Hope q2 Module 5

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Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the
Development and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in
helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while
overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and
assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be
enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of
the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and in checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you
are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
and gain a deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let’s Learn
This module was designed and written to help you understand the
ballroom dance for fitness.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60
minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in and out of school.
2. Demonstrate proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment
3. Recognize the value of optimizing one’s health through participation in
physical activity assessments (PEH11FH-Id-t-14).
1. identify the importance of ballroom dancing in life;
2. perform a ballroom and social dance with/without a partner to the
beat of the music;
3. choreograph a simple dance sequence;
4. learn how to relate comfortably with a partner;

5. understand how ballroom and social dance can contribute to the
development of the whole personality.

Let’s Try
Directions: Read each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. What is ballroom dancing?

a. It can be a lifestyle dance to help keep the body healthy and fit.
b. Derived from the word “ball” which means large room, and
“ballare” meaning “walk”
c. It is an activity that one can enjoy only in old age.
d. It is a couple’s dance only.
2. It is one of the smoothest ballroom dances.
a. Foxtrot c. Waltz
b. Tango d. Cha-Cha
3. It is one of the most captivating of all ballroom dances.
a. Tango c. Cha-Cha
b. Waltz d. Foxtrot
4. Which does not belong to the international style?
a. Waltz c. Foxtrot
b. Rumba d. Quick step
5. Which dance was described as a controversial dance?
a. Viennese Waltz c. Samba
b. Cha-Cha d. Jive
6. It was developed from the dance jitterbug from America.
a. Quick Step c. Rumba
b. Paso doble d. Jive
7. What is Social Dance?
a. A dance style which tends to organize an activity among the
b. A dance style that has no social function and context.
c. A dance style where socializing is the prime focus in dancing.
d. A dance style where socialization is not the prime focus on
8. It is one of the most sensual and emotional Latin American ballroom
a. Mambo c. Line Dance
b. Salsa d. Reggae
9. Which of the following social dances make a group of people dance in
one or more lines or rows?
a. Line Dance c. Manila Swing
b. Reggae Dance d. Boogie-woogie
10. A style of dance that originated in Dominican Republic.
a. Bachata c. Hip hop
b. Cha-Cha d. Boogie


5 Ballroom Dance for Fitness

Let’s Recall
Directions: Analyze the picture below and answer the following questions

1. What can you say about the picture?

2. What kind of feeling do you think does the
picture impose?
3. What kind of dance do you see in the

Let’s Explore

Let’s Elaborate

SVNHS Grade 12 Students

Introduction to Ballroom Dance
Dance is more than entertainment; it is important in building neural
circuitry, and these connections translate into improved functioning in daily life
activities. It uses mental skills that strengthen the neural pathways employed
in academic tasks, social interaction, and motor perception. It is also a form of
exercise that people are willing to do in order to meet their cardiovascular needs.

Definition of Ballroom Dance

Ballroom dancing is a couple’s dance or a set of partner dances moving
to the music using step patterns and rhythms that match the character of a
given song. It is an activity that one can enjoy at any age both socially (fitness)
and competitively around the world. It does not require any special skill or dance
ability (except for competitions), but once learned can be used for the entire life.
It is also widely enjoyed on stage, film, and television. It can be a lifestyle to help
in keeping the body healthy and fit.

Brief History
The word “ballroom” is derived from the word “ball” (a large room) and
“ballare” which means to dance. Ballroom dancing is said to be a social dancing
term for the privileged people while folk dancing is more for the lower classes.
Ballroom dancing was very popular among the upper class of England,
in the late 18th and early 19th century and did not really catch on with the
working class until the late 19th and early 20th century.
The popularity of competitive dancing began in the early 1920’s. As a
result, the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (formerly known as the
Imperial Society Dance Teachers) formed a ballroom branch whose function was
to standardize the ballroom dances.

Two main types of ballroom dance and its basic steps

1. Smooth/Ballroom style of dance – these are flowing dances that move
around the entire dance floor in a counter-clockwise fashion.
Examples: Foxtrot, Waltz, Tango, Viennese, Quickstep
2. Latin/Rhythm style of the dance – these dances stay in one spot on the
dance floor and are energetic that reflect the accented rhythm of the
music being danced to. Examples: Swing, Rumba/Bolero, Cha-Cha Cha,
Salsa/Mambo, Merengue, Disco/Hustle, Samba, Paso Doble
Met Basic
Dance Description Step Music Tempo
er Rhythm
Waltz- -Is one of the - Close Changes Slow 3/4 84-90 123 123
smoothest - Natural Turn ballads or beats (strong
International ballroom - Reverse Turn Instrume per accent on
Standard dances. - Natural Spin nt music minute 1)
-A progressive - Whisk in ¾ time
dance marked - Chasse from
by long, Promenade
flowing Position

turns, and
“rise and fall”.
-So graceful
and elegant
Tango -The most Basic Walk Medium 4/4 128-132 Quick-
captivating of -Progressive Side tempo beats Quick-
International all ballroom Step Orchestra per Slow
Standard dances. - Progressive link l, often minute
- Close
-Originated in Promenade
South America like
in the early
-Has influences
from Spanish
and African
Viennese -A quick -Close Changes Fast ¾ 174-180 123 123
Waltz rotating - Natural Turn Music in or beats (strong
ballroom - Reverse Turn ¾ or 6/8 6/8 per accent on
International dance with time, minute 1)
Standard refined ride often
and fall. classical
-To distinguish such as
it from the Strauss
Waltz and the Waltzes
French Waltz,
it is the oldest
of the current
-Composer is
Foxtrot -Extremely Feather Step Medium- 4/4 112-120 Quick-
versatile and - Three Step slow beats Quick-
can be danced - Natural Turn jazz/swin per Quick
to a variety of - Reverse Turn g music minute
musical styles and Feather
of tempo. Finish
-Its modified -Close Impetus
version called and Feather
the Slow Finish
Foxtrot was
developed in
-Its inventor,
actor Harry
Quick Step -A quick -Quarter Turn to Up-tempo 4/4 200-208 Slow-
version of the Right jazz/ beats Quick-
Foxtrot -Progressive swing per Quick
-A ballroom Chasse music minute
dance covered -Forward Lock
-Natural Turn
of extremely
feet rhythm
and runs of
quick steps
-It evolved in
the 1920’s
from a

combination of
the Foxtrot,
Shag, Peabody,
and one step.
ChaCha -A lively, -closed Basic Medium- 4/4 128 beat 2,3 4&1,
Latin Style flirtatious Movement tempo per 2,3, $ &1
ballroom -Open Basic Latin minute (accent
dance full of Movement music on count
passion and -Alternative 1)
energy. Basic
-The classic Movement in
“Cuban place
motion” gives Spot Turn
the chacha its -Underarm
distinctive Turns to R & L
Latin dance
originated in
Cuba in the
1950’s as a
Samba -The most Natural Basic Medium 2/4 100 beat 1 a2 1 a2
popular with Movement TempoBra per (accent
International young people -Reverse Basic zilian minute on down
Latin as well as Movement Latin beat)
older -Basic music
generation of Movement to with
all Brazilian side strong
ballroom -Progressive downbeat
dances Basic
-Can be Movement
performed solo Samba walks in
or with partner PP
-Originated in -Side Samba
Brazil at the Walk
beginning of -Stationary
the 20th Samba Walks
century. -Rhythm
-A book Bounce
published in
France in 1928
described how
to perform the
Paso Doble -A lively and -Sur place Dramatic, 2/4 120-124 March
dramatic style -Basic Latin beats )one step
International of dance to movement “bullfight” per per beat)
Latin march-like forward music, minute
Paso Doble -basic Frequentl
music movement y a song
-Originated in backward entitle
France, but -chasses to Espana
modeled after R&L Cani
the sound, -drag
drama, and
movement of

-Paso Doble
means “double
Line Dance -A
dance with a
sequence of
steps in which
a group of
people dance
in one line or
rows all facing
each other.
-it includes
dancing in a
line pattern

Benefits of Dance and Creative Movement

Physical •Mental/ Emotional •Social •Cultural

Uplifting and Fun

Ballroom and social dances include being surrounded by joyful
individuals and uplifting melodies.

Muscle Toning
Resisting the partner’s body strength can tone muscle
including sexy and toned legs.

Alleviates Bones and Joints

Ballroom dancing helps protect bone density and prevent osteoporosis. It
can also help speed up knee recovery after surgery since it’s a lower impact
exercise than jogging or biking.

Improved Flexibility
Flexibility is a major benefit of ballroom dancing, because
ballroom dancing itself contains plenty of stretching and
bending. Therefore the more you dance, the more flexible
you will become.

Brain Diet
According to Dafna Merom, et al. (2016) on her study, dancing improves
one of the cognitive domains, which is vital for learning dance and ballroom can
help prevent the onset of dementia in elderly patients. The partnered benefits
can also decrease loneliness for the elderly.

Burns Fat

Dancing is a low-impact aerobic activity that can boost your metabolism.
In just thirty minutes of dancing, you can burn anywhere between 200-400
calories. Burning an extra 300 calories a day can help you lose between 0.5-1
pound a week.

Creative Outlet
As one gets into dancing, it unlocks beautiful
rhythm in the body and allows to release emotions and
thoughts through artistic moves.

Physical Conditioning
Engaging in just about any cardiovascular or aerobic activity can help
improve your heart health, lower obesity and type 2 diabetes risk, and also
promote lung capacity.

Dancing is an effective way to improve general endurance. As the dance
sessions get longer and longer, your muscles will be working harder and for a
longer period of time.

Social Connectivity
Joining any ballroom dance will expose you to meet a new circle of friends
who potentially share common interests. Being more sociable can help improve
your self-esteem, lower stress levels, and increase sense of humor and promote
a positive outlook on life.

Ballroom Dance Etiquette

● Counter-clockwise dance travel direction
● Offer a smile and apology when accidentally bumped into others
● Outermost edge of the dance floor for fast-paced dancers, inner lanes
for slow-paced dancers
● Invitation is for all genders.
● It is also acceptable to dance with someone else aside from your partner.
● Man must return the woman to their seat.
● When dancing with somebody less skillful than yourself, it is mostly
likely that you will be dancing at their level of experience, not yours.
● Dance invitations are rarely rejected.
● Applause even when there is no live band.
● Be considerate and hygienic.

Let’s Dig In
Dance Execution

Directions: Execute the following ballroom dance for fitness.

A. International Standard (Waltz or Quick Steps)
B. International Latin (Cha-cha-cha or Paso Doble)
C. Social Dance (Line Dance)

Criteria Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal
5pts 4pts 3pts 2pts 1pts
Knowledge of Choreography Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Remembers a
Memory of the routine and excellent good knowledge knowledge of some knowledge few of the
execution of the moves looks knowledge of the of the the of choreography, steps
true to the moves that were choreography and choreography, choreography, but unsure of
choreograph does it well few errors some errors (3-5 some movements.
however it does errors) causing
not interfere with brief pause in
performance performance
Technical skills Dance performed Dance performed Dance Only some Although
Great attention to the body with great with attention to performed with understanding of remembers
position and moves is attention to the details of attention to technical elements some dances,
executed smoothly quality of techniques, has most details of (i.e., footwork qualitylittle
movements, body attained techniques but of movements, body attention is
position, proficiency in hasn’t attained position) paid to how
placement and dance style. proficiency in demonstrated in movements
other details of dance style. performance are done or
dance. Also Some technical other details
demonstrates an errors. of dance.
understanding of
dance style.
Performance Skills The dancer draws The dancer The dancer The dancer is The dancer is
Projection of eye contact and the audience to communicates communicates generally focused not very
cheerful facial expressions want to watch with the audience with the but of some focused on
with the audience. The them and is able through eye audience attempts are making eye
dancer is confident with to engage the contact and facial through eye made to grab contact ,
movements audience and body contact and attention of the concentrated
completely expression. Is able facial and body audience; with or committed
through their to engage the expression; eye contact and to
performance. audience. occasionally good facial performance.
loses focus. expression
Rhythm/Tempo Shows a complete Accurate in beat, Generally accurate Shows a basic Attempts to
Staying on count and with understanding of tempo, rhythms in beat, tempo, understanding of keep a
the beats of the music tempo and beat of dance rhythms of dance tempo and beat rhythm but
and stays on sequence sequence most of but falls behind gets off beat
rhythm throughout the the time and or speeds up and speeds
throughout the dance in places or makes up or falls
dance. errors in rhythm. behind often.
follow beat in

Let’s Remember
Answer the following questions.
1. What are the benefits of ballroom dancing?
2. How does ballroom dancing optimize one’s health? Explain briefly.
3. What are the three styles of ballroom dancing? Give at least two (2) examples
and their description.

Let's Apply
I. Identify what is being asked in each of the following statements. Write your
answer before the number.
_______________1. A lively, flirtatious ballroom dance full of passion and energy

_______________2. Derived from the word “ball” (a large room) and “ballare”
which means to dance
_______________3. A choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in
which a group of people dance in one line or rows all facing
each other
_______________ 4. The most captivating of all ballroom dances
_______________ 5. Is one of the smoothest ballroom dances
_______________6. A quick version of the Foxtrot
_______________ 7. A quick rotating ballroom dance with refined ride and fall
_______________ 8. The most popular with young people as well as the older
generation of all Brazilian ballroom dances
_______________ 9. Extremely versatile and can be danced to a variety of
musical styles of tempo
______________ 10. A dance style where socializing is the prime focus in dancing

Let’s Evaluate
Multiple choice: Encircle the letter that best corresponds to your answer in a
given statement.
1. What is Social Dance?
a. A dance style where socializing is the prime focus in dancing
b. A dance style that has no social function and context
c. A dance style which tends to organize an activity among the
d. A dance style where socialization is not the prime focus in dancing
4. What is ballroom dancing?
a. It is a couple’s dance only.
b. It can be a lifestyle dance to help keep the body healthy and fit.
c. It is derived from the word “ball” meaning large room, and
“ballare” that means walk.
d. It is an activity that one can enjoy only in old age.
3. A style of dance that originated in the Dominican Republic.
a. Bachata c. Hip hop
b. Cha-Cha cha d. Boogie
4. It is one of the most captivating of all ballroom dances.
a. Tango c. Cha-Cha
b. Waltz d. Foxtrot
5. Which dance was developed from the dance jitterbug in America?
a. Viennese Waltz c. Samba
b. Cha-Cha d. Jive
6. It is one of the smoothest ballroom dances.
a. Waltz c. Foxtrot
b. Tango d. Cha-Cha
7. It is a quick version of Foxtrot.
a. Jive c. Rumba

b. Paso doble d. Quick Step
8. It is one of the most sensual and emotional Latin American ballroom
a. Mambo c. Line Dance
b. Salsa d. Reggae
9. Which of the following social dances puts a group of people to dance in
one or more lines or rows?
a. Line Dance c. Manila Swing
b. Reggae Dance d. Boogie-woogie
10.Which does not belong to the international style?
a. Waltz c. Foxtrot
b. Quick step d. Rumba

● Agcaoili, J. K., et al. (n.d.). Dance and Recreation for Health.
● Apato, C., Fernando-Callo, L. & Talaroc-Brebante, R. (n.d.). Physical
Education and Health.
● Pledger, C. (2016). Ballroom Dance: An Education Like No Other. Inquiry:
The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges, 20 (1). Retrieved from
● Basic Steps in Ballroom Dancing:
● Basic Steps in Cha-Cha
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjcWXpvA5e8
● Hip Hop Dance Word Search:

Development Team of the Module


Content Evaluator: DR. RENE H. HERMIDA
Language Evaluator: BERNADETTE S. BALAIS



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