Structural Conceptualization (Pre Board)

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Structural 5.

What is indicated in figure

3. What is indicated in figure below?
Conceptualization below?

1. What is indicated in figure


a. Welded wire mesh

b. Chicken wire
a. Metal mesh c. Metal mesh
b. Perforated metal d. Barbe mesh
a. S-purlin c. Expanded metal mesh
b. Inverted purlin d. V-mesh 6. What is indicated in figure
c. Channel
d. Zee purlin
4. What is indicated in figure
2. What is indicated in figure

a. Blue tube
b. Round tubes
c. Tubular
d. Sheet pipes
a. Expanded metal mesh
b. V-mesh
c. Chicken wire mesh
a. Z channel 7. What is indicated in figure
d. Barbed wire
b. Cee channel below?
c. Zee channel
d. Inverted zee channel
a. Wood frame nail plate a. T-flange
a. Three way slab b. Wide flange
b. Truss frame plate b. Two way slab
c. Truss gang nail c. Wide beam
c. One way slab d. C-beam
d. Liquid nail d. Frame system

8. What is indicated in figure 12. What is indicated in figure

10. What is indicated in figure
below? below?

a. Waffle slab
a. Curtane wall b. Slab waffle
b. Double layer glass c. Flat slab
a. Camber c. Metal cladding d. Two way pre-cast slab
b. Post tensioning anchor d. Curtain wall
c. Beam anchor
d. Anchor system 13. What is indicated in figure
11. What is indicated in figure
9. What is indicated in figure
a. Truss bracing c. 28 days
b. Howe truss d. 7 days
c. King post truss
d. Warren truss
17. What aggregate size is best
for the ground floor slab?
14. What is indicated in figure
a. ¾ inches
b. ½ inches
c. 1 ½ inches
d. 2 inches a. Beam
b. Walls
c. Girder
a. Truss bracing 18. In site construction, back d. Truss
b. Pettit truss
c. King post truss filling materials is estimated
d. Warren truss by? 21. Where would you normally
used the figure below?
a. Truckload
15. What steel section is
b. Cubic meter
commonly used for Skylight c. Per sack
installation? d. Per kilo

a. Tubular HSS 19. Local manufacturer of pre-

b. Angular
c. Channel stressed bars.
d. Flange
a. Benedicto Steel Group
b. Pag-asa Steel a. For beam
16. What is the minimum day of
b. For bridges
curing/ breaking of cylinder for c. Asia Steel c. For columns
d. Unisteel d. For slab
compressive strength test?

a. 3 days 20. The figure given below is 22. Where would you normally
b. 28 days best used for? used the below?
a triangular web system is
a. 12mm called
b. 20mm
c. 10mm
d. 16mm

a. Beam 26. At the ground floor of a

b. Footing building with an area of 22m x
c. Column 20m and a thickness of 4 inches
d. Slab
for its slab, how many truckload
of sand would you use?
23. What do you call the popular
local supplier of steel?
a. 5 a. Open Web Steel Joist
b. 4 b. Open Deck Truss
a. Steel Asia c. 9
b. Phil Steel c. Flat Truss
d. 10 d. Joist Truss
c. Supra Steel
d. International Steel

27. It is local major supplier 29. What is the most cost-

24. What is the diameter of of long span roofing and steel effective roofing?
rebars that would you use for decking?
firewall and perimeter of the a. Long span
building? a. Dwightsteel b. GI roof
b. Cumbro steel c. Color roof
a. 12mm c. Supra steel d. Shingles
b. 20mm d. EM steel
c. 10mm
d. 16mm 30.What steel section is
28. The figures shown below is commonly used for exposed
consists of parallel chords and structures?
25. What is the minimum diameter
of rebars for stirrups?
a. Tubular 34.What is the strength of 1:2
b. Angular
c. Channel ½:5 mixture?
d. Flange
a. 2500 psi
a. Truss
31.For a 10 cu.m. Class A b. 3000 psi
b. Girder
c. 3500 psi
concrete mix, how many bags of c. Studs
d. 4000 psi
cement will you use?
d. Joist
35.A mixture of cement used for
a. 95 bags beam has a strength of? 38.The figure below is normally
b. 90 bags
c. 80 bags used for?
d. 76 bags a. 2500 psi
b. 3000 psi
c. 3500 psi
32.What is the ratio of a d. 4000 psi
concrete mix used for slab?
36.How many truckload of ready
a. 1:1 ½:3 mix concrete is needed for 40 x
b. 1:2:4 50m second floor slab
c. 1:2 ½:5 considering 150mm slab
d. 1:3:6
a. Steel truss
33.A concrete mixture of 1:2 ½:5 b. Timber truss
a. 20 loads c. Metal beam
is classified as? b. 30 loads d. Metal brace
c. 25 loads
d. 50 loads
a. Class AA
b. Class A 39.The figure below is normally
c. Class B 37.Where would you use the used for?
d. Class C
figure below?
43. What is a paste of cement,
sand and water laid between
bricks, blocks or stones?

a. Concrete
b. Plaster
a. Wood frame nail plate c. Mortar
b. Nailer d. Grout
c. Connector
d. Bracing a. Truss
44. Based on ASTM#3 bar is
b. Insulation
c. Walls ______?
40.Identify 2 in the figure d. Metal
below. a. 10mmØ
b. 12mmØ
42. Identify 6 in the figure c. 16mmØ
below. d. 8mmØ

45. Column that raises/supports

a mass of structure above the

a. Pier
a. Long span roof b. Stilts
b. Metal roof c. Posts
c. GI roof d. Piles
d. Clay tile roof
a. Hook
b. Crane hanger 46. Long Column is designed
41.Identify 3 in the figure c. Snag hang for_____?
below. d. Scrap hanger
a. Buckling
b. Crushing
c. Elongation
d. Bending

47. Advantage of steel over


a. Rigidity
b. Elasticity
c. Thermal insulation
d. Hardness

48. Concrete estimate of class B






49. What is Class AA Water
Cement Ratio?
51. Figure 1, Drawing # 1: What 54. What is a method of
part of the truss is being prestressing in which tendons
indicated? are tensioned before concrete is
a. Top Chord
b. Web
c. Ridge a. Pre Tensioning
d. None of the above b. Post Tensioning
c. Pre-casting
d. Prefabrication
52. Figure 1, Drawing # 2: What
50. What is the purpose of part of the truss is being
55.What is a short steel bar
stirrups in a beam from carrying indicated?
extending from one concrete
and resisting load?
element to another as for
a. Top Chord instance a concrete foundation
b. Bottom Chord
a. To resist shrinkage to a concrete column. It may
c. Ridge
b. To hold longitude bars in
d. Web ormay not transfer direct
c. To resist flexure stress?
d. None of the above
53. Figure 1, Drawing # 3: What Corbel
Figure 1: a.
part of the truss is being b. Temperature bars
indicated? c. Stirrups
d. Dowel

a. Top Chord
b. Web
c. Ridge 56. What is the vertical or
d. Bottom Chord horizontal face in a concrete
structure where concreting has
been stopped and continued
63. What should be the size of a
60.Your client asks you to erect column at the ground floor if it
a. Expansion Joint
b. Construction joint a commercial building on what has an 8m span?
c. Control Joint used to be a rice field? On what
d. Thermal expansion soil must the foundation rest?
a. 0.50m x 0.50m
b. 1.20m x 1.20m
57. What is a web found in a a. Soft c. 0.70m x 0.70m
structural member? b. Hard d. 1.60m x 1.60m
c. Medium
d. Very hard
a. Rafter 64. What type of Foundation
b. Roof truss should be used so that the
c. Purlin 61. What happens to the newly construction would not affect
d. Batten placed concrete in the beams, the adjacent structures?
slabs or columns if it is not
58.What foundation presents the properly vibrated? a. Pile/Caisson
most disturbance & potential b. Sheet Pile
c. Strip Footing
damage to neighboring lots? a. Honeycomb d. Bed rock
b. Slow to harden
c. The concrete will not
a. Bored Pile strengthen 65. Which of the following
b. Isolated footing d. Ugly surface
c. Sheet pile Structural Elements can be
d. Footing with tie Beams erected along a Side or Rear
62. Water used for concrete mix? Property Line if the property is
59.Ready mix concrete should be resting on relatively flat
tested at ___________. a. Clean water terrain?
b. distilled water
c. Potable water
Site a. Firewalls and Perimeter
a. d. hot water
b. Office Walls
c. Plant b. End Wall
d. ASTM c. Retaining Wall
d. Zocalo Wall 69.What wall is used to protect
different levels?
66. The minimum thickness of
one-way slab unless deflections a. Retaining wall
are computed if simply supported b. Tie beam
is c. Cantilever Wall
d. Deep wall

a. L/28
b. L/10 70.What is a paste of cement,
c. L/20 sand and water laid between
d. L/24 bricks, blocks or stones?

67. What is the elastic movement a. Concrete

of loaded parts of a structure? b. Plaster
c. Mortar
d. Grout
a. Strain
b. Deflection
c. Stress
d. Settlement

68.What is the most important

determinant of concrete

a. Water
b. Sand
c. Cement
d. Gravel

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