nine, i.e. not predicting which way the difference will go.
It is obviously preferable to be able to give an explanation of human behaviour in
terms of predicting behaviour in one direction, than to state vaguely that there will be
an effect of some kind. However, there are times, particularly during the more
exploratory phase of a research program, when you might just want to see whether a
variable has any effect; for example, whether some teaching method has an effect, good
or bad, on children learning basic skills.
One-tailed and two-tailed hypotheses also have implications for statistical
analysis. This is in connection with the probabilities that the differences in scores
in an experiment will occur randomly. The point is that, for a hypothesis which
predicts a difference in only one direction, there is a specific probability that the
difference will occur randomly by chance. But, if a hypothesis makes a prediction
that a difference might occur in either direction, then the probability is divided
equally at each tail. For example, the 5% level in a two-tailed test is split 2.5% at
each tail beyond 1.966 when N is large (Figure 7.1). But on a one-tailed test the 5%
is all at one tail or one end.
Consider this example: Suppose we have a sample of 100 eleven-year-old children who
have experienced discovery learning methods at primary school, and we want to find out
whether this experience has affected their performance in arithmetic as assessed by an
arithmetic test. Suppose further, that we are in the fortunate position of knowing the

114 part 2 |quantitative methods

FIGURE 7.1 Example: Testing the null hypothesis (two-tailed test)
Reject the kay eae Accept the null hypothesis ae apr Reject the
null hypothesis | null hypothesis

—1.96 1.96
(critical value) (critical value)

performance of all eleven-year-old children in the country on the arithmetic tests. We

hypothesise that the mean score on the arithmetic test for the sample will differ from the
population mean value. We decide to reject the null hypothesis at the p < 0.01 level. Our
basic data are as follows:
Sample size = 100
Mean for population = 25
Mean for sample = 24
Standard deviation for sample = 3

Standard error eh eeu 0.3

We can test the null hypothesis by seeing how many standard errors our observed
sample mean value is from the population mean value. The value we obtain for this
difference is:
potion 3.3
We know all values that are equal to, or exceed, 2.58 standard errors from the mean
have a probability of occurrence by chance of p = 0.01. As our obtained value is 3.33
standard errors from the population mean, this means that at the p < 0.01 level the null
hypothesis is rejected.
But now let us go a step further. You will notice that in our example we have not said
whether the children’s experience of discovery learning methods is likely to produce an
improvement or a deterioration in their arithmetic attainment. We have simply said it
will produce a difference; our hypothesis is non-directional. And to test it we used the

chapter 7 |hypothesis formation and testing 115

areas at both ends of the normal distribution, a ‘two-tailed’ test. Supposing we have
strong grounds for believing that discovery learning methods will improve arithmetic
performance. In this case, we have a directional hypothesis and we can specify the
direction in which rejection of the null hypothesis will occur. Instead of taking into
account both tails of the probability distribution, we now have to deal with only one.
To find out the probabilities for rejection of this type of hypothesis, we mark out the
areas in the positive halfofthe curve equal to probabilities of 0.05 and 0.01. These are
shown in Figure 7.2.

FIGURE 7.2 One-tailed significance levels

Accept the null hypothesis Reject the
| null hypothesis

(critical value)
iii 2S

In this case, to reject the null hypothesis at the p < 0.01 level, we have to find a value
that is greater than the population mean value by only 2.33 standard errors. Similarly,
to reject the null hypothesis at the p < 0.05 level, our sample value needs to exceed a
critical value of only 1.65 standard errors. Thus, our directional null hypothesis about
the effect of discovery learning on arithmetic attainment is now even more strongly
rejected. In other words, if we can confidently state the direction ofa null hypothesis,
we do not need such large observed differences to reject it at particular significance levels.

Type | and Type II errors

It should be clear from the above that stating a null hypothesis in a directional form
loads the dice in favour of its rejection, i.e. we accept the experimental hypothesis
on terms which are too easy. Can you see why? Most researchers commendably opt
for caution by keeping the null hypothesis non-directional and consequently using
a two-tailed significance test. Sometimes this caution may not be as admirable as it
seems, for if we set the significance level too high there is always the danger we will
accept a null hypothesis when it is false and reject the experimental hypothesis when

116 part 2 |quantitative methods

it is in fact true. This is termed a Type II error. The use ofa one-tailed test pushes
the problem the other way by making it easier to reject a false null hypothesis, but
at the same time making it easier to gain erroneous support for a false experimental
hypothesis. This is the Type I error. In choosing levels of significance and one- or
two-tailed tests we are always balancing these two possible errors. Set the level too
high and state a non-directional hypothesis and you maximise a Type II error; set
the level too low and invoke a directional hypothesis and you will maximise a Type
I error.

TABLE 7.1 Type I and Type II errors

Null hypothesis is
Null hypothesis is True False
Accepted Type Il error

Rejected Type | error

1 Complete the following table:

P t-value two-tailed t-value one-tailed
0.05 1.65
0.01 2.58 Assume
0.001 N = 1000
2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of:
a one-tailed tests; and
b two-tailed tests?
3 Aresearcher predicts that a treatment will lower scores. If a one-tail test is used will
the critical region be in the right- or left-hand tail as you look at it?
*Answers on p. 597.

Hypothesis testing is an inferential procedure for using the limited data from a sample to draw a
general conclusion about a population. The null hypothesis states that the treatment has not had
any significant effect beyond that due to chance.
We set a level of significance that creates a critical level to distinguish chance from a statistically
significant effect, usually at 0.05 (5% level) or 0.01 (1% level). Sample data that fall beyond the
critical point in the tails of the distribution would imply that the effect is unlikely due to chance as

chapter 7 |hypothesis formation and testing 117

it is a rare event on a chance basis. Consequently we assume that the effect is real and therefore
the null hypothesis cannot be retained and must be rejected.
Directional tests may be used when the researcher predicts that a treatment effect will be in a
particular direction, i.e. the outcome will be located entirely at one tail of the distribution.
Directional tests should be used with caution as they may allow the rejection of the null hypothesis
when experimental evidence is weak. It is always safer and never inappropriate to use a two-tail
A Type | error occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected although it is in fact true. A Type II
error occurs when the null hypothesis is accepted when it is actually false.

118 part 2 | quantitative methods

Levels of

The research data with which the quantitative approach deals are evaluated statistically.
Much of the power of statistics results from the fact that numbers (unlike responses to
a questionnaire, videotapes of social interactions in the classroom, or lists of words
recalled by a subject in a memory experiment) can be manipulated with the rules of
arithmetic. As a result, researchers prefer to use response measures that are in or can be
converted to numerical form. Consider a hypothetical study of aggression and sex. The
investigators who watched the subjects might rate their aggression in various situations
(from, say, ‘extremely aggressive’ to ‘extremely docile’), or they might count the number
of aggressive acts (say, hitting or insulting another child) and so on. This operation of
assigning numbers to observed events (usually, a subject’s responses) is called
There are several levels of measurement that will concern us. They differ by the
arithmetical operations that can be performed on them. The particular statistical
technique that is appropriate for analysing a set of variables depends on the way in which
those variables are measured.

Levels of measurement
We will refer to four distinct levels of measurement. These differ in the extent to which
observations can be compared. From lowest to highest in the degrees to which
comparisons can be made, the levels are nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. It is
important to understand clearly the distinction between these levels, since the use of
inappropriate methods for the measurement levels of variables can lead to meaningless
or incorrect results.

Nominal measurement
Nominal means to name; hence a nominal scale does not actually measure, but rather
names. Observations are simply classified into categories with no necessary relationship
existing between the categories. Nominal is the most primitive level of measurement, and
only requires that one can distinguish two or more relevant categories and know the
criteria for placing individuals or objects into one category or another. The relationship
between the categories is that they are different from each other.
For example, when children in a poll are asked to name the television channel they
watch most frequently, they might respond ‘7’, ‘9’, or ‘10’. These numbers serve only
to group the responses into categories. They obviously cannot be subjected to any
arithmetic operations. Again, marriage form would be measured on a nominal scale,
with levels such as monogamy, polygyny, and polyandry. States of residence such as
NSW, Victoria, etc. would be another example. Other common variables measured with
nominal scales are religious affiliation, sex, race, occupation, method of teaching, and
political party preference. Variables measured on nominal scales are referred to as
nominal variables. Nominal variables are often called qualitative.
Names or labels can be used to identify the categories of a nominal variable, but those
names do not represent different magnitudes of the variable. Bus route 10 is not twice
as long as bus route 5. It is simply a labelling system; the numbers assigned to categories
cannot be added, multiplied or divided. The major analytic procedure available for
nominal data is chi square (x7).

Ordinal level of measurement

Ordinal measurement implies the ability to put data into rank order. Ordinal numbers
convey more information, in that their relative magnitude is meaningful—not arbitrary,
as in the case of a nominal scale. If pupils are asked to list the ten people they most
admire, the number 1 can be assigned to the most admired person, 2 to the runner-up,
and so on. The smaller the number assigned, the more the person is admired. Notice that
no such statement can be made of television channels: Channel 7 is not more anything
than Channel 9, just different from it.
Scores which are ordinally scaled cannot, however, be added or subtracted. The first
two persons on the most admired list differ in position by one; so do the last two. Yet
the individual who has done the ranking may admire the first person far more than the
other nine, all of whom might be very similar in degree. In other words, given an ordinal
scale, differences of one are not necessarily equal psychologically.
More often in educational research, ordinal scales consist of a collection of naturally
ordered categories. To illustrate, social class may be classified into upper, middle and
working; attitudes toward racial integration may be classified as very favourable,
favourable, neutral, unfavourable or very unfavourable. The major analytic techniques
for ordinal data are Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney and rank order correlation.

120 part 2 |quantitative methods

Interval level of measurement
Scales in which equal differences between scores or intervals can be treated as equal units
are called interval scales. IQ is a common variable which is usually treated as an interval
Interval scales, in addition to incorporating orderings, have the property that there is
a specific numerical distance between each pair of levels. Hence, we can compare values
not only in terms of which is larger or older, but also in terms of how much larger or
how much older. In interval scales, the distances between all adjacent levels are equal.
Examples of interval variables are the age of an individual, the birth rate of various
ethnic groups, the population size of a city, the number of years of education one has
completed and test scores. In each case, we can compare two values by identifying the
following properties: -
¢ Whether they are different (the nominal property).
¢ Which one possesses the greater magnitude (the ordinal property).
¢ The distance between them (the interval property).
For example, we can say that a sixty-year-old individual is of a different age to a
twenty-year-old individual (nominally, they are labelled differently according to age);
that one is older (an ordinal comparison); and that one is forty years older (an interval
comparison). The whole range of parametric statistics is available for interval data.

Ratio level of measurement

Scores based on an interval scale allow subtraction and addition. But they do not
necessarily allow multiplication and division. Consider the Centigrade scale of
temperature. There is no doubt that the difference between 10 and 20 degrees
Centigrade is equal to that between 30 and 40 degrees Centigrade. But can one say that
20 degrees Centigrade is twice as high a temperature as 10 degrees Centigrade? The
answer is ‘no’, for the Centigrade scale of temperature is only an interval scale. Length
and weight are ratio scales which allow statements such as ‘10 feet is one-fifth as long as
50 feet’, or “15 pounds is three times as heavy as 5 pounds’. To make such statements,
one needs a true zero point.
The four measurement levels may be viewed as forming a hierarchy. It is always
possible to move downward in the hierarchy with respect to a specific measurement. In
other words, any variable measured at the interval level may be treated as if it were
ordinal or nominal, and an ordinal variable may be treated as a nominal variable.
For example, age is an interval variable. Since the various ages are also ordered, age
could be treated as an ordinal variable, using ordered categories such as under 2, 2-3,
3-5, etc. Similarly, since we could artificially assign names to the values, we could even
treat it as a nominal variable, with levels such as school age, working age and non-
working age.
This fact is important because it implies that statistical procedures designed for
variables measured at a certain level can also be used for variables measured at a higher
level. A statistical procedure developed for ordinal variables, for example, can be used

chapter 8 |levels of measurement 121

FIGURE 8.1 Higher order scales incorporate lower order scales




with interval variables as well, by using just the order characteristics of the numerical
measurement. Normally, we would want to apply the statistical technique specifically
appropriate for the actual scale of measurement (for example, interval level techniques
for interval variables) since we then utilise the characteristic of the data to the fullest.
It is not possible to move in the other direction in the measurement hierarchy. If a
variable is measured only on a nominal scale it is not possible to treat it on the ordinal
level, since there is no natural ordering of the categories.
In general, it is important to try to measure variables at as high a level as possible,
because more powerful statistical techniques can be used with higher level variables.

Levels of measurement and measures of central

Fundamentally, the use of a particular ‘average’ is determined by the scale of
measurement which can be assumed for the data. For data on a nominal scale there is
no choice; the mode is the only appropriate measure. For ordinal scale data a choice is
available and either the median or the mode may be appropriate, but the median is
preferable for it retains more of the information contained in the data set by taking into
account the rank order of the values.
As for data measured on interval or ratio scales, any of the measures may be used and
the comparative merits of the mean and the median then become important.
A discrete variable consists of several categories. No value can exist between
neighbouring categories. A discrete variable is typically restricted to whole countable
numbers such as children in a family, despite the mythical 2.4 children per average
family. School class size is in whole numbers. Similarly we code as a discrete variable

122 part 2 |quantitative methods

whether a woman is pregnant or not using the codes of 1 and 0. We cannot have a value
of 1.5 since it is impossible to be half-pregnant.
Continuous variables can have an infinite number of possible values that fall between
any two values. The time taken to solve a problem could be 30 seconds for one person
and 31 seconds for another. However, given sophisticated timing mechanisms it would
be possible to measure many solution times between 30 and 31 seconds in milliseconds.
Time is thus a continuous variable, as is length, weight and temperature. Our
measurements are only limited by the limitations of our measuring instruments. So
although a variable may appear to be discrete due to the way it is measured, we must
always look behind the measurement and consider the variable itself. Any score on a
continuous variable is an approximation of a theoretically infinitely precise scale.
For the most part, researchers in education and social science tend to treat most scales
as though they are continuous—test scores may appear discrete but they are treated as
a whole number approximation. For example, a test score of 50 is an approximation for
all infinitesimal values between 49.5 and 50.5, just as by saying an event took place at
2.30 pm, or that we weigh 60.4 kg is an approximation for a far more exact time or
weight. In general terms, we round up and down for convenience, assigning the
observation to an interval.

1 What is the scale of measurement that is most appropriate for each of the following
Attitude toward legalisation of marijuana (in favour, neutral, oppose).
Sex (male, female).
Helen was born in 1968; Richard in 1975.
Church affiliation (Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, . . .).
Political philosophy (liberal, moderate, conservative).
The IQ of students.
Highest degree obtained (bachelor, master, doctorate).
Oe Peter is the second most popular pupil in class.
Average score in class test.
Occupational status (blue collar, white collar).
Numbering of houses along a road.
Population size (number of people).

Pass/fail split in a test.

Annual income (in dollars per year).
Time taken to solve anagrams.
3 Aptitude scores.
2 Which of the following are continuous variables?
a Classification of emotional experience from facial expression.
b Ameasure of intellectual aptitude.
c Time taken to finish a test.
*Answers on p. 597.

chapter 8 | levels of measurement 123

A nominal scale labels observations so that they fall into different categories. These are only
qualitative distinctions.
An ordinal scale involves ranking observations in terms of size or magnitude. Differences
between ranks are not equal.
An interval scale reflects differences in magnitude between observations.
A ratio scale has a meaningful zero point and ratios of measurement reflect ratios of magnitude.
A discrete variable can only have a finite number of values between any two values. It typically
consist of whole numbers. A continuous variable has an infinite number of values between any two

124 part 2 | quantitative methods


The characteristics that are measured for each of the numbers of a sample are usually
referred to as variables. A variable is a characteristic that can take on more than one
value among members of a sample or population.
Examples of commonly used variables in educational research are sex (with values
male and female); age at last birthday (with values 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on); religious
persuasion (Baptist, Methodist, Roman Catholic, Unitarian and so forth); social status
(upper class, middle class and working class); and exam results (say, measured in scores
out of 100). To speak tautologically, a variable is something that varies. A variable must
have a minimum of two values, but most are characterised by continuous values.

Independent and dependent variables

An experiment occurs when the environment is systematically manipulated in order to
observe the effect of this manipulation on some behaviour.
The part of the environment that is manipulated is the independent variable (IV).
The particular behavioural effect of this manipulation is the dependent variable (DV), i.e.
what is measured.
UV manipulated by researcher > measured change in DV ]
The number of reinforcements given, the loudness ofa tone, the inducement of a set
are all /Vs. [Vs are selected on the basis that the experimenter thinks they will cause
changes in behaviour. For instance, increasing the number of reinforcements for hand-
raising should increase hand-raising behaviour; increasing noise levels should decrease
attention to other signals.
The DV is that which is observed and recorded by the experimenter. It depends on
the behaviour ofthe subject. The time taken to solve anagrams, the number of nonsense
syllables recalled, the age at leaving school, could all be DVs.
For a variable to qualify as an /V, it must be manipulatable. The variable must be
presented in at least two forms, even if this boils down to a presence versus absence type
of variation.
The number of /Vs the experimenter actually varies at will is small. In the main, most
variables have to be taken at such levels as they occur in nature. Thus age, achievement
and type of delinquency are not under the experimenter’s control. He or she has to take
existing groups which fall into these categories.

Presence versus absence

The presence versus absence technique for achieving variation is exactly what the name
implies. One group ofsubjects receives the treatment condition and the other group does
not. The two groups are then compared to see if the group that received the treatment
condition differed from the group that did not. Figure 9.1 illustrates a hypothesis that
uses two levels of the /V.

FIGURE 9.1 Two levels of IV. Hypothesis: students who have completed a speed
reading course will make significantly higher grades than students who have never
taken such a course.

speed reading ni not
course take course


. Z

Instructions as an IV
So far, the manipulation of the /V has been discussed in terms of the manipulation of
events. Another way variation can be introduced is by manipulating instructions. For
example, in a memory experiment one group might be asked to rehearse the presented
words in the period between learning and recall, while another group might be requested
to think of other words which would remind them of the original words. There are two
dangers inherent in the manipulation of instructions. Firstly, some subjects might be

126 part 2 |quantitative methods

inattentive and not hear or understand the full set of instructions. Secondly, there is
always the possibility of subtle intersubject variations in the interpretation of the
instructional message. Both these dangers introduce uncontrolled variation or
experimental error into the experiment.

The selection of the dependent variable

The experiment is conducted to answer the question, “What is the effect of . . ?’, and
to test the corresponding hypothesis, ‘A certain change in X will result in a certain change
in Y’. To accomplish this task, the experimenter has to select a DV that will be sensitive
to, or be able to pick up, the influence exerted by the /V. If the DV has a limited range
it is easy to reach the maximum or minimum values with minimal manipulation of the
IV. Any further manipulation of the /V cannot be registered through changes in the DV
since the latter’s limits of movement have been reached already. When it is impossible to
sink any lower on a scale, we have the ‘floor effect’; similarly the impossibility of recording
a higher score than maximum is the ‘ceiling effect’. Unfortunately, there is no golden rule
that will enable us to select the most sensitive DV. In any case, no DV will reveal sufficient
variation if the variations or levels of the /V are insufficient in the first place.
The DV must also be operationally defined so that we are quite sure what we are
measuring. Implicit in this too is that some accepted mode of measuring the DVexists.
Many DVs in which educationalists are interested are hypothetical constructs, e.g.
learning, intelligence, short-term memory, etc. These must be operationalised as
observable and measurable behaviours that allow inference back to the construct. For
example, it is impossible to study the learning process directly. If, on the other hand, a
student sits down and studies certain material for an hour and then can answer questions
they previously could not, we say learning has taken place. In this case, learning is
inferred from an increase in performance.
The measures available to assess the DV must be reliable and valid. These two terms
will be considered in detail later (chapter 22). For now it suffices to say that reliability
is the consistency with which a result will repeat itself, all other things being equal.
Validity implies that the measurement technique/instrument is actually assessing what
it purports to measure.

1 Differentiate between the /V and DV in a concise sentence.

2 In what ways is it possible to manipulate the /V?
3. What do you understand by the ‘ceiling’ and ‘floor’ effects?

Some examples of independent and dependent variables

Several hypotheses drawn from studies undertaken in a research methods course are
listed below; the independent and dependent variables have been identified for each

chapter 9 |variables 127

Hypothesis 1 Under social reinforcement conditions, middle class children will learn
significantly more than working class children.
IV: Middle class versus working class.
DV: Amount learned.
Hypothesis 2 Students who plan to pursue careers in marketing are more aggressive, less
conforming, more independent and have a greater need for achievement than students
who do not plan such careers.

IV: Students who plan to pursue careers in marketing versus those who do not.
DV: Aggressiveness, conformity, independence, need for achievement.

Hypothesis 3 Students with positive academic self-concepts will gain significantly higher
grades than students with negative academic self-concepts.
IV: Students with positive academic self-concepts and students with negative
academic self-concepts.
DV: Grades.

Identify the /V and DV in the following hypotheses:

1 Perceptions of the characteristics of the ‘good’ or effective teacher are in part
determined by the perceiver’s attitudes toward education.
2 In the elementary school age group, above-average height children are more often
chosen as leaders by their classmates than are children below average height.
3 Test-wiseness affects test performance.
4 Working-class children will learn nonsense syllables slower than middle-class children.
5 Girls who follow science courses in Year 12 are more aggressive than girls following
non-science courses.
6 The degree of illusion created by the Muller-Lyer illusion depends on whether it is
presented vertically or horizontally.
7 Adults find it easier to remember a list of meaningful words than to remember a list
of nonsense syllables.
8 Identify the DV and /V in the following:
a Noise affects efficiency of work.
b Time of day affects span of attention.
c Birth order affects individual personality.
d_ Performance is improved by practice.
*Answers on p. 597.

The moderator variable

The term moderator variable describes a special type of independent variable selected
for study to determine if it affects the relationship between the primary independent
variable and the dependent variables. The moderator variable is defined as that factor

128 part 2 |quantitative methods

which is measured, manipulated or selected by the experimenter to discover whether it modifies
the relationship of the independent variable to an observed phenomenon. The word
moderator simply acknowledges the reason that this secondary independent variable has
been singled out for study. If the experimenter is interested in studying the effect of
independent variable X, and Y is altered by the level ofa third factor Z, then Z can be
in the analysis as a moderator variable.
Here is an example. First, suppose the researcher wants to compare the effectiveness
of the discovery approach to teaching science to the effectiveness of the formal approach.
Suppose further he or she suspects that, while one method may be more effective for
average students, the other may have more effect for low IQ students. When all are
tested together, the results of the two methods may appear to be the same, but when fast
and slow students are separated, the two methods may have different results in each
subgroup. If so, IQ level would be seen to moderate the relationship between teaching
approach (the independent variable) and effectiveness (the dependent variable).
Because the situations in educational research investigations are usually quite complex,
the inclusion of at least one moderator variable in a study is highly recommended. Often
the nature of the relationship between X and Y remains poorly understood because of
the researcher’s failure to single out and measure vital moderator variables.

Some examples of moderator variables

Hypothesis Test scores and intelligence are more highly correlated for boys than for girls.
IV & DV: Either test scores or intelligence may be considered the independent
variable; the other, the dependent variable.

Moderator variable: Sex (boys versus girls).

Hypothesis Adult attitudes to education are related to their socio-economic class.

IV & DV: Attitudes to education and socio-economic class may be considered as

Moderator variables: Here are some that ought to be considered:
¢ Whether they have school-age children or not.
¢ Level of their education.

Control variables
A control variable is a potential /V
that is held constant during an experiment. It is not
allowed to vary. For any one experiment, the list of control variables that it is desirable
to control is large; far larger than can ever be accomplished in practice. The problem is
that such variables have their potential effects on the DVso that it becomes impossible
to separate those variations in the DV that are due to the /V and those that are due to
other variables. The potential effects are unsystematic too, sometimes causing
improvements and at other times deficits, so their influence is unmeasurable. Consider,
for example, a simple experiment in which pupils are required to solve five-letter

chapter 9 |variables 129

anagrams. Here one would want to control age, intelligence and previous experience
with anagrams. Even time of day is important in affecting efficiency. Other variables such
as motivation and interest can hardly be controlled though they will play an important
part. The list could obviously be extended.
In practice, the experimenter will try to control as many of these salient factors as
possible so that the effect of uncontrolled factors will be slight, relative to the effect of
the JV. Most control variables are subject variables, i.e. variables that represent attributes
vested in each subject and which they bring with them into the experimental context;
for example, age, experience, social class, sex, motivation, expectation, etc. For example,
if one group of subjects contains more intelligent people than another group, differences
in performance may be due not to the /V but to the intelligence. When two variables are
mixed up in this way, they are confounded with each other. Similarly, other control
variables are context variable and they may confound the results; for example, task order,
task content, noise instructions. If avarying amount of a tranquilliser is given to create
different levels of anxiety, heavy doses may cause sleepiness so that performance on the
DV is affected by an unknown combination of sleepiness and anxiety level. Specific
methods of control such as randomisation elimination or equalising across groups will
be dealt with in chapter 10.

Some examples of control variables

Control variables are not necessarily specified in the hypothesis. It is often necessary to
read the methods section of a study to discover which variables have been treated as
control variables. The examples below, however, specifically list at least one control
variable in the hypothesis.

Alypothesis: First-born college students with an introverted personality get higher grades
than their extroverted counterparts of equal intelligence, while no such differences are
found among ‘later borns’.
Control variable: \ntelligence

Hypothesis: Among boys there is a correlation between IQ and social maturity, while for
girls in the same age group there is no correlation between these two variables.
Control variable: Age

Hypothesis: Under social reinforcement conditions, middle-class children will learn

significantly better than working-class children.
Control variable. Reinforcement conditions

In each of the above, there are undoubtedly other variables, such as the subjects’
relevant prior experiences or the noise level during treatment, which are not specified
in the hypothesis but which must be controlled. Because they are controlled by routine
design procedures, universal variables such as these are often not systematically

130 part 2 |quantitative methods

Check your ability to select /V, DV and control variables in the following:
1 Acar manufacturer wants to know how bright brake lights should be in order to
minimise the time required for the driver of the following vehicle to realise the car
in front is stopping.
2 A behaviour therapist reinforces a patient by nodding, smiling and extra attention
every time the patient says something positive about himself or herself and pays no
attention (extinguishes) to negative verbal material about the patient.
3 Asocial psychologist tries to discover if male car drivers conform more to stop signs
at crossroads than female car drivers.
4 With IQ held constant, children with perceptual motor training will perform better
on hand-eye coordination tasks than children without this training.
*Answers on p. 598.

Intervening variables
All the variables so far discussed have been under the control of the experimenter. Each
IV and control variable can be manipulated and each variation observed on the DV.
However, what the experimenter may be trying to find out in some experiments is not
necessarily concrete but hypothetical. The intervening variable is a hypothetical one
whose effects are inferred from the effects of the /V on the DV. Significant effects suggest
support for the hypothetical construct. Look at the following hypothesis.

Hypothesis 1 Pupils subject to high levels of criticism exhibit more aggressive acts
than those not so criticised.
IV: Criticised or not criticised.
DV: Number of aggressive acts.
Intervening variable: Frustration.

Frustration is an intervening variable because it links the criticism to the aggressive

behaviour. For example, frustration occurs to create the link though it can only be
Hypothesis 2 Pupils given more positive feedback experiences will have more positive
attitudes to others than pupils given fewer positive feedback experiences.
IV: Number of positive feedback experiences.
DV: Attitudes to others.
Intervening variable: Self-esteem.
Positive self-concept again links the Vand DV. It is a result of the Vand causes the
The intervening variables can often be discovered by examining a hypothesis and
asking the question, ‘What is it about the independent variable that will cause the
predicted outcome?’.

chapter 9 |variables 131

The combined variables
The relationship between the five types of variables described in this chapter is illustrated
in Figure 9.2. Note that independent, moderator and control variables are inputs or
causes, the first two being those that are studied, while control variables, the third, are
neutralised or ‘eliminated’. At the other end, dependent variables represent effects, while
intervening variables are conceptualisations which intervene between operationally stated
causes and operationally stated effects.

FIGURE 9.2 Relationship between variable types

CAUSE Independent Moderator Control
variables variables variables

~a Intervening y4~

EFFECTS variables

Identify the various variables in the following:

1 Formal teachers are preferred by pupils who have convergent thinking style, while
non-directive teachers are preferred by pupils who have a divergent thinking style.
2 Inaresearch study, teachers are given feedback as to their in-class behaviour from
(a) students, (b) supervisors, (c) both students and supervisors, (d) neither. Students’
judgements are again obtained after ten weeks to determine if teachers given the
different sources of feedback have shown differential change of behaviour in the
direction advocated by the feedback. Differential outcomes are also considered in
terms of years of teaching experience of each teacher.
3 Ina research study, students considered to have a high level of test anxiety were
divided into two groups: one receiving a behaviour modification program, the other
not receiving any treatment. Results were measured on physiological indices just
prior to sitting an exam.
4 Student female teachers are more likely to change their questioning techniques after
having a microteaching experience than without having such an experience, while
experienced female teachers are equally likely to maintain their existing technique
either with or without microteaching.
5 With IQ held constant, students with perceptual-motor training will perform better
on eye-hand coordination tasks than students without this training, while such
differences will not appear among adults.
*Answers on p. 598.

132 part 2 | quantitative methods

A variable is a measurable characteristic of a sample. Variables are the gears and cogs of an
experiment. Their selection, control, manipulation and measurement is what makes an experiment
run. The independent variable (/V) is manipulated and its effect is measured by changes in the
dependent variable (DV). A moderator variable affects the relationship between the /V and DV. A
control variable is held constant and an intervening variable is a hypothetical entity whose effects
are inferred.

chapter 9 | variables 133

Research design
and the control of

The purpose of research design is to minimise experimental error, thereby increasing the
likelihood that an experiment will produce reliable results. Entire books have been
written about experimental design. Here, we will cover only a sample of some common
techniques used to improve the design of experiments. While this treatment 1s necessarily
less complete than that of an entire text devoted to the subject, it should give you an
understanding of the aims ofdesigning an experiment, even though it will not give you
all the techniques that could be used.

Experimental error
Experimental error occurs when a change in the DV (dependent variable) is produced by
any variable other than the /V (independent variable). What we are wholly interested in
is the effect of the V on the DV. When other variables that are causally related to the
DV are confounded with the /V, they produce experimental error; they produce
differences on the DVbetween the experimental conditions that add to or subtract from
the difference that would have been produced by the /V alone. Experimental error covers
up the effect you are interested in and can make it difficult or impossible to assess.
Let us imagine that we obtain some subjects, assign half to a formally taught
educational psychology course and half to the same course taught by programmed
instruction, and at the end of the term measure all subjects on an attainment test.
There are a number of variables which, unless we are careful, may be confounded
with the /V. One is time of day: one course may be taught in the middle of the
morning, when students are alert; and the other at the very end of the day. Another
is intelligence: students in one course may be brighter than those in the other. Since
both of these variables are likely to affect the attainment score obtained at the end
of the term, allowing either to be confounded with the /V is likely to result in
experimental error.
There are two kinds of experimental errors: constant or systematic error and random
error. An understanding of these kinds of errors and of ways to deal with them
constitutes a fundamental basis of experimental reasoning.
¢ Systematic or constant error is an error or bias that favours the same experimental
condition every time the experiment is repeated. Any error due to time of day would
be a constant error, for whichever course is taught at the more favourable time of day
is taught at that time for all subjects in that experimental condition.
Constant error operates systematically so that it affects performance in one
condition but not the other. The different manner and personality of the experimenter
with the control group compared to those of the person handling the experimental
group would affect each group in a different way. If, for instance, one group
undertakes their experiment while sitting in a cold or noisy room but the other group
is in more amenable surroundings, the results are likely to include effects from this
variable. If one group has more practice than the other, this will produce improved
performance and will be a constant error, provided practice is not designated as the
independent variable.
¢ A random error is an error which, on repetitions of the experiment, sometimes favours
one experimental condition and sometimes the other, on a chance basis. If subjects
are assigned to conditions randomly, then any error resulting from differences in
intelligence will be random error. Very often, the error from any particular source has
both constant and random components. This would be true of the error produced by
intelligence if the subjects volunteered for the conditions, and if the brighter subjects
usually, but not always, chose the same experimental condition. We shall continue to
consider just the pure cases of constant and random error, and it is perfectly legitimate
to do so. But we do this with the understanding that the error from any particular
source may involve these components in any proportions.
The effect of a constant or systematic error is to distort the results in a particular
direction, so that an erroneous difference masks the affairs. The effect of a random error
is not to distort the results in any particular direction, but to obscure them. In designing
an experiment, controls are employed to eliminate as much error as possible and then
randomisation is employed to ensure that the remaining error will be distributed at
random. Controlling or randomising sources of constant error eliminates bias.

Sources of experimental error

There are four sources of experimental error: sampling, assignment, conditions and
measurement. Experimental error can be introduced in sampling the subjects from the
population, in assigning the subjects in the sample to the experimental conditions, in

chapter 10 |research design and the control of error 135

administering the experimental conditions and in measuring the DV. Error from any of
these sources may be either constant or random.
We will leave measurement error in the DV(and its corollary reliability) to a later time
(chapter 20) and discuss the first three sources now.

Error due to sampling

We have already considered sampling techniques in chapter 6. It was apparent from
there, and also in discussing standard error, that random error is difficult to avoid, even
with the best sampling techniques, and that systematic (constant) error is always a threat.
Error due to sampling could arise in the teaching method experiment above, if, as is
usually the case, we did not test all the subjects in the population to which we wish to
generalise the result, and if, as is also usually the case, the size of the experimental effect
differs from subject to subject. Perhaps an educational psychology course taught by
formal methods is of greater benefit to brighter students. Thus, while the true difference
between the methods in the population as a whole might be a slight difference in favour
of the formal method, the difference in a sample of bright students might be quite large,
and in a sample of less bright students might be negligibly small. These discrepancies
from the true difference constitute error. If the sampling procedure is random,
sometimes bright students will be drawn and the error will be in one direction, and
sometimes less bright students will be drawn and the error will be in the other direction.
The error will be random. If subjects can volunteer and all bright students opt for the
same teaching method, then constant error is introduced. The procedure of stratified
sampling can be used to control sampling error too.

Do you remember what a random sample is? Refer back to page 85 if you cannot recall.

Randomisation is the most important and basic of all control methods, providing
control not only for known sources of variation but for unknown ones too. In fact, it is
the only technique for dealing with the latter source. It is like an insurance policy, a
precaution against disturbances that may or may not occur, and clearly stated procedures
involving tossing coins and random number tables should be employed.

Error due to assignment

Error due to assignment could arise in the teaching method experiment above if
subjects in the two conditions differed initially in intelligence, as they no doubt
would. The observed difference at the end of the experiment would then be the true
difference resulting from manipulating the /V plus or minus this initial difference.
This error would be a constant error if the procedure for assigning subjects to
conditions were in some way biased. Perhaps subjects were allowed to choose which
course they would take, and brighter subjects tend to take the formally taught

136 part 2 |quantitative methods

course. Such an error would always tend to favour the taught-course performance
when a comparison is made. Control of experimental error due to assignment ts
affected by the subject allocation design of the experiment. There are three basic
1 between-subjects design. Here we compare two or more samples, e.g. a control with
an experimental group. Allocation to groups may or may not be randomised.
2 within-subjects design. We have only one group, which is tested twice or more in a
‘before and after’ research design.
3 matched-subjects design where the closeness of the matching produces two equivalent
In almost all experiments, we have to make a decision whether to employ the same
subjects in each condition or level of the /V, or to use different subjects for each

Between-subjects design
There are some kinds of experiment in which it is very difficult to use the same people
for all conditions. What about an experiment testing the relationship between sex and
induced learned helplessness? There is simply no way (apart from a split-second sex
change!) in which the same people can perform in both the male and female groups. So
there have to be different people (men and women) in the two groups. This design is
known as a between-subjects design because the comparison is between two independent
groups or unrelated people.
There are other experiments too in which it is easier to use different people for the
different experimental conditions. These include experiments involving very long tasks
which would exhaust the patience and lower the motivation of subjects if the same
people had to perform all the conditions. Another reason is that if you use different
people you avoid the possibility of practice effects transferring from one task to another.
But individuals do differ markedly from each other. The only way to deal with this
is to allocate the different people at random to the different experimental conditions.
Here, random means that it is purely a matter of chance which people end up doing
which condition or level of the IV. The reasoning is that if subjects are randomly allocated
to experimental conditions on a chance basis, then people of different ages or abilities
are just as likely to be found in all the experimental groups. For example, you might find
that all the subjects who arrive first to volunteer for an experiment are the most highly
motivated people who would tend to score more highly, quite regardless of experimental
condition. So they should not be placed in the same group. It would be better to allocate
alternate subjects as they arrived, or perhaps to toss a coin to decide which group each
subject should be allocated to; in which case, unless your coin is biased, the allocation
of subjects to groups should be truly random.
The groups should also be assigned their level of the JV by a random procedure,
i.e. toss a coin to decide which group shall be the experimental one and which the
control group. Random assignment exerts control by virtue of the fact that the

chapter 10 |research design and the control of error 137

variables to be controlled are distributed in approximately the same way in all
groups. In this way, their influence is a constant across the groups, since they cannot
produce any differential influence on the DV. Remember though, that bias can exist
even after randomisation has been applied, since chance variation between groups
will still occur. Do you recall the variation between means of randomly selected
samples (chapter 6)?
Randomisation is the only method for the control of unknown variables. Other
control techniques are only of value with known confounding variables. The principle
is to randomise wherever and whenever possible, even when applying one of the other
control techniques.

1 Briefly outline what you see as the advantages and disadvantages of the between-
subjects design.
2 How can we generally avoid error due to assignment?

Treatment 1 Treatment 2


138 part 2 | quantitative methods

Inferential statistics for testing differences between two groups
In discussing hypothesis formation, it was noted that one major form of a hypothesis is
that of stating that there are differences between two samples. This chapter will deal
with tests for analysing data from two samples to determine whether there is a real
difference between them, i.e. a difference greater than that due to chance, or whether it
is a chance variation, i.e. the two sample means lie within the expected chance
distribution of similar sample means from the same population at some level of
There are three ways in which the difference comparisons can be made:

1 Between two independent groups—the between-subjects design.

2 Between the same group from one occasion to another—the within-subjects design.
3 Between two matched groups which are so similar that they can be regarded as the
same group twice—the matched subjects design.
Each ofthese designs has statistical tests of differences appropriate to it, and according
to whether the data is suitable for parametric or non-parametric statistical testing.

Within-subjects design
So far, we have presented exclusively the advantages of using different rather than the
same subjects for all the experimental conditions, i.e. the between-subjects design.

Can you list some of these advantages?

But, against all these advantages, there is one crucial disadvantage about using
different subjects for each experimental condition. This is that there may be all sorts of
individual differences in the way different subjects tackle the experimental task.

What major individual differences affect the way different subjects tackle an experimental
task? List as many as you can.

There are many. For instance, in a memory experiment some people might be more
intelligent than others, some might think the experiment a bore, others that it would get them
extra marks, some might not even be able to read the items, some might be old, some young,
some take three minutes over each item, others four seconds, some might be anxious, and
others might be thinking about the nightclub they are going to that night. Such variability
might affect their ability to remember the items, from nil by a person who cannot read, to
100 per cent by an ambitious person who thinks they are going to get an A grade for their
performance. The existence of all these other factors might mean that each subject’s behaviour

chapter 10 research design and the control of error 139

is being affected by variables which have nothing to do with the independent variable the
experimenter is intending to manipulate.
An experimental design in which the same people are performing all the experimental
conditions is the best method for eliminating such individual differences. This is known
as a within-subjects design because the comparison is within the same set of subjects and
so their scores are related. Anything peculiar to one individual (like high or low IQ or
motivation) is then spread across all conditions. If a person is highly motivated when
learning one list of words, thus inflating the scores for that condition, he or she will also
tend to be well motivated when learning other lists of words, and so will inflate those
scores as well. The point about using a same-subjects design is that any individual
peculiarities get equalised out over all conditions. Note that they do not get removed;
they simply form a constant on the results of each condition.
This is the ultimate way to minimise individual differences between subjects. A
within-subjects design makes it more likely that any differences in performance discerned
between levels of the independent variable are true differences.
One practical advantage of a within-subjects experiment is that fewer subjects are
required. If N subjects are required to give you an adequate number of data for a within-
subject experiment, then N x 2 are required for a two-level between-subjects experiment.
There will also be times when the number of subjects available to you is limited,
especially when the subjects must meet certain requirements. For example, you may
need subjects with some disorder like a specific psychosis or colour-blindness or left-
handedness. In such cases, you may not be able to find enough subjects who meet these
requirements to use a between-subjects design, and you will need to rely on a within-
subjects experiment.

Error from administration of experimental conditions

Since there are many practical and statistical advantages to using within-subjects designs,
why should we ever use between-subjects designs? Unfortunately, the within-subjects design
also carries some rather serious disadvantages.
The basic problem is that once subjects are exposed to one level of the independent
variable, there is no way to change them back into the people they were prior to being
exposed. The exposure has done something irreversible to the subject, whom we can no
longer treat as a pure, uncontaminated, naive subject. How is the subject changed?
One way a subject can change is to learn. Suppose we wanted to know whether it takes
someone longer to learn to type on a manual typewriter or an electric typewriter. We
decide that because there are likely to be large individual differences in typing ability, we
will use a within-subject design. We take ten subjects and find out how many hours
they have to practise in order to type 30 words per minute on a manual typewriter. We
then switch them to an electric typewriter and find out how many hours they have to
practise to type 30 words per minute on that. We find that it takes them an average of
forty-five hours of practice to reach criterion on the manual, compared with two hours
on the electric. Can we conclude that the electric typewriter is that much easier to learn
on? Obviously not.

140 part 2 |quantitative methods

During the first part of the experiment, in addition to learning the specific skill of using
a manual typewriter, the subjects were also learning a general typing skill. The general skill
is confounded with the specific skill. By the time the subjects typed on the electric typewriter,
their general typing skill was undoubtedly at a higher level than when they started the
experiment. Any time such an effect changes systematically across the trials, we must be
careful to keep the effect of our independent variable from becoming confounded with it.
How can you get rid of this confounding effect? The answer is to counterbalance in
order to control sequencing or order effects. Familiarity, practice, learning, motivational
changes, fatigue, etc. may often influence performance quite markedly on the second

One way to minimise the effect of asystematic confounding variable like learning is to
counterbalance the order in which you present the levels of the independent variable.
One of the more frequently used techniques is called ABBA counterbalancing. If we
call the manual typewriter ‘A’ and the electric typewriter “B’, then ABBA simply indicates
the pattern in which subjects will learn typing. This pattern serves to counterbalance the
confounding effects across the two levels of our independent variable.
An ABBA counterbalancing technique attempts to counterbalance order effects in a
completely within-subject manner; the same subject gets both orders. Other
counterbalancing techniques make order a between-subjects variable by
counterbalancing order across subjects. In intra-group counterbalancing, groups of
subjects are counter-balanced rather than each subject. So, for example, with two
conditions (i.e. A and B) of the ZV, half the subjects chosen at random receive sequence
AB, and the other half receive BA. A completely randomised counterbalancing is possible
too, with each subject receiving one of the sequences chosen by a random process.
However, in all counterbalancing, you are making the assumption that the effect of
having B follow A is just the reverse of the effect of having A follow B. This assumption
is sometimes called an assumption ofsymmetrical transfer.
As we add more levels to our independent variable, we increase the complexity of a
complete counterbalancing procedure. In a completely counterbalanced design, every
level has to occur an equal number of times. Complete counterbalancing can become a
monumental task when you have a large number oflevels.
Counterbalancing will not remove an order effect. Hopefully, it will make it constant
in both levels. Moreover, demand characteristics are likely to be a big problem in this
design since taking several levels of the JV may allow a subject a greater chance of
correctly guessing what the experiment is about or what the experimenter ‘wants’,
whatever order the conditions are taken in.

1 Can you explain why counterbalancing is used in some circumstances?

2 What do you understand by the term ‘order effects’? Can you name some order effects?

chapter 10 | research design and the control of error 141

Matched-subjects design
This design gains the advantage of abetween-subjects experiment yet avoids, like the
within-subjects design, some of the problems oflarge individual differences between
groups ofsubjects. At the same time, the order problems of the within-groups design
are removed. Matched pairs simply means that an attempt is made to have the same
kind of subjects undertake the experiment.
To do this, you match pairs of subjects on what seem to be important characteristics—
sex, age, IQ, memorising ability, anxiety or whatever, depending on the experiment.
The idea is that if IQ is important to performance then you have pairs of subjects at each
IQ level, and one of each pair is allocated randomly to each group. This means that
neither group should have a special advantage since they have equal ranges of IQ among
their members.
A matched-pairs design can be treated as within-subjects design because the purpose
of the matching is to end up with related pairs who are matched so closely that, on the
characteristics relevant to the particular experiment, they are as near as possible the same
In the case of a within-subjects design, the related pairs are, of course, the same,
performing under both experimental conditions.
You must match your groups on a variable that is highly correlated with the
dependent variable. It is a waste of time for us to match two groups of runners on the
basis of IQ scores. Fast feet are not related to quick minds! However, we could have had
each subject run the 100 yards, then made up pairs of subjects: the two fastest, the two
next fastest, and so on. We could then toss a coin to assign one member of each pair to
each of the conditions. In this way, we know that the groups are somewhat equivalent
in running speed prior to introducing the independent variable.
Subjects might be matched on intelligence if the experiment is a problem-solving
one, on sex if the experiment is one on the effect of a particular film, on attitudes
toward dating, and so forth. Matching on intelligence may not be of much help in
a study of leadership because subjects who are perfectly matched on intelligence
may be very poorly matched on leadership. Some measure more closely related to the
DV of leadership, such as number ofpositions of leadership held in the past, would
produce more relevant matching.
If a pre-test is necessary to obtain data on which the matching is to be based, such a
pre-test must not contaminate the main experiment. For example, in a memory
experiment, we find that matching on memory ability is the best variable, but the
memory pre-test must not be similar to the task in the main experiment or else
differential effects on subjects in terms of practice, learning, motivation, etc. will
influence the experiment. Through matching, we decrease the probability of being wrong
when we say that the /V caused a change in behaviour.
One disadvantage in doing matched-groups experiments is that it takes longer to
match the groups, so that experiments sometimes require two sessions: one for the pre-
test and one for the experiment itself. If you are planning to use many subjects anyway,
the chances of getting large differences between groups using random assignment is
quite small, and the problem of matching might not be worth the effort.

142 part 2 |quantitative methods

FIGURE 10.2 Matched subjects with two groups

4 7 Match and
ia 19) measure

q q
Randomly assign one
member of each pair
to each group

Matching causes the pool ofpotential subjects to be smaller, too. For example, we can
hold constant across each experimental group by, say, sex by only using males, IQ by
only using an IQ
level, age by only having 21-year-olds, and ethnic group by only using
Iranians, etc. But it would be difficult to locate sufficient numbers of male 21-year-old
Iranian subjects with the same IQ. However, it is clear that experimental variation will
not include any variation due to sex, or age, or ethnic group, or IQ variation, hence less
of the variation is error variation.

chapter 10 |research design and the control of error 143

Experimental error is considerably reduced because chance fluctuations in the
performance on one person at two points in time tend to be smaller than the fluctuations
of two people at the same point in time.

List the advantages and disadvantages of the between-subjects, within-subjects and

matched-subjects designs.

This term can be applied in two ways. It can refer to the standardising of the experimental
conditions, or the standardising of the marking or assessment of test instruments. It is the
former which is to be considered briefly here. Standardising of the experimental conditions
ensures that every subject undertakes the /V level applicable to himself or herself in the same
conditions as everyone else. For example, think how the results of an experiment could be
interpreted if some subjects had a longer time to complete the task, or were given different
instructions, or suffered from noisy disturbances while undertaking the task. (Of course,
experiments can be devised in which these variables could act as the /V.) These
unstandardised conditions would be reflected in unknown ways in the DVvariations, and
would be impossible to disentangle from the real effects of the /V. So, for these types of
variables, control of error is effected by holding them constant for all subjects.
Holding a variable constant ensures that it will produce no experimental error, for the
obvious reason that variables which do not change cannot produce changes on any other

Can you write down a few variables that need to be held constant in most experiments?

It is now possible to see what each design and control technique achieves. In the
between-subjects design, no subject variables are controlled. In the matched-pairs design,
one or more between-subject variables (such as age, IQ, sex, social class) are controlled.
In the within-subjects design, all between-subject variables are controlled, though the
variables (on which a single person varies from time to time) such as fatigue and
motivation, are not controlled.
In the between-subjects and matched-subjects designs, subject variables that have not
been controlled are randomised by assigning the members of each pair randomly to
conditions. In the within-subjects design, within-subject variables that are related to
order of presentation, such as fatigue and adjustment to the experimental situation, can
be counterbalanced with order of presentation. But the experimenter has no control
over other within-subject variables, such as anxiety, and nature must be trusted to
randomise these. The essential difference, then, between the three kinds of design is the
degree to which they control error due to between-subject variables. Since between-

144 part 2 |quantitative methods

subject variables usually contribute most to random error, this is an important difference.
On this basis, the within-subjects design is to be preferred to the matched subjects, and
the matched subjects to the independent subjects.
We have taken you through a number of considerations that you might take into
account when designing an experiment. To summarise, firstly, there is the use of
systematic controls to ensure that all variables except the /Vare equalised across treatment
groups. This may take the form of standardising experimental conditions and
instructions, matching subjects, counterbalancing for order effects. The point is that
the experimenter is trying to think about all possible variables which might affect the
results, and then make sure that they are equalised across all the experimental treatments.
The second method is randomisation. When you deal with variables by randomly
allocating subjects to treatments, or by randomising the order in which conditions are
presented, you are really leaving it to chance that extraneous variables will be likely to
be more or less equally distributed among all the experimental treatments. It may sound
as if this is a ‘weaker’ method than controlling variables, but it is simply impossible to
control for all possible extraneous variables, by counterbalancing subjects, settings, order,
and so on, either for practical reasons or because the experimenter does not know which
of all possible variables might be affecting subjects’ behaviour. By randomising across
conditions, the assumption is that all variables, except the /V, will be distributed so as
to make the various treatment groups comparable.

1 State one advantage and one disadvantage of the within-subjects design.

2 Imagine an experiment designed to test memory for categorised lists of words (e.g.
words like lion, tiger, bear are all ANIMALS), as opposed to lists of uncategorised words.
What sort of experimental design would you plan, and why?

Research design
A research design is essentially a plan or strategy aimed at enabling answers to be obtained
to research questions. In its simplest form, an experiment has three characteristics:
1 An /V is manipulated.
2 All other variables except the /V are controlled.
3 The effect of the manipulation of the /V on the DVis measured.

To the extent that the experiment is inappropriately conceived and therefore

inappropriately designed, solutions to research questions will not be attained.
Unfortunately, research is, and has been, conducted using designs that are inappropriate.
Here are several basic but sound designs.

Post-test comparison with randomised subjects

This design exerts a control over subject variables because subjects are randomly assigned
to the two groups. Only the experimental group is exposed to the experimental treatment.

chapter 10 |research design and the control of error 145

If the obtained means ofthe two groups are significantly different (i.e. more different
than would be expected on the basis of chance alone), the experimenter can be reasonably
confident that the experimental conditions are responsible for the observed result.
The main advantage of this design is randomisation, which assures statistical equivalence
of the groups prior to the introduction of the independent variable. As the number of subjects
is increased, the likelihood that randomisation will produce equivalent groups is increased.
The post-test comparison with randomised subjects controls for the main effects of history,
maturation, and pre-testing; because no pre-test is used, there can be no interaction effect of
pre-test and X. This design is especially recommended for situations in which pre-test
reactivity is likely to occur. It is also useful in studies in which a pre-test is either not possible,
for example, in studies with kindergarten or primary grades, where it is impossible to
administer a pre-test since the learning is not yet manifest. Another advantage of this design
is that it can be extended to include more than two groups if necessary.
This design can be increased in sensitivity by matching subjects on relevant variables
prior to random assignment to groups of members in each pair. A tossed coin can be used
for the random allocation.

- FIGURE 10.3. Post-test comparison (randomised)

Randomised subjects |\V ————» Post-test

Experimental group Xx NC
Be Compare
Control group 4

Pre-test and post-test comparison design with randomised subjects

This design enables change to be measured. In this design, random assignment into
experimental and control groups, plus previous matching if necessary, ensures both
groups are equivalent.

FIGURE 10.4 Pre-test and post-test comparison (randomised)

cei oi
Boonen! Pre-test Treat
eatmen t Feost-test Compare

Control y = =
group 1 Gs a Ho
ea Y,r $$» ———____»
X Yo Y, — Yo

Practice, learning, maturation and experimenter effects should be equally distributed

in both groups, while matching and random assignment have ensured initial equality of
the groups.

146 part 2 |quantitative methods

The average difference between the pre-test and post-test (Y;—-Y>) is found for each
eroup and then these average difference scores are compared in order to ascertain whether
the experimental treatment produced a greater change than the control situation.
The significance of the difference in average changes (found when the average change
for the control group is subtracted from the average change for the experimental group)
is determined by an appropriate statistical test, such as the t-test.
The fact that the control group does not receive the experimental treatment does not
mean that control subjects receive no experience at all. In research on teaching methods,
the control group is generally taught by the traditional or usual procedure. In certain
learning experiments, it is common practice to give the control group some kind of
irrelevant activity between pre-test and post-test, while the experimental group is
receiving specific training for the task. In an experiment on the effects of a particular
drug, one would administer a placebo (such as a sugar pill) to the control group without
letting them know that they were being treated differently from the experimental group.
The main concern in using the pre-test and post-test comparison design with
randomised subjects is external validity. Although both experimental and control groups
take the pre-test and may experience the sensitising effect, it can cause the experimental
subjects to respond to the treatment in a particular way, just because of their increased
sensitivity. The crucial question is: “Would the effect of X on the experimental subjects
be the same without the exposure to the pre-test?’. This problem has been particularly
evident in studies of attitude change. When the first attitude scale is administered as the
pre-test in a study, it can arouse interest or sensitise subjects to the issues of material
included in the scale. Then re-test scores may reflect a component of this sensitisation.

Factorial designs
We have been considering so far the classical design in which an /V is manipulated with
the effect measured on the DV. But in any research context, there can be a variety of
variables interacting simultaneously. Such techniques as randomisation, matching,
counterbalancing and standardisation have been discussed as ways of controlling the effects
of variables. However, in some studies, the interaction effect is important. For example,
particular teaching methods may have differential effects with pupils of different levels of
IQ, so that Method A is effective with low IQ pupils and Method B with high IQ pupils.
Similarly, changes in the DV may be effected by the interaction of sex, ethnic group,
personality traits, family size, school size with the /V. By employing a factorial design, the
effects of other variables (other /Vs) can be determined. In essence, the researcher
investigates the effect of the main /V at each level of one or more other attributes. This
increases the precision of the findings and the validity and reliability of the research.
Factorial designs can be quite complex and the reader should consult more advanced
texts for these.

Quasi-experimental designs
The goal of the experimenter is to use designs that provide full experimental control
through the use of randomisation procedures. There are many situations in educational

chapter 10 |research design and the control of error 147

research in which it is not possible to conduct a true experiment. For instance, in research
conducted in a classroom setting it may not be possible for the experimenter to assign
subjects randomly to groups.

Non-randomised control group pre-test/post-test design

In a typical school situation, it is necessary to use groups as they are already organised
into classes or other intact groups.

FIGURE 10.5 Non-randomised design

Pre-test IV Post-test

Experimental Y; Xx Y5

Control Y, =e

A researcher might conduct an experiment with the four parallel English classes of a
high school. Because the classes meet at different times, subjects cannot be randomly
assigned to treatments. However, the researcher can use a random procedure to
determine which two sections will be experimental and which two will be control. Since
both experimental and control groups take the same pre-tests and post-tests, and the
experiment occupies the same time period for all subjects, it then follows that testing,
instrumentation, maturation and mortality are not internal validity problems.
If the researcher teaches all four classes, history is not a problem. If the researcher
only supervises the regular teachers who deliver the experimental and control treatments,
differences among teachers can systematically influence results.
Another problem is the ceiling effect. Because no random allocation to groups occurs,
the pre-test means can differ considerably. Thus any change measured on the post-test
is constrained by how high one group scored initially.
For example, if the non-randomised control group pre-test/ post-test design is used to
compare the effects of two methods of maths instruction in which equivalent forms of
a 100-item test are used as pre-test and post-test, and one group has a pre-test mean of
80 and the other a pre-test mean of 50, the ceiling effect would restrict the possible gain
of the former more than the latter.

Demand characteristics
Researchers call the influence of an experimenter’s expectations, or the subject’s
knowledge that an experiment is underway, demand characteristics. To the extent that the
behaviour of research participants is controlled by demand characteristics instead of /V,
experiments are invalid and cannot be generalised beyond the test situation.
A well-known example of a demand characteristic is the Hawthorne effect, named after
the Western Electric Company plant where it was first observed. The company was
interested in improving worker morale and productivity and conducted several

148 part 2 |quantitative methods

experiments to improve the workers’ environment (such as improved light, etc.). No
matter what experimental manipulation was tried, worker productivity improved. The
workers knew that they were in a ‘special’ group and therefore tried to do their best at all
times. Thus, the demand characteristics were more important in determining the workers’
productivity than the experimental manipulations.
The implication of this Hawthorne Effect can have a serious impact on educational
experiments where, for example, the enthusiasm and interest of teachers and pupils
engaged in an experiment on new teaching methods or new curricula content will produce
results that show tremendous gains in performance. As the novelty wears off the
Hawthorne Effect decreases. Therefore, studies should extend over a lengthy period of
time when evaluating new methods and materials to ensure that the experimental effect
is significant over time and not simply a manifestation of the Hawthorne Effect.
Orne (1962) has taken the position that volunteer subjects want to cooperate with the
experimenter and be good subjects. To take such a position, the subject attempts to
identify the hypothesis of the experiment from the available demand characteristics and
acts in a manner that will support the hypothesis. Orne has gone to great lengths to
demonstrate that subjects reveal tremendous persistence in this ‘helping’ behaviour. Orne
found that subjects worked for five hours on summing two adjacent numbers presented
on sheets of paper. Each sheet of paper contained 224 additions and the subject received
2000 sheets of paper. When subjects were questioned about their perseverance, they
frequently hypothesised that the experiment was concerned with endurance.
Just knowing that one is being experimented on, and consequently observed, alters
behaviour, regardless of one’s attitudes or motivations about supporting or refuting the
experimental hypothesis. Serving as a subject in an experiment is similar to being on stage
or in front of a television camera. While in front of a television camera, most people do
not act as they normally would, but produce behaviour that ranges from being silly to
being stilted. Likewise, being in an experiment may generate behaviour that is more
socially desirable, restrained, subdued or defiant. When such a tendency is coupled with
behaviour controlled by the demand characteristics of an experiment, it is easy to see how
results that are inaccurate can be produced.
Complete understanding of the behaviour of subjects in the experimental context is
still lacking. All we can do at this point in time is to be aware of the problem, try to
mitigate any possible negative attitudes by our interpersonal behaviour and rapport, and
try not to use ‘forced labour’.

Experimenter bias
Experimenters are not impersonal, anonymous people, all capable of identical
observation and recording. Researchers too are human! They have attitudes, values,
needs and motives which, try as they might, they cannot stop from contaminating their
experiments. The researcher firstly has a motive for choosing and carrying out the
particular study in the first place. He or she has certain expectations regarding the
outcome. This is implicit ifa sensible and critical review of previous work in the area has
been carried out. The researcher would hence like to see their hypothesis confirmed. The
experimenter, knowing about the hypothesis and projected outcome, is likely to provide

chapter 10 |research design and the control of error 149

unintended verbal and non-verbal cues which may be picked up by the subjects, thereby
influencing their performances in the direction desired. Experimenters may themselves,
therefore, be one of Orne’s demand characteristics.
Attributes of the experimenter, such as age, sex, social class, ethnic group, warmth,
dominance, need for social approval, etc., will to unknown degrees also influence the
subjects’ responses. The problem lies in the fact that these attributes have a different
effect on each subject. It would be no problem if the influence of each attribute was
identical for all subjects.
A further source of bias lies in the subjective interpretation of the obtained data. For
example, the interpretation of the same twin study data on intelligence can be subject to
wide divergence of opinion, which reflects the general philosophy oflife of each person
doing the interpreting.
But, as with subject bias, it is difficult to assess accurately experimenter bias or to find
ways of eliminating it. Since experiments are generally conducted in social interaction
contexts, all we can do at present is be aware of these sources of experimental error due
to uncontrolled and possibly, in some cases, inherently uncontrollable variables.

What do you feel are the main strengths and weaknesses of the experimental method?

Consider an aspect of classroom behaviour in which you are interested, and think how you
could investigate it with an experimental treatment, yet make it as ‘real life’ as possible.

Research design tries to ensure that it is the manipulation of the /V, or the experimental effect, that
produces the changes in the DV and not experimental error.
Experimental error can be systematic or random. The first distorts or biases results in a particular
direction; the latter obscures results. Experimental error can result from sampling procedures, subject
assignment, experimental conditions, measurement, experimenter bias and demand characteristics.

Orne, M. (1962), ‘On the social psychology of the psychological experiment’, American Psychologist,
17, 776-83.

Further reading
Rosenthal, R. (1966), Experimenter Effects in Behavioural Research, Appleton Century Crofts, New York.
Shaughnessy, J. & Zeichmeister, E. (1997), Research Methods in Psychology, McGraw Hill, Singapore.
Winer, B.J. (1971), Statistical Principles in Experimental Design, McGraw-Hill, New York.

150 part 2 |quantitative methods

statistical tests

There is a bewildering variety of statistical tests for almost every purpose. How do we
pick an appropriate test from all those available? There is no hard-and-fast rule. Tests
vary in the assumptions they make, their power, and the types of research design for
which they are appropriate. The major considerations that influence the choice of test
are reviewed below.

Parametric versus non-parametric tests

The functions of both kinds oftest are identical. In both cases, an experimenter uses the
tests to discover the probability that the results of the experiment occurred randomly by
chance. On the basis of this, he or she can decide whether the chance probability is low
enough to warrant rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the experimental
hypothesis. Which you use depends on whether your data satisfy the assumptions on
which parametric tests are based.

Assumptions for parametric tests

Levels of measurement
Parametric tests require research data that can be treated as equal interval. So parametric
tests should be restricted to ‘naturally’ numerical measures such as IQ scores, recall scores
and reaction times. However, we often resort to allotting numbers to all sorts of scales
and then assuming they are equal interval scales—for example, attitude scales—thereby
allowing parametric procedures to be applied.
If the DV is ordinal (ranked) or nominal (categorical), then non-parametric tests are
usually employed.

Distribution of scores
A second factor influencing the choice between parametric and non-parametric tests is
the distribution of data. For a parametric test, data should be normally distributed or
closely so. Extremely asymmetrical distributions should not be the basis for parametric

Homogeneity of variance
The final assumption about the research data for use with parametric tests is that the
amount of random, or error, variance should be equally distributed among the different
experimental conditions. This goes back to the idea that all the variability due to variables
which cannot be controlled should be equally distributed among experimental
conditions by randomisation. The formal term for this is homogeneity of variance: the
word ‘homogeneity’ simply indicates sameness; for example, that there should not be
significantly different amounts ofvariance in the different conditions of the /V.
The normal procedure is for the experimenters to check for these three assumptions
before using a parametric test. The point is that, if these theoretical assumptions are not
met, then the probability you look for in a statistical table may not be the correct one.
However, some statisticians have claimed that parametric tests are, in fact, relatively
robust. This means that it is unlikely that the percentage probability will be very
inaccurate unless your data do not meet the assumptions at all, i.e. are not on an interval
scale and/or are distributed in a very asymmetrical fashion.
Tests which are appropriate for categorical data such as ¥* or data in the form of
ranks, such as the rank-order correlation rho, in general involve fewer assumptions than
t or F tests. Many such tests do not specify conditions about the shape or character of
the distribution of the population from which samples are drawn. Such tests are called
distribution free ot non-parametric.
In using distribution-free tests, we do not test hypotheses involving specific values of
population parameters. This eliminates hypotheses involving values of M, 6 or other
descriptive parameters of population distributions.

Why use parametric tests?

By this time, you may wonder why, if all these complicated assumptions have to be met,
one should ever use parametric tests at all. After all, non-parametric tests would give
perfectly good estimates of the chance probabilities of obtaining experimental results.
One major consideration needs to be taken into account—that of the power of the test.
The power of statistical tests
The term power refers to the sensitivity of a test; the extent to which it is likely to pick
up any significant differences in scores which actually exist in the data. In this sense, the
Wilcoxon is a less powerful test than the ¢ test, because you are more likely to find a
significant difference with a f test.

152 part 2 |quantitative methods

Parametric tests are considered to be more powerful because they not only take into
account just the rank order of scores, but are also able to calculate variances. It has been
argued, therefore, that parametric tests are more powerful than non-parametric tests at
picking up significant differences.
We are less likely to reject a false null hypothesis with a non-parametric or
distribution-free test than we are with a parametric test.
In testing statistical hypotheses where more than one test seems appropriate, we
should choose the most powerful of the available tests.
However, there has been a lot of argument about this question of the relative power
of tests among statisticians. Not all of them agree that parametric tests are much more
powerful than non-parametric tests, and moreover, rank-ordering methods and
equations for non-parametric tests are equally quicker and easier to compute.

Type of hypothesis
We saw in chapter 7 that hypotheses in educational research are very often tested from
estimates of population differences on some variable; for example, whether children who
attend pre-school play groups differ from children who did not attend play groups in
social development on entry to infant school. But at other times, a hypothesis can state
explicitly that one variable, say perceptual rigidity, is associated with another variability,
say anxiety, among children. In géneral terms, therefore, we can distinguish two types
of hypothesis in educational research:
¢ difference hypotheses between samples;
¢ hypotheses of association (or correlation) between variables.

Type of experimental design in hypotheses of

1 Using same subjects for different experimental conditions (within-subjects design)
or using different subjects for different experimental conditions but making sure
that the people in each condition are matched on some relevant criterion (matched-
pairs design which can be treated statistically as if itwere a within-subjects design).
The tests of statistical significance we apply to each type of hypothesis are different.
In the case of different hypotheses, we employ a test of significance of the difference
between two or more values of a statistic. On the other hand, in testing a hypothesis
of association, we apply a statistical test of association or relationship between the
2 Using different, non-matched subjects for each experimental condition (between-
subjects design).
There are different statistical tests which should be used for within-subjects and
between-subjects designs.

chapter 11 |choosing statistical tests 153

TABLE 11.1 Relative merits ofparametric and non-parametric tests
Disadvantages Advantages
Non-parametric tests
1 Because non-parametric tests They can be used for
only look at the effects of investigating the effects of
single variables in isolation, single variables, and when
they ignore a lot of the your experimental data do
complexity of human behaviour. not meet the three

2 Because they make use of They are particularly useful

nominal data or rank ordering when measurement is at
rather than exact calculations only a nominal or ordinal
of variance, they may have level.
slightly less power, in that they
are less likely to pick up
significant differences.
Most of the calculations are
extremely easy and quick.
Parametric tests
1 The experimentai data have to They enable you to analyse
meet the three assumptions of interactions between two or
interval measurement, normal more variables.
distribution, and homogeneity
of variance.
Zi The mathematical They may be more
calculations are somewhat ‘powerful’ at picking up
more complicated. significant differences.

Levels of data
The data may be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio. The level of data obtained influences
the choice of test.
To conclude therefore, in evaluating techniques ofstatistical analysis, you determine:
¢ Whether the statistics employed are appropriate for the type of data available.
¢ Whether the test employed is appropriate for the type of hypothesis being tested.
¢ Whether the test employed is suitable for the design.
¢ Whether the assumptions involved in the test are realistic.
Figure 11.1 is a guide to the selection of the correct statistical test.

Degrees of freedom
In using some statistical tables to evaluate the obtained statistic, we need to know the
degrees of freedom for the particular sample rather than N. Why do we use degrees of
freedom or ‘df as they are symbolised?

154 part 2 |quantitative methods


{So} ] ise]]
uOXod|I IIMA a1e|98
pelejoy Aaullupp-uue
IUA\-UUB/\| juepusdepu|
OuJeWeled oueweled-UON OUJEWeIed

chapter 11 |choosing statistical tests


UO!LL|91109 UOILL}a109

ued —jonpod
uewleeds uosledad

FIGURE 11.1 Choosing your test flow chart

sisayjodAy siseyjyodAy

cons fa
SOUSIONIG -sjoalqns

Imagine that you are holding a dinner party for twelve people. You wish to seat them
round a table each in a pre-arranged place. When you have labelled the places for eleven
of the guests, the twelfth or final person must sit at the only place left. We have no
‘freedom’ about where we will place them. So we can say that although there are twelve
people (N) there are only eleven (N — 1) degrees of freedom. The final place is always
determined, no matter how many people we are trying to seat. This principle applies in
statistics, whether we are concerned with X or M.
Let us consider Xand M first of all. Suppose we have a sample size N = 10. The mean value
can be calculated and all but one of the scores can be altered to other values without altering
the mean. One score’s value is, however, determined by the remaining nine because of the
necessity that their total scores sum to N x M. Thus one score is not free to vary, but is
controlled by what the other nine values are. The number of degrees of freedom are one less
than N, or N — 1. In another example if we had three numbers, which sum to 24 and hence
a mean of 8, with two of the numbers known, for example 10 and 6, then the third is fixed,
for example 8. If we alter the 10 to 11 and the 6 to 7 then we have determined that the third
must be 6 if the XX and M are to remain the same.
In experiments with two groups of subjects, each group must lose one degree of
freedom. To show this, let us return to our dinner party. We are old-fashioned enough
to try to seat men and women in alternate seats round the table. In this case, once you
had seated five men and five women, everyone would know where the last man and the
last woman would have to sit. This is like the case where there are two groups of six
subjects, Nj and No. In fact, for each group there are only five degrees of freedom (Nj —
1 and N>- 1).

A range of considerations govern the appropriateness of any statistical test for a particular study.
The major considerations involve assumptions about the distribution of the data, types of
hypothesis used, research design employed and the level of the data.

156 part 2 | quantitative methods

Power and
effect size

So far in this book we have focused strongly on the concept ofstatistical significance and
p values as being extremely important when interpreting conclusions from research.
However, they can also be misused and can lead to misleading interpretations:
The play of chance can make it appear that a worthless treatment has in fact worked,
causing the importance of minor findings to be inflated in the researcher’s mind if
they hit the threshold of significance.
Of more concern is the way important information is overlooked in studies that fall
short of significance. It is almost as if a study that does not reach significance is worthless.
In fact, most never get published and much interesting work and findings which could
be the basis of further investigation are lost for ever. Thus, focusing too heavily on
significance can have a major effect on the development of cumulative knowledge.
Dividing research findings into two categories—significant and not significant—is a
gross oversimplification, since probability is a continuous scale. A rich data set reduced
to a binary accept—reject statement may lead to false conclusions due to naturally
occurring sampling error, even when using appropriate sampling methods in a
rigorous way.
4 Avital yet often ignored question in statistical analysis is—are my findings of any real
substance? We are usually asking one of three things:
e Is this a theoretically important issue?; or
e Is this issue one of social relevance?; or
e Will the results of this study actually help people?
While statistics can help to quantify the strength of the findings of the research, none
of these questions are essentially statistical. This is due to confusion over the word
‘significance’, as it has a different meaning within statistics from that in normal daily
use. This leads us frequently to imply and believe that even in a statistical context it
also has the same implications as found in the normal sense of the word. However,
by now you should have fully grasped the idea that statistical significance only means
that you can be confident that your results are unlikely to be a random variation in
samples (sampling error) but signify differences and relationships which rarely occur
by chance, and that therefore the findings reflect real differences and relationships.
But it can happen, perhaps more frequently than we might suspect, that a
statistically significant result has /it¢le significance whatsoever in the everyday sense. If
we focus too much on statistical significance it can blind us to the dangers of
exaggerating the importance of our findings.
Thus, researchers are now realising that there is more to the story of a research result
than p < .05, or ns. This chapter will help you become sophisticated about other ways
of interpreting research results. This sophistication means learning about three closely
interrelated issues: power, effect size, and types of error.

Type I and Type II errors

You met these types of error earlier (see chapter 7). This kind of error is concerned with
how conclusions from hypothesis testing can be incorrect. Error as a statistical concept
is not about making mistakes in calculations, or even about using the wrong procedures.
It 2s about how, even when we do everything properly, we can still be led to the wrong
conclusion. Let us revise our understanding of Type I and Type II errors as they are vital
to understanding why our conclusions about our results can be wrong.

Type | error
Suppose you conducted a study and set the significance level cut-off at a high probability
level, say 20% or p = 0.2. This level would enable you to reject the null hypothesis very
easily. If you conducted many studies like this you would often believe (about 20 per cent
of the time) that you had support for the research hypothesis when you did not. This is
called a Type I error. Even when we set the probability at .05 or .01 we can still
sometimes make a Type I error because we will obtain a chance result at and beyond that
level for 5 per cent or 1 per cent of the time, but we never know which occasion it is.
Imagine a study where stress management techniques have been taught to 100
teachers with the intention of reducing teacher absenteeism through stress-related health
problems. Suppose the special instructions in reality made no difference. However, in
doing the study the researchers just happened to pick a sample of 100 teachers to receive
the instructions who were generally not the stressed-out sort anyway. This would lead
to rejection of the null hypothesis and a conclusion that the special instructions do make
a difference. This decision to reject the null hypothesis would be a mistake—a Type I
error. (Note that the researchers could not know that they have made an error of this

158 part 2 |quantitative methods

kind.) Type I errors are of serious concern to social scientists, who could construct entire
theories and research programs, not to mention practical applications, based on a
conclusion from hypothesis testing that is, in fact, mistaken.
Since researchers cannot tell when they have made a Type I error, what they can do
is try to conduct studies so that the chance of making a Type I error is as small as
possible. What is the chance of making a Type I error? It is the same as the significance
level we set. If we set the significance level at p < .05 we are saying we will reject the null
hypothesis if there is less than a 5 per cent (.05) chance that we could have obtained our
result if the null hypothesis were true. When rejecting the null hypothesis in this way,
we are still allowing up to 5 per cent chance that the null hypothesis is actually true. That
is, we are allowing a 5 per cent chance of aType I error. The problem is that we never
know when our seemingly ‘significant’ result is simply due to sampling error. Because
of this, and the fact that the significance level is the same as the chance of making a
Type I error, the lower we set the significance level, the smaller the chance of a Type I
error. Researchers who do not want to take a lot of risk set the significance level much
lower than .05, such as p < .01 or p < .001. In this way, the result ofa study has to be
very extreme to lead to a conclusion to reject the null hypothesis.
The use of a .001 significance level is like buying insurance against making a Type I
error. However, as when buying insurance, the better the protection, the higher the
cost. What is the cost in setting the significance level at too extreme a level? It is the Type
IT error!

Type Il error
If you set a very stringent significance level, such as .001, there is a different kind of risk.
You may conduct a study where in reality the research hypothesis is true, but the result
does not come out extremely enough to reject the null hypothesis. Thus, the error you
would make is in not rejecting the null hypothesis when the reality is that the null
hypothesis is false (that the research hypothesis is true). This is the Type I error.
Consider again our study of teacher absence through stress. Suppose that, in reality,
practising stress management does improve their attendance records. However, in
conducting your particular study, the random sample that you selected to try this out
on happened to include many teachers who were already too stressed to manage the
stress reduction exercises properly. Even though your procedure may have helped
somewhat, their attendance records may still be lower than the average of all teachers.
The results would not be significant. The decision not to reject the null hypothesis
would constitute a Type II error.
Type II errors especially concern social scientists who are interested in practical
applications, because a Type I] error could mean that a useful theory or practical
procedure is not implemented. As with a Type I error, we never know when we have
made a Type II error; however, we can try to conduct our studies so as to reduce the
probability of making a Type II error. One way of buying insurance against a Type II
error is to set a more lenient significance level, such as p < .10. In this way, even if a study
results in only a very small difference, the results have a good chance of being significant.
There is a cost to this insurance policy too—a Type I error. The trade-off between these

chapter 12 |power and effect size 159

two conflicting concerns usually is resolved by compromise, hence the standard
5 per cent and | per cent significance levels.

Briefly explain why protecting against one type of error increases the chance of making
the other.
Answer on p. 599.

The power of a statistical test

Inferential statistics are designed to help you determine the validity of the null
hypothesis. Consequently, you want your statistics to detect differences in your data
that are inconsistent with the null hypothesis. The power of a statistical test ts 1ts ability
to detect these differences ifthe research hypothesis is true. Put in statistical terms, power
is the ability of a statistic to correctly reject the null hypothesis when it is false. (If the
research hypothesis is false, we certainly do not want significant results—that would be
a Type | error). A powerful statistic is more sensitive than a less powerful one to detect
differences in your data.
The issue of the power of your statistical test is an important one. Rejection of the
null hypothesis implies that your independent variable affected your dependent
variable. Failure to reject the null hypothesis may lead you to abandon a potentially
fruitful line of research. Consequently, you want to be reasonably sure your failure to
reject the null hypothesis is not caused by a lack of power in your statistical test.
Now you may ask, ‘If the research hypothesis is true in reality, won't the experiment
necessarily give a significant result?’. Unfortunately the answer is no, because the effect
of the independent variable on the particular representative sample that happens to be
selected from the population may not be large enough to reject the null hypothesis. It
might well be more effective on another random sample. This variation in effect is due
to sampling error. Because we only usually conduct a study once and accept the result
as common for all similar samples, we are blithely unaware of the true state of affairs.
This is why meta-analysis (chapter 21) is becoming so important, as this technique
enables the combination of replications of the same study—some successful and others
unsuccessful in rebutting the null hypothesis—to find the overall general effect or
trend. The power of a statistical test is the probability of making a correct rejection ofthe
null hypothesis when it is false. ;
Statistical power is important for two reasons:
e Calculating power when planning a study helps determine how many participants
you need.
e Understanding power is extremely important to anyone who reads research articles
(for example, in making sense of results that are not significant, or results that are
statistically but not practically significant).

160 part 2 |quantitative methods

Consider again our example of the effects of teaching stress management techniques to
100 teachers. In the hypothesis testing process, we compare two groups:
1 The experimental group: Teachers receiving stress management techniques
2 The control group: Teachers not receiving stress management techniques

The research hypothesis (one-tailed) is that the experimental group (Exp Gp) would
record significantly higher attendance records than the control group (Con Gp). The
null hypothesis is that the Exp Gp will not record significantly different attendance
records from the Con Gp. The top distribution in Figure 12.1 shows the situation in
which the research hypothesis is true. The bottom distribution shows the distribution
for the Con Gp. Because we are interested in means of samples of 100 individuals,
both distributions are distributions of means. The means are number of days in

FIGURE 12.1 Comparison distributions

Sampling distribution
of exp. group means

Null hypothesis |
sampling distribution |
of means

200 205

chapter 12 | power and effect size 161

The bottom distribution is also the comparison distribution; the distribution of means
that you would expect for both populations if the null hypothesis were true. The shaded
part of the right tail of this bottom distribution is the area in which you would reject the
null hypothesis if, as a result of your study, the mean of your sample was in this area. The
shaded rejection area begins at 205 days of attendance (a Z score of 1.64), taking up
5 per cent of this comparison distribution (one-tailed test).
The top curve in the figure is the distribution of means for the Exp Gp. This is the
distribution of means for the population receiving special instructions. If the null
hypothesis is true, the distribution for Exp Gp would be the same as the distribution
based on Con Gp, and would not be set off to the right as we have shown in Figure
12.1—the situation in which the research hypothesis is actually true (a statistically
significant higher average attendance record). Specifically, the upper distribution of means
is shown with a mean of 208 (whereas the comparison distribution’s mean is only 200).
This is to show that the population receiving the stress management techniques has, on
the average, eight days higher annual attendance.
In this example, this upper distribution of means (from the researchers’ prediction
about Exp Gp) appears to the right of the comparison distribution. That is, the researchers
obtained an increase in scores (8 points), so the mean of the upper distribution is to the
right of the lower one. This picture tells us that there is a good chance that many means
selected from this upper distribution will be to the right of the lower distribution to reject
the null hypothesis. Our experimental mean is significant since it lies beyond 205. The
power to reject is 60 per cent—the shaded area of the curve beyond 205. This study then
had high power to produce a significant result when the research hypothesis was true.
In a situation where those who got the special instructions have a mean 15 points
higher than teachers in general, a significant result is even more likely. This is because
there is more of the top curve beyond the 5 per cent shaded area on the comparison
distribution. In fact, the probability of obtaining a significant result (the power) for a
mean of 15 points higher is 86 per cent. In any study, the bigger the difference we obtain
between the means of the two populations, the more power in the study.
Overall, the general principle is that the less overlap between the two distributions, the
more likely that a study will give a significant result. Two distributions might have little
overlap, either because there is a large difference between their means or because they have
so little variance (SD?) that even with a small mean difference they do not overlap much.
The extent to which the two populations do not overlap is called the effect size because
it is the extent to which the experimental manipulation has an effect of separating the two
populations. That is, the larger the difference between the two population means, the
greater the effect size; the smaller the variance within the two populations, the greater the
effect size. The greater the effect size, the greater the power. We will be considering effect
size in detail later in the chapter.

Factors that influence power (other than effect size)

Increasing sample size
The other major influence on power, besides effect size, is the number of people in the
sample. Basically, the more people in the study, the more power. Sample size influences

162 part 2 |quantitative methods

power because the larger the sample size, the smaller the standard deviation of the
distribution of means. If the distributions have a smaller standard deviation, they are
narrower and thus there is less overlap between them. If our teacher stress management
example included 200 teachers instead of the 100 in the original example, the power
moves up from 60 per cent to 85 per cent. With 500 participants in the study, power is
29 per cent.
In most practical cases, sample size is the main way to modify a study to bring it up to
sufficient power. However, there is always a limit to what you can handle in terms of time
and cost as well as the availability of more subjects.
The power of your statistical test increases with the size of your sample because larger
samples provide more stable estimates of population parameters. In particular, the
standard error of the means from your treatments will be lower, so the likely population
means fall within narrower confidence limits. Consequently, it is easier to detect small
differences in population means and thus to reject the null hypothesis when it is false.
Correlation causes a major problem with sample size. For example, even a small
correlation can be statistically significant given a large enough sample. A correlation of
0.81 is needed to be statistically significant at the 5 per cent level with a sample size of 6.
However, a sample size of 100 requires only a correlation of 0.20 to be statistically
significant at the 5 per cent level. The squared correlation coefficient (sometimes called
the coefficient of determination) indicates the proportion of the total variance shared by
two variables (see p. 239). If the correlation is only 0.20, then r? = 0.04, i.e. the two
variables only have 4 per cent of their variance in common. This is negligible, yet in a
statistical sense it is significant, because of the large sample from which it was derived. In
a similar but less dramatic way, you can see by inspecting the table of ¢ (Table 13.1), that
as sample size increases, so the ¢ value needed for significance decreases.
What all this indicates is that if you include enough subjects, you could conceivably
find statistical significance in even the most minute and trivial of relationships or
differences. Consequently, your sample should be large enough to be sensitive to
differences or relationships, but not so large as to produce significant but trivial results.
Thus, sample size is the major factor which researchers can control to affect the power of
the statistical analyses they use to analyse their experiments.

Increasing the predicted difference between population means—

changing the design of a study
A researcher cannot just arbitrarily predict a bigger difference. In some cases, however,
it is possible to change the way the study is done so that the researcher has reason to
expect a larger mean difference. Consider again our example of the experiment about the
impact of stress management techniques on teachers’ attendance records. One way to
increase the expected mean difference might be to make the techniques more elaborate—
spending more time on workshop demonstrations and practice, and so forth. A
disadvantage of this approach is that it can be difficult or costly.
The design of a study can increase the power to detect significant differences. For
example, the use of repeated measures experiments keeps error variation generally smaller
in repeated measures experiments than in independent designs because individual

chapter 12 |power and effect size 163

differences have been removed (see p. 140). The smaller error variation leads to an
increased ability to detect small treatment effects in an experiment. And that is just what
the power of astatistical analysis is—the ability to detect small treatment effects when
they are present.

Decreasing the population standard deviation

It is possible to decrease the population standard deviation in a planned study in at least
two ways. One way is to do the study using a population that is less diverse than the one
originally planned. With the teacher stress example, you might only use teachers in a
particular city school system rather than a wider sample. The disadvantage is that the
results apply only to the more limited population.
Another way to decrease the population standard deviation is to use conditions of
testing that are more stable, and measures that are more precise. For example, testing
under a standardised situation or in a controlled laboratory setting usually produces
smaller overall variation among scores in results (meaning a smaller standard deviation).
Similarly, using tests with clear instructions and clear procedures for marking answers
also reduces variation. When practical, rigour is an excellent way to increase power.
Using a less stringent level of significance
As we discussed earlier, the level of significance used should be the least stringent that
reasonably protects against Type I error—normally, this will be .05. It is rare that much
can be done to improve power in this way. Less extreme significance levels (such as .10)
mean more power, and more extreme significance levels (.01 or .001) mean less power
to produce significant differences. Less extreme means more power because when the
significance level is not very extreme (such as .10), the rejection area for the null
hypothesis is bigger. More extreme means less power because when the significance level
is more extreme (such as .01), the rejection region is smaller.
Using a one-tailed test
Whether you use a one- or a two-tailed test depends on the logic of the hypothesis being
studied and it is rare that you have much of a choice about this factor. A two-tailed test
is less powerful than a one-tailed test. This can be easily demonstrated by looking at the
critical values of t found in Table 13.1. At 20 degrees of freedom, the critical value at
p = 0.05 for a one-tailed test is 1.73. For a two-tailed test, the critical value is 2.09. It is
thus easier to reject the null hypothesis with the one-tailed test than with the two-tailed test.
Using a two-tailed test makes it harder to get significance on any one tail. Thus, keeping
everything else the same, power is less with a two-tailed test than with a one-tailed test.

Role of power when planning a study

Determining power is very important when planning a study. If the power of a planned
study is low, this means that even if the research hypothesis is true, this study is not
likely to give significant results in support of it (Type II error). The time and expense
of carrying out the study would probably not be worthwhile. What is an acceptable level
of power? Cohen (1992) suggests that ordinarily a study should have 80 per cent power

164 part 2 |quantitative methods

to be worth conducting. Obviously, the more power the better, but costs of greater power,
such as increasing sample size, often make even 80 per cent power beyond one’s reach.
How can one increase the level of power ofa planned study? The power ofa planned
study can, in principle, be increased by changing any of the factors summarised above
and shown in Table 12.1 below.

TABLE 12.1 Factors that influence power

Factor Factor
Feature of the study increasing power decreasing power
Effect size Large effect size Small effect size
Predicted difference between Large differences Small differences
population means
Population standard deviation Small Large
population SD population SD
Sample size (N) Large N Small N
Significance level (alpha) Lenient Stringent
(such as .05 (such as .01
or even .10) or even .001)
One-tailed versus two-tailed test One-tailed Two-tailed

Importance of power in evaluating the results of a study

We have learned that a study with a larger effect size is more likely to come out
significant. It also is possible for a study with a very small effect size to come out
significant if the study has reasonable power due to other factors; especially a large sample
size. Consider a study in which of all students in a region who take a particular test, a
sample of 1000 who are all born under a specified star sign, say Gemini, are randomly
selected. Suppose that their mean score is 152, compared to the mean 150 (SD = 20) for
the entire population. This result would be significant at the .01 level. However, its
effect size is a minuscule 0.1. That is, the significance test tells us that we can be quite
confident that the population of students born under Gemini have significantly higher
scores than the general population of students. The effect size (or just looking at the
mean difference) makes it clear that this difference is not very important. The
distributions of the two populations overlap so much that it would be oflittle use in any
individual case to know under what star sign a person has been born.
The message here is that in evaluating a study you must consider first whether the
result is statistically significant. If it is, and if the study has any potential practical
implications, you must then a/so consider whether the effect size is sufficiently large to
make the result useful or interesting. If the sample is small, you can assume that a
significant result is probably also practically significant. If the sample size is very large,
you must consider the effect size directly, as it is quite possible in such a case that the
effect is too small to be useful.
Note that the implications are a bit of a paradox in light of what most people believe
about sample size. Most people assume that the more people in the study, the more
important the result. In a sense, just the reverse is the case. All other things being equal,

chapter 12 |power and effect size 165

ifastudy with only a few people manages to be significant, that significance must be due
to a large effect size. A study with a large number of people in it that is statistically
significant may or may not have a large effect size.
Because the business ofinferential statistics is to allow you to decide whether or not
to reject the null hypothesis, the issue of power is important. You want to be reasonably
sure that your decision is correct. Failure to achieve statistical significance in your study
(thus, not rejecting the null hypothesis) can be caused by many of the above factors. Your
independent variable actually may have no effect, or your experiment may have been
carried out so poorly that the effect was buried in error variance. Or, maybe your statistic
simply was not powerful enough to detect the difference, or you did not use enough

What is the effect of each of the following on the power of a study?

A larger predicted difference between the means of the populations
A larger population standard deviation
A larger sample size
Using a more stringent significance level
Oo. Using a two-tailed instead of a one-tailed test.

Answers on p. 599.

Calculating statistical power

When planning a study, the main reason researchers calculate power is to help them
decide how many people they need to include in the study. That is, since sample size
is an important influence on power, a researcher wants to be sure to have enough
subjects for the study to have fairly high power. To help researchers, statisticians such
as Cohen (1988; 1992) and Keppel (1991) have prepared special tables that tell you
how many participants you need in a study to have a high level of power, given a certain
effect size. Simplified versions of such tables for each of the main hypothesis testing
procedures you will be learning are provided in the relevant chapters of this text (see
chapters 13, 14, 15, 16 and 19).
It is very important that you understand what power is about, especially
understanding the factors that affect the power of a study and how to use power when
planning a study and when making sense ofastudy you read. For all practical purposes,
sample size is the primary factor that researchers can use to control power.

Effect size
What a statistically significant ¢ test does not tell us is how large an effect the independent
variable had. Measures of effect size are used to determine the strength of the relationship
between the independent and dependent variables. That is, measures of effect size reflect
how large the effect of an independent variable was.

166 part 2 |quantitative methods

From the discussion above, it is obvious that we need something other than an
inferential statistics test to measure the size of the effect of an independent variable.
What is needed to measure effect size is an indicator that reflects the strength of the
relationship between the independent and the dependent variables that is independent of
sample size. Several measures of effect size meet these criteria (Keppel 1991).

What is effect size?

This is the degree to which the phenomenon is present in the population. There are
several ways of estimating effect size. The more frequent effect size estimates are:
© the standardised mean difference (d);
© correlation coefficients such as r and phi (see p. 263); and
© eta’, This is a type of correlation known as the correlation ratio, It is used for
determining the strength of association when there is a curvilinear rather than a linear
relationship. For non-linear relationships in which the correlation is not equal to
vero, eta” fits the points by a curved line.

Effect size conventions

It is difficult to know how big an effect to expect before we do a study. In fact, if we
knew, we would not need to do the research. Cohen (1992) has come up with some
effect size conventions based on the effects observed in many actual studies. These
conventions at least tell us what to consider as small, medium, and large effects.
Cohen recommends that we should think of a ‘small effect size’ as about 0.2, and
notes that with an effect size of 0.2 the populations of individuals overlap by about
85 per cent. This small effect size of 0.2 is, for example, the difference in height between
15- and 16-year-old girls, which is about a half-inch difference with a standard deviation
of about 2.1 inches.
Cohen considers a medium effect size to be 0.5, which means an overlap of about
67 per cent. This is about the difference in heights between 14- and 18-year-old girls.
Finally, he defines a large effect size as 0.8. This is only about 53 per cent overlap. It is
about the difference in height between 13- and 18-year-old girls.
Consider another example. Most IQ tests have a standard deviation of 15 points. An
experimental procedure that had a small effect size would mean an increase of 3.0 IQ
points. (A difference of 3.0 IQ points between the mean of the population who go
through the experimental procedure and the population that does not, divided by the
population standard deviation of 15; 3.0 divided by 15 comes out to 0.2.) An
experimental procedure with a medium effect size would increase IQ by 8 points. An
experimental procedure with a large effect size would increase IQ by 12 points.
Cohen’s conventions are extremely important to researchers because in most research
situations it is quite difficult to know in advance how big an effect size to predict.
(Without being able to predict an effect size, one cannot even look up the power on a
table.) Sometimes researchers can base their predictions of effect size on previous research
or theory. Also, sometimes a smallest effect size would matter for some practical purpose.

chapter 12 |power and effect size 167

In most cases, researchers are studying something for the first time, and they can only
make the vaguest guess about the amount of effect they expect. Cohen’s conventions help
researchers turn that vague guess into a number.

Estimating effect size

Standardised mean difference for two groups (usually experimental and
control) or d
One commonly used measure of effect size in experimental research is called A.
ratio that measures the difference between the means for the levels of the independent
variable relative to the within-group standard deviation. There are several alternative
but mathematically equivalent formulae for computing d depending on the original
statistic calculated for the significance test. The most common two for the independent
Ptest (sce p. 7 5)/are™

= Mi xeeimental —-M control

pooled within group SD


The pooled within group’s SD = |(N, — SD) + (N, — )SD5

N, +N, -—2

For the paired sample test (see p. 198):

d = \N
As you already know, the standard deviation tells us approximately how far, on the
average, scores vary from a group mean. It is a measure of the ‘dispersal’ of scores
around a mean and, in the case of the within-group standard deviation, tells us about
the degree of ‘error’ due to individual differences (i.e., how individuals vary in their
The standard deviation serves as a useful measure by which we can assess a difference
between means. The ‘size’ of the effect of the independent variable, in other words, is
always in terms of the average dispersal of scores occurring in an experiment. If there is
substantial within-group variability (i.e. the within-group standard deviation is large),
then the difference between, for instance, two means must be greater to produce the same
effect size than when there is little within-group variability (i.e. the standard deviation
is small). Because effect sizes are presented in standard deviation units, they can be used
to make meaningful comparisons of effect sizes across experiments using different
dependent variables.

168 part 2 |quantitative methods

The conventional levels of effect size are used to interpret d values with each expressed
in quantitative terms and regardless ofsign, i.e.:
d of .80 = large effect
d of .50 = medium effect
d of .20 = small effect
Here is a simple example:
1 Compute mean for experimental group: MM = a =e

2 Compute mean for control group: M = opera Zoe tab Oe 14

3 Compute pooled SD? = 5.5

4 Compute pooled SD = Seen

5 Compute él= A betes iE ie atrel ro 18-14 Lae

2.34 2.34

6 To interpret our value ofd = 1.71, use the following classification of effect sizes:
d = .20 for a small effect size,
d = .50 for a medium effect size, and
d = .80 fora large effect size.
7 Because our value of d is larger than .80, we would conclude that the independent
variable had a large effect on test performance.
We are only concerned with one population’s SD, because in hypothesis testing we
usually assume that both populations have the same or similar standard deviation.
In the teacher stress example in Figure 12.1 that we began with, the difference
between the two population means is 8, and the standard deviation of the populations
ofindividuals is 24. Thus, the effect size is:
Population M, — Population M, 208 = 200-8
Effect size = = 38
Population SD 48 24
If the mean difference had been 15 points and the population standard deviation was
still 24, the effect size would be virtually doubled: 15/24, or .63. By dividing the
difference between means by the standard deviation of the population ofindividuals, we
standardise the difference between means in the same way that a Z score gives a standard
for comparison to other scores—even scores on different scales.

Here is information about several different versions of a planned study, each involving a
single sample. (This assumes the researcher can affect the population standard deviation
and predicted mean by changing procedures.) Calculate the effect size for each study.

chapter 12 |power and effect size

Population 1 Population 2
Control group Experimental group
a 90 4 91
b 90 4 92
c 90 4 94
d 90 4 86
e 90 2 91
f 90 1 9]
g 90 2 92
h 90 2 94
i 90 . 86

Answers on p. 599.

Correlation coefficient method

r = Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient for the two groups. This is an effect
size in itself and if this is not reported, it can be computed quite easily for most other
statistical tests, basically by turning the statistic into a correlation. Once this is done, it
makes it easy to assess the size of the effect.

For at test ae

Z :
r= ie where Z is the Z value of the reported p-value and N is the sample size.

We can also turn ad into anr:

The relation between rand dis: r=

where p is the proportion of cases in the first group and q = 1 — p

Again, we use the same effect size levels so that when r = 0, there is no difference
between the two groups; if near + 0.2 is small; near + 0.5 is medium; while near + 0.8
is large. Large effect sizes obtained under natural (less controlled) situations are more
impressive than under strictly controlled situations.

For chi square

Other statistics can be turned into correlations too. A two-by-two chi square (see
p. 221) can be turned into a correlation using tpni in the following formula. r,),; is the
Pearson r for frequency scores.

170 part 2 |quantitative methods

ne jchisquare where N is the number of subjects
pni N

The result can be interpreted as though it were a correlation. It is always positive

because chi square is always positive. If your chi square is larger than two-by-two, you
can use the contingency coefficient instead. Here the formula is:
chi square
contingency coefficient = .|——————_
chi square + N

It is feasible to interpret the contingency coefficient as though it were r, although

they are not exactly parallel.

For the Mann-Whitney test

For non-parametric tests such as Mann-Whitney (see p. 189), an approximation has to
be done to calculate a biserial correlation (see p. 260). One procedure is to determine
the significance level for the Mann-Whitney and then look up what the value of the ¢
test would be for that same significance level and sample size. For example, with U of
40 significant at the 5% level on a sample of 26, we consult the ¢ table and find the value
of t which would be significant at the 5% level on a sample of 26 (df= 24) The tabled
value of ¢ is 2.064. This value is then substituted into the formula:

his = z
\t, + df
To compute the effect size from analysis of variance (ANOVA—see chapter 19), a
correlation measure termed eta” is employed. This is analogous to a correlation but
describes a curvilinear relationship rather than a linear one. It is used with the various
forms of ANOVA because it is difficult to ascertain which of the independent variables
is explaining the most variance.
To calculate eta” for any of the independent variables in an ANOVA the following
formula is used:

Spgnteighnaltigaing strata iahsyst

(treatment df)(F ratio) + within df

Importance of effect size

e Measures of effect size can be used to summarise a series of experiments that have
included the same independent variable or dependent variable (see chapter 21 on meta-
analysis). This allows for a quantitative comparison of the outcomes across the series
of experiments. For example, effect size can be used to find out whether a particular
independent variable consistently had about the same amount of impact across the
experiments, irrespective of sample sizes, different means and variances. This
comparison is especially important in applied research examining the effectiveness of
treatments such as an educational innovation or a new approach to psychotherapy.

chapter 12 |power and effect size 171

© Measures of effect size provide information about the amount of impact an
independent variable has had. Thus, they complement tests ofstatistical significance
which give only an indication of the presence or absence of an effect of an independent
variable. In this way, we can use measures of effect size to rank several independent
variables within the same experiment as one indication of the relative importance of
the independent variables.
Within a particular study, our general knowledge of what is a small or a large effect
size helps us evaluate the overall importance ofaresult. For example, a result may be
significant but not very large; or a result that is not significant (perhaps due to a small
sample) may have just as large an effect size as was found in another study (perhaps
one with a larger sample) in which the result was significant.
e Effect size helps us calculate the sample size needed for a study with a particular level
of power.
As noted above, an important development in statistics in recent years is a procedure
called meta-analysis (chapter 21). This is a procedure that combines results from different
studies—even results using different methods of measurement—to draw general
conclusions. When combining results, the crucial thing being combined 1s the effect sizes. For
example, a sociologist might be interested in the effects of ethnically mixed classrooms
on prejudice, a topic on which there has been a large number of surveys. Using meta-
analysis, the sociologist could combine the results of these surveys. This would provide
an overall effect size. It also would tell the researcher how effect size differs for studies
done in different countries or about prejudice towards different ethnic groups.
None of the important questions addressed using effect size can be answered using
such statistics as ¢ ratios, F ratios or p values obtained when inferential statistics tests are
conducted. Nonetheless, measures of effect size and inferential statistics tests are
complementary. For example, measures of effect size are more informative than are p
values in helping researchers determine the substantive importance of experimental
outcomes. At times, we want to know just how much of an ‘effect’ our treatment had,
not just whether it reached a conventionally acceptable level of significance. Knowing
the answer in terms of effect size may help us decide whether to actually implement this
treatment in an applied setting. For example, the original work by Smith, Glass and
Miller (1980) on psychotherapy outcome studies found an average effect size of r= 0.32.
For those unaware of the meaning of effect size, the finding was viewed as confirmation
ofthe failure of psychotherapy. However, an effect size of this magnitude is equivalent
to increasing the success rate from 36 per cent to 66 per cent; an effect that is quite large
and of course for those undergoing therapy, quite important. Table 12.2 provides
increases in success rates for corresponding values of effect size ‘7’.
Here is another example to show why one should not to discount small effect sizes.
Consider the fact that studies have indicated there is a small positive effect in taking
exercise to try to prevent stress-related illness. Considering the large number of people
who are at risk for stress-related illness, the small positive effect of taking exercise could
still have a beneficial impact on millions of people. In terms of the potential numbers
of people who could benefit, the small beneficial effect of taking exercise would not be
a small effect at all (particularly in a practical sense of medical fees and costs)

172 part 2 |quantitative methods

TABLE 12.2 Success rate increases corresponding to vr’
Success rate increased
Effect size ‘r’ From To
% %

10 45 55
.20 40 60
30 35 65
40 30 70
50 25 75
.60 20 80
70 1S 85
.80 10 90
.90 5 95
1.00 0 100
Source: Based on Rosenthal & Rubin (1982), p. 168.

When an experiment is conducted to test predictions derived from a theory, however,

the size ofthe effect ofan independent variable is less critical. In this case we are usually
content with knowing that the independent variable ‘worked’ as a theory said it should.
In fact, as tests of a theory become more sophisticated, it is likely that small effects will
be more critical. Inferential statistics tests are useful when experiments are conducted to
test theories by confirming that an effect is present.

Sample size, power and effect size

As you read above, power refers to the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis when it
is false and needs rejecting. For any statistical test, power is determined by three factors:
e the p level (the level of risk of drawing a spuriously positive conclusion);
e N, or the sample size; and
© +, or the effect size.
These three factors are so related that knowing two enables the determination of the
third. Thus if you set ‘p’ and ‘7 in advance you can find out how big a sample must be
to achieve these levels. Table 12.3 provides some information on determining sample size
for various levels of effect with ‘p’ set at .05. For example, if you anticipate a small effect
level based on a review of previous findings, say, r= .20, and you set decide to work with
power = .8 or better, since this happens to be a strongly recommended level (Cohen
1988), Table 12.3 shows that you will need approximately 195 subjects.

You read a study in which the result is just barely significant at the .05 level. You then
look at the size of the sample. If the sample is very large (rather than very small), how
should this affect your interpretation of (a) the probability that the null hypothesis is
actually true and (b) the practical importance of the result?
Answers on p. 599.

chapter 12 | power and effect size 173

TABLE 12.3 Sample sizes needed to detect various effects at p = .05 two-tailed
Effect sizes (r)

Power .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70

sli5 85 DS 10 10 10 10 10
20 25 35 iS 10 10 10 10
.30 200 55 25 15 10 10 10
40 300 UES 35 20 15 10 10
50 400 100 40 25 13 10 10
.60 500 125 DS. 30 20 (Ws) 10
70 600 155 65 40 BS: Is 10
.80 800 195 85 45 30 20 15
90 1000 260 115 60 40 25 15
Source: Based on Cohen (1988), p. 92.

A Type | error occurs

when the null hypothesisis rejected but the research hypothesis is actually
false. A Type Il error occurs when the null hypothesis is not rejected but the research hypothesis
is actually true.
Power analysis and effect size estimation are two further procedures that social science
researchers are now finding to be as valuable as significance testing in assessing experimental
effects. The power of a statistical test is its ability to correctly reject the null hypothesis when it is
false or the probability that it will yield a significant result if the research hypothesis is true. The
power of your statistical test is affected by your chosen significance level, the size of your sample,
effect size, whether you use a one-tailed or two-tailed test, and whether you use a repeated
measure or independent design. The main practical ways to increase the power of a planned
experiment are increasing effect size and sample size.
Measures of effect size reflect how large the effect of an independent variable is independent
of sample size. The more frequent effect size estimates are:
e the standardised mean difference (qd);
¢ correlation coefficients such as rand rppj; and
e eta? for curvilinear rather than a linear relationship.
Effect size measures are essential for meta-analysis (see chapter 21).

Cohen, J. (1988), Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioural Sciences, Laurence Erlbaum, New York.
Cohen, J. (1992), ‘A power primer’, Psychological Bulletin, 112, pp. 155-9.
Keppel, G. (1991), Design and Analysis, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall.
Smith, M., Glass, G. & Miller, T. (1980), The Benefits of Psychotherapy, John Hopkins University,

174 part 2 | quantitative methods

Testing hypotheses
ofdifference I:
groups design

Statistical tests for independent groups

(between-subjects design)
Independent ¢test (parametric)
One of the two major types of hypothesis is one which is stated in difference terms, i.e.
that there is a significant mean difference between the effects of different levels of the /V.
This difference is essentially a difference between the two sample means. We want to
know whether the difference between sample means is a real one or whether it could be
reasonably attributed to chance, i.e. does the difference between the two sample means
lie within the expected chance distribution of differences between the means of an
infinite number of pairs of samples at some level of probability?

Standard error of the difference

Remember what we saw when we drew large numbers of samples when discussing random
sampling (chapter 6) and standard error (chapter 6)? The means of the samples of a
population distributed themselves normally around the ‘true’ population mean. Now, in
the case of differences between sample means, we have the same principle applying. If we
plot every difference between every possible pair of sample means, a normal distribution
of differences between pairs of means is produced because on many occasions the
differences will be nil or quite slight with larger differences occurring more rarely. We can
calculate the 6 of this distribution. It is called the standard error of the difference between
means. It estimates the dispersal of these mean differences.
Suppose, for instance, that a random sample of male students produces a mean score
of52 ona creativity test while a random sample of female students attains a mean of 54.
Does this difference reveal a real superiority on the part of females for this task? The
answer depends on how this obtained difference of 2 in mean score would vary as further
pairs of random samples are tested. Our obtained difference of 2 is only one value ofa
distribution of differences; a sampling distribution of the difference between means.
The standard deviation of this distribution is the standard error of the difference
between means. This standard error depends on the sampling distribution or standard
error of each of the two sample means. When each sample is selected independently of
the other, the standard error of the difference between means is symbolised by SEgig.
It is expressed as:

Seem erie = ee m1 m2

The subscripts indicate sample mean 1 and sample mean 2 respectively. Since
SEm = O/VN then SE2, = 67/(N). We can then substitute into the SE formula and
obtain the following easier to compute formula, i.e.:
2 2
Oi, OF
Sega) =
Niven ING
the subscripts again referring to the first and second samples respectively. As with the
standard error of the mean, a critical ratio is formed to find the deviation in standard
error unit terms of the difference between the means. This ratio is called the ¢ ratio.

es M, -M, or M, —M,
SE git OF O53
ee + eS

N, N,
The obtained ¢ is compared to the tabled entry of ¢ (Table 13.1) for the relevant df
and level of significance. dfin a t ratio is (N — 1) + (N2 — 1). If ris the same as or greater
than the relevant tabled entry then the ¢ is significant at that level of significance.

t distributions
In our outline of confidence intervals and limits, we used Table 5.1 to estimate, for
example, that the 0.05 level of confidence is situated at + 1.96 standard deviations or
standard errors from the mean of the population (i.e. Z = 1.96). To find the exact limits
in actual scores for a particular sample mean, we multiplied the calculated SE,,, by 1.96.
Table 5.1 can only be used, of course, when the distribution of sample mean is
normal. If the distribution is not normal, then the 0.05 level will not be located at a Z
score of + 1.96. As samples become smaller, their distributions become flatter and more
spread out. These non-normal distributions are called ¢ distributions.
The use of the ¢ statistic requires that the data satisfy the homogeneity of variance
assumption and that both sets of data are approximately normal. There is a family of ¢
distribution which approximates to the normal distribution of Z. (Z cannot be used as
the population SD is not known.) The shape of each ¢ distribution depends on the

176 part 2 |quantitative methods

t 2nnfTOaLks ray COLNE L166e ree e6/\¢ 4p 4 At OC EAEES (esd {- “a re 14 s
samole J opsitr
Asn DIe Af With £F A2pPproa2cning NOMA) OISTIDUMON 26 Af IDCECaSeS (OE PIV IS 2D), +

VASULS 2 J iMNneod OY / y J J 2 251G J



at camnile (eco Tahle 1%

WI SATDDPLE \SCO 2 apie 19.3
Within an
wnicn MV
7) Pi pertiny ePON
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vs (12

y OL Z
W, ge 7 “¢ ye
L E, 6 25
avana re Ve yee lata
’ JJ LS) W488 JJ

y r
Ze wo

Ly fad fA A c f

‘ X N MX ‘ N \ 4 N x

? JD) 453) , , its. From the r table

(t a
lable 13.1) with df = 400{ in ay 10
1% L.
chance >
of a
differences in means of this magnitude arising from sampling error. The null hypothesis
se 6 { { ] ig eee | <7 ‘ = ane

16 (NEL GOLE (OAS Bt te GUT NICE It sample means accepted asas

a hic
herween the
Nn tne
~ Dake § supported quite strong]

/ /
TABLE 13.1 Critical values of t (between groups)
Level of significance for one-tailed test
-10 .05 .025 .01 .005 .0005

Level of significance for two-tailed test

df .20 .10 .05 .02 .01 .001
] 3.078 6.314 12.706 31.821 63.657 636.619
2 1.886 2,920 4.303 6.965 9,925 S15S9S
3 1.638 2,393 3.182 4.541 5.841 12.941
4 E533 72 \BY 2.7/6 3.747 4.604 8.610
5 1.476 2.015 Devil | 3.305 4.032 6.859
6 1.440 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.707 5,959
7 1.415 1.895 2.365 2.998 3.499 5.405
8 S97, 1.860 2.306 2.896 3.359 5.041
2 1.383 1.833 2.202 2.821 3.250 4.78]
10 es 72 Wctestl 2.228 2.764 eval seg 4.587
1] 1.363 1.796 2.201 Pedi NRE 3.106 4.437
12 1.356 1.782 PAW 2.681 3.055 4.318
13 1.350 Ee 77al 2.160 2.650 3,012 4.22]
14 1.345 1.761 2:45 2.624 Vee a) 4.140
i 1.341 A753 2.031 2.602 2.947 4.073
16 ES o7, 1.746 2.120 2.583 2.921 4.015
17, F535 1.740 2.110 2.567 2.898 3.965
18 1.330 1.734 2.101 DSSVE 2.878 SO22
Ie 1.328 e729 2.093 2.007 2.861 3.883
20 1.325 725 2.086 ZOL8 2.845 3.850
21 1.323 WZ ZA 2.080 210 2.831 3.019
22 1,321 1LeFAZ 2.074 2.508 Jadey||S) 3.792
23 1319 1.714 2.069 2.500 2.807 3.267.
24 1.318 He At 2.064 2.492 olf Hl 3.745
Ds 1:53:16 1.708 2.060 2.485 2.787 3,725
26 1;315 1.706 2.056 2.479 Zuilo 3.707
27 1.314 1,703 2.052 2.473 PAST 3.690
28 1313 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.763 3.674
2g WSs 15699 2.045 2.462 2.756 3.652
30 1310 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750 3.646
40 1.303 1.684 2.021 2.423 2.704 3.551
60 1.296 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660 3.460
120 1-289 1.658 1.980 2.358 25017 3373
co 1.282 1.645 1.960 2326 2570 3.291

Source: Table Ill, Fisher & Yates, Statistical Tables for Biological, Agricultural and Medical Research, 6th edn,
Addison Wesley Longman Lid, London.
If you are comparing two means, the degree of freedom is the sum of the two samples minus 2, i.e. if one
sampie consists of 10 people and the other of 8, df=10+8-2=16.
The table gives ‘critical values’—the minimum value of t which is significant at the desired level. For
example, with 19 degrees of freedom a t of 2.093 or larger is significant at the .05 level (two-tailed test);
with 16 degrees of freedom you would need a t of 2.120 or larger. (Again you need to consider whether a
one-tailed or a two-tailed test is appropriate.)
If your dfis not represented in the left-hand column of the table take the next lowest figure, unless your
sample size is well in excess of 120, in which case you may use the bottom row (-, or infinity).

178 part 2 | quantitative methods

FIGURE 13.2 The SEjjg shown on the normal distribution

See a & a eae =e

-30 -26 -1o 0 +10 +206 +36 4.546

| !0.444 0.444 ! :

0.888 0.888 ! | |
1.33 1.33 !
= Our difference = 2 mee

Let us look at the above result in a more visual way. The SEgi¢¢ is the estimate of the
dispersal of all possible mean differences between an infinite number of similarly drawn
pairs of samples. The SEgig = 0.444. This is shown on the normal distribution above
(Figure 13.2) which represents a population of differences M = 0, 0 = 0.444 (the
denominator in our example).
We would expect 95 per cent of sample mean differences to be between —0.888 and
+0.888. Our difference of 2 is equal to 4.540, which is way beyond 30 from the mean.
Obviously something is happening here besides chance! It is, provided we have
controlled other variables, the experimental effect.
The formula

is unfortunately appropriate only when the samples are large and both groups are of
approximately equal size. In some ¢ test situations, the samples are small and of different sizes,
and the way one must cope with this and compensate is by adopting this modified formula.

0; +03 N, +N,
SE |
N, - 14 Ny —1\ (NING)
The 67 in the formula can be restated mathematically as (Z2X* — (ZX?/N). Thus the
total ¢ formula for between-subjects design when samples are small, say 30 or less, is:

; M, —M,
[xg - 2 2
|a|zxe-2 2

N, N, N, oF N,

(9.4, —1) (N,)(N,)

chapter 13 |testing hypotheses of difference |: Independent groups design 179

One way of looking at the statistical inference of significance in a ‘difference’
hypothesis is to reason that if the difference is genuine, then the two groups are
each a sample from two different populations. For example, if we take two random
samples of students to test their speed on solving anagrams—one a sample of
females, the other a sample of males—then if there is no significant difference in
anagram solution times, they have probably been drawn from the same population.
If there is a significant difference, then we can infer that female and male students
form different populations as far as the ability to solve anagrams is concerned. This
point is illustrated in Figure 13.3.

FIGURE 13.3 Two samples from the same or different population

(a) Result: No significant

Two samples difference between
from one samples supports
population. null hypothesis.

Are they
different? Therefore, each sample is
likely to come from the
same population.


Result: ce Mg
Significant difference
between samples. No
Therefore each
support for null
sample is likely
to come from a
different population.

Male students Female students

The following figures illustrate the influence ofvariability and what it is we are trying
to determine in applying a f test. Both figures show a sample of seven from two
populations with the same sample mean in both. The only difference is variability.
The first figure (Figure 13.4) shows each sample data clustered around the mean of
that sample. Sample variability is small but the means are significantly different (in this
case t= 9.16)
The second figure (Figure 13.5) shows that the two samples overlap and it is not easy
to see a difference between the two samples. In fact all fourteen scores could have come
from the same population. In this case t = 1.18 and we conclude that there is not
sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

180 part 2 |quantitative methods



4 M =8.00
oO SS=4
O00 =
e. 2 = ]e e
ic aeer
1 =

i BSA C= pe aD JOU 14 16 16 Te TS ao
Attitude scores

Men ibe a Women

Ne Nie
M = 8.00 ViE—=s2,00
SS = 2210 SSS Wag


OP Gy Ae aye NG ne teh EP MON A SAI NS I Wes IS) Zo)

Attitude scores

1 If anear infinite number of pairs of samples were taken randomly from a population
and the mean differences between each pair plotted on a graph, what would we
term the standard deviation of these plotted differences? What would the average
of these differences be?
2 An independent group experiment is carried out correctly and yields the following

M (0) N

Experimental 15.8 2:9 26

Control 17.6 2.0 21

What could you conclude?

3 The results in each of the two random groups of a two-tailed experiment are:
M, — Mp = 3; 0) = 4; 62 = 3; N = 25 in each
Calculate t. Would you retain the null hypothesis at p < 0.05?
*Answers on p. 599.

chapter 13 | testing hypotheses of difference |: Independent groups design 181

Assumptions of the t test for the between-subjects design
If the assumptions of the ¢ test are met, the test is more powerful than the non-
parametric Mann-Whitney U test (p. 189), being more likely than the latter to show
a significant difference between groups if one really exists. This is because the ¢ test
makes full use of interval data, while the Mann-Whitney test considers only the ranking
of the subjects. However, the f test is invalid and should not be used if its assumptions
are not met.
The assumptions of the ¢ test are that:
¢ the measurements are made on an interval or ratio scale;
¢ the members of the sample have been randomly selected from the defined population;
For example, if the test is used to test between fast and slow learners, the subjects
representing the fast and the slow learners are randomly selected from the total pool
of all fast and slow learners;
¢ the standard deviations of the scores for the two groups should be approximately
¢ the populations from which the samples have been drawn are normally distributed.
(In practice, this usually means that the distributions of the scores for subjects in the
two groups must be normally distributed.)
These assumptions sound more imposing than they are. Within quite wide limits,
they can be broken without invalidating the test. However, when assumptions of the test
are seriously broken, the significance levels of the t test become meaningless or at least
difficult to interpret. Therefore, the Mann-Whitney test should always be performed
when more than one of the assumptions of the ¢ test are questionable.
Here is another worked example of a ¢ test, taking you right through from raw data
derived in a memory experiment, using the raw data formula.
Twenty subjects are randomly assigned to two groups. Ten subjects learn lists of all-
digit telephone numbers with background music and the other ten subjects learn lists of
all-digit telephone numbers with no background music. Their recall scores are given in
Table 13.2.
To calculate t we have to compare the means of the two groups of subjects. Let us look
at the f test procedure step by step, using the data from our example. First, draw up a
table of scores for each condition and find their squares (see Table 13.2).
The raw scores (X,) in Condition A should be totalled (£X,) and this total squared
(=X,)?. Find the squares (X?) of each of the raw scores and the sums of squares (XX7).
The mean will be calculated at this stage. Apply exactly the same procedure to the data
in Condition B. You now have available the necessary information to find ¢.
Let us now apply these steps to the data in Table 13.2.
1 Sum the 7 scores in Condition A and the X3 scores in Condition B:
X, =74 X = 47
2 Find the means of the scores in each condition:
M,=7.4 M)=4.7
3 Square the total scores:
(X)2 S74 <74=5476" _ (2X)2= 47X47 = 2909

182 part 2 |quantitative methods

4 Sum the squares in each condition:
=X{ =588 XX? = 249
5 We are now able to insert the values in the formula to obtain &

t — M, = M,

2 2

N, N; N, +N,
(N, = + (N= 0 (N,)(N.)
589 _ 5476 Wipao = 2209
10 10 10+ 10
(9 + 9) (10)(10)
- 74-47

| x 547.6 + 249-2200) |
oe ——

18 3)
ib —
3.806 ~ OZ
t = ——
fOr 20
tf =3409

TABLE 13.2 Recall scores

Background music No background music
Condition A Condition B

Scores (X}) Squares (x7) Scores (X2) Squares (xX?)

11 121 3 9
6 36 2 4
y. 49 8 64
4 16 5 23
10 100 5 25
9 81 6 36
8 64 3 9
6 36 6 36
7 49 4 16
5 36 5 Z3

EX, = 74 =X7 = 588 =X, = 47 EX3 = 249

[2X1]? = 5476 [2X]? = 2209
Mean: M, = 7.4 Mean: M> = 4.7

chapter 13 | testing hypotheses of difference |: Independent groups design 183

Looking up the result for our example, we have a ¢ = 3.09 with df= N; + Nj -2 =
10+ 10—2 = 18. Therefore, reading across the row for df= 18 (Table 13.1) we find that
the value in the first column is smaller than the ¢ which we have obtained. The tabulated
values for 0.05 and 0.01 levels ofsignificance are smaller than our value of t. Therefore
our value of ¢ is significant at the 0.01 level.
Hence the null hypothesis is not supported and the difference is significant (p < .01).

1 Aresearcher wishes to find out whether students of education are more empathetic
than students of engineering. An empathy scale is applied to a random sample of
each faculty. The results were:
Education 25 30 ZF 19 21 36 Vv 26 24
Engineering 20 7 15 a7 18 24 19 16 29

a What is the null hypothesis?

Is a one-tail or two-tail test appropriate?
c Apply an independent t test and make a statement about the status of the null
hypothesis at the 5% level of confidence.
2 A researcher is studying comprehension skills in children of manual (M) and
professional (P) parents. The data are as below.
‘M’ children 16 12 10 13 8 21 19 6
‘P’ children 15 10 23 26 12 u 18 14

a State the alternate and null hypothesis.

b Apply an independent ttest and evaluate the results using the 5% level of
c Did you use a one-tail or two-tail hypothesis? Explain your choice.
*Answers on p. 599-600.

Effect size and power for the ttest for independent groups (means)

Effect size
Effect size for the ¢ test for independent means is the difference between the population
means divided by the standard deviation of the population ofindividuals. When using
data from a completed study the effect size is estimated as the difference between the
sample means divided by the pooled estimate of the population standard deviation (the
square root of the pooled estimate of the population variance).
Stated as formulas:

Effect size (d)

_ Population M, — Population M,
Population SD

184 part 2 |quantitative methods

Estimated effect size (d) =
M, - M,
SD pooled
SPSS supplies all the information necessary to compute two effect size indices, d and
eta’. The mean difference is reported in the SPSS output, but the pooled standard
deviation has to be calculated from the reported standard deviations for the two groups
using the following formula, and substituted into the d equation to obtain the d index.

(N, — ISD> —(N, — ISD5

Pooled with groups SD =
\ Ny NA
However, it is easier to compute d using the following equation:

q=t Ny + No
\ NN,
A d can range in value from negative infinity to positive infinity. The value of 0 for
d indicates that there are no differences in the means. As d diverges from 0, the effect size
becomes larger. Regardless ofsign, d values of .2, .5, and .8 traditionally represent small,
medium, and large effect sizes respectively.
Eta* may be computed as an alternative to d. It too ranges in value from 0 to 1. It is
interpreted as the proportion of variance of the test variable that is a function of the
group variable. A value of 0 indicates that the difference in the mean scores is equal to
0, while a value of 1 indicates that there are differences between the sample means, but
within each group there are no differences in the test scores (i.e. perfect replication).
You can compute eta’ using the following formula:
eta? =
t? + (N, +N, — 2)
Table 13.3 gives the approximate power for the .05 significance level for small, medium,
and large effect sizes and one- or two-tailed tests.
Power is greatest when the participants in a study are divided into two equal groups.
For example, an experiment with 10 people in the control group and 30 in the
experimental group is much less powerful than one with 20 in both groups.
There is a practical problem in deriving power from tables when sample sizes are not
equal. Like most power tables, Table 13.3 assumes equal numbers in each of the two
groups. What do you do when your two samples have different numbers of people in
them? It turns out that in terms of power, the harmonic mean of the two unequal sample
sizes gives the equivalent sample harmonic mean size for what you would have with two
equal samples. The harmonic mean sample size is given by the formula:
Harmonic mean =
N, +N,
Consider an extreme example in which there are 6 people in one group and 34 in the
other. The harmonic mean comes out to about 10:

chapter 13 |testing hypotheses of difference |: Independent groups design 185

(2)(N,)(N5) 2 (2)(6)(34) | 408 _ 10.2
N, +N, 6 + 34 40
So, even though you have a total of 40 participants, the study has the power of one with
equal sample sizes of only about 10 in each group. (This means that a study with a total of
20 participants divided equally would have had just as much power.) If the researcher is
using the .05 level, two-tailed, and expects a large effect size, Table 13.3 indicates that this
study would have a power of less than .39 (the figure for using 10 participants in each
group). Suppose the researcher had been able to set up the study by dividing the 40
participants into 20 per group. That would have given the study a power of.69.

TABLE 13.3 Approximate power for studies using the t test for independent means
testing hypotheses at the .05 significance level
Number of participants in each group Effect size
Small Medium Large
(.20) (.50) (.80)
One-tailed test
10 ll 29 ae Fo
20 15 46 80
30 ale: 61 92
40 eee ve 97
50 26 .80 99
100 Al 97 -
Two-tailed test
207 19 39
20 .09 33 69
30 12 47 .86
40 14 .60 94
50 17 .70 98
100 Ve) 94 -

Planning sample size

Table 13.4 gives the approximate number ofparticipants needed for 80 per cent power
for estimated small, medium, and large effect sizes using one- and two-tailed tests, all
using the .05 significance level. Suppose you plan a study in which you expect a medium
effect size and will use the .05 significance level, one-tailed. Based on Table 13.4 you will
need 50 people in each group (100 in total) to have 80 per cent power. But if you
conducted a study using the same significance level but could expect a large effect size,
you would need only 20 people in each group (40 in total).

TABLE 13.4 Approximate number ofparticipants each group (assuming

equal sample sizes) for 80% power for the t test for independent means, testing
hypotheses at the .05 significance level
Effect size
Small Medium Large
(.20) (.50) (.80)
One-tailed 310 50 20
Two-tailed 393 64 26

186 part 2 | quantitative methods

Using SSPS to compare two groups of independent (unrelated) samples
You need two columns of data in the Data window when you are going to calculate an
independent ¢ test. The first column represents the independent variable (grouping
variable) usually 1’s and 2’s. The second column (‘var00002’) consists of the scores of
the dependent variable for both groups. The data are not kept separate for the two groups
as we would have them in a raw data list. So each row is for a particular student and
contains a code to designate which group they are in, and a score on the independent

How to proceed
1 Select Statistics and choose Compare Means from the drop-down menu.
On the next drop-down menu click on /ndependent-Samples T Test to open the
Independent Samples T Test dialogue box.
Select your dependent variable and click on the arrow button to place it into the Test
variables box.
Select your independent variable and move it to the Grouping Variable area.
Choose Define Groups.
Type in the box beside Group 1 the coding for one category of your grouping variable.
Do the same with the other box beside Group 2.
Aw Click on Continue and then OK to produce the output.

How to interpret the output in Table 13.5

The table consists of two subtables. The top table summarises the descriptive statistics
for the two groups (gender) on two dependent variables—attitudes to research scores
and length of work experience scores. For example, the mean attitudes to research
score for females is 47.52 with a standard deviation of 8.31.
The bottom table displays the test statistics. The output for the independent groups
t test on SPSS is somewhat confusing because there are two versions of the
independent samples ¢ test. Which one you should use depends on whether the
(estimated) variances for the two groups of scores are significantly different or not.
Read the columns under the heading “Levene’s test for equality of variances’. If the
probability value is statistically significant then your variances are unequal. Otherwise
they are equal.
Levene’s test for equality of variances in this case tells us that the variances for male
and female groups are equal for the attitudes to research scores (significance = .08),
but not so for the length of work experience scores because the significance value =
0.001 is highly significant.
Finally look at the rest of the table. Look at the row for equal variances assumed for
the attitudes to research scores and the equal variances not assumed for the length of
work experience scores. The ¢ value, its degrees of freedom and its probability are
displayed in the output. For example, the ¢ value for the length of work experience
scores —3.010, which, with 70 degrees of freedom, has a two-tailed significance level
of 0.004.

chapter 13 |testing hypotheses of difference |: Independent groups design 187

pauunsse }OU
C256 te Z6L9%6> v7C6'L AS82S= 700° 8Z£5'0Z LO te SODUPLIEA
¢L96°l- | 6609°6- v7C6'L sO S= €00° C8 CLO = LOO" LSO'LL SdUeeA
jenb3 dX
patunsse jou
LOLLY €98S'c— ¥789'L 619L° C59) 92862 eS SOIUPLIEA
L801 68S C— 789° L 61L9L Egos C8 esy €80° LOL€ SOIUBLIEA
jenby HOYVaSIY

part 2 |quantitative methods

aaddn 439MO} aduasayyip | aduasayyip | (payie3-Z) Jp
5 ee pe ae aT |
jeAsaqul 40413 PIS urea
suvawi jo Ayyenba 104 359} } saouenea jo Ayyenba
JOJ }S9} S,aUdAdT
qa. saduUevs quapuadapu ri g
2609 L OcEr OL vCS6 8L CV s|eW
6050 L ZOL89 ZOOLEL CV o|eWo+ dx4
€880 L LESOZ 6L9ZL 9 CV |e
ura uoneiasg urea N sapuay

4 48aq ut jndino
quapuadap fo
adwexq S'¢l
How to report the output in Table 13.5
You should state the results of this analysis like this: ‘An independent-samples ¢test was
conducted to evaluate the hypotheses that males and females differ significantly in their
attitudes to research and in their length of work experience. The mean attitude to
research score of females (M = 47.52, SD = 8.31) is not statistically significantly different
(t = .453, df = 82, two-tailed p = .652) from that of male students (M = 46.76,
SD= 7.05). The effect size is d = .02, implying virtually no effect at all’.
A similar statement indicating that the ¢ test for unequal variances was used would be
made for the length of work experience data but would emphasise in this case the
statistical significance of the differences between the genders.
Many social scientists/psychologists are probably unaware of the existence of the
unequal variance ¢ test. If you have to use one, you should write: “Because the variances
for the two groups were significantly unequal (F = 11.05, p < 0.001), a test for unequal
variances was used’.

Mann-Whitney U test (non-parametric)

The Mann-Whitney U test is used when testing for differences between two independent
groups when the assumptions for the parametric ¢ test cannot be met. For example, we
might want to test whether the hearing of blind students is as acute as that of sighted
students; or whether subjects told to learn a list of words by forming sentences linking
the items have better recall than subjects given no specific instructions on how to learn
the list. The test does not require equal numbers in the two conditions. It must, however,
be possible to rank the scores produced by the subjects, i.e. the scale of measurement
must be at least ordinal.
The mathematics of this test is based on the simple observation that if there is a real
difference between scores in two samples then the scores in one sample should be
generally larger than the scores in the other sample. Thus if all scores are ranked in order,
the scores of one sample should be concentrated at one end, while the scores from the
other sample are concentrated at the other end, as shown in Figure 13.6(a).
If no treatment effect exists, then scores from the two samples will be mixed randomly.
The Mann-Whitney test ranks scores from the two samples into one ranking and then
tests to determine whether there is a systematic clustering into two groups paralleling the
It is based on the premise that a real difference in two treatments will cause the scores
from one sample when placed in rank order to be located at one end of the distribution,
while the ranked scores derived from the other condition will be at the other end of the
distribution. If no real treatment effect exists then ranked scores from the two
distributions will be randomised in the overall distribution. Figure 13.6(b) illustrates this.
By comparing our result for U with the table, we know whether our split in ranks is
one that would occur less than 5 per cent of the time.
Let us imagine that we want to discover the effect of organisation on memory. The
experiment will adopt a null hypothesis that it will not be significantly easier to

chapter 13 |testing hypotheses of difference |: Independent groups design 189

Sample from Sample from
(a) eae) (b) treatment A
treatment A
Sample from Sample from
treatment B treatment B

i 2S ZO Rae ae Us} 10
seen oeoee
i 2 A Ne ey PBR SE ALG
X values (rank order) X values (rank order)

remember a set of words which are organised in categories than a set of words that has
no organisation.
We allocate six subjects randomly to a group where they will learn material without
the aid of organised categories, and allocate eight subjects to a group where they will. The
effect of organisation on memory will be measured by the number of words each subject
recalls (Table 13.6).

TABLE 13.6 Calculation of the value of U (the Mann-Whitney statistic)

Group | Condition 1 Rankings Group 2 Condition 2 Rankings
N, =6 ‘non-category’ 1 N2=8 ‘category’ 2
1 3 4 7 21 14
2 14 3) 8 16 8.5
3 12 3 2 10 1
4 18 1 10 15 7
5 16 8.5 11 1 Z
6 19 2 12 14 ye)
13 20 13
14 ie 10
T, = 44.0 Tz = 61.0

1 Place all the scores in rank order, taking both groups together. Give ‘rank 1’ to the
lowest score, ‘rank 2’ to the next lowest score, etc. Add the ranks for each group
2 Use the following formula to find Uj.

uy, = 1, - Nit

where N| = number of group 1 subjects

N, = number of group 2 subjects
T| = rank total for group with smallest rank sum

190 part 2 |quantitative methods

N,(N, + 1)

U, = 449-5020

= 44.0=21
= 23
Similarly, ins e N.(N, + 1)

= 61-3? 25
The smaller of these two U values is used to test significance. The smaller this value
the more significant it is.
3 Table 13.7 (1) to (4) gives you the critical values of U or U; at different levels of
significance for one-tailed and two-tailed tests and different combinations of N; and
N> for the groups of subjects. You have to locate the appropriate table from (1) to (4).
In our case, as we have selected a significant level of p < 0.05 two-tailed, choose Table
13.7 (3) on p. 193; Ny is shown on the top row and Nj on the left-hand column. At
the intersection of the appropriate N; column (in our case, 6) with the appropriate
N> row (in our case, 8) you will find the critical two-tailed value of U = 8. Our
smallest calculated U value is larger than this and therefore you can retain the null
hypothesis and conclude that there is no significant difference in the scores due to the
effect of the independent variable, i.e. the degree of organisation of the material.
In another example, a psychologist studying the manual dexterity of children recorded
the amount of time in seconds required by each child to arrange blocks in a specified
pattern. The data was as follows with scores ranked as though from one group:
Boys: Ravescotes 25 18" 29 "42" 21 iS gc bal ee
Ranks 3 1 Ge pad, 22

Girls; Raw scores 37, 56.39 34 26 104 48 25 No=8T,=69

Ranks 8 i2eoe 7. 5 Sry PLS 4
The null hypotheses states that there is no significant difference between solution
times for boys versus girls. For a two-tailed test with p > 0.05 with N, = 5 and N> = 8,
the table gives a critical value of U = 6.

(N, + 1) (N, + 1)
ie te Bas 5A U, = T, -N, ——

Ute Uz =33

chapter 13 |testing hypotheses of difference |: Independent groups design 191

TABLE 13.7 (1) Critical values of the Mann-Whitney U for a one-tailed test at
0.005: two-tailed test at 0.01*

12 3 4 567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 — = ee fe ‘
2 : - =-— = = 0 0
3 - = O° “O° Ore il ] ] 2 2 2 2 3 3
+ O10] ] Pe ee 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8
Sy ee ee et eet es 34 2447557 6 rig ee Ty 8 9° 10. Thhidd2alsS
Ov eS Sg Ba) Pars aes 6a. 7, 9 105 41) 21S Is ete oe ae
_. —. — — Q? i 3) 4A 6 7) 9S TO) 12 tS «1S Ue IS Se
Ser eer ee |6 UF A OG FT PG eall.-Ts- 150 W 18 2 ee ee 26 ee
9S wh See S Go 1 113-9698 2622 2 24a eee
LO Oe PS 6G B91 138m 1 6: 182) @24.526)..29. Sh 84 aie ee
1] =e tO eS. O67 10: 13. 16418: 20 24 27) 30 (338 360 49 3a as as
(oer eS Gl SD feed: 18, 20 24 2F Sl 340 SF Al Aare es
nee ee en? 01S TF 20 4 Sir 4s ec. 42 45 49 So oe ou
TAD = OE 72171 TSBs 22e ZEN 3001341938 942-468 S54 SSe6s es
Te) a ie, tet 8 rl P1620 924 290) 33 iF) AW AG Silas D5 aeGONG Ats 6 Ss
16s 2S, 9. 13:18: 22227 -31 36-41 457-50) 55) 60E 65) FON 74a
[ee en ee? 6 10h SS 19924 29" 340 394449" 54°60 “65" 70 7) Oot sao
ita Ome G 21 26res leo? 42, 40, 55 30 £645 0705-75 | Crean
ae hs Q Set 251782? 28) 633 N39 M455 1 B56 763 Ooms A Sl ere es S99
20s S50 3) 9810180 1824430 13674724854 160: 16%) ZS 52952865 192 9 185

two-tailed test at 0.02

La 2a a ,..6,.% |B» 9 10. 02 1S eS 1G A 1B ae. 20

1 Pao, 2<
Nl es a 5 er Gs ae Oa
ee ee eee Od. Ae Ti ee ee Pee a ee
a Se ee Os oe (eee 3 oer. alos 5 6 7 f 8 9 9 10
5 - = nO ea 4 5 6 7 VS oF 10 1T 12 3 Games 16
6 - - Se Se 6 7 B19? 1S IS Gee Lo 1 om 20 nae
Je oe, Be te A 6) 7 So Liele JA 16s iO 2k 2305 4 Oe. as
Sr] = OFZ "4" & Fs OTT” 1S 17 20 22 24" 26 2a 30 eee
9 = = 13, 2SF 7 4911 S14 165 18321 p23) 26 Bee st S83) 6c 20
ye SS TS Lies 8 Ow coh ll vilSmel6i 19 22: 2A 27 304338) 36 ce. 41 4a ee
11 a 4 POF 2 TS 18a 2225: Ves s4eeFy Seeaarre Aso
2m eo 3 ReSe (22 S811 14 174 21924503818 os8 238) 4a Gurtes eel 56) 60
13 = QO ZS) 9 12016-2059 23 927) Sie se Ona Se Oe Geos
14 - O 2-6 10.13.17 227 26.30 34538" 43. 42) 5) OSE 6 6S 160 ee
15 = iO 3) oF UI Sa19° 24. 28 7330 37 ADA 51) 86 ol 66 70. eee
16> 0 3 J wh2016c27 26-31) 36041, 462 510568 617 66117) 76°82? 87
Wy -— -QO A. 8 13.18.23 28 33> 38.44 49 55) 60 6671. 77 82° Be woe
18 - 0 4 9 14 19 24 30 36 41 47 53 59 65 70 76 82 88 94 100
on 20) 4 9 15 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 63 69 75 82 88 94 101 107
200 = oT 5.10 16 22 28 34 40 47 53 60 67 73 80 87 93 100 107 114

192 part 2 | quantitative methods

Nijtwey 1
JP 4
N AS ~ . NS 3S 7,24




AA 4]

Ve ey


N Om

x t stow
>, 7,5 IW téiltd Vist at ON0*






As U, =7 is the smaller of the two values it is used to compare within the tabled value
of U. Because this is greater than the tabled value of 6, we fail to reject the null
hypothesis. At the .05 level ofsignificance the data does not provide sufficient evidence
that there is a significant difference between boys and girls in manual dexterity.

1 Using random samples of 750 children, an investigator tested the hypothesis that
children in Perth receive significantly less pocket money than children in Adelaide.
Which one of the following tests should he apply?
at test for related samples.
by Z test.
c Mann-Whitney test.
dt test for independent samples.
In the hypothesis above, which one of the following procedures should the
investigator use?
a_ A two-tailed test.
b Aone-tailed test.
c_ Either a one-tailed or a two-tailed test.
N What is the null hypothesis of the Mann-Whitney test?
3 Two random groups of pupils are used to determine whether a programmed
textbook is worse than an ordinary textbook. The following data are the final test
scores on a common examination.
Programmed text Bic LS WO 2 he FO 76
Ordinary text’ 6634 — BS GO" BF 94 FSG 90

Perform a Mann-Whitney U test and come to a conclusion using the 0.05 level.
4 Twenty six-letter words were presented on a screen to two groups of different
subjects. For both groups, the words were all presented at a very fast level of
exposure. For one group, the words were presented on the left-hand side of the
screen; for the other group, the words were presented on the right-hand side of the
screen. The experimenter was testing the effects of reading (left to right in our
culture) on a subject’s ability to recognise words at very fast levels of presentation.
The results were as follows:
Group 1 (left-hand side presentation): 18, 15, 17, 13, 11, 16, 10, 17.
Group 2 (right-hand side presentation): 17, 13, 12, 16, 10, 15, 11, 13, 12.
The level of significance chosen was p < 0.05. The experimental hypothesis stated
that subjects given the words on the left-hand side of the screen would perform
better. Use a Mann-Whitney U test.
a Why do we use a Mann-Whitney test in this experiment?
b Is the experimental hypothesis one-tailed or two-tailed?
c Can the experimental hypothesis be accepted at the p < 0.05 level of
5 Children’s tendency to stereotype according to traditional sex roles was observed.
Two groups were drawn, one with mothers who had full-time paid employment

194 part 2 | quantitative methods

and one whose mothers did not work outside the home. The sex stereotyping scores
and ranks are as follows:

Mothers with jobs Mothers with no jobs

N,=7 N>=9
Scores Ranks Scores Ranks
17 1 19 2
32 7 63 12
39 9 78 15
27 4 29 5
58 10 35 8
25 3 59 11
31 6 72 14
81 16
68 13

Rank totals T; = 40T> = 96

a What are the values of U; and Uz?
b What is the tabled value of U for this experiment at the 5% level (two-tailed
c Is the result significant?
6 Ina study of social assertiveness in preschool children, boys and girls are compared
over a period in a day care centre. The data are:
Boys: 8, 17, 14, 21.
Gils 9; 20, 23, 215-34, 26, 32, 50,13.
Test at the 0.05 level.
*Answers on p. 600.

Using SPSS for the Mann-Whitney test (non-parametric)

Computing an effect size statistic

SPSS does not report an effect size index for the Mann-Whitney test, but simple indices
can be computed to communicate the size of the effect. For example, the difference in
mean ranks between the two groups can serve as an effect size index.

Using SPSS with the Mann-Whitney U test

How to proceed
1 Click Statistics on the menu bar to reveal a drop-down menu on which you select Non-
parametric Tests.
2 From the second drop-down menu, choose 2 Independent Samples which opens the
Two-Independent Samples Tests dialogue box.
3 Select your dependent variable and move it using the arrow button to the Test Variable
List box.

chapter 13 |testing hypotheses of difference |: Independent groups design 195

Select your independent or group variable and place it in the Grouping Variable box.
Select Define Groups.
OV Type whatever codes you have used to define your categories of the independent
variable into the Group boxes, e.g. ‘I’ in the Group 1 box and ‘2’ in the Group 2 box.
7 Select Continue and make sure that Mann-Whitney U is selected in the Test Type area.
8 Select OK to produce your output.

TABLE 13.8 Example ofMann-Whitney U test output

a Ranks
Mean Sum of
Gender N rank ranks
HGHT Female 42 D221 975.00
Male 42 61.79 2595.00
Total 84
RESEARCH Female 42 43.50 1827.00
Male 42 41.50 1743.00
Total 84
SELFCONC Female 42 47.45 1993.00
Male 42 B/D 1577.00
Total 84
STATS Female 42 44.69 1877.00
Male 42 40.31 1693.00
Total 84
SALNOW Female 42 40.17 1687.00
Male 42 44.83 1883.00
Total 84

b Test statistics @
U 72.000 840.000 674.000 790.000 784.000
Wilcoxon W 975.000 1743.000 1577.000 1693.000 1687.000
JE —7.260 —.376 —1.862 —.824 —.878
Asymp. Sig.
(2-tailed) .000 .707 .063 .410 .380

a. Grouping variable: gender

The table displays data comparing males and females on five variables: height,
attitudes to research, self-concept, statistics test score, and their current salary.
How to interpret the output in Table 13.8
e The focal data is in the top table where the average rank given to each group on each
variable is located. For example, female height rank mean is 23.21, while the average
rank given to male height is 61.79. This means that the heights for males tend to be
larger than those for females, as the ranking is done from smallest person = rank 1 to
tallest person = rank 84. The other variables can be interpreted in the same way.

196 part 2 |quantitative methods

e The lower table displays the important data, including the Mann-Whitney U and the
significance levels. Significant differences occur for only for height, though self-
concept level was only marginally short of reaching significance.

How to report the output in Table 13.8

We could report the results of this analysis as follows: “The Mann-Whitney U test when
applied to a number of variables found that only in the case of height was there a
significant difference between males and females (U = 72.0, p = .001), with males being
significantly taller’.

The independent measures ft

test is used to draw inferences about mean differences between two
populations or two treatment conditions. Two independent samples are randomly drawn, one for
each treatment condition. The null hypothesis states that there is no significant difference between
sample means. This often takes the form of an experimental and control group approach.
The Mann-Whitney test is the non-parametric equivalent of the independent t test. The rationale
is that if differences between conditions are random then there should be a roughly equal sum of
ranks in the two conditions.

chapter 13 | testing hypotheses of difference |: Independent groups design Ie

Testing hypotheses
ofdifference LI:
Paired groups

Statistical tests for two related groups and

within-subjects design

The matched (or related) pairs t test (parametric)

The matched pairs or related ¢ test is used when testing for significant differences between
two samples which are ‘related’. Examples of related samples are:
¢ When the same subjects are tested twice in a ‘before and after’ situation with an
intervention such as a training session placed between the two occasions.
¢ When subjects in two groups are paired by selecting individuals who are as similar as
possible with respect to other external variables which may influence the outcome of
the research. Subjects might, for example, be matched for learning ability, sex, age and
For convenience, in the description of the test below it will be assumed that the scores
are obtained from the same subject. However, if they were produced by different but
matched subjects, this has no effect on the procedure.

Assumptions of the test

If the assumptions of the related groups ¢ test are met, it is a more powerful test than the
Wilcoxon signed-ranks test (p. 205); i.e. it is more likely than the Wilcoxon test to show
a significant difference between the two conditions if one really exists. This is because
the ¢ test makes full use of interval data, while the Wilcoxon test considers only the
ranking of the pairs. However, the ¢ test is invalid and should not be used ‘fits
assumptions are not met.
The assumptions of the test are that:
¢ the measurements are made on an interval scale;
¢ the subjects have been randomly selected from the defined population;
¢ the standard deviation of the scores for the two samples should be approximately
¢ the population from which the samples have been drawn is normally distributed.
(This means in practice that the distribution of the scores for-the subjects in each
condition must be normally distributed.)
Within quite wide limits, the assumption can be broken without invalidating the
test. However, when the assumptions of the test are broken, the power of the test is
reduced so that the Wilcoxon test may well be as powerful, or more powerful. Therefore,
the Wilcoxon test should be performed when the assumptions of the matched-pairs ¢ test
are clearly broken.
The principle of the ¢ test for the within-subjects design is similar to that for the
between-subjects design. One compares the actual difference that has been observed
between the two sets of data with the estimate of the difference that could be expected
by chance alone, i.e. the standard error of the difference. The standard error of the
difference between the means for within subjects is symbolised Sp to distinguish it from
the symbol SEgi¢¢ (used with the between-subjects ¢ test).

Calculation of the standard error

The simplest way to calculate the standard error of the difference is known as the direct-
difference method.
¢ Find the difference D between the two scores for each pair or each subject. If this
difference is zero, the scores are the same for an individual under both conditions or
for both members of the pair. The direction of any difference is indicated by its sign—
if D is positive, then the first score is higher than the second score; if D is negative,
then the second score is greater than the first score.
¢ Find the sum of all the D scores and divide the number of pairs in order to arrive at
the mean difference, D. In formula this is expressed as XD/N. An example of this is
shown in Table 14.1. This is a within-subject design, but a matched-pairs calculation
is exactly the same.
The mean difference is the numerator for the ¢ test as shown in

= D

where Sp = the standard error of the difference between two means when observations
are paired.

chapter 14 |testing hypotheses of difference II: paired groups design 199

TABLE 14.1 Raw data for within-subjects t test
Subject Treatment | Treatment 2 Difference D2

6 8 = 4
2. 10 14 4 16
3 4 2 2 4

4 1S 28 =o 9
5 5 8 3) 9

N=5 =D =-10 = 42

If you compare this with the between-subjects ¢ test formula, you will notice that we
have substituted D for Mj — M> and Sp for SEgi¢p.
The denominator of the above formula SD is calculated from the following formula:

¥ DE = ao

S= sy —_————

7 NIN—1)
where: YD2 =sum of the squared difference scores
(XD)? = sum of the difference scores squared
N = number ofpairs

Thus the full formula for t when the samples are correlated is:

Testing for significance

The difference in the obtained value of ¢ can be looked upin Table 137i..p..\72:
The left-hand marginal column of Table 13.1 gives the degrees of freedom df, while
the columns list the values of t which are significant at the different levels. If the
value of ¢ is larger than that listed in the table for the relevant df, then the result is
significant at that level.

200 part 2 |quantitative methods

For this t test, the df= N — 1, where N is the number of pairs of observations.
Thus, to look up the significance of a result, look down the dfcolumn until you find
the relevant df, and read across to find the levels at which the obtained value of t is
significant. If the exact df for your result is not tabulated, you must use the nearest,
smaller df which does appear in the table.
Looking up the result for our example, we have a t= 1.90 with df= N-1=5-1
= 4, Therefore, reading along the row for df= 4, we find that the values in columns
1 and 2 are larger than the obtained value of ¢, and our result is not significant at
those levels. Column 2 lists the values of t which are significant at the 0.05 level with
a one-tailed test, and at 0.1 level with a two-tailed test. The 0.05 level is the minimum
level usually accepted for a significant result. If our experiment had involved a
prediction of the direction of the difference, allowing a one-tailed test to be made,
the result could be accepted as significant, but if no prediction had been made and
a two-tailed test was therefore required, the result would have to be rejected as being
not significant, and the null hypothesis retained.

Here are some raw data.

Subject Before X After Y D D2

1 26 20 +6 36
2 17 as -10 100
5 19 29 -10 100
4 13 33 -20 400
5 8 14 -6 36
xD = -40 LD? = 672

1 Use the tf table (Table 13.1, page 178) and decide whether the null hypothesis is
retained or rejected in this example at the 0.05 level, two-tailed test.
2 What is the df when a matched-pairs design experiment is performed with a total of
twenty subjects in all?
3 in amatched-group design with the following statistics, would you retain the null
hypothesis using the 5% level of significance in a two-tailed test?
D = 2.10; Sp= 0.70; N in each group = 18
4 To test the effects of organisation on recall, twelve out of twenty-four matched
subjects were told to try and relate the forty words contained in a list. The other
twelve subjects were not given this hint. After the first trial, the scores of the
instructed subjects were 15, 12, 11, 16, 14, 11, 9, 15, 16, 12, 10, 15 (words recalled)
and those of the naive subjects were 12, 13, 12, 13, 10, 13, 13, 12, 11, 14, 13, 12
(words recalled). Can you reject the null hypothesis at p < 0.01 (two-tailed)?
5 An investigator is interested in assessing the effect of a film on the attitudes of
students toward a certain issue. A sample of six students is administered an attitude
scale before and after viewing the film. The before-and-after scores are as follows (a
high score reflects positive attitudes).

chapter 14 |testing hypotheses of difference II: paired groups design 201

Perform a two-tailed test at the 0.01 level and make a statement about the null
Before 20 15 23 17 19. 11
After 25 19 24 1S 26 10

The concept of sampling error underpins the whole subject of statistical testing.
Can you explain why? Illustrate your answer by reference to two statistical tests.
A psychologist believes that relaxation can reduce the severity of asthma attacks
in children. The researcher measures the severity of asthma attacks by the number
of doses of medicine required. Then relaxation training is given. The week
following training, the number of doses is again recorded. The data are reported
Subject Before X After Y D D2
A 9 4 -5 25
B 4 1 -3 9
Cc 5 5 0 0
D 4 0 -4 16
E 5 1 4 16
sum of D =-16 sum of D2 = 66

What conclusion could we reach about the effects of relaxation training using
p < .05 two-tailed test?
A researcher wishes to examine the effect of hypnosis treatment on teenage smokers.
A sample of four adolescent smokers records the average number of cigarettes
smoked per day in the week prior to treatment. One month into the hypnosis
treatment they record the average daily cigarette consumption over a week. The
data are as follows:

Subject Before After

1 19 ie
2 35 37
3 20 14
4 31 20

gat) What is the mean D score?

b What is the sum of D2?
c Test with a 5% level of significance and make a statement about the null
Consider the following experiment and then respond to the questions.
Subjects were given two equivalent sets of fifteen words to memorise under two
conditions. The data from the study are shown below. Is the difference between
conditions under which memorisation took place a significant effect?

202 part 2 | quantitative methods

Subject Condition A Condition B Difference (D) D2
1 6 6 0 0
2 15 10 5 25
3 13 7 6 36
4 14 8 6 36
5 12 8 4 16
6 16 12 4 16
7 14 10 4 16
8 15 10 5 25
9 18 11 7 49
10 17 9 8 64
1 12 8 4 16
12 7 8 a 1
13 15 8 7 49
Ma = 13.28 Mg = 8.85 =D = 59 ED2 = 349
= 3481

a How many degrees of freedom are there?

b What is the value of t ?
c What is the critical value for t in the table given the appropriate number of df
and a two-tailed test with p < 0.01?
d_ Is there a significant difference between the conditions?
10 a For what sort of situation is the repeated measures design well suited?
b In what way is the matched subjects design similar to repeated measures design?
c What is the carry-over effect?
11 What happens to the critical value of t for a specific level of significance when df
increases in value?
* Answers on p. 600.

Computing the effect size statistic for the parametric paired-samples t test
SPSS supplies all the information necessary to compute two types of effect size indices,
dand eta. The d statistic may be computed using the following equations:
6 = Or of = VN

where the mean and standard deviation are reported in the output under ‘paired
The d statistic evaluates the degree that the mean of the difference scores deviates
from 0 in standard deviation units. If d equals 0, the mean of the difference scores is
equal to 0. As d diverges from 0, the effect size becomes larger. The value of d can range

chapter 14 |testing hypotheses of difference Il: paired groups design 203

from negative infinity to positive infinity. Regardless of sign, d values of .2, .5, and .8
traditionally represent small, medium and large effect sizes, respectively.
An eta? may be computed as an alternative to d. This ranges in value from 0 to 1. A
value of 0 indicates that the mean of the difference scores is equal to 0. In contrast, a
value of 1 indicates that the difference scores in the sample are all the same non-zero
value (perfect replication). Eta” can be computed as follows:
egies (N)(mean*)
(N)(mean2) + (N — 1)(SD7)

te iN=

Traditionally, values of .01, .06 and .14 represent small, medium and large effect
sizes respectively.

Using SPSS to compare two samples of correlated/related scores using the

parametric paired samples ¢test
We will illustrate the computation of a paired samples ¢ test with dummy data comparing
the pre- and post-test scores of a group of social workers on an in-service course.

How to proceed
1 Choose Statistics to display a drop-down menu.
2 Select Compare Means to open a second drop-down menu from which you select
Paired Sample T Test.
3 In the open Paired-Samples T Test dialogue box click on your first dependent variable
which moves it to the Current Selections box as variable 1.
4 Select your other variable which puts it beside Variable 2 in the Current Selections box.
5 Click on the arrow button to move both variables into the Paired Variables box.
6 Choose OK to produce the output.

TABLE 14.2 Example ofpaired t test output

a Paired samples statistics

Std error
Mean N deviation mean
Pair 1 POST-TEST 47.1429 84 7.6727 8372
PRE-TEST 42.4048 84 9.7833 1.0674

b Paired samples correlations

N Correlation Sig.
& PRE-TEST 84 O07, .607

204 part 2 | quantitative methods

c Paired samples test
Paired differences

95% confidence
Std interval of the
Std error difference Sig.
deviation | mean (2-tailed)

PRE-TEST 4.7381 | 12.0842 i} 1.3185 | 2.1157 | 7.3605 3.594 | 83 | .001

How to interpret the output in Table 14.2

e Three subtables are produced. The top table provides descriptive statistics. The
average pre-test score was 42.41 with an SD of 9.78, while the mean post-test was
47.14, with an SD of 7.67.
e The second subtable displays a Pearson correlation between the two sets of scores.
e The bottom subtable provides the test statistics. The paired difference between these
two mean scores is presented along with ¢ and the significance level and the standard
error of this mean. The difference between the two means is 4.738 and the standard
error of means for this sample size is 1.3185.
e The ¢value of the difference between the sample means is 3.594, which has an exact
two-tailed significance level of 0.001 with 83 degrees of freedom.

How to report the output in Table 14.2

The results could be reported as follows: “ A paired samples ¢ test (N = 84) was conducted
to evaluate whether test scores differed after an inservice course. The mean scores
between pre- and post-tests differed significantly (t = 3.594, df = 83, p < .001) with the
post-test mean being significantly higher then the pre-test mean.’
The calculated effect size (d) was .38, a small value.

Wilcoxon signed-ranks test (non-parametric)

This test is appropriate for a two-condition within-subject design, either when the same
subjects perform under both conditions or when pairs of subjects are matched for a
number of variables (sex, age, intelligence, motivation, etc.). The Wilcoxon test is used
instead of a related ¢ test if the differences between treatments can only be ranked in size,
or if the data are quite skewed, or if there is clearly a difference in the variance of the
groups, i.e. the assumptions for the related ¢ test do not apply.

The aim of the Wilcoxon signed ranks test is to compare the performance of the same
subjects or matched pairs of subjects across two occasions or conditions, to determine
whether there are significant differences between the scores from the two performances.
The scores of Occasion 2 or Condition B are subtracted from those of Occasion I or
Condition A, and the resulting differences given a plus (+), or, if negative, a minus (—)
sign. The differences are then ranked in order of their absolute size; the smallest size

chapter 14 |testing hypotheses of difference II: paired groups design 205

difference is given a 1, the next in value is given a 2, and so on, up to the largest
difference. The ranks are then added up separately for the pluses and minuses. The
smaller total of ranks gives the value of J which can be looked up in the appropriate table
for significance.
If there are only random differences, as stated by the null hypothesis, then there
should be roughly equal numbers of high and low ranks for the plus and minus
differences. If there is a preponderance of high ranks for one sign, this means that there
are larger differences in one direction than would be expected by chance.

Step-by-step procedure to calculate the value of Wilcoxon T

TABLE 14.3 Calculation of the value of T (the Wilcoxon statistic)

Condition A Condition B
Vocabulary of Vocabulary of Smaller
Subject children at children at D Ranks signed
pair ‘home’ ‘nursery’ (A-B) of D sum
1 3 5 —2 5(-)
2 4 5 1 a)
3 3 D 1 2(4) 2
i 1 5 4 8.5(-)
5 4 1 ] 2(+) +2
6 2 S) —3 7(-)
7 3 5 —2 5)
8 4 4 0 omit tie
9 1 5 -4 8.5(-)
10 3 5 —2 5(-)

1 Calculate the difference D between See column D(A--B) in Table 14.3.

each pair of scores, assigning plus
or minus signs.
2 Rank the differences in order of See column ‘Ranks of D’ in Table
their magnitude from the smallest 14.3.
(rank 1) to the largest. When
ranking the differences, ignore
3 Add together separately the ranks See column ‘Ranks of D’.
corresponding to the different signs. In brackets you will find the
Since the total of ranks for the plus signs of the ranks corresponding
sign is smaller (4), the observed to the signs of the differences.
value of 7 = 4. Observed value of Tis 2 + 2 = 4.
4 Count the number of pairs of N=10-12=9.
subjects N (not counting ties).

206 part 2 | quantitative methods

5 Find the critical value of 7 for Selected level of significance is
the selected level of significance. p < 0.05 (two-tailed). Since our
If the observed value of 7 is less observed value of T= 4 is less
than or equal to the critical value than the critical value of 6, the
in Table 14.4, the null hypothesis null hypothesis can be rejected.
can be rejected.

a We arrived at our value of 7 by adding together the ranks with the plus (+) sign
because their total is undoubtedly smaller than that of the ranks with the minus (—)
sign. Sometimes the difference between the two totals is not obvious. If there is any
doubt, the totals of the ranks for both plus and minus signs should be computed to
see which is smallest.
b We reduced the number of pairs of subjects N from 10 to 9 in view of the tie which
occurred between the scores of one pair.

Looking up significance in Table 14.4

Table 14.4 (p. 208) gives the level of significance of 7 for both a one-tailed test and a
two-tailed test in the two top rows. In the left-hand column are the values of N.
In our example, there was no prediction of a direction, i.e. that there would be higher
vocabulary scores for ‘nursery’ or ‘home’ children. Therefore you should use the levels
of significance for a two-tailed hypothesis. Since the experimental hypothesis was tested
at the p < 0.05 (two-tailed) level of significance, you select the appropriate column, and
at the intersection with the N = 9 row, you will find the critical value of 7; i.e. 6. Since
the observed value of 4 is less than the critical value of 7, you can reject the null
hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant difference between the vocabulary
scores in the two groups of matched subjects. Note: Remember that all this would also
apply if the same subjects had performed under two conditions.
Suppose you had made a prediction in one direction, say, that children who went to
nursery school (Condition B) would score higher on the vocabulary test. In this case, you
could have used a one-tailed level of significance, in which the critical value for p < 0.05
would have been 8. The point is that for a one-tailed prediction T could have been
larger—for example, 7—and would still have been significant at the p < 0.05
one-tailed level, although a 7 of 7 would not have been significant at the p < 0.05 two-
tailed level. The actual observed value of 4 is smaller than 6, the critical value for a
p < 0.025 one-tailed significance level. You would then have to look at the table of
results to see whether the children in Condition B had in fact scored higher than
the children in Condition A and that the results were significantly in the predicted
Note that had a stricter criterion been applied, i.e. p < 0.01 for a one-tailed test or
p < 0.02 for a two-tailed test, a T of 3 or less is required for significance. Our T is 4,
so the result is not significant at these stricter levels of significance.

chapter 14 | testing hypotheses of difference Il: paired groups design 207

TABLE 14.4 Critical values of T at various levels ofprobability (Wt Icoxon)
Level of significance for Level of significance for
one-tailed test one-tailed test
0.05 0.25 0.01 0.005 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005
Level of significance for Level of significance for
two-tailed test two-tailed test
N 0.10 0.05 0.02 0.01 N 0.10 0.05 0.02 0.01

5 1 - - - 28 130 Wz 102 92
6 2 1 ~ ~ 29 141 127 111 100
7 4 2 0 - 30 152 137 120 109
8 6 4 2 0 31 163 148 130 118
9 8 6 3 2 32 175 159 141 128
10 11 8 5 3 33 188 17] 151 138
11 14 11 7 5 34 201 183 162 149
12 17, 14 10 7 35 214 Lie 174 160
T3 21 17 13 10 36 228 208 186 171
14 26 21 16 13 37 242 22Z 198 183
15 30 25 20 16 38 256 235 211 195
16 36 30 24 12 39 271 250 224 208
AZ, 4] 35 28 23 40 287 264 238 221
18 47 40 33 28 41 303 279 pW 234
ne, 54 46 38 32 42 319 295 267 248
20 60 52 43 37 43 336 311 281 262
21 68 52 49 43 de 353 327 297 277
22 75 66 56 49 45 371 344 313 292
23 83 Vhs) 62 55 46 389 361 a2 307
24 a2 81 69 61 47 408 Eve) 345 323
25 101 90 77 68 48 427 397 362 339
26 110 98 85 76 49 446 415 380 356
Jai 120 107 93 84 50 466 434 398 373

Source: F. Wilcoxon, Some Rapid Approximate Statistical Procedures, American Cyanamid Co. 1949.

The symbol T denotes the small sum of ranks associated with differences that are all of the same sign. For
any given N (number of subjects or pairs of subjects), the observed T is significant at a given level if it is
equal to or less than the value shown in the table.

1 Twelve mothers were tested for their attitudes to pre-school education, before and
after their own children attended a pre-school. Here is the data with high scores
representing a positive attitudes:

Before 7 92 8 6 4. 10 12 7 a 9
After Zo le 1) ie / 9 13° «14 8 9 73
a What is the null hypothesis?
b Using the Wilcoxon, interpret the results at the 5% level with a two-tailed test.

208 part 2 | quantitative methods

2 _Alocal school has made an intensive effort to increase parent attendance at the end
of year parent evening. The data for each year group for last year and this year are
as follows:

Year group 1994 1995 d Rank of d

1 18 18 0 13
Z 24 24 0 5
3 31 30 -1 3
4 28 24 4 “
5 WZ 24 Z 5
6 16 24 8 é 6
7, 15 26 i ve)
8 18 29 11 Ao
2 20 36 16 9
10 9 28 1 10

a What does the null hypothesis state?

b Why does N = 8?
c What is the critical value of T with N = 8 and p < .05?
d What is the calculated T ?
e Do you reject or retain the null hypothesis? What do you conclude about the
effectiveness of the campaign to get more parent attendance?
3 Adoctor tested the effectiveness of a new allergy drug by measuring children’s skin
reaction before and after treatment. The difference scores for ten subjects were:
3, 46, 16, -2, 38, 14, 0, -8, 25 and 41.
Use Wilcoxon to test whether this data provides sufficient evidence to conclude that
there has been a significant effect.

*Answers on p. 601.

Using SPSS for the Wilcoxon test (non-parametric)

Computing an effect size statistic

For the Wilcoxon test, the mean positive ranked difference score and the mean negative
ranked difference score could be reported.

Using SPSS for the Wilcoxon test

1 Select Statistics and from the drop-down menu choose Nonparametric Tests.
2 Click on 2 Related Samples Test in the second drop down window.
3 Highlight your two variables and place them in the Current Selections box.
4 Using the arrow button transfer them to the Test Pairs List box.
5 Make sure Wilcoxon is selected in the Test Type area.
6 Select OK to display the output.

chapter 14 |testing hypotheses of difference Il: paired groups design 209

TABLE 14.5 Example of Wilcoxon test output
a Descriptive statistics

N Mean Std deviation Minimum Maximum

SALBEG 84 ct de $4412.79 $6000.00 $22000.00

SALNOW 84 ues $12733.90 $25000.00 $75000.00

b Wilcoxon signed ranks test

N Mean rank Sum of ranks
SALNOW Negative
ranks 0a .00 .00
SALBEG Positive
ranks 84> 42.50 3570.00
Ties Oc
Total 84



c Test statistics*
jl —7.963>
Asymp. Sig.
(2-tailed) .000

a Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test

b Based on negative ranks

This table displays results comparing the starting salaries and current salaries of 84
persons in one organisation.

How to interpret the output in Table 14.5

e Three subtables are produced. The top one lists the descriptive statistics.
e The output in the middle subtable tells us that there are no cases where starting salary
is higher than current salary, nor are there any ties, and that in all 84 cases current
salary is higher than at commencement ofjob.
e In the bottom subtable, instead of using ¢ tables, the computer uses a formula which
relates to the standardised Z-distribution. The Z-value is —-7.963 which has a two-
tailed probability of 0.000. This means that the difference between the two variables
is statistically highly significant.

How to report the output in Table 14.5

‘A Wilcoxon test was conducted to evaluate whether 84 employees had significantly
greater salaries now than when they commenced work. The results indicated a high
statistically significant difference between commencement salary and current salary
(Wilcoxon, Z = —7.963, p > 0.001).’

210 part 2 |quantitative methods

Comparison of the power of tests based on within-
subjects and between-subjects designs
The formula used in calculating the standard error of the difference for within-subjects
design provides a smaller standard error than does the formula used with between-
subjects design. The lower standard error results in a more sensitive test of the
significance of the difference between means, and increases the likelihood of rejection of
the null hypothesis when it is false.

Demonstrate this smaller standard error for the related t test, by recalculating the
example in Table 14.3 by the between-subjects t test as though the sets of scores came
from independent groups. What difference do you note? Why is the standard error now

In a related t test, which of the following make it easier to reject the null hypothesis?
a Increasing N
b Decreasing N
c Decreasing D
d__ Using a one-tailed rather than a two-tailed test
*Answers on p. 601.

In repeated measures or within-groups design a single sample of subjects is randomly selected and
measurements repeated on this sample for both treatment conditions. This often takes the form
of a before and after study. The null hypothesis states that there is no significant difference between
conditions. The matched-pairs design employs two groups which are matched on a pair-by-pair
basis, which can then be regarded as the same group tested twice.
The repeated measures design has the advantage of reducing error variance due to the removal
of individual differences. This increases the possibility of detecting real effects from the
experimental treatment. A problem is the likely presence of carry-over effects, such as practice and
motivation. Counterbalancing should be used to prevent such order effects.
The Wilcoxon test is the non-parametric test for the within-groups design. It involves testing
for significant differences between ranks in the two conditions.

chapter 14 | testing hypotheses of difference II: paired groups design 211

Testing hypotheses
of relationship I:
Chi square

We have seen how research data obtained to test hypotheses of difference are analysed.
We now turn to research data obtained to test hypotheses of relationships and see how
that is analysed.
Research on relationships is concerned with the association of variables; essentially
how strongly variables are related to each other. In these situations there are a number
of statistical techniques for analysing the data depending on the level of data. Three
techniques will be considered:
1 Chi square for testing associations with nominal data.
2 Rank order correlation for testing relationships with ordinal data.
3 Product—moment correlation for testing relationships with interval data.

Chi-square rationale
Chi square is a simple non-parametric test of significance, suitable for nominal data
where observations can be classified into discrete categories and treated as frequencies.
Chi-square tests hypotheses about the independence (or alternatively the association) of
frequency counts in various categories.
For example, the data may be the proportions ofstudents preferring each one of three
brands of low-calorie colas, or the proportion ofstudents voting for particular candidates
in an election for student union president. Categories of responses are set up, such as
Brands A, B and C of colas or ‘For and Against’ in the election, and the number of
individuals or events which fall into each category is recorded. In such a situation one
can obtain nothing more than the frequency, or the number of times, that a particular
category is chosen. This constitutes nominal data. With such data the only analysis
possible is to determine whether the frequencies observed in the sample differ
significantly from hypothesised frequencies. There are many educational and social
science issues which involve nominal data for which chi square is a simple and
appropriate means of analysis; for example, social class levels, academic subject categories,
age groups, sex, voting preferences, pass—fail dichotomies, etc. The symbol is the Greek
letter chi which is pronounced ‘kye’ to rhyme with ‘sky’, and written as x7.
The hypotheses for the chi-square test are Hg where the variables are statistically
independent, and H, where the variables are statistically dependent.

The formula is y* = > ao where

O = observed frequency—what is observed;

E = expected frequency; and
& = the summation over all the categories we are measuring.
There are two major uses of chi square (x7):
e As a goodness-of-fit test when it tells us how well an observed distribution fits a
hypothesised or theoretical distribution; for example, in an essay exam are some
questions chosen more than others?
¢ Asa cross-tabulation between two categories, each of which can be divided into two
or more subcategories; for example, preference for type of music (jazz, country and
western, rock) against sex (male and female). The 2 x 2 contingency table is a special
case of this and will be considered later.
But whichever of these uses chi square is put to, the general principle remains the
same. In each case, one compares the observed proportions in a sample with the expected
proportions and applies the chi-square test to determine whether a difference between
observed and expected proportions is likely to be a function of sampling error (non-
significant) or unlikely to be a function of sampling error (significant association).

1 What level of measurement is used with chi square?

2 In the chi-square formula what do O and E represent?

Goodness-of-fit chi square

Here is an example of a goodness-of-fit chi square. Consider the question: are more
children born in one season of the year than in another? To investigate this, we could start
off by gathering some birth dates from a randomly selected sample of school pupils. Let’s
just suppose that we now have a total of 100 birth dates, and that we have defined the
seasons so that each of spring, summer, autumn and winter has an equal number ofdays.

chapter 15 |testing hypotheses of relationship |: Chi square 213

How many birthdays out of the 100 would you expect by chance each season if season
did not in fact have any influence?

We would expect an even distribution. That is 25 in each season. Now it might turn
out that when we actually grouped the observed birth dates of the 100 pupils they were
distributed thus:
Spring Summer Autumn Winter

The question now would be, ‘Is the fact that the observed frequencies are different
from what we expected more likely due to chance, or does it more likely represent actual
population differences in birth rate during the different seasons?’.
To arrive at an estimate of the probability that the observed frequency distribution is
due to chance, the ne test is applied. The chi-square test permits us to estimate the
probability that observed frequencies differ from expected frequencies through chance
If the null hypothesis is true, any departure from these frequencies would be the result
of pure chance. But how far can a departure from these frequencies go before we can say
that such a discrepancy would occur so infrequently on a chance basis that our
observations are significantly different from those expected? Well, when x7 is computed
it can be compared with its table value (Table 15.1) at the usual levels of significance to
see if it reaches or exceeds them. If it does, the null hypothesis of chance variation is

What are the two major conventional levels of significance we would employ?

What two sets of data do we compare in a x? test?

In calculating x7, we need to enter our observed and expected data into a table of cells.
The cells are filled with the data on the lines of the following model:

where O = observed data

E = expected
p data (Os Bll = EIS

214 part 2 |quantitative methods

We will now fill in the cells in our example by placing the observed and expected data
into their respective cells and calculate (O — E) and (O — E)?.

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

(O—Bie) A100" €9 14100 o-9

2 = +— +— + —
E 25 "95 “25% 25
Il 4+0.36+ 440.36

Nh I] BZ

A relatively large chi square should indicate that the Es differed more from the Os than
is likely by chance. As to how large a value for chi square is needed to reject the null
hypothesis of no significant association between season and births, consult Table 15.1.
To enter the table we need to know the df

Degrees of freedom in a goodness-of-fit y7

Do you recall what degrees of freedom (df) represent? Look back at p. 154 if you don’t.

The number of observations free to vary in our example is 3 because once we have
fixed the frequency of three categories, say spring, summer and autumn, the fourth has
to be 22 to make the total 100. So the fourth category is fixed. The same principle holds
true for any number of categories. The degrees of freedom in a goodness-of-fit test is one
less than the number of categories (k — 1).

If we were dealing with preferences for five brands of a product, how many df would we

The final step is to refer to Table 15.1 in order to determine whether the obtained
value is statistically significant or not. Look at it now. The probability values along the
top refer to the likelihood of the values of x7 listed in the columns below being reached
or exceeded by chance. Our old friend df forms the left-hand column. In our example,
it is entered with 3 df.
As is true with the table, if the x? value calculated is equal to or greater than the value
required for significance at a predetermined probability level for the df then the null
hypothesis of no real difference between the observed and expected frequencies is rejected
at that level of significance. If the calculated x7 is smaller than the tabled value required for

chapter 15 |testing hypotheses of relationship |: Chi square 215

TABLE 15.1 Distribution ofchi square
df 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.Ol 0.00Ol

1 2.706 3.84] 5.412 6.635 10.827

2 4.605 eA 7.824 9.210 13.815
3 6.25] 7815 9.837 11.345 16.266
a UAE, 9.488 11.668 Teese 18.467
5 25.6 11.070 13.388 15.086 20.515
6 10.645 12.592 T5053 16.812 22.457
7 12.071 4.067 16.622 18.475 24.322
8 13.362 15.507 18.168 20.090 26.125
2 14.684 165919 19.679 21 666 VE Wah
10 IS Chay 18:307 21.161 23.209 29.588
11 17-251 G7 22.618 24.725 31.264
12 18.549 21.026 24.054 26.217 32.909
He) 19.812 22.362 25.472 27.688 34.528
14 21.064 23.685 26.873 29.141 36.123
1S 22.307 34.996 28.259 30.578 as oe
16 23.542 26.296 29.633 32.000 39:252
iz 24.769 a fcoXev! 303995 33.409 40.790
18 25.989 28.869 32.346 34.805 42.312
19 27.204 30.144 33.687 SO 43.820
20 28.412 31.410 35.020 37.566 45.315
21 29615 32.671 36.343 35: O32 46.797
22 SOFSiS 33.924 5/2059 40.289 48.268
23 32.007 BomlZ. 38.968 41.638 49.728
24 33.196 36.415 40.270 42.980 Duly
25 34.382 37.652 41.566 44.314 52.620
26 35.563 38.885 42.856 45.642 54.052
27 36.74] 40.113 44.140 46.963 55.476
28 37.916 41.337 45.419 48.278 56.893
29 39.087 42.557, 46.693 49.588 58.302
30 40.256 43.773 47.692 50.892 59.703

Source: Table IV, Fisher & Yates, Statistical Tables for Biological, Agricultural and Medical Research, 6th edn,
1974, Addison Wesley Longman, London.

To use Table 15.1 you first compute the df—which is explained in the text—and locate the appropriate row.
You then look across the table to see how large x? needs to be in order to reach a desired level of
significance. For example with 1 df, x2 must be at least 3.84 to be significant at the 5% level; with 10 dfit
must be at least 18.31.

significance at that level, then one may not reject the null hypothesis. Table 15.1 tells us that
with 3 dfa x7 value of at least 7.82 is necessary to reject the null hypothesis at the 0.05 level.
The value of x? in our example is 8.72. Since 8.72 is more than the value required for
significance, we can reject the null hypothesis, and accept the alternative hypothesis that
births are not randomly distributed through the year.
At this point, it is important to note the effect of the degrees of freedom on the
significance of any calculated x”. In Table 15.1, it can be seen that the x? required for
Signiniean sesat any given level gets larger as the number of degrees of freedom gets parece
For 2 dfa x7 of 5.99is needed for significance at the 5% level. With 3 df this y? value

216 part 2 |quantitative methods

increases to 7.82, to 11.07 for 5 dfand to 43.77 for 30 df. Thus it is extremely important
to know the correct number of df when attempting to interpret the significance of an
obtained chi square.

1 Is an observed x2 of 14.6 with 5 dfstatistically significant at the 0.01 level?

2 Is an observed x2 value of 8.40 with 3 df statistically at the 0.05 level?
3. What is the critical value of x? with 4 df at p < 0.001?
*Answers on p. 601.

Special correction for 1 df

The sampling distribution of x7, as represented in Table 15.1, is a continuous theoretical
frequency curve. For situations where the number of degrees of freedom is 1, this
continuous curve somewhat underestimates the actual probabilities. An adjustment is
necessary to make the y* probabilities in Table 15.1 more accurately approximate the
actual probabilities of the discrete events. The appropriate adjustment is known as Yates’
correction, which consists of subtracting 0.5 from the absolute difference between O and
E for each category before squaring the difference. (The absolute difference between
two numbers is the difference recorded as a positive number regardless of whether that
difference is actually positive or negative.) The formula for ¥* then becomes:

(JO- | - 0.5)"
aa) a el
‘ E
For example, if in one cell O = 60 and E = 80 then (O — E) = 20. From this would
be taken 0.5 so that (O — E) is corrected to 19.5 before squaring.

1 A random sample of teachers in a local authority were asked, ‘Should the local
council economise by cutting down the number of hours the town swimming pool
is open?’. The results were:
Agree Disagree Indifferent
12 24 2
What is the null hypothesis?
What is the value of chi square?
What are the degrees of freedom (df)?
Is the value significant at the 0.05 level?
Q0 What conclusion would be reached?
2 Ahn investigator studying sex stereotypes in basic reading texts finds that there are
16 episodes in which Joe plays the role of leader and four in which Jane plays the role
of leader. Could these proportions be a function of chance?

chapter 15 | testing hypotheses of relationship |: Chi square 217

A sample of 30 student voters were asked which of three candidates they planned
to vote for student union president with the following results:

Candidate Frequency
Smith 5
Jones 20
Brown 5

Test the null hypothesis that there is no difference in preference for any of the
A group of college students were shown a series of pictures illustrating a new clothing
style. After viewing the pictures, each student was asked if they approved or
disapproved of the style. Below are the data received from 54 students.
Approve 35
Disapprove 19
Compute the chi square for the above data.
Using p = 0.05 as your designated level for significance, use Table 15.1 to evaluate
the chi square obtained. State the null hypothesis being tested. On the basis of the
chi-square test, do you accept or reject the null hypothesis?
A researcher wished to examine children’s preferences among four types of
transportation. A sample of 90 children was randomly selected and asked which
type they preferred. The following data were obtained:

Automobile Bus Train Airplane

10 13 27 40
Compute the chi square for the above data.
Which of the following values of x? is least likely to have occurred by chance?
y2=6.55 df=
y2=10.50 df=2
y2=8.75 df=3
y2=12.31 df=4
& df=6
A large department store reports the following incidence of shoplifting by children
over three holiday periods:
Easter 50, Christmas 81, Winter 27.
Perform a x? test and decide whether a significant difference exists among the
holiday periods using p = 0.05.
A survey asked a random sample of teachers if they were in favour of corporal
punishment in secondary schools. The results were:
Yes =20 No=60

Is this difference in response significantly different from the theoretical expectation?

*Answers on p. 601.

218 part 2 | quantitative methods

Chi-square test of the independence of categorical
variables (cross classification)
We have just seen how to deal with categories divided on the basis of a single variable.
However, another widely used application of the x? procedure involves its use with data
that are in the form ofpaired observations on two variables. That is, a sample of subjects
is classified into categories on two variables and the question concerns the presence or
absence of a relationship between the variables. For example, one might ask: ‘Is there a
relationship between the socioeconomic background of a child and his or her preference
for extra-curricular activities at school? Is there a relationship between parental income
level and attitudes toward some current education issue? Is there a difference in the
extent of reported drug use among adolescents coming from different ethnic
backgrounds?’ The independence or the association of these variables can be determined
by means of the chi-square test.
When data of these types are gathered, they are recorded in what is called a
contingency table. The paired responses are categorised into cells organised by rows and
columns. Let us consider whether there is an association between family size and religious
persuasion. Here is the observed data from our survey.
One child Two children Three or more
Muslim 20 16 8

Protestant 40 ZZ 10

Roman Catholic 12 36 42

What is the null hypothesis for this table?

We hypothesised that there was no significant association between religious persuasion

and the size of family.
It is now necessary to determine the expected frequency values for each of the cells in
the contingency table. When the chi-square procedure is applied to a contingency table
to test for independence of the row and column variables, there is no a priori basis for
hypothesising the expected frequency distribution as there was in the x* goodness-of-fit
test. The expected frequencies in each cell are derived from the data themselves. These
expected cell frequencies are those one would expect to get if the two variables were
completely independent ofeach other and are derived from the row and column totals.
To obtain the expected frequency we must first find the row totals and column totals and
grand total. This is shown at the top of page 220.

chapter 15 |testing hypotheses of relationship |: Chi square 219

One child Two Three Row total
children or more

Muslim 20, 165 8 44

Protestant 40 22 10 72

Roman Catholic eZ. 36 42 90

Column Grand total

Totals IP 74 60 206

The expected frequency for each cell is calculated by multiplying the row total for that
cell by the column total for that cell and then dividing by the grand total.

Expected for cell ‘a’ = a Ee EN EAO

44 x 74
Expected for cell i ‘b = 06 = Gi

Now you work out the rest.

The expected frequencies have all been placed in the respective cells below. So now
we must complete each cell by adding in (O — E) and (O — E). This has been done for
you below.
One child Two Three or Row
chiidren more children total

Muslim 20 15.4 16 15.8 8 12.8 44

4.6 DV el 0.2 0.04 4.8 23.0
Protestant 40 PS J ap 25.9 10 ZAEO 72.
14.8 ZA AS) 3.9 IS 11 124
Roman 12 Bilp5 36 8253 42 26.2 90
Catholic 19.5 380.2 Bi oe 13.8 190.4
Wi 74 60 206

(OLE* 214° O04 190.4

Be — 3 == + h ————————
E Wik {libs 26.2
4? = 1.37+0.002+1.84+8.7+0:59+584+12.1+0.42 + 7.27
= KS lOs

Degrees of freedom for contingency table

Recall that in any statistic the dfare the number of values that are free to vary. The
general rule is that the dffor a contingency table equals the number of rows minus one,
multiplied by the number of columns minus one:
df= (rows — 1) x (columns — 1)
In our example with three rows and three columns we have:
(3-1 =4df
220 part 2 |quantitative methods
If we had a 3 x 4 table, how many would the df have been?

Look up in Table 15.1 the intersection of 4 df and 0.05 level of significance. Is our value
of 38.05 significant at the 0.05 level? Is it significant at the 0.01 level as well?

Make a statement concerning the null hypothesis of this study.

Since our computed chi-square far exceeds the critical tabled values of 9.488 (0.05 level)
and 13.277 (0.01 level), we are well justified in claiming that there is a significant
association between family size and religious persuasion in our sample. We reject the null
hypothesis that there is only a chance relationship, i.e. that both categories are independent.

2 x 2 contingency table
One of the most common uses of the chi-square test of the independence of categorical
variables is with the 2 x 2 contingency table, in which there are two variables, each
divided into two categories. Let use imagine our categories are 1) adult/adolescent, and
2) approve of abortion/don’t approve. The x7 table would be as follows:
Adolescent Adult
Approve of Abortion 120 | 18 | 138
Don’t approve of Abortion 20 | 98 | 118
140 | 116 alee 2256
(df= 1 always in a 2 x 2 table)

It is up to you now to work out E, (O — E) and (O- E)2. Does Yates’ correction mean
anything to you? When you have done all this, calculate x7 and check for significance
at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels. How many degrees of freedom are you to use? What is your
conclusion about the results in terms of the null hypothesis? A completed table and
interpretation of results will be found below for the cowardly.
Adolescent Adult
Approve 120 ES 18 62.53 138
of Abortion 44.5 1936 44.5 1936
Don’t Approve 20 64.53 98 DED 118
of Abortion 44.5 1936 44.5 1936

140 116 256

x? = 122.78 df= 1 (always in a 2 x 2 table!)

chapter 15 | testing hypotheses of relationship |: Chi square 221

(Did you remember to use Yates’ correction?!)
The result is extremely significant well beyond the 0.01 level. Hence the null
hypothesis that there is only a chance association between age group and attitude to
abortion is rejected for this sample. The two categories are not independent of each
other for the sample considered.

Restrictions in the use of the chi square

It is important to remember that x7 is most appropriate for the analysis of data that
are classified as frequency of occurrence within categories (nominal data). When the
data are ordinal or interval, other tests of significance are usually preferred. It must
be used on frequencies only, not on percentages.
When nominal data are arranged into categories for a chi-square analysis, these
categories must be mutually exclusive categories, which means that each response can
be classified into only one cell. This is true because a fundamental assumption in the
use of the chi-square test is that each observation or frequency is independent of all
others. Thus one could not obtain several responses or observations from the same
individual and classify each as if it were independent of others. If this is done, the same
individual is placed in several categories, which inflates the size of N, and may lead
to the rejection of the null hypothesis when it should not be rejected.
Another restriction in the use of the chi-square test is that when there are multiple
categories, larger samples are needed. If N is small and consequently the expected frequency
in any cell is small, the sample statistic may not approximate the theoretical x distribution
very closely. A rule-of-thumb which one may follow is that in a x7 analysis with 1 df, the
expected frequency in all cells should at least equal or be greater than 5. When the number
of dfis greater than one, the expected frequency should be equal to or greater than 5 in at
least 80 per cent of the cells. If this condition is not fulfilled, it may be necessary to omit
one or more categories of one or both variables. Alternatively, we might combine
categories, if it makes sense, so that we have the necessary expected frequencies in each cell.
Neither of these alternatives is really desirable, since both involve a reduction in the amount
of information available. If practically possible, we might obtain a larger sample so that the
conditions are fulfilled for the original classification.
The ¥? test is sensitive to difference but not direction of difference; it is inherently
two-tailed. Only by inspection of the obtained data can the direction be determined.

Computing effect size and power

Effect size for the goodness of fit chi square
SPSS does not supply an effect size index for the goodness of fit chi square. However,
one can be easily computed based on the reported statistics:

chi square
effect size =
(total sample size across all categories)(number of categories— 1)

222 part 2 | quantitative methods

The coefficient can range in value from 0 to 1. A value of 0 indicates that the sample
proportions are exactly equal to the hypothesised proportions, while a value of 1 indicates
that the sample proportions are as different as possible from the hypothesised proportions.

Effect size statistic for chi square tests of independence

(contingency tables)
SPSS provides a number of indices that assess the strength of the relationship between row
and column variables. They include the contingency coefficient, phi, Cramer’s V, and
lambda. The two indices usually used are phi and Cramer’s V.
The phi coefficient for a 2 x 2 table is a special case of the Pearson product-moment
correlation coefficient for a 2 x 2 contingency table. Because most social scientists have a
reasonable understanding of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, they are
likely to feel comfortable using its derivative, the phi coefficient. Phi () is the square root
of chi square divided by the number of cases in the entire sample. In terms of a formula,
chi square*
phi =
The phi coefficient has a minimum of 0 and a maximum of | and can be thought of
as a correlation coefficient.
Cohen’s (1988) conventions for the phi coefficient are that .10 is a small effect size,
.30 is a medium effect size, and .50 is a large effect size. (These are exactly the same
conventions as for a correlation coefficient.) With nominal data the sign of phi is not
meaningful, and any negative phi values can be changed to positive values without
affecting their meaning. If both the row and the column variables have more than two
levels, phi can exceed 1 and, therefore, is hard to interpret. Cramer’s V rescales phi in
these circumstances so that it ranges between 0 and 1. It is calculated in the same way
as the ordinary phi coefficient, except that instead of dividing by N, you divide by N
times the degrees of freedom of the variable with the smaller number of categories. Here
it is stated as a formula:
chi square 2
Cramer's V = ,/(N)(df smaller)
Table 15.2 shows Cohen’s (1988) effect size conventions for Cramer’s V in which the
smallest variable category is 2, 3, or 4. Note that when the smallest one is 2, with
df= 1, the effect sizes are the same as those for the ordinary phi coefficient.

TABLE 15.2 Cohen's conventions for Cramer's V

Smallest dimension of
contingency table Effect size
Small Medium Large
2 (dfsmaller = 1) 10 .30 50
3 (dfsmaller = 2) .07 vA 5
4 (dfsmaller = 3) .06 MY 29
For 2 x 2, 2 x 3, and 3 x 2 tables, phi and Cramer’s V are identical.

chapter 15 | testing hypotheses of relationship |: Chi square 223

Power and needed sample size for chi-square test for
independence (contingency tables)
Table 15.3 shows the approximate power at the .05 significance level for small, medium,
and large effect sizes and total sample sizes of 25, 50, 100, and 200. Values are given for
tables with 1, 2, 3, and 4 degrees of freedom. For example, consider the power of a
planned 2 x 4 study (df = 3) of 50 people with an expected medium effect size (Cramer's
V = .30), to be carried out using the .05 level. Using Table 15.3, this study would have
a power of.40. This means that if the research hypothesis is in fact true, and there is a true
medium effect size, there is about a 40% chance that the study will come out significant.

TABLE 15.3 Approximate power for the chi-square test for independence for testing
hypotheses at the .05 significance level
Effect size
Total df Total N Small Medium Large
( = .10) (o = .30) (o = .50)
1 25 .08 a2 .70
50 ali 56 94
100 aly: 85
200 Pe) ee
2 25 207 ao .60
50 09 A6 90
100 .13 1a
200 223 27
3 25 07 21 54
50 .08 .40 .86
100 a2 71 99
200 319 96
4 2 .06 19 50
50 .08 .36 82
100 ali .66 79
200 sl 94

Table 15.4 indicates the approximate total number of participants needed for
80 per cent power with small, medium, and large effect sizes at the .05 significance level
for chi-square tests of independence of 2, 3, 4, and 5 degrees of freedom. For example,
suppose you are planning a study with a 3 x 3 (df= 4) contingency table. You expect a
large effect size and will use the .05 significance level. According to the table, you would
only need 48 participants.

TABLE 15.4 Approximate number ofsubjects needed for 80 per cent power for the
chi square test for independence for testing hypotheses at the .05 level ofsignificance
Effect size
Total df Small Medium Large
(> = .10) (> = .30) (9 = .50)
1 785 87 26
pi 964 107 59.
3 1090 121 44
4 1194 133 48

224 part 2 | quantitative methods

Calculating chi square with SPSS
The goodness of fit chi square
We will illustrate the computation of agoodness offit chi square using dummy data on
rolling a dice with 42 people. Since the dice has six sides we expect that each number
will turn up one-sixth of the time in the long run. We can test the observed numbers
thrown against this chance expectation using the goodness of fit chi square.

How to proceed
1 Click on Statistics on the menu bar of the Applications window which produces a
drop-down menu.
2 Select Nonparametric Tests from this drop-down menu to open a second drop-down
3 Choose Chi-square which opens the Chi-Square Test dialogue box.
4 Select the variable that codes the three categories of agreement and then click on the
arrow button which transfers this variable to the Test Variable List: box.
5 Select OK. The results of the analysis are then displayed like the dummy data below.

TABLE 15.5 Example of chi square output |

a Diethrow
Observed Expected
N N Residual
1.00 12 14.0 -2.0
2.00 14 14.0 0
3.00 20 14.0 6.0
4.00 16 14.0 2.0
5.00 10 14.0 —4.0
6.00 12 14.0 -2.0
Total 84

b Test statistics
Chi square? 4.57]
df 5
Asymp. sig. .470

a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 14.0.

How to interpret the output

e The six possible outcomes of the die throw are listed vertically in the first column.
e The observed frequencies are presented in the second column.
e The expected frequencies of cases are displayed in the third column. These are all 14
since the expected frequency for each of the six faces on the dice with 84 throws is:

chapter 15 |testing hypotheses of relationship |: Chi square 225

¢ The residual column displays the differences between the observed and expected
e The value of chi square, its degrees of freedom and its significance are presented in
the second box. Chi square is 4.571, its degrees of freedom are 5 (i.e. 6 — 1), and its
significance level is 0.470.
* At the foot of the table a warning will appear about the number ofcells with expected
frequency less than 5.

Effect size
This is computed as:
: chi square
effect size = - ee ————-
(total sample size across all categories)(number of categones — 1
4571 — 9nI1

How to report the output

You should state: ‘A goodness of fit chi square was conducted to determine whether a
single throw of a dice by 84 subjects would produce a distribution not significantly
different from that expected by chance to test whether the dice was biased. There was
no statistically significant difference between the observed and expected frequencies
(chi square = 4.571, df= 5, ns). This suggests that despite a visual impression that
number 3 and number 5 occurred more and less frequently than expected respectively,
the dice was not biased, that the variations were chance variations, and that in the long
run each face will appear an approximately equal number of times. Effect size of 0.011
indicates that the observed frequencies hardly deviated from the expected frequencies,

Calculating chi square for the independence of

categorical variables (contingency tables)
If you wish to calculate chi square with more than two categories in at least one variable
then the procedure is basically the same. For example, you may wish to examine the
relationship between ‘gender’ (coded 0 for female and 1 for male), and preference for
three different brands of soft drink (labelled ‘prefer’, and coded 1 for Fizzie, 2 for Bubbly
and 3 for Pepco).
The procedure is as follows:
Select Statistics to produce the drop-down menu of the various statistical processes.
Choose Summarize to obtain a second drop-down menu.
Select Crosstabs. This opens the Crosstabs: dialogue box.
Ne Click on ‘gender’ and then the arrow button beside Row|s]: which transfers ‘sex’ into
the Rows box.
A" Select “drinkpre’ and then the arrow button beside Column|s] which moves it to the
Columns box.
6 Choose Statistics at the bottom of the Crosstabs: dialogue box. This opens the
Crosstabs: Statistics dialogue box.

226 part 2 quantitative methods

* Chi-square, phi and Cramer’s Vin the Nominal data box.
4 Next dick on Continue. This closes the Crosstabs: Statistics dialogue box.
9 Select Cells. This produces the Crosstabs: Cell Display dialogue box.
10 Choose Expected in the Counts box. (Observed should already be selected.)
Click on Row in the Percentages box.
\2 Select Continue. This closes the Crosstabs: Cell Display dialogue box.
13 Finally select OK. The screen now displays the output shown in Table 15.6.



Valid Missing Total

N Per cent N Per cent N Per cent
Drink preference 24 100.0% 0 0% 84 100.0%
e gender

b Drink preference * gender cross-tabulation


Female Male Total

Drink oreterer ce FiZZie Count 8 14 Zo

punt 11.0 11.0 22.0

Bubb y Count 22 9 3]
count 15.5 15.5 31.0
Pepco Count 12 19 31

punt 15.5 15.5 31.0

l otal Count 4? 42 84

unt 42.0 42.0 84.0

¢ Chi-square tests
Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-tailed)
Pearson chi square 8.669 7 2 .013
Likelinood ratio 8.875 2 .012
Linear-by-linear 019 1 890
N of valid cases 84

a 0 cells (0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 11.00.

d Symmetric measures
Value Approx. Sig.
Nominal by nominal Phi 321 .013
Cramer's V S21 .013
N of valid cases 24

chapter 15 | testing hypotheses of relationship |: Chi square 227

How to Interpret the output
e Four subtables are produced. The top subtable lists the number of cases processed.
e The second subtable shows the observed and expected frequency ofcases in each cell.
The observed frequency (called count) is presented first, and the expected frequency
(called expected count) appears second.
e The observed frequencies are always whole numbers so they should be easy to spot.
The expected frequencies are always expressed to one decimal place so they are easily
identified. Thus the first cell of the table (defined as ‘female’ and ‘Fizzie’) has an
observed frequency of 8, but an expected frequency of 11.
e The next subtable displays the chi square value, its degrees of freedom and its
significance level. Chi square is on the line labelled ‘Pearson’, after the person who
developed this test. The chi square value is 8.669. Its degrees of freedom are 2 and its
two-tailed probability is 0.013.
e The likelihood ratio test has similar properties to chi square and is an alternative. The
linear-by-linear association test is inappropriate for qualitative variables.
e The final table reports phi and Cramer’s V as measures of effect size, that is, 0.321.
e Also shown in the output is the warning about the minimum expected frequency of
any cell in the table. If the minimum expected frequency is less than 5.0 then we
should be wary of using chi square. If you expect small frequencies to occur it would
be better to use the Fisher Exact Test which SPSS prints in the output in these

Reporting the output in Table 15.6

You could write in this instance: ‘A 2 x 3 contingency table analysis was conducted to
determine whether there was an association between gender and preference among
three types of soft drink. A significant relationship was present with chi square = 8.669,
df=2, p < .05, in that Bubbly was preferred more by females, while males preferred the
other two drinks more than did the females. The effect size was .321, indicating a
medium effect’.

Fisher’s exact test

The chi square procedure computes Fisher’s Exact Test for 2 x 2 tables when one or more
of the four cells have an expected frequency of less than 5. The SPSS output then
provides the significance level for both a one- and two-tail test. These are placed near the
bottom of the normal chi square output window as the last two significance levels

1 Arandom sample of teachers were classified as class teacher, head of department,

deputy principal, principal. They were asked if they would favour joining a union. The
results were as follows:

228 part 2 | quantitative methods

Class Head of Deputy
teachers Dept Principal Principal
Yes 230 46 20 4
No 40 14 20 8

Are these response differences significant at the 5% level? What is the hypothesis you
will accept?
A sample of children was classified into those who took paper rounds out every
evening and those who didn’t. The teacher was then asked to indicate which children
had failed to hand in homework at least once during the last month.
Failure to hand Homework always
in homework handed in
Paper round 12 8
No paper round 6 19

Is the association between the categories significant at the 5% level?

A physical education instructor wished to determine preferences of boys and girls for
three activities. She asked a sample of 40 boys and 30 girls to state their preferences.
Here are the data she received:
Basketball Volleyball Hockey
Boys 20 =) 15
Girls 7 13 10

a Compute the chi square for the above data.

b Using p = 0.05 as your acceptable level for significance, evaluate the chi square
obtained. Would you accept or reject the null hypothesis? If you reject it, what
can be said regarding the preferences of boys and girls?
In a group of 100 boys, 30 are classified as good swimmers and of these, 20 show
good personal adjustment. Of the poor swimmers, 30 show good personal
adjustment. Is adjustment independent of swimming ability?
In an exam varying numbers of students passed after having been taught by one of
three different methods. Is there an association between success and method of
Method A Method B Method C

Pass 50 47 56
Fail 5 14 8

Let us assume you are interested in the relationship between smoking/non-smoking

parents (i.e. one or both parents smoke or neither parent smokes) and adults. In order
to test your view, you randomly select 200 adults between the ages of twenty-one and
thirty, and assess whether they smoke and whether their parents smoked. The second
question is whether the subject smokes. The hypothetical results for this experiment
are presented on page 230. Do a chi-square test to determine whether the variables
are related.

chapter 15 | testing hypotheses of relationship |: Chi square 229

Smokes Does not smoke
One or both parents smoked 70 40
Neither parent smoked a7 53

*Answers on p. 601.

A chi-square test is a non-parametric technique of testing hypotheses about the form of a frequency
distribution using nominal data. Two types of chi square tests are the goodness of fit test and the
test for independence. The former compares how well the frequency distribution for a sample
fitted with the frequency distribution predicted by the null hypothesis. The latter assesses
relationships between two variables, with the null hypothesis stating that there is no relationship
between the two variables. Rejecting the null hypothesis implies a relationship between the two
variables. Both tests are based on the assumption that each observation is independent of the
others, and that one observation cannot be classified in more than one category.
The chi square statistic is distorted when there are less than five observations in a cell and the
test should not be performed if this situation exists. Yates correction should be employed in cross
tabulations with 1df.

Cohen, J. (1988), Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioural Sciences, Laurence Erlbaum, New York.

230 part 2 | quantitative methods

Testing hypotheses
of relationship II:

My dictionary defines correlation as ‘the mutual relation of two or more things; the act
or process of showing the existence of a relationship between things’.
You may note that the relationship is mutual or reciprocating and that we do not
include in our concept ofcorrelation any idea at all of the one thing being the cause and
the other thing being the effect. We play safe. We merely say that we have discovered
that two things are connected. Now, it may well be that one thing is a cause of another,
but correlation does not delve that far down on its own.
In principle, correlation is different from any of the inferential statistics you have so
far studied, because these techniques compare groups as groups, and not the individuals
who compose them. Ask yourself, “What happens to the individual in chi square?’. We
throw him or her into a cell with a number of others and forget all about the individual.
(Indeed, we like large numbers in chi-square cells in case the expected frequency is less
than 5!) In ¢ tests, we do not analyse the individual, but only the performance of the
group to which he or she has been allocated—+ tests cannot function with only one
individual making up a ‘group’.
Basically, however, all these techniques are ‘difference’ testings. All are quite practical:
‘Are the persons in Group A (as a group) significantly better than those in Group B at
doing something or other, etc.?’.
We are using the razor of difference to settle a question. But in relationship testing
we are examining the strength of aconnection between two characteristics which both
belong to the same individual, or, at least, two variables with a common basis to them.
Many variables or events in nature are related to each other. As the sun sets, the
temperature decreases; as children increase in age their size of vocabulary also increases;
persons bright in one academic area tend to be bright in other areas. These relationships are
correlations. If the river rises when it rains then the two events are said to have a positive
correlation, i.e. when an increase in one variable coincides with an increase in another there
exists the positive correlation. There is a negative correlation between altitude and air
pressure, as an increase in altitude brings with it a decrease in pressure. In children there is
a negative correlation between age and bed-wetting. A negative correlation thus occurs when
an increase in one variable coincides with a decrease in another.
Most of you have tried to play the piano at some time. The movement of the hands
over the keys also illustrates correlation. Imagine you are practising the scale of C major
and both hands are commencing on C, an octave apart, to travel up the keyboard in
unison. This is a positive correlation between the movements of the hands (or scores).
If both my hands stay in the same position on the keyboard this is not a correlation
since there is no movement (or scores) to calculate. Correlation is here a measure of
mutual movement up and down a scale of scores.
left hand J tight heh
positive correlation (up the scale)
<—___—— left hand «<—_______ right hand
positive correlation (down the scale)
left hand right hand
still still
no correlation of movement possible
If you commence both hands on the same note and play the scale simultaneously in
different directions, the right hand going up as the left hand travels down, then there is
a negative correlation.
left hand —» ~«— right hand, or negative correlation
=—_ left hand right hand ——_____» (scales in contrary
When the movements of my hands on the keyboard bear no systematic relationships
in direction with each other then it is a zero correlation. But when the hands sometimes
go in a systematic relationship with each other there is calculated a modest correlation,
negative or positive as the case may be, i.e. when I am playing a piece of music. Now that
we have some glimpse of what correlation is concerned with we will desert our piano
practice and turn to drawing graphs.

The correlation coefficient

The main requirement of any research into the relationship between variables is that we
should have observations arising from the same source. We can thus examine the extent
to which scores on one variable are related to scores on another. Every additional pair

232 part 2 |quantitative methods

of scores provides us with more information about the extent of their relationship.
Obviously, if we were looking at data obtained from different groups of subjects we
would have no information of this kind. We could only make comparisons between
overall performance among the two groups on the two tests. We would have no means
of telling how performance on the two tests is related.
Given that we have data from one sample of subjects on two variables such as locus
of control and self-esteem, how can we describe the extent of their relationship? The
simplest method is to plot the two sets of scores against one another in the form of a
graph or scattergram. Consider a number of possibilities represented by Figure 16.1.
Notice that each point on these graphs represents the intersection of subject scores on
two variables.
In Figure 16.1 (a) and (b) all the points lie on a straight line. Each score is perfectly
predictable from every other score because any change in one variable is accompanied
by a proportional change in the other variable. In the first case, Figure 16.1 (a), increases
in one variable are accompanied by proportional increases in the other variable. We call
this perfect positive correlation.
A numerical index called the coefficient ofcorrelation expresses the degree or magnitude
of the relationship. The numerical index +1.00 is the highest possible value that the
correlation coefficient assumes and it indicates a perfect relationship between the
variables. The general symbol for correlation is ‘7’. A perfect positive relationship
(ry = +1.00) indicates a direct relationship where each individual is as high or as low on
one variable as he or she is on the other. In other words, each subject has the same z score
on X as their z score on Y. In a perfect correlation all the dots in the scattergram can be
connected with a single straight line. An example of a perfect positive relationship would
be the heights of these subjects measured in inches and the heights of subjects measured
in centimetres.
In the second case, Figure 16.1(b), increases in one variable are accompanied by
proportional decreases in the other variable. We call this perfect negative correlation. An
r of —1.00 indicates a perfect negative relationship. This means that the two variables bear
an inverse relationship to each other, so that the highest z score on one variable is
associated with the lowest z score on the other, and so forth. An example of a perfect
negative relationship is that between the volume of a gas and the pressure applied when
temperature is held constant. As pressure increases, the volume of the gas decreases.
There is a perfect relationship between the radius and the circumference of a circle. But
perfect correlations are not generally found among educational, social and psychological
Since perfect positive and negative correlations are unlikely to be met within
educational research, the sort of picture we are most likely to find is that of Figure
16.1 (c), (d) and (e). In (c) and (d) the points are scattered about a straight line in a
roughly elliptical shape. Although there is a tendency for pairs of scores to go
together, the prediction of one score from another is no longer perfect. We describe
(c) as showing positive correlation and (d) as showing negative correlation. Now,
finally look at (e) where we have the situation in which there is no discernible relation
between the two sets of scores, for example, between IQ and shoe size.

chapter 16 |testing hypotheses of relationship II: correlation 233

As a positive relationship between variables becomes less close, the correlation
coefficient assumes a value smaller than +1.00. Students with high intelligence tend
to make high grades, but there are exceptions because of several factors other then
intelligence that affect school grades. Although still positive, the correlation
coefficient between these two variables is less than +1.00. Other variables may show
a negative relationship that is less than perfect. In such cases the correlation
coefficient would have a negative sign, but between 0 and —1.00. A negative
relationship would be expected between the number of truancies among children
and their scholastic performance.

FIGURE 16.1 Scattergrams depict various degrees of correlation. When there is no

relationship between the variables, the coefficient is 0.0
(a) (b)

Scores Oa Scores _
on sy on
“ perfect erfect
test Y y
yd ee
eo aan |negative
enic Ps
‘¢ correlation correlation wd
te r= +1,0 r==1.0 a

Scores on test X Scores on test X

(c) (d)

y aie

e s e F

Scores A it Scores e e negative

eu ‘i a i on e ¢ correlation
test Y Oe eS! test Y e
e e . r=—-0.5
sxe e positive
/ correlation
Ws meus +
Scores on test X Scores on test X


zero correlation
Scores i 200
test Y

Scores on test X

Thus, a correlation coefficient indicates both the direction and the strength of
relationship between two variables. The direction of relationship is indicated by the sign
(+ or —), and the strength of relationship is represented by the absolute size of the
coefficient, i.e. how close it is to +1.00 or —1.00.

234 part 2 |quantitative methods

The following is a rough but useful guide to the degree of relationship indicated by
the size of the coefficients (whether positive or negative).
0.90-1.00 Very high correlation Very strong relationship
0.70-0.90 High correlation Marked relationship
0.40-0.70 Moderate correlation Substantial relationship
0.20-0.40 Low correlation Weak relationship
Less than 0.20 Slight correlation Relationship so small as
to be negligible

Below are the final examination scores in algebra and English for eight students. Draw a
scatter diagram of these scores. Let the algebra scores be the X variable.

Student A B C D E F G H
Algebra scores = 81 84 86 82 85 82 83 84
English scores os 97 98 94 96 95 94 o>

1 What is meant by a perfect positive correlation between two variables? A moderate

positive correlation?
2 What is meant by a perfect negative correlation between two variables? A moderate
negative correlation?
3 Does the scatter diagram you prepared dictate a positive or a negative correlation?
Is it a perfect correlation?

Be careful never to confuse negative correlation with zero correlation. The latter
simply means no correlation or relationship whatever between two sets of data, whereas
a negative correlation is a definite relationship, the strength of which is indicated by its
size. It is absolutely necessary to place the algebraic sign (+ or —) before the numerical
value of the correlation as the interpretation ofthe correlation is affected by its positive
or negative condition.
A correlation coefficient is not a direct measure of the percentage of relationship
between two variables; however, its square is (see p. 239). One cannot say that a
correlation of 0.90 is three times as close as a relationship of +0.30, but merely that it
indicates a much stronger degree of relationship. It is a pure number that has no
connection with the units in which the variables are measured. Correlations are usually
expressed to two and often three places of decimals. There are a number of different
correlation coefficients which can be calculated to express the strength of the relationship
between two variables, depending on the level of data. All correlation coefficients,
however, share in common the property that they range between +1.00 and —1.00.

The calculation of the Pearson correlation coefficient

While inspection of a scattergram furnishes some visual impression of the relationship
between two sets of measures for a given group, a numerical index indicating precisely

chapter 16 |testing hypotheses of relationship II: correlation 235

the degree of relationship is much more helpful. Several correlation indexes have been
developed. The most widely used is the Pearson Product Movement.
This correlation is employed when both variables are expressed as interval data. This
procedure was first proposed by the English statistician, Karl Pearson. Conceptually,
the Pearson correlation coefficient is computed by

the degree to which X and Y vary together _ co-variability of X and Y

- the degree to which X and Y vary separately _ variability of X and Y separately

The general formula is based on the Z score.

ee X(ZX)(ZY)


Original List of Z Products of List of Z Original

mark scores for X Z scores scores of Y mark
xX ZX of X and Y ZY Y
16 eS Zens 1S 16
14 1.0 1.00 1.0 14
12 0.5 0.25 0.5 12
10 0 0 0 10
8 0.5 0.25 -0.5 8
6 -1.0 1.00 -1.0 6
4 -1.5 2.25 -1.5 4
M=10 Sum of products = 7.00 Mi=alO

Average product = —— = ny = +1.00
paar 700u
The scores for Test X and those for Test Y varied systematically to the highest degree,
i.e. each person did precisely as well or as badly, on Y as on X, and so the r coefficient
came out as +1.0 (the highest possible). With this degree of correlation one could have
predicted a subject’s score on X from his or her score on Y and saved oneself the trouble
of testing him or her on X, or vice versa.
Look closely at the middle column in the above example—the products of ZX scores
and ZY scores. Some people score a lot in this column and some score little—one subject
scores zero. In other words, these subjects are each contributing quite different amounts
to the sum of the cross-products (ZX x ZY). Why should they differ so much in their
contributions when they all duplicate exactly their score on X and Y? Each person did
precisely as well or as badly. The reason is seen in their Z score on X or on Y. Those
people who had large Z scores, i.e. those people who were most different from their
average colleagues, and who were consistently different (on Y as well as on X) contributed
a high XY score in the middle column. (Ifyou bet that you can pick the winner in both
horse races you should be promised more winnings than if you bet only that you can pick
the winner in one race, quite divorced from your ability to do so in any other.) In placing

236 part 2 |quantitative methods

a ‘doubles’ bet with the bookmaker (and I hope you never will, for it is a tricky thing to
pull off), you are claiming the ability to judge horse variations systematically. Next, let
us look at the average person in the street—the scorer on the mean, here equalling 10.
Now this individual contributes nothing to the pool because they do not vary one way
or another, neither negatively or positively, so they contribute zero, even though he or
she is consistent in non-variance. They are a little like the two hands on the piano
keyboard which never move up or down.
Other formulas have been derived from the basic definitional formula. One of the
most convenient allows us to work directly with the original raw scores without the
necessity of finding the means and standard deviations. Here is the formula:

boyiy NEXY =(EXE)

SINS X2 = (E X)7JINEY? = (5. Y)?I
where: 2X = sum of the raw X scores
XY =sum of the raw Y scores
XXY = sum of the products of each X multiplied by each Y
LX? = sum of the squares of each X score
LY? = sum of the squares of each Y score
(ZX)* = the square of the total sum of X scores
(ZY)? = the square of the total sum of Y scores
N =the number of paired scores

EXAMPLE: Computation of the correlation coefficient using raw scores

x Y XY x2 y2
20 14 280 400 196
26 10 260 676 100
17 8 136 289 64
14 2 28 196 4
8 6 48 64 36
85 40 752 1625 400
XIX =85 XTY =40
IXY =752 rX2 = 1625
LY? (22/400 (9 37225
(xY)2 = 1600 N =5

5 x 752 — (85 x 40)

Dv * “Tig x 1625 ~ 7225] [5 x 400 — 1600)
iy = 3760= 3400
900 x 400
ny = —~360__ _ 360
360 000 600
yy = +0.60

chapter 16 | testing hypotheses of relationship II: correlation 237

Interpreting the correlation coefficient
Let us imagine that you have followed the tortuous path of correlation without getting
lost and are now the proud owner of a shiny new correlation coefficient of r = +0.69
between extroversion and social popularity—at least among the 50 students you
managed to test at your school or college. Wonderful, but then what?
You have demonstrated a correlation that pertains to 50 people; fifty pairs of
observations only. Even assuming that the fifty chosen were typical students, can we
feel secure in concluding that a correlation between extroversion and popularity exists
in general? If only because you are well inured to rhetorical questions by this time, you
will allow that we cannot feel at all secure.
After all, you did not manage to test every student in the world. It is conceivable that
if you had, the correlation might have been 0. Accidents do happen, and the 50 students
observed might have displayed their correlation as a long-shot coincidence, not as an
indication of any general rule. In other words, you have a choice: you must pick one of
the following explanations for your obtained r.
¢ It happened because there really is a correlation out there, and it showed up in your
¢ There really is not any general overall relationship between extroversion and
popularity, but accidents do happen, especially when one tries to formulate a general
rule about thousands of students (with more to follow) on the basis of only 50.
Can we ever conclude that our obtained (sample) r does reflect a population
An affirmative answer, which we would certainly enjoy having, depends on two
1 the size of the correlation coefficient obtained,
2 the size of the sample.
We must also (as always) be able to assume, with some good reason, that the sample
is a random one.
The need for these two factors should be clear. If acorrelation coefficient is small, it
could be merely an accident of sampling, and such an accident will be relatively likely if
the sample is small. If either the correlation coefficient or the sample is very large, the
probability of such an accident is reduced.
Now, in any population of X and Y scores, there is some degree of relationship between
X and Y, even if the relationship is 0. And for every population correlation coefficient,
there will be a range of sample correlation coefficients which will fall into a sampling
distribution. The shape of this distribution is approximately Gaussian only when the
population correlation coefficient is 0. When the population coefficient is other than 0,
the sampling distribution is skewed. Usually though, it is the null hypothesis that r = 0
which we would like to reject. So, for any obtained sample value of 7, we can ask,
‘Assuming that population r = 0, what is the probability chat this sample r came from the
sampling distribution?’. If the probability is too small, less than 5 per cent or 1 per cent,
we reject the null hypothesis and adopt instead the hypothesis that the population itself

238 part 2 |quantitative methods

contains a correlation between X and Y. Table 16.2 (p. 241) shows that the critical value
of r, whether for the | per cent or 5 per cent level, is related to the size of sample. It is not
possible to interpret any correlation coefficient unless the value ofN is known.
Compare your obtained value of 7 with the proper critical value in the table. If the
obtained coefficient equals or exceeds the tabled value, the null hypothesis may be
rejected at the level of risk chosen. We will do this for your hypothetical result in which
N = 50 and r= +0.69. We find in Table 16.1 that a relationship ¢/at strong (or stronger)
will occur less than 1 per cent of the time if Hg is true, the critical value of 7being 0.361,
less than 0.69. So, you can generalise that extroversion and popularity are related to
some unknown extent in the population. It is not possible, however, to use this
procedure to infer the strength of the population correlation; you can merely infer its
existence. It is possible to define the strength of a relationship in a more precise way, by
means of the coefficient of determination.
This coefficient (77 x 100) determines what percentage of the total variance ofvariable
X is due to the variance ofvariable Y.

1 If the correlation (7) between variable X and variable Y = 0, then the coefficient of
determination = 0* x 100 = 0% (see Figure 16.2).


Total Total
variance variance
Xx Y

None of the factors accounting for variability is common to both variables.

2 If the correlation (7) between variable X and variable Y = 0.8, then the coefficient of
determination = 0.8% x 100 = 64% of the factors accounting for variability are
common to both variables (see Figure 16.3).



chapter 16 | testing hypotheses of relationship II: correlation 239

3 If the correlation (r) between variable X and variable Y = 1, then the coefficient of
determination = 12 x 100 = 100%. One hundred per cent of the factors accounting
for variability are common to both variables (see Figure 16.4).


Now, let us bring the algebra to life by looking at a few examples. Imagine that we found
a correlation of +0.73 between IQ scores and self concept scores. This means that
(0.73)? = 0.53 or 53 per cent of the variance in the IQ scores is predictable from the variance
in the self-concept scores. Similarly too, if we find an estimated correlation of +0.16 between
desired age for leaving school and verbal fluency, this means that if we designate the former
variable as dependent and the latter variable as independent only (+0.16)? = 0.03, or
3 per cent of the variance in desired age of leaving school is predicted from verbal fluency.
You can now see that we can use the product-moment correlation coefficient to
interpret the strength of relationship between two variables in a much more precise way.
We can define the strength of relationship as the proportion of variance in one variable
which is predictable from variance in the other. We can go further and say now that a
correlation of 0.71 is twice as strong as a correlation of 0.50 in the sense that the former
correlation predicts twice the amount of the variance in a dependent variable than is
predicted by the latter (50 per cent as against 25 per cent).
The variance interpretation of correlation emphasises the point that even with
strongly correlated measures a substantial amount of variance in the dependent
variable remains unaccounted for. It is well to bear this in mind when looking at
correlations reported in research. Many researchers set their sights at finding
statistically significant correlations, which simply means that the correlation is
unlikely to have occurred by chance. When they come to draw causal inferences from
their findings, however, the amount of variance they have actually explained by a
significant correlation is very small indeed.
Take, for example, Entwistle’s correlations (Entwistle 1972) between a number of
personality characteristics and academic performance in higher education. The two
largest correlations are —0.41 for ‘neuroticism’ among women students in
polytechnics, and 0.39 for A-level grades among female students at colleges of
education. It is notable that in the former case, only (0.41)* = 17% of the variance
in academic performance is explained by neuroticism and in the latter case, 15 per
cent. Such correlations are significant because N is large, yet personality factors are
here explaining only a small part of the variance in academic performance.

240 part 2 |quantitative methods

TABLE 16.1 Critical values of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
Level of significance for one-tailed test
05 .025 01 .005 .0005
Level of significance for two-tailed test
df=N-2 .10 .05 .02 .O1 .001
| 9877 9969 9995 SEEE 1.0000
2 .9000 .9500 .9800 .9900 9990
3 8054 8783 9343 9587 2912
4 7293 8114 8822 OAT 2. 9741
5 .6694 7545 .8329 8745 .9507
6 6215 .7067 .7887 8343 9249
7 5822 .6664 .7498 197d. 8982
8 5494 56319 VAS .7646 8721
9 5214 .6021 .6851 .7348 8471
10 4973 5760 6581 .7079 8233
11 4762 5529 .6339 .6835 .8010
2 4575 5324 .6120 .6614 .7800
13 4409 0139 0923 6411 .7603
14 4259 4973 5742 .6226 .7420
15 4124 4821 Ose .6055 7246
16 .4000 4683 5425 5897 .7084
17, .3887 4555 5285 S751 6932
18 3783 4438 5155 5614 .6787
19 3687 4329 .5034 5487 6652
20 3598 4227 4921 5368 6524
25 33233 .3809 4451 4869 5974
30 .2960 3494 4093 4487 5541
35 .2746 3246 .3810 4182 5189
40 20/3 3044 576 932 4896
45 .2428 .2875 3384 721 4648
50 .2306 2732 216 3541 .4433
60 .2108 .2500 2948 3248 4078
70 .1954 239 2737 53017 3799
80 11829 VAUE? .2565 .2830 3568
90 1726 .2050 2422 26/3 3575
100 .1638 1946 .2301 .2540 4 fe
Source: Table VI, Fisher & Yates, Statistical Tables for Biological, Agricultural and Medical Research, 6th edn,
1974, Addison Wesley Longman, London.

For example, with a sample of 20, df = 18, and r must equal to at least .4438 to be significant at the .05
level (two-tailed test). With a sample of 12, df= 10, you need an rof at least .5760. If your dfis not
represented in the left-hand column of the table, take the next lowest figure.

In other words, there is a difference between statistically significant results and

educationally significant ones. By educationally significant, I mean results that
substantially increase our understanding of educational issues and problems. Since,
in Entwistle’s study, only 2.5 per cent of the variance in achievement is accounted for
by neuroticism, we have not made a great deal of progress, despite its significance at

chapter 16 |testing hypotheses of relationship II: correlation 241

the 5 per cent level, i.e. such relationships would only arise by chance in only 5 per
cent of samples. It has been said that it is inappropriate to bother with 7’s of 0.10,
0.20, and 0.30. With 7’s of about 0.10 or less, this point is well taken. But with 7's
of about 0.30, the point is not well taken. If an r of 0.30 is statistically significant, it
may help the investigator later to find an important relationship—if he or she can
clear up, say, the measurement problems. That is, the investigator might, by dropping
a statistically significant r of 0.30, be losing a valuable lead for further hypotheses and
subsequent research.
An example may help to drive this point home. Sears, Maccoby and Levin, in their
large study of child-rearing practices, report a large number of correlations. Most are
quite small, sometimes so small that one wonders whether they are of any value.
Sears and his colleagues were measuring very complex variables and their measures
were relatively crude (but not inept). They report, for instance, the correlation
between an accepting tolerant attitude towards the child’s dependent behaviour and
being warm toward the child: to 0.37. This 7 is not high, true. But since it is based
on an N of 379, it is statistically significant. Also, it reflects, very probably, an
important relation. Other significant but low relations reported are between tolerant
attitude toward dependent behaviour and gentleness in toilet training (to 0.30); low
physical punishment (to 0.30); high self-esteem (to 0.39); and high esteem for
husband (to 0.32). Such relations, though low, have the makings of important
research findings and theory building.

1 Imagine some children had scores on two variables as follows:

Child X ¥ pi y= XY

A 4 9 16 81 36
B 1 4 1 16
S 3 1 “4 1 3
D 6 7 36 49 42
E 5 3 20 9 (Re
F 4 2 16 4 8
N=6 =X = 23 LY =26 =X?
=103 SY? =)160 XXY
= 108

ni dionay N2 XY = (2 XZ Y)
VINEX? - (© X)7]INEY2 — ( Y)?]
Calculate r and make a sensible comment about the relationship of X and Y. Some
calculation has already been done for you.
2 For the following set of data, the researcher has made this hypothesis: ‘There is a
relationship between the arithmetic scores and the English scores’. Compute the
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient for these data.

242 part 2 | quantitative methods

Student A B C D E F G H
Algebra scores 20 18 17 16 14 14 12 9
English scores 18 22 15 LH 8 20 “ fi

Does the hypothesis stated require a one-tailed or a two-tailed test of significance?

Using Table 16.1, determine the magnitude of the r required for significance at the
(a) 0.05 level, (b) at the 0.01 level.
State the null hypothesis being tested. Using p = 0.05 as your acceptable level for
significance, would you accept or reject the null hypothesis?
For the following set of data, the researcher has made this hypothesis: ‘There is a
positive relationship between the spelling scores and the English scores’.
Compute the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient for these data.

Student A Bee D E aon © H I J K

scores Be teZo 28. 27 27) 27 eee or th lee
scores ZO dies Ae =? VO, Sn alee ern 8 9 6 8

Does the hypothesis stated require a one-tailed or a two-tailed test of significance?

Using Table 16.1, determine the magnitude of the r required for significance (a) at
the 0.05 level, (b) at the 0.01 level.
State the null hypothesis being tested. If you designate p = 0.01 as your level of
significance, would you accept or reject the null hypothesis?
If the world were fair would you expect a positive or negative correlation between
hours spent studying and your final exam mark?
Data suggest that children from larger families have lower IQ than children from
smaller families on average. Would this be a negative or positive relationship?
Compute Pearson’s r for the following data:

x y
2 9
1 10
3 6
0 8
4 2

A researcher obtains an r=-—41 with N = 30. Using the 5% level, is this significant?
eo In a sample of 20 how large a correlation is needed for significance at .05 level?
As sample size increases the magnitude of the correlation necessary for significance
decreases. Why?
10 On the next page are some data correlating children’s reading test scores with
their spelling scores.

chapter 16 | testing hypotheses of relationship II: correlation 243

Subject Reading Spelling
X x2 Y ¥2 (XY)
1 67 4489 65 4225 4355
2 72 5184 84 7056 6048
3 45 2025 54 2601 2295
4 58 3364 56 3136 3248
2 63 3969 67 4489 4221
6 39 152) 42 1764 1638
7 52 2704 50 2500 2600
sums = 396 23256 415 25771 24405
sum of (X)* = 156816 sum of (Y)* = 172225

a What is the value of r?

b What is the df?
c Isr significant at p < .05?
*Answers on p. 602.

Rank order correlation (Spearman's rho)

This correlation is typically used when there are only a few cases (or subjects) involved and
the data are ranked or can be ranked. There is no assumption that ranks are based on
equal-interval measures, or that there is any measurement involved. The ranks are merely
an indication that this person is first in this attribute or test, this person second, and so
on. This correlation is usually designated as ‘rho’ to distinguish it from Pearson’s ‘7’,

What level of measurement is rho used on?

The formula for ‘rho’ is:

6 > d?
rho = 1 — —=———
— 1)

where d is the difference between ranks for each pair of observations, and N is the
number of pairs of observations. For example, ifasubject is ranked first on one measure
but only fifth on another, d = 1-5 = 4 and d? = 16.
Rank order correlation follows the same principles as outlined earlier; that is, it ranges
from +1 to —1. It is very simple to use, but always remember to convert data into rank
order. It also demonstrates very clearly the effect of changes in covariation between the
two sets of data.
For example, (X and Y expressed in ranks):

244 part 2 |quantitative methods



6 <0)
= 1-
5x 24

i.e. perfect agreement in ranks.

(b) X Y d d?
1 5 4 ele
2 4 » 4
3 3 0 0
4 2 2 4
5 1 4 16
a KAD 81240
5X24 +120
ho= l= |

i.e. perfect inverse relationship.

(c) X ¥ d d2
1 1 0 0
3 2 1 1
5 3 Z 4
4 4 0 0
2 5 =S 9

ye 4!

foci ee ew
5x 24 120
(no: = 1— O17 = +03

i.e. a low positive relationship.

Now you try switching the ranks around and notice how the correlation changes. The
combination of the resulting rho with the visual impression of the rankings will bring
home to you (if you do not fully comprehend already) what correlation reveals.

chapter 16 | testing hypotheses of relationship I!: correlation 245

Here is a research example. We hypothesised that there would be a relationship
between the order (or sequence) in which students finished an exam and their scores on
the exam. The following example shows a hypothetical set of data designed to test this

Rank-order-correlation example

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Rank order of Score on Rank order d d2
finishing test exam on exam (c - a)
1 20 1 0 0
2 24 3 1 1
3 23 Z 1 1
4 Vas 4 0 0
) 29 ee Pape) 6.25
6 28 6 0 0
7 30 9 2 4
8 32 10 2 +
g, Bi 5 4 16
10 29 ie 255 6.25

The order in which the students finish the exam (column a) serves as one set of
rankings. The test scores need to be ranked, however. The lowest score will be assigned
the rank of 1, the next lowest a score of 2 etc., as has been done in column c of the
data. Where two or more subjects have the same score the rank is calculated by
averaging the ranks those subjects cover. In our example above, two candidates
obtained 29. They were in seventh equal position, i.e. covering ranks 7 and 8. Hence,
they are both ranked as 7.5.
Column d is the difference between the rankings in column a and c irrespective of
+ or — signs, since squaring them in column e eliminates these.
Using the sum of column e, the rank order correlation can be determined as
faa jinSS 4 ZOO
10 x 99 990
= 1- 0.23 = +0.77

i.e. there is a strong relationship between the two rankings.

Can you interpret this relationship? Use Table 16.3. What does it imply?

On page 247 is a further example which shows the scores of thirteen boys in a class
of twenty-nine children on two variables—‘verbal fluency’ and ‘desired age of leaving

246 part 2 |quantitative methods

TABLE 16.2. Critical values of rho (rank order correlation coefficient)
Level of significance for one-tailed test

0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005

Level of significance for two-tailed test

0.10 0.05 0.02 0.01

S 0.900 1.000 1.000 —
6 0.829 0.886 0.943 1.000
7 0.714 0.786 0.893 0.929
8 0.643 0.738 0.833 0.881
9 0.600 0.683 0.7830; 0.883
10 0.564 0.648 0.746 0.794
2 0.506 0.591 0.712 0.777
14 0.456 0.544 0.645 0.715
16 0.425 0.506 0.601 0.665
18 0.399 0.475 0.564 0.625
20 0377 0.450 0.534 0.591
22 0.359 0.428 0.508 0.562
24 0.343 0.409 0.485 0.537
26 O:329 0.392 0.465 0.515
28 0.317 07377 0.448 0.496
30 0.306 0.364 0.432 0.478
Source: E.G. Olds, ‘The 5% significance levels for sums of squares of rank differences and a correction’ in
Annals of Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 20, The Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1949.

Desired age of Verbal

Boy leaving school fluency Rank Rank
xX Y: xX ¥. d d2
1 syd 6 Me) 6.5 25 6.25
2 16 8 4.5 355 1 1
3 7, 10 9 1 8 64
4 WW; 4 9 11 2 4
5 15 Hf 23 5 235 6.25
6 If 8 9 Bi 55 30.25
uA 17 6 9 6.5 25 6.25
8 14 5 1 8.5 735 56.25
9 / 4 ) 11 2 4
10 17. 2) i) 2 ip 49
11 16 4 4.5 11 6.5 42.25
2 15 5 25 8.5 6 36
13 18 2 3 13 0 0
Dds a3 05'5

You can see from the columns X and Y again how we deal with the problem of‘tied
ranks’. On verbal fluency Y, for example, two boys obtained a score of 8. These scores
take up the ranks of3 and 4 in the class. So that all ranks 1-13 will finally be taken up,

chapter 16 |testing hypotheses of relationship II: correlation 247

we assign the average of these two ranks to each boy, i-e. 3.5. Similarly, seven boys had
leaving school variable. These take up the ranks of
the score of 17 on the desired age of
6-12 in the class, so we assign the average rank of 9 to each of them. Having converted
each boy’s score into a rank, we subtract one rank from another (ignoring the sign) to
give the values in column d. We then square each of the d values and add them together
to form d*. We can now substitute values into our formula for rho:
Ox S0b.- Me 1833
rho = 1 — = 1- 0.84
13 x 168 2184
= +0.16

This suggests barely any relation between these two variables in this sample of boys.
That is to say, ‘verbal fluency’ and ‘desired age of leaving school’ show only a small
positive correlation with each other.
While rho is only suitable for ranked (or ordinal) data, you will have realised that
interval data can be used, provided it is first ranked. However, rho will always provide
a lower estimate of correlation than r because the data is degraded, i.e. rho throws away
information in changing interval data into ranks.

Interpretation of rho
As with 7, the obtained value of rho must be compared with the critical values in Table
16.2, (p. 247). If the obtained rho equals or exceeds the tabled value, the null hypothesis
is to be rejected at the level of significance chosen.

Problems and errors in interpreting a correlation

There are a number of problems and likely errors which must be avoided if the
interpretation of the correlation is to be meaningful.
1 The inherent relationship of variables may differ from population to population.
Among children between the ages of 10 and 16, physical prowess and chronological
age are highly correlated. Among adults between the ages of 20 and 26, these two
variables are not correlated. Among children, the variables mental age and
chronological age are positively correlated; among the middle-aged, there is no
correlation between these two variables; among the elderly they are somewhat
negatively correlated.
Whenever correlation is computed from scores that do not represent the full range
of the distribution, caution must be used in interpreting the correlation. For
example, correlating the IQ scores of a group of university professors with their
scores on creativity would produce a very different correlation than if a sample of the
full IQ range of the population were used. A highly positive correlation obtained
from a full range of scores can be obscured when data is limited to a limited range
as in Figure 16.5 following. A zero correlation can be inflated to a positive one by
restricting the range too as in Figure 16.6.

248 part 2 |quantitative methods


“aes Zero
+ correlation
“1 correlation

X values restricted to
a limited range

2 When a population is heterogeneous in the variables of concern, we expect to observe

a higher correlation than when a population is homogeneous in these variables. For
example, in a general population of male college students, we expect a positive
correlation between height and success in basketball because the taller boys will tend
to do better at the game. In a professional basketball team, we would not expect such
a relationship. The members ofa professional team are all tall and all very good at the
game. In a group that is very homogeneous, we would not observe the correlation that
exists in the population at large. This restriction in the sample is termed attenuation.
A sample of university students would provide a very attenuated sample of IQ since
they would all tend to have well above average IQs. A correlation of their [Qs with
their academic performance would produce a low positive correlation. Yet,
throughout the whole population there is a high correlation since the whole range of
IQ and performance levels is being employed.


FOO ee oe a:
cornelation ‘20.5.2 20

ys values restricted to
: a limited range

chapter 16 | testing hypotheses of relationship II: correlation 249

3 We may find a correlation between two variables, not because there is an intrinsic
relationship between these variables, but because they are both related to a third variable.
If there is a high positive correlation between seaside drownings and the sale of theatre
tickets for the Pier Pavilion, we can predict that if ticket sales increase, so too will the
number of drowning accidents. But while we can predict the likely occurrence of one
event from another event, we cannot say that one event is the cause of the other. This
statement cannot be over-emphasised, so easy is it to assume that two correlated conditions
are causally related. Look back at our seaside drama. It is fairly obvious that drownings do
not increase the sale of tickets, nor vice versa (unless the acts are so poor the patrons prefer
to commit suicide by throwing themselves into the sea). A third variable, such as holiday
fun or heatwaves encouraging more seaside trips, etc., are behind the relationship.
This leads on to a fourth problem hinted at in the introduction—that of falling into
the seductive trap of assigning causality, i.e. that one variable causes the other.
Examine these persuasive communications:
a ‘Buy an Apex Computer. Studies have proved that a relationship exists between
computer use and grades. Get a computer now, and improve your marks.’
b ‘Brown, your grades were poor this term. You have not been applying yourself,
have you? The most successful students study at least nine hours a day. Now, if
you apply yourself to your studies, I am sure you will do much better by the end
of the school year!’
Can you detect the flaws in these arguments? In each case, there may be an
undisputed fact of the relationships implied. Typewritten essays do tend to get better
grades. Successful students often do study long hours. The flaws are not in the facts,
but in the inferences of causation. Mere correlation does not imply causation. Good
students are the ones who buy most of the computers, but they would do well anyway.
The failing student may be stupid, or badly taught, or in the wrong kind of school,
rather than lazy; a lot of study is done by bright students, but study is not the only
requirement for good grades.
Illegitimate inferences of causation are often very subtle; they also become socially
important when, for example, a high correlation is noted between poverty and
delinquency of behaviour. If the conclusion is drawn that poor people naturally tend
toward delinquency (and it often has been drawn), the mere existence of the
correlation does not support that conclusion. Many other possible explanations
besides poverty could be found for delinquent behaviour.
5 A final source of erroneous thinking about correlations lies in the fact that since
correlations are only a mathematical index and therefore can be calculated between
any two sets of data, it is apparent that some very high correlations, while
mathematically correct, are in reality meaningless. It is easy to calculate correlations
between trade statistics and social survey data in which, for example, there may be a
very high positive correlation between the increase in church attendance and the
increase in attendance at ‘blue film’ cinemas in an area of rapid population growth
over the last ten years, or between the increase in the import of bananas and the
increase in the divorce rate over a twenty-year period, but it would take an unusual
theory or a rather warped mind to relate either of these two in a causal manner!

250 part 2 |quantitative methods

Effect size and power for correlation
Computing an effect size statistic
SPSS calculates the Pearson correlation coefficient, itself ameasure ofeffect size. As with
all effect size indices, there is no single acceptable answer to the question, “What value
indicates a strong relationship between two variables?’. What is large or small depends
on the discipline within which the research question is being asked. However, for the
behavioural sciences, Cohen’s (1988) conventions for the correlation coefficient are .10
for a small effect size, .30 for a medium effect size, and .50 for a large effect size
irrespective of sign.

Calculating power
Table 16.3 gives approximate power while Table 16.4 provides minimum sample size
for 80 per cent power.

TABLE 16.3 Approximate power ofstudies using the correlation coefficient °°for
testing hypotheses at the .05 level of significance
Effect size
Small Medium Large
(r= .10) (r = .30) (r = .50)
Total N:10 .06 ats se%)
20 07 22) .64
30 .08 37. 83
40 09 48 92
50 -14 557. (97.
100 sl7 86 1.00
Total N:10 .08 ae 46
20 ‘et co? fD
30 13 50 .90
40 15 .60 96
50 sl? 69 98
100 .26 92 1.00

GUN3)83 16.4 Approximate

Pp numberof P participants
14 needed for 80% 14power for a stud:Ly
using the correlation coefficient (r) for testing a hypothesis at the .05 significance level
Effect size
Small Medium .- Large
(r = .10) (r = .30) (r = .50)

Two-tailed 783 85 28
One-tailed 617 68 22

chapter 16 | testing hypotheses of relationship II: correlation 251

Using SPSS to calculate Pearson's correlation and
Spearman's rho
Pearson’s correlation
We will illustrate the computation of Pearson’s correlation with dummy data that list for
84 teachers their ages and length of work experience.

How to proceed
1 Click Statistics from the menu bar to display a drop-down menu.
2 From the drop-down menu, select Correlate which produces a smaller drop-down menu.
3 Choose Bivariate.
4 Select your variables and then click on the arrow button which places them in the
Variables box. You can either select the two variables in two separate operations or
drag the highlight down over the second variable using the mouse.
5 The Pearson option has already been pre-selected (i.e. it is a default option), so if
only Pearson’s correlation is required select OK; this closes the Bivariate Correlations
dialogue box and produces output such as that shown in Table 16.6.
6 Should you wish, you can also obtain means and standard deviations by clicking
Options, followed by those two items in the Statistics box.
Additionally, you can create a scatterplot to visually represent the relationship. This
would certainly enhance the results section. It also has the value of letting you see whether
it is a linear or non-linear relationship. You should never report a correlation coefficient
without examining the scattergram for problems such as curvilinear relationships.
In a student project it should always be possible to include a scattergram of this sort.
Unfortunately, journal articles and books tend to be restricted in the numbers they
include because of economies of space and cost.

To produce a scatterplot
1 Click Graph and then Scatter.
2 Simple is the default mode and is already selected for you. Click on Define. (If you
have a set of inter-correlations you click Matrix before Define.)
3 Move the two variables into the box by using the arrow button, then select OK to
produce the graph.
4 With a correlation it does not really matter which variable represents the horizontal or
X-axis (the abscissa), and which variable represents the vertical or Y-axis (the ordinate).

How to interpret the output in Table 16.5

e The variables on which the correlation was carried out are given both in the columns
and in the rows. We have just two variables, so a 2 x 2 correlation matrix is generated.
The printout gives the sequence of entries in the table, although in a vertical format.
The correlation between age and work experience is +0.930.
Ten pairs of scores were used to obtain the correlation coefficient.
The exact significance level is given to three decimal places (p = .000). This is a highly
significant level.

252 part 2 |quantitative methods

TABLE 16.5 Correlations
Pearson AGE 1.000 .930*
correlation EXP .930* 1.000
Sig. AGE .000
(2-tailed) EXP .000
N AGE 84 84
EXP 84 84

* Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

FIGURE 16.7 Scatterplot






0 10 20 30 40 50

e Correlations are produced as a matrix. The diagonal of this matrix (from top left to
bottom right) consists of the variable correlated with itself, which obviously gives a
perfect correlation of 1.000. Obviously no significance level is quoted for this value.
e The values of the correlations are symmetrical around the diagonal from top right to
bottom left in the matrix.
e The scattergram provides a strong visual demonstration of a strong positive

How to report the output in Table 16.5

e The correlation between age and work experience is +0.930. It is usual to round
correlations to two decimal places, which would make it +0.93. This is quite precise
enough for most measurements in the behavioural sciences.
e The exact significance level to three decimal places is 0.000. This means that the
significance level is less than 0.001. It is better not to use a string ofzeros as these are
confusing. Alter the final zero to a 1 in these situations. In this case it means that the

chapter 16 |testing hypotheses of relationship II: correlation 253

significance level can be reported as being p < 0.001 even though the printout will
quote it only at the 0.01 level under the table.
e It is customary to present the degrees of freedom rather than the number of cases
when presenting correlations. Remember for correlation that the degrees of freedom
are the number of cases minus 2, which makes them 8 for this correlation.
e Ina report, you could write, “There is a significant positive relationship between
teacher age and length of work experience (r = +0.93, df= 83, p < 0.001). Teachers
who are older have longer work experience’.

Spearman’s rank order correlation

To demonstrate this statistic, a sample of ten employees provided length of work
experience and current salary.

How to proceed
In order to correlate the scores in ranks rather than as raw scores, the scores have to be
turned into ranks. To do this:

1 Select Transform and from the drop-down menu click on Rank Cases.
2 Select the arrow button to move the variable into the Variables text box.
3 Select the largest value button in the Assign Rank I to area.
4 Click OK and a new variable is created reflecting the ranking of the original variable.
This new variable will carry the same name as the original but is preceded by a letter
‘r’ to designate it as a ranked variable (e.g. ‘age’ will become ‘rage’; ‘salnow’ will
become ‘rsalnow’). Rank all variables to be used with Spearman this way.
To produce Spearman’s correlation
1 Select Spearman in the Bivariate Correlations dialogue box and de-select Pearson,
which is the default statistic.
2 Select OK to close the Bivariate Correlations dialogue box and display the output like
that shown in Table 16.6.

TABLE 16.6 Correlations

Spearman’s Correlation RANK of
rho coefficient SALNOW 1.000 —.006
EXPER —.006 1.000
Sig. RANK of
(2-tailed) SALNOW .987
EXPER .987
SALNOW 10 10
EXPER 10 10

254 part 2 | quantitative methods

How to interpret the output in Table 16.6
Spearman’s rho is printed in a matrix form like that for Pearson.
Spearman’s correlation between the ranks for current salary and work experience is
The number of cases on which that correlation was based is 10 and is given by N (10)
in the table.
e The exact significance level is given to three decimal places as .987.
e The degrees of freedom are the number of cases minus 2 which makes them 8.

How to report the output in Table 16.6

The correlation is reported to two decimal places as —0.01. The probability of achieving
this correlation by chance is quite high (p = 0.987).
You could report this as follows: “There is no statistically significant relationship
between salary now and length of work experience (rho = —0.001, df= 8, p = 0.987).
Length of work experience is therefore no guide to current salary as the relationship is
random. Current salary must depend on a number of other variables not measured in
this study’.
The Bivariate Correlations procedure allows you also to obtain Kendall’s tau (see
p. 258) and one-tailed tests of significance. There are a variety of scatterplots available.
These can be edited in many ways. You should explore these.

A group of apprentices was given instruction in welding. A study was conducted to
determine if the number of hours spent in practice was related to proficiency.
Compute the rank order correlation for these data.

Apprentice A B C DoE F.2G H | bo KL

Hours of
practice 24 23-195 18 1/7 165 16° 15 145 14 13.5 10
rating 7S. 33-98 BO. 74 269 71 69. 59. 62. 70. 54

Using Table 16.3, determine if the rho computed is significant. Use p = 0.01 as your
designated level for significance. Would you accept or reject the null hypothesis?
A teacher was interested in knowing the extent to which her evaluation of her
children’s cooperativeness was related to their evaluation of themselves. She rated
each child on cooperativeness, using a scale ranging from 1 for very cooperative to 10
for uncooperative. The children also rated themselves, using the same scale. Below are
the data obtained for ten children. Compute the rank order correlation for this data.

Child A B Ce Dp E E=oG H | J
Teacher's rating eBid 16) 1 6 2 8 4 4 6 6
Child's self-rating 4 2 3 1 3 2 3 = 5 6

chapter 16 | testing hypotheses of relationship II: correlation 255

Using Table 16.2 determine if the rho is significant. Use p = 0.05 as your designated
level for significance. Would you accept or reject the null hypothesis?
3 Ina painting competition, the various entries were ranked by two judges. To what
extent do the judges agree? Interpret rho for significance at p = 0.05.

Entry A B C D E F G H | J
Judge X 5 2 6 8 1 7 4 9 3 10
Judge Y 1 7 6 10 4 5 3 8 2 9

4 Some pupils are asked to report the hours per week they spend watching TV. Their
average academic grades are available. What is the relationship between the two?
State your null hypothesis. Can the null hypothesis be rejected at p = 0.01?

Sublet 2-35.45 6 7° 8 <9 "1071 eis 4

TV Of 252149 20. OS 15 30 95 17-225: 8 lee
% 75 63. 69° 73-58 64 64 45 4853-46. 80 70° S59 785

5 Here are some more fictitious data.

Student Maths Music Difference between ranks (d)

1 3 6 3
Z 1 5 4
3 4 3.5 0.5
4 5 Z 3
5 6 1 5
6 7 v4 0
7 Z 3.5 ES

a What value is rho?

b What is the critical value in the table for p < .05 two tailed test with
c Is the correlation significant?
*Answers on p. 602.

Chi square and correlation assess relationships between variables. Chi square uses nominal data
while correlation techniques mainly employ ordinal and interval data. Chi square assesses the
goodness-of-fit of data to theoretical distributions and evaluates relationships between categories.
Correlation techniques measure relationships but do not indicate cause and effect. The correlation
coefficient varies between +1, a perfect relationship, and -1, a perfect inverse relationship. The
more random the relationship, the closer the coefficient is to zero.

256 part 2 | quantitative methods

References d fortheBebavinural Sciences, Lausence Extbausm, New York.
Power Analysis
Chee, | (09%8), Seatisio
Enewisdle, N. (1972), Persondlity & academic exzinment , BritishJournalofEducation Peychology, 42,
pp- 137-51.
Sess, B. Macostoy, E. & Levine, H. (1957), Pasteras of Obild Rearing, Bow Peacessen, Evanston.

chapter 16| testing hypotheses ofrelationship II: correlation 257


A number of useful non-parametric correlation coefficients exist, as well as other valuable

correlation techniques that aid the analysis of data.

Non-parametric correlation coefficients

This statistic can be used to correlate ranks such as rho, but has the advantage that it has
a more normal sampling distribution than rho for samples under ten. The disadvantages
are that it is harder to calculate than rho and it yields lower correlation coefficients than
rho from the same data.
As an example, we might ask two teachers to rank four essays in terms of quality of
expressive style. The rankings given are as follows:

Essay a b c d
Judge P 3 4 y) 1
Judge Q 5) 1 4 2

The order of the essays is then rearranged so that the first judge’s ranks appear in
numerical order.

258 part 2 | quantitative methods

Essay d c a b
Judge P 1 2 3 4
Judge Q 2 4 3 1

We are now in a position to determine the degree of correspondence between the two
sets of judgements. We now determine how many pairs of rank in judge Q’s set are in
their natural order with respect to each other. We start by considering all possible pairs
of ranks in which judge Q’s rank 2, the farthest to the left, is in a natural order with the
other ranks. The first pair, 2 and 4, has the correct order, so we assign a score of +1. The
second pairing, 2 with 3, is also in the correct order, so it earns a +1. The third pairing,
2 and 1, is not in the natural order, so we assign —1 to this pairing. Thus for all pairs with
rank 2 we total the scores as follows: +1 +1 —1 and obtain +1. We continue the process
by looking at all pairings with the second rank from left, which is 4. Both pairings with
4 are not in a natural order (4 with 3, and 4 with 1), therefore the sum is —2. Finally,
we consider the third rank from the left, which is 3. We only have one pairing here and
that is in the wrong order, so we allocate a score of -1.
The total of all scores assigned is +1, —2 and —1, which gives an overall score of —2.
Now we need to determine what is the maximum possible total we could have
obtained for the scores assigned to all the pairs in judge Q’s ranking. The maximum
possible would occur if both judges agreed on their rankings. This would place all judge
Q’s rankings in natural order. The maximum total then in the case of perfect agreement
between P and Q would be four things taken two at a time, or 6.

Kendalls tau = ca cia sigan —0.33

maximum possible total 6

That is, r = — 0.33. This is the measure of agreement between the ranks assigned by
judge P and those assigned by judge Q. One may think of tau as a function of the
minimum number of inversions or interchanges between neighbours which is required
to transform one ranking into the other. It is a sort of coefficient of disarray.
The actual formula for tau is T2NIN 4

where S = the actual total score of all pairing orders as calculated above (i.e. in our
example, —2) and N = number of subjects ranked.
The effect of tied ranks is to change the denominator of the formula to:
\V/2NN-1)-Tx multiplied by /7/2NIN - 1) - T,

Tx = 1/2 sum of #(t- 1) where ¢ = no. of tied observation on X variable


Ty = 1/2 sum of t(t— 1) where ¢ = no. of tied observation on Y variable.

chapter 17 |other correlation techniques 259

Calculate tau:

Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6
Rank X 1 2 3 4 5 6
Rank Y 1 2 4 5 z 6

*Answers on p. 603.

Point biserial correlation rppis

This is used when one of the variables is in the form of a continuous score and the other is a
true dichotomy. For example, correlating sex with performance in school programs or on
attitudes scales would require this statistic. It is a form of product-moment correlation, and
its statistical significance can be determined by the tables used for the product-moment
One of the main uses of 7ppis is in item analysis of educational and psychological tests.
The point biserial correlation of a test item with the total test score is used as an index of
the discriminating power of the item. That is whether the individual item discriminates
between high and low scorers on the test as a whole. The total test score of each individual
from the X variable and the Y variable is the right and wrong scores on the item. A biserial
correlation must be calculated for every item. An item that has a positive correlation with
the total test score is discriminating between candidates in the same way as the overall test.
An item that has a low positive or negative correlation is not discriminating between overall
low and high scorers in the test in the same way as the whole test, and would not be included
in the final version of the test.
Here is an example. Suppose we wished to correlate exam scores with the gender of
the student. Gender is true dichotomy.

Student Test score Gender (male =1; female = 0)

3 55 «

The formula is:

lis = vod: Where

260 part 2 | quantitative methods

M, = mean score on X for group scoring 0 on Y
M, = mean score on X for group scoring 1 on Y
p = proportion scoring 0 on Y
q = proportion scoring 1 on Y
o, = standard deviation of all X scores
In our example:
M, = 54.67" M, = Aa =O) Cia 4 Oe 4.2.

eae eed 24 =~ 058

Calculate rp pis on the data below:

0 1
1 1
2 0
4 1
5 1
6 0
7 0
8 0
8 1
9 0
*Answer on p. 603.

Tetrachoric correlation j
In a situation where both variables are in the form of dichotomies the tetrachoric
correlation is used. Two examples are where passing or failing is correlated with the sex
of the subjects, or where you are determining a relationship between leaving school or
staying on at school after the compulsory years and the possession of some behavioural
characteristic, such as smoking or not smoking. This statistic is sound when there are
large numbers in the sample and when the dichotomies divide into almost equal groups.
It has a large standard error.

chapter 17 |other correlation techniques 261

As the observable data are dichotomous scores on both variables, the data are usually
presented in a 2 X 2 table, with each individual placed in the cell that represents their
two dichotomous scores. Here is an example:

Student Attitude X Exam Y

(favourable = 1; unfavourable = 0) (pass = 1; fail = 0)
A 1 1
B 1 1
G 1 1
D 1 1
E 1 0
F 0 1
G 0 1
H 0 0
| 0 0
J 0 0

The steps to calculate 7; are:

1 Create 2 x 2 table

I |2(a) |4(b) 6
Achievement Y
0 |30 |10d)
5 5 10

2 Multiply a x d to get ad, and b X c to get be. ad = 2 and be = 12. When bc is greater
than cd the correlation is positive; when bc is greater than ad the correlation is
3 Divide the larger of the two products by the smaller. This gives us 6.
4 Enter the table below with bc/ad or ad/bc—whichever is larger—and read the
corresponding value of 7, to the left of it. In our example we enter the table with a
bc/ad ratio of 6 and find the tabled value to be 0.61.

*Answer on p. 603.

262 part 2 | quantitative methods

TABLE 17.1 Tetrachoric correlations

rt bc or ad rt be or ad fr bc or ad re bc or ad
ad bc ad bc ad bc ad bc
1.000 .26 1.941-1.993 Ol 4.068-4.205 ./6 11543-12177,
.013-1 .039 PA, 1.994-2.048 sy 4.206-4.351 B Ais 12.178-12.905
.040-1 .066 28 2.049-2.105 3 4.352-4.503 78 12.906-13.707
1 .067-1 .093 29 2.106-2.164 54 4.504-4.662 79 13.708-14.592
1 094-1 22 e082 MOS=20225—° 2255 4.663-4.830 .80 14.593-15.574
1 .123-1 151 BA 2.226-2.288) ¢,50 4.831-5.007 81 15.575-16.670
1 -152-1 .180 soe: ~2:209-27395- D7 5.008-5.192 2 16.671-17.899
1 .181-1 211 330) 2.354-2.421 Po 5.193-5.388 83 17.900-19.287
] 212-1 .242 34 =2.422-2.491 Se: 5.389-5.595 .84 19.288-20.865
] 243-1 RIS: 35 2.492-2.563 .60 5.596-5.813 85) 20.866-22.674
1 .276-1 .308 36 = =62.564-2.638 61 5.814-6.043 .86 22.675-24.766
1 .309-1 342 sof: 2.039-2/16. 62 6.044-6.288 87 24.767-27.212
1 .343-1 ars e308 One? \7=2:797 ~ 263 6.289-6.547 .88 27.213-30.105
5 oe .378-1 413 39 = .2.798-2.881 .64 6.548-6.822 89 30.106-33.577
.414-1 .450 40 2.882-2.968 .65 6.823-7.115 Fo) 33.578-37.815
451-1 488 4] 2.969-3.059 .66 7.116-7.428 noi 37.816-43.096
489-1 528 42 —3.060-3.153 _.67 7.429-7.761 IV 43.097-49.846
1 529-1 568 43 3.154-3.251 68 7.762-8.117 42)8} 49.847-58.758
1 569-1 .610 445 2e3:252-3.353° 69 8.118-8.499 .94 58.759-71.035
.611-1 .653 45 3.354-3.460 .70 8.500-8.910 295 71.036-88.964
654-1 .697 46 3.461-3.571 71 8.911-9.351 .96 88.965-117.479
1 .698-1 743 AZ = 3.572-3.687 = .72 9.352-9.828 £07, 117.480-169.503
1 744-1 .790 48 3.688-3.808 .73 9.829-10.344 .98 169.504-292.864
791-1 .838 49 3.809-3.935 .74 10.345-10.903 Me, 292.865-923.687
.839-1 .888 50 3.936-4.067 .75 10.904-11.512 1.00 923.688- co
.889-1 .940

* If bc/ad is greater than 1, the value of mj is read directly from this table. If ad/bc is greater than 1, the table
is entered with ad/bc and the value of 7, is negative.

The phi coefficient

The phi coefficient is used when the two variables are both true dichotomies. As true
dichotomies are rare in education, this statistic is rarely used. It is appropriate when
correlation of responses is made between correct and incorrect answers to two test
items, or between two yes/no or agree/disagree response type items on a test. Phi is
related to chi square.
Here is an example:
xX Y
Student Gender Scholarship holder
(male =1; female = 0) (yes= 1; no = 0)
1 1



chapter 17 other correlation techniques 263

ra =)
SS =o

These data are then collated into a 2 X 2 table with cells labelled a, b,.c, and d. Below
is the 2 X 2 table for the above data:
Op ibee
y 1 |2@ |40)
0 |5(¢) |1a)
— be
i = +0.507
‘ la + b)(c + d)(a + c)(b + d)

The significance of phi can be tested by the following formula.

Chi square = Nphi? where df= (r— 1)(c— 1) in the contingency table. This calculated
value is then compared to the table value in the chi square table.

*Answer on p. 603.

The contingency coefficient C

This coefficient is used when the variables are in the form of categories. As phi and the
tetrachoric correlation coefficients cannot be used when there are more than two
categories, the contingency coefficient is useful for multi-category variables like
socioeconomic status, age groups, parental education levels, etc. It is closely related to
chi square and can be calculated from chi square. It yields correlations close to Pearson’s
r. While chi square only indicates that there is a significant relationship, the contingency
coefficient will assess the strength of the relationship. The formula is:
oe | chi square
chi square + N

264 part 2 |quantitative methods

Here is an example:
With a chi square of 9.78, an N of 50, and 2 dfthe result is significant at 1% level,
so we can conclude that there is relationship between the two variables. To measure the
strength of this relationship we substitute into the formula and obtain:

C= |= "" — 40.404
9.78 + 50
C never reaches +1.0 as its value depends on the number of cells in the chi square
table. The maximum value in a 2 X 2 table is .707, in a 3 X 3 table is .816 and in a
4 x 4 is .866 and so on.

Match the statistic with the definition. (There is one statistic with no definition provided.)

a Spearman’s rho i | Used when both variables can be

b Product-moment correlation split into artificial dichotomies at
Pearson critical points
c Kendall’s tau ii Preferable to rho for N< 10
d_ Tetrachoric correlation iii ls used with two true dichotomies
e Phi coefficient iv Used in calculating inter-item
f Point biserial correlation correlations
g Contingency coefficient v_ Smallest standard error of all
correlations; both variables must
be continuous
vi Used with ranks and also when
number of cases is under 30
*Answers on p. 603.

Curvilinear relationships
All the correlation techniques described above assume the relationship is linear, i.e. a
straight line best represents the relationship. However, the relationship may not be linear
but curvilinear. For example, performance is related to anxiety, but at both low and
high levels of anxiety performance must be low, since in the former low effort will result,
and in the latter the high anxiety level can disrupt performance. Performance, then, is
maximised somewhere in between, thus producing an inverted U-shaped graph. Other
examples producing non-linear plots, as shown in Figure 17.1, are size of schools against
number ofschools, i.e. fewer, very small, and very large schools; or decreasing disturbed
nights with increasing age of infant; or sudden increase in vocabulary, then tapering off
with age in the young child.

chapter 17 |other correlation techniques 265

FIGURE 17.1 Curvilinear relationships

No. Disturbed
of Gace nights
schools 2am Ame

School Size Age



Multivariate correlation analysis

Previous chapters have assumed only one dependent variable. This is termed a univariate
design. When two or more dependent variables are considered in a single analysis, we
have a multivariate analysis.
Multivariate analyses allow the researcher to discount alternative explanations for a
relationship that can arise when a survey/correlational design has been employed. You may
be investigating people’s self-assigned social class and whether they send their children to
private schools. The relationship may well be strong, but a third variable such as income may
be the determining factor, as income determines social class and also the ability to pay for
private education.

Partial correlation
This is a valuable technique when you wish to eliminate the influence of a third variable
on the correlation between two other variables. You may be studying the relationships
between self-concept, racial attitudes and authoritarianism. The results show that self-
concept is strongly related to the other two, as the less positive a person feels about
themselves, the more intolerant they become of others, the more they feel threatened by
others and the more they believe in coercive controls to protect the way they wish society
to be organised; again all in an attempt to protect their threatened self-concepts. By
partialling out self-concept, a ‘truer’ sense of the relationship between racial intolerance
and authoritarianism is obtained.

266 part 2 |quantitative methods

Here is another example. Suppose a sociologist wants to know if the stress people
experience in married life is related to how long they have been married. However, the
researcher is aware that part of what causes an association between marital stress and
marriage length is the fact that people who have been married longer are likely to have
children, and having children could create marital stress. Simply calculating the
correlation between marital stress and marriage length would be misleading. The
researcher needs to determine the relationship between stress and length of marriage
that would occur if everyone had the same number of children. To put it another way,
the researcher wants somehow to subtract the information provided by number of
children from the information provided by marital stress and length. Partial correlation
accomplishes this.
In this case, the researcher would compute a partial correlation between marital stress
and length of marriage, holding constant the number ofchildren variable. While this is
often described as ‘partialling out’ in research papers, other synonymous terms are
‘holding constant’, and ‘controlling for’. Here the researcher is trying to remove the
effect of family size to determine the relationship between length of marriage and marital
stress. The actual statistic for partial correlation is called the partial correlation coefficient,
which like most other correlations can take values between —1 to +1, and is thought of
as an ordinary correlation between two variables, except that some third variable is being
controlled for.
Partial correlation is often used to help sort out alternative theoretical explanations for
the relations among variables. Suppose the sociologist found an ordinary correlation
between marital stress and marriage length. The sociologist might want to use this result
as support for a theory that the effect of time is to make people feel more stress in their
marriage because their partners start taking them for granted. The sociologist would
also be aware that another possible explanation for what is going on is that when people
are married longer, they are likely to have more children, and having children might
create stress in the marriage. If the correlation between stress and length is found, even
after controlling for number of children, this alternative explanation about children is
rendered unlikely.
Here is an actual research example. Baer (1991) was interested in verbal creativity
(storytelling, poetry, and so on). Specifically, his study focused on whether verbal
creativity is a single, general trait, or whether it is a group ofindividual abilities. In the
past, researchers had found that creativity tests tended to correlate to a moderate degree
with each other, and this was taken as evidence for the general, single trait of creativity.
Baer, however, reasoned that the correlations among these tests may be due to factors,
such as IQ, that enable students to do better on any kind of test. In one of his studies,
Baer gave fifty adolescents several creativity tests, along with IQ and scholastic
achievement tests. As was found in the previous studies, Baer discovered that there were
moderate correlations among the creativity tests. Then Baer recalculated these
correlations as partial correlations, holding constant scores on verbal IQ, reading
achievement, math IQ, math achievement, and gender. (That is, all of these variables
were partialled out at once.) In most cases, the partial correlations were considerably
lower than the ordinary correlations. For example, the correlation between the story-task

chapter 17 |other correlation techniques 267

creativity test and the poetry-task creativity test went from an ordinary correlation of .23
to a partial correlation of —.01. Similarly, the correlation between poetry-task creativity
and word-problem creativity went from .31 to .19. |
The partial correlation is first computed by calculating Pearson’s r for each pair of
possible relationships. That is with three variables x, y, and z, we would calculate the
correlations between xy, xz and yz. Possible relationships are illustrated in Figure 17.2.

FIGURE 17.2 Possible relationships between three variables

(a) Z only affects X

SO fy, IS unaffected
x when Z is controlled

(b) Controlling for Z

totally explains
the relationship
between X and Y

io Controlling for Z
partially explains
the relationship
between X and Y

268 part 2 | quantitative methods

In (a) z is only related to x, so the correlation between x and y is unaffected. In (b) all
of the relationship between x and y is encapsulated by z. This would mean that the
relationship between x and y when z is controlled is nil. The usual case is illustrated in (c),
where a part of the relationship between x and y is explained by z. The partial correlation
coefficient will be lower than the calculated one for xy. It is of course feasible to control
any of the variables. The formula for the partial product moment correlation is:
ho — Nalo3
(= rel —we.)
(in this case we are partialling out variable 3)

Suppose we have the following three variables:

1 = visual perception
2 = reading comprehension test score
3 = age
and the correlations for 200 primary school children are:
112 = +0.64; 713 = +0.80; 73 = +0.80
Since children’s reading and perceptual abilities increase with age, it seems appropriate
to partial out the effect of age to determine the correlation of perception and reading with
age removed.
.64 — (.80)(.80)
save =|
23 M1— .802)1
With the effects of age removed, there is no relationship between perception and
reading scores. It is totally random. The apparent relationship was caused by the effect
of age in both variables. Significance is interpreted in the same way as 7.

Computing an effect size statistic

The partial correlation is a type of Pearson correlation coefficient and can be interpreted
in a similar manner. Like a bivariate correlation, a partial correlation can range in value
from —1 to +1.

Calculating a partial correlation with SPSS

We will use dummy data to illustrate this. From a sample of 84 employees data was
obtained on their age, their length of work experience and their current salary. A previous
study had shown a high Pearson’s r between length of work experience and current
salary, but this could be an artefact of age, since age obviously impacts on both.
Pearson correlations were computed for the intercorrelation of three variables. These
came out as:
age v. experience =» papi AS Fe}OyOh el6
age v. salary = 6Q44410 <2:01
experience v. salary = 0.440p<.01

chapter 17 | other correlation techniques 269

Using these intercorrelations, a partial correlation was computed to “hold constant
the variable of age.

How to proceed
1 Select Statistics and on the drop-down menu click on Correlate.
2 Next choose Partial, which brings the Partial Correlations box into view.
3 Select the variables that represent length of work experience and current salary and
move them into the variables box by using the arrow button.
4 Select the age variable and move it into the Controlling for box.
5 Click the Two tail option in the Test ofSignificance box.
6 Choose Options and select Zero-order correlations in the Statistics box.
7 Click Continue.
8 Finally select OK, which produces output like Table 17.2 below.

TABLE 17.2 Example ofpartial correlation printout

Controlling for AGE

EXP 1.9000 .0822
(90) ( 81)
P= . P= .460
SALNOW 0822 1.000
( 81) (a. 0)
P= .460 P=

(Coefficient/(df)/2-tailed significance)
“ “is printed if a coefficient cannot be computed

How to interpret Table 17.2

e The output provides bivariate correlations between the two variables with age held
e Each cell of the table includes the partial correlation coefficient, the degrees of
freedom in parentheses and the p value.
e The partial correlation between length of work experience and current salary is
0.0822, df= 81, p = .460.

How to report the results

The partial correlation between current salary and length of work experience was
computed holding age constant. The partial correlation of 0.08 indicates that current
salary and length of work experience are randomly related. This strongly suggests that a
wide variety of factors influence promotion rather than length of service itself. It also
indicates that the original correlation of 0.44 was inflated by the effect of age, which
impacts significantly on both variables.

270 part 2 |quantitative methods

1 Suppose we have correlated racism, self-esteem and neuroticism among secondary
school pupils, but are aware that self-esteem may well underly racism and
neuroticism. This suggests that the correlation between racism and neuroticism is
false, simply because both are strongly related to self-esteem. Here are the data. Do
you agree that the relationship between racism and neuroticism is a true one or
simply the effect of both variables being related to self-esteem?
2 (racism v. neuroticism) = +0.50 N = 300
3 (racism v. self esteem) = +0.80
fo3 (neuroticism v. self esteem) = +0.60
2 A researcher correlates the income with attendance at religious services over one
year. The correlation is +0.57. But when the researcher controls for the effects of age,
the partial correlation falls to +0.14. Why has the size of the correlation fallen so

*Answers on p. 603.

Multiple correlation
If aresearcher wishes to know the relationship between one variable and two or more
other variables considered simultaneously, then multiple correlation is needed. The
general formula is:
lo +hy3 — 2halaalos
\ 1— fx
where 7; 73 is the multiple correlation between variable 1 and the combination of
variables 2 and 3.
Suppose a university admissions officer is dissatisfied with selection procedures for
undergraduate entry which rely on the applicant's tertiary entrance exam mark, and she
wishes to find an additional measure that will enable a better prediction offuture success
to be made. The admissions officer decides on a personality measure, namely
neuroticism. Data is obtained on 100 students in respect of:
1 first year undergraduate exam results
2 tertiary entrance exam mark
3 neuroticism
The following correlations are computed:

9. = +0.50

1\3 = —0.60

substitute these values into the formula:

pr Oz (0.50) + (—.60)* — 2(.50)(—.60)(—.20) Din

gnte y {= (307

chapter 17 | other correlation techniques 271

THisimeanethagnilicrederthe oMhiser was able’ to attributel25%i1.e0( 50) "ar the
variance in the first year exam to variance in the tertiary entrance exam, and 36%, Le.
(—.60)2 of the variance in the examination results to student neuroticism on its own, by
a combination of entrance results and neuroticism measures, 50.4%, i.e. (.71)? of the
variance in the first-year exam can now be accounted for.

Factor analysis
This is a very popular and frequently used way of reducing a plethora of variables to a
few factors; by grouping variables that are moderately or highly correlated with each
other together to form a factor. It is an empirical way of reducing an unwieldy mass of
variables into a manageable few. In studying the performance of students across the
curriculum you would end up with a huge correlation matrix in which every subject’s
marks were correlated with those from every other subject. A factor analysis would show
which groups of subjects were closely related and we may end up with three or four
major factors, which in effect group similar disciplines together because performance is
similar, such as a science group, a languages group, a social sciences group, or a practical
subjects group.
Correlating the performance of athletes across a large number of events would also
produce a large correlation matrix. Here, a factor analysis might show that some events
were closely linked in terms of performance and three major factors might emerge in a
factor analysis such as speed, endurance and strength, with each event lying within one
of these factors. The aim is to see whether the original variables can be described by a
much smaller number of factors. Factor analysis has been much used by Cattell, trying
to determine the basic personality factors, and by many researchers attempting to provide
construct validity for, among other things, intelligence tests. The mathematical basis of
factor analysis is beyond the scope of this book and modern computer statistics programs
carry out all the computations and produce the factor details without too much hassle.

A variety of non-parametric correlation coefficients have been discussed in terms of their

appropriate applications. Multivariate correlation techniques such as partial correlation, multiple
correlation and factor analysis have been introduced briefly.

Baer, J. (1991), ‘Generality of creativity across performance domains’, Creativity Research Journal, 4,
pp. 23-39.

272 part 2 | quantitative methods

Prediction and
simple linear

Regression is a powerful tool for allowing the researcher to make predictions of the likely
values of the dependent variable Y from known values of X (for example, when choosing
the best applicant for a job on the basis of an aptitude or ability test, or predicting future
university academic performance from a knowledge of HSC results). Regression is a widely
used technique closely linked to Pearson’s 7, and shares many ofthe assumptions of r:
e the relationships should be linear; and
e the measurements must be in interval data.

Regression is an interesting phenomenon which is observed when there is a less than

perfect relationship between two variables involved in prediction. In such a situation, it
refers to the fact that the predicted score on a variable will be closer to the mean of the
sample than is the predictor score. This is termed regression to the mean. For example, if
one takes a number of students with high scores on a reasoning ability test, one will find
that while most of these subjects are also above average on a mathematical ability test,
most will be nearer to the average in the maths test than they were in the reasoning test.
Similarly, students who score low in the first test will on the whole produce scores closer
to the mean on the second test. Regression is always towards the mean of the second
variable: that is, predicted Y scores are closer to the mean than the X scores.
This phenomenon was first described a century ago by Galton, who in his studies of
heredity noticed that the children ofexceptionally tall parents were tall, but on average
not as tall as their parents, while those of ‘short’ parents tended on the whole not to be
as short. The heights ‘move’ back, or regress, towards the population mean.
The accuracy of the prediction depends on the strength of the correlation between the
two variables. Simple linear regression is concerned with finding the straight line on a
scattergram that ‘fits’ the data best, i.e. as closely possible. This line is called the dine of
best fit,or the regression line. This line of best fit—a single line—will minimise the
deviations from the line ofall the dots in a scatter diagram and therefore make errors of
prediction as small as possible. Some points will be above and some below, and a small
proportion may actually be on it. The line of best fit is therefore the straight line about
which the sum of the squared distances of the deviations ofthe scatter points (errors) is
least or at a minimum. It is impossible to draw this line by hand or estimate it by eye.
This is where regression comes in. Mathematical regression procedures permit the precise
line ofbest fit to be calculated. Once we know this line, we can make a prediction oflikely
values of the dependent variable Y for particular values of the independent variable X.
Only two lines of best fit are perfectly related to the dots on a scatter graph (Figure
18.laand b). These are where 7 = +1.00 and 7 = —1.00. We are able in these cases to make
a perfect prediction of the dependent variable value if we know the independent variable
value, as the line of best fit passes through all the points. For example, heights in inches
are perfectly correlated with heights in centimetres. If we know a person’s height in
inches we can perfectly predict their height in centimetres.
When correlations between variables are less than perfect, predictions are good
estimates rather than exact predictions. Prediction is less than perfect because there are
exceptions to a consistent orderly relationship between the scores, so that the regression
line will not pass through all the coordinate values used to determine the slope. But if
we have a line of best fit we know that we can predict fairly closely with only a small
range of error. The higher the correlation the more accurate our predictions.

a b

> ae
” we
w oe)
5 Perfect fod)
= Perfect
& positive D negative
correlation correlation
Forte |0 a_i 0

Scores on test X Scores on test X

The slope of the regression line is a geometric representation of the coefficient of

correlation, and is expressed as a ratio of the magnitude of the rise (if ris +) to the run,
or as a ratio of the fall (if + is —) to the run, expressed in standard deviation units (see
Figure 18.2).

274 part 2 |quantitative methods

FIGURE 18. 2
Vertical change
Horizontal change

0.60 unit increase of Z

1 unit of Z

For example, if 7= +0.60, for every Z unit increase (run) in X there is a 0.60Z unit
increase in Y (see Figure 18.2).
Thus, predicted Lo = 2, (ee). For example, if we know that the correlation between
reading test scores and spelling test scores is +0.7, we can predict that a student with a
Z score of +2.0 in reading will have a Z score of (2.0)(0.7), or 1.4Z, in spelling. This
formula can of course be used in either direction, so that we can predict reading Z scores
from spelling Z scores. The correlation between X and Y is known as the standardised
regression coefficient, which is symbolised by the Greek letter beta or B. So that a
predicted Z, = Z,(B) where f is the correlation coefficient.

FIGURE 18. 3
1 unit of Z

0.60 unit increase of Z

If r = 0.60, for every Z unit increase (run) in X, there is a 0.60Z unit decrease (fall)
in Y (see Figure 18.3). So that, using the formula above, a student with Z score of —1.0
in reading will have a Z score of (—1.0)(0.7) = -0.7Z. The geometric relationship
between the two legs of the triangle determines the slope of the hypotenuse (the
regression line).
However, for practical purposes it is more convenient to use raw scores than Z scores.

Assume that research has shown that a simple test of manual dexterity is capable of
distinguishing between the good and poor students in a word processing end-of-course
test. Manual dexterity is a predictor variable, and input accuracy on the computer is the
criterion variable. So it should be possible to predict which future students are likely to

chapter 718 |prediction and simple linear regression 275

be the more accurate data input personnel from scores on this easily administered test
of manual dexterity before acceptances for the course are offered. Using the test might
be a lot more effective and cheaper than training all applicants, some of whom are
unlikely to make the grade. Imaginary data for such a study are shown in Table 18.1.

TABLE 18.1 Manual dexterity and input accuracy

Manual dexterity score Accuracy score
56 17
19 6
78 23
92 22
16 9
Pe] 10
29 13
60 20
50 16
25 1

The scattergram (see Figure 18.4) depicts the data above. Notice that the scores on
the manual dexterity test form the horizontal dimension (X-axis), and the accuracy score
is on the vertical dimension (Y-axis). In regression, in order to keep the number of
formulae to the minimum:
© the horizontal dimension (X-axis) should always be used to represent the variable from
which the prediction is being made; and
e the vertical dimension (Y-axis) should always represent what 1s being predicted.
It is clear from the scattergram that accuracy is fairly closely related to scores on the
manual dexterity test. If we draw a straight line, the regression line or the line of best fit,
as best we can through the points on the scattergram, this line could be used as a basis
for making predictions about the most likely score on accuracy from the manual dexterity
aptitude test score. In order to predict the most likely accuracy score corresponding to
a score of 40 on the manual dexterity test, we can simply draw:
¢ aright angle from the score 40 on the horizontal axis (manual dexterity test score) to
the regression line; and then
¢ aright angle from the vertical axis to meet this point. In this way we can find the
accuracy score which best corresponds to a particular manual dexterity score (Figure

Estimating from this scattergram and regression line, it appears that the best
prediction from a manual dexterity score of 40 is an accuracy rate of about 14.
There is only one major problem with this procedure—the prediction depends on the
particular line drawn through the points on the scattergram. Many different lines could
be drawn. This eyeballing ofa line of best fit is not desirable. It is preferable to have a
method which is not subjective. So mathematical ways of determining the regression line
have been developed. Fortunately, the computations are generally straightforward, and
undertaken using SPSS.

276 part 2 |quantitative methods

FIGURE 184 Eyeball be be of bes fu

FIGURE 18.5 Eqgchdlling he byne ofbesfs

Theoretical background and regression equations
In order to establish an objective criterion, the regression line is mathematically calculated
to gives the closest fit to the points on the scattergram. The procedure ensures that the sum
ofthe deviations (d’s) of the scattergram points from the regression line should be minimal.
Actually, the precise criterion is the sum of the squared deviations. This is known as the
least squares solution. But it would be really tedious work drawing different regression
lines, then calculating the sum of the squared deviations for each of these in order to
decide which regression line has the smallest sum ofsquared deviations. Fortunately trial-
and-error is not involved at all. The formulae for regression do all of that work for you.
In order to specify the regression line for any scattergram, you quantify two things:
The point at which the regression line cuts the vertical or Y-axis—this is a number of
units of measurement from the zero point of the vertical axis. It can take a positive or
negative value, denoting whether the vertical axis is cut above or below its zero point.
It is normally denoted in regression as point a, or the intercept.
The slope of the regression line or, in other words, the gradient of the best-fitting line
through the points on the scattergram. Just as with the correlation coefficient, this
slope may be positive in the sense that it goes up from bottom left to top right, or it
can be negative in that it goes downwards from top left to bottom right. The slope is
designated by the letter 0.
The intercept and slope are both shown in Figure 18.6. To work out the slope we have
drawn a horizontal dashed line from X = 0 to X = 40 (length 40), and a vertical dashed

FIGURE 18. 6 :
30 7


X-axis (manual dexterity)

278 part 2 | quantitative methods

line up to the regression line (length about 9 up the Y-axis). The slope @ is the increase
(+) or decrease (—) of the units produced (in this case +9), divided by the increase in the
manual dexterity score (in this case 40), i.e. +0.225.
The slope is simply the number of units that the regression line moves up the vertical
axis for each unit it moves along the horizontal axis. In other words, you mark a single step
along the horizontal axis and work out how much increase this represents on the vertical
axis. So, for example, if you read that the slope of a scattergram is 4.00, this means that for
every increase of 1.00 on the horizontal axis (X-axis) there is an increase of 4.00 on the
vertical axis (Y-axis). If there is a slope of —0.8 then this means that for every increase of 1
on the horizontal axis (X-axis) there is a decrease of 0.8 on the vertical axis (Y-axis).
In our example, for every increase of 1 in the manual dexterity score, there is an
increase of 0.225 in the accuracy performance measure. We have estimated this value
from the scattergram—it may not be exactly the answer that we would have obtained had
we used mathematically more precise methods.

Regression equations
The regression line involves one awkward feature. As we have seen, all values really
should be expressed in Z scores or standard deviation units. However, it is obviously
more practical to use actual scores to determine the slope of the regression line. But
because raw scores do not have the same means and standard deviations as Z scores, the
prediction procedure has to make allowances for this by converting to a slope known as
b, or the raw score regression coefficient (see below for the formula).
Fortunately, the application of two relatively simple formulae (see below) provides all
the information we need to calculate the slope and the intercept. A third formula is used
to make our predictions from the horizontal axis to the vertical axis.

Table 18.2 contains data on the relationship between anxiety scores and sociability scores
for a group of ten individuals. Remember, it is important with regression to make the
X scores the predictor variable; the Y scores are the criterion variable. N is the number
of pairs of scores, i.e. 10.
The slope ‘0’ of the regression line is given by several equivalent formulae.
When raw scores are many and/or large
D(X — My)(¥ — My)
siX= M7

; : SD
An alternative formula is: b = — (r)
With small numbers, as above, a more convenient formula is :
b= N
DE 2

chapter 18 |prediction and simple linear regression 279

TABLE 18.2 Important steps in calculating the regression equation
Anxiety Sociability
score score
Subject X score Y score x2 XY

1 8 6 64 48
Z 3 2 ie) 6
3 9 4 81 36
4 Vi 5 49 35
5 2 3 4 6
6 3 2 9 6
i ') ji 81 63
8 8 ji 64 56
2 6 5 36 30
10 7 4 49 28
Sums 62 45 446 314

iy sale ab
2 LOT as a2 eee
hee 3844 61.6
This tells us that the slope of the regression line is positive—it moves upwards from
bottom left to top right. Furthermore, for every unit one moves along the horizontal axis,
the regression line moves 0.568 units up the vertical axis.
We can now substitute 6 in the following formula to get the cutting point or intercept
(a) of the regression line on the vertical axis. a represents a constant factor of the value
of Y when X equals zero:
ae XXY-bUX
45 — (3.522)
a= ——_——— = 4.148
This value for a is the point on the vertical axis (sociability) cut by the regression line.
If one wishes to predict the most likely score for a particular score on the horizontal
axis, one simply substitutes the appropriate values in the regression formula.
Thus if we wished to predict sociability for a score of 5 on anxiety, given that we
know the slope (4) is 0.568 and the intercept is 4.148, we simply substitute these values
in the formula:
Y (predicted score) = a (intercept) + [b (slope) x X (known score)]

Y = 4.148 + (0.568 x 5) = 6.988

This is the best prediction—it does not mean that individuals with a score of 5 on
anxiety inevitably get a score of 6.988 (or rather 7.0) on sociability. It is just our most
intelligent estimate. If in the future we have a person with an anxiety score of 5, we can
say that they would in all probability obtain a sociability score of around 7.

280 part 2 |quantitative methods

When the relationship is negative, the regression equation for the line of best fit is:
Y=a- bx.

This implies that for every increment of X there will be a decrease in Y.

When the line of best fit intersects the horizontal axis, the intercept a will have a negative
value. This is because it will cut the horizontal axis and when extended will intercept the
vertical axis at a negative point, i.e. below the horizontal axis. In this situation:
Y =—4'+

The use of regression in prediction is a fraught issue, not because of the statistical
methods but because of the characteristics of the data used. Our predictions are based
on previously obtained data. For example, the data about anxiety and sociability are
based on data already obtained. For future predictions based on this data, we are
assuming the future sample is quite similar to the sample of our original data.
A private school charges a one-off registration fee of $2000, plus a fee for every semester
of $1000. With this information the total cost of placing a student in the school for any
number of semesters can be predicted.
total cost = $2000 + $1000 (no. of semesters), i.e.

b is the slope that determines how much the Y variable will change when X is
increased by one unit of $1000. a identifies the point where the line intercepts the Y axis;
in this case a = $2000 since you pay this even if the student only attends for one semester.
This is the base to which all semesters multiplied by a factor of 1000 are added.
For example, ifastudent attends for ten semesters, we obtain (see Figure 18.7):
Y = $2000 + $1000(10) = $12 000

Attendance for 16 semesters means Y= $2000 + $1000(16) = $18 000

Using the data in the table below:

1 Calculate b and a.
2 State the regression equation and use it to determine the best estimate of a students
score on Y if they obtained 15 on X.
Student xX Y
A 10 2
B 15 3
(S 8 2
D 5 is
E 18 3.5

chapter 18 | prediction and simple linear regression 281

F 12 29
G 6 2
H 16 3
| 7A 4
j 12 3

Answers on p. 603.

Imagine a researcher who wants to know whether adolescents working part-time who put
in extra hours tend to get on better in the organisation than others. The researcher finds
out the average amount of time a group oftwenty new adolescent part-time employees
spend working extra hours. Several years later the researcher examines their hourly
earnings which are taken as a measure of promotion. Assume the regression equation
which is derived from an analysis of the raw data is Y = 7.50 + 0.50X. This line of best
fit is shown in Figure 18.8. The intercept a is 7.50, i.e. $7.50 per hour; the regression
coefficient (4) is 0.50, i.e. $0.50, meaning each extra hour worked per week has produced
an extra $0.50 per week to the wage packet in terms of promotion. We can therefore
calculate the likely income per hour of someone who puts in an extra seven hours per
week as follows:
Y¥ = 7.60 + (0.50)(7) = 11.00, i.e. $11.00


Cosis of

18 000

12 000

Number of semesters attended

282 part 2 | quantitative methods

For someone who does an extra eight hours, the likely salary will be $11.50, te. an
extra 0.50c for the further hour, and for 15 hours it predicts $15 per hour. For a person
who does not do any extra hours the prediction is that the salary will have remained the
same. Thus through regression we are able to show how Y changes for each additional
increment of X, because the regression coefficient expresses how much more ofY you
get for each extra increment of X. We can then predict the likely value of Y for given
value of X (Figure 18.8).

FIGURE 18.8 2


= 15.00

2.<b) 41.50
E 11.00

£ 1.00
iI = a 0)1510)
> 50
7.50 a= 7.50

7 8 15
X = extra hours worked each week

Two regression equations have been developed for different predictions based on
different samples of equal size. In one, r = 0.69, while in the other r = 0.58. In which
situation will the most accurate predictions be made?

Answer on p. 603.

1 Using the equation Y = —7 + 2X determine the values of Y for the following values of
$3) S710!

chapter 18 | prediction and simple linear regression 283

2 The regression equation for the relationship between age and autonomy is:
autonomy = 6.9643 + 0.6230 age.
a Explain what 6.9643 means.
b Explain what 0.6230 means.
c¢ What is the likely level of autonomy of someone aged 18?
d What is the likely level of autonomy of someone aged 10?

Answers on p. 603.

Standard error: How accurate are the predicted score

and the regression equations?
Predictions are never without some error unless the correlation is +1.0 or —1.0. The
accuracy of the predicted score on the criterion is dependent on the closeness of the
scattergram points to the regression line—the stronger the correlation between the
variables the less error in the prediction. Visual inspection of the scattergram between
two variables will give you an idea of the variability around the regression line and hence
the precision of the estimated or predicted scores.
Statisticians however, prefer to calculate the standard error to indicate how certain one
can be about aspects of regression such as the prediction, the intercept or cut-off points,
and the slope. You remember that standard error is a standard deviation, except it applies
to the distribution of means of samples rather than individual scores. It measures the
average deviation of sample means from the mean of the sample means. The standard
error of an estimate is best thought of as the average amount by which an estimate is
likely to be wrong. Remember that whenever we use any characteristic of a sample as the
basis for estimating the characteristic of apopulation, we are likely to be wrong to some
Although the formulae for calculating the standard errors of the various aspects of the
regression line are readily available, they add considerably to the computational labour
involved in regression, so we recommend that you use a computer to relieve you of this
computational chore.
The main standard errors involved in regression are:
e the one for the predicted (or estimated) value on the criterion (this is known as the
standard error of the estimate of Y);
e the one for the slope of the regression line (6);
the one for the intercept on the vertical axis (a).
We can use the calculated standard error to estimate the likely range within which the
true value of the prediction, slope or intercept is likely to fall. The same confidence
intervals (or significance levels) we have used before may be employed, depending on
how confident we wish to be that we have included the true value. The interval is
obviously going to be wider if you wish to be very confident rather than just confident.
As you are aware, the 95 per cent confidence interval indicates the range of values within
which the true value will fall 95 per cent of the time. That is, we are likely to be wrong

284 part 2 |quantitative methods

only 5 per cent of times. The 99 per cent confidence interval deceases our likely error
to 1 per cent. The argument is based on the assumption that for a single value ofX
there is a normal distribution of associated Y scores, as not all observed Y scores will
exactly equal the predicted Y score. It is also assumed that for each of these sub-
populations of Y scores, each Y mean falls on the regression line. This mean represents
the predicted Y score for that value of X. This is displayed in Figure 18.9.


99% of all Y scores

95% of all Y scores


10 20 30 40 50

Because the correlation is not perfect—for any X score there is a range of scores which
may be obtained on the Y variable—the range increasing as the correlation decreases.
Thus in prediction it is important to obtain an estimate for the amount ofvariability in
Y scores of persons who obtain the same X score. The variability of the Y distribution
reflects error, and it is this error that is measured by the standard error of the estimate,
which can be used as a measure of the accuracy of prediction.
The standard error of the estimate (SE,,,) to estimate the prediction error of Y is:

SE esty r="sdy y 1 1
As r increases the prediction error decreases.

When r = +1.00, SE..., = 0.

When r = 0.00, SEesty = SDy.
When r = 0.60, SEecty = 0.80 SD.
The assumptions behind using the standard error of the estimate in this way are:
e the Y distributions for each value of X have the same variability; and
e for any value of X the associated Y scores are normally distributed.

chapter 18 |prediction and simple linear regression 285

If these assumptions are met, the normal curve table (Table 5.1, p. 73) can be used
to set confidence limits around a predicted Y score. Based on this table, you can use the
following as a rule of thumb. It is accurate enough for most purposes. Multiply the
standard error by two (you probably remember that the actual tabled value for large
groups is 1.96). This gives you the amount which you need to add and subtract from
the estimated value to cut off the middle 95 per cent of the possible values—that is, the
95 per cent confidence interval. In other words, if the estimated value of the criterion
(Y variable) is 6.00 and the standard error of this estimate is 0.26, then the 95 per cent
confidence interval is:
6.00 plus or minus (2 x 0.26) = a 95% confidence interval of 5.48 to 6.52.

Thus it is almost certain that the person’s score will actually fall in the range of 5.48
to 6.52, although the most likely value is 6.00.
Exactly the same applies to the other aspects of regression. If the slope is 2.00 with a
standard error of 0.10, then the 95 per cent confidence interval is 2.00 plus or minus
2 x 0.10, which gives a confidence interval of 1.80 to 2.20.
The use of confidence intervals is not as common as it ought to be despite the fact that
it gives us a realistic assessment of the precision of our estimates. Precise confidence
intervals can be obtained by multiplying the standard error by the value of ¢ from Table
5.1 (chapter 5) using the dfrow, corresponding to your number ofpairs of scores minus
2 under the column for the 5 per cent significance level (i.e. if you have 10 pairs of
scores then you would multiply by 2.31).

Given a correlation of +0.8 between distributions X and Y, a standard deviation of 3 for

the Y scores, a score of 10 on X, and a regression equation of Y = 2.5X + 1.6:
1 Calculate the standard error of the estimate for Y and the 95 per cent confidence
interval for the predicted Y score.
2 If the correlation is +0.3 recalculate the standard error of the estimate and the 95 per
cent confidence interval.
3 Explain the difference between the two confidence intervals.
Answers on p. 604.

e Drawing the scattergram (see use of SPSS in chapter 16) will helpfully illuminate the
trends in your data and strongly hint at the broad features of the regression
calculations. It will also provide a visual check on your computations.
e These regression procedures assume that the dispersion of points is linear; that is, the
scatter of points is the same around the whole length ofthe line of best fit. Where the
amount of scatter around the line varies markedly at different points, the use of
regression is questionable. If it looks like the regression line is curved or curvilinear,
do not apply these numerical methods.

286 part 2 |quantitative methods

e In order to make predictions it is assumed that the individual or new group and the
old group are both samples from the same population since we are predicting the Y
score for the new individual/group on the basis of the data gathered from the original
e Regression is less accurate where one variable has a small range and the other has a
large range.
e There are always two regression lines between two variables: that from which variable
A is predicted from variable B, and that from which variable B is predicted from
variable A. They almost invariably have different slopes. However, life is made simpler
if we always have the predictor on the horizontal axis and the criterion to be predicted
on the vertical axis. You need to be careful what you are trying to predict and from
what. f
e Finally, outliers affect the accuracy of prediction. Outliers are extreme values of Y or
X. One extremely low or high value well away from the run of the other values distorts
the prediction. Serious consideration has to be given to omitting the outlier from the

Using SPSS for regression

Simple regression and a regression plot are illustrated with the data which relate length
of work experience and age for eighty-four employees.
Remember, it is essential that the criterion or dependent variable (work experience in
our example) is on the vertical axis (Y-axis) of a scatterplot, and the predictor or
independent variable (age) is on the horizontal axis (X-axis).

How to proceed
1 Select Statistics and then Regression from the drop-down menu.
2 Choose Linear to open the Linear Regression dialogue box.
3 Click on the dependent variable and then the arrow button to place it in the
Dependent. box.
4 Select the independent variable and with the arrow button move it into /ndependent/s]
Select Statistics to obtain the Linear Regression: Descriptives dialogue box.
Choose Descriptives and ensure Estimates and Model fit are also selected.
WN Next choose Continue and finally OK to produce the output.

How to interpret the output in Table 18.3

As explained, with simple regression it is conventional to report the regression equation
as a slope (a) and an intercept (4). SPSS does not quite follow this terminology, but all
of the relevant information is located in fifth subtable. The output is far more complex
and detailed than you require, but the following is what you need to take note of:
e Subtables a and b provide descriptive statistics and correlations. The latter in this
dummy exercise is highly significant at +0.931.

chapter 18 prediction and simple linear regression 287

TABLE 18.3 Regression
a Descriptive statistics
Mean deviation N
EXP 16.0595 S) PAU PE 84
AGE 40.9524 10.3504 84

b Correlations
Pearson EXP 1.000 73))
Correlation AGE 931 1.000
Sig. EXP .000
(1-tailed) AGE .000
N EXP 84 84
AGE 84 84

c Model summary %”

Std error
Variables Adjusted of the
Model Entered removed R R square R square estimate
1 AGE¢ ‘9 3i1 .868 .868 3.3787

a Dependent variable: EXP

b Method: Enter
c Independent variables: (Constant), AGE
d All requested variables entered.

Sum of Mean
Model squares df square F Sig.
1 Regression 6130.609 1 6130.609 557.029 .000»
Residual 936.094 82 11.416
Total 7066.702 83

a Dependent variable: EXP

b Independent variables: (Constant), AGE

e Coefficients“
Unstandardised Standardised 95% confidence
coefficients coefficients interval for B
Std Lower Upper
B Error Beta t Sig. bound bound
1 (Constant) -17.945 Ils -11.861 .000 -20.955 -14.935
AGE .830 .036 931 23.174 .000 459 .902
a Dependent variable: EXP

288 part 2 | quantitative methods

Subtable c provides R’, which states in this case that 86.8 per cent of the variance in
length of work experience is explained by the variance in age.
Subtable e is the crucial one and displays the constant and beta.
The intercept which we term a in the regression formula is referred to as the constant
in SPSS. This is -17.945. As explained in the text, it is the point at which the
regression line cuts the vertical (Y) axis. Since it is negative it implies the cut occurs
below the X-axis.
The unstandardised regression coefficient between the two variables is displayed under
B as the second line and is .830.
The 95 per cent confidence interval for B ranges from .759 to .902, i.e. based on this
sample, and that for the constant or intercept ranges from —20.955 to —14.935. Since
the regression is based on a sample and not the population, there is always a risk that
the population regression coefficient is not the same as that in the population. The
95 per cent confidence intervals give the range within which you can be 95 per cent
sure that the slope and the constant will lie. The 95 per cent confidence interval for
the intercept is —20.955 to -14.935. This means that based on your sample, the
intercept of the population is 95 per cent likely to lie within those ranges.
The column headed Beta gives a value of .931. This is the Pearson correlation between
the two variables. In other words, if you turn your scores into standard scores (Z-scores),
the slope of the regression and the correlation coefficient are the same thing.

Regression scatterplot
The production and inspection of the scattergram of your two variables is warranted
when doing regression. The provision of this scattergram in a report is also of benefit.
Select the Graphs option on the menu bar.
2 From the drop-down menu click on Scatter.
3 Since the Simple option is the default, select Define.
4 Move your dependent variable with the arrow button into the Y Axis: box.
> Highlight your independent variable and transfer this to the X Axis: box.
6 Select OK and the scattergram will be displayed.
To draw the regression line on the displayed chart:
Double click on the chart to select it for editing and maximise the size of the chart
In the Chart Dialogue box in the Output navigator, choose Chart and click on Options.
Select Total in the Fit Line box.
Select OK; the regression line is now displayed on the scatterplot.

How to interpret the scatterplot with regression line

The regression line sloping from bottom right to top left indicates a positive
relationship between the two variables.
The points seem relatively close to this line which suggests that the beta weight
(correlation) should be a large numerical value, and that the confidence interval for
the slope should be relatively small. These are confirmed in the previous tables.

chapter 18 |prediction and simple linear regression 289

FIGURE 18.10 Scatterplot





20 30 40 50 60 70


How to report the results

You could write about the analysis as follows: ‘A linear regression analysis was conducted
to evaluate the prediction oflength of work experience from age. The scatterplot for the
two variables indicates that they are positively and strongly linearly related such that as
age increases so does length of work experience.
The regression equation for predicting length of work experience is:
predicted length of work experience = -17.945 + .830 age

As hypothesised, there was strong relationship between the two variables. The
correlation between the length of work experience and age was 0.931, p = .001.
Approximately 87 per cent of the variance of length of work experience was accounted
for by its linear relationship with age.’

Multiple regression
It may be that you have more than one predictor variable that you wish to use. If so, you
will need multiple regression. However, multiple regression employs the same rationale,
and the formula is a logical extension ofthe one for linear regression:
Y =a+ b)X1 + by Xp + bg Xz 4+... ete.

290 part 2 | quantitative methods

Multiple regression is about predicting a dependent variable on the basis of two or
more predictor variables. A multiple regression prediction formula has a regression
coefficient for each predictor variable. If you know a person’s scores on the predictor
variables, you multiply each predictor variable’s score by that variable’s regression
coefficient. The. sum of these multiplications is the person’s predicted score on the
dependent variable. When working with Z scores, the regression coefficients are
standardised regression coefficients, called beta weights. For example, with three
independent variables the form of the prediction formula is as follows:
predicted Zy = (By)(Zx,) + ( Bo)(Zx,) - (B3Zx,) Ly,

As an example, we may be interested in the sources and amount of stress that teachers
experience. This may be an effect of several variables in combination, such as class size,
the amount of administration they do, length of experience, etc. The Z-score multiple
regression prediction rule for this would be:
predicted Zst, = (B1)(Z class size) + ( B2)(Z admin hours) + (B3)(Z length of exp.)

Each of the betas is of course the respective correlation between stress and that
variable. When working with raw scores, the standard formula is:

predicted Y = a + (by)(X class size) + (02)(X admin hours) + (03)(X length of exp.)

Multiple correlation (designated R) is a measure of the correlation of one dependent

variable with a combination of two or more predictor variables. In multiple regression,
researchers can determine the statistical significance of both the overall multiple
correlation coefficient, R, as well as for each beta individually. In most cases, however,
if the overall R is not significant, the individual betas will not be tested for their
significance. Yet, it is quite possible for the overall R to be significant, but for some of
the individual betas not to be significant. For example, the overall significant correlation
might be due to the strong influence of only one predictor variable, with the others
having only a slight contribution.

Hierarchical and stepwise multiple regression

There are two forms of multiple regression: hierarchical and stepwise.

Hierarchical multiple regression

Sometimes researchers are interested in looking at the influence of several predictor
variables in a sequential way. That is, they want to know what the correlation will be of
the first predictor variable with the dependent variable, and then how much is added to
the overall multiple correlation by including a second predictor variable, and then
perhaps how much mote is added by including a third predictor variable, and so on. This
is known as hierarchical multiple regression.
In research using hierarchical multiple regression, the amount that each successive
variable adds to the overall prediction usually is described in terms of an increase in R,
the proportion of variance accounted for or explained.

chapter 18 |prediction and simple linear regression 291

Stepwise multiple regression
Often, especially in an exploratory study, a researcher may have measured many potential
predictor variables and wants to pick out which ones make a useful contribution to the
overall prediction. In the most common form of stepwise multiple regression, a computer
program goes through a step-by-step procedure in which it first picks out the variable
that has the highest correlation with the dependent variable. If this correlation is not
significant the process stops, since even the best predictor is not of any use. If this
correlation is significant, the process goes on to the next step. The next step is to pick
out the predictor variable which, in combination with this first one, has the highest
multiple R. The computer then checks this to see whether this combination is a
significant improvement over the best single predictor variable alone. If it is not, the
process stops. If it is a significant improvement, the program goes on to the next step.
The next step is to pick out which of the remaining predictor variables, when taken
in combination with these first two, creates the highest multiple R. Then this
combination is checked to see if it is a significant improvement in prediction over and
above just the first two predictors. The process continues until either all the predictor
variables are included, or the addition of any of the remaining ones does not give a
significant improvement. Because this procedure proceeds one step at a time, it is called
‘stepwise’. Here are the steps:
Step 1: Search all potential predictor variables and find the best bivariate correlation
with the dependent variable.
Step 2: Test significance.
If not significant
If significant, include this variable in all further steps, and
Step 3: Search all remaining potential predictor variables for the best single variable to
combine with those already included for predicting the dependent variable.
If no addition is significant
If an addition is significant, include this variable in all further steps, and
One caution about stepwise regression—the prediction formula that results is the
best group of variables for predicting the dependent variable, based on the sample studied.
However, it often happens that when the same variables are studied with a new sample,
a somewhat different combination of variables turns out to be best.

Hierarchical and stepwise regression compared

Hierarchical and stepwise regression are similar in an important way. In both methods
you are adding one variable at a time and checking whether the addition makes a
significant improvement in the prediction. There is also a very important difference. In

292 part 2 |quantitative methods

hierarchical regression the order of adding the predictor variables is based on some theory
or plan, decided in advance by the researcher. In stepwise regression, there is no initial
plan. The computer simply works out the best variables to add until adding more makes
no additional contribution.

If two variables are correlated, knowledge of the score in one can be used to predict the score in
the other. The more scatter there is in a scatter diagram the less accurate the prediction, with
prediction improving as the correlation coefficient approaches +1 and -—1. The use of the line of
best fit or regression line, which minimises the sum of the squared deviations, provides the best
possible prediction. The relationship between the two variables must be linear. The regression
line equation is Y = a + bX, where ais the intercept on the Y axis and b is the slope of the regression
line. This regression equation that defines the line of best fit will only provide a prediction or
estimate of likely Y values. The confidence interval round the prediction can be gauged using the
standard error of the estimate.
Hierarchical regression is used in research that is based on theory or some substantial previous
knowledge. Stepwise regression is useful in exploratory research where we do not know what to
expect or in applied research where we are looking for the best predictive formula without caring
about the theoretical meaning.

chapter 18 | prediction and simple linear regression 293

Analysis of

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and ¢ tests are two different ways of testing for mean
differences. ANOVA has the tremendous advantage in that it can compare two or more
treatment conditions, whereas f tests are limited to two treatment conditions.
ANOVA is a hypothesis testing procedure used to determine if mean differences exist
for two or more samples or treatments. You are well aware by now that any samples
chosen from a population are likely to differ simply due to sampling error. They will have
slightly different means and standard deviations. The purpose of ANOVA is to decide
whether the differences between samples is simply due to chance (sampling error) or
whether there are systematic treatment effects that have caused scores in one group to
be different from scores in other groups.
For example, suppose a psychologist investigated learning performance under three
noise conditions: silence, background music and loud music. Three random samples of
subjects are selected. The null hypothesis states that there is no statistically significant
difference between the learning performance of the three groups. The alternative
hypothesis states that different noise conditions significantly affect learning, i.e. that at
least one group mean is significantly different from the other two. We have not provided
specific alternative hypotheses as there are a number ofdifferent possibilities as to which
group mean is different from the others, or whether all three are different from each
other, although the researcher may well have a good idea as to the outcome, from
intuition, commonsense or previous research literature, e.g. that performance is
significantly better in the silent condition than at the other levels of noise.

FIGURE 19.1 Are these means from different populations?
Population 1 Population 2 Population 3
(treatment 1) (treatment 2) (treatment 3)

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 1

0 1 4
2 4 6
4 vi 8

Mar=2 M2 =4 M3 =6

Why could a t test not be used in the study illustrated in Figure 19.1?
*Answer on p. 604.

Independent measures ANOVA

We will explain ANOVA with the help of an artificial experiment comparing learning
performance under three different noise conditions The data are on page 297. The
obvious characteristics of the score are that there are differences. Our aim is to measure
this variability and to explain its source.
The first step is to determine total variability for the entire set of data. To do this we
combine all scores from all samples to compute one general measure of variability.
Having done this we break it apart into its separate components. Because we are going
to analyse variability we obtain the name analysis of variance or ANOVA for this
There are two basic components of this general variability between all subjects in the

chapter 19 | analysis of variance (ANOVA) 295

1 Between treatments variability. This variability is due to the differences between
treatment conditions. This is reflected in variability between sample means. The
source of this variability can come from:
* treatment effects, i.e. noise condition in our hypothetical example;
* individual differences, i.e. the uniqueness of people; and
* experimental error, i.e. uncontrolled and unknown causes.
2 Within treatments variability. There is variability within each sample as each person
within a sample produced different results from others in that sample. This is due to:
¢ individual differences; and
* experimental error.
There can be no variability due to treatments effects within a treatment condition, as
all members of the sample are treated exactly the same. Thus all differences within a
treatment are chance and not systematic or predictable.
Once we have analysed the total variability into its basic components we simply
compare them by computing a statistic called the F ratio. For the independent measures
ANOVA that we are considering here:
variability between treatments
variability within treatments
_ treatment effect + individual differences+ experimental error
individual differences + experimental error

The single difference between the numerator and the denominator is variability caused
by the treatment effect. If the null hypothesis is true, then the numerator and the
denominator are the same because there is no treatment effect. The F ratio then equals 1.
If the null hypothesis is false the treatment effect has some effect and the F ratio must
be greater than 1.
The structure of the ¢ and F statistic are very similar. t compares the actual differences
between sample means with the differences expected by chance between sample means, as
measured by the standard error of the mean. In the same way, F measures differences
between samples as measured by the variability between them and differences expected by
chance as measured by the within group variability. Because the denominator in the F ratio
measures only uncontrolled and unexplained variability it is called the error term or residual.
Because the numerator contains treatment effects as well as the same unsystematic variability
of the error term, the difference in variability is due to the treatment. When the treatment
effect is negligible, the denominator or error term is measuring approximately the same
sources of variability as the numerator.

1 What does the denominator measure in the F ratio?

2 What happens to the value of the F ratio if the differences between treatments is

296 part 2 | quantitative methods

3 When F = 1 what does this indicate about the variance in the numerator?
4 What value is expected on the average for the F ratio if the null hypothesis is true?

*Answers on p. 604.

Some new terminology

There is some special terminology used with ANOVA. Instead of using the term
independent variable, the word factor is used. In our hypothetical experiment degree of
noise is the factor. This experiment is a single factor experiment, but ANOVA can deal
with more than one factor.
The term /evel is used for different values of the factor. In our experiment there are
three levels of the factor. Levels are synonymous with treatments, conditions, samples or
Because ANOVA can deal with several factors, each with a number of levels, an
elaborate notational system is required to keep track of individual scores, degrees of
freedom and totals.
The number of treatment conditions (groups) = k.
The number of scores in each treatment = n; each sample (treatment/condition) is
identified by subscript e.g. nj.
The total number of scores for the entire experiment = N.
The total sum of scores (sum of X) for each treatment or sample = T; each sample
(treatment/condition) is identified by subscript, e.g. T3.
The sum of all scores in the experiment (grand total ) = G.
We also use M for each sample mean, the SS for each treatment condition or sample,
and the sum of X? for the entire set of scores. SS is the sum of squared deviations from
the mean (see p. 49).
All these symbols with their values are attached to the artificial data in the table

Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3

(IV or factor with three levels)
Silence Background Loud
noise noise
0 4 1
1 3 2. X2= 106
3 6 2 G = 30 (sum of all scores)
1 3 0 N = 15 (no. of subjects)
0 4 0 k = 3 (no. of treatments)
j= T= 20 Ee)
S57= 0 5556 SS; =4
Not na=5 n3=5
M,=1 M,=4 M3=1

(Note that these are three independent samples with n = 5 in each. The dependent variable is the number
of problems solved correctly.)

chapter 19 | analysis of variance (ANOVA) 297.

The F ratio compares two variances, both computed from the sample data. The
variance between treatments is the numerator, and the variance within treatments is the
denominator. The variance is defined as:

10) »_df88
To compute the final F ratio, we need an SS and a df for each of the two variances.
Thus the process of analysing variability will occur in two parts. Firstly, we will compute
SS for the total experiment and analyse it into the two components, between and within.
Secondly, we will calculate the dffor each component.

Calculation of sums of squares (SS)

The total SS for the entire set of N scores is

spa enh
To make this formula consistent with ANOVA terminology we substitute G for X.
We therefore obtain for our experiment SS...)
gies merc
Within treatments sum of squares SS within is the sum of SS within each treatment

SS within = 5S, + SS, + SS3=6+6+4=16

Between treatments sum of squares is the difference between the SS,,,,; and SS within?
46 — 16 = 30
since both components ofvariability must add up to the total variability.
Should you wish to calculate it, the formula is:

To tae. PB OOe ae au.

Sis) between —
es = + + ae

nN 5 5 5 15
=5+80+5-60 = 30

This is the same value we calculated above.

Calculation of degrees of freedom

Analysis of degrees of freedom follows the same pattern. First we find the total df and
then partition this into the two components. Normally each dfis obtained by counting
the number of items that were used to calculate SS and then subtracting 1.

298 part 2 |quantitative methods

Af seal -N-1=14 (lose 1 from whole experiment)
Ce =N-k=12 (lose 1 from each treatment group)
| =k-—1]=2 (lose ] treatment)
Or course dfn) 2. dit Acwend

Calculation of the variance

The final step in ANOVA is to compute the variance between treatments and the
variance within treatments where variance

_ Ss

In ANOVA it is customary to use the term mean square or MS in place of variance,

as variance is the mean of the SS or mean of the squared deviations from the mean.
Msisnveen a= between = —— = 15
Olevden 2

MS within = SS win = i = 1.33

Ahvithin 2

_ FIGURE 19.2 Structure and formulas for the independent measure ANOVA


SS = sum of X’

Between treatments Within treatments

SS = sum of a SS = sum of SS each treatment


MS = cS

fe MS between treatments

within treatments

chapter 19 | analysis of variance (ANOVA) 299

The F ratio
The F ratio compares these two variances.
In our experiment

= = MSpetiveen = 15 = ee

MS within Nees
The obtained value of 11.28 indicates that the numerator of the F ratio is substantially
bigger than the denominator. If you recall the conceptual structure of the F ratio you will
understand that this indicates a strong effect from the treatments and could not be expected
by chance. Degree of noise does appear to have a strong effect on learning performance. But
is it statistically significant? To determine this we shall have to see how F is interpreted.

Distribution of F ratios
We have seen that F is constructed so that the numerator and denominator are
measuring the same variance when the null hypothesis is true. F is expected to be around
1 in this situation. But how far does it have to be away before we can say there is a
significant effect from the treatment?
To answer this question we need to look at the distribution of F. Like 4 there is a
whole family of F distribution which depend on the degrees of freedom. When graphed
it follows the following typical shape (see Figure 19.3). All values are positive because
variance is always positive. The values pile up around 1 and then taper off to the right.
Part of an F table is depicted below (see Table 19.1).

FIGURE 19.3 Graph ofF distribution






Ow ie

300 part 2 | quantitative methods

To investigate the significance of an obtained F you must know the df values used
in the ratio and the level of significance being applied. The F table (for the full version
see pp. 307-8), like the example above, has dfvalues for the numerator printed across
the top of the table and df values for the denominator are printed in a column on the
left hand side. In our experiment we had a numerator df of 2 (3 — 1 conditions) and a
denominator df of 12 (N — 3). This F ratio then has degrees of freedom equal to 2 and
12 and would be written as ‘df= 2, 12’. The numbers within the table provide critical
cut-off points for .05 and .01 levels of significance.

TABLE 19.1 Extract of F table

Degrees of Degrees of freedom: Numerator

Denominator 1 Pe 3 4 5 6
10 4.96 4.10 3.71 3.48 3.33 3,22
10.04 7.56 6.55 5.99 5.64 5.39
11 4.84 3.98 3.59 3.36 3.20 3.09
9.65 7.20 6.22 5.67 5.32 5.07
12 4.75 3.88 3.49 3.26 3.11 3.00
9.33 6.93 5.95 5.4] 5.06 4.82
13 4.67 3.80 3.41 3.18 3.02 2.92
9.07 6.70 5.74 5.20 4.86 4.62
14 4.60 3.74 3.34 aA 2.96 2.85
8.86 6.5] 5.56 5.03 4.69 4.46
15 4.54 3.68 3°29 3.06 2.90 279
8.68 6.36 5.42 4.89 4.56 4.32
16 4.49 3.63 3.24 3.01 2.85 2.74
8.53 6.23 es 4.77 4.44 4.20
17 4.45 3.59 3.20 2.96 2.81 2.70
8.40 6.11 5.18 4.67 4.34 4.10
18 4.4] 3.55 3.16 Pas Lae 2.66
8.28 6.01 5.09 4.58 4.25 4.01

from Table 18 of Biometrika Tables for Statisticians, vol. 1, eds E.S. Pearson and H.O.

If you look at Table 19.1, with df= 2, 12, the tabled numbers are 3.88 (.05) and 6.93
.01). In our experiment the obtained F was 11.28. This is well beyond the .01 level and
therefore we can be confident in rejecting the null hypothesis and conclude that degree
F noise does have a statistically significant effect on learning performance.
All parts of the ANOVA can be presented in a summary table form conventionally

Source of variance SS df MS
Between treatments 30 2 i F=11.28
Within treatments 16 iz 1.33
Tota 46 14

chapter 19 | analysis of variance (ANOVA) 301

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The Scheffe test
The Scheffe test is one of a number of post hoc tests that are used to determine where the
significant difference(s) lie after the null hypothesis has been rejected in ANOVA. Other
commonly used post hoc tests include Tukey’s HSD test and Bonferroni. In rejecting the
null hypothesis we are simply saying that there is at least one significant mean difference
and there may be more. But we do not know between which means the difference(s) lie.
The Scheffe test uses an F ratio to test for a significant difference between any two
treatment conditions. The numerator is the MS between treatments that is calculated
using only the two treatments you wish to compare The denominator is the same MS
within treatments that was used for the overall ANOVA. The safety factor of the Scheffe
comes from the following:
¢ Although only two treatments are being compared, the Scheffe uses the value of k
from the original experiment to compute df between treatments. Thus, df for the
numerator of the F ratio is k — 1; and
¢ The critical value of the Scheffe F ratio is the same as was used to evaluate the F ratio
from the overall ANOVA.

Thus the Scheffe requires that every post-test satisfies the criteria used for the overall
ANOVA. The procedure is to start testing using the biggest mean difference and
continue testing until a non-significant difference is produced.
For the above example we will test treatment 2 (background music) against treatment
1 (silence).
Vie oeCree 0p esi8
Coe ae ee co 0s
N > 5 15
Oe aween =k-3=2

MVS eae a So benveen = 25 = (Dus

Chetnesn 2

Scheffe uses MS within which is 1.33

so the Scheffe F ratio = MSperween = = 939

within Ww

With df2 and 12 and p < .05, the critical value in the F table is 3.88; therefore this
difference between silence and background music is significant. The difference between
background music and noise would also be significant, but the difference between silence
and noise is not likely to be significant.

With two treatment conditions, is a post hoc test necessary when the null hypothesis is

chapter 19 | analysis of variance (ANOVA) 303

We have calculated a very simple independent measures ANOVA as an example.
ANOVAs with more than one factor and a variety of levels within each can require very
complex calculations using computer programs. Few researchers would attempt ANOVA
by hand. This example has been used purely to demonstrate the principles behind the

1 Complete the following table:

Variance SS df MS F

Between groups 2.6 a 13 b

Within groups c af d
Total 170 e

2 Interpret F by making a statement about whether to retain or reject the null

*Answers on p. 604.

Using the following data answer the questions below:

Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3

n= 10 n= 10 n= 10 N = 30
T=10 1 = 20 T=30 G=60
SS = 27 SS = 16 SS= 23 sum of X2 = 206

Calcitare SSiorp-S Shenveen AN SS anne

What is hota Giveuseen and Ah within?
With the significance level set at 0.05, what is tabled F?
What is F in the above study? Is there a significant treatment effect?

*Answers on p. 604.

Repeated measures ANOVA

The ANOVA we have just considered was an independent group measure. The between
group or repeated measures ANOVA is similar, although the denominator in the F ratio
becomes the error term and does not include individual differences as the same subjects
undertake all levels of the treatment factor.
variance between treatments
You will remember that the F ratio =
variance within treatments

304 part 2 quantitative methods

The error term is intended to produce a balanced equation if the treatment has had
no effect, so in the repeated measures ANOVA the F ratio is:

_ treatment effect + experimental error
experimental error

To obtain the error term we have to remove individual differences from the equation
we used in the independent measures approach. This is done by computing the variance
due to individual differences and subtracting it from the variance between treatments and
also from the variance within treatments.

Here is an example worked through.
A teacher wishes to test the effectiveness of a behaviour modification technique in
controlling the classroom behaviour of unruly children. Every time a child disrupts the
class, they lose a play period. The number of outbursts are monitored at various periods
to assess the effectiveness. The null hypothesis is that the behaviour modification
program will have no significant effect. The alternative hypothesis states that there will
be a significant difference without specifying between which time periods. We will use
the 5 per cent level of significance.
The data are as follows:
Before One week One month Six months
Subject treatment after after after p
A 8 2 1 1 12
B 4 1 1 0 6
e 6 Z 0 2 10
D 8 3 4 1 16

SS7= I SS5=2 SS3=9 SSyan2

n=4 k=4 N= 16 Ne VLE? G=44
SS ott = eogo = 222-121 = 101

is == ae See — 77
SS between = —n —- —
= 4+t 4 4 A 16

SS \ithin = 101 — 77 = 24. This needs to be partitioned into between subjects SS and error

SS E (So : eee,Soeae lo 2s i
between subjects
k oN 4 4 4 4 16
: 3

She 5 SSwwithin treatments _ Sen subjects — LESS 13 =11

Dien treatments ~ p (4 groups 4 1)

Af vichin treatments =12 (each group — 1)

Ch es = 9 (each testing occasion — | for each subject)

chapter 19 |analysis of variance (ANOVA) 305

Finally we can compute the MS values and the F ratio. The repeated measures F ratio
uses between treatments MS as the numerator and the MS error as denominator.

— SSpetween igatmen's = re = 25.67

MShanvean treatments
ae es treatments

MSerror = Senor = os = ee

Che g

F — iShares treatments = 25.67 =_ D4 04

Moe, 1 22

The layout of the results table is as follows:

Source of variance SS df MS F
Between treatments 77 3 25.07, 21.04
Within treatments 24 12
Between subjects 13 3
Error Hi. 9 [igZ
Total 101 15

If you consult the F table on p. 308, F(3, 9) tabled value is 3.86. Our value of 21.04
is therefore significant at p < .05, and the null hypothesis can be rejected. However, we
do not know between which treatments the significant differences lie and we would
have to apply the Scheffe test as we did earlier. The only change in the Scheffe test is to
substitute MS.,,,, in place of MS within in the formula and use df.,,,rror in place of df...
when locating the critical value in the table.

What sources contribute to within treatments and between treatments variability for a
repeated measures design?

When the amount of individual differences may be great, a repeated measures

ANOVA is more sensitive to treatment effects. Let’s suppose we know how much
variability is accounted for by the different components; for example:
treatment effect 10 units of variance
individual differences 1000 units of variance
experimental error 1 unit of variance

For the independent measures we get

fF _ treatment effect + individual differences + experimental error

individual differences + experimental error

ee OSE ALOOO + Deve 105.1

= = 1.01
1000 + 1 1001

306 part 2 | quantitative methods

For the repeated measures we get
treatment effect + experimental error
experimental error

The repeated measures F is much larger because we have removed individual

differences and so we are more likely to detect significant treatment effects which are no
longer confused with individual differences.

TABLE 19.2 F table

Values of F at p < .01

df numerator

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 24
5000 5403 5625 5764 5859 5928 5981 6056 6106 6235
99.0 9x2 DY 99°35 99.3 99.4 99.4 99.4 99.4 his:
30.8 2S 28.7 28.2 27.9 AYES 27.5 Die 27.1 26.6
18.0 16.7 16.0 15.5 li5a2 15.0 14.8 14.5 14.4 1309

(R227 12.06 ties? 10.97 10.67 10.46 10.29 10.05 9.89 9.47
10.92 9.78 Dols 8.75 8.47 8.26 8.10 7.87 Lf 7.3
Fo15) 8.45 7.85 7.46 7.19 6.99 6.84 6.62 6.47 6.07
8.65 Leo) 7.01 6.63 6.37 6.18 6.03 5.81 5.67 5.28
8.02 6.99 6.42 6.06 5.80 5.61 5.47 5.26 4.73
7.56 6.55 5.99 5.64 5.39 5.20 5.06 4.85 4.71 4.33

To2N 6.22 5.67 DrsZ 5.07 4.89 4.74 4.54 4.40 4.02
6.93 5.95 5.4] 5.06 4.82 4.64 4.50 4.30 4.16 3.78
6.70 5.74 521 4.86 4.62 4.44 4.30 4.10 3.96 Broo)
6.51 5.56 5.04 4.70 4.46 4.28 4.14 3.94 3.80 3.43

6.36 5.42 4.89 4.56 4.32 4.14 4.00 3.80 3.67 329
6.23 5.29 4.77 4.44 4.20 4.03 3.89 3.69 3200 3.18
6.11 5.18 4.67 4.34 4.10 3.93 33/9 Broo) 3.46 3.08
6.01 5.09 4.58 4.25 4.01 3.84 Seva 3-ol 3.37 3.00
3.5 5.01 4.50 4.17 3.94 Bel/. 3.63 3.43 3.30 D9

5.85 4.94 4.43 4.10 3.87 3.70 3.56 Seo, 3.23 2.86
denominator 5.78 4.87 4.37 4.04 3.81 3.64 3.51 3.31 Bully, 2.80
5.72 4.82 4.31 3.99 3.76 3.59 3.45 3.26 Sule LIS
5.66 4.76 4.26 3.94 Bev 3.54 3.41 3.21 3.07 2.70
5.61 4.72 4.22 3.90 3.67 3.50 3.36 Sally, 3.03 2.66

5.53 4.68 4.18 3.86 3.63 3.46 3.32 Sulis 2.99) 2.62
5.56 4.64 4.14 3.82 3.59 3.42 329 3.09 2.96 2.58
5.49 4.60 4.11 3.78 3.56 3.39 3.26 3.06 DDS} 2595
5.45 4.57 4.07 3°75 3.53 3.36 3525) 3.03 2.90 DOU.
5.42 4.54 4.04 3273 3.50 3.33 3.20 3.00 2.87 2.49

SRS 4.51 4.02 3.70 3.47 3.30 Ballz 2.98 2.84 2.47
5.34 4.46 3.97 3.65 3.43 3.26 Sus 2.93 2.80 2.42
S29 4.42 3:93 3.61 3.39 B27 3.09 2.90 2.76 2.38
By) 4.38 3.89 3.58 B35 3.18 3.05 2.86 26/2 2.35
5.21 4.34 3.86 3.54 3.32 Balls) 3.02 2.83 2.69 DSw.

5.18 4.31 3.83 3.51 3.29 Boz 2.99 2.80 2.66 2.29
4.98 4.13 3.65 3.34 Selly 2.95 2.82 2.63 2.50 2 AZ
4.79 3.95 3.48 Su7, 2.96 2.79 2.66 2.47 2.34 1.95
4.61 3.78 3292 3.02 2.80 2.64 BSH 2.32 2.18 M79

chapter 19 analysis of variance (ANOVA) 307

TABLE 19.2 Continued
Values of F at p < .05
df numerator

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 24 oo

] Ted 1995) 2is7 22416 2302 23410) 236.8: 238.9) 241.9) 2439) 240.0 2545
2 18.5 19.0 ley Ee 193 1933 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 1955 EES}
3 10.13 O55 Spey S172 9.01 8.94 8.89 8.85 8.79 8.74 8.64 8.53
4 ies 6.94 6:59" 6.39 6.26 6.16 6.09 6.04 5.96 5:91 Dd 5.63

S) 6.61 Sue!) 5.41 5.19 5.05 4.95 4.88 4.82 4.74 4.68 4.53 4.36
6 D099) 5.14 4.76 4.53 4.39 4.28 4.21 4.15 4.06 4.00 3.84 307;
7 Syey) 4.74 4.35 4.12 3.97 3.87 yf) 35/3 3.64 3.57 3.41 3.23
8 5.32 4.46 4.07 3.84 3.69 3.58 3.50 3.44 3,35) 3.28 3512 2.93
9 Sal 4.26 3 S663: 3.48 3.37 3729 5:25 3.14 3.07 2.90 2eF|
10 4.96 4.10 3.71 3.48 3.33 3.22 3.14 3.07 2.98 Zoi 2.74 2.54
11 4.84 3.98 5-59 S30 320 3.09 3.01 ZS 2.85 (ode) 2.61 2.40
12: 4.75 3.89 3.49 3.26 oy |] 3.00 Zoi 2.85 PLSfs) 2.69 2:51 2250)
13 4.67 3.8] 3.41 3.18 3.03 2, 2.83 2h 2.67 2.60 2.42 2221
14 4.60 3.74 3234) 23. 2.96 2.85 2.76 2.70 2.60 7ap 2:35 2.13
iS 4.54 3.68 3:20] 55.06 2.90 2.70 2.7) 2.64 2.54 2.48 2.29 2.07
16 4.49 3.63 3.24 3.01 2.85 2.74 2.66 Zieye) 2.49 2.42 2.24 2.01
ly 4.45 Sy) 32058 2296 2.81 2.70 2.61 ZOD 2.45 2.38 219 1.96
18 4.4] 395 3 allOmme2.05 Deshi 2.66 2.58 2.51 2.4] 2.34 25: 1.92
19 4.38 Ske S135 92.00 2.74 2.63 2.54 2.48 2.38 2.31 214 1.88
df 4.35 3.49 SOME 2287, 2.71 2.60 2.51 2.45 2:35 2.28 2.08 1.84
21 4.32 3.47 3.07 2.84 2.68 2.07 2.49 2.42 2.32 2.25 2.05 1.81
22 4.30 3.44 3.05 2.82 2.66 2.55 2.46 2.40 2.30 228 2.03 1.78
23 4.28 3.42 3.03 2.80 2.64 7ssye) 2.44 Page 2027 2.20 2.00 1.76
24 4.26 3.40 5: ONG 2578 2.62 2.51 2.42 2.36 225) 2.18 1.98 1:73)
25 4.24 3:39 PASTS) PSK) 2.60 2.49 2.40 2.34 2.24 2.16 1.96 EAL
26 4.23 3.37 2.98 2.74 PEE) 2.47 BNE) Mageya 2a 2S) 19S 1.69
27 4.21 3335 PasNi\ PaTfe) Ze, 2.46 237 /as)} 2.20 2S 1:93 1:67;
28 4.20 3.34 2955 27 2.56 2.45 2.36 229 2lie) 2 ile 1.91 1.65
29 4.18 3333 PSs PTAD) 2555) 2.43 23) 2.28 2.18 2.10 1.90 1.64
30 4.17 3.32 22922269 2.53 2.42 233 PPI 2.16 2.09 1.89 1.62
32 4.15 3.29 DIO 2167, 251 2.40 23) 2.24 2.14 2.07 1.86 1.59
34 4.13 3.28 2.88 2.65 2.49 2.38 fievhs) 2.23 Pas |72 2.05 1.84 (SVs
36 4.11 3.26 2.07 2:63 2.48 2.36 2.28 221 Nil 2.03 1.82 1.55
38 4.10 3.24 2209) a 2202 2.46 2.35 2.26 RAS) 2.09 2.02 1.81 (ese
40 4.08 3°23 2.84 2.61 2.45 2.34 2520 2.18 2.08 2.00 VeA2 leo
60 4.00 S15 22/6 e253 2.37 P25) PINE 2.10 a2) 1.92 1.70 1e39
120 Boe 3.07 2.68 2.45 Jeff) 2.18 2.09 2.02 19i 1.83 1.61 125
co 3.84 3.00 2.60) 52.37, 2.21 2.10 2.01 1.94 1.83 hays Tea2 1.00

Source: Abridged from Table 18 of Biometrika Tables for Statisticians, vol. 1, eds E.S. Pearson and H.O.

Two factor ANOVA or two-way ANOVA

In some experiments there are two variables or factors that may interact. For example,
the effect of anxiety on performance may depend on the level of self-esteem, with anxiety
only having an effect when self-esteem is low. Again, verbal reinforcement may work well
to produce a specified behaviour with middle-class children but not so well with
working-class children, who respond better to tangible tokens of reinforcement. An
interaction occurs when the effect of one independent variable on the dependent variable
is not the same under all the conditions of the other dependent variable.

308 part 2 |quantitative methods

An interaction is often readily seen when depicted in a graph. The graphs below show
a variety of possible interactions. However, it is only possible to assess whether they are
statistically significant by testing them with ANOVA. An interaction is indicated when
the graphed lines are not parallel. The dependent variable is usually placed on the vertical
axis, while one of the independent variables forms the horizontal axis. The second
independent variable is graphed.
The following graphs plotting achievement scores gained by boys and girls, under
two different teaching methods, assist in understanding interaction. In Figure 19.4(a)
there is no main effect for method as the means are both the same; however there is a
main effect for sex, as girls do better under both methods. There is no interaction and
the lines are parallel. In Figure 19.4(b) there is a main effect for sex as the girls’ mean is
above the boys’ mean in both methods. There is also an interaction as the girls score
higher with one method while the reverse is true for the boys.

FIGURE 19.4(a) |



Methods e

FIGURE 19.4(b)

@ Girls



chapter 19 | analysis of variance (ANOVA) 309

In Figure 19.4(c) there is a main effect for sex, as the girls’ mean is higher than the
boys’ in each method. There is also an effect for method, with method B producing
better results than method A, as well as an interaction with boys improving their scores
on B more than girls. In Figure 19.4(d) there is neither a sex nor a method effect, as the
boys’ mean equals the girls’ mean and the methods means are also equal. However, there
is a strong interaction as boys do much better on B, while girlss do much better on A.
Remember in cases where lines are not parallel that only a statistical test will show
whether there iIS a significant interaction present. V isual iinspection is not adequate.

FIGURE 19.4(c) |
A ;

Scores a
ee a



FIGURE 19.4(d) ;




Since the between treatments variability is split between the two factors and the
interaction (see Figure 19.5) the two factor or two-way ANOVA has three distinct

1 The main effect of factor A. The null hypothesis states that there are no statistically
significant mean differences between levels of factor A.
2 The main effect for factor B. There is a similar null hypothesis for factor B.

310 part 2 |quantitative methods

3 The A X B interaction. The null hypothesis states that there is no statistically
significant interaction. That is, the effect of either factor is independent of the levels
of the other factor.

FIGURE 19.5. Sources of variability

Total variability

Between treatments | Within treatments

Factor A Factor B Interaction

variability variability variability

Three F ratios have to be tested each with the basic form of

_ treatment effect + individual differences + experimental error
individual differences + experimental error

The general format for a two-factor experiment is depicted below. The example has
two levels of factor A and three levels of factor B. There could of course be any number
of levels for each factor. Each cell corresponds with a particular treatment condition. It
is possible to use either an independent measures or a repeated measures design in a two
factor experiment. The example to be covered is an independent design. Calculations can
become complicated and most ANOVAs of this sort will be performed on computer. It
is unlikely you would ever attempt one manually.

Factor B

Level B, Level B, Level B;

Level A, treatment treatment treatment

cell A,B, cell A,B, cell A,B,
Factor A es

Level A, treatment treatment treatment

cell A,B, A,B, A,B;

To develop formulae for the two factor ANOVA we need:

G = sum of all the scores in the whole experiment
N = the number of scores in the whole experiment
p = the number of levels of factor A
q = the number oflevels of factor B
n = the number of scores in each cell (treatment condition)

chapter 19 |analysis of variance (ANOVA) 311

The total for each treatment condition specified by A and B and the relevant subscripts,
e.g. A,B, is the total ofscores in that cell. In addition, A, refers to the total ofall the scores
in that treatment; B, refers to the total of all the scores in that treatment, and so on.
The general structure of the analysis of the two-way ANOVA is depicted in Figure
19.6. We will produce three between-treatment variances and one within-treatment
variance. We will analyse the data in the table below, representing an experiment in which
three male and three female student groups each with five members (factor A = gender)
undertook the same unit of work in three different ways, viz. normal classroom teaching,
individualised interactive computer presentation, and discussion group (factor B =
teaching method). The scores on an achievement test are reported in the cells.
Factor B (teaching methods)

B, B, B;
(classroom) (computer) (discussion)
1 7 3
6 7 1
A, (female) 1 ib 1
A; = 60 1 zt 6
1 6 =
A,B, = 10 A,B, = 35 A,B; =15
SS ='20 $3 = 26 SS=18
Factor A (gender)
0 0 0
3 0 2
A> (male) jp 0 0
A> = 30 5 5 0
5 0 3
A,B, = 20 A,B, =5 A>B3 = 5
SS= 28 S520 SS=8
6, = 30 B, = 40 B; = 20
N = 30 G=90 X2
= 520

'Se= sum ore = = 520 —- 270 = 250

SSwithin = the sum of SS ini, each treatment cell

= 20' + 26+ 18 + 28 + 20+ 8 = 120

(AB)? G?
n N
_ UG , Son 1a 20 oe
+ = =
5 5 5 5 5 a 3 30 12

Now we need to partition SSpeuveen Of 130 into components relating to factors A and
B, and interaction effects.

312 part 2 |quantitative methods

FIGURE 19.6 Structure of two factor ANOVA

Total variability

Between Treatments
\ Within Treatments
esi2 Ape. @N SS = SS each cell
df=pq-1 dia Nod

Factor A = B Interaction
Variability Variability Variability
ee weal Ee ice SS found by
ae gn oN 2S N subtraction

af=p-1 Ga oh’ = (9 =i)=11)

MS factor — SS for the factor

df for the factor M = SS within
a treatments
S error df within treatments

This MS computed for all factors This MS used as error term for
and interaction all F ratios

Sums of squares
eG 60) 30" 002
Soe=sthesinioie == ad ee en
an N Is (8G) 30
mole pe mee 0: mee 20° 907
Sope= INesuMNnvor E =
pn N 10 10 10 30

SS, = Sone ween 7 SSp * SSp

= (S030
20) =80

Degrees of freedom

Ajo = 30-1=29

df.rin = the sum of (n — 1) or N — pq = 24

Of cece =3x2-l= 5

Ahi pt le=al

chapter 19 analysis of variance (ANOVA) bs


dfn = ane mf dfx — dfs 2$St=2=2 (dfs x Be dfxafp)

The final step in the analysis is to compute the mean square values and the F ratios.
The MS is the sample variance and is SS divided by df. In our experiment we have:


Moira =. so
A 1

Vehe = = 310
dk 2
Nictora xB ave! 2° amg
Ae ae

The denominator of each F ratio will have MS within:

VSS = SS within = 120 =5

Clie 24

F ratios

ForfactorA: F= Hee See 6

MS within s)

olf= 1, 24
therefore F (1, 24) = 6.00

For factor B: F= MSe = 10 =)

MS within 5

Cli= 2, 2a!
therefore F(2, 24) = 2.00

For factor AxB: F= Nec gous 8.00

MS within

Chip= 2 We
therefore F(2, 24) = 8.00

Source of variance SS df MS

Between treatments 130 5

Factor A (sex) 30 1 30
Factor B (method) 20 2 10
A X B interaction 80 2 40
Within treatments 120 24 5
Total 250 29

314 part 2 | quantitative methods

The .05 tabled value (see p. 308) for F(1, 24) is 4.26 and for F(2, 24) is 3.40. Our
conclusion is that:

¢ factor A, the sex of the subject, had a significant effect;

¢ factor B, method of presentation, did not have a significant effect; and
¢ the A xB interaction was significant, with males performing more poorly than females
on two of the methods but better than females on the other. This is shown in Figure
19.7. You will remember that interactions are easier to see and understand if graphed.

FIGURE 19.7 Graph of results

A; Female

wc A> Male

B, ay Bs
Factor B Teaching methods

1 How does the F ratio for the repeated measures ANOVA differ from that of the one
for the independent measures?
2 A study is conducted to ascertain the level of anxiety of the learner and the
meaningfulness of the material on the speed of learning lists of words.
a___ Between which two variables might the interaction effect be shown?
b If a total of 60 subjects are equally distributed between the groups what F values
are necessary for significance at the 5 per cent level?
3. In a two-way ANOVA, SSpeween IS divided into three parts. Which of the following
symbolises this?
a SSpetween = SS xBt SSw 5 SS,
D = 'SSiagucedti= 9544 S55 +'S5y;
C SShetween = 55a xB + SS + SSg
O SSietvean F594 SS wh 53;
*Answers on p. 604.

chapter 19 | analysis of variance (ANOVA) 315

Calculate the following data using a two-way ANOVA ana interpret F

Method of teaching
Directed learning Discovery learning
By B.
10 8
11 9

English 12 11

A, 14 13
16 1S
12 15
Le 16
Thai 16 18
A> 17 19
18 23

1 Complete the following table and make some conclusions

Source of variance Sums of squares df MS F

Between columns 35 1 a 1.32
Between rows Ey ae 1 37:5 b
Columns by rows C 1 73.5 7.21
Within groups 204 d e
Total 328.5 23

2 The following data summarise the results of a two-factor independent measures

experiment. Use ANOVA and evaluate the effects of factor A, factor B and the Ax B
interaction for the data b below

Factor B

5; B> B;
n=10 n=10 n=10
AB=0 AB = 10 AB
= 20
A; X=0 pm K=2
SS = 30 SS = 40 SS='50

316 part 2 | quantitative methods

n=40 Ae n=10
AB = 40 AB = 30 AB
= 20
A> X=4 Ko Kea
SS = 60 $5350 SS
= 40
sum of X2 = 610

*Answers on p. 605.

Effect size and power for the analysis of variance

Effect size
Effect size for the analysis of variance is a little more complex than for a ¢ test. With the
t test, effect size is measured by taking the difference between the two means and dividing
it by the standard deviation. In the analysis of variance, we can still divide by the standard
deviation, but in analysis of variance we have more than two means, so it is not obvious
just what is equivalent to the difference between the means to form the numerator
required in calculating effect size.
Cohen suggests that in the analysis of variance, we should think of the effect size as
the variation among the means. Specifically, he recommends using the standard
deviation of the distribution of means. He defines the effect size for the analysis of
variance as the standard deviation of the distribution of means divided by the standard
deviation of the individuals.
With a bit of algebraic manipulation, it turns out that the effect size using estimated
variances can be computed directly from knowing the F and the number of scores in each
group. [he formula is:

Estimated effect size = ie

This formula is very helpful when evaluating the effect size of a completed study
reported in a published research article. Cohen’s conventions for effect size for analysis
of variance, using the above formula, are .10 for a small effect, .25 for a medium effect,
and .40 for a large effect size.
Actually, SPSS now computes an effect size statistic as part ofits output for the one-
way and general linear model procedure. This effect size is statistic partial eta* which
ranges in value from 0 to 1. A value of0 indicates that there are no differences between
mean scores in the groups. A value of 1 indicates that there are differences between at
least two of the means of the dependent variable and that there are no differences on the
dependent variable scores within each group. Generally, partial eta? is interpreted as the
proportion of the dependent variable that is related to the factor. Values of .01, .06 and
.14 represent small, medium and large effect sizes respectively.
Partial eta? is computed for each main and interaction source and may be calculated
using the equation over the page:

chapter 19 |analysis of variance (ANOVA) 317

Partial eta2 main or interaction source =

Sum of SQUATES nin or interaction source

Sum of SQuareS pain or interaction source a SUM of SQUAlES cro,

For two-factor or two multivariate ANOVA, the effect size is associated with Wilks’
lambda (A), and this is usually quoted in research findings.
In general, partial eta is interpreted as the proportion of variance of the dependent
variable that is related to a particular main or interaction source excluding the other
main and interaction sources.

Table 19.3 shows the approximate power for the .05 significance level for small,
medium, and large effect sizes; sample size of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 100 per group; and
three, four and five groups. These are the most common values of the various influences
on power.
Mote detailed tables are provided in Cohen (1988, pp. 289-354).

TABLE 19.3 Approximate power for studies using the analysis of variance testing
hypotheses at the .05 significance level
Effect size
Small Medium Large
Participants per group (n) (.10) (.25) (.40)

Three. groups (Of

ceveen = 2)
10 .07 .20 45
20 .09 38 78
30 a OS .93
40 lS .68 98
50 18 79 .99
100 sey 98

Four groups (dfhetween = 3)

10 .07 al soul
20 se .43 85
30 3 61 .96
40 16 76 .99
50 19 85
100 36 99

Five groups (df,etween = 4)

10 .07 3, 6
20 AG 47 .90
30 sls .67 .98
40 Al 81
50 2A .90
100 .40

318 part 2 | quantitative methods

For example, a planned study comparing five groups of 10 participants each, with an
expected large effect size (.40) and using the .05 significance level, would have power of
.56. This means that even if the research hypothesis is in fact true and has a large effect
size, there is only a little greater than even chance (56 per cent) that the study will have
a statistically significant outcome.
As we have noted in previous chapters, determining power is especially useful when
interpreting the practical implication of anon-significant result. For example, suppose
you have read a study using a one-way independent analysis of variance for four groups
of 30 participants each, in which the researcher reports a non-significant result at the .05
level. Table 19.3 shows a power of only .13 for a small effect size. This suggests that even
if such a small effect exists in the population, this study would be very unlikely to have
had a statistically significant outcome. The table shows a power of .96 for a large effect
size. This suggests that if a large effect existed in the population, it almost surely would
have shown up in this study.
Planning sample size
Table 19.4 gives the approximate number of participants needed in each group for
80 per cent power at the .05 significance level for estimated small, medium, and large
effect sizes for studies with three, four and five groups.

TABLE 19.4 Approximate number ofparticipants needed in each group (assuming

equal sample sizes) for 80 per cent power for the one-way analysis of variance-testing
hypotheses at the .05 significance level
Effect size
Small Medium Large
A310) (.25) (.40)
Sy Sy 21
Threegroups (Olgeiween 7 2)
274 45 18
Fourgroups (divsiieck = 3)
240 39 16
Fivegroups (dfjetween = 4)

For example, suppose you are planning a study involving four groups and you expect
a small effect size (and will use the .05 significance level). For 80 per cent power you
would need 274 participants in each group, a total of 1096 in all. However, suppose you
could adjust the research plan so that it was now reasonable to predict a large effect size
(perhaps by using more accurate measures and a more powerful experimental
manipulation). Now you would need only 18 in each of the four groups, for a total of 72.

Using SPSS for the one-way independent ANOVA

The computation of a one-way unrelated analysis of variance will be illustrated with
dummy data for a study on the effect of different counselling techniques on stress scores.

How to proceed
1 Select Statistics and then Compare Means from the drop-down menu.
2 Select One-Way ANOVA to open the One-Way ANOVA dialogue box.

chapter 19 |analysis of variance (ANOVA) 319

€ Choose your variable ‘stress’ and using the arrow button place it in Dependent List: box.
Select ‘group’ and use the arrow button to move it into the Factor box.
Click on Post Hoc and in the Post Hoc Multiple Comparison box select Bonferroni,
Scheffe and Tukey if equal variances can be assumed. Choose Dunnet C if equal
variances cannot be assumed.
Select Continue and then choose Option to gain access to the One Way ANOVA
Options box, where you click on Descriptives and Homogeneity of \ ariance.
i Select continue, then OK to produce the output like Table 19.5 on pp. 321-

How to interpret the output

The top subtable provides the descriptive statistics. The important ones are the means,
since once we have a significant result we need to have some awareness of where the
significant differences between the means may lie.
The second subtable suggests that there is a non-significant difference between the
group variances; therefore homogeneity of variance can be accepted.
The main ANOVA subtable appears next. This shows an F (2, 27) = 9.722, p =.001.
The F ratio is the between groups mean square divided by the within groups mean
square. It is statistically significant.
This indicates that there is a significant difference in stress scores between the three
treatment groups. However, it does not necessarily imply that all the means are
significantly different from each other. In this case, visual inspection of subtable a may
suggest that they are all significantly different. However, visual inspection is not
cours and post hoc tests must be run.
Subtable d reports the results of various multiple comparison post hoc tests such as
Scheffe and Tukey which determine between which groups the significant differences
lie. (Normally only one post hoc test is used but several are shown for demonstration
purposes only.)
These tests indicate that the significance lies in the effectiveness of both counselling
groups over the control but that there is no significant difference between the
effectiveness of the two counselling modes.

Computing effect size

This can be calculated using the formula:
Partial eta main or interaction source =

Sum of squares. jain OF interaction source

SUM Of SQUATES,,ain or interaction source + SUM Of squares,,

In our case, ‘main’ is the main effect, or between groups effect, while ‘error’ is the
within groups effect:
= 0.419
294.467 + 408.9

This is a strong effect size.

320 Part 2 | quantitative methods

How to report the output in Table 19.5
We could report the results of the output as follows: “The effect of the counselling
conditions was significant overall (F(2,27) = 9.722, p < 0.001), and the effect size was
strong at 0.419. However, post hoc tests indicate that the means for individual and
group counselling groups did not differ significantly, but both differed significantly
from the mean of the control group. This suggests that both methods of counselling are
similarly effective in reducing stress level.’

Using SPSS for a one-way repeated measures

ANOVA design
We will illustrate the computation of aone-way repeated measures analysis of variance
with dummy data relating to six subjects who undertook a three-month weight
reduction program. They were weighed on three occasions: at the start, midway, and
at the end of the program. Thus we have a situation in which the same group produced
three sets of scores.

How to analyse the data

1 Select Statistics from the menu bar.
2 On the displayed drop-down menu choose General Linear Model which opens
another drop-down menu.
3 Click on GLM Repeated Measures to open the GLM Repeated Measures Define
Variable(s) dialogue box.
4 In the Within Subject Factor Name text box type the factor name, e.g. time.
5 Type the number of levels of the within-subject variable in the Number of Levels
box. In our case this is 3.
Click Add.
Select Define to open the GML Repeated Measures dialogue box.
ConClick on the three variables, i.e. occasions of weighing, and using the arrow button
move them to the Within-Subjects Variables box.
9 Choose Options and highlight ‘time’ in the Factors and Factor Interactions box. Then
use the arrow button to place it into the Display Means for box.
10 Click Estimates for effect size and Descriptive statistics in the Display box.
11 Select Continue, then OK to produce the output.
As it is essential to know the mean ofeach condition when you interpret the ANOVA
output, included in the instructions above is the process to obtain the means and
standard deviations for the three occasions of weighing.
You will find SPSS produces a massive amount of output for the repeated measures
procedure. The output which is of most interest to us and reproduced in Table 19.6 is
the descriptive statistics subtable, and the multivariate tests subtable.

chapter 19 |analysis of variance (ANOVA) 321

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usaMyeg SS3J1S
“Bis 4 aaenbs Jp saaenbs
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EG G L6S° 3410S

part 2 |quantitative methods

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chapter 19 |analysis of variance

Burjjasuno> HuijjasuL- 0009°
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TABLE 19.6 Example ofrepeated measures ANOVA output
a Descriptive statistics

Mean Deviation N

Endweight 59.8333 6.0800 6

Weight at
halfway point 69.6667 4.2740 6
Start weight 79.0000 8.3427 6

b Multivariate tests@
Hypothesis Eta Noncent. Observed

Effect Value F df Error df Sig. Squared Parameter Power?

TIME Pillai’s
trace 593 7 29867" 2.000 4.000 .004 1937, 59.724 994
lambda .063 29.862°¢ 2.000 4.000 .004 1937, 59.724 994
trace 14.931 29.862¢ 2.000 4.000 .004 3h 59.724 994
root 14.931 29.862¢ 2.000 4.000 .004 Q37/ 59.724 994

a Design: Intercept within subjects design: TIME

b Computed using alpha = .05
c Exact statistic

How to interpret the output in Table 19.6

The three means and SDs are quoted in the top table.
In the bottom table, we focus on Wilk’s lambda as one way of interpreting the
significance of the results. Wilk’s lambda indicates a highly significant time effect
with= .063, F (2, 4)= 29.862, p = .004. Eta? is .937 and observed power is .994.
Since the F value is highly significant, we would conclude that there is a significant
difference in the mean weights on the three occasions and that the program had a
significant weight loss effect.
In order to interpret the meaning of the ANOVA, you always need to consider the
means of each of the three groups of scores. If you have three or more groups, you
need to check where the significant differences lie between the pairs of groups. This
can be done by conducting pairwise comparisons.

Performing pairwise comparisons

IfANOVA produces a significant result we need to determine which means differ from
each other. You can do this by conducting a paired sample ¢ test for every pairing (see
p. 198). Table 19.7 details the paired sample results. This is an alternative to using a post
hoc test like Scheffe.)

324 part 2 |quantitative methods

TABLE 19.7 Paired samples test
Paired differences
95% confidence
Std interval of the
Std error difference Sig.
Mean deviation | mean Lower Upper t df (2-tailed)

Pair1 endweight
—weight at
halfway —9.8333 5.0761 2.0723 | -15.1604| -4.5063 | -4.745 5 .005
Pair 2. endweight
start -19.1667 5.4559 2.2274 | —24.8923 |-13.4411]} -8.605 | 5 .000
Pair 3. weightat
point— —9.3333 4.5898 1.8738 | -14.1501 | -4.5166 | -4.981 5 .004
start weight

How to interpret Table 19.7

e All the comparisons were highly significant with p < .005 as a minimum.

How to report the output

We could describe the results of this analysis in the following way: ‘A one-way correlated
analysis of variance showed a significant treatment effect from the weight reduction
program for the three occasions of weight measurement (Wilks’ lambda = .063, F (2, 4)
= 29.862, p = .004. Eta squared is .937 and observed power is .994). The start mean was
79.0, the midpoint mean was 69.7, and the end of program mean was 59.8. Post hoc
paired ¢ tests between all three pairs suggested that there were highly significant
differences between all pairings (p = 0.005 minimum). The results can be regarded as
quite robust support for the effectiveness of the weight reduction program.

Using SPSS for a two-way ANOVA

This procedure will be explained using a dummy experiment to investigate whether
there are differences in final test performance by male and female students using two
different methods of learning statistics. The analysis will enable the investigator to
determine whether there is a difference in the effectiveness in the two methods, whether
there is a difference between the genders across both methods, and whether there is an
interaction effect between methods and gender.

How to proceed
1 Select Statistics, then click on General Linear Model.
2 Choose GLM-General Factorial.

chapter 19 |analysis of variance (ANOVA) 325

Select dependent variable, e.g. ‘score’, and move it to Dependent variable box with
arrow button.
Click on the factors, e.g. gender and method, and move them to the Fixed Factor(s)
Select Model to obtain the GLM-General Factorial Model box.
Click Custom.
Select the factors in the Factors and Covariates box and move them to the Model
Ensure the default option /nteraction is specified in the Build Terms box.
Click the arrow button and Gender* Method will appear in the Model box.
10 Ensure Type I// is selected in the Sums of squares box.
iB Select Continue, then Options.
12 In the Factors and Factor Interaction box click on all the entries and move them using
the arrow button to the Display means box.
hs In the Diagnostics box select Homogeneity tests.
14 In the Display box select Descriptive statistics and Estimates ofEffect size.
15 Finally choose Continue and then OK to obtain the output.

TABLE 19.8 Example oftwo-way ANOVA output

a Descriptive statistics

Learning Std
Gender method Mean deviation N
Score on Male Computerised 20.8333 3.1885 6
course test class teaching 13.6667 1.9664 6
Total 17.2500 4.5151 T2
Femaie Computerised 1378333 1.7224 6
class teaching 18.5000 1.8708 6
Total 16.1667 2.9797 14
Total Computerised 173333 4.3970 2
class teaching 16.0833 3.1176 12
Total 16.7083 3.7819 24

b Levene’: test ofequality of error variances 4

F df, df, Sig.
Score on course test 1.403 3 20 .271

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.
a Design: Intercept + GENDER + METHOD + GENDER*METHOD

326 Part 2 | quantitative methods

© Tests ofbetween-sulyects fects. Dependent variable: score on course test
Type Ill
sum of Mean Eta Noncent. Observed
Source squares df square F Sig. squared parameter power?
Model ZIBASE 3 75 AB6 14.729 .000 688 44.187 1.000
intercept 6700.042 1 6700.042 1307.325 .000 985 1307.325 1.000
GENDER 7 O42 1 7.042 1.374 255 064 1.374 .201
METHOD 9,375 1 9,375 1.829 .191 084 1.829 251
4 210.042 1 210.042 40.984 .000 672 40.984 1.000
Error 102.500 20 5.125
Total 7029.000 24

Total 328.953 23

4 Computed using alpha = 05

b R squared = 683 (Adjusted R squared = .642)

How to interpret the output

We will focus on the descriptive statistics subtable a and the tests of between subjects
effects subtable c.
The descriptive statistics suggests that while the means between the two methods are
very similar (17.33 v. 16.08), there were large gender differences between the
methods, with males doing far better on computerised teaching and females on class
The observations from the descriptive statistics are reflected in the analysis of between-
subjects effects. Here, the main factors of gender and method do not produce
significant differences, but the interaction between them is highly significant with
F (1, 20) = 40.98, p = .001. These results were also reflected in the eta squared effect
sizes and observed power which were only strong for the interaction effect.
The interaction effect may be graphed as in Figure 19.8 (see p. 328) to demonstrate
the interaction in a visual form by entering the graph mode of SPSS.

Using SPSS for multiple comparisons in ANOVA

(post hoc comparisons)
Obtaining a significant F is only the start of interpreting the results. The important
issue is to know exactly where significant differences lie between different conditions of
the study. SPSS can conduct several post hoc procedures which are, as the name implies,
applied after the data has been subjected to ANOVA. They all do slightly different
things. The most often used techniques are the Scheffe and the Tukey methods. They
compare each possible pairing of groups or conditions to determine exactly where the

chapter 19 |analysis of variance (ANOVA) 327


. ]

S ks =


Sil Gender
nae: 2% So
| emale
(2 ————
Computerised Class teaching
Learning method

significant differences lie. However, there is a problem associated with multiple pairwise
testing, or family-wise testing as it is sometimes called.

Methods for controlling Type | error across multiple tests

You will remember that Type I error is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis
when it is true. When we are only testing one comparison as in a ¢ test we designate
significance at .05 or less to minimise our chances of committing a Type I error.
However, in ANOVA (and also when testing a group of inter-correlations), when
multiple hypotheses are being tested there is a greater chance of a Type I error because
we know that even at the 5 per cent level a result of this magnitude will occur in the long
run one in twenty times. So with a group (or family) of multiple hypotheses to check
after—for example, a significant F on a one-way independent ANOVA with six
groups—there is a greater chance of aType I error, i.e. that one of our between-group
comparisons is apparently significant when it may be one of the five in 100 that occur
by chance.
To control for this, several statistical methods have been introduced and are
conveniently available on SPSS, thus easy to apply. These are:
¢ The LSD procedure. This can only be used when there are three groups.
° The Bonferroni method. This reduces the chosen level of significance, say 5 per cent,
to a level equal to that significance level divided by the number of paired comparisons.
¢ The Holm’ Sequential Bonferroni procedure. This method evaluates each pair at a
different level of significance. This method is often preferred over the basic Bonferroni
since it is less conservative and has greater power to detect differences. Here all post
hoc p values from the paired comparisons are ranked for size. The smallest p value is

328 part 2 |quantitative methods

evaluated first by dividing it by the number of comparisons. If the result is less than the
p you have set, then reject the null hypothesis and evaluate the next smallest p. Continue
on until a result is more than the ‘p’ required. At this point, you cannot reject the null
hypothesis and all remaining comparisons are also statistically non-significant.
Both Bonferroni and the Holm’s variant can be used with any number of
These multiple comparisons are often called family wise comparisons.

Non-parametric alternatives of ANOVA

Kruskal-Wallis one-way non-parametric ANOVA
We have only considered parametric ANOVAs above. There are non-parametric options.
The Kruskal-Wallis test determines whether independent samples are from different
populations. This test uses ordinal data; therefore all scores must be transformed into
ranks by combining all scores from all samples into one series. The smallest score is
ranked as 1, the next smallest as 2, etc. Tied scores are given the mean of the ranks for
which they are tied. When this is completed the sum of ranks in each condition is found.
The test determines whether these sums of ranks are so disparate that they are not likely
to have come from samples all drawn from the same population.
The Kruskal-Wallis formula is:

al 2 |~3(N+1)
N(N+1)\ N
n = no of cases in each condition
R = sum of ranks in each condition
N = total number of cases
H is distributed as chi square with df= number of conditions — 1. If the observed value
of H is equal to, or larger than, the tabled value of chi square for the previously set level
of significance and correct df, then the null hypothesis may be rejected. With less than
five cases in each group the chi square distribution is not as accurate. There is a correction
for tied scores but the effect of this correction is negligible and is usually not applied.
Here is an example based on achievement motivation scores of three groups of educators.
Teaching-oriented teachers Administration-oriented teachers Administrators
Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank
96 4 82 Z 115 i
128 9 124 8 149 14
83 3 132 10 166 15
61 1 135 12 147 13
101 5 109 6 134 11
Rp 22 R, = 38 R; = 60

12 DD 8s GOs
15(15+1)| 5 5

chapter 19 |analysis of variance (ANOVA) 329

The tabled value for df= 2 at 0.05 level is 5.99. As our calculated H is higher than
this, we can reject the null hypothesis and support the alternative hypothesis: that
significant differences do exist in terms of achievement motivation between the three
different types of educator.

Analyse these data using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Do you reject or retain the null hypothesis
at p < 0.05?
Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3
Scores Scores Scores

10 15 21
16 14 28
8 12 13
1.9 11 16
rg Ew) +9

*Answer on p. 605.

Using SPSS with the Kruskal-Wallis test

SPSS does not report an effect size index for the Kruskal-Wallis. However, a simple
index can be computed. For the Kruskal-Wallis test, the median and the mean rank for
each of the groups can be reported. Another possibility for the Kruskal-Wallis test is to
compute an index that is normally associated with a one-way ANOVA, such as partial
eta*. Eta* can be computed directly from the reported chi-square value for the Kruskal-
Wallis test using the following formula.

eta2 - chisquare
N41 where N is the total number of cases

How to proceed to compute the Kruskall-Wallis test

Click Data, then Select Cases. Next choose All Cases and finally OK.
Select Statistics followed by Nonparametrics, and choose K-independent samples.
Click Reset to clear dialogue box.
Ensure only the Kruskall- Wallis option is selected in the Test Type box.
GN Click the treatment variable and move it to the Test Variable list box using the arrow
Select Group and move that to the Grouping Variable box.
Choose Define Range.
Type 1 as the minimum value; type as maximum value the total number of groups.
ION Select Continue then OK to produce output.

330 part 2 |quantitative methods

How to interpret output
¢ The table will provide a chi square with a significance level to indicate whether there
is a significant difference between median ranks.
¢ Ifthere is significant differences, pairwise comparisons among the groups needs to be
conducted using the Mann-Whitney test (p. 189).

How to report results

‘A Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted to evaluate differences between the three
influenza vaccine dosage conditions (placebo, low dose, and high dose) on change in
the number of days of absence (number of days with colds during treatment minus
number of days with colds prior to treatment). The test, which was corrected for tied
ranks, was significant, chi square (N = 100) = 26.92, p = .001. Post hoc pairwise
comparisons using Mann-Whitney demonstrated a significant difference between the
placebo group and the low-dose group. The typical decrease in number of days with
cold symptoms after treatment was greater for the low-dose treatment group than for
the placebo group. There was no significant difference between the two levels of
vaccine dosage.’

Friedman two-way non-parametric ANOVA

This test can be applied to matched samples. For example, if one wanted to study the
differences in learning attained under four teaching conditions with small matched
samples, this would be the appropriate test. The data is cast in a two-way table with
rows representing the various subjects and the columns the various conditions. The data
in each row is ranked separately. The Friedman test determines whether it is likely that
the different columns of ranks (samples) came from the same population.
The formula is:
age a yR? = 3Nk +1
where N = number of rows
k = number of columns
R = sum of ranks in each column
X2 is approximately the chi square distribution with df= k — 1, with accuracy declining
as number of rows and/or subjects decreases below 4.
Here is an example:
9 4 1 7
Group A
Group B 6 5 2 8
Group C 9 1 2 6

We must first rank the scores in each row. The table then becomes:

chapter 19 |analysis of variance (ANOVA) 331

i il il IV

Group A 4 yi 1 3
Group B 3 2 | i:
Group C 4 1 2 3
R i) 5 4 10

If the null hypothesis were true, there would be no significant difference between the
sum of ranks for each condition. The distribution of ranks in each column would be on
a chance basis. We would expect the ranks 1, 2, 3 and 4 to occur in all columns in about
equal frequency, with rank totals about equal. If ranks depend on conditions then totals
would vary from column to column.
The calculation for above data is:
s SP
ae ad + 10 = CS
(3)(4)(4 + 1)

The tabled value with df= 3 and p set at 0.05 is 7.82. We must therefore retain the
null hypothesis.

Analyse the following data (raw scores) using Friedman’s test and make a statement
about the null hypothesis.
i Il iI IV

Group A 20 13 6
Group B 18 15 8
Group C At lve 11
Group D Ai 19 3 14
Group E 16 10 12 4

*Answers on p. 605.

Match the test on the left with the definitions on the right. (There is one test with no
a Mann-Whitney U test 1 Used following a significant F ratio.
b Scheffe test 2 Used to determine whether a set of ranks on a
single factor differ significantly.
c Wilcoxon 3 Used to determine whether mean scores on two
or more factors differ significantly.
d Chi square 4 Anon-parametric test used to determine whether
two uncorrelated means differ significantly.

332 part 2 | quantitative methods

e Kruskal-Wallis 5 Anon-parametric test used to determine whether
two correlated means differ significantly.
f ANOVA 6 Used to determine whether two frequency
distributions differ significantly from each other.
g_ Friedman
Answers on p. 605.

Using SPSS for Friedman test

To obtain an effect size using the Friedman test, Kendall’s coefficient of concordance
(Kendall’s W), a strength-of-relationship index, which SPSS calculates, can be used.
The coefficient of concordance ranges in value from 0 to 1, with higher values indicating
a stronger relationship.

How to proceed to compute a Friedman test

1 Select Statistics then Nonparametric tests and click on K Related samples.
2 Click Reset to empty the dialogue box.
3 Transfer the variables to the Test variables List box using the arrow button.
4 Choose Friedman and Kendall’s Win the Test Type area.
5 Select OK to produce the output.
How to interpret the results
¢ The output will indicate the level of significance reached.
¢ Kendall’s W can be used as an effect size index.
¢ If significance is reached, a follow-up test must be applied to determine where the
differences lie. For this use Wilcoxon (see p. 205).
How to report results for the Friedman test
‘A Friedman test was conducted to evaluate differences in medians among social workers
on concerns for promotion (median = 6.50), for job satisfaction (median = 4.50) and for
job security (median = 3.00). The test was significant, chi square (N = 50) = 27.49,
p = .001, and the Kendall coefficient of concordance of .31 indicated fairly strong
differences among the three concerns. Follow-up pairwise comparisons were conducted
using a Wilcoxon test. The median concern for promotion was significantly greater than
median concern for job satisfaction, p = .005, and the median concern for job security
p = .009, but the median concern for job satisfaction did not differ significantly from
the median concern for job security, p = .356.’

Some general guidelines on writing a results

section for ANOVA
As ANOVA procedures are more involved than most of the previous statistical
procedures discussed, here are some guidelines for writing a results section for statistical

chapter 19 |analysis of variance (ANOVA) 333

procedures that may require follow-up tests, such as one-way ANOVA or the
Friedman test.

1 Describe the statistical test(s), the variables, and the purpose of the statistical test(s).
For example: ‘A one-way analysis of variance was conducted to evaluate the
relationship between multi-vitamin treatment and the change in the number of days
absent over a year.’
¢ Describe the factor or factors. Ifafactor is a within-subjects factor, be sure to label
it as such. Otherwise the reader may assume that it is a between-subjects factor. If
a multifactorial design has one or more within-subjects factors, describe each factor
as a between-subjects or a within-subjects factor.
¢ Indicate the number oflevels for each factor. It may be also be informative to the
reader to have a description of each level if the levels are different treatments.
However, it is not necessary to report the number oflevels and what the levels are
for factors with obvious levels such as gender.
¢ Describe what the dependent variable(s) are.
Report the results of the overall test(s).
¢ Describe any decisions about which test was chosen based on assumptions.
¢ Report the F value and significance level (e.g. F (2, 27) = 4.84, V = .016). For
p-values of .000, quote p < .001. For multifactor designs, report the statistics for
each of the main and interaction effects. Tell the reader whether the test(s) are
significant or not.
¢ Report statistics that allow the reader to make a judgment about the magnitude of
the effect for each overall test (e.g. eta? = .45).
Report the descriptive statistics usually by reference to a table or figure that presents
the means and standard deviations.
Describe and summarise the general conclusions of the analysis. An example: “The
results of the one-way ANOVA supported the hypothesis that different types of stress
management treatment had a differential effect on the reduction of absences for
individual teachers’.
Report the results of the follow-up tests:
* Describe the procedures used to conduct the follow-up tests.
* Describe the method used to control for Type I error across the multiple tests.
* Summarise the results by presenting the results of the significance tests among
pairwise comparisons with a table of means and standard deviations.
* Describe and summarise the general conclusions of the follow-up analyses. Make
sure to include in your description the directionality of the test.
Report the distributions of the dependent variable for levels of the factor(s) in a graph
if space is available.

334 part 2 | quantitative methods

ANOVA is a statistical technique that is used to test for mean differences among two or more
treatment conditions or populations. ANOVA can be used in both independent and repeated
measures designs.
The test statistic is the ratio of two variances, termed the F ratio. It is structured so that the numerator
and denominator measure the same variance when the null hypothesis is true. An ‘unbalanced’ F
ratio indicates a treatment effect.
The F ratio has two values for df, one associated with the MS in the numerator, and the other
associated with the MS in the denominator. The dfvalues are used to locate the critical tabled value
of F.
When a decision is made to reject the null hypothesis and the experiment contains more than
two treatment conditions, a post hoc test such as Scheffe must be used to determine the
significantly different treatments. This is because when an obtained F is significant, there is a
significant difference between at least two of the conditions and we don’t know which.
A repeated measures ANOVA eliminates the influence of individual differences from the analysis,
because the same sample of subjects serves in all treatment conditions.
An investigation with two independent variables is termed a two-factor or two-way experiment
and by tradition the two factors are identified as A and B: the two-factor (or way) ANOVA tests are
for main effects for A and B, and for interaction effects between A and B. An interaction exists when
the effect of one factor depends on levels of the other factor.
The Kruskal-Wallis and the Friedman tests provide non-parametric versions of ANOVA for
independent and related designs.

Cohen, J. (1988), Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioural Sciences, Laurence Erlbaum, New York.

chapter 19 | analysis of variance (ANOVA) a

and validity

When data are obtained from a data gathering instrument or technique, we need to
know what faith we can put in the data as truly indicating the person’s performance or
behaviour. With all data we must ask:

¢ Was the assessment instrument/technique reliable and valid?

e Were the conditions under which the data were obtained such that, as far as possible,
only the subject’s ability is reflected in the data and that other extraneous factors had
as minimal an effect as possible?

Synonyms for reliability are dependability, stability, consistency, predictability, accuracy.
A reliable person, for instance, is one whose behaviour is consistent, stable, dependable,
and predictable—what he or she will do tomorrow and next week will be consistent
with what he or she does today, and what he or she did last week. An unreliable person,
on the other hand, is one whose behaviour is much more variable, often unpredictably
variable. Sometimes he or she does this, sometimes that.
Psychological and social science measurements are similar to humans; they are more
or less variable from occasion to occasion. They are stable and relatively predictable, or
they are unstable and relatively unpredictable; they are consistent or not consistent.
If they are reliable, we can depend on them. If they are unreliable, we cannot depend
on them.
It is possible to approach the definition of reliability in three ways:
1 One approach asks the question, ‘Is the score which I have just obtained for student
A the same score I would obtain if Itested him or her tomorrow and the next day and
the next day?’.
This concept of reliability considers whether the obtained score is a stable indication of
the student’s performance on this particular test. This question implies a definition of
reliability in terms of stability, dependability and predictability. It is the definition most
often given in discussions of reliability.
2 Asecond approach asks, ‘Is this test score which I have just obtained on student A an
accurate indication ofhis or her ‘true’ ability?’.
This question really asks whether measurements are accurate. Compared to the
first definition, it is further removed from common sense and intuition, but it is also
more fundamental. These two approaches or definitions can be summarised in the
words stability and accuracy.
3 The third approach, which helps in the understanding of the theory of reliability,
also implies the previous two approaches. This approach asks how much error there
is in the measuring instrument.
The two sources of error are:
1 experimental variability induced by real differences between individuals in the ability
to perform on the test;
2. error variability which is a combination or error from two other sources:
a random fluctuation. Subtle variations in individual performance from day to day;
b systematic or constant error. This is the result of one or more confounding variables
which always push scores up or always push scores down, e.g. practice effect.
The amount of error in a score is a measure of the unreliability of the score. The less
error, the more reliable the score, since the score then represents more closely the ‘true’
performance level of the subject.
Errors of measurement are assumed to all be random error. They are the sum or
product of anumber of causes: the ordinary random or chance elements present in all
measures due to unknown causes, temporary fatigue, fortuitous conditions at a particular
time that temporarily affect the object measured or the measuring instrument,
fluctuations of memory or mood, and other factors that are temporary and shifting.
Reliability can be defined as the relative absence of errors of measurement in a measuring
instrument. Error and reliability are opposite sides of the same coin. The more error, the
less stable, and less accurate the measurement. Our three approaches above recognise that
reliability is the accuracy, stability and relative lack of error in a measuring instrument.
A homely example of reliability will further clarify the concept for those still in the
fog. Suppose we wished to compare the accuracy of two crossbows.
One is an antique, well used and a bit sloppy in its action. The other is a modern
weapon made by an expert. Both pieces are solidly fixed in granite bases and aimed and
zeroed in by an expert toxophilite. Equal numbers of darts are fired with each. The

chapter 20 |reliability and validity 337

target on the left represents the pattern of shots produced by the older weapon. Observe
that the shots are considerably scattered. Now observe that the pattern of shots on the
target on the right is more closely packed. The shots are closely clustered around the
bullseye (see Figure 20.1).

FIGURE 20.1 Reliable and unreliable shooting —

Old crossbow New crossbow

It is obvious that if we computed measures of variability—say, a standard deviation,

or a variance from the two shot patterns—the antique bow would have a much larger
measure of variability than the newer bow. The smaller variability measure of the new
one indicates much less error, and thus much greater accuracy, stability and
predictability. The new bow is reliable; the old bow is unreliable.
Similarly, psychological and educational measurements have greater and lesser
reliabilities. A measuring instrument, say a personality scale, is given to a group of
children—usually only once. Our goal, of course, is to hit the ‘true’ score of each child.
To the extent that we miss the ‘true’ scores, to this extent our measuring instrument, our
test, is unreliable and contains error too.

The theory of reliability

The measurement of a subject’s ‘real’ level of performance will be blurred by these
influences, such as fluctuations in motivation and fortuitous context conditions which
give rise to the error ‘score’ component in the observed score. For any form of assessment
or data gathering technique, there is the true score, the observed score and the error score.
A simple equation can be written which links these three scores. Observed score = true
score + error ‘score’, or more simply:
pee eee error
The error score may, of course, be positive or negative, depending on whether a
person ‘overscores’ or ‘underscores’ with reference to his or her true performance level.
The smaller the error score, the closer the observed score approximates the true score and
the greater the reliability.

338 part 2 |quantitative methods

Where there is no error component, Xob; = Xtrue + 0; i-e. perfect reliability.
As the error component increases, the true score component decreases. Similarly, it
can be shown that total variance in obtained data is equal to the sum of the ‘true’ variance
and the error variance, that is:
ve 2 D
O" obs = O true + O error

We can define the reliability of any set of measurements as the proportion of their
variance which is true variance; in other words, the ratio of true variance to observed
variance. When the true variance is equal to the observed variance, i.e. when there is no
error variance, this ratio has a value of +1.0. This is the ‘perfect reliability’ value:
© ‘true
= 1 I,+ = +1.0 (7, symbolises reliability)
O obs

When there is no true variance present, i.e. when the observed variance is entirely
error, the ratio has a value of zero. This is the ‘nil reliability’ value:

That is,

or conversely,

£_ = 1(i.e. entirely error variance)


Hence, reliability equals 1 minus the error variance divided by the obtained variance.
O error
al Definition of reliability
O obs

Explain the meaning of Xop; = Xtrue + Xerror. How does this expression help us to
understand the concept of reliability?

Methods of determining reliability

There are four approaches to computing reliability coefficients in general use. These are
based on the principle that sets of scores can be correlated to determine the reliability of the
test, i.e. to determine the amount of variance in the test scores which may be attributed to
true differences among individuals. Reliability coefficients are thus correlation coefficients
between two sets of scores. The methods used in computing reliability estimates are:
1 test—retest method
2 alternate forms method
3. split-half method
4 internal consistency method

chapter 20 |reliability and validity 339

Test-retest method
When reliability is measured by the test-retest method, a coefficient of stability is
obtained. This reliability coefficient measures error variance due to temporal variations
in characteristics of those being assessed, as well as variation in conditions of test
administration. Some ofthis temporal instability in test scores is due to variations from
one testing occasion to another in the subject's general characteristics, such as in their
health or emotional tension; part ofit is due to variations in their reactions to the specific
test or assessment.
The test-retest reliability of a test is simply expressed as the correlations between the
scores from two administrations of the same instrument to the same students. There is
no standard duration oftime which should separate the two administrations. However,
a minimum of one day and perhaps a maximum of one year are boundaries generally
considered acceptable for test-retest reliability estimates. In general, a two- to three-
month period is best.

1 Why does a two- to three-month lapse of time between test and retest seem the
2 What would you see as the problems stemming from:
a___ too short a time lapse?
b too long a time lapse?

If the period is too short, the subjects may remember the answers they gave on the first
occasion, and so spuriously increase the consistency of scores. On the other hand,
boredom, decreased motivation, etc. may influence the second testing, thus reducing the
congruence of results between the two occasions of testing. If the period is too long,
maturational factors—for example, learning experience, age—will influence changes of
score on the second occasion and cause an underestimation ofthe reliability. It is difficult
to state any general rule concerning an appropriate period of intervening time for all tests.
If the test is designed to measure a relatively stable trait or characteristic and the
individual is not subjected during the intervening time to experiences which may, in
some way, affect the particular characteristic involved, then the intervening period can
be relatively long. However, when measuring a trait which is influenced by the
individual's intervening experiences, the time should be shorter, but not short enough
to allow memory or practice effect to inflate artificially the relationship between
performance on the two administrations. Thus an appropriate period of intervening
time can only be decided on in the next context of the situation.

For each of the following, indicate whether they would contribute to true score or error
score variance when a test-retest method is employed.
1 Noise in the next room on the first test.

part 2 | quantitative methods

Reading ability.
Broken pencil during retest.
Headache on both occasions.
Knowledge of a specific fact prior to the first test.
BW Knowledge of a specific answer that was missed on the first testing.

Since the rationale of the test-retest method implies that the same level of cognitive,
intellectual, motivational and personality variables are demonstrated on each occasion,
so that any changes are due to the instability of the test itself, changes which occur
within the subjects during the interval between test and retest are the largest source of
error in the test-retest reliability estimate. However, the subject must always be a
‘different’ person for the sole fact of having taken the test on the first occasion.

If the correlation between the scores from two occasions of testing was +1.0, what does
this imply for reliability and error?
If you recall your studies of the correlation coefficient, you should realise that r= +1.0
would imply perfect reliability with no measurement error evident.

If reliability is less than +1.0 what does this imply?
As the test-retest correlation declines from unity, we are measuring the effects of
increasing random error.

Alternate (or parallel) forms method

Because both general ability and specific knowledge may change differentially among
students from test to retest, the alternate forms method can be used. Some standardised
tests have two or more equivalent forms that have been designed to be comparable in
content, length, difficulty level and variance. When two equivalent forms (say forms A
and B) are administered to students on the same occasion, these are correlated and a
coefficient of equivalence is obtained which measures the consistency of examinee
performance from one specific sampling of test content to another. This method does
not take into account temporal fluctuations in examinee performance.
This procedure has two advantages over the previous method. First, one need not be
as concerned about memory and practice effect since the two forms of the test are
composed of different items. Second, a more accurate estimate of reliability is likely to
be obtained because the estimate is based on a larger sampling of the universe of test
items. However, these advantages are gained at the price of further time and effort
involved in the construction of the instrument itself. It is obviously more difficult to
construct two forms of a test than to construct just one. In addition, there are problems

chapter 20 | reliability and validity 341

of ensuring that the forms are indeed equivalent. If they are not, the estimate of the
reliability of either form is likely to be too low, since 10n-equivalency will tend to lower
the correlation between the two tests.
This estimate is still influenced by temporary factors in the environment, by the test
administration, and temporary conditions= Pagesuch geas boredom
of athe students, oe ortyeee
It cannot be assumed that these factors will be present on the successive administrations
of the tests and therefore they contribute to the error variance and reduce
7 | - ance ar = ree

reliability of the tests.

Split-half method

which influence the test-retest and alternate forms me Phaiks of estime ares reliability
could be eliminated if a reliability coefficient could be determined fr is (0.
¢ 4 Cr)i) |ionlal]4 i) = f

single administration of a test. Two scores can be obtained simply by splitting the test
into halves. The scores obtained on one half of the test can be endings with scores on
the other half of the test.

Can you think why splitting a test into a first half and a second half would not be a good
way of splitting the test for a split-half reliability estimate?

The major problems with that sort of split are that:

different types of items with different difficulty levels may occur in each half
some subjects may run out of time and not finish the second half; and
Oo boredom may set in on the second half.
Hence, a commonly accepted way of splitting a test into two halves is to divide it into
odd-numbered items and even-numbered items. If the test is constructed so that adjacent
items tend to be similar in difficulty level, discriminatory power and content, this is not
an unreasonable procedure. However, one might ask what difference in the computed
coefficient there would have been ifthe test had been split in some other way. A test of
twenty items, for example, may be divided into two equal parts in exactly 184 756
different ways. Unless the twenty items are exactly equivalent there would probably be
some variation in the reliability estimates obtained by splitting the test in so many
different ways. In spite of this difficulty, the split-half reliability coefficient based on the
odd—even split still provides the test constructor with useful information.
A further problem exists. When a test is divided into two parts and the scores are
correlated, the result is a correlation between scores on tests that have only one-half as
many items as were originally administered. The Spearman-Brown formula is used to
estimate the reliability of the test in its original length. The general formula for the
reliability of atest n times as long as the given test is:

342 part 2 | quantitative methods

In this formula, n is the ratio of the length of the desired test to the length of the
present test (length is defined as number of test items), and 7, is the already obtained
reliability. If the correlation between the scores on the odd items and the scores on the
even items were 0.50, this correlation based on 10 items would be substituted into the
Spearman-Brown formula as follows:

= 21050
1=(2.= (0150) 1.5
The value 2 has been substituted for n because it was necessary to determine the
reliability of the test twice as long as the two 10-item tests used to obtain the original
reliability coefficient. The formula indicates that the split-half reliability of the 20-item
test is 0.67.
It is important to remember that any time the split-half method ofreliability estimate
is utilised, the Spearman-Brown formula must be applied to the correlation coefficient
in order to obtain a reliability estimate which is appropriate for the total test length.

The split-half reliability of a 50-item test is 0.79. What is the reliability of the whole test?

Internal consistency method

Another form of reliability measure which is commonly used is one developed by Kuder
and Richardson (1937)—the internal consistency method. As we have seen, there are a
number of ways in which a test may be split in order to compute ‘half-test’ scores, which
then enter into the computation of a correlation coefficient. For each split, a different
reliability coefficient might be obtained. Kuder and Richardson formulated measures of
reliability that used item statistics, as opposed to part or total scores, as the basic unit of
measurement. The result is a reliability estimate which is equivalent to the average of all
possible split-half coefficients. Cronbach’ coefficient alpha is another form ofinternal
consistency reliability index, and is used by SPSS.
The simplest Kuder-Richardson formula is Formula 21 (often referred to as KR 21).
With this reliability, coefficients can be computed fairly easily, just on the basis of M,
the number of test items (n) and 6. The KR 21 formula is:

a oy5Ramen 1=m(n =m)

1 no
For example, on a self-concept scale, where n is 100, the mean is 78, and the SD is
approximately 10, the computation is as follows:
KR 21 = Ol veh,
99 | 100 x(10)
=101(1- 1716
10 000
Il 1.01(0.83) = 0.84

chapter 20 |reliability and validity 343

This method, like the equivalent-forms method, takes into account variance due to
the specificity of the tests and fails to measure temporal instability in test performance
of students. It measures the consistency of performance on each test item. The more the
test items inter-correlate, the higher the KR 21, 1.e. all the items in the test are measuring
the same characteristic of the individual. The greater the diversity oftest items, in terms
of the skills required to determine the correct answers, the lower the correlations of the
performance on the various test items. This decrease in the inter-item correlations
reduces the obtained internal-consistency reliability estimate. An assumption is that the
test items are scored ‘1’ for correct responses, and ‘0’ for incorrect responses, and the total
score is the sum of the number ofitems correct.

Review of methods
Other things being equal, a researcher will choose the test with the highest quoted
reliability. A test with a reliability of +0.90 is surely better than one with a reliability of
However, the quoted values need interpretation, in terms of the method chosen to
estimate reliability data, in terms of the situation in which the particular data were
gained, and in terms of the sources of error they control (or don’t control).
An interesting way of differentiating between these kinds of reliabilities is to note
some ofthe causes of error variance in observed scores.
Complete Table 20.1, indicating where the appropriate error variance will be present.
The ‘Parallel form’ column has been completed for you. There is a completed Table 20.1
on p. 348.
Clearly, we cannot always be certain that no error variance will be present. For
example, if an immediate test-retest method is used, it is possible that error variance
associated with the children will still be present, since they may be a little more tired on
the retest. But it is unlikely to be as great as error variance associated with the children
if a delayed test—retest method is used, with a long time interval between retests. And the
longer the interval, the lower will be the reliability figures obtained. So the important
point is not the exact specification of the source of error variance. The point is that a
reliability quoted by a test constructor must be interpreted according to the method
used to calculate it.

TABLE 20.1

Type of reliability coefficient

Source of Test-retest Test-retest Parallel form Split half
error variance immediate delayed
The procedure Yes
The child No
The conditions No
The marking Yes

344 part 2 | quantitative methods

1 What sort of reliability method is used when:
a different forms of the same test are administered?
b one test is administered on two separate occasions?
2 To which sort of variance (time or error) does knowledge of a specific item of
information contribute with:
a the test-retest method?
b the alternate forms method?
3 On how many administrations of a test are internal consistency reliability estimates
4 In the split-half technique, why are the various ways of splitting a test in half not all
equally acceptable?
5 Why does the split-half technique not indicate the stability of obtained scores?
6 Using the reliability information set out below, which one of the following tests
would you select as being most reliable?

Test Reliability estimate

A 0.96 (split half)

B 0.96 (parallel form delayed)
C 0.96 (parallel form immediate)
D 0.96 (test-retest immediate)

Factors that influence test reliability

A number of factors may influence the reliability of any test. These factors can be
grouped in the following three categories:
1 Factors dealing with the nature of the test items and the test itself.
2 The nature of the persons who are being tested.
3, Factors related to the administration of the test.

The three basic methods for computing a reliability coefficient that have been
presented often lead to differing estimates of the reliability of the test scores. The various
conditions which can influence the outcome of the computation of a reliability
coefficient further emphasise the notion that no assessment or technique has a single
reliability coefficient.

Length of test
One of the major factors which will affect the reliability of any test is the length of that
test. On an intuitive basis, one can see that as the number of items in any particular test
is increased, the chance factors which might enter into a score are greatly reduced or
balanced out. For example, performance on a three-item multiple-choice test could be
greatly influenced by various chance factors which might influence student responses.

chapter 20 |reliability and validity 345

However, if the three-item test were lengthened to thirty or forty items, the error sources
would have a greater tendency to cancel each other out, and a better estimate of the true
scores of the students would be achieved.
In addition, it can also be assumed that, as a test is lengthened, the test maker is
providing a more adequate sample ofitems which will measure the trait in question.
You may already have noted that increasing the length of the test increases its
reliability. This assumption is inherent in the use of the Spearman-Brown formula.
Although this formula is used most often in the computation of the split-half reliability
coefficient, it may also be used to compute the increased reliability due to tripling or
adding ten times as many items to a test.
The Spearman-Brown formula may also be used to determine the number of items
which must be added to an already existing test in order to increase its reliability to
some desired level. However, a law of diminishing returns sets in, so that as reliability
increases it requires a tremendous extension in length to improve reliability a little. For
example, if a test with a reliability coefficient of only 0.82 is doubled in length, the
estimated reliability coefficient of the longer test would be 0.90; if it were tripled in
length, the estimated reliability coefficient would be 0.93.

Restrictions in group performance

This refers to the range of ability or spread of scores within the group on which 7, is
computed. For example, the reliability coefficients for intelligence tests, computed on all
school groups, tend to be higher than those computed on Year 12 groups, which show
much less dispersion with respect to IQ.

Methods of estimating reliability

Methods that take into account both stability and equivalence will tend to give lower
coefficients than the other methods because all major types of error variance are included.
The Kuder-Richardson method and Cronbach alpha will tend to yield lower coefficients
than the split-halves method because the former reflects test homogeneity, as reflected
in all inter-item relationships, rather than merely the consistency of two scores from the
halves of a subdivided test.
With any method involving two testing occasions, the longer the interval of time between
two test administrations, the lower the coefficient will tend to be.

Objectivity of assessment
Another major factor affecting reliability of measurement is subjectivity of judgement.
We tend to get low reliability coefficients for rating scales, essay examinations,
interviewing, projective tests, etc. Objective tests produce high reliabilities because the
marker does not have to decide how good an answer is; it is either right or wrong.

Standard error of measurement

The standard error of measurement (SE;meas) is a necessary statistic for interpreting the
value of a reliability coefficient. A series of scores obtained by an individual on repeated
administration of a single test will approximate to a normal distribution. The spread of

346 part 2 |quantitative methods

this distribution is another way of conceptualising the reliability of the test. The smaller
the spread, the greater the fidelity with which any one observed score can be taken to
represent the individual’s ‘true’ score. We use the SD of this distribution as the index of
its spread. This SD of the error distribution is known as the standard error of
Micaslicement Onck.s. «
The formula is:
Ss ae = Ov 1 — Ne

where O is the standard deviation of the test scores and 7, is the reliability coefficient of
the test.
The interpretation of the standard error of measurement is similar to that of the SD
of a set of test scores. There is a probability of 0.68 that a student’s obtained score does
not deviate from his or her true score by more than plus or minus one standard error of
measurement. The other probabilities are

O19 TOR che eZ OL asc ANCOR Ole Anette Olt aaa

This interpretation of the SE,,.4, assumes that errors in measurement are equally
distributed throughout the range of test scores. If asubject obtains a score of 114 ona
standardised intelligence test which has M = 100, 6 = 15 and 7, = 0.96, what are the IQ
limits within which 95 per cent of the scores from an infinite number of testing would
lie? Here we need to know the SEjjea,, since 2 X SEpeasWill define the 95 per cent limits.
Substituting, we obtain:
SE ness = 15V1- 0.96
— 5 )8(


That is, the IQ scores the student would obtain from an infinite number of testings
would have a 6 = 3. The 95 per cent limits are therefore 2 x 3 IQ points above and below
the only real score we know he or she has. So the range of error using the 95 per cent
confidence limits are 114 + 6, i.e. 108 — 120. This range is quite revealing for it shows
that even with a highly reliable test there is still quite a considerable band of error round
an obtained score.
If the reliability is lower this range increases. For example, with an 7, of 0.75 and o = 15,
the 95 per cent limits are + 15 marks on each side of the obtained score. The limiting cases
are when 7, = 0 or 7,, = 1. In the former case SE;neas is the same as the 6 of the scores; in
the latter case SE,,¢, is zero, for there is no error.

1 Calculate the 95 per cent and 99 per cent score ranges for the following:
a raw score 114,06 =10, ht = 0.91
b raw score 62, 6 = 5, Nt = 0.84

chapter 20 | reliability and validity 347

2 Tohave confidence in an obtained score, would you want a small or a large 1 a
Justify your answer.
3. A child achieves a score of 90 on each of five tests of academic ability. Standard
deviations and reliability coefficients for each test are supplied below. Which of tests
A, B, C, D or E probably represents the child’s ‘true’ score on the ability the test
measures with greatest fidelity?
Test A B Gc D E

re) 10 25 10 20 25

Net 0.84 0.91 0.96 0.96 0.99

4 Describe the usefulness in reporting the standard error of measurement as well as the
reliability for a test.


Type of reliability coefficient

Source of Test-retest Test-retest Parallel form Split half

error variance immediate delayed
The procedure Yes Yes Yes No
The child No Yes No No
The conditions No Yes No No
The marking Yes Yes Yes Yes

Using SPSS to compute Cronbach's alpha

How to proceed
1 Select Statistics, choose Scale, then click on Reliability Analysis to open the Reliabilin
Analysis dialogue box.
Transfer all the scale or test items to the /tems box.
Ensure Alpha is chosen in the Model box.
Click on Statistics to open the Reliability Analysis Statistics dialogue box.
In the Descriptives for area, select Item, Scale and Scale ifitem deleted.
In the /nter-item area choose Correlations.
ONSelect Continue then OKto produce the output similar to that shown in Table 20.2

At step 2, if you wish to determine the alpha of a subscale (subset of the whole test)
then only transfer those items you require.

How to interpret Table 20.2

e The table shows the iter-item statistics for the sixteen-item scale.
e The two columns to focus on are the last two.
e The Corrected Item-Total Correlation reveals those items that have low correlations
with the test or scale as a whole.

348 part 2 |quantitative methods

TABLE 20.2 Example of Cronbach alpha printout for an attitude scale
lttin-towaQ 33osANY x x .

Scale mean Scale variance Corrected Alpha

if itern if iter itemn—total if item
deleted deleted correlation deleted

VABOO00T §3./273 33.1602 3893 7472

Sh notperint 54.6636 34. B853 3217 7529
VAPO000- 53.5909 35.0152 2874 7560
PBK 53.6616 37.2749 0485 776%
VABOO0005 53.6616 36.1320 2046 7619
VAZOO006 §4.2273 34, S649 435/ S449
VABOOO9 §3.3182 328939 5688 7325
VABOO00S $3.6162 31.3939 6269 1236
VABOO009 §3.7273 53,1602 3893 S472
VABO001 0 54.6636 34.8853 meFO 1529
VAZOO01 I 53.5909 35.0152 2674 7560
VAPOO01 2 53.6616 37.2749 0485 7768
VAPO001 3 53.6616 36.1320 2046 S619
VAPO0014 4.2273 34.5649 4357 F449
VABO0015 §3.3182 32,8939 5688 aes
VAP0001 6 $3.B162 31.3939 6269 1236

LNA y fe ous

Numiver Acases =22.0

Nusnibes of thems = 12
Aigina = 7621

€ aipna or intern al renadiil if that item is


lowest item correlations with the scale as awhole.
o- ae 44 ‘ '
s wiables 4,5, 12 an have
bility assessed again on the remaining tw relve-item

20.5 displays the new Gata for me twejve-ltem scale.

© lable ha Se
‘ - 4 P . Rt
P tthe four items.
© it is apparent tat the reliability bas Deen improve DY cilmMil nating

st a table of intercorrelations and a set of descriptive

not been shown here. Note that the items eliminated
ith the test as a whole may not be poorly worded or
ambiguous but may measure another dimension very wwell, and could be assessed for
¥ 28 2 Kt OF m to determine if they form a separate subscale, which
WOuld DE indicafea Dy Ipha.
aipna. AA more
more zaccepptablele an and sophisticated way of

determining the struct “st or scale in terms of its subggrou iping s of items (factors
s to submit it to factor analysis

How to report
lnternal rdiabilicy of a sixtcen-item scale was assessed using the Cronbach alpha technique.
Pere ee:

The scale produced an alpha of .7621. Inspection of the table suggested that four items

chapter 20 reliability and validity 349

TABLE 20.3
Ttem-total statistics
Scale mean Scale variance Corrected Alpha
if item if item item—total if item
deleted deleted correlation deleted

VAROOO01 38.6364 27.2900 4982 .8020

VAROO0002 BOW 21. 2951.73 SS .8120
VARO0003 38.5000 29.4048 3635 8131
VARO0006 39.1364 29.4567 4649 .8052
VAROO007 38.2273 28.3745 5347 .7990
VARO0008 38.7273 27.0649 5866 .7932
VAROO009 38.6364 27.2900 4982 .8020
VAROO010 39.7727 PAY ENS 5 BW .8120
VAROOO11 38.5000 29.4048 3635 .8131
VAROO014 39.1364 29.4567 4649 .8052
VAROO015 38.2273 28.3745 5347 .7990
VARO0016 38.7273 27.0649 5866 .7932

Reliability coefficients
Number of cases = 22.0
Number of items = 12
Alpha = .8176

should be eliminated because of their low correlation with the test as a whole. A further
reliability test then produced an alpha of .8176, which is acceptable for an attitude scale.

The subject of validity is complex, controversial, and peculiarly important in research.
Here perhaps more than anywhere else, the nature of reality is questioned. It is possible
to study reliability without inquiring into the meaning of the variables. It is not possible
to study validity, however, without sooner or later inquiring into the nature and meaning
of one’s variables. |
A measurement or assessment technique which is perfectly reliable would seem to be
quite valuable, but the test user should also raise the questions: ‘How valid is it? Does
the test measure what I want it to measure?’. A perfectly reliable test may not measure
anything of value, and it may not correlate with any other test score. Validity information
gives some indication of how well a test measures a given area, under certain
circumstances and with a given group. It is for this reason that any one test may have
many types of validity, and a unique validity for each circumstance and group tested.

The difference between reliability and validity

Initially many students confuse these two terms. Let us imagine that the quality control
department of a factory that manufactured 12-inch wooden school rulers went on strike
and some rulers were retailed which were inaccurate. The inaccuracy lay in the fact that

350 part 2 |quantitative methods

each inch division was slightly longer than one inch; each was one and one-twelfth
inches long. Hence, when we thought we were drawing a line 12 inches long, we were
ie? il aD cr ta.
in fact drawing a line 13 inches long (1’/,, x 12).

Is this ruler:
1 reliable?
2 valid?

Surprising as it may seem, the ruler is quite reliable, for it produces consistent results,
even though the measurements are not what we think they are. Every time we draw
what we assume to be a line 12 inches long, we produce a line 13 inches long
consistently. The ruler produces a reliable measurement but it is not a valid measure of
12 inches. \t is a valid measure of 13 inches, but since we bought it on the presumption
that it measured 12 inches it cannot be measuring what it purports to measure. Similarly,
test instruments and techniques can be very reliable, producing consistent results from
occasion to occasion, but may not be valid as measures of what they set out to measure.
On the other hand, if an instrument is unreliable it cannot be valid.
So validity relates to the question, “What does the test measure?’. The importance of
this question would seem obvious; yet research literature contains many examples of
tests/techniques being used without proper consideration of their validity for the user’s
purpose. This lack of attention to validity may seem somewhat surprising, since most
tests are clearly labelled with a title intended to indicate quite specifically what is
measured. But one of the first steps in evaluating a new test is to disregard the title,
which may represent only what the test author had hoped to measure. A test of reading
comprehension may, in fact, measure only a general intelligence factor. A test of
achievement may be an equally good measure of general test-taking ability, particularly
if the items are poorly constructed. The possibility that a scale of neuroticism might
measure something else, such as a response set, or the ability to see through the test and
give a favourable impression, was seldom considered. It is important, therefore, that the
researcher be able to judge whether a test is valid for its purposes.

Types of validity
Five types of validity can be distinguished: predictive, concurrent, content, construct and
face. Each of these will be examined briefly, though we put the greatest emphasis on
construct validity, since it is probably the most important form of validity from the
research point of view.

Content validity
Content validity is most appropriately considered in connection with achievement testing.
An achievernent test has content validity if it represents faithfully the objectives of agiven
instructional sequence and reflects the emphasis accorded these objectives as the instruction

chapter 20 |reliability and validity 351

was carried out. It is assumed, of course, that the teacher did, in fact, follow a plan based
on specific objectives during the course of their teaching and that the test was based on that
plan. A test in algebra would have no content validity for measuring achievement in history.
A test in long division would have low content validity if administered to infant school
pupils. When students criticise a test as not fairly representing the actual content of the
course, they are in reality remarking about the test’s content validity.
Content validity then is the representativeness or sampling adequacy of the content
(the substance, the matter, the topics) of ameasuring instrument. Content validation is
guided by the question: ‘Is the substance or content of this measure representative of the
content or the universe of content of the property being measured?’.
Content validity is most often determined on the basis of expert judgement.
It should be pointed out that an achievement test may have adequate content validity
at a given time for a particular class and teacher, but may not be equally valid for testing
another group taught by a different teacher at a different time. A criticism of
commercially published standardised tests is that they sometimes do not fairly test the
achievement of pupils in ‘my’ classes; i.e. they do not have satisfactory content validity
in some situations. This criticism suggests one of the cautions which must be kept in
mind in interpreting the scores on such tests, and one which might well apply to the
teacher’s own tests if they are not made up especially for the groups to be tested. It
should not be inferred that the results of standardised tests are useless; they actually form
an important part of the body of necessary information about pupils. Neither should one
infer that teacher-made tests should be used only once and then discarded. One should,
however, keep in mind that the content validity of a test is not necessarily a fixed and
changeless characteristic. It must be examined whenever the test is used with a different
group or when the testing situation is altered.

Predictive validity
Predictive validity involves the wish to predict, by means of assessment or technique,
performance on some other criterion. An example of such a situation is the use of Year 12
matriculation for tertiary study. The correlation between performance on the Year 12 exams
and final degree results is a measure of the predictive validity of the Year 12 exams. Predictive
validity is vitally important for vocational selection research techniques, because a person
responsible for the selection of those likely to succeed in a given job, college or curriculum is
concerned with test scores as aids in doing a better job of selection.
Primary teachers use reading readiness and intelligence tests as predictors when they
use them as aids in grouping children. Predictive validity cannot be judged by an
examination of atest’s content. It can only be assessed by comparing a later performance
(perhaps several years later) with the original test scores. This later performance, which
is to be predicted, is often termed the criterion performance and may be a rather crude
one such as successfully completing an apprenticeship, achieving an acceptable shorthand
rate, making at least a C average on a course, or developing a particular neurotic or
psychiatric symptom. We rarely require the prediction of a precise score.
It is usually possible to express predictive validity in terms of the correlation coefficient
between the predicted status and the criterion. Such a coefficient is called a validity

352 part 2 |quantitative methods

coefficient. Suppose, for example, that a college admissions officer predicts the status
(either passed or failed) at the end of the first year for each of 100 first-year college
students, using information available to her at the beginning of the year. Then their
actual status is observed at the end of the year and the admissions officer determines the
extent of agreement between the predictions and the observed status. The extent of the
agreement may be expressed in the form of the coefficient of predictive validity for the
method of prediction used. If a single test was used for this prediction, then this
coefficient may be regarded as a measure of the predictive validity of that test.
Many criteria are unfortunately very remote in time and difficult to define. For
example, with ‘success on the job’, should one consider income or self-ratings of ability,
or happiness in one’s profession, or supervisor's ratings, or perhaps some combination
of a number of these individual criteria?
Although there is no simple answer to the problem of how best to choose a criterion
measure, a few suggestions might be given.
¢ One should be sure that performance on the criterion measure is a result of the same
individual characteristics and external environmental conditions which affected
performance on the test one is attempting to validate.
¢ The criterion measure should be reliable; i.e. it should be stable or consistent from day
to day or time to time. Obviously, it is very difficult to predict something that
fluctuates markedly over short periods of time.
¢ In choosing a criterion measure, one should consider such factors as the time and the
expense required to obtain the measure.

Which of the following requires a test with predictive validity?

1 Amental patient is given a personality test prior to discharge.
2 Astudent requires an estimate of success before commencing training.
3 A teacher wishes to assess what her history class has learned.

Concurrent validity
Concurrent and predictive validity are very much alike. They differ only in the time
dimension. For example, if we developed a neuroticism scale, we would require an
answer to the question, ‘Will a high scorer on this test become a neurotic at some time
in the future?’ for predictive validity, but an answer to the question, ‘Is the high scorer
a neurotic now?’ for concurrent validity. Predictive and concurrent validity are both
characterised by prediction to an outside criterion and by checking a measuring
instrument, either now or in the future, against some outcome. A test predicts a certain
kind of outcome, or it predicts some present or future state of affairs. In a sense then,
all tests are predictive. Aptitude tests predict future achievement; achievement tests
predict present and future achievement; and intelligence tests predict the present and
future ability to learn and to solve problems.

chapter 20 |reliability and validity 353

Since concurrent validity coefficients, in which we relate test scores to present
performance, can be obtained with less expense and delay than predictive validity
coefficients (involving future performance), many aptitude test manuals present
concurrent validity data only. But high concurrent validity is no guide to high predictive
The concurrent validity of a test must be considered when one is using the test to
distinguish between two or more groups ofindividuals whose status at the time of testing
is different. An example of a test originally developed to have high concurrent validity
to a specific purpose is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, better known
as the MMPI. The MMPI has been used as a screening device for identifying persons
who, at the time of testing, have a personality disorder which requires treatment. A
preliminary form of this instrument was administered to a group ofhospitalised mental
patients and also to their normal visitors. Items of the test were then carefully analysed
to identify those who distinguished clearly between the two groups, i.e. patients and
visitors. These items were then administered to other groups of patients and visitors, and
on the basis of their responses (and without knowledge of their actual status), these
individuals were classified as either patients or visitors. A comparison of test-based
categorisation and actual status provided a measure of the concurrent validity of the
test. Concurrent validity is thus always expressed in terms of the relationship between
test performance and an accepted contemporary criterion. The correlation coefficient
provides a quantitative measure ofthis relationship.
Concurrent validity may also be a relevant concern in the evaluation of achievement
tests. In everyday classroom experiences there frequently are appropriate contemporary
criteria with which achievement test performance should be compared. A pupil who
performs well in a spelling test, for example, may be expected to exhibit his or her spelling
skill in such tasks as writing compositions, finding spelling errors in their own work, and
performing in classroom spelling games. The score on a test of reading comprehension
should be related to teacher observations of the pupil’s skill in classroom recitation or of
their work in small reading groups. Test performance in arithmetic computation should
be related to computational skill exhibited in other subject areas such as science or
geography. The failure to find such relationships between test performance and
contemporary behavioural criteria may indicate: (a) that the criteria themselves are not
acceptable; (b) that the same behaviours are not being assessed by the test and the criteria;
or (c) that the test itself has low concurrent validity. The latter conclusion should be
drawn only after the first two have been carefully examined and discounted.

1 What is the purpose of a criterion in concurrent and predictive validity?

2 Criticise the following criteria:
a__ Ratings by pupils as an index of teaching ability.
b Success at university as a criterion of the school-leaving certificate.

354 part 2 | quantitative methods

Construct validity
A ‘construct’ is a quality which has been suggested to explain aspects of human behaviour.
Thus we find it helpful to use hypothetical constructs such as ‘intelligence’, ‘sensitivity’,
‘self-concept’, etc. to explain behaviour, although we cannot observe the constructs
themselves. Some tests are intended to measure such constructs. How, for example, can
we be sure that a test of ‘sensitivity’ is measuring this construct? We cannot specify the
content to everyone’s satisfaction; we may not intend to use the test for prediction; there
may well be no other such test which we can use concurrently with our test.
We must validate our test through a variety of kinds of indirect evidence. For example,
the items must be internally consistent, i.e. show good agreement, one with another
(i.e. a high alpha coefficient) for if not, they are measuring different qualities. We could
collect careful ratings of the construct from teachers and determine how well our test
correlated with the ratings. We should expect reasonable correlations with tests
measuring in related areas. The techniques of factor analysis would help us decide
whether our test was assessing an underlying quality common to all measures and ratings
in the area.
The process of construct validation is the same as that by which scientific theories are
developed. A researcher will note that previous evidence may suggest that construct X
accounts for performance in test Y. They then hypothesise that if that is so, construct X
should also influence performance in certain other scales or demonstrate itself in certain
observable behaviours. An experiment is performed, deductions are tested. The construct
may then be accepted as part of a theory, or a theory may have to be modified.
Thus, by using construct validity in correlating the results of several tests which had
not been previously validated, a closer approach to the construct of, say, intelligence and
the construction of an intelligence test is made. Of course, in specific instances with only
two tests, say, a correlation between the results on the tests, it could simply imply that they
were both measuring the same thing to a certain degree but not what they were measuring.
The inclusion of more and more tests of various types helps us to see that over these
many tests the only common element remaining is a general mental ability.
So in designing a test to measure a construct (for example, ego strength, intelligence,
neuroticism), we are concerned with all types of evidence which make the interpretation
of test scores more meaningful; which help us to understand what the scores signify.
Construct validity is an analysis of the meaning of test scores in terms of psychological
concepts. Let us take an example. We might attempt to study the construct of social
withdrawal. Some persons who rank high on this ‘construct’ may actually appear
unsociable; others may engage in some social activities but reveal and experience more
emotional stress in doing so; for example, they may talk very little to others, blush on
being talked to. Hence, scores in any test of social withdrawal would not be consistently
associated with, or highly correlated with, any single criterion.
However, we might be able to make several hypotheses about ways in which
individuals who are socially retiring would differ from those who are not—with respect
to types of occupations pursued, leadership or follower roles assumed, symptoms of
emotional stress when engaged in social activities, behaviour in experimental situations

chapter 20 |reliability and validity 355

that allow opportunities to measure suggestibility, initiative in a leaderless group
discussion, and other factors presumably related to the construct. When correlations
between the test and all these other criteria are analysed by factor analytic techniques one
hopes that a major common factor will emerge, which theoretically is the underlying
social withdrawal factor.
Evidence of a test’s construct validity may be provided by: (a) its correlations with
other tests, particularly those which are accepted measures of the same construct; (b) its
correlations with other characteristics of the individual, for example attitudes,
personality, interests; and (c) its correlations with factors in the individual’s environment
which would be expected to affect test performance. Insofar as these relationships can
be demonstrated, particularly by factor analysis, the construct validity of the test is
supported. If such relationships cannot be demonstrated, then one must conclude either
that the test is not valid for measuring the construct involved, or that the rationale for
predicting the relationships was in some sense faulty. A large common factor revealed by
factor analysis can be taken as evidence that performance on a set of measures reflects the
proposed hypothetical construct. Thus the tests have construct validity.
Scientifically speaking, construct validity is one of the most significant advances of
modern measurement theory and practice. It is a significant advance because it unites
psychometric notions with scientifically theoretical notions. Construct validity really
gets down to the question of what property is actually being measured.
The significant point about construct validity—that which sets it apart from other
types of validity—is its preoccupation with theory, theoretical constructs and scientific
empirical inquiry involving the testing of hypothesised relations. Construct validation
in measurement contrasts sharply with empiric approaches that define the validity of a
measure purely by its success in predicting a criterion. For example, a purely empiric
researcher might say that a test is valid if it efficiently distinguishes individuals high and
low in a trait. Why the test succeeds in separating the subsets of a group is of no great
concern. It is enough that it does.

Face validity
In certain circumstances, one may be concerned with the question, “Does the test appear, from
examination of the items, to measure what one wishes to measure?’, or with ‘Does the test
appear to test what the name of the test implies?’.
This is usually the concern of the lay person who knows little or nothing about
measurement, validity or reliability. Researchers often require ‘high face validity’ for
tests or techniques which they use in research programs for industry, the military and
schools. However, it is difficult, if not impossible, to measure a validity of this type.
The high face validity will, hopefully, motivate the subjects to tackle the test in a
businesslike way. If the naive subjects looked at a test and started thinking that the items
were ridiculous and seemed (to them) unrelated to the aim of the tests, then motivation
would be considerably reduced. Up to a few years ago, we often chuckled when we read
abusive letters in national newspapers from parents asking how on earth some particular
(quoted) question could ever measure IQ. Obviously face validity had failed in instances
like this, yet the items probably had high construct, predictive and concurrent validity.

356 part 2 |quantitative methods

Face validity can also serve other functions. When one researches mental illness, it
would be better to give a test with low face validity—for example, a projective
technique—so that the naive remain naive. Tests must be disguised where faking
expected answers or faking bad ones could have serious consequences. Face validity is
important in the field of attitude measurement. With attitude scales there may be large
differences between what a scale looks as though it is measuring (face validity) and what it
is in fact measuring (explored through concurrent validity with respect to other attitude
scales or construct validity). It is possible to hide the true aim ofa test or scale and at the
same time increase its face validity by including a lot of filler items that are not going to
be marked. In this way, a false face validity is created; subjects believe it is measuring one
thing when in fact it is measuring another.

Internal and external validity

Some research workers distinguish between internal validity and external validity.
Internal validity is concerned with the question, ‘Do the experimental treatments, in
fact, make a difference in the specific experiments under scrutiny, or can the differences
be ascribed to other factors?’.
External validity, on the other hand, asks the question, “Given these demonstrable
effects, to what populations or settings can they be generalised?’.

1 In what research situations might you find it desirable to have low face validity in an
assessment instrument?
2 Which one of the following properties of a test would be taken as evidence of its
reliability and not its validity?
a The scores obtained by children on two successive administrations of the test
were correlated 0.95.
b The even-numbered questions on the test were found to yield a substantially
higher mean score than the odd-numbered questions.
c Scores on the test correlated highly with scores on another test designed to
measure the same ability.
d_ Scores on the test at the beginning of the school year predicted scores on the
final examination.

Factors affecting internal validity

Often in educational research, events other than the experimental treatments occur
during the time between pre-test and post-test observations. Such events produce
effects that can mistakenly be attributed to differences in treatment.

Between any two observations, subjects change in a variety of ways. Such changes can
produce differences that are independent of the experimental treatments. The problem

chapter 20 |reliability and validity OD

of maturation is more acute in protracted educational studies than in brief laboratory

Statistical regression
Like maturation effects, regression effects increase systematically with the time interval
between pre-tests and post-tests. Statistical regression occurs in educational (and other)
research due to the unreliability of measuring instruments and to extraneous factors
unique to each experimental group. Regression means, simply, that subjects scoring
highest on a pre-test are likely to score relatively lower on a post-test; conversely, those
scoring lowest on a pre-test are likely to score relatively higher on a post-test. In a word,
in pre-test/post-test situations, there is regression to the mean. Regression effects can lead
the educational researcher mistakenly to attribute post-test gains and losses to low scoring
and high scoring respectively.

Pretests at the beginning of experiments can produce effects other than those due to the
experimental treatments. Such effects can include sensitising subjects to the true
purposes of the experiment and practice effects which produce higher scores on post-
test measures.

Unreliable tests or instruments can introduce serious errors into experiments. With
human observers or judges, error can result from changes in their skills and levels of
concentration over the course of the experiment.

Selection bias
Bias may be introduced as a result of differences in the selection of subjects for the
comparison groups or when intact classes are employed as experimental or control
groups. Selection bias, moreover, may interact with other factors (history, maturation,
etc.) to cloud even further the effects of the comparative treatments.

The loss of subjects through dropout often occurs in long-running experiments and
may result in confounding the effects of the experimental variables, for whereas
initially the groups may have been randomly selected, the residue that stays the
course is likely to be different from the unbiased sample that began it.

Factors affecting external validity

Threats to external validity are likely to limit the degree to which generalisations can be
made from the particular experimental conditions to other populations or settings.

358 part 2 |quantitative methods

Failure to describe independent variables explicitly
Unless independent variables are adequately described by the researcher, future
replications of the experimental conditions are virtually impossible.

Lack of representativeness of available and target populations

While those participating in the experiment may be representative of an available
population, they may not be representative of the population to which the experimenter
seeks to generalise his or her findings.

Hawthorne effect
Medical research has long recognised the psychological effects that arise out of mere
participation in drug experiments, and placebos and double-blind designs are commonly
employed to counteract the biasing effects of participation. Similarly, so-called Hawthorne
effects threaten to contaminate experimental treatments in educational research when subjects
realise their role as guinea pigs.

Inadequate operationalising of dependent variables

Dependent variables that the experimenter operationalises must have validity in the non-
experimental setting to which the researcher wishes to generalise his or her findings. A
paper-and-pencil questionnaire on career choice, for example, may have little validity in
respect of the actual employment decisions made by undergraduates on leaving university.

Sensitisation to experimental conditions

As with threats to internal validity, pre-tests may cause changes in the subjects’ sensitivity
to the experimental variables and thus cloud the true effects of the experimental treatment.

Interaction effects of extraneous factors and experimental treatments

All of the above threats to external validity represent interactions of various factors with
treatments. As well as these, interaction effects niay also arise as a result of any or all of
those factors identified under the section on internal validity above.
By way of summary, an experiment can be said to be internally valid to the extent
that within its own confines its results are credible, but for those results to be useful they
must be generalisable beyond the confines of the particular experiment, i.e. they
must be externally valid also. Without internal validity, an experiment cannot possibly
be externally valid. But the converse does not necessarily follow; an internally valid
experiment may or may not have external validity. Thus, the most carefully
designed experiment involving a sample of English-speaking children is not
necessarily generalisable to a target population which includes non-English-speaking
It follows, then, that the way to good experimentation in schools and classrooms lies
in maximising both internal and external validity.

chapter 20 |reliability and validity 359

Reliability refers to the stability, accuracy and dependability of data. Methods of measuring
reliability include the test-retest, parallel forms, internal consistency and split-half methods. The
SEmeas interprets the value of a reliability coefficient. Reliability is affected by the length of the test
and the objectivity of the scoring.
Validity assesses whether the test measures what it claims to measure. The main types of validity
are content, construct, concurrent and predictive validity. Some researchers distinguish between
internal validity and external validity.

Kuder, G. and Richardson, M. (1937), “The theory of the estimation oftest reliability’, Psychometrika
2, pp. 151-6.

360 part 2 | quantitative methods


What is meta-analysis?
Each strand ofarope contributes to the strength ofthat rope. But the rope is stronger than
any individual strand. Similarly, when a particular finding is obtained again and again
under a variety of conditions, we are strongly confident that there exists a general principle
of behaviour. The results of individual studies, no matter how well conducted, are unlikely
to be sufficient to provide us with confident answers to questions of general importance.
Meta-analysis is a quantitative tool for comparing or combining results across a set of
similar studies. In the individual study the unit of analysis is the responses ofindividual
subjects. In meta-analysis the unit of analysis is the results of individual studies.
The term ‘meta-analysis’ means an ‘analysis of analysis’. Many studies are replicated
in various degrees using, for example, differently sized samples, different age ranges, and
are conducted in different countries under different environmental conditions.
Sometimes results appear to be reasonably consistent; others less so. Meta-analysis
enables a rigorous comparison to be made rather than a subjective ‘eyeballing’.
In chapter 3 you were introduced to the traditional literature review, a strategy in
which you read research relevant to the topic you wish to investigate further, then
summarise the findings and integrate the existing knowledge. From this you may
conclude that a particular variable is of crucial importance, or that the relationships
between particular variables are worthy of note. However, the conclusions you are
drawing are essentially subjective, based on your critical evaluation of the literature. You
often use a ‘voting method’ as a crude index of where the balance of results lie. The
possibility exists that your subjective conclusion may not accurately reflect the actual
strength of the relationship. You can reduce this possibility by adding a meta-analysis to
your review. This allows you to compare or combine results from different studies,
facilitating statistically guided decisions about the strength of observed effects and the
reliability of results across a range of studies. Meta-analysis is a more efficient and
effective way to summarise the results of large numbers of studies. A good source of
reviews using meta-analysis is the journal, Review ofEducational Research.
Meta-analytic techniques have been used to answer questions such as:
e Are there gender differences in conformity?
e Is there a relationship between self-concept and academic attainment?
e What are the effects of class size on academic achievement?

A few examples
1 In the first classic meta-analysis study, Smith and Glass (1977) synthesised the results
of nearly 400 controlled evaluations of psychotherapy and counselling to determine
whether psychotherapy ‘works’. They coded and systematically analysed each study
for the kind of experimental and control treatments used, and the results obtained.
They were able to show that, on average, the typical psychotherapy client was better
off than 75 per cent of the untreated ‘control’ individuals.
2 Rosenthal (1994) used meta-analysis to summarise the results of 345 studies on
experimenter effects. Experimenter effects occur when the participants in an
experiment respond in ways that correspond to the expectancies of the experimenter.
Rosenthal investigated this effect in eight areas in which the effect had been studied
(e.g. learning material, person perception, athletic performance), and the mean effect
size was .70. This suggests a strong effect size, so we can confidently state that
interpersonal expectancies can influence behaviour as a general principle.
3 Horton et al. (1993) performed a meta-analysis on nineteen studies related to concept
mapping by secondary school students. The analysis revealed that concept mapping
had generally positive effects and raised individual student achievement by 0.46
standard deviations.
Although meta-analysts use a number of more advanced techniques, we will concentrate
on some basic techniques that incorporate some fundamental statistical procedures such
as ce‘significance’,
‘p’ and ‘7’, discussed earlier in the book, to give you the flavour of what
ees) Gq . 4 4 ®

meta-analysis is. Students interested in a more comprehensive and advanced treatment

should consult specialised accounts in a number of advanced texts (e.g. Rosenthal 1991).

Conducting a meta-analysis
There are three stages to this:

1 Identify the relevant variables.

2 Locate relevant research.
3 Conduct the meta-analysis.

362 part 2 | quantitative methods

Step 1 Identify the relevant variables
This sounds easy; however, like defining a hypothesis and determining research questions
you must be specific and clear about what your real focus is. You cannot simply say, ‘I
want to do a meta-analysis of attitude change research’. As Rosenthal (1984) indicates,
the unit of analysis in meta-analysis is the impact of variable X on variable Y. So you must
limit yourself to conducting an evaluation of amuch smaller segment, such as attitude
change towards self as a result of Rogerian counselling.

Step 2 Locate the relevant research

This topic will not be discussed here as it has already been dealt with in chapter 3.
However, one issue that is vital and potentially serious for the meta-analyst is the file
drawer problem.

The file drawer problem

Because many journal editors are reluctant to accept ‘non-significant’ results, researchers’
file drawers (or in more modern parlance, their “C’ drives and diskettes) may contain
unpublished studies that failed to yield significant results. If there are a substantial
number of such studies in the file drawers, the meta-analyst’s evaluation of the overall
significance level may be unduly optimistic. The problem posed by the file drawer
phenomenon is potentially serious for meta-analysis because it results in a biased
sample—a sample of only those results published because they produced acceptable
statistically significant results. This bias inflates the probability of making a Type I]
error (concluding that a variable has an effect when it does not). Studies that failed to
be published because the investigated variables did not show statistically significant
effects are not available to include in the meta-analysis. Because meta-analytic techniques
ultimately lead to a decision based on available statistical information, an allowance
must be made for the file drawer phenomenon.
There are two ways of dealing with the file drawer problem:
1 First, you can attempt to uncover those studies that never reach print. This can be
done by identifying as many researchers as possible in the research area you are
covering. You then send each researcher a questionnaire, asking if any unpublished
research on the issue of interest exists. This may be impracticable as non-response may
be high and identification of researchers difficult.
2 A more practical approach suggested by Rosenthal (1991) involves calculating the
number of studies and averaging null results (i.e. that did not reach significance) that
would be required to push the significance level for all studies, retrieved and
unretrieved combined, to the ‘wrong’ side of p = .05. If the overall significance
computed on the basis of the retrieved studies can be brought down to the wrong side
of p (i.e. p > .05) by the addition of just a few more null results, then the original
estimate of p is clearly not robust (i.e. not resistant to the file drawer threat).
Table 21.1 illustrates such a calculation. It shows a table of ‘tolerance’ values in which
the rows represent the number of retrieved studies and the columns represent three

chapter 21 |meta-analysis 363

different levels of the average statistical significance of the retrieved studies. The
intersection of any row and column shows the sum of old and new studies required to
bring the combined ‘p’ value for all studies, retrieved and unretrieved combined, down
to the level of being just barely ‘non-significant’ at p > .05. Suppose we meta-analysed
eight studies and found the average ‘p’ value to be .05. The 64 that is shown tells us that
it will take an additional 56 unretrieved studies averaging null results td bring the original
average p = .05 based on eight studies (i.e. 64 — 8 = 56) down to p > .05.
As a general rule of thumb, it has been suggested that we regard as robust any
combined results for which the tolerance level reaches 5k + 10, where k is the number
of studies retrieved (Rosenthal 1991). In our example of eight studies retrieved, this
means that we will be satisfied that the original estimate ofp = .05 is robust if we feel
that there are fewer than an additional 5(8) + 10 = 50 studies with null results squirreled
away in file drawers. Because Table 21.1 shows a tolerance for an additional 56 studies,
it appears to us that the original estimate is indeed robust.

TABLE 21.1 Tolerances for future null results as a function of the original average
level ofsignificance per study and the number ofstudies summarised
Number of studies Original average significance level
summarised .05 01 .001
1 1 2 ma
2 4 8 15
3 S) 18 32
4 16 32 7,
5 Vs 50 89
6 36 72 128
7 49 98 173
8 64 128 226
) 81 162 286
10 100 200 353
15 225 450 795
20 400 800 1412
25 625 1250 2206
30 900 1800 shan
40 1600 3200 5648
50 2500 5000 8824
Note: Entries in this table are the total number of old and new studies required to bring an original average
p of .05, .01, or .001 down to p > .05 (i.e. ‘non-significance’).

If, however, you determine (based on your analysis) that at least several thousand
studies must be in the file drawer before biasing ofyour results takes place, then you can
be reasonably sure that the file drawer phenomenon is not a serious source of bias.

Step 3 Doing the meta-analysis

When you have located relevant literature, collected your data, and are reasonably certain
that the file drawer phenomenon isn’t an issue, you are ready to apply one of the many
available meta-analytic statistical techniques. The heart of meta-analysis is the statistical

364 part 2 |quantitative methods

f results across studies. Therefore, as well as recording the methodology,
asnple, design, hypotheses, conclusions, etc., you must record information, particularly
from the results section of research papers you are reviewing, such as 7’s, f’s, chi squares,
F’s, and p-values. Table 21.2 illustrates meta-analytic techniques that can be applied to
the situation where you have two studies.
© She first general technique is that of comparing studies. This comparison is made
when you want to determine whether two studies produce significantly different
© She second general technique involves combining studies to determine the average
or ; y - a4 -
ettect size of a variable across studies.

For each approach, you can evaluate studies by comparing or combining either p-
values or effect sizes.

TABLE 21.2 Mets-analytic techniques for comparing and combining two studies
Technique Method/purpose
Comparing studies Used to determine if two studies produce significantly
different results.
Significance testing Record p-values from research and convert them to
exact p-values (such as a finding reported at
p < 0.05 that may actually be p = 0 .036).
Used when information is not available to allow for
evaluation of effect sizes.
Effect-size estimation Record values of inferential statistics (F, t, for example),
along with associated degrees of freedom. Estimate
effect sizes from these statistics. Preferred over
significance testing.
Combining studies Used when you want to determine the potency ofa
variable across studies.
Significance testing Can be used after comparing studies to arrive at an
overall estimate of the probability of obtaining the two
p-values under the null hypothesis.
Effect-size estimation Can be used after comparing studies to
evaluate the average impact across studies of an
independent variabie on the dependent variable.

Source: Based on Rosenthal (1984).

Comparison of effect sizes of two studies generally is more desirable than simply
looking at p-values. This is because effect sizes provide a better estimate of the degree of
impact of a variable than does the p-value. (Remember, all the p-value tells you is the
likelihood of making a Type I error.) The p-values are used when the information needed
to analyse effect sizes is not included in the studies reviewed. Consequently, the following
discussion focuses on meta-analytic techniques that look at effect sizes. For simplicity,
only the case involving two studies is discussed. The techniques discussed here can be
easily modified for the situation where you have three or more studies. For more
information, see Rosenthal (1979, 1984), and Mullen and Rosenthal (1985).

chapter 21 |meta-analysis 365

Replication and meta-analysis
Table 21.3 illustrates why researchers prefer to work with effect sizes rather than p-values.
Set A shows two results, with the p-values both rejecting the null (i.e. both p’s = .05), and
with a difference in effect sizes of .30 in units of7(i.e. .50 — .20 = .30). The fact that both
studies were able to reject the null and at exactly the same p-level is a function of sample
size, whereas the difference in effect sizes implies the degree of failure to replicate. Set B
shows two studies with different p-values, one significant at p < .05 and the other not
significant; the two effect sizes, on the other hand, are in excellent agreement.
The meta-analyst would say, accordingly, that set B shows more successful replication
than does set A. Set C shows two studies differing markedly in both level of significance
and magnitude (and direction) of effect size. Observe that one of the effects is reported
as a ‘negative’ r, which tells us that this result was not in the same direction as the other
result. Set C, then, is a not very subtle example ofa clear failure to replicate. That the
combined probabilities of all three sets are identical to one another (combined p = .0028)
tells us that the pooled significance level is uninformative in differentiating successful
from unsuccessful sets of replication studies.

:TABLE 21.3 Comparison of three sets of replications

Set A Set B Set C

Study 1 Study 2 Study 1 Study 2 Study 1 Study 2

N 96 15 98 Ze 12 32
p level
(two-tailed) 05 05 01 18 .000001 33
r (effect
size index) .20 50 .26 26 aii -.18
Pooled p
i.e. combining .0028 .0028 .0028
both studies

Comparing studies by effect size

What is effect size?
In chapter 12 we indicated that this is the degree to which the phenomenon is present
in the population. In meta-analysis, the finding of astudy is converted into an effect size
estimate. The various ways of estimating effect size such as the standardised mean
difference (d), the correlation coefficient (r), and eta? are used. You should refer to
chapter 12 for the various formulae used to calculate these estimates of effect size.
However, before synthesising the effect sizes of separate studies, the meta-analyst
usually finds it instructive to compare the results to discover the degree of their actual
similarity. One approach is to define effect size r’s as dissimilar if they are significantly
different from one another, and to define them as similar if they are not significantly
different from one another.

366 part 2 |quantitative methods

In statistical terms, such significance testing involves:

1 converting the quoted statistic from both studies, e.g. ¢ or chi square into 7's;
2 giving the 7’s when calculated the same sign if both studies show effects in the same
direction, but different signs if the results are in the opposite direction;
3 finding for each 7 the associated ‘Fisher z’ value. Fisher’s z (i.e. lower case z to
differentiate this statistic from the upper case Z denoting the standard normal
deviate, or Z score described in chapter 4) refers to a set of log transformations of r
as shown in Tables 21.4 and 21.5;
4 substituting in the following formula to find the standard normal deviate or Z

— 29

TABLE 21.4 Fisher z transformations of r

N .00 01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09

.000 .010 .020 .030 .040 .050 .060 .070 .080 .090
.100 .110 U9 29 Ne, 149 Alig .168 178 .187
197 .207 .216 .226 .236 .245 .254 .264 27,3 .282
29) .300 .310 19 eo Pays .336 345 .354 363 SeyAl
380 389 BS 405 414 422 .430 .438 446 454
462 470 478 485 493 .500 .508 15 525 530
BEY 544 aol 558 9695 2 578 585 ye 598
.604 611 O17 [GZ3 .629 O35 641 .647 .653 .658
.664 .670 .675 .680 .686 691 .696 701 .706 val
716 WA, 726 731 hot) .740 744 749 a3 oT:
762 .766 .770 774 778 782 ./86 790 793 TAM
.800 .804 .808 811 .814 .818 .821 .824 .828 .831
.834 .837 .840 843 .846 .848 851 854 856 302
862 .864 .867 .869 .872 .874 876 879 .881 .883
885 .888 .890 892 .894 .896 .898 .900 .902 .903
905 .907 .909 .910 oz 914 DAS IY cakes) .920
22 923 ZS .926 .928 Zo 2950 932 2933 .934
935 O37, 2938 5939. .940 941 942 944 945 .946
947 948 949 950) 54 O52 953 954 954 S959
956 sae, 958 LE) .960 .960 .961 Oe 963 963
ees .964 .965 .965 .966 .967
2A .970 971 972 972 O75 973 974 974 975 aD
Zaz 976 976 SAT 9/7. .978 978 978 (979 72 .980
2 .980 .980 981 981 982 A) .982 .983 983 983
2.4 .984 .984 .984 985 985 965 .986 .986 .986 .986
25 987 .987 987 .987 .988 .988 .988 .988 .989 .989
2.6 989 769 5989 990 .990 990 .990 .990 ot BN
Lod 991 991 991 992 Oe oe 5992 oO OZ oo?
2.8 3 93 8 see) 5993 993 1993 994 994 994
Fa) 994 994 994 994 994 995 995 SASS 995 BLD)

21 meta-analysis 367
TABLE 21.5 Transformations of r to Fisher z

Second digit of r
r .00 01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09
0 .000 .010 .020 .030 .040 .050 .060 .070 .080 .090
“il .100 .110 121 io 141 sl] 161 ie .182 oe
Ze .203 213 .224 .234 .245 on .266 77 .288 W299
2 .310 aeyAl SZ 343 354 .365 tf .388 .400 .412
4 424 .436 448 .460 472 485 497 .510 523 .536
aS 549 563 .576 590 .604 .618 .633 .648 662 .678
6 {o32)3} .709 iliPES: 74) oo Wee) WE, 811 829 .848
lf .867 .887 .908 E929 950 273 996 1020 "1.0435" 1-971
8 1099 PAZ PAS? OVABS 12221" 972256" 129s) 33 3 76) ea ZZ

Third digit of r
r .000) §=6©..001) §=6.002)«§©—«.003) =—.004 = 00S (i006—(i«w00F=Ss(Ci«w00B——s«C#OD
.90 1547 2590247Bp AS3 re 1:4 BB eh x494 0 1499 p55 nle51Onl s5 1 Gopnihes 22
1 IBS 280506533. 812539.. * T5452 S155 dacCSS ZS ai Os Mic Oe os
a2. W589 1.596. 1.602" 1.609" 15616-1623. 1.630" 1.637- 91.644 5),650
93 IGS EMPL 666" 915673" 91.681 212689915697 0S” 1G 71S ee Ie21a 7s
94 W738) 1G747- 18756 91.764 TI 74 R783 15792" AEBO2- WGA Ae a B22
os HeSS2) R842 S 1b853)) 16863) 874 1esS6, 1897 1909 SDI 12933
.96 (3946 12959" e972 «13986 25000 2204 22029-22044 24060" 2.076
a7, 2092 -2NOQMZN2ZTW29A6: «2516S 2ZNES wee 205 DBA2Z7 e247 3
.98 2298 233236. 2351 ,2380 2A10s, 2443 «2477 2515,~ 29555 —2.599
199 2646 2700 2759 2:826 2:903 2994 3506 39250 3453 3.800

Here is an example comparing two studies.
Imagine you are interested in comparing two experiments that investigated the impact
of the credibility of a communicator on persuasion for similarity of effect size, to determine
whether it is worthwhile combining them. In the results sections of the two studies, you
found the following information concerning the effect of credibility on persuasion:
Stay 127 =7.57, D-O.0T N= 22"
Siugdy 2: f=52.21,.p.< 0.05,.N = 42.

The first thing you must do is to determine the size of the effect of communicator
credibility in both studies. Unfortunately, neither study provides that information (you
will rarely find such information). Consequently, you must estimate the effect size based
on the available statistical information which is ¢. Using the formula for t (see p. 170)
gives the following results when converted into r. The formula is:

i Aes
Study 1: r = |6.59/(6.59 + 20) = 0.50
Study 2: r = 4.89 /(4.89 + 40) = 0.33

368 part 2 |quantitative methods

The next step in the analysis is to convert the y-values into Fisher z-scores. This is
necessary because the distribution of r becomes skewed as the population value of r
deviates from zero. Converting r to z corrects for this skew (Rosenthal 1984). Table 21.5
shows that for the r-values calculated above, the z-values are 0.55 and 0.34, respectively.
When you have found the respective z-scores, you test for the difference between the
two Fisher z scores with the following formula:
Vg 1 1
In this example, you have:
0.55 — 0.34
2 = = 0.75
This Z score (standard deviate) of 0.75 is then evaluated for statistical significance by
using a table of areas under the normal curve (see Table 5.1). As it turns out, 0.75 is not
significant beyond p < .05. Consequently, you would conclude that the effect sizes
produced by the two evaluated studies do not differ significantly. They are therefore
good candidates for combining. Had a significant difference been obtained, you would
conclude that one study produced a significantly larger effect than the other study.
Here is another example. The effect size estimates using 7 for studies A and B are 0.7
(N = 20) and 0.5 (N = 80). First, convert each r into the associated Fisher's z, using Table
21.5, giving z; = 0. 867 and z, = 0.549.
Next compute: 2, -Z5
L= 1 1
= 1.19, its p-value is .117 (one-tailed) or .234 (two-tailed).
The effect size estimates do not differ significantly; the two studies show significant
relationships between variables X and Y and they also agree in their estimates of the size
of the relationship.
If you do find a significant difference between effect sizes, you should investigate why
the difference exists. You might look at the methods, materials, sample sizes and
procedures used in each study, as any or all of these may differ considerably between the
studies and may be likely causes of the different effects.

Suppose you have used 100 subjects to try to replicate an experiment that reported a
large effect (r = .50) based on only ten subjects. You find a smaller sized effect in your
study (r = —.31), but it is in the opposite direction of the one previously reported.
a Do you code your effect as negative or positive?
b From Table 21.4 what are the Fisher z’s corresponding to each r?
c Compute Z and find the associated p-value.
d What is your conclusion about the merits of combining these two studies.
Answers on p. 605.

chapter 21 | meta-analysis
Alternatively, suppose your result is in the same direction as the original one and of a
similar magnitude, and you have used the same number of subjects. This time, imagine
that the original effect size was r= .45 (N = 120), and your effect size is r= .40 (N =120).
Following the same procedure as above, find:
a___ the corresponding Fisher z’s;
b Z; and
d Nowcomment on your findings.

Answers on p. 606.

Combining studies by effect size

Given two effect sizes that are not significantly different and therefore combinable on
statistical and/or logical grounds. You may want to determine the average size of an
effect across studies. The formula to be used again employs the Fisher z transformation
(Rosenthal 1984):
Ve —

Meanizorz, ==———*+

in which the denominator is the number of Fisher z scores in the numerator; the
resulting value is an average (or Z,,).
The first step to take when combining the effect sizes of two studies is to calculate r
for each and convert each r-value into corresponding z-scores. Using the data from the
example used above to demonstrate comparing studies, we already have z values of 0.55
and 0.34.

_ (0.55 + 0.34)
ie SE ger = 0.45
This z is reconverted back to an 7 using Table 21.4. The r-value associated with this
average Fisher z is 0.42. Hence, you now know that the average effect size across these
two studies is 0.42.
Here is another example. Given effect size estimates of r= .7 (N = 20) for studyA and
r= .5 (N = 80) for study B, find a combined estimate of the effect size.
We first convert each r into z scores and then substitute into the formula. This gives

Ze te (0.867 ;0.549) ~ 708

This average Fisher z converts back to a combined effect of 7 = 0.65. This is larger than
the mean of the two 7’s.
Remember, always compare the studies before combining them. If the effect sizes of
the two studies are statistically different, it makes little sense to average their effect sizes.

370 part 2 |quantitative methods

Obviously, if the results from the studies are in opposite directions (for example, one
study shows a positive effect of the independent variable, while the second shows a
negative effect), combining should never be considered.
Unfortunately, there is no established criterion to judge whether or not the combined
effect size is significant or, for that matter, important.

Given two studies, with effect sizes r= .45 and r= .40 (both coded as ‘positive’ to show
that both results were in the predicted direction),
a find Fisher z’s for each;
b compute mean z;
c find combined effect size.
Answers on p. 606.

Comparing studies by significance levels

While meta-analysts are usually more interested in effect sizes (usually 7’s as we have
seen) than in p-values, they sometimes evaluate the overall level of significance as a way
of increasing power. It is again instructive to find out whether the individual values are
homogeneous (i.e. telling the same story) and therefore combinable. To make such a
comparison, the meta-analyst first obtains an accurate p-level—accurate, say, to two
digits (not counting zeros before the first non-zero value)—such as p = .43 or .024 or
.0012. Tables of the ¢ distribution, such as the one on p. 178, are needed.
For each p, the meta-analyst then finds Z (i.e. not the Fisher z, but the standard
normal deviate Z) using the table ofZ (p. 73). Both p’s should also be one-tailed, and
we give the corresponding Z’s the same sign if both studies showed effects in the same
direction, but different signs if the results are in the opposite direction. The difference
between the two Z’s when divided by V2 yields a new Z. This new Z corresponds to the
p-value of the difference between the Z’s if the null hypothesis were true (i.e. if the two
Z’s did not really differ).

is distributed as Z, so we can enter this newly calculated Z into a table of standard
normal deviates (p) to find the p-value associated with a Z of the size obtained or larger.

Suppose that studies A and B yield results in opposite directions, and neither is
‘significant.’ One p is .075 one-tailed, and the other p is .109 one-tailed but in the
opposite tail. The Z’s corresponding to these p’s are found in Table 5.1 (p. 73) to be
+1.44 and —1.23 (note the opposite signs which indicate results in opposite directions).
Then, from our equation we have:

chapter 21 |meta-analysis 371

2 FEE AE 3) = on = 189
as the Z of the difference between the two p-values or their corresponding Z’s. The
p-value associated with a Z of 1.89 is .0294 one-tailed (rounded to .03). The two
p-values may thus be seen to differ significantly (or nearly so, ifwe used the two-tailed
p of .0294 x 2 = .0588), suggesting that the results in terms of the p-values of the two
studies are heterogeneous, even when we allow for normal sampling fluctuations. Thus
the p-levels should not be combined without special thought and comment.
Here is another example. Imagine the p-values (one-tailed) for studies A and B are:
p = .02 (significant) and p = .07 (not significant). Compute new Z as:

UZ,=%) _ 206-148 = 044

ee Ses
Its p-value is .341 (one-tailed) or .682 (two-tailed).
Hence, the difference between these two studies (one significant, the other not
significant) is not significant.

Suppose that studies A and B yield results in the same direction. However, although the p-
levels appear to be very similar, one result is identified ‘significant’ by the author of A because
p = .05, and the other is termed ‘not significant’ by the author of B because p = .07.
a Find the Z’s corresponding to these p’s.
b Find the difference between the Z’s.
c_ Find the p-value associated with the new Z of the difference between the original p-
d Comment on this p-value.

Answers on p. 606.

Combining studies by significance levels

After we compare the results of two separate studies, it is an easy matter to combine the
p-levels. In this way, we get an overall estimate of the probability that the two p-levels
might have been obtained if the null hypothesis of no relation between X and Y were
true. To perform these calculations, we modify the numerator of the formula for
comparing p-values that we just described. We obtain accurate p-levels for each of our
two studies, and then find the Z corresponding to each of these p-levels. Also as before,
both p’s must be given in one-tailed form, and the corresponding Z’s will have the same
sign if both studies show effects in the same direction, and will have different signs if the
results are in the opposite direction.
The only change from the previous equation is to add the Z values instead of
subtracting them:

372 part 2 |quantitative methods
That is, the sum of the two Z’s divided by the square root of 2 yields a new Z. This
new Z corresponds to the p-value of the two studies combined if the null hypothesis of
no relation between X and Y were true.
Suppose studies A and B yield homogeneous results in the same direction but neither
is significant. One p is .121, and the other is .084; their associated Z’s are 1.17 and
1.38, respectively. From the preceding equation we have:
woZg 2, Ta SBaZ:0b
Za = 1.81
J2 nei 2
as our combined Z. The p associated with this Z is .035 one-tailed (or .07 two-tailed).
This is significant one-tailed even though the original p’s were not.
As another example, imagine p-values (one-tailed) for studies A and B are p = .02
(significant), p = .07 (not significant).
The two p-values can be combined to obtain an estimate of the probability that the
two p-values might have been obtained if the null hypothesis of no relation between X
and Y were true.
LG He 26 20or 43
Z = 2.51
2 1.41
Its p-value is .006 (one-tailed) or .012 (two-tailed). This combined p-value is
significant; it supports the significant study A.

Summary of general procedures for meta-analysis

Table 21.6 summarises the procedures and problems.

TABLE 21.6

Step Procedure Caution

Identify and Define the criteria used to include Tendency to include studies not
collect studies. or exclude studies. very similar; mixing ‘apples’
Describe how the search is and ‘oranges’.
conducted and the studies collected. Time consuming to locate
Search for unpublished studies to unpublished studies.
test for Type | error publication bias. | May have included studies of
poor quality.
Stronger effects are found in
journal articles than in theses;
unpublished studies tend to be
non-significant—sampling bias.
Quantify Convert reported results to common Over-emphasis on a single value,
criteria. metrics for meta-analysis, i.e. effect size.
€.Q.eifect size, Lf). A wide variety of effect size
estimates and corrections.
Effect size estimates not directly
comparable among some studies
due to arbitrary scales used.

chapter 21 | meta-analysis o/D

TABLE 21.6 Continued

Step Procedure Caution

Code characteristics Code substantive characteritics, No systematic or logical

of studies—the e.g. nature of sample, types of procedure to build coding.
crucial aspect. instruction, classification of Consult the literature and
outcomes using theory. others with respect to the
Code methodology coding used.
characteristics, e.g. dropout
rate, design used, source of
studies, date of study.
Check validity and reliability
of coding.
Analyse data. Average effect sizes. Calculate parametric and non-
Estimate variation in effect sizes. parametric estimates, if possible.
Divide studies into subgroups
and test for homogeneity.
Discuss results. Describe limitations of review.
Provide guidelines for future

Comparing and combining more than two effect sizes

and significance levels
Although the discussion in this chapter has focused on comparing or combining only
two studies, you will probably want to compare more than two studies. Fortunately,
meta-analytic techniques are available that follow the logic developed. Multiple studies
can either be combined or contrasted with significance testing or effect-size estimation,
as is the case with two studies.
The mathematical formulas used to meta-analyse several studies are a bit more
complex than those used in the two-study case. However, the general logic applied to the
two-study case applies to the multi-study case. The formulas for comparing and
combining more than two studies can be found in Rosenthal (1984). Additionally,
Mullen and Rosenthal (1985) provide several computer programs that do most of the
tedious calculations needed to perform such meta-analyses. Another useful computer
program is DSTAT (Blair Johnson, Syracuse University, published by Lawrence
Erlbaum, New Jersey, ISBN 1 56321 137 8).

Some issues in meta-analysis

Meta-analysis can be a powerful tool for evaluating results across studies. Even though
many researchers have embraced the concept of meta-analysis, others question its
usefulness on several grounds. This section explores some of the drawbacks to meta-
analysis, and presents some of the solutions suggested to overcome those drawbacks.

374 part 2 |quantitative methods

Assessing the quality of the research reviewed
Not all journals are created equal. The quality of the research found in a journal depends
on its editorial policy. Some journals have more rigorous publication standards than
others. This means that the quality of published research may vary considerably from
journal to journal.
One problem facing the meta-analyst is how to deal with this uneven research quality.
For example, should an article published in a non-refereed journal be given as much
consideration as an article published in a well-regarded reputable refereed journal? There
is no simple answer.
While Rosenthal has suggested weighting articles according to quality, on what bases
should they be weighted? The refereed/non-refereed dimension is one possibility.
However, simply because an article was not refereed is not a reliable indicator of the
quality of that piece of research. Research in a new area, using new methods, is sometimes
rejected from refereed journals even though it is methodologically sound and of high
quality. Conversely, publication in a refereed journal is no guarantee that the research
is of high quality.
A second dimension along which research could be weighted is according to the
soundness of methodology, regardless of journal quality. Several experts could rate each
study for its quality (perhaps on a zero to ten scale). The ratings would then be checked
for inter-rater reliability and used to weight the degree of contribution of each study to
the meta-analysis.

Combining/comparing studies using different methods

A frequent criticism of meta-analysis is that it is difficult to understand how studies with
widely varying materials, measures, and methods can be compared. This is commonly
referred to as the ‘apples versus oranges argument’ .
Although common, this criticism of meta-analysis is not valid. Comparing results
from different studies is no different than averaging across heterogenous subjects in an
ordinary study. If you are willing to accept averaging across subjects, you should also be
willing to accept averaging across heterogenous studies.
The core issue is not whether averaging should be done across heterogenous studies,
but rather whether or not differing methods are related to different effect sizes. If
methodological differences appear to be related to the outcome of research, studies in a
meta-analysis could be grouped by methodology to determine its effects.

Practical problems
The task facing a meta-analyst is a formidable one. Not only may studies on the same
issue use widely different methods and statistical techniques, some studies may not
provide the necessary information to conduct a meta-analysis and have to be eliminated.
The problem of insufficient or imprecise information (along with the file drawer
problem) may result in a non-representative sample of research being included in a meta-
analysis. Admittedly, the bias may be small, but it may nevertheless exist.

chapter 21 |meta-analysis 375

Do the results of meta-analysis differ from those of traditional
A valid question is whether or not traditional literature reviews produce results that
differ qualitatively from those of ameta-analysis. To answer this question, Cooper and
Rosenthal (1982) directly compared the two methods. Graduate students and professors
were randomly assigned to conduct either a meta-analysis or a traditional review of seven
articles dealing with the impact of the sex of subject on persistence in a task. Two of the
studies showed that females were more persistent than males, whereas the other five
either presented no statistical data or showed no significant effect.
The results of this study showed that subjects using the meta-analysis were more likely
to conclude that there was an effect of sex on persistence than were subjects using the
traditional method. Additionally, subjects doing the traditional review believed that the
effect of sex on persistence was smaller than did subjects doing the meta-analysis. Overall,
68 per cent of the meta-analysts were prepared to conclude that sex had an effect on
persistence, whereas only 27 per cent of subjects using the traditional method were so
inclined. In statistical terms, the meta-analysts were more willing than the traditional
reviewers to reject the null hypothesis that sex had no effect. It may be, then, that using
meta-analysis to evaluate research will lead to a reduction in Type II decision errors.

Meta-analysis is a quantitative tool for comparing or combining results across a set of similar
studies, facilitating statistically guided decisions about the strength of observed effects and the
reliability of results across a range of studies. Meta-analysis is a more efficient and effective way to
summarise the results of large numbers of studies.
e The first general technique is that of comparing studies. This comparison is made when you
want to determine whether two studies produce significantly different effects.
e The second general technique involves combining studies to determine the average effect size
of a variable across studies.
For each approach, you can evaluate studies by comparing or combining either p-values or
effect sizes.
The problem posed by the file drawer phenomenon is potentially serious for meta-analysis
because it results in a biased sample—a sample of only those results published because they
produced acceptable statistically significant results. But even published research may be of uneven

References and further reading

Cooper, H. & Rosenthal, R. (1982), ‘Statistical versus traditional methods for summarising research
findings’, Psychological Bulletin, 87, pp. 442-9.
Horton, P., McConney, A., Woods, M. & Hamelin, D. (1993), ‘An investigation of the effectiveness
of concept mapping as an instructional tool’, Science Education, 77, pp. 95-111.

376 part 2 | quantitative methods

Mullen, B. & Rosenthal, R. (1985), Basic meta-analysis, Laurence Erlbaum, Hillsdale.
Roberts, J. (1985), “The attitude memory relationship: A meta analysis of the literature’, Basic and
Applied Social Psychology, 6, pp. 221-42.
Rosenthal, R. (1979), “The file drawer problem’, Psychological Bulletin, 86, pp. 638-41.
Rosenthal, R. (1984), ‘Meta analytic procedures for social research’, Applied Social Science Research
Methods, vol. 6, Sage, Beverly Hills.
Rosenthal, R. (1991), Meta-analytic Procedures for Social Research, Sage, Newbury Park.
Rosenthal, R. (1994), ‘Interpersonal expectancy effects. A 30 year perspective’, Current Directions in
Psychological Science, 3, pp. 176-9.
Smith, M. & Glass, G. (1977), ‘Meta-analysis of psychotherapy outcome studies’, American
Psychologist, 32, pp. 752-60.

chapter 21 | meta-analysis 377

The experimental
research report

There is an art in writing an experimental report, and you will find that it becomes easier with
practice. Research work must be written up systematically and with great care, so that the
reader is not faced with the prospect of having to sort out ambiguities or misunderstandings.
You must be prepared to write up a report a couple of times at least before you are satisfied
that there is no room for improvement. Researchers who are experts in writing up their
results often have to make several drafts before writing up the final report. Extremely valuable
and interesting practical work may be spoiled at the last minute by a student who is not able
to communicate the results easily. The report should be written in an impersonal third person
style, with a minimum of rhetorical excess. Scientific writing is a stripped-down cool style that
avoids ornamentation.
e You must write in an accepted style. Most universities and journal editors will
provide a style manual which details the organisation, presentation, format and
language to be used. It will pay to examine some previous studies printed in the
journal in which you wish to publish, or some successful theses/dissertations at your
university. Your material will be subject to the same format and style requirements.
¢ It is essential to write clearly and precisely in presenting your material. You should
avoid jargon and assume that your readers will have a general understanding of, and
familiarity with, basic statistical concepts such as standard deviation and the normal
distribution curve. These concepts need not be explained. The entire report should
have a coherent structure with an orderly progression in the presentation ofideas, data
and arguments.
° Always acknowledge the work of others. If you quote from another person’s work
present the passage within quotation marks with a reference at the end of the
quotation. Don’t try to pass off the work of others as your own; this is plagiarism. You
need to cite other authors in the text by placing the date of publication after their
name, ¢.g., ‘In a follow up study, Jones (1993) found . . .’. You can also include the
name and date in parentheses at the end of a sentence if the name is not part of the
narrative, e.g. ‘Students from single parent families had significantly lower self-
concepts (Smith 1994)’. The name and date can then be looked up in the references,
where full details of the texts referred to are given. Where there are two authors, join
their names with ‘and’. Where there are three or more use ‘and’ on the first occasion;
on subsequent occasions cite only the first author followed by the abbreviation ° etal.’,
e.g. Jones, Smith and Wilson become ‘Jones et al.’.
* Avoid sexist language by rephrasing sentences, e.g, change ‘the teacher completed her
questionnaire...’ to ‘the teacher completed the questionnaire...’. ‘He’ and ‘she’ can
often be replaced by ‘they’.
¢ Begin writing up data as soon as possible. Do not wait until al) the data have been
collected and all analyses have been completed before commencing to draft the first
sections of your thesis/ paper. If you leave it all to the end you may find difficulty in
meeting deadlines. The Introduction and Methodology sections can certainly be
drafted while data collection is under way, as these include your review of the
literature, theory and previous research, the statement of the problem, the hypotheses,
the sample, design and any other matters that must have been dealt with before data
collection commenced. Your original research proposal could provide a basis for the
introduction as it should contain a detailed starement of the problem and hypotheses.
This could be extended with a fuller literature review. From your computer search of
the literature you can also start organising your bibliography.
The time factor is important. Writing up experiments cannot be rushed without
doing an injustice to the results and conclusions of these experiments. Unless enough
time is devoted to the writing up, serious errors can be made. The purpose of writing
up one’s findings is to enable others to understand clearly what you have done; to
replicate the work if they are interested or to modify aspects of it. Each part of the
experiment should be reported carefully and accurately. Most research articles in the
behavioural sciences are organised in essentially the same way; so too are theses and
dissertations although most aspects of the research is covered in greater detail than in
an article. The usual format is based on the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association and is used in most journals in education and psychology.
The following sequence is recommended as being one which students find easy to use
and which sets out the stages of the report in a logical fashion.

Here is an example of a point referred to above about rewriting aspects of the report. The
title should be as short as possible but it should retain meaning. You may have to make

chapter 22 |the experimental research report 579

several attempts at writing down the title until you are satisfied with it. The title should
reflect the main idea, topic or theme of the experiment. It should be brief but succinct
(12-15 words at the most), providing sufficient specific description so that a potential
reader will have a good idea of what the study is concerned with. The study might be a
comparison of achievement between a group of students undertaking face to face
teaching with a matched group who are studying the same course through distance
education. The novice might, at their first attempt, entitle this:
‘An investigation of the comparative effects on achievement of normal classroom teaching
versus distance education in a matched group offirst year university students studying a unit
in human biology.’

This is bit of a mouthful and the researcher will realise this. Gradual refinement
should lead to a title similar to the following:
‘Classroom teaching versus distance education in a first year university biology unit.’
Similarly a draft title,

‘The effects of lunchtime involvement in exercise on the stress levels of teachers in secondary
schools in inner city areas.’
might be just as clear and yet less of a mouthful if rewritten:
‘Exercise and stress levels in inner city secondary school teachers.’

Rewrite the following titles so that they are succinct yet informative.
a_ A Study investigating the relationship between selected socioeconomic factors
among 7-year-old and 10-year-old boys and girls and their attitudes towards certain
aspects of their schooling.
b A pilot study of the effectiveness of individual versus group counselling on the self-
concepts of forty high school students selected on the basis of suffering physical and
emotional child abuse during their primary school years.
c An investigation to test the hypothesis that 10-year-old girls are significantly better
at reading but significantly poorer at mathematics than 10-year-old boys.

In printed research papers, this may be referred to as the abstract, and it may appear at
the beginning or end of the paper. For our purposes, it seems sensible to call it the
summary, as this acts as a reminder to us that its purpose is to present an overview of the
design, contents and results of the experiment. Another reason for placing the summary
early in the write-up is to enable the reader to determine whether or not it is worthwhile
ploughing through the whole report.

380 part 2 |quantitative methods

As with the title, brevity is the key word. The summary should be as short as possible
and should contain only one paragraph. Essentially, it should refer to the hypothesis, the
experimental design, the results and the most significant findings, all concisely reported.
Clearly the summary cannot be written until all the other parts of the report have been

This is best started with a general statement of the problem which enables the reader to gain
an appreciation of the issue, its importance, pertinence, and its place within the ambit of
education. A brief review of research findings and theories related to the topic follows. This
is to provide an understanding of previous work that has been done and a.context into which
the current study fits. Ifyou have conducted a computer review of the pertinent literature the
printout should provide the basis for a chronological or topic order of the review. Some
researchers put a summary of each study reviewed on their word processor as they progress
with their reading. This offers a basis for the writing of this section.
However, you should not simply regurgitate the summary of each reviewed study, but
attempt to synthesise and analyse the material, distilling the essential themes, issues,
methodologies, discrepancies, consistencies and conclusions, as well as the specific results
and conclusions of particular studies where appropriate. The aim is a clear, unified and
thorough picture of the status of research in the area and not a boring, stereotyped
sequential presentation of all the separate summaries of each study taken from the
indexes and abstracts consulted like a furniture sale catalogue commencing with
‘Professor X (19YY) discovered that... and Dr Smith (19ZZ) found that ...’. There
are of course some significant and seminal studies that should be reviewed individually.
The process of combining and interpreting the literature is more difficult than simply
reviewing. You should also avoid an excessive use of quotations. Any quotation used
should be a significant one that bears a relationship to what you propose to investigate
in your study.
Out of this review of the literature, and linked to the original problem, there should
emerge a statement of the hypothesis to be tested. This could be followed by a definition of
terms and concepts to be used in the study. It is imperative to know what is meant, for
example, by such terms as “disadvantaged student’, ‘holistic education’, ‘aggressive behaviour’
or ‘creativity’, as these can be deployed with a variety of meanings by different authors. The
hypothesis should stem out of the matrix of knowledge and interpretation already presented.
It should be succinct, be consistent with known facts and be testable.
After reading the introduction, a reader should understand why you decided to undertake
the research, how you decided to set about doing it and what your hypothesis is. This is a
general to specific organisation, as indicated below:

* General introduction to topic.

¢ Literature review.
¢ Link literature review to your topic.
¢ State your hypotheses.

chapter 22 | the experimental research report 381

Here you must indicate who took part and how many subjects there were. You may
find it necessary to give a little more information about them if you think it could be
relevant to the progress of the experiment and the subsequent results. For instance, the
age range ofyour subjects could be important, and in certain types of experiments (e.g.
interpersonal attraction), the sex of the subjects could be most influential. The same
applies to the experimenter(s)—is their age important, or their sex? Is the experimenter
known to the subjects, and could this be relevant?
One final, extremely significant piece of information should be given about the
subjects, i.e. how were they obtained? Were they enlisted because they were friends?
Were they ‘captive’ and somewhat unwilling subjects? Were they chosen ‘because they
were there’? In other words, did your subjects constitute an opportunity sample, or did
you have the good fortune to be able to take a random sample ? Do you remember what
we said in chapter 6 about sampling and being able to generalise our results to the
population from which the sample was taken? This kind of information needs to be
included at this point. Providing this information enables another researcher to replicate
the study. In fact, the whole of the method section should be written with this purpose
in mind.

Test instruments/apparatus/materials
Details of all tests should be given, including name, source, reliability and validity data.
If the tests are self-created, evidence of reliability and validity from pilot studies is needed.
If you construct equipment or manufacture material specifically for your experiment,
then it is essential that you describe it in some detail. When you have done this, read over
what you have written and ask yourself whether another person, unfamiliar with your
work, would be able to reconstruct your equipment or material.
A photograph, or photographs, of new equipment will be welcomed by a reader who is
unacquainted with your work, and examples of your actual material should be appended to
the report where possible. For example, to refer to a list of anagrams without specifying
their length, their difficulty or even their number is singularly unhelpful. Moreover, if
material is available in the report, you will have little difficulty describing your work and
discussing it.

Some researchers would regard this as being the most important section in the report.
Since, in theory, the purpose of writing a report is to enable others to replicate your
work, great care must be taken in describing your design clearly, concisely and logically.
You will need to furnish information as to how each stage of the experiment was
conducted. Once again, we must emphasise that this will demand much patience on your
part, and you must be prepared to rewrite the section several times before producing an
acceptable version.

382 part 2 |quantitative methods

You will need to state which experimental design you used, and it is a good idea to
say briefly why you used it. Remember that your choice ofdesign dictates the statistical
procedure you will later apply to your results. Having described your apparatus and
equipment in the previous section, you must now explain how it was used, mentioning
the number of trials per subject, the rate of presentation of material, the instructions
given to the subjects, etc. Since the instructions to subjects are so important, they could
be set out en bloc and/or underlined, or even printed on a separate sheet and inserted at
a suitable place in the report.
Results obtained in experiments can sometimes be affected by unacceptable
conditions, and their authenticity is thereby either enhanced or diminished accordingly.
Spurious results lead to incorrect conclusions, in spite of the fact that great care may have
been taken in choosing subjects, selecting the most appropriate experimental design,
and applying the correct statistical procedure. Results obtained under one set of
conditions may not be faulty in a particular instance, but may be faulty when produced
under different conditions.
Learning lists of words in a memory experiment could quite easily be affected by the
time ofday and the room in which the experiment was conducted. For example, subjects
might be more alert in the morning than in the afternoon, or the room in which they
undergo the memory task may be next to a workshop where lathes are turning.
It is therefore essential that you give a detailed description of the conditions which
operated at the time of your experiment, but only those conditions which were relevant
to the outcome of the experiment need to be stressed. You may need to refer to
environmental conditions such as place, time of day, room temperature, etc. if you think
these could be important factors. Subject variables, such as fatigue and cooperativeness,
may also deserve some mention.

Data analysis
This describes the statistical analyses undertaken. If they are commonly known—e.g. chi
square, independent ¢ test—then the tests only need to be named. Unusual approaches
should be detailed. The significance level to be accepted should be stated.

Clarity! This is the key word in this section. Sound studies which have produced
excellent results are often spoiled at this stage simply because students either do not
know the best way to present their results, or do not pay sufficient attention to their
presentation. The major failing seems to be in trying to present too much information
at once; graphs become confusing and tables are difficult to interpret simply because the
student has tried to convey too many results in one display. Present your results clearly,
simply and neatly. Your results should be presented in tables or other diagrams which
have appropriate, meaningful, short headings. Short comments on the results are
permissible, such as, ‘Introverts scored significantly higher than extroverts on this scale’,
but do try to avoid detailed and penetrating comments which are better placed in the
‘Discussion’ section.

chapter 22 |the experimental research report 383

The best way to structure the results section is in terms of the hypotheses which the
study has set out to test. Hypothesis One would be the first heading, Hypothesis Two,
the second, and so on. (Such subdivisions would not be necessary, of course, in a study
with only a single hypothesis.) Each heading would then be followed by a brief
restatement of the hypothesis, a reference to an appropriate table.or graph, and a
descriptive statement of the outcome in testing the hypothesis, i.e. F ratios, ¢ values,
correlations, means, or whatever statistic was used. The description of statistical outcomes
would parallel the table in which these data are found. Significance levels should be quoted
and a brief statement (one sentence) should be offered to say whether the results were
significant, and whether the null and alternative hypotheses were supported or rejected.

Instead of moving from the general to the specific, as we did in the introduction, we
move from the specific to the general in the discussion.

Restate major hypotheses and findings

Tie results into previous research and theory
Broad implications; methodological implications;
directions for future research

The purpose of this section is to enable you to assess your results and draw sensible
conclusions from them. It is quite common to find students who have painstakingly
undertaken an interesting experiment, produced a set of results, and applied appropriate
statistical procedures, yet are incapable of explaining their significance. What do the
results mean in terms of your hypothesis? What implications or inferences can be made
from your results? Are you able to summarise your conclusions, perhaps suggesting ideas
from your experiment which could be developed by another person?
Do not be afraid to mention any failings in your experimental design, your sampling
difficulties, or your procedure. The discussion section has a frame of references—the
introductory section. The points raised in the introduction must be responded to in the
discussion. But within this frame of reference, the writer is free to use whatever art and
imagination they can to show the range and depth of significance of their study. The
discussion section ties the results of the study to both theory and application by pulling
together the theoretical background, literature reviews, potential significance for
application, and results of the study.
Conclude this section by summarising the major conclusions and results of the
experiment, and restate the hypothesis in its original wording, pointing out whether or
not it was supported.

You must record all the references you have mentioned in your experiment, but no others.
Accuracy is important, as other people may wish to follow up your work by reading some of
the references in the library, and much time can be wasted if a librarian has to search for a

384 part 2 |quantitative methods

non-existent manuscript, or one which is contained in an entirely different journal. References
are written in a standard format. They appear in alphabetical order according to the name
of the author. When a reference is made to the title of a book, you should underline the title,
but when you refer to an article in a journal it is the name of the journal which is underlined.
The parts which you underline would appear in italics in a printed experimental report. The
following are examples of the format:
Hunter, I.M.L. (1966). Memory, Penguin: Harmondsworth.
Bower, G.I. (1970). ‘Organisational factors in memory.’ Cognitive Psychology, 1, 18-41.

Within the text, any reference appears as the author’s surname and year of publication.
This model for writing an experimental report is, of course, only one particular model.
But whatever model or pattern you use, the basic criterion is that it should provide a
logical sequence, concisely expressed, enabling another interested person to understand
what has been done, why, and with what results.

Checklist for writing an experimental research report

e Title Is it sufficiently brief, yet able to provide a clear indication of the content?

¢ Abstract/Summary Does it convey a brief essential impression of the research in less

than 200 words, covering aims, subjects, variables, design, and conclusions?

¢ Introduction The introduction should contain brief overview of issues and concepts
to place research in its context. Aim(s) and hypotheses should be stated clearly in a
predictive form.
¢ Method Give enough detail to enable readers to repeat the study as you did it.
¢ Design Detail the variables, the design form, the statistics employed, the subjects,
materials/tests, procedures/instructions.

¢ Results Verbal description of results plus summary tables clearly titled and labelled
(raw data in appendix if necessary) are essential with significance levels stated and
statements about rejection or support for null hypotheses.
¢ Discussion Relate results to hypotheses, background theory and previous research.
Note and explain, if possible, unexpected results. Suggest modifications and future
directions for the research area. Discuss limitations.
¢ References List all studies referred to using standard format.

Further reading
American Psychological Association (1993), Publication Manual, 4th edn, APA, Washington DC.
Campbell, W., Ballou, S. & Slade, C. (1986), Form and Style: Theses, Reports and Term Papers, 7th
edn, Houghton Mifflin, New York.
Light, R.J. & Pilliner, D.B. (1984), Summing Up: The Science of Reviewing Research, Harvard
University Press, Cambridge.
Mauch, J.E. & Birch, J.W. (1983), Guide to the Successful Thesis and Dissertation, Dekker, New York.

chapter 22 |the experimental research report 385


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The purists assert that qualitative and quantitative methods are based in paradigms
that make different assumptions about the social world, about how science should be
conducted, and what constitutes legitimate problems, solutions, and criteria of ‘proof’.
So far, we have been considering a pervasive, scientific mode of inquiry—a mode
characterised by objectivity, reliability and prediction. The assumption that ‘truth’
and ‘knowledge’ are fixed and singular entities has predisposed research towards
numerical quantification procedures and technical controls, generally statistically
During the late 1960s and throughout the decade of the 1970s, a new critical form
of inquiry began to emerge. A more diffuse recognition of the implicit relationship
between knowledge and human interests led to the advocacy of an alternative, more
humanistic, investigative paradigm. This paradigm is based on the concept of verstehen,
a form of subjective understanding.
In current research, movements towards humanness are based on a recognition of
the need for critical inquiry and meaning in educational action. The traditional
emphasis on ‘factual’ knowledge and singular truths has become obsolete as the avenues
for knowledge generation and cultural interchange increase. The qualitative researcher
attempts to gather evidence that will reveal qualities of life, reflecting the ‘multiple
realities’ of specific educational settings from participants’ perspectives.

Social reality
Qualitative researchers believe that since humans are conscious of their own behaviour,
the thoughts, feelings and perceptions of their informants are vital. How people attach
meaning and what meanings they attach are the bases of their behaviour. Only qualitative
methods, such as participant observation and unstructured interviewing, permit access
to individual meaning in the context of ongoing daily life. The qualitative researcheris
not concerned with objective truth, but rather with the truth as the informant perceives
it. Ifa student believes a teacher dislikes him or her, then every act of that teacher towards
the student will be interpreted by the latter in terms of that belief. This information is
necessary in order to fully understand the behaviour of the student towards the teacher.
In an objective sense, only a disruptive student is seen.
Social reality is the product of meaningful social interaction as perceived from the
perspectives of those involved, and not from the perspectives of the observer. Thus, the
central data-gathering techniques of a qualitative approach are participant observation
and unstructured interviewing. Qualitative methods attempt to capture and understand
individual definitions, descriptions and meanings of events. Quantitative methods, on
the other hand, count and measure occurrences. Abercrombie (1988) argues that social
science research can never be objective because of the subjective perceptions of those
involved, both informant and researcher; because all propositions are limited in their
meaning to particular language context and particular social groups; because all
researchers impose unwittingly their own value judgements and because all observations
are theory laden.

388 part 3 | qualitative methods

Analytic induction
Analytic induction and theoretical sampling are essential features of qualitative studies.
These two processes enable the investigator to construct, elaborate and test propositions
and hypotheses while the study is ongoing. Analytic induction requires that each
interview supports the proposition being developed. If the interview does not
substantiate the proposition, then a revision of the initial proposition is formulated.
This constant development allows the research question to evolve in response to
emerging insights, focusing more closely on some specific event or behaviour. As a result,
sampling will also alter as the focus of the study subtly changes.

Whereas quantitative research uses probability sampling, qualitative research employs
non-probability sampling, especially snowball sampling and theoretical sampling. In
snowball sampling, a person, who is identified as a valid member of a specified group to
be interviewed, is asked to provide the names of others who fit the requirements. This
is because in many situations the interviewer would not know the potential members of
the sample; for example, in a study of delinquent gangs, one gang member can provide
names of other gangs and gang members—information that may only be known to a
select few and which would remain confidential. The gang member would be asked to
introduce the interviewer to the further potential interviewees. In theoretical sampling,
data collection is controlled by the developing theory. As information is gathered from
the first few cases the underlying theory becomes extended, modified, etc., and therefore
informs the investigator as to which group(s) are relevant to interview. For example, in
a study investigating how students respond to sports injuries that leave them unable to
take part in that sport again, successive interviews might gradually narrow down the
range of sports to be covered, as the investigator determines that some sports have no
participants that ever suffer such disabling injury. Eventually, because of the incidences
noted, the study begins to limit its focus to rugby and skiing participants. Thus the
purpose of theoretical sampling is the discovery and development of categories. It is a
recurrent process, as incoming data provides new evidence and suggests new categories.
Cases are analysed until new categories and disconfirming cases no longer appear to
change the theoretical and conceptual model. At this stage we have reached theoretical
saturation. This approach is linked to analytic induction in which a search for falsifying
evidence is made which leads to modification of the theory until no further
disconfirming evidence is found. There is a resemblance between analytic induction and
Popper's emphasis on the importance of setting up null hypotheses.
As Glaser and Strauss (1967) suggest, sampling is often guided by the search for
contrasts which are needed to clarify the analysis and achieve maximum identification
of emergent categories. So no representative sample is found here but particular samples
to identify specific classes of phenomena are emerging. This strategy permits the
investigator to develop and study a range of types rather than determine their frequency

part 3 |qualitative methods 389

or distribution. Then, once this identification of events/types has been effected, more in-
depth study can be made. For example, having identified four types of teacher response
to some classroom event through unstructured interviews, a deeper study of these
responses in specific contexts can be made to expand the explanations being offered to
account for the differences in response.

Reliability and validity

You remember from chapter 20 that reliability was concerned with giving the same
result consistently under the same conditions, while validity was concerned with an
assessment or judgement measuring what it is supposed to measure. When we are dealing
with human beings, rather than inanimate scientific material, it is easy to realise that
while we can measure something reliably, it may well not be valid. A questionnaire to
students about why they absent themselves from school may well produce consistent
results (reliable) in that they all claim they were ill. However, some in-depth unstructured
interviewing would certainly discover that many of these illness responses were not true
(invalid), with students staying away for a variety of reasons, such as homework not
done, dislike of school, a preference for hanging around the city centre, and so on. Who
has the power to decide what is the truth in the informant’s social world?
How do we know what is reliable and valid in qualitative research where the responses
of individuals to interviews and general conversation noted in participant observation
may be distorted by all sorts of idiosyncratic factors? The best way is triangulation, in
which we can argue that if different methods of assessment or investigation produce the
same results, then the data are likely to be valid.

Literature review
Qualitative researchers do not search for data that will support or disprove their
hypothesis. Rather as we read above, they develop theories and propositions from the
data they collect as the research develops. The literature review is a stimulus for your
thinking and not a way of summarising in your own mind the previous work in the area
that can blind you to only considering existing concepts and conceptual schemes, as in
quantitative method. New findings cannot always be fitted into existing categories and
concepts, and the qualitative method, with its more open-minded approach, encourages
other ways of looking at the data. The literature review should be a sounding board for
ideas, as well as finding out what is already known and what specific methodologies
have been used. Often research reports identify additional questions that would be
fruitful to pursue.
The promise of the qualitative mode can be seen in its emphasis on naturalistic
investigative strategies. These methods could enable the researcher to focus on
complexities and qualities in educational action and interaction that might be
unattainable through the use of more standardised measures. An explication of
‘meaning’, rather than the isolation of ‘truth’, is identified as the goal.
Within social science research, the typical qualitative approaches involve ethnography
survey and action research, with observation and interviewing as the major techniques.

390 part 3 |qualitative methods

Asa result, the qualitative researcher is likely to become quite personally involved in the
study, while the quantitative researcher attempts to be dispassionate, neutral and
detached so as to avoid bias.
Qualitative research methods are another way of understanding people and their
behaviour. Qualitative research methods should not be regarded as ‘the other way’ of
doing research. Quantitative and qualitative methods may appear to be opposites derived
from different philosophies, yet both are legitimate tools of research and can supplement
each other, providing alternative insights into human behaviour. One method is neither
better nor poorer than the other. The choice of which research method is used should
be based on an informed understanding of the suitability of that method for that
particular research. It is impossible to judge one method using the concepts derived
from another totally different approach, thus concepts of reliability, validity, or sampling
may not be relevant or require redefinition when used in another method. The research
problem should determine the method.
The value of qualitative studies lies in their ability to research issues that:
* explore folk wisdom and practices that do not work;
* investigate real or hidden agendas of organisations as opposed to stated agendas;
* cannot be done experimentally, for ethical or practical reasons;
¢ unravel informal and unstructured links and processes in organisations;
¢ delve in depth into processes.
The strength of qualitative studies then lies in research that is descriptive or
exploratory and that stresses the importance of context and the subjects’ frame of

Comparison ofqualitative and quantitative methods

Qualitative Quantitative
Reality socially constructed Facts and data have an objective
Variables complex and inter- Variables can be measured and
woven; difficult to measure identified
Events viewed from informant’s Events viewed from outsider’s
perspective perspective
Dynamic quality to life Static reality to life

Interpretation Prediction
Contextualisation Generalisation
Understanding the perspectives Causal explanation
of others

Data collection using Testing and measuring
participant observation,
unstructured interviews

part 3 | qualitative methods 391

Qualitative Quantitative

Method (continued)
Concludes with hypothesis and Commences with hypothesis and
grounded theory theory
Emergence and portrayal Manipulation and control
Inductive and naturalistic Deductive and experimental
Data analysis by themes from Statistical analysis
informants’ descriptions
Data reported in language of Statistical reporting
Descriptive write-up Abstract impersonal write-up

Role of researcher
Researcher as instrument Researcher applies formal
Personal involvement Detachment
Empathic understanding Objective

As the table suggests, the choice of research method will be influenced by the
assumptions that the researcher holds about the social world and the people who inhabit
it, and by the sort of study required by the topic under investigation.

Abercrombie, N. (1988), The Penguin Dictionary ofSociology, Penguin, Harmondsworth.
Glaser, B. and Strauss, A. (1967), The Discovery of Grounded Theory, Aldine, Chicago.

Further reading
Berg, B. (1989), Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Allyn & Bacon, Boston.
Eisner, E. & Peshkin, A. (eds) (1990), Qualitative Enquiry in Education, Teachers College Press,
New York.
Firestone, W. (1987), ‘Meaning in method: the rhetoric of quantitative and qualitative research’
Educational Researcher 16, pp. 16-21.
Flick, U. (1998), Introduction to Qualitative Research, Sage, London.
Glesne, C. & Peshkin, A. (1992), Becoming Qualitative Researchers. Longman, New York.
Goodwin, L. & Goodwin, W. (1984), ‘Qualitative vs quantitative research or qualitative and
quantitative research’, Nursing Research 33, pp. 378-9.
Jacob, E. (1988), ‘Clarifying qualitative research.’ Educational Researcher 17, pp. 16-24.
Marshall, C. & Rossman, G. (1989), Designing Qualitative Research, Sage, Newbury Park.
Mason, J. (1996), Qualitative Researching, Sage, London.
Reismann, C.K. (ed.) (1993), Qualitative Studies in Social Work Research, Sage, London.
Strauss, A. & Corbin, J. (1999), Basics of Qualitative Research, Sage, London.
Richardson, J.T. (ed.) (1996), Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Psychology and Social
Science, BPS Books, Leicester, UK.

392 part 3 |qualitative methods


The word ethnography literally means ‘writing about people’. In a broad sense,
ethnography encompasses any study of a group of people for the purpose of describing
their socio-cultural activities and patterns.
In early anthropological studies, ethnographers (for example, Malinowski 1922),
working through in-culture informants, gathered data first-hand about the ways in which
members of a group ordered their life by means of social custom, ritual and belief. By
compiling and organising this information, ethnographers constructed pictures of that
group’s cultural and perceptual world. In ethnography, people are not subjects; they are
experts on what the ethnographer wants to find out about. Over time, a greater range
of theory and method for ethnographic fieldwork has developed, involving concepts
and approaches suitable for describing such social subgroups as motorcycle gangs and
juvenile delinquents, social situations such as classrooms and courtrooms, and open
public scenes such as street corners and hospital wards.
Ethnography essentially involves descriptive data collection as the basis for
interpretation. It represents a dynamic ‘picture’ of the way of life of some interacting
social group. As a process, it is the science of cultural description. Ethnography is a
relevant method for evaluating school life, hospital life, prison life, etc., since these
contexts are essentially cultural entities.
Typical concerns have been the development of pupil identities, teachers’ perceptions
of pupils and their abilities, the ‘management’ of classroom knowledge, pupils’
definitions of school subjects, prisoner—guard relationships, sick role behaviour, and so
on. (Examples of such work are collected in Stubbs and Delamont (1976) and Woods
and Hammersley (1977).)
An ethnographic approach, for example, to the everyday tasks of teaching and
curriculum planning, whatever the professional area, does not define curriculum simply
as ‘a relationship between a set of ends and a set of means’, as a statement of intended
learning goals together with methods for goal achievement. We can view a curriculum
as a process in which there is constant interpretation and negotiation going on among
and between academic staff and students. In this sense, a curriculum is the everyday
activities in the classroom. The conceptual and methodological tools of ethnography
get at this aspect of curriculum planning and teaching.
Ethnography accepts that human behaviour occurs within a context. A classroom
never stands in isolation from larger cultural and social landscapes, such as local and
national, political or economic processes and values. Educational activities take place
against a background of premises, interests and values concerning what it means to be
a student or teacher, and what constitutes worthwhile knowledge and learning. These
features are implicit in the choices made, and in justifications given by participants. In
other words, academic tasks are accomplished with prior presuppositions, beliefs, and
anticipations. Inevitably, these perspectives are shaped within larger social and political
contexts. These relationships need to be examined as part of the classroom. Ethnography
takes this larger context into account.
Ethnography can be a useful way of providing descriptions of what actually happens
in a school district, health authority, etc. These descriptions may help administrators
ensure that policy development is based on, and directed to, the actual situation rather
than to an ideal or imaginary situation. For example, administrators developing policy
concerning ‘rowdiness’ in schools should have some idea about the extent and varying
interpretations of ‘rowdiness’ already occurring. To develop a policy dealing with ‘rowdy
acts’, descriptions of various contexts of such acts are needed. Players in the context of
a game in the gymnasium give particular meanings to ‘rowdiness’ recognised by all
participants as a part of physical education; on the other hand, similar relations in the
school cafeteria would incur the wrath of the administrators. Social—cultural factors of
an educational institution, time ofday, relationship to holidays and community events,
or final examinations, are just a few of the factors which may give meaning and
situational legitimacy to the notion of rowdiness. To make sense at all, policy has to take
into account the contextualness of this student behaviour. Even more realistic examples
of policy development could be given in the areas of report cards and reporting
procedures, student attendance, community use of facilities, vandalism, and many other
school-related issues which may arise. These kinds of policy formulations benefit from
(and even require) explicit descriptions of the situationally defined rules, expectations,
intents, perceptions and interpretations held and utilised by participants. Without an
understanding of these contextual factors, policy makers misunderstand and distort the
issues they purport to redress. Ethnographic methods can be one way to help supply the
needed descriptive basis for policy development and its implementation in the changing
world of education, social work, health, etc.

394 part 3 |qualitative methods

The purpose of ethnographic research is to uncover social, cultural, or normative
patterns. Generally, this involves an analytic description in terms of a social setting,
organisation, behaviour, and activities. The fieldwork incorporates participant
observation, triangulation, interviewing and qualitative analysis—essentially,
interpretation—in order to arrive at an understanding of the observed patterns of
behaviour engaged in by those being studied.
This generalised and, to many researchers, less rigorous approach has gained credibility in
social science research because it has become increasingly evident that over-concern with
quantitative data may miss significantly important links and relationships within a context
or process. Without doubt, some elements of a qualitative approach are impressionistic and
subjective, but it would be equally true to argue that an investigation conducted under the
most rigorous conditions and employing sophisticated statistical analyses is still often open
to question in its sampling procedures, choice of statistical tools and techniques of analysis.
Above all, however, such research methodology in its attempts to isolate variables may be
reporting an unrealistic scenario with little practical applicability. In contrast, the more
questionable and soft approach allows greater speculation and an arena for explanation. There
are no formulae, flow charts or standardised procedures for the ethnographer to follow. Much
of the ethnographic work is inductive because of its situational character. This makes the
fieldworker’s attitude to the situation, flexibility in planning, sensitivity to contextual clues,
and ability to be comfortable with change and emergence, all-important aspects of
The varied situations within schools, hospitals and workplaces are too complex to be
viewed from any single perspective. In the past, most research activities relied heavily on
quantification, measurement, and ‘objective’ category systems. There was seldom interest
in how participants expressed their own intentions and interactions within the context.
Individuals bring priorities, concerns, and other personal constructs which influence
their participation in programs and interaction with one another. In a school there are
as many programs as there are teachers and students who experience curricula. Adequate
understanding of school programs requires thorough descriptions of what happens in the
classroom from the perspective of the participants. In other words, we see a need for
deeper exploration into the experience of classroom situations. Ethnography is one way
to understand this experience, for ethnographic procedures allow us to grasp subjective
aspects of life that other procedures neglect.

List a number of areas/topics/situations/relationships which would be amenable to

ethnographic investigation.

Ethnographic approach to research

Whereas the emphasis in quantitative research is on the testing of theory, the
ethnographic researcher has a much more central concern with generating and
developing theory. Ethnographers are attempting to capture the social reality of agroup,

chapter 23 |ethnographic research 395

so that formulating the appropriate research problems and asking the appropriate
questions become the most important features of the research; yet these also are difficult
items to pose correctly. Ethnographic projects can often be divided into three phases:
1 The initial phase. Guided by broad research interests, the investigator collects data
with a view to exploring a range of possible ideas.
2 The second phase. Significant classes of events and persons begin to emerge leading
to reformulation ofinitial guiding propositions.
3 The third phase. The collection of data relevant to the reformulation occurs.
There is an interplay between personal observations and theory which leads to decisions
about what might be useful to observe and what questions it might be relevant to ask. Often
the primary research goal is to discover those questions which will emerge along with the
concepts and theoretical framework as the study proceeds. The qualitative approach demands
great flexibility and an openness to change rather than a narrow focused approach from the
outset. This indeterminacy can be threatening to the novice, but they should be reassured that
even experienced qualitative researchers are often grasping for direction at times when
commencing a new study. It is important to remember that the general research question,
related literature, theory and research design are all interrelated, each building on the others
in a process of unfolding, incubation, creativity, intuition, or just plain commonsense. The
initial operation of a study is like a strategy of attack which takes shape as a function of
previous activity, rather than a fixed roadmap taking one from A to B without deviation.
Guiding hypotheses are crucial in this process of gradual refinement. The guiding
hypothesis is merely a tool to generate questions and search for patterns. It can be
discarded or refined, as this research process itself leads to a clearer focus and more
precise formulation of the problem.
Of course, as the study proceeds, this sequence may be traversed several times. This
process is sometimes termed progressive focusing, i.e. adopting a stance as a naive observer
and avoiding placing self-obvious categories on what is observed until considerable
exploratory fieldwork has occurred, and then permitting this learning and assimilation to
provide guides on what propositions to offer and how to categorise and interpret the data.
In ethnography, research design refers to a multitude of decisions that have to be
taken over the whole course of the fieldwork. In each case, the strategy that is adopted
depends to a great extent on the nature of the social situation chosen for study. There
can, therefore, be no single ideal to which all such research can be expected to conform.
However, ethnography does provide a set of general commitments or orientations to
research which is rather different from those of the experimental and survey styles. These
can be identified as:
The problem of understanding social action (understanding and interpretation).
The emphasis on process (process).
The investigation of‘natural’ settings (naturalism).
The study of social phenomena in their context (holism).
The assumption that there are always multiple perspectives (multiple perspectives).
ONThe use of multiple techniques, with emphasis on participant observation and

396 part 3 |qualitative methods

Understanding and interpretation
The social world differs from the natural world because it is essentially a world of
interpretations and meanings. People differ from natural objects in their ability to
interpret their own actions and those of others; to act on their understandings and to
endow their lives and actions with meaning. The social world of a particular culture is,
therefore, socially constructed; it is the active accomplishment of the members of that
culture. For this reason, the language of ethnography refers to actors and actions, rather
than, say, ‘subjects’ and ‘behaviour’, and the question is always ‘How is it done?’; “What
cultural resources, stocks of knowledge, routines and strategies do the actors bring to
bear?’; ‘How do the actors collectively negotiate and achieve social order, understanding
and working relationships?’.

Ethnographers argue that meanings and interpretations are not fixed entities. They are
generated through social interaction and may change over the course of interaction.
Actors’ identities are also subject to processes of ‘becoming’, rather than being fixed and
static. No single meaning or identity is assumed; there are multiple and competing
definitions current in almost every social situation. The metaphor of negotiation is often
used to capture the processes of interaction whereby social meanings are generated, and
a precarious social order is produced.

Ethnographers recognise that the things people say and do depend on the social context in
which they find themselves. They urge, therefore, that social life be studied as it occurs, in
natural settings rather than ‘artificial’ ones created only for the purposes of the research.
Furthermore, they do not seek to manipulate and control what goes on in these settings, but
rather to minimise their own impact on events so as to be able, as far as possible, to observe
social processes as they occur naturally without the intervention of researchers. Their aim is
thereby to maximise the ecological validity of their findings. Just as Lorenz swims with his
goslings, or Schaller lives with mountain gorillas, so ethnologists live the lives of the people
they study. To expect more from the ethnological study of teachers and children for a lesser
effort seems naive indeed.

Those working in the ethnographic tradition also stress the need to see social life within
the general context of a culture, subculture or organisation as a whole. The actions of
individuals are motivated by events within the larger whole and thus cannot be
understood apart from it.
The ethnographer must be aware of the classroom setting within a wider context: the
surrounding vicinity, the milieu of the values and beliefs, the larger social environment. A
school is a reflection in some way of the neighbourhood in which student and teacher live,

chapter 23 |ethnographic research S97

with its various kinds of groups, events of community life, economic activities, industry and
transportation, ethnic and cultural patterns, or street life. These factors influence the
interpretations students and teachers collectively and individually ascribe to school.

Multiple perspectives
Early anthropological ethnographers argued that ‘savages’ were not ‘superstitious’ or
‘mentally inferior’ to western observers, but rather employed different, equally rational
‘world-views’. Contemporary ethnographic approaches take a similar view and, rather
than imposing their own modes of rationality on those they study, attempt to
comprehend social action in terms of the actors’ own terms of reference. As a result,
they are well suited to the detection of ‘unofficial’ versions ofsocial reality. What people
do and what they ought to do are very often different. Because of this, there is frequently
a discrepancy between what people do and what they say they do. Therefore, one must
look beyond the ‘public’ and ‘official’ versions of reality in order to examine the
unacknowledged or tacit understandings as well.
Thus, studies in education have highlighted ‘unofficial’ perspectives in a number of
contexts; for example, by drawing attention to the ‘hidden curriculum’. This is the set
ofimplicit messages and learning that go on in addition to, and sometimes in opposition
to, the ‘official’ curriculum. A classic example ofsuch an approach was undertaken by
the authors of Boys in White: Student Culture in Medical School (Becker, Geer, Hughes
& Strauss, 1961), in which the authors documented in considerable detail the hidden
curriculum of medical education at Kansas University.
Individuals have interpretations based on their experience from the unique vantage
point of their life and biography. These personal interpretations include the perceptions,
intentions, expectations and relevances through which each one of us makes sense of
things. Participants understand classrooms and programs in accord with their own
subjective interpretations. A teacher may interpret a classroom and program in terms of
formal training (for example, theories of learning, psychological constructs, instructional
methodologies), instructional goals, and beliefs about students and the subject matter.
On the other hand, each student may interpret the same class in terms of past school
experiences, immediate goals, beliefs about teachers and the subject matter, expectations
of education, purposes for attending school, and views of their own potential. Factors
such as these influence each participant’s experiences in that classroom.
The purposes for using ethnography are to uncover and describe group social relations
such as:
* the understandings (e.g. beliefs, perceptions, knowledge) which participants share
about their situation;
* the routine methods (e.g. social rules, expectations, patterns, roles) by which their
situation is structured; ;
* the legitimisations by which participants justify the normality and unquestioned
character of their situation; and
* the motives and interests (for example, purposes, goals, plans) through which
participants interpret their situation.

398 part 3 |qualitative methods

In other words, ethnographers focus on how different people define an event through
their actions, perceptions, interpretations and beliefs. Investigators, therefore, must become
immersed in a particular situation in order to describe and interpret people’s actions.

Multiple techniques
Ethnographic ‘fieldwork’ is not a homogeneous method, but involves a variety of
techniques of data collection. The most commonly employed approach is that of
participant observation, whereby the fieldworker directly observes, and to some extent
takes part in, everyday life in a chosen setting (a school, prison, bureaucracy, rural
community, adolescent gang, etc.).
Observations are recorded in the form of detailed fieldnotes, which may be made on
the spot and amplified subsequently, or written up as soon as possible after leaving the
field. In recent years, audio and videotape recordings have been increasingly used to
obtain permanent records of social interaction. In addition, the ethnographer may
engage in interviewing, collecting and analysing documentary material, and may also use
the techniques of survey research to supplement the field notes. All the material gathered
is reported, described and interpreted to form the ethnographic study.

What do you regard as the major characteristics of the ethnographic method?

Ethnographic fieldwork
Ethnography does not fit a linear model of research. Instead, the major tasks follow
a kind of cyclical pattern, repeated over and over again, as outlined in Figure 23.1.
Compare this figure with the quantitative linear sequence in Figure 4.1, p. 42.

Selecting an ethnographic project

The cycle begins with the selection of a research project.

Collecting ethnographic data

The second major task in the ethnographic research cycle (see Figure 23.1) is collecting
ethnographic data. By means of participant observation, the activities of people, the
physical characteristics of the social situation, and what it feels like to be part of the
scene are observed. During the course of fieldwork, whether one studies a classroom for
a year or college administrators for a few months, the types of observation will change.
One starts by making broad descriptive observations, trying to get an overview of the
social situation and what goes on there. Then, after recording and analysing the initial
data, research narrows and the researcher begins to make more focused observations.
Finally, after more analysis and repeated observations in the field, investigations narrow
still further to make selective observations.

chapter 23 |ethnographic research 399

FIGURE 23.1 The research cycle in ethnography

Writing an

Selecting an

Making an Asking
ethnographic ethnographic
record questions


Making an ethnographic record

The next step in the research cycle, following fast on the heels of each observation period,
is making an ethnographic record. This includes taking fieldnotes, taking photographs,
making maps, and using any other means to record observations. This ethnographic
record builds a bridge between observation and analysis. Indeed, most of the analysis will
rely heavily on what has been recorded.

Analysing ethnographic data

The next step in the cycle cannot wait until a large amount of data is collected. In
ethnographic inquiry, analysis is a process of question—discovery. Instead of coming into
the field with specific questions, the ethnographer analyses the field data compiled from
participant observation to discover questions. There is a need to analyse fieldnotes after
each period of fieldwork in order to know what to look for during the next period of
participant observation.

Writing an ethnography
This last major task in the research cycle occurs toward the end of a research project.
However, it can also lead to new questions and more observations. Writing an
ethnography forces the investigator into a new and more intensive kind of analysis.
Those who begin their writing early, and when they still can make observations, will find
that writing becomes part of the research cycle.

400 part 3 |qualitative methods

Ethnographic research involves an open-ended inquiry; it requires constant feedback
to give the study direction. Ethnographers can only plan ahead of time the course of their
investigation in the most general sense.
Methodology used for collecting and analysing data from the everyday school world
may be classified broadly into:
1 pre-entry;
2 into the field;
3 analysis.

Why is ethnographic research cyclic rather than linear?

Ethnography is conducted in the context of the situation under study. Ethnographers
recognise the fundamental need to go where participants spend their time. Therefore,
preparation for entry must be carefully planned, as the entire study depends in large part on
the group’s acceptance of the researchers.
In organisations, official agencies and so on, there are individuals who, by virtue of
their office, have the authority to act as gatekeepers. They can grant or withhold formal
permission to enter and participate in the life of the organisation. Dealings with such
gatekeepers can therefore be an extremely important part of the design and conduct of
Gaining entry is best accomplished through a mutual contact who can recommend
the researcher to the gatekeeper. Gatekeepers are often wary of the proposed length and
intimate participation of the fieldworker; they normally seek reassurances that the
research will not prove unduly disruptive, i.e. that the fieldworker will not prevent people
from getting on with their normal work, force an entry into private meetings or
conversations, and so on. Gatekeepers need to be reassured that relations of trust and
confidentiality will not be abused; as in any variety of research, ethnographers have to
ensure the anonymity of the members concerned and that nothing will be made public
that is detrimental to individuals. These issues are particularly critical in the context of
ethnography, since the actions and beliefs of the actors will be documented in some
detail, and ethnographers are more likely than most other researchers to see ‘behind the
Gatekeepers often engage in impression management. Quite naturally, they do not
want to find the ethnographer producing an unflattering portrait of them and their
work or their organisation. Consciously or unconsciously, they will ‘put on a show,
attempting to influence the initial impressions the fieldworker receives. The fieldworker
must remain alert to such possibilities and record them systematically, since they
constitute valuable data in their own right—throwing light on the gatekeepers’
perceptions and preoccupations.

chapter 23 |ethnographic research 401

You might like to reflect on some social group, association or organisation that you know.
If you were acting as gatekeeper, would there be any aspects that you would try to ‘play
down’ or ‘play up’ in your dealings with a potential researcher?

Most gatekeepers are not familiar with the ethnographic style ofresearch. If they have
any expectation ofsocial research, the survey will probably be their model. Fieldworkers
are often asked, therefore, to spell out their ‘hypotheses’ and to show their draft
questionnaires or interview schedules. Given a commitment to progressive focusing and
a flexible research strategy, it may be rather difficult to establish one’s legitimacy as a
social researcher.
It may be a good tactic for researchers and initial contact person(s) to form a
community steering committee of five or six. This provides ethnographers with several
research advantages. Members of this committee give the support and legitimacy needed
to help overcome possible suspicion when conducting a local study. In the eyes of
community members, the study may have greater relevance and acceptance if they
perceive the steering committee as having some control over what is done by the
outsiders, thereby making easier entry for negotiations with members of the group. By
working through a steering committee, researchers find it easier and faster to acquire
documents such as old newspapers, minutes of meetings, pupil absence figures, former
curricula, or even letters. If this committee is representative of wide school interests—
for example, parents, labour, administration—it becomes invaluable for validating data
collected by ethnographers; the members determine whether the ethnographer’s
descriptions actually reflect the situation. In this manner, a self-correcting procedure
(triangulation, p. 419) is built into data collection and interpretation.
Costing the study is also an important pre-entry task. Ethnographic methods require
considerable time to use, as does the analysis of data and writing ofdescriptions.

A school classroom is a familiar setting for research and potentially requires negotiation
with many gatekeepers. List the various persons with whom a researcher might have to
negotiate in order to gain access.

During the first few days of entry, observers should be somewhat unobtrusive and
learn how to act and behave in the setting. Collecting data is secondary to becoming
familiar with the setting and putting ‘locals’ at their ease. Rapport can be helped by
fitting in with established routines, showing interest in all that goes on, and being honest
about what you are doing.
No less important is the time of entry. Just about every group, organisation, social
movement (or whatever) has its own rhythms, timetables and calendars. It may therefore
be important to plan the timing of the research to take account of such timetables (for
example, the cycle of the school year). Particular periods of the school calendar can have

402 part 3 |qualitative methods

great significance. ‘First days’ are important; the ‘reality shock’ experienced by new
pupils can be crucial in the formation of their perspectives and identities, and
illuminating for the observer. At such times, new members have to work out how things
operate in their novel situation. At the same time, ‘old hands’ may help them by making
explicit what usually passes unnoticed.
All of these activities are a part of negotiating entry. Ethnography cannot simply be
done anonymously by mailing out questionnaires, but depends on the ethnographer’s
personal presence for establishing relationships with the inhabitants of situations. The
ethnographer needs to be granted open entry.
Ethnographers normally study only a single setting, or a small number of settings at
one time. There is a trade-off between depth and breadth of coverage; the limitations of
time and labour often preclude the exhaustive investigation of many different settings
or locales within the same research project. The nature of the chosen research setting(s)
is therefore crucial. A recurrent question for ethnographic research is, “Was the setting
of the research typical ofits sort?’. If it was not, the study lacks external validity in that
the findings cannot be generalised to another setting.
However, research settings may prove fruitful precisely because they are not typical,
or do not fit an expected pattern. The exploration of unusual or extreme examples may
help to illuminate more general features—throwing them into sharp relief, casting
doubt on cherished, taken-for-granted ideas, and pushing existing theories and concepts
to the limits of their application. The close examination of the unusual case can
highlight aspects ofthe ‘typical’ and the ‘routine’ which might otherwise pass unnoticed
as ‘obvious’ or ‘normal’ and hence unremarkable. ‘Deviant’ or critical case analysis thus
plays an important part in the generation of hypotheses and testing them in different
The choice of a particular setting may be prompted by a period of change and
innovation in that setting. The process of innovation may be studied for its own sake,
or may be used to highlight other concerns. During periods of change and upheaval,
actors may need to question their beliefs and their taken-for-granted views of themselves
and the social world. It may therefore prove a fruitful strategy deliberately to select fields
for research in which innovatory processes are taking place. Thus, for instance, there have
been ethnographic studies of the institution of new curricula in schools. Here the
emphasis on the ‘unofficial’ plays an important part. Although such changes are directed
towards specific aims and objectives, there are always unintended consequences; no new
curriculum can be guaranteed to be ‘child-proof or ‘teacher-proof. Thus it becomes
extremely important that investigators should trace the day-to-day processes of change
and its unforeseen consequences (cf. Hamilton 1976; MacDonald & Walker 1976).
The ideal site is one where entry is possible and welcome; where there is a high
probability of the mix of processes/people/interactions/structures that are central to
the research question; where the researcher can devise an appropriate role to maintain
an unobtrusive presence. In some studies the site is critical and little choice is available.
Part of the validity of the study rests on the suitability of the site. In some research the
site is actually the study. For example, where and under what circumstances do students
meet at night to smoke marijuana?

chapter 23 |ethnographic research 403

What are the advantages and disadvantages of selecting a ‘typical setting’ for study?

Into the field

Progressive focusing: Formulating problems and testing
We can identify three broad phases in the development of fieldwork projects.

The initial phase

Guided by broadly defined research interests, the fieldworker collects data with a view
to trying out a wide range of possible ideas and lines of inquiry.
The second phase
Significant classes of persons and events begin to emerge. Initial research problems may
have undergone reformulation, and ideas start to come into focus. Working hypotheses
and propositions are formulated with reference to specific aspects of the field of study.
The third phase
The testing of a restricted number of hypotheses is undertaken. The guiding principle
of ethnographic fieldwork, at least in the early stages, is earning. The researcher tries to
adopt the role of ‘acceptable incompetent’. The stance adopted is one of a radically naive
observer who does not take it on trust that “everyone knows’ what goes on in any given
context. By watching, listening and asking questions, the ethnographer comes to
assimilate the knowledge and perspectives of the actors concerned.
Ethnographers try to avoid sharpening their problems into specific research
hypotheses until considerable exploratory investigation has occurred (a process termed
progressive focusing). This is another facet of the attempt to avoid commitment to existing
theoretical and/or commonsense categories or sources of data.
In the light of emergent hypotheses, the fieldworker seeks out new cases (settings,
groups or individuals) in order to develop, test, modify and extend the hypotheses and
the concepts in terms of which they are expressed.

Strategies in the field

The basic ethnographic approach involves the observation, organisation and
interpretation of data. Data collection is done principally through participant
observation, whereby the observer is part of the context being observed; being both
modified and influenced by this context. The end result is an analytical description and
interpretation of a highly complex system.
The kinds of data researchers gather will depend in part on how they participate in
the setting. There are four possible research stances for the participant observer: the

404 part 3 |qualitative methods

complete participant; the participant-as-observer; the observer-as-participant; and the
complete observer.
1 The complete participant operates under conditions of secret observation and full
participation; for example, Hargreaves (1967).
2 The complete observer is entirely removed from interaction with those under
observation; for example, using a two-way mirror to observe children at play.
3 The observer-as-participant is a role intermediate between the first two, where the
researcher’s identity is known to the hosts, but he or she remains a relative ‘stranger’,
as In interviewing.
4 The participant-as-observer is a similar role, but characterises situations in which the
fieldworker becomes more closely involved and identified with the actors; for example,
Whyte (1955).
Participant observation
Participant observation is the primary technique used by ethnographers to gain access
to data. In this mode the investigator lives as much as possible with, and in the same
manner as, the individuals being investigated. Researchers take part in the daily activities
of people, reconstructing their interactions and activities in fieldnotes taken on the spot,
or as soon as possible after their occurrence.
Participant observation has been described as a process of waiting to be impressed by
recurrent themes that reappear in various contexts. Wolcott’s (1973) account of the
career of a primary school principal illustrates this waiting role. Wolcott shadowed the
principal for two years, spending several days each week with him at school and on
school business away from the school building. A constant written record of behaviour
seen and conversations held between principal, staff, pupils, family and friends was
maintained. The principal also kept a written account of recurring school problems for
a period of several weeks and over a period of several weeks Wolcott recorded the patterns
of interaction of the school principal every minute for two-hour periods. As a result, a
detailed picture was built up of the multifarious demands made on a school principal in
his day-to-day life.
Another example of participant observation involving painstaking involvement in the
life of a school, without being fettered by pre-planned questionnaires and interview
schedules, is that of King (1978) on kindergartens. Of his start he says: ‘I asked the
headmistress of a large kindergarten if she would allow me to make observations in one
of the classrooms. I was not able to give her any clear idea of what I was trying to do
because I did not know exactly myself’.
King began to make sense of the myriad of things that were happening in a busy
classroom by using quota sampling, snowball sampling and the search for exceptions.
Quota sampling involves the interviewing of individuals from specific categories, and in
his case it was the kindergarten teacher. His observations of kindergarten teachers in
action led him to the conclusion that what happened in the classroom was not
haphazard, but was arranged to happen or allowed to happen by the teacher. This subtle
structuring was guided by the teacher’s ideology, and King concluded in his analysis
that kindergarten education can be viewed as a middle-class institution.

chapter 23 |ethnographic research 405

Snowball sampling involves recording a particular incident and then looking for
another example ofit. By this technique King was able to categorise five types of teacher
The search for exceptions is a way of falsifying working hypotheses or reformulating
them. Occasionally a child might be allowed to get away with behaviour—permitted
eccentric children from professional homes’, e.g. ‘strange child—her father is a
psychologist’. Essentially what King was able to do was show the consequences in their
teaching of teachers’ adherence to concepts of ‘play is learning’ and “family-home
background’ theories of performance/behaviour.
Participant observation serves to elicit from people their definitions of reality and the
organising constructs of their world. Because these are expressed in particular linguistic
patterns, it is crucial that the ethnographer studying children and teenagers in schools should
be familiar with, and imperturbable toward, current juvenile word usage. They also should
recognise the tendency for teacher-talk to centre around descriptions of what is socially
acceptable, rather than what teachers actually do. Most important is the collection of stories,
anecdotes and myths—such as are found in the daily round of gossip in the staff room or
among student groups—with which a sense of the dominant themes of concern to teachers,
parents and children can be developed.
These data indicate what is important and unimportant, how people view each other,
and how they evaluate their participation in groups and programs. They provide the basis
for determining the extent to which formal and informal goals and objectives of a group
are being met.
The attempt to be both a member and a researcher can often lead to problems of role
conflict. This is well illustrated by Hargreaves (1967). In the course of his study of a boys’
secondary school, Hargreaves worked as a teacher. In doing so, he believed that he would
demonstrate to the teachers that he was willing and able to see things from their point of view,
and that he was not a ‘spy’ from the education authority. But as soon as he turned from
teaching to data collection in other teachers’ classrooms, this conflicted with the normal
behaviour expected of colleagues. They saw him as a sort of school inspector and his relations
with them were compromised. His participation with the pupils was also hampered by
activities as a teacher and he was forced to abandon the teacher role. Hargreaves’ difficulties
also show how short-term strategies for gaining access or establishing a role in the field may,
in fact, lead to long-term difficulties and place constraints on the collection of data.

Main elements to focus on

The first days in the field can produce anxiety about acceptance and whether your
approach is right. Don’t try to get in with everyone; look for the easy openings with
welcoming people. They can reassure others. If visiting classrooms, arrive at the
beginning of a lesson and leave at the end; do not draw attention to yourself. Ask to be
introduced on the first occasion to reassure the class that you are there to observe, not
to judge. Get to know teachers in their safe places where they can be comfortable and
open with you, e.g. the staff room or the cafeteria. Guard against bringing preconceived
notions with you. This is particularly easy if you are a teacher who is going into schools.

406 part 3 |qualitative methods

You cannot safely assume that what is going on is what you think from your own
Try to observe and note everything, Take notes of the participants in the setting: who they
are in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, etc; what they do and say; who interacts with whom.
Take notes of events and the acts within the event: at a teachers’ staff meeting note who
greets whom, what the informal chat is about, what questions are asked of the principal,
who sits where or with whom, what gestures are used, etc. The following five areas must be
1 Who is in the group or scene? How many people are there, and what are their kinds,
identities and relevant characteristics? How is membership in the group or scene
The setting. A social situation may occur in different settings; for example, a youth
club, a busy street intersection, a staffroom, a nursery school, a slum dwelling. About
the setting one wants to know, in addition to its appearance, what kinds of behaviour
it encourages, permits, discourages or prevents. Or the social characteristics of the
setting may be described in terms of what kinds of behaviour are likely to be perceived
as expected or unexpected, approved or disapproved, conforming or deviant.
The purpose. Is there some official purpose that has brought the participants together,
or have they been brought together by chance? Jf there is an official purpose, what is
it? For example, to attend a lesson, to compete in a football match, to participate in
a religious ceremony, to meet as a committee, to have fun ata teenage party? How do
the participants react to the official purpose of the situation? For example, with
acceptance or rejection? What goals other than the official purpose do the participants
seem to be pursuing? Are the goals of the various participants compatible or
antagonistic? What meanings do participants attribute to what they do?
The social behaviour. Here one wants to know what actually occurs. What do the
participants do, how do they do it and with whom, and with what do they do it? With
respect to behaviour, one usually wants to know the following:
a What was the stimulus or event that initiated it?
b What appears to be its objective?
c Toward whom or what is the behaviour directed?
d What is the form of activity entailed in the behaviour (for example, talking,
running, questioning, gesturing, sitting)?
e¢ What are the qualities of behaviour (for example, its intensity, persistence,
unusualness, appropriateness, duration, affectivity, mannerisms)?
f What are its effects (for example, what behaviour does it evoke from others)? How
is stability maintained? How does change originate and how is it managed? How
are the identified elements organised? What rules, norms or mores govern this
social organisation? How is this group related to other groups, organisations or
Frequency and duration. Here one wants to know the answer to such questions as the
following: When did the situation occur? How long did it last? Is it a recurring type
of situation, or unique? If it recurs, how frequently does it recur? What are the
occasions that give rise to it? How typical of such situations is the one being observed?

chapter 23 |ethnographic research 407

It should be emphasised that this list is not meant to apply in its entirety to every
situation observed.

Even when settings have been specified, it is usually necessary to be more selective still.
Even in fairly circumscribed social settings, there will be too much going on for it all to
be observed equally. As with other styles of research, therefore, samples must be drawn
for detailed investigation and recording.
The highly rational prescriptive procedures of experimental statisticians are seldom
truly applicable in sampling informants or events for participant observation studies.
Rather, the ‘most common’ data referents are the units themselves—the ‘persons, acts
(or events) and time’ that serve as representative dimensions of the study.

Make a list of some specific educational situations in which one could engage in
participant observation.

Most well-documented observation studies have involved the researcher spending many
months, or even a year or so, immersed in a community or group, and becoming generally
accepted as one of the group. Most of these studies start off largely unstructured, as the
researcher has little idea about what it is they precisely want to observe, or what might go
on. There are no initial checklists, simply observation of events, situations and behaviours,
which are then written up and gradually, as more data accumulates, tentative guiding
hypotheses, categorisation, conceptual frameworks and some theoretical underpinning
coalesce to give some body, focus and direction to later stages.

Observing groups
A great number of observation schedules have been produced for observing groups.
Many have been developed out of the interaction process analysis approach of Bales
(1950). This is a way of coding the individual’s behaviour within a group context under
twelve headings, sufficiently comprehensive to cover most behaviour exhibited in groups.
One of the most frequently used systems in education has been that of Flanders (1970)
which was derived from the original Bales’ method. Flanders established ten categories
of teacher/pupil behaviour which the observer could use to categorise and record
classroom behaviour. Observers are required to record the behaviour every three seconds
by entering an appropriate number on a prepared chart. This proved to be very
demanding, as many of the categories had subsections. Moreover, making a judgement
every three seconds proves too exacting for most observers, even after memorising the
categories. Hardly have you put in a tally mark for a particular category, than another
value judgement is immediately required for a sample of behaviour you have just glanced
at, and so on—a veritable treadmill.

408 part 3 |qualitative methods

A more manageable system useful for observing groups holding a meeting is formed
of the following six categories:
1 Proposing Putting forward suggestions, new course of action
2 Supporting Giving support/agreement to a proposal
3 Disagreeing Criticising/declaring difference of opinion
4 Giving information Offering facts/opinion/clarification
5 Seeking information — Asking for facts/opinions/clarification
6 Building Extending/developing proposal made by other
These categories only describe the behaviour and not the content. A statement may
also contain more than one category, as when a person disagrees and puts forward an
alternative proposal. How these are dealt with is a matter of personal. preference. Many
observers code a dual statement both ways. It is also useful to note who made the various
statements by designing a grid with participants along one dimension and the six categories
forming the other dimension (see Figure 23.2). Other observations might include a seating
plan or multiple seating plans (see Figure 23.3), on which arrows can designate the
sequence of the conversation of who replied to whom, etc. This sort of observation guide
is malleable, to be altered to suit the purposes and resources of the researcher.

FIGURE 23.2. Records ofparticipantX category for whole of meeting on funding

proposal held 6.10.95

Group members Categories

= i |

1 2 3 4 5 6 Totals

Chairperson VSASS | VS v ASS 10

Secretary VAISS VS 6

José vy Vi 4 3

Sasha af 7 2

Kim i v v v 4

Mary V/ J 3

Pat v v 2

lz | ]
Leon JJ SJ | v 5

Totals 7 4 S 8 5 8

chapter 23 | ethnographic research 409

Far more complex systems can be devised by a determined researcher if audio- or
video-taping is used. Content, time of speaking and emotion/gesture/nonverbal signals
can all be recorded and with ingenuity displayed in tables, graphs and diagrams, etc.
You may need to try out several methods for any particular group study or particular
focus. There will never be a made-to-measure observation technique for you. You will
have to adapt and refine an existing one, even inventing your own shorthand symbols.
Preparation is all important, so that all your charts are ready and you know exactly what
items you are going to focus on: is it content, interaction or process, or all of these?
Remember that meetings are only the final stage ofother activities that may have been
going on in private over preceding weeks, such as quiet conversations in corners,
manoeuvring, delaying tactics and lobbying. There are hidden agendas, anxieties and
emotions which need to be considered. The micropolitics may well be more important
that what transpires at a well organised staff meeting or governing body meeting where
the chairperson has already done his or her ‘homework’.

FIGURE 23.3 Seating plan recording individual verbal behaviour over first five
minutes ofdiscussion. The category numbers refer to the behaviour categories listed on
p. 409.

Sasha Pat José

C4 > (pes Chairperson

oO wo


Kim Mary

Many fieldworkers complement data from participant observation with information
taken from interviews. In the course of an interview the researcher can, among other
things, investigate in more detail an informant’s typifications ofpersons and events (‘Is
he usually like that . . .?’, “Would you say that was typical . . .?’, ‘Could you give me an
outline of a typical . . .?’). Informants may be asked to reflect and comment on events
that have already been observed directly by the ethnographer. In addition though, they
may be used to gain information about events which occurred in this setting before the
ethnographer arrived, and events within the setting to which the ethnographer does not

410 part 3 |qualitative methods

have access. ‘Informal’ interviewing is often a part of ethnographic fieldwork. Such
interviews, which are conversational in style rather than based on a fixed schedule of
questions, are natural extensions of the social relationships established in the course of
participant observation. More formal interviews are also sometimes used by
ethnographers. (Interviewing is dealt with in detail in chapters 24 and 30.)

Survey techniques
Some fieldworkers employ survey techniques in the course of ethnographic projects, to
gather background data on populations or samples under investigation, or to try to assess
the generality of observations made in a limited range of situations. Such an approach
assumes that a survey can be used to ‘check’ the representativeness of the ethnographic
data, and hence the generality of the interpretations. (Chapters 29 and 30 consider
survey methods in more detail.)
In ethnographic investigations, surveys are based on information first gathered
through the preceding less formal and more unstructured methods. Once this
background work has been done, construction of survey instruments can begin. These
generally take the form of confirmation instruments.

Advantages of observation
The implicit assumption behind observation is that behaviour is purposive and expressive
of deeper values and beliefs. Perhaps the greatest asset of observational techniques is that
they make it possible to record behaviour as it occurs. All too many research techniques
depend entirely on people’s retrospective or anticipatory reports of their own behaviour.
Such reports are, as a rule, made in a detached mood, in which the respondent is
somewhat remote from the stresses and strains peculiar to the research situation. The
degree to which one can predict behaviour from statistical data is at best limited, and the
gap between the two can be quite large. In contrast, observational techniques yield data
that pertain directly to typical behavioural situations—assuming, of course, that they are
applied to such situations. Where the researcher has reason to believe that such factors as
detachment or distortions in recall may significantly affect the data, they will always prefer
observational methods. Sometimes a study demands that what people actually do and say
be compared with their account of what they did and said. Obviously, two methods of
collecting data must be employed in such inquiries—observation and interviewing.
Moreover, some investigations deal with subjects (for example, infants) who are not
able to give verbal reports of either their behaviour or their feelings, for the simple reason
that they cannot speak. Such investigations necessarily use observation as their method
of data collection. Spitz and Wolf (1946), through the observation of behaviour of babies
in a nursery, were led to the conclusion that prolonged separation of a child from a
previously attentive mother may lead to a severe depression.
In addition to its independence of a subject’s ability to report, observation is also
independent of the subject’s willingness to report. There are occasions when research
meets with resistance from the person or group being studied. Teachers may not have
the time, or they may not be inclined, to be interviewed; pupils may resent being singled

chapter 23 |ethnographic research 411

out or being asked questions whose purpose is obscure to them; they may object to
being tested, out of fear that they may not come up to the standards oftheir group; and
so on. Although observation cannot always overcome such resistance to research, it is less
demanding of active cooperation on the part of the subjects.

Limitations of observation
On the other hand, observation has its limitations. We have listed as an asset the possibility
of recording events simultaneously with their spontaneous occurrence. The other side of the
coin is that it is often impossible to predict the spontaneous occurrence of an event precisely
enough to enable us to be present to observe it; for example, incidents of aggressive behaviour
in the classroom.
One prevalent notion about a limitation of observational techniques, however—the
idea that observational data cannot be quantified—is a misconception. Historically,
observational data have, it is true, most frequently been presented without any attempt
at quantification. This is not to imply that all observational data must be quantified, but
it is important to note that they can be, for example into categories for chi-square analysis.
Whatever the purpose of the study, four broad questions confront the observer:
What should be observed?
How should observations be recorded?
What procedures should be used to try to assure the accuracy of observation?
Hr relationship should exist between the observer and the observed, and how can
such a relationship be established?

1 Observe a young child and in long hand record everything you observe in his/her
behaviour during a 5-10 minute period. Choose a time when the youngster is
playing to simplify the observations. When you have done this, answer the following
a To what extent do you feel you were able to record all of the behaviour? What
might you have missed?
b Do you feel you were biased towards observing only certain features?
c Did you concentrate on motor activity or verbal activity?
d What did you learn about the child’s behaviour that you did not know before?
e Do you feel that observing the child altered his/her behaviour in any way? How?
Could you have avoided it?
f Did you interpret his/her behaviour from your point of view?
2 Repeat the above exercise with a different child. Use two observers simultaneously.
Compare the two records at the end.
a To what extent were the two observers looking at the same type of behaviour?
Was one observer recording more general behaviour than the other?
How might we increase inter-observer agreement?
c Was there any behaviour which was interpreted differently by each observer?

412 part 3 | qualitative methods

Non-participant observation
Non-participant observation involves merely watching what is happening and recording
events on the spot. As a discrete category, non-participant observation exists only where
interaction is viewed from hidden cameras and recorders or through one-way mirrors.
With these exceptions, interaction is impossible to avoid in social situations. Thus, the
functional distinction between participant and non-participant observation is
ambiguous. Observers typically label themselves as non-participants when they minimise
their interactions with participants to focus attention unobtrusively on the stream of
events. Non-participant observation emphasises the researcher’s role as a dispassionate
recorder. By contrast, participant observation is reflexive; it involves researchers studying
themselves as well as other participants in a social setting. However, regardless of their
reticence or immersion in a research site, whenever researchers are observing on the
scene they acquire some role and status. In conducting studies in school settings, for
example, investigators necessarily interact with the teachers and pupils under
consideration, even if only non-verbally, and become, to some extent, participants. This
need not be a liability; it simply means that estimated consequences of being a participant
must be noted in the research report.
Participant and non-participant observers and interviewers need to learn how to
manage their role. The role is one of eliciting cooperation, trust, openness and acceptance.
At times this may mean play-acting, dressing appropriately, and even allowing oneself to
be manipulated. Multiple roles must be nurtured for interaction with different
individuals. All this requires careful planning so that subjects have no reason to reject an
insincere and manipulating researcher. Often the researcher has to teach the subjects what
the role of the researcher is; with the activities that role involves, and with the uses of the
information and the manner in which the subjects can aid the research. The researcher
cannot be a spongelike observer soaking up the data, but one who is proactive in ensuring
that subjects behaviour is valid, understood and willingly displayed.

The process of analysis: segmenting and filing the data

Very soon after the beginning of the data collection process, the researcher is faced with
the problem of a gradually mounting body of documents, fieldnotes from participant
observation and interviews, and perhaps also transcripts. This material has to be filed.
The most obvious kind of filing system is a running record by time of collection.
This is the basic file used by the ethnographer. In itself, though, it is not sufficient; it is
also necessary to begin to file data according to its relevance to the categories that are
emerging from the analysis. The running record still remains a crucial resource, however,
since it allows any piece of data to be examined in the context in which it emerged.
Ethnographers use a form of analytic induction. This strategy involves scanning the
data for categories of phenomena and for relationships among such categories,
developing working typologies and hypotheses on an examination of initial cases, then
modifying and refining them on the basis of subsequent cases.
The first step in analysis is to segment the data. Often there are ‘natural’ breaks in the
material which can be used to break it up into chunks that can then be allocated to

chapter 23 |ethnographic research 413

particular categories. This is usually the case with participant observation fieldnotes
which often consist of notes on a sequence of incidents, each of which can be treated as
a separate segment. However, sometimes the ‘natural’ breaks are so few and far between
that, simply for practical purposes, the data must be broken up in a more artificial way.
Each data segment is then allocated to one or more categories, either by being
physically placed in a pile of data relevant to that particular category or by the use of
punched cards or some other system.
Some of the categories used will be substantive—for example, relating to particular
persons or sites—others will be theoretical, concerned with particular types of aspects of
social process. The filing of data records will, in line with the discovery-based strategy,
undergo development and change as the fieldwork progresses; some categories and
category systems may be dropped, others may emerge as the research takes shape and
sharpens its focus.

Emerging patterns
Once a researcher has established the categories within which the data are organised and
has sorted all bits of data into relevant categories, the ethnography, as a portrayal of a
complex whole phenomenon, begins to emerge. The process is analogous to assembling
a jigsaw puzzle. The edge pieces are located first and assembled to provide a frame of
reference. Then attention is devoted to those more striking aspects of the puzzle picture
that can be identified readily from the mass of puzzle pieces and assembled separately.
Next, the puzzle worker places the assembled parts in their general position within the
frame and, finally, locates and adds the connecting pieces until no holes remain. Thus,
analysis can be viewed as a staged process by which a whole phenomenon is divided into
its components and then reassembled under various new rubrics. The creativity of
ethnographic analysis, however, lies in the uniqueness of the data (or parts), and in the
singularity of reconstructed cultures (or pictures).

Problems of interpretation
Qualitative researchers, whether in the tradition of sociology or anthropology, have wrestled
over the years with charges that it is too easy for the prejudices and attitudes of the researcher
to bias the data. Particularly when the data must go through the researcher’s mind before it
is put on paper, the worry about subjectivity arises. Does perhaps the observer record only
what they want to see rather than what is actually there? Qualitative researchers are concerned
with the effect their own subjectivity may have on the data they produce. Is a pupil climbing
a tree in the playground adventurous/foolhardy/naughty, etc.?
How do you make interpretations about the emotional states of the persons you
observe? If you say the child was angry/pleased/contented/anxious, then you are making
inferences which are of a different order than those based on sex and age, or on role
relationships. We say they are of a different level because they are much less closely tied
to what you actually observe, and there is more room for alternative explanations.
Suppose, for instance, you said that the child was happy because he or she was smiling.

414 part 3 |qualitative methods

There are many kinds of smiles—a smile of surprise, a nervous or stage-fright smile, a
patronising smile, a leering smile, a smile of determination, etc. In order to determine
a person’s emotional state, we have to look not only at their facial expressions, but also
at voice tone and the total use of the body and limbs, including gestures and rhythm,
and we must also take into account the situational context in which the behaviours
occur. We might also have to take into account the person’s cultural and social class
background, for the same facial expression may have different meanings in different
cultures or subcultures. For example, according to Argyle (1969), sticking out the tongue
means an apology in some parts of China, a sign of deference in Tibet, a defence against
the evil eye in some parts of India, ‘no’ in the Marquesan Islands. What does it mean in
Australia? On the other hand, there are certain universalities in emotional expression
across culture, which is why it is possible at all for a person from one culture to observe
and learn from a person from a different culture. It may be that it is the most basic
emotions—for example fear, anger, happiness, sadness—which are most universal in
their expression; and the most subtle ones, which are culture and subculture specific
(Ekman 1982).
In attempting to discover people’s attitudes, feelings and need states, it is essential that
you justify your interpretations by stating quite clearly what aspects of the individual’s
overt, manifest behaviour made you believe that to be true.
While the idea that researchers can transcend some of their own biases may be difficult
to accept at the beginning, the methods that researchers use aid this process. For one
thing, qualitative studies are not impressionistic essays made after a quick visit to a
setting, or after some conversations with a few subjects. The researcher spends a
considerable time in the empirical world laboriously collecting and reviewing piles of
data. The data must bear the weight of any interpretation, so the researcher must
constantly confront his or her own opinions and prejudices with the data. Besides, most
opinions and prejudices are rather superficial. The data that are collected provide a much
more detailed rendering of events than even the most creatively prejudiced mind might
have imagined prior to the study.
Additionally, the researcher’s primary goal is to add to knowledge, not to pass
judgement on a setting. Qualitative researchers guard against their own biases by
recording detailed fieldnotes which include reflections on their own subjectivity. Some
qualitative researchers work in teams and have their fieldnotes critiqued by a colleague
as an additional check on bias. It should be noted that we are talking about limiting
observers’ biases, not eliminating them. Qualitative researchers attempt to seek out their
own subjective states and their effects on data, but they never think they are completely
successful. All researchers are affected by observers’ bias. Questions or questionnaires, for
example, reflect the interests of those who construct them, as do experimental studies.
Qualitative researchers try to acknowledge and take into account their own biases as a
method of dealing with them.
A danger in participant observation is that the investigator will ‘go native’. The
investigator must always remain conscious of the roles they are playing, and be able to
detach themself from the situation. It is a tightrope between being accepted, yet not
allowing this new perspective to interfere with their own analytic perspective.

chapter 23 |ethnographic research 415

Observer-observed interaction
The presence of the researcher changes the behaviour of the people being studied.
Almost all research is confounded by this problem. Take surveys that try to tap
opinions. Asking people to sit down and fill out a questionnaire changes their
behaviour. Might not asking a person for their opinion create an opinion?
Qualitative researchers try to interact with their subjects in a natural, unobtrusive and
non-threatening manner. The more controlled and obtrusive one’s research, the greater
is the likelihood that one will end up studying the effects of one’s methods. If you treat
people as ‘research subjects’, they will act as research subjects, which is different to how
they usually act. Since qualitative researchers are interested in how people act and think
in their own settings, they attempt to ‘blend into the woodwork’, or to act so that the
activities that occur in their presence do not differ significantly from those that occur
in their absence. Similarly, since interviewers in this type of research are interested in
how people think about their lives, their experiences and particular situations, they
model their interviews after a conversation between two trusting parties rather than on
a formal question-and-answer session between a researcher and a respondent. It is only
in this manner that they can capture what is important in the minds of the subjects
One can never eliminate all of one’s own effects on subjects or obtain a perfect
correspondence between what one wishes to study—the ‘natural setting —and what
one actually studies—‘a setting with a researcher present’. One can, however,
understand one’s effect on the subjects through an intimate knowledge of the setting,
and use this understanding to generate additional insights into the nature of social life.
Researchers learn to ‘discount’ some of their data, i.e. to interpret them in context.
One often finds subjects’ attempts to manage impressions of researchers and their
activities especially during the early stages of the project. Teachers, for example, might
not yell at their students in front of you, or in other ways act more reserved. Knowing
that you are seeing teachers’ behaviour before strangers is important to take into
account. Principals may engage in behaviour they consider principal-like, and, in order
to do this, upset their normal behaviour.
The ethnographer must distinguish in their analysis between statements which are
direct responses to questions asked and those which are volunteered. This is certainly
an important distinction to bear in mind, but we must remember that even
‘spontaneous’ utterances may be shaped to certain conceptions of the interviewer.
However, the interviewer may not be the only perceived audience. The informant may
suspect that the interviewer will pass on or mention what they have said to others, or
may feel that they are speaking ‘for posterity’.

What do you regard as the relative merits of participant and non-participant observation?

416 part 3 | qualitative methods

If | ask a teacher what he or she finds to be the major problem in his or her work:
a in what way might the ‘surrounding context’ affect his or her answer?
b in what way might the ‘perceived audience’ influence his or her answer?

Reliability and validity

As chapter 20 revealed, among quantitative research approaches the expectation exists
that there will be consistency in results of observations made by different researchers or
the same researcher over time. Qualitative researchers do not share exactly this
Qualitative research does not pretend to be replicable. The researcher purposely avoids
controlling the research conditions and concentrates on recording the complexity of
changing situational contexts.
Qualitative researchers tend to view reliability as a fit between what they record as data
and what actually occurs in the setting under study, rather than the literal consistency
across different observations.

Reliability is based on two assumptions. The first is that the study can be repeated. Other
researchers must be able to replicate the steps of the original research, employing the same
categories of the study, the same procedures, the same criteria of correctness and the same
perspectives. But because ethnographic research occurs in natural settings and often is
undertaken to record processes of change, it is especially vulnerable to replication
difficulties. A study of a racial incident at an urban secondary school, for example, cannot
be replicated exactly because the event cannot be reproduced. Problems of uniqueness and
idiosyncracy can lead to the claim that no ethnographic study can be assessed for reliability.
The second assumption is that two or more people can have similar interpretations by
using these categories and procedures. However, in ethnographic research, it is difficult for
an ethnographer to replicate the findings of another, because the flow of information is
dependent on the social role held within the group studied and the knowledge deemed
appropriate for incumbents of that role to possess. Thus, conclusions reached by
ethnographers are qualified by the social roles which investigators hold within the research
site. Other researchers will fail to obtain comparable findings unless they develop
corresponding social positions or have research partners who can do so.
Crucial also to reliability is inter-rater or inter-observer reliability, or the extent to which
the sets of meanings held by multiple observers are sufficiently congruent that they describe
and arrive at inferences about phenomena in the same way.
This is a key concern to most ethnographers. Of necessity, a given research site may
admit only one or a few observers. Without the corroboration of other observers, such
investigations may be seen as idiosyncratic, lacking a careful and systematic recording of

chapter 23 | ethnographic research 417

The optimum guard is the presence of multiple researchers, who undergo extensive
prior training and who discuss the meaning of what has been observed during fieldwork
until agreement is achieved.
Reliability is also restricted by the informants who provide data. Each individual
informant has access to unique and idiosyncratic information. No single informant can
provide universal information. The researcher who hopes to replicate a study must
contact individuals similar to those who served as informants in previous studies. This
threat to reliability is handled most commonly by careful description of those who
provided the data.
Delineation of the physical, social and interpersonal contexts within which data are
gathered enhances the replicability of ethnographic studies.
Reliability can be enhanced in these ways:
¢ Investigators outline the reason for the research and the major question they want to
¢ They explicate their perspectives on the question, stating their research assumptions
and biases. .
¢ They explain their data-gathering procedures, including timing and timelines of
observations, spatial arrangements of interviews, relationships with subjects and
categories developed for analysis.

What are the major problems in ensuring reliability in an ethnographic study?

Establishing validity necessitates demonstration that the propositions generated, refined or
tested, match the causal conditions that exist in human life. The issues involved in matching
scientific explanations of the world with its actual conditions resolve into two questions.
First, do scientific researchers actually observe or measure what they think they are
observing and measuring? This is the problem of internal validity. Solving it credibly is
considered to be a fundamental requirement for any research design.
Second, to what extent are the abstract constructs and postulates generated, refined or tested
by scientific researchers applicable across groups? This addresses the issue of external validity.
The claim of ethnography to high internal validity derives from the data collection and
analysis techniques used by ethnographers. First, the ethnographer’s common practice of
living among participants and collecting data for long periods provides opportunities for
continual data analysis and comparison to refine constructs and to ensure the match between
scientific categories and participant reality. Second, informant interviews, a major
ethnographic data source, necessarily must be phased close to the empirical categories or
participants, and are less abstract than many instruments used in other research designs.
Third, participant observation—the ethnographer’s second key source of data—is con-
ducted in natural settings that reflect the reality of the life experiences of participants more
accurately than do more contrived or laboratory settings. Finally, ethnographic analysis

418 part 3 |qualitative methods

incorporates a process of researcher self-monitoring, termed disciplined subjectivity, that
exposes all phases of the research activity to continual questioning and re-evaluation.
Internal validity can be reduced by the reactivity generated by participant observation.
In the initial stages of research, informants may dissemble, present an ideal self or tell the
researcher what they think the researcher should or wants to hear.
Parallel to this problem in observation is the credibility of informant reports in
interviewing. Informants may lie, omit relevant data or misrepresent their claims.
Independent corroboration from multiple informants or other fortuitous observers of the
social scene, and sufficient residence in the field to reduce artificial responses from
informants, improve validity.
Finally, ethnographers must demonstrate—in cases where presentation of the perspective
of participants is important—that the categories are meaningful to the-participants, reflect
the way participants experience reality and are actually supported by the data.

How would you improve the internal validity of an ethnographic study?

A commonly used technique to improve the internal validity is triangulation.
Triangulation may be defined as the use of two or more methods of data collection in the
study of some aspect ofhuman behaviour. In its original and literal sense, triangulation is
a technique of physical measurement—maritime navigators, military strategies and
surveyors, for example, use (or used to use) several locational markers in their endeavours
to pinpoint a single spot. By analogy, triangular techniques in the social sciences attempt
to map out, or explain more fully, the richness and complexity of human behaviour by
studying it from more than one standpoint and/or using a variety of methods, even
combining qualitative and quantitative methods in some cases.
Exclusive reliance on one method may bias or distort the researcher’s picture of the
particular slice of reality being investigated. The researcher needs to be confident that the
data generated are not simply artefacts of one specific method of collection. Where triangu-
lation is used in interpretive research to investigate different actors’ viewpoints, the same
method—for example, observation—will naturally produce different sets of data. Further,
the more the methods contrast with each other, the greater the researcher’s confidence. If,
for example, the outcomes of a questionnaire survey correspond to those of an observational
study of the same phenomena, the researcher will be more confident about the findings.
A more complex triangulation in a classroom ethnography study may involve teachers’
ratings of pupils, school records, psychometric data, sociometric data, case studies,
questionnaires and observation. Triangulation prevents the investigator from accepting
too readily the validity of initial impressions.
Triangulation contributes to verification and validation of qualitative analysis by:
¢ checking out the consistency of findings generated by different data-collection
methods; and
¢ checking out the consistency of different data sources within the same method.

chapter 23 |ethnographic research 419

In educational research there is also justification for the use of at least three different
viewpoints in analysis. Each point of the triangle stands in a unique position with respect
to access to relevant data about a teaching situation. The teacher is in the best position
to gain access via introspection to their own intentions and aims in the situation. ithe
students are in the best position to explain how the teacher’s actions influence the way
they respond to the situation. The participant-observer is in the best position to collect
data about the observable features of the interaction between teachers and pupils
(MacDonald & Walker 1976).
By collecting and analysing these viewpoints, the evaluator ensures that the final
evaluation report reflects the multiple realities of specific social relationships.

External validity
External validity depends on the identification and description of those characteristics
of phenomena salient for comparison with other similar types. Once the typicality or
atypicality of a phenomenon is established, bases for comparison then may be assumed, and
results may be translated for applicability across sites and disciplines.
A study is of little use to other researchers if its theoretical basis, or the constructs around
which it is organised, are so idiosyncratic that they are understood only by the person who
executed the study. The lack of comparability and translatability reduces the usefulness of
a study to interesting but unscientific reading. Ethnographic studies are generally case
studies from a single setting and it is difficult to translate them to other similar settings.

Writing up and publishing the ethnographic research

Research reports are generally written to a fairly standard pattern: the hypotheses to be
tested are stated first, the research procedures outlined, the findings analysed and, finally,
an interpretation of the findings is given (chapter 22). The diverse and discovery-based
character of ethnographic research makes any such standard pattern of reporting
impossible. In any case, ethnographers often feel that this standard pattern of reporting
employed by the other styles disguises as much as it reveals. The form of ethnographic
reports is thus largely a product of the particular course of the research; the report usually
being structured around certain major themes which emerged as the fieldwork and
analysis progressed. However, there are certain general principles which underlie the
construction of ethnographic research reports.
Perhaps the most distinctive feature of ethnographic analysis is the emphasis on
reflexivity: description and analysis of the research process itself. One important element
of reflexivity in connection with research reporting is the provision of extracts from the
data. This provides a basis for the reader’s assessment of the study: it gives the reader
some idea of how the ethnographer interpreted the data, as well as some materials with
which one can attempt various kinds of re-analysis. Some selection is inevitable in the
presentation of data to the reader; the whole running record cannot be published. Often
quotations from the data records seem to be chosen simply to illustrate the argument.

420 part 3 |qualitative methods

That is certainly an important function but it should not be the only one. Illustration
ought to be given from each stage of the analysis, and the set of illustrations provided
for each stage needs to be representative of the body of data used. Of particular interest
and importance are deviant cases; these should be presented to the reader even if the
analyst has found no way ofincorporating them into the analysis. The fact that there are
such cases does not necessarily undermine the theory, nor does it mean they cannot be
incorporated into it; the reader may find ways of doing this.
Another difference is that for qualitative reporting the traditional ‘third person’ literary
format that neutralises any sense of the personality of the investigator is inappropriate.
A recognition of this element has advanced the use of ‘first person’ reporting.
A thorough report of an ethnographic or quasi-ethnographic study includes the
description and discussion of each stage. These are:
the focus and purpose of the study and the question it addressed;
the research model or design used and justification for its choice;
the participants or subjects of the study and the setting(s) and context(s) investigated;
researcher experience and roles assumed in the study;
data collection strategies used in the study;
techniques used to analyse the data collected during the study;
SIGNfindings of the study and their interpretations and applications.

Ethnography is the study of people in their context. It is aimed at understanding behaviour from the
perspective of the participants, and to capture social reality through fieldwork in natural settings.
Ethnographic research is cyclic, as incoming data raises more questions and emerging hypotheses.
Observation and interviewing are the main data gathering techniques. Ethnographic research
cannot employ the conventional judgements of reliability and validity. Replication is impossible
given the subjective and once-only nature of the data. Generalisation is not feasible as statistical
sampling is not involved. Triangulation is the major way in which validity can be assessed in
ethnographic studies.

Argyle, M. (1969), Social Interaction, Methuen, London.
Bales, R.F. (1950), Interaction Process Analysis, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts.
Becker, H.S., Geer B., Hughes, E.C. & Strauss, A.L. (1961), Boys in White: Student Culture in Medical
School, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Ekman, P. (1982), Emotion in the Human Face, Cambridge University Press, New York.
Flanders, N. (1970), Analysing Teaching Behaviour, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts.
Glaser, B.G. & Strauss, A. (1967), The Discovery of Grounded Theory, Aldine, Chicago.
Hamilton, D. (1976), Curriculum Evaluation, Open Books, London.
Hargreaves, D. (1967), Social Relations in a Secondary School, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.

chapter 23 | ethnographic research 421

King, R. (1978), All Things Bright and Beautiful, Wiley, Chichester.
MacDonald, B. & Walker, R. (1976), Changing the Curriculum, Open Books, London.
Malinowski, B. (1922), Argonauts ofthe Western Pacific, Routledge, London.
Spitz, R.A. & Wolf, K.M. (1946), ‘Anaolitic depression: An enquiry into the genesis of psychiatric
conditions in early childhood, I’, The Psychoanalytic Study ofthe Child, vol. II.
Stubbs, M. & Delamont, S. (eds) (1976), Explorations in Classroom Observation, John Wiley & Sons,
Whyte, W.F. (1955), Street Corner Society, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Wolcott, H. (1973), The Man in the Principal's Office, Holt Rinehart & Winston, New York.
Woods, P. & Hammersley, M. (eds) (1977), School Experience, Croom Helm, London.

Further reading
Adelman, C. (1981), Uttering, Muttering: Collecting, Using and Reporting Talk for Social and Educational
Research, London, Grant McIntyre.
Bailey, K. (1989), Methods ofSocial Research, Free Press, New York.
Blaikie, N. (1988), Triangulation in Social Research: Origins, Use and Problem, Paper presented at the
Conference of the Sociological Association of Australia and New Zealand, Canberra.
Bliss, J., Monk, M. & Ogbom, J. (1983), Qualitative Data Analysis for Educational Research, Routledge,
Burgess, R. (ed.) (1985), Field Methods in the Study ofEducation, Falmer Press, London.
Cobb, A. & Hagemaster, J. (1987), “Ten criteria for evaluating qualitative research proposals,’ Journal of
Nursing Education, 26, pp. 138-43.
Dillon, D.R. (1989), ‘Showing them that I want to learn and that I care about who they are. A micro
ethnography of an English-reading classroom, American Education Research Journal 26, pp. 227-59.
Fetterman, D. (1998), Ethnography: Step by Step, Sage, London.
Glesne, C. & Peshkin, A. (1992), Becoming Qualitative Researchers, Longman, NY.
Goetz, J.P. & Le Compte, M.D. (1984), Ethnography and Qualitative Design in Educational Research,
Academic Press, Orlando.
Grills, S. (ed.) (1998), Doing Ethnographic Research, Sage, London.
Hammersley, M. (1991), Whats Wrong with Ethnography, Routledge, London.
Henwood, K. & Pidgeon, N. (1995), ‘Grounded theory and psychological research’, The Psychologist,
March, pp. 115-18.
Jorgensen, D. (1989), Participant Observation: A Methodology for Human Studies, Sage, Newbury Park.
Kirk, J. & Miller, M. (1986), Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research, Sage, Beverly Hills.
LeCompte, M.D. & Pressle, S. (1993), Ethnography and Qualitative Design in Educational Research,
Academic Press, New York.
Lincoln, Y.S. & Guba, E.G. (1985), Naturalistic Inquiry, Sage, Beverly Hills.
Miles, M.B. & Huberman, A. (1984), Qualitative Data Analysis: A Sourcebook of New Methods, Sage,
Beverly Hills.
Potter, J. & Wetherell, M. (1987), Discourse and Social Psychology, Sage, London.
Rossman, G.B. & Wilson, B.L. (1985), ‘Numbers and words: Combining quantitative and qualitative
methods in a single large-scale evaluation study’, Evaluation Review, 9(5), pp. 627-43.
Schonsul, J. & Le Compte, D. (eds) (1999), The Ethnographer’s Toolkit, 7 vols, Sage, London.
Stringer, E., Agnello, M.F. & Conant-Baldwin, S. (eds) (1997), Community Based Ethnography, Laurence
Erlbaum, New York.
Wolcott, H. (1986), [nside Schools: Ethnography in Educational Research, Routledge & Kegan Paul, New
Wolcott, H. (1990), Writing up Qualitative Research, Sage, Newbury Park.

422 part 3 |qualitative methods


As well as participant observation, unstructured and semi-structured interviews are other

major tools in the qualitative researcher's pack. Accounts derived from interviews are
studied for themes. This data is reported as narrative containing direct quotations from
interview statements, fieldnotes, etc. This illustrative data provides a sense of reality,
describing exactly what the informant feels, perceives, and how they behave.
Participant observation, as presented in chapter 23, depends on participation in, and
observation of, behaviour in its context, and this approach puts one in a better position
to understand the everyday life of the group, as the participant observer actually
experiences life as the group does. Open-ended interviewing, on the other hand, is
advantageous for obtaining secondhand accounts.
An interview is a verbal interchange, often face to face, though the telephone may be
used, in which an interviewer tries to elicit information, beliefs or opinions from another
person. A crude categorisation of the forms interviews can take is listed below.

Unstructured Semi-structured Structured

Oral or life history Survey interviews Standardised
interviews Group Interviews interviews
In-depth interviews In-depth interviews Survey interviews
Clinical interviews Clinical history
Group interviews taking
Structured or standardised interviews are used predominantly in surveys and opinion
polls with consequent quantitative analysis, and are considered in this text in more depth
in chapter 30. In such standardised interview procedures:
°* every interviewee receives the same questions in the same specified order so that
comparisons between defined groups can be made with statistical comparability being
the main objective;
* specific questions receive specific answers, so that a conversational approach cannot
be maintained;
¢ all or nearly all the questions will be close-ended, in that the respondent is forced to
select their answer from a limited set of responses previously established by the
designer of the questionnaire;
¢ there is no flexibility or latitude allowed to either interviewer or respondent. The data
coding of responses is done relatively easily.
The disadvantages of closed-ended structured surveys are obvious:
¢ Firstly, the researcher has no scope to find out the beliefs, feelings or perceptions of
the respondent that do not fit into the pre-ordained response categories.
* Secondly, there is the assumption that the trained interviewer can be so standardised
themselves, becoming a neutral medium in their manner of presentation of the
questions, that no bias or subjectivity is introduced.
¢ Thirdly, this detachment and impersonal approach can prevent trust and rapport
building up between interviewer and respondent.
As a result, qualitative researchers use unstructured or semi-structured interviewing

y Semi-structured interviewing
This has been used either as part of a structured interview or an unstructured interview,
as investigators from both persuasions feel that this may help their study. Rather than
having a specific interview schedule or none at all, an interview guide may be developed
for some parts of the study in which, without fixed wording or fixed ordering of
questions, a direction is given to the interview so that the content focuses on the crucial
issues of the study. This permits greater flexibility than the close-ended type and permits
a more valid response from the informant’s perception of reality. However, the
comparability of the information between informants is difficult to assess and response
coding difficulties will arise.
It is the making public of private interpretations of reality.
According to Taylor and Bogdan, open-ended or in-depth interviews are:

... repeated face-to-face encounters between the researcher and informants directed towards
understanding informants’ perspectives on their lives, experiences or situations as expressed
in their own words (1984, p. 77).

424 part 3 |qualitative methods

The advantages are that:

* with the contacts being repeated, there is a greater length of time spent with the
informant, which increases rapport;
¢ the informant’s perspective is provided rather than the perspective of the researcher
being imposed;
* the informant uses language natural to them rather than trying to understand and fit
into the concepts of the study;
* the informant has equal status to the researcher in the dialogue rather than being a
guinea pig.
The rationale behind open-ended interviewing is that the only person who
understands the social reality in which they live is the person themself. No structure
imposed by the interviewer will encapsulate all the subtleties and personal interpretations.
At the end of the academic year a student reports sick to the university’s health service
complaining of headaches, fatigue, stomach upset. The doctor imposes an often-used
structure on this and informs the student that they have a virus infection which will
clear up in a few days’ time. If the doctor had used a more open-ended approach and
encouraged the student to talk, the dialogue would provide revelation of worry over
exam failure, loss of esteem feelings, difficulties of facing parents and friends with the
results, deciding whether or not to drop out, etc. The apparent lack of structure to the
dialogue will provide a window into the routinely constructed interpretations and
habitual responses of each individual. Open-ended interviewing depends on verbal

Open-ended interviewing (or in-depth interviewing)

This form of interviewing takes the form of aconversation between informant and
researcher. It focuses, in an unstructured way, on the informant’s perception of
themself, of their environment and of their experiences. There is no standardised list
of questions. It is a free-flowing conversation, relying heavily on the quality of the
social interaction between the investigator and informant, that can be subtly
redirected by the interviewer if it should stray too far off the track of the research
study. Thus, while it is made to be as natural as possible, the direction of the
conversation is always controlled somewhat minimally to ensure the focus stays
relevant to the problem.
When should open-ended interviewing be employed?
¢ It should be used to obtain an individual’s subjective experiences when a life or oral
history is being elicited. The individual’s subjective life experiences are reported in the
individual’s own language in a case study approach. This evidence is often combined
with the study of documents, photographs, letters and other personal effects.
° It facilitates access to events and activities that cannot be directly observed by the
researcher because perhaps they occurred in the past; for example, a school leaver’s
reactions and feelings to not gaining entry to the university and/or course of their choice.

chapter 24 |unstructured interviewing 425

¢ Ina variant of the first point, it can be used in a clinical interview to obtain a case
history for counselling or medical purposes.
* It enables more subjects to be studied in detail than does participant observation; for
example, in studying the integration of migrant children into state schools it is more
economical to give open-ended interviews than to attend and immerse oneself in a
number of school classes across a variety of schools as a participant observer.
* It can also be used in a group interview context where the form would be an open-
ended group discussion. Group dynamics can be studied in this way too. There is the
danger that members will not fully reveal their beliefs and feelings when other persons
are present.

Advantages and disadvantages of open-ended interviewing

A major disadvantage is that the researcher is open to the vagaries of the informant’s
interpretation and presentation of reality. This is a problem of validity, but, of course,
if the informant genuinely perceives events in the way stated, then their behaviour
follows as a corollary. The researcher is deprived of an ethnographic context in which the
informant’s reported perceptions occur, as they are never able to directly observe the
informant in their everyday context.
Prior to conducting the interviews, the researcher does not know how many sessions
are going to be needed or what their length will be. These matters will depend on the
verbosity of the informant, their willingness to talk, and the value of what they are saying.

Explain when you would use open-ended interviewing rather than structured

Questioning techniques
The techniques which counsellors—particularly non-directive counsellors—use in their
counselling sessions are equally valuable to open-ended non-directive interviewers.
In non-directive counselling the counsellor makes considerable use of parroting
(mirroring) and minimal encouragers to keep the informant conversing. These must be
used effectively too by the open-ended interviewer. ‘Parroting’ or ‘mirroring’ is repeating
back to the informant the last few words they said, or the gist of what they said, e.g. “You
were late’. When the mirroring involves feeling, it is often termed ‘reflecting’, e.g. “You
feel unhappy with the support you get from your principal’. Accurate mirroring shows
the informant that you are listening and understanding, encouraging them to continue.
Minimal encouragers are single words or short phrases that encourage or reinforce the
informant, e.g. ‘I see’, “Go on’, ‘Can you tell me more?’, ‘Yes’, ‘Hmm’, ‘What happened
next?’. Parroting and minimal encouragers combined with such non-verbal
communication techniques as eye contact and head nods will ensure that the informant
continues to speak in what they perceive as a warm, accepting interpersonal context.

426 part 3 |qualitative methods

When questions are asked they are usually descriptive, requesting informants to describe
experiences, places, people and events. These are useful at the start of an interview as general
non-threatening questions. They allow the respondent to control the flow of information.
Other types of questions are contrast questions and structural questions. The former ask for
comparisons of experiences/events, e.g. ‘How did your first day as a teacher compare to
today?’. Then, of course, using the funnelling technique, the comparisons can become more
specific about feelings of competency, pupil behaviour, etc. The structural question is used
to discover how a person organises their information/experiences, e.g. “What sort of activities
does a classroom teacher involve themselves in during a typical day?’. The above type of
questions are focused on knowledge. Feeling questions are focused on emotional responses,
e.g. ‘How do you feel about the way the parents of your pupils respond to you?’.

Devise some minimal encouragers you could use as part of your interviewing technique.

Listening skills
These are better thought of as attending skills and involve the same qualities and skills
as those required by good counsellors. Only by displaying empathy and acceptance,
conveying respect and creating an ethos of trust will the interviewee be able to enter
into a valid relationship with you, in which they are willing to convey their real feelings,
thoughts and emotions. In attending to an interviewee you must be an active listener,
look interested, be sensitive to verbal and non-verbal cues, using as it were a third ear.
Remember, the interviewee is noting your verbal and non-verbal signals and building up
a picture of how open, genuine, interested and encouraging you are.
Words are not the whole message. Listening is not simply hearing, for we can hear
without listening. You must attend to the content of the words and the feeling behind
them. You can ask for clarification, you can summarise and check out inconsistencies so
you are sure you are picking up the message accurately. Never jump to conclusions, and
avoid personal prejudices and blocks that hinder understanding of what the other person
is really saying. Take time to listen and give time for the other person to finish.

Non-verbal communication
We communicate with our whole bodies, not just with our tongues. Actions, gestures,
facial expressions, body movements and body positions—all speak louder than words.
Interviewees often don’t realise they are communicating non-verbally, confirming,
emphasising, or even contradicting the verbal message. Learn about some of the more
significant non-verbal cues and how these vary from culture to culture. Non-verbal
signals are an important part of the interview data.

A pilot study
A pilot study can test many aspects of your proposed study. It does so under circumstances
that do not count, so that when they do count you have more faith in what you are doing.

chapter 24 |unstructured interviewing 427

Pilot observations and interviews need to be as close in context to the realities of the actual
study as possible. The idea is not to gain data but to learn. Clarify these piloting intentions
with your respondents so that after the interview you can talk about the questions themselves.
Are they clear? Appropriate? What else should I be asking? Were there too many questions?
Was my introduction appropriate? Did | establish rapport?

A cover story
A cover story is the initial verbal or written presentation of yourself to the gatekeeper and
others who will be involved in your research. It does more than simply say who you are
and what your study is about; it also prepares others to take part more effectively. It must
cover what you will do with the results, their confidentiality, how you will record the
data, how long a session will last, how many sessions, reassurance that there are no right
answers, and that your role is not judgemental or evaluative, but understanding.

Initial interviewing activities

Before the interview starts, whether it is structured or unstructured, there are a few
pragmatic issues to cover. For example, it may be prudent to discuss whether any
payment will be made, where the interview will take place, at what time, the method
used to record the information, the general nature of the research, and issues of
confidentiality and anonymity. In addition, these initial discussions should help to
develop rapport.
The form of questioning best suited to open-ended interviewing is the recursive
model. This is the conversational approach, in that a natural flow between two persons
occurs with a connection between the previous, current and next remark. The criticism
of this recursive approach is that as it is directed by the conversation it is quite possible
for the interchange to go completely off the topic. If this occurs, the interviewer must
guide the attention of the informant back to the topic, e.g. by recalling something they
While the open-ended interview or non-directed interview does not have a structured
set of questions, the interviewer will create a guide of the general issues they wish to
cover. It is an aide-mémoire which can be revised as respondents provide new insights
and further topics for exploration. This guide does not determine the order of topics
discussed. Burgess (1984) found in interviewing primary school pupils that the latter
would talk first about what each in their own way saw as being at the top of their
How do you start to get the informant to talk about at least one of the topics or
themes that interest you? One technique is the storytelling technique, whereby the
respondent can tell a story about themself or an event, e.g. in response to a question like,
‘I hear that students at this school often play jokes on teachers. Have you ever done
this?’, there is likely to be an extended response in the form of a story. Another example
would be asking students to talk about their first day at secondary school. The story
approach is encouraged if the interviewer shows considerable interest in the events and
appears to enjoy the account.

428 part 3 |qualitative methods

In this approach the interviewer gradually guides the direction of the interview by
commencing with broad general questions and focusing progressively onto the topic
with more specific questions. For example, the interviewer interested in the drinking
behaviour of adolescents might start by questioning their views on advertising alcohol
at sports grounds, and sponsorship ofsport by brewing companies. Gradually the focus
narrows to alcohol and health, then to their drinking habits and effects on their health,
finally targeting the issues to do with personal reasons for drinking. Only as rapport
develops are respondents posed questions which could be personally threatening.

Solicited narrative
Here the researcher obtains a written account of the story and uses this as a source of
discussion points in follow-up sessions. This technique is often used in life history and
diary interview methods.

Recording the interview

Tape-recording is the best method, as the raw data remain for later study. Not having
to take notes enables the researcher to take part in the conversation in a natural way.
However, interview notes are a useful supplement to record non-verbal activity, and
transcribing the data from a tape recording is a laborious and time-consuming task.

Closing an open-ended interview

Try not to give any verbal or non-verbal cues that you are glad the interview is coming to an
end. That would destroy your relationship with the informant. Several strategies exist which
facilitate the closing of the session, yet leave the door open for further sessions. Summarising
the interview is one way. You could say, ‘I think we have covered all the topic(s) we planned
for today. Have you anything else you can add? Now that we have covered w, x and y, could
we talk about z next time?’. Another ploy is to signal that the planned time is up: “Hasn’t our
hour together gone quickly today? I am looking forward to our next hour together tomorrow.’
However you close, always thank the informant, e.g. “Thank you for your involvement; your
contribution is really helping this project’.

Disengaging from the research field

Rather than this being a single event it is more of a process. The informant’s
involvements in the research will have had a lasting effect on them, as often it can involve
them in revealing incidents and experiences known only to themselves, and there are
obvious ethical, psychological, social and political issues at stake too for both parties. For
example, both interviewer and respondent may have become very close; through the
passage of time and changes in the direction of the research the original bargains and
moral obligations struck with the gatekeeper and informants may be difficult to keep.
Unfortunately there is no one routine way of disengaging.

chapter 24 |unstructured interviewing 429

Withdrawing gradually has its merits, as this enables the interviewer to return to
informants during the writing up and analyse stages to recheck and clarify points. A
quick, clean break can create a minimum of possible future complications.

Many ethnographic and open-ended interview research projects can generate over 1000 pages
of fieldnotes which need to be analysed. Fieldnotes usually cannot be coded into numerical
data and usually are transcribed, category-coded and filed. The purpose of the coding and
filing is to enable the investigator to sort and organise the obtained information into patterns
and themes.
Fieldnote data will not only include records of conversations, but also details ofsetting
and investigator's impressions/observations. The fieldnotes will additionally include the
investigator's reflections on the conversation and setting. Many interviewers like to keep
the descriptive content and reflexive parts separate, as they derive from different persons.
Fieldnotes should be written up as soon as possible, and note-taking must be
considered compulsory. Like all other types of research, it involves hard work, time and
During the first days ofa research project the investigator will take down everything;
as the project becomes refined and focused, the notes will be more selective. Notes
should concentrate on answering whol what! wherel when! how!why questions.
The fieldnotes really separate into three files. The transcript
file contains the records
of the interviews (see Figure 24.1). The transcript file should have a large margin on the
right in which comments can be placed, and on the left, numbers alongside, to locate
the conversation on the tape.
The personal file holds the reflections of the interviewer and a description of the
setting. All your thoughts and impressions should be included in a frank way. It should
read as you think—forget the grammar. The personal file should also contain full details
of how you gained permission, how you maintained relations, and how you left the field
and the success of these strategies. Comments on methodological problems are relevant
in the personal file.
The third file is the analytic file which identifies and discusses the conceptual issues
and emergent themes. It is usually organised around topic areas and is the basis for the
analysis of the data.

Analysing the data

The purpose of analysing the data is to find meaning in the data, and this is done
by systematically arranging and presenting the information. It has to be organised
so that comparisons, contrasts and insights can be made and demonstrated. But the
data are categorised not just to count occurrences. Instead, they are categorised to
permit analysis and comparison of meanings within a category. For example, from
interviews with adolescent drug users on their experiences in trying to break the
habit, various perceptions and fears of the ‘straight’ world may emerge that are
unique, and paint a picture of personal experience of considerable use to drug

430 part 3 |qualitative methods

FIGURE 24.1 Example of transcript file
Informant: John Smith 2nd interview
Interviewer: RBB
Date: 1.9. 99
Subject: How school principals
perceive their role
Place and time: Principal’s Office, Western H.S. 2 p.m.
Other Relevant Information Principal for ten years. Committee
member State Teachers’ Association.
Tape recorder used with permission.
0000 RBB Last session we talked about your experiences as
a principal. | really enjoyed the stories you told me. |
would like you now to tell me how you see your role.
JS What do you mean by role? Do you mean my
day-to-day activities and responsibilities or the things, Possible way
er, | should ideally do? of categorising
RBB | am interested in both, but let's start by you telling
me about a typical day.
JS | find | do a lot of simple yet important things at the
beginning of each day. For example, er, well, | try to be
first at school and check with the caretaker that everything
is alright—no break-ins, rooms all cleaned and so on.
RBB How would you describe this role?
JS | believe the principal is responsible for ensuring the
school is in working order every day before students and
staff arrive. | suppose it is part of the overall role of the Pause
principal to see that the school functions but what to call confusion?
this sub-role ...
0010 RBB We can come back to naming roles later.
What else do you do? (Interview continues for another
40 minutes)
Example of personal file for above
oo JS appeared agitated when | arrived as he had just faced
some critical parents who had demanded explanation for
their child's poor school report. As in the first interview he
seemed a person under pressure; he looked tired and
spoke hesitantly. Although he had volunteered to take
part in the project, | felt that he viewed the situation as an
examination of his performance as a principal: was he
doing the ‘right’ things? He was again dressed in a suit—
was this for me?—impression: management. He sat
behind his desk. Does a hierarchical, authoritarian structure
and role set dominate his thinking? Only time will tell. JS
asked the secretary to bring us a cup of tea each so we
relaxed a little before the interview began. | chatted about
the weekend rugby league match, knowing he was an
ardent supporter, hoping this would put him more at ease
than in the first interview. However, he still seemed on
edge and throughout the interview he focused on the
minutiae of his job, itemising activities almost on a diary
basis and seemed unable to perceive patterns to his work
or categorise the activities into roles from his point of
view .. . In later interviews | shall try to get JS to look for
major role categories.

chapter 24 | unstructured interviewing 431

rehabilitation therapists trying to assist the user. The richness of unique qualities is
preserved in qualitative analysis.
The qualitative researcher will begin by categorising. As notes are read and re-read it
is possible to start grouping items together. For example, if you asked students to discuss
in unstructured interviews their reactions to their college courses, statements might fall
into the following groupings: relevancy, quality of teaching, timetable, textbooks, link
to career, amount of work, assessment, etc.
Other categories might come from the participants themselves. They might divide
themselves in perception and actual friendship groups into ‘the workers’, ‘the smokers’
and ‘the thick-heads’. These categories might prove vital in looking at different
perceptions of school, levels of academic commitment and future career plans.
Some researchers may cross categories to produce types. For example, a teacher who is
a disciplinarian might also be distant and cold in their relationship with the students. This
combination of qualities might be given the type name ‘autocrat’. Types are useful in that
if a subject does not fit any type this may lead to fresh insights and another way of
classifying. An example of a category system or taxonomy is seen in Table 24.1 (p. 433).

So the first stage in analysing the interview data is coding, i.e. classifying material into
themes, issues, topics, concepts, propositions. Coding cannot be done overnight. Many
interviewers re-read their notes many times before they can begin to grasp the major
themes. Some of this coding may begin while the data is still being collected, as particular
issues are raised consistently across interviews. This early coding assists the interviewer
to focus on essential features of the project as they develop.
This is part and parcel of the analytic induction method where the general statement
about the topic is constantly refined, expanded and modified as further data are obtained.
For example, you may be studying why some tertiary students apply to live in university
halls/colleges. After interviewing the first six students you develop some tentative
propositions about why they make this choice. In subsequent interviews you will tend
to refine your questions along the line of these propositions. Further propositions will
emerge as more interviews are conducted. Later interviews will test the validity of the
Woods (1976) used open-ended interviews to explore pupils’ experiences of school
and found that ‘having a laugh’ was a recurrent theme. Woods then set about classifying
types oflaughter in the classroom and their functions.

Content analysis
Content analysis is used to identify themes, concepts and meaning. It is a form of classifying
content. These elements can be counted in numerical terms as well as examined for meaning.
But when looking at the latter there is the problem of hidden meaning, of reading between
the lines, and we will never know whether our reading between the lines is what the informant
was meaning. Each interview is analysed for themes/topics. As the research focus becomes

432 part 3 |qualitative methods

narrower, the file should include discussion about why certain focuses were chosen rather than
others, and should reveal emerging ideas which are strengthened or weakened by successive
interviews. This discussion will involve from time to time the relating of present findings to
previous research and theory. Is there support for, extension or rejection of previous
findings/theory? Include speculative ideas that come to you as you write the analytic file
which you can test in later interviews. Theory emerges from the data in qualitative research.
This has been termed grounded theory by Glaser and Strauss (1967). Thus observers enter the
research situation with no prior theoretical preconceptions and create, revise and refine theory
in the light of the data collected.

TABLE 24.1 Example derived from open-ended interviews

Taxonomy of things students do in school
Pick on fight
other push
students threaten
call names
tease about looks
trip up
steal books, pens, etc.
make fun of them
Behave in class take tests
sit in classes
don’t talk in class
don’t shout out
stay in seat
do work requested
try to become teacher’s pet
extra work
carry equipment
clean boards
Fool around fight in class
drop things on floor
shout out
don’t do work
smoke in toilets
set off fire alarm
skip class
sit in another’s seat
give silly answers
throw things across room
ignore teacher
eat in class
walk around in class
read comics in class
push another off chair
whistle in class
tell jokes
get others into trouble

chapter 24 | unstructured interviewing 433

Grounded hypotheses should be truer to life than those generated through deduction
within, say, behaviourism or Piagetian theory. The final qualitative research paper can
then give an account of early hypotheses and the extent to which these are modified or
discarded by further inquiry and data analysis. The report becomes a diary of insights
and project development.
Content analysis needs a coding system that relates to the theoretical framework or
research question. If our research question is who influences a student’s decision to apply
for university campus accommodation, then our coding categories would involve
significant others such as parents, friends, counsellor, etc. The coding of a qualitative
research is important, as it operates as a labelling, retrieval and organising device. If a
coding system appears not to be working, in that it is difficult to code some elements,
then a new coding system may emerge that brings material together in completely new
way and adds insight into the topic. The coding scheme is, in fact, the conceptual model.
The coding categories should start developing as soon as the first interview is being
conducted, as coding facilitates the understanding of the information which may direct
the focus of the next interview. As Miles and Huberman (1984, p. 63) state, “Coding is
not something one does to get data ready for analysis, but something that drives ongoing
data collection. It is, in short, a form of continuing analysis’.
Content analysis is more an art than a science. The process of category generation involves
noting regularities and recurring ideas/themes in the setting, or people, chosen for study.
The categories may be those that are generated by the people in the setting as they perceive
their environment, or may be constructed by the observer/interviewer. The greatest strength
of content analysis is that it can be conducted later, so that the setting is not disturbed in any
way, and that the researcher determines the coding after the event, not setting out to prove
or disprove a hypothesis by gathering facts to support their position, though guiding
hypotheses may serve as flexible boundaries to provide a focus for the coding and selection
of relevant elements of content. This must not lead to premature coding, forcing data into
some theoretical framework, closing off alternative conceptualisations, or precluding the
discovery of formerly hidden unrecognised data, connections and processes.
As categories and patterns become evident in the data, the researcher can then
commence to evaluate the plausibility of emerging hypotheses and test them against
further data. This entails attempts to challenge the hypotheses by seeking further positive
instances and disconfirming instances. An apparent pattern must be challenged. Other
plausible explanations always exist, and the researcher must demonstrate how and why
their explanation is the most plausible of all.
In order to control for bias in the analysis and interpretation, the researcher should
engage another researcher who can play devil’s advocate and critically question the
researcher’s coding and analysis. Additionally, there should always be a search for
negative instances.
Some of the sort of code categories that generally are useful include:
event codes, i.e. specific activities
definitions of the situation codes, i.e. how informants define setting
process codes, i.e. stages, steps, phases
social structure codes, i.e. patterns of behaviours and relationships

434 part 3 |qualitative methods

strategies codes, i.e. how people do things
subject perspective codes, i.e. how informants think about their situation

Stages in coding
1 The first stage in coding is to develop a list of coding categories. Then a short name
is assigned to each and a number to each subcategory. For example, classroom
activities (CA in short) may be a category, while teaching (CAI), marking (CA2) and
administration (CA3) are sub-categories.
2 In the margin of the transcript file, the data can now be coded by the appropriate
code, e.g. CA2, as the file is read. The code may refer to a phrase, a sentence or a
paragraph. On occasions, there may be a double reference in the verbal unit and in
this case it is double-coded. ;
3 After codes have been allocated to the text in the transcript file, data coded to each
category needs to be collected together. Here you can use either index cards on which
you paste cut-up sections of the text, or place the cuttings into manila folders. The
former method is the best. You must photocopy your transcript file or ensure it is held
ona PC so you do not lose your only copy when you cut and paste.

Computer-aided methods in qualitative research

It was not until the early 1980s that qualitative researchers discovered that the computer
could assist them in working with their data. Even then there was a reluctance to employ
information technology—a reluctance exemplifying the antipathy held by qualitative
researchers towards those who pursued experimental research for whom the computer
was becoming an indispensable aid. Qualitative researchers did and still do believe that
ambiguity and context relatedness have to be regarded as central characteristics of
everyday language and behaviour.
Therefore, they argue it is impossible to make sense out of written or spoken messages
in everyday contexts without some tacit knowledge that cannot easily be formalised.
The attempt to apply the logical, unambiguous precise rules and context-free conditions
that computer analysis requires to human understanding was perceived as a futile and
erroneous approach. An additional argument claimed that quantitative content analysis is
too atomistic and over-simplistic to capture the richness of human communicative and
social interaction.
It is therefore only recently that the idea of electronic data processing being an
indispensable tool for the storage, retrieval and manipulation of text has become acceptable.
The event that really changed the situation was the advent of small personal user-friendly
desk computers, instead of impersonal mainframes. This led to a change in the dominant
paradigm of computer use from ‘computers as number crunchers’ to computers as devices
for the intelligent management of data, incorporating storage and retrieval facilities. This
led to the PC becoming regarded as being of assistance to qualitative research.
The central task in qualitative research—understanding the meaning of
communication and behaviour—cannot be computerised as a mechanical task, but there
are many mechanical tasks involved in interpretive analysis. Huge amounts of

chapter 24 |unstructured interviewing 435

unstructured data such as interview transcripts, fieldnotes, personal documents, etc.,
need to be managed and organised, in addition to the numerous codings, notes, memos,
and marginal comments made as the researcher wades through the material. Another
important aspect of qualitative research is pulling together interview data, textual
material, etc., that have ‘something’ in common. Qualitative researchers used to cut up
file notes and transcripts, and code them into separate manila folders. Unfortunately this
mechanical method dislocated the removed section of text from its original context.
The advantage of the computer is that it does not decontextualise the text which can
be copied into files as a form of an electronic concordance, making it possible to
electronically restore the original context of the segment, allowing for the coding system
to be changed if necessary, and permitting networks and hierarchies of codes, as well as
quantitative attributes such as frequency counts within codes. All this makes qualitative
theory building an easier task, with a network of codes acting as the representation of an
emerging theory or hypothesis. Most recent computer programs in this area allow such
networks to be graphically displayed.

Some useful software for qualitative analysis

The following are just a few of the existing softwares available. Researchers should keep
their eyes open for updates and new ones coming on the market.

ATLAS/ti Version 1.1E

Thomas Muhr, Trautenaustr. 12, 10717 Berlin, Germany

ATLAS/ti is extremely useful for text interpretation, text management and theory
building. It could be the preferred program if a researcher wishes to construct linkages
between any elements of the qualitative database—for example, text segments and
memos. This is a very flexible tool for constructing any kind of network.
The design of the user interface is such that most of the analysis is conducted on-
screen. Consequently, a wide variety of functions to support this style of working is
offered. The program is especially useful for research groups whose members want to do
coding, memoing and theory building independently, but want to share their results.

HyperRESEARCH Version 1.5x

Sharlene Hesse-Biber, T Scott Kinder, Paul R. Dupuis ResearchWare, Inc., PO Box
1258, Randolph, MA 02368-1258, USA
As well as permitting ordinary coding and retrieval, this program is particularly designed
for the approach towards qualitative hypothesis testing. The researcher formulates
hypothesis in terms of ‘if-then’ statements about the co-occurrence of certain codes
within a document.

TextSmart by SPSS Inc.

This software uses cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scaling to analyse key words
and group texts, such as open-ended survey responses, into categories.

436 part 3 |qualitative methods

This package is useful for content analysis of open-ended questions from surveys. It can
also deal with many aspects of text analysis and content analysis. There are options for
validity and reliability studies.

MAx Version 3.5

Udo Kuckartz, Andreas Maurer, Bilro far Softwareentwicklung und Sozialforschung,
Schiltzallee 52, 14169 Berlin, Germany

This program was originally developed to support the analysis of open-ended questions
in survey questionnaires, where the method of case-oriented quantification is employed.
Since then, additional features have been added, for example, for the retrieval of co-
occurring text segments. All files used and created by the program that contain code or
case information are stored in standard dBase format. This offers the competent user
extensive possibilities for using other software tools in order to modify these files, or to
subject them to a different type of analysis from that offered by the program.
All files (texts, codes, numerical and other case-oriented data) are saved in dBase
format and can therefore easily be exported to statistical programs such as SPSS and
SAS and re-imported to MAx after modification. SPSS files can also be directly created
for exporting numerical data. Documents can be divided into paragraphs, permitting a
structuring of texts such as open-ended questions. Code and word frequencies can be
Dr A. Cartwright, Centre for the Study of Psychotherapy, University of Kent,
Canterbury, UK

Originally designed to aid analysis of therapeutic conversations, it has now been applied
to other texts such as fieldnotes, and responses to open-ended questions.
Lyn Richards and Tom Richards. Qualitative Solutions & Research Pty. Ltd., Box 171,
La Trobe University Post Office, Victoria 3083, Australia
Distributed by Sage Publications Ltd., 6 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4PU, UK

NUD*IST is a program for facilitating theory building by searching for words and
phrases and coding data. From the coding it will search for links among the codes and
build a hierarchical network of code patterns, categories and relationships in the original
data. It will code data in more than one way to provide multiple perspectives and enable
changes in codes to be effected as a deeper understanding of the data emerges. This
makes it a very useful tool in strategies of hypothesis development and grounded theory.
The user is invited (but not forced) to develop a hierarchical code structure that can
be represented graphically and can be used for multiple types of retrievals. Among the
most powerful retrieval functions are COLLECT, which allows for retrieving all
segments or memos attached to a code and all of its subcodes, and INHERIT, which

chapter 24 |unstructured interviewing 437

permits the retrieval ofall memos or segments attached to a code and its ‘ancestors’ (that
is, the codes in a direct line above the code in question). Memos can be linked to codes,
case-variables, and whole documents.
A great variety of retrievals can be conducted to identify the co-occurrence of codes,
which is defined as the overlapping, nesting, proximity and sequential order of text
segment to which the codes under investigation are attached. All Boolean operators can
be employed. The program attaches a new code to the retrieved text segments, which
may then be incorporated into an existing hierarchical code structure.
Code and word frequencies can be calculated. Additional functions are available for
the building of matrices, and for automatic coding according to user-defined keywords.
NUD*“IST files can be imported into SPSS.
QUALPRO Version 4.0
Bernard Blackman. Impulse Development Company, 349, Thomasville Road, Suite
202, Tallahassee, FL 32308, USA

QUALPRO was originally a collection of routines for ordinary coding and retrieval that
could be executed via DOS and by using a simple command shell. This collection has
now been extended by the addition of functions for co-occurring code searches and
matrix displays. Algorithms for the calculation of interceder reliability and for computing
matrices displaying agreement and disagreement between coders, are unique features of
this program. This information can be used to improve the code definitions and
procedures, and hence the precision of coding. The program is particularly useful for
research groups concerned with the robustness of the coding scheme.
Text can be entered into the program directly or imported as an ASCH file. The
smallest coding unit is the text line. Up to 1000 codes can be attached to one document.
Selective retrievals of text segments are supported and memos can be recorded. Memos
can be linked to whole documents and text segments.
In every ordinary retrieval, the program can retrieve, together with the text, the line
numbers of overlapping presented segments coded with another code. All Boolean
operators can be applied in a search for text segments so that nested and overlapping text
segments can be retrieved, and also text segments to which a certain combination of
codes does or does not apply. Code frequencies can be calculated. The interceder
reliability can be determined too.
John Seidel, Susanne Friese, D. Christopher Leonard
Qualis Research Associates, PO Box 2070, Amherst, MA 01004, USA

This was one of the earliest and most widely distributed programs in the field. The
strength of the program is its functions to assist researchers working in the tradition of
ethnography and interpretive sociology who are more concerned with the interpretive
analysis of texts than with theory building and hypothesis examination.
The software facilitates the management and analysis of text-based data, such as
transcripts of interviews, focus groups, fieldnotes, diaries, meetings and other documents.

438 part 3 |qualitative methods

Searches for co-occurring codes are also available. Linkages can be established between
one text segment and up to twenty-six memos. Several codes can be subsumed under one
‘parent code’ for structuring the coding scheme.
The ‘Multiple Code Search’ function helps to find co-occurring codes, whereby co-
occurrence can be defined as the overlapping, nesting, sequential ordering or proximity
of text segments. Code frequencies can be calculated and additional functions are
available for identifying different speakers in transcripts and for entering contextual
comments within the texts.
The above descriptions are sparse and cannot be exhaustive. Although we have tried
to ensure that all the information is accurate, we cannot guarantee this, as newer versions
are always being prepared. By accessing the following site you can download
demonstration versions of many pieces of software that undertake qualitative analysis:

Case summaries
Many researchers use case summaries as a means of analysing their data. For example, it
is useful to employ case studies of students to illustrate and support arguments in
investigating student behaviour or school processes. However, the basis on which case
studies are chosen is often obscure and may simply reflect a bias towards, or desire to
support, a particular theoretical rationale. Again, the use of index cards is advised. Each
card can contain information on the informant, including their categorisation on a
number of concept codes, a summary of the interview and analytic comments taken
from the analytic file. These case summaries not only clarify and sort information from
within a case but permit comparison across cases too.

The diary as a preliminary to interviewing

Most of us keep diaries for the very practical purpose of knowing when we have a
meeting to attend, or when it is our turn to pick up the children from school. Since most
people keep diaries, they provide a simple and cheap way of finding out information,
particularly about how people spend their time. The diaries used for research purposes
include not usually those containing personal thoughts or shopping lists, but logs of
professional activities which give clear information about work patterns.
Diaries are often used as a preliminary to interviewing. The record provides a basis for
further questions that explore job-related activities in more depth. In some research it
may not be clear initially exactly what questions to ask. Therefore the diary content will
generate ideas. The diary, in conjunction with a diary interview, has been used as an
approximation to participant observation. You are now aware of the difficulties of
participant observation, such as the time involved and the possible change in behaviour.
A combination of diary and interview is valuable for those situations where observation
might be too intrusive, such as being present at a parent—principal interview, or when
extended observation would be too resource intensive. In this approach the diarist is
requested to write on the what/when/where/who and how matters. For example

chapter 24 |unstructured interviewing 439

in-service teacher education students might be asked to maintain a diary of the
events that caused them problems each day, how they sought to solve the problems,
who they sought support from and how successfully they resolved the issue.
Participant observation may well have prevented some of the problems—particularly
pupil misbehaviour—from occurring, or may have led to advice being sought from
the observer.
As in all research, the diary method requires subjects who are willing to undertake
the tasks conscientiously. If subjects are persuaded against their better judgement,
or have little sympathy with the research, then the diary they eventually hand over
may well be incomplete or contain matters not requested. Subjects must be given
clear instructions about what they are being asked to do, what type of words are
needed and why. While completing a diary at regular intervals during a day can be
time-consuming for those who already maintain a diary, the task is of little
consequence or additional effort. j
A major problem, as with observation or interviews, is that the subject may modify
their behaviour so that the diary record reveals a different range of activities than normal
to create a favourable impression. A diary showing hours spent and activities related to
preparing schoolwork at home each evening may well be inflated to give the impression
of a dedicated teacher.
A major way ofinvestigating the work people do, without inconveniencing them
with the constant presence of an observer, is to ask them to describe the critical
incidents that have occurred over a specified time period. Heads of departments,
principals or education administrators could be asked how they distinguish between
trivial aspects of their job and key ones; how they prioritise their time; what
events/issues they regard as critical and why. A critical task might be defined as one
which makes a difference between success and failure in carrying out the duties
associated with a job. The idea is to collect reports as to what issues occur, how they
are defined, how they can be dealt with effectively, and how they contributed to
good performance. The diary becomes a log focusing on specific happenings, almost
like an accident or incidents file maintained at a police station. If they had time
(which is unlikely) you could ask postgraduate students undertaking thesis research
to keep a log of the issues or problems that they faced in conducting the various
aspects of their research. They would describe each problem as it arose, why it arose,
and how they tackled it.
Diaries generally cover an agreed timespan. It may be a week, a month or even longer.
Content usually deals with facts and activities rather than emotions, although some
researchers may be interested in some additional commentary to accompany the record.
Diary requests often take the form of:
Every day at 11.00 a.m., 2.00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m. write down all the things you did
in the previous hour;

Keep a record of all interviews with parents, their length, reason, content,
conclusion/result, etc.

440 part 3 |qualitative methods

In research we are usually only interested in job-related activities; therefore
instructions must be explicit and indicate that you do not require details such as that you
washed your hands or made a coffee. It is also useful to have the diarist indicate how
usual the week or the day was and whether there were any unusual events, crises, etc.
Completed diaries can provide a wealth of information if they have been completed
conscientiously and thought has been given in advance to what information is to be

Unstructured and semi-structured interviewing are the major tools of qualitative research. Their
advantage is that the informant’s perspectives are provided using language natural to them. This limits
the effect of the researcher’s preconceptions and biases and beliefs in directing the line of interviewing.
The interviewer requires listening skills and non-directive questioning techniques. Interview data requires
coding so that a content analysis can be used to identify themes, concepts and categories.

Burgess, R. (1984), /n the Field, Unwin, London.
Glaser, B.G. & Strauss, A.L. (1967), The Discovery of Grounded Theory, Aldine, Chicago.
Miles, M. & Huberman, M. (1984), Qualitative Data Analysis, Sage, Beverly Hills.
Taylor, S. & Bogdan, R. (1984), /ntroduction to Qualitative Research Methods, Wiley, New York.
Woods, P. (1976), “Having a Laugh’, in The Process ofSchooling, eds M. Hammersley & P. Woods,
Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.

Further reading
Berg, B. (1989), Qualitative Research Methods
for the Social Sciences, Allyn and Bacon, Boston.
Boyatis, R. (1998), Thematic Analysis and Code Development. Transforming Qualitative Information,
Sage, London.
Brooks, M. (1989), Instant Rapport, Warner Books, New York.
Cohen, A.K. (1955), Delinquent Boys, Free Press, New York.
Foddy, W.H. (1988), Open Versus Closed Questions: Really a Problem of Communication. Paper
presented to the Australian Bicentennial Meeting of Social Psychologists. Leura, New South Wales,
Gerson, E. (1985), ‘Computing in qualitative sociology’, Qualitative Sociology, 7, pp. 194-8.
Gahan, C. & Hannibal, M. (1998), Doing Qualitative Research Using QSR NUD*IST, Sage; London.
Green, A. (1995), ‘Verbal protocol analysis’, The Psychologist, March, pp. 126-9.
Hargreaves, D.H., Hestor, S.K. & Mellor, F.J. (1975), Deviance in Classrooms, Routledge and Kegan
Paul, London.
Kelle, U. (ed.) (1995), Computer Aided Qualitative Data Analysis, Sage, London.
Lacey, C. (1970), Hightown Grammar, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
Minichiello, V. et al. (1990), In Depth Interviewing, Longman Cheshire, Melbourne.
Richards, L. & Richards, T. (1987), ‘Qualitative data analysis: Can computers do it?’ Australian and
New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 23, pp. 23-35.

chapter 24 |unstructured interviewing 44]

Richards, T. & Richards, L. (1988), NU*DIST: a System for Qualitative Data Analysis. Paper
presented at Australian Computer Society. Victorian Branch.
Tesch, R. (1990), Qualitative Research. Analysis Types and Software Tools, Falmer, New York.
Van Galen, J., Noblit, G. & Hare, D. (1988-89), ‘The art and science of interviewing kids: The
group interview in evaluation research’, National Forum of Applied Educational Research Journal,
1(2), pp. 74-81.

442 part 3 | qualitative methods


What is action-research?
Action-research is the application offact-finding to practical problem-solving in a social
situation with a view to improving the quality ofaction within it, involving the
collaboration and cooperation of researchers, practitioners and laymen.
Kemmis and Grundy (1981) define action-research in education as:
A family of activities in curriculum development, professional development, school
improvement programmes, and systems planning and policy development. These activities
have in common the identification ofstrategies of planned action which are implemented, and
then systematically submitted to observation, reflection and change. Participants in the action
being considered are integrally involved in all of these activities.
It aims to improve practical judgement in concrete situations, and the validity of the
‘theories’ it generates depends not so much on ‘scientific’ tests of truth, as on their
usefulness in helping people to function more intelligently and skilfully. In action-
research, ‘theories’ are not validated independently and then applied to practice. They
are validated through practice. Action-research is a total process in which a ‘problem
situation’ is diagnosed, remedial action planned and implemented, and its effects monitored,
if improvements are to get underway. It is both an approach to problem-solving and a
problem-solving process. The development of action-research philosophy and method
has had a strong Australian input through the work of Kemmis and his colleagues at
Deakin University.
The focus in action-research is on a specific problem in a defined context, and not on
obtaining scientific knowledge that can be generalised. An on-the-spot procedure
designed to deal with a concrete problem, it is a logical extension of the child-centred
progressive approach. If children can benefit intellectually, socially and emotionally from
working together to solve problems in group activities, so too, it is argued, can their
There are four basic characteristics of action-research:
1 Action-research is sitwational—diagnosing a problem in a specific context and
attempting to solve it in that context.
2 It is collaborative, with teams of researchers and practitioners working together.
It is participatory, as team members take part directly in implementing the research.
Hr It is self-evaluative—modifications are continuously evaluated within the ongoing
situation to improve practice.

Lewin’s model of action-research

The term action-research was first coined by the social psychologist Kurt Lewin. Lewin’s
model involves a cyclic sequence (see Figure 25.1).

What do you perceive as the main characteristics of action-research?

Lewin challenged an orthodoxy about the role of the social scientist as the
disinterested, ‘objective’ observer of human affairs.
Lewin’s model is an excellent basis for starting to think about what action-research
involves. Two major stages can be identified:
1 diagnostic, in which problems are analysed and hypotheses developed; and
2 therapeutic, in which hypotheses are tested by a consciously directed change
experiment in a real social life situation.
Action-research usually commences with observations in the real world that raise such
questions as ‘Why don’t my everyday experiences in the classroom fit with theory?’,
‘Why hasn’t practice led to predicted results?’. To cope with these and other similar
situations, we tend to formulate our own intuitive implicit theories. These are really the
start of the qualitative research process. Personal theory helps to bring a problem into
view and leads into a more systematic approach to investigating the issue. For example,
the real-world intriguing observation that boys in my class try to avoid obtaining verbal
reinforcement from me by not answering questions leads to a personal theory that
boys don’t want to counter peer group norms. This leads into a tentative guiding
hypothesis for research purposes that suggests that the expectations of the boys’
subculture is stronger than teacher expectations in relation to aspects of classroom

444 part 3 |qualitative methods

FIGURE 25.1 Lewin ’s cyclic model

aco<aoniFinSSOdinNCOg nti

SS Plan



This cyclic model of problem identification, therapeutic action and evaluation can be
divided into seven substages.

Stage 1
This involves the identification, evaluation and formulation of the problem or general
idea perceived as critical in an everyday teaching situation. ‘Problem’ should be
interpreted in as wide a way as possible to prevent constraints too early about issues/ideas
creating too narrow a focus. Some examples of problems or general ideas are listed here.
¢ Students are dissatisfied with the methods by which they are assessed. How can we
collaborate to improve student assessment?
¢ Students seem to waste a lot of time in class. How can I increase the time students
spend ‘on-task’?
¢ Parents are fairly keen to help the school with the supervision of students’ homework.
How can we make their help more productive?
In other words, the ‘general idea’ refers to a state of affairs or situation a participant
wishes to change or improve on. The original problem may, in fact, change and be
revised in the cyclic process. For example, pupils’ dissatisfaction with the way they are
assessed may merely be a symptom of a more fundamental problem, which may ‘come
to light’ during the course of action-research; for example, the real purposes of
assessment. In which case, a teacher would want to undertake subsequent actions which
tackle that deeper problem, rather than merely treating the symptom. Goals are variables,
not constants. They change over time as a result of the development project itself.

chapter 25 |action-research 445

‘& List some general ideas you could study in action-research.

Stage 2
This is the time for fact finding, so that a full description can be given of the situation.
For example, if the problem is ‘pupils wasting time in class’, one will want to know
things such as: Which pupils are wasting time? What are they doing when they are
wasting time? Are they wasting time doing similar or different things? What should they
be doing when they are wasting time? What are they doing when they are not wasting
time? Is there a particular point in the lesson, or time of day, or set of topics, where
pupils waste time the most? What are the different forms in which ‘wasting time’
manifests itself?
All these facts help to clarify the nature of the problem. The collection of this
information can provide a basis for classifying the relevant facts; for example, generating
categories for classifying the different kinds of ‘time-wasting’ which go on.
It can also lead to some fairly radical changes in one’s understanding of the original
idea. For example, one may decide, in the light of this exercise, that many of the things
thought to be ‘time-wasting’ are not, and that many of the things thought not to be
‘time-wasting’ in fact are.

Stage 3
This may involve a review of the research literature to find out what can be learned from
comparable studies, their objectives, procedures and problems encountered. All this is
related and synthesised with the critical review of the problem in Stage 2. Hypotheses
can now be formulated; for example, utterances such as ‘fine’, ‘interesting’, ‘correct’, by
teachers in response to ideas expressed by pupils can prevent the discussion of alternative
ideas, since pupils tend to interpret such feedback as attempts to legitimate the
development of some ideas rather than others. These hypotheses are general statements
which attempt to explain some of the facts of the problem.

Stage 4
Having, through ‘brainstorming’ around a problem, generated some hypotheses,
one can then proceed to gather information which is relevant to testing them. For
example, evidence can be gathered about the extent to which one uses terms such
as good, interesting, right; their effects on pupils’ classroom responses; and the ways
pupils interpret their use. The gathering of this evidence may also suggest further
explanations of the problem situation, which in turn leads to more gathering of
information, etc. This ‘testing’ of the hypothesis is not a statistical testing. It is
seeing whether the evidence is congruent with the hypothesis. Even when one has
tested hypotheses and found them to apply, they should retain the status of
‘hypotheses’ rather than ‘conclusions’, since one can always encounter instances

446 part 3 |qualitative methods

where they do not apply, and which will prompt a search for more comprehensive
explanations. The process of analysis is an endless one, but in action-research it
must be interrupted for the sake of action. And the point ofinterruption should be
when one has sufficient confidence in the hypotheses to allow them to guide action.
At this point, the revised statement of the general idea or problem is feasible.

How do hypotheses in action-research differ from those in quantitative research?

Stage 5
Before going into action, there is the need to decide on the selection of research procedures
such as choice of materials, resources, teaching method, allocation of tasks. Equally important
are discussion and negotiations among the interested parties—teachers, researchers, advisers,
sponsors. A teacher may need to negotiate some of the proposed actions with colleagues, or
a ‘superior. Their capacity to do their job properly could be influenced by the effects of the
proposed changes, or perhaps they will ‘carry the can for them’, or even intervene
unconstructively if not consulted. For example, a proposed change of syllabus might need to
be negotiated with the relevant head of department, departmental colleagues, the head
teacher, or even pupils and their parents.
As a general principle, the initial action-steps proposed should lie within areas where
the action-researchers have the maximum freedom of decision.

Stage 6
This stage involves the implementation of the action plan. Decisions about the
conditions and methods of data collection (for example, bi-weekly meetings, the keeping
of records, interim reports, final reports, the submission of self-evaluation and group-
evaluation reports, etc.); the monitoring of tasks and the transmission of feedback to the
research team; and the classification and analysis of data.
Even if the action step is implemented with relative ease, it may create troublesome
side-effects which require a shift into fact finding in order to understand how these arise.
And this in turn may require some modifications and changes to the ‘general plan’ and
a revamped action-step.
The choice of evaluative procedures is considered here too, in order to monitor the
* One needs to use monitoring techniques which provide evidence of how well the
course of action is being implemented.
* One needs to use techniques which provide evidence of unintended as well as intended
* One needs to use a range oftechniques which will enable one to look at what is going
on from a variety of angles or points of view (triangulation).

chapter 25 |action-research 447

A huge range of techniques is available to record and report on the implementation.
Some of these are plainly qualitative but others are taken from the quantitative stable.
Among the usual techniques are diaries, analytic memos, document analysis, audio
tape/video, outside observer, interviewing, and questionnaires.

Stage 7
This final stage involves the interpretation of the data and the overall evaluation of the
project, often by writing a case study. Ideally, case study reports should be written at the
end of each cycle, each building on and developing previous reports. At least one full
report should be written at the point where one decides to end a particular spiral of
action and research, and switch to a quite different issue or problem.
A case study report should adopt a historical format; telling the story as it has unfolded
over time, showing how events hang together. It should include (but not necessarily in
separate sections) accounts of the following:
¢ How one’s ‘general idea’ evolved over time.
¢ How one’s understanding of the problem situation evolved over time.
¢ What action-steps were undertaken in the light of one’s changing understanding of
the situation.
¢ The extent to which proposed actions were implemented, and how one coped with
the implementation problems.
¢ The intended and unintended effects of one’s actions, and explanations for why they
¢ The techniques one selected to gather information about:
— the problem situation and its causes; and
— the actions one undertook and their effects.
¢ The problems one encountered in using certain techniques and how one ‘resolved’
¢ Any ethical problems which arose in negotiating access to, and release of, information,
and how one tried to resolve them.
¢ Any problems which arose in negotiating action-steps with others, or in negotiating
the time, resources and cooperation one wanted during the course of the action-
The mode of explanation in case study is naturalistic rather than formalistic.
Relationships are ‘illuminated’ by concrete description rather than by formal statements
of causal laws and statistical correlations. As action-research necessarily involves
participants in self-reflection about their situation—as active partners in the researcch—
accounts of dialogue with participants about the interpretations and explanations
emerging from the research should be an integral part of any action-research report.
Discussions of the findings will take place in the light of previously agreed evaluative
criteria. Errors, mistakes and problems will be considered. At this stage, the cycle is likely
to begin again, with the problem and action modified to meet the evaluation comments.
At the end of several cycles, outcomes of the project are reviewed, recommendations
made and arrangements for dissemination of results to interested parties decided.

448 part 3 |qualitative methods

This is a basic framework; much activity of an incidental and possibly ad hoc nature
will take place in and around it. This may comprise discussions among teachers,
researchers and pupils, and regular meetings among teachers or schools to discuss
progress and problems, and to exchange information.
In summary, we have a step-by-step process constantly monitored over varying periods
of time by a variety of mechanisms (for example, diaries, questionnaires, interviews, tape
recordings), so that feedback may be translated into modifications, directional changes
and redefinitions, so as to bring about lasting benefit to the ongoing process. No attempt
is made to identify one factor and study its effect in isolation, divorced from the context
that gives it meaning. The findings tend to be applied immediately. Action-research
should not only contribute to practice but aim at creating a theory of education and
teaching which is available, meaningful and significant to other teachers.

With respect to classroom action-research, a teacher should decide exactly how much
time can be set aside for monitoring the next action-step, when, and its effects. It is no
good collecting more evidence than one can afford to ‘process’ and reflect about. And
it is no good ‘deciding’ to transcribe all recordings when one knows one hasn’t the time
to do it. So the number oflessons monitored and the techniques selected should all be
matched to a realistic estimate of available time. The ‘matching’ process is helped by
working out a timetable.
In schools, the fact that ‘terms’ are usually interspersed by vacations suggests that this
is a natural organisational unit of time in which to complete a ‘cycle’ of classroom action-
research activity. Iwould normally feel it necessary to complete at least three, and perhaps
four, cycles before one ought to be sufficiently satisfied with the improvements effected.
In the context of classroom action-research, this could well mean a commitment of at least
a year.

What can action-research be used for?

The purposes of action-research in school and classroom fall broadly into categories.
1 It isa means of remedying problems diagnosed in specific situations, or of improving
in some way a given set of circumstances.
2 It isa means of in-service training, thereby equipping the teacher with new skills and
methods, sharpening analytical powers and heightening self-awareness.
3 It is a means of injecting additional or innovatory approaches to teaching and learning
into an ongoing system which normally inhibits innovation and change.
4 It isa means of improving the normally poor communications between the practising
teacher and the academic researcher, and of remedying the failure of traditional
research to give clear prescriptions.
5 Although lacking the rigour of true scientific research, it is a means of providing a
preferable alternative to the more subjective, impressionistic approach to problem-
solving in the classroom.

chapter 25 |action-research 449

6 It is a way of studying human relations, morale and personnel functioning in the
7 It can facilitate job analysis.

Comparison between action-research and

quantitative research
Purpose of research
Quantitative researchers believe the primary purpose of educational research is to
establish new generalisations stated as observed uniformities, explanatory principles, or
scientific laws. They test hypotheses in order to justify conclusions extending beyond the
populations and situations studied. They use sampling theory and describe, within stated
limits, population or situation universes. They are interested in discovering ‘the truth’.
Action-researchers have a different primary purpose. They are not immediately
concerned with adding more ‘truth’ to that body of educational knowledge which
appears in articles and books. The action-researchers are interested in the improvement
of the educational practices in which they are engaging—how to do their jobs better.
Their investigations are conducted into those activities which they wish to handle more
Those who conduct quantitative educational research believe that practice will
improve because of the findings of their studies. They assume that the discovery and
publication of truth will, in due course, and almost by the very nature of things, bring
about change for the better. The action-researcher argues that it is the responsibility of
practitioners, in contrast to investigators, to take new findings into account.

Reliability and validity

Quantitative research has a great investment in reliability and validity. If the data is not
reliable and valid, if the assessment techniques are not reliable and valid, if the design
features are not able to create satisfactory internal and external validity, then the research
is worthless in scientific eyes. However, action-research can really only possess internal
validity, as it is a one-off intervention in a specific context. The results, findings and
recommendations can only have relevance for that unique setting. Replicability is
doubtful, as change is an integral part of the process. The use of triangulation facilitates
the validity of each participant’s perspective and understanding.
An account can be judged to be internally valid if the author demonstrates that the
changes indicated by the analysis of a problem situation constitute an improvement to
it. Such an account would, therefore, need to contain not only an analysis of the problem
situation, but an evaluation of the action steps undertaken. An account can be judged
to be externally valid if the insights it contains can be generalised beyond the situation(s)
Readers of an action-research case study may identify themselves with the predicament
of the teacher and thereby gain fresh insights into their own classroom problems.

450 part 3 |qualitative methods

Intuitive validation of this kind needs to be tested through action. In other words, it is
only when the insights gained from a case study are translated into an improved quality
of action that its external validity, and therefore generality, can be demonstrated.
The value of general hypotheses lies in the extent to which, in reflecting on the
question of whether a general hypothesis applies to and explains his or her own situation,
a teacher may begin to generate and test an alternative explanation, which in turn could
contribute to the evolution of a common stock of professional knowledge.

Research and the consumer

People who engage in action-research do not make any such neat separation between the
research function and the practice function. When this separation occurs, the assumption
is that, if the researcher reports their findings to the teacher, the latter will modify their
practices to make them correspond with the newly discovered data. The advocates of
action-research deny the efficiency of this method of getting research data into action.
There is available, in hundreds of libraries and thousands of books and articles, a
tremendous amount of information about education derived from research. Yet this
scientific truth frequently has little, if any, effect on practice. Even the teachers who hear
about or read these reports are, in most instances, slightly, if at all, influenced by them.
Many traditional or fundamental investigators believe that the problem is largely one
of communication. If the research reports were more lucid, or if the implications for
practice were stated more clearly, teachers would be able to incorporate the findings
into their practices. Action-researchers contend that the difficulty extends beyond
communication and involves important principles of learning. They claim that teachers
are most likely to change their ways of working with pupils because of information they
accumulate about these same pupils in order to work more effectively with them.
Reading fundamental research studies conducted by someone else and describing boys
and girls in general may have some influence on the practices of teachers. A greater
influence will be exercised, however, by the data teachers bring together and interpret
in connection with attempts to solve an instructional problem about which they are
intimately concerned.
A cornerstone of the action-research movement is its criticism of traditional research
for trying to initiate change through dissemination of research results, rather than
through the involvement of more people in the process of research.
Research has too often failed because of lack of cooperation between the researcher
and the consumer. A common reason given for non-acceptance of research results is
that ‘it is not applicable to my situation’. The ‘solution’ to the problem is in terms ofthe
producers’ rather than the consumers’ orientation. The cooperative search for plans of
action assures that the research results will be realistically oriented and applicable to the
lives and situations of the participants.

Design issues
Scientific research involves a fixed purpose and design. Action-research is adaptive,
tentative and evolutionary. Scientific research cannot interpret the present until it knows

chapter 25 |action-research 451

the answers to its investigation. Action-research does not know what questions to ask
until it has interpreted the present.

Qualifications for research

There are some differences, too, in the qualifications that seem most appropriate for
those who do traditional or action-research. In the former case, great competence is
required in the type of logical analysis represented by mathematical statistics, particularly
those concepts that have to do with sampling theory. Knowledge about such matters is
of less significance for action-researchers because they are not so interested in extending
their generalisations to populations beyond those they are studying. The action-
researcher needs to have a great deal of experience in the cooperative study of educational
problems. They must be able to work effectively with others who are also involved in the
situation they are trying to improve. This is not to deny that fundamental research
frequently involves team activity, but action-research almost invariably requires the joint
effort of a group of people who want to get whatever data they need to improve their

Evaluation criteria
The quality of fundamental research and the quality of action-research are judged by
somewhat different criteria. The former is considered to be superior in the degree to
which the methods and the findings warrant generalising to persons and situations
beyond those studied. An investigation is a good one if it adds knowledge to that already
recorded and is available to anyone who wants to read it. The value of action-research,
on the other hand, is determined by the extent to which the methods and findings make
possible improvements in practice.

Society and research

Ordinarily, the scientist’s job comes to an end, as far as society is concerned, when they
have made some technological advance or some socially applicable scientific discovery.
It is up to society to make use of this development. Ifit fails to do so, the scientist may
perhaps react with a sense of personal futility, but they still consider that they have done
their job.
Suppose, however, that the scientist redefines their job to include not merely teasing out
the secrets of nature but also directing the application of their discoveries. The scientist would
suddenly be confronted with a host of problems that have little to do with traditional physics
or chemistry, but which have a great deal to do with human, personal and social resistance.
Weapons scientists have a slight taste of this sort of problem and find themselves unequipped.
This is precisely the way in which the action-researcher defines their job. Not only
must they make discoveries, but they must see to it that their discoveries are properly
applied. It is largely in terms of this job definition that the action-researcher differs from
the ordinary academic scientist.

452 part 3 |qualitative methods

1 What do you regard as the main advantages of action-research over conventional
qualitative research?
2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of teachers acting as a researchers in
their own classroom?

Action-research as professional development

Action-research tries to enhance the capacity of teachers as generators of professional
knowledge in contrast to enhancing their capacity to apply someone else’s knowledge,
for example, the findings of specialist researchers.
Action-research implies a ‘bottom-up’ rather than a pee view of teacher
development. The knowledge-generating model assumes that improvements in
educational practice ought to be grounded in insights generated by teachers. This gives
teachers greater influence over what is to count as valid educational knowledge. And this
implies making professional educational researchers, and the government or quasi-
government agencies which sponsor work, more accountable to teachers in schools. In
other words, it is a model which seeks to shift the locus of control over what is to count
as valid educational knowledge and research from external agencies to schools themselves;
the teacher—researcher model.
One aspect of the professional development of teachers is their capacity to adopt a
research stance towards their teaching, producing accounts of their reflections,
encouraged to research collaboratively on a common theme or issue. Development is
limited if individuals only have their own experience to draw on when reflecting on
practical problems. Individual reflection needs to be informed by a sharing of insights
about common problems. Hence the need for collaborative investigations which can
evolve common stocks of professional knowledge; a ‘collective culture’ which enhances
the reflective capacities of individual teachers, and which in turn is enhanced by the
contributions they feed back into it.
By becoming more collectively aware, through action-research, of the relationship
between problems in the teaching situation and contextual factors, teachers place
themselves in a stronger position to influence the policies which shape their practice in

Action-research as a political process

The implication of the professional development of teachers through action-research is
that, at a classroom level, teacher awareness of policy implications is increased. This
enhances their collective capacity to influence structural changes within schools and the
wider educational system. Any classroom action-research capable of fostering a ‘bottom-
up’ approach to professional development must generate ideas which link problems of
teaching and learning with broader questions ofinstitutional and social policy. It then
becomes a means not simply of fostering teacher development, but of developing schools

chapter 25 |action-research 453

as institutions and the educational system more generally. Both must be part of one and
the same process, and not conceived of as two quite independent processes.
Different modes of educational research are related to differing views on educational
change, on its method and direction, and to differing opinions on the role and aim of
education, and action-research is seen as belonging to critical social science in an
emancipatory process, and has the aim of transforming education.
Action-research is about involving teachers, students, parents and school
administrators (among others) in the tasks of critical analysis of their own situations
with a view to transforming them in ways which will improve the situations as
educational contexts for students, teachers and society. It is a form of‘conscientisation’,
a commitment to the improvement of education. If research is to achieve concrete
transformation of educational situations, then this requires a theory of change which
links researchers and practitioners in a common task in which the duality of the research
and practice roles is transcended. It requires joint participation and collaboration in the
process ofsocial transformation, expressed in joint participation in the decision-making
processes of transformation. It is therefore democratic in operation.
This ‘political’ stance is not a prerogative of only the action-research mode. Even the
scientific objective quantitative mode has a ‘political’ underpinning. Many radical
educationalists would see conventional research as the maintenance of a hierarchical
superordinate-subordinate relationship between the elite researcher with skills, knowledge
and jargon to mystify the naive classroom teacher, who imposes ‘truth’ without question, and
manipulates subjects with little regard for their feelings or ability to make meaning out of
This sets up a power situation; researchers tell teachers what to do, teachers resent and
reject the research and theories.

What do you believe the purpose of research is?

Action-research promotes teacher self-improvement

Action-research encourages group cooperation and group cohesiveness, releases creativity
and critical thinking, and promotes change. An action-research movement is potentially
a grass-roots approach to the solution of school problems.
Working together on a common problem is a source of security, status and
recognition. The participant learns that they are not an ugly duckling who has
‘problems’. They find that to a great extent these problems are common and shared by
others. The individual accepts having a problem, not as a stigma, but as a normal aspect
of a teacher in their professional life.
Studies in group dynamics point out that it is easier for individuals to change as
members of a group than it is for them to change as individual members, isolated from
others. Lewin found that the dependence of the individual on a valued standard and
norm interferes with the attempt of change from that standard. On the other hand,

454 part 3 |qualitative methods

when group norms change, the same dependence on group values will facilitate change
in the individual and will strengthen their decision to continue with the new group
norms of behaviour.
Action-research does not see teachers as naive, that is, incompetent, but as possessing
skills that can contribute to the research task. In the team, each teacher can offer their
specific strengths.

The role of the researcher in participatory research

In classical research, the researcher’s role is, in principle, clearly defined. They are
responsible for the design of the study, planning, preparation, execution, data treatment
and interpretation, and result dissemination.
The role of the researcher is fundamentally changed in action-research as compared
to the classical role; in all participatory research, the researcher may adopt a completely
new one. In this, they assume several responsibilities:
* possibly being the initiator of the research;
* being a resource person to whom the participants can turn for advice and information;
¢ being a teacher, training other participants to play their parts.
Participatory research is usually initiated by a decision-maker who experiences a need
or a problem. The researcher cooperates with the group members on equal terms. Their
research training and general experience make it possible for them to provide the group
with information; for example, data on previous studies in the field, suggestions for suitable
research methods and adequate instruments, interpretations of the data as seen by a critical
eye, and so on. The provision of factual information makes it possible for the researcher
to guide the research so as to provide the best solution to the problem at hand; for example,
by pointing to pitfalls, by showing that several possible roads are open, by convincing the
participants about their capacities, and by showing what can be accomplished. In most
cases, particularly with inexperienced participants, this guidance will at first be rather
important, but will diminish as the participants gain knowledge and experience.
The very philosophy behind participatory research demands that the participants are
called on to use their own capacities. A fundamental aim of the research supervisor must
be that they prepare the participants in such a way that the participants can take over the
work themselves when the researcher leaves the group. The researcher is nurturing the
embryo teacher-researcher.
There are three possibilities for initiating and conducting action-research in schools.
First, there is the sole teacher who feels the need for some kind of change or
improvement in such areas as teaching, learning or organisation, and will be in a position
to translate their ideas into action in their own classroom. They are both practitioner and
researcher and will integrate the practical and theoretical orientations. Second, action-
research may be pursued by a group of teachers working cooperatively within one school.
They may or may not be advised by an outside researcher.
And third, there is the situation where a team of teachers work alongside researchers
in a sustained relationship, possibly with other interested parties, like advisers, university

chapter 25 |action-research 455

departments and sponsors, on the periphery. This third possibility, though potentially
the most promising, may also be the most problematic because of the possibility of
incongruent aims and expectations by the teachers and researchers respectively.
Advocates of action-research believe that little can be achieved if only one person ts
involved in changing their ideas and practices. For this reason, cooperative research
tends to be emphasised and encouraged. It is important, therefore, that the teachers
taking part are involved, know what the objectives are, and are adequately motivated.
Another important factor concerns the organisational aspect of the school so that there
is a reasonable amount of congruence between the setting and the program to be
initiated. This can be achieved without too much discord when a program is internally
organised by the school itself.
The combination of a teacher with a researcher seems a useful way to get action-
research on the road, since the successful teacher is continually seeking to understand
what is taking place in the classroom and why, in order to make the best provision for
students and to intervene in their work in the most suitable manner, as well as in order
to evaluate the teacher’s own performance.
There is a danger in the ‘outsider’ or ‘consultant’ or ‘facilitator’ role, even by a
researcher committed to the action-research philosophy. The ‘self-reflective spiral’ of
cycles of planning, acting, observing and reflecting in action-research are tasks primarily
for the participants in educational situations who, by their practices, construct and
constitute these situations as educational, transform them by transforming their own
practices, and live with the consequences of the transformations they make. The
‘outsider’ researcher who may interpret or inform these practices, but does not constitute
them, has limited power to transform them, and rarely lives with the consequences of
any actual transformations that occur.

Who should ‘control’ classroom research? Why?

Because teachers do tend to find one way of doing things as they advance in years,
action-research has been much more successful in the primary school than in the senior
high school. There are many other factors which may be responsible for this. The
departmental feeling is probably stronger in high school than in the primary school and
there is a strong possibility that ifahigh-school teacher attempts some action-research
in their subject area, other members of the subject team may feel threatened, or believe
that the syllabus is being neglected. Also, the high school teacher probably handles more
pupils per day and has them for shorter periods of time than does the primary teacher.
This means less interaction with each pupil. As a result, the primary school teacher is
perhaps in a more favourable position to involve themselves in action-research. They are
not bound in tight subject matter compartments, remember more of their own academic
training, and are still selecting teaching methods and materials from a fairly wide
Favourable conditions for action-research would include:

456 part 3 |qualitative methods

¢ awillingness on the part of a teacher to invest time in efforts associated with research
and change;
* a mutual trust between researcher(s) and participants; and
* a recognition of the importance of professional development. Advocates of action-
research also suggest that ‘the principal justification for the use of action-research in
the context of the school is improvement of practice’.
These considerations suggest that the most appropriate type of classroom in which to
operate the teacher-researcher strategy would be an ‘informal’ classroom. By ‘informal’ is
meant, in very general terms, a classroom in which there is a relatively high degree of
autonomy on the part of the students, a flexible approach towards the allotment of time
to the different areas of the curriculum and a relatively high priority given to work in
which the students are able to interpret meaning and context in their own individual ways.

The use of triangulation in action-research

Triangulation involves gathering accounts of a teaching situation from three quite
different points of view; namely, those of the teacher, the students, and a participant-
observer. Who in the ‘triangle’ gathers the accounts, how they are elicited, and who
compares them, depends largely on the context.
The teacher is in the best position, via introspection, to gain access to their own
intentions and aims in the situation. The students are in the best position to explain how
the teacher’s actions influence the way they respond to the situation. The participant-
observer is in the best position to collect data about the observable features of the
interaction between teachers and students.
Triangulation can not only foster dialogue between outside-researcher and a teacher-
researcher; it can also foster three-way discussion and develop research potential in
The teacher should be interviewed before the pupils, as it is less threatening to the
teacher. The teacher tends to feel freer to say what they want because they are not worrying
about how the interviewer’s questions are influenced by what the students have said to the
interviewer, and whether the teacher’s own account ts wildly different from the students’
accounts. The problem with interviewing the teacher first is that it can create an over-
structured interview with the students and limits a focus on the student concerns.
The participant-observer can also exercise the initiative in negotiating the teacher’s
access to student accounts, only interview students with the teacher’s permission, and
make it clear that teacher access would have to be negotiated with students. Prior to an
interview with students, they should be told that honest accounts are sought and that in
order to ensure this, they have control over the teacher’s access. Many student groups
demand some reassurance from teachers that they would discuss their accounts with
them and not react overdefensively to what was said.

What is the role of the ‘outside researcher’ in action-research?

chapter 25 | action-research 457

Action-research is the application of fact-finding to solving practical problems. It is situational,
collaborative and participatory. Action-research involves teachers as generators of knowledge in a
bottom-up approach to professional development with the professional researcher as the resource
person for the teacher.

Kemmis, S., & Grundy, S. (1981), ‘Educational Action Research in Australia’. Paper presented at
annual conference of AARE, November, Adelaide.
Lewin, K. (1952), ‘Group decision and social change’ in eds T. Newcomb & F. Hartley, Readings in
Social Psychology, Holt, New York.

Further reading
Atweh, B., Kemmis, S. & Wecks, P. (1998), Action Research in Practice, Routledge, London.
Ball, S. (1985), ‘Participant observation with pupils,’ in Strategies of Educational Research, ed. R.
Burgess, Falmer Press, Philadelphia.
Burgess, R. (ed.) (1984), The Research Process in Educational Settings: Ten Case Studies, Falmer Press,
Carr, W. & Kemmis, S. (eds) (1986), Becoming Critical: Education, Knowledge and Action-research,
Falmer Press, London.
Clandinin, D.J. (1986), Classroom Practice: Teachers’ Images in Action, Falmer Press, London.
Connell, R.W. (1985), Teachers’ Work, George Allen & Unwin, Sydney.
Croll, P. (1986), Systematic Classroom Observation, Falmer Press, London.
Deakin University, (1988), The Action-research Reader, Revised edn, Geelong, Deakin University
Erickson, F. (1986), “Qualitative methods in research on teaching.’ in Handbook of Research on
Teaching, ed. M.C. Wittrock, Macmillan, New York.
Goswami, D. & Stillman, P. (eds) (1987), Reclaiming the Classroom: Teacher Research as an Agency for
Change, Boynton Cook, Upper Montclair, New Jersey.
Gregory, J.P. (1989), Action-Research in the Secondary School, Routledge, London.
Hart, E. & Bond, M. (1995), Action-Research for Health and Social Care, Open University, Milton
Hustler, D., Cassidy, T. & Cuff, T. (eds) (1986), Action-Research in Classrooms and Schools, Allen &
Unwin, Boston.
Kilpatrick, J. (1988), ‘Educational research: Scientific or political,’ Australian Educational Researcher,
15(2), pp. 13-30.
Mohr, M. & Maclean, M. (1987), Working Together: AGuide for Teacher Researchers, National Center
of Teachers of English, Urbana, IL.
Nias, J. & Groundwater-Smith, S. (1988), The Enquiring Teacher: Supporting and Sustaining Teacher
Research, Falmer Press, London.
Walker, R. (1989), Doing Research: A Handbook for Teachers, Routledge, Cambridge.
Whyte, W. (ed.) (1991), Participatory Action-research, Sage Publications, Newbury Park.

458 part 3 |qualitative methods

Case studies

Case study research is not new. Significant cases are central to the world of medicine and
law, and have long been included in the disciplines of anthropology, psychology, political
science, social work and management.
The case study has had a long history in cducational research and has been used
extensively in such areas as clinical psychology and developmental psychology. For
example, both Freud and Piaget typically used case studies to develop their theories.
Criticism of their techniques damaged the case study approach, but the increased
acceptance of qualitative research and, in particular, participant observation has, as a
corollary, revived the acceptability of the case study.
The case study has unfortunately been used as a ‘catch-all’ category for anything that
does not fit into experimental, survey or historical methods. The term has also been
used loosely as a synonym for ethnography, participant observation, naturalistic inquiry
and fieldwork. This has occurred because case study is a method that can be usefully
employed in most areas of education from a historical case study of a particular school
y ofa particular child in psychology, counselling, special education, social
work, or a psychological process, such as Ebbinghaus’ work on himselfin the field of
memory, to sociological case studies involving the role ofa particular pressure group or
religious order on education provision or the hidden curriculum in a specific private

The case study is rather a portmanteau term, but typically involves the observation of
an individual unit, e.g. a student, a delinquent clique, a family group, a class, a school,
community, an event, or even an entire culture. It is useful to conceptualise a
continuum ofunit size from the individual subject to the ethnographic study. It can be
simple and specific, such as ‘Mr Brown, the Principal’, or complex and abstract, such as
‘Decision-making within a teacher union’. But whatever the subject, to qualify as a case
study it must be a bounded system—an entity in itself. A case study should focus on a
bounded subject/unit that is either very representative or extremely atypical.
The key issue in deciding what the unit of analysis shall be is to decide what it is you
want to be able to say something about in the report. As a sociologist you may wish to
focus on roles, subsystems, etc; as a psychologist you would tend to focus on individuals;
with an interest in educational management you could focus on change in a particular
establishment, the implementation of a particular program, or decision-making processes
of a board of school governors, etc.
A case study is not necessarily identical to naturalistic inquiry. Many are studies of
persons or events in their own environment with rigorous research design, but others are
not. A researcher’s report of observations of a school board is usually naturalistic, but the
school psychologist’s report of special tests on a child is a formal, not naturalistic, study.
While a case study can be either quantitative or qualitative—or even a combination
of both due to the constraints of asample of one or a single unit being studied, with the
restrictions that brings for statistical inference—most case studies lie within the realm
of qualitative methodology. Case study is used to gain in-depth understanding replete
with meaning for the subject, focusing on process rather than outcome, on discovery
rather than confirmation.
A case study must involve the collection of very extensive data to produce
understanding of the entity being studied. Shallow studies will not make any
contribution to educational knowledge. One study the writer is aware of involved
interviewing a teacher for several hours and observing the teacher teach for two periods.
The case study is the preferred strategy when ‘how’, ‘who’, ‘why’ or ‘what’ questions
are being asked, or when the investigator has little control over events, or when the focus
is on a contemporary phenomenon within a real life context. In brief, the case study
allows an investigation to retain the holistic and meaningful characteristics of real life
events. The main techniques used are observation (both participant and non-participant
depending on the case), interviewing (unstructured and structured), and document
analysis. In a case study the focus of attention is on the case in its idiosyncratic complexity,
not on the whole population of cases. It is not something to be represented by an array
of scores. We want to find out what goes on within that complex bounded system.

Purposes of the case study

1 Firstly, they are very valuable as preliminaries to major investigations. Because they
are so intensive and generate rich subjective data they may bring to light variables,
phenomena, processes and relationships that deserve more intensive investigation. In
this way a case study may be a source of hypotheses for future research by showing
that things are so, or that such an interpretation is plausible in a particular case and
therefore might be so in other cases. As a pilot study, methods, approaches or policies
are tried out to see what the difficulties are that need to be dealt with before the main

460 part 3 |qualitative methods

study is attempted. Clearly such use must assume that the case is representative in at
least some ways to others, or the exercise would be pointless. Conclusions reached are
instrumental rather than terminal.
2 Secondly, observation case studies may have the aim of probing deeply and analysing
intensively the multifarious phenomena that constitute the life cycle of the unit, with
a view to establishing generalisations about the wider population to which the unit
belongs. Case studies fit many purposes, but most case studies are based on the
premise that a case can be located that is typical of many other cases. Once such a case
is studied it can provide insights into the class of events from which the case has been
drawn. Of course, there is no way of knowing how typical the selected case really is,
and it is therefore rather hazardous to draw any general conclusions.
3 Thirdly, a case study may provide anecdotal evidence that illustrates more general
4 Fourthly, a case study may refute a universal generalisation. We are considering here
the critical case which is used to confirm, challenge or extend a theory. A single case
can represent a significant contribution to theory building and assist in refocusing the
direction of future investigations in the area.
A Fifthly, a case study is preferred when the relevant behaviours cannot be manipulated.

6 Finally, a case study may be valuable in its own right as a unique case. This is often
the position in clinical psychology or in special education, where a specific disorder,
behaviour manifestation or physical disability is worth documenting and analysing;
or in a school setting where an occasional event such as a teacher being charged for
assault by a pupil, or the planning of shared resources by a primary and secondary
school on the same site would be of interest. The case study may be the best possible
source of description of unique historical material about a particular case seen as
inherently interesting in its own right. Gruber’s (1974) study of Darwin and the
processes by which he arrived at the theory of evolution is an example of this.

Types of case study

Historical case studies
These studies trace the development of an organisation/system over time. A study of the
development of an experimental school such as Summerhill or of a denominational church
school, or of the development of a curriculum, would be examples. This type of case study
depends heavily on records, documents and interviews. One must be sure that the necessary
documents and records are available, and that you can have access to them to do some
preliminary checking as to who is available to interview and what documents have been

Observational case studies

These studies often focus on a classroom, group, teacher or pupil, often using a variety
of observation and interview methods as their major tools. Case study researchers are
rarely total participants or total observers. Although it has been a tenet of faith of the

chapter 26 |case studies 461

qualitative school that the aim is to get inside the perspective of the participants, it is not
always possible. In any case, there are many times when the spectator or television viewer
gets a better perspective on what is going on than an individual player.
The parts of an organisation that can become a focus for an observational case study
* aclassroom, a cafeteria, or other specific place;
* a specific group of people, such as members of the school choir, the science
department teachers;
* some activity of the school such as annual prizegiving night or sports day.
Some case studies may use a combination of these focuses. In a case study of a high
school one could focus on leadership assignment (an activity) among Year 12 (a group).
Picking a focus, be it a place in school, a particular group, or some other aspect, is always
an artificial act, for you break off a bit that is normally integrated into the whole. The
qualitative researcher tries to take into account this relationship of the part to the whole,
but out of necessity narrows down the subject matter to make the research manageable.
The distortion is reduced by choosing a naturally existing unit that the participants may
see as distinct, and which the observer recognises has a distinct identity of its own. A
good physical setting to study is one that the same people use in a regular and consistent
way, e.g. staff room, governing body meeting, morning assembly, basketball training
sessions, etc.
Crucial to any successful case study of a group is the definition of the group as a unit
which separates it in some way from the general population. You must make sure that
they are not just people of the same age, sex, or other attribute, but actually identify with
each other, share expectations and interact in a close way.
All science teachers in a school may not form a group in that they have different
friendship groups in the staff room, and rarely interact except on a formal level to ensure
that the science curriculum is taught. Of course, it may be that you are interested in why
the staff with similar academic interests do not form a group. But it does depend on your
particular focus as to what will serve you best as a group. Examples of case studies
involving a group as the unit include Helson’s (1980) study of creative women
mathematicians, and Bernard’s (1966) study of women university staff.
A community may be a distinct social unit that functions within a culture, such as
Srole’s (1977) study of mental health in Manhattan. In studying an entire culture as a
group we enter into the world of ethnography again. A useful example here is Gorer’s
(1955) investigation of the British character.
Participant observation is the usual technique in the group case study, but make sure
your group has sufficient members in it so that you don’t stick out like a sore thumb.
With a small group there is more danger of your changing their behaviour by your
This has been a major concern. The ideal has been to ensure that the observer has a
neutral effect. As this ideal is unlikely to be met, the question in reality becomes how able
we are to monitor the effects of the observer and take them into account. The major
alterations of subjects’ behaviour are well known in psychology and involve participants,

462 part 3 |qualitative methods

inter alia, producing socially acceptable behaviour; behaviour they believe the observer
wishes to record or behaviour based on subjective interpretation of feedback from the
observer; or deliberately trying to mislead the observer, which is all too common with
atolescent or deviant groups. However, many deeply entrenched customs, practices and
routines built wp over many years will not alter very much in the presence of an observer.

Oral history
These are usually first person narratives that the researcher collects using extensive
interviewing of a single individual, for example, the development of a program for deaf
children as seen by a teacher closely associated with the scheme, or a retired person
recounting how they were taught in the early part of this century. The feasibility of this
approach is mostly determined by the nature of the respondent. Do they have a good
memory? Are they articulate? Do they have the time to spend with you? Often the
researchers does not have a person in mind but meets a person as they are exploring the
topic who strikes them as a good subject on the basis of initial conversations.

Situational analysis
Particular events are studied in this form of case study. Often the views of all participants
are sought as the event is the case. For example, an act of student vandalism could be
studied by interviewing the student concerned, the parents, the teacher, the local
magistrate, witnesses, etc. When all these views are pulled together they provide a depth
that can contribute significantly to the understanding of the event. Interviews,
documents and other records are the main sources of data.

Clinical case study

This approach aims to understand in depth a particular individual, such as a child having
problems with reading, a newly immigrant child in their first term at school, or a teacher
with disciplinary difficulties. Such case studies usually employ detailed interviews, non-
participant observation, documents, records and even testing, with a view to
understanding the problem and identifying possible treatments. Often the individual
case study or a collection of individual case studies is used to define the typical case.
Well-known examples include Jones’ (1924) classic study of deconditioning Albert,
Bacharach’s (1965) study of an anorexic, and Piaget's (1929) studies of cognitive growth.

Multi-case studies
A collection of case studies, i.e. the multi-case study, is not based on the sampling
logic of multiple subjects in one experiment. If the cases are not aggregated it is
convenient to apply the term ‘case study’ to such an investigation. It is a form of
replication, i.e. multiple experiments. If you had, for example, access to three cases
of a very rare psychological syndrome, the appropriate research design is to predict
the same results for each case—the replication logic. This logic argues that each case

chapter 26 |case studies 463

must be selected so that it either produces contrary results for predictable reasons or
produces similar results. The outcome will demonstrate either compelling support
for the initial propositions or a need to revise and retest with another set of cases,
in exactly the same way as scientists deal with disconfirming experimental findings.
A useful example of the multi-case method is Szanton’s Not Well Advised (1981),
which studied the experiences of university researchers attempting to provide advice to
city officials. Eight cases are used to show how different university groups failed to help
cities. A further five cases of non-university groups which failed are also analysed. The
conclusions were that failure was not inherent in university endeavours only, and a third
group of successful university cases revealed that success was associated with
implementation and not advice alone.
Multi-case designs can be considered advantageous in that the evidence can be more
compelling. However, the conduct ofamulti-case study requires more time and effort
than most investigators can spend.

Planning the case study

The general design of a case study is best represented by a funnel. The start of the study
is the wide end—trawling around, scouting for possible places and people who might be
the subject or source of data, looking for clues on how to start, and the feasibility of it
all. A choice having been made, a more detailed exploration begins with the chosen case.
A focus develops and data collection narrows down.
In case studies there are four main components to the research design:
1 Initial case study questions—these are who, what, where, when and how, and must
be clarified and stated succinctly before moving on, e.g. how and why do educational
organisations cooperate with one another to provide joint services? This is the question
the case study is seeking to answer and provides the focus for the study. Without
at least one initial question to which you wish to find the answer, no start can be
2 Study proposition—each proposition directs attention at something that should be
examined within the scope of the study. For instance, the how and why examples in
component 1, above, are too vague. You still need to specify some succinct
propositions that will enable the questions to be answered, e.g. educational
organisations collaborate because it is cheaper to run joint courses. This proposition
directs you to look for specific evidence.
3 Unit of analysis—this component is concerned with defining what the ‘case’ really
is. While the proposition has narrowed down the focus and provided something to
tackle, the actual context, person, or event needs stating. For example, we may restrict
our case in | and 2 above to one particular joint venture between two specific
institutions. As another example, a proposition that claims there is a relationship
between parenting behaviour and adolescent peer relationships needs to be vastly
narrowed to a specific case. Without this, the investigator will have no bounded
system and will be tempted to collect everything that randomly may have a bearing
on the issue. Many investigators have confused a case study of a neighbourhood with

464 part 3 |qualitative methods

a case study ofasmall group. Street Corner Society (Whyte 1943) is a study ofagroup,
not a neighbourhood. Once the case has been established, then other units of analysis
become apparent. If the unit is a group, then the persons to be included in the group
must be established.
4 Linking data to propositions and criteria for interpreting findings—the fourth
component is least well developed and relates to the data analysis step.

You have already been introduced to probability sampling in chapter 6. However, non-
probability sampling is more often applied in a case study. The difference is that in
probability sampling one can specify the probability of including an element of the
population in the sample, make estimates of the representatives of the sample, and
generalise the result back to the population. In non-probability sampling, there is no way
of estimating the probability of being included; there is no guarantee that every element
has had an equal chance of being included, or that the case is representative of some
population; and therefore there is no validity in generalising the account.
The usual form of non-probability sampling is termed purposive, purposeful or
criterion-based sampling, that is, a case is selected because it serves the real purpose and
objectives of the researcher of discovering, gaining insight and understanding into a
particularly chosen phenomenon. This sort of sampling is based on defining the criteria
or standards necessary for a unit to be chosen as the case. A blueprint of attributes is
constructed and the researcher locates a unit that matches the blueprint recipe. Table
26.1 lists some types of cases often sought in purposive or criterion-based sampling.

TABLE 26.1 Some ways ofchoosing the purposive case unit

Initial case
Typical Profile of average case made and instance sought, e.g. pupil
who passed end-of-year examinations with average marks.
Extreme/deviant After norm is established, extreme case sought to enable
comparison to be made, e.g. pupil who failed all end-of-
year examinations.
Convenient Available.
Comprehensive Review of all available instances before choice made.
Quota Arbitrary number of individuals/events/contexts to form
case, e.g. the last five physically handicapped pupils
mainstreamed in the school.
Network Case collected by participant referral, e.g. single parent
names another single parent known to them and so on.
Unique Rare, such as hardened criminal with PhD.
Reputational Chosen on recommendation of expert/news report, etc.
Ideal Profile developed of most effective, desirable, best instance
then search for real world case.
Subsequent case
Discrepant/negative Often chosen subsequently to show contrast.

chapter 26 | case studies 465

Internal sampling
By internal sampling, we mean the decisions you make once you have a general idea of what
you are studying, with whom you wish to talk, what settings are involved, what documents
are required, etc. Decisions and choices you will make determine the sort of data you
eventually end up with. Even the time of day you visit or interview will affect the
outcome. For example, schools are very different places at 9.00 a.m. compared to 3.00
p.m., as school routines, timetables and tiredness levels will reveal. Even different times
of the year will show variation, as examinations, sports day and vacations, etc. play their
But whatever choices you make at the outset and during your case study they must
be made in the context of the study and relate to the purpose of the study. The choices
logically flow from both the premises of qualitative approaches and the contingencies of
the study, as these become apparent in the course of the work. You must often step back
and ask, ‘IfIdo it this way what am I missing, what am I gaining?’. The more you are
aware of the ramifications of the choices, the more likely you will choose wisely.

The length of a case study

The amount of time you have available can often determine the range and limits of your
case study. The case study can be quite time-consuming. After collecting data for a while
you get a feel for whether you have under- or overestimated your time allowance. You
can adjust it by extending the scope and depth, or narrowing the focus. Many case study
researchers gauge when they have finished by what they term ‘data saturation’, or the
point at which the data coming in become redundant. Remember too that the study has
to be written up, and by staying on the study too long you will have far more material
than you can analyse.

Case study protocol

The case study protocol contains the procedures and rules that should be followed in the
study. It increases the reliability of the study by ensuring the standard procedure is
followed, an essential if several persons are to do the interviewing or observing. The
protocol should contain the purpose of the study, the issues, the setting, the propositions
being investigated, the letter of introduction, review of theoretical basis, operational
procedures for getting data, sources of information, questions and lines of questioning,
guidelines for report, relevant readings and bibliography.

Name a topic you think is a valuable one for a case study. Identify three major questions
your study would try to answer. Try to rewrite these as propositions that are amenable
to being supported or refuted by evidence.

466 part 3 | qualitative methods

Sources of evidence
A variety of documents are likely to be used by a case study investigator. They would
include letters, agendas, minutes, administrative reports, files, books, diaries,
budgets, news clippings, photographs, lists of employees/pupils, etc. It is essential
to remember that these documents may not be accurate or lack bias, and that they
have been written with a specific audience in mind, for a specific purpose. In fact,
many are deliberately edited before issue. But they are important as another way to
corroborate evidence derived from other sources. They may specify events and issues
in greater detail than interviewees can.

These are one of the most important sources of information. Chapter 24 Unstructured
Interviewing and chapter 30 Structured Interview and Questionnaire Surveys cover
interviewing in considerable detail. Interviews are essential, as most case studies are about
people and their activities. These need to be reported and interpreted through the eyes
of interviewees who provide important insights and identify other sources of evidence.
Most commonly, case study interviewers use the unstructured or open-ended form of
interview, so that the respondent is more of an informant than a respondent. The case
study investigator needs to be cautious about becoming too dependent on one respondent
and must use other sources of evidence for confirmatory and contrary evidence.
Case study workers will also use the focused interview in which a respondent is
interviewed for about one hour on a specific topic, often to corroborate facts already
gleaned from other sources. The questions are usually open-ended with a conversational
However, at times a more structured interview may be held as part of a case study. For
example, as part of a case study of a neighbourhood creche some formal survey might
be taken of its use by different ethnic groups or family types. This could involve sampling
procedures and survey instruments. But it would form only one source of evidence,
rather than the only source of evidence as in a survey.

Participant and non-participant observation

Both participant and non-participant observation can be used in case studies. Participant
observation has been well developed in ethnographic studies, as chapter 23 details. As
observers take a role and involve themselves in the group or activity being studied, often
without the other members being aware, unusual opportunities for collecting data that
might otherwise not be collected are available. For some topics there may be no other
way than to observe through being involved as a participant. This also gives the
opportunity to perceive reality from the viewpoint of an insider.
The major problems associated with participant observation are concerned with
potential for bias. The investigator may become too closely involved and lose
detachment, or assume advocacy roles detrimental to unprejudiced reporting.

chapter 26 |case studies 467

One researcher became one of a Glasgow gang he was studying. Born and bred
in Glasgow, his role remained hidden from other members of the group in whose
activities he participated for four months. Such complete anonymity is not always
possible and cover is not always a prerequisite of participant observation. Another
investigator, studying a downtown Liverpool adolescent gang, made it generally
known that he was waiting to take up a post at the university. In the meantime he
was ‘knocking around’ as an unemployed person during the day with the lads and
frequenting their pub at night, rapidly establishing himselfas an OK person. ‘I was
a drinker, a hanger around and had been tested in illegal business matters, and could
be relied on to say nothing since I knew the score.’ Willis (1977) in a study of the
first months of employment worked alongside each boy in industry for a short
On the other hand, a non-participant observer stands aloof from the case being
investigated and eschews group membership. This is obviously necessary where it is
impossible to be a member of the case study group, e.g. a pre-school group. King
(1978) acted as an adult observer in his case study of an infant classroom. He describes
how he deliberately established his non-participant status:
I rapidly learnt that children in infant classes define any adult as another teacher or teacher
surrogate. To avoid being engaged in conversation, being asked to spell words or admire
pictures, I evolved the following technique. To begin with I kept standing so that physical
height created social distance . . . Next I did not show immediate interest in what the
children were doing or talk to them. When I was talked to I smiled politely and referred the
child to the teacher... Most importantly I avoided eye contact; if you do not look you will
not be seen (1978, p. 24).

Participant and non-participant observations can range from the casual to the
formal. In the formal mode the observer will measure the incidence ofvarious types of
behaviour during certain time periods. This might involve observations in classrooms,
play areas, staff meetings or games arcades. This form of observing will give rise to
some quantitative data. The casual mode may be ad hoc observations made during a
visit when other evidence is being obtained. It is fairly easy to notice such items as how
staff greet each other, how staff divide into subgroups in a staff room while having a
tea break, the condition of equipment, pupil behaviour in corridors, etc. These
impressions and perceptions add to the flavour of the context and to the possible events
that may need further study by interview or more formal observation. Photographs are
a useful extra that can help convey site or behavioural characteristics to a report. The
use of more than one observer is recommended in order to increase reliability of the

Artefacts may be a technological device, a tool, a work of art, etc. Computer printouts
can be used to assess the use of computers by students and the applications of computers
in the classroom.

468 part 3 |qualitative methods

Principles of case study data collection
1 Use multiple sources. It is a poor study that uses only one source of evidence. Most
studies are capable of producing several sources. The use of multiple sources is the
major strength of the case study approach. Much lauded experiments are often
concerned solely with measurement of the IV and DV.
Multiple sources allow for triangulation (p. 419) through converging lines of
inquiry, improving the reliability and validity of the data and findings. Corroboration
makes a case study report more convincing.
However, using multiple sources places considerable pressure on case study
investigators. They have to be competent in carrying out a range of data collection
methods—interviewing, observation, analysing records, survey questionnaires.
2 Maintain a chain of evidence. The reader of a research report should be able to trace
the chain of evidence, either from initial research questions to conclusions, or from
conclusions back to initial research questions. In a case study, evidence should be
built up from multiple sources if possible and shown to be congruent with the
conclusions; almost like a criminological investigation. The evidence should also be
stated and specific observations, documents and interviews cited.
3 Record data. On-site recording can range from sketchy notes to the minute detail
encoded on video or tape. If a few notes are taken at the time, it is imperative that full
notes be written up as soon as possible after the observation in view of the fallibility
of human memory. A useful way to aid later recall is to focus observation on a specific
person, interaction or activity, note key words and actions, and concentrate on the first
and last remarks in each conversation.
It is also useful to draw a diagram of the setting, tracing movements through it, or
seating positions or suchlike, if appropriate. Be more concerned with remembering the
substance of conversations rather than a perfect reproduction. The actual content of
any observation should include verbal descriptions of the setting, the people and the
activities; the substance of what was said and who said it; the observer's comments,
feeling, reactions and interpretations.

Skills needed by the case study investigator

1 The person needs to be able to formulate relevant and precise questions that enable
the data to be extracted from the subject. Some of these questions cannot be prepared
in advance, so clear insight must be used to know what line of questioning to follow,
and how to dig deeper after a tentative or unexpected response.
2 The investigator needs to be a good listener, observing and sensing, as well as using
their ear. In other words, they are attentive to all the cues and information being
given. Mood and affective elements are as important as the actual words. Reading
between the words and valid interpretation is necessary, without being trapped by
preconception and ideology.
3 Adaptiveness and flexibility is a vital trait, as few case studies ever proceed exactly as
planned. Inevitably, changes are made as new evidence comes to light and the focus
can even change. Unexpected situations are new opportunities, not threats.

chapter 26 |case studies 469

4 The investigator must have a grasp of the issues they are studying. Without this,
important points and issues can be missed. Recording data is not a mechanical act.
The investigator must be aware immediately if several sources of information are at
variance with one another and lead to the need for more evidence.
5 Lack of bias is essential to prevent an investigator interpreting evidence to support a
preconceived position. Openness to contradictory evidence is a must.
There are two seemingly incompatible qualities that the case study exponent must
employ. They must know how to observe, allowing the subject to talk freely, and at the
same time be alert for something definitive that may relate to a hazy hypothesis which
they are seeking to check. The following suggestions reduce the chance of having the
individual tell you what you want to hear, or come to perceive the situation from your
own perspective because of the way you state the question:
¢ Minimise direct questions and use non-directive probes, e.g. “What happened next?’,
‘What do you think?’.
¢ Use words, terms and structures used by the respondent.
¢ Join in the conversation as a relatively disinterested participant while other members
of the group talk, influence, argue and decide.

Identify some incident that has occurred to you recently. How would you establish the
facts of the incident? Who would you interview? Are there any documents to rely on?


To what extent do you think a case study is distinguished from other methods of
educational research by the techniques it employs?

Analysing case study data

Case study notes
For most studies, notes are the most common form of data and may have been derived
from interviews, observations and documents. They may be in the form of written or
typed notes in a pad, diary or index card, audio tapes, computer disks, video/film. These
notes should be organised as an ongoing process so that as the study progresses the
investigator has some sense of the direction in which it is going, and the confirmations
and contradictions that are arising. The building up of the case record facilitates the
later writing of the report. An annotated bibliography of documents should be built up
as they are collected. Narratives taken verbatim from interviews should be content
analysed as soon as possible. Chapter 24 shows how this can be done.
Once all the observations and data are in and organised chronologically or by topic,
they should be closely perused and the main aspects of the data isolated. This is the

470 part 3 |qualitative methods

beginning of the process of organising, abstracting, synthesising and integrating. Initially
a primitive classification system will be created which will be continually revised as more
data are sorted. Many researchers look initially for patterns that recur, and regularities
which can form the basis of initial categories into which can be placed units of data. Each
unit should be placed on a separate index card and coded according to the category or
categories into which it could go. An example of this task is that of trying to classify all
the data about new cars. Each item could be classified in terms of make, colour, price,
engine size, number of doors, seating capacity, safety features, etc. Many ways of sorting
the data will come to mind as they are initially scrutinised. The researcher’s dilemma is
which one will best suit their purpose and reflect the findings in the most sensible and
valid way.
As well as coding units of data by obvious factors such as who, what, where, how, and
when, the analysis involves the development of conceptual categories at a higher level in
order to integrate the material and develop theories and themes. This is a somewhat
intuitive process but it is not haphazard. It is informed by the purpose of the study, the
researcher's knowledge and the constructs made explicit in the behaviours and
verbalisation of the participants. It involves looking for regularities and contrasts. In
developing these categories at both the initial sorting and later levels, it is useful to use
small index cards on which initial content has been written. These cards are then sorted
into ‘yet to be named’ categories. Once this is done, it is possible to consider giving the
categories a name and writing a covering rule. Categorisation is complete when there is
a minimum of unassignable data items. All the categories should be congruent with the
research purpose and mutually exclusive.
In some research projects the categories might be suggested by the participants. For
example, teachers might, in their discussions with the researcher, unwittingly provide a
classification system for classroom behaviour problems; students may provide the basis
of a classification of teacher effectiveness criteria.

FIGURE 26.1 Example of an index card

°3 >N
2z x<
©z >5
Boys are favoured for prefects, as football and
& 2)
cricket count more in the Headmaster’s eyes
©2 &

©e a than drama or music. Every year Speech Day

ns= Qz brings home to me these gender distinctions
a8 =<s that this school makes. | am waiting for
is = the year when a girl is awarded the leadership
°g irs9
28 w
prize and a boy gains a poetry reading boul.
What a shock that would be to the culture
8 BA
of the school—but | think Vl be waiting in vain. ONW)
(ine Seere) (Ose eheOmm NINE,
so 69 €9 co 19 09 6S BS JS 95 SG wS ES 2 IS OS Gh BF Lh Sb Sh bh Eh cb IP

chapter 26 | case studies 471

The most useful cards are information retrieval cards which have holes punched along
their edges. By numbering or labelling the holes on a master card and then punching out
the edge of the hole where particular data exists on a card it is possible, using a knitting
needle, to draw out cards not containing data on a particular topic, as the edge of the
hole for that topic will not be punched out. Using this technique, cards reflecting single
and combinations of categories can be left after the other cards have been lifted out. For
example, statements made by ‘males who are between 30 and 45 years old’ on ‘job
satisfaction’ could be selected. Figure 26.1 shows a card coded in a number of different
ways for a verbal unit in a study on school culture. Hole 2 represents female participants;
hole 4 is for age group under 30; hole 5 represents a reference to the headmaster; hole
20 represents a reference to the prefect system; hole 28 represents a reference to speech
day; hole 32 represents a reference to gender discrimination, etc. There are computer
programs that will undertake this task too, such as The ETHNOGRAPH (p. 439) which
allows each unit of information to be classified in twelve different ways and which will
then retrieve and print by category.
Other approaches involve creating flow charts and diagrams, tabulating frequencies,
and sorting information into chronological order. But these strategies are only
preliminary data manipulations. The ultimate goal is to analyse the evidence in relation
to the original propositions and to any feasible alternative interpretations.
Thus a preferred strategy is to focus on the theoretical propositions that led to the case
study, since presumably these influenced the design, the review of literature, the research
questions asked, the sort of evidence investigated and data assembled. Thus in analysing
the data, a good test is to decide what data you would cite if you only had five minutes
to defend the proposition in your case study. Answers to ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions are
also useful in guiding the investigator in what to analyse.
Where theoretical propositions are not available, as in a descriptive case study, another
strategy is to develop a descriptive framework as a basis within which the data can be
analysed. For example, the descriptive case study of the introduction of a new curriculum
can be described as a sequence of decisions along a timeline involving such elements as
project approval, negotiation with principal, negotiation with class teacher, production
of new curriculum materials, training of teacher, using the new curriculum, and
evaluation. Within each element the relevant data can be assembled and analysed.
Whatever the study, without some logical plan the data can be so overwhelming in
volume that it would be difficult to know where to start with the analysis.
Unlike quantitative analysis there are no cookbook formulae. Much depends on the
investigator's ability to plan beforehand what they intend to do with the copious amount
of information. The analysis of case study evidence is the most difficult and least
developed aspect of the case study methodology.

Other specific modes of analysis

Pattern matching
The pattern matching strategy compares the obtained pattern with a predicted one. If
the patterns coincide and there is no pattern to fit rival alternative theories, then the case
study can claim internal validity. The important characteristic is that each potentially

472 part 3 |qualitative methods

rival theory or explanation would involve a different pattern of variables or evidence.
Hence, if one pattern is valid, the others cannot be. The variables producing these
patterns may involve several types of events or characteristics, each assessed by different
methods or measures (triangulation). The concern of the case study is the overall pattern
of events and the degree to which the pattern matches the predicted one.

Explanation building
This procedure is similar to pattern matching, in which the case study data are analysed
by building an explanation about the case. To explain a phenomenon implies stipulating
a vet of causal links about it. In most case studies, explanation building has been
employed in those producing narrative data in which explanations reflect some
theoretical propositions. The explanation building process is often iterative; that is, as
the initial proposition is compared with some initial findings it is revised and compared
with further data. This process repeats itself as many times as is needed until the
explanation and theoretical proposition fit. Thus it will be the case that the original
proposition wil) have changed in some degree as evidence is examined and new
perspectives obtained. This gradual reciprocal building up of theory and proposition
allows for the testing of rival explanations and propositions. It may seem as though the
case study investigator is trying to make the proposition fit the evidence, but the
congrucnce between evidence and theory is the vital issue and in the process alternative
theories are being tested and discarded.

Time series analysis

One of the major strengths of a case study is to trace changes over time and relate these
changes to previously enunciated theoretical propositions. For example, to study the
course of events that lead to cigarette smoking in a teenager, one might hypothesise a
sequence of events such as being friendly with others who smoke, going to evening
activities with them, being ‘encouraged’ to join in, enjoying the experience, and repeating
the experience immediately. Obviously a pattern of events can be more complicated
than this naive example, with many interacting variables. The essential logic involves a
specified event or trend specified before the onset of the investigation, versus some rival
specified trend, traced with precision over time.
Another variant of the time series does not involve the preselection of events, but an
analysis of chronological events in retrospect. This sort of study will use many sources
of evidence and cover many variables. But again the chronology must be related to some
explanatory theory which might specify inter alia some sequence to the events.

Some issues in the case study approach

Subjective bias
Many research investigators regard the case study method with disdain, viewing it as a
less desirable form of inquiry. The greatest concern has been the role of human
subjectivity when selecting evidence to support or refute, or when choosing a particular
explanation for the evidence found. It is easy for the case study investigator to allow
equivocal evidence or personal views to influence the direction of the findings and the

chapter 26 |case studies 473

conclusion. But what is forgotten is that bias can also enter into the conduct of
experiments, and in the designing of questionnaires to an unknown degree too.
In all research the interpretation of collected observations is problematic, but especially
so with case study. Content analysis will often be invoked to convert qualitative data into
quantitative, but in so doing the richness, uniqueness and contextuality of case study data
are lost. The opportunity to advance personal causes and views is strong, while external
checks are weak.

A second concern is that case studies provide very little evidence for scientific
generalisation. This objection is where a case is studied to provide a basis for inference
to points not directly demonstrated and with relevance to cases not studied. It has been
a common feature of literature critical of the case study method to assume that
generalising theory is the only worthwhile goal. A frequently heard complaint is, ‘How
can you generalise from a single case?’. Of course, the same question could be raised
about experiments. ‘How can you generalise from a single experiment?’ In fact, scientific
facts are rarely based on one experiment, but on replications that produce consistent
results. The short answer is that case studies, like experiments, are generalisable to
theoretical propositions, not to statistical populations, and the investigator’s goal is to
expand theories and not to undertake statistical generalisation.
While the case study has been criticised as a weak vehicle for generalisation, its purpose
has generally not been that. Case studies are focused on circumstantial uniqueness and
not on the obscurities of mass representation. Complicating interaction effects are not
thought of as hindering understanding. The case study worker appreciates the
complexity of the environment and expects that behaviour is a response to the Gestalt,
a response to the wholeness as perceived by the client, a response to interactions between
the subjective and objective of the situation. Every case is embedded in historical, social,
political, personal and other contexts and interpretations. Clean data sanitised by control
in experimental techniques are not true to life.
The generalisation issue is the one that raises most intellectual problems because what is
inferred is a general proposition from a sample of one. If the uniformity of nature is assumed,
then the objection disappears as any case will do to demonstrate what is true of all other cases
of the same class. This is a standard assumption in the natural sciences but perhaps non-
existent in the social sciences. Yet in psychology, for example, there are two notable examples.
Both Piaget and Freud erected general theories on the basis of unsystematically selected cases.
Piaget in many instances used his own children. He is so naive about it that in The Origins
ofIntelligence in the Child he has no discussion of method or even description of the cases
when they are first introduced; names are simply attached to the reported observations from
which general conclusions are reached. An example of Freud’s use of the case study was the
celebrated study of Little Hans, which he used to prove his theory that neuroses are caused
by repressed impulses that surface in a disguised form.
Piaget termed his method the ‘clinical method’. He is aware of his problems:
[I]t is so hard to find a middle course between systematisation due to preconceived ideas and
incoherence due to the absence of any directing hypothesis (1929, p. 69).

474 part 3 | qualitative methods

However, with the problems ofinference from a sample of one we are left uncertain
about what to expect from a teacher given a different class, or from one delinquent
gang to another. Quite a different strategy for claiming representativeness is adopted by
Lacey in Hightown Grammar (1970). This is a case study of one school. In one chapter
Lacey presents eight cases of pupils selected to illustrate the nature of the relationship
between a number of the major social factors relevant to the study. The cases are taken
one from each cell of a typology defined by three variables: parental interest,
encouragement, and achievement. Each is presented separately and then they are
compared and general conclusions drawn in terms of the resources which each family
brought to the school context. The case studies do more than illustrate points: they
represent categories. However, the author’s detailed familiarity with the institution
using participant observation and other data does give a measure of confidence to his
Many case study proponents would argue that any generalisations should be reader-
made ones. Thus, the reader decides the extent to which the researcher’s case is similar
to and likely to be instructive to theirs. Quantitative research has a tendency to increase
the authority of, and dependence on, the specialist. Conversely, case study aims at
enabling the use of the reported material to increase understanding through the
naturalistic generalisation that the readers do themselves, thus emphasising
autonomy and responsibility on the part of the practitioner. The case study investigator
is trying to facilitate the reader's own analysis more than deliver statements of

Time and information overload

A third complaint about case studies is that they are time-consuming and produce for
the investigator a massive deluge of information which is impossible to adequately
analyse. This increases the tendency to selectivity and bias. However, a case study need
not be long if it focuses on a specific person or event, and need not involve lengthy
participant observation with tomes of ethnographic fieldnotes. The solution lies in
choosing a manageable focus/theme/topic, specifying succinctly the initial proposition,
identifying the essential observational settings and/or interviewees, and analysing data as
it comes in rather than leaving it to the end.

It is impossible to establish reliability in the traditional sense. However, the notion of
reliability as applied to testing instruments can be applied to human observers. With
training and practice, the human becomes a more reliable observer. Rather than
replicability, reliability in case studies is more focused on dependability that the results
make sense and are agreed on by all concerned. Ways of establishing reliability involve
triangulation, reporting of any possible personal bias by the investigator, the existence
of an audit trail to authenticate how the data were obtained and decisions made about
data and categories.
To improve reliability and enable others to replicate your work, the steps and
procedures must be clearly explicit and well documented in the final report.

chapter 26 |case studies 475

The checks and balances of random sampling, of standardised and reliable instruments
are missing. Mainly available are the techniques of triangulation plus the commitment
to seek deliberately to disconfirm one’s own interpretations. The able case study
researcher indicates the validity of the report by giving a detailed account of how they
carried out the study. The researcher assumes the primary burden ofselecting the case,
appropriate observational techniques, interview procedure, documents, and making the
appropriate interpretations.
As with tests, the validity of the case depends on the purposes to which it is put. A
major validation may be that the case contributes to the reader’s vicarious experience,
each reader relating it to their own context and method and inferring the quality of
contribution it can make for their particular context.

Construct validity
Many case study investigators fail to develop a sufficiently operational set of measures,
and subjective judgement is used to collect the data. There are two ways of improving
construct validity. Firstly, use multiple sources of evidence to demonstrate convergence
of data from all sources. Secondly, establish a chain of evidence that links parts together.

Internal validity
This deals with the question of how well the findings match reality. However, if the
major assumption underlying qualitative research is that reality is ever-changing,
subjective in interpretation and wholistic, and not a single fixed entity, then it is not
feasible to try and measure congruence between the data collected and some notion of
reality. In a case study what is being observed is a participant’s notion or construction
of reality, their understanding of the world. What seems true may be more important
than what 7s true.
Internal validity has been assessed by a number of strategies, such as triangulation, re-
checking with participants as to observer interpretations made, peer judgement, and
long-term observation.

External validity
We need to know whether the study’s findings are generalisable beyond the immediate
case. The analogy being made is the sample-population one of quantitative methodology.
This analogy is incorrect because case studies attempt analytic generalisation in which
the investigator tries to generalise a particular set of data to some broader theory. Of
course, the theory can then be tested by replication. It is important not to confuse the
choice of a case study in which the characteristics of the person or community are the
issue with the selection of the arena. Every study has to be conducted in some setting.
The emphasis of the case study is on the characteristics of the particular case; therefore
external validity is not of great importance. A case study need not even be qualitative in
toto, as there may well be some data available on a person, although no inferential
statistics will be applied. There is, however, an implicit assumption that a case study is

476 part 3 |qualitative methods

a bounded system. It is a presentation, interpretation and investigation of detailed
information on a single unit developing idiographic interpretations. Other difficulties
associated with case study validity involve incorrect identification of the case as typical
or atypical. Is this case a valid example of what we are supposed to be studying? This
question only makes sense ifapopulation or reference group is agreed upon. Many case
study proponents argue that the understanding of the general is enhanced by the study
of the atypical. The atypical can alert us to variables and events that are often overlooked,
and the atypical case long studied may be more revealing than the brief experimental
intervention manipulating one variable. Of course, it is the researcher who has to
determine what it is they are studying—of what is this a case? Most qualitative
investigators are sceptical of conventionally defined categories anyway, and do not
assume that things called by the same name are necessarily similar.
The case study can oversimplify or exaggerate, leading to erroneous conclusions.
There is an easy seduction into thinking that case studies are accounts of the whole,
when they are no more than a slice oflife. They are limited too by the sensitivity and
integrity of the researcher.
The aim has been to understand in depth one case and not what is generally true for
most. Generalisability is often left up to the reader, who may ask, “To what extent can
I relate what is in this study to my own situation?’. This is helped by the study providing
a rich description, so that readers can see whether the study is applicable to their
situation. As a qualitative report is often written with a particular audience in mind, this
can assist in framing the depth and focus of description. Policymakers, practitioners,
funding agencies, the scientific community, or the members of the project under study
will all require a different approach in a report in terms of what could be generalised.
The audience also affects the type of report. The scientific community likes data
wrapped around a thesis. General audiences might prefer a theme. Practitioners may
relish a topic.
Another threat to validity is the reactive problem. The investigator by their presence
or actions may affect the behaviour of the observed unit but not allow for this in the
report nor interpret the observations while recording them.

Another objection is that since methodological rigour appears slight then results are
suspect and writings of case studies reveal more literary artistry than reliable and valid
explanation. Perhaps it takes longer for exponents of qualitative work to develop the
skills needed for a rigorous study. The routines and research activities are not as neat,
orderly and cookbook-like in fashion as quantitative methods.

Is generalisation necessary if a case study is to have value?

So in summary there are critical issues and questions to answer. Case study accounts can
be decried as subjective, biased, impressionistic, and lacking in precision. There are dangers

chapter 26 |case studies

in ‘going native’ and thereby losing perspective and becoming blind to the very idiosyncrasies
that are meant to be the subject of the investigation. The external validity question is hard
to answer too. How do we ever know that the results from one case are applicable to other,
on the face of it, similar cases? How was the material selected? Fears that the observer's
judgement will be affected by their close involvement with the case relate to the internal
validity of the method. How do we know that the results do represent the real thing? Of
course, there are ways to check, and we offer the methods of triangulation, snowball sampling,
and the search for exceptions, as ways of checking the representativeness of the events and
behaviours observed.
Case studies can do a variety of things. But some case studies do not do them very
well, because no particular rationale has dictated their choice. It is too easy to study a case
simply because it is conveniently handy, and hope that something of more interest will
come out of it. Case studies that start off with a case in its own right, rather than as an
instance, are more likely to uncover unanticipated findings. This openness to surprise
and availability for multiple purposes is a real strength. Except for methodological
dogmatists, there is no intrinsic reason why case studies should be regarded as more or
less powerful than other types of research, for all are subject to the competence and
diligence with which the subject(s) are chosen, the research is executed and the results
written up.
Case study material gives appeal by providing human interest, good stories and a
more humanistic mode of presentation than that of the traditional quantitative style.
Since the material must particularise, it is harder to write about it in a theoretical
abstract way.
The case study type of research has a highly reputable history, so you should have
few qualms about exploiting such a design. However, as some supervisors and external
examiners are strongly biased against the case study approach, often because of low
external validity and the absence of inferential statistics, you should check carefully
to ensure that those likely to be involved in your study are sympathetic to the

The report
The major components of the report are usually these:
* purpose of the study; the problem that gave rise to it, philosophical orientation;
* methodology including the sampling decisions, rich description of site/subject,
transaction and processes, and data collection techniques;
* presentation of the data including the patterns, themes and interpretation;
¢ validation of findings/outcomes;
* conclusions.
Figures and other displays should only be used when really integral to the discussion.
While verbatim quotations are often necessary as illustrative examples, long unedited
extracts are rarely needed. At the other extreme long, conceptual and philosophical

478 part 3 |qualitative methods

discussion should not be divorced from some real flavouring of direct quotations and
succinct descriptions. A 60/40 or 70/30 split between (1) description, data and
quotations, and (2) conceptual material is a recommended balance. A sequence of
moving from raw data through to patterns, then on to higher levels of abstraction and
interpretation is also recommended, so that connection is logically made between single
events and more abstract argument and interpretation. The well-chosen instance
becomes the concrete road sign that prevents a reader from being lost in a jungle of
detail or unable to envision the route back from a stunning conceptual analysis to gain
an illuminating retrospective view of a salient detail.

The case study design is chosen when a rich descriptive real-life holistic account is required that
offers insights and illuminates meanings which may in turn become tentative hypotheses for
further research, possibly in a more quantitative mode. The unit of study must be a bounded
system, but can range in size from an individual to a whole program/system.
Many case studies are qualitative and involve ethnographic techniques, particularly participant
observation. Sampling is usually non-probability, with the case chosen on the basis of some
relevant criterion. Data analysis involves the devising of a coding system that permits higher order
categories and conceptual analysis to develop.
Reliability cannot be established in the traditional sense, and external validity with a single case
is also unavailable. Internal validity is assessed through triangulation, peer judgement and re-
checking with participants.

Bacharach, A. (1965), “The control of eating behaviour in an anorexic’, in Case Studies in Behaviour
Modification, eds P. Ullman & L. Krasner, Holt, New York.
Bernard, J. (1966), Academic Women, World Publishing Co, Cleveland.
Gorer, G. (1955), Exploring British Character, Criterion Press, New York.
Gruber, H. (1974), ‘A psychological study ofscientific creativity’, in Darwin on Man, eds H. Gruber
& P. Barrett, Dutton, New York.
Helson, R. (1980), “The creative woman mathematician’, in Women and the Mathematical Mystique,
eds L. Fox, et al. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
Jones, M.C. (1924), ‘A laboratory study of fear’, Journal of Genetic Psychology, 31, pp. 308-15.
King, R. (1978), All Things Bright and Beautiful, Wiley, Chichester.
Lacey, C. (1970), Hightown Grammar, University of Manchester Press, Manchester.
Piaget, J. (1929), The Child’s Conception of the World, Adams and Co., New Jersey.
Srole, L. (1977), Mental Health in the Metropolis, Harper Row, New York.
Szanton, P. (1981), Not Well Advised, Ford Foundation, New York.
Whyte, W. (1943), Street Corner Society, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Willis, P. (1977), Learning to Labour, Columbia University Press, New York.

chapter 26 | case studies

Further reading
Bartlett, L. et al. (eds) (1983), Case Study Methods (vols 1-8), 2nd edn, Deakin University Press,
Merrian, S. (1988), Case Study Research in Education, Jossey Bass, San Fransisco.
Nisbet, J. & Watt, J. (1978), Case Study Rediguide No. 26, Nottingham University, School of
Education, Nottingham.
Yin, R.K. (1984), Case Study Research, Sage, London.

480 part 3 | qualitative methods


Historical research differs greatly from much of the rest of the research methods
discussed in this text. While it shares a great deal in common with qualitative
methods in its use of documents, interviews, biographies and events and their
interpretation, it may also make use of and analyse quantitative data, such as the
changing demographic origins of the teaching profession over the last century. There
is also a quest for objectivity in historical research, and it subscribes to the same
principles of validity and reliability that characterise all scientific endeavours.
History is a meaningful record, evaluation, systematic analysis and synthesis of
evidence concerning human achievement. It is not a list of chronological events like we
remember it at school. It is an integrated account of the relationships between persons,
events, times and places. For example, it is impossible to discuss the development of
programmed learning without also discussing the research of B.F. Skinner and the
dominance of the philosophy of behaviourism at the time. There may be different
emphases, but it is impossible to separate people, events, time and location. History
enables us to understand the past and the present in the light of the past. It is an act of
reconstruction, undertaken in a spirit of critical inquiry, and prevents us from re-
inventing the wheel.
Historical education research is past-oriented research which seeks to illuminate a
question of current interest in education by an intensive study of the material that already
exists. Since history deals with the past, the purpose of historical research cannot be to
control phenomenon. The research is intended to help understand, explain or predict,
through the systematic collection and objective evaluation of data relating to past
occurrences in order to explore research questions, or test hypotheses concerning causes,
effects or trends that may help to explain present or anticipate future events. The values
of historical research are:
it enables solutions to contemporary educational problems to be found in the past;
it allows re-evaluation of theories, hypotheses and generalisations held about the past,
and how and why educational theories and practices developed;
it stresses the importance of complex interactions in the actions and situations that
determine the past and present; particularly how our present educational system came
it throws light on present and future trends, particularly the guises in which
progressive ideas in education re-emerge; and
it contributes to the understanding of the relationships between politics and
education, between school and society, and between pupil and teacher.

Like other forms of qualitative research, historical research is concerned with natural
behaviour in a real situation, and the focus is on interpretation of what it means in the
context. Unlike other forms of educational research the historical researcher does not
create data, but attempts to discover data that already exist.

History and the scientific method

It can be argued that historical education research cannot be scientific:

The purpose of science is prediction; however, the historian cannot generalise on the
basis of past events. Because most past events were unplanned, and even if planned
did not develop as planned, many uncontrolled variables were present and the
influence of one or two individuals was crucial, so no replication is possible.
The historian must depend on the reported observations of other witnesses of
doubtful competence and of doubtful validity, most of whom are no longer alive.
The historian is trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle with parts missing, not knowing
what the final picture is, and in fact creating that final picture by filling in the gaps
with inferences.
The historian cannot control the conditions of observation or manipulate variables
when the events have already happened.
However, in defence it is argued that:

the historian does delimit a problem, formulate hypotheses, and raise questions to be
answered, gathers and analyses primary data, tests hypotheses as consistent or
inconsistent with that analysis and evidence, and finally formulates conclusions or
the historian may gather information from a variety of sources and vantage points
which can provide a form of triangulation.
although the historian cannot control variables, it is arguable whether other forms of
educational and social science research do so effectively, particularly in non-laboratory
studies in the classroom, playground or youth club.

482 part 3 |qualitative methods

Historical generalisation
There is dispute among historians as to whether historical research can produce
generalisations. However, many analytic scholars in other fields have proceeded to
generalise from small unrepresentative samples to the universe, including Darwin on
the origin of species, Freud on human motivation and personality development, and
Weber on the Protestant ethic. This does not make the process of generalisation any
more valid, but it shows that historians are not alone in this problematic issue. Finality
of knowledge is impossible in all areas of study, and all contain uncertainties and
inaccuracies. If the process does no more than furnish general propositions which create
focuses for future investigations to support, refine or demolish, then a valuable service
has been provided.

The historical hypothesis

Hypotheses may be formulated in historical investigations in education. We might state
that demands for university students to pay for their education come at times when
economic cycles are on the downturn, or that the British education system ceased to have
influence on Australian education after the Second World War. Evidence is gathered; its
trustworthiness is evaluated and, if the evidence is compatible with the hypothesis, the
hypothesis is confirmed.

Types of historical research

There are a number of types of historical research in the field of education, discussed below:

Biographies of educationalists, institutional histories and histories

of particular educational movements
These are very prevalent. They will not have hypotheses or raise startling new issues.
The objective is solely to describe something that has not been fully studied before.
There are countless local opportunities for such research. Such research helps us
understand how and why educational movements arose, evaluate their contribution,
and detail the fads and bandwagons that have been discarded. A study of current
practices is illuminating in that the practice might have arisen in response to
conditions no longer relevant, or the practice may be found to be one that has been
recycled from an earlier practice. An examination of many education movements
and initiatives in the past confirms that there is little new in education. The ancient
Greeks often tried it first. It is useful to discover why existing practices were
discarded. The fact is that contemporary education movements and issues usually
have a history. Examples readily spring to mind in this area, such as the privatisation
of education, attitudes towards technical or vocational education, ethnic, religious
and gender issues, access to higher education, assessment of performance, ‘back to
basics’, individualised instruction etc.

chapter 27 |historical research 483

Synthesising or comparing old data with new data to illuminate
This might involve, for example, data concerning staying on at school after the
compulsory period, changes in subject choice between the genders, changes in the
curriculum itself, or demand for private education.

Revisionist history
This is an attempt to reinterpret events that others have already studied.
As in all research, it is necessary to determine whether there is a sufficient and
accessible data base for your desired topic to permit a successful study. If there is a
surfeit of data you will need to narrow the topic down to a shorter time period or a
particular aspect. As with all types of quantitative research, the definition process
should continue as you collect and analyse the data. In doing so you may uncover
new issues and insights, or redirect the focus.

Historical research tends to be idiosyncratic, depending both on the individual doing the
research and the nature of the topic. In general however, there are six steps:
1 Identification of the topic and specification of the universe of data required to address
the problem adequately;
2 Initial determination that such data exists and is available;
3 Data collection through consideration of known data, the seeking of known data
from primary and secondary sources and the unearthing of new data and previously
unknown data;
4 [nitial writing of report;
Nn Interaction ofwriting and additional data search as gaps become apparent;
6 Completion ofinterpretative phase.

Selecting the topic

This is the most difficult part, as the topic must not be too broad or else only a superficial
account can be compiled. A limited focus on a small aspect may, on the other hand,
provide difficulties in obtaining the detailed information. One suggested way to define
a topic is to ask four questions:
1 Where do the events take place?
2 Who are the persons involved?
3 When do the events take place?
4 What kinds of human activity are involved?
By focusing on these questions a topic will emerge that is capable of being investigated
in the timeframe available and with the resources identified. A hypothesis is needed

484 part 3 |qualitative methods

which ties together some of the answers to the four questions above, or else the research
will become little more than an aimless collection of facts.

Sources of data
Four types of historical data sources are used: documents, oral records, artefacts and
quantitative records. Primary sources are documents written by a witness to the events,
whereas secondary sources are secondhand versions and therefore less accurate. Secondary
sources are used as back-up data and when primary data is not available.

Primary sources
These are records kept and written by actual participants in, or witnesses of, an event.
Examples are minutes and records of formal and informal organisations, autobiographies
and biographies, letters, diaries, census information, contracts, certificates, medical
records, community organisation/school newsletters, programs of sports/religious/
educational/social events, curriculum materials, books, films, recordings, reports,
newspapers, etc.

These are remains of a person or group and for education research could be sites or
remains of old school buildings, hospitals, industrial sites; copies of textbooks, reading
books or industrial equipment no longer used; copies of disused procedures, say for school
principals, employee rules in industry, social workers’ guidelines; old examination papers
and student projects found in cupboards; old school furniture, old medical records or
disease incidence and outdated treatment procedures, etc. These relics often give valuable
clues as to how schooling, working and daily life were conducted in the past.

Oral testimony
This is the spoken account of a witness such as a teacher, pupil, parent, governing body
member, etc. This category also includes tales, myths, ballads, songs and rhyming games
that can be obtained in personal interviews as witnesses relate their experiences and

Secondary sources
The writer of the secondary source merely reports what the person who was actually
present said or wrote. It is secondhand material and does not have as much worth
or validity as a primary source. Errors often result when information is transmitted
from one person to another. A history textbook is obviously a secondary source. A
school textbook may be either type of source. It is a secondary source when used as
a textbook, but a primary source when a researcher is studying the changes in

chapter 27 |historical research 485

emphasis given to a topic, such as the dicussion of sexually transmitted diseases in
health education textbooks over the last fifty years. Similarly, the records ofaschool
governing body meeting are a primary source if the meeting was held during the
period under research, but secondary when used as evidence in developing a history
of the school, because the minutes are being used to interpret events of that period.
Documents are the most common, and range from newspapers and committee reports
to songs, tales and ballads, and to more personal diaries, letters and memoirs. Some
documents are intentional, produced for public consumption, while others are
unpremeditated, written for personal use. The intended different purposes of the various
types of document affect the validity of the information they contain. Oral records are
subject to idiosyncratic change as stories and songs are passed down from one generation
to another. Quantitative records such as class lists, birth records and school reports are
more valid, yet may not be fully accurate. Old school texts, school rules and photographs
are other very valid historical evidence that illuminate education practices in the past.

Data collection
Those involved in historical education research cannot create new data and must work
with what already exists although some of it may be unknown at the start of the research
and only comes to light through the investigation. Much historical research is conducted
in detective-like fashion, whereby information is traced to a source, those knowledgeable
about the event or situation contacted and used as informants, and documents located.
In general, quality historical research depends on sufficient primary data rather than
secondhand data.
The particular research topic will suggest the types of data that must be sought. A
study of a local educationalist will require the location of biographical material, letters,
interviews with those who knew/were taught by/were colleagues of the person,
photographs, diaries, newspaper cuttings, etc. A study of attendance patterns in a region
would need access to school records. Most primary sources can be located in libraries,
museums, education department and university archives, and personal collections.
Information must be recorded as many records cannot be loaned. This means making
photocopies where possible or resorting to manual recording. Photographs of artefacts
are necessary.

Data analysis
Most of the data used in historical research have lives of their own, in that they were not
created in the first place for research purposes. The data were created for someone else’s
purpose or administrative function. Therefore the data may be biased, distorted and
somewhat invalid when used for other purposes. Thus the researcher must evaluate the data
in a critical way, establishing the authenticity of the source, including the date and author,
and evaluating the accuracy and worth of the statements. The central role of the historian is
the interpretation of data in the light of historical criticism. Each fact and supposition must
be carefully weighted and added to the case, leading to the research conclusion. Most
researchers organise either by date or by concept/issue.

486 part 3 |qualitative methods

Historical evidence is obtained from historical data by means of historical criticism.
This can be external, or internal, criticism.

External criticism

This establishes the genuineness or authenticity of the data. Is the document a forgery?
We may need to establish its age by examining language usage, spelling, handwriting
style. This may involve chemical tests on the ink and the paper, or on parchment, cloth,
wood and paint, depending on the sort of relic. We also need to check whether the
document or relic is consistent with the technology of the period.

Internal criticism
After authenticity has been established, we still need to evaluate the accuracy and validity
of the data. So although genuine, we need to ensure that they reveal a true picture. Were
the writers honest? Biased? Too antagonistic or too sympathetic? Were they sufficiently
acquainted with the topic? What motives did they have to write about or record the
event or person? How long after the event was the record made? Does the account agree
with other accounts? What was the purpose and in what circumstances was it produced?
Is it complete, edited, altered? Was the author an expert or lay person? How long after
the event was the document produced? Is it liable to memory distortion? Was the author
partisan—a supporter of a particular course of action?
The historian must carefully weigh the extent to which causality can be inferred and
generalisation justified. Historical evidence, like a one-shot case study, can never be repeated.
There is no control group, so one can never be sure that one event caused another. The best
that can be done is to establish a plausible connection between the presumed cause and the
effect. Similarly, the historian must assess the extent to which one educator or school was
reflective of the general pattern at that point in time. Even if bias is detected, it does not mean
that the document is useless. A prejudiced account can reveal the pressures and political
processes that were being brought to bear at the time. The principle in document analysis is
that everything should be questioned.

Writing the report

As data collection and analysis progresses, the historical researcher synthesises the data
and writes it up. This is analogous to the creation of a review of the literature, as there
are no set formulas nor prescriptions that lay down how to do it. It is a case of constantly
revising, reflecting, obtaining criticism and advice from others, in order to develop the
most logical organisation and valid conclusions from the evidence analysed. It is a
difficult task to take seemingly disparate pieces of information and meld them into a
meaningful whole.
In historical research the review of the literature is not a separate section or done
independently of the research itself. Rather it is a integrated part of the data collection,
analysis and reporting. Thus reports in historical investigations can take a variety of forms.

chapter 27 |historical research 487

Criteria for evaluating historical research
The following criteria are useful to evaluate one’s own production before submitting for
¢ Has the problem been clearly defined?
¢ Are the data of a primary nature available in sufficient completeness to provide a
solution, or has there been an over-dependence on secondary data?
¢ Has the dependability of the data been established?
° Does the author display insight into the significance of the data? Does he/she maintain
objectivity? Are the hypotheses plausible? Are they adequately tested?
* Does the style of writing inform, reflect scholarliness and make a contribution with
new data or new interpretations?

Limitations and difficulties

A major limitation is that the problem has to be delimited to make it amenable to
research. Historical research must involve a penetrating analysis of a limited problem,
rather than a superficial examination of a broad area. The weapon of the research historian
is like a target pistol, not a shotgun.
The major limitation of historical research is the opportunity to test the conclusions
in a new situation. You will recall that replication is a measure of the reliability of the
results in an experimental study. Much is so specific to the actual study situation or event
that it may well be unique.
A second limitation is that the data are always incomplete. Conclusions have to be
drawn from fragmentary evidence. This can lead to oversimplification in failing to
recognise that causes are often complex, and overgeneralisation occurs due to false
reasoning, analogy and superficial similarity of situations.
A third limitation revolves around the validity of the data used. Since the data were not
created in a controlled way as part of the research process, but were created in the past for
a variety of purposes, then much data such as diaries, letters and newspaper reports will
be biased—subjective from the point of view of the then recorder. Interviews will be
clouded by the lapse of time since the topic of the research (event/situation/person)
occurred or was around. Only where there are divergent sources of data and these converge
on a similar conclusion (triangulation) is validity demonstrated. Even here the researcher
must be wary in case agreement has occurred because all sources were influenced from one
original inaccurate source. In using documents of considerable age there is the danger of
failing to interpret words and expressions in their accepted meaning at the time of writing.
Many historians are studying events and persons from a previous age. They have to
depend on inference and logical analysis, as well as other people’s recorded observations
at the time. It is necessary to keep the biases and beliefs of those who recorded the events
in mind, as well as the social and political context in which they lived and wrote and in
which the events took place.
Moreover, all researchers bring their own perspective and personal baggage to the
problem. The historian, like the ethnographer, can create a storyline and text which,

488 part 3 |qualitative methods

while shaped by the data, could be massaged into a different history by another

Educational historical research is difficult and demanding, lacking the standard
methodology of experimental approaches. It involves considerable time searching for and
reading documents, locating individuals and travelling distances on occasion to undertake
these tasks. For these reasons, historical research is not frequent in education faculties, as
students seldom have sufficient time or financial support to do these tasks.
However, despite these drawbacks, historical research has its own special rewards. It
is fun to discover things about the past that give shape to present ideas and patterns of
thought in education, and to show the contribution ofothers, often long since dead, to
the process and achievements of education. It is the sort of research that can be pursued
alone with no rigid timetables or artificial constraints like experimental approaches. It
is a labour of love, limited only by energy and enthusiasm.

Some possible topics in educational historical research

¢ Education between 1850 and 1900 in some small town.
¢ X College in the nineteenth century.
¢ The ideas, work and influence of B, the first principal of C.
¢ Changes in the state science curriculum 1950-75.
¢ State-Commonwealth relations in education between 1960 and 1975.
¢ The development of distance education.
¢ Changing attitudes to corporal punishment in the second half of the twentieth century
in Australia.
¢ The evolution of the open plan classroom in Y state.
¢ The influence of Rousseau’s book Emile on nineteenth century educationalists.
¢ The development of the school counselling service in Z state.
* Changes in the socioeconomic composition of student applicants to P university
¢ The history of phonetic approaches to reading.
¢ Changing methods of financing universities in the period 1945--95.
¢ The development of legislation to regulate international student recruitment to
Australia between 1987 and 1995.
¢ An analysis of the treatment of Aboriginal peoples in Australian social science
textbooks 1945-95.

1 Write a proposal for a historical study in a local setting of a school or of an individual

involved in education. State an appropriate title, present a hypothesis, indicate the
primary sources of data and indicate how you would evaluate the authenticity and
validity of the data.

chapter 27 | historical research 489

2 Select a thesis of the historical type from the university library and analyse it in terms
a hypothesis proposed
b questions raised
C¢ primary and secondary sources of data
d_ external and internal criticism used
e soundness of conclusions.

Historical research is an integrated account of people, places, events and times, invoking both
qualitative and quantitative methods and data. Historical research involves a wide range of studies
from individual biographies and educational movements through to trend analysis, all undertaken
in idiosyncratic ways.
The researcher uses both primary and secondary sources of data. It is often difficult to assess
reliability and validity as the past event/person cannot be replicated, data are often fragmentary,
and authenticity may be difficult to assess. Internal and external criticism are used in an attempt
to overcome this.

Further reading
Best, J. (1984), Historical Enquiry in Education: A Research Agenda, American Educational Research
Association, Washington DC.

490 part 3 | qualitative methods

The qualitative
research report

The presentation offindings is the culmination of the qualitative research process. After
all, the purpose of research is not only to increase your own understanding, but also to
share that knowledge with others. Your efforts are wasted if you cannot disseminate the
results. Writing a report also helps you to clarify your thoughts and arguments.
But when it comes time to write up your qualitative study you can feel completely out
of control, facing too many choices: what is the order of presentation? which evidence?
active or passive voice? how long or short? etc. The reporting phase is more difficult to
do in qualitative research than in quantitative research, where there is a conventional
linear sequence to a research report which deals in a quite short and precise way with the
study for publication in a journal. Unfortunately, qualitative reports do not have a
uniformly acceptable outline. Nor do ethnographic, action-research or case study reports
usually end up as journal articles.
Because of the uncertain nature of qualitative reporting, investigators find that this
compositional phase puts the greatest demand on them. Inexperience in composing should
not deter an investigator from utilising quantitative methodology. However, much more
practice is needed than for a journal article in the quantitative mode. One indicator of whether
a person will do well at writing a qualitative report is whether they are good at and enjoy
writing essays and detailed letters. Another pointer is whether the report is seen as a chore or
an opportunity to make a significant contribution to knowledge.
A report or article based on qualitative research is not an opportunity to ‘fly a kite’;
to provide an ‘off the cuff view of an event. Rather, it should be a logical, descriptive
and analytic presentation of evidence that has been systematically collected and
interpreted. It seems formidable if viewed as a single task. It is therefore more
encouraging to break down the task into smaller sections, some of which are drafted
while the research goes on, and then place all the subtasks in sequence. No one can sit
down at the end of a qualitative investigation with blank paper and all the fieldnotes, and
start writing. The first step is to decide who the audience will be.

Who is the audience?

Qualitative reports have a more diverse audience than do formal journal articles, which
are read often only by particular subject specialists. Possible audiences for qualitative
reports include colleagues, policy makers, community leaders, specialists from other
fields who do not have a thorough background in your specialism, teachers, parents,
funding bodies, politicians, etc. (possibly a thesis examiner as well!). Each audience has
different needs, and no single report is likely to suffice.
For colleagues, the findings and how they fit into previous research may be the most
important aspect. For non-specialists, the descriptive elements portraying real life
situations, issues and feelings with implications for action are the relevant elements. For
a thesis, understanding of the theoretical issues, mastery of the methodology, and the
presentation of conclusions derived from the evidence is sought. Research funders
naturally look for the significance of the findings in practical terms. Thus, successful
communication of the report may require more than one version. The usefulness of
qualitative research studies may go well beyond the role of the normal research report.

Getting started
Novice investigators are big procrastinators. The key to decreasing the composition
problem at the end of the research phase is to commence writing and preparing the
report as the study is progressing. Don’t leave it all to the end. Re-formatting
observational notes/interview details, analysing and coding recent observations and
interviews, reviews of literature, building up a bibliography/reference file are ongoing
activities while the research continues, but are part of the report writing process. This is
the splitting up of the task into subtasks referred to above.
Report writing should start early in the conduct of the study. Certain sections of the
report will always be draftable before data collection and analysis have begun. For
example, after literature has been reviewed, a first draft of the bibliography and
methodology section can be made. Additional citations can always be added to the
bibliography, and if some are incomplete these can be tracked down as the study
proceeds rather than become a chore holding up the final report at the end.
The methodology section can be drafted early as the major procedures for data
collection and analysis should already be part of the design. The methodology section
should contain arguments and issues concerning the selection of the
cases/informants/techniques. The next section on qualitative and quantitative
information gleaned about the cases/issues can be started before analysis begins. While
the evidence should demonstrate the case convincingly, all the evidence and

492 part 3 |qualitative methods

documentation should not be placed in the text. Footnotes, appendices and a reference
list of sources and contributors are often appropriate instead. In fact, the location of the
database is simply required so it can be accessed by anyone considering a replication.
Only specimen responses or examples of the evidence need be included in the report, but
these must be critical ones or illustrate critical points.
It is worthwhile remembering too that the report is not meant to be a vehicle to
convey all the detail you have gleaned. The evidentiary base, as with the raw scores of
the quantitative report, should be stored elsewhere as a database, to be accessed by
yourself and future researchers as required.
You will eventually write several drafts before you have a report with which you are
satisfied. Paragraphs should be kept short so that they cover one point and appear
inviting to read. Quotations should be included as they ‘tell it like it is’; they encapsulate
people’s positions on issues or illuminate perspectives.
There is no standard way to write a qualitative report. The type ofinvestigation and
the sort of data produced will guide the structure, but a sound report always has a focus,
states a purpose and then fulfils the promise. There are many types of focus including a
thesis or proposition, a theme or a topic, and there may be several of these within one
study. Most crucial in deciding your specific thesis, theme or topic will be the data that
has been collected, analysed and coded. You cannot write about a focus on which you
have little evidence. One simple way of finding a focus is to look over your coding
categories and see which have yielded the greatest amount of data. If you have used the
folder method for sorting your data, pick the fattest ones.
A good report also has a beginning or introduction, a middle or a core, and an end or
conclusion. Too many reports have indeterminant, or too many, beginnings. They
resemble a train wreck rather than a line of carriages headed by an engine proceeding down
the single line track passing through one station after another to reach the destination.
Another goal is to present enough evidence to convince the reader that the investigator
has been in the field, acted thoughtfully and become steeped in the issues found there.
In multi-case studies the author must present enough evidence on each so that the reader
can accept that each has received fair treatment. So how much evidence is presented is
a decision made by the author, giving due consideration to the particulars of the research;
enough to convince, not too much that it overwhelms. A common complaint about
qualitative research is that it is lengthy, cumbersome to read and boring. The report
must be written in a succinct and clear style and engage the reader.

Structures for qualitative reports

There are nine main structures that can be used.

Linear—analytic structure
This could be considered the standard approach. The sequence follows the standard
journal report from statement of the problem, through review of literature/theory,
methodology, results and discussion. This structure is comfortable for those studies that
involve a single issue/problem/case in an explanatory, descriptive or exploratory study;

chapter 28 |the qualitative research report 493

for example, the classic single case study, action-research narrative augmented where
appropriate with tables, charts, etc.

Comparative structure
A study that compares alternative descriptions or explanations of several
cases/problems/issues, or is iterative of the same case/issue from different points of view,
or involves more complex comparisons between various subprograms of one action-
research study, would employ this approach. Each case/problem/subprogram or section
will probably be presented initially as a separate chapter with later cross-case analysis and
results. For example, this approach could be used to compare different conceptions of
how the appointment of a school principal was made from the perspectives of the
candidates, the appointment committee, the staff, etc.
In a variant of this structure, the whole of the report may consist of cross-case analysis
only with no separate sections devoted to separate cases, issues, programs, etc.
Information on different cases would, therefore, be scattered through each chapter; each
chapter dealing with a theme or proposition across cases.

Chronological structure
For the study of an event over time—for example, the introduction of anew examination
system or the integration of an immigrant pupil—a sequence of chapters covering the
early, middle and late phases of the event would be most appropriate. There is a major
problem to avoid in this approach: it is that most investigators spend too much of the
report on the introductory stages detailing early history and background and insufficient
on the later stages.

Theory-building structure
The sequence of chapters or sections in this approach will follow some theory building
logic. Each chapter or section will unravel a further part of the argument with compelling
evidence. The entire sequence should be a linked argument following through to a well-
supported conclusion.

Suspense structure
This study is presented in reverse to the usual. The outcome or conclusions are presented
first, while the remainder ofthe report is employed to support the outcome presenting
alternative explanations as required.

Unsequenced structure
This structure is often used in descriptive case studies where the sequence of chapters is
of no great importance. A descriptive study of a school might have sections on staffing
policy, student discipline and rules, role of parents and friends, groups, etc., but the
order in which each is presented is not crucial.

494 part 3 |qualitative methods

Case analysis structure
Another type of report may involve either single or multiple cases/programs/topics, etc.,
but be written up based on a series of questions and answers, the former originally set
up as specific directions leading out of the theoretical propositions underlying the
research. If there are multiple cases, the advantages are enormous, as examination of the
same question across cases is possible. This allows the writer to tailor the cross-case
analysis to different audiences who may well be interested in different questions.

Micro-ethnological structure
If you choose to do a micro-ethnography, your report must focus on intimate behaviours
ina single setting, narrowing in on more specific aspects ofinteractions in order to break
down the setting more and more. This continual breaking down and dissection of events
will form the organising sections of your report.

Macro-ethnological structure
In a macro-ethnography, you lay out the whole realm of acomplex situation, covering
all aspects that are relevant to your theme. Each section may cover a different aspect but
demonstrate its relationship to the whole.

Using the linear—analytic structure

The following detailed structure along the linear—analytic model is suggested as one that
will help most novices produce a readable and relevant report. With experience they
can branch out into more complex structures.

The introduction
This provides the general background and general statement of the problem needed to
understand the importance of the focus; in other words, what the research is attempting
to do. Placing the study in the context of current literature, theory or debate is a major
strategy here. Many investigators apply an existing theory to a study and try to extend
or refine it. For example, Hargreaves, Hestor and Mellor (1975) used labelling theory
which had been developed in the area ofsocial deviance as a way ofexplaining deviance
in the classroom.
The introduction will include, where necessary, a review of pertinent literature/theory.
The literature review is a stimulus for your thinking and not a way of summarising in
your own mind the previous work in the area that can blind you to only considering
existing concepts and conceptual schemes as in quantitative method. New findings
cannot always be fitted into existing categories and concepts, and the qualitative method
with its more open-minded approach encourages other ways oflooking at the data. The
literature review should be a sounding board for ideas, as well as finding out what is
already known and what specific methodologies have been used. Often, research reports
identify additional questions that would be fruitful to pursue.

chapter 28 |the qualitative research report 495

This review should not attempt to cover everything you have read, but summarise
with specific reference to major studies only. Do not write an article-by-article review.
From this review, establish some initial tentative propositions/theses to be the basis of
the commencing data collection. These, of course, may and probably will change as
evidence accumulates.
The selection and statement of a thesis/proposition/topic in the introduction is
essential. You need it in order to make an initial decision on the methodology, the
sources of evidence and the particular evidence you will bring to bear to evaluate the
thesis, always bearing in mind that you will show in the core of the report why and how
such initial decisions were changed as a result of the ongoing investigations and new
evidence. Without a thesis/proposition to hang everything round, you will write a
meandering conversation piece that has no aim.

The core
This makes up the bulk of the manuscript, getting its direction from the introduction,
and must explain the processes by which you obtained your data and how you
interpreted them. It usually commences with a justification and account of the research
methods used to gain the evidence. The detail of the method enables readers to evaluate
the reliability and validity of your approach. The rest of the core is concerned with the
presentation of your evidence related to the focus/theme/topic, arguing and illuminating
as you go, and, if necessary, revising your initial proposition, enlarging or changing your
focus. At all times you must ask yourself: Does this relate directly to my
focus/argument/proposition? If it does not, leave it out; it may be the theme of another
later paper, but not this one. This will keep you on track and prevent the report
becoming a receptacle for every observation, statement, document you obtained.
Other parts of the core depend on the sort of study you did, whether single case,
multi-thematic, action-research or ethnography. You may have to write comparative
sections and discuss patterns across cases. A variety of different forms of report is briefly
itemised below. But whatever the specific content of each section in the core, each should
also have an introduction, a middle and an end. The introduction will inform the reader
what that section contains and how it relates to other sections. The middle will provide
the evidence and argument, while the end will summarise and provide a link to the next
What the qualitative researcher is doing is telling a story—‘Here is what I found, and
here are the details to support that view’. Use subheadings frequently, as these help to
structure the report and may often reflect the way respondents have structured their
world. Look for places where your general statements are too dense or lengthy, and see
if you can insert a brief but telling example to break up the prose. Readers are advised
to consult chapters 23 and 24, where detailed methods of analysing observations,
interviews and survey data can be found.
Deciding what evidence to use is like a balancing act between the particular and the
general. Your writing must clearly demonstrate that your abstract ideas (summaries of
what you saw) are firmly grounded in what you saw. A good qualitative report is well
documented, with descriptions taken from the data to illustrate and substantiate the

496 part 3 |qualitative methods

assertions made. Successive concepts, themes and issues are presented and illustrated
with informants’ verbatim material. There is no formal convention used to establish
‘truth’ in a qualitative paper. Your task is to convince by summarising and quoting to
help your reader get closer to the people or events you have studied.
Only rarely will you use graphs, tables or statistical presentation. The qualitative
report is a human story rather than a cold detached set of figures. In the following
example the author, in a study of immigrants’ experiences of schooling, mixes quotations
with his own analysis:
For children who have learned to respect school and take academic study seriously, the
experience of total immersion in a foreign language environment is nothing short of
devastating. ‘I felt like a piece of wood’ says a 15-year-old boy . . . Even the simplest question
was torture. “The teacher would ask me my name and I was afraid to say my name because
they said it so much different from how I would say my name.’ This was from a 12-year-old
The quotations and the author’s interpretations intertwine to form a flowing
paragraph that integrates the particular with the general.
Another way is to present a general statement then illustrate it. For example, in a
study on how pupils evaluate teachers we get:
Another bit of evidence used to evaluate their teachers was whether the teachers’ concern and
interests in their job was visible to their students. Teachers were judged as poor if students felt
that they did not like their students or teaching. “The teacher I had the following year was a
Mrs X. And she just didn’t enjoy kids at all. She was really a mistake for the teaching
After presenting a number of examples like this, the author should round it out with
a concluding interpretation. Another way to present data is to incorporate them into the
narrative so they become part of the story.
Some of the children used to laugh at her in the third, fourth and fifth grade. But by the time
she was twelve she was strong and big so no-one ever teased her for they feared she would
pound them with her fists.
In the above example, the quotations and descriptions gained from interviews are not
isolated but integrated into a story.
To sum up, most or all the following should be covered in the core:
¢ Method. Detail the methodology and techniques used.
¢ Time and length of study.
¢ Nature and number of settings and subjects.
¢ Selection of subject(s).
¢ Change in propositions/hypotheses/direction of study.
¢ Checks on data; evidence trail.
¢ How you attempted to gain reliability and validity.
¢ Description, analysis and evidence related by argument to the propositions/thesis.
¢ Comparison between cases, where relevant.

chapter 28 |the qualitative research report 497

The conclusion
In a conclusion the thesis/focus can be restated, the argument reviewed and the
conclusions highlighted. This is followed by the implications of what you have
discovered for policy and practice. Attention is often drawn to deficiencies in
methodology in the study.
The end of the report should contain an annotated bibliography of all the
documents/records that were used, since most of these will not be presented in the report
but filed away and rarely retrieved. Such documents may form a valuable database for a
later researcher.

Review of draft report

It is useful to have the draft report read by participants and informants before it is finally
issued. Comments and queries can help to further clarify issues and points being made.
It is essential that there is agreement over the facts of the investigation, even if there is
disagreement with the investigator’s conclusions. When Whyte was completing his draft
of Street Corner Society he had ‘Doc’, the major contributor, review his work. ‘As I wrote,
I showed the various parts to Doc and went over them with him in detail. His criticisms
were invaluable in my revision’ (Whyte 1955, p. 341).
Such corrections will enhance the construct validity of the report, remove the
likelihood of falsely reporting an event and where different informants do have different
perspectives, these can be represented in the report. This review cycle can be regarded
as part of the research, as well as part of the report stage.

Should informants, events, locations, etc. be accurately identified or remain anonymous?
The most desirable option would be to identify everyone and everything, as this
disclosure enables readers to recognise the reality of the study and locate it in their own
experiences. However, privacy laws and the confidentiality that has been promised before
informants would talk, or would allow observation of events, definitely precludes this.
If you have promised confidentiality, you must follow that through. It is possible to
maintain anonymity of respondents although the context, event, location are identifiable
as individual behaviours; open-ended interview responses, etc. can be reported but not
attributed to a named individual.

The variety of reports

Qualitative reports need not restrict themselves to the structures outlined above, nor
need they restrict themselves to verbal exposition. The nature of the investigation, the
sort of evidence derived, may well dictate that a variety of other presentations will be
included, such as pictures, video tapes, audio tapes, artefacts and documents. However,
written reports do offer advantages, in that more precise information can be conveyed
about abstract concepts such as organisational structure, group interaction and
implementation, though even here, pictures can help to bring a sense of reality and

498 part 3 |qualitative methods

credibility. But while we are aware of the dangers of bias and selective interpretation
when we write, we are all less aware of the selective bias introduced through the editing
process in videos, tapes and static pictures. What has been omitted?

Helpful tips
¢ Break the report down into manageable parts.
¢ Prepare parts of the report as your research proceeds, e.g. bibliography, literature
¢ Establish the objective(s) or question(s) you wish to answer and write a summary
introduction linking general question/focus with the proposition and previous
* Go through the draft looking for words and sentences that can be left out without
changing the meaning or through elimination make the meaning clearer.
¢ Write in the active rather than in the passive voice.
¢ Use short sentences and avoid jargon.
¢ Ground your writing in specific examples.
¢ Have friends/colleagues read the draft and comment.
Remember in writing a qualitative report that there is no single conventional model—
diversity reigns. Your style of presentation should suit the topic, be comfortable to you
and, above all, present your study in a well-documented argument, providing the reader
with a rich flavour of what you investigated.
The following three research reports illustrate the way in which four particular
researchers have investigated and written up their topics. As you are aware by now,
qualitative research reports can be structured and reported on in a plethora of ways.
Even these three topics could have been written up in different ways by other
investigators. So do not feel constrained by these examples in the way in which you wish
to present your material. Remember, clarity, precision and a logical structure are
important to its readers.
The first report, ‘I feel sorry for supply teachers’ by Wood and Knight, is an example
of a mini-ethnographic study in the classroom. A lengthy literature review is avoided and
the paper simply lays down the theoretical context—pupil expectations—and the specific
issue: why pupils respond to supply teachers as they do. The methodology is outlined,
followed by selected evidence in the form of interview responses. The bulk of the paper
then relates the findings to theories and previous studies in expectation, labelling and self-
fulfilling prophecy areas. Finally, the paper makes suggestions for improving how relief
teachers are seen by pupils. It is a short and very readable piece, aimed at an audience of
teachers and education administrators.
The second report, ‘Nasr’s development as a writer in his second language: The first
six months’ by Elliott, illustrates the case study approach. The paper reports an
investigation of the development ofwriting behaviour in a second language ofone child
over a six-month period.
The developmental changes are recorded, described and analysed chronologically
within categories of genre, language skills and strategies. The argument and discussion

chapter 28 |the qualitative research report 499

are fully supported with examples of the child’s written productions. The audience
would be ESL teachers and other language educators.
The third report, ‘Dimensions of effective school leadership: The teacher’s perspective’
by Blase, is a case study that looks at effective school leadership from the subjective
perceptions of teachers, by using both structured and unstructured interviews. The study
attempts to understand the meanings that teachers have attributed to effective school
leadership. The data were drawn from the working lives of teachers as they experienced
them. This qualitative study commenced with open-ended questions and through an
inductive process produced description and theoretical ideas; in other words, grounded
theory. Thus, this research does not start off with categories into which the data is
manipulated or hypotheses are to be tested, but develops categories and hypotheses from
the data as they are analysed.

Hargreaves, D.H., Hestor, S. & Mellor, F. (1975), Deviance in Classrooms, Routledge, London.
Whyte, W. (1955), Street Corner Society, University of Chicago, Chicago.

Further reading
Clark-Carter, D. (1997), Doing Qualitative Psychological Research. From Design to Report, Psychology
Press, New York.

500 part 3 | qualitative methods

Report 1

An ethnographic study

Elizabeth Wood and John Knight

This paper examines pupils’ views and expectations of ‘supply’ teachers in case-study fashion. Given the limited
time in which supply teachers are in contact with any one class, teacher reputation and initial encounters are
seen to be critical in determining the success or failure of supply teachers in the classroom. Suggestions are
offered for improving the situation and effectiveness of supply teachers.

Pupil expectations: Extending the literature

There is an extensive body of research on pupils’ views and expectations of teachers. “This
literature suggests a general consensus on pupil expectations of teachers.! Woods (1983, p. 54)
for instance, notes the most important of these as being that ‘teachers should be “human”, should
be able to “teach” and make you “work”, and keep control. Some teachers are felt to be inhuman’.
An Australian ethnographic study (Catsoulis 1981) of ‘delinquent’ students in a non-state
secondary school is typical in its depiction of the details of student perceptions of teachers. ‘Good
teachers’ ‘can put across’, “explain things well’, ‘want you to do well’ and have control of their class.
They have a sense of humour, ‘can hold their tempers’, “don’t bore you’ and ‘get along with
students’. ‘Bad teachers’ are unfair, ‘far too strict’, ‘won’t help you’ and ‘can’t put it across’. They
may be lazy, bad tempered or moody. They ‘play favourites’, have ‘pets’ and ‘make it hard for you’.
It is not our intention here to review this literature, but to address a specific issue: why some
pupils respond as they do to supply or relief teachers. This is an issue which as yet has received
little research attention.

Through pupils’ eyes: A preliminary study

As a preliminary investigation of pupil perspectives on such teachers, this paper reports a
practitioner’s ‘mini-ethnographic’ study.* We are concerned to show how some pupils respond,
why they do so, and how the issue might possibly be resolved. Our interest springs from the
senior author’s experience as a supply teacher, which showed firsthand the differences between
being a supply and a classroom teacher. The fieldwork was undertaken in a Queensland state
school where (as a supply teacher) she had experienced a large degree of cooperation and had
come to know many pupils and teachers. The school has an enrolment of some 600 pupils in a
predominantly middle class suburb. Specialist teachers of music, physical education and remedial
teaching are attached to or visit this school.
Six children, three girls (“Michelle’, ‘Karen’ and ‘Jenny’) and three boys (‘Chris’, ‘Scott’ and
‘Troy’), from Year 7 (the final year of their primary schooling) were selected. They had attended
this school for most (or all) or their primary schooling, and at the time of being interviewed were
aged eleven or twelve years. They were in an ‘open’ classroom shared by two teachers who taught

as a team. All six classified themselves as ‘normal’ in their schoolwork. With respect to their
responses to supply or relief teachers, Karen claimed to be one ofthree pupils in the class who
start the ‘fun’.4 The claim by Karen was backed up by the others who also labelled her as a “loud-
mouth’. Jenny said she was a ‘loud-mouth’ also. However, Michelle, Chris, Scott and Troy are
all labelled as ‘quiets’. All agreed they were to varying degrees ‘pests’ for their classroom teachers,
but were much worse for supply or relief teachers.
Two group and three individual interviews were held in a small withdrawal room next door
to the classroom. During the first interview five of the children (Jenny was absent) discussed
questions passed by the interviewer, who then jotted down notes in answer to each question. The
next session involved individual interviews with Karen, Chris and Scott. This was a question and
answer section, during which the interviewer was able to jot down answers verbatim. (Karen
was sent in first ‘to get her out of the way’ according to her classroom teacher.) Jenny’s only
interview was on the last visit. This final session was another group interview during which the
children helped to construct taxonomies on teachers and students.
The direction of questioning was shaped by the interviewer's own recent experiences as a
supply teacher, her conversations with other supply, relief and classroom teachers and confessions
from her thirteen year old son on the subject of supply teaching.
Initially, the study was to have been limited to the study of responses of pupils to supply
teachers. However, due to their inability to differentiate between supply and relief teachers, relief
teachers were also included.

Why muck up? Pupils’ responses to supply teachers

The interviews indicated that differing responses towards supply/relief teachers had nothing to do
with their academic qualifications (which were seen as ‘about the same as our teachers’) nor was the
use of, or need for, supply/relief teachers questioned by the informants (‘supply teachers are needed
to control us, when our teachers are away’). Critical factors determining whether the supply/relief
teacher had pupils’ cooperation (and so was able to teach) were the initial encounters, perceived
personality, and management skills of the unknown supply/relief teacher or the reputation of the
known supply/relief teacher. Doing more or less work related directly to behaving or having ‘fun’.
This is explained in Scott’s reply to the question, “Why muck up?’ ‘Fun. We don’t get as much work
done!’ The amount of work done also related to whom the supply/relief teacher is.
Supply and relief teachers were not only classified as good or bad but also as known or
unknown. The children also grouped together those teachers who got more work and
cooperation and less ‘fun’ from the kids. Those teachers who could not control the class got less
work and less cooperation from the kids who had ‘fun’ and more ‘fun’. In reply to “What are
supply teachers supposed to do?’ and “Why are supply teachers needed?’, Karen, Chris and
Michelle emphasised the need for control of the class by the supply teacher so that work could
be done as well as to prevent ‘accidents’ and ‘riots’. Supply teachers unable to do this ‘got bad
reputations’, said Chris and Jenny.
Children’s reasons for choosing whether to work or have ‘fun’ related to their perceptions of
supply teachers (including their reputations), their interest or lack ofinterest in what was being
taught and the opportunities, costs and payoffs involved:

Karen: ‘He’s old and boring. Always talking about history. Always! So we have fun! We throw
chalk. He can’t see properly so we aim at his bald spot—but I do work for our teachers
because our teachers would send us to the office or give us an essay.’
Jenny: ‘If rubber bands are handy, depending on who the supply teachers are, and if they don’t
know what’s happening, we fling rubber bands about.’

502 part 3 |qualitative methods

Chris: ‘Something to do. Get a lot of fun having rubber band fights. You need a group if you
want to make it any fun’.
Scott: ‘Don’t get as much work done. Do it (have “fun”) all over again, till it’s not fun anymore.
It’s more fun if you’ve got a group.’

Further information on the criteria by which pupils judge whether to cooperate or not came
from Michelle, Karen, Chris, Scott and Troy who agreed that supply teachers don’t have as
much control because ‘they don’t know us’ or ‘they don’t know us that well’ so ‘we have fun’.
Teacher behaviours that elicit more work also elicit cooperation and so the pupils do not usually
have ‘fun’. The reverse was also true.

Karen: ‘If they aren’t strict the kids tend to play up. Also they don’t do their work—like, if they
get away with one thing they will try something worse and more daring, like starting a
rubber band fight.’

While pupil behaviour for the supply/relief teachers varies from that for classroom teachers,
as Chris said: ‘Children who muck up for the supply teachers, usually muck up for our own
teachers, but not as bad. Goody goodies and stiffs don’t muck up.’ A sense of fair play, of right
and wrong and of how far to go with supply/relief teachers entered into their interactions with
each other and the supply/relief teachers. They weighed up the risks involved. For example:

Chris: ‘I feel sorry for supply teachers to have to put up with us. We shouldn’t really muck
around. If we had a supply teacher I’d probably do my work because the teacher would
report back, but if the supply teacher has no control over the class and gives us no work,
I would misbehave and so would everyone else’.
Troy: ‘I wouldn’t act up if the supply teacher was a neighbour or a family friend ’cause they
might tell Mum.’
or Karen: ‘Sometimes you get a supply teacher in the face (with a rubber band). That’s not fair.’

If the supply teacher has a reputation with other classes, pupils listen to the rumours and “We
believe what they say’ (Jenny). They did more work or less work depending on the reputation
held by the supply/relief teachers. For known teachers (usually relief teachers) previously built
up the reputations led the pupils to act as they previously had acted with this same teacher [sic].

Karen: ‘Fun. It’s not something that happens every day. Natural instinct for when Mr Smith
walks in! Hey fun!’

The ‘fun’ in this particular classroom is orchestrated by the three ‘starters’ and spreads rapidly
in wavelike motion as each group joins in, if the supply/relief teacher has no control. If there is
no control, immediately after the ‘starters’ have begun some form of ‘fun’ (be it paper plane or
rubber band throwing), the ‘loudmouths’ and ‘fools’ join in followed by the others with the
exception of the ‘stiffs’. If the teacher has some measure of control, the ‘quiets’, ‘goody goodies’
and ‘squares’ are not as likely to join in. In talking about who joins in, informants said:

Karen: ‘Stiffs don’t. They say they might dob on you. A group at the front might muck up. Stiffs
and squares at the back don’t.’
Scott: “Karen, Michael and Adam (the ‘starters’) start it off. . . spreads very fast. The stiff tells
everyone to be quiet. She’s trying to work. She won’t join in. We don’t plan it. Someone
just talks to someone else and it spreads.’

report 1 503
Chris: ‘I have dares with friends to have rubber band fights. If they’re the same standard as me
they probably would—not with goody goodies.’

Despite all this, the children genuinely wanted to be controlled by their teacher; no matter
whether it was a supply, relief or classroom teacher in charge. Boredom from too easy work
resulted in ‘fun’ sessions, but too much ‘fun’ in turn led to boredom. Pupil behaviour was shaped
(as noted previously) by available opportunities, teacher reputation and behaviour, and concerns
for fair play. Who is involved in classroom ‘fun’ and how and why this involvement spreads
quickly is critical. These responses are shaped by teacher control which in turn relates back to
teacher reputation, behaviour, personal characteristics and management skills.

Initial encounters and supply teachers’ reputations

The literature on classroom interaction stresses the importance of ‘initial encounters’ for
classroom control:
Initial encounters . . . constitute pessimistic social environments that necessitate, or art
conducive to, the continual reflective calibralion of the congruence between the self and
others. (Ball 1980, 158)

Using strategies which are known or come to hand, both teacher and pupil who are ‘thrust
together in enforced intimacy’ negotiate to develop working relationships (Beynon and Atkinson
1984, pp. 256-7). This negotiation, which takes place in two phases, is referred to by Ball (1980)
as a ‘process of establishment’. He defines this as:
an exploratory interaction process involving teacher and pupils during their initial encounters
in the classroom through which a more or less permanent, repeated and highly predictable
pattern of relationships and interactions emerges. (Ball 1980, p. 144)

According to Delamont (1983, pp. 112-13), during phase one the pupils observe their new
teacher ‘to develop a series of hypotheses about the kind of teacher’ they now have. The second
phase is an active one during which the pupils are ‘real horrible’, as they ‘muck up’ to discover what
parameters of control the teacher is seeking to establish over their behaviour and to find out if ‘the
teacher has the tactical and managerial supply skills’ to defend these parameters.
In this interactionist perspective, the focus is on emergence and negotiation. The idea of‘process
of establishment’ gives an explanation for what goes on in the informants’ room when a supply/relief
teacher arrives. As noted above, the results of such pupil testing periods are not ‘foregone
conclusions’ (Ball 1980, p. 150). Only known teachers who had in some way already proved
themselves were safe from further testing. For them the pupils were willing to work. All unknown
supply/relief teachers (except some ‘known’ by reputation) were tested. Here the conventional
wisdom (‘most experienced teachers insist that the teacher must, if he (sic) is to survive, define the
situation in his own terms at once’) seems justified (Hargreave’s pupils 1972, p. 232).
This strategy has particular relevance to supply teaching as most encounters are initial encounters
and ‘long term establishment’ of classroom rules and routine which ‘takes weeks to establish’ is not
What the supply/relief teacher must bear in mind is that teacher reputations are being formed
and will be passed on to other classes, who will react positively or negatively depending on the
reputation. The Year 7 pupils used their ‘fun’ to see how far a teacher would let them go. They
expected to be controlled. Supply/relief teachers who did not control them were immediately given
‘bad’ reputations. Beynon and Atkinson (1984, p. 261) showed that such ‘mucking up’ could:

504 part 3 |qualitative methods

simultaneously accomplish several things: it could reveal how teachers would react under
pressure; it could enhance the reputation of its instigator; it could flush out accomplices in
the classroom and provide occasion for joint subversive action.

The supply/relief teachers associated with the Year 7 class have indeed been tested. Not only
have they developed reputations but so have the three ‘starters’ (Karen, Michael and Adam).
Groups willing to join in the ‘fun’ (depending on the risk of punishment involved) were
identified as ‘fools’, ‘loudmouths’ and even the ‘quiets’ and ‘squares’.
Informants calculate the risks involved from reputations ofteachers, previous associations, or
‘cues and information’ given out by the teacher ‘to the pupils the moment he or she walks into
the classroom’ (Ball 1980, p. 146). While having ‘fun’, informants and their cohorts were able
to find out how much noise or lack of manners (e.g., calling out) individual supply/relief teachers
would tolerate and how much or how little work they would have to do. All these points were
identified by Ball as information gathered by pupils in his study. Where one teacher may accept
certain behaviour as normal, another may feel this type of room behaviour is bad indeed. Hence
pupils are faced with differing teacher expectations. In the same way some pupils may see certain
teacher behaviour as unreasonable while others perceive the same behaviour as and ‘quite within
the limits of a teacher’s role’ (Education Department of Western Australia 1981, p. 151). This
study showed the types of teacher for whom these informants do more work or less work. This
correlates highly with behaving or having ‘fun’. It also coincides with research showing teachers
who are liked or disliked by pupils.
The issue and expectation of teacher control remains central. The observation of Marsh,
Rosser and Harre (1978, p. 38) on ‘softness’ was validated by this study’s informants:
Being a soft teacher was seen to be one of the worst categories of offence. The pupils are
insulted by weakness on the part of those in authority who they expect to be strong.

For a supply teacher who has lost control of his or her class it is obvious that the subsequent
relationship is one dictated by the pupils, not the teacher. This situation results in little or no
appropriate learning taking place.

Reputations were built up by pupil labelling of supply/relief teachers by pupils as well as by the
labelling of pupils by pupils and teachers (classroom, supply or relief). Here it is important to note
that for the imputation of ‘deviance’, the interaction of two parties, labeller and labelled, is
necessary (Hargreaves 1976, p. 201). That is to say, deviance arises:
not when persons commit certain kinds ofacts: it arises when a person commits an act which
becomes known to some other person(s) who then defines (or labels) the act as deviant.
(Hargreaves, Hester and Mellor 1975, p. 3-4)

This process oflabelling appears to be taking place in the informants’ classroom between at
least three different groups oflabellers and labelled. These are:

Labelled Labellers
‘starters’, ‘fools’ supply/relief teacher
supply/relief teacher pupils
‘starters’, ‘fools’ pupils

report 1 505
However, not all who are labelled take notice of the label or respond to the labelling in any
way. To some the labelling does not appear valid and may be discounted (Hargreaves 1976).
Factors influencing the acceptance (or otherwise) of the label include how often the labeller
labels the labelled, the extent to which the labelled values the labeller’s opinion, the extent to
which others use the label on the labelled, as well as the ‘public nature of the labelling’. Being
labelled in front of a class of pupils is more degrading and severe a punishment than being
labelled in private. Being repeatedly publicly labelled by respected persons can be seen as possibly
leading to some change in the person labelled.
Consequences of labelling can be seen as social control or as leading to deviance. Under
conditions of what Edwin Lemert (in Hargreaves 1976, p. 203) sees as primary deviation, where
the person who is labelled is deterred from repeating or committing acts seen as deviant, or is able
to justify or deny the actions (and hence is able to neutralise or normalise the labelling), the
labelling does not appear to cause a loss of self-regard or result in changing social roles. Under
these conditions labelling appears as a form of social control and hence can be viewed as having
‘positive’ results. However, where the person who has been labelled discounts the label (such as
when the labeller’s opinion is not valued), no social control results but neither does further
deviance result from the labelling.
Further deviance resulting from the application of labelling is viewed by Lemert (in Hargreaves
1976, p. 203) a secondary deviation. He defines secondary deviation as:
deviant behaviour, or social roles based upon it, which becomes a means ofdefence, attack or
adaptation to the overt and covert problems created by the societal reaction to primary

When labelling fails as a form of social control but instead angers the labelled person, this
person may react by committing further deviance. His/her coping strategies for dealing with the
labelling, which cannot be normalised, may create a cycle of deviant acts from which the labelled
person (now deviant) cannot escape. The deviant may become stigmatised and feel victimised.
An example of this cycle of behaviour may be interpreted from information of incidents between
a supply/relief teacher and the informants’ five years prior to the interviews. The teacher
concerned, according to informants, was a bad teacher who could not control the class, who
threw chalk and blackboard dusters and locked children in a cupboard.
Perhaps these teacher actions were forms of survival strategies that the teacher felt he needed
to protect his job, but the children in the class labelled this teacher as bad and did not cooperate.
Hence the labelling was communicated to the teacher through pupil behaviour including lack
of cooperation. In striving to control the class the teacher was forced into more deviant behaviour
and no doubt felt victimised by the actions ofthe pupils. He was stigmatised by the pupils, who
treated the teacher badly and were in turn badly treated by the teacher. This is an extreme
example of teacher deviance.

Labelling and self-fulfilling prophecies

Rosenthal and Jacobsen (1968) linked teacher expectations and ‘self-fulfilling prophecies’ and
Hargreaves et al. (1975, pp. 140-1) showed the close relationship between labelling theory and
the self-fulfilling prophecy. Although Rosenthal and Jacobsen’s work was concerned with positive
self-fulfilling prophecies, the notion of negative self-fulfilling prophecies can be compared with
labelling theory. In the informants’ classroom, supply/relief teacher expectations of ‘bad’
behaviour by the ‘starters’, Karen, Michael and Adam, is communicated to these pupils by the
teachers. According to Hargreaves (1976, p. 202):

506 part 3 |qualitative methods

teachers who have little knowledge of pupils...are forced to rely on ‘reputations’ of classes and
pupils as conveyed to them by the less transitory members of staff. Deviant labels would thus
tend to be accepted and used by such teachers—T’ve heard all about you, Smith’—who might
not remain long enough in the school to test the validity of these labels and thus be in a
position to revise them.

Petrie (1981, p. 138) holds a similar view. The ‘starters’ live up to the negative expectations
of the supply/relief teacher as well as the rest of the class. Unfortunately since the teacher and
pupil expectations are negative, deviant behaviour (negative self-fulfilling prophecies) results
from the labelling.
Changes in expectations ofsupply/relief teachers and pupils may change the amount of‘fun’
had while these teachers are present. Ramsay, Sneddon, Grenfell and Ford (1983, p. 279) found
in their study that in successful schools “The children were rarely held to blame. . . Thus the risk
of low expectations and subsequent lowered pupil performance was minimised’. Hence they
concluded that ‘the level of the teachers’ expectations, both academically. and socially, marked
off the ‘successful’ schools from the less successful’. This points to a need for high positive
expectations in the informants’ classroom. High expectations of the ‘starters’ by the supply/relief
teacher, high expectations of the supply/relief teacher by the pupils as well as high expectations
of the ‘starters’ by the rest of the class are needed.

Perceptions of supply role

To clarify the type of high expectations needed by the pupils themselves, the role of the
supply/relief teacher must be clarified. The children saw a supply/relief teacher as being needed
for controlling the class and revising work, but not for teaching new work. Teachers who cannot
control them are viewed as wasting the pupils’ time as no work can be done. Pupils then waste
time themselves. ‘Mucking around takes up much school time and is a common focus of
students’ interests’ (Macpherson 1981, p.143). Unless the supply/relief teacher has his or her job
viewed by pupils, their parents and teachers as a valuable part of teaching, not just for babysitting
(control) purposes, then pupil expectations will remain low, as status of teachers is communicated
to pupils by others.
Supply/relief teachers also need high expectations. Hargreaves et al. (1975, p. 261) referring
to deviant pupils state that:
The deviance-insulative teacher believes that these pupils, like all pupils, really want to
work . . . the deviance-insulative teacher claims to like all children and considers it a privilege
to work with any pupil. He (sic) respects and cares about the deviant pupils and tells
them so.

Clearly this type of teacher is unlike those supply teachers in this study who ‘do not care’.
Hence, rather than concentrating on surviving in the classroom, the supply/relief teacher must
be aware of not communicating negative feelings or low expectations to his/her pupils.
From the descriptions given by informants some supply/relief teachers are preoccupied with
survival. As Dale (1977, p. 49) notes, “discipline is not necessary only to facilitate teaching, but
also for teachers to survive the classroom’. Woods (1979, p. 258) suggests that by ‘increasing
resources and/or lessening demands’, the concern over survival would be lessened. Some teachers
possibly are so preoccupied with survival that concern for the pupils is minimised and the
importance of high expectations not considered. For successful teaching high expectations must
be held.

report 1 507
Effectiveness of supply teachers
As the use of supply/relief teachers is seen as necessary to prevent interruption to other classes,
these teachers contribute towards successful or unsuccessful schooling. For successful teaching,
Woods’ suggestions (given above) could be implemented by the schools. Rumours generated by
pupils and supply/relief teachers must have some basis. More weight could be given to such
rumours to help weed out the ‘rotten eggs’, such as the supply or relief teacher who would not
only throw chalk and dusters at the pupils but locked some in the cupboard. Others to be weeded
out are those who have no control over the class. This lack of control can lead to labelling and
perhaps secondary deviation. Schooling which is seen as possibly creating deviants cannot be
viewed as successful.
Although bureaucracies are usually resistant to change, they can produce radical change.
Hence it is feasible to envisage a Department of Education empowered to radically alter the
status, working conditions and job opportunities to those teachers currently employed as supply
and relief teachers. Specifically the current system within the Queensland Education Department,
whereby a Local Relieving Teacher (LRT) is attached to a school and is on secondment to other
schools means that unknown LRTs can be brought in from other schools while the LRT at
his/her home school can gain a reputation as a bad or good teacher. With each new initial
encounter and consequent ‘sussing out’ this reputation can be confirmed. A bad LRT then is
possibly stigmatised and victimised by the pupils and in return labels pupils and possibly sets in
motion the process of deviation. Until each school is free to choose its own supply teachers this
situation is likely to recur. For successful schooling the bureaucracies need to empower each
school to choose its own supply teachers.

Final comment
Teacher reputations and survival are important in all the initial encounters that supply/relief
teachers are involved in. Prevention or lessening of problems caused by this lessens labelling of
pupils and prevents the construction of‘deviant’ pupils. Aids for supply teachers in the form of
resources and/or fewer demands on them could encourage the formation of high expectations
being held by the teacher for the pupils and vice versa. Clarification of the teacher’s role and
acknowledgement by the school, parents and Department of Education of the difficulty and
importance (not just baby-sitting) of supply teaching might lead to higher pupil cooperation and
less wasted time. Enabling each school to select their own supply teachers should result in pupils
facing known, competent teachers, who hold high and yet valid expectations (in the pupil’s eyes
too) and who thus help with successful schooling through appropriate teaching.

1 For example, Catsoulis, 1981; Connell, Ashenden, Kessler and Dowsett, 1982; Corrigan, 1979;
Delamont, 1983; Denscombe, 1985; Hargreaves, 1972; Jackson, 1968; Macpherson, 1983; Walker,
1987; Werthman, 1977; Willis, 1977; Woods, 1979, 1980a, 1980b, 1983.
2 The literature on the problems of‘substitute’ teachers is extensive; there is, however, a dearth ofstudies
on pupils’ views of such teachers.
3 The ethnographic approach seeks to ‘describe a culture in its own terms’. A ‘mini-ethnography’ presents
the information shared by two or more people that defines some aspect of their experience’ (Spradley
and McCurdy, 1972) here, pupils’ definitions of agrade seven classroom.
4 ‘Fun’ is this group’s word for ‘stirring’. Occasionally some informants used ‘muck up’, but Scott’s
answer when asked to label what he and the others were doing, ‘Fun! We don’t really call it anything,
but that’s what it is!’

508 part 3 | qualitative methods

5 Being a ‘quiet’ does not mean that the informants are silent, but that they are usually reasonably quiet
in the classroom until an opportunity for having ‘fun’ presents itself.
6 In this context, supply teachers are teachers who are ‘on call’ to take over a class when a classroom
teacher is absent, who usually have no regular teaching and who are not attached to a particular school.
Relief teachers are full-time teachers who are based at one school. Depending on teacher absenteeism,
relief teachers can be called to relieve at other schools. As with supply teachers, relief teachers take over
a class when another teacher is absent and they have no permanent class of their own.
7 When talking about the ‘kids’ in their class, informants labelled them as: stiffs, squares, goody goodies,
fools, loudmouths, love themselves, quiets, special kids, normals, smart and dumb kids. In answer to
the question, ‘ How do you decide who is a stiff, a square, etcetera?’, the informants decided after much
discussion that this was summed up by: The way they act, who they hang around with, the way they
eat, who they are going with, and if they play football they are not a stiff.

BALL, S.J. (1980) ‘Initial encounters in the classroom and the process of establishment’, In Woods, P.
(ed.) Pupil Strategies. Croom Helm, London, pp. 143-61.
BEYNON, J. and ATKINSON, P. (1984) ‘Pupils as data-gatherers: mucking and sussing’, in Delamont, S. (ed.)
Readings on Interaction in the Classroom. Methuen, London, pp. 255-72.
CATSOULIS, C. (1981) “Teachers and students at Johnholme College’, in D’Urso, S. and Smith, R. (eds)
Changes, Issues and Prospects in Australian Education, 2nd ed. University of Queensland Press, pp.
CONNELL, R., ASHENDEN, D., KESSLER, S. and DoWSETT, G. (1982) Making the Difference: Schools,
Families and Social Division. Allen and Unwin, Sydney.
Corrican, P. (1979) Schooling the Smash Street Kids. Macmillan, London.
DALE, R. (1977) “The hidden curriculum for the sociology of teaching’, in Gleeson, D. (ed.) /dentity and
Structure. Issues in the Sociology of Education. Nafferton Books, Driffield, pp. 44-54.
DELAMONT, S. (1983) Interaction in the Classroom. 2nd ed. Methuen, London.
DENSCOMBE, M. (1985) Classroom Control: A Sociological Perspective. Allen and Unwin, London.
EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (1981) “Nature and extent of the discipline problem’,
in D’Urso, S. and Smith, R. (eds) Changes, Issues and Prospects in Australian Education, 2nd ed.
University of Queensland Press, pp. 151-70.
Foster, L.E. (1987) Australian Education. A Sociological Perspective. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, Sydney.
HARGREAVES, D.H. (1972) Interpersonal Relations and Education. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
HarGREAVES, D.H. (1976) ‘Reactions to labelling’, in Hammersley, M. and Woods, P. (eds) The Process
of Schooling: Sociological Reader. Open University Press, London, pp. 201-7.
HarGREAVES, D.H., HESTER, S. and MELLOR, F. (1975) Deviance in Classrooms. Routledge and Kegan
Paul, London.
JACKSON, P. (1968) Life In Classrooms. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York.
MACPHERSON, J. (1981) “Classroom “mucking around” and the Parsonian model of schooling’, in D’Urso,
S. and Smith, R. (eds) Changes, Issues and Prospects in Australian Education. 2nd ed. University of
Queensland Press, 143-50.
Marsh, P., Rosser, E. and HArRrE, R. (1978) The Rules ofDisorder, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
PETRIE, S. (1981) ‘School structures and delinquency’, in D’Urso, S. and Smith, R. (eds) Changes, Issues
and Prospects in Australian Education. 2nd ed. University of Queensland Press, pp. 137-42.
Ramsay, P., SNEDDON, D., GRENFELL, J. and Forp, I. (1983) ‘Successful and unsuccessful schools: A
study in Southern Auckland’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology. 19(2), pp. 279-304.
SPRADLEY, J.P. and McCurpy, D.W. (1972) The Cultural Experience: Ethnography in complex society,
S.R.A., Chicago.

report 1 509
WALKER, J. (1987) Louts and Legends. Male Youth Culture in an Inner-city School, Allen and Unwin, Sydney.
WERTHMAN, C. (1977) ‘Delinquents in schools: A test for the legitimacy of authority’, in Cosin, B. et al.
(eds) School and Society, 2nd ed. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, pp. 34-43.
WILLIS, P. (1977) Learning to Labour, Saxon House, London.
Woops, P. (1979) The Divided School, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Woops, P. (1980a) Pupil Strategies, Croom Helm, London.
Woops, P. (1980b) Teacher Strategies, Croom Helm, London.
Woops, P. (1983) Sociology and the School, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.

Elizabeth Wood is a supply teacher for the Queensland Department of Education. John Knight
lectures in the sociology of education at the University of Queensland.

Source: Knight, E. & Knight, J., Unicorn Journal of the Australian College ofEducation, Canberra, vol. 15,
no. 1, Feb. 1989, pp. 36-43.

510 part 3 | qualitative methods

Report 2

Marietta Elliott
La Trobe University

During the first 6 months of the school year of 1985, at Brunswick Language Centre, | observed Nasr as he
was learning to write in his second language.
The most significant change which occurred is that Nasr gained an appreciation of the way in which English
written language is different from spoken language. That is, rather than merely recording his spoken language,
Nasr became a writer in English.
The changes manifested themselves not only in the product, namely the texts themselves, but also in the
processes by which they were produced. These processes can be both directly observed, as recorded on
videotape or in the observational diary, which was kept once weekly, or inferred from the product.
The major ways in which the last piece is more ‘developed’ is that Nasr has chosen a more ‘advanced’ genre,
and the piece conforms more strictly to one genre, rather than also containing elements of other genres.
Nevertheless, the earlier pieces mark important, transitional stages and | have therefore chosen to call these
intermediate forms ‘intertext’.
Nasr gains mastery over linking mechanisms more characteristic of written than of spoken language; he moves
from co-ordination to subordination, and through the use of reference and ellipsis, he gradually eliminates the
various forms of redundancy. Acquisition of form and function of the past tense is regarded as essential for the
production of sustained narrative and, as such, can also be viewed as a form of cohesion.
In Nasr’s case the changes in the writing behaviour include an increase in pause length and a reduction in the
number of pauses, changes in the number and type of revisions made, and differences in the way in which
input from the teacher is generated.

I last saw Nasr in July, 1986, one year after he had left the Language Centre. He had changed
from the playful boy I remembered to a serious young man. His voice had deepened, and he had
grown several inches.
He was happy at Brunswick High School, and had just graduated from E.S.L. to mainstream
classes, where he had no difficulty participating. He was also studying Arabic, but he found the
work too easy.
He showed me two pieces of his current work: a fictitious interview and a fictitious newspaper
report. Not only was his expression virtually error-free, but he was using colloquial expressions
like ‘take care of yourself, kids’, and complex sentences such as ‘He was wearing an overcoat
even though it was a mild day’.
How had Nasr achieved all this in 18 months?
The study
I wished to observe students’ writing development in a situation where they would have
considerable choice both in topic and language, so that their writing could be as independently
conceived as possible, both with regard to content and with regard to the language selected.

The teachers at Brunswick Language Centre were enthusiastic about putting a writing
program in place, therefore all the students I have observed have come from this Centre. As
these students stay for a period of six months before moving on to school, and have intensive
English tuition for this time, six months is the time frame ofthe study.
Brunswick Language Centre is in inner-suburban Melbourne. It caters for about 60 students,
both ‘New Arrival’ and ‘Intensive’ (students who have been in Australia for some time but are
experiencing problems).
Four cases are currently being analyzed, of whom one will be discussed in this report. The
recordings were made during writing classes, so that the individual observed remained within the
normal classroom setting. Each student was observed on a weekly basis. A videocamera was
trained on his or her script and moving hand. A microphone recorded any speech. Other
observations were recorded in a diary which I kept. All scripts from the writing classes were
collected. In addition, the case study students and their families were interviewed with an
interpreter present.
Using all these different techniques ofdata collection, I hoped to get an accurate and sensitive
description of students’ writing development in their second language.

Nasr was 14 when he came to Brunswick Language Centre. He had completed 10 years of
schooling in Lebanon, and had already been introduced to Roman script through French. He
was very proud ofhis knowledge. Muhammad Alman’s (the Arabic-speaking aide at Brunswick
Language Centre) opinion of his first language writing was that he had good ideas, but made
grammatical and spelling errors.
Nasr was living in Brunswick with his mother, sister, brother-in-law and their baby, and his
brother, who was then about 18. His brother had already been in Australia about a year and spoke
reasonably fluent English. His father arrived in Australia from Lebanon a few months after the
study began.
Nasr is a Lebanese Christian; religion and patriotism are closely linked and of supreme
importance to him. Margaret, one ofhis teachers, reminisced about that mixture of seriousness
and playfulness which is so characteristic of him:
He was so enthusiastic and lively, and he really enjoyed the writing. In fact all that class did.
He did take the writing seriously, although he wasn’t academic. (Pers. comm. 15.12.86).

General description of Nasr’s writing development

What is evidence of writing development?
When we are looking for evidence of change, we must examine not only the actual text, but also
the composing behaviour, as well as assessing what was attempted. Though it is impossible to
prove intention, it is, | believe, possible to infer it through examining both product and
behaviour. These aspects are intricately related, and should not be discussed in rigid separation;
however, some aspects of behaviour as captured on videotape will be alluded to as distinct from
the writing itself.
Separating the different kinds of data is done merely in the service of every turn to indicate
where evidence came from. With the aid of the two kinds of data, text and (sic) should be
possible both to document changes which have taken place and strategies used by the writer.

512 part 3 | qualitative methods

What has Nasr learnt?
Green and Morgan (1981:177) have stated that an

awareness of the differences between oral and written communication affects the ability to
write well...

It is the growth of this awareness with reference to his second language that is seen as the most
crucial factor in Nasr’s development as a writer. Whereas at the beginning his writing seems to
be little more than recorded speech, by the end of the six months during which I observed him,
Nasr showed both by the texts he was producing, and by his behaviour while composing, that
he was aware of the demands of producing written rather than oral English.
Though Nasr produced only a few pieces ofwriting in his first language, it is clear that from
the beginning he had a reasonably sophisticated idea about written language in general. Firstly,
as he had learnt some French, he already knew the Roman alphabet. He learnt very early to use
the English alphabet orally when enquiring about spelling. Even in the early pieces he was using
rhetorical devices in English (My Contry).
However, in spite of previous knowledge and aptitude, many language-specific aspects have to
be relearnt and the writer must to some extent forge a new identity which incorporates the
experiences s/he has undergone. By the end of the first six months Nasr could not be expected to
have completed his development. Idea units in the last piece are in fact shorter than in some earlier
pieces, owing to the fact that he had not yet gained a clear concept of idea unit boundaries at the
earlier time. He has not learnt to revise at the organizational level. He has not written any complete
expository text (Martin and Rothery, 1981). However, he has written observation/comment,
report, recount and narrative. By the end of 6 months, he has a good appreciation of what is
required of narrative. He has gained mastery over various kinds of cohesive links, in particular
subordination, ellipsis and reference and the form and function of the past tense, essential to the
production ofsustained narrative. From the change in his revision strategies we can conclude that
he has gained an appreciation of the way writing, as distinct from speech, can be polished.

Differences between spoken and written language

The differences between spoken language and written language have their origin in two factors:
the social situation in which each occurs, and the nature of the activities themselves.
Whereas speaking takes place in a context of social interaction and is basically a co-operative
enterprise between two or more people, writing is essentially a solitary activity, where text must
be created and sustained independent of an interlocutor. This means that the writer must learn
to anticipate the needs of an invisible audience, and consequently to be clear and explicit, to
concentrate on the message rather than on social relations. Chafe (1985:105) has called this
feature ‘integration’ in the case of written language and ‘involvement in the case of spoken
language and Halliday (1985:61) refers to ‘high lexical density’ and ‘low lexical density’,
describing the relationship of content words to function words in each ease. Cohesive devices
need to become internal to the text itself, or ‘ties across message chunks’ (Gumperz et al, 1982:8)
are needed to compensate for the absence of an interlocutor, or of tonal contours to aid the
interpretation of the message.
Though writing is ten times slower than speech, reading is faster than writing. As writers have
planning time, and reading is a faster form of processing than listening, idea units tend to be
longer in writing than in speech (Chafe, 1985:106). Whereas in speech they are independent of
each other, in written language they are more often ‘integrated’ (Chafe, 1985:111). This leads

report 2 513
to features such as the following being more characteristic of written, rather than spoken English
(see Chafe, 1985:110 for a more complete listing):
use of passives;
use of nominalization;
subordination rather than co-ordination.
Writing is regarded as permanent, as an artifact, whereas speech is considered dynamic and
evanescent. Thus with writing, greater accountability, concern with ‘evidentiality’ (Chafe,
1985:118) is required. At the same time, writing can be altered, restructured, polished.
Successful writers have also learnt which ‘register’ or ‘genre’, defined by Martin and Rothery
(1981:2) as

a conventional configuration of meanings that a culture habitually makes use of in social


is appropriate to their particular communication task. Whilst there can be similarities between
some spoken and some written genres, they generally call for different structures and language.
It is true that modern technology, in particular the tape-recorder and the computer, are now
closing the distance between speech and writing, and that, as Beaman (1982:51), and Tannen
(1982:14) have pointed out, many of the differences outlined are a function of genre rather than
of medium. Nevertheless, Nasr’s English writing does gradually acquire many of the features
which have been presented here as characteristic of written language, and by his behaviour, for
example his revision strategies, he shows that he has gained an appreciation of the differences
between the spoken and the written medium. Therefore these features are considered significant
when we examine Nasr’s development as a writer in his second language.

Development of genre
In the discussion of Nasr’s development of genre, I will use the taxonomy provided by Martin
and Rothery (1981). Though it was devised for young English as a mother tongue writers, it may
be useful to see whether the system could be applied to second language learner writers. There
are, however, several problems inherent in Martin and Rothery’s approach, which I will present
here as unanswered questions. After examining Nasr’s development I will suggest that certain
modifications, or perhaps further amplifications need to be made to their concepts.
Martin and Rothery (1981) have given a sequential account of genres required at various
stages of schooling, starting with ‘observation/comment’, which then splits into two strands: a
‘narrative’ strand, consisting of‘recount’, ‘narrative’ and ‘thematic narrative’ (for definitions, see
Martin and Rothery, 1981:11—12) and an ‘expository’ strand, which consists of ‘report’,
‘exposition’ and ‘literacy criticism’. They accuse the system ofvaluing the ‘narrative’ above the
‘expository’ and claim that many never master this latter genre, because it is explicitly taught.
The following questions remain unanswered:
1) Given that report and ‘embryonic’ exposition appear as early as year 2, what is the
significance of the order as presented?
2) | What is the place of input in the developmental sequence, or is the sequence an order of
3) How do students move from one genre to another, given that, as Martin and Rothery
state, any topic or field might call for a number of different responses?
4) Why are mixtures, or ‘melanges’ regarded as so inferior given that the genre outlines are
‘guidelines’ rather than ‘straight jackets’ (Martin and Rothery, 1981:47)?
5) What importance would they assign development within the genre?

514 part 3 |qualitative methods

One way oftesting the usefulness of Martin and Rothery’s scheme as a developmental tool is
to use it to examine a student’s development longitudinally, as I am doing here with Nasr. It will
be seen that in sequence, ‘melanges’ or ‘mixtures’ play a vital role as transitional pieces, facilitating
the move from one genre to another, and that Nasr develops considerably within one genre
before he attempts another one.
Though, as will be pointed out in relation to the individual pieces, some topics and ‘formulae’
were suggested by the teachers, Nasr was never forced to use them. Other ideas came through
reading student publications and books, and from classmates. Thus Nasr had control over what
he wrote and how he wrote it, even whether he wrote or not.
It is not known what genres Nasr had mastered in his L1. It is likely, as he had already
completed 10 years of schooling and showed knowledge about written language in general, that
some of these were familiar to him. It is remarkable that nevertheless he has followed an order
the same as that which Martin and Rothery (1981:5) have indicated for English as a mother
tongue learner writers. For this reason, it is suggested that Nasr is following basically a ‘begin
again’ strategy, that is, using his oral L2 as a basis for L2 writing, rather than translating from
his L1 writing. One exception could be the piece My Contry.

Table 1 Nasr’s English pieces in sequence, classified according to genre

Clymer 21/2/85 | like Australia observation/comment
(2) 22/2/85 I like T.V. observation/comment
(3) 22/2/85 and
25/2/85 | like boats observation/comment
(4) 4/3/85 My School B.L is on the Moon (a Lie) report
G)ea e2/s/85 I like... 1 don’t like observation/comment
(6) 15/4/85 My Contry report/observation/comment
(7) 20/4/85 My Teachers observation/comment
(8) 22/4/85 The first day | came to School recount/narrative

(Term Il)
(9) 11/6/85 The fellow and the red observation/comment
(10) 11/6/85 My house observation/comment
(11) 2/7/85 New Name for teachers observation/comment
(12) 2/7/85 My Memories observation/comment
(13) 9/7/85 | like dogs poem
(14) 9/7/85 | like stars poem
(15) 14/7/85 draft 3 of My Contry (My Country)
(16) 18/7/85 Boy in the Sea narrative/observation/comment
(17) 18/7/85 The names observation/comment
(18) 6/8/85 War in my Village narrative
Note: The spelling in the titles has been slightly amended to facilitate comprehension.

I will now briefly discuss the schematic structure of the more important L2 pieces, four of
which are reproduced in the appendix.
The first recorded English piece, J like Australia (21/2/85), consists of a series of
autobiographical statements according to two basic sentence models, which could be regarded
as the written equivalent of what has often been described as a ‘formulaic’ stage oforal language
development (Nicholas, 1985), where Nasr is making use of‘prefabricated structures’ (Hakuta,
1974:287) some of which have been provided by the teacher, and some found in a children’s
book (e.g. ‘I like boats’).

report 2 515
In the second piece of significance, a ‘Lie’: My School B.L is on the Moon (3/4/85) Nasr does
what Martin and Rothery (1981:52) have considered impossible: he plays creatively with a text
before he has mastered its genre. The idea was presented to him by the teacher. He combined
his knowledge ofschool vocabulary with his knowledge of food, names; making teacher, students
and classroom into a kind of food or drink. Although the fictitious description he has created is
not coherent, Nasr has fun manipulating the few structures (basically the copula and ‘have’
constructions) and the little vocabulary he has mastered so far.
After this time he became dissatisfied with playing and with writing simple pieces and did not
write for almost two weeks.
My Contry (15/4/85) is extremely difficult to categorize. It contains elements of three different
genres: of report, the information that Lebanon is being attacked by surrounding nations,
observation/comment, as the author's feelings are included, and exposition, as Nasr has attempted
to provide a reason for Lebanon’s tragedy. The reason is more symbolic than logical. Lebanon
is seen as both small and excellent, therefore a threat to surrounding nations, just as Jesus Christ
was gentle and good, and so was crucified. It has been suggested (Robert Paths, pers. comm.) that
this piece could be a form of written prayer, which fits in with the fact that Nasr attended a
Church service just prior to writing it. Though it would still be based on spoken language, it 1s
a more formal spoken genre, and the model would have been in L1.
My Contry is regarded as a transitional piece, where elements of several genres appear in
preliminary form. This becomes clear when we look at the next piece, which is predominantly
a recount, with elements of narrative beginning to emerge: The first day I came to School
(22/4/85). Whilst Nasr and his fellow students are the main protagonists, there is also a small
crisis: the fear which the Teacher in Charge has inspired and the strangeness of the new situation:
Nasr thought ‘him came to hit me’. His fear is resolved, we are not told how, except that Nasr
refers incidentally to the passing of time in the coda (‘and now... .’). Now students and teachers
alike are remembered in his prayers.
When we look at Nasr’s activities and output early in Term 2, we are reminded that
development does not occur in a nice linear progression, but in fits and starts, with long fallow
periods. Nasr retreats back into observation/comment, with short pieces about his house, his
favourite colours, using more ‘formulaic’ sentences about his teachers, his classmates and
‘memories’. Some of these constructions are suggested by the teacher, some by classmates or by
student publications. One genre which lends itself well to ‘prefabricated structures’ is poetry, and
Nasr takes to this with enthusiasm. He had previously written down some songs and poems that
he knew in Arabic and French, and now adapts children’s rhymes and follows his teacher
Margaret's suggestions to write little poems.
Boy in the Sea (18/7/85) marks a tremendous leap forward. It is predominantly a narrative,
as it has a crisis (a boy is drowning in the sea) and resolution (Nasr saves him). At the beginning
it sounds more like a recount: Nasr and his family go to the beach. The actual story is fictional,
but the excursion to the beach is probably true. This is perhaps why Nasr has trouble integrating
the two parts of the story. He realizes the need for some conclusion but is not sure what is
appropriate, reverts to observation/comment:
‘I was happy and I like to go their (there) and onther (another) time’. (D.1).

War in my Village (6/8/85), written only three weeks later, does not suffer from these
problems. It is a pure and unadulterated narrative. There is an introduction which sets the scene.
Nasr is contrasting the external conditions, the rain and the cold, with his cheerful mood (‘It was
a good morning but it was raining and very cold’). He establishes an atmosphere of cosiness

516 part 3 |qualitative methods

(‘when we siting near the fire’) but we already have warning of an impending event which is to
disturb the equilibrium (‘Suddenly’). The suspense is increased by the fact that the main message
is delayed: (‘something was happened’). The time-honoured tragic convention of having a
messenger introducing the action is used (‘one of my village dead my uncle talled us’). The
resolution comes immediately: the young men go out ‘to protect the village’ but in fact to avenge
the death of one of their number. Simultaneously the children are taken to a safe place. Quickly
the young men find their mark.
While there are a few confusions: we don’t know where the father is, or where the ‘cosins’
suddenly sprang from—the story is consistently told from Nasr’s own perspective. ‘Suddnely we
hear shooting, so that was the yongs. . . ’. In fact he knows that is what happened.
Though Nasr clearly claims the story as his own in the coda, this time he does not state his
feelings, rather allowing the effect to arise out of the story itself.
Nasr learnt in six months to control three genres: observation/comment, recount and
narrative. He was not specifically instructed in these written forms, nor was the structure of his
pieces discussed by the teacher. It is my contention that pieces containing elements of several
genres have served as a pilot, helping Nasr in his gradual understanding of the conventions.
The mixed pieces could be understood as a form of ‘interlanguage’ (Selinker, 1972), not
merely as deviations from the target, but as transitional approximations of text, evidence of
exploration, and of hypotheses being constructed at the discourse level. I have called these forms
‘intertext’. They must not be judged simply on their own, but in sequence, as part of Nasr’s
acquisition ofwritten genres.

The development of cohesion
The ability to create sustained written text independently is regarded here as the most vital skill
for any writer to acquire. One way of observing the acquisition of this skill is to trace the
appearance of various types of cohesion. Halliday and Hasan (1976) have provided a useful
framework. Though a later version of cohesion analysis has been published (Halliday, 1985a),
the 1976 framework has proved productive for the current description. Halliday and Hasan
(1976:13) define cohesion as follows:

The concept of cohesion accounts for the essential semantic relations whereby any passage of
speech or writing is enabled to function as text. We can systematize this concept by classifying
it into a small number of distinct categories—reference substitution, ellipsis, conjunction,
and lexical cohesion . . . Each of these categories is represented in the text by particular
features—trepetitions, omissions, occurrences of certain words and constructions—which have
in common the property of signalling that the interpretation of the passage depends on
something else. If that ‘something else’ is verbally explicit, then there is cohesion.

Of the various forms of cohesion, only reference and conjunction will be considered here.
Reference is a way of directing the listener or reader to an item which has either gone before
(anaphoric reference) or which is to come (cataphoric reference). The principal linguistic expressions
of reference are personal pronouns, possessive adjectives, deictics and the definite article: e.g.
Do you know John? He’ a friend of mine. Reference may be to something else in the text
(endophoric reference) or in the situation (exophoric reference) (Halliday and Hasan, 1976:145).
Conjunction is a way of‘relating to each other linguistic elements that occur in succession but
are not related by other structural means’ (Halliday and Hasan, 1976:227). They can be paratactic

report 2 517
or Aypotactic (Halliday and Hasan, 1976:322), or we could call them co-ordinating (e.g. ‘but’) or
subordinating (e.g. ‘although’).
The most marked changes in the development ofcohesion in Nasr’s writing have occurred in
the areas of Reference and Conjunction. Though Halliday and Hasan are mainly concerned with
relations between sentences, at Nasr’s stage, the development of cohesive links takes place
predominantly, though not exclusively, within sentences.
Nasr has two tasks ahead ofhim, firstly to find the appropriate linguistic way to create links
in English, for example to acquire the standard form of the personal pronoun, which is clearly
an ESL function. Secondly he must discover the form of linking which is characteristic of written
rather than spoken English (see discussion, page 124). The second task is similar to that facing
young English writers (Beaman, 1984:50).

Table 2 Exhaustive list of Nasr’s use of endophoric reference

21/2/85 (school) chis name Bronsvik languiche cintre
25/2/85 | like boats because the boats its verry beautufoul
4/3/85 they body is lemons
the chair is 25 kls and she salad
the room have six window and she (changed to be) is beans
22/3/85 | like red because red...
| like yellow because the coulour.. .
| like cat and bird because the animals . .
| like soccer because it
| like teacher because—— teacher me
12/4/85 (translation) | love Jesus and evryone love Him His protect evryone
15/4/85 My contry was lovely contry it was...
My contry is... but hisis...
22/4/85 Miss R. | like she because she...
Mr Bill | like him...
| like my school because she is a moon
11/6/85 | like this coulour because the red one it’s My books coulor its a happy coulor evry day and |
like evryone and happy and the yellow colur | like it (‘s’ crossed out) because it’s my best
clothes and it’s happy too. ‘
(my house) . it’s a good cat...
the dog is an Alsatian | like him very much | like my house because | was born in it.
2/7/85 Mr bill he love all the studints
Miss Phon she like the camera and she love all the studints too
2/7/85 | remember...
and when | remember this things i cry and i wand from god to protect all Mi memories.
18/7/85 . . because it was a very hot day . . . my father and my mother they make the food .. . saw a
boy shouting help help . . . | arrived to him and talled him give me your hand he gave me his
hand and | pull him to me. . . | got him and | went to the beach and | talled my parent what
6/8/85 War in my Village
Something was happened one of my village dead . . . my village yong they got the shooting
gun and they went to protect the village and we went to my grandfather’s house to stay their.
My cosins talled us that someome killed that mam (man). Suddnely we hear someone is
shooting so that was the yongs how had the shooting gun they found the killer and that’s all
my story and it’s true.

Note: Only endophoric references have been underlined because they are considered most important for writing development.
It is this form of reference which allows the reader to rely only on the text, rather than on outside information, as is the case
with exophoric reference.

518 part 3 | qualitative methods

Nasr attempts to use some form of linking from the very beginning. Initially it is a form of
lexical cohesion very similar to that noted by Martin and Rothery (1981:21), links provided by
the teller of the story, e.g. ‘I’m Nasr Nabbout .’. However, even in early pieces he is attempting
reference, e.g. ‘My school chis Name. . .’ (21/2/85) and ‘the boats its verry beautufoul. In ‘My
school B.L is on the Moon (4/3/85) there is lexical cohesion provided by the twin themes of food
and schools but there are also some non-standard forms of reference. Perhaps Nasr is over-
generalizing from his L1 or from French when he uses the personal pronoun for inanimate
objects, e.g. “The chair is 25 kls and she salad’. He also attempts a form of the possessive: “They
By 22/3/85 he is using the formula ‘I like... because...’ to carry different forms of cohesion.
He starts off with repetition: e.g. ‘I like red because red . . .’ goes to another form of lexical
cohesion: e.g. ‘I like yellow/because the colour .. .’ and finally to reference: e.g. ‘I like soccer
because it.... He then gradually begins to use more pronouns: for example in the pieces dated
11/6/85, he uses ‘it’ seven times, on 18/7/85 he is using the plural Peononn ‘they’ and the
accusative ‘him’ referentially.
2/7/85 shows the first evidence of the deictic adjective though not in ihe standard form:‘
and when I remember this things I cry’. By 6/8/85 most of his uses of reference are close to
standard (except for ‘their’) and the doubling up of noun and pronoun as in: ‘the village yong,
they got the shooting gun’. This construction remains a consistent feature.
Nasr was not corrected and was allowed to explore various structures. He used ‘formulaic’
expressions and experimented with altering small subsections of theses focussing on one particular
element (see 22/3/85). Here as with the development of genres it seemed essential, at least for
that he was able to experiment and that he was not prematurely corrected because he did not
immediately achieve the standard form. His text gradually became closer to the conventions,
though in the first six months some non-standard features remained.

Table 3 Exhaustive list of Nasr’s use of conjunction

22/2/85 (a) beacuse (because) | wath (watch) Saturday and Sunday
‘and’ as co-ordinator
22/2/85 (b) | like boats beacuse its verry beautufoul
4/3/85 ... and the hair is jelly
... and the cloose (class) is water
. and one with eye
. and she salad
. and verry smale
. and she is beans
22/3/85 | like red because red is very hot. (Model provided by teacher)
12/4/85 | write story of Jesus because...
| love Jesus and evryone love Him because His protect evryone and when we go and when we
mouve the Jesus protect we (us).
15/4/85 ...butnow...
. because Lebenon....
. why? because...
. but his is the good
and is the lovely. ..
22/4/85 but his the boss. . .
and when his open the door
and his look

report 2 519
and said
after | ask him what your name
and after 10 minits
and evryone came
and the first teacher
and her name is...
and she start the first lesson
and she asked...
and now | pray...
22/4/85 (b) because she is very happy . . .
when she teach...
but | like him...
because she is a moon (written in Arabic first)
11/6/85 (a) | like this coulour because...
and it’s a happy coulor...
and | like
| like it because
and it’s happy...
11/6/85 (b) ...catandadog...
but the dog is Alsatian... .
| like my house because | was born in it
2/7/85 and when | remember this things | cry.
| wand (want) (from) god to protect all mi memories.
9/7/85 A star that is shooting across the dark sky.
A dog that is dreaming very still.
4/7/85 Lebanon which | means my country. (My country D.2)
18/7/85 ... because it was a very hot day.
and my father and my mother they make the food.
...and | arrived to him
| talled him give me your hand
and | pull him to me
and | went to the beach...
and | talled my parents what happened.
and | like to go to their onther (another) time.
(the beach) which were my parents ther . . . (D.2)
6/8/85 when | waked up.
but it was raining and very cold.
Suddnely when we siting near the fire. . .
and they went to protect the village.
and we went to my grandfather’s house,
because my father was not home.
and my cosine talled us
that someone killed that mam (man)
. . So that was the yongs,
how (who) had the shooting gun.
and that’s all my story,
and it’s true.

In talking about Nasr’s development of conjunction, I shall be mainly concerned with actual
conjunctions and these mainly within the sentence, though sentence boundaries are not initially
clear. Nasr, in fact, is initially under the impression that conjunctions can start a sentence.
I have included in the discussion of ‘conjunction’ the use of relative pronouns, though strictly
speaking these are in a different category, as the links between clauses are structural. However,
the aim is to demonstrate Nasr’s growing ability to combine idea units. He progresses from using
conjunctions to using constructions with relative pronouns, which are more ‘integrated’.
In the first piece (21/2/85) no conjunctions are used at all. ‘And’ is used as a co-ordinator:

520 part 3 | qualitative methods

...and my father and cisty-in-laws (sister-in-law) and mother’.

The first conjunction used is ‘because’ spelt beacuse (21/2/85):

‘I like T.V. Beacuse I wath (watch) Saturday and Sunday’.

Here it has an additive rather than a causative function. However, the next day (22/2/85) Nasr
was using it in the correct way, having found a model in a child’s book which he has slightly
‘I like boats because it’s verry beautufoul’.

4/3/85—Many units are not joined by any conjunctions at all but ‘and’ is used six times.
22/3/85—The following pattern was provided:
‘T like... because...’
12/4/85—Nasr translated an L1 report ofachurch service. In this translation we find not only
‘because’ but ‘and’ as an additive conjunction together with ‘when’ (temporal). Firstly, in this
translated section, Nasr has used two new conjunctions. Secondly, he has integrated more clauses.
The second ‘because’ clause is dependent on the first one and there are two ‘when’ clauses
dependent on the main clause. Through translation, Nasr has been able to use several new
elements. These have featured in his subsequent writing.
By 14/5/85 Nasr is learning to combine clauses. Four is the highest number there:
It was the good contry of all contries. but now my contry is not good because Lebanon I
means my contry the israil soldier shooting the libanes soldier and the people in my contry
no just israil and syria, evryone shoot my contry.

He does not have control over the linking process and the effect here is somewhat meandering.
Nevertheless this is developmentally a very significant step, because he is already attempting to
create longer idea units.
22/4/85—While the predominant conjunction is still “and’ (7x), ‘after’ (temporal) appears for
the first time. At this stage, Nasr is using ‘and’ together with other conjunctions such as ‘when’
or ‘after’. It is not clear why he does this—though it is a very common characteristic of spoken
language (e.g. ‘and I said, and then he said and... ’).
The next ‘integration’ feature occurs on 9/7/85 in the little poems, the model for which was
a children’s hook:

‘A star that is shooting...

‘A dog that is running...’

Once again, Nasr has used ‘prefabricated structures’ to’ experiment with new forms.
On 14/7/85 and 18/7/85 Nasr tries to link clauses using the relative pronoun:
14/7/85 ‘which I means my country’ (Draft 2)

18/7/85 ‘which were my parents that’ (Draft 2)

In the second instance he has coalesced two ideas:

18/7/85 (the beach) on which/where my parents were.

report 2
‘Where’ is in fact a combination (even in form) of which and there. On 18/7/85 the first link
beyond the sentence ‘suddnely’ also appears. By 6/8/85 (the final piece) his use of the relative
pronoun is closer to target (except for spelling):
‘. .. How (who) had the shooting gun’.

This piece is remarkable for the number of units which have been ‘integrated’.
My village yong they got the shooting gun and they went to protect the village and we went
to my grandfather s house to stay their because my father was not home

Nasr retains control of this very long sentence. Everything is happening at once, people are
scattering in all directions. In addition, in other parts of the piece, linking has occurred beyond
the sentence level as in ‘Suddnely, when...’ and ‘so that was...’.
Development of conjunction can be very broadly characterized as going from co-ordination
to subordination. However, within this continuum there are further refinements, in the degree
of ‘integration’ or connectedness between the units being joined together. The ‘additive’ is the
simplest one. Though ‘because’ is used, the relation expressed is an additive one (21/2/85).
Next is ‘because’, the ‘causative’ relation which seems out of place but may be explained by
the fact that teachers are very fond of asking ‘why’. The next is the ‘adversative’, ‘but’, then
comes the ‘temporal’, both ‘co-ordinating’ and “‘subordinating’ as in ‘after’ and ‘when’. Finally
we see some linking at a more profound structural level than conjunction, such as ‘which’ and
‘that’ and links beyond the sentence such as ‘So that...’ and ‘Suddnely...’
Form and function of the past tense

15/4/85 was (2x)

Verbs that should have been in the past tense

Table 4 Exhaustive list of Nasr’s use of past time referring verbs

22/4/85 Draft One Draft Two

come came
comed comed
was think was think
| think | think
came came
open open
said said
say said
is came is come
come come
take take
start start
asked asked
18/7/85 went went
was was
arrived arrived

522 part 3 | qualitative methods

was was
weared wore
started start
make was making
saw saw
swam swam
arrived araved
talled (told) talled
gave gave
full full
got got
went went
which were
we ate
we went home
was was
was was
waked up waked up
we siting we wan siting
was happened was happened
dead dead
talled talled
got got
went went
went went
was was
tailed tailed
killed killed
heap hear
is shooting is shooting
was was
had had
found found

As is the case with other features, Nasr faces two separate tasks simultaneously. It is this
simultaneity which distinguishes second language writing development from first writing
development. One task is to maintain consistency in the use of the past tense. The other task is
to learn how the past tense is formed. Though Nasr has progressed in both these areas by the end
of six months, mastery is by no means complete.
In the whole of Nasr’s output, there are only 4 pieces featuring the past tense at all. By the
time he tried a recount he understood what the past tense was for and he had some idea of how
to form it. On 15/4/85, though he used only one past verb form, the copula, and he did not
attempt to sequence past events, he did contrast a past and a present state.
One week later, on 22/4/85, Nasr’s knowledge was clearly at a transitional stage. He knew
there are two different ways of forming the past tense, and he was sure of ‘asked’, which is used
correctly throughout. Other verbs he was unsure of, and he tried out different forms, which I
would like to claim is not a random phenomenon but is a sign that he had narrowed down his

report 2 523
hypotheses about the form and was awaiting confirmation. These include: ‘said’ where he has:
(Draft 1) ‘said’, ‘said’, ‘say’ and ‘is say’

(Draft 2) ‘said’, ‘said’, ‘said’ and ‘is said’

‘came’ where he has

(Draft 1) ‘come’, ‘comed’, ‘came’ and ‘is come’

(Draft 2) ‘came’, ‘comed’, ‘came’ and ‘is come’

‘thought’ where he has

(Draft 1 and Draft 2) ‘I was think’ and ‘I think’

There are several verbs that remain in the incorrect form. No variation found in their forms:

(Draft 1 and Draft 2) ‘his open’, ‘his look’,

‘taken and ‘start’.

It is reasonable to assume that Nasr has no basis on which to determine whether these forms
are correct or not. For example, both weak and strong verbs are represented.
By 18/7/85 Nasr has added several new forms to his repertoire. There are many more forms
that are secure, there is far less of what I have called experimentation. Common strong forms such
as ‘went’, ‘saw’, ‘swam’, ‘got’, and ‘ate’ (Draft 2) and the weak form ‘happened’ all remain correct.
‘Started’ gets the ‘ed’ added on at a later stage.
By 6/8/85, while he is not completely confident, and not all the verbs used are in their
conventional form (e.g. ‘was happened’, ‘tailed’, ‘waked’) he has control over a variety of verbs
in the past tense (‘got’, ‘killed’, ‘went’, ‘had’ and ‘found’). He does revert to the present tense at
one point
Suddnely I hear someone is shooting, so that was the yongs . . .

However, a single example provides insufficient evidence for any conclusion as to intention.

Thus far attention has been focussed mainly on the text. Even so, the aim of the analysis has been
to gain some understanding of the processes underlying Nasr’s writing development in his second
language. One strategy Nasr seems to be using is what I have called ‘the exploration of variation’,
where Nasr has experimented with different possible forms, whether it be the personal pronoun,
or the past tense.
Several other strategies may be inferred from the texts. One very important strategy which has
received great attention in relation to oral second language development (e.g. Kellerman,
1978:59; Pit Corder, 1978:90) is the use of L1. Another strategy which may be observed by
comparing different drafts of Nasr’s pieces, is revision. They must be looked at in conjunction
with videodata, as Nasr carries out many of his revisions on the run, much like repairs in

524 part 3 | qualitative methods

Use of L1
A major hypothesis underlying this research is that a translation strategy is one means by which
students who have sound literacy skills in L1 can move themselves a little faster along the
developmental track and introduce more complexity and interest in their writing than if they
simply began again.
In spite of differences between education systems throughout the world, there are likely to be
enough similarities relating to school-based writing to make L1 writing a possible alternative
model for L2 writing instead of L2 oral language.
Nasr basically adopted a ‘begin again’ approach. That is, he preferred mostly to use his L2 oral
language as the basis for his L2 writing, instead of using his L1 and translating. There could be
personality factors involved in his choice. He found little difficulty in regressing to a more
childlike form of behaviour. He is an outgoing, happy student with a sense of fun and play and,
as well as enjoying simple children’s books he was not seriously frustrated, as some other students
have been, by the very basic nature of the texts he initially produced. My Contry seems to have
been the exception to this, perhaps because his emotions were seriously engaged, and there he
turned to translation.
Therefore, in Nastr’s case, while use of the first language is not his major strategy for generating
written text in English, it nevertheless plays an important part. Initially the option ofwriting in
L1 provided a reprieve; a time when he was free to assimilate the new language without the
pressure to produce it. Nasr is proud of his writing, not only in Arabic, but also in French, and
used material from an L1 autobiography in his English one.
Though Nasr initially wrote several pieces in his L1, he did not make very much use of it as
a conscious translation strategy, though he was aware of it as an option. In an interview with me
(6/5/85) when asked
When do you write in Arabic?
he replied:
Because I didn’t know the English.

When asked, ‘If you don’t know how to write something, how do you find out?’ he said the
dictionary was the best way.
He also uses translation, though not very often, to access language which is developmentally in
advance of the stage he has otherwise reached. The construction he found remains in his inter-
language, to be used at first in a formulaic way, then gradually assimilated. There are two instances
where a translation strategy was used, both from My Contry (15/4/85). In the first instance, it is
inferred. In the second, there is direct evidence from videotape and from translation of an L1 text.
... and now Lebenon crucified on the cross.

Though this item, the only instance of the use of the passive voice, was produced through
interaction with the teacher (see page 148) it must have been conceived in L1, firstly because it was
a metaphorical rather than a literal use of the concept, secondly because he had written an L1
version of the Easter service so that he had been working on the whole concept in L1 (12/4/85).
I pray to Jesus to protect my contry.

This item is more significant, though less specialized, because it is gradually integrated into
Nasr’s interlanguage. Initially it is used as a formula, subsequently he is able to manipulate
smaller units and recycle them.

report 2 525
We can find the origin of this construction in the L1 piece previously mentioned: a report of
the Easter service (12/4/85). Nasr translated part of this piece himself. I was not present so do
not know if he used the dictionary.
The self-translated text reads as follows:
I write now story of Jesus because I love Jesus and evryone love Him because His protect
evryone. and when go and when we mouve the Jesus protect we.

He could not translate the rest, nor could several puzzled Moslem translators. Some months
later we finally discovered by accident that the text consisted of the Lord’s Prayer and the
Catechism, and Nasr was delighted. He spent some lessons typing out the English version
The section Nasr left in Arabic (subsequently translated by Muhammad Alman) reads in part:
I ask Jesus Christ to protect Lebanon for us from all those troubles.

As well as evidence from similarities in L1 text and self-translation, we have evidence recorded
on videotape (15/4/85) that Nasr actually looked back to the L1 piece during the composition
of My Contry not once, but several times.

Table 5 Nasr’s subsequent use of the construction: ‘I pray to Jesus to protect my contry’.
22/4/85 ... and now | pray to Jesus to protect my school and my teachers and my freinds
(sic.: Draft 1)
22/7/85 | wand (from) god to protect all mi memories
(Note the time lag—3 months)
29/7/85 And at the end | pray for Jesus to protect my contry and my family and all the world too.
(‘Jesus story’—English version of Catechism)
6/8/85 they went to protect the village.

We can see from these examples that both the vocabulary item and the structure have
remained. Though Nasr has not made extensive use of translation, these two instances are most
productive for his development.

Revision is seen by Graves (e.g. 1983:151) as being at the heart of the writing process and
essential to success as a writer. However, the ability to revise involves an understanding of the
differences between formal written prose and speech. As speech, at least in terms of the students’
experience, is generally more ephemeral than writing, revision of the complete spoken text is not
possible (though repairs of course are). Initially, when Nasr is doing little more than recording
his oral language, he is not concerned with revision, nor can we expect him to be. Only gradually
does Nasr’s whole concept of revision change, as he becomes more confident at manipulating
English written forms.
There are two places where Nast’s revision strategies may be observed: (1) the videodata,
where he shows evidence of making running repairs, and (2) where multiple drafts of the same
piece exist.
It would be interesting to compare the phenomenon of running repairs in writing with that
of ‘repair’ in speech, although this is beyond the scope of this paper. One important difference
in speech is that repairs are often the result of interaction with another person, whereas in writing,
it is the author himself who provides the impetus. The increase in scope of his revisions, and the

526 part 3 | qualitative methods

gradual incorporation of many changes within the first draft itself, is further evidence of Nasr’s
growth as a writer.

Table 6 Exhaustive list of Nasr’s revisions

(1) 14/3/85 My school B.L is on the Moon 2 drafts, D.2 12/3/85 1

Arabic version 12/3/55, no differences in the two English versions.
(2) 15/4/85 My Contry 3 drafts, D.3 14/7/85
Revisions within D.1:
conty—contry (My contry was lovely contry) 2x
and after said—erased) after “crucified on the cross... ”)
DeintorD 2:
My Contry D.3
(Note: This draft was typed. Some spelling errors could be typing errors).

Draft Two Draft Three

contry coutry
Lebenon Lebanon
shooting chooting
Palestan Palastin
crucified crusifid
—— like Jeses (after -‘on
the cross’)
contry country
smaller smalest
and it is the but it is the
the lovely lovely
and the end (omitted)
Jesus Juses

(3) 22/4/85 The First day | came to school 2 drafts (no videodata)
D.1 to D.2: (see page 137)
18/7/85 Boy in the Sea 2 drafts
Revisions within D.1
we went—we arrived (see Input)
quickly (orally)—suddnely
| swim (orally)}—I swam
| sa (crossed out)—1 talled him
I—he gave me his hand
after (crossed out)—and | pull him to me
and (crossed out)—onther (another) time

Draft One Draft Two

One summer One summer day

We arrived to the beach We with the car
| was very happy | was rearly happy
| weared the sea clothes | wore the bathers
father and my mother But my father and my
they make the food they was making the food
| swam very hard | swam to him very hard
| arrived | araved

report 2 527
And | tallied my parents Whi my parents
were ch
what happened We ate and we went home
To ther To ther

6/8/85) War in my Village

After they (erased)—Because my father was not their (Inserted before “after my cosins . ..)
(Note: D_2 is the same date as D1 unless otherwise stated)

The teacher, Rosemary, provided instructions about revision and drafting on 21/2/85.
However, Nasr did not start revising independently till 15/4/85. He may have remembered and
stored the instructions, but at this stage he was rewriting rather than revising, as he did not look
at his first draft and the only change ‘palastin * palestan’ corresponds to a change in his
22/4/85 The First Day I Came to Scheel
While there are marginally more verbs in the past tense in D2 (2 more, though D.1 has ss
came’) Nasr mainly seems to be experimenting with different forms instead of consistently

14/7/85 The availability of typewriters in term nwo was strong motivation for revision. Nast
returned to 2 much earlier piece (My Consry) and revised it, adding elements which improved
cohesion (‘and’-—‘bur), correcting spelling or syntax (e.g. ‘comity — coumiry Smeailler” Deals)
adding detail (e.g. crusifid /ke Juses).
18/7/85 Boy inthe Sea has the most intens revisions both within D.1 and in D2. Here
Nasr is concerned with word choice such as asking for ‘arrived’ rather than ‘went’ and ‘suddenly
rather than ‘quickly’. At the same time we see the growth of ‘within draft’ revisiens, as Nasr
develops the ability to stand back from his writing during the composing process itself and
anticipate the reader's need.
For example on 6/8/85 (Warinmy Village) he changes ‘they’ to “my cosins’ and adds because
my father was not home’ as an explanation of why the children did not go to their own home
during the shooting.
The past tense continues to fearure prominently in revisions, an indication that whilst Nasr
is aware ofthe need to be consistent, he still has not mastered the form completely.
Nasr has developed in the following ways:
— Some of the processes of revision have become more automatic.
— Many of the revisions are now concerned with the needs of the reader and with adding
elements more characteristic of written English. .
— He is now able to select from alternative wordings in his repertoire (or his teacher's
repertoire, see Input page 148).

Through observation of Nasr’s behaviour while composing, we can come just 2 little dlaser to
an understandi ng processing strategies. By comparing the number, length and reason
ofhis actual
for the breakshe takes during the composingof an early and a late piece, we can also observe the
development which has taken place in his language processing capacities.

528 part 3 |qualitative methods

Table 7 Pauses in an early and a late text

My Contry
was hove (3) —
ly contry (3)
100 years ago
It was the good contry of all contri (20) ies
(asks the teacher for plural of ‘country )
but now (15)
my contry Is (3)
not good (26)
because (8) (writes ‘n’ and then erases it)
Lebenon (13)
| means my contry (14)
the Israil soldier shooting the libenes soldier and the people in my contry no just (14)
Israil (5)
and palistin (3)
and syria (22)
evryone (19)
shoot my contry (9)
(corrects spelling—adds ‘r’)
and now (4)
Lebenon (53)
(See Input, page 148—Teacher helps with ‘crucified’)
Why? because my contry is the smaller (4)
of all contries but his is the good and is the lovely of all the contries (3)
and the end (4)
| pr (5) ay for Je (3) sus (4) to protect my contry.

War in my Village
it was a good morning when | waked up (32)
but it was raining (21)
and very cold (32)
suddnely when we (5)
siting near the (3)
fire (69)
something was happened one of my village die (11)
dead (7)
my uncle tailed us (38) (interruption)
my village
yong they got the shooting gun and they went to protect the village and we went (12)
to my grandfather’s house to stay their (17)
(writes ‘after they’, erases it (5)
because my father was not home after (12)
my cosins talled us that someone killed that mam (man)
suddnely we hear (38)
someone is shooting so that was the yongs (11)

report 2 529
(adds ‘s’)
how had the shooting gun they found the killer (13)
(see Input—asks teacher about ‘killer’)
and that’s all my story and it’s true.

Note: Numbers refer to time in seconds

Although there are no videotapes in existence for pieces before 15/4/85, it seems reasonable
to infer from Nastr’s early invented spelling and from the fact that he consistently subvocalizes
while writing, that he initially concentrated on merely recording his oral language. On 21/2/85
he wrote ‘Bronsvik languiche cintre’ for ‘Brunswick Language Centre’, although he had already
learnt some words as ‘gestalts’: e.g. ‘father’, ‘mother’.
By 15/4/85 he was already beginning to censor himself as he wrote. The most common reason
for a break is that he is unsure of spelling: e.g. ‘lovely —he said the word three times, and he
initially left out ‘r in ‘contry’ and went back to put it in.
During the composition of My Contry (15/4/85) Nasr stopped more frequently, less time
than during War in my Village (6/8/85):
Table 8 Pauses in two texts

My Contry (D.1) War in my Village

Total length: 97 words Total length: 105 words
Number of pauses: 25 Number of pauses: 18
Average length of pauses: 11.4 seconds Average length of pauses: 19.3 seconds

The length of pauses is more inconsistent in the earlier pieces because Nasr stopped when he
had some difficulty. Otherwise he wrote steadily, keeping pace, word for word, with his
In the later pieces there is more evidence of forward planning as Nasr will say a whole phrase
or clause before writing, and also reads aloud what he has written when he reads. He uses a rising
intonation rather like taking a running jump, to create a link between what he has written and
what is still to come.
Further evidence of more extensive planning at the later stage can be seen in the positioning
of pauses, which now coincide more frequently with idea unit boundaries. The first sentence of
each piece provides a clear illustration of this point (slashes mark pauses):
(My Contry)
My Contry/was love/ly/contry before/100 years ago/it was/the good contry of all contr/ies
(War in my Village)
It was a good morning when I waked up/but It was raining/and very cold.
Nasr initially used production strategies more characteristic of speakers than writers in that
he worked in very short ‘message chunks’ (Gumperz et al, 1984:8) and showed little evidence of
forward planning.
The video data have provided evidence of the development in Nasr’s language processing
capacities in English in that he became able to plan and revise increasingly large chunks. This
would seem to be an essential pre-condition for the production of written text.

Input from teachers

Both Nastr’s teachers were relatively non-interventionist. They left him reasonably free to write
or not write, and to choose his own topics. They did not correct him unless he asked, and did
not force him to revise.

530 part 3 | qualitative methods

Most of the interactions on record are initiated by Nasr. Looking at his interaction with the
teacher, it becomes clear how much the student has to know before he is able to ask the right
question. Even in My Contry he had to know that there was something peculiar about the plural
ending of‘countries’ to stop and get help. He did not ask for help with the first part of the word
because he had no doubts about it (c-o-n-t corresponded closely with his pronunciation).
In My Contry Nasr used gesture to obtain ‘crucified’:
NASR: Lebanon—on the Cross—you know Jesus, this one, when he died (throwing his arms wide)
1g You want the special word?
N: Yes
ie ‘crucified’. You want me to write it for you?
N: Yes
7: (writes word)
N: (as he writes): And now Lebanon crucified on the Cross.

By 18/7/85 he is using circumlocution in order to obtain the words ‘arrived’ and ‘suddenly’.
NASR: We went... we came, not we came, we drove in the car, and after we...
ale Arrived?
N: Yes, arrived.
N: Miss, what's this called . . . quickly! quickly!
it: Suddenly?
N: (as he writes) Suddnely ...

In D.1, Nasr wrote ‘sea-clothes’ but he knew this was not the conventional word, so that
when he was writing D.2 he asked:
Miss, how do you say ‘sea-clothes’ . . . ?
He also knew that ‘weared’ is not the right form of the past tense of ‘wear’, but he was quite
content to write it in D.1. Later he asked:
What is the past tense of ‘wear’?
By 6/8/86 he is able to describe quite precisely the context in which the item is required. He
is using the teacher to confirm a hypothesis:
NASR: Miss who killed the man... if Isaid one killed, and the people found . . . the killer?
Here Nasr is actually demonstrating the process of turning oral language into language more
appropriate to formal written text: the transformation of verbs into nouns, or nominalization.
There are possibly personality factors involved in the extent to which students are able to
make use of a relatively unstructured situation. Nasr seemed to benefit; he is an outgoing person,
who used “message expansion strategies’ (Pit Corder, 1983:17) from the beginning. Initially,
while his knowledge of English was limited, he used gesture, which is still a very effective method
in some cases. Then he went to circumlocution and to neologism, and finally he was able to
specify quite exactly what he needed, either by providing the exact context or by using
grammatical terminology for the required item.
Some input from teachers took a long time to percolate, for example the notion of revision.
This does not imply that the input should not be provided, but that immediate reaction should
not be the only criterion for something having been learnt. It might also suggest that, whilst the
relationship between developmental sequence and input is still not clear, it should be taken into
account when providing input. For examples, students must learn to co-ordinate before they can
subordinate, and they cannot revise their writing if they are still struggling to record their speech.
Premature demands may well be detrimental, as they could engender a feeling of failure.
It is encouraging that Nasr seemed to be able to generate the input he needed at the
appropriate time, and that he was able to apply knowledge gained elsewhere without being
specifically instructed in the writing class.

report 2 531
At the beginning, I posed the question: How had Nasr achieved all this? Nasr’s achievements may
be summarized so follows:

1) — In respect of genre, he followed Martin and Rothery’s (1981) sequence part of the way.
He learnt gradually to differentiate the school-based genres of observation/comment,
recount and narrative.
2) He gradually built up a repertoire of cohesive links in English which enabled him to move
from writing a series of statements to creating written text. The ability to create more
‘integrated’ text was associated with an increase in his English language processing
capacity, which enabled him to combine larger chunks of written text.
3) He learnt to revise. Initially he did not revise, as he was occupied with recording his oral
language. Next he became concerned with matters of spelling and syntax, and finally came
to a limited understanding of style options. He also learnt to revise on the run, to stand
back during the composing process itself.
I suggest that these are necessary skills to master, especially for school-based writing.
Nasr also had something to say. Acquiring standard forms of expression may make the writing
more accessible, but not necessarily more interesting. I confess to a passing nostalgia for the non-
standard eloquence of Nasr’s early work (e.g. My Contry), with its repetitions, grammatical
parallelism of ‘no just israil and palistin and syria evryone shoot my contry’ and the religious
fervour of ‘I pray to Jesus to protect my contry’. Nasr learns to cut all that sort of thing out, he
learns to play the English game.
When we come to how Nasr did all this, we are left with two problems which, for the
moment, must remain unsolved:
1) It is not clear at this stage what the effect of the differences between the Arabic system and
the English system—both the school system and the text system—might be.
2) Though it is known that Nasr had basic literacy in his L1, it is not known precisely how
sophisticated his understanding of written language was in his L1, so that it is not entirely
clear which concepts involved transfer of L1 knowledge and skills, and which involved
cognitive advances. I did not specifically ask him to compose in L1 because I wanted to
investigate under what circumstances he would do so. There will be data available from
other cases in respect of this particular question.
The study has generated the following hypotheses:
1) Nasr learnt because he was not interfered with and was allowed to experiment. He was
not corrected unless he asked to be. The question of whether he would have been
successful in a more structured classroom is beyond the scope of this study and must
remain unanswered.
2) Factors which influence the choice of learning strategy include:
— personality;
— linguistic distance between L2 and L1;
— previous literacy skills.
Nasr chose to use his L2 oral language as a basis for his L2 written language, though he used
his L1 at times. Other students may choose a translation strategy. This may involve a different
developmental path. After observing Nasr and other students learning to write in their second
language for the past two years, |am convinced that the choices are best left in the hands of the
learners themselves.

532 part 3 | qualitative methods

Beaman, K. (1984) ‘Coordination and subordination revisited: syntactic complexity in spoken and written
narrative discourse’, in D. Tannen (ed.) Coherence in Spoken and Written Discourse, Ablex Publishing
Corporation, New Jersey, pp. 45-80.
Chafe, W.L. (1982) ‘Integration and involvement in speaking, writing and oral literature’, in D. Tannen
(ed.) Spoken and Written Language: Exploring Orality and Literacy, Ablex Publishing Corporation, New
Jersey, pp. 35-54.
Chafe, W.L. (1985) ‘Linguistic differences produced by differences between speaking and writing’, in
D.R. Olsen, N. Torrance, A. Hildyard (eds.) Literacy, Language and Learning: The Nature and
Consequences of Reading and Writing, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 105-23.
Graves, D.H. (1983) Writing: Teachers and Children at Work, Heinemann Educational Books, New
Green, G.H. and J.L. Morgan (1981) “Writing ability as a function of the appreciation of differences
between oral and written communication’, in C.H. Frederiksen and J.F. Dominic (eds.) Writing: The
Nature, Development, and Teaching of Written Communication—Volume 2; Writing Process, Development
and Communication, Laurence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey, pp. 177-88.
Gumperz, J.J., H. Kaltman, and H. O’Connor (1984) ‘Cohesion in spoken and written discourse: ethnic
style and the transition to literacy’, in D. Tannen (ed.) Coherence in spoken and written discourse, Ablex
Publishing Corporation, New Jersey: pp. 3-20.
Hakuta, H. (1974) ‘Prefabricated patterns and the emergence ofstructure in second language acquisition’,
in Language Learning, 24, 2, pp. 298-297.
Halliday, M.A.K. and R. Hasan (1976) Cohesion in English, Longman, London.
Halliday, M.A.K. (1985a) An Introduction to Functional Grammar, Edward Arnold, London.
Halliday, M.A.K. (1985b) Spoken and written language, Deakin University, Victoria.
Kellerman, E. (1978) ‘Giving learners a break: native language intuitions as a source of predictions about
transferability’, Working Papers on Bilingualism, March 1978, pp. 59-92.
Kress, G. (1982) Learning to Write, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Martin, J.R. and J. Rothery (1981) Writing Project No. 2: Working Papers in Linguistics, Linguistics
Department, University of Sydney.
Nicholas, H. (1984) ‘Is correct usage a relevant target for all second language learners? An overview of some
aspects of second language acquisition research’, in R.J. Mason (ed.) Self-directed Learning and Self
Access in Australia; From Practice to Theory, Council of Adult Education, Melbourne, pp. 36-65.
Nicholas, H. (16/4/85) Lecture presented at La Trobe University.
Nicholas, H. (1986) “The acquisition of language as the acquisition of variation’, Australian Working Papers
in Language Development, 1/2.
Pit Corder, S. (1983) ‘Strategies of communication’, in C. Faerch and G. Kasper (eds.) Strategies in
interlanguage communication, Longman, London pp. 15-19.
Tannen, D. (1982) “The oral literate continuum in discourse’, in D. Tannen (ed.) Coherence in Spoken and
Written Discourse, New Jersey, Ablex Publishing Corporation, pp. 1-16.

Typed version of four of Nast’s texts

Pime NASR NAbbaut I’me gaw scoule chis NAme Bronsvik languiche cintre I live 12 osborne
st Me House Not fraway of the scoule
P'Ime libanise. 'ime live and my brother together and My father cisty in-laws and Mother

report 2 533
My schoul B.L is on the moon
My schaul bieng one from big schouls is on the moon. My school is building from chocolate,
the teacher is tomato the table is water melon, and the hair is jelly, the books is pineapple the
pens is cucumbers the bag is lions the rubber is soup and the cloose is water.
.the students have two very big head and one with the eye, the jeans is Nember 200 and 250
kls there are three hand, 50 fingers and 5 leg. they body is lemons, the chair is 25 kls and she
salad. the window is oranges and very smale. The Room have six window and he is beans. two
blak.board from the plum.

My COnTry
My conTry was lovely conTry before 100 years ago iT was The good contry of all contries. but
Now my contry in Not good because lebanon I means My contry The israil soldier shooting The
libanes. soldier and The people in My contry No Just israil and palistin and syria evryone shoot
My contry.
and Now Lebanon crucified on the cross. why? because My contry is the smaller of all The
contries but His is The good and is The lovely of all The contries. anThe end I pray to Jesus to
protect My contry.

war in My village
it was a good Morning when I waked up. buT itwas Raining and verycold. suddnely when we
siting near the Fire somthing was happend one of My village dead My uncle talled us.
My village young they got The shooTing gun and they wenT to proTect the village and we
wenT to My grandfaTher’s house To sTay Their.
Because My Father was NoT home. after My cosins talled us thaT someone killed that Mam.
suddnely we hear someone is shooting so That was The yongs how had the shooting gun They
found The Killer. and that’s all My story and its’ True.

Source: Reprinted from Australian Review ofApplied Linguistics 9(2), pp. 120-53, 1986.

534 part 3 | qualitative methods

Report 3

Joseph J. Blase
University of Georgia

The study reported in this paper examines teachers’ perspectives on effective school leadership. Formal
interviews, both unstructured and structured, and informal interviews were used to collect data from teachers
in one urban high school in the southeastern United States. Data were collected and analyzed according to
guidelines for grounded theory research. This article describes factors teachers identified with effective school
principals and the impact of these factors on the teachers and their relationships with other faculty, students,
and parents. The research data are discussed briefly in terms of their implications for leadership training and

Research on principals has increased dramatically in recent years. Much of this research has
generated descriptions of what principals do (Dwyer, 1985; Martin & Willower, 1981; Metz,
1978; Peterson, 1977-1978). Other research has specifically investigated the instructional leadership
role of the principalship. Whereas researchers have argued the efficacy of the principal in this role,
some suggest that the primary effects of a principal’s leadership may in fact be indirect (Blumberg
& Greenfield, 1980; Hannay & Stevens, 1985; Lipham, 1981; Silver & Moyle, 1984). In addition,
the literature on school effectiveness has offered images of principals as ‘strong leaders’ and has
linked leadership to, for example, school climate, teacher morale, and organizational performance.
Despite a developing knowledge base regarding the effective school principalship, definitions of
effectiveness and ineffectiveness have relied primarily on test scores or peer nominations. Little
attention has been given to the relationship between leadership and school context variables. Even
here, for the most part, inquiry has focused on manifest outcomes and has provided scant data
regarding the process of leadership associated with such outcomes (Greenfield, 1984). And although
some studies provide detailed qualitative descriptions of school context (Becker, 1980; Cusick,
1983; Waller, 1932) and the principalship (Dwyer, 1985; Wolcott, 1973), negligible data exist that
describe meanings associated with principals’ actions specifically from the teachers’ perspective
(March, 1984; Sergiovanni & Corbally, 1984). Consequently, the ‘thick descriptions’ necessary for
understanding the complex nature of leadership in terms of its effect on teachers and the
sociocultural context of the school are noticeably lacking. These types of qualitative data are essential
to building descriptions and substantive theories of school-based leadership grounded in the
meanings, values, norms, beliefs, and symbolic structures characteristic of school cultures.
Although this article focuses specifically on dimensions of effective school leadership, the data
were drawn from a comprehensive case study of the working lives of teachers. By focusing on the
teachers’ perspective on effective and ineffective principals, this study was able to determine the
impact of high school principals on teachers and their relationships with others. Generally, it was
found that the leadership orientation of principals appears to have strong effects on the
sociocultural contexts of schools. For instance, the data demonstrate that effective principals
positively affected the specific meanings teachers attributed to core issues—for example,
participation, equitability, and autonomy—from which social and cultural patterns seemed to
evolve. This article describes findings associated with teacher perceptions of effective (and to

some extent ineffective) principals and briefly discusses these findings in terms of their
implications for leadership training and research.
In general, the data base used for this article was detailed and consistent, thereby making
possible the exploration of categories as well as emergent relationships. As a result, a high level
of theoretical integration (i.e., the strength of interrelationships between and among categories
and themes) was achieved. This was evident for relationships between major themes (e.g.,
principal’s effectiveness) and constituent categories (e.g., accessibility), between and among
categories associated with the effectiveness theme (e.g., accessibility and problem solving), and
for relationships between categories describing the leadership orientation of effective school
principals and their impact on teachers and others.

The Research Problem and Procedures

The data discussed in this article were drawn from a 2!/2-year case study (1983-1986) of factors
that contribute to changes in teachers’ work perspectives over time. As an investigation of
socialization effects in teachers, this research followed a tradition initiated by Waller (1932) in
addressing the general question “What does teaching do to teachers?’
The total study sample for the first two 1-year phases of the project consisted of between 75
to 80 (the number of teachers varied slightly over the years) male and female teachers in an
urban, biracial high school in the southeastern United States. The mean number of years in
teaching was 11. The teachers in the sample were, for the most part, highly educated, highly
satisfied with the current school principal, and, at least in this researcher’s view, seriously
committed to their work. The school, whose enrolment was approximately 1,500 students, was
also staffed by one principal, two assistant principals, and three counsellors.
Data were collected and coded according to qualitative research guidelines for grounded
theory research. This approach to qualitative inquiry begins with open-ended questions rather
than hypotheses. Data are generated and scrutinized concurrently, through an inductive process
designed to product description and theoretical ideas. In essence, grounded theory research
focuses on the discovery of substantive categories and hypotheses relevant to the phenomenon
under investigation. This research methodology permits categories, themes, and theory to be
constructed directly from the data (Bogdan & Biklin, 1982; Bogdan & Taylor, 1975; Glaser,
1978; Glaser & Strauss, 1967; LeCompte & Goetz, 1982; Miles & Huberman, 1984).
During the first year (1983), experienced teachers were asked to identify and discuss all
personal and professional life factors that they believed contributed to significant changes in
their work perspectives since beginning their careers (Blase, 1985, 1986). In effect, teacher work
histories were created from data collected retrospectively (Stern, 1978) and analyzed through
open coding procedures (Glaser, 1978; Glaser & Strauss, 1967). Analysis of these data—in-
depth taped interviews (a series of three), questionnaires, and observations—suggested that,
among other things, the leadership orientation of effective and ineffective school principals was
a significant factor in shaping the teachers’ work perspective as well as affecting significantly the
sociocultural context (patterns of behaviour and norms) of the school.
In light of the importance of school principals to an understanding of socialization effects in
teachers, as well as the fact that most of the teachers in the study had worked previously for
several principals in other high schools and for other principals in the one high school under
investigation (this school had had four principals since 1974), it was decided that the research
setting provided an excellent opportunity to explore teachers’ perceptions of leadership
effectiveness and ineffectiveness (Glaser, 1978; Glaser & Strauss, 1967).
In accord with theoretical sampling guidelines for grounded theory inquiry, a second phase
of the project (1985) was planned to probe more deeply the dimensions of school principals’

536 part 3 | qualitative methods

effectiveness and ineffectiveness from the teachers’ standpoint. A series of three interviews was
conducted with 40 teachers in the research setting (total interview hours = 170). Research
procedures were designed to produce the widest possible range of substantive categories and
themes regarding the leadership phenomenon under investigation. (Connidis, 1983; Glaser,
1978; Glaser & Strauss, 1967). After completion of an initial set of interviews with 30 teachers
selected randomly, these faculty were asked to review a list of teachers who had participated in
this research and to recommend others who held perspectives not adequately represented. From
these recommendations, 10 additional teachers were contacted and interviewed. Consensus
that the interview participants represented a cross section of the school population was achieved.
These interviews focused on themes representing teachers’ definitions of effective and
ineffective school leadership specifically in the one research setting. In addition, teachers were
asked to identify and describe fully the characteristics (behaviours/traits) of all effective and
ineffective high school principals for whom they had worked (at the one high school as well as
at other high schools) and how such principals affected them and their relationships with
others—faculty, students, and parents. All interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed. In
total, the 40 teachers interviewed described roughly 30 effective and 95 ineffective school
principals in a variety of urban, suburban, and rural settings where they had been employed.
To ensure that the meanings teachers themselves associated with school principal effectiveness
and ineffectiveness would be elicited, precautions were employed to minimize premature
theoretical control over data collection, that is, directing the participants’ responses (Lofland,
1971). Before discussing themes identified in the earlier interview, teachers were asked during
second- and third-round interviews, to identify additional themes related to their perceptions of
effective and ineffective principals. Subsequently, facilitative (nondirective) questioning
techniques were employed to probe and validate themes that emerged during the interviews.
For example, questions such as the following were used: “Are there other characteristics of effective
and ineffective principals that you have not mentioned?’ and ‘Last time you mentioned :
can you tell me more about that?’ Specific questions related to substantive themes analyzed from
earlier interviews (e.g., accessibility) and theoretical ideas (e.g., that accessibility contributes to
social cohesion among teachers) were pursued more directly with each research participant.
To develop alternative data sources (Glaser & Strauss, 1967), the researcher held informal
interviews with other teachers throughout the school (Blum, 1970). Field notes describing the
context of these interviews were written and systematically coded.
Constant comparative analysis was utilized to code the research data. This procedure refers
to line-by-line inspection of all incoming data to determine ‘fit’ to emergent categories and
hypotheses or to create new categories and hypotheses. The aim was to generate the maximum
number of descriptive categories and their properties (e.g., types, dimensions, conditions,
consequences, relations to other categories) directly from the data (Glaser, 1978; Glaser &
Strauss, 1967). For instance, characteristics linked to leadership effectiveness (e.g., accessibility,
decisiveness, goals/direction) and major hypotheses that describe the impact of these
characteristics on teachers were examined. All major data lines were saturated; themes,
relationships, and interpretations were sampled to the point of repetition (that is, no new
categories or properties were produced).
This method of qualitative analysis, the aim of which is to achieve ‘conceptual specification,’
should not be confused with conceptual definition or formal techniques for conceptual analysis
associated with certain schools of analytic philosophy. In grounded theory research, properties
ofa category (e.g., descriptive and theoretical elements) must earn their way into an emergent
theory; criteria of necessity and sufficiency are not applicable to this type of analysis, because
‘logical’ elaboration of the universe of ideas related to a particular category is not the goal.

report 3 537
The researcher collected and analyzed all of the study data. Glaser and Strauss (1967) insist
on the necessity of this, given the requirement of deep involvement and the complex and cyclic
nature of data collection and analysis in grounded theory inquiry. A panel of four experts (two
professors and two doctoral students) was consulted when questions arose about coding or
interpretation of the data. Finally, 12 teachers were asked to critique the researcher’s description
of substantive categories and hypotheses derived from the raw data (see ‘Results’ section of this
article) and the presentation format (Gruba, 1981). In five instances, teachers suggested that
additional data (brief quotations) be included for purposes of clarification.
In total, more than 400 hours were spent in the school setting during the 21/2-year period. It
is believed that this amount of time and the rapport that developed between researcher and
teachers served to increase the validity of the data produced. Moreover, throughout the
interviewing process, teachers were asked to give detailed examples for all statements made
(Becker, 1980; Bogdan & Taylor, 1975). Data were systematically examined for consistency
within and between interviews (for the same individual) and between and among all formal and
informal interviews (Connidis, 1983; Denzin, 1978). Given the length of time spent at the
research site and the utilization of joint collection and coding procedures, the researcher was
able to explore with teachers important ambiguities and questions that surfaced in the data. Data
were also assessed in terms of whether they were solicited/unsolicited, stated/inferred, and subject
to researcher influence (Bogdan & Taylor, 1975; Denzin, 1978; Erickson, 1986; Glaser, 1978;
Glaser & Strauss, 1967).
The data sections of this article describe what teachers themselves perceived as the major
dimensions of effective school leadership. Because of space limitations, only abbreviated excerpts
(quotations) from the study data are included to illustrate selected ideas. A discussion of data
related to ineffective principals and their impact on the school context (Blase, in press) is beyond
the scope of this article. However, the concluding discussion reflects some of the implications of
both data sets.

The Data: A Thematic Analysis

Two dimensions ofleadership identified in the professional literature were used as an organizing
framework. It should be stressed that this framework was selected as a logical way to organize and
present the data after they have been collected; it was not used to control data collection. The
first dimension of leadership is related to task-relevant competencies demonstrated in such
activities as planning, defining, organizing, and evaluating the work of individuals. The second
dimensions of leadership is determined by the social-emotional needs and expectations of
workers. Activities that serve to recognize people and enhance their work satisfaction and self-
esteem are examples of consideration (Bass, 1981). Therefore, themes describing school principal
effectiveness were grounded according to meanings and their general correspondence to the two
aforementioned leadership dimensions.
As mentioned earlier, it was found that effectiveness factors associated with both task and
consideration dimensions of leadership were, in fact, tightly intertwined. For example, three
categories—accessibility, goals/direction, and problem-solving orientation (placed in the task
frame)—were, in the teachers’ view, related to support/confrontation of conflict and
participation/consultation (placed in the consideration frame). Because of space considerations,
only the most salient links coded between and among themes in the data are identified. In
addition, Tables 1 and 2 specify some of the major connections between leadership factors (task,
consideration) and their impact on teachers.

538 part 3 |qualitative methods

Overview of Data
Nine prominent task-related themes (factors)—accessibility, consistency, knowledge/expertise,
clear and reasonable expectations, decisiveness, goals/direction, follow-through, ability to manage
time, and problem-solving orientation—were coded in the data. In addition, five prominent
consideration-related themes (factors)—support in confrontations/conflict, participation/
consultation, fairness/equitability, recognition (praise/reward), and willingness to delegate
authority—were cited in the data.
In general, the study data implied that affective school principals contribute to the
development of associative (cohesive), social (behavioural), and cultural (values, norms) patterns
in schools. These factors and the hypotheses that delineate their impact represent major elements
of the teachers’ perspective on effective school leadership. Not surprisingly, it was discovered that
each effective principal described tended to exhibit all of the task and consideration factors
identified above (in varying degrees, of course). It was also found that factors were interrelated.
Therefore, in addition to defining factors separately, the following descriptions also include some
discussion of other factors that teachers indicated were strongly related to a particular factor. The
impact of each factor on teachers and their relationships with others is also described.

Task Factors
Accessibility. Accessibility refers to availability and visibility. Principals who were available to
teachers ‘arrived at work early and stayed late,’ ‘worked hard and long hours,’ ‘circulated a lot,’
and were ‘involved in everything-—’you see them everywhere.’ Teachers explained that such
principals were prepared to deal with the large number of teacher- and student-related problems,
issues, and questions that typically ‘cropped up’ during the school day. Principals who were
visible spent significant amounts of time ‘in the school .. . in the halls and cafeteria, where . . .
trouble with students was likely to occur.’ According to the study sample, such principals seemed
to help control and stabilize teacher and student behaviour. To illustrate, teachers disclosed that
the principal’s presence prevented certain problems altogether: ‘Kids are just better when the
principal is around, and teachers are more willing to get involved.’
Accessible principals were also viewed as ‘informed’ and ‘aware of what was going on in the
school.’ Thus, their decisions ‘made sense’ to teachers. Consequently, accessible principals were
perceived as using impromptu opportunities to discuss and support teacher goal attainment.
Generally, such principals made authoritative decisions, shared information, coached, advised,
and provided support to teachers and students. In addition, visibility in the classroom, at athletic
events, and at evening social activities seemed to carry important symbolic implications. The
willingness of the principal to ‘mix with . . . teacher and student’ was, in the teachers’ view,
related to ‘caring’, ‘guts,’ empathy, dedication, and generally the kind of leadership involvement
essential to individual and organizational improvement.
More broadly, attitudes and behaviours associated with accessible principals helped connect
teachers to their schools as a whole (‘I feel like a real part of the school’) and appeared to
strengthen teacher respect for and rapport with principals. Positive interactions initiated by these
principals were described as precipitating reciprocal actions from teachers. The accessibility of
principals and the positive interplay related to it seemed to enhance organizational cohesiveness
by reducing the social and psychological distance commonly present in superordinate-
subordinate relations.
Teachers associated accessibility with other categories—problem solving, time management,
goals/direction, knowledge, (‘principals with nothing to offer quickly retreat to the office’) and

report 3 539
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540 part 3 |qualitative methods

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report 3







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personal traits such as authenticity, compassion, friendliness, security, trust, open-mindedness,
and optimism.
Consistency. Consistency refers to the compatibility of principals’ behaviour and decisions
with existing policies, programs, rules, regulations, and norms. Consistency in the enforcement
of rules regarding student discipline appeared to be most salient in this vein. To teachers,
consistency was perceived to enhance their ability to control students in two ways: preventatively
(‘if [students] know what the teacher says goes . . . there will be fewer problems’) and remedially
(‘a student is sent to the office . . something happens . . . he is dealt with’). As with support (to
be discussed), teachers indicated that consistency by principals also reduced the possibility that
students would personalize punishments, blame the teacher, ‘build up defensiveness and
resentment, and exacerbate social-emotional tensions. Clearly, the data suggest that consistency
was inversely related to levels of classroom conflict and tension. Indirectly, consistency was
perceived to increase teachers’ abilities in curriculum planning and instruction (‘when discipline
is a problem, your lessons are geared for control . . . learning takes a back seat’). In general,
teachers reported that principal consistency helped to maintain a ‘rational’ (understandable and
fair) organization: ‘Inconsistency ruins everything . . . the whole system is ruined.’
Consistent principals were seen as being adept at withstanding pressure to make decisions for
‘political’ reasons at the expense of sound educational practice. (For example, teachers believed
that ineffective principals frequently ‘caved in’ to parental demands for preferential treatment of
students.) Teachers indicated that consistent principals helped reduce the tension and conflict
among individuals and groups, conflict that was viewed as salient under inconsistent principals.
According to the teachers, consistency was related to goals and direction, clear expectations,
problem-solving orientation, knowledge/expertise, fairness/equitability, and personal traits such
as honesty and security.
Knowledge/expertise. Although teachers associated effective administrators with a broad range
of competencies, they emphasised formal knowledge of curriculum and research in the content
areas. However, informal knowledge, ‘awareness of teachers’ problems and students needs,’ was
also indicated as important to effective administration. Knowledgeable principals were described
as ‘intelligent,’ ‘worldly,’ “experienced,” ‘perceptive,’ ‘prudent,’ ‘analytical,’ “having substance,’
‘well-rounded,’ and ‘well-educated.’ One teacher remarked, ‘He doesn’t have to be an Einstein,
but he can’t be a big dumb jock . . . many are.’ These sentiments were echoed by another, who
stated: ‘My suspicion is that many people in administration . . . their primary track has been
athletics. This does not equip a person to be an effective principal over an entire school
Teachers pointed out that principals demonstrated knowledge by giving helpful advice,
showing awareness of the school, and maintaining ‘real involvement (e.g., attending activities)
in all aspects of the school. The latter point cannot be overstated. Broad and productive
involvement “in the whole school’ was stressed repeatedly. From the teachers’ standpoint, such
involvement was seen to offset the forces of favouritism and limited what appeared to be a natural
tendency toward fragmentation in the schools described by teachers. The data suggest that
principals’ knowledge was linked to levels of commitment, communication, and cohesiveness.
Knowledge and expertise were strongly correlated by teachers with accessibility, decisiveness,
goals/direction, problem solving, participation, fairness, and personal factors such as compassion,
friendliness, security, intelligence, and working long hours.
Clear and reasonable expectations. This category refers to the school administrators’ success in
creating policies, rules, goals, and standards, based on a ‘realistic assessment’ of teachers, and the
ability to communicate the meaning of expectations to teachers. In the simplest sense, teachers
linked clear expectations to skills in verbal and written communication. Clarity of expectations

542 part 3 | qualitative methods

was also related to rationality in approach and interpretation (‘he had a process ofgetting to the
goals’), the ability to anticipate problems, and the use of evaluative standards to make judgments
about goal achievement.
In the teachers’ perspective, clear expectations were further demonstrated by the persistence
of principals (“he doesn’t move from one thing to another . . . that confuses us’). This category
was also closely related to those of support (‘stands behind us’), praise/recognition (“he recognizes
our efforts . . . this helps me understand expectations’), follow-through (‘provides materials,
feedback’), fairness (‘not showing favouritism . . . bending with the wind’), and goals/direction
(‘I am encouraged to set high goals’). Clear expectations were associated with reductions in
teachers’ ambiguity, conflict, and fragmentation (‘doing your own thing’). Such expectations ‘tied
us [teachers] together . . . refined focus,’ and, as far as teachers were concerned, resulted in more
cooperative interaction in schools. .
According to the data, clear expectations were also related to participation, working long
hours, and such personal attributes as authenticity and security on the part of principals.
Decisiveness. This term refers to the principals’ willingness to make decisions in a timely
manner (‘some of them won’t make decisions,’ ‘they avoid decisions . . . decisions are postponed
endlessly,’ ‘principals change their minds’). Decisiveness was positively related to clear
expectations, goals/direction (‘knows where we are going’), problem-solving orientation,
knowledge/expertise (‘aware of all the issues’), consistency (‘doesn’t play favourites’) and the
personal traits of authenticity, compassion, security, and working long hours.
Goals/direction. This category describes global and comprehensive goal structures (in contrast
to clear expectations) associated with student discipline, curricular, and extracurricular areas. In
terms of the curriculum, the goals teachers identified with effective principals tended to
emphasize improvement. This was viewed by teachers as helping them focus their efforts with
students (“it gives me something to strive toward . . . help focus on important parts’).
For teachers, effective principals used goal-setting processes based on faculty participation.
Roughly half of the teachers studied reported that effective principals tended to define
overarching goals and to seek teacher input on the implementation of policies and plans related
to these goals. Others described effective principals for whom they had worked as individuals who
‘encouraged’ teachers to become involved at all levels. Teachers reported that such administrators
worked collaboratively with faculties, for example, in ‘defining problems,’ ‘getting input on
resources, ‘understand[ing] feelings . . . problems,’ ‘demanding higher goals,’ ‘listening to
alternative views, and ‘organizing input from all sources.’ As one teacher expressed it, ‘he did
more than just publish goals.’
Goal development processes, according to the findings, were perceived as a complex set of
interactions ‘which keeps the system moving’ and, according to teachers, increased the probability
for understanding, agreement, and commitment to common purposes. In the schools described
by teachers, collaborative goal development (e.g., definition, evaluation, redefinition) seemed to
contribute to the creation of common values and norms and to the integration of social and
cultural patterns. That is, goal-setting processes were identified with increases in organizational
cohesion and greater consistency between teacher values and teacher behaviour.
Teachers linked goal-related processes, as described, to clear expectations, problem solving,
accessibility, participation, support, praise/recognition, knowledge/expertise, and such personal
factors as authenticity, friendliness, intelligence, working long hours, open-mindedness, and
Follow-through. This category is associated with the principals’ inclination to provide
appropriate and timely resources (e.g., symbolic, material, technical) in support of routine work
processes and programs designed for school improvement. Effective principals were perceived as

report 3 543
assuming responsibility for the initiation of programs and for the continued supervision (when
necessary) and material resources essential to maintain and enhance teacher work efforts.
(Ineffective principals were often viewed as failing to provide resources for long-term maintenance
of new programs.) Effective principals were considered ‘proactive,’ ‘involved,’ and ‘facilitative’
in terms of supplying resources (‘she would get the process going . . . you could count on her
help’). Teachers reported that their time and energy were utilized more efficiently as a result.
Follow-through means ‘that there’s a serious effort to [help] you . . . to achieve your goals . . .
no follow-through . . . it’s all wasted.’
Many teachers also discussed follow-through with regard to receiving timely supervision (“he
kept us informed’; ‘you get a definite response to a concern you shared’; ‘I knew how the situation
was progressing’). Teachers explained that follow-through by principals worked to reduce
uncertainty, assisted in the clarification and determination of real goals (‘I watch to see if they
are serious’), and allowed teachers opportunities to make plans and decisions consistent with
those of principals.
According to the teachers, follow-through was directly related to support, goals/direction,
clear expectations, decisiveness, accessibility, participation, and the personal factors of working
long hours, compassion, and authenticity.
Ability to manage time. Effective principals were defined as individuals who managed time
efficiently. This meant that much administrative and clerical work was completed on their own
time. Although effective principals were ‘constantly busy’, they did not overschedule or
overcommit themselves during the school day. Thus, according to teachers, such principals were
accessible at various times and in various locations in their schools to talk, advise, and make
decisions required by teachers and students.
In the most fundamental sense, the effective management of time on the principals’ part was
evidenced during faculty meetings. Effective principals prepared and followed agendas. They
were also able to facilitate discussion and coordinate input in an efficient manner (‘they solicit
input... control the process . . . some teachers will talk forever’). All in all, teachers explained
that effective principals respected teachers’ time, ‘don’t run overtime,’ or ‘don’t meet just because
it's Wednesday.’
Efficient time management was linked by teachers to working long hours, accessibility, follow-
through, goals/direction, clear expectations, and participation.
Problem-solving orientation. An effective problem-solving orientation was associated with the
ability of principals to interpret and conceptualize problems in ways that make sense to teachers
(‘they understand the whole picture’). Principals who demonstrated such an orientation were
perceived as ‘thoughtful’ and ‘prudent’ (‘he doesn’t shoot from the hip’). From the teachers’
standpoint, competence in problem solving was judged largely in terms of the principals’ ability
to confront and reduce tensions associated with interpersonal conflicts. (The ineffective
principals’ approach to conflict, in contrast, was frequently defined as exacerbating problems.)
In general, the data point out that effective principals had rational responses to problems. Such
principals usually employed an incremental approach (‘there was a step-by-step approach ...a
definite way of looking at things’) which, according to the teachers, relied on skills in problem
definition (‘together we were able to construct a picture . . .’; “questions she raised helped clarify
.’) and problem solution.
In approaching problems, effective principals were seen as ‘positive’ and sensitive to the feeling
of teachers (“I wasn’t made to feel incompetent; there were no put-downs’; ‘she knew how to treat
people’; ‘I didn’t feel useless . . . like I failed’).
Clearly, the problem-solving orientation of effective principals was related to reducing barriers
to teacher performance, which, in turn, seemed to reduce levels of stress and conflict (‘the

544 part 3 | qualitative methods

problems most stressful to teachers affect time and energy’). For teachers, effective problem
solving meant elevated expectations (‘I demand more from myself’) and an increased capacity to
attain a range of role-related goals. The data imply that, in many cases, the problem-solving
process of effective principals was sufficiently pervasive to affect entire schools (“it’s really a whole
approach . . . the way you work with people day by day, which is good or bad’). Taken together,
productive problem-solving processes appeared to enhance solidarity and cohesiveness in schools
described by teachers (‘we came together, we were partners’).
Teachers associated principal effectiveness in problem solving with decisiveness, accessibility,
knowledge (specifically about the problems of teachers and students), participation, follow-
through, and support. Personal traits related directly to this category were authenticity,
friendliness, compassion, and open-mindedness.

Consideration Factors
Support in confrontations/conflicts. Support refers to the willingness of principals to ‘stand behind’
teachers, especially in regard to confrontations with students and parents involving discipline and
academic performance. In matters of student misbehaviour, the actions of effective principals
were seen as reinforcing teacher decisions. Disciplinary referrals, for example, were followed by
timely reprimands/punishments: ‘students were not sent back 10 minutes later smiling... with
a note saying that the student regrets the incident.’ Although principals disagreed occasionally
with teachers, such disagreements were approached ‘positively,’ ‘discreetly,’ and ‘constructively.’
Teachers indicated that the support of principals was related to decreases in classroom
misbehaviour. Many problems were either ‘siphoned off or prevented altogether (‘students know
they will be punished . . . are less likely to test . . . to take chances’). In effect, the classroom’s
vulnerability to disruption and the displacement of teacher work effort seemed to be reduced.
It should be explained that although effective principals tended to support teachers in conflicts
with students and their parents, this was by no means easy. Teachers explained that principals
frequently had to respond to conflicting expectations regarding student control problems,
educational considerations (e.g., program placement), and political factors (e.g., accommodating
parents). Within the political realm, for example, teachers frequently required support from
principals in confronting parents who demanded less homework and, occasionally, grade changes
and who objected to the placement of their children. In many cases, effective principals were
considered skilful at ‘clearing up the communication problems’ or ‘convincing a parent that the
school was trying to help their child.’
In essence, the data suggest that the actions of supportive principals increased the probability
of productive interaction among teachers, students, and parents. Teachers reported that under
effective principals, they were able to be more ‘open’ and straightforward’ with students and
parents. Hence, meetings, conferences, and telephone conversations tended to produce ‘real’
communication, that is, ‘an understanding of a student’s problem . . . on both sides.’ Indeed,
teachers reported that there was less suspicion and defensiveness, a greater consensus regarding
decisions and goals, and an inclination in parents to ‘cooperate with the school . . . for the child’s
Finally, some teachers discussed support in terms of teacher development. For instance,
teachers indicated that encouragement by principals to attend workshops and conferences and
to take university course work facilitated professional growth and self-esteem (‘she did everything
she could to build us up . . . that’s why I am what I am today’).
Teachers related support to accessibility, follow-through, consistency, clear expectations,
goal/direction, knowledge/expertise, praise/recognition, and personal factors such as compassion,
open-mindedness, and security.

report 3 545
Participation/consultation. This category describes the principals’ willingness to develop
meaningful channels (‘not for image building’) for teachers to express their expertise, opinions,
and feelings, especially with regard to programs and student discipline. The data point out that,
although effective principals were perceived as generally more knowledgeable than their
ineffective counterparts, teachers believed that even an effective principal’s understanding of
curriculum, the content areas, and the problems and needs of teachers and students was
insufficient: ‘The school is too complex for any one person’; ‘some principals have been out of
the classroom for 10 years.’ Teachers argued that ‘many problems could not be resolved without
their help.’ In this respect, teachers linked shared decisionmaking to the quality of decisions
made by principals. The data indicate that the teachers’ participation in decisionmaking was
usually consultative (‘the principal made decisions based on input’) or shared (decisions seemed
to evolve naturally from discussion with principals).
It was apparent that positive interactions between principals and teachers and among teachers
increased under administrators with a participatory perspective. Without exception, teachers
reported that effective principals encouraged teacher participation by developing open
relationships. It was implied that the social and psychological distance between teachers and
administrators, typically associated with ineffective principals, was reduced as a result.
A participatory orientation in principals was linked to trust and respect for teachers. This was
further related to teachers’ sense of professionalism (‘I’m recognized for my professional
knowledge’) and the development of collegiality (‘it's a partnership’; ‘I work with him, not
around him’) between teachers and principals. Participation was viewed as helping connect
teachers to the school processes, programs, and goals (‘I’m a part of the whole’; ‘you’re on a
team that’s going somewhere’; ‘you are important to others’). To be sure, teachers implied that
principals who encouraged participation positively affected both quantitative (e.g., time, energy)
and qualitative (e.g., caring) dimensions of their involvement in work.
Participation/consultation was linked by teachers to time management, problem-solving
orientation, knowledge/expertise, accessibility, support, praise/recognition, and delegation of
authority. Personal factors included authenticity, compassion, friendliness, trust, working long
hours, and open-mindedness.
Fairness/equitability. Although consistency and fairness were strongly interrelated, fairness was
more specifically associated with ‘reasonable’ recognition of the needs and problems of individuals
teachers, students, parents, programs, and departments. Fairness extended to many dimensions
of teachers’ work. Generally, fairness in principals meant recognizing the personal and
professional rights of all teachers; principals who were fair showed no favouritism. In displaying
fairness, teachers explained that principals tended to maintain ‘a broad interest in the entire
program’: ‘Everyone was viewed in the same light.’ Reasonable decisions regarding resource
allocation (‘the debate team was just as important as the football team’), the assignment of
distasteful duties (‘he didn’t dump work on certain teachers . . . jobs were rotated’), the
distribution of rewards and punishments (‘the hotshot coach doesn’t have special status’), and
the handling of interpersonal conflict (‘he listened to both sides . . . used a problem-solving
approach’) were related to teachers’ perceptions of fairness.
According to the data, fairness by principals helped to develop positive personal and
professional identities of teachers (“You grow . . . you are not slighted or put down’). Fairness
seemed to contribute to reductions in ambiguity and unpredictability and to increases in faculty
solidarity. This trait in principals worked to reduce informal status differences and barriers to
communication and support among teachers (‘they made everyone feel they are part of the
team’). Fairness was further related to increased trust among faculties (‘there’s less jealousy here
now ... no reason to be suspicious’) and better faculty morale (‘we're a lot happier... as a group,

546 part 3 |qualitative methods

teachers are treated equally . . . no backbiting as a result’). It seemed that cooperation and
productive interactions were indirectly enhanced by principal fairness.
It should be noted that teachers demanded ‘absolute equality’ (versus equitability) of treatment
only in areas that were easily quantifiable (e.g., monitoring assignments). Clearly, fair principals
maintained a sensitivity to ‘special needs’ and ‘legitimate reasons’: “A teacher should be given
permission to leave early because of a sick child . . . if she comes and goes because she’s the
principal’s friend, that’s wrong.’
Fairness/equitability were clearly linked by teachers to consistency, problem solving, clear
expectations, participation, praise/recognition, and personal qualities such as authenticity,
compassion, security, and open-mindedness.
Recognition: Praise and reward. Recognition refers to praise and appreciation of both individual
teachers and the faculty as a group. Face-to-face interaction was identified by teachers as the
major means for the expression of both individual and group praise, although letters, notes, and
intercom remarks were also cited in the data. It was implied that the willingness of principals to
interact with teachers in this way was linked to their level of awareness and sincerity. (It should
be mentioned that ineffective principals occasionally sent, for example, notes of praise to teachers.
Since such actions were not defined as rewarding [‘he sent a form letter’], they frequently
precipitated negative forms of involvement.)
From the teachers’ perspective, recognition of individual effort (‘for little things . . . pats on
the back’) and group effort (‘he is constantly celebrating our achievements as a faculty... we had
a special luncheon’) was perceived as rewarding. Additional responsibility (‘it’s got to be
meaningful . . . something to be proud of), allocation of needed resources (materials, room), and
good assignments/schedules also indicated recognition. Teachers of both regular and slower
students (as compared with teachers of the gifted) explained that recognition by principals was
especially critical to their motivation: “We don’t have parents telling us how great we're doing.’
Examination of the data suggested that recognition by principals worked to reduce goal
ambiguity (“I know where I stood . . . and what he wanted’; ‘it helps you orient yourself toward
the program’) and confusion concerning performance effectiveness (‘we knew we’re doing well
. she was pleased’). Awareness of ‘what others were rewarded for’ provided teachers with
opportunities to correct problems and inconsistencies with program goals. Moreover, at both
individual and group levels, teachers pointed out that principals’ recognition reinforced existent
teacher behaviour (‘he notices I would call parents . . . Icontinued this practice’) and stimulated
new forms of involvement (‘he recognized by participation . . . |wanted to do other things’).
The data support the conclusion that recognition was related to teacher self-esteem,
professional development (‘I wanted to grow’), faculty morale (‘there’s less crabbing . . .
pettiness’), group cohesion, and instructional and extracurricular work involvement (‘if I don’t
receive recognition, I don’t do it’).
Teachers reported that praise was particularly meaningful because effective principals were
considered knowledgeable (‘it means something coming from him’). Principal accessibility,
goals/direction, clear expectations, and personal qualities such as authenticity, compassion, and
security were also related to recognition.
Willingness to delegate authority. Effective principals were willing to delegate authority
(‘discretion,’ ‘leeway,’ ‘use of one’s own judgement’) to teachers. (However, ‘dumping’
meaningless responsibilities and work, without extending resources or authority, was associated
with ineffective principals.) As suggested earlier, teachers believed that extending authority to
teachers was important to the school, since principals’ time and relevant knowledge were limited.
Thus, the willingness of principals to delegate authority meant timely decisions and more efficient
work processes. As with participation, receiving authority from principals was correlated with

report 3 547
trust, respect, self-concept (‘you feel important working for a person like that’), and teacher job
Teachers associated principals’ willingness to delegate authority with accessibility,
goals/direction, participation, and personal factors such as compassion and open-mindedness.

Summary and Conclusions

Data from the research discussed above point out that nine task-related factors and five
consideration-related factors represent, from the perspectives of the teachers studied, the major
dimensions of effective high school leadership. In addition, the data indicate that such factors
have, in varying degrees, dramatic effects on teachers and their relationships with significant
others. Along these lines, it was discovered that leadership factors affected teacher motivation,
involvement, and morale and, in general, enhanced the possibility of productive interactions
between teachers and others. At a more abstract level, effective leadership was linked to the
development of productive social and cultural structures in schools.
Throughout this article, it has been emphasized that the leadership factors described seemed
to be highly interdependent. In their discussions of individual effective school principals, teachers
voluntarily described (that is, without direct questioning by the researcher) all leadership factors
identified here and did so in such a way as to suggest the interdependence of these factors. As one
teacher explained, for example, “They’re not going to be available [accessibility] if they don’t
have skill and knowledge [knowledge] and truly care about helping teachers with problems
Data related to teachers’ perception of ineffective school principals—who were viewed as
being inaccessible, inconsistent, lacking knowledge, indecisive, lacking follow-through,
unsupportive, authoritarian, political, and practicing favouritism—indirectly substantiates the
importance of the factors discussed in this article. To be sure, the extent to which teachers
consider each of the leadership factors identified as essential to effective, school-based leadership
can be expected to vary from one school to another.
It has been suggested throughout this article that factors associated with effective school
leadership influence the social (behavioural) and cultural (values, norms) structures of schools.
In summarizing the impact of effective school principals, Tables 1 and 2 highlight this point.
Beyond this, however, the study data point to the conclusion that dramatic changes in the
sociocultural context of schools can be expected as a result of changes in leadership. This
conclusion is supported by two dimensions of the research data. First, as teachers described
responses to various principals at other schools in which they had worked, they explained that
their attitudes and behaviours tended to change significantly in response to changes in leadership.
Second, examination of data drawn from teachers regarding the high school that was the site for
this research again indicated important changes in culture. When teachers’ perspectives were
compared for each of the four principals at the school since 1974, significant shifts in the teachers’
perspective, and thus school culture, were apparent.
Broadly speaking, effective school principals appeared to contribute to school cultures viewed
as associative; such cultures were described as cohesive: Interactions between principals and
teachers and between teachers and others were defined as distant, uncaring, unsupportive,
conflictive, inequitable, and in many ways nonproductive (Blase, in press). The terms associative
and dissociative are used to capture the general impact of effective and ineffective leadership on
the school. These terms are considered primitive concepts; their value is primarily heuristic and
sensitizing (Bacharach & Lawler, 1982).

548 part 3 |qualitative methods

The overall pattern observed in the data stresses the importance of leadership competencies
(related to working with people) in contrast to administrative competencies (associated with the
technical aspects of work, e.g., scheduling, bookkeeping, budgeting). To illustrate, it was evident
that personal qualities (e.g., honesty, security, compassion, respect for others) and competencies
(e.g., listening skills, feedback skills, analytical and conceptual skills, problem-solving skills, and
knowledge of curriculum) were perceived as essential to effective school leadership.
Unfortunately, however, most university-level training programs tend to emphasize knowledge
and skill in the administrative than the leadership dimensions. The present data suggest that
such an emphasis may be misguided.
A broader training agenda, one that emphasizes those competencies directly affecting teachers’
performance and the ‘everyday’ sociocultural dynamics of schools (some of which have been
described in this report), would seem useful. Among other things, training in communication,
conflict management, problem solving, team development, and interpersonal and group
dynamics would be helpful. Training experiences designed to increase self-awareness of an
individual’s values, beliefs, and behaviour would also be relevant.
In addition, school officials should undoubtedly give much greater attention to ‘people-related
competencies’ in the selection, placement, and ongoing evaluation of school principals. Clearly,
the use of instruments that measure knowledge ofthe interpersonal dimensions (for example, the
Relationship Inventory [Barrett-Lennard, 1962]) could provide useful data. The services of
principals’ assessment centers should also be investigated. Needless to say, regular and systematic
feedback from teachers and others with whom principals work would be invaluable.
In terms of research, Sergiovanni & Corbally (1984) have written:

The real value ofleadership rests with the ‘meanings’ which actions import to others than in
the actions themselves. A complete rendering of leadership requires that we move beyond the
obvious to the subtle, beyond the immediate to the long range, beyond actions to meanings,
beyond viewing organizations and groups within social systems to cultural entities. (p. 106)

The study reported here has attempted to understand meanings teachers have attributed to
effective school leadership. This, of course, is only one perspective. Other qualitative studies
focusing on how students, parents, superintendents, and school board members perceive effective
principals would be helpful. Such studies would furnish data to help elaborate, interpret, and
undoubtedly contradict some of the findings presented in this article.

Bacharach, S.B., & Lawler, E.J. (1982). Power and politics in organizations: The sociol psychology ofconflict,
coalitions, and bargaining. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Barrett-Lennard, G.T. (1962). Dimensions of therapist response as casual factors in therapeutic change.
Psychological Monographs, 76(43), 1-36.
Bass, B.M. (1981). Stogdill’s handbook of leadership: A survey of theory and research. New York: Free Press.
Becker, H. (1980). Role and career problems of the Chicago public school teacher. New York: Arno.
Blase, J. (1985). The socialization of teachers: An ethnographic study of factors contributing to the
rationalization of the teacher’s perspective. Urban Education, 20(3), 235-56.
Blase, J. (1986). Socialization as humanization: One side of becoming a teacher. Sociology of Education,
59(2), 100-12.
Blase, J. (in press). Dimensions of ineffective school leadership: The teacher’s perspective. Journal of
Educational Administration.

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Blum, F.H. (1970). Getting individuals to give information to the outsider. In W. J. Filsted (Ed.),
Qualitative methodology: Firsthand involvement in the social world (pp. 83-90). Chicago: Rand McNally.
Blumberg, A., & Greenfield, W. (1980). The effective principal: Perspectives on school leadership. Boston:
Allyn & Bacon.
Bogdan, R., & Biklin, S. (1982). Qualitative research for education: An Introduction to theory and methods.
Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Bogdan, R., & Taylor, S. (1975). Introduction to qualitative research methods: A phenomenological approach
to the social sciences. New York: Wiley.
Connidis, I. (1983). Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods in survey research on aging: An
assessment. Qualitative Sociology, 6(4), 334-52.
Cusick, P.A. (1983). The equalitarian ideal and the American high school: Studies ofthree schools. New York:
Denzin, N.K. (1978). The logic of naturalistic enquiry. In N.K. Denzin (Ed.), Sociological methods: A
sourcebook (pp. 245-76). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Dwyer, D.C. (1985, April). Contextual antecedents ofinstructional leadership. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Erickson, F. (1986). Qualitative research on teaching. In M.C. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of research on
teaching (3rd ed., pp. 119-61). New York: Macmillan.
Glaser, B. (1978). Theoretical sensitivity: Advances in the methodology ofgrounded theory. Mill Valley, CA:
The Sociology Press.
Glaser, B., & M. Strauss, A. (1967). The discovery ofgrounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research.
Chicago: Aldine.
Greenfield, W. (1984, April). Sociological perspectives for research in educational administration. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.
Guba, E. (1981). Criteria for assessing the trustworthiness of naturalistic inquiries. Educational
Communication and Technology Journal, 29(2), 75-91.
Hannay, L.M., & Stevens, K.W. (1985, April). Zhe indirect instructional leadership role ofa principal. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
LeCompte, M.D., & Goetz, J.P. (1982). Problems of reliability and validity in enthnographic research.
Review ofEducational Research, 52(1), 31-60.
Lipham, J.A. (1981). Effective principal, effective school. Reston, VA: American Association of School
Lofland, J. (1971). Analyzing social settings: A guide to qualitative observation and analysis. Belmont, CA:
March, J.D. (1984). How we talk and how we act: Administrative theory and administrative life. In T.J.
Sergiovanni & J.E. Corbally (Eds.), Leadership and organizational culture: New perspectives on
administrative theory andpractice (pp. 18-35). Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Martin, W.J., & Willower, D.J. (1981). The managerial behaviour of high school principals. Educational
Administration Quarterly, 17(1), 69-90.
Metz, M.I. (1978). Classrooms and corridors: The crisis of authority in desegregated schools. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
Miles, M.B., & Huberman, A.M. (1984). Qualitative data analysis: A sourcebook of new methods. Beverly
Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
Peterson, K.D. (1977-1978). The principal’s tasks. Administrator's Notebook, 26(8), 1-4.
Sergiovanni, T.J., & Corbally, J.E. (1984). Leadership and organizational culture: New perspectives on
administrative theory and practice. Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Silver, P., & Moyle, C. (1984, April). School leadership in relation to school effectiveness. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.

550 part 3 |qualitative methods

Stern, P. (1978). Evaluating social science research. New York: Oxford University Press.
Waller, W. (1932). The sociology of teaching. New York: Wiley.
Wolcott, H.F. (1973). The man in the principal's office: An ethnography. New York: Holt, Rinehart &

Joseph J. Blase, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Administration, College of
Education, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. Specializations: organizational theory,
sociology of teaching.

Source: American Educational Research Journal, vol. 24, no. 24, pp. 589-610.-Copyright 1997 by the
American Educational Research Association. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

report 3 551
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Even though emphasis has been laid on the striking differences between quantitative and
qualitative approaches in the previous two parts of this text, in many research studies we
find that elements of both approaches are employed. Few researchers are rigidly
quantitative or qualitative, with most recognising the complementary nature of the
methodologies and adopting particular techniques as appropriate in their work.
Additionally there are methods of data generation and analysis that span both
approaches and which are sufficiently flexible to be adapted to meet the contingencies
and needs of researchers whose major concern is “What methods are appropriate for my
particular study?’ and not “What methods congruent with my doctrinaire approach are
appropriate for my use?’.
Survey methods, usually employing a range of interviewing, questionnaire and
attitude scale procedures, are in the middle ground, capable of adoption, modification
and translation into the kitbag of researchers who hold a variety of philosophical
positions about research methods.

554 part 4 | survey methods


Attitude surveys, questionnaires and structured interviews are three methods of obtaining
research data used in both quantitative and qualitative research. In the latter mode, they
figure strongly in triangulation processes. This chapter will focus on attitude surveys,
while the next one will consider interviews and questionnaire surveys.

Attitude measurement
Attitudes are evaluated beliefs which predispose the individual to respond in a
preferential way. That is, attitudes are predispositions to react positively or negatively to
some social object. Most definitions of attitudes suggest there are three major components:
the cognitive, affective and behavioural components. The cognitive component involves
what a person believes about the object, whether true or not; the affective component
is the feelings about the attitude object which influences its evaluation; the behavioural
component reflects the actual behaviour of the individual, though this is rather an
unreliable indication of an attitude.
Attitude scales involve the application of standardised questionnaires to enable
individuals to be placed on a dimension indicating degree of favourability towards the
object in question. The assignment to a position on the dimension is based on the
individual’s agreement or disagreement with a number of statements relevant to the
attitude object. Many hundreds of scales indexing attitudes to a wide range of objects
exist. A valuable collection of scales can be perused in Shaw and Wright (1968).
Despite the existence of many reliable and valid published attitude scales, the
researcher often finds that they wish to assess attitudes to a specific social object for
which no scales exist, or for which scales produced and validated in another culture are
not appropriate in our context. The construction of attitude scales is not difficult, but
there are a number of differing methods of construction, of response mode and of score
interpretation. These various approaches will be considered shortly.
The individual items of statements in an attitude scale are usually not of interest in
themselves; the interest is usually located in the total score or subscores. An attitude
scale usually consists of statements, i.e. the belief component of the theoretical attitude.
These statements could all be preceded by ‘I believe that...’ and are rated on a 3, 5, 7
(or even more) point scale. This rating provides an index of the emotive value of the
affective component of each statement. Of course, the third element of an attitude, the
behavioural act, is not assessed. This behavioural component may not be congruent
with the expressed attitude as measured on the questionnaire, since other factors such as
social convention, social constraints, expectation, etc., may prevent the act which should
follow from being performed. For example, a student who manifests negative attitudes
to ethnic groups other than their own may not display such prejudice in their overt
behaviour because of fear of the law, consideration of what others would think, etc.

Methods of attitude scale construction

The following section briefly outlines the major types of attitude scales and their
construction. A more thorough and detailed account can be consulted in Edwards (1957).

Differential scales (Thurstone type)

Their construction
The method Thurstone devised represents attempts to facilitate interval scale

Write down now what you remember an interval scale to be, then check your answer
with the material in chapter 8.

The approach commences with the researcher’s selection of a large number of

evaluatively tinged statements about a particular object or topic such as those listed
below which could be culled from newspapers, conversations, and direct questioning of
people whose education, professional training or life experience were relevant to the
issue under consideration. The initial array of statements may come from any source, as
long as they cover a full range of attitudes towards the object/topic in question and are
brief and unambiguous.

556 part 4 |survey methods

Example of attitude items (Thurstone type)
Attitudes towards teaching
Teaching is merely a routine job.
Teaching requires more intelligence than other professions.
Teaching is a dull eventful life.
Teachers are the nation’s leaders.
Teaching is a lazy person’s job.
To strive to teach well is to pattern after Christ. There can be no higher calling.
Women make the best teachers.
ONThe importance of teaching is overestimated.

\6 Teaching offers few avenues for advancement.

10 Teaching furnishes a chance for self expression.
11 Teaching has more influence on a nation than any other profession.
12 Teaching depends too much on textbooks.
The next step is to ask a number of individuals to judge the degree to which each
statement expresses a positive or negative attitude towards the object on an eleven-point
scale. Thurstone originally used several hundred judges in developing each attitude scale,
but a much smaller number is adequate, as long as they have some knowledge of the
attitude object and are themselves not heavily biased either for or against it.
The task is essentially to sort out the small cards on which each statement is written
into eleven piles so that they seem to be fairly evenly spaced or graded. Only the two ends
and the middle pile are labelled. The middle pile is indicated for neutral opinions. The
judge must decide for each statement which of five subjective degrees of affirmation or
five subjective degrees of negation is implied in the statement, or whether it is a neutral
A calculation is then made of the median score for each item (the position on the
eleven-point scale which equally divides the judges, with half ranking the item above that
point and half below). This median score is subsequently used as the scale value for that
item. Calculations are also made as to how ambiguous each item is, how widely
judgments of it are spread out across the entire scale, as well as how ‘irrelevant’ it is, and
how frequently subjects who agree with it also agree with items at other scale positions.
Items high in ambiguity and/or irrelevance are discarded.
Finally, out of the satisfactory items remaining, twenty to forty are selected to
constitute an attitude questionnaire, including items which cover the full range of
median scores assigned by judges, and with the median score of every item approximately
equidistant from that of its closest neighbours. The questionnaire can then be given to
any group of subjects whose attitudes are to be measured, with the instructions that
they indicate the three items with which they most strongly agree. An individual’s score
on the questionnaire is the average (mean) scale score on all the items with which they
The scale values, of course, are not shown on the questionnaire, and the items are
usually arranged in random order rather than in order of their scale value. The mean of
the scale value of the items that the individual checks is interpreted as indicating their

chapter 29 |attitude surveys 557

position on a scale of favourable to unfavourable attitude towards the object. It seems
reasonable to assume that the subject will choose statements on either side of, but close
to, their true position. So an average scale value will be a good estimate of this position.

Using the sample attitude to teaching items listed on the previous page, which have
already been screened to exclude ambiguous or irrelevant items, act as if you are one of
Thurstone’s judges. Assign to each item a number ranging anywhere between 0.0 and
11.0 ona scale in which a score of 0.0 is given to those items that are most unfavourable
towards teaching; 5.0 is given to neutral items; and 11.0 to the items most strongly
favourable. Do not assign numbers on the basis of how you feel about teaching, but on
the basis of how strongly each item indicates favourability or unfavourability to teaching
in general. When you have finished, compare your judgements with the average
judgements made by the original judges shown at the end of this chapter (p. 564). If
there are large discrepancies between your judgements and the averages, can you think
of reasons why?

Theoretically, if a Thurstone-type scale is completely reliable and if the scale is

measuring a single attitude rather than a complex of attitudes, an individual should
check only items that are immediately contiguous in scale value. If the responses of an
individual scatter widely over non-contiguous items, their attitude score is not likely to
have the same meaning as a score with little scatter. The scattered responses may indicate
that the subject has no attitude or that their attitude is not organised in the manner
assumed by the scale.

Criticisms of Thurstone-type differential scales

1 Many have objected to the amount of work involved in constructing it. Undoubtedly,
the procedure is cumbersome.
2 Do the attitudes and backgrounds of the judges affect the position of the various
items on the scale? This obviously is a matter that is open to experimental inquiry.
A number of early studies supported the view that the scale values assigned did not
depend on the attitude of the judges.
For example, Hinckley (1932), found a correlation of 0.98 between the scale
positions assigned to 114 items measuring prejudice toward black Americans. The
study involved a group of Southern white students in the United States who were
prejudiced against black Americans and a group of unprejudiced Northern students.
3 The assumption that Thurstone-type scales are true interval scales seems dubious.
They do constitute reasonably satisfactory ordinal scales, i.e. they provide a basis for
saying that one individual is more favourable or less favourable than another.
Thurstone, on the assumption that his scales were true interval scales, advocated the
use of statistics appropriate to interval scales—the mean and the standard deviation.
Other investigators, operating on the more cautious assumption that the intervals are
not truly equal, have favoured the use of the median as appropriate to ordinal scales.

558 part 4 |survey methods

4 An obvious criticism of Thurstone’s scales is that the subjects normally endorse only
a small number of items and the score for a particular subject will be based on only
the small number of statements he endorses. For this reason, Thurstone’s scales need
to be longer than Likert’s scales to obtain the same reliability.

Which statistical test of difference would you use if you assumed the data were:
a__ interval
b ordinal
and you wished to test for differences in attitude between two groups?

The Likert method

Soon after Thurstone’s first scales were published, Likert (1932) proposed a simpler
method of attitude measurement. The procedure involves the researcher selecting a set
of attitude statements, to which subjects are asked to indicate their agreement or
disagreement to each statement along a five-point (or sometimes longer) scale, ranging
from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’. No judges are used to rank the scale
statements: it is assumed that all subjects will perceive ‘strongly agree’ as being more
favourable towards the attitude statement than ‘moderately agree’ and ‘strongly disagree’.
A subject’s score is tabulated by assigning a numerical value to each of the answers,
ranging from | for the alternative at one end of the scale to 5 (or whatever the total
number of possible choices is) for the alternative at the other, and then summing the
numerical values of the answers to all questions.

Example items of a Likert scale

We are interested in your feelings about the following statements. Read each statement
carefully and decide how you feel about it. Please respond to each item whether or not you
have had direct experience with a Teacher’s Union.
e If you strongly agree, circle |
e If you agree, circle 2
e If you are undecided or uncertain, circle 3
e If you disagree, circle 4
e If you strongly disagree, circle 5
Strongly Strongly
agree Agree ? disagree Disagree
*1 Teachers’ Unions hold
back progress. 1 2 3 4 S
2 | regard my union
subscription as a good
investment. 1 2 3 4 5
3 Every teacher should be
compelled by law to
join the Teachers’ Union. 1 Z 3 4 3
* Reverse scoring on this item. Items worded in a reverse direction are placed at random to stop people
filling in the scale carelessly by going down in one column. This is known as a response set; forcing people
to read and judge the statements carefully increases reliability and validity.

chapter 29 | attitude surveys 559

As Likert noted, however, the items chosen by the researcher for inclusion in his or
her questionnaire may not all be appropriate measures of the attitude in question,
because of a lack of understanding of the cultural background of the group whose
attitudes he or she is measuring, or for, other reasons. Therefore, Likert strongly
recommended two additional steps in questionnaire development: the presentation of
the initial set of items to a sample of subjects similar to those to be studied later, and
an item analysis based on these pilot subjects’ responses. The item analysis may be
performed either by statistically correlating the scores on each individual item with
scores on the entire questionnaire and then discarding any items that yield low
correlations with the total (biserial correlation), or by comparing the individual item
responses (¢ test) of those subjects generally most favourable (top 25 per cent) to the
attitude object with the responses of the least favourable subjects (bottom 25 per cent),
and discarding items that show similar levels of agreement among both groups. In
either case, the result is a revised questionnaire that more precisely measures a single
attitude concept.

Advantages of Likert method

The advantages of the Likert method include:

1 greater ease of preparation;

the fact that the method is based entirely on empirical data regarding subjects’
responses rather than subjective opinions of judges; and
3 the fact that this method produces more homogeneous scales and increases the
probability that a unitary attitude is being measured, and therefore that validity
(construct and concurrent) and reliability are reasonably high.
Because measures made with the two techniques are highly correlated, most attitude
researchers have relied on some version of the more efficient Likert scaling procedure to
measure attitudes.

Disadvantage of Likert scales

1 The Likert-type scale does not claim to be more than an ordinal scale, i.e. it makes
possible the ranking of individuals in terms of the favourableness of their attitude
toward a given object, but it does not provide a basis for saying how much more
favourable one is than another, nor for measuring the amount of change after some
experience. Whether it constitutes a disadvantage of the Likert scale in comparison
with the Thurstone scale depends on one’s judgement of whether Thurstone scales
really meet the criteria for interval scales! Many researchers, of course, assume Likert
scales provide interval data.
2 The total score of an individual has little clear meaning, since many patterns of
response to the various items may produce the same score. We have already noted that
Thurstone-type scales are also subject to this criticism, but it applies even more
strongly to the Likert scales, since they provide a greater number of response

560 part 4 | survey methods

The semantic differential
The semantic differential is based on research done in the 1950s by Osgood and several
collaborators, who were concerned with the ‘measurement of meaning’ (Osgood, Suci
& Tannenbaum 1957). Osgood asked thousands of people to rate an array of objects
or concepts in terms of many different attributes, then compared these ratings through
factor analysis (a complex statistical technique involving the intercorrelation of large
arrays of data in such a way as to locate the major dimensions underlying the data).
Three major rating factors (i.e. three main dimensions of judgement) were found: an
evaluative factor, in which the object or concept is rated on a good-to-bad dimension
or something similar, such as kind-to-cruel; a potency factor, involving ratings of
strong-to-weak or such related qualities as hard-to-soft; and an activity factor, where the
main concern is active-to-passive, but also includes such qualities as fast-to-slow and
The evaluative factor represents the most important of these judgemental
dimensions, according to Osgood’s statistical analyses. It also happens to be the
dimension that most other kinds of attitude scales utilise, as you can see from our
examples of Thurstone and Likert scales; and it is the dimension that many definitions
of attitude stress as being the key distinction between attitude and simple belief.
The reliability and validity of the semantic differential is well documented (for
example, Warr & Knapper 1968). Scales which are loaded on the evaluative dimension
are, for instance: good—bad, successful—unsuccessful, beautiful—-ugly, cruel—kind,
clean—dirty, wise-foolish, honest—dishonest, happy—sad, nice—awful.
The same set of scales can be used to rate a variety of different objects, so that it is
possible to make direct comparisons among a person’s attitudes towards smoking,
examinations, particular teachers, or toward any other set of items whose attitude
ratings the researcher is interested in comparing. Different concepts may require slightly
different sets of scales for maximum rating precision; ‘kind-cruel’, for example, would
probably not work as well in measuring attitudes toward modern painting as
A typical layout and instructions for the semantic differential techniques is as follows.

Semantic differential scale

The purpose of this study is to measure the meanings which certain concepts have for you. This
is done by having you judge them against a set of descriptive scales which consist of adjectives
and their opposites. You are asked to make your judgments on the basis of what these things
mean to you. On each page of this booklet, you will find a different concept to be judged and
beneath it a set of scales. You are asked to rate the concept on each of the scales in order.

1 Place your check-mark in the middle of the spaces, not at the boundaries.
2 Besure you check every scale for every concept; do not omit any.
3 Never put more than one check-mark on a single scale.
4 Do not look back and forth through the items. Do not try to remember how you checked
similar items earlier in the test. Make each item a separate and independent judgement.
5 Work fairly quickly through the items.

chapter 29 | attitude surveys 561

6 Do not worry or puzzle over individual items. It is your first impressions, the immediate
‘feelings’ about the items that are wanted. On the other hand, do not be careless, for it is
your true impression that is wanted.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Good X bad
Rigid X flexible
Independent X submissive
Democratic X authoritarian
Disorganised X organised
Cooperative X uncooperative
Nonconforming X conforming

The particular scales included are those the investigator wishes to include—
usually on the grounds of relevance to the attitude under investigation.
To prevent the acquiescence response, set-scale polarity is reversed for pairs in random
order, and for these the scoring on the 1—7 range is reversed. For individuals, a total score
reflecting level of self-evaluation can be obtained on the dubious assumption—as with
most other instruments—that all items are equal in their contribution and that the data
are of the interval type. With groups, such totals would be averaged or an average
response could be computed for each scale. The semantic differential technique appears
appropriate for use with children of 12 years of age and upwards.

1 In most uses of the Thurstone and Likert techniques, measurement of an attitude’s
affective aspects is stressed, though cognitive and conative qualities are often
intermingled with the affective judgment. The individual’s beliefs about an object’s
potency, activity, and at times other less important dimensions of meaning, may also
be crucial to their overall attitude, determining whether their behaviour toward an
object is similar to or very different from the behaviour of other individuals whose
evaluative ratings resemble their own. As an example, one subject might rate the
concept PRINCIPAL as unfavourable, strong and active; another subject might rate
PRINCIPAL as equally unfavourable, but also as weak and passive. The first subject
might actively avoid or seek to placate their principal; the second might ignore or
attempt to exploit their principal.
2 A semantic differential is relatively easy to construct.

1 The assumption of equal interval data may not be sound, and, like the Likert approach,
ordinal data is certainly a more valid assumption.
2 Scales weighted heavily on the evaluative dimension for one concept may not be
strongly evaluative when applied to another concept. It would seem necessary for a
factor analysis to be undertaken to ensure that presumed evaluative scales actually do
index the evaluative dimension when referring to a particular attitude object. The

562 part 4 |survey methods

marker scale ‘good—bad’ which is consistently evaluative will help identify the other
evaluative scales. The meaning of a scale may vary considerably depending on the
concept being judged.

The reliability and validity of attitude scales

The reliability of attitude scales is usually assessed via the test-retest method, or where
occasionally there are two parallel forms of the scale, an alternative form of reliability can
be obtained. ;

1 What do you understand by the test-retest method? (Refer back to chapter 20 if in

2 Why should a split-half reliability not be used?

It would be impossible to split a Likert attitude scale or a semantic differential into

two comparable halves. It would be feasible but difficult in a Thurstone scale, provided
items of the same scale value were included in each half. This would be akin to parallel
forms of the scale.
Measures of internal consistency are possible with Likert scales by correlating item
score to total score, the general principle being that item score should be congruent with
total score. An item score that is not may well be measuring some other attitude. Refer
to p. 348 on the use of Cronbach’s alpha with SPSS.

The validity of attitude scales is often checked by concurrent validity using known
criterion groups, i.e. sets of individuals who are known in advance to hold different
attitudes to the relevant object. For example, random samples of ALP and Liberal Party
members could act as criterion groups for the concurrent validation of an attitude scale
towards private schools. If the scale differentiated statistically significantly between these
two groups, then it could be said to have concurrent validity.
Predictive validity is also possible by selecting some criterion in the future such as
voting behaviour. Content validity can be gauged by requesting judges to indicate
whether the items are relevant to the assessment of that particular attitude. Finally, of
course, construct validity using factor analysis of the inter-correlations ofitem responses
will demonstrate homogeneity or heterogeneity of Likert and semantic differential scales.
Many attitude scales are multifactorial or multidimensional, in that they do not measure
one unitary attitude but groups of items, each measuring different dimensions of the
attitude. Face validity can cause problems. In order to ensure motivation, the statements
are often fairly obviously related to the attitude object in question. In fact, it is extremely

chapter 29 |attitude surveys 563

difficult to disguise the purpose of the scale in most cases. However, because the manifest
content ofthe statements usually makes clear the nature of the dimension being studied,
it is possible for the individual, deliberately or unconsciously, to bias results in the
direction thought to best suit his or her own purposes.

What criterion would you select to check the concurrent validity of:
1 an attitude towards the wearing of seat-belts scale?
2 an attitude scale towards corporal punishment in schools?

General criticisms
The chief criticism that might be levelled at all attitude scales is concerned with the
indirectness of measurement, i.e. verbal statements are used as a basis for inferences
about ‘real’ attitudes. Moreover, attitude scales are easily faked. Although administering
the scales anonymously may increase the validity of results, anonymity makes it difficult
to correlate the findings with related data about the individuals, unless such data are
obtained at the same time. It seems that we must limit our inferences from attitude-scale
scores, recognising that such scores merely summarise the verbalised attitudes that the
subjects are willing to express in a specific test situation.
Attitude scales are self-report measures and they suffer from the same problems as all
other self-report techniques. What subjects are willing to reveal about themselves would
seem to depend on such factors as willingness to cooperate, social expectancy, feelings
of personal adequacy, feelings of freedom from threat, dishonesty, carelessness, ulterior
motivation, interpretation ofverbal stimuli, etc. The study of human emotions, feelings
and values about objects in the environment is clouded by those very same variables.
Response sets too, such as acquiescence (the tendency to agree with items irrespective
of their content) and social desirability (the tendency to agree to statements which social
consensus would, it is believed, indicate are socially desirable and reject those that are
socially undesirable) fog the data derived from attitude scales. The best way of
eliminating acquiescence is to randomly order positive and negative items to prevent a
subject ticking madly away down the same column.

Original judgements ofstatements in STQ149

Item Scale value Item Scale value
1 3.3 7 5.8
2. 8.9 8 BF
3 2.4 9 3.8
4 10.0 10 8.8
5 2.0 11 10.3
6 10.7 12 4.9

564 part 4 | survey methods

Attitudes are evaluated beliefs which predispose the individual to respond in specific ways. Attitude
scales measure the degree of favourability towards the subjects in question. The major types of
attitude scales are the Likert, Thurstone, and the semantic differential. Attitude scales may often
have low reliability and low validity as they are self-report measures and subjects may lie, give
socially acceptable answers and misinterpret verbal stimuli.

Edwards, A.L. (1957), Techniques ofAttitude Scale Construction, Appleton Century Crafts, New York.
Hinckley, E.D. (1963), “The influence of individual opinion on construction of an attitude scale’,
Journal ofAbnormal and Social Psychology 67, pp. 290-2.
Likert, R. (1932), ‘A technique for the measurement ofattitudes’, Arch. Psychology, p. 140.
Osgood, C.E., Suci & Tannenbaum (1957), The Measurement of Meaning, University of Illinois
Press, Illinois.
Warr, P. & Knapper, C. (1968), Perception of People and Events, Wiley, London.

Further reading
Shaw, M. & Wright, J. (1968), Scales for the Measurement of Attitudes, McGraw Hill, New York.
Thurstone, L.L. (1929), The Measurement of Attitude, University of Chicago, Illinois.

chapter 29 | attitude surveys 565

interview and

The survey is the most commonly used descriptive method in educational research, and
gathers data at a particular point in time.

Major forms of survey

¢ The descriptive survey aims to estimate as precisely as possible the nature of existing
conditions, or the attributes of a population; for example, its demographic
composition, its attitude to abortion, its religious beliefs, voting intentions, its child-
rearing practices.
¢ The explanatory survey seeks to establish cause and effect relationships but without
experimental manipulation; for example, the effects on teachers’ motivation of merit
schemes, the effects of social climate on adolescent values. Sometimes, of course, both
descriptive and explanatory studies can be carried out in the same inquiry.
Thus, surveys may vary in their levels of complexity, from those which provide simple
frequency counts to those which involve correlational analysis.
For descriptive surveys, representative sampling of the population is as crucial as in
the experiment, since without representation estimates of population, statistics will be
inaccurate. In explanatory studies, control is crucial, for failure to anticipate the necessity
to control potentially confounding variables may invalidate the findings. All the
problems inherent in the obtaining of reliable and valid measures are as important in
surveys as in the experimental method.
The chief characteristics of the survey are:
¢ It requires a sample of respondents to reply to a number of standard questions under
comparable conditions.
¢ It may be administered by an interviewer, by mailing the respondent a form for self-
completion, or by telephone.
¢ The respondents represent a defined population. If less than 100 per cent of the
defined population is sampled then a sample survey has been conducted; a 100 per
cent survey is a census.
¢ The results of the sample survey can be generalised to the defined population.
¢ The use of standard questions enables comparisons of individuals to be made.

Distinguish between a census and a sample survey.

The survey can be highly standardised with a schedule of questions which must be
responded to in the same order, with the same wording and even the same voice tone in
the interview to ensure each subject is responding to the same instrument. In less
standardised surveys, there is only enough direction given to stimulate a respondent to
cover the area of interest in depth while having freedom of expression. But the choice
of method is affected by the following considerations, among others:

¢ Nature of population; for example, age, reading or writing skills, wide or localised
geographical dispersal.
¢ Nature of information sought; for example, sensitive, emotive, boring.
¢ Complexity and length of questionnaires/interviews.
¢ Financial and other resources; for example, time.
The aim is to select an approach that will generate reliable and valid data from a high
proportion of the sample within a reasonable time period at minimum cost.
An interviewer-administered survey is more accurate and obtains more returns than
a postal self-completion survey.
Face-to-face interviewing is essential where:
¢ the population is inexperienced in filling in forms or poorly motivated to respond;
¢ the information required is complicated or highly sensitive; and
* the schedule is an open one, requiring individualised phrasing of questions in response
to the respondent’s answers.
The least expensive method, self-administered postal questionnaires, would be the
obvious one to adopt if the opposite conditions held, especially if the population was
highly scattered geographically.
The advantage of the survey is that it can elicit information from a respondent that
covers a long period of time in a few minutes, and, with comparable information for a
number of respondents, can go beyond description to looking for patterns in data. But

chapter 30 |structured interview and questionnaire surveys 567

the attempt to produce comparable information by standard questions can lead to the
obscuring of subtle differences. Simplification of behaviour is the price paid to find
patterns and regularities in behaviour by standard measures.
Interview schedules and postal questionnaires should be tried out in ‘pilot studies’ to
remove ambiguity, test adequacy of response categories, and all the work involved in the

Steps in survey research

1 Planning involves the determination of what topic is to be investigated and what
population is to be studied. In this stage, one also decides on the methods and
procedures that will be used to gather the data, and the resources needed.
2 Sampling involves decision-making about which people from the population of
interest are to be included in the survey. The sampling procedure that is most
likely to yield a representative sample is some form of random or stratified sample
(chapter 6).
3 Construction of the data-gathering instrument involves writing the questions and
planning the format of the instrument to be used.
4 Carrying out the survey includes pre-testing the instrument to determine whether it
will obtain the desired data, training the users of the instrument (for example,
interviewers), interviewing subjects or distributing questionnaires to them, and
verifying the accuracy of the data gathered.
5 Processing data includes the coding of the data, computer processing of the data,
interpreting the results, and reporting the findings.

The strength of the survey method would appear to be that:

* it is often the only way to obtain information about a subject’s past life;
* it is one of the few techniques available to provide information on beliefs, attitudes
and motives;
* it can be used on all normal human populations except young children;
* it is an efficient way of collecting data in large amounts at low cost in a short period
of time; and
* structured surveys are amenable to statistical analysis.

Longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys

Some surveys involve multiple or repeated contact. ‘Before-and-after’ studies come into
this category where there is an attempt to establish the effect of some event on the
experimental group which has occurred between the two phases of the survey; for
example, the effect of a television program on attitudes to free tertiary education.
There are two basic approaches in collecting survey data from large samples. The first
of these is the cross-sectional approach. As the name implies, the method involves taking
a cross-section of the population, selecting, for example, a particular age group, and
measuring the value of one or more variables, such as height, reading ability, etc. These
data can then be used to calculate norms for that particular age group. Cross-sections of

568 part 4 |survey methods

OMe age groups Can then De taken and the changes in norms from one Cross-section to

2nomMe Can DE Used 425 an estimate oF the development

I occurring “4 between One age
; and

FIGURE 30.1 Cross-sectional design—the number in each circle represents the

subject number

However, there are often difficulties in interpreting cross-sectional data. For one
thing, there may be changes from year to year in the variable being studied. For example,
if one were interested in using a cross-sectional approach to examine the development
of number skills berween the ages of four and six, one might assess these skills in two
sasnples of 100 children at each of the two ages. It might then be found that the norms
ed advances in some skills, no difference in others, and decrements in the rest
between the two age groups. However, the actual sample of four-year-old children might,
f followed up after two years, turn out to be much better in all skills than the original
six-yeas-olds in the sample. The reason for this could be that environmental conditions
rdevant to the development of those number skills had changed during this period,
though there are other equally likely explanations.
The cross-sectional method is most often used to produce developmental norms for
different ages, thus allowing one to assess whether a particular child is ahead of or behind
the norm, which is often an important diagnostic question. However, by concentrating
on averages, this approach tells us very little about individual patterns of development,
and may indeed give a false picture of growth. If some children develop very quickly
between the ages of four and five, and others very slowly, this will be obscured in the
cross-sectional data. The impression would be that all develop at a steady rate.

chapter 30 structured interview and questionnaire surveys 569

The final difficulty with a cross-section approach is that chronological age is by no
means equivalent in terms of physical development for every individual. There are
considerable differences in development status between children who are ostensibly the
same ‘age’.
The alternative approach for studying large samples of individuals is a longitudinal
study. This avoids the pitfalls outlined above, by collecting observations and
measurements through repeated contact with the same individuals over a period of years.

FIGURE 30.2 The longitudinal study—each subject observed (tested) five times over
the course of the study

Time of Measurement

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990

<]]{ ]O
Same subjects measured at ten-year intervals
By collecting information in this way, one can interpret an individual’s status in terms
of their own past growth, and pick up many of the variations and individual differences
in developmental progress.
A good example of a longitudinal approach is the UK National Child Development
Study (Davie, Butler & Goldstein 1972) which followed up nearly 16 000 children

570 part 4 |survey methods

from their birth, during one week in March 1958, for eleven years. A population
followed up in this way in a longitudinal study is commonly called a cohort. The data
from this particular study have been used to assess, for example, the long-term effects on
children’s attainment if their mother works.
Although it is a much more valuable way of studying development, the longitudinal
approach is extremely time-consuming, costly, organisationally complex, and slow in
producing results. Some indication of the difficulty of maintaining large-scale longitudinal
surveys is given by the fact that only four British studies with samples of more than 1000 have
been recorded. Particular care must be used in selecting the sample, because any initial errors
are likely to have an increasing influence on the results as the study progresses. The study
becomes increasingly difficult as the years go by, because families move and have to be
followed up, and changes in research personnel may introduce error into the data collection.
There is also a common tendency for the sample to become biased towards those who are
more cooperative in informing the investigators of change of address, and, in addition, bias
can occur because, for example, different social-class groups may be affected by differential
illness and death rates.

1 Briefly outline the relative merits of the longitudinal and cross-sectional survey
2 What do you perceive to be the major factors which may lower reliability and validity
indices in: (a) an interview (b) a questionnaire?

The questionnaire or interview schedule

Survey data are usually obtained by means of a questionnaire, a series of pre-determined
questions that can be either self-administered, administered by mail, or asked by
interviewers. When the questionnaire is to be administered by interview, it is often called
an interview schedule. The use of questionnaires in research is based on one basic
underlying assumption: that the respondent will be both willing and able to give truthful
Three kinds of items generally are used in the construction of schedules and
questionnaires: closed items, open-ended items, and scale items.

Closed items
The closed items usually allow the respondent to choose from two or more fixed
alternatives. The most frequently used is the dichotomous item which offers two
alternatives only: yes/no or agree/disagree, for instance. Sometimes a third alternative
such as ‘undecided’ or “don’t know’ is also offered. The alternatives offered must be
exhaustive, i.e. cover every possibility.

chapter 30 | structured interview and questionnaire surveys 571

Do you feel school uniforms should be compulsory?
LI Yes
I No
_] Don’t know
Closed items have, for example, the advantage of achieving greater uniformity of
measurement and therefore greater reliability; of making the respondents answer in a
manner fitting the response category; and of being more easily coded. Disadvantages
include their superficiality; the possibility of annoying respondents who find none of the
alternatives suitable; or forcing responses that are inappropriate.
These weaknesses can be overcome, however, if the items are written with care, mixed
with open-ended ones, and used in conjunction with probes if part of an interview.

Open-ended items
Open-ended items simply supply a frame of reference for respondents’ answers, coupled
with a minimum of restraint on their expression. Other than the subject of the question,
there are no other restrictions on either the content or the manner of the respondent’s
reply, facilitating a richness and intensity of response. Open-ended items form the
essential ingredient of unstructured interviewing (see chapter 24).

What aspects of this course do you most enjoy? .......eeeee

Open-ended questions are flexible. In interviews, they allow the interviewer to probe
so that they may go into more depth if they choose, or clear up any misunderstandings;
they enable the interviewer to test the limits of the respondent’s knowledge; they
encourage cooperation and help establish rapport; and they allow the interviewer to
make a truer assessment of what the respondent really believes. Open-ended situations
can also result in unexpected or unanticipated answers which may suggest hitherto
unthought-of relationships or hypotheses. The major problem is coding or content
analysing the responses.
A particular kind of open-ended question is the funnel. This starts with a broad
question or statement and then narrows down to more specific ones. An example would
run like this:
a Many school pupils smoke these days. Is this so at your school:
b Do any of your school friends smoke?
c Have you ever smoked?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of open-ended questions compared with
closed questions?

572 part 4 | survey methods

Scale items
The scale is a set of verbal items to which the respondent responds by indicating degrees
of agreement or disagreement. The individual’s response is thus located on a scale of
How would you rate the teacher that you have this semester? (Circle number.)
Very poor
Less than adequate
More than adequate
NA Insufficient information
Ranking questions ask respondents to indicate the order of their preference among a
number of options. Rankings should not involve more than five or six options because
it becomes too difficult for respondents to make the comparisons. An example of a
ranking item follows.
Which subjects do you find most interesting? Please rank the order of interest of the
following subjects, with 1 being the most interesting and 5 the least interesting.

¢ History
¢ Maths
¢ English
¢ Science
° Geography
Ranked data can be analysed by adding up the rank of each response across the
respondents, thus resulting in an overall rank order of alternatives.
A checklist response requires that the respondent selects one of the presented
alternatives. In that they do not represent points on a continuum, they are nominal
Which languages do you speak? (Tick as many as apply.)
J English
J French
_I German
1 Japanese
I Other (please specify)
This kind of response tends to yield less information than the other kinds considered.
Finally, the categorical response mode is similar to the checklist but simpler in that
it offers respondents only two possibilities.

chapter 30 |structured interview and questionnaire surveys 573

Paying for education increases motivation to study True False
In the event of war, would you be prepared to give
up your studies and fight for your country? Yes No
Summing the numbers of respondents for each response yields a nominal measure,
suitable for chi square.

Questionnaire and schedule design

The appearance and arrangement of the survey form itself is vital to a successful study.
A well-planned and carefully constructed questionnaire will increase the response rate
and will also greatly facilitate the summarisation and analysis of the collected data.
The model questionnaire is designed in four parts: the introduction, warm-up
questions, the body of the study, and demographic questions.
Alternatively, the introduction can be taken care of in a covering letter, and many
researchers find it most suitable to place demographic questions concerned with the sex
of the respondent, age, faculty, religion, socioeconomic status, and so on, first.
The reason for this is that one of the warm-up questions might offend and lead to the
destroying of the questionnaire, whereas the demographic questions do not usually
offend and lead the respondent well into the questionnaire, thereby making it more
difficult to withdraw. One question which offends at the beginning may lead to a refusal
to answer the whole schedule. Thus a broad scheme of (1) introduction, (2) demographic
questions, (3) warm-up questions, (4) body of study, is advised.
Questionnaires used for mail surveys differ in many ways from those used for
interviewing. For example, questions that ask people to rank ten things by assigning
each of them a number from | to 10 work better in mail surveys because the respondent
can see all ten items at once. They do not work as well in an interview because the
respondent sees no list and would have to remember all ten items to be ranked. Also,
some questions that read well in a mail survey can be tongue-twisters for interviewers.
The physical appearance of mail surveys is more important than that of interview
forms because the respondent sees the actual questionnaire. Thinking up questions for
a questionnaire is not a problem; coming up with the right questions is. Usually a
literature review, preliminary interviews with potential respondents, and discussions
with experts provide a multitude of possible questionnaire items. The difficult task is
selecting only those items that are really needed in the questionnaire to accomplish the
purpose of the study.
The following procedures should be followed in designing both mail and interview
1 Begin with a few interesting, ‘non-threatening’ questions because introductory
questions that are either ‘threatening’ or ‘dull’ may reduce the likelihood of the
subjects completing the questionnaire.

574 part 4 |survey methods

Group items into logically coherent sections; i.e. those that deal with a specific topic,
or those that use the same response options should go together.
Make smooth transitions between sections, avoiding the appearance of a series of
unrelated “quiz’ questions.
Do not put important items at the end of a questionnaire.
Number questionnaire items so that the respondent or interviewer will not become
confused while completing the form.
Put an identifying mark on each page of the form so that if one page should get
separated from the rest, it can be re-attached.
Put the study title in bold type on the first page of the questionnaire.
Because the response rate to mail questionnaires is affected by the visual appearance
of the questionnaire, particular attention should be paid to the following format

1 Make the questionnaire as ‘appealing to the eye’ and easy to complete as possible.
2 Include brief but clear instructions for completing the form. Construct questions so
they do not require extensive instructions or examples. Print all instructions in bold
type or italics.
If questions appear on both sides ofapage, put the word ‘over’ on the bottom of the
front side of that page.
Avoid constructing sections of the form to be answered only by a subset of
respondents—such sections may lead respondents to believe the form is not
appropriate for them, or it may cause frustration and result in fewer completed forms.
If you have sections that consist of long checklists, skip a line after every third item
to help the respondent place answers in the appropriate places.
Avoid the temptation to overcrowd the pages of your questionnaire with too many
questions. Many people squeeze every possible question onto a page, which can cause
respondents to mark answers in the wrong place. Leave plenty of ‘white space’.
Arrange the questionnaire so that the place where respondents mark their answers is
close to the question. This encourages fewer mistakes.
Avoid using the words questionnaire or checklist on the form itself. Some people may
be prejudiced against these words after receiving many forms not designed with the
care of yours.
Put the name and address of the person to whom the form should be returned on the
questionnaire, even if you include a self-addressed return envelope, since
questionnaires are often separated from the cover letter and envelope.
The following are format considerations unique to interview schedules:
Print questions on only one side of each page of the questionnaire because it
is cumbersome for interviewers to turn to the reverse side of pages during the
Clearly distinguish between what the interviewer should read aloud and other things
printed on the questionnaire that should not be read. Different type styles can be
used to make this distinction unambiguous.

chapter 30 |structured interview and questionnaire surveys 575

3 Provide clear instructions so that the interviewers will know exactly which questions
to ask after each response is made. This means ‘skip’ patterns should be clearly
4 Arrange questions so that interviewers do not have to refer to earlier parts of the
ON Limit the number of response options so that respondents can remember them all.

6 Do not end an interview with an open-ended question because the interviewer will
have a harder time controlling when the interview will end.
7 Leave enough space on each page so that interviewers can record any additional
important information obtained from the respondent.
8 Anticipate responses to open-ended questions and provide a list of these on the inter-
view form to help the interviewer mark responses. This will speed up the interview.

How do | ask a question?

Generally, the most effective questions are worded as simply as possible. Questions
should communicate something specific, so do not try to impress respondents with fancy
vocabulary at the risk of confusing your meaning. Use language that is familiar and
appropriate to the population for whom the questions are intended. If the questions are
designed for a specialised group, you may wish to use the language or jargon of that
Avoid using stuffy bureaucratic words or phrases (for example, database or ad hoc).
These types of words bore respondents and detract from clarity of meaning.
Do not write loaded questions that suggest a response.

Is it desirable to have private schools?

Is it desirable or undesirable to have private schools?
The first suggests an affirmative answer. However, the second does not suggest an
answer and gives the respondent a freer choice. Bias resulting from loaded questions is
a particularly serious problem in interviews because respondents find it more difficult to
disagree with an interviewer than with a self-complete questionnaire.
Furthermore, avoid asking questions that assume that a certain state of affairs existed
in the past. For example, how would you answer the following questions?
a Have you stopped beating your children?
b Do you still design bad questionnaires?
Regardless of whether the respondent answers ‘yes’ or ‘no’, such questions imply
previous participation in the activities about which the person has been asked.
The following are additional suggestions that should be considered when writing
questionnaire items.

576 part 4 | survey methods

Before asking a question, be sure the respondent is capable of giving an accurate
Avoid writing ‘double’ questions that ask for more than one piece ofinformation per
question. Trying to squeeze too much into an item may confuse the respondent or
may actually make the question impossible to answer. Consider the following
example: ‘Do you like maths and English?’ This question asks whether respondents
like both. Suppose they like one but not the other? Ask two questions instead.
Furthermore, a question with more than one adverb or adjective is likely to be either
a double question or an overly wordy question. Consider: ‘Is the text informative and
interesting?’. If informative and interesting are taken to mean the same thing they are
redundant, and one of them should be eliminated. If their nieanings are taken as
different from each other, the question becomes a double question. When the data
are analysed, it is impossible to know whether the answer given refers to both parts
of the question or only one part.
Avoid using words with vaguely defined meanings. Such words as country, population,
environment and passive have different conceptual meanings for different people. Ifa
question asks, ‘Do you believe the country’s population should be less passive about
maintaining the environment?’, it certainly would be an ambiguous question. Whose
country? How much of what population? How passive? What environment?
Avoid words that have more than one meaning (for example, value, liberal, or
conservative). You will not know which meaning respondents had in mind when they
6 Avoid using double negatives caused by joining a negative response to a question
phrased in the negative. Instead of asking questions like (a) below, ask questions
directly and concisely as shown in (b):
a Do you believe tertiary students should not pay tuition fees?
LJ Yes
I No
b Do you believe tertiary students should pay tuition fees?
I Yes

Be careful if you use abbreviations. Be certain the people you ask will know what
your abbreviations mean.
Avoid using, ‘if yes, then .. .’ questions on mail surveys. Usually these questions can
be asked in an alternative manner. Consider the following example:
Are you married?
LJ Yes
_J No

If yes, is your wife employed?

J Yes
J No

chapter 30 | structured interview and questionnaire surveys 577

The same information can be obtained by asking the better question:
Is your wife employed?
J Yes
_I No
_J I’m not married

Do not be overly enthusiastic about asking people to rank various things by

‘assigning a number from 1 to 10 with 1 being the most important and 10 being
the least important’. This type of question assumes people do not feel the same
about two or more of the things ranked, and this is usually not true. These questions
also assume people can rank all the things listed, and often people cannot do so.
10 If you want general information from respondents, include an open-ended
question at the end of the form. Although such questions are more difficult than
objective questions to tabulate, they can be a useful supplement. Open-ended
questions are useful in a pre-test to determine which response options to include
in a later, more objective, item for the final questionnaire. Furthermore, the free-
answer question provides quotable quotes which may add sparkle and credibility
to the final report.

Response options
The response options offered to respondents can affect their answers. Confusing options
lead to unreliable results and, usually, low response rates. The following suggestions will
help you design appropriate response options for questionnaire items and ease coding
into the computer:
1 Make certain one response category is listed for every conceivable answer. Omitting
an option forces people either to answer in a way that does not accurately reflect
reality or to answer not at all.
How many years have you taught at this school?
0-6 years
7-8 years
In this case, people who have over eight years’ service are unable to answer the
Include a ‘don’t know’ response option any time you ask a question to which people
may not have the answer. When surveys find that many people do not know about a
given issue, that information alone is often very valuable.
Balance all scales around a mid-point in the response answer:
Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree
Agree ae SFO LD. BE eer Neutral
Disagree Disagree
Strongly disagree

578 part 4 | survey methods

4 Use filter questions to ensure the respondent answers only questions which are
relevant to him/her:


Section F
Q1 Do you have any children?
(Circle ONE
number) Yes 1 Go to Q2
No 2 Goto Section G,
Page 18
Q2 How many children do you have?
(Circle ONE
number) One 1
Two Z
Three 3
Four 4
Five or more 5

Notice that the respondent who answers ‘No’ to Q1 in Section F will move directly
to Section G, omitting all questions which are not of relevance to them. As well as
saving the respondent a lot of time, it will also enable you, at the time ofthe analysis,
to easily identify those respondents who have children, and then perform certain
analyses on this subset of the data.
5 Some writers believe that if the mid-point of an agree—disagree scale is labelled
‘undecided’, responses will differ from scales where the mid-point is labelled ‘neutral’.
Therefore, label the mid-point according to the ‘exact’ meaning the scale requires.
6 Arrange response options vertically:
I No
rather than horizontally:
J Yes 1} No
This helps reduce errors that occur when people mark the blank after the intended
response rather than before it.
7 Make certain the respondent knows exactly what information should be put in ‘fill-
in-the-blank’ items.

Incorrect What is your age? .........
Correct What is your age?......years....... months

By the time a study has journeyed through the planning stage and reached the stage
when the questionnaire is constructed, much effort and money have already been
invested. A pre-test of the questionnaire at this stage is useful to reveal confusing and
other problematic questions that still exist in the questionnaire. Pre-testing involves

chapter 30 |structured interview and questionnaire surveys 579

administering the questionnaire to a sample of people as similar as possible to those who
will ultimately be surveyed.
Finally, a brief note at the very end ofthe questionnaire can:
¢ ask respondents to check that no answer has been inadvertently missed out;
¢ solicit an early return of the completed schedule;
¢ thank respondents for their participation; and
* offer to send a short abstract of the major findings when the analysis is completed.

In what ways can the accuracy of answers to questionnaire items be increased?

Obtaining a high return on a mailed questionnaire

Obtaining a high return on mailed questionnaires can be challenging. Some of the
methods that have proven to be effective in increasing the rate of return are briefly
1 The standard use of stamped, addressed, return envelopes for respondents to use for
returning the completed questionnaires results in a higher return rate than a
conventional business reply envelope and, of course, higher than providing nothing.
2 The use of follow-up cards or letters in which the investigator reminds the
respondent of the need to cooperate, complete the questionnaire and return it.
3 A suggested deadline can be helpful if used skilfully. One should avoid creating the
idea that if not returned by a certain date, it would be worthless to return the
questionnaire. Perhaps a return date used as a guide would be better.
4 Personally typed or written letters with official letterhead are useful and tend to
increase return.
An example of a covering letter is presented below.
This is a scientific study being conducted by the Education Department of the University

Your viewpoint will be assisting the advance of knowledge in the area ifyou complete the
questionnaire, fold it and place it in the included free postage-paid (or stamped) envelope
and return by ...... [date] or ‘as soon as possible’
Please answer the following questions honestly. Your responses will remain strictly
Do not sign your name.

List some suggestions for questionnaire construction that might increase the rate of
returns for mailed questionnaires.

part 4 | survey methods

Advantages of a questionnaire
1 Cost. Less expensive to administer than face-to-face interviews, particularly when
responses from a large, dispersed population are desired. In addition, funds are not
required for the training of interviewers.
2 Useful when the instructions and questions asked are simple and the purpose of the
survey can be explained clearly in print.
3 Each respondent receives the identical set ofquestions, phrased in exactly the same way. Vhe
absence of an interviewer, or third party, contributes to the standardisation of
responses, as variations in voice inflections, word emphasis, or the use of probes, are
eliminated. Better standardisation, particularly through the. use of a structured
instrument, means higher reliability.
Errors resulting from the recording of responses by interviewers are reduced.
The respondent is free to answer in their own time and at their own pace.
Fear and embarrassment, which may result from direct contact, are avoided.
NWNThe problem ofnon-contact with the respondent (i.e. the respondent is unavailable when
the interviewer is available) zs overcome.
8 When a questionnaire is designed for self-administration and mailed, it is possible to
include a larger number of subjects as well as subjects in more diverse locations than is
practical with the interview.
9 Another advantage is that a questionnaire that can guarantee confidentiality may elicit
more truthful responses than would be obtained with a personal interview.
10Furthermore, the interviewer, whose personal appearance, mood or conduct may
influence the results of an interview, is not present when the questionnaire is

Disadvantages of a questionnaire
1 Difficulty of securing an adequate response. Response rates tend to be much lower than
when the interview method is used. While certain strategies, including follow-up
mailings and careful attention to questionnaire design, may result in a response rate
as high as 90-100 per cent, response rates to mail questionnaires seldom exceed
50 per cent and rates between 15-50 per cent are common.
2 Sampling problems. All questionnaires are not returned, so the likelihood of biased
sampling exists as non-respondents may differ significantly from respondents. Usually,
the investigator is unable to learn the reason for non-responses.
Complex instruments, ambiguity or vagueness will cause poor responses.
Go The method is unsuitable when probing is desirable.

5 Ambiguous, incomplete or inaccurate information cannot be followed up. Responses must

be accepted as given.
6 Non-flexibility. Respondents may be limited from providing free expression of
opinions as a result of instrument-design considerations. Alternatively, open-ended
instruments may produce data that cannot be merged easily for systematic analysis.
7 There is no opportunity to acquire supplementary observational data.
8 The respondent’s motivation for answering the questionnaire is unknown.

chapter 30 |structured interview and questionnaire surveys 581

9 Self-administered questionnaires are inappropriate for very young, illiterate or some
disabled people.
10 Possibility of misinterpretation of the questions by the respondents. It is extremely
difficult to formulate a series of questions whose meanings are crystal clear to
every reader. The investigator may know exactly what is meant by a question,
but because of poor wording or differential meaning of terms, a significantly
different interpretation is made by the respondent.

Conducting the interview

The interviewer's main job is to ask the questions in such a way as to obtain valid
responses and to record the responses accurately and completely. The initial task for the
interviewer is to create an atmosphere that will put the respondent at ease. After
introducing themself in a friendly way, the interviewer should state briefly the purpose
of the interview, but should avoid giving too much information about the study which
could bias the respondent.
The interviewer also has the responsibility of keeping the respondent’s attention
focused on the task, and for keeping the interview moving along smoothly. This can best
be done if the interviewer is thoroughly familiar with the questions and their sequence
so that the questions can be asked in a conversational tone, without constantly pausing
to find what question is coming next. Of course, the interviewer must refrain from
expressing approval, surprise or shock at any of the respondent’s answers.
If comparable data are to be obtained, it is important that the same questions be
asked in the same order, and with the same wording for all respondents. If the
respondent starts to hedge, digress or give an irrelevant response, or if he or she has
obviously misinterpreted the question, then the interviewer may probe by saying,
‘Explain your answer a little further’, or “Can you tell me a little more than that?’. Of
course, the interviewer must be careful not to suggest or give hints about possible
A complete and accurate recording of the respondent’s answers must be made. On the
open-ended questions, the respondent’s exact words must be recorded verbatim while they
are responding. This recording can be facilitated by abbreviating words and sentences, or by
using a tape recorder. Taping has the obvious advantage of recording the subject’s responses
verbatim, along with the added advantage of freeing the interviewer up to participate in the
dialogue, rather than having to concentrate on note-taking. However, many people feel
uncomfortable about having their answers taped and may become inhibited and excessively
cautious about what they say. Of course, ethics demand that the subject’s permission be
obtained before a tape recorder is used.

Advantages of interviews
1 Flexibility. One of the most important aspects of the interview is its flexibility. The
interviewer has the opportunity to observe the subject and the total situation in which
they are responding. Questions can be repeated or their meanings explained in case

582 part 4 |survey methods

they are not understood by the respondents. The interviewer can also press for
additional information when a response seems incomplete or not entirely relevant.
2 Response rate. More people are more willing to talk and react verbally than to write
responses to questions. A key benefit is therefore the high response rate, which makes
the data more representative than data solicited through a mail questionnaire.
Properly designed and executed interview surveys should yield response rates of at
least 80-85 per cent. As fewer participants are needed than for a mail survey, this
method is particularly suited to studies in which the size of the representative sample
is small.
3 A face-to-face interaction assists in the establishment of rapport ie a higher level of
motivation among respondents.
4 A useful method when extensive data is required on a small number of complex topics.
5 Probing may be used to elicit more complete responses and the presence of the interviewer
generally reduces the number of ‘don’t know and non-responses to questions, as
explanation and clarification are readily available.
6 Observation ofthe respondent’s non-verbal communication and environment are possible.
Such observations may provide added dimensions to data collection.
7 Greater flexibility is afforded to the respondent in an interview than when a written
instrument is used.
8 The interviewer is able to control the sequence ofthe items as the respondent cannot look
ahead and anticipate trends in the enquiries.
9 This approach is useful in obtaining responses from people who would find a written
response impossible, such as very young children, the elderly, illiterate and some
disabled groups.
10 Individualised appreciation can be shown to the respondents.

Disadvantages of interviews
1 The main disadvantage of interviews is that they are more expensive and time-
consuming than questionnaires.
2 Only a limited number of respondents may be interviewed due to time andfinancial
considerations. Scheduling of interviews may cause problems also.
3 Finding skilled and trained interviewers with appropriate interpersonal skills may be
difficult. High inter-rater reliability is difficult to achieve.
4 An interviewer effect may result from interaction between the interviewer and respondent.
Factors which may bias an interview include the personal characteristics of the
interviewer (such as age, sex, educational level, race and experience at interviewing);
the opinions and expectations of the interviewer; and a desire to be perceived as
socially acceptable by the respondent. Variations in the use of interview techniques,
including tone of voice and the inconsistent use of probes, also reduce standardisation.
Validity and reliability are seriously affected by all these factors.
WN Respondents may feel that they are being ‘put on the spot’.

6 Flexibility afforded by unstructured interviews may generate difficulties when attempts

are made to categorise and evaluate responses.

chapter 30 |structured interview and questionnaire surveys 583

TABLE 30.1 Methods ofdata collection compared
Mailed questionnaire Telephone interview Personal interview
Assumes the most of Can reach the Assumes the least of the
the respondent unreachable respondent—least demands
Cheapest method of More economical than Most expensive method
collecting data personal interview
Can reach widely Speedy and efficient Slowest method
distributed population
Difficult to obtain Response rate is Response rate is high
adequate response rate generally high
No interviewer bias/ Interviewer’s voice Interviewer’s presence may
no distribution bias may be biasing be biasing
Difficult to maintain Interviewer maintains Interviewer maintains
standardisation standardisation standardisation
Respondent is not Can control participation Difficult to control the
always known of other household participation of other
members household members
No third party bias Monitoring presents Monitoring can be biasing
Questionnaire should Questionnaire can be Longer questionnaire
be short longer than mail justifies the cost
Unlimited answer Limited answer Unlimited answer choices
choices choices
Appearance of questionnaire Appearance of the Appearance of the
is important questionnaire is not questionnaire is not
important important
Questionnaire must be Questionnaire can be Questionnaire can be more
simple more complex than mail complex than telephone
but easy enough for
Informant cannot Informant cannot be Informant can be
be observed observed observed
Difficult to get Interviewer edits Easier to ask open-ended
information to open- open-ended responses question—behavioural
ended questions cues

Anonymity and confidentiality

The issues of anonymity and confidentiality of respondents must be decided for all
questionnaire studies. The decision you make regarding this issue may affect your
response rate. An anonymous study is one in which nobody can identify who provided
data on completed questionnaires. For interviews, anonymity is usually impossible, and
for mail surveys, anonymity is not practical because of the need to send follow-ups to
It is usually possible to guarantee confidentiality to people in mail surveys and in interviews.
A study is confidential when the project directors and interviewers know who has responded
to each questionnaire and promise not to reveal this information. If you guarantee
confidentiality, do not call it ‘anonymity’.

584 part 4 |survey methods

It helps to use identifying numbers on questionnaires instead of using names or asking the
subjects to fill in their names. In mail surveys, be sure to mention the fact that this number
is being used and exactly why it is being used.

Validity and reliability

Some attention must be given to the validity question, i.e. whether the interview or
questionnaire is really measuring what it is supposed to measure. The most obvious type
of validity is content validity, which may be assessed by having some competent colleagues
who are familiar with the purpose of the survey examine the items to judge whether they
are adequate for measuring what they are supposed to measure, and whether they are a
representative sample of the behaviour domain under investigation.
Some studies have used direct observation of behaviour to assess criterion-related validity
of responses. After responses have been obtained, observations are made to see whether the
actual behaviour of the subjects has agreed with their expressed attitudes, opinions, or
other answers. Other data sources, such as third parties, may also be used as criteria.
Some variables that influence the validity of a questionnaire are as follows:
¢ How important is the topic to the respondent? We can assume more valid responses
from individuals who are interested in the topic and/or are informed about it.
¢ Does the questionnaire protect the respondent’s anonymity? It is reasonable to assume
that greater truthfulness will be obtained if the respondents could remain anonymous,
especially when sensitive or personal questions are asked.
Having two different interviewers interview the same individuals to check on the
consistency of the results is one procedure for assessing reliability of questionnaires or
Internal consistency may be checked by building some redundancy into the instrument.
That is, items on the same topic may be rephrased and repeated in the questionnaire or
It is usually not possible to repeat a questionnaire or interview with the same individuals
after a period of time, or to administer two different forms of the questionnaire to the same
individuals. Another problem with this approach is that some answers to questions dealing
with less stable aspects of behaviour may change legitimately over time.
Other factors influencing the reliability and validity of a subject’s responses involve his
or her personality, and where interviewers are concerned, the interaction of both of their
personalities and social attributes. The sex, age, dress, race, social class and attractiveness of
the interviewer are all known to influence the responses to and rapport with the

1 What are the major advantages of using mailed questionnaires instead of personal
2 What are the major advantages of using personal interviews instead of mailed

chapter 30 | structured interview and questionnaire surveys 585

Data analysis
Data analysis in a descriptive survey may simply consist of determining the frequencies for
the major variables involved in the study. For example, a survey of library resources may
report the number of volumes of fiction, the number of volumes of non-fiction, and so on.
A survey of people’s attitudes on an issue may report the number of people falling in different
response categories.
In an explanatory survey, however, there is interest in exploring the relationship between
the variables of the study. That is, there is interest in knowing whether X and Y co-vary, or
under what circumstances they co-vary. The relationship is generally explored by setting up
frequency distributions of one variable against another variable by means of cross-tabulations.
The simplest cross-tabulation contains two variables with two categories for each variable.
More complex forms are possible, such as 2 x 3, 2 x 4, 3 x 4, and so on.
When both variables in the cross-tabulation are measured at a nominal level, the chi-
square test may be used to determine whether a systematic relationship exists between
the two variables (see chapter 15 for chi square).

Data preparation for computer analysis

With a large number of respondents, it has become popular to analyse the data by
computer. This means that the questionnaire must be laid out so that responses can be
easily coded.
Data have to be placed in categories for the purpose of analysis. If we wish to find out
the frequency of, for instance, different opinions about education, or how opinions
about education relate to, say, the age, sex and social class of an informant, then it is
essential that we get our data into quantifiable form. This means, in practice, that all the
answers to our survey questions must be allocated to categories identified by some
We see the following in Figure 30.3, overleaf:

1 Left of the vertical line is the interview record as completed by the interviewer; right
of the line are the coding instructions as printed on the record form and as encircled,
or otherwise completed by the researcher. In some circumstances, it would be possible
to combine these two operations.
2 Each piece of information has its two reference numbers. Thus, the ‘Life’s ambition’
of item VI is entered in Column 8 row 3.
3 Some pieces of information (example, I and VII) occupy more than one column. Ina case
such as I where reference numbers up to 999 are provided for but only two of the three
spaces are used, a single-digit number should always be thought of as 003 (say) and a two-
digit number as 079. This latter is the 079 which has been entered at the top of the coding
4 Provision has been made for:
a omissions: those items which the respondent or, in this case, the interviewer, has
failed to complete; and
b additional entries uncategorised by the research worker and thus coded as other.

586 part 4 |survey methods

5 With the current introduction of Windows versions, variable names are placed at the
head of each data column, with coded responses placed into the column directly from
the questionnaire.
If the coding and column numbers or variable names are clear, it is possible for
computer data input to be copied directly off the completed questionnaires.

FIGURE 30.3 An example ofan interview record

Here is an example of part of an interview record:

| Name John Jones Cole? tS: 079

Il Sex Male Col. 4 @)
Female 2
omit 3
lll Age 20-24 Col. 5 1
25-29 2
30-34 3)
35-39 4
40+ 5
omit 6
IV First impression Good Col. 6 @)
Average 2
Poor 3
omit 4
V Alertness Alert CokZz 1
Average Q)
Apathetic S
omit 4
VI Reasons for applying for course Col. 8 1
Interest in psychology GB)
Desires promotion 4
Life’s ambition 5
Rigor mortis setting in 6
Friend has applied omit 7
No particular reason other 8
Vil Score on M.A.T. Col. 9. 10 25
Cle: etc.

Suggestions to ease coding and input

1 It is not a good idea to ask a respondent to place a mark over the number he or she
selects. The data preparation staff cannot then clearly read the responses. For example,
the following should not be used:
(a) Sex? (Mark your response with a cross) Column
Male 1 (10)
Female >°4

chapter 30 | structured interview and questionnaire surveys 587

(b) Do you think the refectory service is adequate?
(Tick one number)
Yes No Don’t know CL)
A 2 3

A better way to handle these two examples is as follows:

(a) Sex? (Circle ONE number) Column
Male 1 (10)
Female 7
(b) Do you think the refectory service is adequate?
(Circle ONE number)
Yes No Don’t know (11)
Gi 2 3
2 Asking a respondent to fi// in numbers is often unavoidable; for example, if you need
to know the number of students, money values or some other quantity (usually
continuous data).
However, if it is not necessary (depending on the data required), then avoid it
because problems often arise with legibility of entries, entering only one digit per
box, etc., and sometimes extensive editing of questionnaires is then required. Clear
instructions may help overcome such problems.
Sometimes you can categorise such responses, but it depends on the analyses you
3 Avoid alphabetic coding where possible. Numeric coding is much quicker for the
data preparation staff and is more economical in the processing (analysis) stage.
4 ‘Open-ended’ questions require extensive work on the part of the coder (often
yourself!) before the questionnaires can be handed in for data entry. For open-ended
questions (Why did you choose this particular in-service course rather than XYX?),
a coding frame has to be devised after the completion of the questionnaire. This is
best done by taking a random sample of the questionnaires (10 per cent or more,
time permitting) and generating a frequency tally of the range of responses as a
preliminary to coding classification. Having devised the coding frame, the researcher
can make a further check on its validity by using it to code up a further sample of
the questionnaires. It is vital to get coding frames right from the outset—extending
them or making alterations at a later point in the study is both expensive and
Column numbers should preferably be located on the right-hand side of the page, and
if possible, the answers should also be on the right-hand side. This is not always
feasible and other layouts are acceptable as long as the coding and column numbers
are clear and in a logical order.

Practise coding by completing the ‘Office Use Only’ columns below.

588 part 4 | survey methods

Content analysis
Content analysis may be defined as the systematic quantification of certain characteristics
the investigator may be interested in, in terms of their frequency of occurrence within a
selected context.
The theme is the most useful unit of analysis. A theme is often a sentence, a
proposition about something. Themes are combined into sets of themes. The letters of
adolescents or college students may be studied for statements of self-reference. This
would be the larger theme. The themes making this up might be defined as any sentences
that use J, me, and other words indicating reference to the writer’s self. Discipline is an
interesting larger theme. Child training or control is another.
The use of software for content analysis is recommended and the list on pp. 436—9
should provide a suitable program, particularly NUD*IST.

You may care to try some content coding of survey data for yourself. Below you will find
some answers parents gave to a question in a pilot survey about the things parents talked
to the teachers about when they visited their children’s school. Construct a coding frame
in terms of which the answers can be grouped or coded and compare this frame with
the one actually produced for the main survey, which can be found on page 591.
When you have constructed the coding frame with numbers representing each of
your categories, try to assign each of the answers to the appropriate category, writing
the number of the appropriate category by the side of the verbatim answer. Then count
up the frequency of each code and compare this with Table 30.2 on page 592.

Have you or your husband had a talk with any of X’s class teachers or the head since
she/he started at (present school)?
If YES, who have you seen? What did you talk to them about?
Responses given by parents (to be coded):
1 Invitation to see her teacher. Told me how X was getting on and asked me to tell him
anything about X, whether she liked or disliked anything about school.
2 Future of child, what work he would have to do to catch up if he needed any
particular subjects for future job. Trouble with his legs. To see R staying on for
another year.
Progress, career.
Hr Abilities; form master said to go and see him if any problems about child. Wrote also
about his not getting on so well, and got reply.
5 Only a general talk to several parents about how school was run and to see head or
teacher if any problem arose. Form master about X’s work.
6 General progress (anything else discussed at PTA).
N M’s capabilities regarding getting job at Met Office. Progress and behaviour.
8 Progress.

chapter 30 |structured interview and questionnaire surveys 589


1. Please insert your Institution's code. [| 1
2. What is the nature of your current
responsibilities ?
Director/Dean of Institution/
es |
-—— Assistant Director/Dean of
Head of Department Lee 2

Lecturer/Tutor, etc.
Other (please specify)
3. What is your current classification?
Professor/Principal Lecturer
Senior Lecturer/Lecturer
Senior Tutor/Tutor ita 3
Other (please specify)
4. What is the nature of your current
Ln Tenurer/Tenure Track
Short-term contract [| 4
5. ee Full-time
Part-time [] 5
6. What proportion (%) of your time
is spent on each of the following?

Lecturing in Content Studies 6-7

Lecturing in Methodology Studies 8-9
Lecturing in Professional Education
Studies 10-11
Practice Supervision 12-13
Administration 14-15
Student Advisor 16-17
Other (please specify) 18=19
7. Are you a trained teacher? Yes WV] No LS ht 20

9 Can’t remember, just the general situation of his work.

10 To discuss what to take at Year 11. To see progress she was making.
11 General topics.
12 How she’d settled down. Scope of the work. Teaching methods as far as we could.
13 Maths if necessary to clarify a point.

590 part 4 |survey methods

14 To find out if she was of suitable standard in art and music to do Year 11.
15 Went frequently, regarding subjects P should take to study science.
16 When reports come before Parents’ Evening, if she’s gone down on anything, you
just ask them. To discuss growing-up disturbances, crossing parents. Career.
17 To see Head because R away so much sick and when he went back, the teacher was
very aggressive. To explain R was very nervous.
18 How settled in, what teachers thought of him.
19 Before report comes; all teachers are there and you can talk about progress (not PTA)
in different subjects; also, after reports. Also, regarding choice of HSC subjects and
if to stay on an extra year.
20 About her work and conduct.
21 How T is getting on, about subjects. How soon could leave school (not keen).
22 Progress.

Answer to $TQ160
Actual coding frame from pilot survey
Code: Coding instruction:
What sort of things have you discussed with the head or any of the teachers (at present
1 Educational progress at school—including teaching methods, examinations,
homework, reports, extra tuition, attitude to work, how parents can help,
concentration; staying on an extra year, when to leave, what courses/subjects to take,
what class to go into; laziness; anything about curriculum; streaming; leaving school,
quality of teaching staff.
Use this code only for specific discussion/complaints, etc. about the selected child,
not for general talks (5).
2 Further education after leaving school—including going to college (‘leaving school’
means leaving secondary school).
3 Further career—i.e. job, apprenticeship; in future.
4 Behaviour at school—including adjustment to school life, unhappiness, need for
understanding, nervousness, relations with teachers, or with other children (including
bullying), complaints about other children or about teachers; accusations of theft;
discipline, being late.
5 General talk, or nothing in particular—including general matters about the school
such as having a look around, the school facilities, class size in general, talk when first
started (for example to a group of parents, or when introducing child), talk at Open
Day (if not codeable elsewhere); school achievements and aims, school rules, uniform,
or similar initial explanation.
Note: Code 5 can be multi-coded with others. It deals with matters not directly
relevant to the child, but also with any general or private introductory talks to parents
(and child); if specifics are also mentioned, such as uniform, do not code these as
well if they formed part of an introductory talk, but do code them if it was something
the parent brought up/complained about later.

chapter 30 |structured interview and questionnaire surveys 591

Code answers not falling within the above go into:
6 Medical defects or illnesses which can affect child’s work (distinguish from code
9)—example, epilepsy, injury preventing sport, etc. (do not multi-code with work
or sport), accidents.
7 Extra-school activities—including games, parties, holidays, camps, visits, outings,
clubs, hobbies, music.
8 Administration matters such as clothing, attendance times (but coming late = 4); medical
exams, notification of absence of medical or holiday reasons, etc.; transport to school;
school dinners; school rules and procedures; change to comprehensive system (unless
codeable as 1); loss of property; religion.
9 Going to secondary school (for primary school children).
10 Interviewer omitted to code.

TABLE 30.2 Frequency distribution ofcontent categories

If has had a talk with head or teacher:
What sort of things have you discussed with the head or
any of the teacher/s? (at present school) %

Educational progress at school 83

Further education after leaving school 0
Future career 15
Behaviour at school 34
General talk 13
Medical defect or illness 4
Extra-school activities 7
Administrative matters 4
Going to secondary school 0
Personal problems of parents 0
Others 1

With the tiny sample of parents’ replies you have been coding, it is unlikely that the
frequency counts you have obtained for the different categories will correspond closely
to those above. Nevertheless, you should have found at least “educational progress of
child’ and ‘child’s behaviour at school’ had relatively high frequencies.

1 What data-gathering techniques are used in surveys?

2 What are the major advantages of using mailed questionnaires instead of personal
3 What are the major advantages of using personal interviews instead of mailed
4 Under what conditions might a researcher want to use a telephone interview?
5 In what ways can the accuracy of answers to questionnaire items be increased?
6 List five suggestions for questionnaire construction that might increase the rate of
returns for mailed questionnaires.

592 part 4 | survey methods

7 What are the advantages and disadvantages of open-ended questions compared
with closed questions?
8 Distinguish between a census and a sample survey.

Surveys are commonly used in educational and social science research. The descriptive survey
provides information, while the explanatory survey seeks to establish cause and effect. Surveys can
be face-to-face interviews, conducted by telephone, or mailed as a questionnaire. The interview
is more reliable and valid, producing more useable returns than a telephone or mail survey.
Longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys are undertaken to assess changes over time.
A variety of formats are used for survey questions and responses. These range from highly
structured to open ended. Data analysis is mainly by computer and is facilitated by precoding the
question items.

Davie, R. Butler, N. & Goldstein, M. (1972), From Birth to Seven, Longman, London.

Further reading
Beed, T.W. & Stimson, R.J. (eds) (1985), Survey Interviewing: Theory and Techniques, George Allen
& Unwin, Sydney.
De Vaus, P. (1985), Surveys for Social Planners, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Sydney.
Fink, A. & Kosecoff, J. (1998), How to Conduct Surveys, Sage, London.
Gahan, C. & Hannibal, M. (1998), Doing Qualitative Research Using QSR NUD“IST, Sage, London.
Kvale, S. (1996), Interviews, Sage, London.
Sapsford, R. (1999), Survey Research, Sage, London.
Stewart, C.J. & Cash, J.W.B. (1988), Interviewing: Principles and Practices, Wm.C. Brown Publishers,
Dubuque, Iowa.

chapter 30 | structured interview and questionnaire surveys 593


M = 6; SD = 3.16
M=6; SD = 2.74
Oe M218)
GY SD-= 19:13
d_ Has a greater standard deviation because there is a greater dispersal of scores.
2 bis true. All scores are identical.
3 The standard deviation is 3.25.
a The standard deviation is still 3.25.
b SD = 6.50. The standard deviation has doubled.
4 The mean is a poor choice as a measure of central tendency when there are
extremely large or small values in a distribution. An extreme score can exert a
disproportionate effect on the mean.
5 If a distribution is substantially skewed, the median is usually preferred to the mean.
6 a SS = 40; variance = 10; standard deviation = 3.16
b SS = 36; variance = 6; standard deviation = 2.45

1 The student’s score was equal to the mean.

2 John did better on maths.
Hui did better on spelling.
Rachel did equally well on both.
Chris did better on maths.
Zola did equally well on both.
3 Raw score = 91.
aN a 130
D So
Vv /

( denies a precise hocation on a distribution, the sign indicates whether location

s doove os odlow the mean and the magnitude indicates the number of standard
cts 5

+ s =~ = 5 . + =r +r


MAGN“ “4
are possIDie
« «
. +
the same M\ =>and <tt>
joictcn thloviins 27 score transformation
a ’ eo - ff a grr 4] aad ea - 4 ALT

nm dixctdtutivcn 2
Ww ow “ea a a

“6 ave 4 (if 446 4-}¢

a), FA, Fv Fy LY

25, 35, 45, 65, ®

2 49 5 FY
¢ ISS)
9 OOY-
. Ol

te The distribution is bilaterally symmetrical and bell-shaped

63.26Ys, 95 44%; 99.73%
4 4 -“ 4 452 f ‘a4 »

a 544AG

\ re!a NS ua
9 2
B4IS 2
a 4 Y
¢ 444
G : 06/
4 £4
< : 56 /

4 14.95%
9 67.20%

6% (approximately)
SN 4A £0,675
y ee ee
2) xoores between 54 and 66

< 0.01 means the probability of a chance occurrence of less than 1 in 100;
9,001 indicates a probability of a chance occ n 1 in 1000

appendix | STO answers

Level Probability Frequency Significance | Odds against
limits of a chance levels a chance
occurrence ° occurrence
NS p> 0.05 more than 5 in 100 > 5% <i)
Low p<0.05 less than 5 in 100 < 5% 174
High p < 0.01 less than 1 in 100 1% od
High p < 0.001 less than 1 in 1000 0.1% 999 <1

The mean ego strength level in the Gas Works High School sample.
The population consists of 12-year-old males in the city.
The sample consists of 12-year-old males at the Gas Works High School.
Oa The parameter is the mean ego strength level of 12-year-old males in the whole city.

1. a Systematic sampling
b Opportunity sampling
c Stratified sampling
2 Obtain the registers and select students by some random technique—for example
by using a random number table.
3 Arandom sample is defined as one in which every member of the population has an
equal chance of being selected.
4 b
5 Because it ensures strata or groups will be represented.
6 Time and cost if interviewing is reduced when a population is highly dispersed.
7 Noas not complete sampling frame.

1 98-102; 99-101; and 99.33-100.66

2 Forn = 4 the standard error is 8 points; for n = 64 the standard error is 2 points.

107.41 and 112.59

te 400
rods Cage

596 appendix | STQ answers

b 103.36 to 104.64
Gee 103215:to: 104265

3 It is easier to disprove a universal population statement than to prove one.

4 a_ Thetime taken to read non-rhyming words is significantly longer than the time
taken to read rhyming words.
b The difference between the number of men and the pombe of women not
walking under the ladder will be significant.
c Subjects will make significantly more errors on the sensorimotor task in front of
an audience than when they are alone.

p t-value two-tailed t-value one-tailed

0.05 1.96 1.65

0.01 2.58 2.33
0.001 Bee 3.09

2 a_ The advantage of a one-tailed test is that it is easier to obtain statistical

significance, but you have increased the chance of making a Type | error.
b It is harder to obtain significance but there is less chance of making a Type | error.
3 Left-hand

1 anominal bnominal_ c ordinal if considering birth order or interval if year

considered dnominal enominal finterval g ordinal h ordinal i interval
jnominal kordinal |ratio mnominal nratio oratio p interval
Zee Drang: C

1 JV attitudes towards education

DV perceptions of effective teacher
2 IV_ height
DV chosen as leaders’ frequencies
3 IV test wiseness
DV test performance
4 IV social class
DV speed of learning feontinued)

appendix | STQ answers 597

IV science/non-science course
DV aggression
IV orientation
DV degree of illusion
IV meaningfulness of items
DV items remembered
a 1IV=noise and DV = work efficiency
b /V=time of day and DV= attention span
c IV=birth order and DV= individual personality
d /V=practice and DV = performance

IV brake light brightness

DV stopping time
CV could be all of speed, distance between cars, type of car, driving experience, etc.
IV reinforcement
DV patient verbal behaviour
CV therapist
IV sex
DV conformity
CV stop signs at crossroads
IV amount of training
DV hand-eye coordination

IV teaching style
DV pupil preference
MV thinking style of pupils
IV feedback source
DV teacher behaviour change
MV years of teaching experience
CV age of pupils; subject area of teacher, etc.
IV behaviour modification treatment
DV physiological measure of test anxiety
CV initial level of test anxiety
IV micro-teaching experience
DV questioning techniques
CV sex
MV experience
IV perceptual motor training
DV coordination task performance

598 appendix | STQ answers

MV age

This is because with an extreme level of significance like .001, even if the research
hypothesis is true, the results have to be quite strong to be large enough to reject the
null hypothesis. Alternatively, by setting the significance level at, say, 10, even if the null
hypothesis is true, it is fairly easy to get a significant result just by accidentally getting a
sample that is higher or lower than the general population before the study.

a Increases power b decreases power c increases power

d decreases power e decreases power

Effect size = (Population 1 M — Population 2 M)/Population SD

a Eifectsize = (91— 90)/4'= 1/4=.25 biO5 <cil.0 =d =e 60:5 £1.0-29 2:0
h -2.0.

a Not affected. (That is what the significance level tests.)

b Probably of small importance (due to small effect size)

2 t=20.00. Null hypothesis can be rejected at p < 0.01.

3. t= 27.77, NO.

1 a_ That there is no statistically significant difference in empathy between the two

b Two-tailed (using above Ho)
(f=3.53, p =<.0.05)
2 a_ That there is a statistically significant difference in comprehension skills (H,). Ho
states that there is no statistically significant difference.

appendix | STQ answers 599

b t=1.94; retain null hypothesis.
c Two-tail because no direction was stated in hypothesis.

1 d_ ttest for independent samples

b Aone-tailed test
2 There is no systematic bias in the rankings between each group.
3 There is a significant difference between scores at the 0.05 level, one tail.
Small samples; not normally distributed data; variances different
51 and 12
top) Yes, as equal to tabled value
6 For boys U, = 31.5; for girls U2 = 4.5. The critical value in the table is 4.0 so the null
hypothesis cannot be rejected.

Reject null hypothesis, t = 5.52, two-tailed

9 df
Reject null hypothesis.
No, retain null hypothesis.
Retain null hypothesis.
NO With df= 4 and critical value of t = +/—2.776 and calculated t = -3.72, we can reject
the null hypothesis.
Mean D = -4
t = -2.00 and df= 3; we cannot reject null hypothesis
P= 12
10 Oe.
Ceo,Where there are few subjects and where changes across time are studied. It also
reduces individual differences in a situation where these are large.
They are similar in that the role of individual differences is reduced.
c The carryover effect is where after-effects of the first treatment influence
performance on the second, e.g. fatigue, practice.
11 It decreases in value.

600 appendix | STQ answers

1 a_ That there is no significant difference in attitudes to preschool education in
mothers before and after their children have attended preschool. Reject null
Va Ta ote Oke
0 Bag
e Retain
3 T=4.N=9. The critical value of T is 6; therefore we reject the null hypothesis.


3. 18.467

1 a_ The proportion who agree, disagree or are indifferent to the council’s proposals
will be equal.
De y4= 6
ue 2
Oc yes
e That the distribution of responses was not due to chance
2 No
3 Reject null hypothesis.
4 y2=4.79, df=1, p < 0.05 Since this is lower than the tabled value of 3.84 the null
hypothesis is rejected.
5 x2%= 12.99, df= 3, p = 0.05. Since the tabled value is 7.82, the null hypothesis is
Pe NGS y4 = 27.87; <.0.05
8 Yes; y2 = 20:00

1 ¥2 = 41.07; di=3, p= 0.0001 ;

Accept alternative hypothesis that there is a significant association between status
and opinion.

appendix | STQ answers 601

2. yee aor ep & 0,03
There is a significant association.
3 a yee 958; cf=2, p= 0.05, y2 = 5.99 (table)
b Hence null hypothesis rejected with boys showing significantly greater
preference for basketball and girls for volleyball.
4 72 = 3.609; df= 1, p = 0.049
Swimming and adjustment are associated.
> 2? = 464 d= 2,p = 0.09
There is no significant association.
6 Signiticant p < 0.002; y2 = 9.21; df= 1.
There is a significant association.

1 r=+0.31. This is a low positive correlation.

2 Hypothesis is two-tailed. r= +0.747; p = 0.05, r= 0.707 (tabled).
p = 0.01, r= 0.834 (tabled).
There is no statistically significant relationship between algebra and English. This
null hypothesis is rejected at p < 0.05.
3 r=0.82. Hypothesis is one-tailed. p = 0.05, r= 0.521 (tabled).
p = 0.01, r= 0.685 (tabled).
There is no relationship between spelling and English (H)). This can be rejected at
p< 0.01.
5 1 = positive; 2= negative
6 r=-0.80
7 Yes as tabled value is 0.361
8 Correlation required is 0.444
9 The larger the sample the more accurately it represents the population.
10 av93°" Bb N@=2=5 c-Yes

1 rho = +0.86. With N = 12, f

Or p = 0.01; rho = 0.777 (tabled). The null hypothesis that practice is not significantly
related to efficiency is rejected at p < 0.01.
2 rho=-0.35. With N = 10 for p = 0.05, rho = 0.648 (tabled). The null hypothesis that
teacher ratings and pupil ratings are not significantly related is retained.
3 rho =+0.624, not significant at p = 0.05.
4 That there is no significant relationship between grades and hours spent watching TV.
rho = -0.89, p = 0.01. Reject null hypothesis. Those who watch most TV tend to have
significantly poorer grades.
5 a—0,098
b 0.786

602 appendix | STQ answers

Tau = 0.62

ad/ne = 12; = =.76

phi = +0.61; highly significant as chi square = 37.21 and tabled value is 6.63 at 1% level.

GeV DSN Ceaidelesiitsiv

1 23 = 0.04; not significant

2 Because age is related to both income and attendance; however the relationship
does not entirely disappear.

1 b=0.344; a=4.28
2 Yah 2

The first situation because the correlation is stronger.

Y=-—5,-1, 3,13
a = the intercept; b = the regression coefficient so for every year autonomy increases by
0.0623; c = 18.17 i.e. a score of 18.0; d = 13.19, i.e. a score of 13

appendix | STQ answers 603

te) U8 323.0 = 29.6
2 209325
3 The larger the correlation the smaller the standard error and therefore the smaller the
confidence interval so that the prediction is more accurate.

There are more than two conditions.

Error or variance due to chance.

The F ratio will decrease.
It is measuring the same sources of variance as the error term.
1, because both parts of the ration are measuring the same variance.

Th 2b30
4b 5c 6d 7d

Tia = 2/0 =.0.209; 6 = 167.47. d = 6,2; 329

2 not significant

1. 86,20, 66
2 292 27
i peace Pe,
4 4.09; yes

1 Individual differences do not figure in the ratio of the repeated ANOVA, whereas it
contributes to both numerator and denominator in the independent measures ANOVA.
2 a_ Anxiety and meaningfulness
b 4.02 with df=1 and 56.
Spe ae

604 appendix |STQ answers

Between method MS = 1.8; between language MS = 125.0: Interaction MS = 20; within
groups MS = 7.25; only the between language F is significant at 17.241 as tabled F for
1,16 df at 0.05 level is 4.49.

toa SoS. 8) 205.05, C =75.5, d = 2056 = 10:2

2 Between treatments factor A, MS = 60, F = 12.0; between treatments factor B,
MS = 0, F=0; A X B interaction MS = 20, F = 4.0; within treatments MS = 5; tabled
F (1,54) = 4.402 and tabled F (2,54) = 3.17. There is therefore a significant factor A
treatment effect and a significant interaction effect.

H = 4.625; df = 2; tabled value of chi square = 5.99 at 5% level. Cannot reject null

Xr = 14.72; df= 3; tabled value = 7.82 at 5% level; reject null hypothesis.

c=v; d=vi;f =iii; g = il

a Negative
b Forr=.50, you find z =.549 at the intersection of the row labelled ‘.5’ and the column
labelled ‘.00.’ For r=-—31, the Fisher z is found at the intersection of the row labelled
‘.3’ and the column labelled ‘.01 ‘ (where the value of z is shown as .321), which you
note as —.321 because your result is in the ‘wrong’ direction.
c Z=2.22; p = .0132 one-tailed or .0264 two-tailed
d_ The p value is small enough to convince you that your result differs significantly
from the original one and therefore should not be combined with it without careful
thought and comment. For example, in describing the results of both studies
considered together we should report the differences between them and try to think
¢ of an explanation for their differences.

appendix | STQ answers 605

Corresponding z’s are .485 and .424, respectively.
p associated with Z = .47 is .3192 one-tailed.
Wee This is an example of two studies that do not disagree significantly in their estimates

of the size of the relation between variables X and Y. They can now be routinely
combined by means of a simple meta-analytic technique.

a z's are .485 and .424, respectively.

b Meanz=.45
c Combined effect size = .422

Z's are 1.64 and 1.47.

= .4522 one-tailed,
Oi: p value indicates a non-significant difference between the p-values, and thus shows
clearly just how trivial the conventional line of demarcation between ‘significant’
and ‘non-significant’ results sometimes is.

606 appendix | STQ answers

action-research 443—58 reliability 563
comparison with quantitative 450—2 validity 563—4
research as a political process 453
as professional development 453 between-subjects design 137-9
Lewin’s model 441-9
role of researcher 455—7 case study approach, issues 473-5
teacher self improvement 454—5 generalisation 474—5
use of triangulation 457-58 reliability 474
analysis of variance (ANOVA) 294-334 rigour 477
effect size 317-19 subjective bias 473
factorial ANOVA 308-10 time and information overload 475
interaction effects 309-10 validity 476-7
one-way independent ANOVA case studies 459-79
295-302 analysing data 470-73
post hoc tests 328—9 artefacts 468
repeated measures ANOVA 304-8 clinical 463
Scheffe test 303 documents 467
attitude measurement 555—63 historical 461
differential scales 556-9 interviews 467
general criticism 564 multi- 463
Likert method 559-60 observational 461-2
semantic differential 560—2 oral history 463
pattern matching 472-3 correlation 231—2
participant and non-participant contingency coefficient 264—5
467-8 correlation coefficient 232—5
planning 464-5 ~pienecteze 251
principles of data collection 469 interpreting correlations 238-42,
protocol 466 248-50
purpose of 460-1 Kendall’s tau 258-9
report 478-9 Pearson product moment correlation
sampling 465-6 299-7
situational analysis 463 phi 263-4
skills needed 469-70 point biserial 260-1
sources of evidence 467-8 Spearman rank order correlation 244—8
time series analysis 473 tetrachoric 261-2
types of case study 461-4 counterbalancing 141
chi-square test 212—22 cross-sectional survey 568-9
contingency tables 221-2 curvilinear relationships 265
degrees of freedom 215-17
effect size 222-4 deception 19
goodness of fit 213-27 degrees of freedom, concept of 154
restrictions in the use of 222 in ANOVA 298-9, 305, 313-14
test of independence of categories in chi-square goodness-of-fit 215-6
219-22 in chi-square test of independence
Yates’ correction 215 220-1
clinical case study 463 in independent groups ¢ test 176
cluster sampling 90-2 in related (paired) ¢ test 201
coding 432, 587-92 debriefing 20
comparison of mean, median and demand characteristics 148-9
mode 47-8 dependent variables 125-8, 134
comparison of quantitative and qualitative descriptive statistics 42-53
methods 391-2 diary 438-40
computer disengaging from research field 429
qualitative analysis 435-9 Dissertation Abstracts International 37
role of in data analysis 14-15
search 37-9
concurrent validity 353-4 effect size 166-74
confidentiality 584-5 estimating effect size 168-71
construct validity 355—6 importance of effect size 171-3
content analysis 435—9 size conventions 167
content validity 351-2 ERIC clearing houses 35-6
contingency coefficient 264—5 ethnography 393-421
contingency table (2 x 2) 221-2 fieldwork 399-412
control analysing 413
group (non-randomised) 149 collecting data 399
variables 129-30 interviews 410-11

608 index
observation 405—6, 408-12 Friedman two-way non-parametric
non-participant observation ANOVA 331-2
413=16 frequency distributions 67—74
pre-entry 401-3 funnelling 429
sampling 408
strategies 404—5 goodness-of-fit chi square 213-17
research 395-9 grounded theory 433
multiple perspectives 398—9
multiple techniques 399 Hawthorne effect 148—9
naturalism 397 historical research 471-89
process 397 criteria for evaluating 488
reliability 417-18 criticism 487
triangulation 419-20 data analysis 486-7
understanding and interpretation 397 data collection 486
validity 418-19 history and the scientific method
research report 420-1 482
ethics of research limitations and difficulties 488-9
debriefing 20 possible topics 489
deception 19 primary sources 485
experimenter obligations 21 procedure 484
informed consent 18 selecting a topic 484—5
intervention studies 22 sources of data 485—6
involuntary participation 18 types of 483-4
privacy and confidentiality 20 writing report 487
publication of findings 21 hypothesis
right to discontinue 21 formulation 106-8
role-playing 20 criteria for judging 109-10
stress 22 null t11=12
voluntary participation 18 one-tailed, two-tailed 114-16
experimental operational 108—9
design 153 research 108-9
error 134-7 testing 111-13
research report 378-85 Type I and Type II errors 116-17
sources of error 136—7 unconfirmed 110
bias 149-50 ideographic approach 3
obligations 21 independent ¢ test 175-86
external validity 358—9 independent variables 125-8, 134
inferential statistics 43, 132
F ratio 300 informed consent 18
face validity 356-7 internal validity 357-8
factor analysis 272 interval level of measurement 121
factorial designs 147 intervening variables 131
fieldnotes 430 intervention studies 22

index 609
interview combining studies by significance level
diary 438-40, 586 3723
schedule 571-4 comparing studies by effect size
interviews 410-11, 423-9, 467 366-9
advantages of interviews 582-3 comparing studies by significance level
analysing data 430-41 371-2
coding 432 file drawer problem 363-4
content analysis 432-38 issues 374—6
closing 429 replication 366
comparison ofinterview methods 584 — methods of knowing 5
conducting 426-9, 582-4 mode 467
disadvantages of interviews 583-4 moderator variables 128-9
fieldnotes 430 multi-case studies 463
structured 424 multiple correlation 27 1—2
semi-structured 424-45 multiple perspectives 398—9
unstructured 425—6 multivariate correlation analysis 266—9

Kruskal-Wallis one-way non-parametric naturalism 397

ANOVA 329-30 negatively skewed distribution 68
Kendall’s tau 258-9 nominal measurement 120
Kuder-Richardson formula 343 nomothetic 3
non-participant observation
level of significance, selecting 76-80 413-16
Lewin’s model of action-research 444-9 —_ non-randomised designs 148
Likert scales 559-60 non-verbal communication 427
listening skills 427 normal distribution 68—74
literature review 390-1 NUD*IST 437-8
longitudinal survey 570-1 null hypothesis 111-12

Mann-Whitney U test 189-94 observation 408-10

matched pairs ¢ test 198-201 observational case study 461-2
matched subjects design 142—4 observer-observed interaction 416
mean 44 one-tailed hypothesis 114-16
measures of central tendency 44-8 open-ended interviewing 425-9
measures of dispersal 48-53 operational hypothesis 108-9
measurement, levels of 119-22, 154 opportunity sampling 92-3
interval 121 ordinal measurement 120
nominal 120
ordinal 120 parametric tests 151-6
ratio 121 assumptions 151-2
median 44-6 power of 152
meta-analysis 361-76 merits 152
combining studies by effect size partial correlation 266-9
370-1 participant observation 405-6

610 index
participation preparation for computer analysis
involuntary 18 586-92
voluntary 18 reliability and validity 585
pattern matching 472-3
Pearson correlation coefficient 235—7 random sampling 85-8
phi coefficient 263-4 randomisation 138
point biserial correlation 260-1 rank order correlation 244—8
population and sample 84 ratio level of measurement 121
positively skewed distribution 68 regression
post-test comparison 145-7 line of best fit 274
power 159-66 multiple regression 290-3
calculating power 166 regression equations 278-81
factors affecting power 162-4 simple linear regression 273-87
importance 165 standard error 284—6
Type I and Type I errors 158-60 related pairs ¢ test 198-202
predictive validity 352-3 effect size 203-4
preliminary sources, checking 32-6 reliability 336-47
primary sources 485 types
probability 74—9 alternate/parallel form 341-2
progressive focusing 404 internal consistency 343-4
psychological abstracts 37 split half 342-3
publication of findings 21 test-retest 340-1
action research 450-1
qualitative research case study 475
approach 10-14, 388-92 ethnography 471
research 10-14 factors affecting reliability 345-6
research report 491-500 questionnaires 585
computer analysis 435—9 standard error of the measurement
confidentiality 498 346—7
helpful tips 499-500 repeated measures ANOVA
limitations 13 replication 6
linear analytic structure 495-8 reports
strengths 13-14 case study 478-9
structures 493—5 ethnographic 420-1
quasi-experimental design 147-8 historical 487
questionnaires qualitative research 491—500
advantages 581 research 378-85
anonymity and confidentiality 584—5 research
coding 587-94 checklist 385
closed items 571-2 design 144-8
data analysis 586 ethics 18-22
design 574-80 hypothesis 108—9
disadvantages 581-82 report 378-85
open-ended items 572—4 topic, selecting 25-8

index 611
review matched/related pairs ¢ test 204-5
educational research 36 partial correlation 269-70
literature 28—32 random samples
research literature 28—30 regression 287—90
scope of 30-2 Wilcoxon 209-11
right to discontinue 21 Z scores
role-playing 20 Spearman-Brown formula 342-3
stage sampling 92
sample standard deviation 49-53
non-response 93—4 standard error
population 84 of the mean 95-102
random 85-8, 99 of the difference 176-7, 179
size 93 of measurement 346-7
sampling 82-94, 389 standard scores 61—5
cluster 90-2 standardising 144—5
error 136 statistical significance 76-80
opportunity 92-3 statistical tests, choosing 151-6
purposive 465 stratified sampling 90
stage 92 structured interviewing
strategy 94—5 advantages 582-3
stratified 90 anonymity 584—5
systematic 89 asking questions 576-8
Scheffe test 303 coding 586—92
scientific approach 3-10 closed items 571—2
characteristics 6—9 conducting 582
limitations 10 data analysis 586
strengths 9 disadvantages 583-84
secondary sources 485-6 open-ended items 572-4
semantic differential scale 560—2 preparation for computer analysis
semi-structured interviewing 424—5 586-90
social reality 388 response options 578—9
software for qualitative analysis validity and reliability 585
436-9 subjective bias 473-4
SP5S.53 surveys 566-92
ANOVA 321-5 advantages of questionnaires 581
chi square 225-8 anonymity and confidentiality
correlation 252-55 584-5
Cronbach alpha 348-50 computer analysis of data 586-8
Friedman test 333 conducting the interview 582-4
graphs 56, 59-60 content analysis 589-92
independent ¢ test 187-9 cross-sectional surveys 569
Kruskall-Wallis test 330-1 data analysis 586
labelling variables 54—5 disadvantages of questionnaires
Mann-Whitney 195-7 581

612 index
interview schedule 571-4 recording interview 429
longitudinal surveys 570-1 semi-structured 424—5
schedule design 574-80
steps in survey research 568 validity 350-60
reliability and validity 585
systematic sampling 89 concurrent 353-4
content 351-2
t distributions 176-7 construct 355-6
t test 175-86 external 358-9
assumptions 182 face 356-7
cffect size 184-5 internal 357-8 ~
power 185-6 predictive 352-3
test-retest method 340-1 action-research 450-1
tetrachoric correlation 261-2 case studies 476
triangulation 419-20, 457 ethnography 418-19
two-tailed hypothesis 114-16 questionnaires 585
Type 1 error 116-17 variables
Type 2 esror 116-17 continuous 123
control 129-30
unstructured interviewing 423-41 dependent 125-8, 134
analysing data 430-40 discrete 122
dosing 429 independent 125-8, 134
coding 432 intervening 131
content analysis 432-5 moderator 128-9
cover story 334 variance 48-9, 236
funnelling 429
listening skills 427 Wilcoxon signed-ranks test 205-8
non-verbal communication 427 within-subjects design 139-40
open-ended 425-26
questioning techniques 426-27 Z scores 62-4, 68, 72, 101-2

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Introduction to Research Methods, a proven text in
research methods for several years, is now available in a
new expanded edition. It provides an invaluable resource
to undergraduate students in education, health and social

This book provides a basic understanding of the main

techniques and concepts of quantitative and qualitative
research. It uses simple examples and practice exercises to
demystify complex theories and methodologies.


¢ STQs—Self Testing Questions (and answers)

* summaries and further reading for each chapter, along
with examples and case studies
¢ achapter on the ethics of research
* comprehensive and balanced coverage of quantitative
methods, qualitative methods and survey methods
* guidelines for writing up research reports (examples for
both quantitative and qualitative research).


* new chapters on the role of power and effect size,

regression, and meta-analysis
* increased coverage of the key software analysis packages,
including examples in SPSS, for quantitative and
qualitative research.


Professor Robert Burns teaches in the Faculty of Education,
University of Brunei, Brunei. Formerly Professor of
Education at Cape Town University, Professor Burns has
also worked at Curtin University of Technology, Australian
National University and the Department of Employment,
Education and Training (DEET).

Cover design by Ivan Finnegan


SAGE Publications
London * Thousand Oaks ° New Delhi


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