JEE Saarthi Circular Motion DPP 28-06-2021

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SAARTHI - JEE Circular Motion D.P.P.
1. A particle is acted upon by a force of constant 7. If the frequency of a particle performing
magnitude, which is always perpendicular circular motion increases from 60 rpm to 180
to the velocity of the particle. The motion of rpm in 20 seconds, its angular acceleration is
the particle takes place in a horizontal plane. 1) 6.284 rad/s2 2) 3.142 rad/s2
Then it follows that
3) 0.6284 rad/s 2 4) 0.3142 rad/s 2
1) its velocity is constant
8. A small steel sphere tied at the end of a string
2) its acceleration is constant
is whirled in a horizontal circle with uniform
3) its kinetic energy is constant angular velocity  . The string is suddenly
4) its linear momentum is constant pulled so that the radius of the circle is halved.
2. The angular speed of the minute hand of a If  is the new angular velocity then
clock in degrees per second is 1) =  2) > 
1) 1 2) 0.1
3) <  4) = 
3) 0.5 4) 1.5
9. The length of the second hand of a watch is
3. Two particles A and B move in concentric
1 cm. What is the velocity of the tip of the
circles of radii r1 and r2 respectively is such a
second hand in cm/s?
way that A, B and the centre of the circle (O)
always lie on a straight line. The ratio of the  
1) cm/ s 2) cm / s
 1  10 20
their angular velocities    is
 2  
3) cm / s 4) cm/ s
1) r1 / r2 2) r2 / r1 30 5
3) one 4) 1/ 2 10. The angular velocity of a fly wheel increases
4. The angular speed of a flywheel rotating at from 0 to 40 rad/s, in 8 second. What is its
90 r.p.m. is total angular displacement in this time ?
1)  rad /s 2) 2 rad / s 1) 80 rad 2) 160 rad
3) 4 rad / s 4) 3 rad /s 3) 200 rad 4) 120 rad
5. A particle moves along a circular path of 11. A wheel rotates with a constant angular
radius 20 cm with a constant angular velocity of 600 r.p.m. What is the angle through
acceleration of 4 rad/s2 . If the initial angular which the wheel rotate in one second ?
speed of the particle is 2 rad/s, then the
angular displacement of the particle after 5 1) 5 radian 2) 20 radian
seconds will be 3) 15 radian 4) 10 radian
1) 30 radian 2) 40 radian 12. A particle performing a U.C.M. of radius  m
3) 50 radian 4) 60 radian makes 'p’ revolutions in't' seconds. What is
6. The equation for the angular displacement of its tangential velocity ?
a particle moving along a circular path is
2 2 p 2 2
given by  = 2 t3 + 0.5 where 0 is in radian 1) m/ s 2) m/ s
and t is in second. The angular velocity of the t pt
particle at time t = 2 second is
1) 12 radian/sec 2) 18 radian/sec  2p 2 p
3) m/ s 4) m/ s
3) 24 radian/sec 4) 30 radian/sec t t

1 Date : 28/06/2021
13. A particle is moving with a constant speed v 21. The angular velocity of a wheel increases from

in a circle of radius R. What is the magnitude 600 rev/ min to 2400 rev/min in 10 sec. The
of average acceleration after half revolution ? number of revolutions made during this time
interval is
v2 2v 2 v2 v2
1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 100 rev 2) 150 rev
2R R R R
3) 200 rev 4) 250 rev
14. If the momentum of a body is increased by
22. A particle P is moving in a circular of radius
20%, then its kinetic energy increases by
r with uniform speed v. C is the centre of the
1) 44% 2) 55% circle and AB is the diameter. What is the ratio
3) 60% 4) 77% of the angular velocities of P about A and C?
15. A body is whirled in a horizontal circle of 1) 4 : 1 2) 2 : 1
radius 20 cm. It has angular velocity of 3) 1 : 2 4) 1 : 1
10 rad-s–1 . What is its linear velocity at any
23. A particle starting from rest moves along the
point on the circular path ?
1) 10 ms –1 2) 2 ms–1 circumference of a circle of radius r  2m
3) 20 ms –1 4) 2 ms
–1 
with an angular acceleration   rad/s2 .
16. Two racing cars of masses m 1 and m 2 are 4
moving in circles of a r1 and r2 respectively. What is the magnitude of its average velocity
Their speeds are such that each make a in the time in completes a quarter rotation?
complete circle in the same length of time t.  
The ratio of the angular speed of the first to 1) m/s 2) m/s
2 2 2
that of the second car is .
1) m1 : m2 2) r1 : r2 2 2 
3) 1 : 1 4) m1r1 : m2r2 3) m/s 4)
 2
17. A 4 kg mass and a 1 kg mass are moving with 24. A body is moving along a circular path with
equal energies. The ratio of the magnitudes a constant speed. It has a centripetal
of their linear momenta is acceleration (a). If its speed is doubled, the
1) 1 : 2 2) 1 : 1 ratio of its acceleration after and before the
3) 2 : 1 4) 4 : 1 change is given by
18. A body moving in a circular path with a 1) 1 : 4 2) 2 : 1
constant speed has a 3) 4 : 1 4) 3 : 1
1) constant velocity 25. The angle between the radius vector and the
2) constant momentum centripetal force is
3) constant kinetic energy
 3
4) constant acceleration 1) zero 2) 3) 4) 
2 4
19. The relation between linear speed v, angular
speed  and angular acceleration  in circular 26. The linear acceleration of a particle of mass'm'
motion is describing a horizontal circle of radius r, with
angular speed '' is
av v
1)   2)   
 a 1) 2) r
 a 3) r  4) r
3)   4)  
av v 27. The overbridge on a canal is in the form of
20. A car is travelling on a circular track of radius concave circular arc of radius r. The thrust
100m, at a constant speed. What is its average on the road at the lowest point will be
velocity and average speed when it completes
mv 2 mv 2
one revolution in 62.8 s ? 1) mg  2) mg 
r r
1) 5 m/s, 10 m/s 2) 0 m/s, 10 m/s
3) 0 m/s, 5 m/s 4) 10 m/s, 5 m/s mv 2 mv 2
3) mg  4) mg 
r r
2 Date : 28/06/2021
28. Two particles of equal masses are revolving 34. A particle is moving along a circle of radius

with the same speed in concentric circular 1 m at a speed of 2 m/s. If the speed is increased
paths of radii R1 and R2 respectively. The ratio at the rate of 3 m/s 2 . then the resultant
of their centripetal force is acceleration is
2 1) 2 m/s2 2) 3 m/s2
R2  R1 
1) R 2)   3) 5 m/s2 4) 10 m/s 2
1  R2  35. A particle is performing a U.C.M. along a
R1 R1 circular path of radius r, with a uniform speed
3) 4) R v. Its tangential and radial acceleration are
R2 2

29. A car is moving with a speed of 30 m/s on a v2

1) zero and infinite 2) and zero
circular path of radius 500 m. Its speed is r
increasing at the rate of 2 m/s 2 . The
acceleration of the car is v2
3) zero and 4) r2 and infinite
1) 2 m/s2 2) 9.8 m/s 2 r
3) 2.7 m/s 2 4) 1.8 m/s 2 36. A particle is performing a U.C.M. along a circle
30. A particle moves along a circle of radius ‘r’ of radius r. The relation between its
with constant tangential acceleration. if the centripetal acceleration (a) and kinetic energy
velocity of the particle is ‘v’ at the end of (E) is given by
second revolution, after the revolution has E
started then the tangential acceleration is 1) a = 2 E m 2) a 
v2 v2 2
1) 2) 2E  2E 
8r 6r 3) a  4) a   
mr  mr 
v2 v2 37. The ratio of the kinetic energies of two
3) 4)
4r 2r particles in UCM is 4 : 1. If their momenta are
31. If P is the magnitude of linear momentum of kept constant then the ratio of their masses
a particle executing a uniform circular m1 : m2 will be
motion, the centripetal force acting on the 1) 4 / 3 2) 1 : 4
particle is given by 3) 1 / 2 4) 1 / 3
P P2 38. A stone of mass 16 kg is attached to a string
1) 2) 144 m long and is whirled in a horizontal
mr 2 mr
circle. The maximum tension the string can
Pm P 2r stand is 16 newton. The maximum velocity of
3) 4) revolution that can be given to the stone
r m
without breaking it will be
32. A mass of 2 kg is whirled in a horizontal circle
1) 2 ms–1 2) 16 ms –1
by means of a string at an initial speed of 5
revolutions per minute. Keeping the radius 3) 14 ms –1 4) 12 ms –1
constant, the tension in the string is doubled. 39. A sphere of mass m is tied to one end of a string
The new speed is nearly equal to of length l and rotated through the other end
1) 10 rpm 2) 7 rpm along a horizontal circular path with speed
V. The work done in lull horizontal circle is
3) 14 rpm 4) 2.5 rpm
33. A particle performs a uniform circular motion  mv 2 
in a circle of radius 10 cm. What is its 1) zero 2)  l  2 l
 
centripetal acceleration if it takes 10 seconds
to complete 5 revolutions ?
 mv 2 
1) 2.5 2 cm/s2 2) 5 2 cm/s2 3) mg 2  l 4)  l ( l)
 
3) 10 2 cm/s 2 4) 20 2 cm/s 2

3 Date : 28/06/2021
40. An annular ring with inner and outer radii 46. A body of mass m is tied to one end of a spring

R1 and R2 is rolling without slipping with a and whirled round in a horizontal circle with
uniform angular speed. The ratio of the forces a constant angular velocity. The elongation
experienced by the two particles situated on in the spring is 1 cm. If the angular velocity
the inner and outer parts of the ring, F1/F2 is is doubled, the elongation in the spring is 5
cm. What is the original length of the spring
1) 1 2) R ?
1) 13 cm 2) 14 cm
2 3) 15 cm 4) 16 cm
R2  R1 
3) R 4)   47. A car is moving on a circular path and takes
1  R2  a turn. If R1 and R2 be the reactions on the
inner and outer wheels respectively, then
 20 
41. A particle move along a circle a radius   1) R1 = R2 2) R1 < R2
 
3) R1 > R2 4) R1 > R2
metre with constant tangential acceleration.
If the velocity of the particle is 40 m/s at the 48. A particle of mass m describes a circle of
end of second revolution, after the revolution radius r with a uniform speed v. The
has began, then the tangential acceleration is centripetal acceleration of the particle is 4/r2 .
What is the magnitude of the linear
1) 5 m/s2 2) 10 m/s 2 momentum of the particle?
3) 15 m/s 2 4) 20 m/s 2
2m 2m
42. A wheel is rotating about an axis passing 1) 2)
r r
through its centre and perpendicular to its
4m 4m
plane. If its angular speed is slowly increased 3) 4)
then a point on its rim has r r
49. A particle moves in a circle of radius 2 m at a
1) tangential velocity and radial acceleration
speed given by v = 4t where v is in m/s and t
2) radial velocity and radial acceleration is in second. What is its resultant (total)
3) tangential velocity and tangential and radial acceleration at time t = 1 s?
1) 8 m/s2 2) 4 2 m/s 2
4) tangential velocity and tangential acceleration
43. A particle moves in a circular orbit under the 3) 5 5 m/s 2 4) 4 5 m/s 2
action of a central attractive force which is 50. A cyclist has to bend inwards while taking a
inversely proportional to the distance ‘r’. The turn but a passenger sitting inside a car and
speed of the particle is taking the same turn is pushed outwards.
1) Proportional to r2 2) Independent of r This is because
3) Proportional to r 4) proportional to 1 /r 1) the car is heavier then the cycle
44. A racing car competes 5 rounds of a circular 2) car has four wheels and the cycle has only
track in 2 minute. What is the radius of the two wheels
track, if the car has uniform centripetal 3) the cyclist has to balance the centrifugal force
acceleration of 2 m/s2 ? but the passenger cannot balance the
1) 120 m 2) 144 m centrifugal force hence he is pushed outwards
3) 160 m 4) 80 m 4) the speed of the car is more than the speed of
45. A motor cycle is going on a overbridge of the cycle
radius R. The driver maintains a constant 51. A car takes a turn on a slippery road at a safe
speed. When the motor cycle ascends on the speed of 9.8 m/s. If the coefficient of friction is
overbridge, the normal force (reaction) acting 0.2, the minimum radius of the arc in which
on it the car takes a turn is
1) Remains the same 2) Fluctuates erratically 1) 20 m 2) 49 m
3) Increases 4) Decreases 3) 24.5 m 4) 80 m

4 Date : 28/06/2021
52. What is the angle of banking of a railway track 59. Banking of roads, is independent of

of radius of curvature 250 m, if the maximum 1) radius of the path
velocity of the train is 90 km/hr. ?
(use g = 10 m/s2) 2) mass of the vehicle
3) acceleration due to gravity
1  1  1  1 
1)   tan   2)   tan   4) maximum velocity of the vehicle along the
2 3
curved path
1  1  1  1  60. The maximum velocity with which a driver
3)   tan   4)   tan  
4 5 must drive his car on a flat curved road of
53. The angle of banking for a railway track is radius of curvature 150 m and coefficient of
friction 0.6, to a void the skidding of his car is
given by   sin1  1  . If it is a metre gauge (take g = 10 m/s2)
 16 
1) 60 m/s
railway line, then the elevation of the outer
rail above the inner rail is 2) 50 m/s
1) 5 cm 2) 6.25 cm 3) 40 m/s
3) 10 cm 4) 12.5 cm 4) 30 m/s
54. What would be the maximum speed of a car
61. A body of mass 1 kg is suspended from a
on a road turn of radius 30 m, if the coefficient
string 1 m long. It is rotated in a vertical circle.
of friction between the tyres and the road is
What is the tension in the string, when it is
0.4 ?
horizontal and the speed of the body is 2 m/s?
1) 6.84 m/s 2) 8.84 m/s
3) 10.64 m/s 4) 4.84 m/s 1) 4 N 2) 3 N
55. What is the smallest radius of a curve on a 3) 2 N 4) 1 N
horizontal road, at which a cyclist can travel
62. A stone is attached to one end of a string and
if his speed is 36 km/ hour and the angle of
rotated in a vertical circle. If the string breaks
inclination is 45° ? (g = 10 m/s2)
at the position of maximum tension, then it
1) 25 m 2) 20 m
will break at
3) 15 m 4) 10 m
56. A cyclist riding a bicycle at a speed of 14 3
m/s takes a turn around a circular road of
radius 20 3 m without skidding. What is his
inclination to the vertical ?
1) 30° 2) 45° P
3) 60° 4) 80° 1) Q 2) P
57. The angle of banking () for a metre gauge
3) S 4) R
1  1  63. A simple pendulum of effective length ‘l’ is
railway line is given by   sin   . What is
 20  kept in equilibrium in vertical position. What
the elevation of the outer rail above the inner horizontal velocity should be given to its bob,
rail ? so that it just completes a vertical circular
1) 4 cm 2) 5 cm motion?
3) 8 cm 4) 12 cm
58. The minimum velocity (in m/s) with which a 1) 5 gl
car driver must traverse a flat curve of radius
150 m and coefficient of friction 0.6 to avoid 2) 3 gl
skidding is
1) 30 2) 25 3) gl
3) 60 4) 15
4) 7 gl

5 Date : 28/06/2021
64. A bucket containing water is tied to one end 67. An object is tied to a string and rotated in a

of a rope of length 2.5 m and rotated about the vertical circle of radius r. Constant speed is
other end in a vertical circle. What should be maintained along the trajectory. If Tmax / Tmin
the minimum velocity of the bucket at the = 2, then v2/rg is
highest point, so that the water in the bucket
68. An aircraft executes a horizontal loop of
will not spil? (g = 10 m/s2)
radius 1 km with a speed of 900 km/h.
1) 2.5 m/s 2) 4 m/s Compare its centripetal acceleration with the
3) 5 m/s 4) 7 m/s acceleration due to gravity.
65. A bucket full of water is revolved in a vertical
circle of radius 1 m. What is the minimum 69. A coin placed on a rotation turn table slops
frequency of revolution, required to prevent when it is placed at a distance of 9 cm from
the water from falling down? (g = 10 m/s2) the centre. If the angular velocity of the turn
table is trippled. It will just slip. If its distance
10 2 from the centre is
1) Hz 2) Hz
2 5
70. The bob of a pendulum of mass m and length
5 2 L is displaced, 90° from the vertical and gently
3) Hz 4) Hz
 10 released. In order that the string may not
Integer Type Questions break upon passing through the lowest point,
66. A car-wheel is rotated to uniform angular if minimum strength is x mg then x = ?
acceleration about its axis. Initially its
angular velocity is zero. It rotates through an
angle 1 in the first 2 s, in the next 2 s ,it rotates
through an additional angle 2, then ratio of
1 is

Answer Key
1. 3 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. 4
6. 3 7. 3 8. 2 9. 3 10. 2
11. 2 12. 1 13. 2 14. 1 15. 2
16. 3 17. 3 18. 3 19. 4 20. 2
21. 4 22. 3 23. 2 24. 3 25. 4
26. 3 27. 3 28. 1 29. 3 30. 1
31. 2 32. 2 33. 3 34. 3 35. 3
36. 3 37. 2 38. 4 39. 1 40. 2
41. 2 42. 3 43. 2 44. 2 45. 3
46. 3 47. 2 48. 1 49. 4 50. 3
51. 2 52. 3 53. 2 54. 3 55. 4
56. 3 57. 2 58. 1 59. 2 60. 4
61. 1 62. 2 63. 1 64. 2 65. 1
66. 3 67. 3 68. 6 69. 1 70. 3

6 Date : 28/06/2021

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