Routing - VLSI Guide
Routing - VLSI Guide
VLSI Guide
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VLSI Guide 23:17 Physical Design Flow 10 comments
Routing is the stage after CTS where the interconnections are made by
determining the precise paths for each nets.
This includes the interconnection of the standard cells, the macro pins, the pins
of the block boundary or the pads of the chip boundary.
After CTS, the tool will be having the information about the exact locations of
the standard cells, the pins, the IO ports and the pads.
The logical connectivity is defined by the netlist and the design rules are defined
in the technology file are available to the tool. In routing stage, metal and vias
are used to create the electrical connection in layout so as to complete all
connections defined by the netlist.
So in short, routing can be termed as allocating set of wires in the routing space
that connects all the nets in the netlist by using certain design rules for the
metals and vias used in doing so.
Goals of Routing 1/12
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Establishing the entire connectivity of the design with minimum number of vias
and optimized total wire length.
To meet the timing constraints.
No LVS errors (Layout vs Schematic) ie, the all the connections described in the
netlist are completed physically.
No DRC (Design Rules Check) violations in doing so.
Complete routing within the area of the design.
Design with completed interconnection and geometric layout of the nets.
Stages of Routing
Global Routing.
Track Assignment.
Detailed Routing.
Search and Repair. 2/12
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2. Track Assignment
After the gcell estimation, tracks are assigned to each global routes.
The tracks are assigned in vertical and horizontal direction for each partition.
The direction of routing is dependent on the metal used, which has preferred
routing direction. For eg. If Metal 1 has routing direction Horizontal, then Metal
2 has direction Vertical.
In this stage, the global routes are replaced with metal layers, which has many
DRC violations, Signal Integrity (SI) and timing violations.
3. Detailed Routing
In detailed routing, the router uses the scheme made in the global routing and
track assignment phases to lay metals to connect the nets to the pins.
The violations that were created in the previous stage, will be fixed by multiple
iterations of routing, so that no connections will be left short , open or spacing
First, the block is divided into specific areas called the Sboxes (switch boxes)
which comprises of multiple gcells.
These boxes are in alignment with the gcell boundary.
Fill Stage
Fill stage comes after routing optimization, where filler cells and metal fills are added to
meet the DRC rules. Two steps are mainly performed in this stage.
Filler cells are used for rail continuity and to fill up gaps between standard cells
in the rows, and thereby reducing the DRC violations created by the base layers.
Filler cells are physical-only cells designed in such a way that they contain only
n-well, p-well & power rails. 3/12
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It is also possible to reduce the IR drop by inserting de-cap filler cells, but this
comes at a cost of higher leakage currents.
The metal fills also known as dummy metal layers, are small, floating metal nets,
inserted in empty spaces in the design after post-route optimization in order to
maintain uniformity in metal layer density.
These are added to meet the metal density DRC rules (density violations) which
are mandatory by most manufacturing processes.
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Rama murthy 10 May 2019 at 23:37
Thanks Great work please upload new topics we are waiting
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