University of Cebu Metc: Sto Competency 5 Assessment Questionnaire For Validation Deck

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1 What should you do when you see a person fall overboard at night?
A Call for help and keep the victim in sight
B Throw a red flare to the victim
C Initiate a "Mayday" call to alert other vessels in the
D Put the rudder hard over to the side where the victi
2 Immediately after abandoning a vessel, lookouts should be posted aboard liferafts to look for
A Survivors in the water
B Food and water
C Land
D Bad weather
3 After abandoning ship, you should deploy the sea anchor from a liferaft to __________.
A Stay in the general location
B keep the liferaft from capsizing
C Navigate against the current
D Keep personnel from getting seasick
4 Which step should be taken, if possible, when the vessel must be abandoned because of a distress
A Place the SART and EPIRB in the "ON" position and
B Alert the U.S. Coast Guard by using the survival craf
C Program the SART and EPIRB to transmit the vessel'
D No additional steps are needed as the SART and EPI
5 When abandoning ship, after launching the motor lifeboat you should __________.
A stay in the immediate area
B plot a course for the nearest land
C take a vote on which direction you should go
D go in one direction until fuel runs out
6 You must shore up the collision bulkhead due to solid flooding forward. The bulkhead
approximates an inverted triangle. The center of pressure of the shores on the bulkhead should be
located __________.
A approximately two‐thirds of the way up the bulkhe
B at the bottom of the bulkhead
C evenly over the surface of the bulkhead
D approximately halfway up the bulkhead
7 You are trying to rescue survivors from a wrecked vessel on fire. You should approach __________.
A to windward of the wrecked vessel
B at a speed of at least that of the wrecked vessel
C to leeward of the wrecked vessel
D at a speed of at most one‐half that of the wrecked

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8 You are underway when a fire breaks out in the forward part of your vessel. If possible you should
A put the vessel's stern into the wind
B call for assistance
C abandon ship to windward
D keep going at half speed
9 A crew member has just fallen overboard off your port side. Which action should you take?
A Immediately put the rudder over hardleft.
B Immediately put the rudder over hardrigth.
C Immediately put the engine astern.
D Wait until the stern is well clear of the man and the
10 A report of casualty to a vessel must include _____________ .?
A The name of the owner or agent of the vessel
B An evaluation of who was at fault
C The amount of ballast on board
D The estimated cost of damage
11 Which situation requires you to furnish a notice of marine casualty to the coast guard?
A Your vessel is at anchor and grounds at low tide wit
B Storm damage to the cargo winch motors requiring
C A seaman slips on ice on deck and sprains his ankle,
D You collide with a buoy and drag it off station with
12 The abbreviation HEL‐H of helicopter radius of action for rescue purposes. What are the radius and
evacuating capacity of the helicopter?
A 200 nm and capacity for evacuating more then 15 p
B 100 nm and capacity for evacuating more than 10 p
C 500 nm and capacity for evacuating more than 25 p
D 150 nm and capacity for evacuating more than 12 p
13 What will be the action of each vessel after the collision accident?
A The stable vessel should standby to assist the vesse
B Reports to the Charterers the incident and continu
C After logging the other vessel's name, leave and co
D Report to the Owners the incident and continue th
14 When a crew member who is conscious has fallen overboard is being picked up by a lifeboat, how
should the boat approach with the wind?
A Just off the bow and the victim to leeward
B Astern and the victim just off the bow
C Ahead and the victim just the bow
D Just off the bow and the victim to windward
15 The shipboard general alarm system must receive its main source of power from which of the
A a storage battery
B the emergency generator
C an auxiliary generator
D the ship's service generator

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16 A continuous sounding of a fog whistle by a vessel indicates that a vessel is:
A in distress
B requesting the draw span bridge to be opened
C anchored
D without engines and drifting
17 Which of the following smoke signals can be given off by a vessel in distress or in need of
A orange colored smoke
B green colored smoke
C black smoke
D blue smoke
18 When beaching a vessel and the vessel is heavily trimmed by the head, beaching __________ may
be advantageous.
A stern first
B parallel to the beach
C bow first
D head on
19 What will be your first action to alarm the persons on board when your vessel runs aground?
A Sound the general alarm system
B Call the Engine room
C Call the Master
D Call the Bosun to dropped anchor
20 What would be your immediate action upon stranding your vessel?
A stop engine and put engine astern, if tide is falling
B call the coast guard
C call your ship owner
D call at tug boat
21 When vessel is stranded, the engineers should be warned to:
A change from low level water intakes to high level w
B change from high level water intakes to low level w
C change watch every 4 hours
D always keep the engines at full astern
22 After grounding, the extent of the damage to the vessel can determined by:
A sounding of all compartments
B taking sounding around the vessels
C checking if the engine room of flooded
D testing if the engine is still working
23 Upon colliding with another vessel in calm weather, the engines should be stopped. Which of the
following would NOT immediately be done?
A put the engines astern
B sound general alarm
C close watertight doors
D inform the crew of the situation

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24 Your vessel have been in collision with an other vessel. You are taking in water and you have to
prepare for leaving the vessel. How will you act?
A Send a distress message and collect survival suits / t
B Assist your friends to collect their personal belongi
C Collect your own personal belongings
D Just jump over board and be ready
25 If the ship's bow has penetrated the side of the other ship in a collision it would be safe to:
A stay in place in order to plug the hole on the other
B lower lifeboat in the water
C communicate with the other vessel
D come astern in order to get clear of the other vesse
26 Which of the following is NOT considered as distress signal?
A Green star shells
B Flames from the vessel
C Continuous sounding of a whistle
D A flag over a ball
27 Among the listed, which one is NOT a way to signal distress?
A Green star shells
B Flames from the vessel
C Continuous sounding of a whistle
D A flag over a ball
28 The abbreviation HEL‐H of helicopter radius of action for rescue purposes. What are the radius and
evacuating capacity of the helicopter?
A 200 nm and capacity for evacuating more then 15 p
B 100 nm and capacity for evacuating more than 10 p
C 500 nm and capacity for evacuating more than 25 p
D 150 nm and capacity for evacuating more than 12 p
29 What will be the action of each vessel after the collision accident?
A The stable vessel should standby to assist the vesse
B Reports to the Charterers the incident and continu
C After logging the other vessel's name, leave and co
D Report to the Owners the incident and continue th
30 When a crew member who is conscious has fallen overboard is being picked up by a lifeboat, how
should the boat approach with the wind?
A Just off the bow and the victim to leeward
B Astern and the victim just off the bow
C Ahead and the victim just the bow
D Just off the bow and the victim to windward
31 The shipboard general alarm system must receive its main source of power from which of the
A a storage battery
B the emergency generator
C an auxiliary generator
D the ship's service generator

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32 A continuous sounding of a fog whistle by a vessel indicates that a vessel is:
A in distress
B requesting the draw span bridge to be opened
C anchored
D without engines and drifting
33 Which of the following smoke signals can be given off by a vessel in distress or in need of
A orange colored smoke
B green colored smoke
C black smoke
D blue smoke
34 When beaching a vessel and the vessel is heavily trimmed by the head, beaching __________ may
be advantageous.
A stern first
B parallel to the beach
C bow first
D head on
35 What will be your first action to alarm the persons on board when your vessel runs aground?
A Sound the general alarm system
B Call the Engine room
C Call the Master
D Call the Bosun to dropped anchor
36 What would be your immediate action upon stranding your vessel?
A stop engine and put engine astern, if tide is falling
B call the coast guard
C call your ship owner
D call at tug boat
37 When vessel is stranded, the engineers should be warned to:
A change from low level water intakes to high level w
B change from high level water intakes to low level w
C change watch every 4 hours
D always keep the engines at full astern
38 After grounding, the extent of the damage to the vessel can determined by:
A sounding of all compartments
B taking sounding around the vessels
C checking if the engine room of flooded
D testing if the engine is still working
39 Upon colliding with another vessel in calm weather, the engines should be stopped. Which of the
following would NOT immediately be done?
A put the engines astern
B sound general alarm
C close watertight doors
D inform the crew of the situation

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40 Your vessel have been in collision with an other vessel. You are taking in water and you have to
prepare for leaving the vessel. How will you act?
A Send a distress message and collect survival suits / t
B Assist your friends to collect their personal belongi
C Collect your own personal belongings
D Just jump over board and be ready
41 If the ship's bow has penetrated the side of the other ship in a collision it would be safe to:
A stay in place in order to plug the hole on the other
B lower lifeboat in the water
C communicate with the other vessel
D come astern in order to get clear of the other vesse
42 Which of the following is NOT considered as distress signal?
A Green star shells
B Flames from the vessel
C Continuous sounding of a whistle
D A flag over a ball
43 Among the listed, which one is NOT a way to signal distress?
A Green star shells
B Flames from the vessel
C Continuous sounding of a whistle
D A flag over a ball
44 What would NOT be a distress signal:
A Green star shells fired from a launcher
B Red star shells fired from a launcher
C Continuous sounding of fog horn
D Square flag and ball in a vertical line
45 Which of the following information is NOT required in reporting danger messages?
A engine failure
B Ice
C derelicts
D direct dangers to navigation
46 What is the possible damaged of a vessel aground listing to starboard side?
A Starboard tank / ballast is breached and taking in w
B Center tank is breached and taking in water
C Due to the wind blowing from portside
D Normal causes for she is grounded
47 This system divides the crew into teams which should be trained in their various functions so that
when an emergency occurs, the whole crew swings into actions.
A back‐up team
B emergency maneuver system
C emergency segregation system
D emergency gear system

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48 Your vessel has grounded on a bar. What should you do?
A Switch to the high suction for condenser circulating
B Run the engine full astern to keep from being set fu
C If you cannot get clear immediately, lighten the shi
D all of the choices are correct
49 While your vessel is underway at sea and one of your crew member falls overboard from the
starboard side. What should be the FIRST thing to do?
A immediately throw the crew member a life preserv
B immediately begin backing your engines
C immediately apply left rudder
D immediately position your vessel to windward and
50 Which of the following action should you take if a crew member has just fallen overboard off your
port side?
A Immediately put the rudder over hard port
B Immediately put the rudder over hard starboard
C Immediately put the engines astern
D Wait until the stern is well clear of the man and the

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