Unit 7 เอม 5 - 1 - 24

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7 Listen again. Fill in the gaps and circle.


Listen Up • Listen to the audio.

5 Where are the speakers? Listen and number. 7-04 • Ask students to circle the word and write the answer.
• Ask students to complete the activity.
• Check students’ answers.

at a restaurant in the kitchen on a picnic in the garden

Answer Key
1. like, juice
6 Listen again. Circle the words you hear. 7-04 2. like, potato dishes
3. don’t like, tomatoes
oranges bananas tomatoes eggs potatoes
4. like, eggs
bread cheese juice fish meat

7 Listen again. Fill in the gaps and circle.


I like / don’t like

I really like / don’t like 8 Listen and answer the questions. 7-05
_________________. •Listen to the audio.
•Ask students to answer the questions.
1. Brandon •Replay the audio if needed.
2. Samantha
•Ask students to complete the activity.
I really like / don’t like •Check students’ answers.
I like / don’t like
Answer Key
3. Serena 1. d
2. b
Challenge 4. Lee 3. a. true
8 Listen and answer the questions. 7-05
b. false
1. Where is Andy?
c. true
a. at Valerie’s house b. at a restaurant c. in the garden d. on a picnic

2. What does Andy choose to eat?

a. tomatoes only b. cheese only c. potatoes d. nothing
Teacher’s Note
3. Circle true or false. There Are Restaurants and Then There Are
a. Andy doesn’t like tomatoes at all. true false
b. Andy doesn’t like cheese. true false
c. Valerie really likes tomatoes. true false
Explain the different kinds of restaurants to students.
91 Make sure they understand the difference between the
1 New Frontiers BE (SB).indd 91 2020-04-08 �� 6:45:22
following kinds of restaurants:
- fast food
Listen Up - fast casual
- family restaurant
5 Where are the speakers? Listen and number.
- fine dining
• Listen to the audio. - café or bistro
• Ask students to write the number of the description - food truck
next to the correct picture. - buffet restaurant
• Replay the audio if needed. - cafeteria restaurant
• Ask students to complete the activity.
• Check students’ answers.
Answer Key
From left to right
2. at a restaurant
1. in the kitchen
4. on a picnic
3. in the garden

6 Listen again. Circle the words you hear. 7-04

• Listen to the audio again.

• Ask students to circle the words they hear.
• Ask students to complete the activity.
• Check students’ answers.

Answer Key
From left to right, top to bottom
bananas, tomatoes, eggs, potatoes, juice

Lesson B Reading
B Reading Aim Read about interesting street food

Aim: Read about interesting street food Vocabulary

Countable nouns ( beans)
can be plural and take an s.
Uncountable nouns ( ice
1 Listen and repeat. 7-06 cream) cannot.

Vocabulary peppers vegetables

1 Listen and repeat. 7-06

• Listen to the audio.
• Ask students to repeat aloud after the audio.
• Practise again. Point at words in the book and ask fruit 2 Look at the words again. Circle the
words that end in an s.
students to say the words aloud.
3 Fill in the gaps.
2 Look at the words again. Circle the words that 1. A(n) __________________ is two slices of
bread with fillings between them, such as
end in an s. cheese, meat, vegetables, or eggs.
• Ask students to look at the words. 2. Peppers and potatoes are kinds of
• Ask students to circle the words that end in an s.
3. Bananas and oranges are kinds of
• Ask students to complete the activity. __________________.
• Check students’ answers. beans
4. Cheese and __________________ are made
from milk.
ice cream
Answer Key 5. A(n) __________________ is vegetables and
meat cooked in water.
From left to right, top to bottom
peppers, vegetables, fruit, lemons, sandwiches, beans
4 Fill in the gaps. Talk with a partner. A
3 Fill in the gaps.
• Ask students to read the sentence prompts. CH
• Ask students to write the answer in the gap.
• Ask students to complete the activity.
• Check students’ answers.
Answer Key What do you like on your sandwiches and pizzas? Where can you get these foods?
1. sandwich
2. vegetables 92

3. fruit 1 New Frontiers BE (SB).indd 92 2020-04-08 �� 6:45:2

4. ice cream
5. soup
Teacher’s Note 4 Fill in the gaps. Talk with a partner.
Fruits and Fruit • Ask students to look at the picture.
This NOTE illustrates that some nouns are both • Tell students to fill in the gap with the different foods.
countable and uncountable, such as fruit. When • Then tell students to read the questions at the bottom
referring to a collective group, fruit is used. For of the picture aloud.
example, “I eat five servings of fruit and vegetables • Tell students to practise by asking and answering the
every day.” When emphasizing different varieties, then questions with a partner.
fruits can be used. For example, “I like oranges and • Ask students to complete the activity.
other citrus fruits.” Make sure students understand this • Check students’ answers.
and explain some other nouns that are both countable
Answer Key
and uncountable, such as food/foods, cheese/cheeses,
From left to right, top to bottom
and so on.
pepper, bread, meat, cheese, tomato

7 Talk with a partner.
5 Read the article. 7-07
• Tell students to find a partner.
• Tell students to discuss the questions.
Ceviche Peru • Ask students if they would like to share their discussion
Ceviche [say-VEE-chay] is Peru’s favourite food. It’s a kind
of fish soup, but it’s cold! The fish is not cooked. You
with the class.
make it with lemon or lime juice, vegetables, and hot • Ask follow-up questions.
peppers. It’s great!

Teacher’s Note

Street Food from Around the World
Explain to students that every country has its own street
food. Below is a list of different kinds of street food
“Street foods” are foods you buy and enjoy outside. They’re
cheap and fun to eat. And they’re really good! Here are some from different countries:
great street foods from different countries. Do you have a
favourite street food?
Czech Republic: chimney cake
Halo-halo The Philippines India: masala dosa
On hot days, people in the Philippines eat halo-halo. Canada: poutine
This is a sweet, cold food. You make it with red beans, Germany: currywurst
fruit, and ice cream. Yum!
Portugal: egg tarts
Gua bao China Jamaica: jerk chicken
Gua bao [goo-AH BAH-oh] are sandwiches. People enjoy Thailand: pad thai
them in China. They’re hot and soft. Inside, there are Spain: churros
different things, like meat or vegetables. You can buy
one and take it with you.
Vietnam: banh mi
Japan: dango
Sri Lanka: kottu roti
Israel: falafel
Netherlands: stroopwafel
6 Circle true or false.
1. You eat street food in a restaurant. true false Turkey: baklava
2. Gua bao sometimes have meat. true false Colombia: arepas
3. Ceviche is a hot food. true false
4. There are vegetables in halo-halo. true false
South Korea: tteok-bokki
Italy: arancini
7 Talk with a partner.
1. Which of these foods would you like to try? Why? Mexico: tacos
2. What street foods do people in your country eat? How do you make them? UK: fish and chips
3. What are your favourite street foods?
USA: corn dogs

1 New Frontiers BE (SB).indd 9 2020-04-08 �� 6:45: 1

Extra Practise The 5 Food Groups

5 Read the article. 7-07
Explain the five different food groups (dairy, fruit,
• Listen to the audio. grains, meat, vegetables) to students. Then ask
OR students which food groups the vocabulary words from
• Read the article aloud. lessons A and B fall into with the phrases:
• Ask students to read parts of the reading aloud.
“What kind of food is _____?” → “_____ is a _____.”
• Replay the audio if needed. “How many _____ did you eat today?” → “I ate the
number of food from the food group today.” → “I ate
the foods from that food group.”
6 Circle true or false.
What kind of food is an orange? → An orange is a
• Ask students to answer the questions fruit.
• Replay the audio if needed. How many fruits did you eat today? → I ate three fruits
• Ask students to complete the activity. today. → I ate an apple and two oranges.
• Check students’ answers.

Answer Key
1. false
2. true
3. false
4. false

Lesson C Speaking
C Speaking Aim Order food in a restaurant

Aim: Order food in a restaurant Vocabulary

1 Listen and number. 7-08

1 Listen and number. 7-08

•Listen to the audio. salad cake pizza cup glass

•Ask students to repeat aloud after the audio.

•Ask students to write the correct number of the
vocabulary word next to the picture in the book.
apple mushrooms chicken slice bowl

Answer Key
2 Fill in the gaps with words from the box. Answers will vary.
From left to right, top to bottom
chicken tomato bread cake egg soup mushroom
4. salad
apple fruit pizza coffee cheese juice orange
2. cake
3. pizza 1. a(n) _______________ sandwich 2. bowl of _______________
1. cup 3. a(n) _______________ salad 4. slice of ________________
5. _______________ soup 6. cup of ________________
9. glass 7. _______________ juice 8. glass of _______________
5. apple
7. mushrooms
8. chicken Focus
3 Talk with a partner. Which food or 4 Listen and fill in the gaps. 7-09
6. slice
drink do you want right now?
10. bowl * 1 bowl of mushroom

1. _______________________
• Practise again. Point at different pictures and ask What would you like?
* 1 salad
students to say the words. * 1 slice of 2. _______________________

I would like a slice of * 1 glass of 3. _______________________

2 Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. cheese pizza. * 1 bowl of 4. _______________________
Answers will vary. * 1 glass of 5. _______________________
You can also ask, What would you like to eat?
• Ask students to read the prompts. or What would you like to drink?

• Ask students to fill in the gap with the correct

vocabulary word. 94
• Ask students to complete the activity.
• Check students’ answers.
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Answer Key 4 Listen and fill in the gaps. 7-09

Sample Answers
• Listen to the audio.
1. cheese • Ask students to fill in the gap with the word(s) they
2. soup
3. egg
• Replay the audio if needed.
4. pizza
• Ask students to complete the activity.
5. bowl of
6. coffee • Check students’ answers.
7. glass of
Answer Key
8. juice
1. soup
2. pizza
3. water
Focus 4. chicken soup
5. apple juice
3 Talk with a partner. Which food or drink do you
want right now?
• Read the short conversation aloud, or ask two students Teacher’s Note
to read the short conversation aloud. Common Food Quantifiers
• Ask students to practise the conversation with a
There are many food quantifiers. Make sure students
partner. know some of the more common food partitives
• Tell students to practise the conversation again, but to
talk about different foods.
a carton of milk/ice cream a loaf of bread
a box of cereal a can of soda
a head of lettuce/cabbage a bag of flour/rice
a pot of coffee/tea a slice of cake/bread
a jar of jam/pickles a piece of candy/cake


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