Grade 9 2ND Semester Final Exam Paper 1

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semester II 2022/2023

Read each question, and then circle the correct answer [1 Mark each]
1.1. An aqueous solution is coloured. Which method of separation would show that the
solution contains ions of different colours?
A. chromatography
B. crystallization
C. distillation
D. filtration

1.2. The outline diagrams show three methods of separation.

1.3. What is the relative molecular mass (Mr) of CaCO3?

A. 16 B. 100 C. 101 D. 110

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semester II 2022/2023

1.4. Boron, B, forms an oxide. Which equation is correctly balanced?

1.5. The diagram shows a chromatogram obtained from three sweets, 1, 2 and 3

How many different red dyes are present in the sweets?

A. 1 B. 2 C.3 D.4
1.6. Magnesium and sulfur each form a chloride.
What could be the formulae of these chlorides?

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1.7. An experiment is carried out to separate a mixture of two dyes. A line is drawn on a piece
of chromatography paper and a spot of the dye mixture placed on it. The paper is dipped into a
solvent and left for several minutes.

Which statement about this experiment is correct?

A. the dyes must differ in their melting points.
B. the dyes must differ in their solubilities in the solvent.
C. the line must be drawn in ink.
D. the line must be placed below the level of the solvent.

1.8. Carbon dioxide is an acidic oxide that reacts with aqueous calcium hydroxide.

Which type of reaction takes place?

A. decomposition
B. combustion
C. neutralization
D. oxidation

1.9. Which is not a typical property of an acid?

A. they react with alkalis producing water.
B. they react with all metals producing hydrogen.
C. they react with carbonates producing carbon dioxide.
D. they turn litmus paper red.

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1.10. A solution contains barium ions and silver ions. What could the anion be?
A. chloride only
B. nitrate only
C. sulfate only
D. chloride or nitrate or sulfate

1.11. The oxide of element X was added to an acid. It reacted to form a salt and water.

What is the pH of the acid before the reaction and what type of element is X?

1.12. The positions in the periodic table of four elements are shown. Which element is most
likely to form an acidic oxide?

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1.13. Which reaction will result in a decrease in pH?

A. adding calcium hydroxide to acid soil
B. adding citric acid to sodium hydrogen carbonate solution
C. adding sodium chloride to silver nitrate solution
D. adding sodium hydroxide to hydrochloric acid

1.14. Salts can be prepared by reacting a dilute acid

1 with metal
2 with a base
3 with a carbonate
Which methods could be used to prepare copper(II) chloride?
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 1 and 3 only
C. 2 and 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 3

1.15. The diagram shows the pH values of four solutions.

Which of these solutions are alkaline?

A. P only

B. O and Q only

C. Q, R and S only

D. R and S only

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1.16. Aqueous sodium hydroxide is added to a solution of salt. A blue precipitate is formed

which does not dissolve in excess sodium hydroxide.

Aluminum foil is added to the mixture and the mixture is warmed. A gas is produced that

turns damp red litmus paper blue.

What is the name of the salt?

A. ammonium nitrate

B. ammonium sulfate

C. copper (II) nitrate

D. copper (II) sulfate

1.17. The graph shown how the pH of soil in field change over time.
At which point was the soil neural?

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1.18. The relative formula mass Mr of copper (II) chloride CuCl2 is 135.
Which mass of copper is present in 135 g of copper chloride?
A. 16 g B. 32 g C. 64 g D. 128 g

1.19. How many moles of tungsten atoms are there in 4.8 x 1025 atoms of tungsten?

A. 1.3 x 10-1 moles

B. 8.0 x 10-1 moles

C. 1.3 x 10-2 moles

D. 80 moles

1.20. How many atoms are there in 3.5 moles of arsenic atoms?

A. 5.8 x 10-24 atoms

B. 2.1 x 1024 atoms

C. 1.7 x 1023 atoms

D. 7.5 x 101 atoms


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2.1.a. The following techniques are used to separate mixtures [6]

A simple distillation B fractional distillation C evaporation

D Chromatography E filtration F crystallization

From this list, choose the most suitable technique to separate the following.

a. Butane from a mixture of propane and butane ……………………………………………

b. Potassium chloride from aqueous potassium chloride ………………………...........

c. Silver chloride from a mixture of silver chloride and water…………………………..

d. Glucose from a mixture of glucose and maltose …………………………………………..

e. Water from aqueous magnesium sulfate ……………………………………………………..

f. Oxygen from liquid air ………………………………………………………………………………….

b. Explain what is meant by the term fractional distillation? [2]

c. Colours are made of different dyes. We can identify these dyes using separation
i. name a suitable separation technique to separate different dyes? [1]
ii. How are dyes separated in this process? [1]


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3.1. A compound X contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen only.

X contains 54.54% of carbon by mass, 9.09% of hydrogen by mass and 36.37% of oxygen

by mass.

i. Calculate the empirical formula of compound X (show your work) [4]

ii. Compound X has a relative molecular mass of 88.

Deduce the molecular formula of compound X


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3.2. Lavender flowers contain a variety of different pigments (colourings). A student separated
these pigments using paper chromatography. The results are shown in the diagram below

i. Put X on this diagram to show where the mixture of pigments was placed at the start of
the experiment, and Y to show where is the base line [2]
ii. How many different pigments have been separated? [1]
iii. Draw a diagram to show how the chromatography apparatus was set up.
On the diagram label the solvent. [1]


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4.1. Sulfuric acid is a typical strong acid.

a. Change the equations given into a different format.
i. Mg + H2SO4 MgSO4 + H2
Change into a word equation. [2]
ii. Lithium oxide + Sulfuric acid lithium sulfate + water
Change into a symbol equation. [2]


iii. ZnO + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2O

Change the symbol equation into ionic equation. [2]
b. When sulfuric acid dissolves in water, the following reaction occurs.
H2SO4 + H2O HSO4- + H3O+
Explain why water is behaving as a base in this reaction. [2]
c. Sulfuric acid is a strong acid, ethanoic acid is a weak acid.
Explain the difference between a strong acid and a weak acid. [2]


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5.1. a. 9.12 g of anhydrous iron(II) sulfate was heated. Calculate the mass of iron (II) oxide
formed and the volume of sulfur trioxide formed at r.t.p. [6]
2 FeSO4(s) Fe2O3(s) + SO2(g) + SO39(g)
Mass of one mole of FESO4 (Mr) = 152 g
Number of moles of FeSO4 used = ………………………………………
Number of moles of Fe2O3 formed = ……………………………………
Mass of one mole of Fe2O3 = ……………………………………………….. g
Mass of iron (III) oxide formed = ………………………………………….. g
Number of moles of SO3 formed = …………………………………………
Volume of sulfur trioxide formed = ………………………………………… dm3
b. Define what is meant by mole. [1]
c. A 100 g sample of impure FeS2 is burned to produce Fe2O3
4FeS2 + 11O2(g) 2 Fe2O3 + 8SO2(g)
If 4.50 L of SO2 is collected at STP What is the purity percentage of FeS2 in this sample? [3]


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6.1. An experiment was carried out to find the pH of samples of soil from a farmer’s field

a. Identify the pieces of apparatus labelled [3]

A. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
B. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
C. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
b. Why should soil samples be taken from different parts of the field? [1]


c. Suggest why it is important to know the pH of soil. [1]


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6.2. A solution of copper sulphate was made by reacting excess copper oxide with dilute
sulfuric acid. The diagram shows the method used

a. Complete the empty boxes to name the pieces of apparatus [3]

b. What does the term excess mean? [1]
c. Write the equation representing this reaction? [1]



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