Miftaahul Qur'an

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2

Masculine Feminine

He is worshipper She is worshipper
Refers to one Refers to two/dual
They are worshippers They are worshippers
A word that shows more Masculine
than two
Refers to one They are worshippers They are worshippers

Masculine Singular
Worshipper One who praises
Translate the words below. Consider the singular, dual and
One who prostrates One who is humble plural forms as well as masculine and feminine:

One who is standing One performing Ruku` They praise (dual masculine)
They praise (dual feminine)
One who is sitting
They praise (plural masculine)

Feminine Singular They praise (plural feminine)

They prostrate (dual masculine)
Worshipper One who praises
They prostrate (dual feminine)
One who prostrates One who is humble
They prostrate (plural masculine)
One who is standing One performing Ruku` They prostrate (plural feminine)

One who is sitting They are humble (dual masculine)

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2
They are humble (dual feminine)
They are humble (plural masculine)
They are humble (plural feminine) Indicative nouns
They make ruku' (dual masculine) Masculine Feminine
They make ruku' (dual feminine)
They make ruku' (plural masculine) Singular
This, That This, That
They make ruku' (plural feminine)
They worship (plural masculine)
They are standing (plural masculine) These two men These two women

They are sitting (plural masculine)

They are prostrating (plural masculine) Plural
These men These women
They are worshippers (plural feminine)
They are standing (plural feminine) Indicative nouns
They are making ruku'(plural feminine) The person or thing which is being indicated towards is called
They are prostrating (plural feminine) Mushaarun Ilayh. When the noun of Ishaara comes with the
Mushaarun Ilayh, Alif Laam will come on the Mushaarun Ilayh.
For e.g. This Nabi. Is the noun of Ishaara and
Is the Mushaarun Ilayh.

Rasul Town, Village

Book Tree
Qur`aan Jannah
House Hell
City Day

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2
Night Springs LESSON THREE
Man Speech
Woman Life Indicative noun and its subject
Boy House When the indicative noun indicates to some person or thing and
give information about it, then the indicative noun will be
mubtada and that news of it will be khabar. There is no Alif Laam
brought on the khabar. For e.g. ( ) this is a believing man.
Exercise ( ) this is a believing woman, ( ) that is a Muslim man,
( ) that is a Muslim woman.
Taking into consideration the masculine, feminine, singular,
dual and plural, whether close or far indication, translate: Path/Way Palace

This Rasul - This speech - Proof Boulder

That book - That boy - Sin Two pious men

This Qur`aan - That girl - Group Two proofs

Serpent Two magicians
This house - That religion -
Snake People of Jannah
This city - This life -
The group People of fire
This town - That house - of Shaytaan
The group of Allah
That tree - These two men -
This Jannah - Those two women - This path

That fire - Those men - That proof

These springs - Those women - That sin

That day - Those men - That nation

That night - Those women - This serpent

That man - This snake

That woman - This palace

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2
This boulder LESSON FOUR
These two proofs
Mudaaf and Mudaaf Ilayh
These two magicians
The Mudaaf comes first, then the Mudaaf Ilayh. When
These two pious men
translating, then the Mudaaf Ilayh is translated first, then the
These are the people of Jannah Mudaaf. In between will be the word 'of'. For e.g. ( ) Rasul
ofAllaah. ( ) Book of Allaah, ( ) angels ofAllaah.
That is the group of Allah

Those are the people of the fire

Name Morning
That is the group of Shaytaan Rabb Dark night
The universe Those who blow
Day Jealous
Recompense Punishment
People Fire
King Night
Deity Power
Evil People, owner
Deceiver Elephant
Chests Speech

The name of Allaah

Rabb of the universe

Day of recompense

Rabb of the people

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King of the people LESSON FIVE
Deity of the people
Mausoof and Sifat
Evil of the deceiver
The word whose good or evil is being explained is called
Chests of people
Mausoof. The word showing the good or bad quality is called
Rabb of the Morning Sifat. The Mausoof comes first, then the Sifat. When translating,
the Sifat is placed first, then the Mausoof. For e.g.
Evil of the dark night Noble Rasul, ( ) written book, ( ) high paradise.
Evil of those who blow

Evil of the jealous Beneficent Tree

Merciful Green
Punishment of the fire
Shaytaan Punishment
Night of power
Rejected Painful
People of the elephant
Path Magician
Talk of Qiyaamat
Straight Lying
Deceiver Slave
Straw Believer
Eaten Female slave
Success Female believer
Great Speech
Spring Good
Flowing Evil
Clear One who draws

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Allaah is Beneficent, Merciful LESSON SIX

Rejected Shaytaan
Pronoun (Dhameer)
The straight path
The deception of the one who Singular
draws back

Eaten straw
He She You (m) You (f) I (m&f)
Great success

Flowing spring Dual

Clear book

Green tree They (m) They (f) You two (m) You two(f) We (m&f)

Painful punishment
Lying magician

Believing slave They (m) They (f) You (m) You (f) We (m&f)
Believing female slave

Good speech Exercise

Evil speech
One who is successful
Good tree
One who is at loss
Evil tree
One who worships


One who advises

One who overpowers


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Oppressor They (f) are polytheists

Successful I have conviction

Polytheist We have conviction

One who has conviction I have conviction (f)

One who is grateful We have conviction (f)

He is a worshipper
Pronouns with Maf `ool
She is grateful Singular
They (dual) are pious He requested him
They are successful He requested them
She is an oppressor He requested you
They (dual) are at loss He requested you (f)
They are fasting He requested me
You (plural) are oppressors

You (dual) are magicians Dual

I am an advisor He requested them

I am successful He requested them (f)

We are overpowring He requested you two

You are a believer He requested you two (f)

You (f) are a believer He requested us

They are polytheists

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He requested them (m)
He requested them (f)

He requested you (m) Past tense

He requested you (f)
Read Spoke truthfully
He requested us
Wrote Disbelieved
Ate Lied
Drank Heard
Worshipped Practised


He read
She read
You (m) read
You (f) read
I read
He wrote
She wrote
You (m) wrote
You (f) wrote
I wrote
He ate

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She ate You (f) disbelieved
You (m) ate I disbelieved
You (f) ate He lied
I ate She lied
He drank You (m) lied
She drank You (f) lied
You (m) drank I lied
You (f) drank He heard
I drank She heard
He worshipped You (m) heard
She worshipped You (f) heard
You (m) worshipped I heard
You (f) worshipped He practised
I worshipped She practised
He spoke truthfully You (m) practised
She spoke truthfully You (f) practised
You (m) spoke truthfully I practised
You (f) spoke truthfully
I spoke truthfully Dual
He disbelieved
They (m) read
She disbelieved
They (f) read
You (m) disbelieved
You (m) read

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You (f) rad They spoke truthfully (m)
We read They spoke truthfully (f)
They (m) wrote You (m) spoke truthfully
They (f) wrote You (f) spoke truthfully
You (m) wrote We spoke truthfully
You (f) wrote They (m) disbelieved
We wrote They (f) disbelieved
They ate (m) You (m) disbelieved
They (f) ate You (f) disbelieved
You (m) ate We disbelieved
You (f) ate They (m) lied
We ate They (f) lied
They (m) drank You (m) lied
They (f) drank You (f) lied
You (m) drank We lied
You (f) drank They (m) heard
We drank They (f) heard
They (m) worshipped You (m) heard
They (f) worshipped You (f) heard
You (m) worshipped We heard
You (f) worshipped They (m) practised
We worshipped They (f) practised

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You (m) practised You (m) drank
You (f) practised You (f) drank
We practised We drank
They (m) worshipped
They (f) worshipped

They read (m) You (m) worshipped

They read (f) You (f) worshipped

You read (m) We worshipped

You read (f) They (m) spoke truthfully

We read They (f) spoke truthfully

They (m) wrote You (m) spoke truthfully

They (f) wrote You (f) spoke truthfully

You (m) wrote We spoke truthfully

You (f) wrote They (m) disbelieved

We wrote They (f) disbelieved

They (m) ate You (m) disbelieved

They (f) ate You (f) disbelieved

You (m) ate We disbelieved

You (f) ate They (m) lied

We ate They (f) lied

They (m) drank You (m) lied

They (f) drank You (f) lied

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2
They (m) heard
Mudaari` (Present and future tense)
They (f) heard
You (m) heard He is reading or will read

You (f) heard He is speaking truthfully or will speak

We heard He is lying or will lie

They (m) practised He is listening or will listen

They (f) practised He is making or will make

You (m) practised He understands or will understand

You (f) practised

We practised Singular

Note : He is reading or will read

She is reading or will read
There are 14 forms of the past tense word. These should be
practised abundantly so that the student can understand the sign You (m) are reading or will read
of each properly and if they do not know the correct meaning, the
You (f) are reading or will read
next lesson should not be taught. The sign of the past tense is at
the end of the word. Therefore, the last letter should be checked I am reading or will read
He is speaking the truth or will speak
She is speaking the truth or will speak
You (m) are speaking the truth or will speak
You (f) are speaking the truth or will speak
I am speaking the truth or will speak

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He lies or will lie Dual
She lies or will lie They (m) read or will read
You lie or will lie They (f) read or will read
You (f) lie or will lie You (m) read or will read
I lie or will lie You (f) read or will read
He listens or will listen We read or will read
She listens or will listen They (m) speak truthfully or will speak
You listen or will listen They (f) speak truthfully or will speak
You (f) listen or will listen You (m) speak truthfully or will speak
I listen You (f) speak truthfully or will speak
He makes or will make We speak truthfully or will speak
She makes or will make They lie or will lie
You make or will make They (f) lie or will lie
You make or will make You (m) lie or will lie
I make or will make You (f) lies or will lie
He understands or will understand We lie
She understands or will understand They (m) listen or will listen
You understand or will understand They (f) listen or will listen
You (f) understand or will understand You (m) listens or will listen
I understand or will understand You (f) listens or will listen
I listen or will listen
They make or will make

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They (f) make or will make They (f) lie or will lie
You (m) makes or will make You (m) lie or will lie
You (f) makes or will make You (f) lie or will lie
We make We lie or will lie
They understand or will understand They listen or will listen
They (f) understand or will understand They listen or will listen
You (m) understand or will understand You (m) listens or will listen
You (f) understand or will understand You (f) listens or will listen
We understand We listen or will listen
They make or will make
Plural They (f) make or will make

They read or will read You (m) are making or will make

They (f) read or will read You (f) are making or will make

You (m) read or will read We are making or will make

You (f) read or will read They understand

We read They understand (f)

They speak truthfully or will speak You understand

They speak truthfully or will speak You understand (f)

You (m) speak truthfully or will speak We understand

You (f) speak truthfully or will speak

We speak truthfully or will speak
They lie or will lie

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Make the Mudaari' form of all 14 words of the words below Amr - Command
and translate
Make Sajdah (m)
He makes Sajdah or will make Sajdah
You (plural) make Sajdah (m)
He understands or will understand
Make Sajdah (f)
He knows or will know
You (plural) make Sajdah (f)
He opens or will open
You worship (m)
He believes or will believe
You (plural) worship (m)
He obeys or will obey
You worship
He reveals or will reveal
You worship (plural f)
He speaks the truth or will speak
Write (m)
He lies or will lie
Write (plural m)
He has conviction or will have conviction
Write (f)
Note : Write (plural f)
In order to recognize the Mudaari' form, the first and last letter Make ruku
must be seen. When proper exercise is done and every student can
Make ruku (plural m )
tell the forms and the translation, then the next lesson can be
studied. Make ruku (f)
Make ruku (plural f)
Drink (plural m)
Drink (f)

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Drink (plural f) Do not write (plural f)
Enter Do not drink (m)
Enter (plural m) Do not drink (plural m)
Enter Do not drink (f)
Enter (plural f) Do not drink (plural f)
Do not enter (m)
Nahi - negative command Do not enter (plural m)
Do not make Sajdah (m) Do not enter (f)
Do not make Sajdah (plural m) Do not enter (plural f)
Do not make Sajdah (f)
Do not make Sajdah (plural f)
Do not worship (m)
Do not worship (plural m)
Do not worship (f)
Do not worship (plural f)
Do not make ruku' (m)
Do not make ruku' (plural m)
Do not make ruku' (f)
Do not make ruku' (plural f)
Do not write (m)
Do not write (plural m)
Do not write (f)

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to Jahannam
Joining words
by the oath of time
Jaar and Majroor in the day
Whichever word upon which a Jaar letter comes, the word after it
to the night
will get kasrah. That word is called Majroor.
to forgiveness
With Angels like a tree
For Book
upon the path
By (for oath) Aakhirah
from punishment
From Jannah
to the Masjid
In Jahannam
with the Rabb of mankind
Upon Time
Until Day from the Rabb of the universe

To Night in the chests of mankind

From Forgiveness like eaten straw
Like (for example) Pebbles from a painful punishment
Allaah Clay upon the straight path
like a good tree

With Allaah from the green tree

for the Rasul with the people of the elephant

upon the angels with clay pebbles

from the book

from the Aakhirah

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Majroor with Pronoun Sentences

Singular Sentences beginning with a noun

For him For her For you (m) For you (f) For me

Dual Very Merciful

For them (m) For them (f) For you (m) For you (f) For us Forgiver
For them (m) For them (f) For you (m) For you (f) For us

Mubtada and Khabar

He is the Overpowering, the Wise

You are Overpowering, the Wise
Allaah is very Merciful to His servants
That is better for you
He is Forgiving, the Merciful
You see
They know
They are upon guidance
They are successful
They are all followers of Him

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We are submissive to Him Indeed the evil will definitely be in jahannam
We worship Him Indeed it is guidance and mercy
We are sincere for Him But Allaah does what He intends
So that you may acquire taqwa
Sentences beginning with a noun
together with Huroof Mushaba So that you may understand
be Fi`l So that you may be grateful

Pious people So that you may be overpowering

One of bounty So that you may heed advice

Evil people So that they may heed advice

Jahannam So that they may be guided

What he intends
Become Muttaqun
Af`aal Naaqisah
Begin to understand
Is The best nation
Become overpowering
Those who hear You have become
You may heed the advice
One who encompasses Brothers
They may heed the advice
Those who testify A good example
They may be guided
Witness Do not become
You be
Indeed Allaah is aware regarding him/it
Indeed you are definitely from the Mursaleen Allaah listens and sees

Indeed you are upon a straight path Allaah is All Aware, Wise

Indeed the pious will definitely be in bounty Allaah has knowledge of everything

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Allaah encompasses everything Sentences beginning with a verb
So that you may be witness upon the people
Past tense
So that the Rasul may be a witness upon you
Placed a seal

You are the best of nations Their hearts

So that you may become brothers by the bounty of Allaah - Met


Verily there is in the Rasul of Allah a good example for you - They said
We have believed
Left them
A carpet
Whatever is in the earth
Had pride
We have granted salvation

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We made them drown
Family He rejected and had pride and he was of the disbelievers

You have come to know

They went over the limit We granted you salvation and we drowned the family of
We took Fir'awn
Your pledge
We elevated Verily you know those who transgressed the limits from
Above you among you

Mt. Toor
When We took your pledge and elevated above
you Mt. Toor
Allaah placed a seal on their hearts and on their

When they meet those who believe, they say we believed

Allaah took away their light and left them in darkness

He made the earth for you a carpet and the sky a roof

He created for you whatever is in the earth, everything

Taught Aadam the names of everything

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Present and future tense Cause corruption

They believe Cause to flow

In the unseen Blood

They establish We glorify

From that which Your praises

We have granted them as sustenance We mention purity

They spend That which you make apparent

They do That which you hide

Their fingers
Their ears
It is close They believe in the unseen and establish salaah
and spend of that which we have given them as sustenance
The lightning
Their sight They place their fingers in their ears

The promise of Allaah It is close that the lightning snatches their sight
After making it firm
That it should be joined So they will know that it was the truth from their Rabb

They cause corruption

Do you make They break the promise of Allaah after making it firm

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Amr - Command
And they break off that which Allaah commanded that Guide us
it be joined and cause corruption in the earth
The path

Do you make the one who causes corruption in it and Your witnesses
sheds blood and we mention Your praises and glorify You.
Besides Allaah
He said, 'indeed I know that which you do not know
and I know that which you make apparent and Give glad tidings
that which you hide.'
They practised
Tell me
The names of all
Tell them
Stay you
Your spouse
Both of you eat
With satiation
Both of you want
Come down you

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My bounty O Aadam, you and your spouse live in Jannah
I granted you bounty
Fulfil And both of you eat from it to satiation
My promise from wherever you want

I shall complete

Come down some of you enemies of others

Guide us to the straight path

Remember My bounty which I bestowed on youand fulfil
My promise, I shall fulfil your promise
Believe as the people have believed

Establish Salaah and give Zakaat

Worship your Rabb who created you

Call your witnesses besides Allaah

Give glad tidings to those who believe and do good deeds

Tell me the names of these things

O Aadam, tell them the names of them

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Nahi - negative command
Do not be the first of the disbelievers in it
Do not make
Do not go close Do not buy my verses for a small price

You both will become

From the oppressors Do not mix the truth with falsehood
Do not buy
A small price
Do not seek corruption in the earth
Do not mix
Do not search
Do not eat Do not consume your wealth amongst you with falsehood
Do not become despondent
Do not move
Do not be despondent of the mercy of Allaah
Do not place
Your hands
To destruction
Do not move in the earth as corrupters
Do not make
A joke
Do not place your hands into destruction

Do not make partners unto Allaah when you know

Do not take the verses of Allaah as a joke

Do not go close to this tree, for then you would be
of the mis-placers-oppressors
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Qur`aanic teachings Imaan

Imaan He

I seek protection withAllaah from Shaytaan the rejected one Allaah

In the name ofAllaah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Deity
No deity
O you who believe, believe in Allaah, and His Rasuls and the
book revealed upon the Rasul and the book revealed before it He
He is Allaah, there is no deity but Him
He who disbelieves in Allaah and His angels and His books and
His Rusul and the Day of Qiyaamat, he had indeed gone far astray Aware of the unseen
And seen
Aware of the unseen and seen

Do not fear and do not grieve, when will be raised if you are
He is aware of the unseen and the seen, He is Beneficent, Most

Pure Being
Free of faults

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One Who gives peace Him
One Who takes into His protection Whatever
Overpowering In
Powerful heavens
Great In the heavens
Glorify Earth
Glorifies Allaah Whatever is in the heavens and the earth
From that which And He
They ascribe as partners Overpowering

He is Allaah, there is no deity but Him, the King, the Pure Being,
Free of faults, One who give peace, One Who takes into His
protection, the Overpowering, the Powerful, the Great. Allaah is He is Allaah, the Creator, the Maker, the Shaper, for Him are the
Pure of all that they ascribe as partners to Him beautiful names, everything that is in the heavens and the earth
glorifies Him, He is the Overpowering, the Wise
The Creator
The Maker
The Fashioner
For Him

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Ambiyaa and Rasul Names of Ambiyaa`

Indeed we
Sent revelation
Ibraaheem, Ismaa'eel, Ishaaq, Ya'qoob, Isa, Ayyub, Yunus,
To you Haroon, Sulayman, Dawood
Just as
And we gave
The book Zaboor (to Dawud �)
And the Nabis
After him
And we sent revelation to Ibraaheem and Ismaa'eel and Ishaaq
From after him and Ya'qoob and his progeny and Isa and Ayyub and Yunus and
Haroon and Sulayman and we gave the Zaboor to Dawood

And the Rasuls

Indeed we sent revelation to you just as we sent revelation to
Nooh and the Nabis after him We have indeed mentioned them
Upon you
And we sent revelation And many Rasuls
To Not
Upon you
Allaah spoke
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Spoke well Angels
And many Rasuls, indeed we have mentioned them upon you Angels
from before and many Rasuls we have not mentioned them upon
you andAllaah spoke well to Musa And His angels
Send salutations
O Nabi
Indeed We
Nabi �
Have sent you
Upon Nabi �
O you who
Giver of glad tidings
Send salutations
Upon him
And send peace
To Allaah
Abundant peace
By His command
And a lamp
Indeed Allaah and His angels send salutations upon Nabi � .
O you who believe, send salutations and abundant peace upon
O Nabi, indeed We have sent you as a testifier, giver of glad
tidings, and a warner and a caller to Allaah by His command and a He
bright lamp

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Enemy Books
For Allaah And
And His angels Indeed
And We sent
Rusul Names of two Rasuls
His We made
And his Rusul In
Names of two angels Progeny
So In
Indeed Both of their progeny
Enemy Nubuwwah
For And the book
For the disbelievers
And indeed we sent Nooh and Ibraaheem and we made in their
progeny Nubuwah and the book

He who is an enemy for Allaah and His angels and Rusul and
Jibreel and Mika'eel so indeed Allaah is an enemy for the
We sent after
Our Rusul

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And we sent after Zaboor (name of book)
Isa the son of Maryam
And We gave the Zaboor to Dawood
We gave him
The Injeel (name of book)
And we revealed
From the Qur`aan
Then we sent after in their footsteps our Rusul and we sent
thereafter Isa the son of Maryam and We gave him the injeel He
Indeed We And mercy
Revealed For the believers
In it
Guidance And We revealed from the Qur'aan that which is a cure and mercy
for the believers

Then we sent after in their footsteps our Rusul and we sent

thereafter Isa the son of Maryam and We gave him the injeel

And we gave
Dawood (Rasul)

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Taqdeer The day of Qiyaamat

If reaches them And
Good Blown
They say In the trumpet
What is So
For these people Become unconscious
It is not close Whoever
Understand In the heavens
Matter In the earth
Who Allaah wants
If goodness comes to them they say this is from Allaah and if bad
comes to them they say this is from you. Say everything is from Blown
Allaah. What is the matter with the nation, it is not close that they In it
understand the matter.
A second time
So then

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2
And when the trumpet will be blown then whoever is in the And the earth will shine with the light of their Rabb and the book
heavens and the earth will fall unconscious but for those whom will be placed and the Nabis will be brought and testifiers and
Allaah wants then it will be blown into again and they will be decision will be made between them with truth and they will not
standing and looking be oppressed

Given completely
Every person
They did
Their Rabb
And He (Allaah)
The light of their Rabb
Knows better
Regarding that which they do
And the Rasuls will be brounght
And testifiers And every person will be given in full what they did and He
And decision will be made knows best regarding that which they do

Between them
And they
Will not be oppressed

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2

Islaam From the Deen-religion of Ibraaheem

Indeed But

Deen-Religion He who

By Makes foolish

Allaah Himself

By Allaah And indeed

Islaam We chose them

In the world
And indeed they
Indeed Deen-religion by Allaah is Islaam
In the Aakhirat

And he Will definitely be from the pious

Besides Islaam
Deen-Religion And he who turns away from the Deen-religion of Ibraaheem, but
the one who makes himself foolish and indeed we have chosen
It will never be accepted him in the world and indeed in theAakhirat will be from the pious
From him
And he who likes a Deen-religion other than Islaam, it will
never be accepted from him To him
His Rabb
And he who
Become subservient
Turns away
I have become subservient

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For And Ibraaheem made a bequest to his sons and Ya'qoob, 'o my
sons, indeed Allaah has chosen the Deen-religion of Islaam for
For the Rabb of the universe
you so do not die but in the condition that you are Muslims.’

When his Rabb said to him, become subservient, he said, 'I have
submitted to the Rabb of the universe.'

Made a bequest
With him
His sons
And Ya`qoob
O my sons
Indeed Allaah
For you
The Deen-religion of Islaam
So never die
In the condition that you are Muslims

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The book of Salaah Ghusl

And if you
Are is janaabat
O you who believe
Then seek thorough purity
You stand
For salaah
Then wash And if you are in the state of janaabat, then seek thorough purity,
i.e. make ghusl
Your faces
And your hands
To the elbows
And make masah
Of your heads
And your feet
Till the ankles

O you who believe, when you stand for Salaah, then wash your
faces and your hands to the elbows and make masah of your heads
and your feet till the ankles

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2

Tayammum And if any of you are ill or on journey or any of you comes from
relieving himself or any of you touched women-his spouse then
And if you he did not find water, then intend pure sand and wipe your faces
Ill and hands with it

On journey
Or came
One of you
From relieving himself
Or you touched
Then you do not find
Then intend
So wipe
Your faces
And your hands with it

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2

Salaah And difficulty

O you who believe

Make ruku`
And make Sajdah And strive in the Deen-religion of Allaah according to the right of
striving, He chose you and has not made any difficulty upon you
And worship in Deen-religion
Your Rabb
And do Deen-Religion
Good/piety Your father
So that you people Ibraaheem
May be successful He
Named you
O you who believe, make ruku' and make Sajdah and worship
your Rabb and do good so that you may be successful From before
And in this
And strive So that
In the Deen-religion of Allaah Rasul
According to the right of striving Witness
He Upon you
Chose you And you become
He has not made Witness
Upon you Upon people
In Deen-religion

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2
And give Zakaat
And give a loan to Allaah

The Deen-religion of your father Ibraaheem, he named you A good loan

Muslims from before and in this so that the Rasul can be witness And whatever
upon you and you can be witness upon people
You sent forth

Establish For yourselves

Salaah From goodness

And give Zakaat You will find it

And hold firm By Allaah

He is your patron
So good And give Zakaat and give a good loan to Allaah and whatever you
send forth for yourselves from goodness you will find it byAllaah
And good And whatever
Helper You gave
From interest
So that it may increase
So establish Salaah and give Zakaat and hold firmly onto Allaah,
In the wealth of people
He is your patron, so what a good patron and what a good helper
It does not increase
By Allaah
And whatever you gave
From Zakaat

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Intending Upon them
The countenance of Allaah Nor will they
So these people Be grieved
Are the multipliers

Indeed those who believe and do good deeds and establish Salaah
and give Zakaat, for them will be their reward by their Rabb and
And whatever you gave of interest so that it may increase in the there will be no fear upon them and they will not be grieved
wealth of the people, it does not increase by Allaah and whatever
you gave of Zakaat intending the countenance of Allaah, so these
people are those who multiply

Those who believe
And did
And established
And gave Zakaat
For them
Their reward
Their Rabb
And no fear

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Fasting For people

O you who believe And clear signs

Made obligatory From guidance

Upon you And separating between truth

Fasting and falsehood

Just as it was made obligatory So whoever

On Is present

Those people From you

Before you In the month

So that you He should fast

May become Muttaqi

The month of Ramadhaan in which the Qur'aan was revealed,

guidance for people and clear signs from guidance and separating
O you who believe, fasting has been made obligatory upon you
between truth and falsehood, so whoever is present from you in
just as it was made obligatory on those before you so that you may
the month should fast
become Muttaqi

The month of Ramadhaan

In it

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Hajj And whoever

Indeed Enters it

First Will be

House At peace

Made And for Allaah

For people Upon people

Definitely Hajj of the Ka`bah

Which Whoever

In Makkah Has ability

Blessed To it

And guidance Path

For the universe And whoever

In it Rejects

Signs So indeed Allaah

Clear Independent

Place of standing Of the universe

The place of standing of Ibraaheem

And whoever enters is will be at peace and for Allaah upon the
Indeed the first house made for people is the one in Makkah, people is Hajj of the Ka'bah, whoever has the ability to undertake
blessed and guidance for the universe. In it are clear signs, the the journey (path) and whoever rejects, then Allaah is
place of standing of Ibraheem independent of the universe

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2
Hajj Commands
Months Created
Known Man
Known months From a clot of blood
So Whoever And your Rabb
Intends Is very Beneficent
In these months Taught
Hajj Through the pen
He was not open before women That which he did not know
Nor did he sin
Nor did he argue
In Hajj
Read in the name of your Rabb Who created, created man from a
clot of blood. Read and your Rabb is Most Beneficent, He Who
Hajj is in the known months, so he who intends in them the Hajj taught by means of the pen, He taught man that which he did not
and is not shameless and does not commit sin and does not argue know
in Hajj
So recite
And whatever you do Whatever
Of goodness Easy
He knows it From the Qur`aan

And whatever good you do, Allaah knows of it

So recite whatever is easy of the Qur'aan

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Recite From evil
Whatever And have patience
Revealed Upon that
To you Defficulty which comes to you
From the book
And establish
O my son, establish Salaah and command good and forbid evil
Salaah and be patient upon the difficulty that comes to you
Salaah And adopt moderation

Stops In your walking

From shamelessness And lower

And evil Your voice

The worst
Of voices
Recite that which has been revealed to you from the book and
The worst of voices
establish salaah, indeed Salaah stops from shamelessness and evil
Is the braying of a donkey

O my son
Establish salaah
And adopt moderation in your walking and lower your voice
And command indeed the worst of voices is the braying of a donkey
And prevent

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 2
O you who believe Only
Stay away Believers
Many Brothers
Thoughts So reconcile
Indeed Between your brothers
Some thoughts And fear Allaah
Are sinful So that mercy may be shown to you

O you who believe, stay away from many thoughts, indeed some The believers are only brothers so reconcile between your
thoughts are sinful brothers and fear Allaah so that mercy may be shown to you

Worship Allaah
And hold firmly
And do not ascribe partners
With him
The rope of Allaah
And with parents
All together
And do not split into groups
And with relatives
And orphans
And destitute
And hold firmly onto the rope of Allaah all together and do not
split into groups And with neighbours

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And neighbours who are relatives Negative Commands
And neighbours who are strangers O my beloved son
And companion Do not ascribe partners
At the side To Allaah
And the traveller Indeed
And worshipAllaah and do not ascribe anything as partner to Him Great oppression
and do good to parents and with relatives and the orphans and the
destitute and neighbours who are family and neighbours who are
strangers and the companion by the side and the traveller
O my beloved son, do not ascribe partners to Allaah, indeed
polytheism is definitely great oppression
O you who believe
Fear Allaah
Do not say
According to the right of His fear
To both of them
And do not die
And do not scold them
In the condition that you are Muslims
And say
To both of them
O you who believe, fear Allaah according to the right of fearing Speech
Him and never die but in the condition that you are Muslims
Noble speech

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And do not say uff to them and do not scold them and speak to And do not spy and some of you should not backbite others
them with noble speech

Do not mutually argue

And do not walk
You will become cowardly
In the earth
And will go
Your wind
Indeed you
Your wind will come out
Can never tear
And have patience
The earth
Indeed Allaah
And you will never reach
The mountains
Those who are patient
In height
With those who are Patient

And do not walk in the earth haughtily indeed you can never tear
the earth and you can never reach the mountains in height And do not mutually argue, you will become cowardly and your
wind will come out of you and have patience. Indeed Allaah is
with those who are patient
And do not spy
Do not mock
And do not backbite
A nation
Some of you
Another nation
It is close

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That they will be
And do not take out faults among yourselves and do not give each
Than them other names
And not women
And do not spoil
From women
Your faces
For people
They will be
And do not walk
In the earth
Than those women

And do not spoil your faces for people and do not walk haughtily
O you who believe, a nation should not mock another nation, it is in the earth
close that they are better than them and women should not mock
other women, possibly they could be better than them
Do not take

And do not take out faults My enemy

Of your people And your enemy

And do not place amongst yourselves Friend

O you who believe, do not take My enemy and your enemy as
With names

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Do not take Qur`aanic Examples
The example of Kalima Tayyibah
Have you not seen
Your Deen
Allaah explained
And play
From those
Who were given the book
Before you
And the disbelievers
Its roots
And fear Allaah
Its branches
In the sky
You are
It brings
Its fruit
At every time
By command
O you who believe, do not take those who have taken your Deen Of its Rabb
to be mockery and play from among those who were given the
Allaah explains examples
book before you and the disbelievers as friends, and fear Allaah if
you are believers So that they
May heed advice

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The example of the monotheist

and the polytheist
Do you not see how Allaah explains an example of a good word A person
like a good tree, its roots are firm and its branches are in the sky, it
A number of partners
brings its fruit at every time by the command of its Rabb and
Allaah explains examples for the people so that they may heed the Those who have enmity amongst
advice themselves

Are both equal
The example of evil speech All praise

Evil speech Most of them

Uprooted Do not know

On top
Its place

Allaah explained the example of a man who has many partners

who have enmity amongst themselves and a man complete for a
And the example of evil speech is like an evil tree uprooted from man, are they equal in example, all praise is for Allaah, but most
above the ground, it has no place of standing of them do not know

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The example of evil speech The example of those who take
those other than Allaah
Whoever to fulfil needs
Ascribes partners
Example of those people
It is as though
Who made
Besides Allaah
From the sky
Snatches him
It made
A house
And indeed the weakest of houses
A far place
Is definitely the house of the spider
Only if they knew

He who ascribes partners to Allaah it is as though he fell from the

sky and the bird snatches him or the wind blows him away to a far
place The example of those who take those other than Allaah as helpers
is like the example of the spider who made a house and indeed the
weakest of houses is definitely the house of the spider, if only they

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The example of Rasulullaah � Muhammad is the Rasul of Allaah and those with him are severe
and his companions upon the disbelievers merciful amongst themselves, you see them
making ruku' making Sajdah searching for the grace from Allaah
Severe and His pleasure. Their sign is in their faces from the effect of
Sajdah. This is their example in the Tauraat and their example in
Soft hearted
the injeel is like a crop that has taken out its shoot and became
Making ruku` firm, then it becomes thick and stands on its stem, pleasing the
farmers in order to make the disbelievers angry
Making sajdah
Their sign
Sajdah Example of the scholar who does
Farm not practise
Shoot Loaded
Made firm Then
Became thick Did not carry
Stem Donkey
Seems good Loaded
Farmers Books
So that they may anger
The example of those who carried the Tauraat then did not carry it
is like the example of a donkey carrying books

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Example of the worldly life Know that the life of the world is play and amusement and beauty
and priding amongst yourselves and searching for more wealth
Know and children. Like the example of rain that pleases the
Only disbelievers, then it is harvested then you see it yellow then it
becomes like left over eaten straw and in the Aakhirat there is
The worldly life severe punishment and forgiveness from Allaah and His pleasure
Play and the life of the world is nothing but goods of deception

Amongst yourselves Example of charity in the path of Allaah
Searching for more
Seem good
Left over eaten straw
Goods of deception
For whom

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And fear
The example of those who spend their wealth in the path of Allaah On account of that which they used to do
is like the example of a grain that grew seven ears, in every ear
there are 100 grains and Allaah multiplies for whoever He wants
andAllaah is the Expander, theAllAware

Allaah explained an example of a town that was in peace and

tranquillity its sustenance used to come to it with ease from every
place so they were ungrateful for the bounties of Allaah so Allaah
Example of the locality that is made them taste the clothing of hunger and fear on account of that
disobedient to Allaah which they used to do

Allaah explained an example

A town
That was in peace
Used to come to them
Its sustenance
With ease
From every place
So they were ungrateful
For the bounties of Allaah
So Allaah made them taste

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Du`aa`s Punishment of the fire

O our Rabb
Do not turn
O our Rabb, grant us goodness in this world and goodness in the
Our hearts Aakhirat and save us from the punishment of the fire
You have guided us You grant

And grant us Us

From your side From our spouses

Mercy And our progeny

Indeed you Coolness

You Eyes

The Giver And make us

For the Muttaqeen
O our Rabb, do not turn our hearts after You have guided us and
grant us from Your side mercy, indeed You are the Giver

O our Rabb, grant us from our spouses and our children the
O our Rabb coolness of our eyes and make us leaders for the Muttaqeen
Grant us
In the world O my Rabb

And in the Aakhirat Forgive

Goodness And have mercy

And save us And

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You And forgive us

Are the best of those who show mercy Indeed you alone
O my Rabb, forgive and have mercy and You are the best of those
who show mercy

Make me
O our Rabb, upon You do we rely and to You we return and to You
An establisher
is the return o our Rabb, do not make us a trial for those who
And from my children disbelieved and forgive us indeed You alone are Overpowering,
All Wise
And accept
My du`aa`
Guide us
The straight path
O my Rabb, make me an establisher of Salaah and from my The path of those
progeny o our Rabb, and accept my du'aa'
You have favoured
Upon them
Upon you
Not that of those upon whom is anger
We rely
Not of those who have gone astray
And to you
We return
Do not make us Guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom You have
guided, not the path of those upon whom is anger, nor of those
Trial who have gone astray

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O our Rabb All praise is due to Allaah Who guided us and we would not have
been guided if Allaah did not guide us
Forgive us
Our sins
And our overstepping Translation edited by
In our matters A.H.Elias (Mufti)
21st Ramadhaan 1433
Make firm
11th August 2012
Our feet
And help us
Upon the disbelieving nation

O our Rabb, forgive our sins and our overstepping in our affairs
and make our feet firm and help us against the disbelieving nation

From us
All Aware

O our Rabb, accept from us indeed You are the Hearer the All

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