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Quiz No.

Section BSBAHRM 1-10

Directions: Choose the correct answer from the given choices. Write the capital letter of your choice.

1. What does implementation planning primarily focus on?

a) Setting project objectives
b) Developing a solid strategy
c) Navigating potential risks
d) Detailed execution of how the job will be done

2. Why is it considered a mistake to begin implementation planning before developing a

solid strategy?
a) Strategy is not important
b) Strategy is implied by the implementation plan
c) Implementation planning is easier without a strategy
d) Implementation planning requires a clear strategy

3. What is a significant benefit of using a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in project

a) Improved stakeholder engagement
b) Avoiding schedule delays
c) Identifying critical tasks
d) Enhancing communication

4. Which format of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) visually resembles an

organization chart?
a) Gantt chart format
b) Line-intended format
c) Box-intended format
d) Critical Path Method format

5. What is a common reason for using a line-intended format for the WBS?
a) Visually showing the project's scope
b) Easy production in text format
c) Improved stakeholder communication
d) Graphic representation of tasks

6. Why are ballpark estimates problematic in project planning?

a) They are always accurate
b) They become targets
c) They are too precise
d) They are not based on previous projects

7. When might a project not need a critical path or Gantt schedule?

a) For large projects
b) For projects with unclear objectives
c) For projects with small scopes
d) For projects with no stakeholder involvement

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Quiz No. 5
Section BSBAHRM 1-10

8. What is the primary focus of a status review during project evaluation?

a) Assessing stakeholder engagement
b) Evaluating project progress against targets
c) Reviewing project design
d) Identifying areas for improvement

9. When is a design review typically conducted?

a) Only for software development projects
b) During the implementation planning phase
c) When something is being designed
d) At the end of the project life cycle

10. What is the primary tool for project evaluation?

a) Gantt chart
b) Risk matrix
c) Project evaluation or audit
d) Work Breakdown Structure

11. Why is the term "evaluation" preferred over "audit" in project evaluation?
a) Audits are a happier experience
b) Audits focus on canceling projects
c) Evaluation is a kinder, gentler word
d) Audits are conducted only at major milestones

12. What does project evaluation appraise?

a) Stakeholder engagement
b) Progress against original plans
c) Schedule delays
d) Contingency planning

13. What is the primary concern with using ballpark estimates as targets?
a) Accuracy
b) Precision
c) Sunk costs
d) Targets becoming unrealistic

14. What is the primary focus of a process review during project evaluation?
a) Assessing stakeholder engagement
b) Evaluating project progress against targets
c) Reviewing project design
d) Identifying areas for improvement

15. What is the main purpose of project control and evaluation principles?
a) Developing project objectives
b) Avoiding schedule delays
c) Ensuring project objectives are met
d) Navigating potential risks

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Quiz No. 5
Section BSBAHRM 1-10

16. What is the primary purpose of implementation planning in project management?

a) Define project objectives
b) Develop project strategy
c) Identify project stakeholders
d) Address detailed execution details

17. Why is it a mistake to begin implementation planning before developing a solid strategy
in project management?
a) It leads to budget overruns
b) It results in conflict among stakeholders
c) The detailed execution plan may have "holes"
d) It delays project completion

18. What tool provides a comprehensive view of project tasks, resources, duration, and costs
in project management?
a) Gantt chart
b) Critical Path Method (CPM)
c) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
d) Risk register

19. Why is a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) crucial in project planning?

a) It replaces Gantt charts
b) It identifies critical paths
c) It prevents scope creep
d) It helps identify all project tasks for completeness

20. Which format of the WBS visually shows the scope of the project better?
a) Organization chart style
b) Line-indented style
c) Gantt chart style
d) PERT chart style

21. In project control, what are the primary objectives that must be met for successful
project completion?
a. Process, Quality, Time
b. Performance, Cost, Time
c. Scope, Risk, Budget
d. Planning, Execution, Evaluation

22. What type of project review focuses on whether the project is on schedule, on budget,
and meets the correct scope?
a) Status review
b) Design review
c) Process review
d) Stakeholder review

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Quiz No. 5
Section BSBAHRM 1-10

23. Which project review is applicable to projects involving the development of products,
services, or software?
a) Status review
b) Design review
c) Process review
d) Stakeholder review

24. Why is periodic project review essential in project management?

a) To increase project costs
b) To identify areas for managing other projects differently
c) To replace project managers
d) To eliminate project stakeholders

25. What is the primary purpose of project evaluation in project management?

a) To determine project completion time
b) To validate the project and prevent cancellation
c) To identify areas for improvement
d) To calculate the Return on Investment (ROI)

26. What is the Project Evaluation or Audit primarily focused on in project management?
a) Design
b) Process
c) Performance, Cost, Time, and Scope
d) Stakeholder satisfaction

27. What is the concern raised about the term "audit" in project evaluation?
a) It suggests a positive experience
b) It implies a happy outcome
c) It may be associated with negative experiences
d) It is too technical for project managers

28. What is the foundation of the project management system pyramid, dealing
with communication, team building, and motivation?
a) Control
b) Culture
c) Organization
d) Human System

29. What role does influence play in project management, especially in dealing
with authority?
a) Authority guarantees project success
b) Authority is the primary tool for project managers
c) Influence is a substitute for authority
d) Influence is irrelevant in project management

30. Why is control considered an essential aspect of project management?

a) It dictates project outcomes
b) It maintains authority over project managers
c) It exercises feedback systems to achieve objectives
d) It enforces strict rules on project teams

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