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Unit 1: Local environment

Passage 1
Dear Elisa,
Thanks very much for your email. It was fun to read about the places you find interesting.
I also like going to museums in my free time. There are several museums in my city, but
I like the Museum of Fine Arts the most. I love art, so when I have free time, I go to
museum. There’s a great mix through art from across the eras including some really
impressive modern Vietnamese paintings. What I especially like about the museum is
that all of its galleries have an introduction in Vietnamese, English, and French. It means
that I can learn lots of English while enjoying the artworks. Another place of interest that
I love is the local park. It’s near my house, so I go there almost every day. Sometimes I
go for a walk around the park with my mother. Sometimes I choose a beautiful place in it
to sit and draw some sketches. And sometimes I just sit on a bench, doing nothing, just
watching people passing by. It’s really relaxing.
I hope someday I’ll have a chance to visit your National Portrait Gallery and Hyde Park.
Until the next email.
1, era (n) kỷ nguyên
2, include (v) bao gồm
3, impressive (a) ấn tượng
4, especially (adv) đặc biệt là
5, introduction (n) sự giói thiệu
6, draw the sketch (v) phác thảo bản vẽ
7, relaxing (a) thư giãn
8, have a chance to V (v) có cơ hội để

Passage 2
We went to Doi Tam, a village famous for its drum making techniques, in Ha Nam
Province last month. The craft was first introduced to the village sometime in the 8th or 9th
century. Today there are more than six hundred drum makers living in Doi Tam village.
I was amazed to see big drums in front of every house in the village. People say that it
takes four workers three days to make a drum with a diameter of 1.5 meters. To make
drum, the craftsmen have to follow an eight stage process. Stretching the drumhead is the
most challenging stage since they have to carefully assess the sound it makes. The other
steps do not require such high skills.
Nowadays, Doi Tam drums ars not only famous in Viet Nam but are also sold out to
other countries such as Laos, Cambodia, Japan and the USA.
1, famous for (a) nổi tiếng về
2, drum making technique (n) ký nghệ làm trống
3, sometime (adv) một lúc nào đó
4, be amazed to V (a) ngạc nhiên khi làm gì
5, craftsmen (n) những người thợ thủ công
6, follow the process (v) theo sau chu trình
7, stage (n) giai đoạn
8, challenging (a) mang tính thử thách
9, since = because (conj) bởi vì
10, assess (v) kiểm tra
11, step (n) bước
12, require (v) yêu cầu
13, not only … but also (phr) không những … mà còn
14, diameter (n) đường kính
15, other + danh từ số nhiều

Passage 3:
Last year I visited the Somerset Levels, a coastal plain and wetland areas Somerset,
South West England. This area is home to one of Somerset’s oldest traditional craft –
willow basket making. Basket making began in the ares a long time ago. At the beginning
of the 19th century, more than three thousand acres of willow trees was planted
commercially there because the area provided an excellent natural habitat for their
I’d seen willow baskets before I víited the Levels, but I was still amazed at the numerous
products craeted by the basket makers there. They make lobster pots, bread trays, and
even passanger baskets for hot air balloons.
Although the arrival of plastics in the 1950s caused the basket making industry to
decline, willow growing and basket making have continued to play a siignificant role in
Somerset’s rural economy.
Willow growers and basket makers have dealt with this challenge by finding new markets
and innovative ways of using allow. They make willow charcoal for artists and bower
seats for gardens. Some even weave willow coffins. Therefore, people here can still live
on the craft that their great – grandparents passed down to them.
1, area (n) khu vực
2, commercially (adv) thương mại
3, natural habitat (n) môi trường sống tự nhiên
4, cultivaltion (n) canh tác, trồng trọt
5, numerous (a) nhiều
6, decline (v) suy giảm
7, play a significant role in (phr) đóng vai trò qua trọng trong
8, rural economy (n) nền kinh tế vùng nông thôn
9, deal with (v) giải quyết
10, challenge (n) thử thách
11, innovative (a) có tính cải tiến
12, live on (v. phr) sống dựa vào
13, pass down (v. phr) truyền lại

Passage 4:

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