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DLL Fourth Week

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Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42 , s.



Teaching Dates and Time SEPTEMBER 18-22 Quarter FIRST


Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures
must be followed and if needed, additional lessons,
exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using
Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find
significance a n d j o y in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
The learner demonstrates
understanding of work using understanding of work using understanding of work using
understanding of work using
constant force, power, constant force, power, constant force, power,
constant force, power, gravitational
gravitational potential energy, gravitational potential energy, gravitational potential energy,
potential energy, kinetic energy,
kinetic energy, and elastic kinetic energy, and elastic kinetic energy, and elastic
and elastic potential energy
potential energy potential energy potential energy

B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies / (S8FE-Ic-20) (S8FE-Ic-20) (S8FE-Ic-20)
Objectives (S8FE-Ic-20)
Write the LC code for each  Identify situations in  Identify situations in which  Identify situations in
which work is done  Identify situations in which work is done and in which which work is done and
and in which no work work is done and in which no work is done in which no work is done
is done no work is done
Objectives: Objectives:
Objectives: Objectives: 1.Describe the energy changes 1.Describe the energy changes
when energy is transferred when energy is transferred
1.Define work scientifically 1.Define work scientifically from one body to another. from one body to another.
2.Identify situations in which 2.Identify situations in which work
work is done and in which no is done and in which no work is 2.Give examples of how energy is 2.Give examples of how energy
work is done. transferred is transferred
Lesson 8: WHAT IS WORK?


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages LEARNERS MODULE

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3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be
guided by demonstration of learning by the students which
you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn
new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to
their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing State the Second Law of How will you compute the amount
previous lesson Motion When do we say that work is of work done by an object? What is kinetic energy? Give the
or presenting the done? formula of kinetic energy
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for Ask the students if they know Energy enable us to do work. It is Present the video to the class
the lesson the meaning of work. likened to money. Having a lot of and have them watch the video
Students will watch
Emphasize to them that the energy is like having plenty of about the roller coaster ride
a short video clip on how to
meaning /definition of work money. But having money is not
calculate the amount of work
and the one that we use in enough to do useful things. (https://www.youtube.com/watch
done on the object.
Science are quite different Money should be handed over to ?v=JFNKyi_lzyg)
(please follow the link for the video
from each other. another person so it can do
clip on work
something. Energy is also like
this. It needs to be transferred to
another body so it can do
something useful.
C. Presenting examples/ Simple Demonstration:
instances of the new lesson
Ask three students to Examples of situation that shows
Example of situational problems on
demonstrate in the class the transfer of energy: After watching the video let the
following actions/tasks: 1.When you push a book across students brainstorm on what
1. A box is dragged
the table, the energy from your they have viewed. Ask them:
horizontally across a floor
a. Student 1 pushes the moving arm is transferred from “What science concepts are
by a 100 N force acting
blackboard. your body to the book, causing involved in the roller coaster?
parallel to the floor. What is
b. Student 2 pulls a chair from the book to move. “Today, we will deal more on the
the work done by the force
one end of the room to the 2. Fingers hitting piano keys energy possessed by the roller
in moving it through a
other transfer energy from the player’s coaster.”
distance of 8 m?
end. hand to the keys.
c. Student 3 pulls a chair then
return it to its original place.

D. Discussing new concepts and From the three Do the Activity - Lesson Guide Do Activity on Rolling Toy -
practicing demonstrations, which activity Grade 8 First Quarter pp 37-38 Lesson Guide Grade 8 First
new skills #1 showed that work is done Quarter pp 47-49
or no work done? Explain.

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E. Discussing new concepts and Analysis: Analysis:
practicing new skills #2 1. Is there work done on the ball?
Q1. What happens to the toy?
Do the Activity on Is there 2. What can a moving ball do Q2. What kind of energy is
Do the Activity on Calculating
work done? when it interacts with other ‘stored’ in the rubber band?
Work, Lesson Guide Grade 8 First
Lesson Guide Grade 8 First object? Q3. What kind of energy does a
Quarter pp. 33-34
Quarter pp. 29-30 rolling toy have?
3. What happens to the energy of Q4. What transformation of
the ball (doing the work) and the energy happens in a rolling toy?
bottle ( on which work is done)?
Explain your answer.
F. Developing mastery Analysis: Discuss the answers in the
(Leads to Formative Assessment activity given
3) 1. Which of the four situations
demonstrated or showed that
work is
done? Why?

2. Why do you think situation

number 3 did not show that
no work is Discuss the answer on the given
Discuss the answers in the given
done? Why? exercises
3. What is the effect of the
force the object?

4. How will you relate the

force and the direction of the

5. When can we say that

work is done?
G. Finding practical applications Agree or Disagree !!! Analyze the picture, Do you think Cite other examples of energy Actor and actress of the day
of concepts and skills in daily Ask the students to take a that the man climbing upstairs transfer in your daily life
living stand by showing thumbs up demonstrate or performs work? situations. Ask 5 learners to give
or thumbs down sign with the Why? example of potential energy then
following statements. each them will act the given
situations. The audience will
1. Work does not necessarily determine if the action taken by
mean physical labor. the actor/actress is example of
2. If there is displacement in potential energy.
the same direction of the
force then there is
work automatically.

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3. Work done at a very limited
time frame means there is
high power output.
4. If there is no force exerted,
there won’t be any work
5. If force and distance move
at an angle there is work one.

H. Making generalizations and Work is present when the Potential energy, or

abstractions about the lesson force exerted causes an stored energy, is the ability of a
object to have a displacement system to do work due to its
in the same direction of the position or internal structure. For
force. example, gravitational potential
(You may use the picture on energy is a stored energy
the lesson guide) determined by an
object's position in a gravitational
field while elastic potential
energy is the energy stored in a
Work is said to be done when a spring.

body undergoes displacement. It is As a form of energy, the

denoted by W. Work Formula is SI units for potential energy are
the joule (J) or Newton-meter
given by W = F . d
where : Cite other examples of energy
F = force applied and transfer in your daily life The change in the
situations. object’s gravitational potential
d = displacement.
energy is the work done in
Work formula is used to calculate raising it to that height. Since the
work done, force or displacement work done on the object
to raise it at that height
in any problems. It is given in N- is given by the equation, W =
m. mgh then, the change in the
object’s gravitational potential
energy is ΔPE = mgh where h =
the height above the reference
level. If the object is raised from
the ground, the reference level is
the ground. If the object,
however, is raised from the
table, the table is the reference
(Note: The teacher may
the previous activity on power to

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gravitational potential energy)

I. Evaluating learning Identify situations in which Direction: Read each statement Direction: Choose the letter of
work is done and in which no carefully and write the letter of the the correct answer. Direction: Read the questions
work is done. Write W if the correct 1. In which situation is there NO below and choose the letter of
situation shows work and NW answer. work done in the system? the correct answer.
if no work. 1. How much work is required to lift a. A monkey climbing a tree
a 2 kg mass to a height of 10 b. A person in an ascending 1. A roller coaster climbing the
1. Lifting a box from the floor. meters? elevator first hill is an example of
2. Pushing against the wall. A. 5 J B. 20 J c. A weight lifter lifting a A. building kinetic energy.
3. Pushing a box along the *C. !00 J D. 200 J barbell in the air *B. building potential energy.
floor. d. A stone whirled around C. gravitational forces.
4. Carrying a bag of grocery 2. A garden tractor drags a plow the horizontal circle D. nuclear energy.
5. Raising a flag during the with the force of 500 N in a
flag ceremony distance of 10 meters in 20 2. Describe the energy changes 2. Of the following units, the
seconds. How much work is done? that take place when the ball is one that is a unit of potential
A. 0.25 J B. 1000 J thrown upward. energy is?
C. 2599 J *D. 5000J a. Potential to Kinetic A. Newton
b. Kinetic to Potential *B. Joule
3. One joule is equivalent to: c. Both a and b C. Meter
A. 1 N.m3 B. 1 kg.m3 d. Cannot be determined D. Liter
C.1 watt2 .N *D. 1
kg.m2 /s2 3. What happens to energy when 3. A stationary object may
it is transferred from one body to have
4. Which of the following 10 N another? *A. potential energy
forces acting over 10 m would a. Energy is gained. B. velocity
produce the most work? b. Energy is destroyed. C. kinetic energy
c. It loses energy. D. acceleration
d. Both a and c
4 . A 50 kilogram object is
For numbers 4 and 5, Show located 5 meters above the
complete solutions. ground level. Find its potential
4. A ball with mass of 2 kg is *A. The object's potential
dropped from a height of 60 m. energy is 2450 J.
What is the potential energy of the B. The object's potential
5. Students A and B run up the ball? Assume that the reference energy is 24.50 J.
same flight of stairs. position is the ground. C. The object's potential
 Both students run up the energy is 2.450 J.
stairs at constant 5. A book weighs 5.0 newtons D. The object's potential
velocities. when it is raised 1.5 meters. energy is 245.0 J.
 Student A takes twice as Calculate its increase in potential
energy. 5. A 12 kg cat who is resting on
long as student B to climb
a tree has a potential
the stairs. energy of 50 Calculate its

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 Student A weighs twice as
much as student B
position (height) relative to the
I. Student A develops more
power than student B.
A. The cat is located 0.43 m
II. Student B does more work than
above the ground.
student A.
*B. The cat is located 0.43 m
III. The change in potential energy
above the ground.
of student A is twice that of student
C. The cat is located 0.43 m
above the ground.
D. The cat is located 0.43 m
A. I only *B. III only
above the ground.
C. I and II only D. I and III

J. Additional activities for How do you measure the

application or remediation amount of work done? Journal entry:
Illustrate how to calculate Explain how work is related to Write a short paragraph on how
Why is work considered a method
work and determine the power. potential and kinetic energy is
of transferring energy?
corresponding units work. related to your life.

VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else
needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet
them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No.of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No.of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No.of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategiesworked well?Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I

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wish to share with other teachers?
For improvement, enhancement and/or clarification of any DepEd materials used, kindly submit feedback to bld.tld@deped.gov.ph

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Ronalyn R. Castro Marijean M, Realuyo Oliver P. Caliwag

Teacher Master Teacher Principal III

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