Correlational Relationship of Nursing Professional Subjects and Board Exam Performance of Isabela State University-Echague November 2022 Nursing Licensure Examination Takers

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Correlational Relationship of Nursing Professional

Subjects and Board Exam Performance of Isabela
State University-Echague November 2022
Nursing Licensure Examination Takers
1 2
Charlene R. Guillermo, Krista Marie T. Gumpal,
Student, Isabela State University-Main Campus, Student, Isabela State University-Main Campus,
Philippines Philippines
3 4
Kristene Joy C. Guzman, Shyna Mae D. Iquin,
Student, Isabela State University-Main Campus, Student, Isabela State University-Main Campus,
Philippines Philippines
5 6
Jessamae Leaño, Efren O. Redon,
Student, Isabela State University-Main Campus, Student, Isabela State University-Main Campus,
Philippines Philippines

7 8
Markhipolito P. Galingana, Virgilio D. Ganadin
Faculty, Isabela State University-Main Campus, Jr., Faculty, Isabela State University-Main Campus,
Philippines Philippines

Markhipolito P. Galingana MAN, RN, RM
Isabela State University (ISU) Echague, Isabela

Abstract:- A study was conducted to examine the Psychiatric Nursing, indicating that higher academic
relationship between board performance and performance in these subjects correlated with better
professional subjects among nursing graduates who took board exam performance. This study examines factors
the Nursing Licensure Examination (NLE) in November affecting nursing graduates' board success and aims to
2022 from Isabela State University (ISU) Echague. The improve curriculum and licensure readiness by linking
objective was to determine if there is a significant professional subjects to board performance. It will
relationship between grades in undergraduate nursing benefit educators and curriculum developers in ensuring
professional subjects and board exam ratings. Data was future nursing practitioners' competency.
collected from 100 respondents who recently completed
their Bachelor of Science in nursing degree at ISU Keywords:- Board Performance, Nursing Student,
Echague using a quantitative research approach. The Undergraduate Professional Subjects, Nurse Licensure
study analyzed their scores in professional subjects such Exam, Relationship.
as Medical-Surgical Nursing, Maternal and Child Health
Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, and Community Health I. INTRODUCTION
Nursing to evaluate their performance on the PNLE. The
overall weighted average and Nursing Practice 1–5 Nursing students’ journey doesn’t end after graduation.
means were compared using a one-way ANOVA to see if In fact, it’s just the beginning of their new milestone in the
any of those means differed statistically from the other. world of application, where the knowledge they have gained
The findings showed that the respondents performed in their chosen course will come into use. Nursing graduates
best in Intensive Nursing Practicum, a subject related to start on a lifelong learning path marked by continual
Nursing Practice III, IV, and V, but no significant professional growth and the acquisition of clinical skills as
relationship was found. The lowest performance was they move from the theoretical foundations of nursing to the
observed in Nursing Research 1, which covered Medical practical world of healthcare.Every year, nursing graduates
Surgical Nursing and Psychiatric Nursing in Nursing take up their NLE or the Nurse Licensure Examination,
Practice III and had the lowest board exam rate. The which they need in order to fully practice their nursing
study identified significant relationships between Health profession. Managed by the Professional Regulation
Assessment, Disaster Nursing, Care of Older Adult and Commission (PRC), the Philippine Nurse Licensure

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Examination (PNLE) is composed of five (5) different effective knowledge foundation, which can be helpful for
subjects which give a total of 500 items that are in multiple- answering board exam questions. Therefore, it is safe to
choice, effectively evaluating the board exam takers' assume that academic performance can serve as a
comprehensive understanding and application of nursing determinant for a graduate’s board exam performance.
competencies in accordance with Republic Act No. 9173 or
the Philippine Nursing Act of 2022. The NLE serves as a November 12 and 13 of the year 2022 is the schedule
crucial turning point in the careers of nursing graduates by for the second batch of the Nursing Board Exam takers for
demonstrating their readiness to provide patients with safe the year 2022. First takers and retakers from all over the
and competent care. The five subjects that are on the exam Philippines including the graduates of Isabela State
are; Basic Foundations of Nursing and Professional Nursing University Echague Main Campus (ISU-E), took the said
Practice, Community Health Nursing and Care of exam. The fresh graduates’ performance was observed the
Healthy/At Risk Mother and Child, Care of Clients with moment the results of the 2022 NLE November takers were
Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part A), Care of released in December. This allowed the researchers to
Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part determine the areas of improvement and enhancement as a
B), and Psychosocial Alterations (Part C). In each set, the requirement of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered
examiner must score not less than sixty percent (60%) and a Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP)
general average score of not lower than seventy- five which accredits curricular programs in the Philippines,
percent (75%) in order to pass the exam. especially colleges and state universities. Moreover, in line
with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Goal: 4,
The following are the performance of the Isabela State Quality Education, curriculum enhancement is of great help
University Echague for the past five years, excluding the with ensuring competent skills, knowledge development,
year 2020 due to the increased cases of the Covid-19 virus, and effective education for the students. Also, the research is
prompting the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) also in par with the University's Mission: "The Isabela State
to postpone the scheduled licensure examinations. In 2018, University is committed to develop globally competitive
the University was able to garner an institutional passing human, technological resources and services through quality
rate of 41.18% while having a national passing rate of instruction, innovative research, responsive community
39.98%. In 2019, the institutional passing rate is 70.00% and engagement and viable resource management programs for
the national passing rate is 55.20%. In 2021, the institutional inclusive growth and sustainable development.", and also
passing rate is 45.45%, while the national passing rate is with its Vision: "A leading Research University in the
51.45. And lastly, for the year 2022, the institutional passing ASEAN Region."
rate is 90.00% and the national passing rate is 74.40%.
The results of this study will shed light on the variables
In the nursing course offered at Isabela State influencing nursing graduates' success on the board. The
University-Echague, there are sixteen (16) undergraduate study sought to contribute to the development of effective
nursing professional subjects. These are; Fundamentals of methods and interventions that can improve the nursing
Nursing Practice, Health Assessment; Community Health curriculum and the readiness of students for licensure
Nursing I; Community Health Nursing II; Care of Mother, examinations by establishing the link between professional
Child, Adolescent (Well Clients); Care of Mother, Child, subjects and board performance. For nursing educators and
Adolescent (Acute and Chronic); Nursing Research I; curriculum developers, the findings of this study will be
Nursing Research II; Medical-Surgical Nursing I; Medical- helpful in guaranteeing the caliber and competency of future
Surgical Nursing II; Psychiatric Nursing; Care of Clients nursing practitioners.
with Life Threatening Conditions, Acutely Ill/Multi-Organ
Problems, High Acuity and Emergency Situation, Acute and The researchers sought to determine the general
Ill; Nursing Leadership and Management; Care of the Older academic grades of the respondents’ undergraduate nursing
Adult; Intensive Nursing Practicum; and Disaster Nursing. professional subjects. Also, to determine the licensure board
These subjects need to be taken in the duration of the whole exam of the respondents. Lastly, the researchers also sought
program. According to section 1 of the CHED memorandum to find out if there is a significant relationship between the
order no. 15 series of 2017 which is about the Policies, general academic grades in undergraduate nursing
Standards and Guidelines for The Bachelor of Science in professional subjects and board exam performance and
Nursing (BSN) Program, the PSG "Allows HEIs offering rating.
BS Nursing program to customize the curriculum in
accordance with the assessment of how best to achieve II. METHODOLOGY
learning outcomes in their specific contexts and their
respective missions," Most of the contents of the major This study utilized a descriptive-correlational design.
subjects are what makes the board exam questions. There is Data are collected with consent from the respondents and
a prevalent perception that excellent grades in academics are used to determine if there is a link between two or more
enough assurance that a person can perform well in his/her variables. Moreover, the gathered data from the Google
board examination. Academic grades can be a valuable Form is described, discussed, and elaborated upon using the
indicator of how well they will perform on the board exams, descriptive correlational design. The research study was
as they demonstrate a student's knowledge and mastery of conducted at the Isabela State University Echague Campus,
the subjects. Strong academic success often indicates an San Fabian, Echague, Isabela, which is certified as ISO

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
9001:2015 by TUV SUD, specifically in the College of which is below 75%. Furthermore, For the Statistical
Nursing Department. Furthermore, the respondents of the treatment, this study utilized frequency, percentage, mean,
study consist of Batch 2022 nursing graduates that took the and chi-square to carefully analyze the gathered data.
Nursing Licensure Examination last November 2022 from Finally, to ascertain if any of the means of the General
Isabela State University- Echague Campus. A population of Weighted Average and Nursing Practice 1–5 differ
one hundred thirty-six (136) first-time takers was selected as statistically from one another, a one-way ANOVA was
the final respondents to the study. Out of one hundred thirty- employed to compare the means. It examines the null
six (136), there are one hundred five (125) who passed and hypothesis specifically. Accept the alternative hypothesis
eleven (11) takers who failed the board exam. Utilizing (Ha), which states that there are at least two group means
Slovin’s formula, the researchers gained a total of one that are statistically distinct from one another, if the one-
hundred one (101) respondents. Finally, a simple random way ANOVA yields a statistically significant result.
sampling technique was utilized to avoid biased selection.
But only 100 respondents participated since one of the III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
respondents is a transferee from a third-year college. The
researchers used online platforms for survey questionnaires, The data that have been evaluated with SPSS version
specifically Google Surveys and Messenger, which were 16.0 are presented in this chapter. Moreover, it reveals the
convenient to the respondents. Academic performance was findings of the study which answer the problems presented
also obtained from the college registrar upon the approval of earlier in Chapter 1 that researchers sought to find for
the Dean and with the consent of the respondents. In answers. Through the use of various statistical tests,
connection with this, the researchers conducted a uniform analyzed data were gathered followed by either accepting or
procedure to ensure that the data will be geared towards the rejecting the claims or hypotheses. The analyses of the data
research objectives, and consent from the respondents is are then further explained in this chapter through
obtained. In addition, this study utilized the ISU-Echague discussions of the results found together with specific
Grading System: 1.0 is the highest grade, which is related literatures or studies which either supports or
equivalent to 98–100%, followed by 1.25, which is contradicts the claim and other supporting given information
equivalent to 95–97%, then 1.50, which is equivalent to 92– and proofs in the tool employed.
94%, followed by 1.75, which is equal to 92-94%, followed
by 1.75 which is equal to 89-91 %, 2.00 which is equal to A. General Academic Grades of the Respondents in Terms
86-88 %, 2.25 which is equivalent to 83-85%, 2.50 which its of Undergraduate Professional Subject
equivalent is 80-82%, 2.75 which its equivalent is 77-79%,
3.00 which is equal to 75-76 % and the lowest grade is 5.0  Fundamentals of Nursing Practice

Table 1 Frequency and Percentage of Fundamentals of Nursing Practice

92-94 1 1.00
86-88 9 9.00
83-85 15 15.00
80-82 35 35.00
77-79 25 25.00
75-76 15 15.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 80.53

Fig 1 Frequency and Percentage of Fundamentals of Nursing Practice

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
The table and figure above indicate that 1 nursing graduate which makes up 1 percent has a General Weighted Average
ranging in 92-94%. On the other hand, there are 9 respondents which constitutes to 9 percent that has an average ranging in 86-
88%. On rating ranging from 83-85% and 80-82% it accumulated a respondents and percentage of 15 and 35. Also, there are 25
percent or 25 respondents who got an average ranging from 77-79%. Moreover, there are 15 respondents or 15 percent has a
General Weighted Average ranging in 75-76%

As can be obtained from the table, there is a much greater number of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University
Echague Campus who garnered a General Weighted Average ranging from 80-82% in Fundamentals of Nursing Practice.

 Health Assessment

Table 2 Frequency and Percentage of Health Assessment

95-97 3 3.00
92-94 11 11.00
89-91 20 20.00
86-88 38 38.00
83-85 21 21.00
80-82 7 7.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 87.48

Fig 2 Frequency and Percentage of Health Assessment

The table and figure above indicate that 3 respondents with a percentage of 3 had a rating within the range of 95-97%. On
rating ranging from 92-94% and 89-91% it accumulated 11 percentage and respondents. Additionally, there are 38 students with a
percent of 38 got an 86-88% General Weighted Average, along with 21 students who got a 21 percent got an average ranging
from 83-85. Moreover, 7 respondents which make up 7 percent had a rating within the range of 80-82% General Weighted

As can be gleaned, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General Weighted
Average ranging from 86-88% in Health Assessment.

 Community Health Nursing I

Table 3 Frequency and Percentage of Community Health Nursing I

92-94 5 5.00
89-91 15 15.00
86-88 39 39.00
83-85 33 33.00
80-82 8 8.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 86.28

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 3 Frequency and Percentage of Community Health Nursing I

The table and figure above indicate that 5 respondents with a percentage of 5 had a rating within the range of 92-94%. On
rating ranging from 89-91% and 86-88% it accumulated 15 and 39 percentage from 15 and 39 respondents. Furthermore, there are
33 students with a percent of 33 got an 83-85% General Weighted Average as well as 8 respondents which make up 8 percent had
a rating within the range of 80-82% General Weighted Average.

As can be seen, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General Weighted
Average ranging from 86-88% in Community Health Nursing I.

 Community Health Nursing II

Table 4 Frequency and Percentage of Community Health Nursing II

92-94 7 7.00
89-91 13 13.00
86-88 42 42.00
83-85 37 37.00
80-82 1 1.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score:86.64

Fig 4 Frequency and Percentage of Community Health Nursing II

The table and figure above specify that 7 respondents with a percentage of 7 had a rating within the range of 92-94%. On
rating ranging from 89-91% and 86-88% it accumulated 13 and 42 percentage from 13 and 42 respondents. Furthermore, there are
37 students with a percent of 37 got an 83-85% General Weighted Average as well as 1 respondent which make up 1 percent had a
rating within the range of 80-82% General Weighted Average.

As can be observed, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General
Weighted Average ranging from 86-88% in Community Health Nursing II.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well Clients)

Table 5 Frequency and Percentage of Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well Clients)
95-97 1 1.00
89-91 9 9.00
86-88 20 20.00
83-85 32 32.00
80-82 29 29.00
77-79 8 8.00
75-76 1 1.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 83.82

Fig 5 Frequency and Percentage of Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well Clients)

The table above specify that 1 respondent with a percentage of 1 had a rating within the range of 95-97%. On rating ranging
from 89-91% and 86-88% it accumulated 9 and 20 percentage from 9 and 20 respondents. Along with 32 students with a
percentage of 32 got a grade ranging from 83-85%, aside from that, there are also 29 students with a percentage of 29 got a grade
of 80-82%. On the next rating, there are 37 students with a percent of 37 got an 83-85% General Weighted Average as well as 1
respondent which make up 1 percent had a rating within the range of 80-82%. Furthermore, 8 percent from 8 respondents got
rating ranging from 77-79% as well as for the rating of 75-76%, only 1 student has this general weighted average.

As can be seen, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General Weighted
Average ranging from 83-85% in Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well Clients).

 Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Acute and Chronic)

Table 6 Frequency and Percentage of Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Acute and Chronic)
89-91 7 7.00
86-88 34 34.00
83-85 35 35.00
80-82 19 19.00
77-79 5 5.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 84.57

Fig 6 Frequency and Percentage of Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Acute and Chronic)

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The table and figure above indicate that 7 nursing graduates which makes up to 7 percent has a General Weighted Average
ranging in 89-91%. On the other hand, there are 34 respondents which constitutes to 34 percent that has an average ranging in 86-
88%. On rating ranging from 83-85% and 80-82% it accumulated a respondents and percentage of 35 and 19. Also, there are 5
percent or 5 respondents who got a General weighted average ranging from 77-79%.

As can be obtained, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General
Weighted Average ranging from 83-85% in Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Acute and Chronic).

 Nursing Research I

Table 7 Frequency and Percentage of Nursing Research I

92-94 1 1.00
89-91 2 2.00
86-88 8 8.00
83-85 7 7.00
80-82 30 30.00
77-79 28 28.00
75-76 24 24.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 79. 83

Fig 7 Frequency and Percentage of Nursing Research I

The table and figure above indicate that 1 nursing graduate which makes up to 1 percent has a General Weighted Average
ranging in 92-94%. On the other hand, there are 2 respondents which constitutes to 2 percent that has an average ranging in 89-
91%. On rating ranging from 86-88% and 83-85% it accumulated a respondents and percentage of 8 and 7. Also, there are 30
percent or 30 respondents who got an 80-82%. Additionally, there are 28 and 24 respondents which indicates 28 and 24 percent of
them got a General Weighted Average of 77-79% as well as 75-76%

As can be seen, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General Weighted
Average ranging from 80-82% in Nursing Research I.

 Nursing Research II

Table 8 Frequency and Percentage of Nursing Research II

98-100 1 1.00
95-97 14 14.00
92-94 36 36.00
89-91 5 5.00
86-88 1 1.00
77-79 1 1.00
75-76 42 42.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 85.77

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 8 Frequency and Percentage of Nursing Research II

The table and figure above indicate that 1 nursing graduate which makes up to 1 percent has a General Weighted Average
ranging in 98-100%. On the other hand, there are 24 respondents which constitutes to 14 percent has an average ranging in 95-
97%. On rating ranging from 92-94% and 89-91% it accumulated a respondents and percentage of 36 and 5. Also, there are 1
percent or 1 respondent who got an well as 1 percent or 1 respondent whose average was 77-79% Additionally, there
are 42 respondents which indicates 42 percent of them got a General Weighted Average of 75-76%

As can be obtained, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General
Weighted Average ranging from 75-76% in Nursing Research II.

 Medical-Surgical Nursing I

Table 9 Frequency and Percentage of Medical-Surgical Nursing I

86-88 8 8.00
83-85 35 35.00
80-82 27 27.00
77-79 30 30.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 81.63

Fig 9 Frequency and Percentage of Medical-Surgical Nursing I

The table and figure above specify that 8 respondents with a percentage of 8 had a rating within the range of 86-88%. On
rating ranging from 83-85% it accumulated 35 percentage from 35 respondents. Along with 27 students with a percentage of 27
got a grade ranging from 80-82%. Furthermore, 30 percent from 30 respondents got a general weighted average from 77-79%.

As can be seen, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General Weighted
Average ranging from 83-85% in Medical-Surgical Nursing I.

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Medical-Surgical Nursing II

Table 10 Frequency and Percentage of Medical-Surgical Nursing II

92-94 3 3.00
89-91 10 10.00
86-88 14 14.00
83-85 29 29.00
80-82 16 16.00
77-79 22 22.00
75-76 6 6.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 82.98

Fig 10 Frequency and Percentage of Medical-Surgical Nursing II

The table and figure above specify that 3 respondents with a percentage of 3 had a rating within the range of 92-94%. On
rating ranging from 89-91% and 86-88% it accumulated 10 and 14 percentage from 10 and 14 respondents. On the other hand,
there are 29 percentage from 29 respondents who got 83-85%. In addition, 16 percent from 16 respondents got a rating got an 80-
82% rating as well as there are 22 and 6 respondents with a percentage of 22 and 6 got a General Weighted Average within 77-
79% and 75-76%.

As can be gleaned, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General Weighted
Average ranging from 83-85% in Medical-Surgical Nursing II.

 Psychiatric Nursing

Table 11 Frequency and Percentage of Psychiatric Nursing

92-94 7 7.00
89-91 16 16.00
86-88 53 53.00
83-85 20 20.00
80-82 4 4.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 87.18

Fig 11 Frequency and Percentage of Psychiatric Nursing

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The table and figure above specify that 7 respondents with a percentage of 7 had a rating within the range of 92-94%. On
rating ranging from 89-91% it accumulated 16 percentage from 16 respondents. Along with 53 students with a percentage of 53
got a grade ranging from 86-88%. On the other hand, there are 20 students with 20 percentage got grade ranging from 83-85%.
Furthermore, 4 percent from 4 respondents got a general weighted average from 80-82%.

As can be observed, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General
Weighted Average ranging from 86-88% in Psychiatric Nursing.

 Care of Clients with life Threatening Conditions, Acutely Ill/Multi-Organ Problems, High Acuity and Emergency Situation,
Acute and Ill

Table 12 Frequency and Percentage of Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions,
Acutely Ill/Multi-Organ Problems, High Acuity, and Emergency situation, Acute and Ill
92-94 1 1.00
89-91 18 18.00
86-88 31 31.00
83-85 34 34.00
80-82 13 13.00
77-79 3 3.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 85.53

Fig 12 Frequency and Percentage of Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions,
Acutely Ill/Multi-Organ Problems, High Acuity, and Emergency situation, Acute and Ill

The table and figure above indicate that 1 nursing graduate which makes up to 1 percent has a General Weighted Average
ranging in 92-94%. On the other hand, there are 18 respondents which constitutes to 18 percent has an average ranging in 89-91%.
On rating ranging from 86-88% and 83-85% it accumulated a respondents and percentage of 31 and 34. Also, there are 13 percent
or 13 respondents who got an well as 3 percent or 3 respondent whose average was 77-79%. Moreover, there are only
3 students with 3 percentage got a General Weighted Average of 77-79%

As can be gleaned, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General Weighted
Average ranging from 83-85% in Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acutely Ill/Multi-Organ Problems, High
Acuity, and Emergency situation, Acute and Ill.

 Nursing Leadership and Management

Table 13 Frequency and Percentage of Nursing Leadership and Management

95-97 4 4.00
92-94 21 21.00
89-91 41 41.00
86-88 15 15.00
83-85 13 13.00
80-82 6 6.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 89.1

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 13 Frequency and Percentage of Nursing Leadership and Management

The table and figure above specify that 4 respondents with a percentage of 4 had a rating within the range of 95-97%. On
rating ranging from 92-94% and 89-91% it accumulated 21 and 41 percentage from 21 and 41 respondents. Along with 15
students with a percentage of 15 got a grade ranging from 86-88%, On the next rating, there are 13 students with a percent of 13
got an 83-85% General Weighted Average. Furthermore, 6 percent from 6 respondents got a rating ranging from 80-82%.

As can be seen, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General Weighted
Average ranging from 89-91% in Nursing Leadership and Management.

 Care of the Older Adult

Table 14 Frequency and Percentage of Care of the Older Adult

95-97 2 2.00
92-94 15 15.00
89-91 43 43.00
86-88 34 34.00
83-85 6 6.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 89.19

Fig 14 Frequency and Percentage of Care of the Older Adult

The table and figure above indicate that only 2 respondents with a percentage of 2 had a rating within the range of 95-97 %.
On rating ranging from 92-94% and 89-91% it accumulated 15 and 43 percentage from 15 and 43 respondents. Additionally, there
are 34 students with a percentage of 34 got an 86-88% rating. Moreover, there are 6 students with a percent of 6 got an 83-85%
General Weighted Average.

As can be gleaned, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General Weighted
Average ranging from 89-91% in Care of the Older Adult.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Intensive Nursing Practicum

Table 15 Frequency and Percentage of Intensive Nursing Practicum

95-97 6 6.00
92-94 37 37.00
89-91 38 38.00
86-88 18 18.00
83-85 1 1.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 90.87

Fig 15 Frequency and Percentage of Intensive Nursing Practicum

The table and figure above indicate that 6 respondents with a percentage of 6 had a rating within the range of 95-97 %. On
rating ranging from 92-94% and 89-91% it accumulated 37 and 38 percentage from 37 and 38 respondents. Additionally, there are
18 students with a percentage of 18 got an 86-88% rating. Moreover, there are 1 student with a percent of 1 got an 83-85%
General Weighted Average.

As can be observed, majority of Nursing Graduates in the Isabela State University Echague Campus have a General
Weighted Average ranging from 89-91% in Intensive Nursing Practicum.

 Disaster Nursing

Table 16 Frequency and Percentage of Disaster Nursing

95-97 2 2.00
92-94 3 3.00
89-91 6 6.00
86-88 15 15.00
83-85 18 18.00
80-82 14 14.00
77-79 38 38.00
75-76 4 4.00
Total 100 100.0
Mean score: 82.28

Fig 16 Frequency and Percentage of Disaster Nursing

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
B. Determine the licensure board exam rating of the respondents to;

 Nursing Practice I – Fundamentals of Nursing Practice/Health Assessment

Table 17 Nursing Practice I – Fundamentals of Nursing Practice/Health Assessment

85-92 49 49.0
77-84 47 47.0
69-76 4 4.0
Total 100 100.0
MEAN SCORE = 84.10

Fig 17 Nursing Practice I – Fundamentals of Nursing Practice/ Health Assessment

The table shows that in Nursing Practice 1, forty-nine respondents, in which 49% of the sample got 85-92 % rating.
Furthermore, forty-seven of the respondents in which 47% of the sample got a grade of 77-84 % rating. Moreover, it shows that 4
of the respondents in which 4% got 69-76% rating. The mean score in this test category is 84.10 %.

 Nursing Practice II – Care of Health/ At Risk Mother and Child/ Community Health Nursing

Table 18 Nursing Practice II – Care of Health/ At Risk Mother and Child/ Community Health Nursing
85-92 21 21.0
77-84 73 73.0
69-76 6 6.0
Total 100 100.0
MEAN SCORE = 81.70

Fig 18 Nursing Practice II – Care of Health/ At Risk Mother and Child/Community Health Nursing

In Nursing Practice II, twenty-one respondents in which 21% of the sample got 85-92 % rating. Furthermore, seventy-three
of the respondents in which 73% of the sample got a grade of 77-84 % rating. Moreover, it shows that 6 of the respondents in
which 6% got 69-76% rating. The mean score in this test category is 81.70 %.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Nursing Practice III – Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part A)

Table 19 Nursing Practice III (Care of Clients with Physiological and Psychosocial Alteration)
85-92 6 6.0 85-92
77-84 66 66.0 77-84
69-76 19 19.0 69-76
61-68 8 8.0 61-68
50-60 1 1.0 50-60
Total 100 100.0 Total
MEAN SCORE = 77.93 MEAN SCORE = 77.93

Fig 19 Nursing Practice III (Care of Clients with Physiological and Psychosocial Alteration) (Part A)

In Nursing Practice III, six respondents in which 6% of the sample got 85-92 % rating. In addition, 66 respondents, or 66%
of the sample, received a rating of 77-84%. Further, it demonstrates that of the 19 respondents, 19% received ratings between 69
and 76%. Also, 8 of the respondents, or 8% of the respondents, had a rating of 61-68%. Finally, just one respondent—representing
1% of the sample—received a rating of 50% to 60%. In this test category, the mean score is 77.93%.

 Nursing Practice IV – Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part B)

Table 20 Nursing Practice IV (Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part B)
85-92 5 5.0
77-84 74 74.0
69-76 18 18.0
61-68 3 3.0
Total 100 100.0
MEAN SCORE = 78.98

Fig 20 Nursing Practice IV (Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part B)

In Nursing Practice 1V, five respondents in which 5% of the sample received scores between 85 and 92%. In addition,
seventy-four respondents or 74% of the sample, received ratings of 77-84%. Additionally, it demonstrates that 18 of the
respondents or 18% received a rating of 69-76%. Finally, three respondents, or 3% of the sample, received ratings of 61-68%. In
this exam category, the mean score is 78.98.

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Nursing Practice V – Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part C)

Table 21 Nursing Practice V (Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part C)
85-92 4 4.0
77-84 73 73.0
69-76 18 18.0
61-68 4 4.0
50-60 1 1.0
Total 100 100.0
MEAN SCORE = 78.49

Fig 21 Nursing Practice V (Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part C)

In Nursing Practice V, four respondents in which 4% of the sample got 85-92 % rating. Furthermore, seventy-three of the
respondents in which 73% of the sample got a grade of 77-84 % rating. Moreover, it shows that eighteen of the respondents in
which 18% got 69-76% rating. In addition, four respondents in which 4% of the sample got 61-68% rating. Lastly only 1
respondent in which 1 % of the sample got 50-60% rating The mean score in this test category is 78.49 %.

Table 22 Isabela State University-Echague November 2022 NLE Rating

91-95 1 1.0
85-90 5 5.0
80-84 51 51.0
75-79 37 37.0
70 below 6 6.0
Total 100 100.0
MEAN SCORE = 79.82

Fig 22 Isabela State University Echague November 2022 NLE Rating

In ISU Echague November 2022 NLE Rating, 1 respondent in which 1 % of the sample got 91-95 % rating. Furthermore, 5
of the respondents, in which 5% of the sample got a grade of 85-90 % rating. Moreover, it shows that fifty-one of the respondents
in which 51 % got 80-84% rating. In addition, thirty-seven respondents, 37% of the sample got 75-79% rating. Lastly only 6
respondents in which 6 % of the sample got below 70% rating. The mean score in in ISU Echague November 2022 NLE Rating is

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
C. Significant Relationship Between the General Academic Grades in Undergraduate Nursing Professional Subjects and Board
Exam Rating.

 Significant Relationship Between General Weighted Average of Fundamentals of Nursing Practice, Health Assessment,
Nursing Research I, and Nursing Research II to Nursing Practice I.

Table 23 Correlation of General Weighted Average of Fundamentals of Nursing Practice,

Health Assessment, Nursing research I, and Nursing research II to Nursing Practice I
Nursing Practice I
Fundamentals of Nursing Practice 13.68ns Fundamentals of Nursing Practice
Health Assessment 25.19** Health Assessment
Nursing research I 11.01ns Nursing research I
Nursing research II 6.24ns Nursing research II

The table above shows the correlation of the General courses and on the Pre-Board Examination—had a minor
Weighted Average of undergraduate nursing professional impact on their ability to pass the Philippine Nurse
subjects particularly, Fundamentals of Nursing Practice, Licensure Examination. Grade in NCM courses has the
Health Assessment, Nursing research I, and Nursing highest predictive value in passing the Philippine NLE.
research II to Nursing Practice 1, one of the components of However, this interpretation is contradicted by the study of
the Nursing Licensure Examination. It revealed that out of Soriano (2016) stating that there’s no significant relationship
the four subjects, only Health Assessment gained a highly of NCM 100, HA, NCM 105, NCM 106, CHN and CA II
significant relationship with Nursing Practice 1 since the p- with p values >0.05.
value is 0.005 which is less than the level of significance
0.05. It only means that as their Health Assessment  Significant Relationship Between General Weighted
academic performance increases, their board examination Average of Care of Mother, Child and Adolescent (Well
performance in NP1 with respect to the subject also Client), Care of Mother, Child and Adolescent (Acute
increases. It is corroborated by a research by Llego et al. and Chronic), Community Health Nursing I, Community
(2020), which found that nursing graduates' academic Health Nursing II, Nursing Research I, and Nursing
performance—including their grades in NCM and RLE Research II to Nursing Practice II.

Table 24 Correlation of General Weighted Average of Care of Mother, Child and Adolescent (Well Client), Care of Mother,
Child and Adolescent (Acute and Chronic), Community Health Nursing I, Community Health Nursing II,
Nursing research I, and Nursing research II to Nursing Practice II.
Nursing Practice II
Care of Mother, Child and Adolescent (Well Client) 6.53ns Care of Mother, Child and Adolescent (Well
Care of Mother, Child and Adolescent (Acute and Chronic) 5.79ns Care of Mother, Child and Adolescent (Acute
and Chronic)
Community Health Nursing I 8.82ns Community Health Nursing I
Community Health Nursing II 12.23ns Community Health Nursing II
Nursing research I 9.53ns Nursing research I
Nursing research II 8.86ns Nursing research II

The table above shows the correlation of General relationship with Nursing Practice II. It only means that the
Weighted Average of undergraduate nursing professional said undergraduate nursing professional subjects has no
subjects particularly, Care of Mother, Child and Adolescent bearing on the board examination performance. It is
(Well Client), Child and Adolescent (Well Client), Care of supported by the study conducted by Lamasan et al. (2018)
Mother, Child and Adolescent (Acute and Chronic), that in terms of Patient Care Competencies, Empowering
Community Health Nursing I, Community Health Nursing Competencies, Enhancing Competencies, and Enabling
II, Nursing research I and Nursing research II to Nursing Competencies, UPHSL nursing graduates performed
Practice II, one of the components of Nursing Licensure proficiently in their key competency areas. The researchers
Examination. It revealed that all of them has no significant concluded that there is no significant relationship between

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Nursing Practice 1 (NP1) to Academic Performance in  Significant Relationship Between General Weighted
CHN, NCM100 as to Nursing Practice 4 (NP4) to NCM103, Average of Medical Surgical Nursing I, Medical
NCM104 and NCM106, and are independent and has no Surgical Nursing Ii, Nursing Leadership and
influence to each other, however there is no significant Management, Disaster Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing,
relationship in Nursing Practice 2 (NP2) to NCM101 and Care of Older Adult, Care of Clients with Life
NCM102, Nursing Practice 3(NP3) to NCM103 and Threatening Conditions, Acuity Ill/ Multi-Organ
NCM104, Nursing Practice 5 (NP5) to NCM105, RESI and Progress High Acuity Emergency Situation, Acuity and
RES1. The researchers came to the conclusion that the Ill, Intensive Nursing Practicum, Nursing Research I,
academic performance of CHN, NCM100, NCM101, and Nursing Research Ii To Nursing Practice Iii.
NCM102, NCM103, NCM104, NCM105, NCM106, RES1,
RES2, and is independent of and has no bearing on the
performance of core competency.

Table 25 Correlation of General Weighted Average of Medical Surgical Nursing I, Medical Surgical Nursing II, Nursing
Leadership and Management, Disaster Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Care of Older Adult, Care of Clients with Life Threatening
Conditions, Acuity Ill/ Multi-Organ Progress High Acuity Emergency Situation, Acuity and Ill, Intensive Nursing Practicum,
Nursing Research I, and Nursing Research II to Nursing Practice III.
Nursing Practice III
Medical Surgical Nursing I 12.83ns Medical Surgical Nursing I
Medical Surgical Nursing II 21.10ns Medical Surgical Nursing II
Nursing Leadership and Management 20.71ns Nursing Leadership and Management
Disaster Nursing 22.02ns Disaster Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing 11.50ns Psychiatric Nursing
Nursing research I 18.23ns Nursing research I
Nursing research II 15.71ns Nursing research II
Care of Older Adult 25.74ns Care of Older Adult
Care of Older Adult, Care of Clients with Life threatening 21.38ns Care of Older Adult, Care of Clients with Life
conditions, Acuity ill/ multi-organ progress High Acuity threatening conditions, Acuity ill/ multi-organ
Emergency situation, Acuity and ill progress High Acuity Emergency situation,
Acuity and ill
Intensive Nursing Practicum 10.26ns Intensive Nursing Practicum

The table above shows the correlation of the General Performance in CHN, NCM100 as well as Nursing Practice
Weighted Average of undergraduate nursing professional 4 (NP4) and NCM103, NCM104, and NCM106 are not
subjects particularly, Medical Surgical Nursing I, Medical significantly correlated with one another; on the other hand,
Surgical Nursing II, Nursing Leadership and Management, Nursing Practice 2 (NP2) and NCM101 and NCM102,
Disaster Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Nursing research I, Nursing Practice 3 (NP3) and NCM103 and NCM104, and
Nursing research II, Care of Older Adult, Care of Older Nursing Practice 5 (NP5) and NCM105, RESI, and RES1
Adult, Care of Clients with Life threatening conditions, are not significantly correlated with one another. We came
Acuity ill/ multi-organ progress High Acuity Emergency to the conclusion that the academic achievement of RES1,
situation, Acuity and ill and Intensive Nursing Practicum to RES2, NCM100, NCM101, NCM102, NCM103, NCM104,
Nursing Practice III, one of the components of Nursing NCM105, NCM106, and CHN is unrelated to and
Licensure Examination. It revealed that all of them have no unaffected by the execution of core competencies.
significant relationship with Nursing Practice II. It only
means that the said undergraduate nursing professional  Significant Relationship Between General Weighted
subjects have nothing to do with the board examination Average of Medical Surgical Nursing I, Medical
performance. Nursing Practice III has the lowest rate in Surgical Nursing II, Nursing Leadership and
batches, despite being the hardest part of the NLE. It was Management, Disaster Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing,
supported by the study conducted by Lamasan et al. (2018) Care of Older Adult, Care of Clients with Life
that in terms of Patient Care Competencies, Empowering Threatening Conditions, Acuity Ill/ Multi-Organ
Competencies, Enhancing Competencies, and Enabling Progress High Acuity Emergency Situation, Acuity and
Competencies, UPHSL nursing graduates performed Ill, Intensive Nursing Practicum, Nursing Research I,
proficiently in their key competency areas. The researchers and Nursing Research II To Nursing Practice IV
concluded that Nursing Practice 1 (NP1) and Academic

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 26 Correlation of General Weighted Average of Medical Surgical Nursing I, Medical Surgical Nursing II, Nursing
Leadership and Management, Disaster Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Care of Older Adult, Care of Clients with Life Threatening
Conditions, Acuity Ill/ Multi-Organ Progress High Acuity Emergency Situation, Acuity and Ill, Intensive Nursing Practicum,
Nursing Research I, and Nursing Research II To Nursing Practice IV.
Nursing Practice IV
Medical Surgical Nursing I 4.97ns Medical Surgical Nursing I
Medical Surgical Nursing II 18.31ns Medical Surgical Nursing II
Nursing Leadership and Management 15.56ns Nursing Leadership and Management
Disaster Nursing 26.27** Disaster Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing 14.60ns Psychiatric Nursing
Nursing research I 9.57ns Nursing research I
Nursing research II 13.87ns Nursing research II
Care of Older Adult 12.005ns Care of Older Adult
Care of Older Adult, Care of Clients with Life 16.708ns Care of Older Adult, Care of Clients with Life threatening
threatening conditions, Acuity ill/ multi-organ progress conditions, Acuity ill/ multi-organ progress High Acuity
High Acuity Emergency situation, Acuity and Ill Emergency situation, Acuity and Ill
Intensive Nursing Practicum 15.15ns Intensive Nursing Practicum

The table above shows the correlation of General scores and that the lowest scores are in the areas of Medical-
Weighted Average of undergraduate nursing professional Surgical Nursing topics. According to Rosales, Arugay,
subjects particularly, Medical Surgical Nursing I, Medical Divina Gracia, and Palaganas (2014) this is a reflection of
Surgical Nursing II, Nursing Leadership and Management, the absence of learning experiences and competencies of
Disaster Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Nursing research I, nursing board examinees brought about by restricted
Nursing research II, Care of Older Adult, Care of Older learning hospitals. This outcome also agrees with the
Adult, Care of Clients with Life threatening conditions, findings of De Leon (2016), Palaganas, Divina Gracia, and
Acuity ill/ multi-organ progress High Acuity Emergency Rosales (2013), and De Leon et al. (2016).
situation, Acuity and Ill and Intensive Nursing Practicum to
Nursing Practice IV, one of the components of Nursing  Significant Relationship Between General Weighted
Licensure Examination. It revealed that out of the ten Average of Medical Surgical Nursing I, Medical
subjects, only Disaster Nursing has highly significant Surgical Nursing II, Nursing Leadership and
relationship with Nursing Practice IV which has level of Management, Disaster Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing,
significance 0.010. Therefore, as their Disaster Nursing Care of Older Adult, Care of Clients with Life
academic performance increases, their board examination Threatening Conditions, Acuity Ill/ Multi-Organ
performance in NP IV with respect to the subject also Progress High Acuity Emergency Situation, Acuity and
increases. This conclusion is refuted by the study performed Ill, Intensive Nursing Practicum, Nursing Research I,
by Neri (2009) that underlined that although graduates and Nursing Research II To Nursing Practice V.
succeed in hurdling the test, they acquire poor passing

Table 27 Correlation of General Weighted Average of Medical Surgical Nursing I, Medical Surgical Nursing II, Nursing
Leadership and Management, Disaster Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Care of Older Adult, Care of Clients with Life Threatening
Conditions, Acuity Ill/ Multi-Organ Progress High Acuity Emergency Situation, Acuity and Ill, Intensive Nursing Practicum,
Nursing Research I, and Nursing Research II to Nursing Practice V.
Nursing Practice V
Medical Surgical Nursing I 10.99ns Medical Surgical Nursing I
Medical Surgical Nursing II 25.39ns Medical Surgical Nursing II
Nursing Leadership and Management 26.85ns Nursing Leadership and Management
Disaster Nursing 28.29* Disaster Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing 37.33** Psychiatric Nursing
Nursing research I 32.08ns Nursing research I
Nursing research II 11.25ns Nursing research II
Care of Older Adult 26.98* Care of Older Adult
Care of Clients with Life threatening conditions, Acuity ill/ 30.96ns Care of Clients with Life threatening conditions,
multi-organ progress High Acuity Emergency situation, Acuity ill/ multi-organ progress High Acuity
Acuity and ill Emergency situation, Acuity and ill
Intensive Nursing Practicum 10.76ns Intensive Nursing Practicum

IJISRT24JAN1755 2344

Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The table above shows the Correlation of General IV. CONCLUSIONS
Weighted Average of Medical Surgical Nursing I, Medical
Surgical Nursing II, Nursing Leadership and Management,  The following Conclusions were Made Considering the
Disaster Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Nursing research I, Findings:
Nursing research II, Care of Older Adult, Care of Clients
with Life threatening conditions, Acuity ill/ multi-organ  The results revealed that Intensive Nursing Practicum,
progress High Acuity Emergency situation, Acuity and ill, Care of Older Adults, and Nursing Leadership and
and Intensive Nursing Practicum to Nursing Practice V, one Management are the top three nursing professional
of the components of Nursing Licensure Examination. It subjects that has the highest mean of general weighted
revealed that out of the nine subjects, only Disaster Nursing average. While Nursing Research I, Fundamentals of
and Psychiatric Nursing gained a highly significant Nursing Practice and Medical Surgical Nursing I are the
relationship with Nursing Practice V since the p-value of three nursing professional subjects that has lowest mean
Nursing 421 is 0.029 and p value of Nursing 323 is 0.002 of general weighted average.
which is less than the level of significance 0.05. Therefore,  Out of five nursing practice test, Nursing Practice III has
the table above indicates that if Disaster Nursing and the lowest board exam rate of November 2022 NLE
Psychiatric Nursing academic performance increases, the takers while Nursing Practice I have the highest board
students board exam performance in NP V also increases. It exam rate. Nursing Practice III can be considered as the
is supported by the study of (Ong, 2012 Presumptions hardest part of November 2022 NLE which covers the
of Nurses' Licensure Examination Performance of Graduates Medical Surgical Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Nursing
in Cebu Normal University, Philippines Ong, Palompon & research, Care of Clients with Life Threatening
Bañico Asian Journal of Health 140 consists of a strong Conditions, Acutely Ill/Multi-Organ Problems, High
predictive power of these variables. It is believed that Acuity and Emergency Situation, Acute and Ill, Nursing
students' learning in the classroom and clinical exposures Leadership and Management, Care of Older Adult,
during their four years in nursing predicted their Intensive Nursing Practicum, and Disaster Nursing.
performance in the licensure examination, plus the  The results revealed that Health Assessment has a
immediate influence of students’ performance in the pre- significant relationship to Nursing Practice I, Disaster
board examination. These results can be attributed to the Nursing has significant relationship to Nursing Practice
fact that nursing students have gained specialized IV and V, and Care of Older Adult and Psychiatric
competences over their four years of college. They have to Nursing has significant relationship to Nursing Practice
have mastered all of these abilities in order to be recognized V. The researchers concluded that as the respondents’
as holders of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree when academic performances in these subjects increases, their
they graduate. board exam performance also increases.
Tabale 28 Nursing Professional Subjects
Nursing Professional Subjects NP1 NP2 NP3 NP4 NP5
1. Health Assessment
2. Disaster Nursing
3. Psychiatric Nursing
4. Care of Older Adult


Not significant
Highly Significant

RECOMMENDATIONS  The students should put in extra effort and work hard to
get good results in professional subjects. They should
 The Researcher Offers the Following Implementation also be encouraged to aim higher to earn a better board
Suggestions Considering the Findings and Conclusions. examination percentage because it affects the Nursing
Licensure Examination.
 In order to hasten the process of nursing students who  A parallel study can be conducted by future researchers
are next in line to take the Nursing Licensure to determine if there's still significant relationship of
Examination (NLE) and for their future endeavor, undergraduate professional subjects since Nursing
clinical instructors should reinforce effective and Licensure Examination questions every year are
creative teaching strategies or methods on subjects that unpredictable. It will serve as a basis for curriculum
have significant relationships to nursing test categories improvement. Moreover, when it comes to obtaining
and to the subjects perceived as difficult by nursing respondents, all of them should be PNLE passers.
graduates guided by the evaluation of the study for  Future researchers can conduct a study that focuses on
effective learning which will lead to improved board the factors affecting the board exam performance of
exam performance. nursing graduates. They can also conduct a study that

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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