Performance Analysis On Energy Efficient Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
Performance Analysis On Energy Efficient Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
Performance Analysis On Energy Efficient Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
Volume 8, No. 5, May – June 2017
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
Available Online at
Shalini Aggarwal
Assistant Professor
GCW, Karnal
Haryana, India
Abstract:Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) were projected to wind up plainly the texture of our condition and society. However, they are yet not
ready to defeat various operational difficulties, for example, limited system lifetime, which suppress their general deployment. To prolong WSN
lifetime, most of the existing clustering schemes are geared towards homogeneous WSN and heterogeneous WSN. This paper is a comparative
review on the critical problem of system lifetime of WSN and extravagantly looks at seven distinguished but prominent routing protocols namely
LEACH, TEEN, PEGASIS, DEEC, DDEEC, EDEEC and EDDEEC for some general situations.
Keywords:Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Energy, Clustering, Sensing element and Cluster Head (CH)
the field .Therefore, WSN are more possibly can be spread periodically throughout the network. Since
heterogeneous networks and homogeneous networks. The WSN includes a large number of nodes and
protocols which are mentioned above should be able to fit requires a better charge for the refreshing of routing
for the characteristic of both heterogeneous and chart and for every sensing element, the routing
homogenous wireless sensor networks. table would need to keep tremendous charge and
hence proactive protocols are wrong for WSNs.
A. Features of WSNs
b) Reactive (or on-demand) Routing Protocols: These
Contrasting to conventional wireless sensing element protocols determine routes from source to sink just
networks like MANETs, WSN has a few precise features when they're required by utilizing broadcast route
which might be given under: question or direction request question/messages
a) Dynamic Network Topology: The foremost within the system.
characteristic of WSN is dynamic network c) Hybrid protocols: Hybrid protocols contain the
topology. In this, the topology of dynamic network combination of Proactive Routing protocols and
topology frequently changes as often as possible Reactive Routing protocols.
and due to this nature the nodes can be included or
removed and that leads to sensing node B. Network Structured Protocols
disappointments, energy reduction, or channel a) Flat-based Routing Protocols: Each node plays an
diminishing (fading). equivalent role at same level while executing a
b) Application Specific: WSN is specific to detecting job and all sensing elements are
applications and the requirement of design for the associates.
system fluctuates with essential application. b) Hierarchical-based Routing Protocols: On this
c) Power constrained: The sensing element ought to shape of routing, sensing elements are organized
be power constrained because nodes are of portable into groups, where the elements which have the
nature and they have enormously limited energy, lower energy act as Cluster Members (CM) and
computation and storage capacities. So we can which have better energy act as cluster head
consider it as an important design in thought of (CH),of cluster which can be utilized to gather
WSN. information from their individual cluster member.
d) Self-configurable: In self-configurable At that point the detected information is send to
environment, the nodes are randomly arranged cluster heads by sensing elements where all
without assistance of any suspicious planning. combined information is carried out to diminish the
Once the nodes are randomly deployed then nodes rate of amount of transmitted messages to sink.
needs to autonomously configure themselves into a This procedure builds the lifetime of system
correspondence arrange. lifecycle, system scalability, and system
II. WSN ROUTING PROTOCOLS c) Location-based Routing Protocols: In this kind of
routing procedures, communication between
The optimized energy utilization within the system intends sensing elements is carried out on the idea of
to execute the routing algorithms i.e. specifying some set of position of every sensing node with another sensing
rules so that we get to know how the message packets node. This separation or position can be measured
transfers from source to sink efficiently in a wireless sensor in two routes- both with the aid of separation
alongside less power utilization. Figure 1 describes the types between two neighboring nodes which can be
of Wireless Sensor Networks WSNs [18] routing protocols. approaching by incoming signal quality from the
supply or with the aid of the use of utilizing Global
Positioning System (GPS).
C. Protocol Operation
a) Multipath-based Routing: regardless of utilizing
single path, multipath based routing utilizes
multiple paths in way to expand adaptation to
internal failure of the system on cost of expanding
power utilization and overhead of directing
periodic messages to the alternative routes with a
particular end goal to keep them alive.
Fig 1: Types of WSN Routing Protocols
b) Query-based Routing: During this routing
A. Course Establishment operation, the destination sensing element
a) Pro-Active (or Table Driven) Routing: Proactive spreads a question/query to the network for
routing can be defined in this manner that the sending the information. The sensing element
protocols register all the routes using traditional which matches with the query/question of
routing approaches. information that sends the information to desired
For example, in DSDV, they actually needed node. Oftentimes the queries which are utilized
distance vector and after that they stores these for sending the information exist in consistent
routes in a routing table for every node. At that language.
point as soon as the route changes, the change is c) Negotiation-based Routing: This sort of routing
protocol continues choices about
D. Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm for perfect value of system life that is utilized to enroll the
Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (DEEC) reference power that every node ought to consume
In DEEC the cluster heads are picked through likelihood in throughout every round. In this sensor network, the network
perspective of the extent between residual energy of depends right into a clustering hierarchy, and in this way
every sensing element and therefore the average energy of group heads assembles ascertained data from cluster
the network. The methodology used to turn out to be the members and transmits the joined information to the sink
cluster heads for nodes are totally distinctive in DEEC specifically. Moreover, the creators have expected that the
because of their primary and remaining energy. The writers system topology is steady and no-changing on time. The
have admitted that each sensor nodes of sensor system are evaluation among DDEEC and DEEC is restrained in the
furnished with dissimilar quantity of power. In this expressions which describe the possibility to be a cluster
protocol’s algorithm, two levels of heterogeneous nodes are head (CH) for ordinary and advanced nodes.
measured and after that an overall answer for multi-level Cluster Head Selection Algorithm for DDEEC:
heterogeneity is originated To avoid that each element ought
to know the global data of the system, DEEC evaluates the Step-1: Determine no. of alive nodes
suitable worth for the life-time of system, that is utilized to Step-2: Evaluate percentage of Cluster Head.
process the reference energy so that every sensing element Step-3: Compute E o and E r of every alive node. // E 0 = initial
have to distribute through a round. In this approach, as energy &E r = residual energy of node
behavior of cluster count is of variable nature which leads to Step-4: R= E total /E round // R= total rounds of system lifetime
uneven clusters [14].
Step-5: Now at present round, calculate average energy of
Cluster Head Selection Algorithm for DEEC: network.
1 𝑟𝑟
i.e. 𝐸𝐸� (r) = E total (1- )
Step-1: Evaluate the alive nodes. //E total is total energy of the system and E round is
Step-2: Compute Cluster Head percentage. energy expenditure during each round.
Step-3: Compute E i and E r of each node that is alive. // E i = Step-6: After calculating average energy, compute the
initial energy &E r = residual energy of node. threshold residual energy.
Step 4: R= E total /E round // R = total rounds of system lifetime, i.e. Th REV = E o (1+ αE disNN )
Step-5: At present round, determine the average energy of E disNN- E disAN
network Threshold residual energy is specified as in [11] and given
1 𝑟𝑟
i. e. 𝐸𝐸� (r) = E total (1- ) beneath:
// E total =total energy of the network &E round i.e. Th REV =� �E o
=energy expenditure throughout each round.
Step-7: If accepting energy of sensor node is larger than (>)
Step-6: Now on the premise of leftover energy and average
0.7*initial energy of normal node
power of node, decide the possibility of every node to turn
Then compute probability to become Cluster
out to be CH based by given under equation:
Step-7: If Node has not been a cluster head in past rounds. P opt E i (r) for normal nodesE i (r) >Th REV
Step-8: Node belongs to set G where G is set of nodes fit to i.e. p i= (1+αm) 𝐸𝐸� (r)
become a CH & choose an arbitrary number b/w
(1+α) p opt E i (r) for advanced nodes Ei(r) >Th REV
Step-9: If Random Number selected is less than threshold (1+αm) 𝐸𝐸� (r)
fraction (T(s i )) c (1+α) p opt E i (r) for normal, advanced node
T (s i )= p i if s i𝜖𝜖G
E i (r)≤(1+αm) 𝐸𝐸� (r) Th REV
1-p i (rmod1/p i )
0 Otherwise else,
Then, Node is cluster head for the present round modify probability of node to become CH.
and goes to step10. Step-8: end
else, Node is cluster member & sends data to F. Enhanced Distributed Energy-Efficient Clustering for
suitable CH. Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (EDEEC):
Step-10: End EDEEC consumes idea of heterogeneous networks as
E. Developed Distributed Energy-Efficient Clustering for illuminated formerly [17]. EDEEC holds three sorts of
Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (DDEEC) nodes i.e. ordinary nodes, advanced nodes and super nodes
which concentrate on initial power. Moreover DEEC,
DDEEC [15] relies on DEEC algorithm, in which all EDEEC additionally appraises the best estimation of system
sensing elements utilize the initial and remaining energy lifetime and this perfect esteem is utilized to ascertain the
level to choose their cluster heads. During this protocol each reference energy so that each sensing element will be able to
sensing element must have the overall information of the expand during each round. In this pattern the system is
systems, much the same as DEEC; DDEEC estimates a organized into a clustering hierarchy, and the group heads
© 2015-19, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 1865
Divya Garg et al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8 (5), May-June 2017,1862-1869
gathers measured data from cluster members and transmits equips assumed possibilities for choice of CHs in the
the collected information to the sink specifically. EDEEC network [21]. EDDEEC shields the super and advance nodes
follows the preceding of DEEC and adds another type of from being over imprisoned, on the grounds that because of
node which is known as super node which is utilized to intermittently choice of Cluster Head, some super and
expand the heterogeneity in the system. advance nodes have same leftover energy level when
contrasted with ordinary nodes after a few rounds. EDDEEC
Cluster Head Selection Algorithm for EDEEC: guesses likelihoods of normal nodes, advance nodes and
super nodes. These fluctuations emphasized on absolute
Step-1: Compute total no. of nodes that are alive. residual energy level i.e. , which is the value in
Step-2: Then, calculate the percentage of Cluster Head. which advance and super nodes containing same power
Step-3: Compute E i and E r of every node alive. . // E i = initial level as of normal nodes. The rumored states that
underneath all normal nodes, advance nodes and
energy &E r = residual energy of node
super nodes have equal probability for selecting cluster
Step-4: R= E total /E round //R= total rounds of network lifetime heads. It succeeds extensive stability period, system
Step-5: Calculate average energy of network at present lifetime, and throughput than the other traditionalclustering
round. algorithms in heterogeneous environments
1 𝑟𝑟
𝐸𝐸� (r) = E total (1- )
𝑁𝑁 𝑅𝑅 Cluster Head (CH) Selection Algorithm for EDDEEC:
//E total is total energy of the network &E round is
energy expenditure during each round. Step-1: Compute total no. of alive nodes
Step6: Now, Assign probabilities depend ending on its three Step-2: After computing no. of alive nodes, calculate
types (for normal, advanced and super nodes). percentage of Cluster head.
Step-3: After that, Determine E i andE r of every alive node. .
p opt E i (r) if s i is normal nodes // E i = initial energy &E r = residual energy of node
(1+m(α+m o b))𝐸𝐸� (r)
Step-4: R= E total /E round //R= total rounds of system lifetime
i.e. p i= (1+α) p opt E i (r) if s i is advanced nodes
Step-5: Now, compute average energy of network by the
(1+m(α+m o b))𝐸𝐸� (r) side of current round
1 𝑟𝑟
(1+b) p opt E i (r) if s i is super nodes 𝐸𝐸� (r) = E total (1- )
(1+m(α+m o b))𝐸𝐸� (r) // E total is total power of the system where E round is
energy expenditure throughout each round.
Step-7: If Node was not a cluster head in past rounds. Step-6: After step 4, Calculate Threshold residual energy
Then, Node definitely belongs to a set G where G pi if s i𝜖𝜖G
is set of nodes which are suitable to become a T (s i ) =1-p i (rmod1/p i )
Cluster Head & after that, choose a random 0 Otherwise
number b/w 0&1.
Step-7: If received energy of a sensing element is greater
Step-8: If Random Number selected is less than threshold
than (>) 0.7*initial energy of normal node.
fraction (T(s i )).
Step-8: Then, calculate probabilities depending on its three
p i if p i𝜖𝜖G' // G' is the set of normal nodes
p opt E i (r)if s i is normal nodes
1-p i (rmod1/p i )
(1+m(α+m o b))𝐸𝐸� (r)
T (s i )= pi if p i𝜖𝜖G'' // G" is the set of advanced
p i= (1+α) p opt E i (r) if s i is advancednodes
1-p i (rmod1/p i ) nodes
(1+m(α+m o b))𝐸𝐸� (r)
pi if p i𝜖𝜖G'''//G"' is the set of super nodes
(1+b) p opt E i (r) if s i is super nodes
1-p i (rmod1/p i )
� (r)
(1+m (α+m o b))𝐸𝐸
Step-9: Now, Node is cluster head for the present round and Step-9: else, modify probability of node based on T absolute
goes to step11.
Step-10: else, Node is cluster member & sends data to p opt E i (r) ;for Nml nodes (if E i (r) >T absolute )
appropriate CH. � (r)
(1+m (α+m o b))𝐸𝐸
Step-11: End
(1+α) p opt E i (r) ;forAdv nodes (if E i (r) T absolute )
G. Enhanced Distributed Energy-Efficient Clustering for
Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (EDDEEC) p i= � (r)
(1+m(α+m o b))𝐸𝐸
In light of a few parameters like primary power level of (1+b) p opt E i (r) ; for Sup nodes (if E i (r) >T absolute )
sensing elements, remaining power level of sensing
elements and average energy level of nodes, EDDEEC � (r)
(1+m(α+m o b))𝐸𝐸
c (1+b) p opt E i (r) ;for Nml, Adv, Sup nodes (if TEEN and PEGASIS respectively. The simulation
result of homogenous WSN shows that TEEN
(1+m(α+m o b))𝐸𝐸� (r) E i (r) ≤ T absolute )
captivating less delay while LEACH and PEGASIS
The value of absolute residual energy level, T absolute , is captivating high delay than that of TEEN. The
written as: T absolute = zE o where z ∈(0, 1) numeral of rounds outcome shows that for a
Step-10: End selected size of network, PEGASIS captivating the
least consumption of energy with rounds whereas
IV. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP for TEEN consuming the succeeding for setup
The simulation results for LEACH, PEGASIS and TEEN • In Heterogeneous protocols, 20 normal nodes are
(homogeneous wireless sensor network (WSN)) and DEEC, taken in network with an energy ‘E i ’, in which 30
DDEEC, EDEEC, and EDDEEC (heterogeneous wireless are the advanced nodes which consumes twice
sensor networks (WSN)) are presented in this section using energy than normal nodes, and 50 super nodes
MATLAB .In this experimental set up WSN comprises of having 3.5 times extra energy than the ordinary
100 nodes are arbitrarily organized in an range of 100 m × nodes. The number of alive and dead nodes
100 m dimension with a Base Station (BS) that is centrally throughout the system lifetime is shown in Figure
located. Either all sensing elements are fixed or micro- 4. The first node dies at 967, 1350, 1430, and 1720
mobile are considered or the loss of energy due to collision rounds respectively for DEEC, DDEEC, EDEEC,
and intrusion between signals of various altered nodes is and EDDEEC and apart from first node, rest of
disregarded. nodes dies at 5537, 5672, 8637, and 8637 rounds
The performance metrics used for the evaluation of the respectively for DEEC, DDEEC, EDEEC, and
protocols are: stability period and network lifetime. The EDDEEC.
different parameters that are utilized as a part of simulations • As from above shown results we can see that
are given in Table 1. EDDEEC is the supreme amongst the other given
protocols as far as stability period, and lifetime of
Table 1 Simulation Parameters network is concerned. As can be seen from Fig4,
EDDEEC executes better than the other given
protocols. Table 2 represents comparison between
Parameters Values some Clustering Protocols for Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSNs).
Initial Energy (E 0 ) 0.5 J
Packet Data Size (/) 4000 bits 4000
No. of rounds
The following observations have made from figure3&4 for 6000 DEEC
the network lifetime for LEACH, PEGASIS and TEEN 4000
(homogeneous wireless sensor network (WSN))and network 2000
lifetime for DEEC, DDEEC, EDEEC, and EDDEEC 0 EDEEC
(heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (WSN)).
• In Homogeneous protocols, 100 nodes are
considered in network with energy ‘E i ’. During the No. of alive nodes
network lifetime, Figure 3 shows the total number
of alive nodes with respect to number of rounds.
The first one node dies at 808, 1225 and 1665
Fig4: Network Lifetime of Heterogeneous WSN
rounds for LEACH, TEEN and PEGASIS
respectively and apart from first node, rest of nodes
dies at 1789, 3467 and 4645 rounds for LEACH,
© 2015-19, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 1867
Divya Garg et al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8 (5), May-June 2017,1862-1869
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