Innovus block - Copy - Copy 1
Innovus block - Copy - Copy 1
Design details
Initialize the design
Sanity checks
Project Floorplanning
outline : Powerplanning
Clock tree synthesis
Design details :
Technology 90nm
STD cells count 26584
Macro count 7
Ports count 301
Metal layers 9
clocks 4
Frequency/Time period 1MHZ/1ns
Initialize the design :
After importing the design with read_design then we see all the macros
and standard cells are placed at the left bottom corner of the block.
Module Macro
s s
checks :
• Checked the quality of
netlist and constraints
before going to floorplan.
• Check_design
• Check_timing
• Check_library
Floorplanning :
Created a new rectilinear shape floorplan by manually cutted the floorplan
shape using floorplan editor options in the tool.
Check place
checks : Check pin assignment
Powerplan checks
Placement :
Placing the std.cells and checked the congestions, Drv's & timing and all
are under control.
Blockages are applied manually in experimental block parallelly for
making a congested block.
Timing report : Setup & Hold
Report_timing - early Report_timing - late
Clock tree synthesis : report_clock_timing –type skew
Clock tree was building for distributing the clock to all sequential pins and
checked skew and latencies.
Clock tree synthesis :
report_clock_timing – type latency
Timing : report_timing –type early
Timing : report_timing –type late
Clock tree synthesis :
In cts stage the inverters-19 and clk buffers-16 are extra-added cells in the design.
Routing :
Routing is the process of creating physical connection based on the logical
connectivity. The signal pins are connected by metal interconnects. The routed
metal path must meet the timing, Drv's, skew and drc's should be under control.
The Matel spacing violations are fixed by given some space between metals manually so
that the violation fixed.