DLL Understanding Culture Week 1

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: JAIME M. CORALDE III Learning Area: UCSP

Time: Sept. 04-07, 2023 Quarter: QUARTER



The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

1. human cultural variation, social differences, social change, and political identities
Content Standards:
2. the significance of studying culture, society, and politics
3. the rationale for studying anthropology, political science, and sociology

1. acknowledge human cultural variation, social differences, social change, and political identities 2. adopt an open and
Performance Standards: critical attitude toward different social, political, and cultural phenomena through observation and reflection 3.
appreciates the value of disciplines of Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science as social sciences

1. articulate observations on human cultural variation, social differences, social change, and political identities
Learning UCSP11/12SPUIa-1
Competencies/Objectives: 2. demonstrate curiosity and an openness to explore the origins and dynamics of culture and society, and political
Write the LC Code for each identities. UCSP11/12SPUIa-2
3. analyze social, political, and cultural change. UCSP11/12SPUIb-3

Starting points for the understanding of culture, society, and politics


LEARNING RESOURCES Learners Material in Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

References Curriculum Guide in SHS Understanding Culture, Learning Materials in UCSP 11

Teacher’s Guide Pages

Learner’s Materials Pages

Textbook Pages

Additional Materials from Learning

Resource (LR) portal

Other Learning Resources


Reviewing Previous Lesson or Introduction to Analyzing Social,

Introduction to Social and Cultural
Presenting the New Lesson Anthropology, Political Political, and Cultural
Culture, Society, and Observations (1 Science, and Sociology Change (1 hour)
Politics (1 hour) hour) (1 hour)
Begin by recapping Begin by recapping the
the key concepts of Begin by summarizing definitions of
Begin by discussing
culture, society, and the key concepts of anthropology, political
the importance of
politics discussed in culture, society, and science, and sociology
studying culture,
the previous lesson. politics discussed in the discussed in the
society, and politics.
previous lessons. previous lesson.

Establishing a Purpose for the Explain that the Explain that the Explain that the purpose Explain that the
Lesson purpose of this purpose of this of this lesson is to purpose of this lesson
lesson is to lesson is to explore introduce the disciplines is to analyze social,
introduce the social and cultural of anthropology, political political, and cultural
fundamental observations and science, and sociology change and consider
concepts of culture, their relevance to and their relevance to the relevance of social
society, and politics. understanding understanding culture, sciences in studying
society and politics. society, and politics. these changes.

Presenting Examples/Instances Example 1: Discuss Example 1: Share Example 1: Share a case Example 1: Share a
of the Lesson a cultural practice or an anecdote or study or research finding case study from
tradition unique to news story about a from anthropology that sociology that
your region or recent political offers insights into examines how societal
country. event that sparked cultural practices. norms and values
social discussions. have changed over
Example 2: Share Example 2: Discuss a
observations of a Example 2: Discuss recent political event
recent political event a cultural analyzed through the Example 2: Discuss a
or phenomenon that phenomenon that lens of political science. recent political change
has impacted reflects societal or reform analyzed
society. values or beliefs, through the lens of
such as a popular political science.
trend or tradition.

Discussing New Concepts and Define culture and Guide students in Define anthropology, Guide students in
Practicing New Skills #1 society in detail, analyzing specific emphasizing its focus on analyzing specific
emphasizing the role social, political, and the study of human examples of social,
of social actors and cultural cultures and societies. political, and cultural
agents. observations change mentioned in
Discuss the role of
mentioned in the the content standard
Encourage students anthropologists in
content standard (e.g., transnational
to share aspects of observing and
(e.g., istambay, food families, youth
their own social and understanding diverse
taboos). volunteerism).
cultural cultures.
backgrounds, such Encourage open Encourage open
as gender, discussion and discussion and critical
socioeconomic critical thinking thinking about these
class, ethnicity, about these changes.
religion, nationality, phenomena.

Discussing New Concepts and Explain the concept Explore the concept Define political science Emphasize the role of
Practicing New Skills #2 of politics and its of social change and its role in analyzing anthropology, political
relationship to and its impact on political systems, science, and sociology
society and culture. culture and politics. behaviors, and in studying change and
institutions. its impact on society
Discuss Discuss
and culture.
observations related observations related Highlight how political
to social, political, to social, political, scientists contribute to Discuss how these
and cultural behavior and cultural change understanding political disciplines use
and phenomena (e.g., the impact of phenomena. research methods to
mentioned in the technology on explore social
content standard communication). phenomena.
(e.g., food taboos,
political dynasties).

Developing Mastery Activity: In pairs or Activity: Divide Activity: Engage students Activity: Assign
small groups, have students into groups in a brainstorming students a group
(Leads to Formative
students share their and assign each session where they project where they
Assessment 3)
own cultural group a different identify potential choose a recent social,
practices or political social or cultural research questions or political, or cultural
experiences. observation to topics for anthropology, change to research.
Encourage open investigate further. political science, or They should present
discussion and They should present sociology studies. their findings and
reflection on the their findings and insights to the class.
significance of these insights to the class.

Finding practical Ask students to Ask students to Ask students to consider Ask students to reflect
reflect on how their reflect on how how knowledge from on how they have
applications of concepts and
social and cultural societal changes anthropology, political personally experienced
skills in daily living
backgrounds have influenced science, or sociology can or witnessed social,
influence their daily their own lives and help address real-world political, or cultural
lives and behaviors. societal or political change in their lives or
interactions. challenges. communities.
Group Activity:
Group Activity: Have Have students Group Activity: Have Group Activity: Have
students discuss and discuss and analyze students discuss a students discuss the
compare their a recent social or contemporary issue that potential
observations about a political change in could benefit from consequences of a
specific cultural their community or insights provided by one significant societal
practice or political country. of these disciplines. change and how it
phenomenon might be studied by
mentioned in the social scientists.
content standard.

H. Making generalizations and Culture, society, and Social and cultural Anthropology, political Generalization &
abstraction about the lesson politics are observations are science, and sociology Abstraction: Social,
interrelated and essential for are social sciences that political, and cultural
influence each other. understanding the offer valuable change is a constant in
Our social and dynamics of society perspectives for society. Anthropology,
cultural backgrounds and politics. By understanding the political science, and
shape our critically examining complexity of culture, sociology provide
perspectives, and these observations, society, and politics. valuable tools and
understanding these individuals can gain These disciplines equip perspectives for
concepts helps us insights into the individuals with tools to examining these
navigate the complexities of their analyze, critique, and changes and their
complexities of our culture, society, and address social and effects on individuals
world. political political issues. and communities.

I. Evaluating Learning Quiz Question 1: Quiz Question 1: Quiz Question 1: Define Quiz Question 1:
Define culture, Provide an example anthropology, political Provide an example of
society, and politics of a recent social science, and sociology in a recent social,
in your own words. observation that your own words. political, or cultural
reflects cultural change and discuss its
Quiz Question 2: Quiz Question 2: Provide
values or beliefs. impact.
Share an an example of a
observation related Quiz Question 2: research topic that could Quiz Question 2: How
to social, political, or How has a social or be explored by one of can social sciences
cultural behavior cultural change these social sciences. contribute to our
from your own impacted your daily understanding of
Homework: Write a
experience. life or community? societal change?
reflection on the
Homework: Write a Homework: Write a importance of studying Homework: Write a
reflection on how reflection on the anthropology, political reflection on the role of
your own social and significance of science, and sociology in anthropology, political
cultural background social and cultural understanding culture, science, and sociology
influences your observations in society, and politics. in studying and
worldview. understanding addressing social,
society and politics. political, and cultural

J. Additional Activities for

Application or Remediation


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require

additional activities for

Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson

No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies

work well? Why did these work?

What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

What innovations or localized

materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other

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