Prosthodontic Implant Driven

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Prosthetically driven Implant Placement. How to achieve

the appropriate implant site development
Federico Brugnami and Cristiano Caleffi

Private Practice, Rome, Italy

(Received for publication on March 23, 2005)
(Revised for publication on June 27, 2005)
(Accepted for publication on August 24, 2005)

Abstract. Dental implants are established alternatives for replacing missing teeth. Tooth loss for dif-
ferent reasons may leads to alveolar resorption. Shortage of bone can prevent proper positioning of
dental implants according to prosthetic needs and treatment planning, unless the volume of hard and
soft tissues is increased before implantation. In the esthetic area it is essential not only to achieve well-
anchored implants but also sufficient soft and hard tissue in order to obtain natural looking result. This
article will present several treatment modalities to augment the soft and hard tissues in order to obtain
proper insertion of implants according to prosthetic needs and patient satisfaction. (Keio J Med 54 (4):
172–178, December 2005)

Key words: dental implants, ridge augmentation, surgical techniques, prosthetic guidance

Introduction Alveolar Bone Resorption After Tooth Loss

Implantology has undergone a number of phases. Alveolar bone is a specialized part of mandibular
The developing phase was the period during which we and maxillary bone that forms the primary support for
determined whether implants could be placed success- teeth. It is composed of bundles of bone, which is built
fully with achievement of osteointegration. The pros- up in layers in a parallel orientation to the coronal-
thetic phase represented the development of prosthetic apical direction of the tooth. The anterior maxillary
components and techniques that would afford the clini- bone is less dense than mandibular bone but more
cian the ability to place esthetic restorations. Today we dense than maxillary posterior bone.5 Alveolar ridge
realize that for a completely functional and esthetic defects and deformities can be the results of trauma,
restoration a complete hard and soft tissue harmony has periodontal disease, surgical treatment or congenital
to be achieved before or during implant placement. maldevelopment. Resorption after tooth loss has been
Augmentation of the resorbed alveolar crest, for ex- shown to follow a certain pattern: the labial site of
ample, can be achieved with soft and hard tissue onlays, alveolar crest is primarily resorbed, which first reduces
bone grafts, membrane techniques, bone distraction and its width and later the height.6,7 Alveolar bone is
bone splitting, maxillary sinus floor elevation and bone resorbed after tooth extraction or avulsion most rapidly
grafting. Bone grafting and guided bone regeneration during the first years. Extraction of anterior maxillary
can increase the width and, to some extent, also the teeth is associated with a progressive loss of bone
height of the alveolar bone.1,2 Lateral widening, but mainly from the labial side.7 The loss is estimated to be
not vertical augmentation, is possible with a crestal 40–60% during the first 3 years and decreases to 0.25–
split technique.3,4 All of these treatments are very 0.5% annual loss thereafter.8 The cause for resorption
technique-sensitive and have clear indication and of alveolar bone has been assumed to be due to disuse
contra-indication. atrophy, decreased blood supply, localized inflamma-

Reprint requests to: Dr. Federico Brugnami, Piazza Prati degli Strozzi, 21, 00195 Rome, Italy, e-mail: [email protected]

Keio J Med 2005; 54 (4): 172–178 173

tion or prosthesis pressure.8 In order to preserve the

form of alveolar crest after tooth loss, some root repli-
cates have been introduced. These are made of e.g.
PLA9 or bioglass10 and are able to preserve the crestal
width and height but may impair later implantation due
to incomplete resorption. Also, autogenous grafts and/
or allografts11,12 and non-resorbable13,14 or resorbable
membranes15 have been used to fill the bone defects
and to prevent resorption after tooth loss. Soft tissue
augmentation has been achieved with sub-epithelial
connective tissue grafts, which preserve gingival color
and tissue characteristics.16,17 Allogenic grafts and
various techniques have also been used for esthetic
reasons to maintain the bone and soft tissue level un-
derneath the pontic area in fixed bridges18 and in Fig. 1.1 Autogenous block in place form retro-molar area.
improving appearance before prosthetic treatment in
localized alveolar ridge defects.19

Augmentation with Bone Grafts

Autogenous bone is still considered the golden stan-

dard in the bone regeneration procedures (Figs. 1.1 to
1.3).20 Studies have shown that autogenous cancellous
bone produces successful and predictable results.20
Autogenous bone grafts may act mostly as scaffolds and
are thus more osteoconductive than osteoinductive even
though osteogenic activity may have remained in the
spongious part of the graft.21 The disadvantages of
autogenous grafts are the need for a second surgical site
and its associated morbidity.22 Autogenous grafts can
be taken, in fact, in lower volume from the maxillo-
facial area or in greater volume from distant sites such
as iliac crest, tibia, fibula and even scapula. Intra-oral Fig. 1.2 Healing 6 month after grafting. Ridge dimension is now 5 to
bone grafting is generally sufficient in treating narrow 6 mm.
maxillary alveolar crest. It has been shown that bone
grafts taken from the jaws resorb more slowly than
other grafts.23,24 This might be due to the origin of
jawbones, which is membranous while other long bones
mainly are endochondral.23 Membranous bone has
been shown to form vascularization of the graft more
rapidly than does endochondral bone graft.25 Autoge-
nous bone grafts are either cortical blocks, cortico-
cancellous blocks, bone chips or compressed cancellous
bone cakes. The amount of bone needed can be pre-
determined using a surgical template to illustrate the
amount of bone needed for implant placement. Suitable
intra-oral donor sites are symphysis, maxillary tuber-
osity, mandibular retromolar area, and zygoma. The
bone slurry produced during preparation of implant
bed can be harvested using suction-connected bone
collector.26–28 Contamination with oral bacteria is
possible during harvesting procedure but this risk is Fig. 1.3 Implant of 4.1 mm of diameter after placement.
decreased if harvesting is performed as aseptic as
possible.28 Figs. 1.1 to 1.3 Autologous bone harvesting from intra-oral site for
horizontal ridge augmentation before implant placement.
174 Brugnami F and Caleffi C: Implant site development

Augmentation with Allogenic, Xenogenic or

Alloplastic Graft Materials

Allogenic bone material has been extensively used in

bone regeneration (Figs. 2.1 to 2.3). Although some
doubts have been raised on its biological effects12 allo-
genic material may represent a valid alternative to
autologous bone graft.13,14 Extensive research has
been focused on the development of bone substitutes.
Many of these products are based on minerals, which
are found in bone.26 Hydroxyl apatite (HA) is the ma-
jor bone mineral. It can be also manufactured industri-
ally. HA is non-resorbable while other coral-derived
materials are gradually resorbed.28,29 Coral granules
Fig. 2.1 Extraction socket. Reproduced by permission of Quint- obtained from natural coral skeletons will be com-
essence Publishing Co, Inc. pletely resorbed and replaced by host bone27 and have
been used in bone augmentation procedures.28 Allo-
genic and xenogenic bone products might be aban-
doned in the future due to the risk of transmitting dis-
eases. Allogenic, xenogenic and alloplastic materials
can be mixed with bone chips and thus decrease the
amount of bone graft needed, which in this case can be
harvested from intra-oral sites.26

Guided Bone Regeneration

Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) is a technique

in which bone growth is enhanced by maintaining the
space and preventing soft tissue in growth into the area
utilizing either a resorbable or non-resorbable barrier
membrane. GBR may be performed in conjunction with
the placement of the implants or during a surgical
intervention prior to implant placement. The staged
Fig. 2.2 Socket filled with DFDBA. Reproduced by permission of approach is primarily chosen in situations with large
Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc.
bone defects or in esthetic situation, to allow position-
ing of the implants in the prosthetically desired posi-
tion. Hence, the alveolar ridge is augmented in a first
surgical intervention. After the appropriate time for
healing, the implants are then placed into a site of suf-
ficient bone volume (Figs. 3.1, 3.2). Although auto-
logous bone would be normally the material of choice,
in a recent clinical study also a de-proteinized bovine
bone mineral was applied in conjunction with a
bioresorbable collagen membrane.31 Metallic mem-
branes32 or membranes supported by titanium
frame33–35 have been tested. Acellular matrix has been
used as a barrier membrane with demineralized freeze-
dried bone allograft.36 Membranes in general are a
controversial issue in implantology and their use is at
least very technique sensitive.37 Non-resorbable mem-
branes need a second operation for their removal and
Fig. 2.3 4 months later after implant placement.
resorbable membranes can enhance inflammation.38
Intact periosteum or split palatal gingival flaps are
Figs. 2.1 to 2.3 Allogeneic bone graft (DFDBA) before implant regarded by some authors as natural membranes.39
placement. Still, however, good results with augmentation proce-
Keio J Med 2005; 54 (4): 172–178 175

Fig. 3.1 Radiograph of same defect after GBR. Note Titanium Fig. 3.2 Radiograph after 9 months. Note complete resolution of
Membrane and pins. vertical bone defect.

Figs. 3.1 to 3.2 GBR with e-PTFE membrane. In this case Vertical Augmentation with Titanium reinforced membrane and pins.

dures using membranes have been presented.34,35,40–42 necessarily improve the prognosis.47 Lamellar cortical
Vertical increase of a narrow alveolar crest has been splitting can be initiated with a diamond disc or burs
shown to be possible with membranes.34 Membranes and finalized with osteotomes.19 Implants inserted in
are often accompanied with bone grafts beneath them.43 alveolar bone in which the width has been increased by
Also, here autogenous bone chips are superior to dem- means of lateral widening have been shown to give
ineralized allogenic grafts. success rate between 86 and 97%.19,47 This should be
regarded as a very acceptable result and is comparable
Bone Expansion and Split Crest Techniques with implantation without bone augmentation.

Alveolar reconstruction or alveolar widening with Sinus Floor Augmentation Techniques

osteotomes and chisels produces a greenstick fracture
leaving the remaining periosteum attached to the bone. The sinus floor augmentation technique has been
This periosteally pedicled buccal cortex is repositioned extensively utilized in the last 20 years to successfully
and a new implant bed is created without even drilling. increase the dimensions of the posterior maxilla for
The major benefit of crestal widening is that the thin implant placement.48 This technique is based on the
alveolar bone can be utilized for implantation without elevation of the Schneiderian membrane from the floor
grafting and the implants placed simultaneously with of the maxillary sinus and the introduction of a bone
the bone expansion procedure. One of the problems is graft or a bone substitute (Figs. 4.1 and 4.2). This pro-
generally to assure precise positioning of implants cedure is technically demanding and involves many
according to prosthetic needs. Since the expansion factors that might affect implant survival such as the
is achieved by transposition of the buccal plate even type of graft used for augmentation, the surgical tech-
more buccally, the implants may have a tendency to be nique and the type of implants.49 The osteotome tech-
inclined too much in the same direction. Grafting be- nique was introduced to increase primary stability of
tween the fractured cortical lamellae is better inte- dental implants in the posterior maxilla.50–52 It is a
grated and opening of marrow space improves vascula- procedure that has been well established in clinical
rization and healing.8 The direction of forces by chisels routine. With implant shaped instruments the tra-
should be aimed palatally to decrease the damage becular bone is compressed laterally. Moreover, the
exerted on the fragile buccal plate. The bone can be alveolar ridge can be expanded and the sinus floor can
flexed to some extent due to its elasticity.4 Bone com- be elevated through a crestal approach.51–53
pression is also achieved as well as an increase in the
density of trabeculocity in the adjacent site.45 The Vertical Bone Defects
resulting gap can be covered by non-resorbable mem-
brane46,8 and filled with allogenic material.8 Interposi- The indications for vertical ridge augmentation in-
tional autogenous bone grafts have been used to im- clude situations where the remaining bone height is too
prove bony healing in the gap.5 Membranes do not small for proper anchorage of oral implants; unfavor-
176 Brugnami F and Caleffi C: Implant site development

Fig. 4.1 View of buccal window. Fig. 4.2 Same view after grafting procedure is completed.

Figs. 4.1 and 4.2 Sinus lift procedure with buccal window approach.

able crown to implant ratios and unfavorable esthetic Conclusions

outcomes will result from the lack of remaining hard
and soft tissues (Figs. 2.1 to 2.3). Data from animal To maximize functional and esthetic results, implants
experiments have clearly demonstrated that growth of should be placed accordingly to prosthetic needs and
bone above the external borders of the skeleton was design. Due to bone resorption after extraction, ideal
possible using GBR.54–60 In the first clinical study on placement of implants would be often impossible with-
vertical ridge augmentation in humans, a titanium- out prior hard and soft tissue augmentation. Several
reinforced ePTFE membrane was used to cover techniques are available nowadays. Advantages and
implants that were allowed to protrude up to 7 mm disadvantages of these techniques are presented. Solu-
above the crest.61 The results after 9 months of sub- tion of each case requires customization and often
merged healing showed bone formation reaching up to combination of these techniques. Thus a deep knowl-
4 mm above the previous border of the alveolar crest. edge of these techniques will allow the surgeon to
The remainder of the space between the newly properly select the right combination for prosthetic
formed bone and the membrane was occupied by non- needs and especially for the esthetic and function of
mineralized tissue. Within the area of the newly formed patients.
bone, osseointegration of the implants had occurred as
demonstrated by histologic analysis of experimentally
retrieved test implants. In another study, six patients References
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