ABB Hydro Power Brochure 2021
ABB Hydro Power Brochure 2021
ABB Hydro Power Brochure 2021
Hydro power
Intelligent solutions
for hydro governors
With ABB's integrated solutions
encompassing automation,
excitation and turbine control,
you can rest assure that your
power plant gains flexibility
while maintaining high levels
of availability.
Hydro power
Intelligent solutions for hydro governors
ABB offers hydro governor control solutions for a wide range of hydroelectric
power generation facilities. With years of experience in this field, ABB can offer
you governor control solutions specifically engineered to fit the needs of your
hydroelectric power plant.
ABB has dedicated years of focused development to design proportional control valve, the wicket gate is precisely
the proven ABB Governor System. Based on ABB’s powerful positioned for ultimate control.
Distributed Control System (DCS) families and the state-of-
the-art microprocessor-based family of controllers, we have The ABB Hydro Turbine Governor was built for improved local/
created the hydro governor solution for now and the future. remote control for maximum operational flexibility. Local
governor control is selected at the governor cubicle, allowing
Governing system overview local control by the operator using the Process Panel HMI
The ABB Electro-Hydraulic Hydro Turbine Governor cubicle mounted on the governor cubicle front door. When remote
contains the frequency, load and voltage transducers that control is selected, the Process Panel remains available for
connect to the potential transformers and current monitoring, while the essential control signals are managed
transformers measuring the voltage and current of the from the unit controller. Overall performance improvement is
generator. The advanced control algorithms for the hydro achieved through enhanced operational features including
governor application are executed in the controller and an Bidirectional Linearization 3D-Cam, Electronic Wicket Gate
output is generated to position the wicket gate. Using an Max Limiter, and built-in Maintenance/Test Mode.
external servo amplifier that drives an electro-hydraulic
Speed control overview wheel on the main shaft. After reaching approximately 90%
There are two automatic controllers in the ABB governor: a speed, the PID controller will take over, and maintain the unit at
speed controller and a frequency/load controller. Both of synchronous speed. At this point, the speed reference is
these are independently configured, and are intended for available to the synchronizer through decreased/increased
controlling the turbine generator at their respective time, pulses or a speed matching (beat frequency) circuit, until the
during the start-up and normal load control conditions. During generator circuit breaker is closed.
the start-up sequence, the speed controller is used while the
breaker is open. Under normal conditions, and in the event of Frequency/load control overview
a load rejection, the wicket gate will operate under speed Once the ABB unit is synchronized to the grid, the frequency/
control mode. A simplified diagram of the governor speed load controller takes over control of the wicket gate position.
controls is shown. During the entire normal load control operation, the governor
will only use the frequency/load PID controller. The governor is
The ABB governor is normally started once it is put in automatic also provided with Local/Remote, Manual/Auto, Load Ref,
mode and all operating permissives are satisfied. During the Droop Setter, Deadband Setter and Max Gate Limiter at the
starting ramp, the wicket gate is opened at predefined ramp local process panel for operator action. A simplified diagram
rates set in the controller. Initially, the speed measurement is of the governor frequency/load controller is shown below.
done using speed pick-ups mounted adjacent to a toothed
S = Speed S = Speed
F = Frequency F = Frequency
P = Power (Load) P = Power (Load)
Headrace Headrace
Process Process
panel panel
Generator Generator
Penstock Penstock
S Manifold F Manifold
ABB Governor Francis ABB Governor Francis
F turbine P turbine
Feedforward 3D
Actuator panel P Actuator panel
Servo T0 Prop T0 Prop
S I Servo P Servo
Amp Value I Servo Value
Front Dist Front Dist
Value Value
P ep
From From
Wicket Grate Wicket Grate
— —
Figure 1. Simplified Francis Turbine Speed-no-Load Controls Figure 2. Simplified Francis Turbine Power-Mode Controls
applicable). An optional bidir ectional 3D-Cam can also 90% 100% 0% load 100%
speed speed
be enabled for performance enhancements.
Hz —
Figure 5. Frequency Response Bode Type (Gain) diagram
63 Hz
slope = ep (droop)
fn 60 Hz
ΔPower 100%
— Legend:
Figure 4. Governor Speed Droop Curve
lines = model response
circles = calculated from
actual values
Figure 6. Frequency Response Bode Type (Phase) diagram
IEC 308 International code for testing of speed governing systems for hydraulic turbines
IEEE Std 125-2007 IEEE recommended practice for preparation of equipment specs for speed-governing of hydraulic
turbines intended to drive electric generators
IEEE Std 1207-2011 IEEE guide for the application of turbine governing systems for hydroelectric generating units
from Controller Open (Raise)
Macro Sensors
Macro Sensors
Close (Lower)
PV Raise DV
4 mA 10 V 20 mA Open
- 25mm + 25mm
- 25mm + 25mm
+ +
+/- 10mm 12 mA
- - Supply
20 mA - 10 V 4 mA Close
Position mA To
DV Raise 20
+ +
12 O
- - C
DV Lower 4 Close
41 22 0 -10 0+ 10 Wicket Gate
4 12 20 mA
From PLC
— —
Figure 7. Governor Electro-Hydro (Servo Loop) Interface Figure 8. Bot Right Governor Typical Logic Diagram
Summary of benefits
Open configuration and predefined function blocks ABB’s hydro turbine governor solution is based on our long
The ABB Electro-Hydraulic Turbine Governor (EHG) uses the tradition of governor products and is fully implemented in
latest microprocessor-based technology. The governor is ABB’s DCS. A new hydr opower governor library has been
programmed using Function Block pr ogramming, selected developed, taking full advantage of the powerful
from a set of factory built libraries for functions. In addition to microprocessor-based controller and its flexibility for
function blocks, this controller also supports all IEC-61131-3 custom functions. The governor can run as a conventional
programming languages: Structured Text, Instruction List, standalone turbine governor or as a combined unit controller
Sequential Function Charts, and Ladder Diagram, all of which and a turbine governor in a redundant or single controller.
can be used to add additional custom built user functions. The special capabilities of ABB’s DCS represent the future of
power generation providing economical savings through an
The diagram above shows a typical logic page of the turbine optimal and efficient day-to-day operation of complete
governor application. In this example, the function block hydroelectric power plants.
drawing for the Distribution Valve Servo Amplifier is shown,
the external connection to this logic page are depicted by All basic control functions are covered in ABB’s solution for
parameter m and n in the diagram and are also listed on the hydro turbines including: fast system response time, high
program pane. Internal connections remaining on the logic bandwidth, full compliance with IEEE and IEC standards for
page are depicted by the line p. Block j is an On/Off function hydroelectric turbine governing, extensive system
available from the governor library, Block k is a Scaler documentation and operating/maintenance training.
function, and Block l is a ServoPD function. These are just
some of the many functions available in the governor Supported turbines
function block library. • Francis
• Kaplan & Bulb
• Reversible pump/turbine
ABB Inc.
Power Generation
Burlington, ON L7N 3W5
Email: [email protected]