Uts Final Exam Reviewer

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UNDERSTANDING THE SELF (FINAL EXAM • Find a short message that helps you feel good about

REVIEWER) yourself and write it on mirrors around your home to

remind you to replace negative thoughts with positive
LESSON 1: Body Image, Self-Esteem and Mental Health thoughts.
• Surround yourself with positive friends and family who
Body image is mental and emotional: it’s both the mental picture recognize your uniqueness and like you just as you are.
that you have of your body and the way you feel about your body • Be aware of how you talk about your body with family
when you look in a mirror. It can be negative or positive. and friends.
• Remember that everyone has challenges with their
(An feeling nga imo naabat every time na nakikita mo an imo body image at times.
reflection ha salamin, ngan an imo interpretation hiton na • Write a list of the positive benefits of the body part or
reflection is your body image. feature you don’t like or struggle to accept.
Healthy Body Image means that you truly accept and like the
way you look right now and aren’t trying to change your body LESSON 2: ASPECTS OF THE SELF
to fit the way you think you should look.
a. The Material Self
Self-esteem is how you value and respect yourself as a person.
it is the opinion that you have of yourself inside and out. Self- William James proposed that the self is everything that an
esteem impacts how you take care of yourself, emotionally, individual considers to be his or hers, not only his or her
physically, and spiritually. Self-esteem is about your whole self, body and material possessions but also his or her reputation
not just your body. and beliefs.
(If you have good self-esteem, gintatagan mo value an imo Basic Components of Material Self
kalugaringon, maaram ka nga deserve mo nga alagaan ngan
matagan respect tim kalugaringon from yourself and from other 1. Body - the core of material self; We cannot live without
people. the body that is why we invest to make it function well and
achieve our preferred body.
Kapag may high/good self-esteem ka, na-aappreciate ngan
gincecelebrate mo an imo wins and achievement bisan pa iton 2. Clothes that People Wear – clothes represent the self.
gaano ka-small or big. Diri mo gin-uubos ngan The style and the brand of the clothes become significant
ginpapakamaraot an iba na tawo just for you to feel good or symbols.
3. Immediate Family and Home – includes possession
Good self-esteem means that you still feel like you’re good such as house, car, pets and people an individual has
enough even when you’re dealing with difficult feelings or relationships with well as close friends with whom one feels
situations. psychologically connected.
Why do body image and self-esteem matter? The role of material possessions on the sense of self and
They are both connected and directly influences each other - The more expensive they are, the more people are
including your feelings, thoughts and behaviors (mental health). impressed.
- Material possession can be a reflection of hard work
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and and success.
social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. - Owning material possession becomes a driving force to
seek high level of achievement to acquire more
Good body image + self-esteem = Positive Mental Health possessions.
- It is not about making yourself feel happy all the time.
They are really about respecting yourself and others.
Materialism refers to giving more importance to material
Poor body image = poor self-esteem = negative Mental possessions than intangible values.
- People start to focus on shortcomings (pagkukulang) or Materialistic Person – is one who excessively concerned with
problems in one are or situation that it becomes very acquisition of material possessions.
easy to only see problems rather than the positive ones. - Compulsive Buying Disorder (CBD) – psychological
Negative thinking leads to more negative thinking. dysfunction which is characterized by an obsession
How can I encourage a healthier body image? with shopping and buying behaviors. People with CBD
Treat your body with respect. do this excessively, not in moderation, and they
• Eat well-balanced meals and exercise because it makes continue to spend money, even if they don't have it.
you feel good and strong, not as a way to control your
body. - Retail Therapy – is shopping with the primary purpose
• Notice when you judge yourself or others based on of improving the buyer’s mood or disposition
weight, shape, or size. (Nagbulag kamo imo jowa pero nadiri ka bumalik ha
• Dress in a way that makes you feel good about yourself, iya. Para mawara nim sadness pumalit ka ice cream
in clothes that fit you now. para maging happy ka slight).
o It is normally a short-lived habit and believes that life is empty, meaningless, purposeless, aimless,
purchases are referred to “comfort buys”. adrift and so on.

Consumer Culture – a social system in which consumption is Logotherapy – a psychotherapy wherein man’s primary
dominated by the consumption of commercial products. motivational force is search for meaning. It aids individuals to
- It is a way of life where buying and owning things is a find personal meaning of life, whatever life situation they may
big deal. People in this culture often find meaning, be, but most especially in the time of suffering.
identity, and happiness through the stuff they purchase.
Three Distinct Ways to Discover Meaning in Life
EX: Imagine a society or community where people judge 1. Creative Value: creating a work or accomplishing a
each other based on the latest gadgets they own, the clothes task. (singers, painters, dancers who find their worth
they wear, and the cars they drive. In such a culture, your and value through their crafts)
possessions become a significant part of how others see you
and how you see yourself. 2. Experiential Value: receiving something from the
world through appreciation and gratitude (actions,
- Consumerism is the consumption of material goods relationships with other people).
and services in excess of one’s basic needs. The focus
is on continuous consumption and the idea that more 3. Attitudinal Value: Adopting a certain attitude toward
and newer possessions lead to a better life. inevitable suffering (how you react to situations in your
b. Spiritual Self
- It connects to the satisfaction of having an ability to Frankl’s Source of Meaning
argue and discriminate, of one’s moral sensibility and
conscience. Seeking the meaning of life is a journey 1. Love – the strongest bond between people and will lead
that the spiritual self is on. to wonderful inspiration and great sacrifice.
Meaningful connections that arise from caring for and
- Religion – a set of cultural beliefs and practices that being carried for by others.
usually includes a belief in a supernatural being;
presence of supernatural energy; rituals and activities; 2. Work - involves using one's skills, talents, and efforts
articulation of moral codes; and creation of social to make a positive impact on the world, leaving a
bonds and social control within a community. lasting legacy. Without work, people easily fall into an
aimless existence.

- Ritual - he performance of ceremonial acts prescribed 3. Suffering - Suffering as a source of meaning is both
by tradition or sacred law. A specific, observable mode curious and also understandable when it is seen in the
of behavior exhibited by societies. It is possible to view light of pain that leads to enlightenment. Even in the
it as a way of defining/describing humans. face of unavoidable suffering, individuals can find
meaning by choosing their attitude toward their
Some World Religious Beliefs and Practices circumstances. (Nasasaktan na, pero babangon pa rin)

1. Buddhism – believes that life is not a bed of roses. C. POLITICAL SELF

There are suffering, pain, frustrations. When people - Refers to an individual's identity, beliefs, and engagement with
suffer, they want to experience the goodness of life and the political aspects of society or of a community. (Our political
avoid disappointments. It teaches a way of life focused self is Filipino or Filipino citizen)
on understanding and overcoming suffering.
Filipino Traits and Values
2. Christianity - believes in the holy trinity: God the 1. The Filipino Hospitality - Filipinos welcome their
Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Eternal life guests and tourists as if they are their own brothers and
after death will be achieved through faith in Jesus sisters; they always make their guests feel at home,
Christ, God the Son, who came into flesh to spread the offering them something to eat, or even a place to stay.
Good News. He died on the Cross for the sins of
humanity. 2. Respect for Elders - Filipinos greet their elders by
kissing their hand while saying "mano po" and
3. Hinduism - believes that existence is a cycle of birth, constantly using "po" and "opo" in conversations.
death and rebirth, governed by Karma. It is a concept
where the reincarnated life will depend on how the past 3. Colonial Mentality is regarded as the lack of
life was spent. patriotism and the attitude where Filipinos favor
foreign products more than their own. (An mindset na
4. Islam - means “willing submission to God”. They mapalit kita hin product na from America instead ha
believe in Allah, who is their “One God.” Muslim Pilipinas kay mas matibay ira pagkahimo didto.)
believe that Mohammed is the last and final prophet
sent by God. The Holy Book of Islam is called Quran. 4. Close Family Ties – Filipinos maintain a tight
relationship with their families regardless if the
Finding and Creating Meaning of Life children are old enough and already have families of
their own.
Viktor Emil Frankl – Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist;
“meaning is something to discover rather than invent”. He
5. Cheerful Personality - Filipinos have a habit of Philippines has seen how the Internet has spawned ton
smiling and laughing a lot. They smile when they are of possibilities for people, both good and bad.
happy, or sometimes even when they are sad or angry.
6. Self-sacrifice - Filipinos go out of their way to extend
help to their loved ones and would even go to the - the aspect of the self that is expressed or shared with others
extend help to their friends, and would even go to the through online interactions on the internet, specifically in social
extent of working abroad hundreds of miles away to networking sites.
earn more money and save up for them.
Self-presentation and impression management
7. Bayanihan - is the spirit of communal unity and - the views of others through online interactions (social
cooperation of Filipinos. It is also about giving networking) are so important that they become part of
without expecting something in return. the self.

8. “Maňana Habit” - This is a Filipino term for - People try to present themselves in such a way to
procrastination. It was derived from a longer Filipino impress – that is, to create positive impressions in the
phrase called "Mamaya na" meaning dawdling things, eyes of other people.
which could have been done at an earlier time.
- Self-presentation refers to an individual’s attempts,
9. “Ningas Kugon” - "Ningas" is a Filipino term for both conscious and unconscious, to control how he or
flame and "Kugon" is a Filipino term for Cogon grass she projects himself or herself in social interactions.
that easily burns out after it is put into flames. Ningas
Kugon refers to the attitude of eagerly starting things - The desire to create positive impressions and to be
but quickly losing eagerness soon after experiencing “liked” by others may lead to consequences that can be
difficulty, just like how fast the fire of a cogon grass risky to one’s security and mental health, such as
burns out moments after being ignited. identity theft, cyber bullying, gossiping as well as
anxiety and depression.
10. Pride - Most Filipinos hold on their pride as if they are
more precious than keeping a good relationship with EXPRESSION OF GENDER AND SEXUALITY ONLINE
family and love ones. When two parties are not in good
terms, they find it so hard to apologize and wait until Sex refers to “the different biological and physiological
the other party asks for an apology first. characteristics of males and females, such as reproductive
organs, chromosomes, hormones, etc.” (MALE and FEMALE)
11. Crab Mentality - This is a toxic trait among Filipinos
where one resents the achievement of another, instead Gender refers to "the socially constructed characteristics of
of feeling happy for that person. women and men – such as norms, roles and relationships of and
between groups of women and men. (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
12. Filipino Time - Filipinos have this common attitude Transgender and etc.)
of arriving late at commitments, dinner, or parties
especially if they are meeting someone - Both could affect not only how people think about
close to them. themselves but also their relationships with others and
how others think of them as well.
How To Be a Good Filipino?
- Individuals tend to be categorized based on their gender
1. Be an active Filipino Citizen. A good Filipino citizen identities and sexuality in different types of situations
is aware of the current events and participates in that are visible in different forms of media, especially
government programs that aim for the country's social media.
progression and development.
- The portrayal of male and female behaviors in media
2. Study the Philippine History. The road of the could affect the construction of appropriate sexual
Philippine history is long and bloody, and by learning behaviors of people, especially adolescents.
and fully understanding the events of the Philippine
history, you will learn so much as to why it is so
important for you to love your country with your life. The Importance of Digital Technology

3. Support local products. When you buy local products, Technology - the application of information in the design,
you do not only support local manufacturers and production, and utilization of goods and services, and in the
businessmen, but also help strengthen the local organization of human activities.
Technology has changed the social features of people’s lives
4. Speak the Filipino language. The history of such as:
the Filipino language was as long and hard - It has altered the way people view the social dimension
as the Philippine history. of relationships and dictated new ways for people to
5. Do not spread fake news and be democratic in relate with one another.
engaging with dissent. This period in the history of the
- Advancements in computer and software technologies
have reached an impressive level.
2. Long-term Goals are usually achieved over a year or
- Technologies improve not only very common areas of more.
people’s daily life, but also areas of education, health
and production industries. Importance of Goals

1. Goal serve a directive function; they direct attention and effort

Digital Technology include all types of electronic equipment toward goal relevant activities and away from goal-irrelevant
and applications that use information in the form of numeric activities.
2. Goals have an energizing function. High goals lead to great
Impact of Online Interactions on the Self effort than low goals.

Mobile phones are ever more becoming a very valuable part 3. Goals affect persistence. When a people are allowed to control
of the daily life of today’s youth. the time they spend on a task, hard goals prolong effort.
• They allow the users to keep in touch, connect with
people, and be updated on the activities and 4. Goals affect action indirectly by leading to the arousal,
whereabouts of others. discovery, and/or use of task relevant knowledge and strategies.

• The use of digital technology and online interactions

limit face-to-face interaction with others and has drawn ABRAHAM MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS
people away from meaningful and intimate
communication with families and friends.

• The growing use of the internet and social networking

sites changes the social behaviors of individuals,
families and societies as a whole.

The positive and negative outcomes of internet

• Internet can improve one’s relationships through easier
ways of communicating;

• Social networking can be an important facility for In order to better understand what motivates human beings,
debates on current issues in the country such as political Maslow proposed that human needs can be organized into a
issues. hierarchy.

• It can also be a facility to express the opinions, needs, and This hierarchy ranges from more concrete needs such as food
concerns of people. and water to abstract concepts such as self-fulfillment.

Negative According to Maslow, when a lower need is met, the next need
on the hierarchy becomes our focus of attention.
• Through social networking that identity theft, false
information, and fake news are able to circulate. Taking Care of Ourselves

• Privacy and confidentiality is a major concern • Stress has ill-effects on health. People sometimes use
especially for adolescents who may not be entirely aware unconscious strategies called defense mechanism in
of the consequences of sharing private information order to cope with stress.
online, for anyone to see.
• Psychologists suggests that people must learn positive
• Adolescents are particularly susceptible to cyber ways to manage stress. Some suggestions to manage
bullying, gossips, and stalking. stress include social support, self-care, and

LESSON 3: MANAGING AND CARING FOR THE SELF Stress refers to events that are perceived as challenging,
damaging, or threatening to one’s physical or psychological
A. Setting Goals for Success well-being. Types of stress:

Goal - a goal is the object toward which the behavior is directed, • Eustress occurs when people experience positive
usually within a specified period of time; “what the individual events but requires them to adjust. (excitement for a
is consciously trying to do”. new job, or going on a first date)

1. Short-term Goals are those that can be achieved in a • Distress occurs when people experience negative
day, week, or a year. events and make a great deal of demands on them.
(losing a job or going through a break-up)

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