MUCLecture 2022 111438362

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Biomaterial Science

Lecture.5: Ti-alloys
Dr. Qabas khalid Naji

Pure Ti and Ti-6Al-4V

Titanium and its alloys have been increasingly used in medical implants
because of their:

1. Excellent biocompatibility.
2. Corrosion resistance.
3. Relatively low density (4.5 gm/cm2).

There are four grades of unalloyed commercially pure (cp) titanium for
surgical implant applications as given in Table 1.6. The impurity contents
separate them; oxygen, iron, and nitrogen should be controlled carefully.

Chemical compositions of Ti and its alloy.

One titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) is widely used to manufacture implants. The

main alloying elements of the alloy are aluminum (5.5~6.5%) and vanadium
(3.5~4.5%). The Ti6Al4V alloy has approximately the same fatigue strength
(550 MPa) of CoCr alloy. Titanium is an allotropic material, which exists as
a hexagonal close packed structure (HCP, α-Ti) up to 882°C and body-
centered cubic structure (BCC, β-Ti) above that temperature.
Titanium alloys can be strengthened, and mechanical properties varied by
controlled composition and thermomechanical processing techniques. The
addition of alloying elements to titanium enables it to have a wide range of
1. Aluminum and tin to stabilize the α-phase.
2. molybdenum, chromium and niobium can stabilizes the β-phase.
Biomaterial Science
Lecture.5: Ti-alloys
Dr. Qabas khalid Naji

Figure: Influence of impurities and alloying elements on α to β

transformation temperature (Tβ) of titanium: a) and b) additives lower
the Tβ temperature; c) and d) additives increase the Tβ temperature [60].

Compared with the elastic moduli of either stainless steel or cobalt-

chromium molybdenum alloys, Ti and Ti-6Al-4V have much lower
(approximately half) moduli that are still almost an order of magnitude
higher than that of bone. Another advantage of Ti-based metals as a bone
implant material is their favorable strength- to density ratio. Stainless steel
and Co-Cr alloys have densities of approximately 8.8 g/cm3 and 7.8g/cm3,
respectively. Because Ti has a density of only 4.5 g/cm3, its strength to
density ratio is larger.
Disadvantages of titanium for medical use include a relatively low shear
strength, poor wear resistance, and difficulties in fabrication. The stable,
coherent titanium oxide (TiO2) film that forms on titanium and its alloys
gives them superior corrosion resistance compared with stainless steel and
Co-Cr alloys. The oxidized surface is also believed to be responsible for Ti
implants becoming osseointegrated in vivo, a process whereby bone is a
Biomaterial Science
Lecture.5: Ti-alloys
Dr. Qabas khalid Naji

posed to the implant without chronic inflammation and without an

intervening fibrous capsule.

Table: Comparison of mechanical properties of Ti and its alloys

Select properties of metallic biomaterials

Material Young’s Yield Tensile Fatigue limit,
modulus, strength, ϭy strength, ϭend (MPa)
E (GPa) (MPa) ϭUTS(MPa)
Stainless steel 190 221-1213 586-1351 241-820
Cobalt- 210-253 448-1606 655-1896 207-950
chromium Co-Cr
Titanium Ti 110 485 760 300
Ti-6Al-4V 116 896-1034 965-1103 620
Cortical bone 15-30 30-70 70-150
Biomaterial Science
Lecture.5: Ti-alloys
Dr. Qabas khalid Naji

Biomedical application of Ti-alloys:

Due to its high biocompatibility, little response to surrounding tissues,

and good corrosion resistance, titanium alloys are frequently utilized as
biomaterials. The various implant applications In both, medical and dental
fields, that include in artificial hip and knee joint replacements and dental
implant prosthesis.

1. Orthopedic application

Orthopedic implants include both temporary implants such as plates and

screws and permanent implants that are used to replace hip, knee, spinal,
shoulder, toe, finger etc. These are being used in different fields in
orthopaedics: fracture repair, total hip and knee arthroplasty.

2. Hip replacement

Because the spherical head of the thighbone (femur) moves inside the
cup-shaped hollow socket (acetabulum) of the pelvis, the hip joint is referred to
as a ball-and-socket structure. A complete hip replacement generally includes
three components to approximate this anatomy:
• Stem that fits into the femur.
• Ball that replaces the spherical head of the femur.
• Cup that fits into the worn-out acetabulum. as shown in Figure.
Biomaterial Science
Lecture.5: Ti-alloys
Dr. Qabas khalid Naji

2. Knee replacement:

knee can be simply considered as a hinge joint. In reality, it includes more

complicated motions like rolling and gliding (TKR) as shown in Figure. all
of them are composed of three parts:

1. Curved femoral component to replace the lower end of the thighbone.

2. Flat tibial component to replace the top surface of the shinbone.
3. Dome-shaped patella component to replace the kneecap.

4. Dentistry application
Titanium and its alloys are also used for dentistry devices such as implants,
crowns, bridges, overdentures, and dental implant prosthesis components
(screw and abutment). When bone forming cells attach themselves to the
titanium implant, a structural and functional bridge forms between the
body’s bone and the newly implanted, foreign object. There are
three types of dental implant as shown in Figure:
1. Osseointegrated: as a direct bone-to-implant contact and later on it is
defined on a more functional basis as a direct bone-to-implant contact under
2. Mini-implant for orthodontic anchorage used generally to secure
anchorage in contemporary orthodontic treatments
3. Zygomatic.
Biomaterial Science
Lecture.5: Ti-alloys
Dr. Qabas khalid Naji

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