Solar Geometry Lecture Notes Original
Solar Geometry Lecture Notes Original
Solar Geometry Lecture Notes Original
A great circle is a circle on the earth’s surface lying on a plane which passes
through the centre of the earth. A meridian is a great circle of the earth which
passes through the North and South Poles, i.e. it runs north-south.
Meridians are used to specify the longitude of a location. That is, lines of
longitudes are meridians. The meridian which passes through Greenwich in
England has longitude 0º. All other locations not on this meridian have
longitude east or west of Greenwich. Therefore, longitudes other than 0º and
180º must include the symbol E (for east) or W (for west).
Latitude is the angular location north or south of the equator. The latitude is
0º at the equator. Latitudes other than 0º must include the symbol N (for
north) or S (for south).
Author: Andrea Bunting. Version: February 2010
This inclination of the equatorial plane with the ecliptic plane gives rise to
the seasons.
In June, the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, and the southern
hemisphere is tilted away from the sun. Therefore the sun’s rays strike the
northern hemisphere more directly and strike the southern hemisphere more
obliquely. So in June, it is summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in
the southern hemisphere.
In December the reverse happens. The southern hemisphere is tilted towards
the sun, and the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun. Therefore
the sun’s rays strike the southern hemisphere more directly and strike the
northern hemisphere more obliquely. So in December, it is summer in the
southern hemisphere and winter in the northern hemisphere.
This tilting also affects the length of time that the sun’s rays strike the earth
and hence the number of daylight hours. During summer, the number of
daylight hours is more than twelve, and during winter, the number of
daylight hours is less than twelve.
The longest day of the year, when the sun is highest in the sky (in the non-
tropical parts of the earth), is known as the summer solstice. The shortest day
of the year, when the sun is lowest in the sky is known as the winter solstice.
The summer solstice falls on or about December 21 in the southern
hemisphere, and on or about June 21 in the northern hemisphere. These dates
are reversed for the winter solstice. The equinoxes occur in between these
two dates, on or about March 22 and September 21. On these dates, the
length of daylight and the length of the night are equal. (Note that the dates
of the equinoxes and solstices may vary by a day or two.)
The solstices and the equinoxes can be seen on Figure 2.
At the line of latitude 23.45º N is the Tropic of Cancer, and at the line of
latitude 23.45º S is the Tropic of Capricorn. The region between these two
lines is called the tropics. In the non-tropical regions of the earth, the sun is
never directly overhead. On the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of
Capricorn, the sun is directly overhead only on the summer solstice.
Within the tropics, as we move closer to the equator, the effect of the earth’s
tilt on the seasons and the length of the day becomes less pronounced.
At the line of latitude 66.55º N is the Arctic Circle, and at the line of latitude
66.55º S is the Antarctic Circle. During the summer solstice on the Arctic and
Antarctic Circles, the sun does not set; in other words, there are 24 hours of
daylight. During the winter solstice, the sun does not rise; in other words,
there are 24 hours of night. North of the Arctic Circle and south of the
Antarctic Circle, the sun will not set for a period during the summer and will
not rise for a period during the winter.
In Figure 3, we can see what happens on the June solstice. On the Tropic of
Cancer, the sun is directly overhead. (That is, the sun’s rays are
perpendicular to the earth’s surface.) On the Antarctic Circle at noon the sun
is on the horizon (i.e. the sun’s rays are parallel to the earth’s surface).
Therefore within the Antarctic Circle there is no sunlight. On the Arctic
Circle, in the middle of the night the sun is on the horizon; therefore within
the Arctic Circle the sun does not set.
sun’s position
earth-sun vector on June
June solstice solstice
δ on June solstice = 23.45º
sun’s position
equator on equinox
earth-sun vector
earth-sun vector
S December solstice sun’s position
on December
Figure 5 is a graph showing the solar declination angle versus the time of the
1-Jan 2-Mar 2-May 2-Jul 1-Sep 1-Nov 1-Jan
Solar Time
At a given point on the surface of the earth, we can specify a local meridian
(or line of longitude). Solar noon is the time when the sun crosses that local
meridian—when the sun is the highest in the sky that day. In the southern
hemisphere, the sun is directly in the north at solar noon. A solar day is the
length of time from one solar noon to the next. Solar time is therefore the
time based on the movement of the sun across the sky.
Solar time will generally not correspond to the time as indicated on our
clocks. There are three reasons:
1. Solar days are not of equal length. This is because the earth’s
orbit is not circular but elliptical, and because the equatorial
plane is inclined to the ecliptic plane. It is more convenient when
using clocks to assume that the days are of equal length—24
hours. The solar time can deviate from the time measured on
clocks by up to 16 minutes. The deviation depends on the time of
the year, and can be calculated using the Equation of Time.
Further details about the equation of time are given below.
2. The time on our clocks is determined by what time zone we are
in. To a person standing on the earth, the sun appears to rotate
around the earth from east to west. As the sun moves, the
location experiencing solar noon moves west with the sun. Only
points on the same line of longitude experience solar noon at the
same time. Yet it is more convenient for geographical regions to
use the same time zone. We call the time adopted for a given
region standard time. Below there are a few example of how to
Author: Andrea Bunting. Version: February 2010
work out the relationship between solar time and standard time
for a particular location if we know its longitude and time zone.
3. Some places use daylight saving. That is, the clocks are put
forward during the summer.
It is also possible to estimate the time of solar noon by finding the mid point
between sunrise and sunset, taking into account any adjustment due to
daylight saving.
Equation of Time.
See Figure 6 for a graph of the equation of time.
Note carefully in the examples below how we use the Equation of Time.
When we determine the standard time of solar noon we need to subtract the
value of Equation of Time.
For further information about the equation of time visit the Royal
Observatory Greenwich’s website and select ‘Equation of Time’: .
Equation of time
E (M in u te s )
1-Jan 31-Jan 2-Mar 1-Apr 2-May 1-Jun 2-Jul 1-Aug 1-Sep 1-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec 1-Jan
Melbourne – February 1
Melbourne is in the state of Victoria, and the whole of Victoria uses the same
time zone: 10 hours ahead of GMT (abbreviated to GMT +10). Ten hours
ahead of GMT (according to solar time) corresponds to longitude 150º E (i.e.
10 × 15º). So the sun passes over the 150º E meridian 10 hours before it reaches
the 0º meridian.
Victoria extends from about longitude 141º E to longitude 150º E, and
Melbourne has longitude 144.97º E. So across the state of Victoria, there is a
difference of 36 minutes between when one side of Victoria experiences solar
noon and when the other side experiences it. Yet the whole of Victoria
experiences standard noon at the same time. In Melbourne, the difference
between solar noon and standard noon (i.e. noon according to standard time)
is 20 minutes, calculated as follows:
4 minutes of time
× (150° − 144.97°) = 20 minutes
° longitude
We have to add the 20 minutes to solar time to get standard time, since
Melbourne is west of the 150º E meridian. The figure below shows the
direction of the sun. When it is 12 noon on our watches (ignoring equation of
time for the moment), the sun is passing through the 150º E meridian, and
thus the sun is directly north (i.e. it is solar noon) for someone standing on
the 150º E meridian. It takes another 20 minutes before it is directly north
when we are standing in Melbourne (i.e. it takes another 20 minutes before it
is solar noon in Melbourne.) So this makes solar noon in Melbourne
correspond to 12.20 pm standard time.
of sun
5.03º longitude
takes 20.12 mins
We also need to include the equation of time and daylight saving time. From
the equation of time, we see that EOT ≈ –13 minutes on Feb 1. This value is
subtracted from solar time to give standard time.
On February 1, clocks are ahead one hour for daylight saving.
So to get standard time, we need to add one hour plus 20 minutes minus (–
13) minutes. (Remember –(–1 3) = +13)
So at solar noon in Melbourne, the standard time is 1.33 p.m.
Sydney – October 4
Sydney uses the same time zone as Melbourne: GMT +10. Ten hours ahead of
GMT is longitude 150º E. Sydney has longitude 151.07º E. The difference
between solar noon and standard noon is about 4 minutes
4 minutes of time
× (151.07° − 150°) = 4 minutes
° longitude
We have to subtract the 4 minutes from solar time to get standard time, since
Sydney is east of the 150º E meridian. The figure below shows the direction of
the sun. When it is 12 noon on our watches (ignoring equation of time), the
sun is passing through the 150º E meridian, and thus the sun is directly north
(i.e. it is solar noon) for someone standing on the 150º E meridian. Four
minutes before this, (11.56 am standard time) the sun was directly north for
someone standing in Sydney. Thus solar noon in Sydney occurs at 11.56 am
standard time.
of sun
Singapore – August 31
Singapore uses the time zone 8 hours ahead of GMT (or GMT +8). Eight
hours ahead of GMT (according to solar time) is longitude 120º E. Since
Singapore has longitude 103.85º E, the difference between solar noon and
standard noon (i.e. noon according to standard time) is about 65 minutes:
4 minutes of time
× (120° − 103.85°) = 65 minutes
° longitude
We have to add the 65 minutes to standard time, since Singapore is west of the
120º E meridian.
From the equation of time, we see that EOT ≈ 0 minutes on August 31. So no
adjustment needs to be made for the equation of time.
So at solar noon in Singapore, the standard time is 1.05 p.m.
0º meridian
58.45ºW 45ºW (passing through
of sun
Aires (Not to scale)
13.45º longitude
takes 54 mins
From the equation of time, we see that EOT ≈ 4 minutes on May 10. This
value is subtracted from solar time.
So at solar noon in Buenos Aires, the standard time is 12.50 p.m.
Important Point: In both Singapore and Melbourne, the local longitude was
less than the time zone longitude, but in Buenos Aires the local longitude
was greater than the time zone longitude. Yet all three locations were west of
their local time zone longitudes. This is because east of Greenwich,
longitudes increase from west to east, and west of Greenwich, longitudes
increase from east to west. Compare the diagrams above for Melbourne and
Buenos Aires. You need to think about whether the time difference should be added
or subtracted to standard noon. It is suggested that you always do a quick
sketch similar to those above.
Hour Angle
Sometimes it is useful to express the time in degrees, rather than hours. To
do this, we need to define hour angle. We use the symbol ω for this. At a given
time, the hour angle is the angle between the sun’s rays at that time and the
sun’s rays at solar noon (when the sun is highest in the sky). Now 24 hours is
equivalent to 360º, so 1 hour is equivalent to 15º. The hour angle is zero at
solar noon. It is negative in the hours before solar noon and positive in the
hours after solar noon.
If we use a 24 hour clock for solar time, then
ω = (solar time − 12 ) × 15 (1.2)
solar time = + 12 (1.3)
If solar noon corresponds to standard noon,
• at 4 p.m. (or 16:00), the hour angle ω = (16 − 12 ) × 15 = +60°
• at 9 a.m., (or 09:00) the hour angle ω = (9 − 12 ) × 15 = −45°
Worked Example 2
Find the hour angle at 4 p.m. and 9 a.m. standard time in Singapore. Assume
that EOT = 0
In Singapore, solar noon occurs at 1.05 p.m. standard time. At 4 p.m.
standard time in Singapore, it is only 2 hours, 55 minutes past solar noon. In
other words, solar time is 2.55 p.m. or 14:55.
⎛ 55 ⎞
So the hour angle is ω = ⎜14 + − 12 ⎟ × 15 = 43.75°
⎝ 60 ⎠
At 9 a.m. standard time in Singapore, it is 4 hours, 5 minutes before solar
noon. In other words, solar time is 7.55 a.m. or 07:55.
⎛ 55 ⎞
So the hour angle is ⎜ 7 + − 12 ⎟ × 15 = −61.25° .
⎝ 60 ⎠
Activity A
2 Sun Angles
The latitude angle φ is the local latitude, positive in the northern hemisphere
and negative in the southern hemisphere.
The solar altitude angle, solar azimuth angle and solar zenith angle can be
calculated as follows:
sin α s = sin φ ⋅ sin δ + cos φ ⋅ cos δ ⋅ cos ω (2.1)
cos δ ⋅ sin ω
sin γ s = (2.2)
cos α s
θ z = 90° − α s (2.3)
Let us test this for Melbourne on the summer solstice. Melbourne has latitude
φ = –37.82º. On the summer solstice δ = –23.45º.
Worked Example 3
What time does the sun rise and set on December 19 in Melbourne and
The clocks have been put forward one hour for daylight saving.
The number of the day N = 354, so δ = –23.448º. φ = –37.82º.
ω = cos −1 (− tan φ ⋅ tan δ)
= cos −1 ( − tan [ −37.82°] ⋅ tan [ −23.448°])
= cos −1 ( −0.3367 )
= ±109.67°
solar time = + 12
− 109.67 + 109.67
= + 12 or + 12
15 15
= 4.69 or 19.31 hours
So time of sunrise = 4.69. Converting to hours and minutes we get 4.41 a.m
(solar time).
Time of sunset = 19.31. Converting to hours and minutes we get 7.19 p.m
(solar time).
We add one hour due to daylight saving, and 20 minutes due to the time
zone adjustment (see Worked Example No. 1). We subtract 2 minutes for the
equation of time.
So sunrise is at 5.59 a.m. (standard time) and sunset is at 8.37 p.m. (standard
time), and the number of daylight hours is about 14½ hours.
These times do not correspond exactly to the sunrise and sunset times
recorded in the daily newspaper. There are several reasons for the difference:
• The equation for the solar declination angle is an approximation
(since the number of days in a year is a little over 365).
• The equation of time varies slightly depending on the year.
• When the sun is low in the sky, the atmosphere refracts the sunlight.
Hence the sun appears to set and rise when the solar altitude is a
little below zero.
• The time when the sun appears to rise and set depends on the
observer’s elevation relative to the surrounding terrain.
We will neglect these small differences in this topic.
The number of the day N = 354, so δ = –23.448º. φ = +1.28º
ω = cos −1 (− tan φ ⋅ tan δ)
= cos −1 ( − tan [1.28°] ⋅ tan [ −23.448°])
= cos −1 ( −0.00969 )
= ±89.44°
solar time = + 12
− 89.44 + 89.44
= + 12 or + 12
15 15
= 6.037 or 17.963 hours
So time of sunrise = 6.037. Converting to hours and minutes we get 6.02 a.m
(solar time).
Time of sunset = 17.963. Converting to hours and minutes we get 5.57 p.m
(solar time).
We need to add one hour and 5 minutes due to the time zone adjustment (see
Worked Example no. 1), and subtract 2 minutes for the equation of time. So
sunrise is at 7.05 a.m. and sunset is at 7.00 p.m.
As we can see, there are about 12 daylight hours in Singapore. Because
Singapore is so close to the equator, the number of daylight hours will be
about 12 throughout the year.
Note that the equation is different in the southern and in the northern
hemispheres. Be careful when you use these equations that you give the
correct sign to the solar declination and the latitude.
Important Note: In the tropical latitudes, these equations may give a solar
altitude of greater than 90º. This will occur if the absolute value of the solar
declination is greater than the absolute value of the latitude. In these cases,
the noon sun will be behind you when you are facing the equator (i.e. in the
southern half of the sky if you are in the southern hemisphere, and in the
northern half of the sky if you are in the northern hemisphere). To find the
solar altitude, you should therefore subtract the calculated figure from 180º.
Solar Access
Let us consider how the altitude angle affects the amount of sunlight that
may enter a building. In the figure below, we see an overhang above a north-
facing window and the sun’s rays at solar noon. In the summer, the altitude
angle is high, and therefore the sun’s rays do not pass through window. In
the winter, the altitude angle is low, and therefore the sun’s rays can pass
through window. This is a useful feature, as it enables the sun to heat the
inside of a building in winter but not in summer.
winter sun’s
rays pass
through window
Internet Resources
Note: You can find a useful calculator for checking the relationship between
solar time and standard time and determining azimuth and altitude angles at
‘Sustainable by Design’ Click on ‘SunAngle’
under ‘Tools’. has a solar position calculator at
Activity B
3 Sun Charts
The Nebraska Astronomy Applet Project has a simulator for the motion of
the sun at
This simulator allows you to change the latitude and the time of the year.
You can then generate the sun’s path. The sun angles can also be visualized
by considering the direction and length of the shadow cast by a stick figure.
Another applet for visualizing the sun’s path is provided by Solar Energy at
ANU. See shows the sun paths in a 3-D diagram. It also shows the shadows
cast by a building.
Sun charts can be used to determine when a nearby object causes shading.
This is illustrated in the following worked examples.
Latitude = -37.82º
solar altitude
12 noon 80º
1 pm 11 am
2 pm 10 am
3 pm 9 am 50º
4 pm 40º
8 am
5 pm 7 am
winter 20º
6 pm solstice 6 am
135º 120º 105º 90º 75º 60º 45º 30º 15º 0º -15º -30º -45º -60º -75º -90º -105º -120º -135º
solar azimuth
West East
Figure 9 Cylindrical Sun Chart for Melbourne (Solar Time, No Daylight Saving)
Latitude = – 6.27º
10º –10º
20º –20º
30º –30º
40º –40º
50º –50º
W 90º –90º E
100º –100º
2pm 1pm 12noon 11am 10am
3pm 9am
4pm 8am
60º Dec 21
110º 5pm 7am –110º
120º 40º –120º
130º –130º
140º –140º
150º –150º
160º –160º
170º –170º
Worked Example 4
Consider the effect in Melbourne of shading from a fence shown in Figure
11a, b and c. By drawing the fence on the sun chart, determine when this
fence causes point Y to be in shade.
20 m 5m
20 m 4
3 north
2 4.2 m
fence 5 m
5 Y
4 m
Five points defining the fence outline are shown in Figure 11b and 11c.
Points 1 and 5 are on the ground.
2 4
1 5
Figure 11c Fence Outline shown in elevation view
The altitude and azimuth of each point with respect to point Y are found
using basic trigonometry. Figure 12 shows how these are determined for
point 4. The results for all points are shown in the table below. The fence is
drawn on the sun chart in Figure 13.
triangle 1 (refer
to next figure
Triangle 2 (lies in
vertical plane)
4.2 m
fence αs
(4 2
+ 52 )
4m 5m
Triangle 1 (lies in
horizontal plane)
Latitude = -37.82º
solar altitude
12 noon 80º
1 pm 11 am
2 pm 10 am
3 pm 9 am 50º
4 pm 8 am
5 pm 7 am
3 winter 20º
6 pm solstice 6 am
2 10º
135º 120º 105º 90º 75º 60º 45º 30º 15º 0º -15º -30º -45º -60º -75º -90º -105º -120º -135º
solar azimuth
West East
From Figure 13, we see when the fence causes point Y to be in shade.
• The curves representing the period between September 21 and
March 21 are not obscured by the fence. Therefore during this period
the fence will not cast a shadow on point Y.
• On the curve representing April 21 and August 21, the fence casts a
shadow from about 3.10 pm until sunset.
• On the curve representing the winter solstice, June 21, the fence
casts a shadow from about 3:50pm until sunset.
Worked Example 5
Consider the effect in Jakarta of shading from a fence shown in Figure 14.
Determine when point Z is shaded by the fence.
Figure 14 Fence
Points are selected defining the fence outline, and then the altitude and
azimuth of each point with respect to point Z is found. The fence is drawn on
the sun chart in Figure 15. (Note that a number of points along the top of the
fence need to be found in order to define the curve.)
On June 21, point Z is in shade from sunrise to about 9:15 am. From October
to early March the fence does not cast a shadow on point Z.
Latitude = – 6.27º
10º –10º
20º –20º
30º –30º
40º –40º
50º –50º
W 90º –90º E
100º –100º
2pm 1pm 12noon 11am 10am
3pm 9am
4pm 8am
60º Dec 21
110º 5pm 7am –110º
120º 40º –120º
130º –130º
140º –140º
150º –150º
160º –160º
170º –170º
Worked Example 6
Using the cylindrical sun chart for
Melbourne (latitude –37.82°), determine Building – 12 m tall
when a nearby building will cast a
shadow on a point X on the ground, for North
the 21st day of each month of the year. 2m 6m
The building is 12 m high and 8 m long. 4m
It is 4 m to the north of the point X.
1 6
Latitude = -37.82º
solar altitude
12 noon 80º
1 pm 11 am
2 pm 10 am
3 pm 9 am 50º
4 pm 8 am
5 pm 7 am
winter 20º
6 pm solstice 6 am
135º 120º 105º 90º 75º 60º 45º 30º 15º 0º -15º -30º -45º -60º -75º -90º -105º -120º -135º
solar azimuth
West East
• The building will not cast any shadow between just before
November 21 until just after January 21.
• The building casts a shadow on:
o Winter solstice from about 7.40 am to 1.50 pm
o May 21 and Jul 21 from about 8.00 am to 1.45 pm
o Apr 21 and Aug 21 from about 8.30 am to 1.25 pm
o Mar 21 and Sep 21 from about 9.10 am to 1.10 pm
o Feb 21 and Oct 21 from about 9.50 am to 12.50 pm
Internet Resources
Website shows how a fish-eye lens can be used to project nearby
buildings and other objects onto a sun chart. See
See also the website Solar Pathfinder
particular the demonstration videos at
Activity C
2 3 4
1 5
shadow on point X?
Activity D
Length of a Shadow
▪ Determine the length and direction of the shadow cast
by a 10 m high flagpole at 3 pm solar time on July 13 at
latitude –37.82º.
▪ Determine the length and direction of the shadow cast
by a 10 m high flagpole at 2 pm solar time on February 9
at latitude –6.27º.
(Answers: 32.9 m at 43.3º E of S; 6.1 m at 65.4º E of N)
Activity E
Activity F
Building – 10 m tall
6m 6m
North 2m
Draw the building on the polar sun chart for Jakarta. Again
you need to use several points for the top edge of the
Now, determine the following:
▪ During what part of the year will the building cast no
shadow on point X?
▪ On June 21, during which hours will the building cast a
shadow on point X?
▪ On August 21, during which hours will the building cast a
shadow on point X?
Activity G
Building – 20 m tall 5m
12 m
Y North
In this case you will need to find the altitude and azimuth
angles for two edges of the building and then shade in the
building. Locate the five points as shown (or more if
necessary) on the sun chart
Activity H
Activity I
Shading on a Window
Suppose we have a window on
a north-facing wall. Using a
horizontal overhang, as shown
in the figure, we can shade the
window during the summer
months, and let the sun in
during the winter months. The
latitude is –37.82º
Assuming that the window is 1
metre square, find height y,
and width x of the overhang to
meet the following
▪ The window is completely
shaded at solar noon
between October 21 and
February 21.
▪ The whole window can
receive sunlight at solar
noon between April 21 and
August 21.
Reykjavík, Iceland, Latitude 64° 4’ N New Delhi, India, Latitude 28° 37’ N
Prague, Czech Republic, Latitude 50° 5’ N Caracas, Venezuela, Latitude 10° 30’ N
(Cylindrical Sun Chart should not be used
in tropics.)
Reykjavík, Iceland, Latitude 64° 4’ N New Delhi, India, Latitude 28° 37’ N
Prague, Czech Republic, Latitude 50° 5’ N Caracas, Venezuela, Latitude 10° 30’ N
4 Shadow Angles
Sun S
HSA γs
The Vertical Shadow Angle is used to determine the depth of the shadow
cast by a horizontal fin or overhang. This is shown in Figure 20.
The overhang casts a shadow on the wall (indicated on the figure). Point O
lies on the bottom edge of the shadow cast by the overhang. Point W lies
directly above point O on the bottom surface of the overhang. Line WZ is in
the direction perpendicular to the wall, and point Z lies at the bottom edge of
the overhang. Therefore line OZ lies in a vertical plane.
The solar altitude α is the angle between OS and OY.
The vertical shadow angle (VSA) is the angle between OZ and the line
perpendicular to the wall OX. It is given by:
⎛ tan α ⎞
VSA = tan −1 ⎜
⎜ cos ( HSA ) ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎠
The distance to point O can be determined using the HSA and the length of
the overhang.
Sun S
α Y
c pole
γs - γ = HSA
tan (α )
Therefore tan (VSA) =
a cos(HSA)
Figure 22
The symbol for the surface azimuth angle is γ. The angle γ is positive in the
westerly direction, and negative in the easterly direction. If the collector
surface is oriented towards the equator, then γ = 0º.
Let θ be the angle of incidence of the radiation, that is, the angle between the
sun’s rays and the normal (i.e. the line perpendicular) to the collector surface.
Worked Example 7
Determine the angle of incidence of radiation on a collector surface located in
the following cities at 11 am (solar time) on July 31. The collector surface is
tilted 55° from the horizontal, and its orientation is 20° east of south for cities
in the northern hemisphere and 20° east of north for cities in the southern
• Sydney, Australia (33° 50’ S; 151° 04’ E)
• Kingston Jamaica (17° 59’ N; 76° 49’ W)
• Madrid, Spain (40° 26’ N; 3° 42’ W)
Before we calculate the answers, let us try to guess the following. In which
location would the sun’s rays be closest to the normal to the collector
Note that the sun is in the eastern part of the sky at 11 am in all locations,
and the collector is oriented towards the east. So on this axis the collector is
pointing approximately in the correct direction.
The collector is tilted at quite a steep angle (55° from horizontal). Hence, we
should look for a location where the sun is quite low in the sky.
July 31 is close to the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. Hence the
sun is quite high in the sky in Madrid. Kingston is in the tropics, so the sun
will also be high in the sky—perhaps even in the southern part of the sky.
Since July 31 is close to the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere, the
sun will be quite low in the sky in Sydney. In Sydney, at solar noon on July
31, the altitude of the sun is:
αs = 90º – δ + φ = 90º – 18.17º+ (–33.83º) = 38º.
Thus for a collector facing north oriented at 90º– 38º = 52º, the rays of the sun
would be normal to the surface at solar noon on July 31. This is very close to
our collector angle of 55º.
At 11am on July 31, the sun’s altitude is a little less than 38º. Thus we should
expect that in Sydney, the sun’s rays are approximately normal to the 55º
collector surface. Let us now confirm this.
⎛ 284 + 212 ⎞
N = 212 ∴ δ = 23.45° × sin ⎜ 360 × ⎟ = 18.17°
⎝ 365 ⎠
φ= –33.83° β = 55° γ = –20° ω = –15°
A = sin 18.17° sin (− 33.83°) cos 55° = −0.09959
B = sin 18.17° cos(− 33.83°) sin 55° cos(− 20°) = 0.19940
C = cos18.17° cos(− 33.83°) cos 55° cos(− 15°) = 0.43728
D = cos18.17° sin (− 33.83°) sin 55° cos(− 20°) cos(− 15°) = −0.39330
E = cos18.17° sin 55° sin (− 20°) sin (− 15°) = 0.06890
Sydney is in the southern hemisphere, hence:
cos θ = A + B + C − D + E
= −0.09959 + 0.19940 + 0.43728 − (− 0.39330 ) + 0.06890 = 0.99929
θ = 2.2°
φ= 17.98° β = 55° γ = –20° ω = –15° δ = 18.17°
A = sin 18.17° sin 17.98° cos 55° = 0.05521
B = sin 18.17° cos17.98° sin 55° cos(− 20°) = 0.22833
C = cos18.17° cos 17.98° cos 55° cos(− 15°) = 0.50070
D = cos18.17° sin 17.98° sin 55° cos(− 20°) cos(− 15°) = 0.21807
E = cos18.17° sin 55° sin (− 20°) sin (− 15°) = 0.06890
Kingston is in the northern hemisphere, hence:
cos θ = A − B + C + D + E
= 0.05521 − 0.22833 + 0.50070 + 0.21807 + 0.06890 = 0.61455
θ = 52.1°
φ= 40.43° β = 55° γ = –20° ω = –15° δ = 18.17°
A = sin 18.17° sin 40.43° cos 55° = 0.11600
B = sin 18.17° cos 40.43° sin 55° cos(− 20°) = 0.18272
C = cos18.17° cos 40.43° cos 55° cos(− 15°) = 0.40070
D = cos18.17° sin 40.43° sin 55° cos(− 20°) cos(− 15°) = 0.45814
E = cos18.17° sin 55° sin (− 20°) sin (− 15°) = 0.06890
Madrid is in the northern hemisphere, hence:
cos θ = A − B + C + D + E
= 0.11600 − 0.18272 + 0.40070 + 0.45814 + 0.06890 = 0.86102
θ = 30.6°
So in Sydney the sun’s rays are closest to normal to collector surface. In fact
the angle of incidence is only 2.2°, so the rays are almost normal to the
surface. This is in accordance with our estimation.
In Kingston, where the sun is approximately overhead, the sun’s rays strike
the collector surface quite obliquely. We would expect this also.
Worked Example 8
Determine the angle of incidence of radiation on the collector surfaces
described in the previous example at 5.30 pm (solar time) on July 31. Note
that ω = 82.5°.
First, check what time the sun sets. The hour angle at sunset is given by:
ωsunset = cos −1 (− tan φ ⋅ tan δ)
= cos −1 ( − tan [ −33.83°] ⋅ tan [ −18.17°]) = 77.3°
Hence the sun sets at about 5.09 pm in Sydney. So at 5.30 pm, no radiation
will be striking the collector surface.
The sun has not set by 5.30 pm in Kingston. (How do we know this?)
Using equation 4.1, we get θ = 109.9°.
The sun has not set by 5.30 pm in Madrid.
Using equation 4.1, we get θ = 102.4°.
Note that in both Madrid and Kingston the angle of incidence is over 90°.
This means that the sun’s rays are striking the back of the collector surface. The
back of the collector is usually insulation, rather than collector material.
Therefore the collector will not be collecting any of the solar radiation.
Activity J
Note that solar irradiance is power per unit area, and solar irradiation is
energy per unit area.
It is useful to think of solar irradiation in both MJ/m2 and Peak Sun Hours.
▪ The unit of MJ/m2 is useful when we want to calculate how much
energy is available from the sun.
▪ Peak Sun Hours represents the equivalent number of hours per day
when solar irradiation 1000 W/m2 or 1 kW/m2. For example, if the
solar irradiation during a particular December day is equal to 6 peak
sun hours, this means that the solar energy received over the whole
day is equivalent to 6 hours of full sun (i.e. 1000 W/m2)
What are typical values of solar irradiance and solar irradiation for
Melbourne? The following are monthly averages for a horizontal surface
(taken from Table 2 and Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society,
Australian solar radiation data handbook (ASRDH) Edition 4, 2006). Note the
conversion: 1 kWh/m2 = 3.6 MJ/m2
Note the difference between the values for winter and summer. Why is the
difference more marked for the solar irradiation?
Averages are useful to know, but how much variability is there in the solar
irradiation? Using data from the Australian solar radiation data handbook,
we can see the typical number of days per year where the total irradiance
reached a specified level. Two locations are shown: Melbourne; and Mildura
in northern Victoria (where a large-scale solar power station has been
proposed). We see that the solar irradiance can vary from around 1 to 36
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
MJ/sq m over the day
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
MJ/sq m over the day
The Bureau of Meterology provides solar radiation maps for the whole of
Australia. You can find the most recent map at the Daily Solar Radiation
Map, and maps for selected
dates at the Global Solar Radiation Archive
Most solar collectors are not horizontal. Ideally they should be facing north
(if in the southern hemisphere) and tilted at the latitude angle. What then are
typical values of solar irradiance and solar irradiation for a collector tilted at
the latitude angle (37.82º) in Melbourne? The following values are taken from
Table 5 below.
Surface tilted at latitude angle (37.82º) - Mar Jun Sept Dec Year
Average solar irradiance at 12 noon
0.76 0.48 0.64 0.79 0.68
(1pm in summer) (kW/m2)
Average solar irradiation over one day
(MJ/m2) 19.7 9.8 16.3 21.9 14.8
Here the difference between winter and summer is not so marked, and the
yearly averages are much higher.
Collector normal to sun’s rays.
Angle of incidence:
θ = 0°
Area = A
Area of
radiation Horizontal Collector
= A cos θ Angle of incidence:
θ = 90°– α = θz
Area = A
Area of
radiation Tilted Collector
= A cos θ Angle of incidence:
θ = 90°– α – β
β Collector
Area = A
Worked Example 9
The direct radiation measured on a horizontal surface at 1pm (solar time) on
March 1 in Melbourne is 500 W/m². Determine the direct radiation falling on
a collector that is normal to the sun’s rays. Determine the direct radiation
falling on a vertical wall that faces 40 degrees west of north.
Use equation 4.3 to obtain the angle of incidence for a horizontal surface.
cos θ = sin δ sin φ + cos δ cos φ cos ω You can also use the calculator on the
learning hub
δ = –8.29°; φ = –37.82°; ω = 15°
Therefore cos θ = sin (− 8.29°)sin (− 37.82°) + cos(− 8.29°) cos(− 37.82°) cos(15°)
θ = 32.49°
Direct radiation normal to sun’s rays = 50/(cos 32.49°) = 593 W/m2
For a west facing wall, the angle of incidence of the sun’s rays is found from
equation 4.1, or the calculator on the learning hub. The wall azimuth is 40°
and the angle of tilt is 90°.
The angle of incidence is θ = 59°. Therefore the direct radiation on this wall is
593 × (cos 59°) = 305 W/m2.
Activity K
Air Mass
We use the term air mass as a measure of the distance through the
atmosphere that the sun’s rays travel to reach the surface of the earth.
Obviously, if the sun is low in the sky, the rays must travel through more of
the atmosphere than they would if the sun was high in the sky. Therefore the
air mass depends on the angle of incidence of the sun’s rays.
Referring to Figure 24, we see that Air Mass = = sec θ z
cos θ z
where θz = the solar zenith angle
The term Air Mass Zero (AM0) refers to zero atmosphere, that is, the
irradiance above the earth’s atmosphere.
The term Air Mass 1 (AM1) refers to when sec θz = 1, that is, the sun is
directly overhead.
The term Air Mass 2 (AM2) refers to when sec θz = 2, that is, θz = 60°.
Air mass changes with the time of day. A typical figure is Air Mass 1.5. This
value is often used when specifying the performance of photovoltaic panels.
Hour Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
5 1 2 3 1
6 41 11 1 1 17 56 69 16
7 162 101 43 10 1 3 34 114 178 200 70
8 307 251 172 96 39 15 19 58 147 255 319 344 168
9 452 410 318 225 137 94 104 172 277 392 452 491 294
10 594 555 451 346 241 186 202 285 385 502 569 612 411
11 722 672 550 425 317 263 284 360 460 590 674 720 503
12 801 751 612 477 349 295 321 394 504 628 735 777 554
13 826 772 629 474 345 286 316 393 505 625 738 787 558
14 785 729 584 428 301 250 282 352 462 577 679 737 514
15 689 637 497 342 222 179 207 280 379 481 576 636 427
16 561 504 368 229 124 94 121 178 266 357 449 508 313
17 401 341 222 100 33 19 34 71 137 215 295 364 186
18 234 173 77 13 1 1 6 30 79 145 204 80
19 80 40 6 9 30 68 20
20 4 4 1
Daily 24 21.4 16.3 11.4 7.6 6.1 6.8 9.2 12.9 17.4 21.2 23.5 14.8
Table 2 Melbourne: Average total hourly irradiance (W/sq.m.) and daily irradiation (MJ/sq.m.)
on a horizontal plane for each month. (Source: ASRDH)
Hour Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
5 1 2 3
6 30 9 1 1 12 38 46 11
7 90 62 30 8 1 3 24 70 98 104 41
8 145 119 89 57 28 12 15 40 86 129 154 158 86
9 191 163 137 108 80 60 64 96 137 179 201 198 135
10 224 191 174 145 120 101 108 139 180 217 237 230 172
11 237 212 198 173 146 129 137 168 212 239 255 254 197
12 241 221 212 184 159 143 152 185 224 249 263 253 207
13 238 219 210 184 158 144 155 186 219 245 254 245 205
14 227 209 199 170 145 131 142 171 204 227 236 231 191
15 207 189 177 145 118 102 114 142 173 197 208 208 165
16 175 162 146 110 76 61 73 102 130 156 171 178 128
17 140 130 105 60 24 15 24 48 78 107 128 139 83
18 101 85 48 10 1 1 5 21 48 75 97 41
19 48 30 6 4 17 42 12
20 4 3 1
Daily 8.3 7.2 6.2 4.9 3.8 3.2 3.5 4.6 6.1 7.5 8.4 8.6 6
Table 3 Melbourne: Average diffuse hourly irradiance (W/sq.m.) and daily irradiation
(MJ/sq.m.) on a horizontal plane for each month. (Source: ASRDH)
Excerpts from the 'Australian Solar Radiation Data Handbook' (ASRDH) have been kindly authorized by its publisher, the
Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society (ANZSES). Copies of the ASRDH and its sister software AUSOLRAD are
available for purchase from ANZSES. Contact: www.anzses.org_,[email protected] or phone/fax (02) 9402 1638.
Hour Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
5 1 1
6 11 2 5 18 24 5
7 73 40 12 2 10 44 80 96 30
8 162 132 82 38 11 3 4 18 61 126 165 186 82
9 261 247 181 117 57 34 40 76 139 213 250 292 159
10 370 364 277 200 121 85 95 146 205 285 332 382 239
11 485 460 352 253 171 133 147 192 248 351 419 466 306
12 560 529 400 293 191 152 168 209 280 379 472 523 346
13 588 553 419 290 186 142 162 207 286 380 484 541 353
14 558 519 385 257 156 118 141 181 258 351 443 506 323
15 482 448 320 197 104 77 93 138 207 285 369 428 262
16 386 342 222 119 48 34 48 77 136 201 278 330 185
17 261 211 118 40 9 4 9 23 59 109 168 224 103
18 132 88 30 3 1 1 9 32 70 107 39
19 32 11 1 5 13 26 7
20 1 1
Daily 15.7 14.2 10.1 6.5 3.8 2.8 3.3 4.6 6.8 10 12.8 14.9 8.8
Table 4 Melbourne: Average direct beam hourly irradiance (W/sq.m.) and daily (MJ/sq.m.)
on a horizontal plane for each month. (Source: ASRDH)
Excerpts from the 'Australian Solar Radiation Data Handbook' (ASRDH) have been kindly authorized by its publisher, the
Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society (ANZSES). Copies of the ASRDH and its sister software AUSOLRAD are
available for purchase from ANZSES. Contact: www.anzses.org_,[email protected] or phone/fax (02) 9402 1638.
Hour Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
5 2 1 3 1
6 67 19 3 1 19 90 109 26
7 386 214 68 14 1 5 49 255 378 428 150
8 545 514 413 212 59 20 27 95 338 470 524 568 316
9 657 662 577 474 328 200 243 385 492 590 621 679 492
10 750 759 678 594 469 398 425 515 576 657 692 743 605
11 825 818 734 643 544 491 518 570 618 709 756 796 669
12 861 855 766 682 563 513 542 581 647 725 793 819 696
13 881 868 782 676 556 491 527 576 653 731 807 833 698
14 877 856 761 647 516 455 497 543 633 721 793 827 677
15 849 826 720 585 429 372 409 486 584 675 753 792 623
16 803 763 629 480 300 226 306 374 495 598 692 734 533
17 706 640 489 220 47 23 51 122 349 473 574 649 362
18 544 439 151 17 1 1 8 31 119 391 481 182
19 127 69 13 4 25 105 29
20 7 4 1
Daily 32.0 29.9 24.4 18.9 13.7 11.5 12.8 15.3 19.7 24.3 28.4 30.9 21.8
Table 6 Melbourne: Average total hourly irradiance (W/sq.m.) and daily irradiation
(MJ/sq.m.) on a sun tracking plane for each month. (Source: ASRDH)
Excerpts from the 'Australian Solar Radiation Data Handbook' (ASRDH) have been kindly authorized by its publisher, the
Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society (ANZSES). Copies of the ASRDH and its sister software AUSOLRAD are
available for purchase from ANZSES. Contact: www.anzses.org_,[email protected] or phone/fax (02) 9402 1638.
700 Jan
Irradiance [W/sq.m]
300 Jun
200 Dec
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
700 Jan
Irradiance [W/sq.m]
300 Jun
200 Dec
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Figure 26 Melbourne: Average total hourly irradiance plane inclined at latitude angle
700 Jan
Irradiance [W/sq.m]
600 Feb
400 May
300 Jun
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
The total radiation over the day for these three cases is compared in table 6.
Month Total daily irradiation Total daily irradiation on Total daily irradiation on
on horizontal plane plane tilted at local latitude sun-tracking plane
January 24 22.9 32
February 21.4 22.7 29.9
March 16.3 19.7 24.4
April 11.4 15.8 18.9
May 7.6 11.7 13.7
June 6.1 9.8 11.5
July 6.8 10.9 12.8
August 9.2 13.1 15.3
September 12.9 16.3 19.7
October 17.4 19.2 24.3
November 21.2 20.9 28.4
December 23.5 21.9 30.9
Yearly 14.8 17.1 21.8
Table 6 Comparison of total daily irradiation (MJ/sq.m.) on a horizontal plane, a plane tilted at
local latitude and sun-tracking plane. (Source: ASRDH)
Excerpts from the 'Australian Solar Radiation Data Handbook' (ASRDH) have been kindly authorized by its publisher,
the Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society (ANZSES). Copies of the ASRDH and its sister software AUSOLRAD are
available for purchase from ANZSES. Contact: www.anzses.org_,[email protected] or phone/fax (02) 9402 1638
Although a sun-tracking plane is clearly the best for maximising the amount
of radiation received, this method is not widely used for small-scale solar
collectors. A major disadvantage of a sun-tracking plane is that it has moving
parts. If these break down, the benefit is lost.
Average 14.7 15.9 16.7 17.1 17.0 16.6 15.8 14.6 13.1 11.4
Table 7 Average daily total irradiation (MJ/sq.m.) on an inclined plane during January to
December– Melbourne. Collector Azimuth angle = 0°. (Source:ASRDH)
Excerpts from the 'Australian Solar Radiation Data Handbook' (ASRDH) have been kindly authorized by its publisher,
the Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society (ANZSES). Copies of the ASRDH and its sister software AUSOLRAD are
available for purchase from ANZSES. Contact: www.anzses.org_,[email protected] or phone/fax (02) 9402 1638
10 60°
5 80°
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
We can see from the last row in Table 7 that the maximum energy collected
over a year in Melbourne occurs on a plane inclined at between 30° and 40°.
In general, a plane inclined at the angle of latitude should receive the
maximum amount of energy. However, even if the plane is inclined between
20° and 50° (in Melbourne), the energy collected is close to the maximum.
Of course we may not be looking for the maximum over the year. A collector
designed to collect the maximum over the year may collect too much energy
Author: Andrea Bunting. Version: February 2010
Similar graphs are shown for other cities in Australia in Figure 31. Latitudes
of each city are as follows:
City Latitude
Hobart 42° 52’
Melbourne 37° 49’
Sydney 33° 50’
Brisbane 27° 30’
Cairns 16° 51’
180º 210º 240º 270º 300º 330º 0º 30º 60º 90º 120º 150º
Figure 29 Effect of collector azimuth and angle of inclination on average daily total
irradiation on an inclined plane (average over year)- Melbourne
180º 210º 240º 270º 300º 330º 0º 30º 60º 90º 120º 150º
0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11
Figure 30 Effect of collector azimuth and angle of inclination on average daily total
irradiation on an inclined plane in June- Melbourne
Excerpts from the 'Australian Solar Radiation Data Handbook' (ASRDH) have been kindly authorized by its publisher, the
Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society (ANZSES). Copies of the ASRDH and its sister software AUSOLRAD are
available for purchase from ANZSES. Contact: www.anzses.org_,[email protected] or phone/fax (02) 9402 1638
0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11
9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
60 60
30 30
0 0
Azimuth Azimuth
0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9
10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
Azimuth Azimuth
0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8
8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16
9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 16-17 17-18 18-19
18-19 19-20 20-21
60 60
30 40
Azimuth Azimuth
0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9
9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18
18-19 19-20 20-21 18-19 19-20 20-21
Figure 31 Effect of collector azimuth and angle of inclination on average daily total irradiation on an inclined plane – various cities
Activity L