Unit 3 - Practice Exam Questions

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Practice Exam Questions

Table of Contents
A – Introduction to waves .................................................................................................................................. 3
I – Describing Waves ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Question 1 (From SAM 4PH1/1P Q08) ..................................................................................................... 3
Question 2 (From SAM 4PH1/1P Q04) ..................................................................................................... 4
Question 3 (From SAM 4SS0/1P Q02) ...................................................................................................... 5
II – Doppler Effect ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Question 4 (June 2019 4PH1/2P Q05) ...................................................................................................... 6
Question 5 (From Jan 2020 4PH1/1P Q08) .............................................................................................. 7
B – The Electromagnetic Spectrum ................................................................................................................... 8
Question 1 (From SAM 4PH1/1P Q04) ..................................................................................................... 8
Question 2 (From SAM 4SS0/1P Q02) ...................................................................................................... 9
Question 3 (June 2019 4PH1/1P Q01) .................................................................................................... 10
Question 4 (From Jan 2021 4PH1/2P Q01) ............................................................................................ 11
Question 5 (June 2019 4SS0/1P Q02) ..................................................................................................... 13
C – Light Waves .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Question 1 (Jan 2021 4PH1/1P Q09) ...................................................................................................... 15
Question 2 (Nov 2020 4PH1/1P Q01) ..................................................................................................... 18
Question 3 (June 2019 4PH1/1P Q07) .................................................................................................... 19
Question 4 (Jan 2020 4PH1/1P Q10) ...................................................................................................... 21
Question 5 (Nov 2020 4SS0/1P Q02)....................................................................................................... 23
Question 6 (Nov 2020 4PH1/1P Q08) ..................................................................................................... 25
D – Sound Waves............................................................................................................................................. 28
Question 1 (June 2019 4PH1/2P Q03) .................................................................................................... 28
Question 2 (Jan 2020 4PH1/2P Q05) ...................................................................................................... 30
Question 3 (From Jan 2021 4PH1/2P Q01) ............................................................................................ 33
Question 4 (From SAM 4PH1/1P Q08) ................................................................................................... 35
A – Introduction to waves
I – Describing Waves
3.2 Explain the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves
3.3 Know the definitions of amplitude, wavefront, frequency, wavelength and period of a wave
3.4 Know that waves transfer energy and information without transferring matter
3.5 Know and use the relationship between the speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave:
wave speed = frequency × wavelength or v = f × λ
3.6 Use the relationship between frequency and time period: f = 1/T
3.7 Use the above relationships in different contexts including sound waves and electromagnetic waves

Question 1 (From SAM 4PH1/1P Q08)

Sound travels as a wave.

(a) Which of these statements about sound waves is incorrect ?


A they can be reflected

B they can travel through a vacuum

C they can be refracted

D they transfer energy

(b) Sound waves are a type of wave known as longitudinal waves.

(i) Name the other type of wave.



(ii) Give one example of this other type of wave.



(Total for question = 3 marks)

Question 2 (From SAM 4PH1/1P Q04)

This question is about waves.

(a) The diagram shows a wave.

(i) What is the wavelength of the wave?


A 4.0 cm

B 4.4 cm

C 5.0 cm

D 8.8 cm

(ii) What is the amplitude of the wave?


A 4.0 cm

B 4.4 cm

C 5.0 cm

D 8.8 cm

(Total for question = 2 marks)

Question 3 (From SAM 4SS0/1P Q02)

Sound travels as a wave.

(a) A buzzer produces a sound wave of frequency 2.9 kHz and wavelength 12 cm.

(i) State the equation relating wave speed, frequency and wavelength.



(ii) Calculate the speed of the sound wave.


speed = ........................................................... m/s

(Total for question = 4 marks)

II – Doppler Effect
3.8 Explain why there is a change in the observed frequency and wavelength of a wave when its source
Is moving relative to an observer, and that this is known as the Doppler effect

Question 4 (June 2019 4PH1/2P Q05)

A toy produces continuous waves when floating on the surface of a pool of water.

The waves spread out as circular wavefronts.

Diagram 1 shows the wavefronts produced when Diagram 2 shows the wavefronts produced when the
the toy is not moving, as viewed from above. toy is moving across the surface of the pool of water.

(a) Draw an arrow on diagram 2 to show the direction the toy is moving.


(b) Explain how the frequency of the waves at point A is different to the frequency of the waves at point B.












(Total for question = 5 marks)

Question 5 (From Jan 2020 4PH1/1P Q08)

A car is moving along a road.

(b) A radar speed gun is used to measure the speed of the moving car.

The radar speed gun emits radio waves towards the moving car.

The moving car reflects the radio waves back to a detector on the gun.

The detected radio waves have a different frequency from the emitted radio waves.

This change in frequency is used to measure the speed of the moving car.

Explain this change in frequency when the car is moving towards the radar speed gun.












(Total for question = 4 marks)

B – The Electromagnetic Spectrum
3.10 know that light is part of a continuous electromagnetic spectrum that includes radio, microwave,
infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma ray radiations and that all these waves travel at the
same speed in free space
3.11 know the order of the electromagnetic spectrum in terms of decreasing wavelength and increasing
frequency, including the colours of the visible spectrum
3.12 explain some of the uses of electromagnetic radiations, including:
• radio waves: broadcasting and communications
• microwaves: cooking and satellite transmissions
• infrared: heaters and night vision equipment
• visible light: optical fibres and photography
• ultraviolet: fluorescent lamps
• x-rays: observing the internal structure of objects and materials, including for medical applications
• gamma rays: sterilising food and medical equipment.
3.13 explain the detrimental effects of excessive exposure of the human body to EM waves, including:
• microwaves: internal heating of body tissue
• infrared: skin burns
• ultraviolet: damage to surface cells and blindness
• gamma rays: cancer, mutation
and describe simple protective measures against the risks

Question 1 (From SAM 4PH1/1P Q04)

(b) The diagram shows the types of radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum.

(i) Which of the following statements about electromagnetic waves is correct?


A they all have the same amplitude

B they all have the same frequency

C they all have the same speed in free space

D they all have the same wavelength

(ii) Electromagnetic waves have many different uses.

Explain the uses of three different radiations in the electromagnetic spectrum.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................

Use ......................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................

Use ......................................................................................................................................


3 ..........................................................................................................................................

Use ......................................................................................................................................


(Total for question = 7 marks)

Question 2 (From SAM 4SS0/1P Q02)

(b) Some electromagnetic waves are dangerous to people.

Describe how the dangers of these electromagnetic waves vary with wavelength.











(Total for question = 4 marks)

Question 3 (June 2019 4PH1/1P Q01)

This question is about waves.

(a) (i) Which of these waves is longitudinal?


A infrared

B radio

C sound

D ultraviolet

(ii) Draw a straight line linking each electromagnetic wave to its correct hazard.


(b) (i) Which of these is a use for x-rays?


A checking for broken bones

B cooking food

C detecting forged banknotes

D smoke detectors

(ii) Which of these is a use for infrared waves?


A checking for broken bones

B cooking food

C detecting forged banknotes

D sterilising medical instruments

(Total for question = 5 marks)

Question 4 (From Jan 2021 4PH1/2P Q01)

The photograph shows a security camera.

The camera detects light waves and sound waves.

(a) State two differences between light waves and sound waves.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(b) The camera detects infrared waves, which allow the camera to record videos in the dark.

(i) Which of these electromagnetic waves has a longer wavelength than infrared waves?


A gamma rays

B microwaves

C ultraviolet rays

D visible light waves

(ii) Which of these is another use for infrared waves?


A fluorescent lamps

B heating lamps

C satellite transmissions

D sterilising medical equipment

(iii) Which of these is a harmful effect of infrared waves?


A blindness

B cancer

C internal heating of body tissue

D skin burns

(Total for question = 5 marks)

Question 5 (June 2019 4SS0/1P Q02)

A dentist takes an x-ray image of a patient's teeth using photographic film.

(a) The film, which is initially white, changes to black when it absorbs x-rays.

The film is placed inside the patient's mouth and the x-ray source is outside the patient's body.

The teeth and soft tissue appear differently on the x-ray image.

Use words from the box to complete the sentences.


The tooth appears white because most of the x-rays are .............................................................. by the

The soft tissue appears darker in colour because most of the x-rays are
by the soft tissue.

(b) Explain why the dentist has to leave the room before taking the x-ray image but it

is safe for the patient to stay in the room.






(c) The x-rays used have a frequency of 3.5 × 10 16 Hz.

(i) State the formula linking wave speed, frequency and wavelength.


(ii) X-rays have a speed of 3.0 × 10 8 m/s.

Calculate the wavelength of these x-rays.


wavelength = ........................................................... m

(d) X-rays are electromagnetic waves.

Radio waves are also electromagnetic waves.

State one other similarity and one difference between x-rays and radio waves.


similarity ....................................................................................................................................


difference ....................................................................................................................................


(Total for question = 10 marks)

C – Light Waves
3.9 Explain that all waves can be reflected and refracted
3.15 Use the law of reflection (the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection)
3.16 Draw ray diagrams to illustrate reflection and refraction
3.17 Practical: investigate the refraction of light, using rectangular blocks, semi-circular blocks and
triangular prisms
3.18 Know and use the relationship between refractive index, angle of incidence and angle of refraction:
n = sin i / sin r
3.19 Practical: investigate the refractive index of glass, using a glass block
3.20 Describe the role of T.I.R. in transmitting information along optical fibres and in prisms
3.21 Explain the meaning of critical angle, c
3.22 Know and use the relationship between critical angle and refractive index: sin c = 1 / n

Question 1 (Jan 2021 4PH1/1P Q09)

A student does an investigation to determine the refractive index of a block made from flint glass.

(a) She directs a ray of red light at the block, as shown in diagram 1.

(i) Some of the light is reflected from the surface of the block at point A.

On diagram 1, draw this reflected ray of light.


(ii) Use a protractor to determine the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction of the red light at
point A on diagram 1.


angle of incidence = ........................................................... degrees

angle of refraction = ........................................................... degrees

(iii) State the formula linking refractive index, angle of incidence and angle of refraction.


(iv) Calculate the refractive index of the glass for red light.


refractive index = ...........................................................

(v) Describe how the student could improve her investigation to obtain a more reliable value of the
refractive index.











(b) The student replaces the red light with a blue light.

Diagram 2 shows a ray of blue light directed at point A, at the same angle of incidence as the previous
ray of red light.

The dashed lines on diagram 2 show the previous path of the ray of red light.

The refractive index of flint glass for blue light is higher than the refractive index of flint glass for red

Complete diagram 2 by drawing the path of blue light from point A until it passes into air.


(Total for question = 12 marks)

Question 2 (Nov 2020 4PH1/1P Q01)

This question is about wave behaviour.

(a) The boxes give three types of wave behaviour and the diagrams give three examples of wave behaviour.

Draw one straight line from each wave behaviour to the example that best shows that behaviour.


(b) State two properties that all waves have in common.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(Total for question = 5 marks)

Question 3 (June 2019 4PH1/1P Q07)

This question is about refraction.

(a) State what is meant by the term refraction .




(b) The diagram shows a ray of light from a torch incident on the surface of a pool of water.

The angle of refraction of the ray of light is 33°

(i) Draw the path of the ray of light in the water.


(ii) State the formula linking refractive index, angle of incidence and angle of refraction.


(iii) Show that the refractive index of water is about 1.3


(c) The torch is moved below the surface of the water. Light from the torch is incident on the water surface
at an angle greater than the critical angle.

(i) Explain the meaning of the term critical angle .

You may draw a diagram to help your answer.








(ii) State the formula linking critical angle and refractive index.


(iii) Calculate the critical angle of water.

Assume the refractive index of water is 1.3


critical angle = ........................................................... °

(iv) A ray of light leaves the torch as shown in the diagram.

Complete the path of the ray of light.


(Total for question = 14 marks)

Question 4 (Jan 2020 4PH1/1P Q10)

This question is about light.

(a) Diagram 1 shows a light ray entering a glass prism.

(i) Describe what happens to the light ray when it enters the prism at point A.





(ii) State the name of line XY.



(iii) State the formula linking critical angle and refractive index.


(iv) The refractive index for the glass in this prism is 1.6

Calculate the critical angle for the glass in this prism.


critical angle = ........................................................... °

(v) Complete Diagram 1 by continuing the path of the light ray from point B.


(b) Diagram 2 shows a similar prism that is made from a material with a different refractive index.

The critical angle for the material of this prism is 55°

Complete Diagram 2 by continuing the path of the light ray.


(Total for question = 11 marks)

Question 5 (Nov 2020 4SS0/1P Q02)

This is a question about light.

(a) State what is meant by the term critical angle.

You may include a diagram to help your answer.





(b) The photograph shows a pair of binoculars.

The diagram shows a cross-section through one half of a pair of binoculars.

There are two glass prisms inside this half of the pair of binoculars.

Complete the path of the light ray as it travels through this half of a pair of binoculars to the eye.

[critical angle of glass = 42°]


(Total for question = 5 marks)

Question 6 (Nov 2020 4PH1/1P Q08)

This question is about atmospheric optical illusions.

(a) A mirage is an optical illusion formed due to total internal reflection of light from the sky at the
boundary between cold air and hot air.

Diagram 1 shows how a mirage is formed.

(i) State the formula linking critical angle and refractive index.


(ii) The critical angle of the cold air at the boundary is 88.500°

Calculate the refractive index of the cold air.

Give your answer to 5 significant figures.


refractive index = ...........................................................

(b) (i) Diagram 2 shows a ray of light from the Sun.

The refractive index of the atmosphere is greater than the refractive index of space.

Complete the diagram by drawing the path of the ray of light through the atmosphere.


(ii) Diagram 3 shows a ray of light from the Sun when the Sun is directly overhead.

Explain why the ray of light does not change direction when it enters the atmosphere.






(iii) Explain why the wavelength of the light reduces when it enters the atmosphere.






(iv) Suggest why the Sun appears not to be circular when it is close to the horizon at sunset.





D – Sound Waves
3.23 Know that sound waves are longitudinal waves which can be reflected and refracted.
3.24P Know that the frequency range for human hearing is 20–20 000 Hz
3.25P Practical: investigate the speed of sound in air.
3.26P Understand how an oscilloscope and microphone can be used to display a sound wave.
3.27P Practical: investigate the frequency of a sound wave using an oscilloscope.
3.28P Understand how the pitch of a sound relates to the frequency of vibration of the source.
3.29P Understand how the loudness of a sound relates to the amplitude of vibration of the source.

Question 1 (June 2019 4PH1/2P Q03)

This question is about sound waves.

(a) Describe an experiment to measure the speed of sound in air.

You may draw a diagram to help your answer.












(b) An oscilloscope can be used to determine the frequency of a sound wave.

The diagram shows an oscilloscope trace of a sound wave.

(i) Calculate the period of this sound wave.


period = ........................................................... s

(ii) Calculate the frequency of this sound wave.


frequency = ........................................................... Hz

(Total for question = 10 marks)

Question 2 (Jan 2020 4PH1/2P Q05)

A sonometer is a piece of equipment used to investigate the frequency of waves on a string.

The photograph shows a sonometer.

The string is under tension. When the string is plucked it vibrates to produce a sound wave.

(a) Describe how an oscilloscope should be used to measure the frequency of the sound wave from the














(b) A student investigates how the frequency of sound from the sonometer varies with the length of the

This is the student's method.

• apply a constant tension force to the string

• pluck the string and measure the frequency of the sound wave produced
• move the bridge to change the length of the string
• pluck the string and measure the new frequency of the sound wave produced

Repeat the method for different lengths of string.

(i) Give a control variable for the student's investigation.



(ii) The table shows the student's results.

Calculate the mean frequency for a string length of 60 cm.


mean frequency = ........................................................... Hz

(iii) Plot a graph of the mean frequency and string length data on the grid.


(iv) Draw the curve of best fit.


(v) Determine the string length needed to produce a sound wave of frequency 75 Hz.


string length = ........................................................... cm

(vi) The student cannot hear the sound from the sonometer for some of the string lengths tested.

Explain which of the string lengths produce sounds that humans cannot hear.






(Total for question = 14 marks)

Question 3 (From Jan 2021 4PH1/2P Q01)

The photograph shows a security camera.

The camera detects light waves and sound waves.

(a) State two differences between light waves and sound waves.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(c) The grid shows the oscilloscope trace for a quiet, low-pitch sound wave.

The security camera has an alarm that produces a loud, high-pitch sound.

On the grid, draw a trace to represent the sound wave produced by the alarm.


(Total for question = 4 marks)

Question 4 (From SAM 4PH1/1P Q08)

(d) Two students investigate the Doppler effect by throwing a buzzer to each other.

Student A throws the buzzer to student B.

When the buzzer is thrown, student A notices that the sound produced changes.

Explain how the sound heard by student A changes.

You may include a diagram in your answer.










(Total for question = 3 marks)


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