The 3 Fundamentals - MIAW
The 3 Fundamentals - MIAW
The 3 Fundamentals - MIAW
How this PDF works: On the first page there will be the
original Arabic text and the one after will be an English
translation of the Arabic text. This was done with the
intention of making the text easier to memorize.
Channel: @AbuDhar1
Channel: @TAWHED24
[ما يجب على كل مسلم أن يتعلمه]
(الُأوَلى) اْلِع ْلُم َو ُه َو َم ْع ِرَفُة الّلِه َ ،وَم ْع ِرَفُة َنِبِّيِه ،ومعرفة دين
الإ سلام بالأدلة.
(الثانية) العمل به.
(الثالثة) الدعوة إليه.
(الَّر اِبَع ُة ) الَّص ْب ُر َع َلى الَأَذ ى ِفيِه َ ،و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلى :بسم الّله
الرحمن الرحيم ﴿ َو اْلَع ْص ِر ِ -إَّن اْل ِإ ْنَس اَن َلِف ي ُخ ْس ٍر ِ -إَّلا اَّلِذ يَن
آَم ُنوا َو َع ِم ُلوا الَّص اِلَح اِت َو َتَو اَص ْو ا ِباْلَح ِّق َو َتَو اَص ْو ا ِبالَّص ْب ِر ﴾
قال الشافعي رحمه الّله َتَع اَلىَ :لْو َم ا َأْنَز َل الّلُه ُحَّج ًة َع َلى َخ ْلِقِه
ِإلا َه ِذِه الُّس وَر َة َلَك َف ْتُه ْم .
َو َقاَل الُبَخ اِرُّي رحمه الّله تعالى (َباٌب ) "الِع ْلُم َقْب َل الَق ْو ِل َو اْلَعَم ِل ،
َو الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :فاْع َلْم َأَّنُه َلا ِإَلَه ِإَّلا الَّلُه َو اْس َتْغ ِف ْر ِلَذ ْنِبَك ﴾
َفَب َد َأ ِباْلِع ْلِم َقْب َل الَق ْو ِل َو الَعَم ِل
In the name of Allāh, the Most-Merciful, the Most-Gracious:
(الُأوَلى) َأَّن الّلَه َخ َلَق َنا َوَر َز َقَنا َو َلْم َيْتُر ْك َنا َه َم لا َبْل َأْر َس َل ِإَلْي َنا َر ُس ولًا َفَم ْن
َأَطاَع ُه َد َخ َل الَج َّنَة َوَم ْن َع َص اُه َد َخ َل الَّناَر َ ،و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىِ ﴿:إَّنا
َأْر َس ْلَنا ِإَلْي ُكْم َر ُس وًلا َش اِه ًدا َع َلْي ُكْم َك َم ا َأْر َس ْلَنا ِإَلى ِفْر َع ْو َن َر ُس وًلا َ -فَع َص ى
ِفْر َع ْو ُن الَّر ُس وَل َفَأَخ ْذ َناُه َأْخ ًذ ا َو ِبيًل ا ﴾
(الَّثاِنَي ُة ) َأَّن الّله لا َيْر َض ى َأْن ُيْش َر َك معه أحٌد في عبادته لا َم َلٌك ُم َق َّر ٌب
َو لا َنِبٌّي ُمْر َس ٌل َ ،و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿:و َأَّن اْلَم َس اِج َد ِلَّلِه َفَل ا َتْد ُع وا َمَع
الَّلِه َأَح ًدا ﴾
(الَّثاِلَثُة ) َأَّن َم ْن َأَطاَع الَّر ُس وَل َوَو َّح َد الّلَه لا يجوز له موالاة من حاد
الّلَه َوَر ُس وَلُه َو َلْو َكاَن َأْقَر َب َقِريٍب َ ،و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه تعالىَ ﴿ :لا َتِج ُد َقْوًم ا
ُيْؤ ِم ُنوَن ِبالَّلِه َو اْلَي ْو ِم اْل آِخ ِر ُيَو اُّد وَن َم ْن َح اَّد الَّلَه َوَر ُس وَلُه َو َلْو َك اُنوا آَباَءُه ْم
َأْو َأْبَناَءُه ْم َأْو ِإْخ َو اَنُه ْم َأْو َع ِش يَر َتُه ْم ُأوَلِئَك َك َتَب ِفي ُقُلوِبِه ُم اْل ِإ يَم اَن
َو َأَّيَد ُه ْم ِبُر وٍح ﴾
Know, may Allāh have mercy on you: it is obligatory upon
every Muslim man and woman to learn and act upon the
following three things:
Firstly: That Allāh created us, provided sustenance for us, and
did not leave us neglected; rather, He sent a Messenger to us,
so whoever obeys him will enter Paradise, whereas whoever
disobeys him will enter the Hellfire. The proof for this is Allah’s
(ta’ala) statement: “Verily, We sent to you a Messenger, to be a
witness over you, just as we sent a Messenger to Pharaoh. But
Pharaoh disobeyed the Messenger (i.e. Mūsa) so We seized him
with a severe punishment” [3]
(اْع َلْم ) َأْر َش َد َك الّلُه ِلَطاَع ِتِه َأَّن اْلَح ِنيِف َّيَة ِم َّلَة ِإْبَر اِه يَم َأْن َتْع ُبَد الّلَه َو ْح َد ُه
ُم ْخ ِلًص ا َلُه الِّديَن ! َو ِبَذ ِلَك َأَم َر الّلُه َج ِم يَع الَّناِس َو َخ َلَق ُه ْم َلَه ا َك َم ا َقاَل
َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :وَم ا َخ َلْق ُت اْلِج َّن َو اْل ِإ ْنَس ِإَّلا ِلَي ْع ُبُدوِن ﴾ َوَم ْع َنى َيْع ُبُدوِن :
ُيَو ِّح ُدوِن .
َو َأْع َظُم َم ا َأَم َر الّلُه ِبِه الَّتْو حِيُدَ ،و ُه َو ِإْفَر اُد الّلِه ِباْلِع َب اَد ِةَ .و َأْع َظُم َم ا َنَه ى
َعْنه الِّش رُك َو ُه َو َد ْع َو ُة َغ ْي ِرِه َمَع ُه َو الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿:و اْع ُبُدوا الَّلَه َو َلا
ُتْش ِرُكوا ِبِه َش ْي ًئا ﴾
Know, may Allāh guide you to His obedience, that al-
Ḥanafīyah, the Religion of Ibrāhīm, is that you worship Allāh
alone, making the religion sincerely (i.e. solely) for Him. This
is what Allāh ordered all of mankind to do, and this is the
purpose for which He created them. As He (ta’ala) said: “And
I have not created the Jinn or mankind except to worship
Me (alone).” [6]
And the meaning of “to worship Me” is “to single Me out (in
(َفِإَذ ا ِقيَل َلَك ) َ :م ا الُأُص وُل الَّثلاَثُة الِتي َيِج ُب َع َلى الِإ ْنَس اِن َم ْع ِرَفُتَه ا؟
َفُق ْل َ :م ْع ِرَفُة اْلَعْب ِد َر َّبُه َ ،و ِد يَنُه َو َنِبَّيُه ُم َح َّم ًدا َص َّلى الّلُه َع َلْي ِه وسلم.
(َفِإَذ ا ِقيَل َلَك ) َ :م ْن َر ُّبَك ؟ َفُق ْل َ :ر ِّبَي الّلُه اَّلِذ ي َر َّباِني َوَر َّبى َج ِم يَع
اْلَع اَلِم يَن ِبِنَع ِمِه َو ُه َو َم ْع ُبوِد ي َلْي َس ِلي َم ْع ُبوٌد ِس َو اُه َ ،و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلى
﴿:اْلَح ْم ُد ِلَّلِه َر ِّب اْلَع اَلِم يَن ﴾ وكل ما ِس َو ى الّلِه َع اَلٌم َو َأَنا َو اِح ٌد ِم ْن
َذ ِلَك اْلَع اَلِم.
(َفِإَذ ا ِقيَل َلَك ) ِ :بَم َع َر ْفَت َر َّبَك ؟ َفُق ْل ِ :بآَياِتِه َوَم ْخ ُلوَقاِتِه َو ِم ْن آَياِتِه الَّلْي ُل
َو الَّنَه اُر َو الَّش ْم ُس َو اْلَق َم ُر َو ِم ْن َم ْخ ُلوَقاِتِه الَّس َم اَو اُت الَّس ْب ُع َو الَأَر ُض وَن
الَّس ْب ُع َوَم ْن ِفيِه َّن َوَم ا َبْي َنُه َم اَ ،و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :و ِم ْن آَياِتِه الَّلْي ُل
َو الَّنَه اُر َو الَّش ْم ُس َو اْلَق َم ُر َلا َتْس ُج ُدوا ِللَّش ْم ِس َو َلا ِلْلَق َم ِر َو اْس ُج ُدوا ِلَّلِه
اَّلِذ ي َخ َلَق ُه َّن ِإْن ُكْنُتْم ِإَّياُه َتْع ُبُدوَن ﴾ وقوله تعالىِ ﴿ :إَّن َر َّبُكُم الَّلُه
اَّلِذ ي َخ َلَق الَّس َم اَو اِت َو اْل َأْر َض ِفي ِس َّتِة َأَّياٍم ُثَّم اْس َتَو ى َع َلى اْلَعْر ِش
ُيْغ ِش ي الَّلْي َل الَّنَه اَر َيْط ُلُبُه َح ِثيًثا َو الَّش ْم َس َو اْلَق َم َر َو الُّنُج وَم ُم َس َّخ َر اٍت ِبَأْم ِرِه
َأَلا َلُه اْلَخ ْلُق َو اْل َأْم ُر َتَب اَر َك الَّلُه َر ُّب اْلَع اَلِم يَن ﴾
So, if it said to you: What are the three fundamental principles
that mankind is obligated to know? Then say (in response): That
the servant knows his Lord, his Religion and his Prophet
Muḥammad (ṣallallāhu ʿalahyhi wasallam)
َقاَل اْبُن َك ِثيٍر َر ِح َم ُه الّلُه َتَع اَلى :الَخ اِلُق لهذه الأشياء هو المستحق
The word Rabb (Lord) means One Who is worshiped (ma’bud -
the object of worship). And the evidence for this is His (ta’ala)
statement: “O mankind! Worship your Lord who created you
and those before you, so that you may be dutiful to Him. He
is the One who made the earth a resting place for you, and
the sky as a canopy, and sent down water from the sky and
brought forth therewith fruits as a provision for you. So do
not set up rivals with Allāh in worship knowingly.” [11]
(َو َأْنَو اُع اْلِع َب اَد ِة) اَّلِتي َأَم َر الّلُه ِبَه ا ِم ْثُل الِإ ْس لاِم َو الِإ يَم ان ،
َو الِإ ْح َس اِن َ ،و ِم ْنُه الُّد َع اُء َو اْلَخ ْو ُف َو الَّر َج اُء َو الَّتَو ُّكُل َو الَّر ْغ َب ُة ،
َو الَّر ْه َب ُة َ ،و اْلُخ ُش وُع َ ،و اْلَخ ْش َي ُة َ ،و الِإ َناَبُة َ ،و الاْس ِتَع اَنُة ،والاسِتعاذة،
والاسِتغاثة ،والَذ بح ،والنذر ،وغير ذلك من اْلِع َب اَد ِة اَّلِتي َأَم َر الّلُه
ِبَه ا (ُكُّلَه ا لّلِه ) َ ،و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :و َأَّن اْلَم َس اِج َد ِلَّلِه َفَل ا
َتْد ُع وا َمَع الَّلِه َأَح ًدا ﴾
َفَم ْن َص َر َف ِم ْنَه ا َش ْي ًئا ِلَغ ْي ِر الّلِه َفُه َو ُم ْش ِرٌك َكاِفٌرَ ،و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه
َتَع اَلىَ ﴿:وَم ْن َيْد ُع َمَع الَّلِه ِإَلًه ا آَخ َر َلا ُبْر َه اَن َلُه ِبِه َفِإَّنَم ا ِح َس اُبُه
ِع ْنَد َر ِّبِه ِإَّنُه َلا ُيْف ِلُح اْلَك اِفُر وَن ﴾ َو ِفي اْلَح ِد يِث «الُّد َع اُء مخ
اْلِع َب اَد ِة» َ ،و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :و َقاَل َر ُّبُكُم اْد ُع وِني َأْس َتِج ْب
َلُكْم ِإَّن اَّلِذ يَن َيْس َتْكِبُر وَن َع ْن ِع َب اَد ِتي َس َي ْد ُخ ُلوَن َج َه َّنَم َد اِخ ِرين ﴾
(And the types of worship) that Allāh commanded, such as
Islām, Īmān and Iḥsān, which includes supplication (Du‘ā’),
fear (Khawf), hope (Rajā’), reliance (Tawakkul), longing
(Raghbah), dreading (Rahbah), submissiveness (Khushū‘),
awe (Khashyah), repentance (Inābah), seeking assistance
(Isti‘ānah), seeking refuge (Isti‘ādhah), asking for help
(Istighāthah), offering sacrifices (Dhabaḥ), making oaths
(Nadhar), and all of the other types of worship that Allāh
commanded – all of these belong to Allāh, alone.
ودليل الرجاء قوله تعالىَ ﴿ :فَم ْن َكاَن َيْر ُج وا ِلَقاَء َر ِّبِه َفْلَي ْع َم ْل
َع َم ًل ا َص اِلًح ا َو َلا ُيْش ِرْك ِبِع َب اَد ِة َر ِّبِه َأَح ًدا ﴾
َوَد ِليُل الَّتَو ُكِل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :و َع َلى الَّلِه َفَتَو َّكُلوا ِإْن ُكْنُتْم
ُم ْؤ ِم ِنين ﴾ وَقْو ُلُه َ ﴿ :وَم ْن َيَتَو َّكْل َع َلى الَّلِه َفُه َو َح ْس ُبُه ﴾
َو َد ِليُل الَّر ْغ َب ِة َو الَّر ْه َب ِة َو اْلُخ ُش وِع َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىِ ﴿:إَّنُه ْم َك اُنوا
ُيَس اِرُع وَن ِفي اْلَخ ْي َر اِت َو َيْد ُع وَنَنا َر َغ ًب ا َوَر َه ًب ا َو َك اُنوا َلَنا
َخ اِش ِع يَن ﴾
َو َد ِليُل اْلَخ ْش َي ِة َقْو ُلُه تعالىَ ﴿ :فَل ا َتْخ َش ْو ُه ْم َو اْخ َش ْو ِني ﴾
َو َد ِليُل الِإ َناَبِة َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :و َأِنيُبوا ِإَلى َر ِّبُكْم َو َأْس ِلُم وا َلُه ﴾
The proof for fear (Khawf) is Allāh’s saying: “So do not fear
them, but fear Me if you are true believers.” [16]
The proof for hope (Rajā’) is Allāh’s saying: “So whoever hopes
to meet his Lord, then let him perform righteous deeds, and
not mix anyone into the worship of his Lord.” [17]
َو َد ِليُل الاْس ِتَع اَذ ِة َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىُ ﴿:قْل َأُع وُذ ِبَرِّب الَف َلق ﴾
َو َد ِليُل الاْس ِتَغ اَثِة َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىِ ﴿ :إْذ َتْس َتِغ يُثوَن َر َّبُكْم َفاْس َتَج اَب
َلُكْم ﴾
َو دليل الذبح قوله تعالىُ ﴿ :قْل ِإَّن َص َل اِتي َو ُنُس ِكي َوَم ْح َي اَي
َوَمَم اِتي ِلَّلِه َر ِّب اْلَع اَلِم يَن ~ َلا َش ِريَك َلُه َو ِبَذ ِلَك ُأِم ْر ُت َو َأَنا
َأَّو ُل اْلُم ْس ِلِم يَن ﴾ َو ِم َن الُس َّنِة« :لَع َن الّلُه َم ْن َذ َبَح ِلَغ ْي ِر الّلِه »
َو َد ِليُل الَّنْذ ِر َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىُ ﴿ :يوُفوَن ِبالَّنْذ ِر َو َيَخ اُفوَن َيْوًم ا َكاَن
َش ُّر ُه ُم ْس َتِط يًر ا ﴾
The proof for seeking assistance and aid (Isti‘ānah) is Allāh’s
saying: “You alone do we worship and in You alone do we
seek assistance” [23]. And in the hadith: “When you ask for
assistance, then seek assistance in Allāh.” [24]
َم ْع ِرَفُة ِد يِن الِإ ْس لاِم ِبالَأِد َّلِة َو ُه َو الاْس ِتْس لاُم ِلَّلِه بالتوحيد ،والانِق ياُد َلُه
بالطاعة ،والبراءُة من الشرك واهله .وهو ثلاث مراتب( :الإ سلام) و
(الإ يمان) و (الإ حسان) ،وكل مرتبة لها أركان.
َفَأْر َكاُن الِإ ْس لاِم (َخ ْم َس ٌة) َش َه اَد ُة َأن لا اله إلا اللّه وأن محمدا رسول الّله
و (إقام الصلاة) و (إيتاء الزكاة) و (صوم رمضان) و (حج َبْي ِت الّلِه
اْلَح َر اِم) .
َفَد ِليُل الَّش َه اَد ِة َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :ش ِه َد الَّلُه َأَّنُه َلا ِإَلَه ِإَّلا ُه َو َو اْلَم َل اِئَكُة َو ُأوُلو
اْلِع ْلِم َقاِئًم ا ِباْلِق ْس ِط َلا ِإَلَه ِإَّلا ُه َو اْلَع ِزيُز اْلَح ِكيُم ﴾
وَم ْع ناها لا َم ْع ُبود ِبَح ٍق إلا الَّله َو ْح َده ،و (لا إله) َناِفًي ا َج ِم يَع َم ا ُيْع َب ُد ِم ْن
ُد وِن الّلِه ِ( ،إلا الّلُه ) ُم ْثِبًتا اْلِع َب اَد َة لّلِه َو ْح َد ُه لا َش ِريَك َلُه ِفي ِع َب اَد ِتِه َك َم ا
َأَّنُه َلْي َس َلُه َش ِريٌك ِفي ُم ْلِكِه .
The Second Fundamental Principle: Knowing the Religion of
Islām, based on evidences. This (i.e. Islām) means submitting
to Allāh by way of Tawḥīd, surrendering one’s (full)
obedience to Him, and freeing oneself from Shirk and its
people. This can be divided into three levels: Islām, Īmān
and Iḥsān. Each of these levels has its own pillars.
َو ِد ليُل َش َه اَد ِة َأَّن ُم َح َّم ًدا َر ُس وُل الّلِه َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :لَقْد َج اَءُكْم
َر ُس وٌل ِم ْن َأْنُف ِس ُكْم َع ِزيٌز َع َلْي ِه َم ا َع ِنُّتْم َح ِريٌص َع َلْي ُكْم ِباْلُم ْؤ ِم ِنيَن
َر ُءوٌف َر ِح يٌم ﴾ َوَم ْع َنى َش َه اَد ة َأَّن ُم َح َّم ًدا َر ُس وُل الّلِه َ :طاَع ُتُه ِفيَم ا
َأَم َر َ ،و َتْص ِد يُق ُه ِفيَم ا َأْخ َبَر ،واْج ِتَناُب َم ا عنه نهى وزجر ،وأن لا
ُيْع َب َد الّلُه ِإلا ِبَم ا َش َر َع .
َو َد ِليُل الَّص لاِة َو الَّز َكاِة َو َتْف ِس يُر الَّتْو ِح يِد َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :وَم ا ُأِم ُر وا ِإَّلا
ِلَي ْع ُبُدوا الَّلَه ُم ْخ ِلِص يَن َلُه الِّديَن ُح َنَفاَء َو ُيِق يُم وا الَّص َل اَة َو ُيْؤ ُتوا الَّز َكاَة
َو َذ ِلَك ِد يُن اْلَق ِّيَم ِة ﴾
An explanation of this, which clarifies it further, is found in
Allāh’s saying: “And remember when Ibrāhīm said to his
father and to his people: ‘Verily, I am free from all that you
worship – except for He who created Me, and verily He will
guide me.’ And He made it a statement that will endure
among his offspring that they may turn back to (it).” [31]
َوَد ِليُل اْلَح ِّج َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :و ِلَّلِه َع َلى الَّناِس ِح ُّج اْلَب ْي ِت َم ِن اْس َتَطاَع
ِإَلْي ِه َس ِبيًل ا َوَم ْن َكَف َر َفِإَّن الَّلَه َغ ِنٌّي َع ِن اْلَع اَلِم يَن ﴾
The proof for prayer and Zakāh and the explanation of
Tawḥīd is found in Allāh’s saying: “And they were not
commanded except that they should worship Allāh, making
the religion (i.e. worship) solely for Him alone, and that they
should perform the prayer and give the Zakāh. And that is
the right Religion.” [34]
The proof for Ḥajj is Allāh’s saying: “And the Ḥajj (pilgrimage)
to the House (Ka‘bah) is a duty that mankind owes to Allāh
for those who are able to do it. And whoever disbelieves (by
denying Ḥajj), then indeed Allāh is not in need of any of His
creation.” [36]
اْلَمْر َتَب ُة الَّثاِنَي ُة الِإ يَم اُن َ :و ُه َو ِبْض ٌع َو َس ْبُع وَن ُش ْع َب ًة َ .فَأْع لاَه ا َقْو ُل لا
اله ِإلا الّلُه َو َأْد َناَه ا ِإَم اَطُة الَأَذ ى َع ِن الَّطِريِق َو اْلَح َي اُء ُش ْع َب ٌة ِم ْن
الإ يمان.
وأركانه ستةَ :أْن ُتْؤ ِم َن ِبالّلِه َوَم لاِئَك ِتِه َو ُكُتِبِه َوُر ُس ِلِه َو اْلَي ْو ِم الآخر
وبالقدر َخ ْي ِرِه َو َش ِّرِهَ .و الَّد ِليُل َع َلى َه ِذِه الَأْر َكاِن الِّس َتِة قوله تعالى﴿ :
َلْي َس اْلِبَّر َأْن ُتَو ُّلوا ُو ُج وَه ُكْم ِقَب َل اْلَم ْش ِرِق َو اْلَم ْغِرِب َو َلِكَّن اْلِبَّر َم ْن
آَم َن ِبالَّلِه َو اْلَي ْو ِم اْل آِخ ِر َو اْلَم َل اِئَك ِة َو اْلِكَتاِب َو الَّنِبِّييَن ﴾
ودليل القدر َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىِ ﴿:إَّنا ُكَّل َش ْي ٍء َخ َلْق َناُه ِبَق َد ٍر ﴾
The Second Level of Īmān: Īmān consists of more than
seventy branches. The highest of them is saying Lā ilāha ill-
Allāh and the lowest of them is moving a harmful object from
the road. And Ḥayā’ (modesty) is a branch from Īmān.
And its pillars are six: that you believe in Allāh, His angels, His
books, His messengers, the Last Day, and al-Qadr (Divine Pre-
Decree) – the good of it and the bad of it. And the evidence for
this six pillars is His (ta’ala) statement: “Righteousness (birr) is
not that you turn your faces towards the east and the west (in
prayer), but rather righteousness (birr) is (for) the one who
believes in Allāh, the Last Day, the angels, the books and the
prophets.” [37]
(َو الَّد ِليُل ِم َن الُّس َّنِة) َ :ح ِد يُث ِج ْب ِريَل اْلَم ْش ُه وُر َع ْن ُع َم َر بِن
اْلَخ َّطاِب َر ِض الّلُه َعْنُه «كَّنا ُج لوًس ا عنَد الَّنب صَّلى الَّلُه عَليِه
ِّي َي
وسَّلَم فجاَء رجٌل شديُد بياِض الِّثياِب شديُد َس واِد شعِر الَّر أِس لا
ُيَر ى عَليِه أثُر َس فٍر ولا يعرُفُه مَّنا أحٌد فجلَس إلى الَّنبِّي صَّلى الَّلُه
عَليِه وسَّلَم فأسنَد ركبَتُه إلى ركبِتِه ووضَع يَديِه عَلى فِخ ذيِه ثَّم
قاَل ...
The Third Level: Iḥsān is one pillar, and it means to worship
Allāh as if you see Him, for even if you don’t see Him, He
indeed sees you. The proof for this is Allāh’s saying: “Verily,
Allāh is with those who have Taqwa (dutifulness to Allāh)
and those who have Iḥsān.” [39]
And His saying: “And put your trust in the All-Mighty, the
Most Merciful, who sees you when you stand up (for prayer
at night), and (who sees) your movements among those
who prostrate themselves (to Him). Verily, He is the All-
Hearer, the All-Knower.” [40]
And from the Sunnah: The famous Hadīth of Jibrīl, ‘Umar ibn
al-Khattāb (may Allāh be pleased with him) said:
ثَّم قاَل يا محَّم ُد ما الإ يماُن قاَل أن تؤِم َن بالَّلِه وملائكِتِه ورسِلِه
وكتِبِه واليوِم الآخِر والقَد ِر خيِرِه وشِّرِه قاَل صَدقَت فَع ِج بنا منُه
يسأُلُه ويصِّد ُقُه ثَّم قاَل يا محَّم ُد ما الإ حساُن قاَل أن تعبَد الَّلَه
كأَّنَك تراُه فإَّنَك إن لا تراُه فإَّنُه يراَك قاَل فمَتى الَّس اعُة قاَل ما
المسئوُل عنها بأعلَم مَن الَّس ائِل
قاَل فما أمارُتها قاَل أن تِلَد الأمُة رَّبَتها قاَل َو كيٌع يعني تِلُد
العَج ُم العرَب وأن تَر ى الُح فاَة الُع راَة العالَة ِرعاَء الَّش اِء يتطاولوَن
في الِبناِء قاَل ثَّم قاَل فلقَي ني الَّنبُّي صَّلى الَّلُه عَليِه وسَّلَم بعَد
ثلاٍث فقاَل أَتدري َم ن الَّر جُل قلُت الَّلُه ورسوُلُه أعلُم قاَل ذاَك
جبريُل أتاكم يعِّلُم ُكم معالَم ديِنُكم
He (the man) said: ‘You have spoken truthfully.’ So we were
amazed at him: he had asked him and then told him he was
truthful!” He then said: ‘Now inform me about Īmān?’ The
Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalahyhi wasallam) said: ‘It is that you
believe in Allāh, His angels, His (revealed) books, His
messengers and the Last Day, and that you believe in al-Qadr,
the good of it and the bad of it.’ The man said: ‘You have
spoken truthfully.’” He then asked, ‘Now inform me about
Iḥsān?’ The Prophet said: “It is that you worship Allāh as if you
see Him, for even if you don’t see Him, He indeed sees you.’”
The man said, ‘Now inform me about the (Final) Hour?’ The
Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalahyhi wasallam) responded: ‘The one
who is being asked does not have any more knowledge of it
than the one who is asking.’ He said, ‘Then inform me about its
signs?’ The Prophet said: ‘It will be when the mother gives
birth to her master, and when the barefooted, barren and
lowly shepherds will compete with one another in
constructing tall buildings.’
الَأْص ُل الَّثاِلُث َم ْع ِرَفُة َنِبِّيُكْم ُم َح َّم ٍد َص َّلى الّلُه َع َلْي ِه َو َس َّلَم َو ُه َو
ُم َح َّم ُد ْبُن َع ْب ِد الّلِه ْبِن َع ْب ِد اْلُم َّطِلِب ْبِن َه اِش ٍمَ ،و َه اِش ٌم ِم ْن ُقَر ْيٍش ،
َو ُقَر ْيٌش ِم َن اْلَع َر ِب َ ،و اْلَع َر ُب ِم ْن ُذ ِّرَّيِة ِإْس َم اِع يَل ْبِن ِإْبَر اِه يَم اْلَخ ِليِل
َع َلْي ِه َو َع َلى َنِبِّيَنا َأْفَض ُل الَّص لاِة َو الَّس لاِمَ .و َلُه ِم َن اِلُعُم ِر َثلاٌث
َو ِس ُّتوَن َس َنًة ِم ْنَه ا َأْرَبُع وَن َقْب َل الُّنُبَّو ِة َو َثلاٌث وعشرون نبيا رسولا.
نبئ باقرأ .وأرسل بالمدثرَ .و َبَلُد ُه َم َّكُة َبَع َثُه الّلُه ِبالِّنَذ اَر ِة َع ِن الِّش ْر ِك
ويدعو ِإَلى الَّتْو ِح يِد َ ،و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :يا َأُّيَه ا اْلُم َّد ِّثُر ُ -قْم
َفَأْنِذ ْر َ -وَر َّبَك َفَك ِّبْر َ -و ِثَي اَبَك َفَطِّه ْر َ -و الُّر ْج َز َفاْه ُج ْر َ -و َلا َتْم ُنْن
َتْس َتْك ِثُر َ -و ِلَر ِّبَك َفاْص ِبْر ﴾ َوَم ْع َنى ُقْم ﴿ َفَأنِذ ْر ﴾ُ :يْنِذ ُر َع ِن الِّش ْر ِك
َو َيْد ُع و إلى التوحيد ﴿ ،وربك فكبر ﴾ َع ِّظْم ُه ِبالَّتْو ِح يِد َ ﴿ ،و ِثَي اَبَك
َفَطِّه ْر ﴾َ :أْي َطِّه ْر َأْع َم اَلَك من الِّش ْر ِك َ ﴿ ،و الُّر ْج َز َفاْه ُج ْر ﴾،
الُّر ْج َز :الَأْص َناُم َ ،و َه ْج ُر َه اَ :تْر ُكَه ا وأهلها َو اْلَبَر اَءُة ِم ْنَه ا َو َأْه ُلَه ا.
The 3rd Principle: Knowledge of your Prophet: He is
Muḥammad, the son of ‘Abdullāh, the son of ‘Abdul-Muṭṭalib,
the son of Hāshim. Hāshim was from the (the tribe of)
Quraysh and Quraysh was from the Arabs. And the Arabs are
from the offspring of (Prophet) Ismā‘īl, son of (Prophet)
Ibrāhīm, Al-Khalīl (the Friend of Allāh).
May Allāh send the best of His peace and blessings on him
and on our Prophet (Muḥammad). He lived for sixty-three
years, forty of which were prior to his prophethood and
twenty-three of which he spent as a prophet and a
َو الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىِ ﴿ :إَّن اَّلِذ يَن َتَو َّفاُه ُم اْلَم َل اِئَكُة َظاِلِم ي َأْنُف ِس ِه ْم
ُض ْرَأ ْن ُك َت ْم َلَأ واُلا َق ِض ْرَأ ْلا يِف َن ي ِف َع ْض َت ْس ُم اَّن ُك واُلا َق ْم ُت ْن ُك َميِف َقاُلوا
الَّلِه َو اِس َع ًة َفُتَه اِج ُر وا ِفيَه ا َفُأوَلِئَك َم ْأَو اُه ْم َج َه َّنُم َو َس اَءْت َم ِص يًر ا ِ -إَّلا
اْلُم ْس َتْض َع ِف يَن ِم َن الِّرَج اِل َو الِّنَس اِء َو اْلِو ْلَداِن َلا َيْس َتِط يُع وَن ِح يَلًة َو َلا
َيْه َتُدوَن َس ِبيًل ا َ -فُأوَلِئَك َع َس ى الَّلُه َأْن َيْع ُف َو َعْنُه ْم َو َكاَن الَّلُه َع ُف ًّو ا
َغ ُفوًر ا ﴾
قاَل البغوي رحمه الّلهَ :س بب نزول َه ِذِه الآية في المسلمين الذين
في مكة لم ُيَه اِج ُر وا َناَد اُه ُم الّلُه ِباْس ِم الِإ يَم اِن .
He carried out this duty for ten years, calling to Tawḥīd. And
after ten years, he was taken up to the heavens (Mi‘rāj), where
the five daily prayers were made obligatory on him. So he
prayed in Makkah for three years. Thereafter, he was ordered
to make the Hijrah (migration) to Madīnah. Hijrah means
moving from a land of Shirk to a land of Islām. It is obligatory
upon this Ummah to migrate from a land of Shirk to a land of
Islām, and this is everlasting until the (Final) Hour is
The proof for this is Allāh’s saying: “Verily, as for those whom
the angels take (in death) while they are wronging themselves
(by not performing Hijrah), they (the angels) will say (to
them): ‘In what (condition) were you?’ They will reply: ‘We
were weak and oppressed in the earth.’ They (the angels) will
say: ‘Was the earth of Allāh not spacious enough for you to
migrate therein?’ Such men will find their abode in Hell –
what an evil destination! Except the weak ones among men,
and women and children – who cannot devise a plan, nor are
they able to direct their way. These are the ones whom Allāh
is (most) likely to forgive, and Allāh is Ever Oft-Pardoning,
Most Forgiving” [45]
َأَخ َذ َع َلى َه َذ ا َع ْش َر ِس ِنيَن َ .و ُتُو ِّفَي َص لواُت الّلِه َو َس لاُم ُه َع َلْي ِه َو ِد يُنُه
َباٍق َ ،و َه َذ ا ِد يُنُه ،لا َخ ْي َر ِإلا َد َّل الُأَّم َة َع َلْي ِه َو لا َش َّر ِإلا َح َّذ َر َه ا ِم ْنُه ،
َو اْلَخ ْي ُر اَّلِذ ي َد َّلَه ا َع َلْي ِه الَّتْو ِح يُد َو َج ِم يُع َم ا ُيِح ُّبُه الّلُه َو َيْر َض اُه َ ،و الَّش ُر
اَّلِذ ي َح َّذ َر َه ا ِم ْنُه الِّش ْر ُك َو َج ِم يُع َم ا َيْك َر ُه الّلُه َو َيْأَباُه ،
َبَع َثُه الّله في الَّناِس َك اَّفًة َ ،و اْفَتَر َض َطاَع َتُه َع َلى َج ِم يِع الَّثَق َلْي ِن اْلِج ِّن
َو الِإ ْنِس َ .و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىُ ﴿:قْل َيا َأُّيَه ا الَّناُس ِإِّني َر ُس وُل الَّلِه ِإَلْي ُكْم
َج ِم يًع ا ﴾َ ،و َك َّم َل الّلُه ِبِه الِّديَن َ ،و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلى ﴿ :اْلَي ْو َم َأْك َم ْلُت
َلُكْم ِد يَنُكْم َو َأْتَم ْم ُت َع َلْي ُكْم ِنْع َم ِتي َوَر ِض يُت َلُكُم اْل ِإ ْس َل اَم ِد يًنا ﴾
The proof for Hijrah from the Sunnah, is his (ṣallallāhu
ʿalahyhi wasallam) saying: “Hijrah will not cease until
repentance ceases. And repentance will not cease (to be
access epted) until the sun rises from where it sets.” [47]
He remained doing this for ten years, and after this he passed
away, peace and blessings of Allāh be on him. His religion
remained. This was his religion: there was no good except that
he directed his Ummah towards it, and there was no evil
except that he warned them against it. The good that he
directed his Ummah to was: Tawḥīd and everything that Allāh
loves and is pleased with. The evil that he warned his Ummah
about was: Shirk and everything that Allāh hates and rejects.
ِإَذ ا َم اُتوْا ُيْبَع ُثوَن َ ،و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىِ ﴿ :م ْنَه ا َخ َلْق َناُكْم َو ِفيَه ا َو الَّناُس
َو ِم ْنَه ا ُنْخ ِرُج ُكْم َتاَر ًة ُأْخ َر ى ﴾ ُنِع يُدُكْم
وَقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :و الَّلُه َأْنَب َتُكْم ِم َن اْل َأْر ِض َنَب اًتا ُ -ثَّم ُيِع يُدُكْم ِفيَه ا
َو ُيْخ ِرُج ُكْم ِإْخ َر اًج ا ﴾
َو َبْع َد اْلَب ْع ِث ُم َح اَس ُبوَن َوَم ْج ِزُّيوَن ِبَأْع َم اِلِه ْم ،
َو الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :و ِلَّلِه َم ا ِفي الَّس َم اَو اِت َوَم ا ِفي اْل َأْر ِض ِلَي ْج ِزَي
اَّلِذ يَن َأَس اُءوا ِبَم ا َع ِم ُلوا َو َيْج ِزَي اَّلِذ يَن َأْح َس ُنوا ِباْلُح ْس َنى ﴾
َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :زَع َم اَّلِذ يَن َكَف ُر وا َوَم ْن َك َّذ َب ِباْلَب ْع ِث َكَف َر َ ,و الَّد ِليُل
ُثَّم َلُتَنَّبُؤ َّن ِبَم ا َع ِم ْلُتْم َو َذ ِلَك َع َلى َأْن َلْن ُيْبَع ُثوا ُقْل َبَلى َوَر ِّبي َلُتْبَع ُثَّن
الَّلِه َيِس يٌر ﴾
The proof of his death is Allāh’s saying: “You will surely die
and they too will surely die. Then on the Day of Recompense,
you will be disputing before your Lord.” [49.5]
When people die, they will be resurrected. The proof for this
is Allāh’s saying: “From it (the earth) We created you, and to
it We shall return you, and from it We shall bring you out
once again.” [50]
And Allāh’s saying: “Allāh has brought you forth from the
earth. Afterwards, He will return you into it and (then) bring
you forth (once again – i.e. resurrection).” [51]
ََو َّأوُلُه ْم ُنوٌح َع َلْي ِه الَّس لاُم َو آِخ ُر ُه ْم ُم َح َّم ٌد َص َّلى الّلُه َع َلْي ِه َو َس َّلَم َو ُه َو
َخ اَتُم الَّنِبِّييَن َ ،و الَّد ِليُل َع َلى َأَّن َأَّو َلُه ْم ُنوٌح َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىِ ﴿ :إَّنا َأْو َح ْي َنا ِإَلْي َك
َك َم ا َأْو َح ْي َنا ِإَلى ُنوٍح َو الَّنِبِّييَن ِم ْن َبْع ِدِه ﴾
وكل أمة بعث الّله إليهم رسولا من نوح إلى محمد َيْأُم ُر ُه ْم ِبِع َب اَد ِة الّلِه
َو ْح َد ُه َو َيْنَه اُه ْم َع ْن ِع َب اَد ِة الَّطاُغ وِت َ ،و الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :و َلَقْد َبَع ْثَنا
ِفى ُكِّل ُأَّم ٍۢة َّر ُس وًلا َأِن ٱْع ُبُد و۟ا ٱلَّلَه َو ٱْج َتِنُبو۟ا ٱلَّطٰـُغ وَت ﴾ َو اْفَتَر َض الّلُه َع َلى
َج ِم يِع اْلِع َب اِد اْلُكْف َر ِبالَّطاُغ وِت َو الِإ يَم اَن ِبالّلِه .
َقاَل اْبُن اْلَق ِّيِم َر ِح َم ُه الّلُه َتَع اَلىَ :م ْع َنى الَّطاُغ وِت َم ا َتَج اَو َز ِبِه اْلَعْب ُد َح َّد ُه
ِم ْن َم ْع ُبوٍد َأْو َم ْتُبوٍع َأْو ُم َطاٍع
Allāh sent all of the messengers, giving good tidings and
warning (people). The proof for this is Allāh’s saying:
“Messengers bearing good news and warning (people) – in
order that mankind could have no plea against Allāh after
(the coming of) the messengers.” [54]
And the first of them was Nūḥ and the last of them was
Muḥammad (peace and blessings be upon him), who was the
Seal of the Prophets. The proof that Nūḥ was the first of
them is Allāh’s saying: “Verily, We sent the revelation to you
(O Muḥammad), just as We sent the revelation to Nūḥ and
the prophets after him.” [55]
Every nation that Allāh sent a messenger to, from Nūḥ until
Muḥammad, he (i.e. the messenger) would command them
to worship Allāh alone and forbid them from worshipping
the Ṭāghūt. Allāh obligated all of His servants to disbelieve
in the Ṭāghūt and believe in Allāh
َو ُه َو َر اٍض َ ،وَم ْن َخ ْم َس ٌةِ ،إْبِليُس َلَع َنُه الّلُه َ ،وَم ْن ُع ِبَد َوُر ُؤوُس ُه ْم
ِم ْن ِع ْلِم اْلَغ ْي ِب ، ِإَلى ِع َب اَد ِة َنْف ِس ِه َ ،وَم ْن اَّدَع ى َش ْي ًئا َدَع ا الَّناَس
ِبَغ ْي ِر َم ا َأْنَز َل الّلُه ، َوَم ْن َح َك َم
َو الَّد ِليُل َقْو ُلُه َتَع اَلىَ ﴿ :لا ِإْك َر اَه ِفي الِّديِن َقْد َتَب َّيَن الُّر ْش ُد ِم َن
اْلَغ َفَم ْن َيْك ُف ْر ِبالَّطاُغ وِت َو ُيْؤ ِم ْن ِبالَّلِه َفَق ِد اْس َتْم َس َك ِباْلُعْرَو ِة
اْلُو ْثَقى َلا اْنِف َص اَم َلَه ا َو الَّلُه َس ِم يٌع َع ِليٌم ﴾ َو َه َذ ا ُه َو َم ْع َنى لا اله
ِإلا الّلُه .
َو ِفي اْلَح ِد يِث َ« :ر ْأُس الَأْم ِر الِإ ْس لاِم َو َع ُم وُد ُه الَّص لاُة َو ِذ ْر َو ُة َس َناِمِه
اْلِج َه اُد ِفي َس ِبيِل الّلِه » َو الّلُه أعلم.
And in the ḥadīth: “The head of the matter is Islām, its pillar
is prayer, and jihād is its peak.” [58]
Channel: @AbuDhar1
Channel: @TAWHED24