Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On The Multi Year RPMS PPST and The Use of The EIPCRF

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


on the Multi-Year RPMS-PPST and the use of the eIPCRF

A. On Using the Online IPCRF System

Questions/Concerns Response
1. Who are required to Teachers holding regular plantilla positions who have rendered
accomplish the e-IPCRF? the required minimum rating period of 90 calendar days shall
prepare the RPMS Portfolio and accomplish the e-IPCRF.
2. Where can I access the e- Access and download the e-IPCRF tool here:
IPCRF tool? Use the DepEd email address to
access the link.

3. How do we enable the Please refer to the detailed instruction in this link:
Macros of the e-IPCRF

4. The e-IPCRF has an The Employee ID number of the Approving Authorities as

entry field asking for the requested in e-IPCRF is necessary for the purpose of tracking
Employee ID of the the Ratee-Rater-Approving Authority in the information system.
Considering that the system did not seek for data privacy
Schools Division
consent from the SDSs, the e-IPCRF tool allows the inputs
Superintendent (SDS) as “None” or “n/a” on the Employee ID field in order to proceed to
the Approving Authority. the next section and finalize the e-IPCRF.
Is it possible not to
provide it?

5. Our ALS mobile teachers Select 'CLC' as the Curricular Classification for ALS mobile
are under the teachers teaching in the Community Learning Centers. Once
Community Learning CLC is selected, the field for School ID will be optional. Users
can leave the ‘School ID’ field blank.
Center (CLC) and not
under a school. What will
they input in the ‘School
ID’ field?

6. We were asked to provide Ratees accomplishing the e-IPCRF tool should not click the ‘Set
Admin Password when Up (for Admin only)’ button. This button is only for the Central
we clicked the ‘Set Up Office IT team.
(Admin)’ button. What
will we do?

7. Is it required to attach No. E-signatures are not required to be attached in the e-IPCRF.
the e-signature on the e- Signatures should only be affixed in the printed copies of the
IPCRF for uploading? IPCRF.

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8. What is the prescribed There is no prescribed file re-naming format for the e-IPCRFs.
format for the e-IPCRF Schools may rename the file as long as no special characters
file name? (e.g., @, &, *) are used, and that the new file name is not too
As a suggestion, the file name format below could be followed:

E-IPCRFs already uploaded in the system with different file

name formats are accepted.
9. We could not finalize the Please double check which password is being asked. There are
e-IPCRF because of the two passwords inputted in the e-IPCRF: (1) RATEE’s password;
‘Incorrect Password!’ and (2) RATER’s password.
It is also advised to write down the passwords you inputted in
prompt. What will we do?
the e-IPCRF for easy reference.

B. On Accessing the Online IPCRF System (Uploading and Monitoring)

Questions/Concerns Response
1. Our school is not Provide us your Region, Division, School and School ID by
registered in the system. accomplishing the Google Form through this link:
What will we do?
Our team will notify you once your school’s email address is
already registered or updated in the system.
2. What email address Schools need to use their official DepEd email address in
should we use in accessing the online IPCRF system and uploading the e-IPCRF.
accessing and uploading For example, [email protected].
On the other hand, Schools Division Offices and Regional Offices
the online IPCRF system
need to use the registered DepEd email addresses of their SDO
for uploading of the e- and RO to access the online IPCRF system for monitoring
IPCRF? purposes.

3. Our school is not able to Your Region is not yet scheduled to upload in the system.
upload the e-IPCRF in Scheduled uploading is being implemented to manage the traffic
the system. Upload in the system. Please refer to the schedule of uploading below:
button is not found.
What could be the

Capitol Compound Amas, Kidapawan City

[email protected] DepEd Cotabato Division (Official)
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4. Who will upload the The EPS in-charge of the ALS-CLC mobile teachers shall upload
accomplished e-IPCRF of the e-IPCRFs in the online system.
ALS CLC teachers? Please provide us the email address of the EPS in-charge of ALS
in the Division to be given uploading access in the system:

5. Our Division could not Provide us the email addresses of the Division
access the online IPCRF officials/focals/personnel by accomplishing the Google Form
system for monitoring. through this link:
Our team will notify you once the email addresses are already
What will we do?
registered or updated in the system.
6. While uploading the e- This prompt appeared because of the traffic experienced in the
IPCRFs, the prompt “Ajax system. Please reload the site and try to upload again the e-
error” “404 Not Found” IPCRFs.
appeared. Why is this
happening? What will we

C. General FAQs/concerns on the Multi-Year RPMS-PPST

Questions/Concerns Response
1. Who are required to Teachers holding regular plantilla positions who have rendered
accomplish the RPMS- the required minimum rating period of 90 calendar days shall
PPST Portfolio? prepare the RPMS Portfolio and accomplish the e-IPCRF.
School Heads are advised to determine the qualified teachers,
especially from the late hires, recently promoted teachers, and
resigned/retired teachers within the SY, based on the minimum
rating period requirement.
2. There are newly hired Per DO 2, s. 2015, item 56, newly hired teachers “…who have
teachers in our school. already met the required minimum rating period of 90 calendar
Are they included in the days shall submit the performance commitment and rating
report”. They shall use the RPMS Tool appropriate for their
performance evaluation
for this School Year? · RPMS-PPST for Proficient Teacher Tool for Teachers I-III
· RPMS-PPST for Highly Proficient Teacher Tool for Master
Teachers I-IV
3. There are teachers who For teachers who transferred from one school to another during
transferred to another the School Year, the Raters that shall indicated in the e-IPCRF
school during the school are their raters from school where they spent the majority of
their time during the rating period. Moreover, their eIPCRF will
year. Who will be their
be submitted to, consolidated and uploaded by the school where
Rater? they served the longest.
If equal months were served for each school, their Raters shall
be from the school where they transferred to. Their eIPCRF will
also be consolidated and uploaded by their new school.
4. There are teachers who Teachers who were promoted and have rendered at least 90
were promoted during calendar days in their current position shall use the appropriate
the rating period. What IPCRF for their new position.
IPCRF will they use?

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5. What forms/tools will be Please refer to the table below for forms/tools to be used by
used by Teachers and Teachers and Master Teachers:
Master Teachers?

6. What forms/tools will be Please refer to the table below for forms/tools to be used by
used by head of schools head of schools and other personnel in school with
(e.g., School Head, Head administrative and teaching functions:
Teachers with teaching
load and Head Teachers
without teaching load,
and designated Teacher-

7. Do we need to prepare Yes. Teachers need to prepare and submit their RPMS-PPST
and submit the RPMS- Portfolio for them to be rated. Their rating will be based on the
PPST Portfolio for us to submitted MOVs which are kept and organized in the portfolio.
be rated?

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8. Who are the appropriate Please see below matrix for the appropriate raters and approving
Raters and Approving authorities (per DO 2, s. 2015 and DM 008, s. 2023):
Authorities for certain
teaching positions?

D. Questions/Concerns raised during the National Orientation)

Questions/Concerns Response
1. How to rate teachers hired in
January 2023 onwards?

2. Query lng po if mayroon narin po The development of the e-SAT is ongoing. We target to
tayong e-SAT for SY2022-2023 po. release the official e-SAT this coming school year SY
2023-2024 in time of the conduct of the Phase I
(Performance Planning and Commitment)
3. Para po sa data privacy act, Field on the employee number and Middle Name may
clarification lang po bakit po kaya be left blank. The system will still be able to accept the
need ang employee number at file when uploaded.
middle name ni Superintendent sa
e-IPCRF tool natin?

4. T-3 to MT po sa 4th quarter na, The appropriate tool to be used should correspond to
proficient or highly proficient? the position of the teacher by the end of the school
year. However, the rating for the classroom observation
conducted in the previous quarter (Q3) should be
applicable and need not be repeated.

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5. eIPCRf need ng ID no at email Field on the employee number and Middle Name may
add, ano po id no. ang gagamitin? be left blank. The system will still be able to accept the
file when uploaded.
6. Ma’am for the approving authority Please check the DM 008, s. 2023 Figure 7 for the
po, paano po kaya ilalagay ng matrix on the Approving Authority.
ratees natin ang "EdD" or "PhD" sa
kanilang names

7. How about designated OIC like for Please read po DO 2 s. 2015 paragraph 57
a month or two before the end of
SY? Ano po ang e prepare?

8. May electronic version ba yung There is no electronic version of the OPCRF.

OPCRF tnx po

9. What about the Master Teacher TICs (both Teachers and Master Teachers) are
designated as school head? considered heads of office/school and shall use the
It depends whether the teacher still has teaching load.
If yes, use the appropriate RPMS-PPST Tool for
teachers, with their additional roles/functions as Plus
Factor. Otherwise, use the IPCRF of the designated
10. Scenario 1 po speaks of a teacher The appropriate tool to be used should correspond to
3 sa 1st-2nd qrtr so HP ,, in our the position of the teacher by the end of the school
case we have a T3 sa 1st-3rd qrtr year. However, the rating for the classroom observation
conducted in the previous quarter/s should be still
,, 4th qrtr na xa na MT.. HP pa din
applicable/honored and need not be repeated.
bah? 1 qrtr lang xa MT... Then
another thing po, who will be the
rater, 1st school na T3 xa or
recent school na MT naxa?

11. To help us explain po sa SDS, The SDS's email and employee number is necessary to
bakit po kaya kailangan ang email easily trace the ratee-rater-approver relationships.
and employee number nila? Thank This information shall be needed in the integration of
the RPMS with other HR systems as we plan to have a
national database of employees like in a HRIS.
12. Anong max limit of teachers' files Batch upload is not allowed
for uploading po Sir Jek?

13. Our school email account can only Try to log in your school account in
be logged in, in the google and you'll be directed immediately to the eipcrf we are site
required to log in google.

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14. Rating must be a whole number Maam Jovelyn try to check po PART1, talagang 1,3,5
from 0 to 5. Ito po ang lang po ang may rating sa efficiency po.. only objectives
nakaindicate sa screen kapag 14 and 15 ang completo ang efficiency po..
naiclick ang cell pero bakit kapag
number 4 at 2 ang iniinput, mag-
eerror po at ito po ang nakadisplay
sa screen "only a whole number
form 1 to 5 is accepted for this
field. If the error persists, check if
the rating exists in the rating in
the scoring standard for the
particular objective". Bakit po
kaya ganun mam/sir? Ang
accepted lang po na number ay 1,
3 at 5 lang po. Thank you po.

15. We also have the same problem to Provide us your Region, Division, School and School ID
upload the eIPCRF but the by accomplishing the Google Form through this link:
systems says we are not registered
email. We used the DepEd Email ,
Our team will notify you once your school’s email
please us solve this issue..from address is already registered or updated in the system.

16. Goodevening po, paano po kapag Provide us your Region, Division, School and School ID
po hindi registered yung school by accomplishing the Google Form through this link:
email? [email protected] -
Your email is not yet registered to
Our team will notify you once your school’s email
the system, system will accept address is already registered or updated in the system.
uploading of eipcrf by July 17,
2023. Ganito po ang lumalabas.

17. What if po wala pang deped email You can put "none" or "N/A" in the Employee ID field.
at Employee number c newly hired
teacher, ano po ba ang
magandang gawin dito? Samalat.

18. Should we put the e signatures po No. E-signatures are not required to be attached in the
doon sa eIPCRF? e-IPCRF. Signatures should only be affixed in the
printed copies of the IPCRF.
19. Do we have to put e-signatures in
eIPCRF? Please answer po.

Capitol Compound Amas, Kidapawan City

[email protected] DepEd Cotabato Division (Official)
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20. We were trying to upload the Provide us your Region, Division, School and School ID
accomplished eIPCRF of our by accomplishing the Google Form through this link:
teachers but unfortunately, a
pop-up says our email is not yet
Our team will notify you once your school’s email
registered to the system though address is already registered or updated in the system.
we are using our school DepEd
email. How can we solve this
issue, ma'am /sir? thank you

21. What is the error if this is This prompt appeared because of the traffic
poping in our screen experienced in the system. Please reload the site and
try to upload again the e-IPCRFs.
22. Can we use our own deped No. Please use the school's official DepEd email
email to upload our ipcrf? address in uploading the e-IPCRF.

Provide us your Region, Division, School and School ID

by accomplishing the Google Form through this link:

Our team will notify you once your school’s email

address is already registered or updated in the system.
23. We apologize for this inconvenience. This is because of
the traffic experienced in the system. Please reload the
site and try to upload again the e-IPCRFs.

For email not yet registered, please provide us your

Region, Division, School and School ID by
accomplishing the Google Form through this link:

Our team will notify you once your school’s email

address is already registered or updated in the system.

24. How about po sa mga Admin There is no electronic tool for non-teaching personnel
officers and other nonteaching, as of this time.
may bagong version din po ba sila
ng ipcrf para maiupload din sa

Compiled by:


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