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Manual 5

Design of
Clay Masonry
Walls for Fire
We represent the clay brick and
paver manufacturers of Australia.

Our purpose is to make sure

clay brick is recognised as the
pre-eminent building material
by leading architects, engineers,
developers, builders and property

We’re here to promote great home

and commercial design using clay
brick and pavers.

Revised and republished 2018.

1 Introduction........................................................................5

2 Design for Fire Resistance.................................................... 6

2.1 Structural Adequacy............................................................... 6
2.2 Integrity ................................................................................. 6
2.3 Insulation............................................................................... 6
2.4 Specific Test Results Take Precedence .................................... 6
2.5 Brick Veneer Construction ..................................................... 6
2.6 Reinforced Masonry ............................................................... 6
2.7 Walls with Openings .............................................................. 6
2.8 Chases .....................................................................................7
2.9 Recesses .................................................................................7
2.10 Protection of Structural Steelwork .........................................7

3 Determining a Fire Resistance Period .................................... 8

3.1 Structural Adequacy ............................................................... 8
3.1.1 General ............................................................................ 8
3.1.2 Cavity Walls ..................................................................... 8
3.1.3 Slenderness Ratio ........................................................... 8
3.1.4 Design Loads for Lateral Supports .................................. 8
3.1.5 Structural Adequacy by Test Results ............................... 8

3.2 Integrity ................................................................................. 9

3.2.1 I ntegrity from Tabulated Values ..................................... 9
3.2.2 Integrity by Test Results ................................................ 9

3.3 Insulation .............................................................................. 9

3.3.1 Material Thickness ......................................................... 9
3.3.2 Insulation by Tabulated Values ...................................... 9
3.3.3 Insulation by Test Results .............................................. 9

4 References....................................................................... 20
Chart 1.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 90 mm Clay
Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides .................................... 11

Chart 2.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 110 mm Clay

Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides .................................... 11

Chart 3.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 140 mm Clay

Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides ....................................12

Chart 4.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 150 mm Clay

Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides ....................................12

Chart 5.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 190 mm Clay

Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides ...................................13

Chart 6.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 230 mm Clay

Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides ....................................13

Chart 7.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 90-90 mm Cavity

Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides ............................ 14

Chart 8.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 110-110 mm Cavity

Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides ............................ 14

Chart 9.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 110 mm Clay Masonry

Walls With Simple Supports on Three Sides and One Side Free ................... 15

Chart 10.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 140 mm Clay Masonry
Walls With Simple Supports on Three Sides and One Side Free ................... 15

Chart 11.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 150 mm Clay Masonry
Walls With Simple Supports on Three Sides and One Side Free ................... 16

Chart 12.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 190 mm Clay Masonry
Walls With Simple Supports on Three Sides and One Side Free ................... 16

Chart 13.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 230 mm Clay Masonry
Walls With Simple Supports on Three Sides and One Side Free ....................17

Chart 14.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 90-90 mm Cavity Clay
Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Three Sides and One Side Free ......17

Chart 15.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 110-110 mm Cavity Clay
Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Three Sides and One Side Free ..... 18

Chart 16. Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 190 mm Clay Masonry
Walls With Simple Supports on Three Sides and the Top Free ...................... 18

Chart 17.  Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 230 mm Clay Masonry
Walls With Simple Supports on Three Sides and the Top Free ...................... 19

Chart 18. Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 110-110 mm Cavity Clay Masonry
Walls with Simple Supports on Three Sides and the Top Free ...................... 19
1.0 Introduction
When a masonry wall is subjected to fire, which is usually only on one side,
a thermal gradient is created through the thickness of the wall and the
expansion of the material causes bowing towards the fire source. If this
bowing extends far enough it can cause collapse of the wall. Even if the
wall does not collapse, it can crack because of internal stresses caused by
restraint of the thermal expansion, or it can heat up sufficiently to allow
flammable material on the side away from the fire to ignite. Both these
consequences can cause the fire to spread.

1 Introduction of these periods and always in the Tabulated values are conservative and
same order. For example, an FRL of test results will usually give a more cost-
A large proportion of the National 90/90/90 means a fire resistance effective outcome. However, tabulated
Construction Code (NCC)’ deals with period of 90 minutes each for values can be used by referring only to
the design of buildings for fire safety. structural adequacy, integrity and AS 3700, whereas the use of test results
The NCC sets out the requirements, insulation. will usually require precise knowledge
while the means for satisfying these of the type of masonry unit to be
requirements are detailed in the In setting the required levels for FRL, the used. Rules of interpreting the results
Australian Masonry Structures standard NCC takes into account many factors of fire tests carried out on masonry
AS 3700². The commentary to AS37003 including – walls are given in AS 3700. Where two
also contains useful background or more results of tests on the same
(i) The class of building of which the
information on design for fire resistance type of masonry unit are available,
wall forms a part.
and guidance on using the standard. interpolation and extrapolation from
(ii) The height and size of the building. these results can be used. The third
The NCC specifies that walls must (iii) Whether the wall is loadbearing or alternative, a recognised method of
be designed to achieve three Fire non-loadbearing. calculation, is difficult not practical
Resistance Levels (FRLs). These are given the current state of research.
(iv) How close it is to a boundary or
defined as:
another building (for external
(i) Structural adequacy Structural adequacy and insulation
The ability of a wall to continue to requirements have been determined
perform its structural function for from an extensive test program
In order to satisfy these requirements
the fire resistance period. conducted since the late 1970’s 4 & 5.
of the NCC, AS 3700 sets out rules for
The results of these tests enable the
(ii) Integrity determining a fire resistance period of
determination of the relationship (or
The ability of a wall to maintain a masonry wall for each of structural
shape of the curve) for these properties.
its continuity and prevent the adequacy, integrity and insulation. The
The structural adequacy charts in this
passage of flames and hot gases fire resistance period (FRP) must be
manual were developed based on table
through cracks in the wall for the equal to or greater than the FRL for each
6.1 of AS 3700 and represent the lower
fire resistance period. mode of behaviour.
bound of the test results.
(iii) Insulation
The FRP may be found by either –
The ability of a wall to provide The FRP for structural adequacy
sufficient insulation such that (i) The use of tabulated values, is specific to the wall type and its
the side of the wall away from (ii) The use of test results, or boundary support conditions. Most
the fire does not exceed a pre- common wall types and sizes are
(iii) A recognised method of
defined temperature during the covered in this manual; for those not
fire resistance period. However, shown, designers should refer to the
it should be noted that at this brick manufacturer for test results.
temperature – a rise of 140°C
over the ambient temperature Note: Some masonry members are
or a maximum of 180°C – surface not required by the NCC to confine
finished and furnishings in contact the spread of fire (ie. have an FRL for
with or near the wall may combust. insulation and/or integrity).
The resultant fire resistance level
is expressed in minutes for each

Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance 5

2 Design for Fire Resistance Recognising that most products will produce a superior
performance to the lower bound, some brick manufacturers
2.1 Structural Adequacy have submitted specific products for fire testing. Accordingly,
The charts in this manual allow the designer to directly specific test results should take precedence over the lower
determine the fire resistance period for structural adequacy bounds expressed in this manual.
for a given wall type with specific boundary conditions over a
range of height and length. 2.5 Brick Veneer Construction
Brick veneer walls consist of an outer lead of brickwork
These charts are based on the limits for slenderness ratio tied to a steel or timber supporting frame. The brickwork
given in AS 3700, which are summarised for clay masonry in provided insulation fire protection to the supporting frame
Table 1. The slenderness ratio Is calculated in accordance with against an external fire source. When required, structural
AS 3700 Clause adequacy is provided by the supporting frame.

Table 1: Maximum Slenderness Ratio for Structural Adequacy For housing, where the external walls are closer than 0.9m to
of Clay Masonry Walls the boundary, or closer than 1.8m to another building on the
Fire site (that is not a class 10a building) there is a requirement
resistance for 60/60/60 FRL (see the NCC). Brick walls in accordance
period for with AS4773.16 are deemed to satisfy this requirement.
30 60 90 120 180 240
(mins) 2.6 Reinforced Masonry
There are several additional requirements specified by AS 3700
Maximum for reinforced masonry:
slenderness 25.0 22.5 21.0 20.0 18.0 17.0
ratio (i) Minimum reinforcement for member spanning
horizontally – such that the member can withstand a
design lateral load of 0.5 kPa.
The FRP for structural adequacy is specific to the wall type (ii) Minimum reinforcement for a member spanning
and its boundary support conditions. Most common wall vertically – such that the member can withstand the
types and sizes are covered in this manual; for those not greater of:
shown, designers should refer to the brick manufacturer for
(a) A flexural moment equivalent to the applied
test results. The use of the charts and design from test results
vertical compressive loads times height/36, or
are explained and illustrated with examples in Section 3.1.
(b) A design lateral load of 0.5 kPa.
2.2 Integrity (iii) Protection of reinforcement – for structural adequacy,
Tabulated values for integrity resistance are not provided the cover to the face exposed to fire should not be less
in AS 3700. A member is deemed to have the required fire than the appropriate value summarised in Table 2.
resistance for integrity if that level is met for both structural
adequacy and insulation. Put simply, the fire resistance for Table 2: Protection for reinforcement for structural adequacy
integrity can be taken as the lesser of the values tabulated for
structural adequacy and insulation. Design from test results Fire resistance
is also an option and this is explained in Section 3.2. period for
structural 30 60 90 120 180 240
2.3 Insulation (mins)

The fire resistance period for insulation is a function of the Minimum

material thickness of the wall. This manual allows a designer dimension
to calculate the fire resistance period for insulation for from
30 30 30 40 50 60
clay brick walls of any thickness. Design for insulation by to exposed
tabulated values and test results are explained and illustrated masonry face
in Section 3.3.
2.7 Walls with Openings
2.4 Specific Test Results Take Precedence
If a wall has an opening greater than one-fifth the height of
Although clay brick properties are consistent for a particular
the wall, the structural adequacy FRP must be calculated by
product, they may vary widely between different products
regarding the wall as divided into two sub-panels with a free
because of differences in raw materials and manufacturing
edge at the centre of the opening.

The FRP for structural adequacy is specific to the wall type and its boundary support
conditions. Most common wall types and sizes are covered in this manual; for those not
shown, designers should refer to the brick manufacturer for test results.

6 Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance

2.0 Design for Fire Resistance
2.8 Chases (i) The chase depth is less than 30 mm,
The chasing of masonry members that are subject to fire (ii) The section of chase is less than 1000 mm2, and
shall be kept to a minimum. For the purpose of determining (iii) The total chases face area on both sides of the wall is
structural adequacy, chases in vertically spanning walls may less than 100,000 mm2 per five square metres of walling.
be ignored if:
(i) The chase is vertical; or Otherwise, determine the integrity and insulation
(ii) The chase is horizontal and its length is not greater than FRPs based on the wall thickness less the chase depth.
four times the wall thickness. For ungrouted hollow masonry units, the integrity and
insulation FRPs must always be determined based on the
Otherwise, the slenderness ratio of the wall is to be based on wall thickness less the chase depth.
the overall thickness of the wall less the depth of the chase.
2.9 Recesses
Chases in walls spanning both horizontally and vertically Recesses made in walls for services may be ignored provided:
(panel action) can be ignored if:
(i) They penetrate less than half the wall thickness, and
(i) The chase is horizontal and its length is not greater than
half the wall length; or (ii) Their total area (in both faces) within any five square
metres of walling is not more than 10,000 mm2.
(ii) The chase is vertical and its length is not greater than
half the wall height. Otherwise, the wall thickness for fire resistance should be
taken as the overall thickness less the depth of the recess.
Otherwise, the slenderness ratio of the wall is to be based
on the thickness of the wall less the depth of the chase. 2.10 Protection of Structural Steelwork
Alternatively, where a vertical chase is greater than half The minimum material thickness of masonry to provide fire
the height of the wall, the chase may be regarded as an protection to structural steelwork, including mullions, is a
unsupported edge and the wall designed as two sub-panels. value obtained from AS4100 7 or Table 3.

For the purpose of determining integrity and insulation

resistance, the effect of chases in walls of solid, cored or
grouted hollow units can be ignored if:

Table 3: Minimum material thickness of clay masonry for the protection of structural steel

Minimum material thickness of clay masonry (mm) (2)

Fire Resistance Level (FRL) (1)

Sides of column Column spaces

exposed to fire (3)
60/60/60 90/90/90 120/120/120 180/180/180 240/240/240

Filled 50 50 50 65 90
Unfilled 50 50 65 - -

Filled 50 50 50 75 100
Unfilled 50 50 65 - -

(1) Fire Resistance Level (FRL) expressed in terms of minutes for: insulation / integrity / structural adequacy
(2) Maximum 25% coring allowed
(3) Filled column space means that all the area surrounding the column, including re-entrant zones (eg. between flanges of a
universal column), is completely filled with grout and masonry.

Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance 7

3 Determining a Fire Resistance Period For a wall with at least one vertical edge supported (panel
action) the slenderness ratio is given by the lesser of:
3.1 Structural Adequacy
3.1.1 General Srf = avf H (2)
The fire resistance period (FRP) for structural adequacy
may be calculated from tabulated values or by test results. Srf = 0.7 avf HahL (3)
The charts in this manual have been formulated using the t
tabulated values in AS 3700. For design using the charts, Srf = ahL (4)
the FRP for structural adequacy may be read directly from
the appropriate chart taking into account the boundary
conditions as shown by the icon on the top right of each Where –
chart. The FRP is indicated at the point where the wall height ah = Horizontal span coefficient (1.0 where there is lateral support along
and length intersect on the chart. both vertical edges, or 2.5 where there is lateral support along one
vertical edge)

Design from test results is illustrated by example in Section L = The clear length of the member
and the other symbols are as defined before.

3.1.2 Cavity Walls

3.1.4 Design Loads for Lateral Supports
Cavity wall charts in this manual are based on the leaves
For structural adequacy design, it is essential that any
being approximately equally loaded (within 10 per cent of
laterally supporting members and their connections have the
each other). If the leaves are not equally loaded the wall
capacity to support the wall. Supports and their connections
should be designed as a single-leaf wall using the thickness
must be designed in accordance with Clauses 2.6.3 and 2.6.4
and fixity of the more heavily loaded lead. Note that it is most
of AS 3700.
common for leaves to be not equally loaded.
These requirements are summarised as:
For cavity walls where both leaves have a superimposed axial
force within 10 per cent of each other (including where there (i) Lateral supporting members should be capable of
is no load on either lead) AS 3700 allows the slenderness ratio resisting the static reactions for the appropriate load
to be based on: combination, plus 2.5% of the design vertical load.

(i) A thickness equal to two-thirds of the sum of the (ii) Connections should be capable of resisting the load on
thicknesses of the two leaves; and the member derived from (i) multiplied by 1.25.

(ii) The fixity of the leaf not exposed to the fire.

3.1.5 Structural Adequacy by Test Results

Where cavity walls are constructed with leaves of different As discussed in the introduction, structural adequacy charts
masonry unit types, represent lower bound values and specific test results, where
the structural adequacy should be based on the less fire- available, can be used to obtain a more favourable result.
resistance material.
Where two or more test results are available, and

3.1.3 Slenderness Ratio (i) the test results are for walls built with the same type
of clay masonry units, which AS 3700 defines as having
For structural adequacy design, using either the charts
the same mineralogy and geological type, blended in
or test results, the slenderness ratio (Srf) is determined in
the same proportions and manufactured by similar
accordance with Clause of AS 3700 as follows:

For vertically spanning walls (with no support along either (ii) the slenderness ratios of the specimens cover a
vertical edge): minimum range of two, and
(iii) the slenderness ratio of the member is not more than
Srf = avf H (1) two outside the tested range,
then the fire resistance period is obtained by determining a
Where – coefficient C5 as the lowest value from substituting the test
results in the following equation.
avf = Vertical span coefficient (0.75 where there is lateral support on the
top edge, otherwise 2.0)
C5 = (Srf -13)
H = Clear height of the member

t = Overall thickness of the member Where –

Srf = The slenderness ratio of the tested specimen, determined according
to Section 3.1.3 above.

tf = The time to failure in structural adequacy for the tested specimen


It is necessary to evaluate C5 from each test result and adopt

the minimum value of C5.

8 Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance

3.0 Determining a Fire Resistance Period
As discussed in the introduction, structural adequacy charts represent lower
bound values and specific test results, where available, can be used to obtain a more
favourable result.

This minimum value can then be used in Equation 5 to For these purposes, a cored unit is one with voids not greater
determine the FRP for a member with a slenderness ratio not than 30 per cent of the total unit volume. For a wall built
more than two outside the test range. from hollow unit (with voids greater than 30 per cent) the
material thickness is the net volume of the unit divided by
Example: the area of the exposed vertical face of the unit where the
Test 1: Srf = 18 tf = 180 therefore C5 = 3.61 net volume of the unit equals total volume minus volume
of voids. Illustrated in Figure 1 (as examples to illustrate the
Test 2: Srf = 21 tf = 90 therefore C5 = 3.85 concept) are four typical hollow clay units.

Therefore adopt C5 = 3.61 as the minimum. This value can then For cavity walls, the material thickness is equal to the sum of
be substituted in Equation 5 for the design of walls having the material thicknesses of the separate leaves.
slenderness ratios between 16 and 23.
For a rendered wall, any render up to 20 mm thickness
It could therefore be calculated that a member made from applied to the face of the wall not exposed to fire may be
the same type of clay masonry units with Srf = 23 would considered part of the material thickness. On a face exposed
have a time to failure of 45 minutes for structural adequacy. to fire, render is assumed to be ineffective.
Therefore, adopt an FRP of 30 minutes for this wall.
3.3.2 Insulation by Tabulated Values
It should be noted that the results of tests on non-
loadbearing walls must only be applied to design of other Material thicknesses for insulation are tabulated in AS 3700,
non-loadbearing walls, not to the design of loadbearing from which Table 3 is a summary applicable to clay masonry.
Table 3: Material Thickness of Clay Masonry for Insulation
3.2 Integrity
3.2.1 Integrity from Tabulated Values resistance
period for 30 60 90 120 180 240
As explained in Section 2.2, a member is deemed to have insulation
the required fire resistance for integrity if that level is met (mins)
for both structural adequacy and insulation. For design
from tabulated values, the FRP is determined for structural Material
adequacy and insulation, and the fire resistance for integrity thickness 60 90 110 130 160 180
is the lesser of these values. (mm)

3.2.2 Integrity by Test Results

When a single test result is available, the FRP of a member
can be taken equal to the tested value, provided the thickness 3.3.3 Insulation by Test Results
is not less than that of the test specimen. When one test result is available, the thickness of the
designed member must not be less than the thickness
Where two or more test results are available, and of the test specimen.
(iv) the test results are for walls built with the same type
of clay masonry units, which AS 3700 defines as having Where two or more test results are available, and
the same mineralogy and geological type, blended in (i) the rest results are for walls built with the same type
the same proportions and manufactured by similar of clay masonry units, which AS 3700 defines as having
processes, and the same mineralogy and geological type, blended in
(v) the thicknesses of the test specimens cover a minimum the same proportions and manufactured by similar
range of 20 mm, processes, and

then the FRP of the masonry member may be linearly (ii) the material thicknesses of the test specimens cover a
interpolated between the test results. Extrapolation is not minimum range of 20mm,
permitted. then the fire resistance period is obtained by determining a
coefficient Ci as the lowest value from substituting the test
3.3 Insulation results in the following equation.
3.3.1 Material thickness
For a solid wall built from cored or solid units (including
those with frogs), or from hollow units fully grouted, the
material thickness is the overall thickness of the wall.

Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance 9

tc = Ci t m 1.7 Figure 1.
A Selection of Typical Hollow Clay Units to Illustrate the
Where – Concept of Material Thickness for Insulation

tm = The material thickness of the tested specimen, determined according

to Section 3.3.1 (millimetres).

tc = The time to failure in insulation for the tested specimen (minutes).

It is necessary to evaluate Ci from each test result and adopt

the minimum value of Ci.

This minimum value can then be used in Equation 6 to

determine the FRP for a member with a material thickness
not more than 20 mm outside the test range.

Test 1: tm = 110mm tc = 90 min therefore Ci = 0.030
Test 2: tm = 180mm tc = 240 min therefore Ci = 0.035

Therefore adopt Ci = 0.030 as the minimum. This value can

then be substituted in Equation 6 for the design of walls
having material thickness between 90 and 200.

It could therefore be calculated that a member made from

the same type of clay masonry units with material thickness
of 150 mm would have a time to failure of 150 minutes for
insulation. Therefore, adopt an FRP of 120 minutes for this

10 Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance

Chart 1.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 90 mm Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides

Chart 2.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 110 mm Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides

Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance 11

Chart 3.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 140 mm Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides

Chart 4.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 150 mm Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides

12 Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance

Chart 5.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 190 mm Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides

Chart 6.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 230 mm Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides

Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance 13

Chart 7.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 90-90 mm Cavity Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides

Note: It is assumed that both leaves are approximately equally loaded (see Section 3.1.2)

Chart 8.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 110-110 mm Cavity Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Four Sides

Note: It is assumed that both leaves are approximately equally loaded (see Section 3.1.2)

14 Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance

Chart 9.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 110 mm Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Three Sides and
One Side Free

Chart 10.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 140 mm Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Three Sides and
One Side Free

Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance 15

Chart 11.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 150 mm Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Three Sides and
One Side Free

Chart 12.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 190 mm Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Three Sides and
One Side Free

16 Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance

Chart 13.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 230 mm Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Three Sides and
One Side Free

Chart 14.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 90-90 mm Cavity Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Three
Sides and One Side Free

Note: It is assumed that both leaves are approximately equally loaded (see Section 3.1.2)

Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance 17

Chart 15.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 110-110 mm Cavity Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Three
Sides and One Side Free

Note: It is assumed that both leaves are approximately equally loaded (see Section 3.1.2)

Chart 16.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 190mm Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Three Sides and the
Top Free

18 Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance

Chart 17.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 230 mm Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Three Sides and
the Top Free

Chart 18.
Structural Adequacy FRP (minutes) for 110-110 mm Cavity Clay Masonry Walls with Simple Supports on Three
Sides and the Top Free

Note: It is assumed that both leaves are approximately equally loaded (see Section 3.1.2)

Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance 19

4 References

1 N
 ational Construction Code (NCC), Australian Building Codes
Board, Canberra, NCC: 2016.

2 A
 S 3700:2018 Masonry Structures, Standards Australia,
Sydney, 2018.

3 A
 S 3700 Supp 1: 2012 Masonry Structures –
Commentary, Standards Australia, Sydney, 2012.

4 L awrence, S.J. & Gnanakrishnan, N.

The Fire Resistance of Masonry Walls – A Summary of Australian
Research and its Relevance to Codes and
Building Regulations. Technical Record 531, National Building
Technology Centre, Sydney, 1987.

5 L awrence, S.J. & Gnanakrishnan, N.

The Fire Resistance of Masonry Walls – An Overview.
Proceedings of the 1st National Structural Engineering
Conference, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Melbourne,
August 1987, pp.431-437.

6 A
 S 4773.1: 2015 Masonry in small buildings –
Part 1: Design, Standards Australia, Sydney, 2015.

7 A
 S4100 – 1998 Steel Structures,
Standards Australia, Sydney, Reconfirmed 2016.

Original prepared by Roger Taggart & Associates Pty Ltd, This publication, its contents and format are copyright of Think
published March 1993. Revised March 1999, September 2006, Brick Australia. It may not be reproduced, copies or stored in
February 2007, July 2013 and July 2018. any medium for commercial distribution without prior, written
authorisation from the institute. Think Brick Australia is wholly
sponsored by the clay brick, block and paver industry of Australia.
Local or state regulations may require variation from the practices
and recommendations contained in this publication. Whilst
Cover image: the contents of this publication are believed to be accurate and
Gympie Aquatic Recreation Centre. Finalist, Horbury Hunt complete, the information given is intended for general guidance
Commercial Awards 2017. and does not replace the services of professional advisers on
specific projects. The author and Think Brick Australia cannot
Architect: Liquid Blu accept any liability whatsoever regarding the contents of this
Photographer: Christopher Frederick Jones

Manufacturer: Bowral Bricks

Product: Chillingham White

20 Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance

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22 Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance


Design of Clay Masonry Walls for Fire Resistance 23

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