P.E. Obtlp

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Outcomes – Based Teaching and Learning Plan in Physical Education and Health

VISION: KRISLIZZ INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY envisions producing responsible, well – educated and well – rounded individuals who are potential contributors to
socio – economic development of our nation. It is also in this light that we envision our graduates to be me of strong characters, goodwill, and academically
inclined so as far for them to ultimately contribute toward building a better future.
MISSION: Guided by our philosophy and vision Krislizz International Academy dedicates its integrity in fulfilling the following mission:
1. To develop the child in all aspects so that he become a self-propelling and contributing individual, able to make decisions which will prepare him for the
more complex demand of future life.
2. To assist the child as creative social factor in making his maximum contribution to society and building up our nation.
3. To assist the government in liberating access to education uplift the system of educating people thereby decreasing the illiteracy rate of the community and
the country as whole.


Credit Units Course Pre-/Co-requisites
Physical Education and Health offers experiential learning for learners to adopt an active life for fitness and lifelong health. The knowledge,
skills and understanding which include physical and health literacy competencies support them in accessing, synthesizing and evaluating
information; making informed decisions; enhancing and advocating their own as well as others’ fitness and health. This course on recreational
Course Description
activities are associated with outdoor, natural or semi-natural settings; it enables learners to move safely and competently in these settings while
making a positive relationship with natural environments and promoting their sustainable use. It consists of an array of offerings which learners
can choose from.
Program Intended At the end of this program, students will have the ability to:
Learning Outcomes (PILO)  Leads recreational events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in influencing others positively

Subject Intended Learning At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
Outcomes (SILO)
1. Understand the various recreational activity
2. Benefits in engaging to a physical activity
3. Learn the components of physical fitness and how to maintain a healthy life style.
4. Set FIIT goals.
MIDTERM Essential Learning Suggested
Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching/Learnin Assessment
Week Content Standards Functional Knowledge (ILO) g Activities Tasks (ATs)

1-5 At the end of the session: exercises
UNIT 1: Recreational Giving their insights about 1. I can identify the different Interactive (T)
Activities 1. Recreational activities in terms of recreational activities Lecture (A)
The learner... a. Aquatics aquatics and mountaineering a. Aquatic Quizzes (T)
Demonstrates b. Mountaineering (hiking, 2. Optimizing energy systems b. Mountaineering
understanding of trekking, camping, orienteering) 3. Health behaviors 2. I can explain how to
recreation in 4. Roles of physical activity in optimize the energy Independent Long
optimizing one’s managing one’s stress systems for safe and Work (T) Examination
health as a habit; 5. HRF status improved performance (T)
as requisite for 3. I can explain relationship of
physical activity health behaviors (eating
assessment habits, sleep and stress Quiz (T)
performance, and management) to health
as a career UNIT 2: Health risks factors and physical
opportunity a. Optimize energy systems activity assessment
for safe and improved performance Graded recitation
performance 4. I can differentiate types of (M)
b. Relationship of health eating (fueling for
behaviors performance, emotional
c. Types of eating eating, social eating, eating
d. Role of physical activity while watching tv or Perform one of
assessments in managing recreation events) the recreational
one’s stress 5. I can describe the role of activities
e. Self-assesses health-related physical activity
fitness (HRF) status assessments in managing
one’s stress
6. I can self-assess health-
related fitness (HRF) status,
barriers to physical activity
assessment participation
and one’s diet
UNIT 3: FITT Goals Giving their insights about At the end of the session:
a. Moderate to vigorous 1. FITT goals 1. I can set FITT goals based
physical activities 2. Physical activities on training principles to
b. Physiological indicators 3. Physiological indicators achieve and/or maintain
c. Safety protocols during 4. Safety protocols during MVPA HRF.
MVPA participation 5. Resources in case of injury and 2. I can engage in moderate to
d. School and community emergency vigorous physical activities
resources in case of injury (MVPAs) for at least 60
or emergency minutes most days of the
week in a variety of settings
in- and out- of school
3. I can analyze physiological Graded Recitation
indicators such as heart (M) Individual
rate, rate of perceived activities
exertion and pacing (T)
associated with MVPAs to
monitor and/or adjust Interactive
participation or effort. Lecture (A) Quizzes (T)
4. I can observe personal
safety protocol to avoid
dehydration, overexertion,
hypo- and hyperthermia Quiz (T)
during MVPA participation
5. I can identify school and
community resources in Group Activities (T)
case of an injury or (T)

UNIT 4: Recreation Issues At the end of the session: Interactive Individual

and Concerns Giving their insights about 1. I can demonstrate proper Lecture (A) Exercises
a. Value of Optimizing One’s 1. Value of optimizing one’s health etiquette and safety in the (T)
Health through Physical 2. Responsibility and leadership in use of facilities and
Activity Assessment recreation activities equipment
b. Initiative, Responsibility 3. Health-and recreation-related 2. I can participate in an Quiz (T)
and Leadership in career opportunities organized event that Quiz (T)
Recreation Activities 4. Recreational events addresses
c. Health-and recreation- 3. I can recognize the value of
related career opportunities optimizing one’s health Graded Recitation
d. Recreational events through participation in (M)
physical activity Final
assessments Examination
4. I can display initiative, (T)
responsibility and
leadership in recreational Participative
activities learning (A)
5. I can recognize one’s
potential for health-and
recreation-related career
Physical Education ang Health copyright 2016 by REX Book Store ,Inc,Lualhati Fernando-Callo Peter Fermin Dajime at 856 Nicanor
Reyes ,Sr. St. Manila Philippines.

FIT FOR LIFE ,The K to 12 Physical Education and Health Textbooks copyright 2016 by PHOENIX Publishing House,Ryan C.
Gialogo,Richardson Gialogo.
and Professional Purposes 2nd Edition by Marikit Tara A. Uychoco anf Grace M. Saqueton
Extended Readings

Course Policies Subject Requirements

 Long Examination
 Midterm Examination
 Final Examination
 Group Reporting
 Performance Tasks
 Final Output
 Attendance

Course Title A.Y. Term of Effectivity Compiled and Prepared by Checked by Approved by Pages


EDUCATION AND High School Principal School President/Director 5
A.Y. 2021-2022


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