Notes 2

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What is Marker: Marker is a thin paper which contains all the necessary pattern

pieces for all sizes for a particular style of garments. It is made just before
cutting and its purpose is to minimize the wastages. The width of the marker is
equal to the width of the fabric and it should not be greater than the width of the
fabric, i.e. fabric width is greater than or equal to marker width. The pattern
pieces should be placed very carefully in such a way that it would minimize
wastages. Different techniques are used in marker making to minimize the wastages.

Possibilities / Methods / Techniques of Marker Making: Generally there are two

methods by which a marker can be made.
A. Manual Method The man performs it by himself using hands. If is a conventional
system that requires more time.
1. Full size marker: Full size marker is made for production purpose.
2. Miniature type marker: Miniature type marker is sometime made and its purposes
are to plan or schedule and learn or study i.e. for planning and learning purposes.

B. Computerized Method This is the best method as it gives higher marker

efficiency. In this method, the pattern size, pattern pieces, grade rule, screening
are fed to the computer and set in the memory which produces maker automatically.
This method normally is a part of an integrated system which includes:

1. Digitizing system: In this system, the working patterns are placed on to the
digitizing board/table, then clicking according to the pattern dimensions.
2. Scanning system: Scanner is one kind of machine like photo copier. The working
patterns are placed on to the glass of the scanner and then marker is made for a
selected size.
Types of computerized methodThere are two types of computerized technique:
1. Automatic marker making: It involves calling up data defining the placement of
pieces in marker previously planned and selecting from a series.

2. Interactive marker making: It is a common process in that the operator plans

marker by interacting directly with the system through a computer screen. All the
pattern pieces are displayed in miniature at the top of the screen.
Advantages of computerized method over manual method
1. Suitable for large scale of production.
2. Marker efficiency is higher than that obtained in manual method.
3. Least fabric wastage.
4. Low production cost.
5. Marker can be printed out if necessary.
6. Grading of the pattern could be done automatically.
7. Few time assumption.
8. Disadvantages compared to manual method
9. Initial investment is high.
10. Skilled operator is greatly necessary.
Difference between manual and computerized method of marker making:
Manual method Computerized method
Suitable for small amount of production. Used for large scale of production.
Marker efficiency is lower. Higher
Initial investment is not high. Higher
It is usually a slower method. Quicker method
Production cost is high. Low
Fabric wastage is high. Low
Can not be copied as and when wish. Can be copied a
Difference between automatic and interactive marker making:
Automatic Interactive
Most efficient marker is obtained. Comparatively less efficient.
More time is required. Comparatively less time is required.
Computer makes marker by previously planned data. Operator makes marker with
the help of computer.
Smaller sized patterns are displayed on the computer screen and full size patterns
are stored in the computer memory. All the pattern pieces are displayed in
miniature at the top of the screen.
Grading rule is applied. Not applicable

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