Midterm Examination

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NAME: __________________________________ DATE: ______________

SECTION: ____________________

Instruction: Encircle the best answer, if the answer is not in the choices write your answer beside

1. Which of the following is the function that has a fraction and has the property that both its
numerator and denominator are polynomials?
a. Inverse Function b. Function c. Rational Function d. One-to-one Function

2. Which of the following stated that if for any 𝑥1, 𝑥2 in the domain of f then 𝑓 (𝑥1) ≠ 𝑓(𝑥2) then that
is the same y-value is never paired with two different x values.
a. Inverse Function b. Function c. Rational Function d. One-to-one Function

3. Which of the following can present a relation?

a. Graph b. Polygraph c. Lines d. all of these

4. How many types of relations?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

5. What is the equation of quadratic function

a. ax b b. mx 2 + c + bx c. ax 2 + bx + c d. d. ax b

6. Find the value of x of this equation by completing the square x 2 + 4x + 4

a. x = 2, x = 1 b. x = -2, x = -1 c. x = -2, x= -2 d. x = -2, x = -1

7. Find the value of x of this equation by completing the square 2 x 2 + 2x – 4

a. x = 1, x = -2 b. x = 2, x = 2 c. x = 1, x = 2 d. x= 1, x = 1

8. Find the value of x of this equation by completing the square x 2 – 6x – 16

a. x = 8, x = 4 b. x = 8, x = -4 c. x = 8, x = -2 d. x = 8, x = 2

9. Which of the following below is the equivalent of 1?

a. 72 b. 71 c. 7 0 d. none of these

10. The equation x 2 x x 2 = x 4 is an example ______________.

a. Product Rule b. Product of a power c. Quotient Rule d. none of these

11. The equation ( x m )n is an example of __________________.

a. Product Rule b. Product of a power c. Quotient Rule d. none of these

12. Which of the following exponential value is equivalent to 1/4 x x−2?

a. 102 b. 0 c. 101 /4 d. 10−2

x +13 x +30
13. Simplify .
x +13 x +30 x−10
a. x – 10 b. c. d. x – 3
x−3 x−3

x – x –6
14. Simplify .
(x +2)
x – x –6
a. b. x + 2 c. x – 3 d. x 2 – x – 6
(x +2)
15. Which of the following is an equivalent of 3 x 2 + 6x – 24?
a. (x – 6) (x + 12) b. 3(x + 2) (x – 4) c. 3(x – 2) (x + 4) d. (x + 6) (x – 12)

16. Which of the following is an equivalent 3 x 2 – 18x + 15?

a. 3 (x + 5) (x + 10) b. 3 (x – 5) (x – 1) c. 3 (x + 5) (x + 1) d. 3 (x – 5) (x + 1)

17. Which of the following is the simplify of √3 x 3 y 6 z 5 w9

a. √3 x 3 y 6 z 5 w9 b. xyw √
3 2
z c. x y 2 z 3 w √
3 2
z d. x y 2 zw 3 √
3 2

2 x +1 x−2
18. Which of the following is the simplified form of the equation + ?
3 2
3 x −1 7 x−4 7 x−1 3 x −4
a. b. c. d.
6 6 6 6

2 x +1 x−2
19. Which of the following is the simplified form of the equation + ?
x +1 x+ 2
3 x +4 x 2
3x +4 x
3x +4 x 3 x−1
a. b. c. d.
x +3 x +2 x+2 x+1 ( x +1)(x+2)

20. Which of the following is the simplify of √2 x 3 y 6 z 5 w9?

a. √2 x 3 y 6 z 5 w9 b. xyw √2 xz 2 w c. x y3 z 3 w √
yz 2 d. x y3 z 2 w4 √

21. If the function of domain A and Range B has an inverse of domain B and range A. What
function is this?
a. Many to one b. One to many c. One to one d. Many to many

22. Which of the following is an inverse of f(x) = √ x+ 3?

a. x + 3 b. x 2 – 3 c. x 3 d. no inverse

23. Which of the following is an inverse of f(x) = 2?
a. x 2 ` b.
√ 1
d. no inverse

24. Which of the following is an inverse of an inverse of f(x) = x 2 + 1?

a. x 2 + 1 b. √ x+ 1 c. √ x−1 d. no inverse

25. Which of the following are the properties of inverse function?

a. The inverse of f −1 (𝑥) is 𝑓(𝑥)
b. The inverse of f −1 (𝑥) = x for the range of f −1
c. f −1(𝑓(𝑥)) = 𝑥 for all 𝑥 in the range of 𝑓
d. none of these

3 x +1
26. Find the inverse of .
3 x −1 2 x−1
a. 2x – 1 b. 3x + 1 c. d.
2 3

27. Which of the following is the factor of x 2 – 1?

a. (x + 1) (x – 1) b. x 2 + 1 c. (x + 1) (x + 1) d. (x – 1) (x – 1)

28. Which of the following is the simplified factor of 2 x3 – x 2 – 8x + 4?

a. (2x – 1) ( x 2 – 4) b. (2x – 1)(x – 2)(x + 2) c. (2x – 1)(x – 2)(x – 2) d. (2x – 1)(x + 2)(x + 2)
29. Which of the following is the simplified factor of x 3 – x 2 – x + 1?
a. (x – 1)( x 2 – 1) b. (x−1)2 (x + 1) c. (x−1)3 d. (x +1)3

30. Which of the following is a characteristic of a function?

a. when x-values corresponds to two different y
b. when x-values corresponds to more than two y
c. when x-values corresponds to none of the y
d. when x-values corresponds to one y

31. What happen if the function passes the horizontal line test? It became _____________.
a. Many to one b. One to many c. One to one d. Many to many
32. How will you do to determine the inverse’ ordered pairs?
a. rearrange b. solve c. inverse d. reverse

33. How to determine if it is a function? We apply ______.

a. vertical line test b. horizontal line test c. solve d. none of these

34. What is the result if a function that is not one-to-one is inverted?

a. a function b. a relation c. not a function d. not a relation

35. One-to-one functions that crosses a horizontal line ______ times.

a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. infinitely many

36. If a certain growth of bacteria depends upon the formula y = 200(( 4)x , what is y when x = -2?
a. 23.5 b. 22.5 c. 12.5 d. 11.5

37. What is f(x)= 2−x if x= -3?

a. 8 b. 6 c. 1/6 d. 1/8

38. A barangay has 1,000 individuals and its population doubles every 60 years. What is the
barangay’s population in 10 years?
a. 1,008 b. 1,020 c. 1,122 d. 1,182

39. The half-life of a substance is 400 years. What is the exponential model for this situation if the
initial amount is 200 mg?
400 t t 400
1 1 1 1
a. y= 200( ) t
b. y= 200( ) 400 c. y= 400( ) 400 d. y= 400( ) t
2 2 2 2

40. What is f(x) = 5 x if x =-2?

a. 25 b. 10 c. 1/5 d. 1/25

41. The half-life of a substance is 400 years. How much will remain after 600 years if the initial
amount was 200 grams?
a. 70.71 g b. 68.49 g c. 63.97 g d. 59.07 g

42. Suppose the half-life of a certain radioactive substance is 30 days and there are 43 kg initially.
Determine the amount of substance remaining after a year.
a. 9 kg b. 9 g c. 10 kg d. 10 g

43. A scientist starts testing 10 bacteria of Sars Cov 2. Based on the scientist, the bacteria triple
every 10 minutes. How many Sars Cov 2 bacteria after 1 hour?
a. 1070 b. 10000 c. 1000 d. 7290

44 – 50. Complete the table for the exponential y = (2/3)^x, y= 5^x, y=0.5^x
x 44.) -5 45.) -3 46.) -1 47.) 1 48.) 3 49.) 5 50.) 10
y= 5^x
51 – 55. Complete the table for the 𝑓(𝑥) = 5𝑥 – 1
X -1 1 3
Y 1 5

56 – 60.) Complete the table for the inverse of 𝑓(𝑥) = 3𝑥 + 5 support the table with the graph plus 10
points for your performance task.
X -5 -2 0
Y 3 5

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