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Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon


Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

“Correlation of Sleeping Habits to the Academic Performances of G12 Academic Track

of Lopez National Comprehensive High School in their First Month of Face to Face
Classes Sy. 2022-2023”

Mark Paulo E. Arquinez

Ma. Camelle H. Anacion

Pamela Cresencio

Edwin Aldrin M. Delmoro

Arjay V. Encinada

Marielle Genton

Blecela P. Valencia


Chapter I



The sleeping Habits of a person effect on his/her daily lifestyle, routines and productivity.
Sleep as the main source of Human’s energy and the strength of the human’s brain will affect
the activities to be done in a day. According to Persky (2018), sleep is very important in doing
even the simplest of our task and also serves to re-energize the body cells, clear waste from the
brain, and support memory and learning. Most of the students were also experiencing others
factor affecting their mind rest. Based on Richer (2015), social and cultural factors together with
the advent of technology have collided with the biology of the adolescent to prevent teens
from getting enoussgh rest. The rest of a student mind refresh their attitudes and mood.

Valencia, B. P. et al. 1|P a ge

G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

According to the American Academy Sleep Medicines; Premier Health (2022) that the
students are particularly affected by the negative effects of sleep deprivation and daytime
sleepiness. The student nowadays starts their day without proper sleep. This causes
unproductivity and affects their learning activities. There are different factors why students tend
to have a bad sleeping habit. Some of those are jobs, remaining school works, or scrolling
through social media, and playing mobile games. The student’s productivity in their
performance task is affective by their sleeping habits that serve as their mind rest. According to
the Healthy living index surveys (2016), Filipinos have one of the highest rates of sleep deprivation
in Asia’s 46%of Filipinos do not get enough sleep while 32% said they sleep for less than six hours.

There are a lot of factors affecting the behavior and performance of the students towards
these new learnings system. One of the major factors that effects students’ academic
excellence is sleep. Sleeping habits have a huge on our life being students. If lack enough sleep,
the mind cannot process properly. It is very important because it gives a lot of energy to ready
ourselves in daily activities. A student should be productive and all the aspect but is not possible
if the sleeping habits is improper.

The situation last school year is quite difficult for the own safety of students, they were
forced not go to school due to this pandemic. To deal with it, the government has devised a
method for students to continue their education through different learning modalities. Students,
receive lessons from their teacher through online sources and a modular manner in blended
learning. This study explore how this research help the Senior high school at the Lopez National
Comprehensive High School whose having difficulties with their productivity and time

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the student’s sleeping habits and their performance task on
the new normal education system blended learning modality.
Specifically, this study has the following objectives:
1. The Researcher are supposed to seek the demographic profile of the following;
1.1 Senior high students
1.2 Female/Male

Valencia, B. P. et al. 2|P a ge

G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2


2. What are the perceived effects of sleeping habits on senior high school students in
physical and behavior activities; and their relation to their productiveness?
3. What design information-dissemination guide material that could raise student’s
awareness of the consequences and benefits of sleeping habits?

Scope and Delimitation

This Study aims to seek the importance of sleeping habits, specially to Senior High at
Lopez National Comprehensive High School. It also explores the effects of Sleeping habits on
Student’s behavior and Physical activities. It determines the significance of sleeping habits to
the Performance task of a students, especially under first month of their face-to-face classes. It
is limited the Senior High School Students of Lopez National Comprehensive High School,
specially to the student who are taking the Academic Track.

This Study is delimited to the Senior High School at the Lopez National Comprehensive
High School. The Researcher selected a few Senior High School Students to evaluate their
Sleeping habits. It is also including their resiliency in their Performance task under First Month of
Face to Face Classes.

Significance of the Study

This Study will help the students raise their awareness about the importance of sleep to a
human Individual and a Student. The aims to design information-dissemination material about
the significance of Sleeping habits to their school performance task and guide them on how to
enhance their capabilities in handling all their activities. The researchers came up with this study
to strengthen their knowledge ang guide them on how to manage their school activities.

Definition of Terms

Sleeping Habits- Sleep pattern were defined as routines for going to bed getting up. Sleep is a
certain amount of time and using Sleeping Medicines.
Academic Performance- The degree to a which a student or institution has reached their short -
or long term educational goal is known as academic performance.

Valencia, B. P. et al. 3|P a ge

G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

Face to Face- A conversation you have with someone in person rather than over the phone, via
email, on the internet, etc.
Academic Track- An academic track defines a set of possible course selection available to a
specific group of student.
Senior High School- it is the last phase in the implementation of the K-12 Program. It covers
Grades 11 and 12. Having a program like this is good because it can enhance more the
knowledge of the student.

Keywords. Sleeping habits, Academic Performance, Face to Face , Academic Track, Senior
High School.

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G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Study

This current chapter will present a review of related literature and study that will
overall provide findings to support the statement of the problem and to know that the
poor sleep patterns have a negative effect on academic performance among high
school. In order to effectively and efficiently present the research, the literature will be
divided into four categories: Sleep deprivation, Academic performances among the
Senior high school, and the effects of sleeping habits in physical and behavioral

Related Literature

According to Jalali R, et.al (2020) Sleep is an inseparable part of human health and life,
which is crucial in learning, practice, as well as physical and mental health. It affects the
capacity of individual learning, academic performance, and neural-behavioral functions. This
literature aimed to determine the perceived effects of sleeping habits s in physical and behavior

According to Hosokawa R, et. al (2022), sleep habits are related to children's behavior,

emotions, and cognitive functioning. A strong relationship exists between sleep habits and

behavioral problems. However, precisely which sleep habits are associated with behavioral

problems remained unclear.

According to NPJ science of learning (2019)sleep is associated with academic

performance in school. Sleep deficit has been associated with lack of concentration and

attention during class. While a few studies report null effects, most studies looking at the effects

of sleep quality and duration on academic performance have linked longer and better-quality

sleep with better academic performance such as school grades and study effort. Similarly, sleep

Valencia, B. P. et al. 5|P a ge

G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

inconsistency plays a part in academic performance. Sleep inconsistency (sometimes called

“social jet lag”) is defined by inconsistency in sleep schedule and/or duration from day to day. It

is typically seen in the form of sleep debt during weekdays followed by oversleep on weekends.

Sleep inconsistency tends to be greatest in adolescents and young adults who stay up late but

are constrained by strict morning schedules. Adolescents who experience greater sleep

inconsistency perform worse in school.

According to Scientific Research (2021) Educators and researchers have long been

interested in exploring variables contributing to the quality of academic performance of

learners. Academic performance is affected by many factors including parents’ education

levels and income, teachers’ knowledge of the subject, truancy, textbooks availability and

accessibility, libraries, practical laboratory, meals provision and many other factors. The

home environment has been recognized as having a lot of influence on academic

performance. Children who experience poverty may live in physical environments that offer less

stimulation and fewer resources for learning. Education at the secondary school level is

supposed to be the bedrock and the foundation towards higher knowledge in tertiary

institutions. Consistent lower academic performance at the Senior High School is a threat to

every country’s educational system, especially Ghana. There is therefore the need to review the

literature on academic performance, and insight into factors and their influences on academic

outcomes of students at Senior High Schools. This is one way or the other could help expose

some gaps in the literature and other issues that have been favoured by research and


According to BMC Medical Education (2022) Higher education institutions play a pivotal

role in producing qualified human power that enables solving the real problems of a community.

Education is a powerful agent of change that improves health and livelihoods and contributes

to social stability. At the micro-level, it is associated with better living standards for individuals

through improved productivity; given that those who have received a higher education tend to

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G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

have more economic and social opportunities. At the macro level, education builds well-

informed and skilled human capital, which has been considered an engine of economic

growth, that positively contributes to economic development. However, gaining knowledge,

attitudes, values, and skills through education is not a simple task; rather it is a long and

challenging trip in life. Students are expected to spend much of their time studying and need to

graduate with good academic results.

According to National Library of Medicine (2020) Sleep is an inseparable part of human

health and life, which is crucial in learning, practice, as well as physical and mental health. It

affects the capacity of individual learning, academic performance, and neural-behavioral

functions. Studies have suggested that insufficient sleep, increased frequency of short-term

sleep, and going to sleep late and getting up early affect the learning capacity, academic

performance, and neurobehavioral functions.

According to Chen et al. (2016) states that many different variables in the students' sleep

environment, such as intrusive light or noise, may have an effect on their quality of sleep.

The sleep duration the student is able to obtain determines the amount of rapid eye movement

(REM)sleep cycles, memory consolidation and learning the student receives (Hershner &

Chervin, 2014). Milner and Cote (2008) and Gomes et al. (2011) discuss how sleep schedule

irregularity and napping can affect student's quality of sleep by delaying the body's natural

circadian rhythm and homeostatic sleep drive.

According to Seisen International School(2022) Those that don’t get enough sleep are

often more probable to be irritable, short-tempered, and vulnerable to being aggravated with

common annoyances, such as getting out of bed or waiting in line compared to those that get

enough sleep.

Academic achievement represents performance outcomes that indicate the extent to

which a person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus of activities in instructional

Valencia, B. P. et al. 7|P a ge

G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

environments, specifically in school, college, and university. School systems mostly define

cognitive goals that either apply across multiple subject areas (e.g., critical thinking) or include

the acquisition of knowledge and understanding in a specific intellectual domain (e.g.,

numeracy, literacy, science, history). Therefore, academic achievement should be considered

to be a multifaceted construct that comprises different domains of learning because the field

of academic achievement is very wide-ranging and covers a broad variety of educational

outcomes, the definition of academic achievement depends on the indicators used to

measure it. Steinmayr R, et.al(2014)

According to BMC Nursing (2021) Sleep disorders are composed of a group of diseases

of increasing prevalence and with social-health implications to be considered a public health

problem. Sleep habits and specific sleep behaviors have an influence on the academic success

of students. However, the characteristics of sleep and sleep habits of university students as

predictors of poor academic performance have been scarcely analyze

According to National Library of Medicine (2017). Sleep problems can occur at any age.

Inadequate sleep affects the physiological as well as psychological well-being of an individual.

Thus, the objective of the present study is, to determine the pre sleep habits, duration and

pattern of sleep among school children and to determine association between their sleep

schedules and sleep habits.

According to Sygaco, K (2021). The addition of two years of Senior High School in the

Philippine education system becomes an overwhelming situation for grade 12 students. They

are bombarded with an overload of academic tasks such as assignments, product making,

practices, and other activities that comprise a larger portion of their grade.

According to Velasco, B. (2015). One major phenomenon that has been gradually

eroding the health of the Philippines is lack of sleep. From the effect of unbrearable traffic to the

explosion of the business process outsourcing industry to the geometric rise of internet usage

Valencia, B. P. et al. 8|P a ge

G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

nationwide, millions of Filipinos are choosing to sleep less and less, with dangerous effects. We

seem to think that staying awake to finish work is the lesser evil. It isn’t. It is a danger we have to

address, and soon.

According to CNN by Howard, J. (2022). “Poor sleep is associated with a host of

poor health outcomes, including obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease

and certain cancers, including of the breast and colon. Many of these health outcomes are

more prevalent in the black population,” and Chandra Jackson, a researcher and

epidemiologist with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, who has been

studying racial and ethnic disparities in sleep. Sleep allows the body to restore itself on a cellular

level. During quality sleep, your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing can rise and fall, which

may be important for cardiovascular health, and your body release hormones that help repair

cells and control its use of energy, according to the National Institutes of Health. These hormone

change also can influence your weight.

According by Thomas M. (2022). “Birds can slecep while flying. Seals can use different

sleep biology while swimming in the sea and when on land,” says Dr. Sanjeev Jain, former

senior professor, department of psychiatry, Molecular Genetics Laboratory, and dean,

behavioral sciences, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience (NIMHANS),

Bengaluru. Sleep is an efficient way to ‘service’ the brain, to make sure it works well and

long enough, says Jain. “All through life, sleep is essential to provide the brain time to rest

and recuperate, and to get rid of the residue of information processing that uses up a lot

of metabolic energy,” explains Jain. So like any other organ, these waste product have

to be removed, the electrical circuits have to be serviced and checked, and new

learning has to be stored efficiently. As the master controller, it also has to organize rest

for the rest of the body.

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G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

Related Study

As a result of that, researchers researched more information about sleeping habits and

Academic Performances. In the study conducted by Dasgupta, R MD et al(2020) The right

amount of Sleep can vary from person to, person but the centers for disease control and

prevention(CDC) recommend that adults get at least 7 hours each night. They also estimate

that 1 in 3 adults do not get enough sleep. Occasional interruptions to sleep can be a nuisance

while an ongoing lack affect a person’s performance at work or school, their ability to function

day to day, their quality of life, and their quality of life and their health.

In a study conducted by Ward, T (2018) entitled of “ Sleep Habits and Nighttime

Texting among Adolescents.” This study was to examine sleep habits (i.e., bedtimes and rising

times) and their association with nighttime text messaging in 15- to 17-year-old adolescents. This

cross-sectional study analyzed data from a web-based survey of adolescent students attending

secondary schools in southern Sweden (N = 278, 50% female). Less than 8 hr of time in bed during

school nights was significantly associated with more sleep difficulties, wake time variability on

school days and weekends, daytime tiredness, and less enjoyment at school (all ps < 0.05).

Sending and/or receiving text messages (Short Message Service [SMS]) at night was significantly

associated with later bedtimes, shorter time in bed, daytime tiredness during school, and

irregular sleep habits (p < 0.05). These findings highlight the importance of regular, consistent

sleep habits and the problems associated with sleeping with a cell phone in the bedroom.

In the study, “ Sleep and academic performance: considering amount, quality

and timing” by Gomez, A et al (2020), sleep control is a mixture of internal clocks and external

regulators, as well as the general sleep need for homeostatic pressure. Both forces are in

harmony in optimal conditions, allowing the person to do the right thing at the right time

Genzel, L. (2020)

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G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

While inadequate sleep declines vigilance and weakens interest, that results in a

reduction in cognitive processing. The deficiency of sleep inhibits the function of the brain

structures, which is perilous to rational thinking (Zeek et al., 2015). Prof Johnson, A. (2005)

from Grobstein, in her article, Sleep Deprivation and Effects on Everyday Life, shares that

when an individual is tired and fatigued, it causes pessimism, sadness, stress, and anger

Prof Johnson, A. (2005).

The lack of sleep negatively impacts the day activities, particularly performance

in school. This includes off-task behavior, drowsiness, irritability, and lack of focus (Edwards,

2008). This is further verified in a study by Stanford that the consequences of sleep

deprivation include lack of concentration, poor grades, anxiety, depression (Richter, 2015).

“For the students whose sleep and wake times were inconsistent, classes and exams

that were scheduled for 9am were therefore occurring at 6am according to their body clock, at

a time when performance is impaired. Ironically, they didn’t save any time because in the end

they slept just as much as those on a more regular schedule,” stated Charles A. Czeisler, PhD,

MD, Director of the Sleep Health Institute at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and senior author of

the paper. The study by Brigham and Women’s Hospital shows how a regular bed time has a

significant impact on sleep, not just the number of hours slept. The research measured sleep and

circadian rhythms as well as the association to academic performance among college


According to the study of pub med.gov entitled “Relationship between sleep habits

and academic performance in university Nursing students” by Gomez, J et.al (2021). Sleep

disorders are composed of a group of diseases of increasing prevalence and with social-health

implications to be considered a public health problem. Sleep habits and specific sleep

behaviors have an influence on the academic success of students. However, the characteristics

Valencia, B. P. et al. 11 | P a g e
G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

of sleep and sleep habits of university students as predictors of poor academic performance

have been scarcely analyzed. In the present study, we aimed to investigate sleep habits and

their influence on academic performance in a cohort of Nursing Degree students.

A study reported in CNN (Knight, 2017) indicated, students’ grades could be linked to

their sleep schedules. In another cross-sectional study, Faris et al. (2016) found that energy drink

consumption is associated with reduced sleep quality among college students. Orzech et al.

(2011) asserted that alterations in college students’ sleep can be also attributed to late

bedtimes, irregular sleep schedules, an increased number of social events, and heavy

academic load. Nutrition, lack of exercise, social lives, and technology are also factors that can

decrease the quality of college students’ sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to social strain,

emotional instability, and health problems, which can affect students in many negative ways. It

is important to understand why students may neglect sleep and how to teach them the

importance of sleep so that they will have better health and wellbeing (Orzech et al., 2011).

In the study conducted by Shonhe, L. (2017) “A Literature Review of Information

Dissemination Techniques in the 21st Century Era". Communications and information spread has

been revolutionized by technological breakthroughs and rapid advances. Technological

development has greatly changed the way in which information is stored and transmitted.

Chapman & Slaymaker (2002) avers that industrial society has progressed into an era of

advance technological innovations, thereby affecting the way people live their lives and how

organizations run their daily business activities. Technology is permeating people’s lives like never

before. It is being used in all pheres of life such as health care, education, agriculture, banking

sector, information seeking and retrieval, energy, manufacturing and transportation (Boutin,

2013). At the center of all technological developments is the growing use of the internet and

mobile technologies (Dickey, 2013; Reference.com, 2017; Okiy, 2010). ICTs have been

embedded in our everyday lifestyles to such an exetnt that there is an emerging concept called

‘internet of things’ (IoT). The ‘internet of things’ is refered to as a network of interconnected

devices, objects or things that are able to communicate and exchange data using embedded

Valencia, B. P. et al. 12 | P a g e
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Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

sensors and the internet (Meola, 2016; Morgan, 2014). According to Rouse (2016) “A thing, in the

Internet of Things, can be a person with a heart monitor implant, a farm animalwith a biochip

transponder, an automobile that has built-in sensors to alert the driver when tire pressure is low –

or any other natural or man-made object that can be assigned an IP address and provided with

the ability to transfer data over a network”. This is how fast technology is changing our daily

activities, the way we interact with one another and our interaction with nature.

In the study “Affect of Sleeping Habits in the Academic Performance of the

Students” by study moose that Sleep is an important factor in a child’s life, affecting

development, as well as emotional and physical well-being. Sleep problems can have an

impact on a child’s daytime functioning, and they are not uncommon. Estimates of the number

of children with sleep problems range from as low as twenty percent (Liu et al., 2005), to as high

as over fifty percent (Buckhalt & Wolfson, 2006). Sleep is a fundamental part of life. It is not just a

function of the body, it is an active process. Sleep is so vital to the body’s daily functioning that a

prolonged loss of sleep impairs metabolism, immune function, temperature control and can

ultimately lead to death (Rechtshaffen & Bergmann, 2002). As with other functions of the body,

sleep cannot be localized to just one part of the brain. Its control mechanisms are entrenched

at every level, starting with the cells. The same mechanisms that control autonomic functions,

cognition, behavior, arousal and motor functions are all involved with the process of sleep.

Teenagers who fail to get enough sleep could find there's a trickle-down effect from

the bedroom into the classroom. Inadequate sleep, the effect on the brain and the resulting

behaviour of adolescents was in focus at the annual meeting of the Associated Professional

Sleep Societies in June. The presentation was led by neuropsychologist Dean Beebe, whose

research explores the impact of sleep restriction on teens. Part of his study involves a simulated

classroom and having kids watch educational videos while rested and while sleep-deprived.

They were also quizzed afterwards and had their behaviour filmed. While there are individual

differences, Beebe said, as a group, researchers observed much better attention and mood

when kids are well-rested versus when they're sleep-restricted. (The Canadian Press, 2008)c

Valencia, B. P. et al. 13 | P a g e
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Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

According to principal investigator Jennifer C. Cousins, PhD, postdoctoral fellow at the University

of Pittsburgh Medical Center, it was surprising that although more and better sleep produced

overall improvements, different types of sleep measures were related to different types of


A study at the University of Pennsylvania(2020) found out that people that only get

around 4.5 hours of sleep every night for a week, and often report being stressed, unhappy,

angry, and mentally exhausted. After the subjects returned to sleeping in the normal routines,

they reported back that there was a drastic improvement in their moods.

In the study “Raising Awareness of Sleep as a Healthy Behavior” by Perry G. et al(2013)

Information about the physiology of sleep and sleep disorders is widely available, but much less

work has been done on effective strategies to promote sleep as a healthy behavior. This field is

prime for public health investigations and interventions to reduce the negative effect of

insufficient sleep as a common risk factor for many health outcomes. Some suggested strategies

for improving sleep initiation and sleep maintenance, duration, and quality are consistency in

bedtime and rising; maintaining an appropriate sleeping environment (dark, relaxing, not too

hot or cold); avoiding television -watching before bed, avoiding use of electronics or reading in

the bedroom; and avoiding large meals and physical activity before going to bed

(www.sleepfoundation.org). However, more research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of

these suggested strategies to improve sleep behavior and health.

The IOM report calls for several approaches to reduce the public health burden of

insufficient sleep through increasing public awareness of the importance of sleep and improving

diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders (1). Reaching these goals will require 1) improved

public education on the need for sleep and the consequences of insufficient sleep; 2) more

training for public health professionals and health care providers on screening and counseling;

and 3) improved evidence of the burden of insufficient sleep acquired through surveillance and

monitoring tools.

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Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
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Practical Research 2


Wolfson A. et al(2004) “Understanding adolescent's sleep patterns and school performance: a

critical appraisal” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1087079203900037

Valic M. et al(2014) “The relationship between sleep habits and academic performance in
dental students in Croatia” https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/eje.12081

Fonseca A. et al (2020) “Sleep and academic performance: considering amount, quality and
timing” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352154619301391
Hosokawa R. et al (2022) “Association between sleep habits and behavioral problems in early
adolescence” https://bmcpsychology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40359-022-00958-7
Sweileh W. et al (2011) “Sleep habits and sleep problems among
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Hosokawa R. et al (2022) “Association between sleep habits and behavioral problems in early
adolescence” https://bmcpsychology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40359-022-00958-7

NPJ science of learning (2019)” Sleep quality, duration, and consistency are associated with
better academic performance in college students”

Ain C(2020) ” The Effects of Sleep Deprivation” https://www.seisen.com/student-life/seisen-


Gomez J. et al (2021) “ Relationship between sleep habits and academic performance in

university Nursing students” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34140029/

Tadese M. et al(2022) “Determinants of good academic performance among university students

in Ethiopia” https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12909-022-03461-0

Jalali R. et al (2020) “The Effect of Sleep Quality on Students' Academic


Chen et al (2016) “The Impact of Duration of Sleep on Academic Performance in University

Students” https://www.madridge.org/journal-of-nursing/MJN-1000103.php

Ain C(2020) “Ain C(2020) ” The Effects of Sleep Deprivation” https://www.seisen.com/student-


Steinmayr R, et.al(2014) “Academic Achievement”


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Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

Gomez J. et al (2021) “ Relationship between sleep habits and academic performance in

university Nursing students” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34140029/

Mishra A. et al (2017) “Sleeping Habits among School Children and their Effects on Sleep
Pattern” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29302571/

Sygaco, K (2021) “The Correlation of Sleep and Academic Performance”


Velasco, B. (2015) “This sleep-deprived nation”


Howard, J. (2022) “Daylight Saving Time sheds light on lack of sleep's disproportionate impact in
communities of color” https://www.wevv.com/news/health/daylight-saving-time-sheds-light-on-

Thomas M. (2022) “Chasing slumber: Sleep lab at Apollo Hospitals, Bannerghatta, Bengaluru”

Dasgupta R. et al(2020) “sleeping habits” https://www.studymode.com/essays/Sleeping-Habits-


Ward, T (2018) “ Sleep Habits and Nighttime Texting among


Gomez, A et al (2020)” Sleep and academic performance: considering amount, quality and
timing” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352154619301391

Sygaco K.(2021) “The Correlation of Sleep and Academic Performance”


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Valencia, B. P. et al. 16 | P a g e
G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

Study Stroll(2021)” Affect of Sleeping Habits in the Academic Performance of the Students”

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Valencia, B. P. et al. 17 | P a g e
G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education | Region IVA-CALABARZON | Division of Quezon
Senior High School Department

Practical Research 2

Valencia, B. P. et al. 18 | P a g e
G12 GAS RRR S.Y. 2022-2023

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