Brun Svold 1993

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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 1.

1993, 8&91 Copyright 8 Munksgaard 1993

Prinred in Denmark. All rights resewed
ISSN 0906-6713

Bone grafts and periodontal


One of the biggest challenges remaining in dentistry is of continuity without full restoration of architecture
to predictably regenerate the alveolar bone destroyed and function.
by periodontitis. It is exciting to consider how many Two other related terms are also commonly con-
more dentitions could be restored to optimum health, fused. New attachment is the reunion of connective
aesthetics and function if this were possible. Great tissue with a root surface that has been deprived of
strides are being made to achieve this goal using the its periodontal ligament; reunion occurs by the for-
method of bone grafting and other regeneration pro- mation of new cementum with inserting collagen
cedures. Recent advances in bone grafting include: 1) fibers. Reattachment is the reunion of connective
improved procurement and availability of bone graft tissue with a root surface on which viable periodontal
material, 2) improved methods for complete detoxi- tissue is present. The types of grafts are defined sep-
fication of diseased root surfaces, 3) better under- arately in another section of this review.
standing ofthe cellkinetics ofwound healing, 4) appli-
cation of the principles of guided tissue regeneration
and 5) the use of growth factors to enhance healing. Objectives of bone grafts
Periodontal bone grafting in the past has been con-
troversial and unpredictable. Strong proponents of The objectives of periodontal bone grafts are: 1)
bone grafting argue that the majority of healing probing depth reduction, 2) clinical attachment gain,
studies show better success using grafting materials 3) bone fill of the osseous defect and 4) regeneration
than open flap debridement in managing severe oss- of new bone, cementum and periodontal ligament
eous defects. Others argue that the amount ofbone re- (90).Clinical studies and case reports supply valuable
generation possible with current techniques is too information concerning the first 3 objectives. The last
limited and unpredictable to be useful. objective requires histologic analysis to verify (Fig.
This review attempts to clarify the role of bone 1).
grafting in the present era of regeneration. The infor- Animal studies are of value to indicate the poten-
mation discussed includes a definition of terms, ob- tial of graft materials to produce favorable results.
jectives of bone grafting, types of bone grafts, surgical The results must be viewed with caution, however,
procedure and bone banking. and should not be directly applied to humans. Ani-
mal studies compare graft and nongraft procedures
in artificially created defects (Table 1). The majority
of these reports indicate a superior result obtained
Terminology following the placement of a graft. Nongraft control
sites were never found to be superior to grafted sites.
Some of the controversy regarding periodontal re- Human histologic analysis is the gold standard for
construction stems from confusion of terminology. determining the true potential of any graft material
The term regeneration is often used inappropriately to regenerate the periodontium. Histologic evalu-
to describe the healing process of repair. ation of 159 human periodontal grafts has been re-
In this review, periodontal regeneration is defined ported (Table 2). A critical step in these trials is docu-
as the process by which the architecture and function mentation on the root surface of where bacterial
of the periodontium is completely restored. Repair contamination occurred prior to treatment. The
of the periodontium is defined as re-establishment methods for this documentation have varied a great

Bone grafts

measured using the most apical level of calculus on

the root surface as a reference marker. Results indi-
cated that regeneration was possible with and with-
out bone grafts in the submerged environment. In
grafted sites, however, more new attachment appar-
atus was found than in nongrafted sites. Also, the
frequency of regeneration was increased in grafted
versus nongrafted sites. Their findings strongly sug-
gest that bone grafts do have an inductive effect on
the periodontium. This issue remains controversial,
however. Egelberg (25) has stated that there is little
indication that bone grafts induce new bone forma-
tion or stimulate connective tissue attachment to
teeth. It appears likely that, in the near future, growth
factors will be used with bone grafts to increase their
induction potential (79). These biologic modifiers
regulate cell proliferation, migration and matrix syn-
thesis and in animal models have been shown to en-
hance regeneration in periodontal defects (51).
The healing of human autogenous periodontal
bone grafts has been described (20,22).The initiation
of new bone formation occurs at 7 days, cemento-
genesis at 21 days and a new periodontal ligament is
seen at 3 months. By 8 months, the graft is incorpor-
ated into host bone with functionally oriented fibers
between bone and cementum. Maturation of grafted
sites may take up to 2 years. Radiographic evidence
Fig. 1. Human block section removed 6 months post-bone of increasing bone density often is not seen until 6
grafting demonstrating regeneration of a functional ap- months (54).
paratus: notch (n) placed in subgingival calculus on the Root resorption has been reported as a compli-
root surface, new cementum (c) artifactually (a) separated cation of bone grafting (22). This problem has only
from dentin and old cementum, periodontal ligament been observed with fresh iliac cancellous bone and
(pdl), residual graft (g) particle of demineralized freeze-
dried bone allograft, new bone formation (nb) and old marrow grafts, suggesting that viable marrow cells
bone (ob) (courtesyof G. M. Bowers) are the cause of the resorption (43, 89). Freezing of
the grafts appear to eliminate this problem. Root re-
sorption has also been correlated with chronic gingi-
deal (21, 31, 40, 43, 50, 60, 61, 65, 86). At present, the val inflammation in the postoperative period caused
most scientifically valid proof of regeneration of an by plaque (22). Histologic findings indicate that con-
attachment apparatus is a notch placed in the most nective tissue in resorptive bays always contains an
apical level of calculus on the root surface (6-8, 15, inflammatory cell infiltrate (30). Root resorption fol-
23,35). Using this marker, new bone, cementum and lowing bone grafts is more prevalent in animals than
periodontal ligament has been identified following in humans (3).
grafts of osseous coagulum-bone blend (35) and de- A long junctional epithelium between alveolar
calcified freeze-dried bone allograft (6-8). bone and root surface has been proposed as an ex-
In striving for the 4 objectives previously listed for planation for the infrequent root resorption seen in
bone grafting, can we expect the graft materials to humans after bone grafting (46). However, in 74 hu-
help induce new bone? Bowers et al. (7) studied this man biopsies where bone grafting was performed,
question by comparing the healing of intraosseous epithelium was rarely observed apical to the level of
defects with and without placement of decalcified active bone formation (6). Junctional epithelium was
freeze-dried bone allografts in human periodontal never observed apical to the level of new cementum
defects. These defects were submerged by complete formation (9).
coverage with soft tissue flaps. Periodontal regenera- In summary, animal and human histologic studies
tion in 30 grafted and 19 nongrafted defects was indicate that regeneration of the periodontium is

Brunsvold &I MeUonig

Table 1. Controlled histologic studies in animals with bone autografts and allografts in the treatment of periodontal
osseous defects
Number and Defect
Graft type of type
Author Year material animal created Results
Yuktanadana 1959 ICBM 10 D Intraosseous Grafted defects may be eliminated by induction
(105) of bone. Control defects heal by adaptation of
epithelial attachment.
Patterson 1967 ICBM 10 D Furcation A coronal increase of 2-3 mm of bone with
et al. (70) graft. No new bone with control
Hurt (45) 1969 FDBA 4D 2-walled Convincing evidence of acceptability of graft.
No advantage or disadvantage in using graft
Hiatt (41) 1970 CBMA 12 D Intraosseous No significant difference in healing between
graft and control
Rivault 1971 oc 4M Intraosseous Faster and greater osteogenic activity with
et al. (83) small particle bone graft than controls
Narang & 1972 DFDBA 27 D Intraosseous Graft was replaced by new bone and marrow;
Wells (67) less new bone at control sites
Ellegaard 1973 ICBM 6M Furcation ICBM and frozen ECBM yielded a higher
et al. (27) ECBM frequency of regeneration than fresh ECBM and
Ellegaard 1974 ICBM 12 M 3-walled Regeneration is obtained with equal success
et al. (281 ECBM with and without graft.
Coverly 1975 oc 4M 2- and 3-walled In early stages, grafted defects demonstrated a
et al. (17) more advanced level of regeneration than
Ellegaard 1975 ICBM 19 M Furcation New bone in deepest portion of defect with
et al. (29) graft. No new bone without graft
Youlson 1976 CRMA 4M 2-walled Allograft induced a more rapid osseous repair
et al. (73) than controls.
Nilveus 1978 ICBM 6D Furcation Osseous grafts did not improve results.
et al. (68)
Caton et al. 1980 ECBM 8M Intraosseous Both graft and control healed with an epithelial
(14) lining along the root surface with no new
connective tissue.
Mellonig 1981 FDBA 4M Intraosseous Significantly more regeneration with graft than
(55) control
Klinge et al. 1985 ICBM 10 D Furcation Flap support by the bone graft may facilitate
(47) regeneration.
Sonis et al. 1985 DBP 8 D Intraosseous DBP successfully induced new bone. No
(94) furcation differences were seen between test and control.
Blumenthal 1986 DFDBA 4 D 2-walled Graft healed by regeneration. Control healed
et al. (4) by a long junctional epithelium.
Wad et al. 1988 DFDDA 6D 3-walled Complete regeneration of lost attachment
(101) apparatus with graft. Long junctional
epithelium to base of defect with controls
Passanezzi 1989 ICBM 6D Furcation Abundant new bone, new cementum and
et al. (69) ankylosis with graft. Control defects filled with
connective tissue and new cementum.
Wada et al. 1989 ICBM 3D Furcation Grafts showed more pronounced regeneration
(102) DFDBA and higher periodontal attachment than did
OC=osseous coagulum autograft; ICBM=intraoral cancellous bone and marrow autograft; ECBM=
extraoral (iliac) cancellous bone and marrow autograft; CBMA=cancellous bone and marrow
allograft; FDBA=freeze-dried bone allograft; DFDBA=decalcified freeze-dried bone allograft; DFDDA=
decalcified freeze-dried dentin allograft; DBP=demineralized bone powder; D=dog; M=monkey.

Bone grafts

Table 2. Controlled studies humans with bone autografts and allografts in the treatment of periodontal
osseous defects
~~ ~

Graft Method of Mean results

Author Year material evaluation Graft Control
Ellegaard & Loe (26) 1971 ICBM Probing and Equal degree of success
Patur (71) 1974 ICBM Re-entry No significant difference.
ECBM Graft improved results of treatment
Carraro et al. (10) 1976 ICBM Probing 3.07 mm (2-wall) 2.15 mm (2-wall)
2.35 mm (1-wall) 2.25 mm (1-wall)
Froum et al. (34) 1976 OC-BB Re-entry 2.98 mm 0.66 mm
(71% bone fill) (22% bone fill)
4.36 mm
(61% bone fill)
Hiatt et al. (43) 1978 ICBM Histology Regeneration Lack of
ECBM consistently cementogenesis and
CBMA found bone formation
Moomaw (60) 1978 FDBA Histology New attachment
greater in grafted sites
Listgarten & Rosenberg 1979 ICBM Histology New bone and Little if any new
(50) CBMA cementum cementum or bone
Altiere et al. (2) 1979 FDBA Re-entry 60% defects 60% defects
>50% bone fill >50% bone fill
Pearson et al. (72) 1981 DFDBA X-ray 1.38 mm fill 0.33 mm fill
Movin et al. (62) 1982 ICBM Probing and 3.2 mm gain 2.0 mm gain
X-rays attachment attachment
Dragoo & Kaldahl (18) 1983 DFDBA Histology No difference in healing
Mellonig (56) 1984 DFDBA Re-entry 2.57 mm 1.26 mm
(65%bone fill) (38% bone fill)
Mabry et al. (52) 1985 FDBA Re-entry 1.9 mm (39% fill) 1.0 mm (31% fill)
FDBA+TCN 2.8 mm (61% fill) 1.4 mm (36% fill)
Schrad & Tussing (91) 1985 CBMA Re-entry 1.6 mm 0.8 mm
(54% bone fill) (33% bone fill)
Renvert et al. (81) 1985 ICBM Probing bone 1.2 mm gain 0.8 mm
level Significant only for deepest defects
Hiatt et al. (44) 1986 CBMA Re-entry 4.83 mm fill 0.22 mm fill
Probing bone
Gantes et al. (36) 1988 DFDBA Re-entry No difference between defects treated with
and without bone grafts
Bowers et al. (8) 1989 DFDBA Histology Regeneration in both grafted and nongraft
sites in the submerged environment.
Greater and more frequent regeneration in
grafted sites.
Bowers et al. (9) 1989 DFDBA Histology New bone, No new attachment
cementum, apparatus
Blumenthal & 1990 DFDBA Re-entry 2.60 mm bone fill 0.38 mm bone fill
Steinberg (5)
OC-BB=osseous coagulum-bone blend autograft; ICBM=intraoral cancellous bone and marrow autograft; ECBM=
extraoral (iliac)cancellous bone and marrow autograft; CBMA=cancellousbone and marrow allograft: FDBA=freeze-
dried bone allograft; FDBA+TCN=freeze-dried bone dograft plus tetracycline; DFDBA=decalcified freeze-dried
bone allograft.

possible following the use of bone grafts (Fig. 1). At humans averages about 60% of the orignal defect.
least some forms of bone grafts have an inductive The average gain of attachment from several studies
effect. The amount of bone fill is rarely loo%, but in using different materials in varying types of'defects

Brunsvold & Mellonig

is 2.68 mm. Although pocket depth reduction is an compared with 0.66 mm when open flap debride-
objective of bone grafting, these measurements are ment was used (34).
seldom reported in the results of bone graft studies. In addition to obtaining bone from the surgical
site, bone from other sources in the oral cavity has
been used successfully for periodontal osseous grafts.
Types of bone grafts Donor sites for this bone include healing bony
wounds (381,healing extraction sites (93),edentulous
The 3 types of grafts being used most frequently to- ridges, tori and the maxillary tuberosity. None of
day in periodontics are autogenous grafts, allografts these sites has been shown superior to the others in
and alloplasts. Early evaluations of these procedures results. In a study of 166 graft sites, a mean fill of 3.44
did not include controls. Later, controlled trials were mm was reported using various sources of intraoral
felt necessary as some therapists speculated that bone (42). Rosenberg (85) also reported predictable
equal amounts of bone fill can be achieved without success with intraoral grafts; he used 50% fill of the
bone grafts. defect as the criterion for success and described a
common need for a secondary procedure to correct
remaining defects. Using pocket measurements, Car-
raro et al. (13)found no advantage for intraoral graft
Autogenous bone grafts are taken from one part of a materials in one-walled defects, but two-walled de-
patient’s body and transferred to another. Several fects responded more favorably. Renvert et al. (81)
types of autogenous periodontal bone grafts include found an advantage for autogenous intraoral grafts
cortical bone chips, osseous coagulum, bone blend, only in deep lesions.
extraction socket bone and extraoral cancellous bone Autogenous grafts of iliac cancellous bone and
with marrow. marrow offer the greatest potential for induction of
The basis for current periodontal bone grafting new bone in the periodontium (18, 95). Complete
procedures can be traced to Nabers & O’Leary in 1965 fill of furcations and interproximal craters has been
(64). They used cortical bone shavings removed by reported. Freeze-drying of this material appears to
hand chisels from within the surgical site. Using this eliminate the complication of root resorption de-
material, they reported coronal increases in bone scribed earlier. The use of this material has not been
height. The intraosseous defects so treated were not widespread, however, probably because of the added
felt to be amenable to other forms of treatment. expense, time and surgical procedure required.
Long-term documented success of 6 cases was subse- These problems, plus the need for increased donor
quently reported (66). bone, led to the development of an allogenic source
Osseous coagulum is obtained by using rotary in- of bone.
struments on intraoral bone in the surgical site and
then mixing the particles of bone with the patient’s
blood (84). The use of this material is based on the
rationale that the small particle size is predictably Allografts are grafts transferred between genetically
resorbed and replaced by host bone. The mineralized dissimilar members of the same species. Three types
fragments are also thought to induce bone formation. of bone allografts are being used in periodontics. De-
Osseous coagulum procedures have disadvantages, mineralized freeze-dried bone is used most often.
which include aspiration problems, an unknown Nondernineralized freeze-dried bone and frozen iliac
quantity of collected bone fragments and limitations cancellous bone is used less frequently.
concerning the quantity of bone that can be ob- Demineralized freeze-dried bone induces host
tained. The bone blend technique was designed to mesenchymal cells to differentiate into osteoblasts
overcome some of these problems. (39). Urist et al. (98-100) showed that demineraliza-
Bone blend is cortical or cancellous intraoral bone tion and freeze-drying of cortical bone graft material
that is obtained with a trephine, chisel or rongeur. It greatly enhances its osteogenic potential. Hydro-
is placed in an amalgam capsule and triturated into chloric acid demineralization exposes the bone-
particle size in the range of 100 to 200 pm (19). Case inductive proteins located in the bone matrix. These
reports and controlled clinical trials support the suc- proteins, collectively called bone morphogenic pro-
cess of this material. A mean fill of 73% was reported teins, are composed of acidic polypeptides. They are
in a study of 25 defects (33). In a comparison study, structurally similar in several species of mammals
the bone blend grafts produced 2.98 mm in bone fill (88).The bone-inductive proteins are located in bone

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Bone grafts

matrix and therefore are more abundant in cortical by allografts and alloplasts. New approaches to the
bone where bone matrix is more abundant. application of these materials may help overcome
Since these proteins have the ability to stimulate the limitations.
host stem cells to differentiate into osteoblasts, de-
calcified freeze-dried bone allografts (DFDBA) are
considered more inductive than nondemineralized Surgical procedure
bone. Nondemineralized bone functions through os-
teoconduction by providing a scaffold over which The various factors related to the surgical tech-
new bone forms (37). nique of bone grafting are hard to evaluate scien-
Healing following the use of demineralized bone tifically and, therefore, most recommendations are
allograft is felt to follow a cascade of events (79). based on clinical observations (Fig. 3). It is not the
Attachment of fibroblasts to the extracellular matrix purpose of this review to discuss in detail the tech-
occurs at day 1. Cell proliferation and differentiation nical aspects of bone grafting. This information is
of chrondroblasts is seen by day 5. By day 7, there are important, however, and has recently been de-
chondrocytes with synthesis and secretion of matrix. scribed (59). New methods to enhance bone graft-
Vascular invasion, bone formation and mineraliza- ing are continually being proposed and are empha-
tion are seen at days 10-12. By day 21, marrow is sized in this section.
observed. This series of events has not been de- Root debridement is an extremely important step
scribed in periodontal bone graft sites, however. in bone-grafting procedures. A combination of
The use of DFDBA in human periodontal defects ultrasonic and hand instruments is commonly used
was first reported by Librin et al. (49). Three sites to insure that all hard and soft deposits plus altered
responded with 4-10 mm of new bone. In another cementum are completely removed from the root
study, a mean of 2.4 mm of bone fill was measured surface. Rotary instruments have recently been
in 27 intraosseous defects using cortical DFDBA (78). shown to enhance the process (92). Fiber-optic
Bone fill ranging from 75% to 95% was described in light sources have also been reported to enhance
another series of case reports (104). root debridement (80). In addition, magnifymg
A radiographic analysis of cancellous DFDBA in 16 loupes have also been described as valuable ad-
patients demonstrated a mean fill of 1.38 mm, juncts based on clinical observations. These aids
whereas 6 control sites showed only 0.33 mm (72). for complete root debridement may improve the
Ellegaard & Loe (26) described the limitation of using predictability and success of grafts in the future.
radiographs as a basis for measurements after bone Other authors in this volume discuss surface
grafting. In a controlled re-entry study of 47 peri- alterations to enhance periodontal regeneration.
odontal osseous defects, a mean bone fill of 2.6 mm These alterations include demineralization with cit-
(65% of defect) was reported with cortical DFDBA ric acid and tetracycline and the use of attachment
compared with 1.3 mm (38%of defect) without graft proteins and growth factors. There is encouraging
(56) (Fig. 2). evidence that at least some of these agents may
Direct comparison of DFDBA and freeze-dried greatly increase the predictability of bone grafts.
bone allograft in 11 paired sites showed no statistical Guided tissue regeneration using membranes
difference in probing depth reduction, clinical attach- and coronally positioned flaps also holds promise
ment gain or bone fill (87). This is hard to explain in for increasing the success of bone grafting. Other
view of Urist’s findings. Other factors may influence chapters review clinical studies combining these
the choice of using mineralized or demineralized approaches with bone grafts.
bone. Both types of bone are processed with multiple In summary, the limited predictability of bone
immersions in absolute ethanol. Decalcification in- grafting reported in earlier studies may soon be
volves the added immersion in 0.6 N HCI (58).Both of overcome by several innovative approaches that
these processes are thought to inactivate the human show encouraging results in early reports.
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (53,77,82).
Alloplasts are implants of inert materials. They are
described as synthetic bone graft materials. Hydroxy- Bone banks
apatite is currently the most commonly used alloplast.
In summary, there currently is not an ideal peri- Bone banking has greatly increased the options for
odontal bone graft material. All have limitations. the periodontal therapist in the management of se-
Autogenous bone is the material of choice followed vere osseous defects. Bone graft procedures are no

Brunsvold & Mellonig

Fig. 2. A Clinical study with experimental and control

within the same patient. Experimental intraosseous defect
site on the mesial of the mandibular left cuspid. B. Defect
filled with demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft.
C. Graft site demonstrating 3.0 mm of bone fill at the time
of 6-month surgical re-entry. D. Control site on the mesial
of the right mandibular cuspid treated by open flap de-
bridement. E. Surgical re-entry of control site at 6 months
post-surgery demonstrating less than 1.0 mm of bone fill.

longer limited by available autogenous bone. An esti- in 2 million (10). Further processing decreases the
mated 40,000 periodontal bone grafts obtained from risk to 1 in 8 million (11).
bone banks are performed annually (58).There have Some tissue banks use irradiation and ethylene ox-
been reported cases of disease transfer with pro- ide to sterilize bone allografts and thus further de-
cessed freeze-dried bone allografts. The possibility of crease the possibility of disease transfer. These steps
disease transfer with bone allografts is very unlikely are controversial, however. Irradiation of bone allo-
if the material is procured and processed according graft was reported to destroy bone induction (12,63,
to tissue-banking protocols (32).If medical and social 961, but there is no total agreement on this finding
screening, antibody testing, direct antigen tests, sero- (103).Also, HIV is not reliably inactivated by the cur-
logic tests, bacterial culturing, autopsy and follow- rent radiation dose of 15 pGy (16).
up studies of grafts from the same donor are used, Ethylene oxide unquestionably renders a bone
the chances for disease transfer are approximately 1 allograft noninfectious (24). In this process, however,

Bone grafts

Fig. 3. k Bone graft technique. Baseline soft tissue meas- tissue measurements made from the cementoenamel
urements are made of probing depth and clinical attach- junction to the alveolar crest. C. Hard tissue measure-
ment level at the completion of the hygiene phase of treat- ments are also made from the cementoenamel junction to
ment. B. Facial and lingual mucoperiosteal flaps are the deepest point of the bony defect. D. Defect is Wed
reflected. The osseous defect is debrided of a l l soft tissue, with cortical demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft.
the root surface planed, hemeostasis achieved, and hard The flaps are replaced and sutured.

the ethylene oxide may also interfere with bone in- 0 The bone is ground to a particle size of 250 to BOO
duction (106). Residual ethylene oxide in the graft pm. This particle size range was shown to promote
has been shown to be toxic to fibroblastsand to cause osteogenesis, whereas particles smaller than 125
morphologic changes in fibroblasts that may not be pm induce a macrophage response (57).
reversible (48). Others have found ethylene oxide to The bone is again immersed in ethanol.
be acceptable and safe (75). 0 The bone may or may not be demineralized.
The steps in processing bone allografts for dental 0 The allograft is freeze-dried to permit long-term
use usually include the following (58): storage and reduce antigenicity (76, 97).

0 Cortical bone is obtained in a sterile manner within

12 h of death of the donor. It is preferred over can- In summary, bone allografts appear to be extremely
cellous bone since it is less antigenic and contains safe. Patient concerns about disease transfer, how-
more bone-inductive proteins. ever, will probably increase. Therefore, an under-
0 The bone is cut into 0.5- to 5-mm particles and standing by dentists of the processing and risks is
immersed in 100% ethanol for 1 h. Within 1 min important so that patients’ questions can be ad-
of this treatment, viruses are inactivated (82). The equately answered. Also, the selection of a bone
ethanol completely penetrates cortical bone (74). bank that conforms to the standards of the Amer-
0 The bone is frozen, further decreasing the risk of ican Association of Tissue Banks (1) appears to be
disease transfer (11). crucial.

Brunsvold & Mellonig

Periodontal bone grafts have the potential to com-
pletely regenerate the periodontium destroyed by
periodontal disease. Complete regeneration, how-
ever, is unpredictable at present. When the results
of several human studies are averaged together, the
amount of bone fill of the original defect is about
60%. Also from these studies, using different ma-
terials and varying types of defects, the average gain
of attachment is 2.68 mm. Recent developments re-
lated to bone grafting may greatly enhance their pre-
dictability in the future. These include improved
methods for root detoxification, a better understand-
ing of wound healing, application of the principles
of guided tissue regeneration, and use of growth fac-
tors to enhance healing. The danger of disease trans-
fer from freeze-dried bone allografts in periodontics
is extremely low. An estimated 40,000 periodontal
bone grafts obtained from bone banks are performed
annually. From these, there are no reported cases of
disease transfer.

1. American Association of Tissue Banks. Standards for
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2. Altiere E, Reeve C, Sheridan P. Lyophilized bone allografts
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fill has occurred. G. Soft tissue measurements of bone graft humans. Part I. J Periodontol 1989: 60: 664-674.
site at 2.5 years post-grafting indicates that a probing 8. Bowers G, Chadroff B, Carnevale R et al. Histologic evalu-
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