Ballast Water Reporting form-NORMAM 020-DPC

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1 - Ship Information
Vessel Name: GOING MERRY Arrival Port: WANO, RED LINE

IMO Number / Call Sign: 9467815/LZSN3 Arrival Date at the Port: 01ST JUNE 2022

Flag: MARSHALL ISLANDS Previous Port and Country: CAKE ISLAND

Type of Vessel / Gross Tonnage: ORE BULK CARRIER / 200,679 MT Next Port and Country: RAFTEL, RED LINE

Owner: WATER 7 MARITIME INT. Agent: Inchcape Shipping Services, Av. Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes, 755
Ed. Palacio da Praia, 8º andar – Salas 804/805, Enseada do Sua – Vitória, ES – Brasil

2 - Information on Ballast Water Tanks

Total no of ballast water tanks on board: 15 Total ballast water capacity (m3): 193090.5
Nº of tanks in ballast: 15 Total ballast water on board (m³): 163507.7
Nº of tanks to be discharged: 14 Total ballast water to be discharged (m³): 163497.9

3 - Information on Ballast Water Management

Which ballast water management system was used / implemented? Are the Ballast Water Management Plan (BWMP) / Record Book (BWRB) and
( ) BWE ( V ) BWMS ( ) Reception Facility ( ) other – specify: International Certificate on Ballast water Management (IBWMC) on board? Are they
( V ) YES ( ) NO ( ) Partially

4 - Information on Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS)

Commercial name / manufacturer: BWMS/TECHCROSS INC. System installation date: 23 April 2022

Type-approval Certificate Issuing Authority: KOREAN REGISTER IBWMC Expiration date: 29 October 2022

5 - Information on Ballast Water Exchange (BWE)

Ballast tanks (list
multiple Ballast Water source(s) Ballast Water exchange Ballast Water discharge
separately) Date Port or Volume Tem Salinity Date Lat/Long Volum % of Local BW Date Porto or Volume Salinity
dd/mm/yy Lat/Long (m³) p. dd/ (End e (m³) exchange depth E dd/mm/aa Lat/Long (m³)
(°C) mm/yy point) (m) met

BW Tanks Codes: Forepeak = FP / Aftpeak = AP / Double Bottom = DB / Wing = WT / Top Side = TS / Cargo Hold = CH / Others – O
(*) BW Method: Dilution (1) / Flow-through (2) / Sequential (3)


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