Catch Up Friday-English
Catch Up Friday-English
Catch Up Friday-English
I. Objectives
1. Improve learners’ vocabulary through learning new words.
2. Read a variety of reading materials silently.
3. Develop learners’ understanding of the materials read.
II. Subject Matter
A. Content: DEAR – Drop Everything and Read
B. Reference: DO Memorandum No. 001 s. 2024
C. Materi: flash cards, stories
III. Procedure
A. Pre-Reading
1. Singing songs/chants related to the story or poem to be used in the actual reading.
2. Reciting poem learned from the previous lesson.
B. During Reading
1. Motivation: Talk about the title, author, and illustrator of the book.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Word Meaning
3. Setting Standards in silent reading
4. Reading the story silently.
5. (Second Reading) Call on a model earner to read aloud the story.
C. Post Reading (Activities)
1. Answering comprehension questions from the story read.
2. Identifying basic elements of the story.
3. Draw your favorite part of the story. Show and explain it in class.
4. Journal Writing
Let the learners express what they learned or felt from the story.
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