MAHMOUD MAHMOUD 6 Quantum Well Wire and Impurity HosseinPOUR
MAHMOUD MAHMOUD 6 Quantum Well Wire and Impurity HosseinPOUR
MAHMOUD MAHMOUD 6 Quantum Well Wire and Impurity HosseinPOUR
Communicated by Rappoport Tatiana In this paper, the influence of impurity parameters on the energy-dispersion spectrum of electrons and holes in a
doped quantum wire with Gaussian impurity is studied. The numerical calculations have shown that the energy
Keywords: eigenvalues enhance, if the confinement of carriers increases. Then, the energy eigenvalues rise when the
Quantum wire magnetic field, decay length and strength of impurity increase. Also, the type of impurity affects the energy
Valence band
subband structures. So that, the presence of attractive impurity reduces the energy eigenvalues, as compared to
Conduction band
repulsive impurity. Moreover, the role of impurity parameters and the external magnetic field as a control
Gaussian impurity
Thermal properties parameter on the thermal quantities has been demonstrated in details. The results show that enhancement of
magnetic field, decay length and strength of repulsive impurity decreases (increases) the entropy (internal en
ergy) of quantum wire.
1. Introduction holes in quantum wires can be mentioned the following: In Refs. [7], the
effect of one dimensional confinement on the Zeeman splitting of hole in
The electronic properties of semiconductors form the basis of the cylindrical quantum wires with magnetic field applied parallel to the
latest and current technological revolution, the development of ever wire axis has been investigated. But some papers have studied holes in
smaller and more powerful computing devices, which affect not only the quantum wires by a method different from the Luttinger model [8,9].
potential of modern science but also practically all aspects of our daily For example, confinement of electrons and holes in a heterostructured
life. This dramatic development is based on the ability to engineer the GaAs/GaP quantum wires within the effective mass approximation has
electronic properties of semiconductors and to miniaturize devices down been checked [8]. In this work, the confinement potential profile has
to the limits set by quantum mechanics. Modern crystal growth tech been considered as Vi (ρ, z) = Qi (EGaP
g − EGaAs
g ) (i = e (electron), hh
niques make it possible to grow layers of semiconductor material, which (heavy hole), lh (light hole)) for ρ < a where ‘a’ is the wire radius and Qi
are so small that their electronic and optical properties deviate sub is the band-off-set [8,10]. In the other paper, the method is based on the
stantially from those of bulk materials. In these structures, the ener coordinate transformation of V-groove quantum wire structure using a
getically low-lying electron and hole states are confined in one function proposed by Inoshita and then Hamiltonian has been resolved
(quantum well) or more (quantum wire (QW) or dot) directions. by specialized LAPACKʼs routine [9]. Moreover, energy spectra of
Quantum wires have been made in different sophisticated ways which exciton states and electron-hole complex in nanostructures has been
their confinement potentials have been generated through various studied in literature [11–14]. But, it is noticeable that the valance band
techniques, such as growth of structures on specially prepared sub or holes in quantum wires are less studied than the conduction band.
strates, using grooves, etching of quantum wells, ion implantation or Since the optical, transport and thermal properties of semiconductor
with the help of induced stresses in the material below a quantum well. materials are strongly affected by impurities in low-dimensional struc
One dimensional structures offer advantages for use in electronics tures, studying the doped nanostructures becomes important. With
and electro-optic devices [1–5]. Some electronic devices and bipolar doped semiconductor nanostructures, field has been opened for devel
transistors require both types of carriers for their operation. For this oping basic elements of semiconductor electronics, such as diodes and
reason, interest in the physics of holes is expected to grow. Theoretical transistors. Only a few papers have investigated the doped quantum
description of the top-most valance band is based upon the Luttinger wire with donor impurity [15,16], as compared to the Gaussian impu
model [6]. Among the articles that have utilized this model to describe rity. Recently, there is an increasing interest in the research of statistical
Received 18 June 2020; Received in revised form 26 July 2020; Accepted 25 August 2020
Available online 15 September 2020
0038-1098/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Hosseinpour Solid State Communications 322 (2020) 114061
Fig. 1. The energy spectrum of (a) conduction and (b) valence band of a doped quantum wire with on-center repulsive Gaussian impurity (V0 = 32 meV, d =
5 nm).
2 ∞, z > Lz rection. Ie is the matrix elements of impurity potential in the basis of the
harmonic oscillator eigenfunctions for electrons (Ψ m,e (x)) which is given
where m*i , ћω0i and Lz are the effective mass of carriers, strength of by [23]:
confinement potential of various carriers (i = e for electron, hh for heavy
hole, lh for light hole) in x-direction and length of confinement in z- (x− x0 )
impurity in the presence of external magnetic (B = B ̂ k) field is: On the other hand, the electronic structures for valence band can be
( calculated by numerically solving the Luttinger Hamiltonian [24] given
→ →)2
p − eA by:
H= + Vcon (x) + Vcon (z) + Vimp (x) (2)
2m*e ћ2
) ]
Hhole = γ 1 + γ2 K2 − 2γ2 (K⋅J)2 (5)
The first term is the kinetic energy where (p − eA) and m*e are the 2m0 2
canonical momentum and electron effective mass, respectively. Here, A
is the vector potential that is taken in the Landau gauge A = (0, Bx, 0). where γ 1 and γ 2 are the Luttinger parameters for semiconductor mate
P. Hosseinpour Solid State Communications 322 (2020) 114061
With Hhh = Hx,hh + Hy,hh + Hz,hh and Hlh = Hx,lh + Hy,lh + Hz,lh ; where ωc hh(lh) = m*eB and Hn is the nth-order Hermite polynomial) as our basis,
Fig. 3. The energy dispersion relations of (a) conduction and (b) valence band of quantum wire without impurity.
Fig. 4. The energy (a) conduction and (b) valence subband structures of a quantum wire without impurity (dashed line), doped quantum wire with attractive (V0 =
− 32 meV, d = 5 nm) (solid line) and repulsive (V0 = 32 meV, d = 5 nm) (dot line) Gaussian impurity.
P. Hosseinpour Solid State Communications 322 (2020) 114061
Fig. 5. The effect of impurity decay length on the (a) conduction and (b) valence subband structures of a doped quantum wire with on-center repulsive Gaussian
impurity (V0 = 32 meV).
Fig. 6. The effect of impurity strength on the (a) conduction and (b) valence subband structures of doped quantum wire with on-center repulsive Gaussian impurity
(d = 5 nm).
P. Hosseinpour Solid State Communications 322 (2020) 114061
Fig. 7. The effect of on-center and off-center repulsive impurity (V0 = 32 meV, d = 5 nm) on the (a) conduction and (b) valence subband structures of a doped
quantum wire.
Fig. 8. The effect of magnetic field on the (a) conduction and (b) valence band structures of quantum wire without impurity.
P. Hosseinpour Solid State Communications 322 (2020) 114061
Fig. 9. (a) Entropy and (b) internal energy of QW without impurity versus the magnetic field.
subband structures, we have plotted the changes of one energy eigen values. On the other hand, it is shown that the location of impurity in
value of two types carriers versus magnetic field in Fig. 8. fluences on the subband structures. So that, the doped QW with on-
The applied magnetic field causes the additional confinement in QW, center impurity has large energy eigenvalue as compared to the off-
then the energy values increase when the magnitude of magnetic field center impurity. Moreover, we have shown that applying the magnetic
enhances. Also, it is clear that the effect of magnetic field on the con field in QW increases the carrier confinement and energy eigenvalues.
duction subband is remarkable than the valence subband. The reason for Also, the conduction subbands of a doped quantum wire are employed to
this behavior can be traced to the effective mass of electrons, which obtain the thermodynamic quantities such as internal energy, heat ca
contribute to their cyclotron frequency (ωc,e ) becomes smaller than the pacity and entropy. It has been observed that the parameters which
holes. Therefore, the electron eigenvalues considerably increase when increase the confinement of electrons (such as decay length, strength of
the magnetic field enhances. impurity and external fields) cause the internal energy (entropy) in
In the following part of the study, we investigate the thermal prop creases (decreases). These observations are interesting theoretical re
erties of a doped quantum wire by using the conduction subband sults and could be used to determine the actual nature of nanostructures.
structures. In Table 1, some thermodynamic quantities such as entropy,
heat capacity and internal energy have been calculated and the effect of Declaration of competing interest
impurity parameters on these quantities has been examined. As it is seen
from the table, when the decay length and strength of impurity increase, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
electron confinement enhances due to the growth of spatial stretch of the interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
impurity domain and consequently the internal (kinetic) energy in the work reported in this paper.
creases (decreases). Therefore, reduction of kinetic energy of electron
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