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真题机经-口语 Describe Image 高频 3.0

更新日期 2023-03 题目数量 128 命中率 低
使用方法 熟悉图片标题和对应答案,做到可以零秒答题,使用技巧,不依赖机经
1. 2003 Total Waste Generation ............................. 2 28. Health ................................................................... 16
2. Adding an Article to Wikipedia ............................. 2 29. Heights of Different Penguin Species .............. 16
3. Adults vs. Teens: Number of Texts on a Typical 30. High School Athletics Participation Survey
Day 3 Totals 1971-2010 ........................................................ 17
4. Age .......................................................................... 3 31. How a virus works .............................................. 17
5. Air temperature ...................................................... 4 32. How DELL does Closed-Loop Recycling ........ 18
6. Annual change in forest area by region, 33. How Solar Yard Lights Work ............................. 18
1990-2010 ....................................................................... 4 34. How to use the keyboard ................................... 19
7. Annual Income of Bachelor degrees holders in 35. Hotel Reservation ............................................... 19
different fields ................................................................. 5 36. Human Arms and Wings .................................... 20
8. Beijing, China ......................................................... 5 37. Ice-Rafted Debris ................................................ 21
9. Bird Migration Route ............................................. 6 38. Injury Location ..................................................... 21
10. BMI .......................................................................... 6 39. Iron Age Hut ........................................................ 22
11. Body Mass Index ................................................... 7 40. Journeys in UK by purpose ............................... 22
12. Chiang Mia ............................................................. 7 41. Land use Map of India ....................................... 23
13. Commuting time .................................................... 8 42. Lecture Hall ......................................................... 23
14. Comparison of the Fundamental Needs Model 43. Library Plan ......................................................... 24
with Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs ............. 8 44. Life Cycle of a Frog ............................................ 24
15. Computers Then and Now ................................... 9 45. Life Cycle of Tomato .......................................... 25
16. Earnings and unemployment rates by 46. Life Cycle of an Apple Tree ............................... 26
educational attainment .................................................. 9 47. Life Cycle of an Apple Tree ............................... 27
17. Economic inactivity through the generations ... 10 48. List of States by Income .................................... 27
18. Electricity Generation in China by Type, 49. List of States by Income .................................... 28
1994-2004 ..................................................................... 10
50. Map with Cliamte Zones .................................... 28
19. Female and Male ................................................. 11
51. Major transportation modes in the past ........... 29
20. Fish Day and Night.............................................. 11
52. London’s Fleet Street Then and Today ........... 29
21. Flags ...................................................................... 12
53. Monthly temperature and precipitation ............ 30
22. Food Price vs Oil Price ....................................... 12
54. Most Liveable States, 2011 ............................... 30
23. Food Pyramid ....................................................... 13
55. Municipalities and Precipitation of Gariep Basin31
24. Germination of bean plant .................................. 13
56. Music download .................................................. 31
25. Government Expenditure: Education – all
57. Out of sight, out of mind .................................... 32
sectors ........................................................................... 14
58. Pakistan ............................................................... 32
26. The Graduation Laboratory ................................ 15
59. Part-time and full-time working ......................... 33
27. Green bin program .............................................. 15
60. Percentage of Population in Urban Areas ...... 33
易学 PTE | EZPTE 珀斯校区 Perth Campus | PTE CCL PY Duolingo 多邻国 培训
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61. Performance Quality & Arousal Level .............. 34 96. World Water Distribution.................................... 51
62. PHD candidates ................................................... 34 97. Earth Layers ........................................................ 52
63. Planet .................................................................... 35 98. Arctic Food Chain ............................................... 52
64. Poverty Rates by Age by Gender:2012 ........... 35 99. Income by Age and Gender in the UK ............. 53
65. Population by Income Level............................... 36 100. Exploring Beneath Earth's Changing Ice Sheets
66. Population Density .............................................. 36 - Melting Glaciers ........................................................ 53
67. Product Life Cycle ............................................... 37 101. Where the Air Pollution Comes from ............... 54
68. Projected Population, Australia ......................... 37 102. Fruit 54
69. Simple circuit with light ....................................... 38 103. Fruit Market ......................................................... 55
70. Sitting posture ...................................................... 38 104. Family Eating....................................................... 55
71. Sunrise and sunset ............................................. 39 105. Instant Coffee Production .................................. 56
72. Sunrise and sunset ............................................. 39 106. Lab 56
73. Sweden Government Budget 2018 .................. 40 107. Make Instant Coffee ........................................... 57
74. Switzerland Languages ...................................... 40 108. Personal Protective Equipment ........................ 57
75. Table of Baby sleep hours ................................. 41 109. Ice Thickness ...................................................... 58
76. Teaching as a career .......................................... 41 110. Historic Garden ................................................... 58
77. Temperature and CO2 ........................................ 42 111. Mosquito Life Cycle ............................................ 59
78. Temperature and Precipitation .......................... 42 112. How to form acid rain ......................................... 59
79. Tesco Extra .......................................................... 43 113. What is E-waste .................................................. 60
80. The Average Household Energy Consumption43 114. Most Powerful Passports ................................... 60
81. The evidence: The Tree Growth Rings ............ 44 115. GNH ...................................................................... 61
82. The Height of Tree .............................................. 44 116. Arctic and Antarctic ............................................ 61
83. The most Common Languages in the World... 45 117. Bermuda Triangle ............................................... 62
84. The Taxation by Countries ................................. 45 118. Future of Food..................................................... 62
85. The Worlds Water ............................................... 46 119. Flood ..................................................................... 63
86. Trade ..................................................................... 46 120. Hospitalization ..................................................... 63
87. Trading Goods ..................................................... 47 121. Air Circulation ...................................................... 64
88. Trout Size ............................................................. 47 122. Plastic Bottle Recycling ..................................... 64
89. UK Media .............................................................. 48 123. Fast food times ................................................... 65
90. US Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Trends 48 124. Fast food consumption ...................................... 65
91. Vehicle Ownership, New Zealand 2001-2013. 49 125. Leaning Tower of Pisa ....................................... 66
92. Water Cycle .......................................................... 49 126. Animal-related death .......................................... 66
93. What Determines Happiness ............................. 50 127. Mobile Brands ..................................................... 67
94. World income distribution ................................... 50 128. Tomato Processing Cycle ................................. 67
95. World population development .......................... 51

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1. 2003 Total Waste Generation

2. Adding an Article to Wikipedia

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3. Adults vs. Teens: Number of Texts on a Typical Day

4. Age

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5. Air temperature

6. Annual change in forest area by region, 1990-2010

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7. Annual Income of Bachelor degrees holders in different fields

8. Beijing, China

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9. Bird Migration Route

10. BMI

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11. Body Mass Index

12. Chiang Mia

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13. Commuting time

14. Comparison of the Fundamental Needs Model with Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of

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15. Computers Then and Now

16. Earnings and unemployment rates by educational attainment

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17. Economic inactivity through the generations

18. Electricity Generation in China by Type, 1994-2004

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19. Female and Male

20. Fish Day and Night

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21. Flags

22. Food Price vs Oil Price

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23. Food Pyramid

24. Germination of bean plant

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25. Government Expenditure: Education – all sectors

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26. The Graduation Laboratory

27. Green bin program

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Add: 二楼, 439 Albany Highway, Victoria Park WeChat/FB/Line: ezpteperth
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28. Health

29. Heights of Different Penguin Species

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30. High School Athletics Participation Survey Totals 1971-2010

31. How a virus works

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32. How DELL does Closed-Loop Recycling

33. How Solar Yard Lights Work

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34. How to use the keyboard

35. Hotel Reservation

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36. Human Arms and Wings

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37. Ice-Rafted Debris

38. Injury Location

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39. Iron Age Hut

40. Journeys in UK by purpose

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41. Land use Map of India

42. Lecture Hall

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43. Library Plan

44. Life Cycle of a Frog

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45. Life Cycle of Tomato

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46. Life Cycle of an Apple Tree

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47. Life Cycle of an Apple Tree

48. List of States by Income

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49. List of States by Income

50. Map with Cliamte Zones

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51. Major transportation modes in the past

52. London’s Fleet Street Then and Today

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53. Monthly temperature and precipitation

54. Most Liveable States, 2011

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55. Municipalities and Precipitation of Gariep Basin

56. Music download

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57. Out of sight, out of mind

58. Pakistan

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59. Part-time and full-time working

60. Percentage of Population in Urban Areas

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61. Performance Quality & Arousal Level

62. PHD candidates

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63. Planet

64. Poverty Rates by Age by Gender:2012

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65. Population by Income Level

66. Population Density

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67. Product Life Cycle

68. Projected Population, Australia

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69. Simple circuit with light

70. Sitting posture

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71. Sunrise and sunset

72. Sunrise and sunset

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73. Sweden Government Budget 2018

74. Switzerland Languages

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75. Table of Baby sleep hours

76. Teaching as a career

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77. Temperature and CO2

78. Temperature and Precipitation

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79. Tesco Extra

80. The Average Household Energy Consumption

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81. The evidence: The Tree Growth Rings

82. The Height of Tree

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83. The most Common Languages in the World

84. The Taxation by Countries

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85. The Worlds Water

86. Trade

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87. Trading Goods

88. Trout Size

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89. UK Media

90. US Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Trends

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91. Vehicle Ownership, New Zealand 2001-2013

92. Water Cycle

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93. What Determines Happiness

94. World income distribution

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95. World population development

96. World Water Distribution

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97. Earth Layers

98. Arctic Food Chain

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99. Income by Age and Gender in the UK

100. Exploring Beneath Earth's Changing Ice Sheets - Melting Glaciers

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101. Where the Air Pollution Comes from

102. Fruit

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103. Fruit Market

104. Family Eating

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105. Instant Coffee Production

106. Lab

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107. Make Instant Coffee

108. Personal Protective Equipment

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109. Ice Thickness

110. Historic Garden

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111. Mosquito Life Cycle

112. How to form acid rain

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113. What is E-waste

114. Most Powerful Passports

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115. GNH

116. Arctic and Antarctic

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117. Bermuda Triangle

118. Future of Food

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119. Flood

120. Hospitalization

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121. Air Circulation

122. Plastic Bottle Recycling

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123. Fast food times

124. Fast food consumption

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125. Leaning Tower of Pisa

126. Animal-related death

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127. Mobile Brands

128. Tomato Processing Cycle

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